Molotov and the “youth” of Paris Two nights of riots and counting:-
Two years ago just such an event triggered 20 nights of rioting, and accounted for almost 9,000 torched vehicles and 2,888 arrests. A state of emergency was declared. The French media stopped reporting the incidence of burned cars for fear of giving succour to Le Front National. And in April of this year Nicolas Sarkozy got himself elected, in part by stealing the FN’s clothes. Now there’s no incentive for Sarko the American to play to white France. He’ll look to avoid inflaming the situation, and distance himself from it if the unrest continues. Comments:2
Posted by Top on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 06:59 | # In few years of reckless, short-sighted, and irresponsible immigration policy France has created a conflict that will last centuries. Smart! Every mass demographic shift in the history of mankind has created conflict and yet EVERY western country has embarked on such a course. Smart! North Africans - and Africans in partricular - have shown tendencies to not function well in advanced civilizations and yet that is the primary population that France is importing. Smart! The French, just like other people in Western counties, have sold their souls for little bit more short-term material comfort. They have thrown their children’s future down the toilet in an act that can only be described as… evil. Smart! Western countries’ ‘liberal’ elites cheer on this transformation like drunken idiots, allying themselves with every alien group agains their own people, and who will of course be the first ones to jump ship when it starts sinking. What cowards! And so smart we are for following these immoral imbecils! What else can be said about a story that is going to repeat itself over and over and over and over and over again until the savages extinguish every last drop of European DNA from the continent and lock themselves in an Islamic-type prison?!? Unless we don’t let it of course… I support all French people who fight for good and sanity in this time of evil and madness. 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 14:36 | # Excellent comment by Top and I think the key must be the Jews. We know the Jews are key in the U.S. — it’s all fully documented and furthermore is ongoing: just look around you, you see it everywhere you look in every facet of society at all levels — and I think they must be key in France and the U.K. as well (reading about U.K. politics you can see how they powerfully pull strings behind the scenes, mainly by simply having lots of money to throw around, which they methodically devote to influencing politics, far more than comparably rich Euros do, because they see themselves as fighting a war, which their Euro counterparts don’t), and one sees hints that this is what’s going on in France too. Everywhere Jews live they are hostile to the local nationalism and want to destroy it. It’s not principled “nationalism-hatred,” no. They love their own nationalism. They just dislike the nationalism of others, so try to get rid of it. The way they’re getting rid of the nationalism of others nowadays is by swamping Euro populations with non-Euros. The way it’s done, it would seem, is the Euro faction that normally would like it to happen has always existed among us but lain dormant because by itself too small and weak (malicious malcontents, like many homosexuals; the utterly clueless, such as inappropriately self-abnegating Christians and the women voters; the cynical opportunists, who see ways to profit by shaking society up; apart from Euros the already existing but insignificant minorities; etc.). The Jews leverage their own position, already powerful since Jews by themselves exert lots of force, by allying themselves with this Euro-and-alien faction, forging the whole, including themselves, into a strong political force that effectively pushes matters in a Jewish-desired direction (namely, society-destruction, race-replacement being the current method). The Jews have not only allies but camouflage: they can point to the Euros among their allies to confound suspicions about themselves as the cause, but in fact as MacDonald has said, they’re necessary for the success of the whole though not by themselves sufficient, and I’d say they are, more than any other member of their alliance, key: they breathe more life into the monster than any other member faction and this is at once obvious to anyone who looks at the situation without horse-blinders on. So the Jews, while not of course acting alone, not at all, are the onslaught’s ringleaders and by far its most indispensable faction. The question isn’t in regard to the Jewish role in the onslaught, it’s in regard to why there’s been no resistance. But wait, I think the resistance is building right now and will soon be way more in evidence (and will include Jews, by the way, the very few of them who don’t like what’s going on). One thing I try to do is calmly point out the Jewish culpability when I perceive it. That’s important as part of our counterattack. Jews hate that more than anything else, of course. I’m sorry, it can’t be helped. I don’t want to harm anyone, Jews included. Let the ones who hate it call off the attack their brethren are mounting, then. That would be one way to get it to stop. Short of that, calmly “naming the Jew” whenever appropriate needs to continue. We are under attack, and we cannot fight back against what we cannot clearly see. Clarifying the attacker’s identity is of fundamental importance, as goes without saying. Are Jews the only culprits? No. Are they key? Yes. Should only they be counterattacked by name? No. Should they be counterattacked by name? Yes. If the collection of enemy factions in this war that’s being waged by concepts, policies, and propaganda were the collection of cities of an enemy country in an actual shooting war, the Jews would be the enemy country’s capital city. 4
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:02 | # The Kalb/Auster/Gottfried/Sam-Francis type of view according to which what’s happening reflects mainly a combination of twentieth-century managerialism and post-modern liberalism is wrong, as I see things. One way you know it’s wrong is the Euro populations undergoing these catastrophes are unconsulted and unwilling, and there are other ways. It’s being imposed from the top by specific interests who’ve maneuvered themselves into control. These specific interests have to be identified, targeted, and counterattacked for this nightmare to end. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 15:19 | # I didn’t know Giscard had a blog. He being one of the assassins of Europe, I’ll be checking it out — it’s always nice to know why your murderer is murdering you. (Hat tip) 6
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 16:36 | # For those who don’t know, here is good documentation of the Jewish-led drive for open borders and multiculturalism: MacDonald, Kevin. Jewish Involvement in Shaping American Immigration Policy, 1881-1965. A Historical Review. Population and Environment, March 1998. The title is not clear enough for me. Jews weren’t just involved, they were the primary drivers, the biggest pushers, by far. I strongly suspect the same is and has been true in Europe. 7
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 21:51 | # These riots played out in 1960’s America. The Jewish-controlled media then told Whites to go back to sleep, the Blacks fornicating in your front yards (literally) and destroying your public and private property downtown are just frustrated, they need to be integrated, blah, blah, blah. Whites rolled over, and have now almost competely lost their country. All in the name of multiculturalism, equality, and “getting along.” Good little Christians, turning the other cheek. Don’t fall for it, Europe, it’s all a lie. Throw the greedy black and brown bastards out now while you still have the chance. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 06:46 | # Good pair of posts by Robert ap Richard.
Check out the article. It’s clear as crystal.
Bullseye. What’s going on is an alliance of very specific interests, very specific forces, pushing things carefully and calculatedly. No one group could do it alone, obviously. It is ring-led by the Jews (you can doubt that if you doubt 2 + 2 = 4). These vague “force of nature” explanations such as James Burnham’s “managerialism” and the much critiqued “post-modernist liberalism,” and so on, aren’t responsible for diddly-squat: those dumb things never moved the chess pieces on the board in the cunning, singleminded, tireless way the pieces have been moved these fifty years. The hidden hand moving them has belonged to a specific consciousness striving after specific goals. 9
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 08:16 | # Fred, James Burnham’s Managerialism merely explains the working practise of treachery. It is part of the individualism of our age, and profoundly anti the traditional interests - and therefore connectivities and responsibilities - of Title. I think it is a good and true concept, but not, of course, an all-explanatory one. 10
Posted by Top on Wed, 28 Nov 2007 09:02 | # Ok, so here is the latest from cnn: and then we get this beauty: Tough!?! What has happened to the West??? They call that tough!? Our whole reality is inverted. Imagine a 100 years ago if an alien ethinc group tried to burn parts of Paris or London down. What would happen? The army would be called in they would come in shooting live fire - no questions. They would then promptly expel large sections of the alien population from the country. Problem solved. What do we get today? Police who are afraid to engage the ‘youth’. Politicians trying to morally one up each other using the situation as a springboard to impress their financial donors. Corrupting media taking side with the youths. Officials saying incoherent and meaningless jargon about the situation. Population that is so disgusted and disconnected from the situation that it enters into a state of comma. Have you noticed the trend? Before WW2 Euros were tough, took no crap and easily handled all such situations. After WW2 it’s only been retreat. The Brits gave up their empire. The French gave up their colonies. The Americans gave in to rioting and essentially gave up on parts of their country while transfering huge amounts of money to pacify non-Euros. Euros have been driven out of large sections of Asia. They are almost of out Africa. This is our reality. My question is: why repeat that which doesn’t work? Is that not the defintion of insanity?? Obviously giving in and playing soft doesn’t work. Everywhere Euros went soft and gave in to demands of aliens they are no longer there or are on the edge of extintion in that place. Now it has come to our homelands. And yet we still take the same aproach. Talk it out. Pay them off. Give in on their demands. Give respect to violent behaviour. I have said it before and I will say it before. We need to give up on the soft, corrupt ‘democratic’ system and totally rebuild it. And we are no longer just talking soft reforms. We need strong patriots in charge who will clean house - and they don’t have to be ‘democratic’. The West does not need any more Bushes or Blairs or Sarkozys. ‘Democracy’ in the West is good for Africans. It is good for Arabs. It is good for everyone else but the people of our countries. I have totally lost faith in our system. It is corrupt beyond repair. Our political system can be summed up in the following: worship that which seeks to destroy you. I say - why? 13
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 05:50 | # French racism is to blame for the despair and anger displayed by immigrant youth. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE! 14
Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 06:12 | # “French racism is to blame for the despair and anger displayed by immigrant youth. NO JUSTICE, NO PEACE!” Wrong, Friedrich. All this rioting is meant to provide entertainment for the perverted white-liberals that control France. 15
Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 29 Nov 2007 08:38 | # Either someone is impersonating FB or he is indulging in some Teutonic irony, a rare commodity which is about as German as cricket. 16
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 19:12 | # Fred- A good example is the book, “Immigration, a civil rights issue for the Americas”, published by Social Justice, 1999. The authors are; John Isbister, Susanne Jonas and Suzie Dod Thomas and others. Professor Isbister, UCSC, “Americans typically express their opinions about immigration with certainty and moral outrage. This article argues that many of us are in an ethically fraught position with respect to immigration, however. We have deeply held convictions about the equality of all people. At the same time, though, we use immigratrion policy to perpetuate a privileged lifestyle at the expense of foreigners. We are not prepared to abandon either this use of immigration policy or the ideology of equality. At the very least, therefore, our moral stance should be one of humility, not outrage. So, there it is, down on paper, ...thought out back in the late 80’s,... discussed among their academic peers through the 90’s and influencial in making public policy in the Clinton Administration. To understand the chutzpah of these people, one needs to know that California University at Santa Cruz, UCSC, is very insulated from the rest of the US. UC Berkley is UCSC’s mentor and that explains alot too. As UC Berkley is where “Frankfort School” types became ensconsed in our education system. 17
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 20:20 | # Torgrim, behind this is a conscious desire that Euros be reduced demographically to minority status in Euro countries. To see exactly who is pushing to get Euros so reduced one has to peel back the layers because, naturally, the culprits don’t trumpet what they’re doing. Jews are key. They’re not alone. But they’re key. And yes, they know precisely what they’re doing, Jews and all the others: they’re deliberately forcing immigration on Euro countries with the conscious aim of driving the proportions of Euros in Euro countries down below majority status. As for why they’re doing it: each member of the alliance has its own reasons: homos because Negroes have bigger dicks, because homos like affecting a preference for dark skin since it’s exotic and a taste for the exotic makes them think they appear more effeminate, and they want to stick it to white society for being homo-bashers; Jews because they hate Euros from away back, have always hated them and, simply put, want to destroy them; Christians because they want to be self-abnegating: they think it gets them in good with God; white women as a way of getting white men back for being, in their eyes, such bastards to them all their lives; capitalists in order to switch from white workers and employees to dagoes who’ll be more docile, put up with lower wages, and will present less of a threat of competition if ever they rise a bit above their lowly worker station; upper-middle-class white liberals because they need slave-wage dago gardeners, house-cleaners, cooks, and baby sitters and because in their world odd behavior such as calling your spouse your partner instead of your husband or wife, affecting to love Hillary, and affecting a desire to race-replace your country’s Euros with Negroes are all extremely powerful status symbols, far more powerful in their circles than if you showed up driving a $400,000 Lamborghini or something in yours. Not for anything in the universe would they pass up the status conferred on them by supporting race-replacment. Those are just a few of the reasons of some of the groups involved. But again, Jews are key. 18
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 20:45 | # Good digital archeology, Torgrim. My bet is that a dedicated researcher-detective could still uncover a large proportion of the academic criminals who strategised our dispossession. They are all professors of sociology, politics, philosophy, law, economics, history, literature - have I missed anything? - active from 1946 to the end of the century, to name the outside dates. 19
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 22:46 | # Fred- I believe that this kind of hatred toward Euros and the inability of Euros to comprehend this hatred toward them/us, may be a root cause of our inability to react in a proper manner. 20
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 01 Dec 2007 23:17 | # Guessedworker- “My bet is that a dedicated researcher-detective could still uncover a large proportion of the academic criminals who strategised our dispossession.”
Or have not retired; 22
Posted by Scipio Americanus on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 12:15 | # “What else can be said about a story that is going to repeat itself over and over and over and over and over again until the savages extinguish every last drop of European DNA from the continent and lock themselves in an Islamic-type prison?!? Unless we don’t let it of course… I support all French people who fight for good and sanity in this time of evil and madness.” (Top) Hear, hear! But let us not forget how our ancestors ultimately triumphed over the dark forces of barbarism and savagery at Chalons, Tours, Vienna, etc. As one astute observer stated it many years ago: “Not by book, bell, and candle, but by grace of the shinning sword in a mailed fist directed by a dauntless heart.” So it will be again. Scipio Americanus 23
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 08 Dec 2007 14:07 | #
Amen if it come to that, and pray God it be so! 24
Posted by Armor on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 14:29 | # “I think the key must be the Jews. We know the Jews are key in the U.S.” I also think that Jewish organizations continue to play a key role in imposing racial replacement policies from the top in the USA, Britain, France. What helps them in their efforts is “a combination of managerialism and post-modern liberalism”. But it is harder to explain what happened in Spain, Norway, Ireland… I think Finland has begun importing third-world people too. This is strange, as there are not many Jews in those countries. I think Ireland is submitted to American and English influence. Norway is submitted to Swedish and American influence (most of them can speak English). But it doesn’t seem the Spanish leftists needed much Jewish encouragement to start organizing mass immigration to their country. Estimated Jewish Population in 2002 (source) Country ___ ‰ __ Total Pop _ Jewish Pop USA _____ 20.1 __ 283M __ 5,700,000 Germany __ 1.3 ____ 82M ____ 103,000 Sweden ___ 1.7 ___ 9M ___ 15,000 Ireland ___ 0.3 __ 4M ____ 1,000 Russia ____ 1.8 __ 145M __ 265,000 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 15:47 | # Armor, for decades Moscow maintained absolutely total control over Poland, “East” Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Yugoslavia (not to mention nations, now independent, that were considered integral to Russia: the Ukraine, Byelorussia, Georgia, and others, as well as conquered nations long part of the Russian Empire in Central Asia such as Uzbekistan and the rest). During those decades, what ethnic group exerted strong influence, and in certain ways probably decisive control, over Moscow? Ergo, during those decades, what ethnic group exerted strong influence, and in certain ways probably decisive control, over the countries Moscow controlled, namely Poland, “East” Germany, Hungary, Czechoslovakia, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Romania, Bulgaria, and Yogoslavia (and the others)? When you’re under someone’s control, and that person controlling you is under someone else’s control, you yourself are really under that “someone else’s” control. When Prague, let’s say, was under Moscow’s control, and Moscow was largely under a certain ethnicity’s control, Prague was largely under that ethnicity’s control. It’s the Transitive Law in arithmetic and algebra. What Euro countries does D.C. control? (Hint: it controls the ones Moscow didn’t control during the Cold War, plus some it’s picked up as satellites since 1989-91. The U.K. and France are less under D.C.‘s control than Germany and all the others.) What ethnicity exerts strong influence, and in certain ways decisive control, over D.C.? Ergo, what ethnicity exerts strong influence, and in certain ways probably decisive control over the Euro countries Moscow didn’t control during the Cold War plus some D.C. has picked up as satellites since 1989-91? (Except the U.K. and France, which have their own home-grown branches of this same ethnicity so are influenced by this ethnicity in parallel with its North American branch rather than through the Transitive Law.) 26
Posted by Armor on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 17:30 | # I know the Russian revolutionaries were largely Jewish but I wonder what became of them after the Revolution. There was no mass immigration from the third world, no propaganda for homosexuality and feminism, no state subventions for deviant art… Anyway, it is true that Moscow had direct control over the governments of Eastern Europe thanks to the soviet army. This is not the case in Western Europe, where the White House has no direct control over governments. In fact, mass immigration to Europe is mainly encouraged by the socialists, and they are more critical of America than anyone else. (I think European Jewish media tend to encourage anti-Americanism, which is in part a form of anti-white propaganda. And American neocons will see that and say: those European weasels are at it again! We’ve had enough! We Americans should have nothing to do with European weasels!) ”(Except the U.K. and France, which have their own home-grown branches of this same ethnicity)” In France, the 1789 revolution saw the triumph of anti-European ideology, but I don’t think the Jews had much to do with it at the time. Anti-European is not the right word, but it was the idea that old identities should be ditched in exchange for universal French citizenship, and no intermediate institutions should be allowed between the citizens and “the State”. As a result, the country became a dictatorship governed by a kind of philosophical completely corrupt mafia. Later, when Jewish population became larger, it turned out that the French statist ideology was highly compatible with Jewish ideology. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 18:31 | # Armor, I have no doubt Jews were very heavily, if not decisively influential in Moscow through the 1970s at least, although cracks had been starting to open up in their position by that point. It’s not true that as of the “Stalin purges” of the late 1930s the Jews went out of power in the Bolshevik governments, not by a long shot. Some think that because a good proportion of those Stalin did away with in the purges were Jews, Jews on the whole suddenly lost their positions of power. As a whole they didn’t. Then people think that with Stalin’s WW II tactical revival of Russian nationalism in order to get his population to patriotically fight the Germans, Jews suddenly lost their postion of influence in Moscow. They still didn’t, though it was after that war that the first small cracks began to open up, becoming a little bigger in the 60s and 70s. These were not huge cracks, and Jews still had plenty of power through the 60s and into the 70s certainly. Post a comment:
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Posted by Al Ross on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 02:23 | #
In the BBC online report of this latest atrocious Third Worlder behaviour we are not informed about the race or religion of the street scum perps, so we must play that absorbing parlour game, ‘Guess That Race?’