Republican Political Suicide Starts With County Chairs
I just got off the phone with another Ron Paul supporter—this one an official Ron Paul campaign organizer in a major metropolitan area—who told me that his Republican County Chairman sent out a notice to the Republican Party mailing list for that county announcing the grand opening of the campaign headquarters for Mitt Romney. Romney’s “campaign headquarters” turned out to be a gas station with a little folding table holding a dish rack holding bumper stickers, buttons, etc. with hardly anyone showing to the “grand opening”. The Ron Paul organizer then notified the Republican County Chairman of the date of the grand opening of the Ron Paul campaign headquarters. The Ron Paul campaign headquarters being opened is a retail store which the merchant has agreed to convert to a full campaign office with several times the floor space supporting walk-in service to the public. As with most other metro areas the Ron Paul supporters are far more numerous and active.
The Republican County Chairman refused to send out a notice of of the grand opening of the Ron Paul campaign headquarters.
When asked why he would send notice for Mitt Romney’s lame HQ opening but not for the robust Ron Paul campaign and headquarters, the Chairman replied:
“Because I can.”
This is some way to treat the Republican candidate that has the best likelihood of being elected President, if nominated, according to such hard-nosed measures as the Zogby blind poll of general voters and the prediction market:
Posted by commenter on Tue, 27 Nov 2007 21:14 | #
Post the name, address and phone number of the Republican county chair on RonPaulForums. In a week, he’ll receive a thousand phone calls and emails telling him of his error.