“much further advanced than anything we’ve seen”

Posted by James Bowery on Sunday, 25 August 2013 20:17.

According to the SPLC‘s Mark Potok, “This is much further advanced than anything we’ve seen.

What was he talking about?

Craig Cobb just called me up to tell me he was fired Thursday from his North Dakota job that he got as part of the oil boom up there.  He basically wanted get white nationalists to move to a town with population of 19 and got a number of “names” like Metzger to accept title to one lot each in the town.  (Of course, the press is all over this as “supremacist” since if you are pauperized and move to a part of the country few people want to live in and buy property no one wants in a virtual ghost town—you are a clear and present danger to the people of the world.)  No one actually moved there except Cobb since he started promoting the idea privately nearly two years ago, but for some reason a media frenzy erupted last week as can be seen in the google news stories:

google news search craig cobb leith

Two days before the first news stories appeared, the SPLC sent a guy up to interview people in the town—which is probably the the origin of this news cascade. Its unclear why the SPLC was motivated to take this action now since it has been known for about a year what Cobb was promoting up in Leith, ND.  Maybe its nothing more than that the SPLC is having trouble finding stories.

In any event, a couple of things are particularly interesting:

1) The media mobilization is probably a lot more expensive than the expense incurred by Cobb to trigger the frenzy.  In this respect it is rather like asymmetric warfare.

2) When he got fired, he immediately became a hero to the work crew he was a part of—even though he never talked politics on the job.  The firing was done on orders from headquarters—not from the field management.

This sort of thing is probably seen by working class whites for what it is: 

Another in a long term war waged against the nation of settlers that founded the United States—a nation that is, at the moment, applying its frontier skills in rendering the US more energy independent.  As much as the nation of immigrants would like to mop up and discard the remains of the nation of settlers—so the civilization built by the settlers can be seized—there are still these trouble-spots where you really do need to get real work done to support the economy.

However if Cobb’s pathetic attempt to create a refuge “is much further advanced than anything” the SPLC, with its hundreds of millions of dollars in research resources, has seen, it doesn’t bode well for the nation of settlers.  On the other hand, perhaps the SPLC et al are aware, instinctively somewhere deep in the recesses of their primitive brain structures, of Machiavelli’s rule—that there is real reason to fear that if the oppression of the nation of settlers is in the least bit lessened, all hell will break loose:


Although the Romans succeeded happily in being liberal to people, yet when danger came upon them from Porsenna coming to assault Rome in order to restore thy Tarquins, the Senate apprehensive of the plebs who might want to accept the Kings than to sustain a war, in order to assure themselves (of the plebs), relieved them of the salt gabelle and all other taxes, saying that the poor did much for the public benefit if they reared their children, and that because of this benefice that people should submit itself to endure siege, famine, and war: let no one who trusts in this example defer in gaming the people over to himself until the time of danger, for it will not succeed for him as it succeeded for the Romans; for the people in general will judge not to have gotten that benefit from you, but from your adversaries, and becoming afraid that once the necessity is past, you would take back from them that which by force you gave them, they will have no obligation to you. And the reason why this proceeding turned out well for the Romans was because the State was new, and not yet firm, and that the people had seen that other laws had been made before for their benefit, such as that of the appeal to the Plebs: so that they could persuade themselves that that good which was done, was not caused so much by the coming of the enemy as much as the disposition of the Senate to benefit them: In addition to this the memory of the Kings, by whom they had been ill-used and injured in many ways, was fresh. And as similar occasions rarely occur, so it rarely occurs that similar remedies do good. Therefore Republics as well as Princes ought to think ahead what adversities may befall them, and of which men in adverse times they may have need of, and then act toward them as they might judge necessary ((supposing some case)) to live. And he who governs himself otherwise, whether Prince or Republic, and especially a Prince, and then on this fact believes that if danger comes upon him, he may regain the people for himself by benefits, deceives himself, because he not only does not assure himself, but accelerates his ruin.




Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 06:57 | #

Good post. Nation of Settlers vs Nation of Immigrants - I like that way of putting it. Shades of The Dispossessed Majority. I’m going to remember that phrase for future use.

White Zion sentiment is going to bubble up more and more as America continues its (accelerating) decline.

Speaking of which - are Americans hitting the August Townhalls to register their opposition to the immigration Amnesty?


Posted by Morgoth on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 12:15 | #

Leon, what is your take on the movie ‘‘Elysium’’ which depicts a white Zion under attack from Non Whites and Liberals?

Its certainly earned a whole lot of chatter within the Pro White community, including the interesting idea that it is so blatantly Anti White the director could well be a subversive.


Posted by wobbly on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 18:28 | #

The virulent hostility of Jewish hate-groups like the SPLC to any possibility of any piece of ground having a stable self-reproducing white population when they have no objection to the same for black, hispanic, asian or jewish populations is clear evidence of their genocidal intent towards white people.


Posted by DanielS on Mon, 26 Aug 2013 20:01 | #

I have been tempted to take Cobb up on his offer - I’ve often told people that it’s probably something I should do.

What keeps me away:

I really do not relish the thought of living in America anymore.

I mean, just the fact that in a town of 16, he’s got a White woman/Negro male interracial couple, who are looking to reject the way of life he would like to establish there, is an example of the America that I experienced and how I could not escape America in America.

The second thing - he got fired. That seems to be the American answer to so called free speech: you’ll get fired.

The next thing is North Dakota. Maybe not the most interesting place to live. And not a good place for a single man to meet women. Not that that should stop one from working there for a few years at least.

Another thing is that I hear fracking is terrible for the environment - ground water in particular.

After that, there is a possibility that I’ve touched on in regard to such small communities - personality conflicts and being thrown into a fish-bowl with people all too weird.

Naturally, the SPLC would exaggerate the “supremacist” and “Nazi” thing, that’s what they do.

So far as I know, Cobb only viewed flying the Swastika as one option among many - he just wanted land holders of this PLE to fly some flag showing racial allegiance.

Frankly, that he would endorse the swastika did create some reticence for my personal position, but also, I believe, as a matter of tact in general; just looking at how the SPLC seized upon that. While some of us are not comfortable with NS identity, having been of a view on the other side of that vicious fight, it is also easier for anti-Whites proper to seize upon such a stigmatic symbol and harder to defend.

Nevertheless, it is Cobb’s gig and what the SPLC is not telling you is that if I wanted to fly my 14 flag on another parcel, that Craig would have no objection.

Personally, I like him and what he has to say. I may not agree with every single thing, but what else is new?

He strikes me as a smart, industrious, conscientious man - truly a good one.

I hope other people move up there with him. I believe that TT offers the refrain that where Pastor Butler went wrong in Idaho/Aryan Nations, was in being be too flamboyant. Perhaps that is correct. Chain should emphasize the quiet, normal side of what they hope to do.

Regarding that interracial couple though, what do you do? They alone could be a real fly in the ointment.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 27 Aug 2013 03:41 | #

This is Cobb’s flag:
<img >

Cobb tells me that his religion/ideology is Creativity and that calling him a neo-Nazi is inaccurate.  Of course the phrase “neo-Nazi” is almost entirely connotation play and zero denotation.  That’s why connotation play is so central to civilization:  You can’t defend yourself against slander and libel by those in authority—shielded as they are by the “legal” system from natural duel—so central authorities are free to abuse words as eusocial insects use pheromones:  Purely as markers of “self” vs “other” under the control of the protected authorities.

He also told me, that he would accept the humanity of those who uphold the primary demand of Sortocracy—that they not act to render it impractical to sort proponents of social theories into governments that test them; and that those who do so act have no rights and are the proper target force—including any emotions that might accompany force such as loathing, contempt and, that taboo emotion: “hate”.

I’m sure Cobb has made plenty of statements that are properly categorized as threatening, but given the aggression against him represented by performing social experiments on him, a human subject that did not consent to these experiments, there is no justification that I can see for denouncing him in a legal sense.  One may, of course, criticize his “style”, “approach” etc. as “ineffective”, “destructive”, “crazy”, “stupid” as is one’s opinion, but that is a far cry from justifying the kind of action taken against him, and actually the entire nation of settlers, by those whose social experiments are enforced on those hapless human subjects.


Posted by Anty Ep on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:03 | #

Hail Chain! 

I see you are in action again showing the way by example. 

You are a leader of our people.  It is a super-humble effort but one that shows imagination and persistence. I am sure you will leverage it as many times you have before. 

Remember this one: “Are you Sephardic brother?”  Your Guerilla theater/ reality show documentaries were fantastic!  Say—whatever happened to that video on the mall and the ones hadning out TAAs?  I saw that many of the links on vnn were broken.  Bring these back man!  I feel that comrade Byron would be proud that you have implemented this idea again. 

People like Chain succeed because fear of failure does not stop them from trying in the first place.  Keep it up!  Well done!


Posted by Anty Ep on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:27 | #

Unfortunate that the interviewer didnt know who Rudolf Hess was.  Hitler’s secretary who crash landed into England to try and make peace on the eve of war.  Somehow he was convicted of ‘war of agression” and assortedother “crimes” and imprisoned in Spandau prison until he was 90 or so. When he supposedly killed himself.

Puttign aside his dubious apparent suicide, the “trial” of Nuremberg against him especially was a flagrant violation of the old and just Roman maxim of law Nulla poena sine legem.  See Irving’s book on the trial which is one of his best.


Posted by Anty Ep on Wed, 28 Aug 2013 16:36 | #

East and west are false constructs. Hinduism is a religious Tradition of Aryans who conquered India and shared common ancestral origins and religious beliefs with ancient polytheistic Greeks, Romans or Germans. 

And in Buddhism you have another reformation of this vein of the Ur-Tradition of the Aryans, see Julius Evola’s Doctrine of Awakening. 

These are not “east” in the sense of being Asiatic or somehow alien to our folk-soul.  They are not “western” in the sense that the west turned on polytheism during the late Roman Empire and became defined with the Christian religion. 

there is nothing dishonorable in the interest that lots of us have felt in Buddhism whether that was in 68 or 78 or 88 or 98. 

Likewise a lot of white American kids in martial arts are seeking the discipline, ascetism, and virtue that are exemplified in the traditional Asian martial arts but have their origins in a Traditions that actually transcends all these national expressions. 

I appreciate the interviewer’s kind manner and patient exchange, but there might have been a better preparation for this area of the interview, assumign they knew it was going in that direction.


Posted by Test on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 00:29 | #



Posted by DanielS on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 11:29 | #

Standard fare for MR, but my post over there Drudge seems to have been deleted. Let me remember how it went. Something like this:

Mainstream press writers are obviously ordered to refer to any White nationalist/separatist as “Neo-Nazi” or a “Supremacist”, irrespective of the fact that these labels are inaccurate, in order to scare people away from normal motivations. Most egregiously, with this misrepresentation, Jewish power and influence is scaring White/European people from self defense, freedom of speech and freedom association.

Who said that it is “hate” to not want to be subject to arbitrary association with blacks (and other non-Whites) and their behavioral patterns?

Who said that it is “hate” and punishable aggression to use epithets and profanity in characterizing responses to their cataclysmic imposition on White/European co-evolution?


Posted by DanielS on Fri, 30 Aug 2013 12:28 | #

Here is the original:

Mainstream press writers are obviously ordered to refer to any White nationalist/separatist as “Neo-Nazi” or a “Supremacist”, irrespective of the fact that these labels are inaccurate, because it will scare people
away from the normality of their motives. Most egregiously, the full-scale intimidation by Jewish power and influence will even scare White/European people away from mere self defense, freedom of speech and
freedom of association.

Who said it is “hate” to not want to be subject to arbitrary association with blacks (and other non-Whites) and their behavior?

Who said it is out of bounds, an aggression calling for legal prohibition, to use epithets and profanity to express disdain for their cataclysmic imposition on the co-evolution of European peoples?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 01 Sep 2013 12:11 | #

The Death of MR?

Not really just some of us have you know that thing called “real life” going on.

As for this buffoon from North Dakota. . . well what can one say? That there are fates worst than death. . . like “living” in a 14 house village in the back end of ND. If that was the only way to “live white” I doubt I’d bother. Thankfully there’s still Rome, Venice, Edinburgh et al., in the world.

As for this character not being a neo-Nazi. . . well despite the special pleading of the genuinely pathetic Bowery one does not adopt the same colours (in a similar design) to the Swastika flag of the Third Reich unless one wants, in the most crass way, to make such a semiotic association.

Mind you the neo bit might be a misnomer - after all that prefix does imply some form of new thinking.

A little quote for this fine Sunday morning.

“He imagined the pain of the world to be like some formless parasitic being seeking out the warmth of human souls wherein to incubate and he thought he knew what made one liable to its visitations. What he had not known was that it was mindless and so had no way to know the limits of those souls and what he feared was that there might be no limits.”

Perhaps MR know no limit to risible banality?


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 01 Sep 2013 16:42 | #

The accusation of “special pleading” without supporting specifics is actually a case of special pleading.

Typically, Lister’s criticism is a mere panacea for a lack of creativity.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 01 Sep 2013 17:19 | #

As for this character not being a neo-Nazi. . . well [...] one does not adopt the same colours (in a similar design) to the Swastika flag of the Third Reich unless one wants, in the most crass way, to make such a semiotic association.

Cobb’s flag is the same flag as Matt Hale’s. Remember him?


Matthew F. Hale (born July 27, 1971), more commonly known as Matt Hale, was the third Pontifex Maximus (Latin for “highest priest”) of the nontheistic and ethnocentric religion, Creativity, and the founder of the group formerly known as the World Church of the Creator and now known as The Creativity Movement. The organization’s headquarters were based in East Peoria, Illinois. In 1998, Hale made headlines when his application for an Illinois law license was denied due to his religious beliefs in Creativity, described as a “gross deficiency in moral character”.[4] On April 6, 2005, Hale was sentenced to a 40-year prison term for soliciting an undercover FBI informant to kill federal judge Joan Lefkow.[5] He is currently incarcerated in the Administrative Maximum facility in Florence, Colorado, as Inmate number 15177



Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 01 Sep 2013 17:52 | #

Cobb, Hale, etc. are accurately described as “Nazi-sympathizers”.  Indeed, given the violence done to the nations of the West in the name of Holocaustianity, what reasonable and compassionate man could not be accurately described as a “Nazi-sympathizer” in some sense?

There are good reasons to denounce the Nazis and there are good reasons to sympathize with them.

To unreservedly denounce the Nazis is a bit like the British press denouncing the BNP et al for promoting the Moslem “grooming”—that is to say gang-raping and turning-out as de facto prostitutes—of British girls.  You see, the BNP were risible amateurs as politicians so when they declare an atrocity, we are obligated to ignore it.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 09:28 | #


I’m not sure what the ultimately ‘correct’ view of the Nazis ought to be. I go with the following: “evil”, and “European Man would have been better off without ‘em”, but also .... “given that they did arise, and that once WW2 began the only alternatives were Nazis, Commies, or multiculti liberals, it would have been better for the West if they had won and consolidated their rule in Europe, with the Anglosphere later contesting them instead of the Soviets in a different, protracted Cold War”.

What I do know is that trying to rehabilitate them for any purpose whatsoever, including white survival, is a complete loser’s game. If extreme Right authoritarianism is going to appear again, it will be wearing very different garb, and speaking in a different voice. That includes racial authoritarianism.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 17:25 | #

Its not a matter of rehabilitating the Nazis.  Its a matter of being honest.  Sure, you can go with “European Man would have been better off without ‘em” but that is different than an unreserved denunciation smear like “evil”.  Indeed, it is the portrayal of the Nazis as “pure evil” that is central to the displacement of Christ by Jews with Holocaustianity. 

It’s not rational but more importantly, its not honest.

Trying to deny the humanity* of the Nazis without adopting the Holocaustian canon will be attacked as dishonest by Holocaustians because they know that it is dishonest:  They recognize their own creatures.

*With the Transfer Agreement the Nazi regime allowed German Jews to leave and settle in Palestine and establish a Jewish nation-state.  I can criticize the Nazis for rendering that process impractical only if I ignore the larger economic conditions of the time wherein other nations were demanding foreign exchange from Germany during the depression at the same time that Jews were organizing an international boycott of German goods.  Jews needed more material support in making that migration, no doubt.  Germany would have been better off if they’d mobilized for creation of infrastructure in Palestine and transport of Jews there, no doubt.  But to compare the Nazis as “inhuman” in the same sense that the current Holocaustian regime is inhuman—as exemplified by the attack on a lone man who is fleeing to the hinterlands in a world where “there is no place for” people who want to live in an environment even approximately like that in which their ancestors lived—is, quite simply, Holocaustian.

You, Leon, are a Holocaustian.  You, Leon, are “evil”.


Posted by Anonymouse on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 20:23 | #

Requirements for stealth community infiltration/creation include:

1. Family and long-term friends only.  Acquaintances and cyber-pals don’t meet this essential criteria.
2. No public advertising of ideology/purpose – through media, internet, signs, flyers, proselytizing strangers, etc. - that would draw attention to the community.
3. No “movement” paraphernalia – flags, clothing, tats, boots, hair-styles, jewelry, etc. 

Craig should sell the lots and try again elsewhere.




Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 21:40 | #

It is easy to criticize what Craig Cobb has done unless you recognize that there isn’t a lot of information out there on how to go about finding a refuge from the supremacist government testing its social theories on unwilling human subjects.  Indeed, there cannot be much information out there about how to secretly find such refuges as the sharing of that information would be a security risk.  One might consider such information to be defense classification of the highest order.

As for openly pursuing such refuges, my recommendations to Cobb and others forming refuges without the most stringent secrecy:

1) Don’t go for property in incorporated areas.
2) Don’t go for property in which the county government has building codes.
3) Promise to contribute 25% of the dollar amount spent on land acquisition to acquisition of land in Mexico for Mexicans that want to exclude all but Mexicans from that land, for the Nation of Islam’s purchase of land for exclusive occupation by blacks, etc., ONLY IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET:
A) That his form of community be recognized as legitimate, AND
B) That there be no interference from the uber-rich.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 22:17 | #

Look if one has a radioactively toxic brand what is the rational thing to do from a marketing point of view? To waste an enormous amount of time and effort to “detoxify” the brand to no real effect - or simply to ditch the brand and start again?

If people can’t even perform at this simple level of intelligence then why should ANYONE listen to ANYTHING they might has to say on ANY TOPIC IMAGINABLE?

Really what is the pathetic political psychology at work in those antinomians lovers of the Third Reich?

As I have said before it’s almost as if, in the way of most “classical” sub-cultures, they do NOT want to even court the possibility of their “thing” (WN) going mainstream. Instead like teenage goths, punks, or football hooligans they all want to be “dangerous and/or misunderstood outsiders” - at least in their own so-called minds - and have “important meetings” that they could fit into the back of a taxi.

As such these oddball losers can be safely ignored and indeed must be by any serious Europeans.

They are oxygen thieves of the very worst sort.


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 02 Sep 2013 22:49 | #

The way to ditch the brand within the constraints of intellectual integrity and honesty is to, as I did above, argue that the Holocaustian regime exhibits less humanity than the Nazis during The Transfer Agreement.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 00:45 | #

Look if one has a radioactively toxic brand what is the rational thing to do from a marketing point of view? To waste an enormous amount of time and effort to “detoxify” the brand to no real effect - or simply to ditch the brand and start again?

How exactly do you intend to improve on it? How can we “start over” when they had so much right (at least in theory)?

If your communitarianism gets too right wing guess what the call you? Nazi. If you call it the Third Way guess what the call you? Nazi. And so on and so forth.

Unless you are ready to ditch being White altogether you don’t have much of a fucking choice Graham.


Posted by anonymous on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 01:41 | #

It is easy to criticize what Craig Cobb has done unless you recognize that there isn’t a lot of information out there on how to go about finding a refuge from the supremacist government testing its social theories on unwilling human subjects.

Come now, Creator flag blowing in the wind?  Advertising one’s location on the internet for one-two years?  Funding from Tom Metzger?  This was a sure-fire formula for failure from the git-go.

1) Don’t go for property in incorporated areas.
2) Don’t go for property in which the county government has building codes.

This has been stated before but should be common sense.  Maybe it’s not.

3) Promise to contribute 25% of the dollar amount spent on land acquisition to acquisition of land in Mexico for Mexicans that want to exclude all but Mexicans from that land, for the Nation of Islam’s purchase of land for exclusive occupation by blacks, etc., ONLY IF THE FOLLOWING CONDITIONS ARE MET:

Hey everybody, here I am!!!


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 02:10 | #

Not flying the flags you describe and not inviting the people you mention is further down the list than #3, yet you go haywire over the latter while emphasizing the former.  Sure you don’t need “costume Nazis” goose-stepping around, etc. but as “Classic Sparkle” correctly points out, you’re going to get the “Nazi” smear without them.

#3 is far more powerful at defusing the “Nazi” smear than is barring costume Nazis.

PS:  Of course, I’m ignoring the fact that you ignored the precondition that I stated for #3: “As for openly pursuing such refuges, my recommendations to Cobb and others forming refuges without the most stringent secrecy”


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 02:43 | #

A comment I just submitted to the SPLC “Hate Watch” article on Craig Cobb:

James Bowery said,
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
The SPLC, ADL, etc. are less human than the Nazis during the Transfer Agreement in that the governments morally sanctioned by the SPLC, ADL, etc.are testing their social theories on unwilling human subjects while the SPLC, ADL, etc. renders it impractical for those humans to escape and establish their own States. Now, how inhuman are were those Nazis exactly? That’s your upper-bound on humanity.

Don’t hold your breath for it to be “approved”.


Posted by Landon on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 03:51 | #

The problem with the Transfer Agreement thing is that nobody has heard of it. All people know about the era is the mainstream view that the Nazis were maniacs who were trying to kill all the Jews everywhere.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 04:35 | #

James - just listened to your interview. Well done to you and Craig.


Posted by Classic Sparkle on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 04:36 | #

The problem with the Transfer Agreement thing is that nobody has heard of it. All people know about the era is the mainstream view that the Nazis were maniacs who were trying to kill all the Jews everywhere.

Exactly. And ultimately, Whites are the endgame here. That finger the jews are wagging about at the Germans extends just as pointedly at Whites in general. We stand right behind them in line to be meted out an appropriate measure of guilt by an ever growing list of jewish sociologists. Human history is one long Holocaust in their opinion and driven primarily by the engine of the White immorality.

Contra Graham, it starts with re-humanizing the Germans and ourselves thereby. Admitting that this is the first step doesn’t make me some fanatic, a “goose-stepper”, a fetishist, neo-nazi, etc. It makes me White and proud.

Fight the White blood-libel brothers.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 04:38 | #

The efforts for Holocaust revisionism should be spent on promoting awareness of the Transfer Agreement.  From my reading of Edwin Black’s book (both versions) its pretty hard for them to distort that history to the point that it isn’t apparent that that program demonstrates more humanity by the Nazis than is being demonstrated by the US government.

But before that even, it is appropriate to point out that hundreds of Holocaust movies have been made and not one movie has been made about any of the communist genocides against European nations of the former Soviet Union.  Ask them if this is the kind of impartial behavior one should expect from those entrusted with the most powerful medium in our culture.  Then ask them if it doesn’t strike them as just a tad suspicious that the Bible was written by the same people who have so abused their position of trust and authority in our modern myth-making.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 06:07 | #

Unless you are ready to ditch being White altogether you don’t have much of a fucking choice Graham.

Isn’t this Harland’s point, that all groupism is destructive and immoral. The impact to revolt against the Jewish serpent in the Saxon forest was a valid one, however Hitler was a dragon maker as surely as Moses was a serpent maker. The individual German was as much a victim of the reflected “Jewish” serpent, the National Socialist dragon and its choseness as Jews are a victim of the demagogues at the ADL.

Harland’s declaration is that…

“all humans are created sovereign individuals, that all individuals have the right and powers that the word-perverters have said belong to a group-god or a “sovereign state”. We who support these truths, now face a conflict with those who seek to pervert them.”


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 03 Sep 2013 14:56 | #

Desmond, Sortocracy—sorting proponents of social theories into governments that test them—is an attempt to reduce the severety of wars (competition between group entities—something that, if perpetual, requires the destruction of individual integrity) without requiring everyone to abandon eusociality if that is their individual choice.  In other words, it is the true abolition of involuntary servitude.  For those that volunteer for such servitude, the thing that separates them from being slaves is Sortocracy’s single human right:  The right to change social theories and, in so doing, leave a human ecology they are unwilling to be a “part” of to join one they are willing to be “part” of.  Of course it is insane to think of an individual as not “part” of anything whatsoever since we are all embedded within Creation.  Even when considering only social relations, it is insane to think of an individual as not “part” of a larger human ecology in the sense that the sexual organism (ie: “individual”) is not only mortal, but is incapable of self-propagation without sex.

Asexually reproducing “humans” are now feasible via cloning.  The blithering idiots that can’t see this catastrophe as the inevitable fulfillment of their ideals of “parts” and “wholes” are the true waste of oxygen.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 06:31 | #


Isn’t Harland’s point that voluntary servitude is impossible? There are only two courses of action: (1)Group support of individual sovereignty, or (2) Group sovereignty imposed upon the individuals that reject it. Isn’t this the message of Jesus, antithetical to the word-conditioned group, according to Harland; that ‘individuals should be guided by the holy spirit within them not by the pseudo-morality of the group, the law or the prophets.’

On the initial attempt to make people accept a commandment “Thou shalt not kill” (except when ordered by an authority) Moses ordered 3,000 killed. On his first attempt to order the same, upon the Saxons, Charlemagne had 20,000 killed and it was not the end.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 17:08 | #

I can’t speak for Harland of course, so here’s my take:

There are inner and outer conditions to servitude.  An outer condition on servitude would be, for example, depriving someone of essentials for forming a family with a suitable mate unless they do your bidding.  An inner condition on servitude would be, for example, taking an oath to a declaration of war made by a leader. 

Of course, one may internalize the outer condition—as is frequently the case with those bred for eusociality. 

Likewise, one may externalize the inner condition—as is frequently the case with those bred for individual integrity. 

IF one’s inner condition is authentic, one is expressing phenotypes consistent with one’s own genotype rather than the extended phenotypes of parasite replicators (genes and memes).  It is this authentic inner condition, expressed in the outer condition, that I believe Harland is referring to as being “guided by the holy spirit within”.  The outer condition will, then, tend to be aligned with acquisition of the essentials for forming a family with a suitable mate without over-extending that condition to become phenotypic dominance of others.  The way phenotypic dominance is avoided is to recognize that, in a universal sense of furthering joy of Creation, death is a superior state (to extended phenotypic slavery).


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 04 Sep 2013 18:56 | #

So, indeed, the SPLC did not approve that comment but did approve another comment in which I made a mental typo.  The response was basically uncivil although my comment was entirely civil.

So I responded with this, additional, comment that awaits moderation.  It is not particularly incisive except insofar as it points out that if they want to be treated in a civil manner they might try responding to civility with civility, lest they discredit civilization itself as it extends physical shielding to their incivility:

James Bowery said,
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
The failure to directly address the content of my comments (and selectively editing out the strongest arguments — which is the sine qua non of intellectual dishonesty) is a reason I don’t often post here. One needn’t expect to be greeted with “open arms” to expect to be dealt with in a civil manner. Of course, when one is not dealt with in a civil manner — after having given one’s opponents the “benefit of the doubt” by bothering to post at all — it should come as little surprise that civility itself is degraded.


Posted by Anonymouse on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 01:46 | #

Of course, I’m ignoring the fact that you ignored the precondition that I stated for #3: “As for openly pursuing such refuges, my recommendations to Cobb and others forming refuges without the most stringent secrecy”

And I’ll overlook the fact that you’re perfectly aware that the application of common sense in forming/infiltrating a community is not necessarily a call for the most stringent secrecy.  Clearly Mr. Cobb is more interested in maintaining “activist” credibility within a tiny bowel-movement comprised of alcoholic/drug-addicted costume fetishists, ez money Rothbardians working the racialist angle as a hobby in their retirement, and certain thin-skin, under/unemployed high IQ-types than accomplishing anything constructive in pursuit of the 14 words.  He couldn’t help advertising intent and location to his online racialist “friends,” the SPLC-JOG, and to locals before gaining a voting majority and political control of the community!  Sorry, JAB, you’re defending the indefensible.



Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 22:00 | #

Authentic phenotypes that allow the “Holy Spirit” to be expressed.


Gee whiz that’s a new one for the biology textbooks.

Perhaps Mr. Bowery might write up a Princeton monograph on the subject?

And just where are we on the Bowery express from Crazyville to Loony Town?

Is it any wonder that even semi-serious people don’t seem to want to engage at MR?

Unbounded fuckwittery is not attractive, nor interesting, in anyway whatsoever.


Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 06 Sep 2013 23:08 | #

Anonymous wrote: “you’re perfectly aware that the application of common sense in forming/infiltrating a community is not necessarily a call for the most stringent secrecy.

Since even implicit-white activities are under scrutiny by HUD for destruction by housing subsidy, the DHS is in the hands of people who hire either SPLC sock puppets or blacks who are openly calling for a race war against whites and the NSA is storing virtually all domestic electronic communications for some time in the future when it may be “warranted” to wire tap the past, it seems less than obvious that the most stringent secrecy is unnecessary.

What I am aware of is that there are a variety of local measures one may pursue to enhance environmental friendliness to implicit-whiteness, and that these can and should be undertaken with the realization that the Beast will be sniffing around for any excuse to confabulate a nascent “Nazi” regime in the making.

As for Craig Cobb being defensible, that depends on what you are defending against.  Certainly, if you are defending against competing community-formation efforts as white refuges, he is not defensible simply because he made so many obvious mistakes.  However, when the old media descends on him in an obvious SPLC-led frenzy, it just doesn’t make sense to just roll-over and play dead or, worse, try to convince the media zombies that you “aren’t a Nazi” by out shrieking the SPLC against Craig Cobb’s obvious weaknesses.  The media zombies just don’t work that way.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 00:19 | #

As for Doctor Professor Lister’s invective regarding a potential Princeton monograph, perhaps he should target his scathing assault against the very idea of the Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research Laboratory.  There are, after all, more things in heaven and earth, Graham, than are dreamt of in your philosophy.  Indeed, it is the bankruptcy of your philosophy that excludes the possibility of a spiritual reawakening of Euroman from the opiated sleep of JudeoChristianity.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 09:32 | #


We don’t need to redeem Hitler and the Nazis, we need to redeem the legitimacy of grievance (including their grievance) with Jews (as a non-White/European people, along with other non-Whites) and handle that, along with its call for separatism from them, inter-European relations and separatism, better this time.

It is apparent that Hitler’s militaristic view, one that could not live with the results of WWI and was determined to refight it in analagously militaristic terms, was a large part of the problem.

Like it or not, for me, as for most people, the swastika symbolizes violent German imperialism: and it will for a long long time. It is an overstated premise to say that it is synonymous with White nationalism (even German nationalism); and it is a false either/or to say that it is either that or the international Jew.

I’m beginning to wonder if many of the adherents to Hitler among WN have been overly sold on him by William Pierce. That is a working hypothesis: that that might often be the case, and that Pierce may have been less than perfect as a historian.


Posted by DanielS on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 12:43 | #

On the other hand, how a less than fawning position regarding Hitler fits in with some of the more reasonable plans he may have entertained, such as “The Transfer Agreement”, is more complicated. That clearly would have been the right way to go; and better if coordinated with other European nations.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 07 Sep 2013 19:36 | #

Authentic phenotypes that allow the “Holy Spirit” to be expressed.


Qualia…a subjective conscious experience.


Posted by Farther than we've gone on Fri, 14 Aug 2015 23:14 | #

Farther than we’ve gone

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)
