New Amsterdam, New York Thence New Jerusalem The time may have come to to cede some US territory, say Long Island, to Israel in exchange for some concessions. When the Dutch lost control of New Amsterdam to the British, it became New York. It seems that at least some segment of New York, having been de facto lost to the Jews by the “White Anglo-Saxon Protestants” should be renamed “New Jerusalem” and ceded to Israel with appropriate conditions. Long Island is a good choice since it can be ethnically cleansed for Jewish occupation more easily than other parts of New York City and the surrounding areas. Today’s arrest of 700 suspected illegal aliens in the US’s largest kosher meatpacking plant, located in the US’s agricultural heartland town of Postville, Iowa highlights the conflict between Jews and US sovereignty over its own territory. However, the raid is focused on the illegal aliens rather than their employers—Lubavitcher Jews. It is unacceptable that Jews continue to participate in the virulent ethnic destruction of their host nations. Nowhere is the Malthusian character of this behavior more pressing than an agricultural heartland. Something must be done, not just with the Lubavitchers—who imported Mexicans to displace the pioneer stock that brought the US breadbasket to fruition—but with all Jews who refuse to respect territorial sovereignty, be it via their: I have previously described an evolutionary medical approach to treating Jewish virulence among nations involving assisting the least virulent strains of Jews to dominate the more virulent strains of Jews—the technique most successfully employed against “The Protean Opponents” as described in evolutionary medicine specialist Paul Ewald’s book, “Plague Time: How Stealth Infections Cause Cancer, Heart Disease, and Other Deadly Ailments”, in chapter “The Protean Opponents”. Protean Opponents are sexually reproducing parasites rendered more or less virulent by the degree to which they are more or less “horizontally transmitted”—which is to say, the degree to which they migrate to avoid the fate of hosts from which they have profited. Moreover, on other occasions I have described the corresponding value of what I call “Oslo Accord Zionism”—which is that by providing Jews with a homeland, Zionism provides fewer excuses for Jews to live amongst, and off of, other peoples—which tends to bring them more into the community of self-sufficient nations. By putting Jews in a position where they see what it takes to be a true nation, they begin to understand, in karmic poetry, the German National Socialist. They have become that which they hate: A nation—a people—a partially inbred extended family willing to say to the world:
And here we see the two kinds of “self-hating Jew”:
I submit that while the latter is more honorable (and rarer) than the former, both kinds of self-hating Jew are more honorable than the far more numerous Jew who hypocritically denies others their national sovereignty while ignoring Jewish nationalism—and it is the hypocrisy of these Jews, indeed their genocide against other peoples, that is the target of my not-so-modest proposal to cede the territory of Long Island to Israel for New Jerusalem. In exchange for this territorial concession to Israel, the following conditions apply to all Jews resident in the United States:
Let Homeland Security deport, not only illegal immigrants, but those who have betrayed the territorial sovereignty of the United States—deport them to the territory to which they are most loyal, never to be readmitted to the territory of these United States.
Posted by Robert Reis on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:51 | # Please visit
Does it look like art to you? But this is not all ... the prestigious Visual Arts Biennial of the Central American decided that the ‘installation’ was actually art, so that Guillermo Vargas Habacuc has been invited to repeat his cruel action for the biennial of 2008.
Lets Stop him!
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 13 May 2008 15:05 | # This is an excellent log entry. Am in a rush at the moment, otherwise I would write a longer explanation of why I agree so enthusiastically with this approach, that of Jews and Euros no longer living together with each other in the same countries because Jews cannot keep from radically destroying said countries even unto wiping out the Euro race itself which is the host country’s matrix in which all must live, Euro and Jew alike: the Jew cannot keep from annihilating that, therefore the two groups must live in separate countries. This is exactly the thing to push for, in my view, and to this end I fully agree with ceding the Jews land on this continent for their own Jewish country to run as they wish (why do I have the funny feeling their Jewish country, thus set up, wouldn’t have open borders? ... I dunno, must be something I ate, it can’t be true ...). 5
Posted by Matra on Tue, 13 May 2008 19:12 | # The time may have come to cede some US territory, say Long Island, to Israel in exchange for some concessions…It seems that at least some segment of New York, having been de facto lost to the Jews by the “White Anglo-Saxon Protestants” should be renamed “New Jerusalem” and ceded to Israel with appropriate conditions. The problem is that Jews have no reason - at this point - to provide any concessions to Americans as the status quo is ideal for them. The Jew (e.g. George Soros), who hates Zionism. I don’t know if he’s doing anything substantive to undermine Zionism but he’s certainly putting far greater effort into undermining European ethnies and nation-states. I thought Soros belonged to the liberal school of thought that says it is better for Israel to strengthen moderate Palestinians like Mahmoud Abbas rather than taking the ‘hardline’ approach advocated by Likudniks. 6
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 13 May 2008 20:33 | # The problem is that Jews have no reason - at this point - to provide any concessions to Americans as the status quo is ideal for them. Exactly. Unless it somehow impacts fellow Jews, but even then it’s just a matter of tweaking the status quo.
Bottom line the CJC is willing to negotiate an umbrella protection for media pundits, overwhelmingly Jewish, who target Islam and other such threats, lhowever, in the case of the real hate-mongers, like Marc Lemire, the AG will support the CJC et al with the full power of the law.
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 13 May 2008 20:54 | # From the stupid white gentile file:
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 13 May 2008 23:04 | # Matra writes: The problem is that Jews have no reason - at this point - to provide any concessions to Americans as the status quo is ideal for them. Obviously, I disagree. My evidence includes the arrest of half of the employees of the largest kosher meat packing plant in America. Lubavitcher Jews were engaging in this kind of behavior with impunity in America’s agricultural heartland—attacking the very substance of America and creating some significant embarrassment for other Jews. No more. There is a chasm within the Jewish community opening up as the next stage of the evolutionary cycle of Jewish virulence, the anti-Semitic backlash phase, unfolds. This blacklash, which is upon us—is the phase just before the migratory phase—at which point the Jewish Germans made their worst mistakes despite the great potential of The Transfer Agreement. 9
Posted by Concerned white on Wed, 14 May 2008 10:41 | # Old Guy, You should submit your strategy of “Balkanization” to The Occidental Observer. 10
Posted by 357 on Wed, 14 May 2008 13:39 | # “No more dual citizenship.” Mr. Bowery, Out of the three conditions you cite, we must start to hammer away at dual citizenship first, simply because it’s the most doable. How did dual citizenship become legal in the first place? Well, we can ultimately blame the liberals that sit on the Supreme Court. They twisted the 14’th Amendment in order to accommodate a Jew that should have lost his US citizenship for voting in an election in Israel. Re: Afroyim v. Rusk, 387 U.S. 253 (1967). If the stars line up just right, the abolishing or abrogation of dual citizenship laws can be accomplished through the courts or by congress. I’m not endorsing nor trusting Juan McCain, but he “claims” he will “appoint judges to the Supreme Court who are strict interpreters of the Constitution along the lines of Alito and Roberts”. Conversely, B. Hussein praised Judges Ginsberg and Breyer, and said if he is elected he’ll appoint judges with their ideological bent. So if B. Hussein (“the Mau Mau Maoist”) is elected, we’re screwed, game over. At least with McCain we have the slight hope he’ll do the right thing by appointing good judges to the courts. One thing for sure, we face a nightmarish hell of choices come the fall presidential election. ________________
It’s too early to tell the outcome of this event. What’s to say a more virulent strain of Jews didn’t conspire with the DOJ to set this incident up? If another group of Jews move in a take over that meatpacking co., we’ll know the answer? After all, Jews do own over 50% percent of the meatpacking industry in the USA. They’re not about to give up even a minute portion of that share. 11
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 14 May 2008 15:14 | # 357, it is quite conceivable that the entire “immigration law enforcement” issue is a cover for a more virulent “legalize immigration” movement. If that is the case then I may have misread the Postville situation—thinking it a harbinger of the anti-semitic backlash stage of the evolutionary cycle of Jewish virulence. However, I think many of us are getting the sense that something is changing—not simply that “worse is better” but that something more profound is changing. My belief that this isn’t just another move in the direction of “worse is worse”, a direction that we have been experiencing for generations now, is informed by two main things: 1) My belief that centralization of wealth/power is the Jewish extended phenotype which results in anti-semitic backlash—and that such centralization has run its course. 2) My belief that the internet represents a new Gutenberg Revolution, hence “protestant” movement and “enlightenment” against the reigning theocracy. Either of these would, alone, be sufficient to support reasonably strong belief in an impending anti-semitic backlash—hence a new Jewish migratory phase for which we must prepare. 12
Posted by Old Guy on Wed, 14 May 2008 19:05 | # Concerned Citizen—I can take no credit for the “Balkanization” article. It’s the thinking of the owner of the Western Biopolitics blog. That said, I think there is some valuable stuff in there, and that there might be synergy with James ideas above. I know a few of the guys over at OQ, and will take your suggestion to put it in front of them! For those here who don’t read Occidental Observer, you’re missing some good articles. Kevin MacDonald, when not busy fighting off the usual suspects attacking him, is “there” often. That tells you all you need to know! If readers here have not yet bought MacDonald’s new book, “Cultural Insurrections”, hie thee hence and prepare for a huge dose of brain candy! Hail the Folk! 13
Posted by Englander on Wed, 14 May 2008 19:45 | # From where I’m sitting, the internet has been very disappointing and not the revolution (for our side) that it might have been. 14
Posted by 357 on Wed, 14 May 2008 21:34 | # “Either of these would, alone, be sufficient to support reasonably strong belief in an impending anti-semitic backlash—hence a new Jewish migratory phase for which we must prepare.” The Jews are certainly proceeding exactly as you’ve outlined in the “Jewish virulence that evolves from the horizontal transmission cycle.” Let’s hope for the best possible outcome from the Postville situation. Maybe it will serve as the catalyst that will set in motion the long overdue anti-semitic backlash. Or to put it in gentler terms: The much needed change that will reverse the course of media imposed cultural degeneration, and put a stop to the unprincipled, inequitable, practice of rapacious businessmen who hire non-white illegal-aliens, etc. 15
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 14 May 2008 22:03 | # Englander, in defense of my belief, I think we can look at the time lag between the invention of the Gutenberg Press (1439) and the nailing of Luther’s 95 Theses to the door of the Schlosskirche (1517), as an upper bounds on how long we can expect the internet to take before similar cracks in the theocratic facade of Holocaustianity appear. Certainly, when I wrote my predictions in 1982 I didn’t expect it to be another 25 years for the network revolution to unfold but then I really didn’t expect the profit motive to be quite so subordinate to the power motive of media. It was another 10 years (after passing a law to reform technosocialist institutions like NASA and the DoE) before I got a glimmer of the problem with capitalism and it was that same year that I finally figured out Jews were the central power in the pathologies I had been encountering. Having admitted my ignorance over that early era (and placed the upper bounds perhaps a bit too-far in the future for comfort), I think I can say with confidence that, particularly with the advent of streaming mutimedia and wide-spread broadband internet connectivity, we’re finally entering a new ballgame. 16
Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Wed, 14 May 2008 23:52 | # I agree, some Jews are destroying our country. And this appals me; they have no business degenerating our women and/or society. However, not all Jews are bad; some are very pro-White (i.e. jewish taskforce, etc.). Ashkenazims also have very high IQ’s. We should utilize their skills to maintain our race. Regarding the “bad” Jews, we only need to “weed them out,” and assimilate the “good” Jews. We just need to control our resources, and prevent anybody from degrading them. Corporations also have a potential to betray us, so do we kick out all corporations? We just need to work with them. 18
Posted by 357 on Thu, 15 May 2008 00:37 | # “Corporations also have a potential to betray us, so do we kick out all corporations?” No personal offence intended EA Steve, but it’s inane questions like that that cause the stock of the corporations that manufacturer headache medicine to increase in value. 19
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 15 May 2008 00:56 | # EA Steve, why did you read “any Jew ... convicted of violating United States immigration statutes” as “all Jews”? 20
Posted by EA Steve on Thu, 15 May 2008 03:11 | # In response to James Bowery: I didn’t claim you meant ‘all.’ I wasn’t necessarily referring (/replying) to directly, to anybody’s comment. I was just making a general statement. And, I do agree “race-traitors” should be dealt with. If I fully expressed my hatred for the Jewish makers of the films “Hairspray,” “Greta,” and “Harold and Kumar Escape from Guantanamo Bay,” my social life would be essentially assassinated! 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 15 May 2008 05:14 | # “EA Steve” may be an agent provocateur. He reminds me of “James”/“John” whom we had the pleasure of meeting the other week. 23
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 15 May 2008 08:08 | # EA Steve, it would be helpful if responses to a post actually responded to the post rather than being “general comments”. It helps move the discussion forward. 25
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 15 May 2008 13:48 | # Today’s “Letters to the Editor” feature is about the fed swoop on Postville illegals. 26
Posted by 357 on Thu, 15 May 2008 14:37 | # From the link provided by Fred Scrooby on Thursday, May 15, 2008 at 12:48 PM : >“The Roman Catholic Archbishop Jerome Hanus, (e-mail him) whose Dubuque archdiocese covers Iowa’s northeastern corner, lamented the manner in which the raid was conducted, claiming that: “weakest among us are bearing the brunt of the suffering.” This is an outrage! Evidently the RCA Jerome Hanus doesn’t give a flying fig about the native people that bear the brunt of the havoc wreaked by these illegal invaders. >“The people of Postville need a website that gives them the opportunity to report how “diversity” foisted upon them by illegal aliens and their advocates have turned their life and their town upside down….such as costing many their jobs and has dramatically altered their ways of life. Also the car accidents of uninsured and unlicensed drivers, crimes of drunkenness, theft, births out of wedlock, etc.” Evidently Archbishop Jerome Hanus lacks the moral clarity that is required in order to be able to discriminate crucial differences between right and wrong. His attitude is typical of the many cultural-Marxists that have infiltrated the Church. 27
Posted by Matra on Thu, 15 May 2008 17:00 | # Along the lines of Roman Catholic Archbishop Jerome Hanus is Sister Mary McCauley of St. Bridget’s Catholic Church:
Judging by the Iowa press this is a big story in that state. However, the Jewish angle is glossed over in most of the reports. Also, there do not appear to be many newspapers from outside the Iowa area reporting the story and I doubt if cable news has featured it - I have only seen headlines on CNN and FOX in recent days and there has been no mention of Postville. In order to believe the the next stage of the evolutionary cycle of Jewish virulence, the anti-Semitic backlash phase (James Bowery) is about to unfold news items such as this one would have to be reported nationally on a regular basis with the Jewish role repeatedly highlighted for the pig-ignorant masses. So far it is all about the poor ‘immigrants’, the alleged hit to the local economy in Postville, and, of course, the all-loving Catholic Church. Philip Weiss seems to think a backlash is building against Israel (and possibly American Jews) because he regularly hears complaints about the Lobby at swanky dinner parties. I’ll need to see much more evidence to be convinced. 28
Posted by EA Steve on Thu, 15 May 2008 17:50 | # In response to 357: I agree! The Cultural and Racial Marxists are destroying Christian churches. They control most of our major communication systems. This is way the internet is so important; we need to keep this option available, to keep the right to free speech. Racial survival is also at stake, with the current predicament. Decentralization of the media would also help our cause. 29
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 15 May 2008 18:45 | # Master T, explores the event at Age of Treason. It outlines quite clearly and succinctly the genocide, the race replacement, the transformation evoked by the presence of the Hasidim, and their ownership of the plant, in this once idyllic heartland American town, into a multicultural hellhole. “Steve Bloom, a largely secular Jew who frequently frames his relationship to his faith in terms of Jewish food, came to Iowa from San Francisco to teach journalism at the state university” wrote…
Very interesting stuff. 30
Posted by torgrim on Thu, 15 May 2008 23:42 | # Desmond Jones “the race replacement the transformation evoked by the presence of the Hasidim…” As mentioned this has been an ongoing invasion since the 80’s. Those that have allowed this to happen have violated their oath to uphold and defend the Constitution of the United States. Is there no District Attorney out there, that has the balls to bring rackateering indictments under the Federal RICO ACT? Surely, this cabal out of New York has commited the two federal felonies needed for the RICO statute to come into effect! Mainly being, Social Security fraud and immigrations violations. RICO… Iowa and California, Postville and Salinas…. two hellholes…. Watch, “No Country for Old Men” by the Cohens, .... if you want to see what it is like, for some of us in, Post America, America. 31
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 16 May 2008 04:06 | # From an organization called the JTA (I looked in vain around their site to see what JTA stood for):
(Hat tip.) Incidentally, browsing that JTA site a little, I happened to see
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 16 May 2008 04:48 | #
Just found out: it stands for the Jewish Telegraph Agency. 33
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 16 May 2008 05:06 | # From the Credit Where Credit is Due department: Here‘s a guy whose name is as Jewish-sounding as it gets, who is said to hold immigration views similar to Tom Tancredo’s. (Of course, Jews with such views being rarer than hens’ teeth, it’s perfectly legitimate to generalize about Jews’ genocidal preferences and intentions in this regard.) 34
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 16 May 2008 12:15 | # The New York Times being a Jewish-owned newspaper, it’s no surprise they deliberately twist the appearances surrounding the Postville affair, trying not only to obfuscate the real issues and the real interests and preferences of the local Iowa townsfolk in this matter, but actually trying to obfuscate who, exactly, the local “Iowa townsfolk” are, whether the white inhabitants or the Mexican illegals. This Jewish newspaper, in an effort to advance what it considers Jewish interests, brazenly (“genocidally” is the more appropriate adverb) tries to make it that the local Iowa townsfolk are the Mexican illegals, not the local Euro farming-and-small-business community. Why does the New York Times do that? Because it’s Jewish-owned and Jews for the most part don’t like Euros. For the Jewish owners of the New York Times Iowa is “flyover country,” a Jewish-invented term expressing the Jewish view of how worthless the entire Euro population is that dwells between the two more heavily Jewish coasts, and the local Iowans are flyover people, little better than cattle, something you don’t deal with or pay attention to but just fly over in an airplane while hopping from one heavily-Jewish (or heavily race-mixed and rootless-cosmopolitan) area to another, such as going from New York City to LA. To a certain kind of Jewish mind, the kind that owns the New York Times, the Mexican newcomers in this Iowa town (and the local Negroes, if there are any; probably not many of those in Postville though) are better people, worlds better people, than the local whites and are the sole legitimate inhabitants of the area, the local whites being usurpers of the land, racists, fascists, Neanderthals, born Jew-haters whether real or potential, Nazis, illegitimate in their core, who don’t deserve to exist and are a mortal ethno-racial enemy of the Jews, especially since they descend mostly from Englishmen, Germans, Norwegians, and Irishmen, Euro races which the Jews are far more on their guard against, and hate far more, than Meds let’s say (Greeks and Italians). The predictably Jewish stance taken by the Jewish-owned New York Times on this Postville story comes of course as absolutely no surprise, and is determined by narrow Jewish ethnoracial interests as those interests are perceived by a certain type of Jewish mind. The logical next step for a Euro who is concerned about galloping race-replacement of Euros is simply to mentally classify the New York Times as this kind of Jewish anti-Euro-race rag and ignore it completely except when it’s necessary to denounce it. Now, I understand of course that a comment such as the above risks sending someone like Constantin into conniption fits. Well, if the conniption fits, wear it. 35
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 16 May 2008 12:21 | # Why people on our side ever read the New York Times at all is something I haven’t understood for quite a while now. Paying attention to it helps give it legitimacy. It’s Eurodom’s mortal enemy and should be ignored totally. 36
Posted by Fr. John on Fri, 16 May 2008 14:59 | # The Term “New Jerusalem” is both theologically blasphemous (for those who care) and historically incorrect (for those who don’t). St. Paul and St. John, (in their Epistles in the New Testament) clearly delineated the [sic] ‘Jews’ as those OUTSIDE- forever- of the Covenant of the New Era, which Christ instituted via His Resurrection. Indeed, St. Paul clearly contrasts the slave maiden Hagar (as an aside, it is she who is claimed by Muslims as ‘their’ link to the Patriarchs) with the Biblical Sarah (Abraham’s wife), when contrasting the fleshly, ‘earthly’ [sic] Jews, and the ‘heavenly’ Spouse, [Gal.4:24ff.] the “New Jerusalem.” So, here is Rabbi Paul telling the ‘Jews’ that, while they thought they were the legal bride of YHWH God (as Sarah was the legal bride of Abraham) that, in actuality, they were no more/better than serving maids, nothing less ( and nothing more!) than the “Hagars’ of the World!!! St. John went further (if possible). He clearly showed [Rev. 3:12] and Blessed Augustine wrote an entire treatise upon [City of God] the UTTER difference between the “New Jerusalem” - which is Christendom- and the Old Jerusalem- which was the apostate people that Josephus chronicled as beasts, and mamzerized multicltural whores, who met their covenantal end in A.D. 70. Thus, Christendom- i.e., White Europe, is the heir to the title of “New Jerusalem” ... and NOT the perfidious Deicides. No, if you must use a new name, call it ‘New Talmud,’ or ‘New Marx.’ Either would be apt, and both are, at the very least, more historically accurate. 37
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 16 May 2008 16:13 | # Fr. John, part of my motivation here was theologically subversive in the sense that Christian eschatology seems to have become something of a derelict property, now occupied by the neocons and their evangelical supporters who are all too willing to sacrifice their sons to Zionist crusades in the middle east. This theological slum is breeding all manner of vermin and pestilence. If you have some reason to believe there is a better way to rehabilitate the property then by all means, let’s hear it, but be aware that we’re not dealing in “somedays” here—nor in “clear and present dangers” but in ongoing damage of Apocalyptic proportions. 38
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Fri, 16 May 2008 22:24 | # Ethnic cleansing is under way in the Rainbow Nation. I blame apartheid myself.
Posted by Bo on Fri, 16 May 2008 22:34 | # I’ve read the whole list above over the past three days, so I hope I am not repeating something already said. However, some posters have focused on the demographics of the owners & managers of the Postville scandal, but it is important to note that the immigration service is totally under the control of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff who is widely believed to have personally overseen the deportation of persons who are wanted in Germany for violating its anti-speech laws, as well as guided the departure of shady Israeli nationals following 9/11/01. If either of these stories is true, then we have a remarkable activist and dual-national in Bush’s cabinet with total control over immigration. So to look at this as something like an American-centric backlash is highly unlikely. It is much more likely to be evidence of some kind of intra-communal dispute. The raid on the butcher factory that produces no less than 50% of all kosher meat in the USA is going to inconvenience many communals in that demographic. But those inconvenienced are already nostile to the immigration service with very little room left to ramp up the hostility. Who knows? Maybe it’s a power struggle between factions led by Kissinger and by Soros, although by now, Chertoff must be very influential in intra-communal struggles, too. 40
Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 17 May 2008 04:37 | # the immigration service is totally under the control of Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff who is widely believed to have personally overseen the deportation of persons who are wanted in Germany for violating its anti-speech laws, as well as guided the departure of shady Israeli nationals following 9/11/01. —Bo I remember an article explaining that the U.S. Government was deporting an 85 year old German legal immigrant, because he trained dogs for the German government, during World War 2. But we are not deporting illegal aliens, despite the raped 10 year old Idaho girl, who just recently gave birth to the child of an illegal alien, and many murders inflicted by illegals. 41
Posted by Fr. John on Sat, 17 May 2008 13:25 | # “Christian eschatology seems to have become something of a derelict property, now occupied by the neocons and their evangelical supporters who are all too willing to sacrifice their sons to Zionist crusades in the middle east. This theological slum is breeding all manner of vermin and pestilence.” Mr Bowery, I couldn’t agree more! But simply because some are walking the slippery slope of ‘Deification of the Deicides’ (Hagee et al.) does not mean that: As to A) May I suggest a needed corrective, so that we can all have this theological ‘crepe,’ “Left Behind”? First off, Rev. Stephen Sizer, a Church of England Clergyman, has a website - He is not perfect: “Sizer who opposes antisemitism, speaks approvingly of the linguist and philosopher, Noam Chomsky…” (Semitic correctness raises it’s vulgar, illegitimate head) Which, (having noted even this) does not spare him from hatred- overt, unrighteous hatred- from the dupes of the Zionazis who call themselves Europeans: That is the Evangelical side, such as it is. As to B) I am opposed to such a view. I am an Orthodox cleric and the Orthodox have always held the ‘Jews’ at arms length…or further; but there are those who are as far away from my POV, as night is from day, (i.e., Calvinists) who also are diametrically opposed to such a view, and have been for some centuries. Two books for those interested: A website devoted to this Weltanschauung is [] -which often gives a tongue-firmly-in-cheek analysis of the stupidity of modern Evan-jelly-goos, liberals, and ‘Dhimmicrats.’ As to C), well, look at the ‘signs of the times’. Need I say more? When the resident ‘Fool of Canterbury’ (Rowan Williams) can, without divine lightning striking him dead, opt for ‘Sharia law’ as a British ‘option,’ you KNOW that the Almighty is, as they say, ‘pissed.’ But, instead of waiting for some supposed non-scriptural ‘rapture/rupture,’ I’d rather heed the words of a Scot’s Covenanter, who said, “I’d rather be found doing my duty to God and my country, laddie, than seeking an other-worldly escape from our task!” Amen, and AYE. 42
Posted by 357 on Sat, 17 May 2008 15:00 | # “As to C), well, look at the ‘signs of the times’. Need I say more?” Is Revolation 14:15 about to befall on mankind? “And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Thrust in thy sickle, and reap: for the time is come for thee to reap; for the harvest of the earth is ripe.” I beleive it is. 43
Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 19 May 2008 05:08 | # The possibility of a struggle between factions of the Jewish group is accommodated by the fact that Lubavitchers would be placed under the authority of less virulent Jews. While it may be that competition over kosher markets is playing a part, it is hard to believe that the Iraq War’s pressure on populations like Iowa, where reproductive rates have placed a high price on every young Iowan’s life, has played a minor part in the motives of neocons like Chertoff in putting an end to this situation that they must find “embarrassing”. 44
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 19 May 2008 06:20 | # Hibernia Girl also tells us that the Hasidim were apparently selling visas in China at $30,000 a pop. 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 19 May 2008 14:00 | # Everyone needs to read that Craig Nelsen article linked by Desmond above (second link in his comment), which I also commented on here: In the article Craig describes how the owners of this Postville meat plant were complicit in obtaining totally fraudulent work visas for Chinamen who had no intention of working at the plant (which was manned instead by illegal slave-labor imported from Mexico), Chinamen whose compradors back in China paid $30,000 a pop for the visas (to be paid back at usurious rates by the poor struggling Chinaman by pre-arranged bonded slave-labor indentured servitude in San Francisco’s Chinatown likely over a period of a decade or more), the Jewish Postville owners pulling in millions a year from that scam alone. Craig says the crux of the immigration problem is businessmen lobbying federal agencies such as the Department of Labor and of course Congress itself, spending immense sums to get the borders pried open. (He cites a figure of 74 million dollars spent lobbying just the Dept. of Labor, in the year 2004 alone, and similar sums spent the previous year and every year since, lobbying just that one agency.) Who are these businessmen paying these lobbying sums? And why is their tactic either not working or not being tried in one particular country? Is it possible that cultural- and blood-relatedness or lack thereof of the exploiters with the local exploitees determines where and by whom this tactic will be applied to the local community? Or determines how effectively the local community resists it? What was the ethnicity of all those newspaper editors who killed this sort of story every time Craig Nelsen got an investigative reporter interested in it? And are today’s ubiquitous tactical cries of “anti-Semitism” as effective in squelching that which one wishes squelched when the accused are also Jews? Jews in Israel, say? Unlikely, but they’re extremely effective as a tactic in places like ... Iowa ... So culture- and blood-relatedness or lack thereof probably play some role in what’s going on, and that probably in a number of ways: editors — of which ethnicity, I’d like to know? — kill your story; locals cower and are instantly disarmed at being called “anti-Semites” and “racists” purely tactically; etc., etc., etc. ... 46
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 19 May 2008 14:31 | # Which brings us back to the present log entry’s original point (or one of its original points) which also happens to be something I hold: Jews and Euros should live in separate countries. Open borders with the Third World and its races and cultures incompatible with ours is absolutely intolerable and no amount of good Jews do in a Euro country can even remotely begin to make up for their destructive role in prying the borders open. 47
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 19 May 2008 23:01 | # Apparently there was a compromise offered in the 1920s: Patrician Racist: The Evolution of Madison Grant
Interesting to ponder the notion that white nationalism originated with Jews. 48
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 21 May 2008 00:47 | # Actually, white nationalism appears to have originated with Thomas Jefferson’s claim that blacks and whites would be better off under separate nations. 49
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 21 May 2008 04:51 | # You’re too intelligent to believe that James. “A first question is, whether it is desirable for us to receive at present the dissolute and demoralized handicraftsmen of the old cities of Europe?” —Thomas Jefferson to J. Lithgow, 1805. ME 11:56 50
Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 21 May 2008 19:59 | # The quote you cite is not to the point. Many white nationalists have no difficulty with, and indeed demand controls on migration between white jurisdictions. Here is the relevant Jefferson quote:
Posted by 357 on Wed, 21 May 2008 22:46 | # Another Jewish swindler goes to prison:- 52
Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 21 May 2008 22:56 | # He says the same of the French, James.
[From Notes on the State of Virginia, ed. William Peden (Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for the Institute of Early American History and Culture, Williamsburg, Virginia, 1954), 84-5.] 53
Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 22 May 2008 04:46 | # I’m not sure what you’re getting at, Desmond. In what way is immigration restriction between white states inconsistent with white nationalism? Is there another term that should be used for the belief that the continental boundaries, that apparently created racial distinctions, should be reflected in the structure of our territories and their jurisdictions? Do you think that Jefferson would just as soon have an African immigrant as a French immigrant? 54
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 22 May 2008 07:42 | # It appears Jefferson wanted neither, James. He preferred to wait 27 years or, if you will, rely on the natural increase of the ‘Americans’ rather than encourage half-a-million Europeans to migrate to the US homeland to immediately increase the population. No, the original point was that white nationalism, “a defence of the legitimate civil rights of white people”, a racial construct that attempts to supercede American/European diversity, based on Boas fraudulent anthropological data, was derived by the Jews as a strategy to undermine the Grantian, old-stock Americans/Nordicist desire to restrict immigration fom eastern and southern Europe. The Spiro thesis appears to suggest that “some Jewish leaders resorted to the “if you can’t lick ‘em, join ‘em” strategy during the racially conscious 1920s. Jews would oppose immigration from Asia in the hope that “the old-stock Americans would permit them to join the Nordics in a coalition known as ‘the white race.’”26 In other words it’s a Salterian strategy. There is not a great distance between Euros, including Jews, we’re all white together boys and the big threat is from further Asian immigration. It appears the ‘Americans’ rejected that advance and the Jews shifted gears into a rainbow coalition strategy that really gained steam after WWII. And of course the nature of Jewish “whiteness” has proven a stumbling block for white nationalist, like Jared Taylor, to this very day. 55
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 24 May 2008 01:28 | # Jews would oppose immigration from Asia in the hope that “the old-stock Americans would permit them to join the Nordics in a coalition known as ‘the white race.’”26 In other words it’s a Salterian strategy. This is OK as far as it goes, but to be fair to Salter we must permit a hierarchical structure based on relatedness and that it manifestly was not the intent of Jews that they be excluded from any part of America whereas there are plenty of self-professed “white nationalists” that, consistent with Salter, are comfortable with internal migration controls. Now, I do have to admit that there are all-too-many “white nationalists” who see no “need” for internal migration restriction but they are not consistent with Salterian strategy. Indeed, Salterian strategy permits us to recognize our relatedness hence EGI with all humans relative to other primates, other primates relative to other mamals, etc. Post a comment:
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Posted by Old Guy on Tue, 13 May 2008 05:50 | #
James - you may be interested in the strategy of “Balkanization” as a solution.
It’s here: