No Global Age, only globalised greed

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 17 May 2008 00:50.

The blog has experienced a serious technical problem over the last few days, which prevented new postings.  Thankfully, James resolved it, and I’ve been pitched back into the world of political news and thought.  And what I have been trying to get a handle on has been that brief and very strange, conflicted marriage of radical leftist idealism, political establishments generally, American national interest and corporate greed which is, or was, the movement for globalisation.

I was thrust into this line of country by a news snippet two days ago about the resignation of Brazil’s political heroine and Environment Minister, Marina Silva.

“Environmental campaigners say her resignation is a major setback for the rainforest in Brazil.

“Brazil is losing the only voice in the government that spoke out for the environment,” said Sergio Leitao, director of public policy for Greenpeace in Brazil.

“The minister is leaving because the pressure on her for taking the measures she took against deforestation has become unbearable,” he added.

Economic development

Marina Silva has blamed the increasing deforestation of the Amazon on Brazilian cattle ranchers and farmers.

She had unsuccessfully opposed several government infrastructure projects in the Amazon rainforest, including two big hydroelectric dams on the River Madeira, and a major new road.

According to Brazilian media reports, she was also believed to be dismayed at the recent appointment of another minister to act as a coordinator for the government’s newly announced strategy for the Amazon.

The government’s decision to authorise genetically modified grains, and the construction of a new nuclear power plant, also went against the minister’s environmental concerns.

Correspondents say Ms Silva’s resignation will reinforce a perception that President Lula is more concerned with economic development than conservation.

What really did for her was the strongly rising cost of commodities on world markets.  Money, in other words ... and weak politicians.  These include the one-time champion of workers rights and two-times elected president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva.  But this is the sad, too too predictable story of globalisation everywhere.

Now, let’s rewind eighteen years and see how it came to this.  It means going back to the aftermath of the fall of the Berlin Wall.  Anyone past his twenties will likely remember watching the whole process of revolution in the east unfold.  It was an extraordinary and breathless passage of time, the like of which we simply did not believe we would witness in our lifetimes.  Those involved, of course, knew that communism as ideology was an empty shell.  Homo sovieticus had nothing to field against the national soul of the western satellites.  But what was not known was how weak the state structure itself was.

But, also, what I never dreamt as I watched the images on the television screen was how little the hard-left in the West, which had supported the workers’ paradise throughout, was inclined to walk into history with Homo sovieticus.  Instead, it stampeded into new political causes.

Certainly, as a long-time observer of the English political scene I knew that there were Trots - a fair number of them violent - in the left’s woodwork, plus a few Moscow hard-liners typically in Scottish trade unionism and many a devotee of Bennite socialism across the board.  These “elements” were already marginalised by the process of modernisation in the Labour Party.  They seemed perfectly doomed to me.  I never anticipated that the most unbalanced and violent elements would simply morph into animal rights activists.  And I certainly didn’t foresee, by the time of the Davos World Economic Forum in 1999, the emergence of a riotous hardcore of “anti-globalisation activists” (meaning anti-global capitalism activists).

Of course, one could see in the protesters at Davos and then at Seattle the face of anti-capitalism.  But this was still something new, a well-rehearsed and directed, revolutionary street theatre in chic surroundings.  The objective was not to protest for its own sake, like the self-indulgent protests of old.  These people were out to expose the oppressive mechanisms which underpinned corporate rapacity in the Third World, and to embarrass that portion of the Establishment left which, like Sn Lula, acquiesced in it.  They went about it intelligently.

But, just as before, the hard edge of leftist radicalism was the small minority.  The vast majority of thinking folk in the mainstream left were no less quick to identify global justice as the new black, but sashayed down the political catwalk after their undisputed leader, Bill Clinton.

Now, had I paid sufficient attention to the reinventive capacities of Malcolm Bradbury’s anti-hero in his 1975 campus novel, The History Man, I would have known about this.  The millenial History Men of the 1990s wasted no time in learning that “globality” was the successor to centrality, and that the advocacy of environmental standards and workers’ basic rights in the Third World stood for the international solidarity of the old left.

Globalisation, then, gave the post-Soviet left in the West the chance to believe again in the inevitability of human progress, and also, as the main driver of progress, in the West’s moral duty to the rest of Mankind.  While separate from the much more established effort to negate nationalism in the European mind (by the destruction of the very concept of the nation itself through unlimited population transfer), it nevertheless dovetailed with it.  Open-borders, multiculturalism, institutionalised anti-racism and affirmative action were reverse methodologies of bringing the post-nation into the global.

At home and abroad, then, the left had reasons to embrace the oppressed if they had a brown or black-skin ... if they were victims of wars fought with Western weapons ... if they were victims of “exclusion” or “racism”, etc ... if they were the wage slaves of Western capitalism.  It must have been leftist heaven for a time.

But it couldn’t last.  As an effort to give moral leadership to the immoral interests of global corporations it was able to survive only so long as Clinton could find a way to express American interests through all the universalist rubric.  But, increasingly, those interests could not be disguised, nor separated from the interests of money and naked power (which had its own agenda, its own institutions, its own meeting places and a much more established role in the game of world politics).

Once George Bush planted his simian toe on the White House doormat the global narrative was swept away.  We had the “clash of civilizations” and the “War on Terror” instead.

Today, the core issues beloved by the left - the moralistic, anti-Western environmentalism and the demand for global justice - are off the agenda in any meaningful sense.  We had the UN Statement of its Millenial Goals.  We had Blair’s 2003 Commission for Africa.  Plus ça change.

Pro-Western, pro-EU neoliberal governments are everywhere in eastern Europe.  The most recent victors, Yushchenko in Ukraine and Tusk in Poland, will now be joined by a surprised Boris Tadic in Serbia.  David Cameron seems all but certain to defeat Brown in 2010.

The left in Britain, anyway, cannot find a role for itself, nationally or internationally.  In America, the War on Terror will dominate the next presidential term, whoever wins in November.

Meanwhile, the deathless idealists and contrarians are busy morphing out of another failed project.  The global-left and the anti-globalization left have been toying with alternative globalisation, and are on their way to the alter-global movement.  They talk about global civil society, and they seek influence through regular social forums attended by thousands of like-minded intellectuals and activists.  In 2004 one of them, Geoffrey Pleyers, described the spirit of these events as celebrating diversity and embracing movement rather than organization.

And that, surely, looks like the end of the effort to achieve the Global Age by direct involvement in government.

There persists one mighty gain for these people’s programme that has not been in any way been reversed (except, maybe, in some very small way in Italy).  The nations of the West are still on course for ethno-suicide.

A little victory in the battle that, if we are to survive, must have thousands of such victories, may be that those two words used by Pleyers - celebrating diversity - are just too filled with pathos now to be serviceable.  In memorium, then, I offer this trip down memory lane:-

Jack Straw, 11th October 2000: “Everyone should stand up for Britain and for British values and celebrate the nation’s diversity”

Tony Blair, Mansion House speech 15th November 2004 : [Britain] is a country which, for all the concern over asylum and immigration, is essentially at peace with its diversity of cultures and faiths, indeed rather proud of it. Britain is working.

Jack McConnell, 25th February 2006:  “I want a future for Scotland where all young Scots have the chance to use their talents and find fulfilling work. But I also want young Scots, all Scots, to have respect for others, celebrate diversity and aim high.”

David Cameron, 17th March 2006: “We should celebrate the fact that we live in a multi-racial country, where all the different communities make a massive contribution to our success. My area - North Kensington, not Notting Hill - is fantastically multi-ethnic and a vibrant, wonderful part of Britain. I often do my Saturday shopping off the Golborne Road, which must be one of the most multi-ethnic streets in Britain.”

Brendan Barber, TUC General Secretary on 6th April 2006: “We will not stand on the sidelines and watch organisations like the far right spread their poison in workplaces and in towns and cities across the country. We are keen to work with local communities to ensure that everyone understands that there is much more that unites communities than divides them. We should celebrate our diversity as a strength - not as a weakness.”

Ken Livingstone on 6th June 2006: “recent polls have shown that 80% of Londoners want me as mayor to support events that celebrate London and its diverse communities. That is because Londoners value their city’s unique character and want to celebrate it - 85% enjoy the capital’s cultural diversity.”

Gordon Brown, 18th June 2006: “In the modern society of the 21st century as we tackle the challenges ahead, it’s right and proper we celebrate the diversity of the capital”

Ruth Kelly, 13th September 2006: “I want to start by saying that I believe that Britain’s diversity is a huge asset to our country. Immigration has helped transform our economy, supporting growth and boosting productivity. Immigration has helped enrich our cultural life. the capital’s diversity (is) now commonly acknowledged to be one of its key attractions. migrant workers have been vital to supporting our public services. I believe that we should celebrate and clearly articulate the benefits that migration and diversity have brought.”

Tony Blair, in a statement on the slave trade on 27th November 2006: ... this 200th anniversary of the abolition of the slave trade is a chance for all of us to increase our understanding of the heritage we share, celebrate the richness of our diversity and increase our determination to shape the world with the values we share.”

Douglas Alexander, 8th December 2006: “I think, as the Prime Minister was making clear in a speech this morning, that we should celebrate diversity but not difference.”

Baroness Amos 11th December 2006: “I feel totally integrated into British society. I value the fact that I have multiple identities. I am British. I was born in Guyana. I have a strong affinity to Africa.  [Multicultural events] allow us to learn from and respect the cultures of the different peoples who are British. They also help us to celebrate the diversity which exists in our society.”

Boris Johnston, 27th September 2007: “The job of the Mayor is simple - to get people to work on time, to ensure people feel safe on the streets, to help people find a place to call home, to celebrate our diversity and to champion our success.”

Jacqui Smith, 10th October 2007: “Each and every one of us can help to create an environment where equality and diversity are valued and celebrated.”

Hazel Blears, 17th February 2008: “... in my view, and what the Labour Party’s always been about, is saying that we do celebrate the diversity of this country.  It brings us enormous strength.”

Thanks for reading all this.  It’s nice to be back.



Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Sat, 17 May 2008 04:08 | #

Interesting post! The neo-Marxists are at it again. They will never stop, until our race is extinguished (and at least Europe is Islamized) and/or when they are permanently neutralized.

The quotes from the British politicians is most frightening!

Great Literature piece!


Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 17 May 2008 05:36 | #

“Facts are the things that don’t go away when you stop believing in them.”


Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 17 May 2008 05:46 | #

Netherlands Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin has attracted sharp criticism from a large part of the Lower House following the surprise arrest of cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot. He is facing charges of discrimination.

The arrest took place last Tuesday. The well-known stand-up comedian Hans Teeuwen, a friend of Nekschot, said on TV programme Pauw en Witteman that around 10 police dragged the cartoonist out of his home in Amsterdam in a brutal manner. His computer and telephone were seized, according to a furious Teeuwen.

The Public Prosecutor’s Office (OM) in Amsterdam confirmed that Nekschot (‘Neck Shot’) was arrested for the publication of cartoons that are discriminatory against Muslims and people of darker skin. The cartoonist was held for about a day and a half and interrogated twice. The OM still has to decide whether he will actually be prosecuted.

The arrest is particularly remarkable because it follows a complaint dating from 2005. Three years later, there was suddenly reason to take Nekschot by surprise in his home, said Teeuwen with incomprehension.

Hirsch Ballin said Friday the arrest was only now carried out because Nekschot’s identity was not known to the OM before. According to website, this is nonsense because internet providers must provide the details of operators of websites they host if the OM asks for this as part of a criminal investigation.

The OM did not bother to make such a request before, but Hirsch Ballin apparently now wants headlines such as ‘Cartoonist Arrested in The Netherlands’ to be send into the world to improve tense relations with Arab countries, Geenstijl suggested.

Centre-left D66 MP Boris van der Ham has requested Justice Minister Ernst Hirsch Ballin for clarification. The arrest raises “many questions about freedom of speech,” according to Van der Ham.

Socialist Party (SP) MP Jan de Wit also finds it very strange that the cartoonist was “arrested in his bed for a cartoon from 2005.” Freedom of expression “means that people must be able to draw and say whatever they want.” The conservatives (VVD) were also very critical.

The government parties did not want to use hard words. Labour (PvdA) MP Ton Heerts did say that “prosecuting a cartoonist is going pretty far.” But the Christian democrats (CDA) and ChristenUnie said the OM probably has good reasons for its way of operating.

Cartoonists, comics and columnists have more freedom of expression than other citizens, according to jurisprudence. This is due to the form - artistic or satirical - they choose for their argument.

Party for Freedom (PVV) leader Geert Wilders is accusing the OM in Amsterdam, which gave the police the order for the arrest, of “dictatorial tendencies.” Wilders said Friday he cannot remember a cartoonist ever being arrested anywhere in the West. He wants to call Hirsch Ballin to account Tuesday during the weekly question hour in the Lower House.

The arrest followed an investigation of the work of Nekschot, after a complaint was made against him in 2005 by Abdul Jabbar van de Ven. This Dutch convert to Islam calls himself an Imam. After the murder of filmmaker Theo van Gogh, he said on TV he would thank Allah if he could arrange for Geert Wilders to die, “for example of cancer”.

Jabbar van de Ven made the complaint to the National Discrimination Expertise Centre (LECD). This complaint was passed on to the OM. According to, Paul Velleman, the prosecutor who gave the order for the cartoonist’s arrest, is also the head of the LECD.

Gregorius Nekschot publishes mainly on the Internet, but also produced a book titled ‘Nekschot: Sick jokes.’ Theo van Gogh, assassinated by a Muslim terrorist in 2004, gave space on his website to the work of Nekschot.

According to Teeuwen, the cartoonist was intimidated by one of the officers during his arrest, who apparently said that his real surname would be made public. “A pretty intimidating remark.” Precisely because of the threat of radical Muslims, Nekschot is very cautious about who he gives his real name to, said Teeuwen.

Prosecutor Paul Velleman is also leading the OM team that is investigating whether Wilders should be prosecuted for discrimination, according to In 2005, Velleman decided that the radical E Tawheed mosque in Amsterdam could not be prosecuted for selling books in which calls were made for throwing homosexuals from apartment buildings head-first.


Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 17 May 2008 06:05 | #

In response to the article posted by Robert Reis:

If this is not a Declaration of War, against the Dutch people, then I don’t know what is and/or would be.

Dutch “anti-racism” has evidenced itself to be the enemy.  The “anti-racists” are out to exterminate us and our racial cousins, across the [Atlantic] Ocean.

This even applies to religion. I don’t want to see Islam conquer Europe, even when disregarding race. 

We must unite to preserve our race and religion!


Posted by Bill on Sat, 17 May 2008 09:52 | #

Thanks for that GW.

Looks as though I’m right, the writing is on the wall for our technological industrialised world, the left are, (as always) casting around for ways of saving mankind.

Our way of living, which has been facilitated by the abundance of cheap energy, is rapidly coming to a close, forcing mankind into an evolutionary convulsion, its collapse will be swifter than its emergence.

It would appear, that to the thinkers, movers and shakers, the white race has gotta go, as they are perceived as the roadblock to the progress of humankind.

The oncoming evolutionary convulsion will of course pay no heed to the thinkers, for this is where Darwinism (reality) comes into its own, anyway, they haven’t consulted the whites yet, for I’m sure they will have something to say on the subject.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 May 2008 10:34 | #

I did not know that, Robert.  Thanks.  But who is discriminating against whom?

Ernst Maurits Henricus Hirsch Ballin (born Amsterdam, December 15, 1950) is a Dutch politician, minister of Justice in the Fourth cabinet Balkenende. He previously was minister of Justice in the third Lubbers cabinet (1989-1994), and successor of Piet Hein Donner as justice minister in the third Balkenende cabinet (2006). He is a member of the CDA, a Christian-democratic party. He was born to jewish parents, but converted to catholicism during his studies at Amsterdam University.

After a parliamentary inquiry (1994) into the investigative methods used by the Dutch interregional police force (IRT affair), Hirsch Ballin had to resign from his position. He then was respectively a member of the Dutch House of Representatives, member of the Dutch Senate, and from 2000, member of the Dutch Council of State.


Posted by Gordon of Khartoum on Sat, 17 May 2008 14:07 | #

Quote:  “Certainly, as a long-time observer of the English political scene I knew that there were Trots - a fair number of them violent - in the left’s woodwork, plus a few Moscow hard-liners typically in Scottish trade unionism and many a devotee of Bennite socialism across the board.  These “elements” were already marginalised by the process of modernisation in the Labour Party.  They seemed perfectly doomed to me.  I never anticipated that the most unbalanced and violent elements would simply morph into animal rights activists.  And I certainly didn’t foresee, by the time of the Davos World Economic Forum in 1999, the emergence of a riotous hardcore of “anti-globalisation activists” (meaning anti-global capitalism activists).” “

Me and my pal Andy noticed this in the early 90’s with the protests over live veal transports; the anarcho-syndicalists labelled the SWP activists as <b<Baa Baa Bolsheviks<b> .


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 May 2008 15:14 | #

Snouck blogs on the Gregorius Nekschot arrest (see Robert Reis’ and GW’s comments):

Dutch cartoonist Gregorius Nekschot draws cartoons that ridicule Islam and political correctness.  “Gregorius Nekschot” is a pseudonym.

Three years ago civil servant Enver Varisli of the Mercator (in Amsterdam-West) Discrimination Desk (MDI) reported six of Nekschot’s cartoons as violating the anti-discrimination laws.

Yesterday his house was invaded by ten policemen.  They arrested Gregorius Nekschot, confiscated his computer, phone, back-up drive and a usb-stick.  Mr. Nekschot was then taken to a high-security prison (Bijlmer bajes) and was released today.

Ominiously the police told Nekschot that his cartoons were worse than Denmark’s and that he would be in trouble for ridiculing Islam and its prophet.

Neksschot replied, “You are placing a very heavy responsibility on your shoulders.”

In a interview with the Amsterdam newspaper Parool Mr. Nekschot added that he “never tried to evade the law.  My web site contains a direct link to the MDI (Anti-Discrimination Desk).  But I have always been very careful with my identity.  I do not use that pseudonym for nothing.  What I create is no trifling matter and I know what its consequences could be.  Which is why I am very afraid of a conviction.  Suppose I go to jail.  As the maker of those cartoons I would have to fear for my life.”

Posted by Snouck at 18:55

I have to say that photo of Hirsch Ballin (see the link in Guessedworker’s comment) rivals Red Ken’s for making my blood run cold.  Take a look at the face on that guy.  Terrifying!  Oh, and about his conversion from Judaïsm to Catholicism?  He can convert back now, he’s not fooling anyone:  his cover’s blown, as they say.  (Same goes for the Aftonbladet’s columnist and former editor Helle Klein up in Sweden.) 

And how about this Paul Velleman character?  Who the hell is this son of a bitch and what in the goddamn hell is his problem?  He acts like the Dutch government’s very own official version of Canada’s Richard “The Incredible Asshole” Warmann.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sat, 17 May 2008 15:43 | #

Add Liz Windsor to the diversitoids:

There is certainly much more to be done and many challenges to be overcome. Discrimination still exists. Some people feel that their own beliefs are being threatened. Some are unhappy about unfamiliar cultures. They all need to be reassured that there is so much to be gained by reaching out to others; that diversity is indeed a strength and not a threat.

Queen’s speech 2005

If diversity were “indeed a strength”, people wouldn’t need to be told it was so often. See Jared Taylor for a definitive refutation:

The Myth of Diversity: Seldom have so many pretended to believe something so absurd


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 May 2008 15:43 | #

The Queen joins the Pope in officially advocating the overthrow of Christianity by Islam and Europe’s total race-replacement.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 May 2008 16:04 | #

Make that “joins the Pope and the Archbishop of Canterbury in officially advocating the overthrow of Christianity by Islam [etc.]”

At least the complete nincompoop Rowan Williams has the excuse he was hand-picked by obedient globalist toady, Tony Blair, so had no business being Archbishop of Canterbury in the first place.  What’s the Queen’s excuse?  And what’s Prince Phillip’s for not being able to control her?  (Or, perhaps, for [... gag ...] agreeing with her???) 

As for the Pope, the mind simply boggles at the depths of his ineptness and evildoing.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 May 2008 16:20 | #

I posted this Brenda Walker link already in another thread but if I may, I’ll post it again here since it’s highly relevant to the topic of globalism and shows clearly, in one quick read for any doubters (though you do have to read between the lines a bit), how globalism (and the open borders and government-enforced race-replacement that go along with it) is not happening by itself but is carefully planned and meticulously implemented by the Eurosphere’s ruling élites.  In my view it’s been in the active planning stages since WW II’s end and in the active implementation stages since the mid-1970s — and of course has been galloping since the mid-1980s, and especially since communism’s downfall in 1989 freed up all the communists to cross over and join the E.U. posing as democrats without shedding a single one of their West-destroying, race-and-nation-obliterating, one-socialist-world, Homo sovieticus communist objectives.


Posted by Matra on Sat, 17 May 2008 16:29 | #

The most recent victors, Yushchenko in Ukraine and Tusk in Poland, will now be joined by a surprised Boris Tadic in Serbia.

Not so fast. The giddy response to the Serbian election from the globalists may have been premature.

Anti-western parties negotiating ‘nationalist’ coalition government in Serbia
23 hours ago

BELGRADE, Serbia — Serbia’s anti-western parties say they are close to forming a coalition government.

The nationalists and Socialists say they agreed late Thursday on a general set of principles for a new “national” government. Spokesman say additional meetings are scheduled to flesh out details of the accord.

The deal would be between the far-right Radical party, Prime Minister Vojislav Kostunica’s Popular Coalition and the Socialist party of the late strongman Slobodan Milosevic.

They have teamed up to challenge pro-western President Boris Tadic’s coalition, which won the most votes in Sunday’s general elections - but not enough to govern alone.


Notice how in almost every report about the Serbian elections the media use the term ‘anti-Western’ to describe the very moderate Serbian nationalists. Sovereignty is now ‘anti-Western’. The ironically named Radio Free Europe (an American propaganda outlet) used the term ‘Nationalist-Socialist’ to describe the potential coalition in Serbia. Hmm…what does that remind you of?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 May 2008 17:43 | #

Oops!  I guess the Jews have their work cut out for them getting Southern Italians to swallow their multiculti bullshit:

Firefighters inspect the remains of a Gypsy camp set alight in Naples after a resident was accused of trying to abduct a baby.  Photograph: Salvatore Laporta/AP

Hey how come Israel doesn’t have a gypsy problem?  Aren’t the Jews the ones who want the borders open (everyone’s but theirs) and everyone to mix with everyone (everyone but them)? 

What’s up with that?  Who’s depriving the Jews and Israel of the benefits, advantages, and sheer joys of multiculturalism the Jews never stop telling eveyone about?  Whoever it is I want it stopped and several hundred thousand gypsies let into Israel immediately.  It’s grossly unfair to the Jews to keep them from enjoying all those benefits!  It’s downright criminal!

(Hat tip.)


Posted by Robert Reis on Sat, 17 May 2008 20:42 | #

17 May 2008
Oynklent Green Adds Trial Lawyers to Official List of Approved Feedstocks
Oynklent Green [OTC:OYNK] has recently completed a study of tort reform in the US state of Mississippi, and concluded that trial lawyers can safely be added to its official list of approved feedstocks for thermochemical bio-energy production. Trial lawyers will be accepted as feedstock alongside corrupt politicians.
The law that eventually passed was every trial lawyers’ worst nightmare…Almost overnight, the flow of lawsuits began to dry up and businesses started to trickle in. Federal Express invested $1 billion in a new facility in the state. Toyota chose Mississippi over about a dozen other states for a new $1.2 billion, 2,000-worker auto plant…Since the law took effect, the number of medical malpractice lawsuits has fallen by nearly 90%, which in turn has cut malpractice insurance costs by 30% to 45%, depending on the county.

...The Pacific Research Institute estimates that the tort system nationwide costs the economy about $7,000 for every family in America. The pols in Washington are sending out tax-rebate checks of up to $1,200 for married couples in hopes of stimulating the economy. But outside of Mississippi and a few other places, there seems to be little understanding of how frivolous lawsuits and greedy tort lawyers weigh down the economy….Thanks to Mr. Barbour, the state’s unemployment rate is down to about 6% from nearly 9%. Last year, Mississippi’s per capita income growth was 6.7%, third highest of the 50 states and well above the national average of 5.2%. Mississippi tort reform is making the poor richer, and the rich lawyers less fabulously rich. __WSJ__via__LibLeanings
Oynklent officials have concluded that trial lawyers represent an enormous liability to the welfare of any state, province, or nation. By using trial lawyers as feedstock for thermochemical bio-energy production, Oynklent Green will not only be providing a useful product to the community—energy—but it will also be removing a destructive and parasitic influence.

At this time, the two officially approved feedstocks for the Oynklent Green thermochemical bio-energy process are corrupt politicians and trial lawyers. Oynklent officials continue their vigilence in the search for viable bio-energy feedstock that will not drive the price of food higher. It certainly appears that they have chosen well, and that quality of life for everyone should begin to go up as soon as OG goes into full production mode.
Labels: bioenergy, Oynklent Green, trial lawyers


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 May 2008 23:25 | #

Jeremy Seabrook, a leftist intellectual and internationalist of the old school, has an interesting and extremely forcefully written article on New Labour at the Guardian.

His take on globalisation is somewhat different to mine.  He writes:-

Labour had no choice but to accept the compulsions of globalisation. Thatcher’s skill had been to embrace, and to make her own, changes that were already well under way. She cleverly made a virtue of necessity.

The dismantling of a national division of labour and its dispersal in a global equivalent effectively neutralised the power of organised labour in one country. By its failure to contest the proposition that “the world had changed”, New Labour was constructed upon the tacit admission of its own powerlessness.

This is, no doubt, why Blair exhorted the party to constant “change”, “reform” and perpetual “modernisation” - an illusion of control over the no-longer-contestable imperatives of globalism.

New Labour was thus enlisted on the side of the “forces of conservatism”, against which Blair is supposed to have set his face to sternly. With its wholehearted submission to the economics of globalisation, New Labour at the same time provided a strong bulwark against any significant discussion of its political consequences.

This is why debate in Britain has been parochial and trivial, and may be the reason why many have voluntarily disfranchised themselves. Popular perception that there is no difference between the Conservatives and New Labour is not a result of apathy or ignorance: it is a proper response to a collusive mainstream agreement on the absence of alternatives.

... Those working for international justice and equality are now pitted against fierce defenders of - often modest - privilege. It is inevitable that these latter will be influenced by old imperialistic atavisms and racisms. (This is why the BNP, far from representing a disgruntled minority, has yet to reach its fullest expression.)

The determination to hold on to fragile gains in a world where more than half the people live on less than £1 a day is unlikely to prove a particularly dignified dispute. Not for the first time, those banished to the margins - greens, civil society, human rights activists and the poor of the earth on one side; racists, xenophobes and those devoted to the conservation of privilege on the other - will be the principal players in the politics of this century. The achievement of New Labour has been to obscure these antagonisms, at least for a while.

“Ordinary” has joined the thread, but too late to engage with the debate, I suspect.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 18 May 2008 08:28 | #

Guardian CIF The politics of impotence.

Comment No. 1356363
May 17 19:22

Broadly speaking the convergence of British mainstream political parties is the result of Labour adopting Conservative economic policies and the Conservatives adopting Labour’s (culturally Marxist) social policies

In a nutshell?


Posted by Bert Rustle on Sun, 18 May 2008 10:45 | #

Lee Barnes has an article


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 18 May 2008 13:00 | #

Thanks, Bert.  Not bad at all from Mr Barnes, notwithstanding the occasional lapses into the Disgusting Habits of Capital Letters.  I am totally unconvinced about eco-nationalism.  It seems to me that energy outages and the rest will likely be accepted, as they were in the eastern European satellites.  Further, a people sozzled with “entertainment” won’t rise up against their complacent masters.  They will plead fot them to solve all the problems:-

Ed Higgins: No.  It’s simple economics.  Today it’s oil, right?  In 10 or 25 years food ... plutonium.  And maybe even sooner.  What do you think the people are going to want us to do then?

Joe Turner: Ask them

Ed Higgins: Now now. Then.  Ask them when they’re running out.  Ask them when there’s no heat and they’re cold.  Ask them when their engines stop.  Ask them when people who have never known hunger start going hungry.  Want to know something?  They won’t want us to ask them.  They’ll want us to get it for them.


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sun, 18 May 2008 14:44 | #

You’re a glutton for punishment, GW. Seabrook is barely a mediocre writer, and even then only by comparison with other lefties.

...what is the point of a party that appears adrift in a world it never made, stranded in an ideological cul-de-sac?

How can it be both adrift and stranded? Logic fetters the will, which is why lefty prose prefers to ignore it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 18 May 2008 15:33 | #


The CiF comment rules state:-

We will remove posts that contain racist, sexist or offensive/threatening language, personal attacks on the writer or other posters, posts that exceed the maximum length, and posts that are off topic. Any poster who repeatedly contravenes the talk policy will be banned from posting on the website.

I’ve reached the conclusion that my posts are often deleted because they are a little too blunt about the journalist’s initial offering, especially when said journalist is a foreigner and is nakedly ethnic-mongering.  So now it’s my policy not to get deleted, and not to get banned.

“Ordinary” has only been kicked once today (by “tooter”), which is a record I think.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 May 2008 18:21 | #

David Rockefeller is, of course, one of the biggest globalist criminals the world has ever seen.  (He’s 92 and, unfortunately for the world, still active.)

“For more than a century, ideological extremists at either end of the political spectrum have seized upon well-publicized incidents, such as my encounter with Castro, to attack the Rockefeller family for the inordinate influence they claim we wield over American political and economic institutions.  Some even believe we are part of a secret cabal working against the best interests of the United States, characterizing my family and me as ‘internationalists’ and of conspiring with others around the world to build a more integrated global political and economic structure — one world, if you will.  (Scroob note:  ten minutes of googling will not just confirm that “claim” but confirm it beyond even the conspiracy theorists’ worst nightmares.)  If that is the charge, I stand guilty, and I am proud of it.” — From David Rockefeller’s “Memoirs,” p.405.  (from the footnotes in the Wikipedia link above)


Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sun, 18 May 2008 18:54 | #

“Ordinary” has only been kicked once today (by “tooter”), which is a record I think.

Yes, you need to *think*. It’s Noam Chomsky’s prime directive, I believe. As a troglodyte, you’ll not find it easy, but you’ll know you’ve succeeded when you agree with tooter.

Interesting fact in this review of Levy’s autobiography:

Levy got himself involved in politics because he wanted to give something back. Even if he had not done so, there would be reason enough to be enormously grateful to him, not least for the extraordinarily gifted musicians he introduced to the world. Alvin Stardust, Susan Cadogan and “the hugely talented band, Bad Manners”, who you may happily remember from their scorching hit, Lip Up Fatty. But luckily for us, he did get involved in politics, although it took some trying. <u>John Smith’s office would have pretty much nothing to do with him - unaccountably, they seemed suspicious</u> - and even when he’d gained the trust of Blair, there were some renegades who regarded him with outright hostility - Alastair Campbell, for example, and Gordon Brown, and the rest of the Labour party. A Question of Honour: Inside New Labour and the True Story of the Cash for Peerages Scandal

So Smith wasn’t such a Friend of Israel. Lucky he died prematurely, then, from the Chosenites’ POV. I suppose he was Gaitskell to Blair’s Harold Wilson.

He died in January 1963 aged 56, after a sudden attack of Lupus erythematosus; a rare autoimmune disease. His death left an opening for Harold Wilson in the party leadership. The abrupt and unexpected nature of his death led to speculation that foul play was involved, the most popular conspiracy theory involving a KGB plot to ensure that Wilson (supposedly a KGB agent himself) became prime minister. This claim was given new life by Peter Wright’s controversial 1987 book Spycatcher, but the only evidence that has ever come to light is the testimony of Soviet defector Anatoliy Golitsyn. Hugh Gaitskell is buried in Hampstead, north London.
Gaitskell at Wikipedia


Posted by Jethro Jebus Lord Garth on Sun, 18 May 2008 20:52 | #

Say Scrooby,  have you discussed these issues with your local turd-burglar of “God”? I’m wondering since you’ve admitted to be a Roman Cornholer, yet you spend all your time on message boards rather than confronting the sissies of “God” directly.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 May 2008 21:13 | #

To Jethro (if I understood his comment right, admittely a big “if”):

The Catholics are free to come read my comments anywhere I post them.


Posted by Jethro Jebus Lord Garth on Sun, 18 May 2008 22:29 | #

That’s not it Scrooby. You sass the RC behind it’s back on the internet but won’t confront it directly because of personal weakness. You remind me of those losers okiereddust and Walter Yannis over at


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 May 2008 22:36 | #

Confront it directly?  Can you speak to the Pope’s agent about getting me a personal audience?  E-mail me care of the blog.


Posted by 357 on Mon, 19 May 2008 00:36 | #

“Marina Silva has blamed the increasing deforestation of the Amazon on Brazilian cattle ranchers and farmers. “Brazil is losing the only voice in the government that spoke out for the environment, ...”

This is just another event that is leading us right into a Malthusian catastrophe.

If the third world population explosion isn’t reversed, I’m afraid we’re ALL doomed to a life of untold misery. DOOMED!!!


Posted by 357 on Mon, 19 May 2008 15:50 | #

“The Prince of Wales has warned that the world faces a series of natural disasters within 18 months unless urgent action is taken to save the rainforests.  [ ... ]  In one of his most out-spoken interventions in the climate change debate, he said a £15 billion annual programme was required to halt deforestation or the world would have to live with the dire consequences…..”

Is Prince Charles just another kooky guy that is using environmentalist propaganda to promote the globalists’ agenda, or is he warning us about something that is real .... or both?


Posted by Bill on Mon, 19 May 2008 16:19 | #

Kunstler’s take for the week.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 19 May 2008 23:03 | #

Challenge for leader blog.  19.05.2008.

Anonymous posted .....

.......“Ever since Gri££in took over, the party has become obsessed with Islam and uses Islamophobia as its main propaganda tool. Even worse is that it has attracted a new breed of members who are bitterly opposed to Islam but in many cases are not real patriots or nationalists. If you factor out Islam, then some of these new members are barely different to the people found in the Conservatives or even the Lib-Dems. There is also the possibility that the BNP has been hijacked by Zionists. Most Zionists are not Jews but fundamentalist Christians which explains the pro-Christian bias of many of the Islamophobes and the attempt to turn the BNP into a Christian party.”.........

Seems I am not alone - I’ve thought this from the very beginning.  -  Bill.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 21 May 2008 02:06 | #

I worship this woman and the government that appointed her.  Notice again, it’s among the Southern Europeans more than among the Northern that are most easily found men, women, and governments whose loyalty to truth and whose devotion to mental and societal health, normalness, and happiness permit them neither to agree with, nor to cower before, the twisted, the politically correct, the degenerate, be it on the part of the communist, the leftist, the homosexual, or the Jewish aggressor.  Look at her Italian face:  no degenerate on earth can scare her into submission:  she has too much intelligence, too many hormones, too much strength, too much sheer womanliness.  She has too much love.  To release these genes you must need heat or something — they never seem to get activated in northern Europe where the women are all women’s libbers and the Nords just can’t seem to race-replace themselves fast enough, while the Neapolitans in the South are out there defending themselves unapologetically with Molotov cocktails lobbed into baby-thieving gypsy camps.  Hey I’m against violence but still ... when the hell are we going to see some self-defense behavior among the PC-submissive Jew-fearing homosexual-dominated Northern race-replaced slaves?  Was there ever a Northern-Euro woman in politics who expressed herself the way this feminine-souled iron-willed crystal-clear-headed Italian goddess has?  Ever in the past hundred years?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 21 May 2008 05:05 | #

Silvio Berlusconi spent his first day as Italy’s new Prime Minister on Tuesday promising to deal swiftly with the country’s many pressing problems [...].  And how does he plan to deal with it all?  By appointing a cabinet that will include — if Silvio sticks to his election campaign pledge — a record number of women.  Berlusconi promised to give at least four of his 12 cabinet posts to women.  One is expected to be Mara Carfagna (above right), a former Miss Italy contestant, who is in the running for Minister for the Family, while Stefania Prestigiacomo (above left), a member of his Forza Italia party, looks likely to be given the European Affairs portfolio. [...] Last week [Berlusconi] enraged his left-wing rivals by declaring that right-wing female politicians were “more beautiful” than those on the Left.  “The left has no taste, even when it comes to women,” he announced.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 21 May 2008 05:17 | #

And check this out.  Looks like Italy bids fair to lead us all out of this goddamn mess we’re in!  These Italians are unafraid, they don’t give a good god damn about bullshit, threats, or PC intimidation, they are determined, they know what they don’t want, and they will not quit.  They may end up showing the lost, confused, and cowed Nords the way!


Posted by me on Wed, 21 May 2008 06:57 | #

LOL scrooby…but what does that say about America? Not to name names…HILLARY…CONDI…
in fact obama is the only halfway handsome one in the lot, even taking age into account…


Posted by me on Wed, 21 May 2008 06:59 | #

btw scrooby you will be dissapointed to know that I lived in Italy for a while and the Italians are freindly and normal, and not race obsessed facists.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 21 May 2008 12:03 | #

Notice that both of “me’s” comments just above were examples of several logical fallacies, chiefly ignoratio elenchi but non sequitur was in there, as well as others.  Subcons are usually smarter than that, “me.”  You need to work on your English reading comprehension a little.  How’s your Sanskrit?


Posted by Varun on Fri, 23 May 2008 10:02 | #

“obama is the only halfway handsome one ” Obama even remotley handsome? Are you crazy


Posted by 357 on Fri, 23 May 2008 14:25 | #

“in fact obama is the only halfway handsome one in the lot, even taking age into account…”

Obama looks like your typical gangling black teenager ... with Alfred E Newman ears. heh heh heh


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 May 2008 21:16 | #

Teddy Kennedy may deliberately try to play on public and Congressional sympathy, elicited by his terminal illness, to drum up “pity voting” in a last-ditch attempt, by this extraordinarily hate-filled Irishman (and career-long enthusiastic agent of Euro-loathing Jewy) to really stick it to the WASPs by completing the destruction of the nation-state they created through legalizing the forty-five-million-strong mass of non-white Third-World mystery meat that’s managed to claw its way in from corners of the Earth no man has even heard of let along knows aught about. 

Without doubt that’s what’s soon to be in the offing, either that or, after he succumbs to his illness, the Dem Party will mawkishly call for pity-voting “as a fitting final memorial to the deceased’s dying wish to achieve, at long last, this humane step on behalf of all long-suffering Third-World poor who want only to come to this the greastest country in the world and contribute to it.”


Posted by 357 on Fri, 23 May 2008 21:53 | #

Re: the latest effort to grant illegals amnesty stripped from the Iraq Spending Bill.

(May 22) Today, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) removed the final objectionable immigration measure from the Iraq supplemental spending bill (H.R. 2642) when he stripped provisions that would have increased H-2B visas for unskilled seasonal workers. These provisions would have exempted from the annual cap of 66,000 any H-2B nonagricultural seasonal workers who were admitted during the previous three years. This could have increased the annual number of H-2B workers to over 400,000 by FY 2011.

On May 20, Sen. Reid stripped AgJOBS provisions that would have required the Department of Homeland Security to grant “emergency agricultural worker status” (i.e., amnesty) for up to five years to as many as 1.35 million illegal aliens, plus their spouses and children (bringing the total amnesty to about three million), if the illegal alien:

Could show by “a preponderance of the evidence” that he worked 863 hours or 150 work days (defined as 5.75 hours of work per “work day”), or earned at least $7,000 in agricultural employment between January1, 2004, and December 31, 2007;

Filed an amnesty application with a “qualified designated entity,” or with DHS directly if he is represented by an attorney or a nonprofit organization, during an 18-month application period that would begin six months after enactment of the amnesty;

Was not a known terrorist or convicted criminal; and

Paid a “fine” of $250.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 23 May 2008 22:11 | #

I didn’t know, incidentally, that in order to help get it passed Teddy and Bobby Kennedy had hawked the 1965 “It’s Good for Irishmen Who Want to Stick it to WASPs, and Great, Really Fantastic, for Euro-Loathing Jews” Guaranteed White-Race Annihilation Immigration Bill as a fitting memorial to their assassinated brother whose dying wish, or so they claimed, was to open the U.S.‘s borders to the Jewish version of Zyklon-B:  unlimited non-white Third World immigration.  I didn’t know these two had done that before reading Marcus Epstein’s piece linked in my last comment.


Posted by 357 on Fri, 23 May 2008 22:42 | #

Marcus Epstien is a Jew. His article over at is an obvious attempt to deflect attention from the real perpetrators of the 1965 Immigration Act onto the Kennedys. I for one ain’t fallin’ for his misleading BS. We should be so lucky as to have it that the most powerful force pushing for amnesty for illegal aleins is Ted Kennedy. But no, he serves as only a spokesman for the real forces that are pushing for massive immigration into the USA.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 23 May 2008 23:44 | #

Oh! Mr Porter….?  Crewe - Nantwich - Newsnight.

Having just finished viewing BBC Newsnight with Gavin Esler and his guest panel of Lib/Lab/Con luvvies dissecting the Crewe and Nantwich by election results -  things are quite clear.

The consensus are incapable of thinking outside the liberal bubble, they just don’t get it.  Their wringing hands simply couldn’t understand (get it) that people were fleeing in their millions from their escapist liberal dream-world, and in accordance with true illogical liberal thinking, the good people of Crewe and Nantwich were not rejecting liberalism (never even hinted at) but were rejecting one Gordon Brown - you couldn’t believe it.

Yes, Gordo is the boogie-man, it must be down to him, he simply isn’t Tony.

So when the good people of Britain come eyeball to eyeball with Tony Cameron they will be beside themselves with incomprehension, and will become dazed with disorientation - what then?

Political meltdown in Britain, that’s what when - all bets are off.


Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 24 May 2008 06:14 | #

I forgot the source, but I read somewhere, that Ted Kennedy explained “why” he hated his race. In the article, Ted claimed that he saw “Irish Need Not Apply” signs. For all it said, it could have been discrimination from non-Catholics, or even a non-White. But that is irrelevant; he noticed discrimination, if he was telling the truth. According to his story, he claimed that he didn’t want to discriminate and/or allow discrimination, because of his alleged suffering. (I think he supports massive non-White immigration, truly because of the American Establishment and lobbyists, but that is a different matter.) Ending discrimination (at jobs) doesn’t mean you have to open the borders, so Ted is mentally “insane” or lying!

However, even if he is lying, I think it provides a useful point. Many Jews probably fear the same sort of discrimination. To be honest, if I were Jewish (and openly so), I would be almost paranoid. The Holocaust is still fresh in their minds, and anti-Semitism is likely to skyrocket. It’s important Jews and White Gentiles look at each others’ perspectives, as this could help bring some sort of White Nationalism in some of the Jewish mainstream. We must compete with the far-left “egalitarians” for Jewish converts. The same thing applied to Irish Catholics.

Note: I am not necessarily arguing against past arguments opposed to White Gentile-Jewish integration. I am merely providing another way to look at the Jewish Question.


Posted by EA Steve on Sat, 24 May 2008 06:22 | #

Teddy Kennedy may deliberately try to play on public and Congressional sympathy, elicited by his terminal illness, to drum up “pity voting” in a last-ditch attempt, by this extraordinarily hate-filled Irishman (and career-long enthusiastic agent of Euro-loathing Jewy) to really stick it to the WASPs by completing the destruction of the nation-state they created through legalizing the forty-five-million-strong mass of non-white Third-World mystery meat that’s managed to claw its way in from corners of the Earth no man has even heard of let along knows aught about. 

Without doubt that’s what’s soon to be in the offing, either that or, after he succumbs to his illness, the Dem Party will mawkishly call for pity-voting “as a fitting final memorial to the deceased’s dying wish to achieve, at long last, this humane step on behalf of all long-suffering Third-World poor who want only to come to this the greastest country in the world and contribute to it.”

Posted by Fred Scrooby on Friday, May 23, 2008 at 08:16 PM | #

I will be very angry, if this happens! We must keep the pressure on Congress. We will claim, the will of the people is more important than one dead man’s wish. If he is still alive, then the will of the people is more important than one man’s wish. This must be repeated, to counteract the other side’s “sympathy.”


Posted by 357 on Sat, 24 May 2008 13:58 | #

EA Steve, Have you ever heard the saying:

“I thought the most nauseating liberals were Jews, until I meet a liberal Irishman”.

>> “Note: I am not necessarily arguing against past arguments opposed to White Gentile-Jewish integration. I am merely providing another way to look at the Jewish Question.”

That’s the philosophy of Ian Jobling’s Inverted World. You might find his blog edifying?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 25 May 2008 18:57 | #

I just read Steve Sailer’s article advocating “citizenism” for what must be the sixth time, reading carefully and concentrating, as I did all the other times, and I still can’t understand it.  Anybody help me out with this?  I keep getting the impression Steve has a meaning behind the words which he doesn’t want to come out and say. 

The thing is, if you disregard race you’re fundamentally wrong and there isn’t any way around that.  You’re wrong.  Now, Steve has obviously given “citizenism” a lot of thought and I’ve never known him to be flat-out wrong about anything he’s given this much thought to.  So, is he really saying something else but in code?  That’s what I ask myself as I read the thing but I can’t figure out what it is he’s saying in code.


Posted by Matra on Sun, 25 May 2008 20:48 | #

EA Steve:I forgot the source, but I read somewhere, that Ted Kennedy explained “why” he hated his race. In the article, Ted claimed that he saw “Irish Need Not Apply” signs. For all it said, it could have been discrimination from non-Catholics, or even a non-White. But that is irrelevant; he noticed discrimination, if he was telling the truth.

There’s zero chance Kennedy is telling the truth. The whole “Irish Need Not Apply” thing is a myth spread by the usual victimologists and conservatives alike. (GOP shill boy Sean Hannity said on St Patrick’s Day he has one of those No Irish signs in his office or some place sacred to him as a reminder of what his cry-baby ancestors allegedly had to put up with, the poor dears). We know the self-consciously Irish Kennedy clan have been into immigrant (ie. anti-WASP) causes since the 19th century so it would not surprise me if Teddy tried to get in one last shot. He’ll do it for HoneyFitz


Posted by 357 on Sun, 25 May 2008 22:05 | #

Re, Steve Sailors article.

Steve Sailer’s really on to something. I think he’s right when he indicates white-nationalism is a losing proposition; however, “citizenism” is our best hope for whites to survive and thrive in the USA.

But here’s the problem: Citizenism and it’s daughter patriotism are being suffocated by the ‘politics of hostile racial division’ and globalism. The worst radical leftist elements (who are working from within the “establishment”, i.e., the enemy within) did their job well by destroying our trust and sense of loyalty in and towards our own fellow citizens. I see nothing wrong with maintaining racial separation and at the same time promoting the common cause of citizenism/patriotism. Is it too late? Did the massive Mexican invasion destroy any real hope we have to make a concept like citizenism keep us from destroying each other? The government’s solution is to take away our guns and enact hate-speech laws.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 26 May 2008 01:04 | #


JW Holliday critiqued Sailer’s citizenism here and here.  I don’t think it’s possible to promote the ties of blood and the values of culture at the same time.  They are mutually-destructive.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 26 May 2008 14:27 | #

From the “Words can’t express” department:

Everyone will by now have seen this.

Well ... what is there left to say, except, Welcome to life under the new post-‘60s Jewish Hegemony, Euros, and have a very happy decline into permanent oblivion!


Posted by 357 on Mon, 26 May 2008 15:14 | #

“JW Holliday critiqued Sailer’s citizenism here and here.”

Thanz for the links, GW.

JW Holliday certainly discredited Sailer’s promotion of “citizenism” as an effective means to combat those that are assaulting our EGI. In fact, he shattered it to smithereens!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 27 May 2008 05:06 | #

Steve Sailer makes a prediction of what the future holds:

[...L]et me offer a prediction of how the politics [of the genetics revolution] will play out [...].

We’re living in an Emperor’s New Clothes moment.  And those moments can go on a lot longer than Hans Christian Andersen suggested.  People who have been making fools of themselves seldom say,

“Why, yes, that little boy is right and I am wrong.  Of course the emperor has no clothes, just as Occam’s Razor would suggest.”

Instead, what they typically say for a protracted period is:

“What a stupid, evil little boy who attacks our poor emperor.  That brat just can’t see that our emperor is wearing a higher form of clothing that you have to be really smart and fit for your post to see.”

And the closer the emperor’s procession comes and the more obvious his nakedness becomes, the angrier the crowd will become at that little bastard.

So, I suspect that, outside of the United States and its First Amendment protections, the word “crimethink” will continue to slowly move from metaphor to reality as the police power is brought down upon heretics.

Within the U.S., outspoken dissenters won’t be investigated by the police.  But they will be rendered largely unemployable because institutions will worry that they present too much risk of the employer losing job discrimination lawsuits.

In pockets of the Internet, obscure or anonymous individuals will continue to exchange facts and ideas.  But, really, how many people like to look for truth for its own sake?

The long-term outcome will be an increasing stultification of intellectual life in the West  —  rather like in Brezhnev’s Soviet Union.  Mathematicians and astronomers at the abstract end were relatively free.  At the practical end, engineers were too.  But any Soviet scientist or intellectual in the middle, who tried to theorize about human beings, was in danger of losing his career or his liberty.  So will it be in the West.

And, to adopt (appropriately) a Marxist slogan, National Review is now part of the problem.

So are and Prof. Steven Pinker, the former because for racial reasons they refuse to acknowledge EGI, the latter because for personal ethnic reasons he refuses to acknowledge the full range of racial science.  As for the fact that National Review is now become part of the problem just like Time and Newsweek, what is the ethnicity of those who currently control it?  Ninety-nine times out of a hundred, where these questions are concerned ethnicity neatly explains what was previously “a mystery.”


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 27 May 2008 09:22 | #


Steve is a very bright guy, and I’m sure very personable, but if he continues pushing his Citizenism concept he also becomes part of the problem.  And, ethnicity-wise, you could be right in Steve’s case too, because knowing what we know about his own ethnicity, we can surmise that as the reason he places an artifical construct of belonging to a polity above the natural sense of brotherhood with a people.

All of which only goes to prove what a remarkable man and stout comrade you are.


Posted by 357 on Tue, 27 May 2008 16:39 | #

“Steve is a very bright guy, and I’m sure very personable, but if he continues pushing his Citizenism concept he also becomes part of the problem.”

Here I go, swimming against the current again….but I ask: couldn’t citizenship be used as sort of triage? First we need to sort out the victims that at least 70 years of liberalism has wrought. Or to put it another way, citizenism can serve as a transition-phase from the pathetic condition we find ourselves in to a WN ideology. To go from where we’re at now straight into WN ain’t gonna happen. If it could, it would’ve already happened. We need a more practical strategy; one that’s based in unassailable moral principles.

What scares me is the growing numbers of white couples consciously choosing not to have kids. The reason is: they look around a see how screwed up things are in the world. Why would they want to bring white kids into a world that is growing extremely hostile to them. Citizenism could serve to provide an atmosphere of security, thus providing hope for the future white generations. This in turn would reverse the hopelessness many whites are experiencing. If demographics is destiny, then we need to provide the secure atmosphere for whites to want to invest in the future of our race and have lots of kids. One thing for sure, WN in its current form is failing. Let’s at least try new approaches.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 27 May 2008 22:45 | #


Citizenism appears to me to be really nothing more than constitutional patriotism + white supremacism.  But what happens after 2050 when all those white couples consciously choosing now not to have kids pitch whites into a minority.  To whom will the supreme crown fall?

I think ethnic nationalism is immeasurably more honest and safe.  WN does not work, granted.  But what do you expect, given the quality of the people who’ve been selling it.


Posted by 357 on Wed, 28 May 2008 15:19 | #

GW said: “Citizenism appears to me to be really nothing more than constitutional patriotism + white supremacism.”

I really don’t think white supremacism is part of the citizenism equation. Let’s look at how Sailer himself defines citizenism:- “By “citizenism,” I mean that I believe Americans should be biased in favor of the welfare of our current fellow citizens over that of the six billion foreigners.”

Okay, citizenism is a starting point for whites to get off their ethnomasochistic and self-inflicted suicidal trend. In America, if 200,000,000 whites can coalesce around a concept like citizenism, they surly would elect politicians that would advance anti-immigration policies. Juan McAmnesty certainly wouldn’t be the presumptive nominee for the Republican party. I’d go so far to say that the Democratic party nominee would also be singing a stop the third world immigration song.

And so what if only whites participate in citizenism. We, here, already know blacks and all the other non-whites will continue to tenaciously promote their own EGI. Soon whites will clearly see, once again, the unbridgeable divide between the races and will eventually adopt attitudes that are pro-white and thus, pro-segregation ....

At the present time, the white masses (here in America) are too fearful of being identified as supporting a White National ideology. It has too many negative connotations attached to it, so they keep it at a safe distance. Conversely, citizenism doesn’t have a negative connotation; however, it can, hopefully, as it runs its course produce similar results as WN.

GW said: “I think ethnic nationalism is immeasurably more honest and safe.”

Your right, GW, that ethnic nationalism is the best course to take for European countries. They each have, for the most part, separate and distinct ethnic groupings. But here in America, White Nationalism is the best prescription due to the fact whites in America are largely of mixed European ancestry. My own grandparents came from four different European countries; one eastern and three are from western countries. But again, we need a transitional phase to take us from where the white masses are now to a white-national/preservationist mindset.

GW said: “WN does not work, granted.  But what do you expect, given the quality of the people who’ve been selling it.”

If you’re referring to the quality of people who just comment on WN web-sites with less than leadership abilities such as myself, I’d agree with you. But we have very qualified individuals selling WN, e.g., Jared Taylor, and the late Sam Frances to name just two. GW, you, too, provide direction and leadership.

Our biggest problem, of course, is that of marketing. WN is barred from being marketed in the MSM. Our message can’t reach the masses. When on certain occasions it does mange to slip through the media censors, they then immediately launch a campaign to distort and demonize our message beyond all recognition. Maybe a softer, kinder, gentler approach can be marketed in the MSM. Citizenism (or something similar to it) could serve to provide such an approach? Without effective marketing, we’re going nowhere.

Even if citizenism or a variation of that type of movement gains traction, the left will undoubtedly do everything it can to prevent it from succeeding. But we already know the left is implacably against anything that is pro-white. If we can persuade those whites in the middle to lean towards our way of thinking rather than leaning to those on the left, then the balance will be tipped in our favor. Only then will we be able to stop and reverse the stealth genocide being perpetrated against us.


Posted by silver on Wed, 28 May 2008 19:26 | #

I think Sailer sees citizenism as the best that can be achieved in the current climate; not that he thinks it’s the best political arrangement of all.  Those who came across the concept at the time Sailer first mentioned it will recall that Jared Taylor wrote an article criticising it and a brief debate ensued.  In response to Taylor’s remark about duty not calculating the odds of success Sailer said that duty and honour may not “but I do”.  How is one to take that comment (“but I do”) except as a concession that Taylor is essentially right (and honourable) but, for now, thoroughly impractical?

Sailer may also be suffering from the all too common nordic malady that resolutely refuses to exclude anyone; mercifully, that’s a malady that, as Scrooby has pointed out, far fewer southern and eastern euros suffer from.  (I’ll bet some Greek nationalist out there, some Hrisi Avgi type, will soon take care of this horrible negress a Jam,aican in Athens conspiring to pack in as many Africans and other turd worlders into Greece as possible.)


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 28 May 2008 21:10 | #

Whether Boas or Hirschfeld, white nationalism is just another Jewish construct, a stick with which to beat the Nordicists.

[Hirschfeld’s] Racism is largely devoted to a highly polemical “refutation” of some of the main racial ideologies and theories of the 19th and 20th centuries. The writers whom Hirschfeld criticized, aside from his favorite target of the National Socialists themselves, were figures like Arthur de Gobineau, Vacher de La-Pouge, Houston Stewart Chamberlain…[...]

Most of Hirschfeld’s polemic is aimed at the proponents of intra-European racial differences (Nordics, Alpines, Mediterraneans, Dinarics, etc.) and not at differences between whites and other major races (though he steadfastly denies such differences as well).

Gobineau believed himself to be the descendant of Nordic Vikings and Condottieri.

Vacher de La-Pouge wrote L’Aryen et son rôle social (1899, “The Aryan and his Social Role”), in which he opposed the white, Aryan race, dolichocephalic, to the brachycephalic race, whom the Jew is the archetype. Vacher de Lapouge thus classified human races: first the Homo europaeus, Nordic or fair-hair and Protestant, then the Homo alpinus, represented by the Auvergnat and the Turk, finally the Homo mediterraneus, figured by the Neapoletan or the Andaluz.

In 1899 Chamberlain wrote his most important work, Die Grundlagen des neunzehnten Jahrhunderts (in German). The work says Western civilization is deeply marked by the influence of Teutonic peoples. Chamberlain grouped all European peoples—not just Germans, but Celts, Slavs, Greeks, and Latins—into the “Aryan race”, a race built on the ancient Proto-Indo-European culture. At the helm of the Aryan race, and, indeed, all races, were the Nordic or Teutonic peoples.


Posted by silver on Wed, 28 May 2008 23:00 | #

If that comment was directed my way, Desmond, I think you’re aware that I’ve long agreed that WN is BS.  BUT…there are certain commonalities there, both in genes and in purpose.  This means that one “white” or “euro” group, with which, rightly or wrongly (according to you), many other whites do, to varying degrees, identify, can lead the way, at least somewhat, or simply get the ball rolling, or speed that ball up.  Why not use that?  I’d like an answer, if you don’t mind—you know, rather than continuing to find innovative ways (I’d never heard the above) of making the same point, one already long ago conceded.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 29 May 2008 00:28 | #

If that comment was directed my way, Desmond…

No not particularly. However, if you’ve never heard of the above then how could it be, the suggestion that WN is a Jewish construct, conceded long ago? It’s of interest because it furthers KMac’s point about multiple strategies.


Posted by 357 on Thu, 29 May 2008 00:35 | #

“If that comment was directed my way, Desmond, I think you’re aware that I’ve long agreed that WN is BS.”

Silver, according to your logic:- if WN is BS, then the belief that ‘race is a only social construct’ is the epitome of truth. Please stop the absurdities.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 29 May 2008 02:16 | #

Was National Socialism a jewish construct?


Posted by Matra on Thu, 29 May 2008 03:10 | #

WN is a Jewish construct

Why do say it is Jewish?

Was National Socialism a jewish construct?

No. It was not WN either, just ask the Czechs.

Sailer may also be suffering from the all too common nordic malady that resolutely refuses to exclude anyone;

Isn’t that more of an American (perhaps New World) malady that has only recently infected northern Europeans?


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 29 May 2008 04:16 | #

Why do say it is Jewish?

Destroying the concept of intra-European differences served Jewish interests. A white race construct is, de facto, inclusive of Jews. Thus Hirschfeld focues his racism charge against Nordicists, targeting their belief in separate European races. Boas used the same approach with the Grantians. Exclusion of eastern Europeans meant exclusion of Jews.

According to some sources, postwar Eastern European Jews were preparing for a mass exodus. In 1920 the Hebrew Shelter and Aid Society stated that three million Polish Jews wished to “escape to America.” Quoted in Patrician Racist, 497.


Posted by EA (European American) Steve on Thu, 29 May 2008 23:26 | #

White Nationalism and Citizenship are key ideologies!

Europe: We need Nationalism for Europe, to break up the European Union and preserve the European ethnicities. Once Europe is pro-White, the EU is disbanded, and the European ethnicities (in Europe) are preserved, White Nationalism will come into work. The European countries will band together, and defeat Islam. Other Western countries will be free to help save Europe. Deportations of non-Whites and Muslims is a must!

In the rest of the West (especially America): We need to promote both ideologies. Citizenship will be the mainstream cause. Non-Whites and unaware Whites will be free to join, unknowingly supporting White interests and knowingly supporting citizen interests. White Nationalism will bring in Whites willing to support it. Those who don’t want to become White Nationalists, can still support our most important interests. White Nationalism will be placed in the background, building its reserves, for when the time is right; when it’s mainstream to be WN (White Nationalist). Citizenism will be the Middle ideology, serving more as a bridge. It will be the official policy, working with environmentalism, containing illegal immigration and limiting legal immigration. It will support our interests to limit non-White immigration; and it will support American interests to limit immigration, for when the economy crashes. First, we must limit immigration, transcending race. If the non-Whites don’t like it, and stop us, then it should provide fuel for our cause, later on.
White Nationalism will eventually take over, when it is more widely accepted.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 May 2008 03:42 | #

Apparently vying with everything he’s got for the title of “Britain’s Most Odious Human, 2008” is Labour MEP Richard Corbett. 

Here’s Fjordman:


The European Union, the “free trade organization with a few added extras,” is officially turning into a pan-European dictatorship. The Daily Telegraph reports:

“The European Union assembly’s political establishment is pushing through changes that will silence dissidents by changing the rules allowing Euro-MPs to form political groupings.  Richard Corbett, a British Labour MEP, is leading the charge to cut the number of party political tendencies in the Parliament next year, a move that would dissolve UKIP’s pan-European Eurosceptic “Independence and Democracy” grouping.  Under the rule change, the largest and most pro-EU groups would tighten their grip on the Parliament’s political agenda and keep control of lavish funding.”

The EU already has clear authoritarian leanings and is moving in a totalitarian direction with astonishing speed.  The pace with which these changes are occurring is so breathtaking that it even surprises me sometimes, and I’m one of the most militant anti-EU persons around.


The time has now come for the natives of Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Finland, France, Spain, Greece and other countries to treat the European Union as what it is:  An aggressively hostile organization fundamentally opposed to everything we hold dear.

Elsewhere at

Splendid piece in the Telegraph by Bruno Waterfield about the shenanigans at the European Parliament’s Constitutional Affairs Committee (AFCO) yesterday which may well result in smaller groups –  particularly opposition groups –  being closed down after next year’s European Elections. [...]  The Socialists and the Christian-Democrats in the European Parliament want to make it harder to form official European Political Parties, by raising the number of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs) needed to form a group.  The proposal, which is being pushed by Labour MEP Richard Corbett, could prevent the Conservatives from forming a new group, and would probably prevent eurosceptic groups in the Parliament, like UKIP, from forming a group.  It is necessary to form groups in order to be able to receive Parliament funding, get leading positions on committees, get a say in the Parliament’s administration and power structure, and receive additional speaking time.

Corbett argues that his proposal “would prevent single issue politicians from being given undue support from the public purse.”  He said:  “We want to avoid the formation of a fragmented Parliament, deeply divided into many small groups and unable to work effectively.”

But Corbett isn’t being frank there, in that explanation of why he wants this measure.  In his blog he comes clean and tells the real reason:  he wants it in order to prevent what he calls fascists, Holocaust deniers, racists, and xenophobes, as well as any who have doubts about the direction the E.U. is taking, from ever gaining a toehold in the European power structure. 

From the swine Corbett’s own blog:

Farage flatters himself that he and the pipsqueak remanents of UKIP are my target.  No, the true purpose of the rule change is to diminish the chances of creating — and giving taxpayers money to — a neo-nazi style far-right Group.  Already last year we saw the debacle of the “Independence, Sovereignty, and Tradition Group” when the far right managed to cobble together 20 MEPs from a mixture of fascists, holocaust deniers and xenophobes (including Ashley Mote, elected as UKIP) to become eligible for a million euros of funding in 2007, [...]  Maybe Nigel Farage supports giving money to neo-nazis but I don’t.

So, in his blog this totalitarian discloses that which he hides from the media, in regard to his real motivations for pushing this measure.

From the comments thread at View From the Right, where Lawrence Auster blogged on this subject:

Thus we see before us the logical and complete end of liberalism, to which it has been tending all along.”  [—from the VFR log entry]

I think Orwell in 1984 describes our ruling elites’ esoteric meaning of life:

“There will be no curiosity, no enjoyment of the process of life.  All competing pleasures will be destroyed.  But always — do not forget this, Winston — always there will be the intoxication of power, constantly increasing and constantly growing subtler.  Always, at every moment, there will be the thrill of victory, the sensation of trampling on an enemy who is helpless.  If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face . . . forever.

The exoteric meaning, offered to us masses, consists of the typical liberal platitudes that smooth the path to the total state. The diabolical beauty of the whole thing is that the elites can believe most of these wholeheartedly and it all still works.

Where totalitarian the ability to inspire fright, sheer terror actually, in decent people is concerned, Corbett is definitely in Red Ken Livingstone’s league.  No doubt about that.  Everyone has seen that absolutely terrifying smile on Red Ken’s face?  That smiling face that makes Hannibal Lecter look like Mary Poppins?  Well, I’ve seen a couple of pix of this Corbett specimen and they’re no better in that regard:  the man is frightening.

JWH blogs on this Corbett outrage here

(Anyone know if Corbett’s ethnicity is other than English/British, by the way?  For him to be this odious there may be something hidden.)


Posted by 357 on Fri, 30 May 2008 14:40 | #

“Citizenism will be the Middle ideology, serving more as a bridge…”—EA (European American) Steve

That’s exactly the way I see how citizenism could work towards the advancement of WN, Steve.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 May 2008 15:01 | #

Make that his ethnicity or sexuality:  either Jewish ethnicity or homosexuality could explain his astoundingly harmful thinking and behaviour; for that matter, so could having a spouse or adopted child of a non-Euro race.  So the “ethnicity” consideration refers to him or members of his family.  But the take-home point here, clearly, is this man’s thinking is not normal:  it must be the result of intense hatred/resentment/bitterness, or breathtaking confusion, or outright insanity, or diabolical malice, or appalling stupidity (stupidity this extreme is presumably ruled out by the fact he matriculated at Oxford University), or ordinary corruption (is he simply bought by interests behind the scenes the way Blair was?), or some other cause.  This frightening man’s thinking is not that of a normal person.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 30 May 2008 23:29 | #

The Brussels totalitarians are galloping full speed, right straight ahead as if nothing existed in the universe except their own naked totalitarianism:


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 30 May 2008 23:58 | #

Don’t worry about Richard Corbett, Fred.  It’s a non-issue for nationalists, which perhaps JW doesn’t understand.

The only way out of the EU project is through power at the national level.  The EU parliament has not a single power worthy of the name, and cannot influence the drive towards globalism, whatever its political colour.

In any case, Corbett is not allowing for the sea-change in national politics over the next twelve months.  The European Parliament election takes place in early June next year, by which time the Labour Party, still under Brown, will be polling under 20%.  Corbett will be knighted when he loses his seat, and will never be out of work.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 01:09 | #

GW, thanks for your reassurances in regard to Richard “The Most Odious Man Alive” Corbett:  I do feel a little better now.

Something else positive:  A tiny smidgen of good news on the Nekschot affair:  the Dutch public, according to Snouck, sympathised with the cartoonist instead of the government, reacting negatively to the arrest and lengthy detainment for purposes of interrogation (and, Snouck suspects, for purposes of intimidation as well).

And of course we mustn’t forget there’s been other good news lately, including the BNP’s successes of course, coupled with Labour’s not-seen-in-forty-years rout, and the Italian elections with solid gains by the Northern League including the mayoralty of Rome going to a man on that side of the political spectrum.

But what was jaw-dropping about the article I linked in my comment of 10:29 PM (a couple above) was the detailed lengths to which the Brussels totalitarians intend to go in writing their additional laws against “discrimination”:  if anyone clicks on the article I linked, don’t stop reading after the translation of Le Pen’s statement which comes near the beginning, but keep reading further down, where they translate paragraph after paragraph after paragraph of the “fine print” of these insane anti-discrimination statutes, which go on, and on, and on, and on seemingly forever, attempting to cover even the tiniest most microscopic conceivable transgressions of absolute “inclusion,” “non-discrimination,” “tolerance,” or whatever these psychos are labeling it.  Jim Kalb tries heroically, in a new piece, to analyse what you’re really, at bottom, seeing in those pages and pages of detailed extensions and refinements of existing anti-discrimination statutes which are like the obsessive-compulsive neurotic repeatedly washing his hands because he keeps thinking they’re not clean enough — there’s no end to it.  I used to think along the same lines Jim sets forth but lately I’ve come around to the notion that that sort of analysis corresponds to the vague pre-modern miasma theories of infectious disease, whereas the whole thing might be better explainable by more specific germ theory of infectious disease introduced of course by Louis Pasteur in the final overthrow of the vague miasma-type theories.  Furthermore, notice that the Pasteur-type germ model of disease offers the potential for a cure while the older miasma-type theoried didn’t.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 01:33 | #

In explicit support of Kalb’s view, though, it must be said, is directive number 42 in that partial list, in which these totalitarian bureaucrats make clear that one of the things they’re defending above all else is the market — paragraph # 42 comes right out and says it — the thing before which tradition, nation, race, religion, sex distinctions, family, heritage, normalness itself, must remain prostrate:

42. Considers that discrimination must also be seen as interfering with the four fundamental freedoms – particularly the freedom of movement for persons – and as such constitutes an obstacle to the functioning of the internal market; calls on the Commission to encourage the Member States to review their transitional provisions regulating access to their labour markets in order to eliminate differentiation between European citizens in this respect;

Yes whole nations are called upon to go right down the tubes to permanent oblivion, in order that the market be not in any way hindered.  The mask has slipped there a little, giving a tiny glimpse of what they’re really about:  everything must be gotten rid of except 1) the smooth functioning of “markets,” 2) “rational” expertise spouted by government-approved “experts,” and so on, as Kalb says — everything else must go, leaving only ....  well, leaving only what was patiently explained to Winston Smith in that excerpt from Orwell I posted above (2:42 AM), copied from a VFR reader’s comment.  What vision Orwell had!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 04:24 | #

From the “Yeah Things Are Bad But Hey, They Could Be A Whole Lot Worse!” dept:

The great Joe Guzzardi gives further reason to count our blessings:

To us, [Teddy] Kennedy will always be the worst of the bad guys.

Of immediate concern is a question posed by VDARE.COM’s Marcus Epstein —  will Kennedy make one more run at an amnesty for millions of illegal aliens from his deathbed?  Or, alternatively wonders Epstein, will one of Kennedy’s colleagues in a farewell salute and evoking his memory, rally the Senate troops around an amnesty?  I view both scenarios as possible but improbable.

Whether Kennedy makes a last gasp effort or someone does it on his behalf, amnesty is doomed —  conceivably for a good long time.

Given then that amnesty will inevitably fail, which politician would dare to gamble his future on it?  Without stopping to count precisely, I estimate that since President George W. Bush took office at least ten amnesties —  in various forms both “comprehensive” and piecemeal —  have been beaten back.  If you include those that were whispered about on Capitol Hill but never got off the ground, the number could be larger.

Lest we forget, the last victory for the other side occurred in 2000 when the LIFE Act —  a sub-section of the rolling 245 (i) amnesty —  passed.  From 2000 to 2008 is a long time between drinks.

Epstein correctly pointed out that in 1965, motivated by a sense of indebtedness to the enormously popular [slain] president, Congress passed the 1965 Immigration Act.  A gullible Congress bought into the Kennedy deceit that America’s demographics would not be altered.  Unsuspecting citizens offered no resistance.  Forty-five years later, however, we have an entirely different perspective.  Patriotic immigration reform is near the top of American’s domestic concerns.  Well-organized grass roots organizations fight illegal immigration from almost every state.  Resistance to legal immigration is mounting.  Vast amounts of information about immigration’s impact are easily found on the Internet and widely discussed on talk radio.  Today’s conditions are poles apart from what they were four decades earlier.

And most importantly, and going against conventional wisdom, Kennedy doesn’t have the clout to pull off an amnesty.  He didn’t have the muscle when he teamed up with John McCain in their “bipartisan” 2005 effort.  And he certainly doesn’t have it today. 

[...O]ur opposition to immigration is greater than anything Kennedy —  or any other treasonous Senator —  can overcome.  In my December column last year that summarized our many 2007 triumphs, I predicted that amnesty was so “toxic” that no one in Congress would dare touch it before 2010, at the earliest. [...]  I’ll go out on a limb to predict that the other side cannot now or perhaps ever achieve its coveted amnesty.

Look at its recent track record —  repeated failures.  Every effort for eight solid years —  non-stop lobbying by the White House, ham-fisted interference from two Mexican presidents, feverish pleas from the ethnocentric groups, insider influence on key Congressional legislators, massive, angry street demonstrations, 10,000 (conservative estimate) rancid MSM sob stories and 5,000 (understated guesstimate) slanted editorials —  failed to change American minds.

A Senate attempt to force a Kennedy-driven amnesty —  whether he’s dead or alive —  would be a different tactic.  But the results will be the same —  another stinging defeat for the other side.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 13:52 | #

Speaking of Ted Kennedy, the people who discount ethnicity in evaluating all that’s going on are blind fools.  Kennedy’s entire career had as one of its fundamental pillars the felt need on the part of this Irish Catholic, steeped from the tenderest age in Irish Catholic anti-WASP tradition, to really and truly get revenge by sticking it to the WASPs who built America, never mind what that would do to the country.  Revenge came first.  Same with the Jews:  the bad inflicted on society by most of these supposedly “generic, non-demininational” Jewish liberals/leftists/communists is born of their deep ethnicity-based Eurochristian hatred.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 31 May 2008 15:32 | #

Prior to reading about them just now here and taking the occasion to browse their web-site, I’d been only vaguely aware of this outfit founded about the same time as, Dissident Congress.  Here are a few of their statements, taken from their site at the second link:

Who are the Dissidents? 

Basically, anyone who opposes or is highly sceptical about globalisation; or unrestricted free market economics; or transnational institutions such as the European Union, NATO, GATT, the World Trade Organisation, and the United Nations; all of which seek to undermine the sovereignty and authority of our Westminster government.  If you are opposed to rampant commercialisation by people who know the price of everything and the value of nothing then let us know.  Tell us what bothers you about the modern way of life in Britain and your experiences with hospitals and schools.  Are you are concerned that enforced multiculturalism is destroying the British culture and identity?  Are you worried that Britain is rapidly becoming an authoritarian police state run along the lines of George Orwell’s 1984

If you think political correctness is a threat to free speech and freedom of expression then here is the place to explain it.  This is the forum for real free speech for the “small man” who is trampled by the big forces. 

We need a populist patriotic backlash against the “new elite” who are running this country for themselves and the small number of diehard voters who vote for them, rather than the ordinary man and woman.

Dissidents believe in putting power firmly into the hands of the people and local communities as opposed to an out-of-touch political elite or transnational finance houses run by fat-cat money spinning spivs.

The Swiss have Referenda in their constitution so they can discuss and decide on everyday issues.  Why don’t the British?  Surely it’s time for real democracy rather than the bogus democracy of a general election once every four years?

Let’s hear about your views on British current affairs.

Dissidents also oppose the ongoing attempts to stifle any expression of English culture.  England and Englishness are under threat as never before.

So what exactly is Dissident Congress?

We are a political and cultural movement with six basic aims:

1) To promote and publicise populist patriotism as a viable alternative to the past and present failed ideologies of the establishment parties.
2) To co-ordinate various single issue patriotic groups such as the Campaign for an Independent Britain (CIB) and the British Weights and Measures Association (BWMA).
3) To support populist patriotic parties and candidates at election time.
4) To promote and preserve traditional British culture and heritage.
5) To wake the British electorate up by making them aware of the horrors of the EU and dangers of globalised capitalism.
6) To win Britain back as a nation by overthrowing the tyrannies of social liberalism, Marxism, political correctness, gags on free speech, Islamic fundamentalism, and rampant laissez-faire dog-eat-dog global capitalism.

Dissident Congress is not a political party and does not contest elections under its own name, although members may contest elections either as independents or under the banner of the political party they are a member of.  Neither is Dissident Congress a pressure group, as our members do not believe that any of the establishment parties will ever support our aims and objectives.

The best way of describing us is a movement comprised of ordinary patriotic men and women who feel disenfranchised by the Lib-Lab-Con establishment parties, and are fed up with how this country has gone down the plughole and how so few people and organisations are doing anything to stop the rot, let alone reverse the damage caused by the political and financial elite.


Statement of Intent

We advocate the fundamental principal of co-operation at the local level. [...]

Causes agreed for coming together are:

EU activities and plots designed to destroy our way of life.
The monstrosities of this government’s immigration policies.
The disintegration of the rule of law.
The ravaging of the countryside and greenbelt lands.
The proliferation of (bogus) asylum seeker centres.
To protest against the policies of loony politically correct authorities — such as bans on flying the flags of England or the United Kingdom.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 01 Jun 2008 00:01 | #

Church of England Bishop, the Right Reverend Nazir-Ali, a transplanted Indian Subcontinental and, from everything I’ve seen, a very good man, an excellent man (incomparably worthier, for example, than the pathetic Rowan Williams), engages in some unusual frankness about what’s wrong, but one gets the impression from his words he may not realize the sheer magnitude of what it is he’s up against (and we with him):


By Sean Poulter and Niall Firth

The collapse of Christianity has wrecked British society, a leading Church of England bishop declared yesterday.  It has destroyed family life and left the country defenceless against the rise of radical Islam in a moral and spiritual vacuum.

In a lacerating attack on liberal values, the Right Reverend Michael Nazir-Ali, the Bishop of Rochester, said the country was mired in a doctrine of “endless self-indulgence” that had brought an explosion in public violence and binge-drinking.

In a blow to Gordon Brown, he mocked the “scramblings and scratchings” of politicians who try to cast new British values such as respect and tolerance.

The Pakistani-born bishop dated the downfall of Christianity from the “social and sexual revolution” of the 1960s.  He said Church leaders had capitulated to Marxist revolutionary thinking and quoted an academic who blames the loss of “faith and piety among women” for the steep decline in Christian worship.

Dr Nazir-Ali said the “newfangled and insecurely founded” doctrine of multiculturalism has left immigrant communities “segregated, living parallel lives.” 


The Bishop is on the right track but to really plumb the depths of what it is we’re dealing with he may wish to peruse this piece by James Kalb, then (on a different tack, but the thing we’re studying has different facets) study this explanation of the new religion which has replaced Christianity, Judaeo-Holocaustian Race-Replacementianity, summarized in its essentials by James Bowery starting at the sub-heading which reads, “Expanding on some of my esoteric terminology.” 

As a bishop in a church that has been taken over by the new religion, the Right Reverend Nazir-Ali should at least know something about it.


Posted by tomescu teofan emilian on Wed, 07 Oct 2009 11:42 | #

How interesting ! As always it is wistle-blowers who get the flack for the sins of our societies fashioned according to the establishment’s whims( the right,conservatives). Not a word about trade imbalances about globalised greed and islamophobia.I personally do not need your quotations I have my own mind to see through their smokescreen.All the world’s politicians are scum including the left who is on the left because the right aisle was already taken.That said you are not fair in blaming only the left as if they stood for everything that goes wrong in this world.Moreover leave out the true ecologists they are not on the left they only care about us all and all those who fail to see this are either brainwashed or alien to this planet and thrive on pollution.

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