The BBC reports this story without one word of the usual high-moral journalistic delinquency. Apparently, there can be no charge of hate or racism ... none of the hard-edged Trot-speak that would be instantly spewed out if a politician of European descent were to make such an unequivocally plain and ethnocentric statement:-
Kadima was founded on the premise that Israel’s long-term survival depends on safeguarding its Jewish majority and preventing Palestinian Arabs becoming the majority at any time in the future.
Demography was the motivation for Prime Minister Ariel Sharon’s withdrawal of troops and settlers from the Gaza Strip last year and Kadima’s election pledge to make future “territorial compromises” in the West Bank.
... “In the coming period we will move to set the final borders of the state of Israel, a Jewish state with a Jewish majority,” Mr Olmert told Kadima supporters in a televised speech on election night.
He added: “We will try to achieve this in an agreement with the Palestinians ... If not, Israel will take control of its own fate, and in consensus among our people and with the agreement of our friends in the world, especially US President George Bush, we will act.”
“The time has come to act,” he reiterated. Indeed, the time probably has come already.
... Kadima is trying to set the tone for this by talking about the Jews’ “national and historic right to the Land of Israel in its entirety” (ie including all the occupied territories).
But its manifesto continues by asserting: “The balance between allowing Jews to fulfil their historic right ... and maintaining the continued existence of Israel as the national Jewish home necessitates territorial compromise”.
So this is the realist, “compromising” Sharonite party speaking - the one that, if it overcomes the resistance of last-ditch Likudniks, will be applauded by all the mainstream media and every race-replacing Western government.
Posted by Geoff Beck on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 03:40 | #
I made some changes to the original: