Motivation to Fight: Humanitarian - Higher National Ideals - Booty

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 13 January 2015 05:51.

Jez Turner is under no illusions as to the powers-that-be: capitalist-marxist-liberal, they are heads of the same beast and not going to grant us our autonomy without a fight.

However, they are experts, of course, in exploiting our weaknesses, providing diversions, disempowering and demoralizing our people. Consequently, motivating our people to fight as a group, in our group interests, is problematic.

Bearing in mind that what is meant by “fight” in this post is not necessarily literal combat but all aspects of fighting for our interests..

On the topic of organizing the motivation* of our fighters then, we might refer to war historian, Prof., Sir Hew Strachan’s thoughts on the matter.

He observes that some motivations of fighters are not recognized because they are out of fashion and not cool to tell the public.

Of course a state sanctioned excuse for exercising blood-lust and revenge among the particularly violent is just a mask and direction of already existing motivation - which requires to be directed appropriately therefore. To gain cooperation from a balance of the population requires a normalizing if not ennobling of incentive/motivation.

Humanitarian concern - higher national ideals - booty.

Humanitarian concern is considered a legitimate public reason nowadays. And it can be one reason why fighters are legitimately motivated.

Higher national ideals can be and have been traditionally a reason why people fight - they still are, but it is not so cool to state as a motivation nowadays (largely as a result of vast over-compensations in that regard in the World Wars).

Booty is even more stigmatic nowadays to cite as your motivation. Yet, Strachan observes, this has been the primary reason for most fighting though the ages. He notes that this motivation initially became problematic and remains problematic as wars have emerged more often a liability than a profit - hence, no profit to be shared.

But particularly when the matter is taking back resources that are our co-evolutionary birthright, there might be reward to motivate and allocate to our peoples for fighting. Humanitarian concern would work there as well, as there are clear matters of inhumaneness to our peoples, injustice - justice to be had. While we work on the meta-national** narratives that GW advises as necessary inspiration..

The question becomes the formulation, the proportion and the content:

Humanitarianism, Nationalist Ideals and Booty

* Kant would call these “incentives” as they are appeals to external reward as opposed to “motives”, which are internally driven.

** GW would probably not approve of the word “meta” in this context but I used it deliberately, to make a point that meta-communication is neither wholly nor necessarily disconnected from the essential.
Paul Craig Roberts on the Wolfowitz Doctrine, Glass-Steagall repeal and other neo-con implications for America’s future.





Posted by Motivation of Hope on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 08:25 | #

It would seem booty would be inspiring incentive indeed. One could almost make-up a wish list for Christmas and submit it to the DNA Nation..

“Western psychologists don’t see the simple fact that hope is stronger than fear. Therefore hope is more willing to make concessions.”


Interesting a suggestion though this is (hope as a stronger motivator than fear), I was reluctant to comment on it for a few reasons: it assimilates the name of an anti-racist group, “hope not fear”, it comes from a Jewish source, David Cole, and it regards a topic, the H, which is not relevant enough for MR - in its concern for current and future generations - to parse.


Posted by Colin on Thu, 15 Jan 2015 17:39 | #

Beautifully conceived and written by Coln Liddell:

Violence by its very nature has to be economical. Used indiscriminately, it loses its value and utility—in other words, it always exists in symbiosis…

Some will continue to bleat on that these terrorists—just like all the other terrorists we have seen—were not representative of Muslims in general. They can even produce examples of Muslims disowning these brutal acts. Yes, consciously, that may be possible, but there is also a subconscious level where the collective will manifests itself, where those that run together, even if they know nothing of each other, run together. Violence always exists in symbiosis. For Muslims, the acts of fanatics create a subtle glow of power that invests the entire group, and in which the temptation to bask is strong, especially for those in colonizing lands that they initially came to as underlings and inferiors.

It was in response to this clever remark by Slavoj Žižek:

“However, do the terrorist fundamentalists really fit this description? What they obviously lack is a feature that is easy to discern in all authentic fundamentalists, from Tibetan Buddhists to the Amish in the US: the absence of resentment and envy, the deep indifference towards the non-believers’ way of life. If today’s so-called fundamentalists really believe they have found their way to Truth, why should they feel threatened by non-believers, why should they envy them? When a Buddhist encounters a Western hedonist, he hardly condemns. He just benevolently notes that the hedonist’s search for happiness is self-defeating. In contrast to true fundamentalists, the terrorist pseudo-fundamentalists are deeply bothered, intrigued, fascinated, by the sinful life of the non-believers. One can feel that, in fighting the sinful other, they are fighting their own temptation.”


Posted by wish list on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 07:55 | #

repeat comment


Posted by Diversity means chasing down.. on Fri, 16 Jan 2015 20:52 | #

Diversity means: Chasing down the last White person.

Bob Whitaker explains pro-White billboards to mainstream news-casters:


Posted by DanielS on Sun, 18 Jan 2015 07:41 | #

By Dr Lasha Darkmoon on September 7, 2014

This article consists of key 9/11 quotations arranged in the form of a 6500-word dramatic collage


LASHA DARKMOON: Over a hundred co-conspirators have so far been accused of having been deeply implicated in 9-11, but undoubtedly there are many others whose complicity and silence have had to be bought by the only two means available: the carrot and the stick. The stick involves either the threat of blackmail or instant death if they dare to step out of line — as in the case of Senator Wellstone and Dr David Kelly. The carrot involves bribery and sweeteners: astronomical sums of money paid into secret bank accounts for the rest of their lives, guaranteeing total silence in anticipation of those enormous annual deposits.

Where will the money come from to pay out such stupendous sums?

Quite simple. The money was already stolen before 9/11 with the help of Israeli dual citizen, Rabbi Dov Zakheim. He somehow managed to “lose” at least $2.3 trillion, or $3 trillion according to most other accounts. Antiwar activist and CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer has given evidence that the money actually stolen from the American taxpayer amounts to a staggering $9.1 trillion.

To get through even $1 trillion wouldn’t be easy. A trillion dollars would be enough to keep 1000 conspirators and their families in pig heaven for the rest of their lives. The other trillions have reportedly made their way into secret bank accounts, with the bulk ending up in Tel Aviv and Zurich.

KEVIN BARRETT:  So what happened to the Pentagon’s missing 2.3 trillion dollars—or $9.1 trillion if you believe Susan Lindauer? The one thing we know for sure is that it has never been found. At least not officially. Lindauer says insiders know it was embezzled by agents of Israel. Interestingly, the Comptroller of the Pentagon—the man who was running the Pentagon’s finances—was a known Israeli agent, Rabbi Dov Zakheim.

RABBI DOV ZAKHEIM How did a Jewish rabbi gain control over Pentagon finances and manage to lose $3 trillion in three months?


How did a Jewish rabbi gain control over Pentagon finances and manage to lose $3 trillion in three months?

LASHA DARKMOON:  Rabbi Dov Zakheim (pictured), born 1948, dual American-Israeli citizen, was appointed Comptroller of the Pentagon in May 2001. This put him in full charge of Pentagon finances. By September 2001, a mere three months later, he had managed to “lose” or misplace three trillion dollars — at the phenomenal rate of a trillion dollars a month.

That’s $1000 billion (or $1 million million) in 30 days! No one in recorded history has ever managed to “lose” such a colossal sum of money in so short a time.

In spite of this, the woefully incompetent — or shamelessly rapacious —  rabbi was allowed to continue in his post of Pentagon Comptroller until March 2004, almost another three years. With complete impunity.
Let me give you a few fascinating statistics now that will allow you to view this vast hemmorhage of wealth in its proper perspective. The richest top ten Jewish American billionnaires in 2012, according to Forbes magazine, owned assets between them amounting to $203 billion. (See here). This is roughly one-fifteenth of the $3 trillion Rabbi Zakheim clawed away from the American taxpayer in three months.
The combined wealth of all the billionaires in the entire world in 2012 amounted to $4.6 trillion. (See here).  If Rabbi Zakheim actually stole $9.1 trillion, as alleged by CIA whistleblower Susan Lindauer, he would have gotten away with almost twice the total wealth of all the billionnaires in the world.

The missing trillions have reportedly found their way to Israel, resulting since 2001 in vast real estate acquisitions by Israeli interests in South America, Europe, the United States and other parts of the world. Much of the world’s surface today is probably owned by absentee Jewish landlords, with vast holdings under the stewardship of the Rothschild family.

KEVIN BARRETT:  The 9/11 attack on the Pentagon targeted the accountants who were on the trail of the missing trillions.

LASHA DARKMOON: How convenient. The crime can no longer be investigated because the investigators have been killed. And the relevant documents were destroyed. Accidentally.

Then there was ‘Lucky’ Larry Silverstein, owner of the WTC buildings. He too had a miraculous escape. Every morning, as faithful as clockwork, Lucky Larry would enjoy breakfast at the Windows on the World restaurant atop the North Tower. His daughter Lisa would show up for breakfast too — a regular feature. On the morning of 9/11, both father and daughter found excuses for staying away. Lucky Larry discovered he had a dermatologist’s appointment. Daughter Lisa was caught up in a convenient traffic jam.

Lucky Larry had a son. He too was expected in the building that morning. Like his sister Lisa, he too had the extraordinary good luck to be caught in a traffic jam — in a different part of the city.
Truly, God was smiling on his Chosen people that morning.

Did you know

Just months before 9/11 the World Trade Center’s lease was privatized and sold to Larry Silverstein.

Silverstein took out an insurance policy that ‘fortunately’ covered terrorism.

After 9/11, Silverstein took the insurance company to court, claiming that he should be paid double because there were two attacks.

Silverstein won and was awarded $4,550,000,000.00

LASHA DARKMOON: Forbes magazine, which supplies us regularly with lists of the richest people in the world, makes a point of excluding the very richest: those whose wealth is either beyond computation or public scrutiny. These include the Queen of the Netherlands (the world’s richest woman), the Queen of England, the Queen of Denmark, the Queen of Spain, the Sultan of Brunei, King Fahd of Saudi Arabia, and the kings of Kuwait, Oman, Qatar and Bahrain.

Though the wealth of these few individuals, all of them non-Jewish, is enough to feed the starving planet, it is a mere fraction of the wealth of the Jews.

Most of the world’s wealth is concentrated in the hands of the House of Rothschild, with lesser but still vast (undisclosed) amounts in the secret vaults of a few elite Jewish families: the Schiffs, the Wallenbergs, the Oppenheims, the Morgenthaus, the Goldman-Sachs, the Lehmans and the Guggenheims. The entire wealth of the world has been estimated as $990 trillion. Of this, the lion’s share, roughly $500 trillion, is reported to belong to one dynastic family alone: the Rothschilds.

The Rothschilds and the Rockefellers (the latter family rumored to be worth $100 trillion) own between them all the world’s major banks, big corporations, conglomerates and oil companies, apart from huge real estate holdings such as castles, palaces, stately mansions, luxury hotels,  race courses, casinos, exotic holiday resorts, and vast tracts of farm land and virgin forest.

Staggering amounts of gold bullion, diamonds, jewelry, rare art, antiquarian books, coins, precious metals and stones clog up their underground vaults. These people have never sight eyes on most of the things they possess. They have never set foot on the land they own. In spite of all their fantastic wealth, they feel desperately poor and insecure; nor can they rest easy in their beds until they own everything — and the rest of mankind is reduced to a condition of abject slavery.

9/11 was a catalyzing event for these emperors of opulence. It ushered in a new world order and precipitated a series of catastrophic new wars that would help to create new starving refugees, new impoverished immigrants, and new opportunities for endless exploitation by an essentially hostile Jewish elite.

KEVIN MACDONALD:  A new Jewish elite has seized all of the major choke points of American society: academia, the courts, and politics. It’s a hostile elite — hostile to the traditional people and culture of America.



Posted by DanielS on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 05:09 | #

“While we work on the meta-national** narratives that GW advises as necessary inspiration”..

** GW would probably not approve of the word “meta” in this context but I used it deliberately, to make a point that meta-communication is neither wholly nor necessarily disconnected from the essential.

One cannot not communicate. We live in communication. Advanced communicological theory might treat all activities as communication, a form of “speech” if you will. Conversely, all speech can be looked upon as a form of behavior.

With that, citing the “free speech hypocrisy” of the ‘We Are Charlie’ campaign is somewhat disingenuous, as we too would prohibit certain behavior/speech if we were to regain sovereignty of our peoples.

We are born incomplete and never become entirely complete, we require corrective feedback, meta-communcation (including prohibitions). Though our plasticity can be abused and misconstrued in meta-communiction, meta-communication of itself is not inauthentic where it is providing semiotic direction of the authentic pattern.

In fact, what is metacommunication would change depending upon the context.

There are undoubtedly some European people, men included, who treat the choice of a partner with utmost concern. They want monogamy to be institutionalized and guarded as sacrosanct. That option must be there if there is to be authenticity to a culture. The alternative is a suffocating competition - definitively inauthentic.

It is a control variable for our pattern, to show our people that we take our evolution and social capital seriously, but also a sign for others, such as Muslims, Jews and blacks, that we take ourselves seriously as well.

Uncovering a phenomenon of an individual’s seemless, zen-like merging in line with the phenomenon of their energy source doesn’t guarantee its proper guidance.

Look at the example of Bruce Springsteen, whose capture of the said glowing spirit can light-up and transform a room. It is a phenomenon which I witnessed as he came out to perform three songs at the Morris Stage in September of ‘84 (never liked his music before that, in fact).

But where are his politics and what are they directed for?

The point is that uncovering these phenomenon and trying to get back to direct mood signs free of verbiage and metacommunication is not a definitive answer; casting aside careful words and metacommunication in that quest can be catastrophic, in fact.


Posted by Jez for Gary Yarbrough on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 11:38 | #

Jez Turner and the Free Gary Yarbrough protest of last Saturday:

Great anti-American rant by Jez…loved the remark about the “architecture” true.


Posted by Jewish Power In UK on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 14:41 | #

Jewish Power In Britain

The Jewish involvement in not only initiating but continually and fanatically pushing tighter and tighter one sided race and immigration legislation from the ‘British Nationalities act’ of 1948 (which gave citizenship and the right to settle here in the UK to every single person of non-white descent in the entire commonwealth), the infamous Race relations acts of 1965 (pushed through by the Jewish Labour Home Secretary: F.Soskice, a ‘Russian’ Jew), 1968 and 1976 (created the Commission for Racial Equality) in addition to successive anti-Germanic immigration policies (using eastern European mass-immigration) and ultimately anti-European immigration policies as a whole (using non-white/non-European mass-immigration) are shown for what they are when the Jewish-supremacist context is shown in relation to race in their own words:

  ‘‘The Jewish People will be its own Messiah. It will obtain world dominion by the dissolution of other races, by the abolition of frontiers, the annihilation of monarchy and the establishment of a world republic’’

Baruch Levy writing to Karl Marx

The Racial Harassment Bill of 1985, introduced into the House of Commons of Parliament by the Jewish, H.Cohen


Posted by Pierre de Craon 2 on Mon, 19 Jan 2015 15:45 | #

MR is such a delight.

The same cannot be said for TOO. Our ex-hippie pot-smoking professor host is off on a tangent as usual.

Our German-Scot is for diversity too as long as it is not Jewish or negroes. He aligns to anyone as long as they are anti-kosher. We have a phalanx of non-whites cosy and at home on TOO.

News has it MacDonald is in the pockets of some big cheeses from Iran. I hope MR and GW are not in nobody’s pockets.

You are right. You are born European. Diversity is Jewish code for white extinction. White + Brown = Brown. White + Black = Black. White + Yellow = Yellow.

Correction. The word is “mosque” and not “masque.”


Posted by blacks privileged caste, Whites indentured on Thu, 22 Jan 2015 17:55 | #

In this episode of Storm Front Radio, “Don Advo”, an American attorney, does an outsanding job of rendering his metaphor of the master/slave relationship between blacks and Whites having been reversed, to where blacks are masters and Whites are slaves. Before you shrug that off as an exaggeration, have a listen to Don make the case:


Posted by Resistance in Patagonia on Fri, 23 Jan 2015 09:27 | #

Jewish take-over of Patagonia meeting with resistance:

Group of Jewish backpackers tortured for hours in Argentinian hostel by locals who chanted they were ‘trying to take over Patagonia’

  The group of Israeli tourists were subjected to attack in southern Argentina. Locals beat and robbed them as they occupied the hostel for four hours. Ten Jewish backpackers were wounded in the anti-Semitic attack. Unable to control the situation, police had to withdraw from the scene

Ten Israeli tourists have been robbed, beaten and burned in a four hour-long anti-Semitic attack at a hostel in southern Argentina.

The attackers shouted ‘f******* jews’ at the group and accused them of ‘trying to take over Patagonia’ as they pelted them with stones and fired a shotgun round at a cabin during the ordeal.

Police called to the incident 45 minutes after the attack began had to withdraw because they were unable to control the situation - one was hospitalized with a broken jaw and two lost teeth.





Posted by kosher tax on Tue, 27 Jan 2015 08:18 | #

At Red Ice, Henrik interviews Dennis Fetcho, who details the absurd and massive bilking by means of Kosher tax:


Posted by Israel for everyone on Fri, 30 Jan 2015 02:54 | #


Posted by E-Z over peachtoast on Mon, 02 Feb 2015 03:49 | #

memehopper @harrison_partch ·  Jan 28

For one need not believe in God to rise against his enemies; and it is not faith that consecrates the sacrifice but blood.



Posted by priority of order on Tue, 03 Feb 2015 03:14 | #

The Road to Imperium

Brent Gerrity · January 6, 2015

William S. Lind asserts that people’s primary concern in their hierarchy of needs is order. The modern state, he argues (as does Thomas Hobbes), which came into existence because it monopolized the legitimate use of violence, is absolutely essential for human survival and anything resembling civilization. Order is paramount and the state provides order, therefore the state is good.

In his theory on the generations of modern war, Lind contends that barring extreme circumstances, the actor working within the higher generational war framework will prevail in battle. Fourth Generation warfare (4GW), the most recent to emerge, is a contest for legitimacy, with battlefield combat no longer being the primary deciding factor in determining victory as it was in the first three generations. Legitimacy is being awarded to non-state actors by standing for tribe, race, gang, religion, cause, etc., and sheer military might is not enough to force an enemy to change his loyalty and acquiesce. This is evidenced by the United States’ clear military victories being virtually inconsequential to the loyalties and actions of the people throughout the Middle East. Groups like Hezbollah, al Qaeda, and ISIS exist because the U.S. and its puppet governments in that region are seen as illegitimate.


Posted by how Israel controls media on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 07:12 | #

This is how Israel controls your media


Posted by Party of The Danes on Thu, 12 Feb 2015 10:59 | #

Daniel Carlsen, Party of the Danes on Voice of Albion—party-of-the-danes?AID=CJSource&utm_source=CJ&PID=6157437


Posted by Yarbrough's wife on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 04:23 | #

Yarbrough’s wife describes his history, character and situation.

A good conversation with her until a guy named Chris comes on and starts talking with Dana about what a god that Hitler is: Dana is an idiot. He can’t get it through is one quarter Syrian head (I say that to emphasize his lack of empathy for European peoples; hence the unconcern for the inter European conflict unleashed by the worship of Hitler such as his) that if you want to use 20/20 hindsight that Hitler should not have been fighting against other Europeans.


Posted by Silent Brotherhood .org on Sat, 14 Feb 2015 04:58 | #

Silent Brotherhood .org


Posted by William S. Lind on 4th Generation War on Thu, 24 Nov 2016 19:44 | #

William S. Lind on Fourth Generation Warfare

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