This Times piece on the renaissance of the thinking Conservative right in Britain is instructive. Perhaps.
Michael Gove, the Surrey Heath MP and housing spokesman for the Tories, is founding chairman of Policy Exchange and close to Mr Cameron. He said: “A precursor to electoral victory is victory in the battle of ideas and the battle for the agenda.”
... Most of the centre-right think-tanks are linked through a web of personal and professional connections, and many have close ties with the Conservative Party — although some fiercely defend their political independence.
They cover the entire range of issues, with Civitas — the Institute for the Study of Civil Society — wanting more family values, Reform campaigning for more market forces in public services, Open Europe opposing EU integration, the TaxPayers’ Alliance demanding lower taxes, Migrationwatch UK urging less immigration, Direct Democracy calling for more local decision making, and Policy Exchange, Mr Cameron’s favourite, establishing an agenda for compassionate Conservatism.
Research by The Times shows that five of the main new think-tanks — all formed since 2000 — are now quoted on average thirty times a week by national newspapers, three times more than two years ago.
It is not the first time that think-tanks have performed such a role.
... But the new generation of think-tanks are far more numerous, better funded, better organised, and far more effective at lobbying — more political campaigns than fusty branches of academe ... the role models are the conservative think-tanks in Washington that laid the foundations for the Republican Party’s domination of America. The aim is to create a broad “conservative movement” such as the one that has swept the US.
Now OK, these people are operating strictly within the realm of the politically possible - replacing one centre-left ruling party with another, albeit perhaps one a little more to the right on some secondary issues such as the economy and Europe. Since everyone agrees that the great existential questions are excluded from debate, no respectable politicians need address them. They don’t have to address the treacheries of the managerial elite. They don’t have to strive towards a new politics. They are not revolutionaries in that sense.
There could be no better illustration of the gulf that separates the radical right ... the survivalist right ... from real power politics. And yet out in the wider world the signs of stress and strain are as numerous as clouds in an English sky. There is political purchase to be got out of all that stress and, of course, nationalist parties throughout the white world are, with differing degrees of success, attempting exactly that. But of itself a bottom-up electoral revolution will not be enough. As the Austrian nationalist experience in government demonstrated, the real battle won’t be won until new right ideas have coursed through the body politic. All the toxicity must be flushed out of the system. Liberalism must be replaced as the dominant ideology of our time.
It ought to be possible to strategise such an undertaking. Taking Michael Gove & Co as the model, the active components are funding, original thinking, the distribution of responsibilities, access to the press and the political process ... and that beneficent accident of right timing. The first and fourth we lack. The second we have in abundance. The third is not hard to envisage. And timing? It is getting more propitious with every new alarming headline - not long to wait, I would say.
Posted by faircop on Sun, 04 Feb 2007 21:43 | #
Michael Gove: as shabbos as goyim come (Henry Jackson Society, Con. Friends of Israel, etc, etc). He’d sell his grandmother for cat-food if it gave him an extra chance of power.