Postmortem Report: a collection of essays by Tomislav Sunic

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 24 March 2010 01:20.

You may already know that Tom Sunic’s new book Postmortem Report: cultural examinations from postmodernity has been published.  Tom is a fine essayist - among the best we have - and Postmortem Report brings together the best of his work in this format.  He asked me to produce some blurb to announce the book here, but I thought a few short passages might be more to your taste.  These are what he selected.

From the (suitably straightening) foreword by Kevin MacDonald:

Europeans who have any allegiance to their people and culture cannot stand by and accept this state of affairs. We are approaching an endgame situation in the West. In the United States, people of non-European descent will be the majority in just a few short decades, and the same will happen throughout Europe and other societies established by Europeans since the dawn of the Age of Discovery. At that point, the centuries-old hostilities and resent-ments of non-White peoples toward Whites that Sunic discusses will come to the fore, and the culture and Europe will be irretrievably lost.

We must confront this impending disaster with a sense of psychological intensity and desperation. Reading Tom Sunic’s essays will certainly provide the background for understanding how we got here and perhaps also for finding our way toward the future.

And from the text, a subject which just occasionally gets an airing here:

In conclusion, one could say that, in the very beginning of its development, Judeo-Christian monotheism set out to demystify and desacralize the pagan world by slowly supplanting ancient pagan beliefs with the reign of the Judaic Law. During this century-long process, Christianity gradually removed all pagan vestiges that coexisted with it. The ongoing process of desacralization and the “Entzauberung” of life and politics appear to have resulted not from Europeans’ chance departure from Christianity, but rather from the gradual disappearance of the pagan notion of the sacred that coexisted for a long time with Christianity. The paradox of our century is that the Western world is saturated with Judeo-Christian mentality at the moment when churches and synagogues are virtually empty.

And more:

And yet, we should not forget that the Western world did not begin with the birth of Christ. Neither did the religions of ancient Europeans see the first light of the day with Moses—in the desert. Nor did our much-vaunted democracy begin with the period of Enlightenment or with the proclamation of American independence. Democracy and independence—all of this existed in ancient Greece, albeit in its own unique social and religious context. Our Greco-Roman ancestors, our predecessors who roamed the woods of central and northern Europe, also believed in honor, justice, and virtue, although they attached to these notions a radically different meaning.

On two giants of the German revolutionary conservative tradition:

One cannot help thinking that, for Spengler and his likes, in a wider historical context, war and power politics offer a regenerative hope against the pervasive feeling of cultural despair. Yet, regardless of the validity of Spengler’s visions or nightmares, it does not take much imagination to observe in the decadence of the West the last twilight-dream of a democracy already grown weary of itself.

... And what to say about the German centenarian, enigmatic essayist and novelist Ernst Jünger, whom the young Adolf Hitler in Weimar Germany also liked to read, and whom Dr. Joseph Goebbels wanted to lure into pro-Nazi collaboration? Yet Jünger, the aristocratic loner, refused all deals with the Nazis, preferring instead his martial travelogues. In his essay Annäherungen: Drogen and Rausch, Jünger describes his close encounters with drugs. He was also able to cut through the merciless wall of time and sneak into floating eternity. “Time slows down . . . The river of life flows more gently… The banks are disappearing.” While both the French president François Mitterrand and the German chancellor Helmut Kohl, in the interest of Franco-German reconciliation, liked meeting and reading the old Jünger, they shied away from his contacts with drugs.

On the racio-political attack against our people:

The whole purpose of classicism and neoclassicism, particularly in plastic art, but also in philosophy and literature suggested that Europeans had to abide by the cosmic rules of racial form and order. Whatever and whoever departs from order — brings in decadence and death. The word and epithet “racist” and “racism” are usually hurled against White nationalists, never ever scathing other racial non-European out-groups. Over the last fifty years, no effort has been spared by the Western system and its mediacracy to pathologize White Western peoples into endless atonement and perpetual guilt feelings about their White race. The intended goal was to create a perception that all non-European races and out-groups are immune to sentiments of xenophobia or racial exclusion. The incessant anti-White propaganda and the idealization of non-Whites have attained grotesque dimensions, resulting in clinical self-hate and neurotic behavior among the majority of Whites.

And, finally, on the perils of being labelled a “racist”:

Intellectual terror in American colleges is well hidden behind the garb of feigned academic conviviality and the “have-a-wonderful day” rhetoric of superficially friendly peers. Yet it has far more insidious effects than the naked terror I experienced in a drab ex-communist Europe. Apart from being a derogatory, value-laden word that immediately lends itself to an array of catastrophic fantasies and judgment-day scenarios, the word “Nazi” also gives birth to a schizoid behavior among a number of White nationalists, particularly in America. Many of them seriously project in their minds National Socialist Germany as a country populated by Albino-like Nordic Übermenschen possessing a hidden force that could be resuscitated any day either in Patagonia or on astral UFOs. As noted previously in The Occidental Observer, the false reenactment of political events leads to their farcical repetition — with dangerous political consequences. In our postmodernity, the overkill of false images leads to the real kill. The often rowdy and infantile behavior of such “proud Aryan internet warriors” scares off serious White people who could otherwise be of some help in these decisive days of struggle for Western civilization. We must ask ourselves: Cui bono? Who benefits?

Tags: Books



Posted by FB on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 02:36 | #

Fine author and individual, if a bit quirky. I don’t disagree with any of the sentiments above.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 13:55 | #

Above, Robert Reis links to a piece by Hervé Ryssen over at The Occidental Quarterly Online.  It is not possible to recommend too highly Hervé Ryssen’s work on the Jews, which is must reading for anyone interested in the Jewish role in what’s going on.  It’s all there, all of the intolerable Jewish crap is there.  Plus some explanations you hadn’t previously suspected. 

Look at this piece, for example, the latest one posted: .

They’re all stunning jewels, just like that one.

Go here for the entire TOQ Online Hervé Ryssen archive: .

While on the general subject:  I happened to see this extremely interesting post in an unrelated comments thread over there,  putting forth an idea about Jewish behavior that had never occurred to me, one reminiscent of James Bowery’s theory of “cyclical reinforcement of Jewish virulence through horizontal transmission”:

Willis, Posted March 20

”4. Kevin MacDonald once told me that Jews have a dominance strategy, not a survival strategy.  It is great for gaining power, but once Jews get behind the wheel, they have no brakes, and they always end up crashing.  That is not a good survival strategy.  If Jews are more interested in dominance than survival, then again, how do we appeal to their rational self-interest?”

Antisemitism, as we all know and as Dr. MacDonald has meticulously demonstrated, is a very old phenomenon.  According to E. O. Wilson, in his book On Human Nature, 50 generations of moderate selective pressure is long enough to embed characters in the genetic code.  Antisemitism is at least that old, as evidenced by the writings of Tacitus and others from the Roman empire.  Antisemitism (defined here as action against the most accessible members of the Jewish population) provides enough benefits to Jews that it is now instinctively elicited by Jews, especially by the Jewish leadership which is generally less accessible.  [!!!  Did everyone see that?  Read that line over again!!!]

For the purpose of the statements that follow, “antisemitism” will be defined as actions against Jews that focus on the most accessible members of the Jewish population.

Since Jews are a multi-territorial nation, sporadic outbursts of antisemitism cause small selective pressures to be successively applied to the Jewish population in each ensuing emmigration event:

* By preferentially attacking the least wealthy segments of the Jewish community, antisemitism selects for mercantile skills.
* By preferentially attacking the less mobile Jews, antisemitism selects for hostility toward the territorial boundaries of other nations.
* By preferentially attacking the most locally-dependent Jews, antisemitism selects for stronger Jewish identity.
* All of the above select for higher intelligence.

Jewish “chutzpah” instinctively generates antisemitism in order to impose the prior evolutionary advantages.

The mechanisms by which instinctive generation of host-population antisemitism arose within the Jewish gene pool include the facts that:

* Naked “chutzpah” infuriates members of the host population thereby reducing their intelligence and making them emote.  This renders them more exploitable even as it elicits antisemitism.

* Defection against a host population is immediately beneficial — acquiring resources at the expense of the host nation — and tends to elicit antisemitism as a natural by-product.

[ ]


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:20 | #

From the Wiki:  more reading on Bowery’s theory of Jewish virulence which I touched on just above:[]=virulence&s;[]=horizontal&s;[]=transmission ;[]=virulence&s;[]=horizontal&s;[]=transmission .


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 14:30 | #

The theory put forth by Willis (in my other comment) is of course very similar to Bowery’s.  But what’s new in it is its speculation about anti-Semitism’s being “instinctively elicited by Jews, especially Jewish leadership,” elicited for the benefits it brings in terms of maintenance of tribal virulence, evolved tribal characteristics (“which can embed in the genetic code after only 50 generations” but must be constantly maintained afresh), etc.  Jewish “chutzpah,” in other words, plays a role not unlike the little built-in lure dangled in front of prey from the foreheads of angler fish:  by deliberately taunting the goys, Jewish chutzpah plays an essential role in “nourishing” the Jews.


Posted by Tanstaafl on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 16:42 | #

Antisemitism (defined here as action against the most accessible members of the Jewish population) provides enough benefits to Jews that it is now instinctively elicited by Jews, especially by the Jewish leadership which is generally less accessible.

That’s why it’s more appropriate and effective to attack those with power, including the traitors of our own kind, rather than swinging broadly at “the jews”. Unfortunately, it is human nature to avoid confrontations with those who actually have the strength to defend themselves.

During this cycle of virulence jews have unprecedented influence over finanace, politics, and media. This time around they are scapegoating not “the jews” but ordinary, powerless Whites instead - BNPers, Tea Partiers, “racists”, “the far-right”. We are the fall guys, and if the cycle is not broken this time it will only involve European peoples as victims from now until we are completely gone.


Posted by Wandrin on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 21:49 | #

Antisemitism (defined here as action against the most accessible members of the Jewish population) provides enough benefits to Jews that it is now instinctively elicited by Jews, especially by the Jewish leadership which is generally less accessible.

I was thinking something similar a few weeks back while trying to imagine myself as a Rabbi at some time in the past worried about their flock assimilating into a host population.

The big difference now is the immense social control given by their control of television means their provoking behaviour isn’t having any effect leading them to ever more extreme provocations.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 22:17 | #

Tom Sunic - the anti-Nord.

Seldom is a pure Nordic male specimen viewed among White women as the epitome of male attractiveness. There are jokes in continental and southern Europe about blond-haired White males being “albinos” or “faggots.” Manliness, with a grain of machismo, has traditionally been associated with the Dinaric and Mediterranean subtypes.


Exactly why Hollywood hates blond men almost as much as it loves blond women is not clear. Some have suggested complicated combinations of resentment and longing in regard to WASPs and/or Nordics.

“Our Greco-Roman ancestors, our predecessors who roamed the woods of central and northern Europe…”

Nice segue. Greco-Romans bringing democracy to the Germanic tribes. Too funny.

So much crap, so little time.


Posted by PF on Wed, 24 Mar 2010 22:34 | #

Tom Sunic wrote:

The whole purpose of classicism and neoclassicism, particularly in plastic art, but also in philosophy and literature suggested that Europeans had to abide by the cosmic rules of racial form and order.

I’m not getting that. I dont see how classicism in art, or philosophy, or literature, suggested Europeans abide by racial rules.

Perhaps one can arrive at an understanding like that, filtering it through our perspective, but I dont think that was the original ‘purpose’ of the things discussed.

Whatever and whoever departs from order — brings in decadence and death.

Is it too cheap and easy a critique to point to the fact that “order” doesn’t mean what he wants it to in this sentence? Order has lots of meanings. This goes to a deeper discussion of the meaning of order and entropy, and I’m not sure that the cultural aspects of Sunic’s worldview can be logically abstracted from “order”. In fact I think if he were to explain what he means by “order”, several assumptions would be obvious which do not necessarily hold true. But it requires more thinking.

Our Greco-Roman ancestors, our predecessors who roamed the woods of central and northern Europe, also believed in honor, justice, and virtue, although they attached to these notions a radically different meaning.

Honor, justice, virtue, and our ancestors.

Interesting stuff.


Posted by AD on Thu, 25 Mar 2010 05:45 | #

Desmond Jones,

So much crap, so little time.

Maybe that sort of thing stirs them in the Balkans, but in the West that Sunic is apparently so eager to save it only contributes to the further marginalization of racialist views.  Anyone finding any redeeming value in it is already a racialist; anyone who isn’t is now all that much less likely to ever be.


I’m not getting that. I dont see how classicism in art, or philosophy, or literature, suggested Europeans abide by racial rules.

No, no, they had to abide by cosmic rules.  Of racial form

I hope that clears it up.


Posted by PF on Thu, 25 Mar 2010 06:33 | #


Interesting perspective you bring about Sunic in your comment to Desmond.

Do I detect a bit of nicely understated irony in your comment to me? smile

Or do you clearly grasp what is meant by cosmic rules of racial form?

I’m blinkered by it. I can’t trace the working of a cosmic rule of racial form in


Posted by Croatian Nationalist on Thu, 25 Mar 2010 14:13 | #

I am glad Suni? keeps away from Croatia and socializes mostly with American racialists and Western European marginal extreme right-wingers. If he were in Croatia, there would exist a danger of him polluting the healthy Croatian patriotism (what remains of it) with his superficial racist cretinism. Some naive and gullible souls could be seduced by his (only apparent) erudition.

Raci(ali)sts, (neo)-Nazis, reactionary nostalgics for pre-World War II. Europe, skull-measuring enthusiasts, fetishists of IQ averages and distributions of DNA haplogroups in populations etc, please, keep Mr. Soonie with yourself, don’t let him come here.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 25 Mar 2010 15:09 | #

Why sign with a pen name, “Croatian Nationalist”?  As a Croatian who looks forward to the day when Zagreb will resemble such vibrant showcases of multiculturalism as London, Birmingham, Rotterdam, Detroit, Washington D.C., and oh yes, the new & improved Parisian banlieus, where everywhere you look will be an unwed Croatian girl pushing a mulatto baby in a stroller as she walks arm in arm with a Sub-Saharan boyfriend-of-the-moment before he passes her on to the next one, who will father her next baby, with young Croatian men pushed completely out of the picture by government both Croatian and E.U., and all Croatian men who breathe so much as a question about the vibrant new set-up rotting in jail for “hate” — as a Croatian who looks forward to that day, what need have you to conceal your identity?  You’re spouting today’s exact E.U. and European Establishment party line!  No one from government is going to come after you for posting the complete communist New World Order shit you posted!  You’ve nothing to fear! 

By the way, you’re not a nationalist but a Croatia(nation)-hating and Croatian(race)-hating communist cosmopolitan who would have felt right at home when Josef Tito was running things — you probably did, you sound like you or a family member of yours was an official in Tito’s Yugoslavia.  Nostalgic for the old days under Tito are we?  You mass murdering race-replacing Croatia-hating genocidal swine.


Posted by Silver on Thu, 25 Mar 2010 16:10 | #


Do I detect a bit of nicely understated irony in your comment to me?

Understated?  Ops, I see I signed as “AD.”  My name’s Silver, and I don’t do understated.  Nor do I do irony, as a matter of fact.  Blunt sarcasm is all you’ll get from me.

In case it’s not yet clear, no, I can’t make head or tail of what ‘cosmic rules of racial form’ is all about.  I’ve never really been able to get a handle on anything Soonie’s written, really (besides when it’s obvious he’s merely regurgitating pre-war racial propaganda); he’s an enigma wrapped in a sophistry inside a non sequitur as far as I’m concerned.

Cro Nationalist,

If he were in Croatia, there would exist a danger of him polluting the healthy Croatian patriotism (what remains of it) with his superficial racist cretinism.

Not only that; I imagine he’d be in danger of getting his butt kicked good and hard, too.

Some naive and gullible souls could be seduced by his (only apparent) erudition.

I’m surprised how seduced someone with his head (seemingly) screwed on properly like Kevin MacDonald has apparently been by him.  I really fail to see how Soonie’s anything but a liability even to them.  (A euro-fag with a wog accent is really going to help make racialist headway in America?  Dubious.)


Posted by Luis Magno on Fri, 26 Mar 2010 05:12 | #

So much crap, so little time.

Exactly! All this talk about European this and that and about European-American this and that coming from White Nationalists is a distraction from the truth. In the U.S.A. one simple fact explains it all. If you are anti-Spanish American then you are anti-European American. No ifs or buts. If you support the ethnicide of Spanish Americans then you support the ethnicide of European Americans.

European-American history begins with the discovery of America in 1492 by the Genoese-born navigator and Spanish admiral Christopher Columbus. If a person cannot embrace that historical fact without reservation than the person is either an idiot or an agent, conscious or otherwise, of the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon oligarchy intent on destroying the U.S.A.

And if a person cannot embrace the existence of a dark side to Manifest Destiny, the side of black slavery, indigenous genocide and Spanish-American ethnicide then again the person is either an idiot or an agent, conscious or otherwise, of the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon oligarchy intent on destroying the U.S.A. 

That Dr. Sunic has aligned himself with the White Nationalist movement speaks of the darkness of the age and of the degeneracy of American culture for he has nowhere else to go. What a waste of genius!

Luis Magno
.(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)


Posted by aug on Fri, 26 Mar 2010 22:33 | #

And if a person cannot embrace the existence of a dark side to Manifest Destiny, the side of black slavery, indigenous genocide and Spanish-American ethnicide then again the person is either an idiot or an agent, conscious or otherwise, of the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon oligarchy intent on destroying the U.S.A.

I’m sure we’re all relieved to learn that we are unconscious agents of this Judeo-Anglo-Saxon oligarchy. Show us the way, you “dynamic” Hispano-Magyar!

At the same time the exchange would free the Spanish Americans to resume their historical vanguard role in the creation of a New World Columbian culture of life and, today, a vanguard role in the creation of a cultural renaissance for an American twenty-first century of peace and prosperity.

Here are your vanguard, then:


Posted by Luis Magno on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 00:18 | #

I am hoping for a peaceful a resolution to the coming ethno-racial explosion. A peaceful resolution will require a sovereign resolution to the Anglo/Hispanic language conflict. The earlier that discussions begin concerning the implementation of language parity the less the psycho-cultural damage and the less the material losses to the population in general coming out of the socio-political chaos into which the nation is inevitably plunging. The sooner that a linguo-culturally sovereign Hispanic presence in the U.S.A. is acknowledged and formally accepted by the misguided anti-Hispanic patriotic forces the sooner that the nation as a whole, Anglo and Hispanic alike, can heal and move on to bigger and better things such as confronting and defeating the shared Zionist enemy on multiple levels including the ground level.

~ Luis Magno


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 01:03 | #

This is not a linguistic problem, it’s a racial one. If the 9% of Mexicans who are White could be swapped for the low average IQ Mestizo and Indio invaders of the US, we would see, in America, a sharp decline in crime, welfare dependency, slum creation and educational failure.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 01:20 | #

Even assuming any arrangement by which mestizos and Whites were to live to their mutual benefit within the same society - which is itself laughable, the advantage is clearly one-sided - self anointed mestizo spokesmen seem content to make alliances with Jews against Whites.


Posted by Luis Magno on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 01:21 | #


You are asking me to give up my “hispano-magyar” identity? Would you give up your “white nationalist” identity in return?

~Luis Magno


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 05:26 | #

Was my comment deleted? WTF?


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 05:33 | #

Sorry my mistake I posted my comment on the next article after this one concerning the Griffin interview that I was initially was going to comment on this article but modified it for that article.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 27 Mar 2010 12:03 | #

@Luis Magno
                With respect…your arguments are presumptive. Are you saying you demand lingual parity in a country that is traditionally Anglo and Northern European?
Hispanics have their own sphere of influence, but you want to strike a deal with ‘Anglos’ in order to gain one half of a country that is traditionally Anglo and Northern European and not a Hispanic sphere of influence? And the ‘white’ Americans get half of their own country?
Very sharp assessment of the situation. So in the coming racial conflict, Hispanics will carry out a negotiated reconquista.
And if Anglos don’t agree to a negotiated conquest by Hispanics….then Hispanics will join the internationalist forces against the Anglos or white Americans…..interesting.

I see that your threat is real. Because either way you estimate you will gain control in a country that has many resources, not just an advanced Northern European technological society….but much more besides. In return, you will not create disorder, crime and chaos on behalf of internationalist forces. Mexico promises not to invade America or Canada, if they give up half their country and make Spanish a official language.

I think this is exactly what this fight is to be about. You are not the type of citizen Americans want in their country.This is not how Anglos or Northern Europeans do business. This is how our enemy does business. Getting rid of your type Luis, is what the coming race war is about.

You have conjones, but no brains my friend. I would listen to you respectfully. I respect Hispanics. But I have no respect for cockroaches trying to pimp their sister. I suggest you go join up with the jews…they might be impressed a little with your ideas…maybe they will send you out looting or robbing. Then we will have you. And you can settle in America eternally into a six foot deep hacienda.

Quizá en su próxima vida como un perro


Posted by Luis Magno on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:10 | #

@Al Ross
There is both a linguo-cultural problem and an ethno-racial problem. If it sounds like I am saying that it is only a language problem that’s because I am countering the White Nationalist assumption that it is only a racial problem. I bring balance to the discussion. The intersection of culture and race is fuzzy. What some perceive as cultural others perceive as racial. The dividing line is a fine line. That is the given condition of the human species and not just of the American people.

As to the other point that you raise. Trading the 30% (not 10%) of Hispanics that are of European/Caucasian descent for the 70% that are of mixed-racial descent is not a practical solution. I want to deal with the current reality of two European language cultures living side by side in the same nation-state. Both language cultures have large non-European and mixed-race populations. I have no quarrel with those who wish to live in an all-Caucasian country. I am simply addressing the current American mixed-race reality which is both Anglo and Hispanic, both English-speaking and Spanish-speaking.


Posted by Luis Magno on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:12 | #


“... self anointed mestizo spokesmen seem content to make alliances with Jews against Whites.”

Self-anointed mestizo spokesmen (and spokeswomen) with full Judeo-Anglo-Saxon moral and material support (think Rockefeller Foundation and Ford Foundation among others). And don’t ignore the traitorous role of the Anglo-Saxon and other European-descended shabbos goyim.


Posted by Luis Magno on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:26 | #

I am not demanding anything. I am proposing a compromise. You raise many points and I will try to address at least some of them. What I cannot address is your personal hostility. It is likely grounded in a mixed-breed “White” heritage. I am fully aware of the mixed-race problem within the White Nationalist movement. Mixed-breed “Whites” appear to be the major depository of a hostility which is gleefully promoted by the Judeo-Anglo-Saxon oligarchy in a divide-and-conquer strategy designed to bring the U.S.A. and the American people to their knees.

I am proposing English/Spanish language parity as one aspect of an overall solution to the Anglo-Hispanic conflict. Please note that I am at the same time proposing a national moratorium on all immigration, legal and illegal, with subsequent negotiations in order to determine specific immigration quotas for countries and, yes, for races.

I do not oppose racially-sensitive quotas. On the contrary I believe that we should freeze the current racial percentages and adjust immigration quotas accordingly in order to preserve the present racial percentages. As a racial European I want to preserve the current European-American ethno-racial demographic majority. I consider that a major selling point to White Nationalists. I am fully conscious, of course, of the fact that many White Nationalists want to live a an all-Caucasian country and are not interested in compromising for the sake of maintaining the integrity of the American Union known as the U.S. of A. They want the U.S.A. to break up. I don’t. Perhaps you do.

As to your claim that this country is traditionally “Anglo and Northern European” the historical facts tell us otherwise. California, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Montana, Florida. These names do not suggest to me an Anglo or a Northern European origin. They suggest to me a Spanish origin.

One possible future bandied around for the United States is to break it up into five or six or seven separate and independent republics. I live in the present American state of New Mexico and I would like to keep that arrangement. I don’t want New Mexico attached to any of the possible new republics that might emerge and New Mexico is too small by itself to survive as an independent nation.

My present home and one of my ancient ancestral homes are in New Mexico. New Mexico started out as a Spanish provincial kingdom and subsequently became a New Spanish provincial kingdom ruled from Mexico City by the New Spanish viceroy appointed by the Spanish crown. That goes back to 1598 and earlier to 1535 if one takes into account the earliest Spanish explorations and territorial claims in what is today the American Southwest.

I am proposing a compromise. I want to avoid a racial conflict or at the very least I want to ameliorate the conflict after it begins by bringing it hopefully to a quicker end. It is because I see the possibility of a devastating racial conflict that I am proposing a solution that takes into account the cultural, racial and territorial interests of all linguistic and ethno-racial groups with the goal in mind of preserving the American Union and its invaluable Anglo-Saxon heritage of individual freedom and liberty.

I am however not blind to the dark side of Manifest Destiny, to the side that promoted indigenous genocide and black slavery in the past and today actively promotes European-American ethnicide and continuing Spanish-American ethnicide in particular.

As for the Jews my position is clear. I would treat them as I would treat any other ethno-racial group. All subject to quotas. That means that 90% of the Jews in American government, media, education and finance would be asked to retire.

Recalcitrant mixed-breeds like you would be sent to psycho-social rehabilitation centers in lieu of summary execution.  grin


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:44 | #

The “indigenous genocide” was so successful that vast tracts of the US (55.7 million acres over 310 Indian Reservations) and are administered for the benefit of the “genocided” group.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:45 | #

Excise “and”.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 00:57 | #

One country in which indigenous genocide did, in fact, occur was in Spanish - speaking Argentina.

As the African colonial governor remarked, in the manner of Spooner, to the local tribal chief who lost his collection of chairs of state in a village conflagration :

“People who live in grass houses shouldn’t stow thrones”


Posted by Luis Magno on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 01:39 | #

@Al Ross
Note that the “vast tracts” and most surviving Amerindians are in the American Southwest which was first settled by Spaniards. These Indians until two or three generations ago all spoke Spanish in addition to their native languages. The genocide occurred in New England and in other areas settled by English-speakers.

I am not familiar with the Argentine situation. I believe that most of the Indian displacement occurred following the later huge influx of Italians, Englishmen and other Europeans.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 01:45 | #

European-American history begins with the discovery of America in 1492 by the Genoese-born navigator and Spanish admiral Christopher Columbus.

Columbus was a Jew.


Posted by Luis Magno on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 02:06 | #

@ben tillman

That Columbus was a Jew has long since been debunked. Columbus was born Pietro Scotto in Genoa,  an independent city-state in what is today Italy. Columbus’s father was a merchant of Scotish origin hence the surname Scotto. His mother came from a distinguished Italian family. The Scotto family name was originally Douglas. Do an internet search on “Pedro Scotto” for more detail in recently published material by a Spanish historian.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 02:27 | #

The Argentinian genocide against indigenous people took place before the influx of both Italian and English settlers. In any event, Spanish - descended politicos were running the country during that period (1870s) :


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 02:56 | #

I don’t believe we could interdict this train before it goes off the tracks if we tried, Luis.  You are as marginalized as we are.  America’s ruling elites will not be deterred in bringing their plans to fruition, at the end of which lies balkanization.  In that scenario, you can consider Aztlan a fait accompli, mestizos presumably enjoying at that time a sizable majority in the Southwest with remaining non-mestizos likely being expelled, and the influx of mestizos to said having been likewise expelled from other portions of the former United States.  In the form of Aztlan you will have gotten out of this with much more than you started with, I’d call that good if I were you.


Posted by Luis Magno on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 04:25 | #


“In the form of Aztlan you will have gotten out of this with much more than you started with, I’d call that good if I were you.”

Don’t think for a moment that I haven’t considered the possibility that Spanish-descended and Spanish-speaking Americans might not be better off in a future Spanish-speaking Aztlán but then Chicanos harbor a deep hatred of the Spaniard. The deep hatred of the English-speaking mixed-breed “White” toward the Spaniard is comparable as is evident in some of the responses here.

That is why I prefer a resolution that preserves the geographical integrity of the U.S.A. as a sovereign nation-state free of the trans-Atlantic Judeo-Anglo-Saxon oligarchical control emanating from the City of London, Number 10 Downing Street and Windsor Castle via the Federal Reserve System and now via the Rothschild and Rockefeller Illuminati-controlled Obama White House.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 05:12 | #


I’m of German-Dutch-English-Scottish descent (50% German), I don’t know if that qualifies me as “mixed-breed” in your mind.  I don’t really care either.  I’ll level with you, I’m a Nordicist, which means I wish to preserve Northwestern European blood.  And, depending on my mood, I’m a National Socialist. 

But I do consider the Spanish to be “White,” by definition all European-derived people are “White.”  I doubt you will find anyone here who would gainsay that, which is why I find your attachment to “Chicano” half-castes so puzzling.  With the coming collapse, we are presented with a rather sizable opportunity to redraw the map.  It is there for the taking, for those with the balls to take it.  There is the possibility that a self-governing ethno-state for the Spanish could be set up on the North American continent with the full consent and protection of the Nordic majority.  Also, there is the possibility that Canada can be annexed, with the bonus of being a massive blow to the prestige of the English (whom are no great lovers of Krauts, as I"m sure you know).


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 05:29 | #

Yeah, it’ll all be worth it just to see the look on the faces of the English when the no doubt majority German-descended Whites roll into Canada.  Sweet revenge at last.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 05:57 | #

There is the possibility that a self-governing ethno-state for the Spanish could be set up on the North American continent

Except for the fact Cap’n old son, that any such ethno-state would be be no more Spanish than you or I.

I’m supposing that by Spanish that what you meant to say was Spanish-speaking, although even that is something of a stretch, the mestizo argot having as little to do with standard Castilian as Hinglish does to Oxford English.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 06:13 | #

Yes, DD, like Basil Fawlty’s attempts to converse with Manuel.

Still, neither distance nor time, prevented President De Gaulle from embracing the French Canadians even though their version of that beautiful language would doubtless seem, mutatis mutandis, to us as if we were being addressed in Elizabethan English.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 06:29 | #

I’m supposing that by Spanish that what you meant to say was Spanish-speaking,

Luis claims to be “Spanish,” which connotes to me that he is, well, Spanish, and not a mestizo.  But if he is a mestizo, I’m sure he knows where he can stick it.  Damn it, Dare, you squeezed all the generosity out of me, which is not hard to do.  Total reconquest of the North American continent it is, then.  Let the cholos think they will get Assland (which plays into our hands per balkanization), until we roll in with a million man blitzkrieg and crush them totally within a week.  Every last one of them will be sent back to Mexico, and those who resist will be killed on the spot.  Adios, pendejos.

The kind of fanaticism we will need to effect total reconquest that will be generated by balkanization I can only think of as a good thing.  I’m sure you agree, Dare.


Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 06:38 | #

@Luis Magno
        Thank you for your almost thoughtful response. As to the origin of my hostility - my ethnic purity as you understand it, is not the source. I find it humorous and bizarre that someone such as you could even bring it into question. As I said before, tiene las conjones, pero no el cerebro. Pero respeto tu valentía, no todos pueden tener el valor y el cerebro. Así que voy a pasar por alto su ignorancia ambicioso como resultado de la crianza deficiente. Pero pienso que la cárcel para mestizos se propone más para usted que mí.  Pero usted debería dejar de tratar de vender a su hermana fea por medio país. .Pero hablaré con usted sin insultos. 
  You propose, oppose, bargain, deal, only then do you pledge your faith to stand shoulder to shoulder. I do not respect this. Hispanics I respect do not bargain, they just stand up and are counted when it is time for men to stand up. Maybe you should go back to selling bags of oranges Luis.
As to your claim that this country is traditionally “Anglo and Northern European” the historical facts tell us otherwise. California, Texas, Colorado, New Mexico, Nevada, Utah, Montana, Florida. These names do not suggest to me an Anglo or a Northern European origin. They suggest to me a Spanish origin.

  These were Spanish territorial claims of the past. That would be imperial Spain, not Mexico. They are no longer Spanish or Hispanic lands…you have no claim here with which to bargain.


As for the Jews my position is clear. I would treat them as I would treat any other ethno-racial group. All subject to quotas. That means that 90% of the Jews in American government, media, education and finance would be asked to retire.


Your position is clear for someone who’s position is unimportant. You talk exactly like a Jewish pequeño perro bravo. Yet still it is interesting to hear your thoughts - for this, thank you. My suggestion is that you should negotiate as an American, and so you could expect to be treated as one.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 28 Mar 2010 18:37 | #

European-American history begins at L’Anse aux Meadows, Newfoundland.

Examining the Canadian experience should dispel any notion of official bilingualism in any American English speakers. It is simply an affirmative action plan for speakers of the minority language. Jobs in government, for one, at either the federal or state level, will be designated as providing a bilingual service and will always favor the minority language speaker, not only linguistically but ethnically as well.

The only deal the Nordish people might consider is something like McCulloch’s Racial Compact.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 18:15 | #

The only deal the Nordish people might consider is something like McCulloch’s Racial Compact.

It’s a nice idea, and one which I promote, but the only people who really seem to care about race to extent necessary to effect it are nordishers themselves, so I wonder if simply carving out your own ethnostate and leaving the rest mixed isn’t a better idea.  Even then, though, if Wilmot Robertson could write thirty years ago, “At present the American Majority is little inclined to examine its racial history or prehistory.  It is even less inclined to compose, embroider and propagate the myths which are the taproots and symbols of race consciousness,” you have to wonder if even they’ll ever give a damn enough.  Racialism doesn’t always start with esthetics but it always ends with esthetics, and if not esthetics, then nothing.  Most difficult for a revulsionist like you to grasp, it seems, is that racial appreciation is a possibility and a reality, and when it’s keenly felt it’s as keenly felt as revulsion, and when that’s the case what hope can you have waving around your dendograms and bell curves?  Still, “worse is better,” so the inclination to take a closer look at race might be forced upon such people by events themselves, be it collapse or anti-white animosity (“you might not be interested in race, but race is interested in you”), but the reality is you’re struggling against world-historical trends, not just “Jewish” obfuscation and obstruction. (I put Jewish in quotes to indicate that its source isn’t only Jewish, and so to reduce it to “Jewish” is a disservice to truth.)


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 29 Mar 2010 19:40 | #

Better revulsion than lies.

“I regard the Klan, the Anglo-Saxon clubs and White American societies, as far as the Negro is concerned, as better friends of the race than all other groups of hypocritical whites put together. I like honesty and fair play. You may call me a Klansman if you will, but, potentially, every white man is a Klansman, as far as the Negro in competition with whites socially, economically and politically is concerned, and there is no use lying.”


Posted by not GW on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 10:43 | #

What’s fascinating, at least to me, is how Guessedworker allows “silver” to post here and yet, at the same time, censors rational and non-vulgar critiques of “silver.”

Very good.  I’ve been on the fence about the utility of the effort here and have been knocked off that fence reasonably effectively.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 14:27 | #

Guessedworker allows “silver” to post here and yet, at the same time, censors rational and non-vulgar critiques of “silver.”

News to me, pal.  But I’ll take your word that you are, of course, right and, if it helps, I will critique silver’s last comment myself.  It won’t be what you want to hear, no doubt.  But you can always start your own blog and see how that goes.

Regardless, there are aspects of silver’s comment that are worth remarking upon ...


the only people who really seem to care about race to extent necessary to effect it are nordishers themselves

You of all people should understand that southern, eastern and south-eastern Europeans tend to define themselves racially against the northern European majority.  The preoccupation continues to be that the majority is oppressive and exclusionary, and for that it is to be subverted.  If this is telling us that genetic distance goes critical within Europe, and that is natural and unavoidable, the question becomes greatly simplified.  It is one of choice for the non-northerners.  Do they want to pay the price of a national life that includes negros and mestizos, or do they want a living space of their own -  which can only be achieved by working with Northerners to win a Greater European living space first?

if Wilmot Robertson could write thirty years ago, “At present the American Majority is little inclined to examine its racial history or prehistory.  It is even less inclined to compose, embroider and propagate the myths which are the taproots and symbols of race consciousness,”

But the taproots of race-consciousness are NOT mythical.  They are ontological.  For ninety years we’ve been asking our people the wrong damn question.  That’s why they don’t answer us.  This is so obvious to everybody who isn’t actually a fascist.

Racialism doesn’t always start with esthetics but it always ends with esthetics, and if not esthetics, then nothing.

Racialism might conceivably ends with aesthetics if one asks an aesthetic question, though that is by no means certain.  Wintermute once commented here on some worthy German who had proferred the opinion that, left to its own devices, the National Socialist revolution would have matured into a conservative zeitgeist, as all revolutions do.

In any event, since you have never heard an ontological question, you don’t know how racialism would develop in an ontological-nationalist environment.  I will tell you.  It would emerge into Nature, into stability and self-understanding.  It would contain all that is contained in the European sociobology, and nothing else.  Nothing confabulated or extrapolated beyond its bounds, nothing unchecked against the fact of self- and peoplehood, nothing not of us, nothing unEuropean.

Being is not aesthetics.

the reality is you’re struggling against world-historical trends

On this we agree, providing we are not talking about “near” things like equality, immigration trends, etc.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 16:42 | #

What is the ontological definition of the English?


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 17:27 | #


For some reason - can’t imagine what - you are changing the furniture.  Demanding a definition for the English is something the left-racists of CiF always demand from me.  Let’s not go down that road.  In any case, silver’s reference was to the taproots of racial consciousness which I assert are in our being, our nature, our genes.  We don’t learn racial consciousness.  It is something that, in our estrangement from self, we sometimes forget.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 18:12 | #

For some reason - can’t imagine what - you are changing the furniture.

No sir. My thoughts on race, although they are evolving and have evolved, have always been of the mystic variety. I lean toward the Evola camp. 

Demanding a definition for the English is something the left-tracists of CiF always demand from me.

Leftists probably require food and drink as well…

I think God prescribes the universals for humanity - He is normative - and therefore, there is such a thing as the English and He has proscribed the boundaries of their habitation. I’m just wondering how a physicalist can determine there is such a thing as the English, ontologically, and not merely determine there is a social construct that we refer to in shorthand as the “English.”

We don’t learn racial consciousness.  It is something that, in our estrangement from self, we sometimes forget.

I’m not so sure brother.


Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 18:50 | #

I’m just wondering how a physicalist can determine there is such a thing as the English, ontologically, and not merely determine there is a social construct that we refer to in shorthand as the “English.”

It’s quite simple, the word “English” refers to a real phenomenon, it cannot be denied that the English exist nor can it be denied that “English” is not “German”, “African”, “Jew”, etc.  A “social construct” implies something which could not be easily verified by the senses, but the identity of the English clearly can.  I feel like you’re falling victim to Semitic word juggling here.

No offense intended of course, I appreciate that you’re on the same side as us, where it really matters.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 30 Mar 2010 19:33 | #

It’s quite simple, the word “English” refers to a real phenomenon,

Of course, but what phenomenon specifically? How do we know they aren’t a socially constructed epiphenomenon?

nor can it be denied that “English” is not “German”, “African”, “Jew”, etc.

Sure it can. I won’t do that though. I would suggest to you that unicorns and leprechauns aren’t German either. In what way, specifically, are the English not German?

Is it that the English are -(G) OR -(A) OR -(J)?

Philosophy is a Gentile pursuit.

No offense intended of course, I appreciate that you’re on the same side as us, where it really matters.

None taken. I am indeed a friend of MR.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 31 Mar 2010 06:02 | #

A propos of many of the views of Prof. Sunic, James Kalb, the human laser beam, trains his laser scalpel on the current North-America-and-Western-Europewide régime of government-enforced “Tolerance” in a new piece up over at Richard Spencer’s  I consider it a must read but I’ve considered everything by Kalb a must read since I discovered him in 2002 so that’s not saying much. 

Here it is, apparently the first of a projected series of articles on the general topic.  Get laser goggles on:  you’re going to see a brilliant light: .


Posted by Silver on Wed, 31 Mar 2010 12:05 | #


Trends which have not hit (and likely won’t be hitting) Japan, Israel, the former communist-bloc nations of Eastern Europe, or lots of other places.  You see, unlike your typical garden-variety run-of-the-mill world historical trends, these world historical trends are very finicky.

I see.  Unless it’s occurring at precisely, mathematically the same rate and for precisely the same reasons it’s a difference of kind, not of degree.


The preoccupation continues to be that the majority is oppressive and exclusionary, and for that it is to be subverted.

To get this out of the way: that lingers, I guess, but I’m not so sure it’s the case much these days.  (And it’s certainly no preoccupation of mine.)

If this is telling us that genetic distance goes critical within Europe, and that is natural and unavoidable, the question becomes greatly simplified.  It is one of choice for the non-northerners.  Do they want to pay the price of a national life that includes negros and mestizos, or do they want a living space of their own - which can only be achieved by working with Northerners to win a Greater European living space first?

This I agree with entirely (though I don’t imbue with any sort of nationalistic essentialism).  My point was that so few seem willing to undergo the sort of upheaval that would be required to see that effected—that, whether for racial or historical or national reasons, it’s a nordy thing, the desire to go through all that.  Partitionists tend to assume that everyone else will want the same thing for themselves, but I really haven’t seen too much evidence of that on the race boards.  So what I meant was that nordish partitionists shouldn’t concern themselves too much with what is best for everyone else, rather they should leave that up to others to decide.  (Assuming any such partition scenario is even the cards, which is hardly a given.)

Racialism might conceivably ends with aesthetics if one asks an aesthetic question, though that is by no means certain.  Wintermute once commented here on some worthy German who had proferred the opinion that, left to its own devices, the National Socialist revolution would have matured into a conservative zeitgeist, as all revolutions do.

In any event, since you have never heard an ontological question, you don’t know how racialism would develop in an ontological-nationalist environment.  I will tell you.  It would emerge into Nature, into stability and self-understanding.  It would contain all that is contained in the European sociobology, and nothing else.  Nothing confabulated or extrapolated beyond its bounds, nothing unchecked against the fact of self- and peoplehood, nothing not of us, nothing unEuropean.

Come on, quit trying to snow me with your philosophy.  It was a simple point.  I was talking about what tends to move people in racialism—move them to the point where they are willing to endure the upheaval required to achieve a racial objective—and everything I’ve observed indicates to me that, after all is said and done, people’s motivation tends to come to rest on esthetics.  Whether or not that’s ontological enough for you is completely beside the point.

We don’t learn racial consciousness.  It is something that, in our estrangement from self, we sometimes forget.

I’m inclined to be (highly) skeptical (“estrangement from self”?) but there could very well be something to that, so I won’t write it off completely.  Pity it’s all put forward in that GW “You do not what life is.  I do.” trademark style, otherwise one might be tempted to attempt to understand. 

not GW,

Your welcome to critique me to your heart’s content, in terms as fair or as vulgar as you see fit.  If GW would prefer it doesn’t take place here you know where you can find me.


Posted by Luis Magno on Mon, 05 Apr 2010 23:18 | #

A new world order is emerging from the ground up. It replaces the now dominant 300-yr old world order centered in the monetary and financial districts of London and New York. We identify the top oligarch and out him. We identify him ethno-racially and out him socio-politically. No oligarch in the chain of command is exempt. European Americans have historical and cultural priorities and preferences that take precedence over alien postulations and indigenous barbarisms. If that is clear then let the revolution begin!


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 00:26 | #

No oligarch in the chain of command is exempt.

I think it would be politically, propagandistically and historically useful to try the traitors in tribunal fashion for committing genocide against the White race.  The Nuremberg Tribunals are in many ways one of the set pieces of the existing world order.  Our tribunals could be a set piece in our new order.


Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 00:34 | #

I think it would be politically, propagandistically and historically useful to try the traitors in tribunal fashion for committing genocide against the White race.

Absolutely. Nuremberg 2020.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 06 Apr 2010 02:55 | #

With an intensity of sacred outrage and solemn conviction in my heart and in my soul beyond the ability of words to express I second Luis Magno, Captainchaos, and Wandrin.  Every word.  And especially this:

No oligarch in the chain of command is exempt.

They know who they are.  Let them understand that fair trials with all constitutional protections will await them.  No exemptions.  The charges?  Capital, of course:  we’re talking about genocide and crimes against humanity.

The charges will be capital and no oligarch in the chain of command will be exempt.

Let them begin to feel uneasy.


Posted by Joey Tribianni on Thu, 17 Jan 2013 02:30 | #

Woow, you people are really crazy. Go, get a life

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)
