Prof.MacDonald: Psychological Mechanism of White Dispossession

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 21 April 2015 23:14.

MacDonald At Stockholm, Sweden, April 20th 2015



Posted by AFP candidate Sean Donahue on Fri, 24 Apr 2015 04:01 | #

Bill Johnson of The American Freedom Party talks with a mayoral candidate of theirs - Sean Donahue / focus on implications of 51 million immigrants to The US in 8 years.


Posted by AFP's Kenn Daily on Fri, 24 Apr 2015 10:45 | #

American Freedom Party is running Kenn Gividen for President and former senior White House adviser, Bob Whitaker, for Vice President

Current articles from the Daily Kenn:—Police say they are searching for a black male with short, curly dark hair in the shooting death of Cassandra Cassidy.

The 24-year-old was apparently flagged down by two black females as she drove to work last week. The two asked to borrow her cell phone. Moments later shots were fired from a passing vehicle killing Cassidy.

Police say they don’t believe Cassidy was the target. That discounts the possibility that the murder was a random shoot-a-white-person set up in spite of the unlikelihood that neither of two black females would possess cell phones.

The crime occurred April 17, 2015 in Las Vegas, Nevada.


Muslims beat woman with chain, laugh about it in court:

..............................................................................—Police in South Africa are looking for two black males after the body of a Port Elizabeth teacher was found.

Reports say Jayde Panayiotou, 28, was last seen early Tuesday morning.

Apparently the males kidnapped Panayiotou, stole her bank cards, and dumped her body in an isolated area.

Images from an ATM machine are providing police with evidence that may lead to the killers’ identity.

                Jayde Panayiotou


Brainwashed black people act out false narrative in Baltimore—Ignoring the 420,749 black-on-black homicides from 1976 to 2014, a mob of black people took advantage of live television coverage to shout profanities and threats in protest of the death of a black male in police custody.

Tragically, black Americans fail to realize they are being exploited by the media.

According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics (Dept. of Justice), 52.2 percent of homicides were committed by blacks, nearly all by black males ages 18 to 49 and nearly all (97 percent) of the victims were black.

Black lives only matter to the media when they can be exploited to compel gullible black people to act out in frustration, a Marxist ploy called “agitation” encouraged in Saul D. Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

The media has convinced naive black people and some dim-witted white Americans that an epidemic of white cops killing young black males has gripped the nation. In reality, the overwhelming number of black homicides are committed by other blacks.

The media won’t say that.



Posted by To accommodate immigrants in Stockholm.. on Fri, 01 May 2015 01:17 | #

A whole new Stockholm will have to be built to accommodate immigrants…and it will have to happen at the great burden of Swedish taxpayers..


Posted by Sdand-Up on Sun, 17 May 2015 22:51 | #


Posted by this will be the next black riot on Wed, 20 May 2015 15:41 | #

“This will be the next big black riot” - Stan Hess

There were shootings, killings, and arrests last year

Over 500,000 blacks expected—

The NAACP wants to make certain that black bikers who invade Myrtle Beach, South Carolina can engage in ratchet behavior and stiff restaurant owners without repercussions.

Black Bike Week is an annual Memorial Day weekend event in the city and is typically accompanied by violence, theft, and crime.

In 2014 the violence was so severe at the Black Bike Fest that local liberals demanded white property owners be charged higher property taxes to cover the increased demand for law enforcement.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 09 Jun 2015 05:55 | #

See discussion here of Gadamer’s hermeneutic take on the value of “marginal perspective” as it has been used by Jewish academics to construe outsiders as “marginals” rather than marginals being those who are just within group borders….. in relation to this from the Culture of Critque, quoted in the KM article below:

Jewish ingroup status vis-à-vis the gentile world as an outgroup would be expected to lead to a generalized negative conceptualization of the gentile outgroup and a tendency to overemphasize the negative aspects of gentile society and social structure.

a tendency for displacement of ingroup views away from outgroup norms


Groupthink in Sweden

June 8, 2015 — Kevin MacDonald

Sweden has become something of a paradigm of what’s wrong with the West, but one doesn’t expect light to be shed on the subject in an article on the false confessions of a Swedish man. However, this article has an interesting observation. The basic facts:

  Sture Bergwall … confessed to 30 killings in the 1970s and 80s and to dismembering and eating some of his victims. In trials beginning two decades ago he was convicted and locked up in an institution for the criminally insane.

  But, in a story redolent of the darkest Nordic crime fiction, doubts continued to swirl around the case until an investigative journalist, the late Hannes Råstam, demonstrated that the confessions had no basis in fact. (“Lawyers blame groupthink in Sweden’s worst​​ miscarriage of justice“)

The false confessions have led to soul searching in the Swedish legal community and, as the title of the article indicates, the explanation is “groupthink.”

  “In hindsight, it is easy to see mistakes in the Bergwall affair,” the commission in Stockholm said on Friday.

  “When the same people participated in all or most of it, a groupthink developed … Strong trust between people is often described as one of Sweden’s great assets [but] it can not replace a critical approach to serious allegations, even when they are self-accusations,” it said in a newspaper article accompanying its report.

Strong social trust is indeed a great asset of Sweden and other countries with a significant Nordic population — a legacy of the egalitarian northern hunter-gatherer culture in which group membership is conditioned not on kinship but on maintaining one’s reputation as honest, trustworthy, and as someone who upholds the moral values of the community.

I confess that I hadn’t thought of this as leading to groupthink, but it’s not at all hard to see the connection. It is another example of egalitarianism maintained by shunning, where people who stand out or dissent from group norms in any way are ostracized. This is another facet of the Jante Laws and the Tall Poppy Syndrome (see here, section titled “Scandinavian Roots of Western Egalitarianism and Sense of Fairness”) of Northern European culture: it’s not only excellence or that is punished, but any deviation from group norms, including opinions shared by group members. Egalitarian groups make decisions by consensus, not in a top-down, authoritarian manner.

It reminds me of journalist Ingrid Carlqvist‘s comments on the enforced silence on any criticism of multiculturalism in the above-ground media. Violating the silence is met with moral outrage intended to produce shunning and ostracism — in other words, enforced groupthink where people are terrified at the thought of having dissenting opinions:

  In Sweden NOBODY talks about immigration problems, the death of the multiculti project or the islamisation/arabisation of Europe. If you do, you will immediately be called a racist, an Islamophobe or a Nazi. That is what I have been called since I founded the Free Press Society in Sweden. My name has been dragged through the dirt in big newspapers like Sydsvenskan, Svenska Dagbladet and even my own union paper, The Journalist.

Of course, we see the same thing throughout the West. Western societies have uniquely been high-trust societies, a point made, e.g., by Francis Fukuyama and a basic corollary of the psychology of Western individualism (see here, p. 27ff).

Finally, this intersects with the tendency for Jews to oppose the consensus of non-Jewish society — a major theme of The Culture of Critique. Jewish intellectuals have not felt any inclination to conform to the moral and intellectual consensus of Christian European cultures:

    Jewish involvement in social criticism may be influenced by social identity processes independent of any practical goal such as ending anti-Semitism. Research in social identity processes finds a tendency for displacement of ingroup views away from outgroup norms (Hogg & Abrams 1988). In the case of Jewish-gentile contact, these outgroup norms would paradigmatically represent the consensus views of the gentile society. Moreover, individuals who identify themselves as Jews would be expected to develop negative attributions regarding the outgroup, and for Jews the most salient outgroup is the gentile power structure and indeed the gentile-dominated social structure generally.

  Jewish ingroup status vis-à-vis the gentile world as an outgroup would be expected to lead to a generalized negative conceptualization of the gentile outgroup and a tendency to overemphasize the negative aspects of gentile society and social structure. From the social identity perspective, the Jewish tendency to subvert the social order is thus expected to extend beyond developing ideologies and social programs that satisfy specific Jewish economic and social interests and extend to a general devaluation and critique of gentile culture—“the sheer destructive power of Jewish rationalism once it escaped the restraints of the traditional community” (Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, 1988, 291–292). (Chapter 1 of The Culture of Critique)

What has happened is that there is now a morally framed consensus throughout the West that has taken advantage of this tendency toward groupthink by so many Westerners. The movements discussed in The Culture of Critique originated and dominated by tight-knit groups of Jewish intellectuals and were promulgated from elite universities and elite media. They have achieved consensus among non-Jews in the West — with disastrous results. Of course, it should be noted that increasingly the practical effects of ostracism are not only social anxiety but also loss of job.

Ironically, one of the major findings of research on multiculturalism is that it erodes trust not only of ethnic outsiders, but also of people of your own race. So we can look forward to Swedes and other Westerners being less trusting, but by the time this happens, Sweden will already have been transformed into a non-homogeneous society prone to intra-societal conflicts and lack of willingness to contribute to public goods. At that point, when trust evaporates, they may become more willing to stand up to the suicidal consensus.

See full article at TOO:



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 09 Jun 2015 06:01 | #

See discussion here of Gadamer’s hermeneutic take on the value of “marginal perspective” as it has been used by Jewish academics to construe outsiders as “marginals” rather than marginals being those who are just within group borders….. in relation to this from the Culture of Critque, quoted in the KM article below:

“Jewish ingroup status vis-à-vis the gentile world as an outgroup would be expected to lead to a generalized negative conceptualization of the gentile outgroup and a tendency to overemphasize the negative aspects of gentile society and social structure.”

“a tendency for displacement of ingroup views away from outgroup norms”


Groupthink in Sweden

June 8, 2015 — Kevin MacDonald

Sweden has become something of a paradigm of what’s wrong with the West, but one doesn’t expect light to be shed on the subject in an article on the false confessions of a Swedish man. However, this article has an interesting observation. The basic facts:

  Sture Bergwall … confessed to 30 killings in the 1970s and 80s and to dismembering and eating some of his victims. In trials beginning two decades ago he was convicted and locked up in an institution for the criminally insane.

  But, in a story redolent of the darkest Nordic crime fiction, doubts continued to swirl around the case until an investigative journalist, the late Hannes Råstam, demonstrated that the confessions had no basis in fact. (“Lawyers blame groupthink in Sweden’s worst​​ miscarriage of justice“)

The false confessions have led to soul searching in the Swedish legal community and, as the title of the article indicates, the explanation is “groupthink.”

  “In hindsight, it is easy to see mistakes in the Bergwall affair,” the commission in Stockholm said on Friday.

  “When the same people participated in all or most of it, a groupthink developed … Strong trust between people is often described as one of Sweden’s great assets [but] it can not replace a critical approach to serious allegations, even when they are self-accusations,” it said in a newspaper article accompanying its report.

Strong social trust is indeed a great asset of Sweden and other countries with a significant Nordic population — a legacy of the egalitarian northern hunter-gatherer culture in which group membership is conditioned not on kinship but on maintaining one’s reputation as honest, trustworthy, and as someone who upholds the moral values of the community.

I confess that I hadn’t thought of this as leading to groupthink, but it’s not at all hard to see the connection. It is another example of egalitarianism maintained by shunning, where people who stand out or dissent from group norms in any way are ostracized. This is another facet of the Jante Laws and the Tall Poppy Syndrome (see here, section titled “Scandinavian Roots of Western Egalitarianism and Sense of Fairness”) of Northern European culture: it’s not only excellence or that is punished, but any deviation from group norms, including opinions shared by group members. Egalitarian groups make decisions by consensus, not in a top-down, authoritarian manner.

It reminds me of journalist Ingrid Carlqvist‘s comments on the enforced silence on any criticism of multiculturalism in the above-ground media. Violating the silence is met with moral outrage intended to produce shunning and ostracism — in other words, enforced groupthink where people are terrified at the thought of having dissenting opinions:

  In Sweden NOBODY talks about immigration problems, the death of the multiculti project or the islamisation/arabisation of Europe. If you do, you will immediately be called a racist, an Islamophobe or a Nazi. That is what I have been called since I founded the Free Press Society in Sweden. My name has been dragged through the dirt in big newspapers like Sydsvenskan, Svenska Dagbladet and even my own union paper, The Journalist.

Of course, we see the same thing throughout the West. Western societies have uniquely been high-trust societies, a point made, e.g., by Francis Fukuyama and a basic corollary of the psychology of Western individualism (see here, p. 27ff).

Finally, this intersects with the tendency for Jews to oppose the consensus of non-Jewish society — a major theme of The Culture of Critique. Jewish intellectuals have not felt any inclination to conform to the moral and intellectual consensus of Christian European cultures:

    Jewish involvement in social criticism may be influenced by social identity processes independent of any practical goal such as ending anti-Semitism. Research in social identity processes finds a tendency for displacement of ingroup views away from outgroup norms (Hogg & Abrams 1988). In the case of Jewish-gentile contact, these outgroup norms would paradigmatically represent the consensus views of the gentile society. Moreover, individuals who identify themselves as Jews would be expected to develop negative attributions regarding the outgroup, and for Jews the most salient outgroup is the gentile power structure and indeed the gentile-dominated social structure generally.

  Jewish ingroup status vis-à-vis the gentile world as an outgroup would be expected to lead to a generalized negative conceptualization of the gentile outgroup and a tendency to overemphasize the negative aspects of gentile society and social structure. From the social identity perspective, the Jewish tendency to subvert the social order is thus expected to extend beyond developing ideologies and social programs that satisfy specific Jewish economic and social interests and extend to a general devaluation and critique of gentile culture—“the sheer destructive power of Jewish rationalism once it escaped the restraints of the traditional community” (Paul Johnson, A History of the Jews, 1988, 291–292). (Chapter 1 of The Culture of Critique)

What has happened is that there is now a morally framed consensus throughout the West that has taken advantage of this tendency toward groupthink by so many Westerners. The movements discussed in The Culture of Critique originated and dominated by tight-knit groups of Jewish intellectuals and were promulgated from elite universities and elite media. They have achieved consensus among non-Jews in the West — with disastrous results. Of course, it should be noted that increasingly the practical effects of ostracism are not only social anxiety but also loss of job.

Ironically, one of the major findings of research on multiculturalism is that it erodes trust not only of ethnic outsiders, but also of people of your own race. So we can look forward to Swedes and other Westerners being less trusting, but by the time this happens, Sweden will already have been transformed into a non-homogeneous society prone to intra-societal conflicts and lack of willingness to contribute to public goods. At that point, when trust evaporates, they may become more willing to stand up to the suicidal consensus.

See full article at TOO:


Posted by KM talks with 2 Dons on Fri, 12 Jun 2015 21:22 | #

“You can choose to not play the evolutionary game. But if you do not play it, you will lose.”

                                                  - Prof. Kevin MacDonald

Dr. Kevin MacDonald is guest for this hour.

Don Advo asks him a very interesting question after making this interesting statement:

“The asymmetrical enforcement of civil rights laws only against White people as a way of stripping us of our rights of free association and freedom of contract has relegated us to the level of competing against racial groups as isolated individuals.”

In his reply, Dr. MacDonald notes:

“With humans, evolution is now occurring at the level of culture…


Posted by conditioned inhibtion of lower brain defense on Sat, 13 Jun 2015 17:45 | #

The asymmetrical enforcement of civil rights laws only against White people as a way of stripping us of our rights of free association and freedom of contract has relegated us to the level of competing against racial groups as isolated individuals.

In his reply, Dr. MacDonald notes:

With humans, evolution is now occurring at the level of culture, where people who dominate the culture can put out messages: ‘You should be guilty about your past, guilty about your entire culture.’ So children are being brought up in that.

If you tell people that hey are prejudice, the cortex allows people to control evolved, modular responses. Inhibitory connections can be sent from the cortex to the lower parts of the brain - this is a very important process where evolutionary is occurring now…once you lose control of the media..these responses are conditioned and come to seem natural. All the messages coming in through the media are to the effect of “be open to diversity, White people don’t have a right to their exclusive culture. etc

As we get control of our media we will be able to change these circumstances.


Posted by De Geer, J impact on Sweden on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 01:22 | #

Jonas De Geer, Jewish impact on Sweden


Posted by Motgift - Swedish nationalist radio on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 07:42 | #

Radio show recommended by Swedish nationalist - now 2 hours:


Posted by Swede on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 09:28 | #

I stopped reading TOO.

Although he claims he is agnostic Kevin MacDonald is too Catholic.

Any attempt to fault Catholic /Christian dogma and link it to our dilemma is censored.

The site is just for Catholics like Mari (suspected too be a man called Bobby), Trenchant, Rosa, “Hunt,” etc.

Also MacDonald is a hypocrite. He tolerates muslims on his website (Rehmat) and non-whites (Sanjay, Indra etc) yet he keeps hammering about Rotherham and muslim rapes in Sweden.


Posted by It's ugly to have blue eyes, all u Swedes can die on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 17:56 | #

I’m glad that MR provides that alternative for you, Swede, that is the idea.

We will be stepping-up effort to help the Swedish front shortly, and brother does it need it:
Attention to this one and translation courtesy Morgoth:

‘It’s ugly to have blue eyes, you look like monkeys
It is not easy in the suburbs, man
Come here, Swedish girls, I promise you’ll get a knife in your p****
And suck my d***
We wogs are the bosses of all the bastard children in this town
I swear we are going to take power over all of you
We are taking over from all the different nations
Walla, that’s a promise
One day you Swedes are gonna taste the anger of the wogs
I swear it! everbody knows what I’m talking about, man
This is not just talking crap it’s serious now!now!
The wogs are uniting

It doesn’t matter if you Swedes are ANTIFA
We will kick you out, I don’t give a shit if you’re Left or Right
..Social Democrat or Conservative
You Swedes are gonna taste the anger of the wogs
Yes, I swear it’s not easy here in the subs
I swear it’s gonna be that fucking way
All you Swedes can Die!Die!Die!Die!
All you Swedes should be fucking exterminated!
All you Swedes can Die!Die!Die!Die!Die!
All the Swedes should be wiped from the face of the earth
All you Swedes can Die!Die!Die!Die!Die!
All you Swedes should be exterminated
All you Swedes can Die!Die!Die!Die!Die!
All you Swedes should be exterminated’‘


Posted by Rap-ist Black Plague in Sweden on Mon, 15 Jun 2015 17:32 | #

When discussing the recent murder of Swedish native Lisa Holm, by immigrants, I had to defer to the fact that the suspects were two Lithuanian brothers. Still immigrants committing an egregious murder…but on the very page of the story:


She like dat confidence Yo.

Why doesn’t she go to Haiti? Well, the powers-that-be would not inconvenience her.

Look what the local media has to say:

“Five reasons Sandviken could really suit Wyclef”

Published: 28 May 2015

Former Fugees star Wyclef Jean stirred up a right debate in Sweden on Thursday when he said he was planning a move to the small town of Sandviken, two hours north of the capital. But we’re not ones to judge, so we’ve put together this list of five reasons why the rapper might be such a big fan of this rural town.

US rapper Wyclef Jean: ‘I want to move to Sweden’ (28 May 15):

A small Swedish town two hours north of Stockholm could get an unexpected celebrity resident. Rap star Wyclef Jean fell in love with Sandviken after a gig there two years ago and has now told a Swedish tabloid that he’s planning a move there in the next couple of years.

The 45-year-old rapper of Fugees fame told Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet that he is eyeing a move to Sandviken in east-central Sweden, which captured his heart after he performed at a concert there in 2013.

“In two years I’m going to start looking for a house there. I move around a lot and at that point my daughter will be at the right age. I automatically know that Sandviken is one of the places where I’m going to stay,” he said in an interview.

Sandviken is a fairly ordinary Swedish town, with some 22,000 residents, situated 25 kilometres west of Gävle and around 190 kilometres north of Stockholm. It is mostly known for being the home of Swedish engineering group Sandvik, although the company moved its headquarters to Stockholm in 2012.

We’re sure that it’s very lovely, but let’s just say it is not exactly the kind of place where you would expect a rapper celebrity to settle

Which brings up a crucial point - you must look at what these housing developers and their real estate agents are doing: The bottom line is that they want to rent and sell units - ultimately, to whomever.

And the bottom line for the YKW is that they will seek to block-bust White communities, by perverted legal instruments, if necessary, as demonstrated in “The Fair Housing Act” which denied Whites the right to sell or rent property at their discretion. Does that sound to you as if Whites have freedom?


The Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968) introduced meaningful federal enforcement mechanisms. It outlawed:

  Refusal to sell or rent a dwelling to any person because of race, color, religion, sex, or national origin.
  Discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin in the terms, conditions or privilege of the sale or rental of a dwelling.
  Advertising the sale or rental of a dwelling indicating preference of discrimination based on race, color, religion or national origin.
  Coercing, threatening, intimidating, or interfering with a person’s enjoyment or exercise of housing rights based on discriminatory reasons or retaliating against a person or organization that aids or encourages the exercise or enjoyment of fair housing rights.

True, that’s a U.S. law, but why should we believe the pattern is any different in Sweden?

<iframe width=“560” height=“315” src=”//” frameborder=“0” allowfullscreen></iframe>

Who could possibly object?

American-born rapper set to make Melodifestivalen history -

While things have improved in the two decades since he first made Sweden home, he still is confronted with racism from time to time.

During Swingfly’s performance in Luleå, the marketing director for a handball club in Lund in southern Sweden referred to the black American artist as “a bloated negro who can’t speak Swedish”.

While the man was fired a few days later, Swingfly has learned to take such incidents in his stride.

One can imagine how, in this morass of Negroid presumptuous entitlement, with YKW liberalism tying our hands behind our backs, how even Whites (if indeed, that’s what the perpetrators were), get caught up in the utter disillusionment, the utterly cynical betrayal of all that matters, become utterly demoralized creatures, losing all bearing and respect.

Lisa Holm: part of a trusting evolutionary system, a “naive native population”, subject to invasive species and the loss of social trust and social capital that diversity brings.

                  Three arrested after missing teen found dead

Published: 13 Jun 2015

The body of Lisa Holm, 17, has been found in central Sweden, five days after the cafe worker went missing.

“The body was identified by her parents,” police spokeswoman, Ulla Brehm, confirmed.

Three people have been arrested - a woman and two men.

The police forced entry to a barn one kilometre from the cafe from where Holm disappeared.

According to Sweden’s Aftonbladet newspaper, police swarmed the building with tracker dogs. “It looked like the dogs tracked a scent,” said a witness.

Lisa Holm, who was named by police on Tuesday, was last seen at a café in Blomberg near Lidköping at around 6.30pm on Sunday after working a shift there.

Lidköping is a small town in a rural area north east of Gothenburg, and is close to two of Sweden’s largest lakes. It is around 50km from the teenager’s home town, Skövde.

More than 7,000 people disappear in Sweden every year, according to Missing People, but the search for Lisa Holm is one of the biggest in recent years and captured high media attention.

Around 900 volunteers joined the search for the teenager, searching woodland, fields and buildings in the region.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)
