Rivers of Blood, from the BBC’s White season The only programme of the five in the BBC2 White season which has garnered any kind of praise from right-thinkers is “Rivers of Blood”, a surprisingly sympathetic and rounded portrayal of the great and courageous Enoch Powell. Naturally, it has found its way onto YouTube. My thanks to wintermute for sending me links to all six parts.
Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Comments:2
Posted by rocket on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:33 | # The real problem with immigration is not race . that is a red herring . the real problem with immigration and why it should be stopped is one of economic . it is a wall street agenda, and it goes like this : 1. cheap labor the right wont fight it becuase they are pro- corporate , and the liberals wont fight it becuase most of them have mexican housemaids and gardners. answer—overturn NAFTA and Gatt. seal up the borders. build the wall . 3
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:35 | # If the BBC is showing this now it is thanks to one thing and one thing only: good people have refused to take it lying down but have fought back. I single out here for especial praise Peter Brimelow, Steve Sailer, and the team they assembled known as Vdare.com, the magnificent, ground-breaking, and supremely courageous site which brought about my own personal and blessed awakening right from the day I discovered it in October, 2000, and has doubltess done the same for tens of thousands if not hundreds of thousands since then. Comrades, animated, heartened, and greatly strengthened by the example and undying spirit of larger-than-life heros who’ve gone before, such as Enoch, we’ve come a long way. We’ve yet a very long way to go before we’ll be able to see victory actually within our grasp. But we shall win in the end, and win completely, thoroughly ROUTING the other side and winning full restoration of the racial/ethnocultural status quo ante — we DEMAND ALL OF THAT and will NEVER settle for one jot less! — because truth is with us, and right is with us, and when truth and right are with us who can stand against us? No one. Never lose heart no matter what, never succumb to despair, never consider compromise, and never stop the fight! WE SHALL WIN THIS! Our worst nightmare is GOING TO END AND BE FULLY REVERSED! 4
Posted by skeptical on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:45 | # rocket,
Like hell it isn’t. Where do you live? For the moment, I live in South Texas. It’s dangerous down here for a good (but unspeakable) reason.
Bullshit! The liberals are supporting the immivasion because they see the non-White foreigners as a new vote bank which will drown out the [predominantly] white Nixon/Reagan coalition. Political power is what animates the liberals while greed & cowardice accurately describes the Republicans. 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:06 | # I was going to respond to that thing by Rocket which Skeptical responded to, in fact had something typed out (something appropriately snide and suitably belittling of Mr. Rocket-Science) but just couldn’t get myself to have further direct dealings with this individual who always, in absolutely everything he posts, gets it one-thousand-percent wrong. I decided just to continue to ignore him completely. Which is what I’m going to go back to doing, no matter how outrageous he becomes. 6
Posted by skeptical on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:16 | # Fred Scrooby, Anyone white person who can watch the videos GuessedWorker linked to (concerning Enoch Powell and modern England) and not see the problem as being racial in origin are really beneath contempt to me, as haters of their own people and the distinctive cultures & civilizations that we’ve produced. Most of the time there’s no point responding though. People are seldom (if ever) convinced by online argument. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 04:24 | # I totally agree, Skeptical. And it’s not just this BBC video, it’s everything else — you can’t see the racial dimension in all that’s been going on with immigration, you’re beneath contempt and not just contempt, you’re beneath everything ... you’re just beneath, that’s all, just beneath. Words for what you are can’t be found. No one with self-respect should stoop to notice such a person, who is on President Bush’s level. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 07:44 | # About that Lord Lester who appeared just before the middle of part 3, the one who bragged of all he did in the ‘70s to tear down the English nation and replace it with multiracial multiculti — I’m certain no one will guess his ethnicity, somehow I feel one-hundred percent sure of that. I’d also like to know the ethnicity of whoever it was who told Tony Blair to create the Negro teacher, Lola Young, a life peer, Baroness Young, in 2004, right around the same time in the early part of this decade when all the Jewish financial backers of Tony “Open Borders” Bair, at least a dozen or a dozen-and-a-half of them, were having their toady Blair elevate them to life peerages whenever he wasn’t following their strict orders to keep the borders open. For the life of me I haven’t a clue as to what the ethnicity might be of the behind-the-scenes Labour operative who handed Blair a list of new life peers with Lola Young’s name on it (Baroness Young appears at the beginning of part 3). And did everyone get a load of Roy Hattersley, that arrogant race-replacing bastard with working-class roots trying his best to come off as an upper-class lefty snob? Nauseating. Finally: if Powell was so popular after that speech, where was the pressure coming from to sack him? It could only have been coming from behind-the-scenes financial backers (I wonder what ethnicity they’d be? I can’t imagine ....) or from the U.S. (under the heavy influence already by that time of what ethnicty, I wonder? ....). 9
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 11:16 | # Copied from the “White Ripples” thread:
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:32 | # If you let Jews into your Euro country in any significant numbers, in no time the Lord Lesters among them will have your white population turned into this. And they’ll be proud of it too — thirty years after the fact you’ll experience the mortification of seeing them come on TV and brag about it — brag about how they succeeded in bringing down yet another goy country. Because in their minds, that’s what they’re doing: the countries that committed all those pogroms against their ancestors must be brought low. What better way to accomplish that, what better way to exact sweet revenge on behalf of your ancestors, than to race-replace them with ... well, with exactly what you see in that Rogues’ Gallery? There’s no better way. An Englishman looks at this rogues’ gallery and the though that his entire nation has been transformed racially into that causes him great distress. An English Jew looks at it and the thought that the entire English nation has been transformed racially into that brings him some of the most intense joy he’s ever experienced in his life. Yes there are exceptions — something like 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001% of Jews don’t experience the intense joy I refer to. All the others do. 12
Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 19:40 | # And they’ll be proud of it too — thirty years after the fact you’ll experience the mortification of seeing them come on TV and brag about it — brag about how they succeeded in bringing down yet another goy country. Because in their minds, that’s what they’re doing: the countries that committed all those pogroms against their ancestors must be brought low. And justifiably too, according to Chaim ben Pesach, because the British wanted the Nazis to murder 6 million Jews, in fact, according to our conservative revolutionary buddy, Chaim, the British wanted all the Jews dead. 13
Posted by woodchuck on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:37 | # I can honestly say that this is the first time that I (as an American) was able to appreciate the injustice inflicted upon the English people. I trust all are familiar with the proverbial world’s smallest violin and its repertoire. 14
Posted by anon on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 22:26 | # “Lord Lester is a patron of the Family Planning Association, previously called the National Birth Control Committee. He represented the FPA in a contentious case in Northern Ireland where it was widely claimed that the FPA were trying to use strategic litigation to introduce liberalised abortion laws into the country.” Same guy huh?
A rather more informative BBC Radio 4 program on Enoch Powell is Rivers of Blood, The Real Source which is currently available. Here In 1977 Enoch Powell made a speech The Path To National Suicide forecasting our current fate which is well worth reading in full. Link” 15
Posted by Bert Rustle on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:52 | # On MajorityRights comment forum someone wrote this: ... I found the Enoch Powell documentary contemptible. ... The Letterbox Lady was Druscilla Cotterill For a nine minute abbreviated version of the program with a couple of additional subtitles see here Woy Splatterley and all other talking heads have been excised. Apparently this was done by Ray Boyd who will create a part II later. 16
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 00:25 | #
Did everyone see how that filthy swine Hattersley — in the best imitation the lying pig could muster of posh upper-class aloofness — affected not to understand the working-class lad who’d told him, in good faith, “We’re worried about our women”? Could anyone suppress their vomit reflex on viewing that unmentionable vermin doing that before the cameras, giving that little performance in the snobbish hope of distancing himself from the lower classes even if it meant destroying his own nation just so he succeed in giving others the impression he didn’t understand the average beset-from-all-sides British workingman where race was concerned and therefore must belong to a better class of people? Could anyone actually keep from vomiting at that point in the video??? After that nauseating bit of theater, if God forbid Hattersley’s wife or daughter got raped it would only be poetic justice — or if Hattersley himself got his own head bashed in by immigrant thugs in place of some of the innocents that’s happened to thanks to him! I’d often heard this guy’s name this side of the pond but never in my life had any idea what a stinking piece of excrement he was. 17
Posted by diamed on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 01:55 | # It IS about race! Blacks are an inferior race, arabs and south asians are an inferior race. Very few of them overlap with the normal intellect and morality of the native whites. They are poor, criminal, unemployable retards that feed off welfare and multiply endlessly in an already overcrowded land. The religion of Islam is a red herring and has nothing to do with the overall point. If any race, any religion, any immigrant is allowed in, you are replacing your children with utlanders who care nothing for you and wish you dead. This is the simple law of biology that controls all life. Every generation there is a struggle for survival, the fit succeed and the unfit perish. In 1900 whites were 40% of the world population. Today they are 8%. We are on the path to extinction and good riddance, there is no race more pathetic, cowardly, and philosophically/psychologically stupid than the white race. The only people who hate themselves, despise success, and love losers. 18
Posted by onetwothree on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 06:46 | # The clockwork orange soundtrack features heavily in that broadcast and gives me a strange feeling that an ideological schism existed even between the various BBC production teams. The lynchpin of Enoch’s marginalization was the 1960’s students…like all students, they had an average IQ of about 110-115, smart but not smart enough…who had brains enough to deny their instincts, but not brains enough to realize the Darwinian implications of instincts. 19
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:18 | # >>>diamed said: “Today they are 8%. We are on the path to extinction and good riddance, there is no race more pathetic, cowardly, and philosophically/psychologically stupid than the white race. The only people who hate themselves, despise success, and love losers.
~~~~~~~~~~~ How true! How true! Whites’ collective racial consciousness has steadily declined since the early 60’s (even before), and continues to do so. Even in the face of being ethnically cleansed in their own homelands, most Whites treat the issue like sniveling cowards. But cheer up! Fred Scrooby bears the good news! :- >>>Fred Said: “Never lose heart no matter what, never succumb to despair, never consider compromise, and never stop the fight! WE SHALL WIN THIS! Our worst nightmare is GOING TO END AND BE FULLY REVERSED!” Sorry, Fred ... unless we can point to some substantial gains on our side, your pep talk, no matter how well intentioned, flies over like a lead balloon. 20
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 13:55 | # The following sentence of Diomed’s,
would also hold if its final words instead were, “who esteem you and wish you well.” The point is, don’t replace the race, please. Race-replacement isn’t happening by itself. The people doing it know what they are doing, in the sense that they are doing it deliberately with the explicit goal in mind of replacing white folk with a population made up of individuals none of whom are white any longer, but all of whom are a mixture of different races and species. This is what these people want explicitly to bring about. The only exception is that the Jews among them want Jews to remain as they are and not be involved in the planned mixing. Jews like Lord Lester favor race-replacement because they see destroying Englishmen as “good for the Jews”; English swine like Roy Hattersley do it because they think indifference to one’s race makes one appear upper-class, something they desire more than anything to appear; other English swine like Blair (and, in his American version, Bill Clinton) do it because they’re pure opportunists and the Jews agree to place them on their payroll and collude with them in helping to advance their careers provided they cooperate on race-replacement, something the Jews hold second in importance only to Israel’s well-being; Anglicans do it because, well, for one thing the Jews told Blair to install the most brain-softened asshole they could find as Archbishop of Canterbury and for the rest, Anglicans think they’re assuring a place for themselves in heaven by showing God how self-abnegating they can be; Catholics do it because lots, like John Zmirak, are brain-dead simpletons and there’s also that the Catholic hierarchy are full of homos impressed by reputedly bigger Negro dicks; clueless women voters do it for the reasons Simon Sheppard says they love to go out with Negroes plus for both of the Catholic reasons just cited; and so on, and so forth. The ones doing it are asked to stop and, further, are asked to reverse the damage already inflicted till the nation’s demographics be restored. If they won’t, we must. 21
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 14:00 | # You’re Catholic, Onlooker, right? It certainly shows in your last comment. Aren’t there Catholic blogs where you could post your race-replacement-loving defeatism instead of here? Go check out John Zmirak’s blog — you’d feel right at home there. 22
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:00 | # “Aren’t there Catholic blogs where you could post your race-replacement-loving defeatism instead of here?” Just because I think your annoying pep talks are about as useless as tits on a boar, doesn’t mean I love the fact people of European decent are being ethnically cleansed off the planet. The absolute contrary is true. Can you understand that? And WTF does my religion have to do with it! Isn’t it true you’re Catholic too, Fred? So you really need to SHUT THE F**K UP about someone being a Catholic. 23
Posted by Fr. John on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:24 | # “...the countries that committed all those pogroms against their ancestors must be brought low. And justifiably too, according to Chaim ben Pesach, because the British wanted the Nazis to murder 6 million Jews, in fact, according to our conservative revolutionary buddy, Chaim, the British wanted all the Jews dead.” Desmond, can’t we let the dead bury the dead, as Christ said? As has been noted, the reason Jews have been hated, is that they are Christ-killers, or, as the Orthodox call them, “Deicides.” The fact that modern Jewry even acknowledges same means ALL actions on the part of the late J2P2 to minimize this theological affront are ‘absolutely null and utterly void’! “[In] “…an article by Steven Bayme, the American Jewish Committee’s national director of Contemporary Jewish Life, which declares that Jews must face up to the fact that the Talmudic narrative “does clearly demonstrate … fourth century rabbinic willingness to take responsibility for the execution of Jesus.” “Jewish apologetics that ‘we could not have done it’ because of Roman sovereignty ring hollow when one examines the Talmudic account,” Bayme said. He contends that Jewish interfaith representatives are not being honest in dialogue if they ignore the explicit Talmudic references to Jesus. His article was posted on the AJCommittee’s Web site last week, then removed after a Jewish Week reporter’s inquiry. Ken Bandler, a spokesman for the AJCommittee, said the article was taken down to “avoid confusion” over whether it represented the organization’s official position. AJCommittee officials now refer to the article as “an internal document.” Some Jewish scholars and interfaith officials were upset with the article, either questioning Bayme’s scholarship or his timing — saying this was a particularly delicate time to call attention to Jews’ role in Jesus’ death — or both. But Bayme was unswayed.” This point (during Western Holy Week) needs to be stated first. But the main frustration I have over the above statement is the utter duplicity of it all! As i recently noted: “If so, then perhaps one could say that the Jews are dealing in ‘myth’, not the [Holocaust] Revisionists, in thinking that Jewry was being made the sole focus of a racial genocide, in that they (Jews) had wanted such a ‘myth’ to be ‘true,’ even back as far as WWI! As incredible as such an idea might appear, here are the relevant excerpts from an article entitled, “The Crucifixion of Jews Must Stop!” by Martin H. Glynn, (Former Governor of the State of N.Y.) It ran in The American Hebrew, October 31, 1919. Whether Glynn was the ‘real author’ of this article or not is unsure. Perhaps he really believed it. I do not know even if he were a Jew himself, and thus, may have held it with even greater fervor. Nevertheless, in this article, the salient terms are laid out (six million, holocaust) with a calculated precision, almost as if it were a religious formula, for all to see: “From across the sea SIX MILLION MEN AND WOMEN CALL TO US FOR HELP, and eight hundred thousand little children cry for bread. These children, these men and women are our fellow-members of the human family, with the same claim on life as we, the same susceptibility to the winter’s cold, the same propensity to death before the pangs of hunger. Within them reside the illimitable possibilities for the advancement of the human race as naturally would reside in six million human beings. We may not be their keepers but we ought to be their helpers. In the face of death, in the throes of starvation there is no place for mental distinctions of creed, no place for physical differentiations of race. In this catastrophe, when SIX MILLION BEINGS ARE BEING WHIRLED TOWARD THE GRAVE BY A CRUEL AND RELENTLESS FATE, only the most idealistic promptings of human nature should sway the heart and move the hand. SIX MILLION MEN AND WOMEN ARE DYING FROM LACK OF THE NECESSARIES OF LIFE; EIGHT HUNDRED THOUSAND CHILDREN CRY FOR BREAD. And this fate is upon them through no fault of their own, through no transgression of the laws of God or man; but through the awful tyranny of war and a bigoted lust for Jewish blood. In this threatened holocaust of human life….” (end quote) There you have it. In a few paragraphs, the exact terms and objects of those VERY terms that have come to delineate the ‘evil incarnate’ of the Nazi regime of 1939-1945- yet they were outlined in a Jewish newspaper, by an American Politician, already way back in 1919 – fifteen years before the nazi hollow- cause even existed, and even before Hitler had published “Mein Kampf”! One cannot believe that such repetition of numbers by Jewry worldwide is mere coincidence, or even that this figure represents the truth, as these ‘six million’ who were “BEING WHIRLED TOWARD THE GRAVE BY A CRUEL AND RELENTLESS FATE,” had all mention of their supposed fate die away, in the advent of the “Roaring Twenties,” not one year later! And nothing indeed happened for almost twenty years. Where did these ‘six million’ go? Where, in all the annals of history, did these ‘lost tribes of Israel’ disappear to? Into the ‘ether?’ Is that all one can say of this ‘carnage’ of Jewry in WWI? It should be obvious that the fact that a politician wrote in a Jewish paper, and used those terms, (those very terms of opprobrium against the German People with such success twenty years -one generation- later i.e., “Judea declares war on Germany’) is evidence enough, that there must exist in the Jewish mind itself, a Kabbalic or mystic element, in the idea of a “Holocaust” of ‘six million jews,’ rather than within the facts of history! What the ‘Historical Revisionists’ are trying to articulate (against a Zionist/Talmudic /Jewish onslaught to fight them with all the monetary aid, media credibility, and personal slander attacks available in their power!- vide Wilcox and his “Watchdog quotes”) is that the Jews were not alone in their losses during the Second World War - Germans, French, English, and Americans died too! this is why Ernst Zuendel was forcibly extradited from America to Germany, and why he is in prison. this is why Sylvia Stolz, his attorney, was ALSO condemned (and sentenced) for daring to defend him and the HISTORICAL RECORD. This is why her final words to the German court, ruled over by a godless JEW, resonate with TRUTH. THIS IS THE FALSE RELIGION OF HOLOCAUSTIANITY. And yet we did not wail and moan about the ‘genocide’ of our people, for we all knew it was a WAR - and, as Rush Limbaugh has had to point out to squeamish (theological and/or political) Liberals, “In a War, people get killed, and things get broken!” Theoretically, perhaps, individual Jews realize this. (One is reminded of John Sack’s frank and honest memoir of supposedly ‘helpless’ Jews, in their thirst for revenge, after WWII, ended- especially on the rank and file of the vanquished Germans, in his “An Eye for an Eye,” First edition, BasicBooks/Harper-Collins, 1993. Fourth edition, self-published, 2000. ISBN 0-9675691-0-9) But the idea of a ‘Holocaust’ as being the ‘apple of the eye’ of Jewry; as an unchanging, breast-beating, guilt-inducing act of Talmudic Angst - sadly now forms a foundational article in the religious “Credo” of contemporary Khazaric Judaism. ” (and most apostate Christianity as well!) end quote. So, NO, Desmond. I strenuously disagree, and have 20 CENTURIES of Patristic witness to stand on! NO Jew has ANY justification for Israel’s specious ‘right to exist’, for their murder of Palestinians, for their unwarranted and unlimited financial aid from Christendom, AT ANY TIME, FOR ANY REASON, in light of their butchery and the heinous murder (and attempted subsequent ‘uninvolvement’) in Christ’s Crucifixion and Death (For, as St. Paul says, “had they known [who He was] they would NOT have crucified the Lord of Glory.”) But the Pharisees DID KNOW, and therein lies their damnable culpability for all time….. Perhaps modern Jewry should do the same. I have no compassion on the murderers of My Lord and Savior. They had none on him, nor did Christ forgive them, but rather, the willing Roman dupes who were their tools. The Destruction of Jerusalem in 70 A.D. is concrete corroboration of this fact. 24
Posted by Fr. John on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 15:27 | # P. S. Enoch Powell was both a prophet and a visionary. Moreover, he was right. 25
Posted by Jack Black on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 16:11 | # In Rivers of Blood the ghastly Roy Hattersley said this of Enoch Powell:
I have created a poll at the iamanenglishman web site which poses the question, “whom do you hate”? To which you may answer: Hattersley; Powell; Neither; Both. The poll may be found here: http://www.iamanenglishman.com/vote.php Many thanks to Guessedworker for for videos and the folks behind Majority Rights for this site. 26
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:20 | # I don’t give pep talks, onlooker. Pep talks are your speed. I deal exclusively in things called truths. Are you the moron responsible for introducing the dimwit Rocket to this site, by the way? Yes I’m Catholic. Out of respect for GW and the site I’ll refrain from posting the lovingly-crafted comment I just typed out, in which I said what I think of the current pope and the race-replacing Catholic clergy and hierarchy. Were this my blog you’d have gotten an eyeful to last you a lifetime. Now stop opening your mouth and proving your zeroness, and let others merely suspect it without being one-hundred-percent certain — which you can accomplish by shutting up. This site isn’t the place for the feebleminded or for race-replacement advocates — let alone both combined in one asshole. 27
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:42 | # Jack, those are great polls at your site. I just went through them and voted in nearly all of them. Thanks for putting them up. 28
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 17:54 | # Fred, on your own, you have contributed exactly zero when it comes to articulating any real solutions to the problem of White dispossession. No wait…you repeated one hundred thousand times: “we are being race-replaced, and the jews are doing it to us.” You are quite the genius Scrooby! A “genius"constantly convulsing in insane verbal repetitions. BTW—I remember you said a little while back (paraphrasing): “I’m not about abstractions anymore, from now on I’m about specifics.” LOL. Since then you’ve spewed out nothing but the same old crap ... “It’s the Jews! We’re being race-replaced and It’s the Jews causing it!!!” For Christ sake, Fred; you sound like the boy who cried wolf. Why don’t you go stick your head back up your ass and try to come up with another variation of your stupid ideas. 29
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 18:29 | # Naturally, the communists and invaders are offended but, ultimately, have their own way. “Discussion was now silenced.” Now, the invaders, who come in every greater numbers, claim that they, “have a right to this country.” By right of conquest, I presume. The documentary admits that multiculturalism has been a failure, but lays the blame squarely on – where else? – on the shoulders of the messenger. 30
Posted by Desmond jones on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:06 | # It’s too bad the whole speech wasn’t taped. Powell’s delivery really adds to the power of the written word. The other interesting fact, is the appearance of high IQ elements in the working class. The impromptu speech, off the cuff it appears, by the red-headed (?) representative of the dockers(?) union was surprisingly eloquent. It begets the question whether current day cognitive elitism serves to suck that higher IQ element out of the English working class. 31
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 20:10 | # Fred said: “Never lose heart no matter what, never succumb to despair, never consider compromise, and never stop the fight! WE SHALL WIN THIS! Our worst nightmare is GOING TO END AND BE FULLY REVERSED!” Then Fred said: “I don’t give pep talks, onlooker. Pep talks are your speed.” Fred either suffers from short term amnesia or he has some sort of a ‘Winston Churchill complex’ ... my guess it’s the later. 32
Posted by Robert ap Richard on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 21:30 | # Fred, thank you for your comments and enthusiasm, it’s much appreciated. 33
Posted by Proofreader on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 21:40 | # Great post! Enoch had such a commanding figure and integrity, all of which are sadly qualities of the past. 34
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:06 | # “Fred, thank you for your comments and enthusiasm, it’s much appreciated.” What specifically has Fred done to advance the cause of White Preservation? Hint: Insulation is not a proven strategy to attract newcomers to the movement. 35
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:13 | # “Insulation is not a proven strategy to attract newcomers to the movement.” Make that: Insultation. 36
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:14 | # Shut your yap, Onlooker. You’re boring and a nitwit. I’m not the topic of conversaation here, the issues are. Try sticking to them. If you need a psychiatrist to help you deal with your sense of personal inadequacy, go find one and don’t take up this blog’s time with nonsense. And post under one name, not several. You’ve posted here before under some other name. 37
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:38 | # “Shut your yap, Onlooker. You’re boring and a nitwit.” HAHAHA. You sound like my 3 year old granddaughter. “And post under one name, not several. You’ve posted here before under some other name.” You got me on that one Freddy. But rest assured, I’ll be watching you. 38
Posted by onlooker on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 23:46 | # The Enoch Powell’s of the world represent white racial sanity. The Roy Jenkins of the world represent white racial suicide. Why are whites siding with Roy Jenkins? Probably because they don’t want to be associated with people like Fred Scrooby. 39
Posted by silver on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 02:51 | #
Neither is fulmination—especially not fulmination. Fulmination is what the masses have been primed to expect from wicked racists, and the slightest whiff of it is enough to send the curious diving for cover (even the cautiously supportive, as my own case notoriously demonstrated). This seems lost on Fulminatin’ Fred Scrooby and Frothin’ Frank McGu-McGu-McGuckin, who would appear to think white nationalism has failed to garner support for a lack of fulmination. Mind you, “insulation” is hardly likely to attract newcomers either, and it’s insulation that (excessive) insultation and fulmination can only result in.
He really is a one-trick pony, this Fred Scrooby; an obvious intellect seemingly unable to to contain his passion or to channel it into more constructive activities. As lucid as he can be when calm, one peep from me—me, more than any other—has him loosing off thunderbolts rather than engaging the specifics of what I have said. Incredibly disappointing. 40
Posted by Laurel Loflund on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 05:15 | # Back to the video… Segment Six was the most interesting to me because it revealed the incredible naivety of the pro-immigrant group. They wanted so badly to believe that immigrants would come to accept a “secular society” because they, the pro-immigrant folks, believed that it was inevitable they would. This is arrogance, pure and simple. Arrogance believes something, acts on it, and is surprised when things don’t turn out as expected. Arrogance is not self-reflective. The pro-immigrant folks in this series were arrogant beyond belief. They thought that their way of life was so wonderful that of course immigrants would want to live in that particular society. So let them come! Surely they would turn into….us… God bless, 41
Posted by onlooker on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 14:29 | # “He really is a one-trick pony, this Fred Scrooby; an obvious intellect seemingly unable to to contain his passion or to channel it into more constructive activities.”—silver You’re right, silver. Fred is smarter than the average bear, but I would omit the word “seemingly” from your statement because it’s obvious Fred cannot contain his erratic emotions. He has demonstrated that time and time again. One perceived slight and he’s foaming at the mouth. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ “This is arrogance, pure and simple.”—Laurel Loflund You’re right, Laurel. There is arrogance among the ruling elite. Beneath the arrogance of the ruling elite, I view the situation from an additional angle. Generally speaking, my experience with college educated Whites is they simply don’t have a clue as to how non-White cultures think or what they value. They don’t understand the differences in the value systems between White Western cultures and those of the third world. One big mistake is: White liberals try to solve Black underclass pathologies by applying White middle class solutions. White middle class solutions are completely foreign to non-Whites—especially, but not exclusive to—non-White immigrants. Whites, in general, just don’t get it. They don’t understand why their methods fail (cognitive dissonance perhaps?). They’ve been taught in their social science classes that all races and cultures are fundamentally equal; therefore, they just can’t comprehend why non-Whites don’t respond to their prescribed social program solutions. That said, I don’t beleive it’s solely arrogance at work here, I beleive it has more to do with ignorance. 42
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 15:59 | #
It’s not passion, it’s neurosis and if it were more cunningly done I’d suspect he was working for the other side. The way he’s flatulated all over this thread about a foreign country is typical. He mentions “unmentionable vermin” at great length but fails to realize he and Hattersley have much in common. Arrogance and a love of hot air, for example.
I don’t want to be either. Fortunately, I didn’t come across a Scrooby during my drift from liberalism began or the drift would have stopped or gone into reverse. If Fred could restrain himself he would be useful. As it is, he’s a useful idiot for the other side, at best. 43
Posted by anon on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 16:47 | # Don’t be so harsh on whites for not standing up for themselves. Have any of you ever sat back and simply witnessed the sheer amount of brainwashing information that we are bombarded with every day? Whites are tought to act the way they do. Directly through our marxised education system and state laws, and, much more so, indirectly through our “entertainment”: mass media building up idols and characters on which we are to model ourselves, MTV telling black males to be tough, masculine gangsters, white males to be effeminate, emo, whiney faggots, and ALL females to be promiscuous, whorish sluts; Hollywood movies where the “racist” is always either stupid or evil and in any case always gets his comeuppance, the blonde, athletic “jock” is normally depicted in a similar light; News media showing whenever humanly possible the constant spectre of white racist hate crimes; Hitler documentaries on the History channel… Should I go on? Any new fact which should weigh as evidence against multiculturalism (eg another gang raping or bashing, Paris riots) is immediately attached to the elaborate narrative being told to us through our TV screens and newspapers - that we’re equal and we whites are still not being nice enough to these poor immigrants. If all the mass media were wiped out tomorrow it would probably take only a year or two at most for people to come to their senses and kick these buggers out. To my knowledge this giant brainwashing tool is the ultimate weapon being used against us. It’s the one thing that people in our society now have in common and it’s killing us. 44
Posted by Laurel Loflund on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 18:06 | # Onlooker, Nor do members of other cultures (third world, black, whatever) understand white culture, middle class or otherwise. If there is anything to be said about cultural templates it is that they are universally present. Every culture has one, and chances are it’s substantially different from others. Which has led me to the following thought. So it seems (predominately White) Americans are dead set on spreading “democracy” throughout the world and only ask two questions: 1) In what situation is it OK to spread democracy by persuasion? or 2) In what situation is it OK to spread democracy by force? By asking only those two questions they neglect more fundamental questions, such as: Does the culture of this country understand what American-style democracy is? Do they value it and desire it? Can the societal forces within that culture support American-style democracy? and, even more fundamentally, Who the heck do we think we are, forcing our institutions on everyone else?
Ignorance and arrogance always go hand in hand. God bless, p.s. Personally, I think that a White, Christian, society is to be valued, cherished, protected and promoted among our own kind. But let’s not be surprised when Christianity is twisted almost beyond recognition by other cultures which adopt it. (The Rev. Wright comes immediately to mind here.) 45
Posted by skeptical on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 18:21 | # anon,
I completely concur, the one thing that the U.S., Canada, England, and northwest continental Europe (taken as a whole) have in common is a multicultural leftist juggernaut which has seized monopolistic control over our media, press, and academy. This juggernaut simultaneously pumps out an endless stream of propaganda (both from the Left and the Right in the U.S.), dulls critical thinking by creating a popular culture which appeals to everyone’s basest instincts, and atomizes all white men and women by disconnecting them from their ancestral ties via the constant denigration of all things non-technocratic. And all in the name of freedom-equality-tolerance! No white peoples (anywhere!) has yet to break these invisible shackles which constrain collectively constrain us. 46
Posted by onlooker on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 20:02 | # >>>“Personally, I think that a White, Christian, society is to be valued, cherished, protected and promoted among our own kind.” HEAR HEAR!!! >>>“But let’s not be surprised when Christianity is twisted almost beyond recognition by other cultures which adopt it. (The Rev. Wright comes immediately to mind here.)” So true. Witness Christianity as it is/was practised in Haiti. The saying goes: “Haiti is 90% Catholic, 10% Protestant and 100% Voodoo.” God bless you too, Laurel 47
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 02:59 | # To my three critics, Nux/Gongstar, Silver, and Onlooker: I dislike the three of you, exactly as you do me, and therefore I propose we all ignore one another and mutually keep our distance. I invite you to skip all my comments.
That’s right, my one trick being opposition to forced race-replacement. I have no others, just the one. I come here for no other reason. Does that get under anyone’s skin? Let them not read my one-trick-pony comments then. Last I noticed, my comments were clearly labeled “Fred Scrooby,” which should make them easy not to click on. I skip all Rocket’s comments that way.
Nux is incensed here that I, a Yank, have criticized Britain’s race-replacers. According to him, apparently, no Yank has that right. What that shows about Nux speaks for itself, I trust. In his comment Nux implies, further, that I, who criticize forced race-replacement, am as bad as Hattersley who endorses it. I’ll let that also speak for itself.
If commentary of mine comes close to making Nux revert to his former liberalism he’s never left it. The side I’m on neither needs nor wants friends of that ilk. 48
Posted by Robert Reis on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 04:25 | # That someone like Pesach either doesn’t see or won’t admit the extent of harm Jews have done to the Eurosphere (and keep doing: no one — no Jew and no goy — has ever been able to stop them) and calls for the muzzling (or worse) of people like me who point it out doesn’t concern me in the least, any more than gravity or electromagnetism concern me: I don’t rale over the immutable laws of nature, I accept them and live with them, and there’s an immutable law of nature that says Jews either don’t see or won’t admit the immense harm Jews do to Eurosphere societies and nations. You can’t get ‘em to see it, you can’t get ‘em to admit it, so forget that — you haven’t a prayer of getting them to do either, they ain’t gonna, so just accept it and move on. Some people may be shocked when they find out there’s a law of gravity they can’t do anything about, some when they learn there’s a law of electromagnetism, and some when they learn there’s this immutable Jewish law of the universe about the Jews’ blindness. You have to simply accept it, accept this as fact, this fundamental law of the universe, and move on. Nothing, no force in the cosmos, is powerful enough to change this law so that Jews will finally be able to see the harm they do. Don’t waste time or energy fretting over it. It’s like wasting time and energy fretting over the fact that the sun shines or the Earth turns. Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sunday, March 16, 2008 at 09:23 PM | # I wish I had written that. Robert 49
Posted by Cranky on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 05:02 | # What was astonishing to me was the arrogance of the rich whiteys who didn’t see any kind of problem with a flood of immigrants coming in and competing with the working classes for jobs, housing, and school places. The school displacement issue would have been a VERY real one, as immigrant families doubled up in housing and had larger than average family sizes. As long as the newcomers weren’t trying to get their kids into Eton, or trying to get jobs as journalists, members of parliament, doctors, lawyers, etc., and as long as the immigrants stayed in the poor part of town, the wealthy progressives could feel very proud of themselves for their progressiveness without experiencing firsthand any of the costs of integration. It doesn’t matter that the poor guy’s wife who works the night shift at a hospital is scared to walk to and from the bus stop, because YOUR RICH WIFE doesn’t work outside the home at all, or works in some nice and tidy office at Parliament or wherever. YOU are open-minded, and that poor slob is a mass of irrational prejudices. The man who was a (probably WWII) veteran talking about be shoved out of his old neighborhood and having to move into a 100-year old unremodeled house while immigrants moved into brand new housing was undoubtedly typical of many, and none of the leftie commentators would have cared a bit. I can tell you that a lot of white Southerners experienced tremendous schadenfreude when school bussing came to enlightened Boston. 50
Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 06:40 | # How JTF would save America and Israel! POINT ONE: A ferocious retaliation against all Muslim nations which have in any way aided or abetted terrorism against American citizens. [serves Israel’s interest] POINT TWO: The immediate destruction by the American or Israeli military of all Muslim nuclear reactors, plants and laboratories developing nuclear, chemical and/or biological weapons of mass destruction. [serves Israel’s interest] POINT THREE: Total energy independence for America through a crash development program funded in the defense budget as a vital national security priority. [serves Israel’s interest] POINT FOUR: An immediate end to all U.S. foreign aid, even to a genuine friend and ally like Israel, which is harmed rather than helped by her counterproductive dependency on America’s addictive welfare handouts. [serves Israel’s interest] POINT FIVE: An immediate end to all foreign immigration into the United States, combined with the complete expulsion of America’s millions of illegal aliens and the stringent removal of her legal ones at the expiration of their work or residency visas. [serves Jewish interest / America still multi-culti] POINT SIX: An immediate recognition by the United States of little Israel’s G-d-given right and obligation to assert full and permanent sovereign control over all sacred Jewish Biblical lands, including Judea, Samaria, the Gaza District, the Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem. [serves Israel’s interest] POINT SEVEN: An immediate withdrawal from the fanatically anti-American United Nations (UN) and all organizations directly or indirectly affiliated with it, and the immediate banning of all UN-related activities on American soil. [serves Israel’s interest] What exactly does Chaimee from Chaimeetown bring to the party? 51
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 11:38 | #
And I invite you to recognize the truth: that you do not help MR and should either retire or post less.
No, I’m not “incensed”. It’s not me who retires for a few days after our little exchanges. I am pointing out something that should be obvious even to those of moderate intelligence: that caution is required when commenting on other people’s business. It’s possible your style may not appeal to those on this side of the Atlantic. And yes, I know, you feel it is your business, but that’s another example of your arrogance.
I did not imply that, which is why you didn’t quote my actual words. Hattersley is arrogant and loves hot air. So do you. I could express myself more harshly, but I know how sensitive you are.
I’ll add dishonesty to your other faults, because again you’re twisting my words. I am in no danger of reverting now, but coming across flatulence like yours would have put me off at one time.
The side you’re on is that of your own ego and no serious nationalist organization or website would let you near power and influence, because you are a kook. That is the role you fill at MR: resident kook. Anyone who thinks otherwise is seriously lacking in judgment. 52
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:36 | # It’s strange, Nux responded to all my points except this:
As for what’s bothering Nux so much, I’ll quote from an e-mail I sent someone:
Now bog off please, Nux. You’re annoying me; you’re annoying everyone. Go back to your liberalism, go back to anything you like, just shut up. I gave you the benefit of the doubt at first, until yesterday when what you were about dawned on me. You’re a crashing bore, you know that? 53
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:43 | # “The side you’re on is that of your own ego and no serious nationalist organization or website would let you near power and influence, because you are a kook. That is the role you fill at MR: resident kook.”—Nux Gnomica Fred is indeed a kook. His sanity is markedly deteriorating. Now his accusing anyone he disagrees with of being lovers of race-replacement. On this thread he directed that charge at me. >>>Fred said: “You’re Catholic, Onlooker, right? It certainly shows in your last comment. Aren’t there Catholic blogs where you could post your race-replacement-loving defeatism instead of here?” That delusional charge was in response to my criticism of his useless pep talk. Check it out:- Posted by Fred Scrooby on Monday, March 17, 2008 at 02:35 AM | # Then he turned right around and had the nerve to tell me he doesn’t give pep talks.LOL He also accused silver of being a fervent supporter of race- replacement on another thread: >>>Fred said: “Silver’s fervent support for race-replacement (almost but not quite as fervent as his support for Serb-replacement) will never cheapen him.” Pretty soon—if not already—Fred will look at himself in the mirror and point his finger and scream; RACE-REPLACER!!! Kook indeed. 54
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 13:51 | #
Oh, is it? Well, here’s something more for you, Gongstar: Those filthy swine who are busily engaged in race-replacing my race or any kindred race of mine are my business. That’s number one. Here’s number two: anyone defending them or shielding them from criticism is a filthy swine himself. Now go get your pig’s snout back in the trough alongside your friend Hattersley and stop annoying good people. 56
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:16 | # Desmond, opposition by an American to most of the items on that list would be of the “cutting off his nose to spite his face” variety. Are you up to your old trick of doing that again? As for me, I’d kinda like my nose to stay right where it is. 57
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 14:52 | # >>>“And take the non-entity Onlooker with you.” As if you are AN entity. You flatter yourself Scrooby. Other than your feeble attempts to emulate Winston Churchill in your pep talks, what have you ever done to stop race-replacement? *The verbal nothingness you spew on web-sites doesn’t count. >>>“As for me, I’d kinda like my nose to stay right where it is.” LOL! We all know where you keep your nose. 58
Posted by Salopian on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 15:53 | # Guessedworker needs to get a handle on Scrooby Doo before he drives all MR’s readers away (cf JohnJayRay or whatever that Aussie blow-hard was). Can I join the many voices of protest that he should be limited in his postings at the very least, if not banned outright. 59
Posted by Mirza on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 16:47 | # Perhaps all these “problems” shouldn’t be factored down to race, but rather IQ. 60
Posted by anon again on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 17:14 | # “To my three critics, Nux/Gongstar, Silver, and Onlooker: I dislike the three of you, exactly as you do me, and therefore I propose we all ignore one another and mutually keep our distance. I invite you to skip all my comments.” - (Fred) Fred, with respect, Nux’s qualm is not that he doesn’t like your comments (though this is of course true), so simply inviting him not to read them does not address his grievance. He is arguing that the volume of your comments and their repetitiveness and brashness may be driving away new observers and Scrooby-weary regulars of MR. How do you rate your contributions? Does he have a point? 61
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:15 | # So, Nux signs not just as Nux and Gongstar but Salopian and Anon Again as well? All right, I’ll keep that in mind for the future. Look, this is getting ridiculous. My posts don’t keep anyone from posting and saying what he wants, so I honestly don’t see what the problem is. If others dislike my style let them skip my posts. As I said, I skip all of Rocket’s, as I consider him a cretin and a truly nauseating faux-Christian race-replacement advocate. Rather than place myself at risk of stomach ulcers reading his swill I simply skip it. (I do admire Lindsay Wheeler for his heroic efforts above and beyond the call of duty to straighten Rocket out, and I read all of his, Wheeler’s, rejoinders to the simpleton.) Let others treat my comments as I treat Rocket’s. Where’s the problem? If a preponderance of names that are known around here, not these complete unknowns suddenly jumping in on Gongstar’s side (who are probably Gongstar himself or some friend of his), would like me to shut up I’ll resign from the site. Certainly there are regulars and semi-regulars other than Gongstar who wouldn’t exactly shed tears at my departure (JWH, Desmond, and Northerner being a few among several I could name). And no, as long as I stay a regular here I’m not going to alter my style or artificially decrease my posting volume: I post nowhere as often as I’d like but as often as I have time for. I could easily post ten times the volume I do. I have no intention of tailoring my commentary to better correspond to the tastes of the pantywaists, eunuchs, race-replacement advocates, non-entities, and general all-around assholes. 62
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:17 | # Mirza, you’re totally wrong. Think it over again but be sure your IQ is up to the task first, or you’re wasting your time and most likely everyone else’s. 63
Posted by captainchaos on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 18:43 | # Fred Scrooby: Your comments are one of the main things that make MR one of the most inciteful and entertaining blogs on the web. Keep up the great work! 64
Posted by JLH on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:05 | # In my view, far from being touchy, Fred simply recognizes nonsense and veiled anti-white hate when he hears it, and calls it what it is. 65
Posted by GT on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 19:50 | # This is an electronic message board. I’ve enjoyed everybody’s comments, as time permits. I don’t believe Fred is “driving people away.” He’s very good at textually crucifying anti-racist trolls, bringing newcomers up to speed, and translating French. He’s knowledgeable, imparts a goodly amount of wisdom, is humorous, and yes, he’s a cheerleader. So what? It’s necessary. Fred can be repetitious, but so is the MSM. The solution to “repetitious Fred” is: 1. More people with “caste iron” stomachs. If a person hasn’t the stomach to withstand criticism or verbal abuse in text or in person, then he’s clearly not now and likely never was a candidate for harsh mental pressure and physical training on the ground. A person like that can’t be taken seriously at any level and I certainly would not trust him to “watch my back” in the real world. 2. New ideas. Creativity. Mold breaking. Out of the box biz. Neither do I think Onlooker is boring. Younger, maybe, but not boring. He’s a learner lacking knowledge and experience in certain areas, perhaps. So am I. Like all people born in the fifties and after he’s been failed by his elders. That’s not a crime, per se, but neither does it alleviate him of the responsibility to improve. Likewise, age does not immunize a person from criticism. None of us are above criticism. Cowboy up, folks! 66
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:06 | #
And did mummy kiss it better for Fweddie after nasty man cwiticized him? You’re not a Yankee. Yankees are laconic. You’re a flatulent windbag serving no-one’s interests but your own. Being white does not make you an expert on how to talk about British affairs—or about white affairs in general. If you were the asset to MR and you and your fan-club claim you are, you would be posting entries here, not flatulating in the comments. Your squealing and hysteria do only one thing effectively: set off the kook alarm.
He’s a kook. He contradicts himself constantly. His detachment from reality is something else he shares with Hattersley.
No, Fred, you’re the dishonest neurotic, not me. I don’t need sock-puppets to back me up. The people supporting you either have no judgment or recognize how harmful you are and want you to carry on.
I’d tend to associate consecutive posting, bold italics and general windbaggery with all of those. If you’re not a repressed homosexual, I can only congratulate you on your powers of mimicry.
Then why isn’t he posting entries on MR? He’s a kook. MR know that, I know that, many others know that, but you’re apparently too un-“inciteful” to notice. Or are being ironic.
If he recognized nonsense when he saw it, he would not call Hattersley “unmentionable” while flatulating about him at great length or deny giving “pep talks” while flatulating, again at great length, about how we must “Never lose heart no matter what, never succumb to despair, never consider compromise”. Pfffffrrrrr. El Gran Flatulento delivers another dose of methane. So watch it, EGF, or I’ll sic Greenpeace onto you and you’ll really have cause to squeal. 67
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:06 | # “Fred simply recognizes nonsense and veiled anti-white hate when he hears it” Too often Fred sees and hears things that don’t exist. He’s like the typical paranoid Negro who suspects every White is out to harm him. So, in turn, he is always on the attack—that’s how paranoids behave. Fred is similar to the paranoid Negro. Fred’s delusions compel him to attack people who are obviously staunch WN’s. Back a week or two ago, Nux called Fred a Kook. I thought that was an uncalled for vicious attack on a fellow WN; it was a cheap shot. I lined up in support of Fred at the time. I even included that support in my post on that thread. But my opinion of Fred has changed. His gratuitous ad hominem attacks on both friend and foe prove he is unworthy of serious respect. Fred, sometimes you are entertaining and instructive, but you are such a gaping asshole at times. Try to understand, your assholeness completely overshadows your good work. 68
Posted by onlooker on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 20:39 | # “Neither do I think Onlooker is boring. Younger, maybe, but not boring.” Thanks, GT. I was born in the late 1950’s. I’m young to some, old to others. “He’s a learner lacking knowledge and experience in certain areas, perhaps.” I try. After reading MR along with countless books and articles on race, religion, and politics, I now know a little bit about a few things. It’s a funny thing, the more you learn, the more you become aware of how much you don’t know. BTW—Fred’s mere words slide off my back like water on a duck (‘consider the source’ comes into play when it comes to Fred). It’s people sitting on the fence that I suspect Fred is turning off. 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 21:07 | # It looks as if I really struck a nerve in Gongstar when I told some simple truths about the stinking piece of excrement, Roy Hattersley. That appears to have gotten Gongstar’s goat like I’ve seldom if ever seen someone’s goat gotten. Who’d have guessed that would have that effect on him??? He’s veritably exploded with rage since. Why Gongstar worships and strives to shield the vile race-replacing swine Hattersley with such passion and dedication can only be guessed at, but whatever the reason, it unsuits him for participation in this blog’s threads, in my view. Drop dead, Gongstar. Oh, I forgot to bolden that. Here: DROP DEAD. Onlooker, I reject race-replacers and those who counsel defeatism. Comments you made struck me as placing you in that category. If I’ve mistaken my man I apologise. 70
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 21:11 | # A defeatist is a race-replacer regardless of what he claims to think on the matter. 71
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 22:24 | #
You need italics too for full homo effect, cupcake. And you’re living in a fantasy world. I’m all for effective criticism of Hattersley, but yours isn’t effective. It’s hysterical and reeks of neurosis. Hattersley has been effectively criticized by, among others, Private Eye and Have I Got News For You?. PE were good on the way he sucked up to Muslims; HIGNFY punctured his self-importance. He will not have liked what they did at al—and I really do mean AT ALL—but he’d merely chuckle at your stale flatulence. Speaking of which: you’re on your last warning about Greenpeace. Any more methane and you’re a marked man. 72
Posted by GT on Thu, 20 Mar 2008 23:46 | # Onlooker, Thanks, GT. No problem. I was born in the late 1950’s. I’m young to some, old to others. You’re about my age, then. I’m “old” to my sons, but not due to a “generation gap.” They no longer allow me to keep up with them at the gym, for instance. They like to say, “You’re too old for this one, old man.” It’s people sitting on the fence that I suspect Fred is turning off. In my estimation the people that matter are potential leaders who know something is terribly wrong but are unable to fully identify its nature, its relationship to them, and/or are looking for ideas on how to attack the problem. The search for solutions may lead these people here where many will sympathize with much of what we have to say, but other than the one side which leans toward “mass persuasion” and the other side which claims to be waiting for the economy to avalanche before “launching the Revolution,” we have no program. This lack of a program discourages potential leaders. Resistance to new ideas (“By God it’s either persuasion or the Turner Diaries, you f*cking kike!”) turns solution-oriented people away. The problem with the “persuasion” tactic is that it attracts mostly the “radical” elderly. The “economy in the tank” tactic attracts too many criminals, tough-talking geeks headquartered in mommy’s basement, and costumed George L. Rockwell types, than it does normal people. The people that genuinely matter are turned off by these things. Fred serves a purpose. Is he really an asshole? I don’t think so – not in the real world anyway. Nobody here can do anything that’s truly despicable except convey identities to the enemy. Give Fred hell whenever you like. Give me hell. I will usually return the favor if I have the time. But don’t ignore people due to simple disagreement or effect a snobbish pose toward others. Nobody is genuinely fooled by this and only sissies do that sort of thing, anyway. On the other hand, there comes a time when one must agree to disagree with a nominal ally. With you and Fred, I think that time has come. It’s time to drop it. A cyber toast to both you and Fred. 74
Posted by onlooker on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 00:48 | # “Resistance to new ideas (“By God it’s either persuasion or the Turner Diaries, you f*cking kike!”) turns solution-oriented people away.” The sad fact is: with all the mental horsepower devoted to sites such as this, those two options are about all we have to work with. “You’re about my age, then. I’m “old” to my sons, but not due to a “generation gap.” They no longer allow me to keep up with them at the gym, for instance. They like to say, “You’re too old for this one, old man.” LOL. My oldest son is going to turn thirty this year and I love rubbing it in by calling him an old fart. I’m a kid at heart. I still play ice hockey, and play third base on an over forty softball team. Hell, I’ll probably never grow up! At least that’s what my wife keeps telling me. “On the other hand, there comes a time when one must agree to disagree with a nominal ally. With you and Fred, I think that time has come. It’s time to drop it.” It’s dropped on my end. Cheers to you, GT! Fred, silver and Nux too! 76
Posted by skeptical on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 06:37 | # Anyone who has the stomach for MajorityRights.com can surely handle Fred Scrooby’s commentary. Besides, the kind of people who are considering the possiblity of taking the racialist leap are probably reading Buchanan, Chronicles, TakiMag, or some other aracial paleo venue. By the time they get around to MajorityRights, AmRen, WVWNews, Odessa-Syndicate, and Age-Of-Treason (among others too) they have more than likely reached the point of no return and have decided to take more than a few “red pills”. Just my opinion on the matter. 78
Posted by GT on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 11:15 | # Entry has traditionally been via conservatism, as I’ve stated elsewhere. There’s a problem with that: Too many “radicalized” monetarists in receipt of pensions or dividends interested in preserving and maximizing them at any cost - including that of the race. Yeah, monetarists are suffering a few dings here and there. Nothing like the Great Depression, though. How do I know? Here’s one indicator: They’re still online selling “radical” conservatism from the racialist and silver/gold bug angle. I have a few “investments” myself, so I understand the “problem.” I suppose “we” can still hope for “it” (Mass Awakening, Great Depression) to happen, right? Sit back and wait. It’s going to happen any day now. It’s just ‘round the corner. Refuse to do more than superficially consider alternative ideas. Smugly pooh pooh them. Keep heads low behind the computer. Send dollars to support us in our important work! Itz coming! Just my insufferably boorish opinion, though. 79
Posted by Bill on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 13:42 | # Eureka When I alighted here at MR (must have been nearly two years ago) looking for answers, I read something that finally provided the last link in the puzzle. The answer that had eluded me for so long was staring me in the face, it was unequivocal, it was stark, it was passionate, it was lucid, it said everything that I myself had suspected, it confirmed the months and months of searching - I was at peace with the world. Thank you Mr Scrooby of Notts. God Damn America. To those of us this side of the pond, I would opine that we are not particularly interested in American politics, but even the disinterested cannot help but notice there is an American presidential election in the offing, our media, the BBC (I only watch BBC news and Newsnight) seems enthralled by the prospect (I wonder why?) so consequently American politics are getting a more than usual airing on our screens. Which got me to thinking. The 21st century is all about race, even so, most British haven’t yet cottoned on to this fact. (Even though they can see millions of strangers in their midst) Even to the most casual politically aware, it can be seen that the American elections have inexorably taken on racial racial connotations, which in turn are providing hilarious unintended consequences. (I tend to bang on rather a lot about unintended consequences) Which brings me neatly round to the point I am trying to make. I think exposure to the American presidential election (in Britain) is providing the British viewer with an insight into the intricacies and consequences of multi racism, and when they see a demonic character like the Rev. Wright in full rant mode, the significance will not be lost on them - let’s hope so anyway.
Posted by Prozium on Friday, March 21, 2008 at 09:00 AM | # Doesn’t raise an eyebrow here. (Proz. Great blog you have there.) 80
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:46 | #
Bill, your very generous comment touches me and humbles me. Thank you. For my part, I am so glad to have found good men such as yourself at this, my favorite site on the internet, from whom I can learn, and with whom I can feel warm comradeship. An group of exceptional men and women have assembled here. I am grateful for the opportunity to be part of it. Thank you, mate, for also being part of it! 81
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:48 | # (“Mr. Scrooby of Notts”: for the Yanks, the English village of Scrooby from which I take my pen name is in the county of Nottinghamshire, or Notts for short.) 82
Posted by GT on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 19:58 | # …which in turn are providing hilarious unintended consequences. (I tend to bang on rather a lot about unintended consequences). Fear of unintended consequences is the default position for foundational conservatism and its “conservative” and “liberal” political variants. The default position for calculated risk is to take no risk. Stay inside. Don’t get out of bed, much less walk out the front door. There may be unintended consequences, too often deadly. Hey, Thomas Sowell has written books attempting to justify this fear. Do we really need to wonder why he did so? No, we don’t. We have minds. Fear of using them, fear of testing theories, fear of error; these are the reasons why we are herded together and encircled on the fringes of the Internet. These are why we are unable to move forward – even in a stumbling fashion! When people “bang on” a lot about unintended consequences they are telling me that they find the present situation acceptable. And it is, for them. Sure, they are inconvenienced, but the bottom line is “Better Red than Dead.” What I find amusing is that these same people – this “elite” – have no problem at all, none whatsoever, at transferring the risk of unintended consequences to other parties – parties who must risk their lives because this “elite” is inconvenienced. Nice! Who are those other parties? Historically there’s been but one in our nations: The “riff-raff” Europids of the underclass. And how does the “elite” justify the transference of risk to the underclass? The lower class is comprised of low IQ white trash. Thus IQ is used to justify elite membership and status, but morally exonerate them for past failure to accept risk and provide leadership. How very nice, tidy, and convenient! But I’ve another word for it: Cowardice. (Oops, that went over like a lead brick!) Cowards don’t lead. Cowards are a liability and when exposed, become irrelevant. I suspect that we’ll see them replaced in the next 10 years. I hope so, anyway. The survival of our Race depends on it. Repent and change, or become irrelevant. 83
Posted by onlooker on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 22:58 | # “Bill, your very generous comment touches me and humbles me…” Hahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahhhahah…......hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahaha…...hahahahahahahahahahahah! Sorry GT, and GW. I can’t help myself from laughing. Fred has proven himself to be the ‘Eddie Haskell’ of MR. 84
Posted by Nux Gnomica on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:24 | # It’s boring to post this, but unless La Scroob starts behaving himself he will continue to do harm to MR.
I can’t “stomach” La Scroob not because he’s too strong and vigorous, but because he’s flatulent, repetitious, and hysterical. Compare and contrast:
Give Hopkins her due, though: she was only hysterical, not verbose and hysterical.
La Scroob has had to take a few days off after an exchange with me, before creeping back to start flatulating again. Anyone who encourages him either a) has no judgment; b) hasn’t seen enough of him to realize what a kook he is; or c) supports the other side. 85
Posted by onlooker on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 18:54 | # “Anyone who encourages him either a) has no judgment; b) hasn’t seen enough of him to realize what a kook he is; or c) supports the other side.” Or, d) they pity him. 86
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 19:17 | # Knowing how flatulent and hysterical I am, Nux, how is it you can’t seem to keep your mouse finger from clicking on my stuff? Can’t you control yourself? Unless you click on my comments, all that appears on your screen is the little cross-hatch sign and my pen name appended to a half-dozen words or so, hardly by themselves flatulent or hysterical. You can’t stand me, my personality, my flatulence, or my hysteria, or when I emphasize certain phrasing in my comments with capital letters, bold letters, or italics. (Have I left anything out?) You really hate all that. Fine. We got that. We got that part. Everyone has gotten that message by now. SO DON’T CLICK ON MY COMMENTS! WHERE’S THE PROBLEM? Twice or three times I refrained from commenting for a few days after Nux/Gongstar’s attacks on me because what he said startled me and made me fear my commentary was somehow harming the site, driving readership away, keeping the curious from settling in for a look, or whatever it was I was accused of. I certainly didn’t want to do that to the site, he made me scared I that might be doing it, so of course I stopped commenting to let the dust settle, exchange a few e-mails with people, and see what further commentary there was and how things shook out. The reason I stopped was never because “I didn’t have the stomach to withstand criticism.” Each time, I decided there was no reason to fear I was damaging the site in the ways Gongstar said, and I was heartened by the extremely generous support voiced by some of the comrades here — every one of which I read and was touched by: my sincerest thanks to those comrades — and I returned to posting. Now Gongstar/Nux, are these attacks on me going to last much longer? If anyone’s damaging the site it’s you, not I — no readership wants to have to put up with your idiotic obsessions with me day after day. If you plan on keeping up this stalking of me or whatever pathology it is you’re manifesting, I request the site owner tell you not to comment here. 87
Posted by onlooker on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 20:51 | # Nux, out of respect for GW, I think you/we should back off. Or at least place a moratorium on the ‘let’s have fun with Fred’ game. 89
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 22 Mar 2008 23:46 | # I would prefer you to respect one another rather than me. There is enough division amongst us already, when one considers the anti-liberal, pro-European cause as a whole, when what we need, and need desperately, is tolerance and good example - the first to bind us and the second to lend us discipline. I would add that in venturing upon the political ground that we do, we accept as a matter of course that the goal of it all is greater than any individual’s self-interest. That ought to be enough to commend errant comrades, if they are at all capable people, to shape their efforts towards the common good. If error exists, its correction should be something done lightly and more in recognition of comradeship than difference, and perhaps in recognition, too, of one’s own fallibilities. That’s enough now. Let’s move on. 90
Posted by GT on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 00:59 | # La Scroob has had to take a few days off after an exchange with me, before creeping back to start flatulating again. Anyone who encourages him either a) has no judgment; b) hasn’t seen enough of him to realize what a kook he is; or c) supports the other side. You mistook me for a fan. I’m nobody’s fan. Anyone who is too bothered by Fred’s flatulence probably a) prefers the smell of flatulance at VNN Forum, or b) is the other side. Want to continue this shit or let it drop? 91
Posted by Prozium on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:02 | #
Here’s the story on the front page of The Economist:
Here’s the most popular story at the New York Times today. It is by Paul Krugman. You don’t get more mainstream than that:
Posted by onlooker on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 01:51 | # “Itz coming!” Wealth doesn’t evaporate into mid-air. Those who think wealth is locked up in the vaults in banks is a fool. Anyone with a modicum of common sense knows ALL wealth is OUTSIDE of the banks. The trick to gaining wealth is to be counter intuitive. If the talking heads on Wall Street say real estate is a bad investment, BUY REAL ESTATE! If they say the stock market is the worst investment and you should put your money into cash, BUY STOCKS! 93
Posted by GT on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:21 | # Here’s the story on the front page of The Economist: Yeah, and as of yesterday Mississippi lead the nation in foreclosures. So what? We’re talking about recession. As usual, powerless and expendable non-Purdue graduates are suffering foreclosure on their Ameriquest financed homes. Niggerball watching Purdue grads are taking a few dings in their dividends. That’s monetarism in action. No Great Depression here. Keep selling the “Itz coming” crap that hasn’t come for 50 years despite several deeper, longer recessions. We’ll compare notes one and two years from now. If I’m wrong I’ll say so. If you’re wrong, well, we see what you and Purdue have to say at that time. I’ll tell you one thing, though: If I’m wrong I had better see you and yours offline and out on the streets kicking off the “Itz coming” crap. If I don’t see this, then I’ll know that you and yours are a bunch of gutless, conservative posers willing to sacrifice the underclass to preserve privilege. Okay? 94
Posted by GT on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 04:52 | # Trust funder yuppies and dividenders taking dings with fiat dollars = Great Depression. Laughable. For the past forty years the underclass has suffered integration, the loss of two parent families, and the loss of decent union jobs in manufacturing. They are now single, head of households flipping burgers at Mickey D for minimum wage. The cost of homes hasn’t been included in the CPI for what, 20 or 25 years now? I could go on and on and on and on and on and on. Don’t tell me that dividend dings = depression. I’m not impressed. When the dividending, monetarist racialist “elite” is offline and enacting their “Itz coming” scenario, then and only then will I be impressed. I’ll lay my rifle alongside of yours. Until that happens, anything else is pure B.S. and you monetarist, “send what you can to support us in our important work”-types know it. 95
Posted by GT on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 05:24 | # “The answer, at a fundamental level, is that we’re paying the price for willful amnesia. We chose to forget what happened in the 1930s — and having refused to learn from history, we’re repeating it. . .” ROFLMFWAO! Vote Democrat! Hillorbama in ‘08! Damn I love MR. I would have been banned at Stormfront or VNN long ago. Where else could I say: Repent and change, or become irrelevant! 96
Posted by Prozium on Sun, 23 Mar 2008 16:00 | #
For the first time in American history, banks own more of the equity in American homes than the people who live there do. That’s pretty significant.
*chuckles* No, this is not an ordinary recession by a long shot. In ordinary recessions, the Federal Reserve doesn’t inject $400+ billion dollars in welfare into the big banks. That too has never happened before. As for the recession, it hasn’t even really started yet.
That’s because the U.S. banking system is on life support.
I don’t subscribe to the Linder view and only have a vague idea of what you are alluding to.
Again, I don’t know what you are referring to here. I didn’t say that our economic problems would lead to, say, the rise of people like Bill White to power. That’s unlikely to happen. 97
Posted by Bill on Mon, 24 Mar 2008 08:13 | # What am I I suppose I have been conservative all of my life, but never gave it much thought really, my parents were conservative and so, I suspect, were my grandparents. Back in those days, liberals were perceived as a rump of something that had withered away long ago, and as such, were discarded as an irrelevance. When I now try to answer the questions what do I stand for? What do I believe in? What make me tick? I am at a loss to reconcile those answers with what I recognise conservatism to be today. Why is this? As I moved beyond middle age I left politics behind, I had learned sufficient that things weren’t going to change, so get used to the idea and get on with life, this is what I did until I could not help but notice that politics were indeed changing, labels were switched, new words were coined, politicians spoke in code, up was down, forward was back, life was now inverted, what was happening? In a few short years the political landscape had changed beyond recognition, accompanying this change was the phenomena of mass third world immigration - I suppose I began to pick up these vibes around 2002/3. The rest as they say is history. So when exactly did Conservatism morph from the likes of Churchill, Eden and Macmillan into the Thatchers and Camerons of this world? Or is it the same as asking, when did Liberalism become Political Correctness and how did Conservatism merge into PC Liberalism? To anyone like myself, who has lived from pre WWII, these questions are not easy to answer. This does not mean that I personally did not notice the insidious unstoppable slide from the values and ethos of Empire and Victorian values of the fifties - to the present day depravity and chaos which is Liberalism. (Indeed, one would have needed to be blind not to) I’m a traditionalist and believe in traditional values, I am a tribalist and reserve the right to express a preference for my own kind, I believe I am fair minded, I believe in a safety net for the vulnerable, I believe in human nature, I am not religious but as a ruling guideline I will settle for do unto others. I believe in a higher intelligence, I demand the right to defend mine own and ancestral territory. In days of old, the label Conservative was always adequate for millions such as me. In the language of today, I have been deconstructed, I have been cast adrift upon an ocean with millions of others and yet alone, my moral compass and political rudder have been surgically removed, I am isolated and separated from what was, bereft of direction and purpose. What political pigeonhole do I now belong? For I am neither Liberal nor Conservative, nor New Labour (whatever that means) I am a political castaway, forever on an ocean wilderness - seeking identity, seeking direction. In my country at the next election, none of the mainstream political parties will have anything to offer to such as me, there is an infant national party, the British National Party entering mainline but will not become effective for years to come – no doubt they will be the natural vehicle to collect the discarded, the disenchanted, and the rest of the low hanging fruit fleeing from political correctness. Millions will continue to vote for their traditional loyalties, either Labour or Conservative in belief that they are still the same labels their parents voted for, the MSM will not discourage this view and cheer lead the scam that politics has become, another four years will have been lost. 98
Posted by GT on Tue, 25 Mar 2008 02:25 | # Purdue misses the point about recession. He conflates the dividend dings suffered by monetarists with the losses suffered in Great Depression, where real wealth accumulated by the physically laboring gentile underclass was transferred to jews and the gentile upperclass. In 2008, inflated dividend “earnings” and home “equities” lost by individual store managers and small town lawyers don’t compare to the personal trauma suffered by our laboring grandparents and great-grandparents. Neither does the loss of homes by today’s lower middle-class compare to what happened in the GD for the simple reason that there are plenty of HUD rentals for rent, McBurgers to be flipped, and medical services provided at the Emergency Door despite the long wait. This was not the case in 1929. Purdue overlooks or conveniently ignores the fact that the economic attack on American working-class families which began in the early seventies has all but destroyed them. The overwhelming majority have been turned into single head of households flipping McBurgers for minimum wage. Those who have managed to survive are two-parent working families, re-designated as lower middle-class, who are struggling to keep up, preserve jobs, and maintain - to whatever extent they can - small home equities convertible to paper of fluctuating “value” and easily lost Purdue anticipates being online in one year or two, so he must anticipate having sufficient wealth to do so. He must privately agree when I say that recession ? Great Depression, for apparently he’s not concerned about losing wealth to the point of having to go offline. Is it possible, then, that Purdue intends to do a little “suctioning” of what remains of lower middle-class wealth during this recession or in its aftermath? I certainly hope not, but we’ll never know. Isn’t that right, Purdue? A funny thing about Purdue’s attempted deconstruction is that all racialists know “Itz Coming = (Great) Depression = Revolution,” especially the Linderites. Now frankly I’m surprised that anybody takes this equation seriously for even if the recession did turn into another Great Depression, the original itself did not result in revolution - at least not within the U.S.A. Purdue does not realize this. Or perhaps he does realize it and is attempting to enhance his stature within the monetarist wing of easy online racialism by capitalizing on the fears of its pensioners and assuming the pose that he’s holding out for a racial solution on monetarist-friendly terms. The latter could be indefinite. We may never know. Isn’t that right, Purdue? This explains Purdue’s little trick of delimiting the definition of the Linderite term, “Itz Coming” to mean Depression. It allows him to borrow and use the term for the personal or exploitive, online-related, status quo-supportive reasons explained above. More importantly from our perspective, however, is that it allows him to indefinitely evade responsibility for providing leadership on the street, especially in the extremely unlikely event that one or more of Linder’s nihilists succeeded in kick-starting La Revolucion (or if, say, somebody successfully implemented the Alternative microcommunity, production economy, local political participation, and secessionist scenario). Freedom is deadly, only the riff-raff should die. High IQ con artists should only be expected to promote and direct the action from the Internet. They’re too valuable, otherwise! On the ground leadership? Physical work? Setting the example? Having to work for a smart-mouthed underclass asshole with more knowledge and experience? Are you freakin’ kidding me? The moral side-step is why Purdue has offered to compare notes with me in one or two years. He wants everybody to know that he’s under no obligation to back up his exploitive borrowing of “Itz Coming” for pseudo-revolutionary, monetarist-friendly purposes with action in the real world unless it is on his own indefinitely ambiguous terms. In the world of easy online racialism there is a symbiotic relationship between the racialist pseudo-elite (represented by Purdue), the pseudo-anarchists and convicted felons (represented by the Linderites), and Linder himself. The status quo wishes to preserve that relationship, naturally. It has little interest in change, except for those of us who are hovering about “on the fringe.” Thus it shuns, discourages, and derails all criticism. It is not serious. It’s foundationally conservative and its default position is fear. All it really wants for you to do is “send another contribution to support us in our important work” and worship at the altar of icons who have failed to create a genuine racialist movement on the ground. Like Purdue, this can go on indefinitely. To those who are serious: Unless the status quo is heavily criticized racialism will not change. Repent and change, or become irrelevant. 99
Posted by VLC on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 17:07 | # I like how the “academic” Baroness Young tries to make the BBC viewers believe that blacks aren’t prone to criminal behavior because it’s all a big racist myth used by racists, we all know blacks don’t commit more sexual and violent crimes than other races. Using crimes realities to support a racist agenda is just an horrible racist tactic. and these conservative wimps like Roger Scruton they make me sick, how they squirm to avoid politically incorrect conclusions. No no no it’s not race, absolutely not, it’s all about secularism and… huh… the rule of law. Oh and Democracy, yes. Not race, no no. 100
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 14 Apr 2008 17:43 | # I agree with VLC about Scruton. He’s just about one-hundred-percent useless. He might as well be on the other side entirely, for all the help he is. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by skeptical on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:19 | #
Thanks for linking to these YouTube videos, I can honestly say that this is the first time that I (as an American) was able to appreciate the injustice inflicted upon the English people. What I was also struck by was just how similar (almost identical!) the social evolutions between England and America (post-WWII) actually were.
“...those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad…”
Even today, the situation is exactly the same. There are nascent immigration control movements but they remain powerless as non-White populations continue to grow and constitute formidable votings blocs, sufficiently large as to drown out the concerns of a divided White populace. Even now Obamania (madness!) grips the White American midwest and northeast. Our countries are being wrenched away from us but even at our respective 11th hours genteel inhibitions prevent too many from expressing how they really feel.
“...those whom the Gods wish to destroy they first make mad…”
GuessedWorker, do you have any hope for England? Do you see anything close to racialism bubbling up within the Britons?