Tradition and Revolution: Collected Writings of Troy Southgate The following review by Andreas Faust of Troy Southgate’s book of selected essays and poetry, Tradition & Revolution, provides a good introduction to that strand of thought which is National Anarchism. The social context for NA is that efforts by political nationalism to turn the clock back demographically cannot succeed, and a widespread social and economic collapse is both inevitable and to be welcomed. It will provide an opportunity for the re-seeding of traditional European folkways at a local level. Indeed, NA argues, without it the white remnant will have no spiritual foundation from which to face the rigours of ethnic conflict. NA might be seen as an ark in the worst-case scenario. Some aspects of it leave me perplexed - the Wodenism, for instance, which appears gratuitous and artificial. But NA is gathering adherents throughout the West, and Troy is certainly its leading spirit. It is worth knowing about. ‘Tradition and Revolution: Collected Writings of Troy Southgate’ This book contains a varied selection of essays, poems, and other short written pieces by Troy Southgate, one of the founders of the philosophy known as National-Anarchism. National-Anarchism is a cultural current rather than an organisation. It is a long-term strategy. N-A developed simultaneously in England, France and Germany, in just the same way that modern Odinism simultaneously sprang up in at least four different countries in the early 1970s. N-A is a form of anarchism which has no roots in the political left, but neither is it right-wing. It differs from the ‘mainstream’ anarchist movement in its support for racial separatism (amongst other things), but at the same time has no problem with those who want to establish mixed-race communities also. As Southgate puts it: “We have no desire to rule over an administrative structure or disaffected population of any kind [...] Whilst they choose their own destinies, we shall choose ours.” If N-A took off on a wide scale, this would theoretically lead to a series of independent communities, which “may or may not wish to form part of a confederated alliance”. Each community, of course, would be primed for self-defence. The regional alliance or federation would support any group of individuals wishing to found a separate community to preserve their own identity – regardless of what that identity might be. So, has the book converted this reviewer to National-Anarchism? Well, hmmm, hmmm…I believe it might have. I still dislike the term. But on the other hand I can’t really think of a better one. On explaining the concept to a friend recently, he pointed out that as soon as you start throwing the word ‘anarchist’ about, it will automatically turn people away. The word has become linked with images of violence, chaos, disorder…sinister men in black balaclavas throwing bombs. But who exactly should the term appeal to? The conservatively inclined probably wouldn’t support the doctrine anyway, even if wrapped in more soothing packaging. The term ‘National-Anarchist’, on the other hand, is likely to appeal to the young and rebellious, whose minds might not as yet be stultified. And as Tord Morsund notes in his introduction, N-A is not chaotic at all, but is a strategy that starts with the individual, then progresses to the family, the community, village, town etc. There is a need to reclaim the term ‘anarchy’, which N-A is certainly contributing towards doing.
Reviewed by Andreas Faust Comments:2
Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 01:38 | # Tim, Troy posted a message at his forum explaining that:-
The other perplexing issue for many, especially the so-called left-libertarians and the more conventional anti-collectivists of the anarcho-capitalist right, is how anarchism can mesh with the claim on the soul of tribe or nation. Fundamentally, I think, NA is a non-conformist movement before it is a fully worked-out system for living. There is, after all, no pressing need to have everything in place now, when the MultiCult is maybe thirty years away from the crash scenario, and the other side of who knows what seismic events. Anyway, Troy describes it as organic, so I guess that allows for a certain process of refinement over time. 3
Posted by Steve Edwards on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:42 | # This link is simply unbelievable. I had to read it twice: 4
Posted by woodchuck on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:59 | # Can’t believe anyone takes guys like this seriously. Organic wodenism? Sounds like a Polish breakfast cereal. 5
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 17:20 | # Thanks for this information. Troy Southgate, his book were unknown to me. However, what he is describing is not new to me. As Wodenism appeared around 1970 in four differnent nations, so too has what Troy Southgate describes as NA, has also “appeared” seemingly with no organizational structure, but rather a grassroots phenom. GW; NA and Wodenism makes sense in that both do not follow the modern cultural concepts of left, right politics, or the middle eastern concept of one God, one way. Wodenism and NA,share some things, such as; kinship, in group altruism, self sufficency, long term planning, hence concern for decendents, also tolerance toward those that do not value Wodenism, etc. As my personal view, Wodenism is not a religion in the sense that it is not “revealed”, by a prophet. Wodenism is not either, to be picked up as a garment, one is born into Wodenism through one’s ancestors. I am looking forward to reading Mr. Southgate’s work. 6
Posted by Bert Rustle on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 18:42 | # Steve Edwards wrote ... This link is simply unbelievable. I had to read it twice: ... It could be construed as soft enforcement, as by removing the thrill of illegality, the level of participation may be somewhat reduced. 7
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:46 | # National Anarchism is National Bolshevism for the 21st century (all their heroes are old German Bolshies), and as such of little use. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:59 | # I’m sure an even better book than Southgate’s, when it comes out ( ... hint ...), will be GW’s .... I’m teasing, of course ... Seriously though, I think a book by GW recounting the story of how he started this site, what it strives to express and achieve, how the site itself changed his understandings of the issues and original site aims, the important academic figures and other published figures the site has had direct contact with (Prof. Frazer, Prof. Sunic, JWH, James Bowery, and so on) and summaries of their contributions and views, the many and varied other important personalities encountered and dealt with along the way (Kai Murros, CvH, and so on), and his own views on the crisis we find ourselves in, his wider philosophy, any tips he may have to offer on building and managing a political blog, pitfalls to avoid, etc., etc., etc. — I’m convinced if GW ever wrote such a book it would not only be a best-seller but would without a doubt advance The Cause further along the road to victory by broadening the reach of our side’s views. 9
Posted by GT on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 16:47 | # If N-A took off on a wide scale, this would theoretically lead to a series of independent communities, which “may or may not wish to form part of a confederated alliance”. -TS Well, that sounds familiar! But who exactly should the term appeal to? -TS White youth yearning for direction, discipline, and productive work toward race survival, community, and freedom. The conservatively inclined probably wouldn’t support the doctrine anyway, … -TS The conservatively-inclined can no longer be thought of as adherents to a particular set of principles. The term describes the fundamental nature of certain White men and includes the politically “liberal,” as well. …even if wrapped in more soothing packaging. -TS Let’s be clear about the meaning of soothing. To White men soothing implicitly refers to the preservation of class advantages. The “conservatively-inclined” are certainly not opposed to irritating out-groups within their Race. We can no longer afford to think of “conservatism” in the conventional manner, especially as it pertains to Whites. The enabler of all things a-White and anti-White is Homo Monetarus. For 2000 years H. Monetarus has repeatedly opened the doors to jews and stood in the way of eliminating the jewish problem. For 2000 years he has scapegoated the weaker members of his own people. The preservation of buildings and property has always been his first priority. <u>H. Monetarus</u> Race: Europid. To survive as a Race we must damn this creature to hell. 10
Posted by DavidL on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 02:26 | # From Eric Thomson: “What does our ostensibly White elite get out of the destruction of its own kind? Nothing of real value, for their real wealth, whether they know it or not, is their White community. This real wealth they have largely destroyed, at their own peril, for when we are deemed insufficient to pose a threat to the jews and other muds, the Ostensible Whites of the egregious elite will be dispensed with. Meanwhile, their only loyalty is to the money which the jews create out of nothing.” Entire article here: 11
Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:13 | # Some points to consider, DavidL, 1. Ostensible Whites = H. Monetarus. 2. Back in the good old days H. Monetarus’ response to uncomfortable truths was to remove the underclass messenger’s head. In text, unfortunately, all he can do is ostracize the offender and deliver a veiled little quiver, sniff, or smirk out-of-sight. Or circulate snarky messages amongst his clique with instructions to advise publishers and website owners to “ban that fool.” But messages are not always necessary. Through silence H.M. signals his classmates to do the same. The assumption is that the offending messenger’s ego is as sensitive as their own, that he is “hurt” by the shunning, and “will go away” due to “the lack of attention” – just as they would, the poor dears. The message H.M. wishes to convey through his silence is that the messenger’s message doesn’t warrant an “intellectual” response. In many or most cases there is enough truth in this to justify it. However, in most cases upperclass “intellectualism” is a pose readily identified and easily borrowed by many “me-tooing” members of the underclasses - just as “poor white trailer trash” is thrown around by anti-Whites equipped with the intelligence of a rock. 3. National Socialism was neither monetarist nor Bolshevist. The NSDAP rejected Germany’s monetarist class, for with the exception of scientists, engineers, technicians, and necessary political functionaries, almost all others were considered deadweight with little or nothing to contribute. The adoption of monetarism meant half-way measures which could only result in more of the same, with genuine reform and recovery remaining as elusive as ever. Furthermore, rather than promote nihilism and anarchy as America’s cultic blightwing is wont to do, the NSDAP disciplined Germany’s equivalent of America’s “skinhead” underclass of tradesmen and put their boots on the streets. None of this endeared the NSDAP to German conservatives, of course. Political conservatism and liberalism, to the extent they are adopted by the White underclasses, are nothing more than controlled opposition to H. Monetarus, his servants, and his allies. 4. Troy Southgate is on the right track. I do not agree with his choice of the term “Anarchy,” however, and I have a small problem with the inclusion of multiracial communities in “ostensibly” White confederations. I’ll re-read the work to ensure that I understand his meaning. Nevertheless, the man has much to offer. 12
Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 22:58 | # Now I want to clarify something with regards to Troy Southgate being on the right track. It’s good that he recommends home schooling; however, home schooling is about leaving the system - not undermining the system from within. Furthermore, the leftist “march through the institutions” was facilitated by H. Monetarus, who saw the march as a means to effect a mutually beneficial alliance with out-Europid groups and maintain moral supremacy in relation to underclass Europids who might object. Overall, I think his suggestions for working from within are good for Europe, but not for North America. My reasons are due to differences in geographic size, urban separation, population densities, access to natural resources, the need to morally degrade and economically reduce H. Monetarus’s influence, European vs. American history and temperament, and the fact that Europe can’t free itself until America is free. H. Monetarus will not allow a “march through the institutions” by his fellow Europids. We have nothing to offer the bastard, first and foremost. Secondly, the march by jews was not a secret. It was done openly within the very institutions H.M. dominated. H.M. facilitated the march because the jews held a moral concept and media weapon to his throat. To maintain his ‘privilege’ in relation to underclass Europid underclass, H.M. allied himself with the jewish invader and now serves as the watchdog keeping us in line. American Europids must attack H. Monetarus morally and separate themselves, to the greatest extent possible, from his monetary influence. 13
Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 23:03 | # Change: ... and maintain moral supremacy in relation to underclass Europids who might object. To: ... and maintain moral and socioeconomic supremacy in relation to underclass Europids who might object. 14
Posted by GT on Tue, 18 Mar 2008 23:29 | # I have no conceptual problem with Europeans infiltrating the system from within to the extent that it is possible to do so. However, they must remain quiet and wait for us. Now this is not intended as an insult to European courage and ability. I have served alongside Royal Marines and know firsthand how good those men are compared to U.S. Marines. But we Americans with our economic and technological military advantages are the key to everything, and this is something the jew and his H. Monetarus enabler are perfectly aware of. My advice to Europeans is to stay quiet and support us in whatever manner they can, even if that involves obfuscation and making use of plausible deniability. 15
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 02:02 | # From a recent blog entry. I’m having a conversaton with race-denying, White Supremacy-denouncing denizens of a New-Right elist headed by someone named Troy Southgate, him of La Rose Noire and farcical National-Anarchism, a very stupid, wooly-headed “ideology” for not-too-bright, pot-smoking teenagers. I have yet to meet a virtual nobody with a higher opinion of himself than this character. Maybe some day I’ll make the effort of taking apart that individualistic “movement” (of three fat girls, besides Southgate), but it’s a bit of a waste of time, as it’s not a serious current of thought. Has anyone in North America and continental Europe even heard of it?
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 10:26 | # Actually, Troy doesn’t push N-A very much on his list or at his meetings. Welf Herfurth’s group in Oz and the Bay Area group appear to be far more singular in that respect, and more involved in the political. And good luck to them. Overall, one would have to say that Troy is interested in potentially productive but, of course, at this stage still conceptual politics. White Nationalism’s incessant and emotional commentary upon the grotesqueries of modernity are the opposite. It does not constitute any kind of way forward, but merely catalogues our decline. So what’s new, one is entitled to ask. It isn’t that impossible to formulate an effective rejoinder to your supremacism post. I don’t know about Troy, but I can dismantle it in 300 words, without any reference to the Hot Gates! 18
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 18:07 | # As I’ve said on the blog: It’s nice to see you, GW. Unlike Southgate, you’re a serious thinker, and someone I respect (notwithstanding our differences). Please feel free to “dismantle” my little post. I’ll gladly reply. That should be fun! What does it say about the state White Nationalism, when even those who are sympathetic or think of themselves as part of the movement loudly denounce White supremacy? Surely it must be a sign of our collective peecee conditioning and weakness. 19
Posted by Friedrich Braun on Thu, 05 Jun 2008 18:23 | # A friend of mine suggested that “Shouthgate should rename himself Southpark, since he is just as decadent and stupid. ” Post a comment:
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Posted by Tim on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 00:26 | #
The wodenism thing left me perplexed too. Don’t quite get what it has to do with being anarchist or not anarchist.