Opinion professionals in Rome

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 13 March 2008 01:20.

“Can European Civilisation Survive?” the publicity asks.  Not without Europeans, one must reply.

But Identity Crisis, a two-day chatter starting this very day (Thursday) at the European University of Rome, does not concern itself with us.  This is Judeo-Christian country.  What happens to Europeans doesn’t matter, so long as Western Civ can be salvaged in an executable form for the godly and the



The moving spirit of the conference appears to be Avi Davis, a man of many talents according to his bio, since he is an attorney, documentarian (?), senior fellow of the American Freedom Alliance, and a senior editorial columnist for Jewsweek, among other Israel-gripped rags.

What Avi and his friends are up to here should be pretty plain.  They are trying to shape the countours of future government opinion.  You can tell it’s government opinion-forming they are interested in because their method - the international conferences, the “scholarly studies”, the complex little knot of “Institutes” and “Forums” - is the same as that employed by the New Left when it culturalised discourse in the 1980s.  They have money, as the left surely had money - and no doubt from some rather similar sources.  They have some influence, at least, in places of power on both sides of the Atlantic.  And they have an enemy: not European Man this time but Islam in and beyond Europe.

They are cultural preservationists, I suppose.  They are not like us.  We set out to preserve the greatest of peoples while Jews see only anti-Semitism in that sacred goal, and Christians see the worship of a craven image.  To the question, “Should European peoples be free to live as they please, and with whom they please, in their own lands” these people would be constitutionally unable to answer in the positive.

So is Avi’s effort a help or hindrance to our goal.  Well, right now the discussion at high levels in European politics of Islam as a threat in itself is not unhelpful to nationalist parties like VB and the BNP.  And since the true political and philosophical nature of nationalism is too revolutionary to be entertained at any level of government, there is no material loss to us if Jews and Christians push the anti-Islamification agenda successfully.

But, of course, the point arrives when civilisation as a value in itself misses the mark.  It is to genetic survival what citizenism is to blut und boden.  It will contribute nothing to our cause, other than the educational experience of seeing the opinion-forming exercise professionally - and lavishly - undertaken.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 02:57 | #

“They are cultural preservationists, I suppose.  They are not like us.  We set out to preserve the greatest of peoples while Jews see only anti-Semitism in that sacred goal [...].”  (—the log entry)

Good statement of the fundamental conflict between Euros and Jews:  Jews see only anti-Semitism in Euro concerns about race-replacement.  This is the case even where Jewish culpability in the matter is rejected, as with The Realist whom the Jews view as no less anti-Semitic than Alex Linder (The Realist is in for a major surprise if he thinks otherswise). 

The Euros are the innocent party in this matter, the wronged party:  clutching at your people’s race-replacer is no more blameworthy than clutching at a pillow held over your face to smother you.  Any conceivable fault here lies with the Jews, none with the aggrieved Euros.


Posted by rocket on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:14 | #

Euroman—innocent ? the wronged party ? now that is good propaganda to play the victim with . playing the power of the victim is the oldest trick in the book fred.  in fact , the jews are the masters of it . why try and imitate them ?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:35 | #

It must also be noted:  the Jews are fighting dirty.  Making accusations of “racism” and “hate” their sole response to our legitimate concerns is fighting dirty, since they know full well “racism” and “hate” aren’t our motivations (the staunch Zionists among them, such as Abe Foxman, know this especially well since they are presumed able to recognize our motivations as identical to their own in regard to Israel).  That being so, it’s hard to condemn those on our side who fight dirty right back.  In fact, maybe it’s irresponsible not to fight dirty right back:  to fight clean against one who fights dirty is to greatly increase the likelihood of losing, and that’s irresponsible when one is entrusted with preserving things of a sacred nature.  What moral obligation to fight clean is one under when an opponent insists on fighting dirty?  I’m not sure.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 03:46 | #

An example of fighting dirty in this regard would be letting loose with every manner of unfair anti-Semitic stereotype whenever the occasion presents. 

Would that be unfair toward Jews? 


When the Jews insist on the epithets “hater” and “anti-Semite” being their sole response to our legitimate concerns which they know perfectly are neither “hate” nor “anti-Semitism,” is that unfair toward Euros? 


Who started the unfairness? 

The Jews. 

If they are supremely unfair to us, do we have to remain scrupulously fair to them, or can two play their game? 

Two can play.  It’d be stupid not to, in fact, beyond a certain point.  Sooner or later you’ll be almost forced to play by their rules.  If you want to stay in the game.


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 06:15 | #

Good grief. There really is something called “Jewsweek.”


Posted by John on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 13:30 | #

Playing the victim (no matter how apt, considering the deteriorating state of our homelands and our folk) won’t work.

It’s wearing thin for the Jews as well.

Use another strategy that’s effective and honorable at the same time.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 14:29 | #

“That being so, it’s hard to condemn those on our side who fight dirty right back.  In fact, maybe it’s irresponsible not to fight dirty right back:  to fight clean against one who fights dirty is to greatly increase the likelihood of losing, and that’s irresponsible when one is entrusted with preserving things of a sacred nature.  What moral obligation to fight clean is one under when an opponent insists on fighting dirty?  I’m not sure.  An example of fighting dirty in this regard would be letting loose with every manner of unfair anti-Semitic stereotype”  (—from my comment)

Maybe that’s why the German National Socialists engaged in crass anti-Semitic propaganda — extremely crass posters, pamphlets, and so on.  Maybe they saw they had no choice but to “fight dirty with dirty,” inwardly satisfied they weren’t the ones who started it, while also determined not to lose on account of high-minded insistence on fighting clean against a dirty-fighting opponent. 

The Nazis were effective street fighters in their early days in the 1920s, and who taught them those tactics?  The Jewish communists taught them — the early Nazis looked at the street-fighting Jewish communists toppling governments and getting their way in Munich and Berlin and said, “Two can play this game!” 

So when faced with the Jewish idea of “fighting fair” in the propaganda wars, namely turning a deaf ear to all legitimate expressions of concern and responding solely with accusations of “racism” and “anti-Semitism” — (sound familiar?) — maybe they said to themselves, “Well, if they can fight dirty so can we, and not only can we, but perhaps we’re obliged to, unless we want to be on the losing end!”

In the early thirties, the Austrian engineer surveying for the new highway to be built through the Gross Glockner Pass kept finding unmistakable traces, as he went, of a theretofore unknown ancient Roman road.  He said he came to completely understand the thinking of the ancient Roman military engineer who had charted the same exact route through the Alps.


Posted by rocket on Thu, 13 Mar 2008 22:29 | #

FRED , ABE FOXMAN needs to get a real job . as far as fighting dirty . well ,the fact that we are entrusted with sacred things means that we dont fight dirty. but we win anyway .

Christ could have came down from the cross being taunted by his own reprobate people . but he would not play that game . and that is how he truimped over sin . he said ‘‘father forgive them ‘’.

the jews need to hear the real gospel of Christ and repent. that is the real final solution .


Posted by Prozium on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 04:26 | #

They are cultural preservationists, I suppose.  They are not like us.

Yes, these are the same people who consider Jewish genocide (physical extermination) the most heinous of crimes in world history. Aren’t there plenty of Gentiles around to preserve “Jewish values” like arrogance and greed?


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 10:22 | #

The real final solution would be for those hysterical Christers like ‘rocket’ to cease and desist from annoying intelligent readers of MR with putrid guff like the above post. There is absolutely no evidence of anything for humans beyond this life and even our sun is, in time, destined for destruction thereby signifying a blessed release from pestilent and mattoidal Jesus-jabberers.


Posted by Fr. John on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 15:51 | #

“An example of fighting dirty in this regard would be letting loose with every manner of unfair anti-Semitic stereotype whenever the occasion presents.

“Would that be unfair toward Jews?


...But is it TRUE?

Also yes.

“The real final solution would be for those hysterical Christers like ‘rocket’ to cease and desist from annoying intelligent readers of MR with putrid guff like the above post. There is absolutely no evidence of anything for humans beyond this life and even our sun is, in time, destined for destruction thereby signifying a blessed release from pestilent and mattoidal Jesus-jabberers.”

Yawn. Sorry, Ross. YOU can (and will!) go to Hell with sentiments like that. I assure you. We have no time for Woden-worshipers, or the merely imbecilic, [Ps. 14;1] either.

But, to be fair, Rocket is in ERROR.

“Christ could have came down from the cross being taunted by his own reprobate people . but he would not play that game . and that is how he truimped over sin . he said ‘’father forgive them ‘’.”

Christ said “Father, forgive them” to the ROMANS-  the pagans who were ‘merely following the [Talmudic] Sanhedrin’s and the [EDOMITIC] High Priest’s orders.’ You need to check the CONTEXT of that passage in St. Luke, sir. It is clear beyond all doubt, that Christ was speaking to the Soldiers, and NOT the Priesthood.

They (the Edomitic Priesthood - cf. Josephus on this!) were, and are, completely guilty of Deicide; “His blood be on us AND ON OUR CHILDREN.”  Papal pronouncements of Alzheimer-ridden leaders notwithstanding.  For the “them” in Luke 23:34 is IMMEDIATELY followed by the “They” IN ‘THEY then parted his raiment, and cast lots.” IN THE VERY SAME VERSE.

No, Christ NEVER forgave the “Jews.” Twenty centuries of Christian exegesis on that point is not effaced by the Talmudic-friendly arch-heretic J2P2.


Posted by rocket on Fri, 14 Mar 2008 22:21 | #

Christ forgave everyone . the jewsish stubborn resistance to the gospel and keeping others from entering into the kingdom of heaven proves that they are enemys of the gospel. but what did we do to earn our salvation ?. its all the same mercy .

jews in the main are guilty of deicide. on this we agree . but there is a worse guilt—rejecting the forgiveness of the deicide. this is what i call ‘‘the obstruction of mercy’’ . they keep obstructing mercy ...until as st. paul says in romans ‘‘all israel will be saved’‘.

the question is—when all israel gets saved will we (and i dont mean the wicked state of israel , but the jews around the world ) ...will we gentiles sulk like the older brother in the story of the prodigal son or will we rejoice?

if we sulk, it just exposes our ungratefulness and self rightiuosness. if we rejoice , it will be then that we truly understand as paul says ‘‘there is no jew nor gentile in christ’‘.


Posted by Saxon Paige Vickers-Buckley on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 05:43 | #

So here I am, a 29 year-old female, with naturally blonde hair (blonde eyebrows as well, fine blonde hair arising at the nape of the neck, on the forearms…and in other places…light blue eyes…all the usual bonestructure(s), tight round buttocks, long calves and thighs, narrow ribcage, small waist, delighful hips and slightly too large breasts with deep red aureole and perky nipples…standing at 5 foot 10 inches…surely a mans dream…) when I cme across these gross insults to Catholicsm. I assume your remark about a “craven image” was deliberate and a swipe at cowardice, rather than an example of ignorance of the prohibition about worshipping GRAVEN images, which, BTW, DOES NOT mean a prohibition against worshipping what (whom) the image represents, but worshipping the image itself, which is implied by the idea of the work of human hands.

Look: you have got to stop the Catholic bashing. Lets be clear: the supreme teaching authority of The Church is NOT the Pope, or any Pope, much less any Cardinal, Archbishop, Bishop, Priest, or big mouth layperson with a following. The supreme teaching authority of The Church is the MAGESTERIUM which may include any given Pope, but only under certain specific circumstances. It matters not one jot if every Pope for the last 100 years has said X, unless he / they speak ex-Cathedra, the fact is, prior teaching remains untouched, regardless of the hype and propaganda, and in anycase, no MAGESTERIAL teaching may be reversed (it is not possible), but can only be (further) explained. Is that quite clear? e.g. Thus, it matters not what John Paul II said about “mutual submission”, it was his PERSONAL opinion, it was not spoken ex-cathedra (and it could not have been, as it would a. deny logic, and b. fly in the face of 5000 years of Hebrew and Christian teaching) and is not binding.

The same is true about issues of species or genus or whatever.

Fact: regardless of what you THINK is official Catholic doctrine, regardless of what this Pope or the next, or what this Bishop or that priest or that Catholic layman with a big gob says…we go to the end, and what we find at the end is this: all the nations of the earth will be preserved in “Heaven” for all eternity, and the word “nations” used. That is, it is God Himself that has designed the nations, it is He Himself who calls them (all) good, and it is He Himself that has decreed they shall be distinct (and distinctive) but equal for all eternity when this trial is wound up. Can you understand this? Just as the “secular” has been invaded by PC BS, just so has the Catholic Church, but, alas for the agit-propsters and useful idiots in the Catholic Church, God will not be mocked. HE has determined that humans, in their perfect variations, will exist eternally,  because they imprefectly reflect in their creatureliness His own ineffable unity where all is in all. It is in fact in the “pure” variagation that we see that artist that is God. It is in the corruption that we see that hand of the destroyer, the tearer.

Having said that, I trust no one can use this to advocate anything other than justice, which is, after all, simply giving to each his due.

In case you are thinking, “what is this woman’s (I think you mean hot chick, and I bet you wish you had a picture) point?”, it is this: declare war on the Catholic Church out of ignorance of Her workings and doctrine, and you will (as you just have) lose many friends.

One final point: given I can trace my maternal line back to 1432 and the Knights of St. John, and my paternal line back to 1356, and the Earls of Warwick, not only should your mind be boggling at your readership, but it ought to be asking itself about the wisdom of offending in a knee-jerk reaction old Catholic familes who did more to preserve Europe than all you Menshevik-fascists have done or will ever do.  This is for the long-term plebs!  Only those who can trace their line to the nearest orphanage, and / or are (still) victims of Elizabeth II (bitch!) and her propagandzing pamphleteers and / or are ignorant of the dogmas and doctrines of the Catholic Church (which would include some Popes LOL) and are blinded by Papal pretensions and naivete and stupidity (we have had a lot of stupid Popes) could state they want to sabe Europe and insult the Catholic Church.

Acta non verba.


Posted by Blogs should have no comments section on Sun, 16 Mar 2008 13:20 | #

Gender genie analysis of the diatribe above:

Female Score: 940
Male Score: 1235

The Gender Genie thinks the author of this passage is: male!


Posted by rocket on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 03:23 | #

Blogs , i was thinking that too . but the greater mystery is , who the hell is he or she talking too ? the only 3 catholics i know on this site are onlooker , wheeler , and me . onlooker states some interesting stuff but is not going at loggerheads like me and wheeler are.

so , is this mystery pro magesterium person attacking my catholic faith or Wheelers or both >?


Posted by Mike E on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 13:57 | #

Blut und Boden means blood and earth but Germans use capitals for ALL nouns.


Posted by woodchuck on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 20:44 | #

So here I am, a 29 year-old female,

And how we wish you were elsewhere.

Reminded me of some porn I saw a few weeks ago — typical “aryan princess” getting facefucked, saliva/puke oozing onto her rosary….


Posted by onlooker on Mon, 17 Mar 2008 23:26 | #

“Reminded me of some porn I saw a few weeks ago — typical “aryan princess” getting facefucked, saliva/puke oozing onto her rosary…. “

Not cool, woodchuck. Not cool at all.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

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