“Rock solid, unwavering, enduring, forever!”

Posted by DanielS on Sunday, 14 June 2015 09:32.

No, not a commitment to the 14 Words, but evergreen news of dedication to Israel:           
“For me, and for this entire Administration, our commitment to Israel’s security and Israel’s future is ROCK SOLID, UNWAVERING, ENDURING, and FOREVER!”
                                                                                                  - Hillary


“We came, we saw, he died!” ...she laughs.

Inasmuch succeeds in eliminating what was a barrier to African migration to Europe.

More big laughs for Hillary (clip courtesy Franklin Ryckaert):



Posted by Franklin Ryckaert on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 15:51 | #

Hillary laughs about more than the death of one man. Here she is laughing about a possible war against Iran : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xvhBoF_pCHo


Posted by Kristiina Ojuland - a good woman on Sun, 14 Jun 2015 17:43 | #

A good one, as Morgoth’s calls attention:


Kristiina Ojuland

Just browsing through The European Guardian I happened across this little story from what I can only describe as a perfect specimen of White Womanhood. Kristiina Ojuland was once the Estonian Foreign Minster and an MEP. Just for once I’ll stop rambling in order to let the Lady speak, as she did on Twitter recently:

“Today yet again I see a fully able young Negro begging for money in Italy, from people who have worked hard to earn a lunch. I think that we should start a pan-European campaign to collect signatures to ensure that not a single so-called refugee gets across the Mediterranean. Enough of this nonsense!” Ojuland, the former high-ranking politician who for years campaigned Estonia to join the EU, wrote.

‘‘For those who think I’m just nagging luckily you’re wrong. The Negro question is for Estonia an existential one and it’s an non-reversible one. Once we let them into our country we won’t be able to undo it.”

When people began attacking Kristiina for being ‘‘racist’’ she replied :

“Stop using a word ‘racist’! As a white person, I feel that the white race is threatened today! Are Estonians also so brain-washed now that they start talking some kind of politically correct bullshit?” Ojuland said.



Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 08:04 | #

“Stop using a word ‘racist’! As a white person, I feel that the white race is threatened today! Are Estonians also so brain-washed now that they start talking some kind of politically correct bullshit?” Ojuland said.


Posted by endzog on Fri, 19 Jun 2015 14:22 | #

Melanie Phillips On Rising National Social Fascism In Britain And Europe:



Posted by Blowback on Tue, 30 Jun 2015 01:17 | #


A gunman disguised as a holidaymaker has killed at least 38 people, including eight Britons, in an attack on a popular tourist resort.

Terrified sunbathers ran for their lives as the attacker, dressed in shorts and hiding his Kalashnikov inside an umbrella, opened fire on the beach in Port el Kantaoui on the outskirts of Sousse, Tunisia.




Posted by Kumiko Oumae on Sat, 18 Jul 2015 12:04 | #

DanielS, June 14, 2015 wrote:
“We came, we saw, he died!” ...she laughs.

Inasmuch succeeds in eliminating what was a barrier to African migration to Europe.

This is absolutely true. And this was not only by coincidence, since prior to the operations in Libya, FRONTEX was working with Libya tacitly to deter mass migration along the routes that traditionally would have extended through Libya into Italy. It was even that case that EU officials had embedded themselves on the the Libyan side of the border to most adequately monitor the situation.

Liberals were warned that in the event of a collapse of government in Libya, those smuggling and illegal migration routes would effectively be non-policed, but they did not seem to think that this was a priority to be considered. Or at least, if they did consider it, they certainly didn’t act on it.

These same routes have also been used by terrorists to smuggle members of ISIL cells into the European Union.

It is a commonly believed that the air cover provided to the militants in Libya was for the purpose of ‘liberating’ the oil resources in Libya into the hands of global oil companies. This is actually not the case, because those oil companies already had access to the oil fields in Libya, and were essentially benefiting from the tranquil security environment which was being maintained by Muammar Al-Gaddafi.

It is also sometimes alleged that the purpose of the intervention was to prevent Gaddafi from ever being able to develop nuclear weapons. This is untrue, because Gaddafi already gave up his nuclear materials and research to the United States in 2003, and that research along with the products of that research and the equipment are all essentially under lock and key inside the United States.

So, which factor is a factor that is often overlooked? Well, a factor which has been overlooked, is the Agribusiness lobbying factor. One key component of the outcome of this war, is that Gaddafi’s ban on GMO crops can come under pressure to be overturned, and it also disintegrated Gaddafi’s agricultural cooperation frameworks with other African nations. This would create the kind of vacuum which companies such as Monsanto may find attractive. For various reasons, this is bad, because of the safety concerns surrounding GMO crops, but also because of the hazard involved in having Agribusiness acting as such a powerful pressure group, producing outcomes which are not in the interest of many other core pressure groups—such as oil companies which now must contend with a far more perilous security environment.


Posted by the lives that matter to Soros on Sun, 09 Aug 2015 07:22 | #

Essentially, Black Lives Matter activists attending the event pushed both Mr. Sanders and Martin O’Malley for their views of police brutality, racial equality and the message, and language, of Black Lives Matter.

These are essential issues to the core constituency of the Democratic Party, and ones that candidates seeking the nomination need to be able to discuss and probably embrace. Neither Mr. O’Malley or Mr. Sanders were able to do that. Ms. Clinton was not asked about her position at the event because she had declined to attend. The African American activists drew deserved attention to the reality that race and police brutality have not been at the center of Senator Sanders campaign.

Many of those activists and observers later railed against Mr. Sanders. For her part, Ms. Clinton later gave a thoughtful and nuanced response to the question, stating unequivocally that Black lives matter, as she had time to witness and process the events from the weekend. However, she also could not avoid making controversial statements about race, as she added that many white people are afraid when they see an African American man in a hooded sweatshirt.

Read more at http://observer.com/2015/07/why-the-black-lives-matter-campaign-matters-to-bernie-sanders/#ixzz3iIclgs89 Follow us: @observer on Twitter | Observer on Facebook Read more at: http://tr.im/dxksL

Black Lives Matter movement have received millions of dollars from billionaire financier George Soros

Hired protesters with the Black Lives Matter movement have started a #CutTheCheck hashtag and held a sit-in at the offices for the successor group to the Association of Community Organizations for Reform Now (ACORN) in Missouri after the group allegedly stopped paying them.

FrontPage Magazine reports that Missourians Organizing for Reform and Empowerment (MORE) has been paying protesters $5,000 a month to demonstrate in Ferguson. Last week, hired protesters who haven’t been paid held a sit-in at MORE’s offices and posted a demand letter online.


Posted by Israeli ties: nobody trumps Trump on Sun, 09 Aug 2015 07:51 | #

“If Trump wins the presidency there is going to be hell toupee” - SR

NEW YORK (JTA) — Among the expansive field of Republican presidential candidates on display in the party’s first debates Thursday night, Donald Trump may be the most closely connected to the Jewish people.

Trump is from New York, works in professions saturated with Jews and long has been a vocal supporter of Israel. His daughter and two grandchildren are Jewish, the executive vice president of his organization is Jewish — and Trump certainly has chutzpah.
  ‘I have many Jewish friends that support Obama and I say, Why? and they can’t explain why. They support him, they give him money, they give him campaign contributions,’ Trump told radio host Michael Savage in February. ‘This is the worst enemy of Israel’

Given his myriad Jewish associations, Trump is not an unfamiliar face in Jewish circles. He has served as a grand marshal at New York’s annual Salute to Israel Parade. After Hurricane Katrina, he was among a group of celebrities who decorated Jewish federation tzedakah boxes to be auctioned off to support hurricane disaster relief. And in February, he was honored with an award at the annual gala for the Algemeiner, a right-wing Jewish news organization.

“I have a Jewish daughter. This wasn’t in the plan, but I’m very glad it happened,” Trump said at the event, held in Manhattan. On Israel, he said, “We love Israel. We will fight for Israel 100 percent, 1,000 percent. It will be there forever.”

Before the 2013 Israeli election, Trump recorded a video message endorsing Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.

“You truly have a great prime minister in Benjamin Netanyahu. He’s a winner, he’s highly respected, he’s highly thought of by all,” Trump said in the 30-second spot. “Vote for Benjamin — terrific guy, terrific leader, great for Israel.”



Posted by "Shields" for political class on Sun, 16 Aug 2015 08:56 | #

From “Stray Dog”, an associate of Metzger.

The way the Casinos prevent a big card game winner from breaking the bank. It’s called a “Shield”, the Casino sends a covert card player to sit just in front of the Hot Player and proceeds to take cards when he doesn’t need them, cards that would have helped the hot player continue his winning streak.

Now let’s adapt that concept to the G.O.P. Presidential Nomination Process, only instead of hurting the Hot Player the shield helps him. You have Donnie Trump and Chris Christie attacking the same man, Senator Rand Paul. Now Christie and Trump will knock out many more contenders with Trump bowing out at the end, then handing the Nomination to Fat Tony. AKA Chris Christie. Christie is the System’s Man, and he has been groomed to break the Workers Pension Funds.


Posted by Soy Bean Oil = Monsanto Round Up on Sat, 29 Aug 2015 13:07 | #

Stop eating soy bean oil now

It’s all saturated with Round Up
- See more at: http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/health-and-medical-1/stop-eating-soy-bean-oil-now.html#sthash.9nex5flr.dpuf

It’s a very simple, but very serious problem:

1. Soybeans are ALL GMO now
2. GMO was designed to be “RoundUp friendly” and is sprayed heavily on soybeans
3. Round Up is a health disaster

The US uses 25% of all Round Up.

It’s so bad that it’s elements of Round Up are showing up in the water and the air.

You will find soybean oil in just about all packaged food and restaurant food. - See more at: http://www.brasschecktv.com/videos/health-and-medical-1/stop-eating-soy-bean-oil-now.html#sthash.9nex5flr.dpuf



Posted by Haim Saban on Mon, 31 Aug 2015 05:38 | #

Hillary Clinton has penned a letter to mega-donor Haim Saban and Jewish organization leaders expressing her strong and unequivocal support for Israel in the face of the Boycott, Divestment and Sanction movement, known as “BDS.”

“I know you agree that we need to make countering BDS a priority,” she writes, asking for aid working “across party lines” to “fight back against further attempts to isolate and delegitimize Israel.”

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2015/07/hillary-clinton-letter-support-israel-donor-haim-saban-bds-119770#ixzz3kMrONFlk

Hilary and Haim


Posted by NPR's take on White Nationalism and Trump on Sat, 05 Sep 2015 08:39 | #

NPR’s take on White Nationalism and Trump

How White Nationalist Groups Found Their Candidate In Donald Trump

Reporter Evan Osnos says the removal of the Confederate flag from South Carolina’s state house reinvigorated extremist white-rights groups. Then, he says, “into that moment dropped Donald Trump.



Posted by Hillary: Kardashian role model, inspirational on Sun, 20 Sep 2015 06:26 | #

Hillary: Kardashian “inspirational or aspirational for people”



As you can tell by that photo, Kardashian’s husband, Kanye West, was also in attendance, and Clinton thought the celebrity couple made a sweet family. “She had a nice way of introducing her husband, as if I didn’t know who he was,” Clinton said. “And I enjoy seeing her with her daughter.” Clinton then complimented Kardashian’s entrepreneurial spirit: “I think all of us in our own ways can be inspirational or aspirational for people, and I certainly think many people see her as someone who gets up every day and tries to figure out how to make that day successful.”

Clinton closed out with some wise words for West should he decide to make good on that giddy V.M.A. promise to run for president in 2020. “Well, if I’m going for my second term, [I would ask him] to wait four years, but if I’m not, to be sure he has comfortable shoes because there’s a lot of walking involved.” Comfortable shoes shouldn’t be a problem for Kanye.


Frightening: Chelsea also considering running for office one day.
She’ll have additional help - she’s married to a Jewish fella.’  ...they can have this one.


Posted by Liar and Fraud on Thu, 24 Sep 2015 12:33 | #

Liars and Frauds

For now, it is more than 30,000 “refugees” that France must immediately welcome (feed, maintain, pay, house) by October if the quotas imposed by Brussels and Germany are endorsed. In addition to all the others. France? And why not the wealthy Gulf countries that would welcome and their co-religionists—except Christians, obviously?

Intellectuals and the inevitable “artists” or pseudo-artists, a well-protected population, are not Leftists out of false generosity. As always, whether in France or the USA, the immigrationist and bourgeois Leftist world of show business has commercial reasons to play the tearful humanitarian card.

Fifty court “artists,” including Line Renaud, Daft Punk, Dany Boon, Nicolas Canteloup, etc. signed a bogus appeal entitled “A Helping Hand” to require Europe to “assume the duty of asylum today.” They obey the dominant ideology that maintains them. None of these hypocrites and overpaid entertainers would agree to host home any “refugees.” Their generosity is a simulacrum that has its limits.

Mr. Raffarin, the representative of “the humanist wing” of the Republicans favors a policy of quotas for refugees and believes that “fear” of the people (a derogatory term used by a protected and fattened grand bourgeois) facing the massive influx of immigrants “is that immigration policy is not controlled.” Who was he mocking? It was the Prime Minister at the helm of the state. Like he controlled it? The same message from the schoolmarm politicians Sarkozy and Juppé. Sarkozy, however, launched a delirious and totally unworkable proposition: he proposed creating “holding centers in North Africa” ​​for illegal migrants from Africa. One is amazed at this level of idiocy and unrealism. It is Sarkozy who is partly the cause of the chaos due to his intervention in Libya . . .

For now, they are tranquil in their beautiful neighborhoods–the politicians, journalists, and “artists” in favor of mass immigration at the expense of the people. While flood does not come to their homes. But be patient. It will come. And then, with their usual cowardice, they will turn their coats But it will be too late.  - Fay

  Sakozy - genocideal Jewish criminal:

Breaks Gaddafi’s line against African migration and promotes forcible miscegenation of Europeans into oblivion.



Posted by B.B.'s 45 seconds of melodramatic silence on Sat, 03 Oct 2015 18:29 | #

Netanyahu’s 45 seconds of melodramatic silence:


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