Naivete of Native Species Evolved in Isolation

Posted by DanielS on Tuesday, 16 June 2015 06:34.

Zoologists refer to native species long evolved in isolation as “naive species” as they are susceptible to predation against which they have no evolved defense. Thus, it can have devastating effects when alien species are introduced to naive, native populations and habitats, even if inadvertently - as in the case of the brown tree snake or brown rats coming along with ships to the South Seas Islands, introducing them to naive species.

Recent inquiry into my DNA revealed that the root of my maternal side - U5b1e1 - has been long evolved in isolation in Northern Sweden and Finland.

The precariousness situation of my own niche evolution combined with discussion regarding the murder of Swedish native, Lisa Holm, to prompt my attention to the issue of naive human species being subject to predation against which they are not particularly evolved. The matter bears acute attention whether introduction of alien species is inadvertent or deliberate - as it surely is, in large part.

Beyond the Augustinian devils of nature and inadvertent human behavior, comes the manichean capacity of human behavior where the “naivete” of native species may be concerned - the issue of the powers-that-be and their means of exploiting “naivete” in native Whites. The imposition of predatory species must also be inflicted knowingly - as Tanstaafl correctly argues, nobody is more aware of genocidal effects than YKW.

Migration and lack of native preparation is not merely a result of Augustinian forces of nature or causes and impacts of market tendencies which might be solved conclusively. It is also a matter of manichean trickery - YKW rule changes of what openness, marginals and even what diversity means, to where they have imposed non-native “diversity” within native White populations, creating an atmosphere where social trust is and should be lowered - exploiting the fact that despite the unfortunate necessity of lowering trust for this alien introduction, that it is difficult for native Whites to relinquish trust for the conflict with their deep evolution of trust and the vastly preferable way of life that is corollary to that trust.

In a word, they are using manichean tricks to foil and exploit the Augustinian disposition we have toward problems - i.e., in regard to natural obstacles, in solution to which we are more evolved. The borders that might protect our habitats and evolution are impacted not only in an objectivist but also in a manichean fashion.

As Bowery has noted, our species, Northern in particular, have had a corrupt aspect of “civilization” imposed against our evolution. According to his cogent definition, “civilization” means that as opposed to individuals rising to defense, delegated groups are supposed to be responsible for border control - which would stave-off interlopers, especially in opportunistic pursuit of native females; in exchange, native European males are required to forgo, as unnecessary, our natural individual capacities to defend against interlopers; and with that, are expected to forgo untoward competition among our own for native co-evoltionary females.

The key problem is that the border control end of the bargain has been reneged upon, with YKW and objectivists opening-them-up, while the native males remain beholden to that part of their evolution as sublimated and aligned for civilization in trust that their social capital is guarded. More, even where they might respond they are prohibited from fighting as individual White men against interlopers as they are forced to unilaterally uphold their end of civilization’s bargain.

A corruption is in place, therefore, where our natural sublimation and meandering ease with our co-evolutionary females is ensconced - held in place, we are required, forced, to “live by our rules” of civilized behavior, our dormant natural abilities to compete effectively with our individual innovation and group organizational capacity against non-Whites is blocked, as we are corruptly held to standards of civilization unilaterally - to where we are prohibited from competing as we naturally might, while those entrusted with border/boundary control are blinded, bribed, corrupted to reneg-upon their end of the bargain as YKW impose invasive species upon us, allowing no defense.

It is profoundly difficult to come to terms alone with the fact that our co-evolutionaries might betray us and that we should even have to say anything about it.

We might care to observe from there that as the border control end of the bargain is reneged upon, the native’s evolved trust is corrupted thus as cynicism, creating hatred for the native kind’s female “altruism”, which becomes more like incitement, just as corresponding White male sublimation is transformed to resignation.


When discussing the recent murder of Swedish native Lisa Holm, by immigrants, I had to defer to the fact that the suspects were two Lithuanian brothers. Still immigrants committing an egregious murder…but on the very page of the story:



Why doesn’t she go to Haiti? Well, the powers-that-be would not inconvenience her.

Look what the local media has to say:

“Five reasons Sandviken could really suit Wyclef”

Published: 28 May 2015

Former Fugees star Wyclef Jean stirred up a right debate in Sweden on Thursday when he said he was planning a move to the small town of Sandviken, two hours north of the capital. But we’re not ones to judge, so we’ve put together this list of five reasons why the rapper might be such a big fan of this rural town.

No, “we” aren’t ones to judge, ‘we’ are purely objective and color blind.”

US rapper Wyclef Jean: ‘I want to move to Sweden’ (28 May) A small Swedish town two hours north of Stockholm could get an unexpected celebrity resident. Rap star Wyclef Jean fell in love with Sandviken

He fell in love - he couldn’t help it.

... after a gig there two years ago and has now told a Swedish tabloid that he’s planning a move there in the next couple of years.

He’s planning. It is his agentive prerogative.

The 45-year-old rapper of Fugees fame told Swedish tabloid Aftonbladet that he is eyeing a move to Sandviken in east-central Sweden, which captured his heart after he performed at a concert there in 2013.

“In two years I’m going to start looking for a house there. I move around a lot and at that point my daughter will be the right age. I automatically know Sandviken is one of the places where I’m going to stay,” he said.

Sandviken is a fairly ordinary Swedish town, with some 22,000 residents, situated 25 kilometres west of Gävle and around 190 kilometres north of Stockholm. It is mostly known for being the home of Swedish engineering group Sandvik, although the company moved its headquarters to Stockholm in 2012.

We’re sure that it’s very lovely, but let’s just say it is not exactly the kind of place where you would expect a rapper celebrity to settle

Which brings up a crucial point - you must look at what these housing developers and their real estate agents are doing: As objectivists, the bottom line is that they want to rent and sell units - ultimately, to whomever.

The bottom line for the YKW is that they will seek to block-bust White communities, by perverted legal instruments, if necessary. I am unfamiliar with Swedish law, but in The U.S, White community busting, or “block busting” as it is called, is demonstrated in “The Fair Housing Act” which denied Whites the right to sell or rent property at their discretion. Does this sound like freedom for White people?

That’s a U.S. law, true, but is the pattern any different in Sweden?

No, they wouldn’t inconvenience her and her niglets-to-be. We are not only expected to not object, not just to make life convenient for them, but to be their slaves, prohibited from disassociating, forced in servitude while we facilitate our displacement and ultimate genocide.

Who could possibly object?

American-born rapper set to make Melodifestivalen history -

While things have improved in the two decades since he first made Sweden home, he still is confronted with racism from time to time.

During Swingfly’s performance in Luleå, the marketing director for a handball club in Lund in southern Sweden referred to the black American artist as “a bloated negro who can’t speak Swedish”.

While the man was fired a few days later, Swingfly has learned to take such incidents in his stride.

In this morass of presumptuous Negroid entitlement, YKW liberalism tying our hands behind our backs, one can almost see how even Whites (if indeed, that’s what the perpetrators were), get enmeshed in utter disillusionment, in utterly cynical betrayal of all that matters, become utterly demoralized creatures, losing all bearing and respect.

Lisa Holm: part of a trusting evolutionary system, a “naive native population”, subject to invasive species and the loss of social trust and social capital that diversity brings.

                        Three arrested after missing teen found dead

Published: 13 Jun 2015

The body of Lisa Holm, 17, has been found in central Sweden, five days after the cafe worker went missing.

“The body was identified by her parents,” police spokeswoman, Ulla Brehm, confirmed.

Three people have been arrested - a woman and two men.

The police forced entry to a barn one kilometre from the cafe from where Holm disappeared.

According to Sweden’s Aftonbladet newspaper, police swarmed the building with tracker dogs. “It looked like the dogs tracked a scent,” said a witness.

Lisa Holm, who was named by police on Tuesday, was last seen at a café in Blomberg near Lidköping at around 6.30pm on Sunday after working a shift there.

Lidköping is a small town in a rural area north east of Gothenburg, and is close to two of Sweden’s largest lakes. It is around 50km from the teenager’s home town, Skövde.

More than 7,000 people disappear in Sweden every year, according to Missing People, but the search for Lisa Holm is one of the biggest in recent years and captured high media attention.

Around 900 volunteers joined the search for the teenager, searching woodland, fields and buildings in the region.



Posted by Goldman Sachs Chair on EU immigration on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 17:39 | #

Blacks sneaking on Trucks in Calais.. headed to England

This speaks volumes (at the end of the article):

However, Goldman Sachs Chairman and UN Special Representative for Migration Peter Sutherland said yesterday that Britain should take in more migrants in order to avoid creating an environment of “xenophobia and racism”.

Story Courtesy Stan Hess


Posted by MacDonald on suicide / genocide on Tue, 16 Jun 2015 18:18 | #

MacDonald interviewed, topics include:

the suicide / genocide dispute;

the destruction of marriage, beta males and the stable culture they might create.

Whereas KM sees the marriage of betas as adaptive

Truck Roy almost seems to look upon destruction of betas as a positive thing from a Darwinist standpoint (what a feminist position)..calls the sexual revolution a “60’s thing.”...typical right-wing crap…

“alpha females got tired of marrying beta males” ...?

What kind of pandering nonsense concept is that?  Males and females should marry an appropriate partner, not typically one who is much better or worse.

Again Truck implicitly blames White men, for the sexual revolution, etc., and not Jewish influence, notably Marcuse. White men would not hatch concepts like “the sexual revolution and polymorphous perversion”

These things are Jewish.

KM Does bring in Freudian psychoanalysis - saying that “liberation from sexual repression” was a fundamental plank.


Posted by Welcome to Sweden on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 05:59 | #

Welcome to Sweden


Posted by Mick Lately on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 12:15 | #

Telling people that Jews are committing slow genocide against whites is like saying that “Damien is the devil’s son”.
They’ll think that you’re mad. Or bad. Or both.

And yet it has to be said, bluntly and repeatedly, that “Jews are slowly killing us”.


Posted by Mick Lately on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 12:24 | #

While I appreciate the decorum and ambience of self-restraint on this website and on The Occidental Observer I think that there is a tactical argument to be made for escalation of anti-Jewish rhetoric to deliberately irresponsible and dangerous levels.

Look at those Halifax TV advertisements and their promotion of miscegenation.

This is all-out war as far as I’m concerned and we need full-bore exposure of Jewish anti-white animus.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 13:04 | #

I guess you mean these -

Hell isn’t hot enough for them.


Posted by Mick Lately on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 15:45 | #

Mass non-white immigration + race-mixing propaganda = race mixing.

The equation can be put as simply as that.

And both the race-mixing propaganda and the race-mixing are getting more “in your face”, “in the streets”.

Of course the psychological impact on white males is part of it.


Posted by DanielS on Thu, 18 Jun 2015 15:59 | #

You can put it simply as that. I’m not opposed to effective, pithy rhetoric. On the contrary. But there is also a place to look at more complex factors. These are not mutually exclusive concerns. These are issues of regaining cultural hegemony so that social rule structures are in our interests - aligning new and old brain as GW and MacDonald might wish.


I did go into some difficult complexity and started to feel uncomfortable with this:

In this morass of presumptuous Negroid entitlement, YKW liberalism tying our hands behind our backs, one can almost see how even Whites (if indeed, that’s what the perpetrators were), get enmeshed in utter disillusionment, in utterly cynical betrayal of all that matters, become utterly demoralized creatures, losing all bearing and respect. was almost as if I was excusing the murder, which of course I am not - so I added, one can “almost” see..

What is interesting me lately is how Whites can come to hate other Whites - fratricide and siblicide in a wider or narrower sense of the terms. Or, more mildly, why we cannot cooperate more.

The concern is referring back to an understanding that emerged in an earlier part of the essay, which I have also made more clear:

It is profoundly difficult to come to terms alone with the fact that our co-evolution- aries might betray us and that we should even have to say anything about it.

We might care to observe from there that as the border control end of the bargain is reneged upon, the native’s evolved trust is corrupted thus as cynicism, creating hatred for the native kind’s female “altruism”, which becomes more like incitement, just as corresponding White male sublimation is transformed to resignation.

A point along with that is that happiness and passive acceptance in Whites of the status-quo, even ones not particularly guilty, can appear infuriatingly complicit.


Finally, we should not be so singularly beholden to impact memes.

The distinction of Augustinian Devils (against which we, as Northern Europeans, are primarily evolved) versus Manichean Devils is important to discuss.

Augustinian devils, natural challenges which don’t change the rules just to trick you when they are once solved.

Manichean devils, human devils, which might change the rules upon their solution in order to foil you once again.

More, talk of naive species, and the context of ecology is important and under-utilized. It is profoundly descriptive and a good way to bring liberals around to our way of seeing (ecology is not liberal).

These important issues are glossed over by arguing “it can all be said so simply”

There is nothing wrong with getting effective rhetoric out there. There is also a place to sketch some deeper matters for consideration.


Posted by Their new normal: "It's not shocking" on Wed, 01 Jul 2015 05:53 | #

Muhamed’s comment while raping twelve-year-old Ida: “Black d*ck is expensive” – gets away with 22 days of community service

Publicerad 27 juni 2015 kl 00.43

Last November a Somali immigrant brutally raped a 12-year-old girl in Sundsvall, Sweden. This Wednesday he was found guilty of child rape – but got away with a meagre 180 hours of community service. After Fria Tider reported on the case earlier this week it has stirred a public outcry, but the prosecutor said the verdict did not surprise her.

“There is nothing shocking or surprising,” she told Fria Tider after the ruling was issued.

On November 10 last year the 18-year-old Somali immigrant, Muhamed, lured 12-year-old Ida to his home in the city of Sundsvall, central Sweden. Muhamed had claimed to be in possession of intimate pictures of the young child and promised he would give them back – if she followed him to his apartment.

But Muhamed did not give Ida any pictures. After having lured her to his home, he simply raped her. The ruling from the district court states that he repeatedly punched her in the face and held his hand over her mouth during the rape. According to the court he also kept repeating the words “black d*ck is expensive” over and over while raping the girl.


Posted by Mick Lately on Wed, 01 Jul 2015 10:07 | #

White life is cheap.

We are being attacked as a race and we have to defend ourselves as a race.

And anti-white whites must be treated as enemies as well.


Posted by deleterious alleles come unhinged OOA on Mon, 11 Jan 2016 17:15 | #

Study argues that deleterious alleles come unhinged out of Africa where they are otherwise controlled.

PNAS, ‘Distance from sub-Saharan Africa predicts mutational load in diverse human genomes’ 13 Nov 2015:

“In a model where selection is inversely related to dominance, we show that OOA populations are likely to have higher mutation load due to increased allele frequencies of nearly neutral variants that are recessive or partially recessive.”

Author Affiliations

  Edited by Charles F. Aquadro, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, and accepted by the Editorial Board November 13, 2015 (received for review June 9, 2015)

Human genomes carry hundreds of mutations that are predicted to be deleterious in some environments, potentially affecting the health or fitness of an individual. We characterize the distribution of deleterious mutations among diverse human populations, modeled under different selection coefficients and dominance parameters. Using a new dataset of diverse human genomes from seven different populations, we use spatially explicit simulations to reveal that classes of deleterious alleles have very different patterns across populations, reflecting the interaction between genetic drift and purifying selection. We show that there is a strong signal of purifying selection at conserved genomic positions within African populations, but most predicted deleterious mutations have evolved as if they were neutral during the expansion out of Africa.

The Out-of-Africa (OOA) dispersal ∼50,000 y ago is characterized by a series of founder events as modern humans expanded into multiple continents. Population genetics theory predicts an increase of mutational load in populations undergoing serial founder effects during range expansions. To test this hypothesis, we have sequenced full genomes and high-coverage exomes from seven geographically divergent human populations from Namibia, Congo, Algeria, Pakistan, Cambodia, Siberia, and Mexico. We find that individual genomes vary modestly in the overall number of predicted deleterious alleles. We show via spatially explicit simulations that the observed distribution of deleterious allele frequencies is consistent with the OOA dispersal, particularly under a model where deleterious mutations are recessive. We conclude that there is a strong signal of purifying selection at conserved genomic positions within Africa, but that many predicted deleterious mutations have evolved as if they were neutral during the expansion out of Africa. Under a model where selection is inversely related to dominance, we show that OOA populations are likely to have a higher mutation load due to increased allele frequencies of nearly neutral variants that are recessive or partially recessive.



Posted by Stockholm Syndrome Disco on Wed, 08 Nov 2017 00:15 | #

Occidental Observer, “Homage To The Post-First World: My Wanderings in Europe, Part 3”,  6 Nov 2017 —

Adam Komiaga

Stockholm, Sweden

The minute that we got out in downtown Stockholm, near Stureplan, things got better. There were only well-to-do Swedes around us now. Boomer Swedes burning their life-savings away at fancy restaurants and Millennial Swedes dressed up for a night out on the town.

Anyway, despite laying down 300 Swedish Krona (about 35 USD) at the door, we were keen on leaving almost as soon as we got in.

It looked inviting from the outside, to be fair. All the local guide books recommended the place and even the globetrotters on the PUA forum that I frequented back in the day had a thread up praising the place. To be fair, we should have noticed how the Arab bouncers at the door looked at us.

But we had no choice.

The other clubs on our list had already rejected us at the door at that point. Those Millennial Swedes all got in quite easily. So did their New Swede friends that would pimp-roll in after them. And funny enough, it was Swedes working security there. They shook their heads, refused to make eye-contact and just refused to let us in. Worse, they brushed off our clumsy attempts to bribe them.

It was yet another lesson to us that Sweden can be a very cold place to the wrong kind of foreigners.

Anyway, this was our first break all night. Overall, the Arabs didn’t seem to mind. They just took our money and nodded us in.

Once we got inside, we saw nothing but White girls with Africans and Arabs. In America, it’s usually women with low value on the dating market mixing it up with non-Whites (unless they are rich and famous non-Whites), but in Sweden, it’s something else entirely. It’s good-looking blond bombshells doing all the mixing, just like the ads and TV tells them to to.

This in a country with one of the worst sex ratio imbalances in the world. Which is fine, I suppose. Who were we to judge, right? It’s their country and their women…well, I suppose that’s a stretch. Saying either of those statements could land the average Swede in big trouble…

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Previous entry: “Rock solid, unwavering, enduring, forever!”

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