Scotland inches towards freeing the English
In the Scotsman an ICM poll has revealed the continuing hardening of SNP support and the softening of Labour’s. The speculative scenario I suggested on January 13th - an SNP government in May, a carried vote on independence in 2010, followed by the grisly death of the Labour Party nationally - is coming ever closer to fruition.
From the Scotsman:-
Under the poll results, Labour would have too few MSPs to form a coalition with the Liberal Democrats and would have to try to rule as a minority government or patch together an unlikely coalition with the smaller parties to get into government again.
Translated into seats, the poll would give the SNP 44 to Labour’s 41 - a major turnaround on 2003, giving the SNP 17 more seats than they won then and Labour nine fewer.
The Liberal Democrats would also see a big improvement, with 23 MSPs gaining an extra six seats on the 17 they won in 2003, while the Conservatives would be down slightly, with 17 seats, not the 18 they won in 2003.
According to the poll, the SNP is in line to win 34 per cent on the constituency vote, up 1 per cent on last month, and 32 per cent on the regional vote, down 1 per cent.
The Scotsman still predicts a minority Labour administration. But there is a grim 70-day slog ahead of Blair and McConnell, in which they can only lose more ground. The potential for a highly significant moment in Britain’s political history is decidedly there.
Posted by JD on Wed, 28 Feb 2007 10:50 | #
The SNP’s stance on freedom from England may or may not be right, but the party it quite leftist in nature and do not oppose a multicultural multiracial Scotland. Indeed they tend to oppose the BNP.