Posted by James Bowery on Tuesday, 17 July 2007 23:37.
My father volunteered to join the nascent US Air Force, leaving a Quaker meeting near Beech, Iowa, in response to the press spin placed on this speech by Charles Lindbergh, when Lindbergh said that the US’s air power was weak and the German military was stronger than the US military. The spin placed on Lindbergh’s speech by the press was that Lindbergh had said that the US could not prevail against Germany—which was not what Lindbergh had said. Lindbergh made a rhetorical blunder, possibly motivated by his desire to strengthen the US Air Force, but the Jewish press took that blunder and turned it into a challenge to the honor of the US.
Guess what date the speech was given?
On September 11, 1941, (same day as the Pentagon’s ground-breaking ceremony) Charles Lindbergh appeared in Des Moines, Iowa, to speak on behalf of the isolationist America First Committee. The famous aviator criticized the groups he perceived were leading America into war for acting against the country’s interests.
PS: The above audio clip, interestingly, begins just after Lindbergh’s discussion of Jewish promotion of US intervention via media influence. I have not been able to locate an audio source for the whole speech. If anyone has located it let me know.
My grandfather volunteered for WWII. He was the oldest volunteer from his Canadian prairie town. Since his first kid wasn’t born until 1947, I think that if he had not volunteered for war, then I would have had more uncles and aunts.
The correspondence between 9/11/1941 and 9/11/2001 is much stronger than the correspondence between 9/11/1938 and 9/11/2001.
True. Just asking though. I am not sure about the Crystal Night either. It might has started the night of the 12th…
Plus, Lindbergh is an important figure for us. I think he is a “paleocon” arch-type and the equivalent of Jared Taylor. He is a figure that is repeatedly degraded and denounced as an “anti-semite” and someone that seems beyond revision and historical salvation.
Just look at the comments on the youtube page…
Plus, anytime someone makes an attempt at rehabilatation at Chronicles twenty people at Stormfront make the claim that the Jews murdered the Lindbergh baby… (Which after reading Wintermute’s post and the latest Holocaust entry, I wouldn’t doubt it if that were close to the truth)
PS: The above audio clip, interestingly, begins just after Lindbergh’s discussion of Jewish promotion of US intervention via media influence. I have not been able to locate an audio source for the whole speech. If anyone has located it let me know.
Did you try Limewire? Then Utorrent?
And lastly, anytime you truly need something (and don’t mind paying the ultra-liberal piper) call the KPFK Archives (Pacifica Radio)
They have everything! They were so proud one year when all the major media outlets needed some Malcolm X material and they were the only people to have it.
Ok, so I checked the archives and the have one program about Lindbergh that may or may not have the speech on it. However, if you call the people that are employed there they would have more information.
Lindburgh, Lindburg..etc. Swedish, Norwegian, please excuse, the rivalry…
Lindburgh, a hero until recently, why?
Could it be that he was as brave in his thoughts and word, as in his deeds?
Why does this man, now, be dissected in books and periodicals, at this time? His family, his loves etc.
Could it be, that he was right? That America First was, the right course?
Yes, Charles Lindburgh is a hero, he told it true!
He is buried in a grave in Hana, Maui.
At the end of the Western World….
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 18:52 | #
Good discussion of Charles Lindbergh in this thread (starting with comment #10 down the list of comments but the whole thread is worth perusing). See comment #15, for example, by Wintermute. Others in that thread are also excellent. Wintermute of course is a phenomenon all by himself, a most powerful thinker and writer. I always read every word he posts whenever I come across his signature.
Posted by danielj on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 00:06 | #
The Kristallnacht occured on 9-10/11 1938 as well didn’t they?
The evening of the ninth/morning of the tenth 1938 was when they started?