Children of Holocaust survivors file class action suit against Germany

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 17 July 2007 00:43.

JERUSALEM: Raised on fear and depression, children of Holocaust survivors say the Nazi terror has crossed generations, and want the German government to pay for their psychiatric care.

On Monday, Israelis who call themselves second generation survivors are filing a class action suit in a Tel Aviv court against the German government to finance therapy.

Thousands of people from Holocaust families are incapable of working, live with an irrational fear of starvation and suffer incapacitating bouts of depression, said Baruch Mazor, the director of the Fisher Fund which is filing the suit.

Mazor said 4 to 5 percent of the 400,000 children of survivors in Israel require treatment. Since many cannot hold steady jobs, they cannot pay for their own treatment, and aid from the Israeli government and health insurance has been inadequate, he said.

The suit seeks to set up a German-financed fund to pay for biweekly therapy sessions for 15,000 to 20,000 people, or about US$10 million (€7.3 million) annually for three years.

About 4,000 people have joined the suit, Mazor said.

It was unclear what standing the Israeli court would have in a damages case against a foreign country.

Mazor said the Tel Aviv suit was a first step aimed at winning recognition that Germany should bear responsibility for the suffering of survivors’ children. Armed with that ruling, the plaintiffs would try to negotiate a settlement, or would take their case to a German or an international court, he said.

Since the 1950s, Germany has paid more than US$60 billion (€44 billion) in reparations to concentration camp survivors, families of the some of the 6 million Jewish victims, and to the state of Israel. Much of that money went to the Conference on Jewish Material Claims Against Germany, a New York-based organization that negotiates with Germany and distributes the payments.

Mazor said money handled by the Claims Conference is earmarked for survivors, and their children did not want to detract from those funds.

Instead, they wanted “recognition and responsibility of the German government” for their problems, he said.

The German Foreign Ministry declined comment.




Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:56 | #

This really is stuff to make one vomit.  It is simply nauseating.  That’s all I can think to say at the moment.  It’s just nauseating.


Posted by Perun on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:14 | #

Ukrainians, Russians, et al. : see your lawyers.

There are lots of shekels available for you in your lawsuit against “you know who”, for their role in the genocidal crimes of communism.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:47 | #

Absolutely right, Perun.  What makes me, for one, so nauseated about this news is only partly the wrongness of what’s planned.  It’s also in part that with this announcement the Jews are reinforcing every negative stereotype about them before the eyes of the whole world.  What is wrong with them????  Don’t they realize how grasping, how slimy, this looks????  Nay, how grasping, how slimy, this <u>IS</u>???? 

How blind is it possible for their leaders to be????

They are only doing themselves harm.  Do they want forever to be looked on as parasites????


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 02:03 | #

Perun are you blogging these days?


Posted by Barlow on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 02:59 | #

Meanwhile, descendants of the the ~20 million gentile civilians who died in World War II go without recompense or media sympathy.

Jews have an entirely different world-view than us. They are a people completely lacking any sense of dignity, honor, or—-as illustrated here—- self-respect. They are a wealthy and privileged-minority, clothing themselves as poor and humble victims. They are critics of all but themselves. They are cowards who seek power as fifth-columnists. They are wicked men, abandoned by their God. These are the same Pharisees from history, and as always, they worship themselves.

The world would be a better place without them.


Posted by a Finn on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:00 | #

Absurd extortion, plain and simple. Like in the case of Switzerland (Holocaust Industry, Norman Finkelstein, Verso 2000) and in the case of France and Le Pen (The Jews and Their Future, Esther Benbassa and Jean-Christophe Attias, Zedbooks 2004), jewish networks will use investment withdrawal extortion, law suit extortion and media propaganda to reach their goals.


Posted by a Finn on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:21 | #

Off-topic; European Americans, alert, action needed:


Posted by a Finn on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:26 | #


Spread this information everywhere.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 03:42 | #

I can’t fucking take any more GW!’

No more!

You need to take a vote before you post shit like this. It is gonna send me off the deep end.

I spend the afternoon studying Bela Kuhn and the 56’ revolt and then you lay this shit on me?

Then I go over to OCD and have to read Chicago Amren post his nonsense about how we quibble too much about the greatest enemy of our race?



Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 05:41 | #

“...families of the some of the 6 million Jewish victims….”

This cannot be repeated too often:  Jewish historians place the figure between 4.5 and 5.5 million.  The 6 million figure is by all accounts a figure concocted for propaganda value.


Posted by ben tillman on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 06:11 | #

On Monday, Israelis who call themselves second generation survivors are filing a class action suit in a Tel Aviv court against the German government to finance therapy.

Yesterday I sued the Israeli government here in my office. This morning my wife granted me summary judgment in the amount of $20 trillion.


Posted by a Finn on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 06:30 | #

To Ben Tillman: From these books you find more realistic numbers (Germar is in prison because of his honesty):


Posted by Rnl on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 07:48 | #

The obvious solution to the many traumas these second-generation Holocaust survivors suffer is an immediate cessation of all Holocaust movies and all Holocaust commemoration festivals, which can only serve to remind them of their parents’ suffering.

the ~20 million gentile civilians who died in World War II

A common figure for total World War II deaths is sixty million.


Posted by Scimitar on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:02 | #


This is a good thing. We should always encourage the Jews to constantly push the envelope. One day it will backfire on them. The last thing we want it quiet reconciliation. Take the recent immigration debate. All the arrows in the anti-racist quiver were shot at immigration restrictionists: bigot, racist, xenophobe, nativist, hater, etc. For the first time since the Civil Rights Movement, Americans shrugged them off, and took offense. These words lost much of their force from overuse.


Posted by Scimitar on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 08:06 | #

A clever point from Rnl above. I agree.


Posted by wintermute on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:41 | #

Thousands of people from Holocaust families are incapable of working, live with an irrational fear of starvation and suffer incapacitating bouts of depression, said Baruch Mazor, the director of the Fisher Fund which is filing the suit.

I’d like to note, for the record, that Jews have a solid two thousand year history of mental instability and aversion to manual labor. These obviously cannot be the result of any particular trauma endured during the Late Unpleasantness.

However, it would be churlish of me not to welcome a new generation of “Holocaust survivors”: carrying on the proud traditions of their people - extortion, confabulation, and aggressive duplicity. They don’t call ‘em Der Ewige Jude for nothing!

It has been said by better minds than mine that a man’s reach should exceed his grasp (else what’s a Heaven for?). I think perhaps the fact that no conceivable inhibition on Jewish grasping exists, may be why they have never believed in Heaven (the few who do picked it up from Greeks during the time of the events portrayed in the Book of Daniel) and have only ever had this world as consolation, neither knowing nor hoping for anything better.

Is it a wonder that they all begin to look and sound a bit like spiteful, stunted Gollum from Tolkien’s books?


What is wrong with them????  Don’t they realize how grasping, how slimy, this looks????  Nay, how grasping, how slimy, this IS????

Daniel, you might not want to read what follows:

It’s funny that Poland is the origin of the saying, “The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you”.

A Polish Priest recently complained about the hefty price tag (56$ billion dollars) the Jews are sticking them with for the favor of betraying their nation and managing the details of the extermination of Polish business, cultural, religious and miliarty leaders - the tales of Jewish involvement in the Polish Communist Party and Secret Police would turn your hair white to dwell on - and the headline in the “world press” is Polish PM caught in ‘anti-semitic’ row ( since everyone who appears to govern Poland is in fact a servant not of the Polish people and their interests but the bald fact of the world power of Judah. Here’s the hateful quote the Kaczynski bros. are running away from:

According to a tape leaked to the Polish magazine Wprost, Fr Rydzyk was recorded as saying: “You know what this is about: Poland giving [the Jews] $65 billion (£32 billion). They will come to you and say, ‘Give me your coat! Take off your trousers! Give me your shoes!’ “

The apparent tirade drew a harsh response from president Lech Kaczynski’s office, which described it as “scandalous”.


The eager and massive collaboration of Polish Jews (back when they were merely smelly ostjuden and not “holocaust survivors”) with Soviet troops is one of history’s great untold stories - along with the true story of what happened to 12,000 Polish officers in the Katyn forest. So far as I know, the only historian who was honest on that score was Joseph Goebbels. I also won’t be holding my breath for Russians or Jews to pay Polish families for the atrocities they committed and abetted over 50 years.

Here’s a taste of the services rendered by the Jews that the Poles must now pony up 65 billion dollars for:

During the two year’ occupation till the Soviet-German war outbreak in 1941, the Soviets carried out the ethnic cleansing of Poles considered as a potential threat to full annexation of these territories into Soviet Union. Hundred of thousands of Polish officials, officers, soldiers, policemen, teachers, churchmen, landowners, and civilians with their families were sent to Siberian concentration camps. Local Jews were those who actively helped Soviets to round them up. Many thousands of other Poles were murdered. And, local Jews who joined and led NKVD units affected these murders.

Keeping in mind the vast sums Jews will now extract from the Poles, consider the following points taken from a review of Richard Lukas’ The Forgotten Holocaust:

A significant part of the secular Jewish community in Poland greeted the Soviets as friends and collaborated with them in every way until the mid-1950s, thus contributing mightily to the destruction of Polish economy, culture, and population. Similar things could be said about the Polish-Soviet war in 1919, when mendacious gossip of “pogroms in Poland” was spread by Marxist and non-Marxist Jews in the West, to prevent the creation of a non-Marxist independent Polish state (Norman Davies, God’s Playground, vol. 2, Columbia 1984, 262-3). In contrast, for Polish Christians the Soviet Union was, from the beginning, the country of the Gulag, a sworn enemy bent on destroying the Polish identity.

This aspect of World War II is virtually unknown in the United States.

Here we touch upon an issue which is extremely sensitive and has to be approached not in the spirit of accusation but in the spirit of understanding. In Revolution from Abroad: the Soviet Conquest of Poland’s Western Ukraine and Western Belorussia (Princeton, 1988), Professor Jan Gross says: “For the record, it must be stated unambiguously” that when the Red Army attacked Poland, it was welcomed by smaller or larger but, in any case, visible, friendly crowds in hamlets, villages, and towns. These crowds were largely Jewish ( Gross 29).

[. . .]

After 1945 came the Soviet occupation, the aforementioned Jakub Berman, the most dreaded man in Poland, on whose conscience lie the deaths of 30,000 Home Army soldiers murdered in prisons and torture chambers in Soviet-occupied Poland (Teresa Toranska, Them, Harper & Row, 1987, 201-354).

Now I realize that these must be painful facts to learn or to recall for those who are overwhelmed by the uniqueness of the Holocaust. But nevertheless, they are significant facts which, for instance, Ms. Eva Hoffman chose to ignore in her book, while resorting to the customary repertoire of anecdotal evidence and insinuation to reinforce the all too pervasive image of Poles as gratuitous anti-Semites and as primitives whose indifference was largely responsible for Jewish losses in World War II.

You’ll note: when Jews load people into cattle cars, “it must be approached not in the spirit of accusation but in the spirit of understanding”. I can’t recall any historian taking a similar stance towards, say, any European monarchs who oversaw any of the innumerable Jewish expulsions in the course of human history. Now, why would that be? Why would the profession of history take a radically different set of ethical standards towards a people based on race or religion? Are Jews somehow defective in that department? Do they need a little ‘affirmative action’ in the decency department to cover their history of rankest evil? Or is it just because they are “God’s chosen people”?

It’s like a Mastercard commerical from Hell:

Museum of Polish Jews: 32 million dollars

Reparations for the Jewish War on Poles and the Polish nation: 65 billion dollars

The cheering crowds and smiling faces of Jews when the Soviet tanks roll into your town: Priceless!

My sole delight in this current Polish affair is Abe Foxman’s take :

“Anti-Semitic content broadcast on Radio Maryja continues to include ugly stereotyping, conspiracy theories, claims that Jews were responsible for communist-era repression and accusations that Jews are using the Holocaust to leverage compensation payments from Poland,” Anti-Defamation League leaders Glen S. Lewy and Abraham H. Foxman said in a joint statement.

Priceless! In plain English, Dishonest Abe is basically crying foul that Radio Maryja is telling the truth about the Jews’ history and international extortion rackets. Jews have created the idea that saying true things is “hate” if the person being described is a genuine pestilence, like a certain roving band of human locusts I could name. I see that the name Jakub Berman is not mentioned in the ADL press release.

(You must have heard of Berman at least once, perhaps in a Steven Speilboig movie? According to Wiki, and I quote: “considered Josef Stalin’s right hand in Poland between 1944 and 1953.”)

Here’s an ex-president of the World Jewish Congress who concurs with Radio Maryja’s opinion on the facts of Jewish national character:

I hardly exaggerate. Jewish life consists of two elements: Extracting money and protesting.” -Nahum Goldmann, “The Jewish Paradox”, Frankfurt 1988, p. 77

Nahum might have thrown in “constructing deranging world-historical lies that kill millions”, but his pithy formulation carries weight. Even wealthy Switzerland was Jewed out of 2 billion dollars, and when the fraud was revealed, was too cowed to ask for the money back.

The Gnomes of Zurich - outgnomed!

A nice touch at the end of the Telegraph article, regarding the 32 million dollar museum of Polish Jews to be built in Warsaw. First of all, I’d like to say that it will be a fitting architectural accompaniment to Stalin’s Museum of Science and Culture - twin abominations, if you will. I imagine that the real museum of Polish Jewry, that tells the true story about fifty years’ press manipulation, service to the secret police, active and eager collaboration with the invading Soviet army, loading Polish neighbors onto trains, the endless butchery of women and children sold by modern history books as “anti fascist partisan activity”, the betrayal of the whole Polish nation - will be a long time coming. In the meantime, the Poles are betrayed again by their ‘leaders’.

The real story of Jewish-Polish relations is told best by poet Leo Yankevich, who readers here should really take the bother to familiarize themselves with:

Neighbours, Eastern Poland, 1940

I turn my shoulder to the grey and think
of Yosel, son of Saul Rabinsky, how
he slammed the doors of crowded cattle cars
bound for Siberia, although the faces
inside were those of neighbours, Catholic Poles.

How haplessly they looked back through the cracks,
their petty gentry voices cursing him
and the red star on his cone-shaped traitor’s cap,
their love of Poland beyond his comprehension,
their foolishness not worthy of his grief.

He did not know few would survive the journey
and those who did would perish in the gulags,
their tundra-bitten bodies heaped beneath
Lavrentii Beria’s orders, like forgotten
enemies of a freedom-loving state.

The son of Saul Rabinsky did not know
the Wehrmacht would attack within a year
and soon behind them come the Waffen SS
to mock the bearded rabbis of the town
and herd its Jews into a killing field.

He did not know he’d be betrayed by neighbours,
who, in a cabal of silence and revenge,
would watch the gendarmes drag him through the square,
neighbours with whom he’d played and gone to school
and whose unbridled hatred matched his own.

Koniuchy, Eastern Poland, 1944

Perhaps there are real angels who assist
the ghosts of martyrs to the other side,
since what is left behind cannot resist
the flames of hell? A family of three died
slowly at the hands of hateful men,
and Yaakov Prenner, holding match and gas,
looks at the residue of pain: a ten
inch block of wood lodged in the father’s ass,
skin peeled from the mother’s neck and back,
brain matter from the infant on the floor.
He knows the enemy will soon attack,
and that if caught he won’t survive the war.
In Yiddish he commands his men to pour,
to strike, and like Lot, never to look back.

(More here, if Yaakov Prenner is a new name for you: .Prenner is, in ‘mainsream history’ - i.e. the garbage you get on TV, in newspapers, or at universities - a heroic ‘anti-Nazi’ resistance fighter. Jewish history, like Jewish financial practices, doesn’t bear close examination. Recall the Lukas quote, above, “this aspect of World War II is virtually unknown in the United States. Now why would that be?).

With Blood on his Hands
Commissar Y. Raichman Ponders
the Forest of the Dead at Katyn

A Nazi lie and Hitler’s plot?—
The forest sighs but gives no answers.
Twelve thousand Polish officers rot,
grandsons of Sobieski’s lancers,
reactionary anti-Semites,
too dead to reach for thoughts or guns,
or, in the fragrant dark of spring nights,
to father patriotic sons.

- Leo Yankevich

Yankevich’s opinion of his neighbors is prefigured by Nietzche in The Anti-Christ:

We would as little choose ‘early Christians’ as Polish Jews to
associate with us: not that one would need to have even a single
[i.e., rational] objection to them…. Both of them simply do not
smell good.

You’ll forgive me for not taking the German therapy scam as seriously as I might. Long study of the question has given me some perspective. Beggaring a nation - with moral highhandedness - after having been so intimately involved with what is now recognized internationally as a genocide of that very same nation - proves what I have always suspected. No matter how much they resemble us outwardly, Jews are a very particular subspecies whose cognition will never be compatible with - or perhaps even comprehensible - to our own. No degree of co-existence is even imaginable, given this fact.


Posted by Scimitar on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 13:36 | #

I once wrote a review of Jaff Schatz’s book The Generation: The Rise and Fall of the Jewish Communists of Poland for an Eastern Europe foreign policy class. Anyway, check out the Freeper thread about the subject:

^^ Even the Freepers find this to be bad taste.


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 13:45 | #

<>For the first time since the Civil Rights Movement, Americans shrugged them off, and took offense. </i>

This isn’t 1964.

It’s one thing to shake off slanders because you simply know them to be false, and quite another to accept the slanders for 50 years because you were bending over backwards to give the enemy, on control of mass media, the benefit of the doubt, and then shake them off at the same time new media arrive to inform you.


Posted by furius on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 22:20 | #

$30 million is small change. The German government will pay the money without making a fuss. To them it would be a small price to pay to shut up the troublemakers and not lose face in the “international community”.

Considering the amount of money that has been poured by the West into that s****y little country ($1 trillion by the US in the last four decades), it is surprising that it is still only a second rate economy at best.


Posted by danielj on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 23:00 | #

it is surprising that it is still only a second rate economy at best.

Not really.

They are all a bunch of delicate flowers and woods or precious stones.

I hope to God that He is punishing Napolean right now in the flames of Hell.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 01:14 | #

I don’t know where else to place this link. I have never really looked into the Armenian genocide but have heard the accusation floated that Jews might have had something to do with it.

This seems to be on a path to confirming that. Any input anyone?

It is something I have some interest in as I like the band System of a Down and their lead singer’s grandfather is one of the last survivors of the Holocaust.


Posted by wintermute on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:06 | #

Any input anyone?

The short story is this:

Modern Turkey was created in a revolution that destroyed the old Ottoman Empire. The new ruling class, though presenting as Turks, were actually a centuries old group of marranos (crypto-jewish) called the Donme. They came to Turkey in the 17th century to follow the messianic pretender Sabbati Zev, and when he was unmasked, they simply stayed on as Jews pretending to be Muslims, serving the Ottomans in an administrative capacity until the Revolution and help from World Jewry allowed them to become the masters of Turkey.

Considering its Islamic heritage and the environment of Arab hatred for Israel, it is remarkable that Turkey has fostered such strong ties with Israel and the causes for it may well be traced to the Donme influence.

Donme members today represent the elite of society within Turkey and it is the fear of being discovered that created the intense secrecy around them. Their increased secrecy and influence continues to circularly feed the hatred and suspicion surrounding them.

At present there are some well-known Donme families and other less known families occupying important positions in Modern Turkish life. The current Foreign Minister Mr. Ismail Cem is a Donme though some of his family members have officially come out and declared that although they are of Donme ethnicity they disassociate from the cultural group. These include relatives: Cepil Ipekci, a famous fashion designer in Turkey and Nukhet Izet Ipekci, daughter of the famous journalist Abdi Ipekci, who declared on an Islamic channel that her parents were of Donmeh origins.

Others such as the industrialists; the Dilber and Bezmen families are Donme. Rahsan Ecevit, wife of Prime Minister Bilent Ecevit is a Donme. First ever, female Prime Minister Tansu Ciller is half Donme on her mother’s side. Altan Oymen, past leader of the Republican People’s Party was of Donme descent. Other prominent personalities ranging from well known writers, journalists, film makers, professors, lawyers, judges, bureaucrats (legal and foreign service), bankers, industrialists are of Donme origin.

They can almost be said to be the standard bearers of secularism and modern Turkish nationalism that is based on cultural unity rather than racial characteristics.

The Turkish press has been reporting on the history of the Donme for seven years now, with not one word breathed by ABC, NBC, CBS, The New York Times, etc. Suffice to say that Turkey is not naturally a secular state with aspirations towards democracy, free speech, and the other concomitants of European civilization. It is a population of fanatics ruled over by a clever and duplicitous cabal, who hold all the chokepoints of information, finance, etc. Kind of like the United States, Britian, Gemany, Spain, Italy, Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Canada, and Mexico. There may be some hope for Russia under Putin, which is why you see hate pieces against him on the news day and night.

The close relationship between Turkey and Israel might have opened some eyes - they are the closest allies in the region - but I fear no one with eyes is left in our own government or media. Jewish lobbying efforts in the US secure massive benefits for Turkey (such as the refusal of the United States to recognize the Armenian genocide) as well as strong-arming the Executive Brance and Foreign Service to force the EU to admit Turkey, a state which rests on the pillars of torture and opression, who do not share or admire Enlightenment ideals of human rights or representative government (I presume you know about Dink’s assasination), and whose admission to the EU would be, in effect, the genocide of European peoples and civilization forever.

But back to the Armenians:

First of all, world recognition of what happened to the Armenians is solely dependant on the Jews: namely the cabal around Morgenthau, the American ambassador in the region during the time of the forced expulsions.  His press networks in the UK and America were sufficient to rouse some disgust against Turkish actions. His actions were not at all disinterested, and can even be characterized as cynical or scheming, but that is an almost impossibly Byzantine tale, involving high level American and British diplomacy, the safety of non-Donme Ottoman Jewish communities, the Palestine mandate and the political manoeverings that led to the Balfour declaration, and so on. I couldn’t do justice without a full length essay to Morgenthau’s motives. Let’s just say that the “starving Armenians” which he introduced into American conciousness served a similar role as Saddam’s “gassed Kurds”, with the exceptions that the Armenians were the actual victims of a very real forced march out of Asia Minor with very high attrition rates and a level of barbarity that can only be described as Asiatic. Current numbers lost are still in dispute, with the low figure being in the 600,000 ballpark. If anyone here can help out with Ambassador Morgenthau’s own private labyrinth of motives, involving Jacob Schiff and the Palestine mandate, I’d definitely appreciate it.

It’s instructive to notice, though, that now that they have Palestine, Jewish interest in what happened to the Armenians is less than zero. In fact, they are the greatest single obstacle to any recognition of what happened in Turkey as a)they are sympathetic to the Turks, and b)also need them as military allies. Hence the stonewalling and string pulling of the American congress among others. Jewish pressure on Clinton directly killed the last bill for American recognition. Secondly, Jews don’t want any competition for their “Holocaust” story. It’s uniqueness is very profitable to them, and I mean that in all the lowest senses of the word “profit”.

Finally, too-close of an investigation on what was going on in the days of the Young Turks is going to lead to an area that . . . let’s just say Lawrence Auster will be displeased.

Left unsaid in all the histories, where identifiable Anglo-American Jews are instrumental either in calling world attention towards the ethnic cleansing in the early twentieth century, or dissuading such attention in recent decades, is the horrifying fact that it was a group of Jews - the Donme - who themselves ordered the murder, but who were so adept at cryspis, that almost no historian in the world either understands, or will say publicly, that the Jews ordered the extermination of the Armenians, or that they stage managed it to their benefit, or that they now are the prime force in blocking its official recognition, while simultaneously pushing for entrance of Turkey into the EU.

It’s like Indians using every part of the buffalo.

As an added layer of horror, Turkey still engages in economic blockades agaisnt Armenia, a nation whose history and geography, not to say neighbors, have left it impoverished and vulnerable. Due to Turkish blockades, a significant portion of the Armenian population almost froze to death in the immediate post Soviet period, saved only by a gas pipeline built by the Iranians. I remember a Jewish author, whose name escapes me at the moment, who observed that this superficially inexplicable emergency rescue operation by a Muslim nation for a Christian one was comprehensible in light of the common Indo-European descent and anti-Turkic sentiment of both nations.

WASHINGTON, DC - The Armenian National Committee of America (ANCA) has joined with the American Hellenic Institute (AHI) and the American Kurdish Information Network (AKIN) in expressing their collective reservations regarding a December 18th letter signed by nine major Jewish American organizations praising Turkey unconditionally and calling upon President Bush to provide additional economic and military aid to the Turkish government.

[ . . .]

The nine Jewish American organizations that cosigned the plea for U.S. assistance to Turkey were: the American Jewish Committee, American Jewish Congress, Anti-Defamation League, B’nai B’rith International, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations, Hadassah – The Women’s Zionist Organization of America, Jewish Council for Public Affairs, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs, and Orthodox Union.

The full text of both the letter by Jewish organizations and the collective response by the ANCA and other Greek and Kurdish groups may be found on the ANCA website –

Armenian Foreign Ministry Protests Statements by Israeli Ambassador
In Armenia this week, fallout continued from a highly charged statement by Israeli Ambassador Rivki Kohen in which she downplayed the significance of the Armenian Genocide. During a February 8th press conference in Yerevan, Kohen argued that the “Holocaust was a unique phenomenon, since it had always been planned and aimed to destroy the whole nation. At this stage nothing should be compared with Holocaust.”

Meanwhile, on an almost daily basis in universities, symposia, etc. Jews whine and mewl to their Armenian colleages that they are brothers on accont of a shared misfortune.

Adolf Hitler said that the reason no one would believe what he was saying about the Jews, and the reason they got away with so much, is that no fundamentally decent culture could - or would - believe that ANYONE could be that evil.

But the Poles, the Spanish, the Germans, the Russians . . . they have a different story to tell, which no one will listen to today. Tomorrow may be a different story.

The Jews ordered the extermination of the Armenians, reported on it briefly to secure a parcel of land they coveted from the Turks, now aid the Turks in every imaginable way - though the Turks will acknowledge no wrongoing and in fact legally proscribe public discussion of the genocide - and now tell Armenians at conferences that “we’re just alike” while at the same time, working ceaselessly to aid Turkey in its international efforts to silence discussion of what they (the Donme) did.

And yes, modern Jews are well aware of who runs Turkey.

And in my opinion, neither group should be forgiven anything, I hope that when the full scale of their misdeeds are known, it will be easier to expel these beasts back to the hellhole of Central Asia that shat them out. Byzantium, Asia Minor, Constantinope: these are names for and from our culture, our people, our civilization. One day “Turkey” and “Instanbul” will be nothing but bad memories, like “Leningrad”, now properly called by its true name, St. Petersburg. 

I’ll leave you with a favorite quote of mine from Lord Kurzon:

“This canker which has poisoned the life of Europe. The presence of the Turks in Europe has been a source of unmitigated evil to everyone concerned. I am not aware of a single interest, Turkish or otherwise, that during nearly 500 years has benefited by that presence.”

Byzantium endures!


Posted by mens rea genocide on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 13:10 | #

Spain, Italy, Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary


Could you be so good as debrief us here on the leadership situation in those countries? Especially Italy, because whereas its pro-Israel sympathy’s quite obvious, the whos and whats aren’t.

Also, why did the Donme exterminate the Armenians? I have read of this in several places but without accompanying explanation.


Posted by danielj on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 13:16 | #

Thank you very much Wintermute.

That should be enough to send me in the right direction.


Posted by wintermute on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 14:54 | #


Could you be so good as debrief us here on the leadership situation in those countries? Especially Italy, because whereas its pro-Israel sympathy’s quite obvious, the whos and whats aren’t.

Looking over the statement of mine you’re referring to, especially Spain, Italy, Poland, Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, I would like to make preliminary marks right now, namely that I not merely referring to the present moment - so I am acting as a Speaker for the Dead as well as in a journalistic manner.

Spain, for instance, has since before the expulsion, suffered from monopoly of trade by Jewish families, which were then compounded by the political difficulties of dealing with crypsis, which the political authorities did by bringing in the Inquisition.

Thus, just as our Muslim and Jewish populations (in America) compel us to live in a police state quite different from the sort of government we would prefer live in amongst ourselves, the Spanish found themselves in a nightmarish totalitarian system, but not an arbitrary one. Sussing out Jews who don’t want to be found, especially when your religion allows for the possibility of ‘conversion’ is nightmarish. IMO, the Spanish did not survive this process as a viable culture, having destroyed their economic infrastructure by expelling their Jews (and by never having built up a sufficient trade network of Spaniards by relying on helpful middlemen minorities, they were first of all reduced to penury), they were also, because of the ideology of the Inquisition, and the atmosphere of heightened Catholicism which attended their long nightmare, incapable of participating in the either the Renaissance or the Englightenment (or, needless to say, the Reformation), with the sad results that you see today - centuries of virtual non participation in the arts and sciences accompanied by embarrassing and endemic political failure.

Sailer has written on the astonishing historial and cultural non-entity of South America elsewhere, and I recommend his articles.

Spain, built on a Celtic base with a large Mediterranean admixture and significant recent German blood, should have been a great nation, like Germany, France, or England. The immensity of its loss to world culture and civilization is incalculable. It’s achievements and social and politcal health, are not commensurate with its genetic material, its neighborly influences, its wealth, or the civilizational headstart it recieved from hundreds of years of Roman occupation. Instead it has been the sick man of Europe for five hundred years, and its colonies a squabbling, farcial, tragic cultural and scientific and political desert. Cut off from the common intellectual life of Europa, both entities are little more than basket cases.

I won’t go into the further handicaps Spain suffers from on account of their long occupatation by Islamic forces, but it is accepted even by mainstream historians that Jews opened the doors to the Musselman.

Edgar Bronfmann personally flew to Spain to arrange for the free transit of one of the major Russian oligarchs several years ago, over the vociferous protests of the Russians, which just goes to show you the power differential that obtains between being a 200 million person state with a nuclear arsenal as opposed to being a 14 million person locust swarm with a controlling interest in world capital flows, a massive amount of capital themselves, as well as . . . well, you know the rest.

I understand the UK is in a similar position regarding harboring the vampires who destroyed and then consumed the remnants of Russia’s infrastructure post-Communism, with the aid of Goldman-Sachs, the Clinton State Department, and the Harvard Economics Department. I understand there’s going to be some trouble on account of this, diplomats are being dismissed even now. Oh well, Britian has made terrible sacrifices before to advance the cause of World Jewry. Why should a peep be heard now, on the part of their former allies? Would it be impertinent to suggest that this would not be in the interests of the most powerful factions in Britain, some of whom are openly Jewish, some of whom finance non Jewish writers and politicians, and some who merely appear briefly, as when Jacob Rothschild appeared to take controlling interest in Yukos when Kodorosky was imprisoned? Britian is harboring a lot of fugitives fom justice currently. She should perhaps consider - or start to consider - the interests of the Scepter’d Isle as opposed to remaining an arm of Yankee-Judea but . . . there you go. The habit, once formed, is hard to break.

Poland’s submission, you can - if you like - infer from the behavior of the Prime Minister at the hint that one of his supporters thinks that Jews might be using the Holocaust story to extort money - in this case tens of billions of dollars - from Poles and others.

Or, you can look up my post on this site about the relationship of the Polish Communist Party, Jews, and the modern Polish Press. The topic is so scandalous that even Time magazine talked about it - in the seventies.

Or, you might ask why the Jewish role in atrocities against the Jews is “unknown in the United States”. How does that happen?

Rumania, Czechoslovakia, Hungary - to which we may add the Ukraine and Georgia, whose respective color revolutions were wholly Jewish theorized and financed operations - have begun willingly breaking down their national structure to accomate the Capital and information flows of EU/NATO. Soros is the primary financier of this process, though other names can be dug up - perhaps you’d like to grab a spade and help me?  The two places to begin looking are firstly, newspapers, where Eastern Europeans, whose natural hatred of blacks (whom they have never had to live among) is now being deconstructed by round the clock inculation of ‘tolerance’ and ‘antiracism’, all of which is accelerated by the mass consumption of American films and television. Holocaust mythology is yet another pillar of the process. Jews are very resourceful, they use what is at hand.

The other major vector, so far as I can determine, is Soros’ Open Society colleges, which produce budding young Eastern European Bonos and Angelia Jolies at a much faster rate than any one of these nations can produce actual Czechs, Rumanians, Georgians, etc. Combine that with the vast intrusion of the carpetbagger model of Jew (something like a scout in an ant colony), all the pretty urbanites with jobs and connections to the West are suddenly thinking and speaking like Americans who have been subject to this propaganda for fifty years. They’re all newly minted global citizens who understand that a peaceful and prosperous world requires the total freedom of Capital from the intolerable oppression of borders and national governments. Free flow of Capital and Labor is the first article of the emergent World Constitution, excpept for Israel . . . but you already know that.

Once a nation opens itself to Western “democracy”, i.e. you’ll vote for who we financially support and promote in our media, and Western “capitalism”, i.e. clear out the rural areas, create large alienated urban proletariat in the overcrowded cities, transfer in large alien groups, the game is virtually over. At this point, the Jews are free to:

* start harvesting the prettier boys and girls for human traffiking (even Amnesty International cites Israel as the world capital here)

* buying up business and property, thus dispossesing the actual members of the nation from ownership of the land under their feet, the buildings their ancestors have built, the infrastructure they have erected, etc. all - presumably - for “themselves and their posterity” like in other Jew-riddled countries, they wake up and find themselves faced with a choice: economic slavery and ideational silence, which finally becomes drug abuse, nihilim, Putnam’s social withdrawl and worse. 

* stimulating Communist or International movements among students and the middle classes through massive funding of these movements, combined with media demonization of the oppostion. Expect worldwide support for the right of the UN to levy Taxes (an idea originated and propounded by Jew Tobin), control guns, criminalize speech and free association. I mean, we should all know the drill by now.

It’s almost childs play, once you’ve got that “we’re all one human race, and anyone who points out exceptions is a Nazi"drilled into the heads of the best connected. It’s almost comically simple. Once you’ve demonized healthy instincts, you can use their predictable eruptions to further weaken the opposition, like showing Southerners trying to have their own schools on nightly national broadcasts.

More later. I’ll agree with you that each of these countries, plus the UK, Sweden, Denmark, postwar Germany and France as well as Italy all need their own Kevin MacDonalds, but I’m not necessarily up to that task. We may need to cast our net of membership and conversation more widely, if we wish to have all the facts down on paper with footnotes, and all the names made public. I think it can be done, but it’s a bigger project than just four or five people can pull off.

Even people who write turgid bestselling non-fiction books have hired research staff provided for them by their publishers. We’re supposed to provide ownership, rolodexes, real-estate lists, family histories, and innumerable other details - resting on a doctorate level’s expertise in: the Wilson administration, the Roosevelt administration, the Eastern European nations we’ve named, World War II, British influence networks, post Communist Russia, mass media and patterns of manipulation, etc. ad nauseum . . . in our spare time? Without more people and more money, this can’t be done currently. Which is not to say it won’t be done, only that it is taking longer than I expected.

An excellent place to start, for everyone at this site, is Bejamin Ginsburg’s Fatal Embrace: Jews and the State. It’s an overview of how Jews operate in European societies with an emphasis on the Jewish efforts to centralize government in order to make control more seamless. Multiple centers of power play against the Jews weakness, which is that their numbers require them to be spread thin. Extrapolating from this thesis, the race to trading blocks like the North American Union and the EU, ruled over by centralied transnational agencies like the IMF, the World Bank, and so forth, fit into a historical pattern that is at the very least, a thousand years old at this point.  Since Ginsberg intends his book as a warning to other Jews in the US (“You’ve gone too far!”) there’s a lot of surprisingly candid information. Highly recommended.


Posted by wintermute on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 15:20 | #

Also, why did the Donme exterminate the Armenians? I have read of this in several places but without accompanying explanation.

The real question is: why did they exterminate the Armenians, Greeks and Assyrians? I think it’s wrong for Armenians, who are the most visible victims of the Turks, to arrogate the whole tragedy to themselves. Partly, this is not their fault, as the the Soviet Union spared no extent to drill victimhood into the Armenians for their own purposes. The Brezhnev government did not find it necessary to mention that other groups had been massacred or expelled.

My assumption is, these groups all had the organization and intelligence to compete with, or at least identify, power factions at the top of the Ottoman/Turkish pyramid. They are all very old cultures that had adapted to Diaspora life . . . meaning a high ingroup/outgroup consciousness, and endogamy. In addition, the Greeks and Armenians are extremely intelligent. I don’t know about Assyrian intelligence, so I can’t speak to their threat in that regard.

Working against all these groups was the fact that Donme could pretend to be Turkish and Muslim, while Greeks and Armenians were Christian. So the invisible Donhem overclass sends Turks into battle against people who were visible ethnic and religious aliens, with the usual results.

Even more sinister is that Turkish/Muslim troops took orders from aliens who happnened to look like them, but who were practicing Jews - Sabbatarians. So, like with the Iraq war or the British Opium war, essentially alien interests manipulate the lowest strata into doing their dirty work for them, and then . . . if it is convenient . . . blame Britain or the Republican party or whomever else is associated with the majority for acts which were instigated, theorized, ordered, or financed by Jews. It’s that “every part of buffalo rule”. If, by crypsis, you can get a host population to do something infamous, and you happen to control record keeping, then you can slam the majority group while coming out smelling like a rose. Slavery in the United States comes close to this pattern of activity.

As to why they don’t internationally call down ruin on the Turks for “Holocaust denial” - it being illegal to speak of the fate of the Greeks and the Armenians in Turkey - that’s b/c Turkey is

*still under Donmeh control

*is still a potential stalking horse to destory Europe


*is a very valuable military ally to Israel

If these causes were to disappear suddenly for whatever reason, the entire world press would be filled with pictures of Armenians with their heads on pikes, women and children dying in the desert while their families are pressed on in the death march, etc. Turkey would become an international pariah in a matter of hours. I can’t imagine there would be anything they could do to preserve themselves against such an onslaught.

These photos all exist, but are not easy to get a hold of. I found them for the first time in Diamanda Galas’ magnificent memorial Defixiones, which I highly recommend. It comes with a lengthy booklet, with photos and accompanying text.

Some information on Defixiones here: carries it:


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 22:15 | #

Some Sailer Donmeh commentary.

Here‘s what Wikipedia has to say.

French President Sarkozi’s grandfather, Aaron Mallah, seems to have been a Donmeh from Greece, not Turkey.  (Sarkozi was born and raised Catholic.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 23:06 | #

“French President Sarkozy’s grandfather, Aaron Mallah, seems to have been a Donmeh”  (—my comment, above)

I take that back:  a bit of checking around the internet just now fails to uncover evidence he was anything but a member of the Sephardic-Jewish community of Salonika.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:38 | #

Also, why did the Donme exterminate the Armenians? I have read of this in several places but without accompanying explanation.

Possibly because the Greeks , Armenians and Assyrians (the lost tribes of Israel) have brutalised the Jews. Isn’t it simply a principle of evolution? Tribe against tribe, a people against a people, wage war, enslave, absorb and exterminate in a battle for limited resources. If the Jews have exaggerated and embellished the pogroms and persecution brought upon them, to their advantage, then might not Wintermute’s sources also embellish the persecution they suffered at Jewish hands.

And if the Sultanate formed a foreign-born mercenary force, the Janissaries, a Roman-like Praetorian Guard, because they did not trust their own people, then it is not surprising that they would ally with an enemy of Islam, Jews, to further their own ends. Is it an elite Anglo-American arm of Imperial Judea or a elite Judaic arm of Imperial Anglo-America? Did Elizabeth I or Victoria et al benefit “royally” from the Jewish contribution to the slave or opium trade? If, as KMac suggest, the Jewish strategy is to penetrate the host elites, is it better to target the Jews or the elites? Or because of assortative mating, do the elites really need their people or can they replace them, with the assistance of the Jews and benefit by controlling proximate cost that do not impact ultimate costs?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 00:48 | #

Good comment by Desmond.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 01:57 | #

“new media arrive to inform you”  (—James Bowery)

Graph showing plummeting ad revenues of the “old-media” newspapers.  What’s the “new media”?  You’re logged onto it.

Better days are coming for our side ...  I expect everyone has felt the unmistakable new wind direction that’s been blowing the past couple or three years, filling our sails; the irreversible momentum our side has picked up which “nothing or nobody” can stop ...  We’re on our way ...


Posted by wintermute on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 04:44 | #

Possibly because the Greeks , Armenians and Assyrians (the lost tribes of Israel) have brutalised the Jews.

This sounds like groundless exculpation to me, except for the part about the lost tribes of Israel, which sound like lunacy. What on earth are you talking about?

Isn’t it simply a principle of evolution? Tribe against tribe, a people against a people, wage war, enslave, absorb and exterminate in a battle for limited resources. If the Jews have exaggerated and embellished the pogroms and persecution brought upon them, to their advantage, then might not Wintermute’s sources also embellish the persecution they suffered at Jewish hands.

Note the progression of Desmond’s reasoning, such as it is: “possibly because” the Armenians and Greeks brutalized the Jews (evidence not forthcoming) is quickly followed by the query “might not” Wintermute’s sources embellish?

News flash: I’m using the low end estimate for Armenian losses, agreed to by even the most hidebound conventional sources. Even Turks agree to the number, but dispute the cause of death.

So, no, there is no embellishment here. In fact, the whole story I’m relating is not about the event in se, but the parties involved, especially those covering up for each other. Jews are not “exaggerating” pogroms aginst themselves, since - if you were paying attention - they did not establish themselves as Donmeh until the late seventeenth century, after which, as marannos, they were immune to persecution.

Also, such persecution would logically have to have been by the actual rulers of the Ottoman empire, and not dhimmi populations.

As for open Jews in the Ottoman Empire, their own historical records continiually and nauseatingly proclaim the absolute and total superiority of Ottoman ‘tolerance’ as compared with Christian Europe.

And if the Sultanate formed a foreign-born mercenary force, the Janissaries, a Roman-like Praetorian Guard, because they did not trust their own people,

The Janissaries were formed from children stolen from White Europe, for those who don’t know.

Is it an elite Anglo-American arm of Imperial Judea or a elite Judaic arm of Imperial Anglo-America?

Sloppy thinking eventually becomes clotted prose. What are you trying to say here?

A review of the dramatis personae:

Turkey is a state of majority Turks, with Greco-Celtic fringes and a recent ingress of Southeastern Europeans, all now culturally “Turkicized”. It’s upper classes, since at least the early twentieth century, are crypto-Jews who provide a thin veneer of secularism over what would otherwise be a boringly typical Islamic state. On the minus side, Israel has another rotten country to bleed America dry on behalf of via lobbying, and possibly use to effect the physical destruction of Europe.

Judah is Israel and the Diaspora, a single power organism. It’s control of finance and media in the United States, where its center of gravity moved during WWI from London, has a powerful effect on the economic and cultural satellite states of the US: Britian and Germany especially, but Europe as a whole to varying degrees. Participation in NATO is a good proxy indicator here. Judah, for instance, brought Serbia into line using the United States travelling under the cover of NATO. At it’s core, though, it was pretty much Jewess Madeline Albright and the people now called “necons” and assorted other Chosenites at the State Dept. who set he policy, with interference run by “world opinion”, which Alex Linder correcty identified as ten thousand Jews with megaphones. The only real oppositon was from Powell. Half-Jew Clark made royal pronouncements about the end of the “ethnic state”, except of course, for the shittty little state. The other half of the policy was an olive branch to the global Caliphate: we’ll play on your side in Chechnya and Serbia, and you lay off us in Palestine, pretty please. Google on American Committee for Peace in Chechnya if you’d like to see another mask that the PNAC crowd keeps in its travelling trunk.

For reasons of poetry and convenience, I refer to the Oceana-Airstrip One center of operations “Yankee Judea”, for which we may thank Ezra Pound, il miglior fabbro. For details about this miserable joint organism, I recommend histories of Cecil Rhodes and the Round Table groups, Tragedy and Hope by Carrol Quigley, and Chris Hitchen’s Blood, Class, and Nostalgia.

In addition, anyone who reads this site regularly should spend a few hours over at

a phenomenal, comprehensive site about all these topics.

Did Elizabeth I or Victoria et al benefit “royally” from the Jewish contribution to the slave or opium trade?

Dear Liz didn’t have to put up with this nonsense, as Jews were not then polluting your scepter’d isle. I believe the Earl of Oxford even contrived to turn public opinion against one of her doctors, who was a Sephardic Jew. Happier days.

As for Victoria, you may survey what remains of your former nation and ask yourself, how has infiltration by Jewry turned out for your and yours? Are you benefitting “royally”? And if not, why not?

If, as KMac suggest, the Jewish strategy is to penetrate the host elites, is it better to target the Jews or the elites?

Not an either/or. Targeting both is a necessity. The elites can’t function without Capital provided by Jews and the media cover they afford. Contriwise, candidates, writers, and personalities from our side must run a gauntlet set down by Jews, not “elites”.

Jews will become more paranoid and more dormant if publicly exposed. This should be the first part of our strategy - calling attention to their existence and interests. Once kept in the public eye, then action against the elites can take place. Or at least we can compete on a more level playing field. If Jews had never entered the UK or the US, the sorts of people who now fill the rolls of the CFR, Davos, Bilderberg, etc. would have been swinging from streetlamps decades ago.

However, any plan that doesn’t end in expulsion for the Chosen is a death sentence or worse for our posterity. See Belloq’s book “The Jews” for details.

Or because of assortative mating, do the elites really need their people or can they replace them, with the assistance of the Jews and benefit by controlling proximate cost that do not impact ultimate costs?

Is the North American Union and Europe going to end up being ruled by a melded caste of “Jeurasians”, as godless and razib so earnestly hope?

Signs point to no. If I were a betting man, I wouldn’t put my money on anything Jews are pursuing as a world-historical “sure thing”.

Ask yourself: how did Christianity work out for them?

And Islam?

And Communism?

Noticing how messianic Abramaic systems usually work out for the Jews, how do you imagine the coming World Federation will work out for the Crewe Which Does Not Cease From Toil?

Will it be like the Book of Isiah, where they rule over a Judaicized globe of serfs and worshippers?

Or will it be more in the vein of the Gospel of John,  John Golden-mouth, Mohammed, and Stalin?

Really, has it ever been otherwise? Even though it is true that no Aryan nation has ever prevailed against Jewish power (yet) it is equally true that Jewish schemes always seem to be less-than-satisfactory, at least as compared to the promises of Genesis and Isiah. Where less-than-satisfactory equals “a living hell for all concerned”.

From Tao Te Ching, Chapter 29:

I see that those who want to take over the world and manipulate it do not succeed.

The sacred mechanism of the world cannot be manipulated.

Those who manipulate it will fail,
Those who hold on to it will lose it.

Words to live and die by.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 07:52 | #

...they did not establish themselves as Donmeh until the late seventeenth century, after which, as marannos, they were immune to persecution.

Also, such persecution would logically have to have been by the actual rulers of the Ottoman empire, and not dhimmi populations.

Unless of course they were revolutionaries and viewed the Jewish populations in their midst as collaborating with the Turks.

Greeks and Jews during the Greek Revolution of 1821: The Reasons of the Confrontation

Maria Efthymiou, University of Athens

The paper will focus on various manifestations of mutual violence and suspicion that marked the presence of those two groups during the harsh years of war. It will also attempt to explain the hostility towards the rebels and the feeling of insecurity towards prospective political changes, as expressed by the Jews (who largely remained obedient subjects of the ottoman Empire) as well as the reasons that the Greek rebels identified the Jews with the Turks and treated them as enemies in conquered towns.

Are we to believe that the Jews of Istanbul actively assisted the attacks of Kurds and Lazzes on the Armenian quarters of Istanbul in 1896 and 1908, showing the Kurds where Armenians lived and where many of them were hiding and joining them in carrying away the booty because they harboured some inate Abrahamic messianism, and were thus Abraham’s Willing Executioners, or did the ongoing, sometimes violent confrontation with Greeks and Armenians foment a seething hatred of these ethnic groups?

Are we to believe the Germans, as Goldenhagen posits in his Hitler’s Wiling Executioners, were driven to confront the Jews because of some inate, Germanic pathology or is it, as Joachim Fest suggests, that they had heard the stories of Stalin’s Jews crucifying priests on the doors of their churches?

Must we be like the Jewish father, who believes, to quote Macquire, that “consistency is the hob-goblin of small minds”?


Posted by wintermute on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 10:40 | #

Must we be like the Jewish father, who believes, to quote Macquire, that “consistency is the hob-goblin of small minds”?

Ralph Waldo Emerson is Jewish?


Posted by a Finn on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 21:36 | #

To Wintermute: Does the following links contain something useful to you?:


Posted by danielj on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 21:58 | #

Wintermute and Desmond:

I wanted a nice easy answer to the Donmeh question and the way you too are fighting is confusing and now I am going to have to study the issue myself.

Thanks a lot smile

Also Mute, it is nice to see the frequency of your posts increasing.


Posted by yaakov on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:11 | #

thanks for the comments made by these Jew-haters, I will gladly print them out for my dog to use to sh-t on.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 24 Jul 2007 14:34 | #

Yaakov, you didn’t say what you thought of the Holocaust survivors’ children suing Germany for monetary compensation for the reasons given (“incapable of working, live with an irrational fear of starvation and suffer incapacitating bouts of depression”).  Do you have an opinion of it?  Does this lawsuit reflect well on them as a group, given all that’s going on in the world today and all that’s gone on since 1945, and all the monetary compensation that’s already changed hands since then, and so on, and on, and on?


Posted by JB on Sat, 28 Jul 2007 15:03 | #

Here’s a taste of the services rendered by the Jews that the Poles…

more jewish gifts to poles :

...historian Mordechai Zalkin states that until World War II, the underworld in Warsaw, Vilna, Odessa and other large cities was controlled largely by Jewish syndicates. “

and jewish gifts to Ukrainians :

In Lvov, several thousand prisoners had been held in three jails.  When the Germans arrived on 29 June, the city stank, and the prisons were surrounded by terrified relatives.  Unimaginable atrocities had occurred inside.  The prisons looked like abattoirs.  It had taken the NKVD a week to complete their gruesome task before they fled.


Many end up like Irina.  Stunned and outraged by the sudden order to prostitute herself, she simply refused.  She was beaten and raped before she succumbed.  Finally she got a break.  The brothel was raided, and she was brought here to Neve Tirtsa in Ramle, the only women’s prison in Israel.  Now, like hundreds of Ukrainian and Russian women with no documents or obvious forgeries, she is waiting to be sent home.

Jewish Crimes Under Communism

In time, three-fourths of the Germans in Shlomo’s camp were dead, and Shlomo announced, “What the Germans couldn’t do in five years at Auschwitz, I’ve done in five months at Schwientochlowitz.”  (John Sack, An Eye for an Eye: The Untold Story of Jewish Revenge Against Germans in 1945

According to the International Committee of the Red Cross, in Geneva, it wasn’t allowed to visit the camps for German POWs [UNLIKE THE NAZI CAMPS WHICH WERE VISITED BY THE RED CROSS…] in Poland until the summer of 1946, and it was never allowed to visit the camps for German civilians.  At the order of the German Parliament, a secret study was made by the German Federal Archives and was delivered to Parliament on May 28, 1974.  The report concluded, “In the Polish camps and prisons, there were probably 200,000 or more people, with a death rate of twenty to fifty percent.  This would mean that 40,000 to 100,000 but certainly more than 60,000 people perished there.”


Posted by wintermute on Sun, 29 Jul 2007 22:22 | #

thanks for the comments made by these Jew-haters, I will gladly print them out for my dog to use to sh-t on.

Better heat up that printer, Yaakov:

Earning a special commendation for dubious behavior is Washington’s Jewish-American lobby. In one of this tale’s strangest twists, the Turks have convinced prominent Jewish groups, not typically indifferent to charges of genocide, to mute their opinions. In February, Turkey’s foreign minister convened a meeting at a Washington hotel with more than a dozen leaders of major Jewish groups. Most prominent groups now take no official position on the resolution, including B’nai B’rith, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (aipac), and the American Jewish Committee. The issue “belongs to historians and not a resolution in Congress,” explains Anti-Defamation League director Abe Foxman, who outright opposes the resolution. “It will resolve nothing.” But it’s also clear that Turkey’s status as Israel’s lone Muslim ally counts for a lot, too. “I think a lot of Israelis agree,” Foxman told me. (One person involved in the fight offers a more cynical explanation: “Jewish groups don’t want to give up their ownership of the term genocide.’”)

The Turks have also conspicuously hired some lobbyists with strong Jewish ties. Their payroll includes a Washington firm called Southfive Strategies, which bills itself as “a Washington D.C. consulting boutique with access to the White House, congressional leadership, and influential media organizations.” Southfive is run by Jason Epstein, a former Capitol Hill lobbyist for B’nai B’rith, and Lenny Ben-David, an Israeli-born former deputy chief of mission at Israel’s Washington embassy and a longtime aipac staffer whose previous firm, IsraelConsult, also worked for Turkey.

Some Jewish leaders, to be sure, find such realpolitik less than tasteful. “It is obscene for us, of all people, to quibble about definitions,” one prominent California rabbi recently told the Jewish Journal. But, when I asked one Jewish-American aligned with the Turks whether he truly believes that genocide didn’t take place, he stammered that “the verdict” is not in, before adding, “If you’re asking do I sleep at night, I do.”

Do these people ever sleep? And here I thought “no rest for the wicked” was just an expression.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
