Enoch Powell and Keith Best, and the life or death of race.

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 15 July 2007 00:31.

I am fast coming to the conclusion that, Jewish activists aside, the British political Establishment does not know what it is doing about race and the future ... does not know the real precondition for a victory over the blood of its own people.

I don’t mean that it is making this up, this attack by migrant proxy, as it goes along.  It is following the general policy of the global elite.  But it is not the global elite itself, merely the executive at national level.  To paraphrase Irving Krystol, it is operating under “truths appropriate for educated adults”, not the global elite’s “truths appropriate for highly educated adults”.

There is an inherent instability to this arrangement that it is our task and privilege to exploit.  The means to do that is a real debate about the blood-reality of Establishment politics.  As the extremis mounts, it should not be, must not be beyond us to organise to that end.

The desire of the Establishment, then as now, will be for guilt-avoidance.  It will evade the terrible meaning of its politics by sheltering behind the barrier of abstract thinking.  That way “race” is an abstract, and so nation, so tradition, so everything.  It works for them today: our arguing from realities declared abstract necessarily consigns us to frustration.  This pattern we must break.  The protective outer layers of liberal self-justification, the faux-moral public breast-beating about fairness, equalness, tolerance etc, must be winnowed away.  A real debate in this context is a debate solely about ethnic survival, about real life and real death.  It is a debate in which, for example, English advocates of race replacement must be forced to answer in terms which it is by no means unrealistic to call genocide.

For this is our ground, our frame of reference in which the Establishment must defend itself against our charge of blood betrayal.  We have understood that this is a blood issue.  We have always done so ...

We must be mad, literally mad, as a nation to be permitting the annual inflow of some 50,000 dependants, who are for the most part the material of the future growth of the immigrant-descended population. It is like watching a nation busily engaged in heaping up its own funeral pyre.

Enoch Powell, from his speech to the Annual General Meeting of the West Midlands Area Conservative Political Centre, Birmingham, April 20, 1968.  It remains the last occasion on which a major public figure speaking on race has used the words “we” and “nation” to mean “we the British, owners of these isles”.  There have been no greater British patriots since, and today no man more commands the respect and affection of the aware and the loyal.

As far as we know, Keith Best is certainly not mad and may even count himself patriotic.  In so far as he can understand the concept of territorial ownership at all, he possesses democratic instincts.

In the Guardian’s 2003 survey of the 100 most influential people in public services in the UK he was named first in his category.  This honour was accorded him in recognition of his fourteen years as a successful race-replacement engineer - albeit the Guardian put him in the “Opposition” category because his conspicuously well-paid activity expresses a right-liberal dedication to endless economic growth rather than some left-liberal penchant for universalism and equality.

Now, bear in mind that the Guardian set out to chart where Tony Blair’s social policy actually came from.  So Best is not an insignificant figure within the governing structure.  His words are accorded respect in high places.  Within Toryism, then, he is the polar opposite of the great John Enoch Powell.

If Powell was still alive today he would have turned 95 last month.  Judging from “that” speech he would certainly regard an England in which shilling for race-replacement is the norm in and around government, and a highly respectable method of self-advancement, as “mad, literally mad”.  I would be surprised, though, if he would still be using the word “we” in the same presumptive sense.  The unity of feeling and purpose between rulers and ruled in England was still implicitly understood in 1968.  But it was already hanging by a thread.

At the time of the speech he held the Defence portfolio in Ted Heath’s Shadow Cabinet.  It was practice to inform “ministerial” colleagues if a speech was to be made on another’s brief, and then to speak uncontroversially.  Powell sought controversity, sought to shock, to break the silence.  He knew exactly what he was doing ...

I can already hear the chorus of execration. How dare I say such a horrible thing? How dare I stir up trouble and inflame feelings by repeating such a conversation?

The answer is that I do not have the right not to do so.

Here is a decent, ordinary fellow Englishman, who in broad daylight in my own town says to me, his Member of Parliament, that this country will not be worth living in for his children.  I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else.  What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking - not throughout Great Britain, perhaps, but in the areas that are already undergoing the total transformation to which there is no parallel in a thousand years of English history.

And at the close of the speech he uttered these word ...

All I know is that to see, and not to speak, would be the great betrayal.

And there it is ... betrayal.  In advance of the speech Powell felt constrained to break convention and hide his intention to speak on a colleague’s brief.  Quentin Hogg, who was Heath’s Shadow Home Secretary, was incandescent when he caught the TV news that fateful night.  He was not alone.  The Tory Establishment of 1968 saw betrayal in Powell.  But Powell, of course, saw it in them.  And that betrayal - the betrayal of the race of people to whom they all belonged - was too much for him.  Powell the detached academic and classicist, Powell the famous logical absolutist was also Powell the only man in the wartime British Army to go from private to brigadier and Powell the loyal servant not of the British state but of the British people.

And that brings us full circle back to the British state which Keith Best serves - and some words of his, reported in yesterday’s Daily Mail:-

Immigrants are “better citizens” than those born in Britain, a migration expert has said.

The extraordinary attack came from Keith Best, head of the Immigration Advisory Service - a government-backed charity which receives £13million of public money every year.

The former Tory MP was responding to an article in the Mail revealing that a foreigner is granted a UK passport every five minutes.

He said: “These people have actively sought British citizenship because they want to make a contribution to the UK.

“I am not sure how many people born in this country have the same commitment. The tests for citizenship are greater than they have ever been.

“We are now turning immigrants into better citizens than people born with a British passport.”

Leaving aside the technical issue that we are not citizens but subjects of the British Crown, the implication is clear.  “Citizenship skills” - meaning the application of left-liberal values - and a hard-working mentality are the definers of patriotism in “civic Britain”.  It is a definition based entirely on usefulness ... working conscientiously for your employer, paying your taxes and displaying selflessness for the wider Community of Man, much like Keith Best, in fact.

Here is the (then) Chancellor of the Exchequer Gordon Brown commending this “Britishness” to us in his speech to the British Council in July 2004.

And this is my idea of Britain today.  Not the individual on his or her own living in isolation sufficient unto himself but a Britain of creativity and enterprise which is also a Britain of civic duty and public service.  And in this vision of society there is a sense of belonging that expands outwards as we grow from family to friends and neighbourhood; a sense of belonging that then ripples outwards again from work, school, church and community and eventually outwards to far beyond our home town and region to define our nation and country as a society.

... We should think of Britain as a Britain discovering anew that its identity was never rooted just in imperial success or simply the authority of its institutions, nor in race or ethnicity.

We should think of a Britain rediscovering the shared values that bind us together.

So here are the two competing visions of the life of Man.  One - Powell’s - is rooted in blood, Nature, love; the other - that of the Establishment which eviscerated him - in betrayal, racial atomism and out-group altruism.  The battle lines could not be clearer.  What is unclear to the people of this land is that they are indeed engaged upon a battle for their own survival.  What is, I think, unclear to messers Brown and Best is that - for all their unctious talk about hard work and civic values - betrayal, racial atomism and out-group altruism will never replace our real bonds, which are of blood.  The betrayers must actually destroy these bonds before their pathologies can be planted in British soil.  And that means they must destroy - physically destroy - the blood of the people.  They must do it by ruthlessly dispossessing them, deracinating them, overwhelming them with “diversity”.  It is bound to come to this.

It is all, of course, a crucible for emerging truth, and a place of endless trouble for the purveyors of the MultiCult dream.  If you doubt it here, for your elucidation, are a few tales of enrichment reported on BBC News pages for BBC England and Wales at the same time as the Mail reported Keith Best:-

Man hunted after three found dead

Man admits store arson killings

Indian doctor charge over UK plot

Killer burglar given life in jail

British soldier denies spy charge

Ghana girls’ families ‘confident’

School TB outbreak finally over

Warning on migrant sex offenders

Powell’s words about his unhappy constituent force themselves back to mind, “I simply do not have the right to shrug my shoulders and think about something else.  What he is saying, thousands and hundreds of thousands are saying and thinking.”

After Powell was sacked by Heath, thousands of white working men downed tools to support him.  Factories shut.  Over two thousand dockers walked out in defence, as they saw it, of his right to free speech.  There was a march to Westminster.  In the chamber some 300 dockers cheered when Sir Gerald Nabarro - a Sephardic Jew - voiced his support for Powell.  The cheering lasted for five minutes.

Blood loyalty, you see.

Or, as the Marxist historian and more conventional Jew Eric Hobsbawn told The Scotsman:-

The real danger is an ethnic conception of Englishness or Scottishness.  In a world of free movement, if the number of Poles or Lithuanians coming to Scotland are as large as those coming to England, and then you say the only true Scots are not these people who come from outside, then you run into trouble - and this is happening everywhere.

He’s right.  In time we will have our chance to fight on our own terms.



Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 01:51 | #

Powell’s excellent ‘Tiber foaming with much blood’ speech was the perfect excuse for that traitorous old queen, Heath to dump the most brilliant member of both the shadow cabinet and the party. Powell’s vociferous opposition to the ‘Common Market’ also angered Heath as did Powell’s use of economic literacy to mock the leader’s espousal of a ‘Prices and Incomes policy.

If Powell had uttered the fatal phrase in its original Latin, he might well have remained in the shadow cabinet.


Posted by Voice on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 03:47 | #

Great post, GW


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:22 | #

Considering Powell received over 100,000 letters of encouragement following his 1968 speech and could easily have rallied millions of supporters, it raises the qustion why he made no effort at all to organize public protest outside Parliament?

In 1968 white Britain was there for the taking yet Enoch walked away. Why?


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 07:54 | #

            Powell was an ardent parliamentarian and even talk of a referendum caused him to growl about “the abdication of parliamentary responsibility”.

In any event public solidarity was forthcoming without its being organised by EP, viz., a march of support for his speech by London dockers, presumably without reference to their Labour Party affiliated trade union.


Posted by anonmentator on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 09:49 | #

In 1968 white Britain was there for the taking yet Enoch walked away. Why?

Because he didn’t see the invisible Jew. He who does not see the Jew is lulled into a false sense of security that the situation is a temporary aberration, about undergo correction any time now…

No one seriously fears Muslims or blacks. No one fears bad policy because they are certain it will change itself. They only fear an actual threat. That’s why:

Name the Jew. Always.


Posted by Matt O'Halloran on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 10:33 | #

Keith Best was a Tory MP who had to resign after being caught falsifying an application for privatised British Telecom shares- a real Thatcherite ornament.

He was sentenced to four months but got out after five days. He runs an agency for alien imports that costs the taxpayer £13m a year.

He looks like this:

Case closed.

As for Enoch: he made a good start as a prophet of doom, but backed off when the heat was turned up. Spent his latter days fooling around on the edge of the Union, in every sense. Not a big hero after all.

Sir Cyril Osborne was the real voice in the wilderness, and who remembers him?


Posted by PF on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 12:48 | #

The real danger is an ethnic conception of Englishness or Scottishness.



Posted by Peter North on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 14:17 | #

Keith Best’s chief claim to fame is his forced, disgraceful resignation as Tory MP, back in 1984, when it was discovered (by Labour Party researchers), that he made multiple, fraudulent share applications for shares in the newly privatized British Telecom, in oreder to make a fast buck for himself. What a moral and upstanding man to elect as a parliamentary representative!
How does he find the gall to lecture others on worthiness!


Posted by gongstar on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 17:59 | #

I think Keith Best is jewish or homosexual or both. It’s hard to see how anyone with any feeling of connection with ordinary British whites could behave the way he does. The share fraud is certainly evidence in favour of his being jewish. The Tories have been synonomous with treachery for decades. Old Etonians don’t feel much connection with ordinary whites either, but this one still seems to need urging forward.

Throughout the Tory leadership contest last October, David Cameron went everywhere with a shaven-headed man of 5ft 6in glued to his hip…. The man was Steve Hilton, the 36-year-old marketing dynamo credited with securing his boss — and friend — the party leadership…. Hilton is the son of Hungarian immigrants who came to Britain after the 1956 revolution. There is a rumour that his surname is taken from the hotel they stayed in on their first night. That, sadly, is untrue. “The upbringing was very humble,” says a friend. “I think they were genuinely poor.” He was clever, though, securing a scholarship to Christ’s Hospital school in West Sussex and later a place at Oxford to read philosophy, politics and economics.

“Hyperactive” is how another describes Hilton… “He was in charge of explaining policy to Saatchi & Saatchi. Maurice (Saatchi) thought so highly of him that he hired him after the election.” The Tory peer would later say, “No one reminds me as much of me when young as Steve.”

Dave’s young ones

So who are the other courtiers at the court of King Cameron?

Kwasi Kwarteng, 30, chairs the Bow Group and is tipped to become the Tories’ first black cabinet minister. Like Cameron he is an old Etonian and his day job is as analyst for City hedge fund manager Crispin Odey, but he spends his spare time thrashing out strategies for broadening party appeal.

Rishi Saha, 27, is the good-looking director of the modernising Wave network of young Tories aiming to revitalise the party from the ground up. His work was highlighted by Cameron in a speech on poverty and he switched the Tory Winter ball from the staid Grosvenor House hotel on London’s Park Lane to Old Billingsgate (slogan: “so hip it hurts”).

Sayeeda Warsi, 34, exemplifies the persuasive skills of the young Cameroons, proving that the party is no longer the preserve of ageing white males. A British-born Muslim, she won plaudits on Newsnight last month when she faced down a bitter Islamic extremist who insisted she should wear a veil.

Priti Patel, 33, is another tipped for Cameron’s A-list. She grew up in South Harrow and Ruislip after her parents emigrated to Britain from Uganda and was press secretary to William Hague.



Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 19:24 | #

Gongstar: “The share fraud is certainly evidence in favour of his being jewish.”

Evidence of a certain presumptiveness on your part, certainly.  I know the junk bond artists of the 80s were Jews, and a lot of attention was drawn to the fact at the time.  But I don’t think you can extrapolate from that situation to a general guilt in the way you do.

It is incumbent on those who wish to “name the Jew” to be fair, cautious, evidentially able to stand up in court.  Any backsliding from the highest standards will see the stick taken out of the accusers hands and used to beat him, and in the process only hurt prospects for racial awareness among the general white population.


Posted by Amalek on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 20:08 | #

In Southall, where I go quite a lot, the electorate is 53pc white yet it has become accepted by all three major parties that candidates have to be Asian, preferably Sikh. Imagine if Bognor Regis (96pc white) insisted on a British-only shortlist. Remember the fuss when ‘racist’ Cheltenham showed timid signs of not wanting the mediocre, arrogant negro barrister John Taylor? (Now ‘Lord’ Taylor, needless to say, and still banging on about how badly he was treated.)

Cameroony is only concerned about playing to the Notting Hill Set, despite abundant evidence in the polls that his TINO approach is being left for dust by Brown. Dave Snooty couldn’t bear the thought of his guy coming a bad third as usual in Southall, and the Guardian saying he didn’t get this Diversity groove thang. So he parachuted a Sikh who calls himself ‘Tony’ Lit into the coming by-election.

Until a few days ago, like most affluent Sikhs, Lit was schmoozing with NuLab (which is defending the seat) and his company wrote it a £4,800 cheque at a farewell do for Blair. That’s how profoundly one of the Crown and Church party Mr Lit is. But hell, he’s rich, he wears a smart suit and an open-necked shirt like Dave and looks pretty…

He is the son of ‘Dr’ Avtar Lit, the rich founder of Sunrise Radio, who has a long history of dodgy deals and himself stood for the constitituency (not as a Tory) and was officially reprimanded for using his station to plug his campaign.

Most English shopkeepers would not dream of putting election posters in their windows for fear of alienating some customers. But Southall shops are plastered with them, mostly Labour- although they do not name a candidate, since he was not chosen till the other day after massive infighting among Sikhs and Hindus.

Meet Brothers in the Broadway win the ‘goodness gracious me’ award for cynicism. They have posters up for four candidates.

In other words, this is an Indian election where ideology tales a back seat and it’s all about sectarian rivalries, clientship and favours asked for and granted. I bet the party membership lists are works of fiction.

The previous MP, Piara Khabra, was a secular Sikh like Lit (no beard or turban) and clung on till he was semi-senile, dying in his 80s (officially). He spent almost all his time in the House acting as an ombudsman for illegal immigrants and seekers after welfare benefits and business grants. The Labour candidate, a 70 y.o. councillor, will probably win and be more of the same. He will contribute nothing to the affairs of the nation- just grind axes for various petitioners like most other Asian MPs.

Southall has been surrendered to the subcontinental way of electioneering- and it’s not even majority-brown, yet.


Posted by Al Ross on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 21:40 | #

The Tory Party leaders have never advocated the cessation of Third World immigration, they merely recommend the formation of an orderly queue.


Posted by gongstar on Sun, 15 Jul 2007 22:53 | #

GW—I don’t say Best’s share fraud is proof that he’s jewish, but jews are hugely over-represented in financial fraud and his has to increase the chance that he is jewish. His support for immigrants is more evidence that he’s jewish. Circumstantial evidence again, not proof, but he is more likely to be jewish than an individual chosen at random among other men of his age.

Fred is right about Amalek’s point: it’s a very important one. Ethnics demand as of right what they would have no intention of granting if the situation were reversed.


Posted by Razib's Dream on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:06 | #



Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 01:22 | #


      I omitted to mention that the four Jews on the Rushdie knighthood recommendation committee were joined by Ben Okri, who is, I think, Nigerian.

We Brits even delegate to racial aliens the giving of offence.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 03:57 | #

In Southall, where I go quite a lot, the electorate is 53pc white yet it has become accepted by all three major parties that candidates have to be Asian, preferably Sikh.

It’s not an acceptance, it’s political rat-fucking or ethnic factionalism. If white delegates acted as an ethnic block chosing candidates, in whatever party based on their ethnicity, Sikhs would be shut out. French Canadians have done it for years and largely block etnic candidates in Quebec. However, English Canada has almost always been divided by issues. If whites weren’t so apathetic about the political process on the party level, got delegates out who were ethnically loyal and throw their support behind their ethnic candidate, the problem would not exist. Sikhs do everything in their power to sign up delegates (even if they’re dead) and when it comes to nominating a candidate, butta boom, butta bing, Singh’s your uncle.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 05:57 | #

An idea of how disgustingly corrupt Sikh elected politicians are in their Punjabi homeland can be gleaned here :


Judging by the way Sikh politicians treat their own people, what chance do the White denixens of Southall have?


Posted by Peter North on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 10:45 | #

At the most conservative estimate, 30% of new-borns in Britain in 2007 are non-White.
A majority of new-borns will, inevitably and inexorably will be non-White in 30 years’ time at the latest.
The fact is that the point of no return has been breached years ago and it must be accepted by all Nationalists in Britain that a White minority Britain is a certainty - no ifs no buts - even if all immigration was curtailed tomorrow (as we know an impossibility the historic trend has always been upwards), a non-White majority Britain will still arrive sooner rather than later.
You just cannot change demographic trends - even if by some miracle we put all of the political class up against a wall and shot them.
  My point is that if we had listened to Enoch Powell way back in 1968, we would have a chance, the problem was small enough to be manageable and a swift forced deportation would have worked if the cowards had the courage to do it.
  But now this is an impossibility.A majority of the young and strong WILL be non-White (much sooner than you think), perhaps they will kick the English out.
there are simply not enough aircraft, passenmger ships etc existing in the entire World even to consider mass deportation.
  The mathematics of exponential growth, permissive abortion and White emigration work their own magic.


Posted by well assimilated East Asian cognitive elitists on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 11:32 | #



Posted by Peter North on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 13:00 | #

Fred, I am very disappointed in your remarks as I’ve always strongly admired your postings.

At first bat, let me explain myself. I’ve stared into the abyss unflinchingly and steadfastly with a heart of iron and eyes open that could see - and I’ve written down truthfully and honestly what I’ve seen - I know it doesn’t make comfortable reading but believe me the ‘demons’ and ‘hell-fire’ are for real and White Britons WILL be toast impaled at the prongs of the pitch-forks whilst their flesh is picked away with imstruments of iron by smiling grinning Pakis and Niggers and others whilst the great God of Darkness the embodiment of the Political Class smiles down with a sel-satisfyed Satanic grin and glories in the shrieks, death agonies and cowardly whining pleadings ....‘Oh great Wog master ...pleease can I felate you just one more time…my arse is always open for buggery’.

Believe me the future is DARK.

Aside from all that hyperbole, I’ve noticed that you haven’t refuted any of my points about the INEVITABILITY of White replacement in Britain (ie that non-Whites are at the very minimum 30% of births and WILL be a majority in 20 years) - this fact is the crucial clincher of my argument - I cannot see on how it can be refuted or even allieviated by non-apocalyptic means. In other words, British race replacement is a FACT and not merely a flight of fancy or fantasy - please try to refute with sound arguments and not insults.

As for the means of transport not being available, this was Lincoln’s response when post-bellum it was seriously mooted to take the blacks back to Africa - mathematical calculations using the number of ships actually in existence then combined with the US black population of the time and its rate of increase show Lincoln’s statement to be entirely true.
None other than the late, great (peace be unto him) deified Enoch Powell himself said exactly the same thing in the 1990s when the question of repatriation was aired - there are simply not enough planes in the world to deport Britain’s wogs at a rate that cancels their ‘natural increase’.
My main point is that we CANNOT fight fight the law of exponential increae anymore than we can rid the world of E. Coli bacteria or blow-flies, the race-replacement of Britain is written in stone - things have really got to that sorry pass - the boat was missed 40 years ago when the avatar (Powell) descended from Valhalla spoke the truth of the Gods.
Being an eyewitness to this unfolding events I believe I am well qualified to pontificate.

‘Peter North’ qv Wikipedia definition. Stage name of well-known and well-endowed ‘San Fernando Valley actor’.Ultimately thought to be derived from American slang ‘Peter’ - meaning the male organ of generation, and the epithet ‘North’ meaning ‘pointing upwards’ - you see the ‘tool of his trade’.
A further allusion to ‘Al Brown’s’ (such is his name) Canadian heritage in ‘North’ is also made.

Almost Shakespearian in its wit and subtlety!

But nothing could be ‘unsubtler’ than the afore mentioned prodigious, oft-viewed and much abused ‘tallywhacker’ which has been compared, variously to a cannon, a lady’s forearem and even (disrespectfully) to ‘Kojak wearing a roll-neck sweater’
-The living embodiment of the linga of the hindus and thus considered holy.

(Humor is necessary to defuse po-faced and fraught situtations as a Freudian juxta-position).


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:10 | #


We will build the ships and planes if we have the will.  The issue is not “how”.  It is not not even “if”.  It’s “when”.  And the “when” is: when willl survivalism become the obsession of the majority of us?  If that point comes too late for democracy to deliver a political solution there will be war.  It is as simple and inevitable as that.  First, we struggle for a political solution.  Then, and only then, we initiate the alternative.


Posted by wjg on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 14:57 | #


If your point were that the existing socio-economic paradigm still referred to as “The West” is doomed and Whites will suffer greatly in the collapse and be further reduced (absolutely and relatively) by this change then I would agree not only with its inevitability but its desirability.  Since Euroman took many wrong turns over the last several generations we are paying for the sins of our fathers.  The price must be paid.  The weakest of our people will be lost along with some of the best through martyrdom.  That is not the end however.

Your point seems to be “party now and forget the future since all is lost”.  That’s bullshit since it presupposes what is always will be.  Fred challenged that attitude well.  For those who love our current false prosperity by being lords of an international plantation then the advice is good.  They don’t love life, they love conformance even when it is suicidal and avaricious and ugly.  Their days are numbered since the monster that now allows them their bourgeois comforts will soon consume them.

From those who persevere will come a stronger Euroman who will build a much better structure that will last and reclaim much of what has been squandered.  Wishful thinking?  Much hangs in the balance and we need to do our part to tip it in our favor.

If we don’t emerge stronger within a few generations the verdict of Nature/God will be that we were found wanting and worthy of extinction.  If this verdict comes from without so be it.  Voluntarily acquiescing to it proves it in advance.  Until then we must persist and prove it wrong.


Posted by ROBERT CROSS on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 15:15 | #

The indiginous population of great britain, in the sixties , was urged to limit thier number of children for the good of our country and the planet.Fourty years later, we are being urged to do this again,but only the whites, while the wogs and niggers engage in unrestricted breeding, at our expense,the time has come for mass sterilization of our alien replacements, even more so since the eussr intends to dump another 10 million,murderers, rapists, criminals,bombers upon the sadly unwitting sheeple,but the bubble is about to burst, there are enough of us aware people to force a change,revolutions are not accomplished by the masses,but by a few dedicated men,we have not come all this way through history to be extinguished by petty politicians, the power is ours, we must take it !


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:45 | #

There were some rough edges on that comment by Robert Cross but, god damn it, it was well said and needed saying probably in exactly that way too!  It’s about time the powers that be began hearing some rough edges from our side in this.  We’re fed up.  Enough’s enough!  This IS going to change!  Let’s start letting them hear it.  Their reply will be, “Now look who’s excerting force:  Your side!  Griffin and Le Pen have had their chance and have not much to show for it:  the voters don’t seem too upset at what we’re doing to their countries and until there’s voter demand for change none will come; neither should any come.”  Wrong:  tradition requires extensive open public debate and referendums before epoch-making shifts in public policy on the order of what we’re discussing, namely the forcing by government of race-replacement on a country.  Where was that debate?  It never happened because the powers that be didn’t want to risk any thwarting of their plan hatched behind the scenes decades ago.  Every time someone such as Enoch opened his mouth he was slandered, vilified, squelched, punished, with the result that others were warned off this topic and debate was stifled.  So there never was a smidgen of frank and open debate on this issue.  If the other side persists in telling the public what’s happening is an inevitable force of nature which the nation simply must accommodate itself to, it can’t claim Griffin or Le Pen have been rejected at the polls because those voting were lied to:  they never were permitted to have proper information wherewith to judge who the best candidate was:  government itself (in other words, that faction which stood to gain by lying) prevented them from having it. 

The other side, to claim any legitimacy whatsoever, has to start permitting frank debates on this, competely unrestricted commentary and debate on the entire subject ranging from the reality of race to inborn racial differences in intelligence and inborn racial differences in behavioral patterns to the role of special interests such as ethnic ones (Jews seeking ethnic hegemony and also ethnic revenge motivated by age-old hatreds, as well as other ethnic players than the Jews, with their own motivations), the role of banking and big-business and industrial interests, the Papist role — yes, all you Irish Catholics, the Papist role, the homosexual role, the lesbian role, the role of Jewish-and-homosexual-controlled Hollywood, the neo-communist role, the role played by the Council on Foreign Relations, the Trilateral Commission, the Bilderberger Meetings, those running the E.U. behind closed doors, those planning the North American Union, and so on:  the entire subject has to be thrown open to frank unrestricted debate without recriminations for “racism,” “hate,” “phobia,” “fascism,” or whatever, or the side forcing all this cannot claim so much as a shred of legitimacy.

We were never told what was planned for us before it was already being rammed down our throats, we were never properly informed or consulted beforehand or while it was in progress, even now at this late date we’re not permitted to have frank, open discussions about its true nature, we never gave our informed consent to any of it, and we don’t give it now.  We aim to undo it, the entire disgrace, the entire outrage, the entire crime.  And that’s exactly what we’re going to do.  We accept none of it, exactly ZERO, and that’s how much of it will be left in place once we’re through setting things to rights:  ZERO.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 17:50 | #

Both Robert Cross’s and WJG’s comments were excellent.  Guessedworker’s too.


Posted by PF on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 19:02 | #

<u>Regarding Peter North’s Comments.</u>

A strong refutation by WJG, thanks for that.

As a country to which people feel passionately attached, alot of people are going to throw themselves into the scales to see Britain stay white—whether the outlook is bleak or not, and irrespective of how bleak the outlook is. Alot of people will throw themselves into the fray, not caring if they make it out again, because Spain and Denmark are not options, so strong is their bond to the land.

So the whole doomsday scenario thing is not going to work. The possession of one’s historic nation is a thing which many people are willing to face death for.

I’ve stared into the abyss unflinchingly and steadfastly with a heart of iron and eyes open that could see - and I’ve written down truthfully and honestly what I’ve seen - I know it doesn’t make comfortable reading but believe me the ‘demons’ and ‘hell-fire’ are for real and White Britons WILL be toast impaled at the prongs of the pitch-forks whilst their flesh is picked away with imstruments of iron by smiling grinning Pakis and Niggers and others whilst the great God of Darkness the embodiment of the Political Class smiles down with a sel-satisfyed Satanic grin and glories in the shrieks, death agonies and cowardly whining pleadings .

If you were sympathetic to our struggle and if you saw it as your own, you wouldn’t poeticize it in such a flippant manner. Its a life-and-death struggle, not a chance for you to display your artistic laurels. Pretending to admire Scrooby won’t free you from suspicion of being a collaborator-saboteure, your viewpoint is alien.

In other words, British race replacement is a FACT and not merely a flight of fancy or fantasy - please try to refute with sound arguments and not insults.

British race replacement is a historical process that can be stopped and then reversed, and acknowledging it’s inevitability is the same as acquiescing to it, effectively.

None other than the late, great (peace be unto him) deified Enoch Powell himself said exactly the same thing in the 1990s when the question of repatriation was aired - there are simply not enough planes in the world to deport Britain’s wogs at a rate that cancels their ‘natural increase’.

Your description of Powell as deified, with the archaic phrase ‘peace be unto him’ indicates to me a typical sassy 3rd generation Subcon immigrant. Powell is not deified, you know it, we know it.

In response to the point: deportation may take decades, but it doesnt matter. The necessity of doing it remains regardless of the difficulty and inconvenience involved.

the boat was missed 40 years ago when the avatar (Powell) descended from Valhalla spoke the truth of the Gods.
Being an eyewitness to this unfolding events I believe I am well qualified to pontificate.

Once more, praising Powell ironically shows your descent, and makes it almost a certainty that you’ve got brown blood coursing through your veins. ‘the avatar descended from Valhalla’? Borrowed that little gem out of one of your Hindu chakras, did you?

You’re as well qualified to pontificate on these things as anyone whose ever lived or been to Britain. Everyone has only a bird’s eye view of things, in some places it seems inevitable, in others the view is almost hopeful. You probably live at the epicenter of things, judging by the smell of things.

Almost Shakespearian in its wit and subtlety!

Yeah, trash the bard, that’ll teach us for colonizing you! How dare we create high culture!

Choosing the pseudonym “Peter North” most probably means that you are not here for serious discussion.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 20:01 | #

You just cannot change demographic trends - even if by some miracle we put all of the political class up against a wall and shot them.

How do you arrive a that position? Demographic trends can change. The fertility rate is trending down even in non-European countries. Islamic FRs are declining even faster than Euro rates.
The older migrant populations in the UK show FRs trending to white levels.

Black (Mixed): 49%
Black (African): 37%
Bangladeshi: 30%
Pakistani: 13%
Chinese: 5%
Indian: 4%
White: 1%
Black (Caribbean): 0%
Source: ONS

Lower birth rates worldwide portend a higher standard of living in third world countries and thus lower levels of migration. The Celtic Tiger, Ireland, may illuminate the future. A booming economy may lead foreign nationals to re-migrate to their homelands. Immigration still remains very much an English problem and more specifically a London problem. Scotland, Wales and NI are still overwhelmingly white.


Posted by Furius on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 20:19 | #

Scotland, Wales and NI are still overwhelmingly white.

Because Scotland, Wales and NI are economic rustbowls.

Here’s an interesting factoid I discovered today:


“The social consequences of welfare dependency scar our great towns and cities. In Glasgow, where 55 per cent of households have no earned income, male life expectancy is 69 years, lower than in the Gaza Strip, North Korea and Iran. In Calton, the poorest area of the city, male life expectancy is 54 years, which puts it on a par with sub-Saharan Africa. These shaming statistics have not happened because we have looked the other way: public money has poured in; state spending now accounts for 70 per cent of the Glasgow region’s GDP, putting it on a par with the communist countries of the old Eastern bloc.”

- Thus ex-Sunday Times editor and TV host Andrew Neil, writing in the Spectator (30 vi) of the decayed Irish-Catholic society left behind on Clydeside after it had destroyed its own livelihood by endless strikes, even at one point in the 1920s returning a Communist MP to Westminster.



Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 21:37 | #

Because Scotland, Wales and NI are economic rustbowls.

Economic well-being comes and goes. Extinction is forever.


Posted by Matra on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 21:52 | #

Because Scotland, Wales and NI are economic rustbowls

NI is booming these days.

A couple of months ago I noticed for the first time ever there groups of black men walking around together. Only five years ago one could go weeks at a time, even in cities, without seeing a black face unless you frequented pubs with the odd black bouncer. Subcons, Chinese and Malaysians (mostly students) were more common but still few and far between. It’s the stronger economy, lower cost of living than the mainland, and communal peace that have attracted them along with massive numbers of Poles and Latvians. “The Big Issue” paper is now sold exclusively by Eastern European gypsies. These newcomers are bunged into tenement rental properties that once housed single families that lived comfortably enough on one wage. The price of most houses in Belfast has more than doubled since 2001. Unless there’s a crash it’ll be next to impossible for a significant minority (perhaps a majority) of people under 25 today to ever get a foot into the housing market.

Glasgow doesn’t sound too bad to me.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 22:00 | #

Using Excel [y=mx + b] and a population growth rate of 1% for UK whites over 25 years whites number ~69 million. In 50 years they number ~88,181,410.

Using 4%, the Indian rate for the vismin population, in 25 years they number ~11,881,674 and in 50 years ~31,674,597.

Starting point was UK Census 2001.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 22:12 | #

Glasgow doesn’t sound too bad to me.

I like Edinburgh better. smile

Although you can’t beat the rolling hills of Dorset and the fields and fields of wheat.


Posted by Furius on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 22:43 | #

Economic well-being comes and goes. Extinction is forever.

I agree. And this is why, if you have a strong economy, you get more immigrants.

I am sure Germany probably gets fewer immigrants than the UK because the German economy is not as strong and the German labour market is probably harder to get into.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:26 | #

“Germany probably gets fewer immigrants than the UK because the German economy is not as strong and the German labour market is probably harder to get into.”  (—Furius)

Why do you suppose Japan gets fewer immigrants, Furius?  Might it be they’re ... simply not taking any in?  Finding ways to ... do without?  Bear in mind that that’s an option:  just don’t let them in.  Do without.  It’s not hard.  How hard can it be if the Japs are doing it and making out fine (and are become the world leaders in robotics as a direct result of preferring to do without Third-World cheap labor)?  This isn’t rocket science, it really isn’t, though the other side will have you think it is.  C’est d’une simplicité enfantine, as they say in France:  it’s childishly simple.  Don’t believe what you hear from the other side.  Just add two-plus-two in your own brain.  You’ll be worlds ahead of anybody on this issue.  Don’t believe a word — not a word — they tell you.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:28 | #

I like your pen name, Furius:  very appropriate!


Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 16 Jul 2007 23:32 | #

Interestingly, the Germans are invoking a language test for Turks bringing potential spouses to Germany. The Turks currently residing in Germany, will also be forced to speak German fairly proficiently or face a fine. It’s interesting because 1) Germans bringing foreign spouses home are exempted and 2)the White Australia policy was founded on a literacy test.

Merkel has declared multi-culturalism dead and opted for integration to be measured by proficiency in the German language. They justify it by attacking forced marriages, arguing an immigrant woman will be less isolated if she speaks German. However, how many potential Turkish women destined for Germany as wives, will be able to speak German well enough to pass the test?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:03 | #

Looking up what bits I could find on Sir Cyril Osborne just now after seeing his name mentioned by Amalek as one of the good guys (I’d never heard of him), I ran across this short essay on the warnings Powell tried to give, written by Simon Heffer, a Powell biographer.  It’s worth a read, although I don’t for a minute believe Heffer’s view that Powell was concerned solely about the cultural effects of immigration and not about race.  To me it couldn’t be more clear he was concerned about both.  But what really jumps out for me in this article is how someone named Lord Deedes (still active and writing political commentary in his mid-90s, apparently) blamed Powell for the difficulties that have been encountered with multiculturalism. 

Got that?  Here, I’ll repeat it for any who might not have gotten it:  Lord Deedes blamed Powell.  Blamed him for trying to warn people it wouldn’t work.  Powell’s attempt to warn people was what made multiculti unworkable in Britain.

That according to Lord Deedes — who grew up in this family home, incidentally.  (Yes, as GW, Scimitar, Prof. Kevin MacDonald and others are always reminding us, the race-replacement alliance has many members, prominent among whom are of course our own Euro élites.)

“Lord Deedes has claimed that Powell’s remarks — known to posterity, somewhat inaccurately, as the `Rivers of Blood’ speech — were to blame for our current problems with multiculturalism. The line is that Powell created a climate in which it became impossible for politicians to address matters of immigration policy in a fashion that would have avoided today’s difficulties. The notion is, it seems, that integration and a better establishment of a brotherhood of man would have been far easier but for Enoch stirring things up.”

Everyone got that?  According to His Lordship everything would’ve worked out fine if only Enoch hadn’t stirred things up.  If only he, Enoch mind you, hadn’t “created a climate in which it became impossible for politicians to address matters of immigration policy in a fashion that would have avoided today’s difficulties.” 

Riiiiiiight ...  But for Enoch’s speech everything subsequent to 1968 would’ve worked out just perrrrrrrrfectly ...

There you have before your very eyes an example of the kind of blind fools whose blundering-bordering-on-the-criminal during the 50s, 60s, and 70s gave us what we must deal with today and likely future generations will have to confront for many long decades if not centuries to come.

As the expression goes, With Euros like Lord Deedes (and Prince Charles, the Bushes, and not a few others) who needs Jews?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:09 | #

“However, how many potential Turkish women destined for Germany as wives, will be able to speak German well enough to pass the test?”  (—Desmond)

I wish they’d make me the test monitor ... Let’s just say I’d be ... uhhhh ... very hard to please and leave it at that, shall we?

I see Merkel is trying to finish the job Henry Morgenthau began in 1946 (and for trying to prevent which General Patton was assassinated on D.C.‘s orders):  genocide of the whole German people.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:29 | #

I agree with Pobble Face, incidentally, that WJG’s comment was an outstanding statement.  I loved reading and re-reading it.  Very good, WJG!  In general you do very good commentary, I find.  Thank you!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:37 | #

Pobble of course also had an excellent comment and always does!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 00:51 | #

“Looking up what bits I could find on Sir Cyril Osborne just now after seeing his name mentioned by Amalek”  (—my comment above)

Excuse me, not Amalek but Matt O’Halloran.  Of course in his/their previous incarnation as “Effra” he/they wrote scathing critiques of Enoch Powell, so it was no surprise to see the following from O’Halloran in this thread (compared to what “Effra” used to write about him it’s mild):

“As for Enoch: he made a good start as a prophet of doom, but backed off when the heat was turned up. Spent his latter days fooling around on the edge of the Union, in every sense. Not a big hero after all.”

You haven’t tarnished him one bit in my mind, Effra ... Ooops!  I meant Matt ....  He was one of the best men in public service in the last century and wrote one of the greatest political speeches in the history of the English language.


Posted by Peter South on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:00 | #

Razib’s role model, Nicol Batra:

Quite “charming”, indeed…..


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 01:38 | #

Peter North, if you’re a Subcon of Moslem background why not say so?  Are you?  Your point of view frankly expressed would make a positive contribution if you’d skip your insistence on defeatism for our side.  As anyone might imagine, among the browns and yellows of this world are a great many opponents of the forced race-replacement of Euros which this blog came into existence, in part, to question.  Do you know what that stance on their part is called?  It’s called being a gentleman (something Godless Capitalist knows nothing about).  No one here will deride or disdain a brown or a yellow who comes and comports himself as a gentleman.  And Moslem Subcons have a finer sense of what a gentleman is than Americans such as myself typically do:  if you are one you’ve no reason to be shy about it here.  The principles this site is fighting for apply equally to every race, every nation, not just the Euro races and nations:  they apply to yours as well, whatever they are.


Posted by Peter North on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 11:49 | #

Fred Scrooby,
              I presume that you are an American.
In your nation a majority of births are at present (2007) non-White.
This trend will only increase as time goes by - who knows what the proportion will be in the future 60%, 70% ?
And of course Whites will be concentrated amongst the old and weak.
This a mathematical, incontrovertible fact that is for all practical purposes irreversible - All of your fulminations, rants, impotent fury etc that is expresed here (believe it or not your preaching to the choir) have had absolutely no effect whatsoever in turning this tide - you might as well try to push back the tide as it races up Fundy Bay for all the effect your words have - you cannot deny reality anymore than we can deny our own mortality - just show me, point out one little tiny bit of evidence that the combined efforts of the WN movement in America have had the teeniest effect in effecting a change in racial demographics or even of getting the warning across to the sheeple.
You must agree that the results have been very poor.
In your country at least, the point of non-return was crossed years ago (Kennedy/Johnson era). No matter how much you deny it the White situation in the USA is dire and unsalvable.

Britain (as it is in so many other things) is just 20 years behind the curve.


Posted by Megapode on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 12:18 | #

I find ‘Peter North’s’ rhapsodizing and waxing lyrical over the chiefest attribute of the “actor” of that name rather unsettling.
The words ‘size queen’ spring to mind.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 17 Jul 2007 18:43 | #

This trend will only increase as time goes by - who knows what the proportion will be in the future 60%, 70% ?

How do you know the trend will increase? How do you know the non-white population trends will not fall? How do you know fertility rates, which are falling all around the world, will not trend to white rates?

This a mathematical, incontrovertible fact that is for all practical purposes irreversible

How did you arive at that position?

Currently UK whites under 16 are ~20% of the population, a drop from 24% fifty years ago. Mixed populations in the UK are youngest with over 50% being under 16. However they constitute only 100,000 people. Bangledeshis under 16 are ~38%, but they amount to ~300,000. Indians, Chinese and Black Caribbeans have an under 16 population at or below the white rate. Even if we assume the Bangledeshi under 16 rate over fifty years (which is way, way, way out of whack) for the whole vismin population, the vismin under 16 population will be ~10 million. Assuming a further 4% fall in the under 16 white population (16%) they will constitute over 14 million in 50 years.

And if, as is most likely, fertility rates fall in the vismin communities, a 25% under sixteen population acounts for ~6.75 million. The sooner immigration is ended the better it is for the white population.


Posted by Peter North on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 12:45 | #

Desmond Jones,
                The whole point of my postings were not to raise Fred Scrooby’s unjustifiable ire - but to use a practical example to show how fast demographics can turn adverse and run against ethnic genetic interests, by that most curious and unforgiving of mathematical laws, the law of exponential growth (consider the debt on a mortgage, a plague of locusts, the ‘knockers’ or hula-hoop crazes of my childhood).

To see how quick things can turn bad, and how hopeless our little whinings in the wilderness are against the massive elemental forces against us, just consider this.In 1970 the USA was roughly 50% White, with upwards of 80% of new-borns being White.
In 2007 MOST new-borns are non-White and roughly 60% (and rapidly falling) of the population (concentrated amongst the elderly) are White.
The self-same trend is happening in Britain, BUT it is much acuter and more pronounced.The immigrationist Mr. Blair instituted his de-facto ‘open-door’ policy and VASTLY MORE IMMIGRANTS PER CAPITA enter Britain every day than they do the USA.
  So much for the theorizing, but using the evidence of my own eyes I can see the magnitude of the problem every day before and I know that the process has passed the ‘critical’ stage, no matter what I read to the contrary.

You must realise that more White British die every day (let alone emigrate) than are born - this has occurred since the mid-1970s - think of all the births foregone and the children of those births. Consider also that the population has increased SUBSTANTIALLY since then.
Put two-and-two together.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 18 Jul 2007 20:30 | #

You must realise that more White British die every day (let alone emigrate) than are born - this has occurred since the mid-1970s - think of all the births foregone and the children of those births.

Show us some numbers Peter.

Glasgow fits your analysis. More Glaswegians die every year/day than are born. However, the implications for Glasgow are potentially falling house prices but not race-replacement because there are virtually no incoming non-white immigrants.

Even a moratorium on all immigration to the UK or in fact any stumbling block (i.e. a language test) that curtails immigration to the UK is beneficial to British whites. Non-white birth rates in the UK will decline and as Powell said “the significance and consequences of an alien element introduced into a country or population are profoundly different according to whether that element is 1 per cent or 10 per cent.” The impact of a declining population in Glasgow, 98% white, is far different than Toronto, soon to be 50% non-white.


Posted by Peter North on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:07 | #

          I would just like to draw your attention to one example.
1977 was the only year ever (apart from the Black Death years and other ancient unquantified mass epidemics), in recorded British history that the population actually fell.
There was an excess of deaths over births in that year.
The reason? - That year which as we can all recall the British economy hit rock-bottom (remember Denis Healey, the IMF, and the painful spending cuts), was exceptional in that immigration was particularly subdued.

If we go further back in time, British birth-rates were particularly depressed by the depression of the 1920s and 30s.
Yes, there was a post-war birth-rate boom - but unfortunately that was so entangled with the advent of mass immigration (included White Irish), that its effect is hard to tease out.
In all probability the British stopped replacing themselves sometime in the late 60s.There has been an excess of deaths over births since that time due to a high birth-rate previous to 1920.
I can state categorically here that ALL British population growth since at least 1970 at the very latest is due to immigration.


Posted by Peter North on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:10 | #

But Fred, what do you seriously propose to do, in this forum we all big enough to avoid squeamishness.
Do you propose compulsory sterilisation, that will in course of time eliminate the alien element?
Are you proposals even more drastic?
And to use that classic flabby-minded wooly-brained cop-out - how do you think the so-called ‘international community’ will let us get away with it.


Posted by peace be unto him on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 11:54 | #

“in this forum we all big enough to avoid squeamishness”

Sound use of the English language there.  Sure you’re not a Subcon?

There have already been discussions on what to do - enhance balkanization between whites and the likes of “Peter North” (peace be unto him).

At the very least, better to wreck the multiculti state than let the “Peter North’s” inherit the West.

Call it the “Samson option” if you will.

But, balkanization, leading to chaos and the collapse of the multiculti establishment will at least leave whites in a position to strategize on behalf of their interests, regardless of who is present where.

The “nothing can be done” crowd always puts up the strawman argument that the _only_ aim is the ethnostate.

What about everything before then?


Posted by note on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:01 | #

Doing a google search for the phrase “peace be unto him” yields the following as the top hit:

But, we knew that already, didn’t we?


Posted by balkan on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:21 | #

“Are you proposals even more drastic?”

No, less.

But guys like you don’t want to hear them, and pretend that they do not exist.  Just like “Godless Capitalist” making the “choice” between, on the one hand, accepting him as a “fellow citizen”, and, on the other, “nuclear civil war.”

There seems to be a continuum of activity between those two extremes.

How about, for starters, promoting the attitude that, yes, for the time being, nothing can be done about the physical presence of non-whites in white nations (although one could argue for cutting off further influx) - but one can engage in the Politics of Exclusion, as much sociopolitical ostracism of non-whites as possible, as much promotion of specifically white interests as possible- even within a multiracial state - as much division, discord, and hostility as possible.

In essence, the exact mirror image of “citizenism”, “assimilation”, and “constitutional patriotism” - the encouragement of tribalism, within the context of our present reality.

To borrow a phrase from the Marxists: “heighten the contradictions.”

Guys like Sailer and GC want to “lessen the contradictions” and have people “rally around the flag.”

No, instead let them “rally around the tribe”, mutually infuriating and alienating each other.

Hey, Putnam tells us, however grudgingly, that “diversity” naturally leads to distrust and discord; thus, we have nature on our side.

Go to it.


Posted by TG on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 13:35 | #

In light of the fact that current demographic changes in White countries are rapidly changing from White to non-White—through various means—creates yet ANOTHER variable in the equation nobody in the WN movement wants to talk about. That variable is the conscientious decision by White couples—or more particularly White women—deciding not to bring White children into a nightmare world where Whites will certainly be a persecuted minority.

I have read many excellent explanations for the causes of the White dispossession, race replacement, lack of fertility…but have yet to read any viable/workable solution to the problem.

Fred and co. can pretend to be optimistic and cheer-lead all they want but all the “rah rah, we are going to win this thing” is absolutely meaningless without a workable game plan.

Where’s the game plan?

PS: If WN or race realism is going to succeed, it MUST be made palatable to the sensibilities of mainstream Whites. The message must attract rather than repel the masses. Delving into Holocaust revisionism, Jewish machinations of race replacement, calling non-Whites inferiors, etc—even if true—isn’t going to attract anyone but the small audience WN already has. In order to attract a wide enough audience to succeed, we need to market the fact that absent the White race, Western civilization will collapse and the world will surely descend back into barbarism.


Posted by Peter South on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:26 | #

“Where’s the game plan?”

Overall strategy, specific tactics need to be further elaborated:

1. Market not only culture and civilization, but explicitely market EGI and kinship: after the correct formulations are figured out to make this understandable and palatable to the average moron AND leave it accurate as to its true meaning. The “elites” of course need to understand this now.

2. Eschew the insane and self-destructive “movement” as it has heretofore existed; sane, rational, attractive alternatives need to be designed, probably from, more or less, scratch. TG’s “PS” is relevant here.

3. Understand that intermediate steps are important, not just the long term goal.  The enormity of the long term goal is such to breed defeatism, and encourage NEC obstructionists (note: this includes certain NECs given forums by racialists elsewhere, as well as “Peter North”, GNXP et al).  Local organizing, etc.

4. Political participation, not for the purpose of “man on white horse saves the day” “electoral victories”, but for organization, balkanization, morale boosting, etc.

5. BALKANIZATION (discussed here _ many_ times). Probably most important.

If a “working multiculturalism” is poison to white racial interests, then it had better not “work” - and, yes, there are sane, rational, non-violent, and legal means to ensure it does not work.

If even a racial liberal like Putnam admits diversity’s soft underbelly of distrust and discord, a consistent sound sociopolitical strategy to promote tribalism can do wonders.  After all, non-whites are so racially sensitive and easy to enrage - even the GNXPers seemed enraged by Jared Taylor’s ideological ostracism of “Asian cognitive elitists” - that they can be counted on to “do the wrong thing” and infuriate whites, with the proper encouragement.


Posted by TG on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 14:27 | #

“If you want overnight solutions to this modern-day Hundred-Years’ War, TG, you’re in the wrong game.”

Fred, I want to turn the ship around; it may be a slow process; I realized the course WN is taking us is headed towards an iceberg. People like me are counting on people like you—and others—to help reverse course. But you must admit, Fred, the direction we’re (WN) headed in is getting us nowhere fast. My point is: we must get a message out that appeals to the masses on a mass scale. We can’t win by just passing the torch to one another.

Btw-IMHO, the War started in the 18th century thanks to the likes of Rousseau and his corrosive philosophy.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 17:37 | #

TG, by the way, you may wish to sign using more of your name (you’re “Tommy G,” right?) to avoid possible confusion with “GT.”


Posted by TG on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 17:37 | #

“We’re advancing.”—Fred Scrooby

Yes but they’re advancing faster!


Also, people are foolishly celebrating the temporary defeat/delay of the amnesty bill; they believe it’s a victory for our side. HA! Do you think that is going to slow down our dispossession? So what if 20 million illegal non-White invaders haven’t been given amnesty this time around? The reality of the situation is the massive invasion continues. Thousands of non-Whites continue to pour across our Southern boarder everyday! Not to mention the one’s that are already here and are breeding like rabbits!

And you say WE are advancing!?!?

Seriously, all I’m saying is we have to change our tactics if we are going to turn this thing around. I defer to the smarter folks amongst us to formulate a new approach to obtain our goals.

IMHO, we definitely need a new approach.


Posted by Tommy G on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 17:42 | #

Yes, I agree, GT is quite a bit smarter than I am. I f I were GT, I wouldn’t want to be confused with TG either. LOL


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Jul 2007 18:38 | #

People have to wake up, Tommy.  Neither you nor I can go out single-handed and stop this.  We have to wait until the people wake up.  Which they’re doing.

We’ll get there. 

While we’re waiting, damage is being done — demographic/genetic/ethnocultural damage is being done.  We’re powerless to stop it.  Once we’re in a position to take steps to undo it it’ll all be undone and that includes the genetic damage that’s being deliberately inflicted by people who know exactly what they’re doing.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 00:23 | #

Here‘s an excellent video on Canada’s immigration disaster in which Canadian Paul Fromm presents a few stark facts.  One thing that must be understood about what’s happening is, as Fromm points out a couple of times in this video, changing the race of Euro countries through these excessive incompatible immigration policies (Canada’s and those elsewhere across the Eurosphere) is no accidental or unavoidable byproduct of some supposedly well-intentioned goal but is, for a significant portion of the men behind these policies, THE goal:  race-replacement is explicitly desired by a significant portion of the hidden interests pushing these racially-incompatible immigration policies.  How do we know they’re deliberate with that explicit goal in mind?  Because the people pushing them see every bit as clearly as we the demographic consequences they’ll have, yet continue to push them and to fight tooth-and-nail to keep anyone from so much as questioning them.  It is not possible that they do not desire their inevitable demographic consequences.  We’ve also of course heard many of those individuals and groups who favor them come right out and say they welcome the prospect of the racial transformations these policies will bring about.  These voices have been principally Jewish:  mainstream Jewish organizations, Jewish left-wing radicals, Jewish neocons, and generally, with few exceptions, Jews right across the board.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 00:30 | #

The problem with Jews is that wherever they go they oppose local nationalisms even unto local racial identities and work to undo them.  This defect in them makes it impossible for them to live alongside others without friction.  What makes Euros happy makes Jews miserable and vice-versa and for this reason the two should not live in the same countries but apart, until either Euros learn to love being racially/ethnoculturally destroyed or Jews learn to stop trying to so destroy them.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 00:58 | #

[Robert] Spencer’s popularity would not be possible without that other great fixture of our age: the internet. “The percentage of internet sales for my books are significantly higher than most,” he says, “many bookstores don’t sell them and people are afraid to talk about it, but there’s this whole underground on the internet that I would liken to that in the Soviet Union. Whenever there’s a straightjacket that stifles freedom of thought, people are going to react. The internet has shifted public opinion because it’s given the opportunity for the truth to be known.”

[…] “There will be civil war in Europe,” he says. “The European citizenry, for the most part, are not ready to accept Islamic law and there will be armed conflicts. Across Europe there seems to be one opinion among the elite and one among the people; the mainstream political parties are going to have to start representing this, otherwise they’re going to be shunted aside by the neo-fascists.”

They’re going to be shunted aside by the normals, by ordinary normal folk, call them “neofascists” or call them what you will.  As the log entry’s apt title puts it:  if nothing is done, People Are Going to React.  Truer words were never written ....


Posted by der movement on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 01:18 | #

“Seriously, all I’m saying is we have to change our tactics if we are going to turn this thing around.”

Truer words were never said.  TG is correct here.  There is no advancement.

The first step in fixing a problem is recognizing that it exists.

” realized the course WN is taking us is headed towards an iceberg”

TG has taken that first step


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 04:06 | #

Good, the problem of race-replacement is going to be solved in a hurry, now that Tommy has taken the first step.  That’s a load off my chest!  I was worried it would drag on for years.  If only he’d taken that first step years ago he could have saved us all a lot of typing!  But no matter:  the GREAT NEWS is we can all pack up and go home now, FINALLY!  TOMMY’S GOT THE PROBLEM SOLVED!


Posted by der movement on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 10:57 | #

No, Fred, “of course” we are “winning” and “advancing” and all the other mindless “rah rah” crap you post here.

Meanwhile, Amren has yet another article on the pitiful state of the Front National, which is disintegrating despite the fact that racial chaos in France should be favoring its rapid growth, we have articles on “disappointing results” for the BNP, and the “winning” “movement” in America is best represented by ex-convicts, those accused of pedophilia, and individuals who think giving forums to Iranians is a good idea.


No, you idiot, I said recognizing a problem is the FIRST step in solving it, not that recognition and solution is the same thing.

Now, tell us all how we are “advancing” and “winning.”  We’d be thrilled to know the details.


Posted by Fred Foolby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:35 | #

Comrades, don’t listen to these voices of defeatism!  WE ARE WINNING!  We are advancing on all fronts.  In America, under the sound and well respected leadership of David Duke, Kevin Strom, and Don Black, the WN movement is winning the hearts and minds of the white public.  Once Ron Paul siezes power in 2008, the brilliant propagandist Linder will be appointed to control the media - and that’s the end of multiracialism in America, I tell you.

In England, Griffin is forming his shadow cabinet, in anticipation of his upcoming victory (really, just a formality).  In France, Marine Le Pen will reveal herself to be the new Joan of Arc, leading the resurgent Front National to a resounding victory over the forces of darkness.  The NPD is coming on in Germany!  Lowell is in the EU!  Putin, really a WN at heart, is expeling all the illegal Chinese from Siberia!  It’s happening comrades!

Anyone who disagrees is just an effete, limp wristed, clammy handed sissy with breath so soft that they couldn’t even fog a mirror held up to their face, with a whining voice of defeatism!

Even in Australia, the great John Ray, really on our side (It’s true, comrades), is heralding a libertarian revolution that will bring to power white interests, and an end to Asians in Australia!  And Ray welcomes that, I tell you!



Posted by Peter North on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 11:43 | #

The point is Fred, is that we are not dealing with a homogenous population that is amenable to tweaks in the birth-rate, as you imply when you cited post-war Japan, bur our situation is DIRE.
The proper comparison is of a Darwinian death struggle where only two factors matter
1/ The sheer nastiness and aggression characteristic of the ethnies
2/. Their breeding potential.

Of course due to peculiar human factors a third and most important factor arises - The political class.

The game we see played ou before our eyes is no different than the life and death struggles being played out by animals, plants and insects on every bit of God’s green Earth- including the most beautiful and tranquil of gardens.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 13:56 | #

Peter North, our situation is dire, that’s right.  What I’ve objected to in your posts has been your defeatism, not calling attention to the situation’s seriousness.  By the way, your defeatist faction bordering on whining now consists of two members, you and Fred Foolby, who also signs as Der Movement, “Gnxp Stinks,” “Pustule,” and various other pen names.  So you have company.  If Tommy officially joins you could even organize a tea party among yourselves.  Tell Der Movement not to forget to bring his bipolar medication though — that mid-afternoon dose is very important, I’ve heard ... (he seems to have been forgetting it here ...).


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 14:40 | #

Can I say to both factions:

Pessimissim of the intellect, and optimism of the will.

or state the clauses in reverse if you prefer…


Posted by Tommy G on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 14:59 | #

“What I’ve objected to in your posts has been your defeatism, not calling attention to the situation’s seriousness.”

Fred reminds me of the scene in Monty Python’s movie “In search of the Holey Grail” where King Arther battles the Black Knight and chops his arms and legs off but the Black Knight refuses to quite fighting. Fred, you remind me of the Black Knight!

“If Tommy officially joins you could even organize a tea party among yourselves.”

Oh yeah? Well Fred,  “Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries!” LOL Just kidding comrade.



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 15:04 | #

Daniel, no.  Reality of the intellect, reality of the will.  Simple reality dictates we are going to prevail.  It’s as certain as day follows night.  Der Movement/Fred Foolby/GnXpStinks/MR.comStinks/Pustule, etc., get back on your lithium please.

I once said, I think, JW sees himself as a man in a hurry.  Well, we all do but we’re up against something big that’s not going to vanish with the wave of a magic wand.  So, what are we all supposed to do, slit our throats?  That was what Jewish writer Stefan Zweig and his wife did in Rio de Janeiro in 1940 over despair at what they saw as the utter hopelessness of the Jewish situation worldwide.  Seven years later began the greatest renewal of Jewish strength and culture in two thousand years.

Let’s not be like Stefan Zweig.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 15:30 | #

Fred Foolby may take someone like Stefan Zweig for his role model, but Fred Scrooby prefers someone like Bob Simmons for his:

Farewell to Patriot Activist Bob Simmons

Posted By Terry Graham On 20 July 2007

America lost a great patriot last month.  Bob Simmons was my mentor in many ways.  He and I shared real-time and memories of crazy immigration meetings in California, and when I think of those events and his wonderful, wild, shocking behavior (!), I cannot help but smile.  Bob was a great teacher too, and shared his experience and observations of the Black Panther movement (being nice gets a movement nowhere!).  I wish we had video of him at a “San Patricio” (St. Patrick’s Brigade) event, honoring Irish colluders with Mexican soldiers during the Mexican-American war.  [Scroob note:  Irish Catholic immigrants of that era, the first half of the 1800s, sided with the Mexicans because they saw them as fellow Catholics fighting the Prod Yankees — which is, of course, what they were.]

When caught, American soldiers hung the Irish traitors who had been allowed to emigrate to the US in exchange for serving in our military, from which they promptly defected.  There Bob sat, a smiling older gentleman, leaning on a cane, listening quietly, so very civilized as seditious speakers glorified Mexican and Irish enemies.

The next moment, as the panelists proudly revealed their Aztlan plan to take over America, Bob jumped to his feet shouting, eyes darting, his cane whirling wildly above his head, looking like he might just use his cane to impale the enemy, or at least whack them hard on the head.

His transformation that evening truly freaked out the open-borders crowd — how could they respond to this “elderly” “disabled” man who possibly posed a threat to them? Of course, they called the cops to silence us Americans. The cops reminded the fascists that we have a First Amendment right to speak freely, a concept foreign to them. Bob later limped out to his car, savoring that sweet victory, and we recalled it with glee for years. I met Bob so many years ago, when we started the battle to keep America for Americans. He was typing up and faxing alerts, and I convinced him (after much pushing and prodding) to buy my old computer so that he could use email and get on the internet.

He really didn’t like that new-fangled technology, at least that is what he told me at the time. A couple of weeks later, Bob junked that old Mac, bought a high-powered state-of-the-art computer, and never looked back. As Bob’s mobility declined, he became an info hub, courier, and distributor of critical alerts. He rallied our troops over and over again. The fact that he died the very week that We the People turned back [1] a Senate Amnesty Bill from Hell is fitting. Bob fought the fight, ran the race —  even when he couldn’t walk  –  and quietly laid down his sword only when Victory was in sight.

Bob (”LucasValley@”) was a great foot soldier, dedicated activist, hero, and true American Patriot. He must be counted among the Founding Fathers of the New Republic, which only now is beginning to spring forth in the hearts and minds of awakened Americans. I already miss you Bob! Thank you for your service.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 15:56 | #

I’m not a defeatist Scroob. I’m a Christian as well so we have that in common too.

The situation may or may not turn around and we may or may not end up in another dark ages. I simply believe we shouldn’t get our hopes up without any reason for doing so.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 16:14 | #

Simple reality dictates we are going to prevail.  It’s as certain as day follows night.

That is quite a bold statement if I am meant to take it literally.

I think Toynbee and Spengler might have much to say to us today. If we are able to respond to this crisis in the west (immigration, materialism, judaized universalism, rationalism, plutocracy) than we will see the greatest civilization the world as ever known on the other side of the fire.

If not, we are doomed to suffer through the enslavement of our people to a philosophy that offers us nothing, religion that does not shelter us from anything and a culture in which nothing is sacred save the advance of scientific progress through materialistic rationalism.

Those that do not make it out of the cities before the Great (and planned) Collapse, will lick the heels of the well armed and clean the blood of their breathern who don’t bow down off the streets.

Optimism is the second to last refuge of scoundrels and swindlers (dues collecting WN’s) and the last refuge of the foolish.

The total caucosoid population of the Earth taken into account, we are the minority. That is why uppitty colored folk are able to extract whatever tribute they wish out of us. That is why we have to fear the Jew, becuase he can play them against us and we have yet to learn to play them against each other.

Yesterday, my wife and I were walking the streets of Cambridge (the Eastern Berkeley) and I made the point that all of the scummy negroes on the street think they have more in common with their Hatian “brothers” in the struggle than they do with other upstanding white Americans. Those voodoo practicing barbarians over the people that write them there welfare checks! It is the same in the underground hip-hop movement. The Atzlaners identify with the struggle of the “dispossesed” majority of colored people around the world.

The times I have been in jail (I wasn’t always able to channel my aggression properly) I have to listen to those silly niggers go on and on about white and asian people creating a QUOTE super hybrid race to kill off black folk END QUOTE These people think you and me invented the AID’s virus.

The entire world is aligned against us, including some of those that share our own skin color and genetic legacy and you expect me to assume our victory is inevitable?


I can not do it. Reality prevents me.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 17:19 | #

We create the future, Daniel, by our attitudes and our actions.


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 18:28 | #

Winning the whole play is of course far away, but we should concentrate on advancing on little things and sometimes on bigger things. Ask from yourself what can I do. Do you belong to an European ethnic group? Have you pressured your politicians and officials politely, but firmly with facts on important issues? Have you selected a spouse from your ethnic group? Does your group strive for and plan ethnic non-mixing system, which is implemented immediately when you have enough knowledge, members and resources? Do you know how economics, marketing, influencing, networking, medias, energy production, community building, computer programming etc. work? Are you studying any field and then implementing those skills in real life? Are you maximally using your work-related skills to advance our cause? How many European ethnic nationalists you know in real life and have you created an information, mutual help and the basis of economic networks among the members? Have you tried to leverage your influence and networks outside your group, without letting outsiders into your group? Do you favor some products and boycott others? Are you actively telling people to do the same? Etc. Etc. As long as we don’t expect mystical sudden world change, there is lot of things we can do and the situation is not hopeless. If Scrooby wants to be an optimist, let him be. There right question here is how to coordinate pessimists, optimists or whatever to working constructively together.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 18:37 | #

I’m trying Fred.

On a personal note, I thought I would let everyone know I made it to Boston safely and the Suburban has held up. (The rotors are now severly warped again and I don’t know why - this is the second time I’ve got the brake wobbles in a year)

We found a beautiful apartment on the Lynn/Swampscott border one block from the beach, and I believe I got a job today for a company that subcontracts to Verizon.

It isn’t what I normally do, but it is the most money I can make until I get back into the apprenticeship.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 18:43 | #

I am trying to drop completely out of the system.

I want to boycott everything I can and make it all myself.

Speaking of networking. Could some of us more net savvy all chip in some money and start a white help site?

It would be a classifieds web site where those of us with like minds could post things for sale, offer free/reduced cost or normal priced services et cetera.

It has burning in the back of my mind for a while now and I think we could get everone on Stormfront in on it too.

Or is there already a service like this I am unaware of?

I would like to google bomb it to get it in the top 5 results for all kinds of different things.


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:09 | #

To DanielJ.: May I make some corrections Daniel. I hope that you don’t drop out of the system. I hope you will be inside the system more, to change it’s working to propitious direction as much as you can and gathering useful knowledge to our members, if possible. I hope you boycott selectively. Whatever we do totally or partly outside the system (Energy and food production; self constructed housing; White service, information and trade network; pooling of money and resources; own interest free or low interest finance to our projects, own companies etc.) has two basic purposes:

1. To secure our indepence from the system and other people in some extent, and also totally, if need be. Also we can’t be extorted so much (Threat of job loss, compulsory payments to our opponents, making them richer [Interest, middlemen, lawyers, energy, taxes etc.])

2. To give us competitive edge over outsiders in general and people in the system in particular. Save and earn us money. To give us the possibility to raise larger families more cheaply. Cheap and good housing. The best education to children cheaply. To increase our all kinds of resources, so that we are better at competition in the market place, politics, media etc.

I have bought a book, that I have not yet read, but I recommend it to you. It might be to some extent leftist (at least the Finnish publisher is leftist). Richard Douthwaite, Short circuit - Strenghtening Local Economies for Security in an Unstable World. The Lilliput Press Ltd, Dublin, 1996. If there is something too leftist, we can change it more to enterprising direction. E.g., when we have moneyless change network of services and products (computer storage bank of services and products), we can incorporate to it also some money exchange of products and services. Also we can put somewhat more market rates to e.g. exchanged services. Leftist often change services with time equality, means: 1 hour of cleaning is equal to 1 hour of legal counseling. To make it more enticing to those having higher education, we can put the exchange rate to e.g. 2-3 hours of cleaning, one hour of legal counseling. Still whatever the rate, it must give our community as a whole advantages. Cleaner gets legal counsel with affordable price. A lawyer gets extra profit (he can fill the possible empty hours), no taxes, less paperwork, gives important help to his community, his community is always ready to support him in every way and use his services etc. Same goes the other way around towards the cleaner.


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:22 | #

Addition: Of course any services and products in the system can be freely exchanged (E.g. Food - car repair, biogas - gold, books - gym training, haircut - plumbing etc.). Also features can be added when the exchange system has worked sometime, e.g. European American date.


Posted by Der Foolby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:34 | #

Frederick, if you wish to continue to make a fool out of yourself by insulting anyone who disagrees with your unbridled and unjustified optimism - an unpleasant trait mocked in the “Foolby” comment - go right ahead.  You convince no one.

Let us though be accurate and precise in our descriptions.  Consider “defeatist.”  Am I a “defeatist?”  I reject “Peter North’s” actual defeatism as well as reject the Spenglerian/Yockeyian pessimistic inevitability doctrine of decline and decay.  This is not consistent with “defeatism.”  I counsel continued struggle for racial and cultural preservation and rebirth; this is not “defeatism.”

On the other hand, I am not going to live in a dream world, in which one comforts himself, and hides from harsh reality, by pretending that victory is “inevitable” and in which one ignores the fact that by virtually every reasonable metric, the situation is getting worse.  One does the struggle no benefit by pretending that the “movement” is actually accomplishing anything - that is, anything other than discrediting activism by living up to all sorts of destructive and embarrassing stereotypes.  It does the cause a gross disservice not to demand higher standards and some sort of coherent strategy, instead going along with the panhandling tactics of “leaders” and professional “activists.”

Indeed, Frederick, to borrow your ad hominem tactics, it would seem the ones that need to “take their medication” are those who are so divorced from reality that they are unable to comprehend the problems that need to be overcome in order to progress.

That is why I applaud TG’s skepticism and pessimism.  It is not “defeatism.”  It is a healthy realization that things are drastically wrong AND need to be fixed.  What separates a “Peter North” from a “TG” is that while both state that things are drastically wrong, the former advises acceptance of defeat and hopelessness, while the latter asks, “OK, what do we need to do?”

That you cannot distinguish legitimate defeatism from problem recognition does not say much for your cognitive abilities.


Posted by a Finn on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:35 | #

I wrote: If Scrooby wants to be an optimist, let him be. There right question here is how to coordinate pessimists, optimists or whatever to working constructively together.——> If Scrooby is an optimist, let him be that. The right question here is how to coordinate pessimists, optimists or whatever to working constructively together.

The more proper form. Whatever you are, avoid defeatism and estimate things as they are. Then invent ways out of the current situation.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:39 | #


I suppose that I meant I would prefer to create a working alternative to the current system and that I didn’t mean I would like to abandon the community entirely.

Certainly, I utilize the system to “my” advantage (e.g. “the free software” movement is teaching me much about programming and valuable and marketable skills about the internet) but I am concerned with figuring out how to use it to “our” advantage.

Wintermute (and others I can not remember the names of) said something that got me thinking as well. (James hit on it too in another thread)

-Why are we not channeling funds and the philanthropy of aging and wealthy white men into our hands?

-Why do we not start shaping the way the public perceives us from an offensive rather than defensive position?

-Why do we not forge alliances with seperatists of different races?

-Why do we not start a legitmate attempt at journalism on the internet?

(Perhaps we could find reporters sympathetic to the cause that could write stories for us without giving up their current jobs at bigger organizations. They would be able to use the Lexis-Nexis database and other things that we would not have access to otherwise)

I am genuinely concerned with ensuring that the wealth we create stays in the group and as you suggest, barter would be the logical first step eventually moving on to monetary activity. Perhaps even creating our own form of currency. There is something like that, that leftist participate in Berkeley that I am aware of.

There is a place for all of us and although chit-chatting on the internet (isolated from one another) offers some consolation and reprieve from the insanity, it certainly isn’t “productive”.

Someone brought up the idea of us finally starting to socialize outside of the digital realm so I’m also going to offer to buy the first round anywhere within driving distance of Boston. I have met one man that I know from Amren in person when I flew out for my interview (before I moved) and although we disagreed about a few tactical issues and I thought things might be weird, it turned out to be good fun and a huge success.

It always starts in a bar doesn’t it?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:44 | #

Foolby, thanks for your comment, and Finn, thank you for showing how to reconcile individuals like me and Foolby with one another.  Finn wrote: 

“Whatever you are, [optimist or pessimist,] avoid defeatism and estimate things as they are. Then invent ways out of the current situation.”


Posted by danielj on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:48 | #

To clarify der Foolby:

I didn’t mean that I was a complete Speglerian and thought that defeat was an factual inevitability, I simply believe it is instructive to consider the rise and fall of civilizations - if one can see where others went wrong, then one has a chance to avoid the same fate.

Flourishing civilization is certainly not the default state of man and I’m inclined to believe it takes lots of coordinated effort to avoid barbarity. Aside from commentary on the slow decline (the band playing on) let us do something about it.

We all seem to be suggesting action and I am certainly ready for it.


Posted by lactose intolerant cynic on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:57 | #

Hail the mighty Movement,
So glamorous and proud,
That waves its dirty underwear
Before the fawning crowd.

Pedophiles and pushers,
Prostitutes and fools,
Drunkards, thugs and robbers,
Are leaders who will rule.

Onward they will lead us
Through muck and mire and shame;
And though our numbers dwindle,
These leaders get no blame.

Fed by our donations,
Perpetuating lies
Our enemies created
To ensure our people dies;

Downward do they drag us -
Prisoners of the past -
Chained to sterile policies
That we shall not outlast.

No future generations
Of ours will have a say
In bringing them to justice,
If we let them have their way.

So break the chains of treason,
Cast the traitors out the door,
Show our people higher reason -
They will always ask for more.

When Judas goats are history
And honest men prevail,
The future will belong to us
And to our young as well.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 20 Jul 2007 22:59 | #

“things are drastically wrong AND need to be fixed.”  (—Fred Foolby)


“the latter asks, ‘OK, what do we need to do?’ “

Which I thoroughly applaud, obviously.

Expression of bitter regret that things aren’t going faster for us? 


Whining about it?

No.  The aware are doing what they can.


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:24 | #

“I think Toynbee and Spengler might have much to say to us today” - danielj

Spengler would be trustworthy but Toynbee certainly would not.



Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:29 | #




Posted by danielj on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:53 | #

Hmmmm…. I see….

Well, maybe I won’t waste my time reading him and I’ll stick to the Decline of the West...

Although, I think Toynbee’s theory much closer to the reality. Spengler was deterministic but nationalistic (positing ethnicity a place in History - to his credit) but Toynbee offers up a better diagnosis regarding our current situation - that societies die by suicide as opposed to murder.

Also, he saw past a narrow ethnic concept into a larger civilizational concept which seems to be more accurate. After all, only South Africa seems to be ahead of us in their downfall and only by a small margin.

It appears that Western Civilization is going to shit across the board.


Posted by a Finn on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 00:58 | #

To DanielJ: Yes good thoughts. Maybe bar is good place to start (if people moderate their drinking), but after that it should be avoided. At least Finnish bars are a huge graveyard of big plans and thoughts. Cafeterias might be good alternatives

Keep meeting more people. Get to know people, their thoughts, temperaments, plans, relialiability etc. Then start to make plans that lead to action. Gather as big group as possible, with wide range of talents.

About programming etc. Combine them with something that people really want. Observe different things that are very popular in the internet, and then choose that which suits you best. Observe also, how to make money in internet. Estimate were you can compete efficiently with your groups current combined resources (E.g. some popular rising phenomenon). What you choose as your goal could be surprising, e.g some kind of combination of Youtube, MySpace and a internet newspaper with radio and TV. Then start according to your resources and improve immediately when enough resources are acquired.

Free, nice and safe downloads could be offered. People could avoid the immigration restrictionist or ethnic nationalism if they wanted, when being in the pages, but they could also easily access them and they are clearly present among other choices. IR and EN are thus made normal, but exciting choices among others. Steps could be created. First choice in the main page would be immigration restriction site, but in the immigration site are very enticing reasons to go to ethnic nationalist pages, the most interesting pages. Whatever the choices, the IR and EN, like other pages, could be beautiful sites to the eyes, nice pictures, well decorated background, bright pleasing colors and 3 dimensional feel. Texts must have an educated air in them, but most of them are still understandable to average readers. There is both shorter and longer articles.

Books could be sold in the appropritate places from widely different fields. Advertisements could be sold to different parts. Large variety of nice little things could be sold, both material and programmed things (like things and creatures needed in internet computer games). In addition to other items, ride existing waves in the marketplace. If e.g. yo-yos are big fashion, sell wide variety. When you can, start your own little fashions.

Also can be considered if these kind of pages are mainly to profit making and some of the profit is directed to EN and IR pages. Still EN and IR should also have money making functions.

The richer our people become, the better, it doesn’t matter so much were the money comes from as long as it doesn’t come from paratism. Well to do people will find the ways to advance our groups interests.

Copy something, but be creative.

This is not to meant to restrict your creative thoughts, but to give them a small nudge.


Posted by a Finn on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:11 | #

Addition: The newspaper, even when it is politically neutral, is of course designed in such a way as to make immigration restriction and ethnic nationalism normal news and politics among other news.


Posted by a Finn on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 01:19 | #

Addition to DanielJ: This site could contain useful information to you. Look around there. If you find it useful, spread the information in it forward:



Posted by danielj on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 02:07 | #

Finland is not within driving distance smile

Thanks for the link.

I’m still trying to get situated in Boston but I am going to go one-million percent once I get settled and have the Comcast hooked up.

I don’t so much mean gettin’ legless in a shadowy pub in a seedy part of town. I was thinking more along the lines of a well lit restaurant/bar where people are unable to get drunk to the enviorment.

I think I’m going to start posting ads on Craiglist and start some sort of Myspace/Facebook thing that offers meetings for the “Discussion of Our European Heritage” or something innocent sounding and perhaps have a topic every week.

I was telling Wintermute earlier today that Ezra Pound has been a significant figure in my life and was thinking there would be no better way to educate people on the importance of the preservation of Europa than by introducing them to Ezra Pound due to the vast scope he undertook in his series of radio broadcasts and the intensity of his style.

Maybe the group could work through some number of them every week and discuss them over a few beers. As the group grows too large there can be spilts to keep each meeting at a face-to-face level where personal interaction is paramount so that trust can be built and we can exclude those that need to be.

I have some good ideas for my own products, some catering to the Stormfront type and some to the more refined. I always feel like t-shirts are an easy seller and a way for people to instantly identify with the like minded in addition to recruiting form those who are receptive but without direction.

I really like the idea of the “one stop” internet resource. Networking, classifieds, education, blogging and journalism.


Posted by Scimitar on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 10:17 | #

One does the struggle no benefit by pretending that the “movement” is actually accomplishing anything - that is, anything other than discrediting activism by living up to all sorts of destructive and embarrassing stereotypes.

Case in point, the Civil Rights Act of 1991 which Bush the Elder had originally vetoed. After Duke won the Republican nomination for governor in Louisiana, the GOP threw its support behind it and it passed.


Posted by a Finn on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 18:19 | #

To DanielJ: Ok and good.

Some comments.

Finland is far away, but fortunately I can send you remote thinking.

Be still careful with the bars. Even if 1-2 out of 17 lose control of their drinking, it will lower the level of discussion significantly. If that happens, it has the additional bad side effect that good new members might get the impression that the group is not able to function. They might leave the group.

Thumbs up from me to Myspace/Facebook plan. Ezra Pound is unknown to me, but I trust your judgement.

Face to face conversation is important in groups. But when there is splits to smaller groups, install some mechanism that recycles the people between groups sometimes, so that people get to know a large group of people. And sometimes big gatherings are necessary too. People have the ability to know about 150 people properly; their characters, abilities, how to get along with them etc. This is thus the natural limit to effective group that can work naturally without significant hierarchical organization structures. One way to preserve the natural nature of group function is to split them to <150 groups, if the number of members exceed significantly the 150. Coordination of function between the groups is then arranged to ensure coherent overall function.

Shirts are good basic product. Make the shirts with good style, even to Stormfronters. Solemn dignified pictures, when there is pictures. More smaller pictures. No screaming texts. Intelligent small texts straight to the heart and mind, not always clear at the moment to all, awaking curiosity. E.g. there could be text “Charles Martell” in decorated font and then after that the year when he beat the muslims and stopped their conquering of Europe. In addition there could be his heraldic emblem/coat of arms. Collars and 2-3 buttons in many t-shirts. When advertising the shirts, the stories behind the texts is explained to the prospective buyers. Also the coat of arms etc. should be explained. E.g. in Finnish coat of arms a lion with straight Finnish sword is treading down the curved sword of the east, i.e. the enemy.

Keep the (beautiful) advertisements in fairly visible places, but don’t make them moving ones in those pages where there is articles to read. It is disturbing.

Some possible strategies of selling: You don’t have to find single big selling product line. You can sell numerous different product lines and their single small money streams combine to a big stream. Try to find/invent also your own special product lines, that cannot be bought elsewhere or are rare. The contents of your pages should include lots of content that can’t be acquired from anywhere else. Think out of the box. Sell anything that sells. If barbie dolls give you good revenue, go for it. smile Compete where the competitors, especially the big ones, are weak and you are strong. Use evolutionary principle in selling. Do fairly long experiments with products, and notice what sells and what doesn’t. Also try to draw conclusions why one product sells and the other not. Sometimes arrange polls with prizes to question customers why they bought what they bought etc. Also remember that sometimes, according to e.g. fashions, today’s hard to sell product is tomorrow’s winner.

I recommend to you two books. Apply their principles to your actions. Robert B. Cialdini, Ph.D.; Influence, The Psychology of Persuasion; Harper Collins publishers, Collins Business Essentials, 2007, revised edition. Malcolm Gladwell; The Tipping Point, How Little Things Can Make a Big Difference; Back Bay Books, Little Brown and Company, 2001. Both are cheap paper backs.

One addition to moneyless exchange system, barter, just in case. Inside the barter, the made products and services have the power of money. The said lawyer counsels one hour the cleaner. Does the lawyer have to use the cleaners services three hours with his earned one hour? No, he can use it to get any product or service inside the system. He can thus acquire food, car repair, books or whatever he needs.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 18:34 | #

“heraldic emblem/coat of arms.”  (—Finn)

Does anyone have a detailed view of the official seal of the Albertina University of Königsberg?  I want to get a copy detailed enough to blow up and put on things, including items of clothing such as T-shirts and sweat shirts the way the official seals of all U.S. and many European universities are put on sweat shirts, bags, chairs, and so on.  I refer to the German-Prussian Albertina University of Königsberg founded in the XVIth Century, not the unspeakably immoral Russian-language replacement of today called something like the University of Kaliningrad, I think (there are certain wrongs I can’t dwell on too much, so can’t always get them straight in my memory).  I’ve hunted for a picture of it but found only one, unusable for my purposes because too indistinct (a photo of a copy of the university seal cast in wax, too small and indistinct to make faithful detailed copies of).


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 21 Jul 2007 18:38 | #

(The best place to post the above query would have been the Großdeutsches Vaterland Forum but I’ve been banned there for life — can’t post anything.)


Posted by Tommy G on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 00:49 | #

“If Scrooby wants to be an optimist, let him be.”—a Finn

I admire Fred’s optimism. but the problem with the White gene pool, is there isn’t a lifeguard.


Posted by a Finn on Mon, 23 Jul 2007 04:30 | #

“But the problem with the White gene pool, is there isn’t a lifeguard.”—— Tommy G

- Yes there is. Now it consists of all those people, who care about it. So let’s expand and improve.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 15:37. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 04:26. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:35. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:24. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 02 May 2024 03:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 01 May 2024 11:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Tue, 30 Apr 2024 23:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 23:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 17:05. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 16:06. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 12:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 11:07. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sun, 28 Apr 2024 04:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Sat, 27 Apr 2024 10:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 23:11. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 19:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 18:05. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 13:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:54. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 12:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Fri, 26 Apr 2024 07:26. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 23:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 19:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 15:19. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 11:26. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 06:57. (View)

Landon commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Thu, 25 Apr 2024 00:50. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Ukraine, Israel, Taiwan … defend or desert' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 18:51. (View)

James Marr commented in entry 'Soren Renner Is Dead' on Wed, 24 Apr 2024 14:20. (View)
