So how can a globalist ever plead innocent? Since the political world is agog with the DSK affair, it’s only right to give MR readers the chance to chew over it. F Desouche is aggregating the breaking French news - so effectively, in fact, that the Daily Telegraph took its feed for the Banon story from there. F Desouche reports that the plaintiff is a naturalised American from Guinea who has lived with her child in the Bronx for fifteen years. However, a reported conversation with a hotel employee named the lady as “Ophelia”. Either way, this (allegedly) was that rare thing, a white-on-black rape. DSK, meanwhile, has scratches on his body, and a stack of evidence the size of a Portugeuse bail out loan against him. A Big Jew, a seriously moneyed Jew, a globalist Jew, and many people’s favourite to become the next President of France, is staring at a 70 year sentence for doing what, apparently, he has done many times before, including at the New York Sofitel. Do people this important and this Jewish really pay such a price for a peccadillo or two? The IMF thinks so. It has started to look for DSK’s successor. The French want a Frenchman. The Third Worlders want a Third Worlder. The accused is already a forgotten man. You see. There is justice in this world. Comments:2
Posted by Wandrin on Tue, 17 May 2011 02:50 | # It’s a strange case. A man generally doesn’t start doing this sort of thing at his age so either it’s a set-up or he’s got away with it on other occasions (or both). 3
Posted by Rollory on Tue, 17 May 2011 03:43 | # Fdesouche is one of the few places I have actually donated money. I feel I’ve gotten more than my money’s worth so far. 4
Posted by Christian M on Tue, 17 May 2011 06:20 | # This “man” and his recent and prior actions are heinous. These types are groomed from the beginning to have bad habits. The bad habits are the Sword of Damocles. Either DSK displeased someone or he was simply sold down the river for another reason. Another very good example of this was Elliot Spitzer (former lead prosecutor for NY, put big banks in his sights). After Spitzer published an article pointing out the (Bush) administration’s complicity in the mortgage and lending scandals, somehow his, and ONLY his, ties to a very posh whore company were publicized. No other big-shot was “outed.” Just Spitzer. Get it? I suspect Barry Soetoro and most recent American presidents are the same way (Bush and Clinton for sure). If there are enough skeletons in the closet, it makes it that much easier for the behind-the-scenes power brokers to pull the strings of the puppets. It’s very simple if you think about it. Whenever I see an exceptionally-powerful person fall from grace I immediately try to deduce what that person did or why they were sold down the river. Otherwise you’re just focusing on the pretty assistant next to the magician. 5
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 17 May 2011 06:51 | #
Jews are White? 6
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 17 May 2011 07:01 | #
William Pierce speculated that those with the talent and moral plasticity to ascend to the ranks of the global elite are identified and encouraged to do just that. Their transgressions against the morality they pay lip-service to flows from both their native sociopathy and the perks of nearly unmitigated privilege - each reinforcing the other. 7
Posted by Tanstaafl on Tue, 17 May 2011 07:10 | # Watch as DSK’s jewish friend’s soothing lecture about the presumption of innocence transforms into Wormtongue-like hissing about the “scary” “extremist” Marine Le Pen: 8
Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 17 May 2011 11:21 | # Whenever I see an exceptionally-powerful person fall from grace I immediately try to deduce what that person did or why they were sold down the river. Otherwise you’re just focusing on the pretty assistant next to the magician. This sounds appropriately worldly, macho and cynical, but I’m sceptical. People today are overly gullible about power, but the other extreme exists, too (ie, excessive conspiracists are also gullible in a way). DSK is more likely to have been ‘stung’ by French patriots (or at least Sarkozites), than to have outlived his elite “usefulness”. More likely still, the truth is as the bare facts present themselves. He’s a filthy pervert who either (insanely) thought he could get away with something so brazen as this, or he has a near psychotic lack of self-control (eg, maybe he was playing with himself, the maid walks in, and he then acts out of base lust). As I mentioned on an earlier thread: socialist, globalist, Jew. Perfect. Enjoy the schadenfreude, troopers! We don’t get too many of these! And if ARMOR is reading, I’d like to hear his French take. Are French patriots dancing over this? Even if Sarko beats Marine, I myself would, if French, still much rather have had him reelected than to have gotten stuck with DSK. 9
Posted by Paul on Tue, 17 May 2011 11:33 | # I don’t think on the basis of this you can say there is justice in the world. 10
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 18 May 2011 01:36 | #
The idiocy of this character Leon has absolutely no limits. Here is more or less rational analysis: 11
Posted by Rollory on Wed, 18 May 2011 03:40 | # The idiocy of this character Ivan has absolutely no limits. Anybody can say no to the IMF and the bankers. Iceland did. It just takes a political class capable of living up to its responsibilities. 12
Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 18 May 2011 03:47 | #
He hit bottom some time ago, then started to dig… 13
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 18 May 2011 05:32 | # I could be mistaken, Grimoire, but sometimes I think that you don’t like Ivan. Why not dammit, he’s a helluva guy! You should be grateful to him for the great lessons he taught you. Anyway, that’s not what I wanted to talk about right now. You are a German guy, right? I would like to know what a German guy thinks of another German guy by the name Ernst Zündel. What do you think of him? Is he a good guy, or a bad guy? What are your thoughts about Adolf Hitler? Was he a good guy, or a bad guy? Was he justified in doing what he did to the jews? As a German guy, how do you cope with all that guilt for the crimes Germans committed against the jews? Doesn’t that bother you at all? Gute Nacht, Grimoire. Erinnern Sie sich bitte, dass ich Sie mag. 14
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 18 May 2011 06:14 | # Leon Haller is a lonely man, so he can be excused for his brilliant “maybe he was playing with himself” theory. What’s with you, Rollory? 15
Posted by Rollory on Wed, 18 May 2011 06:40 | # What’s with me is that I know enough about French politics - my grandmother has been living in Paris for decades and somehow always learns all the juiciest political gossip - to find the story completely believable and in character for what a French Socialist politician might consider reasonable behavior that would not get him into any real trouble. I also am seeing (much of it via Fdesouche) quite a lot of corroborating evidence from a wide variety of sources about his behavior in the past, that fits exactly with this sort of outcome. Taken in isolation, the head of the IMF raping a hotel maid seems absolutely nuts. Stick it in with the pattern of behavior over years, it is just one final ratcheting of a long-running process. The people who look at this and say “no way a politician would do something so stupid, must be a plot” simply lack the imagination to realize that different countries might do things differently from how they are used to, or to really believe the level of corruption and favor-trading that goes on in some places in Europe. Paul Craig Roberts for example - his premise that the official story’s claim is that the guy was sex-starved is simply false, and a minimum of investigation makes that absolutely crystal clear. He wasn’t starved of it, he was on the contrary completely used to getting whatever he wanted whenever he wanted with no consequences, and most particularly, no consequences for misjudging a woman’s willingness. It is completely believable that someone in that situation would simply never have it occur to them that they can not get away with behavior in NYC that would be easily brushed under the rug in Paris. In France, DSK is a huge figure. In the USA, nobody knows who the fuck he is. But he never internalized that. He’s used to being a big shot and acting like it. In short, Leon’s explanation is exactly correct. 16
Posted by Armor on Wed, 18 May 2011 08:09 | # LH: “Are French patriots dancing over this?” Of course, everyone had a big laugh. But I don’t know about the larger political consequences. Rollory: “Taken in isolation, the head of the IMF raping a hotel maid seems absolutely nuts. Stick it in with the pattern of behavior over years, it is just one final ratcheting of a long-running process.” I read on a satirical website that DSK may have been using cocaine, like many other politicians, including Sarkozy. It would explain their erratic behavior. I don’t know at all if it is a credible theory. 17
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 18 May 2011 11:30 | # Leon Haller is a lonely man (Ivan) Ivan, Where do you get off with these irrelevant, non sequitur ‘ad hominems’? I mean, what the fuck do you know about me, besides the facts I’ve offered here over the years: that I am American, Catholic, big, Ivy League educated, unmarried, childless, Republican ... and much more intelligent than you are (the latter is an obvious deduction)? You always introduce these weird, untrue, irrelevant assertions. It’s like my saying, “Ivan is wrong in his opinions because his wife’s fat, he’s short, and he’s only slept with three women.” I suspect all that is true, but of course, I don’t know any of it. 18
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 18 May 2011 11:59 | # I doubt a man in his 60s just starts to think and act as if anal rape is ok…he probably has a long history of such behaviour but France has very strict privacy laws which makes covering up shit like this about 100x easier. 19
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 18 May 2011 12:21 | # Yes, I was reading in Tuesday’s WSJ that DSK has had past complaints about his aggressively physical approach with women. I hate sounding so biased, but ... given the total hegemony of globalism, liberalism, and Zionism or at least sycophancy toward Jews, in the MSM, I am inclined to think that any story like this about a Jewish globalist/elitist is probably true. If this type of thing were directed against a rightist like Pat Buchanan or JM LePen, I would assume it was probably false (while acknowledging that it could be true). I think my position is reasonable, don’t others? PS - C’mon, Armor, you can do better than that. Is the French media saying Sarko or Marine will benefit more? Is there another Socialist who could do as well as DSK (pre-sex crime)? 20
Posted by Ivan on Wed, 18 May 2011 14:33 | #
Congratulations, Rollory, your idiocy can be matched only by that of wank-theorist Leon Haller.
You have forgotten to mention your ethnicity, Leon, i.e. the most important thing good people need to know about you. Thank you for being unmarried and childless - that’s the best contribution to the well-being of the society you can possibly make. Please keep it that way. You are wank in your life, you are wank in your way of thinking, so no wonder you come up with wank-theories to explain the behavior of a 60-something years old man. 21
Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 18 May 2011 18:26 | # I have mentioned in the past here at MR that I am mostly German, some French, a bit Dutch, bit English. Although I don’t normally think in ethnic (as opposed to racial) terms, I am of a far higher racial type than you are, Ivan. I am a Nordic (though I am not a Nordicist). You are an Arab, or something close. And I may still have kids, don’t worry. I’ve never even seen a Viagra, let alone needed one. You are outmatched and outclassed in all ways. Isn’t there some website where you can plague your own people? 22
Posted by Thunder on Wed, 18 May 2011 23:35 | # Leon, You have made many valuable contributions here. Why waste time on Ivan? He is a time-wasting troll. Let him return to his own people then he can speak with some credibility. 23
Posted by Rollory on Wed, 18 May 2011 23:50 | # “Congratulations, Rollory, your idiocy can be matched only by that of wank-theorist Leon Haller.” See, this is exactly the sort of well-reasoned argument abundantly supported with specific citations of evidence that _convinces_ people. Good work! 24
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 19 May 2011 10:14 | # Leon, You have made many valuable contributions here. Why waste time on Ivan? He is a time-wasting troll. Let him return to his own people then he can speak with some credibility. (Thorn) Thank you for the vote of confidence. And you are correct (see my comment about efficient use of time in the context of reading Marx in the newest Baron post) re Ivan (and similar trolls). People like us, and the many other serious race patriots participating in the ongoing conversation here at MR, need to talk to each other, and exclude the unserious (at least until they change their ways and prove their worth). After all, what are we doing here? Letting off steam (in part)? Or trying to use the power of a collective to further our common understanding of racial problems? If I were running this site, I would try to make it less haphazard, and more goal-oriented. We’re mostly talking to ourselves, so this is not about outreach to unformed minds, as in a Yahoo or Telegraph or Times chatroom, or keeping up our presence in the mainstream out of a sense of personal and racial honor (just so the smug multiculti bastards know We’re Still Here). If MR has a purpose, IMHO, it should be to develop interdisciplinary WN ideology. Ultimately, working through very sophisticated theoretical problems of evolutionary adaptions, or ethics, or metapolitics, etc, may be very personally rewarding, but it’s less important to real action in the physical/political world than formulating a core ideological program to present to the masses. If I ran this site, I would attempt to focus discussion on a Topic of the Day (or Week), and basically exclude tangential comments. One topic could be the Jews, another country by country political strategies, another WN ethical justifications, and so forth. From those more narrowly focused discussions could emerge the beginnings of a coherent, core WN doctrine. But long-winded discussions of irrelevancies with idiots and ‘plants’ is obviously counterproductive, and we must all exercise self-vigilance in resisting the temptation to do so, a temptation arising from our very natures as rational, Western men with an ethical commitment to discovering and defending truth. 25
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 19 May 2011 10:16 | # excuse me “adaptations” (also spelled “proofread”). 26
Posted by Silver on Thu, 19 May 2011 12:04 | #
Rofl, you’ve gotta love Leon Haller (even if you hate him). I could almost vote him for president. The big question on people’s minds will be “can he be trusted?” Which outweighs which: love of own or hatred of other? It makes all the difference, Mr. Haller. 27
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 19 May 2011 13:22 | # Leon,
Making revolutionary politics is not a linear process in which one stage must be completed before the next can begin. It is a process in which the external can exist without the internal, but cannot rise above reaction. To do that ... to rise above reaction ... a process of concentricity is required, like a water pump in the centre of which is the theoretical well-spring, then the transitionary ring of water-carriers, then the irrigatory ring of political application. Getting it to work depends on all three rings being adequately manned and the water being sweet, that’s all. But, obviously, it’s a hell of an ask. Revolutions are hard to make. A medium such as this sometimes straddles all three rings. Its distinctiveness rests in that fact - sometimes we deal in theory! This is something very rarely addressed elsewhere, something very rarely addressed, for example, by the Regnery circus which is caught up in serial analysis - notwithstanding the odd bit of evolutonary psychology and the odd, water-carrier’s bow to the Nietzschean or the European New Right (which do not qualify). 28
Posted by Grimoire on Thu, 19 May 2011 19:12 | # Gw 30
Posted by Ivan on Fri, 20 May 2011 02:37 | # Is Burovsky a jew or not? Almost certainly he is. He attributes jewish ‘success’ to the all wrong reasons, which didn’t escape from the attention of the most intelligent commenters to the following piece:“empire-of-the-intellect”/ 31
Posted by Ivan on Thu, 02 Jun 2011 01:37 | # Russia Says IMF Chief Jailed For Discovering All US Gold Is Gone: Utah Secedes from Federal Reserve: Post a comment:
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Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 17 May 2011 01:51 | #
He maybe didn’t give a big enough contribution to Abe Foxman et al.? There will be something behind him being hung out to dry.