Probability Theory and Survival of the White Race

Posted by Guest Blogger on Saturday, 14 May 2011 21:24.

by Ivan

The true logic for this world is the calculus of probabilities, which takes account of the magnitude of the probability which is, or ought to be, in a reasonable man’s mind.

James Clerk Maxwell (1850)

This short essay would not have come to pass if not for one of the best Grimoire comments ever, on one hand, where he pondered over the question (very intelligently, by the way, with lots of very useful and very truthful observations; I encourage everyone to reread it while paying close attention to everything he had to say in that comment:

How likely is it that Ivan is not a jew and not a liar?

... and, on the other hand, if Guessedworker hadn’t agreed to publish it. These two individuals have very different personalities, each with his own character traits, type of intelligence, mentality, temperament, perhaps agenda, etc.  But they have at least one thing in common, or so it seems: they both agree that Ivan is batshit crazy. So, in order to show my appreciation to both of them for their roles in the birth of this essay, I picked a title that would sound positively batshit crazy: Probability Theory and Survival of White Race.

Where is Probability Theory and where is Survival of White Race? How could a person, who is not batshit crazy, put these two topics next to each other to form a sentence? Put him in the mental institution, or better yet, show compassion - get him up against the wall to relieve him from his misery and suffering.

Let me point out from the outset: this is not a mathematical treatise; it does not assume the reader to be knowledgeable in any branch of mathematics.  The only assumption is that Survival of White Race is a topic of genuine interest to the reader, one way or the other.

So what Probability Theory has to do with Survival of White Race?  Is it about calculating the chances for the whites to survive as a race?  Nah, I am not interested in numbers here.  Is it about showing off and demonstrating how smart I am?  No, I have vanity as everyone else, but not of that kind.

It is about doing whatever I can, no matter how miniscule and insignificant, to make sure that that survival will take place.  Why would a Circassian muzzie do that? Is he batshit crazy?  No, Sir, he is not.  Is he a European Caucasian?  No, Sir, he is not - he is a Caucasian Caucasian, he is a double Caucasian, if you pardon the pun.  So why would he do that?  Because, without running any formal probability estimates, he can tell: The survival of the whites as a race is the prerequisite for survival of the Circassians as a race.  What’s more, he firmly believes that the survival of the whites as a race is the prerequisite for survival of all races on the planet Earth, including perhaps - call be batshit crazy - even the Jewish race.

So why Probability Theory, why not Algebra, why not Differential and Integral calculus, why not Game Theory, why not Quantum Mechanics?  What is so special about Probability Theory when it comes to the survival of White Race?  The answer is very simple and profound: Because Probability Theory is, as Pierre S. Laplace put it, the calculus of common sense; because Probability Theory is, as James C. Maxwell put it, the true logic for this world; because Probability Theory is, as Edwin T. Jaynes put it, the extension of Aristotelian (i.e. two-valued) logic which, in principle, has the capability to assign to any logical proposition a truth-value, ranging continuously from 0 (false) all the way to 1 (true).

What are the chances for a group of people, subjected deliberately and methodically for over a hundred years to social conditioning not to trust their, god given and nature imbued, common sense in the matters that are of utmost importance for the survival of that group as a race? Not much - wouldn’t you agree?  That’s all what I had to do to answer the question - just ask the right counter-question.  If my counter-question does not answer the question - Why Probability Theory? - I am seriously worried about your mental health and sanity.

Most people have very limited and very vague understanding of what Probability Theory is all about.  They think it’s about tossing a coin and counting heads and tails, or playing dice.  At best, they will tell you that Probability Theory is about running all kinds of statistics and, perhaps, the most advanced ones would mention that Quantum Mechanics is all based on Probability Theory.  But if you say to them that Probability Theory is nothing but an attempt to reduce common sense to calculation, that it is the calculus of common sense, that it is the true logic of this world, that it is an extension of simple two-valued mathematical logic that goes back to Aristotle, that it aims at setting the rules, or laws if we wish, of consistent reasoning, they would think that you are batshit crazy.

Nevertheless, that was precisely the original meaning of Probability Theory, attributed to it by true and pure geniuses like Bernoulli, Laplace, Gauss, Maxwell, Gibbs and many others in the 18th and 19th centuries (and, later in 20th century, by the founder of wave mechanics Erwin Schrödinger, the father of Information Theory Claude Shannon, Sir Harold Jeffreys, Prof Edwin Jaynes) until the beginning of the 20th century, when other, very limited interpretation of Probability Theory as nothing but a statistical tool, took place. This narrow interpretation of Probability Theory was formalized as a branch of pure mathematics by celebrated Russian mathematician Kolmogorov in 1930s. That is the version of Probability Theory taught to all high school and university students today as the true and only interpretation of Probability Theory.

In the middle of 20th century a gradual reversion to the original interpretation of Probability Theory as the calculus of common sense, as envisioned by Laplace, started gradually taking place, which is still under way.  This process, called sometimes the Bayesian revolution, is a painful one, and it is too slow to be called a revolution in my opinion.  Nevertheless, it is gaining momentum with speedy acceleration, and I strongly believe that it is irreversible - it cannot be stopped. There is a very interesting, and very profound attempt under way, as we speak, to re-evaluate the foundations of the entire Quantum Mechanics based on Bayesian approach.  These are very interesting topics but I don’t wish to go on tangents here that would be of little interest to the majority of readers at Majorityrights grin

Perhaps it was no accident that Dr William Pierce was professor of physics. The clarity and depth of his realistic thinking is nothing short of amazing.  Every single sentence uttered by this man concerning matters of the survival of white race, ought to be read, re-read, and pondered over and over again.  Even Harold Covington, who lied about Dr Pierce shamelessly in the past, answering a question from one of his listeners, answering a question from one of his listeners - Why does he hate Dr Pierce? - admitted at 20 min 50 sec into this podcast the importance for the survival of the white race of Dr Pierce’s legacy by saying, and I quote:

As a writer, as a publicist, and as an intellectual leader of our resistance movement, he was second to none; nobody can ever take it away from him.





Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 22:27 | #

As a writer, as a publicist, and as an intellectual leader of our resistance movement, he was second to none; nobody can ever take it away from him.

But as a judge of character and as a judge of the masses - the proof is based on who he appointed to run the NA after his death ( a man later convicted of collecting child porn ) and his political success making racial nationalism supported amongst the masses ( virtually nil).

As for the article above it can be mathematically defined as :

X ( being the politics of Nazism )


Y ( being political support of the masses for nazism )


X = 100 % and Y = 1 % (based on electoral support for nazism)

= then the probability of the white race surviving is about 1 % if nazism is the ideology peddled to the masses as their mechanism of racial survival


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 14 May 2011 23:24 | #

Well, begins with a title proposition, ‘PTASWR’ - then marshals various suppositions that contain no more data than the gainsaying of the unstated arguments of others….and then leaves off without establishing any argument to establish the assertion ...and there are no conclusions, whatsoever.

Listen you poor, simple man - you cannot simply make a independent claim and then gainsay what others have said. That is not even ‘opinion’.

A premise or argument must contain statements that support the assertion - the probability of etc., (the statement that probability theory exists quite impressively, within the same galaxy as Dr. Pierce….etc, are not propositions )....that support and lead to a conclusion, or argument.

This is exactly why the world will never see a Yiddish expedition to Mars. I sympathize with your instinctive endorsement of the ‘white’ race, rocket man….how else can those jewish brainboxes continue to garner noble prizes and laureates if the goyim do not continue to furnish the actual intelligence?

Well, let us hope you have followed my advice (poorly) and withheld the actual calculations in the interests of melodramatic tension.

To date, the only completely positive conclusion you have given us - is that you are a pompous ass.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 14 May 2011 23:38 | #

These are very interesting topics but I don’t wish to go on tangents here that would be of little interest to the majority of readers at Majorityrights (Ivan)

In what way is this essay anything but an endless series of tangents? The ostensible fundamental issue to be analyzed is the (alleged) relation between probability theory (excuse me, Probability Theory) and the survival of the white race. OK, that sounds promising. But where is the argument? the thesis?

There are only two places where anything other than irrelevant descriptions (literary “window-dressing”) is provided. First:

The survival of the whites as a race is the prerequisite for survival of the Circassians as a race.  What’s more, he firmly believes that the survival of the whites as a race is the prerequisite for survival of all races on the planet Earth, including perhaps - call be batshit crazy - even the Jewish race. (Ivan)

And second:

What are the chances for a group of people, subjected deliberately and methodically for over a hundred years to social conditioning not to trust their, god given and nature imbued, common sense in the matters that are of utmost importance for the survival of that group as a race? Not much - wouldn’t you agree?  That’s all what I had to do to answer the question - just ask the right counter-question. (Ivan)

The first section I quoted contains the kernel of an interesting idea, which, though Ivan overstates the matter, I believe, I have already considered over the years, and intend to explore at some length in my future book Racial Ethics. Is the survival of whites the prerequisite for the survival of humanity? I’m not sure, but given our ethical superiority, which translates in part into a unique concern for environmental preservation, this is at least arguable - though the more likely outcome is not that humanity would disappear in the absence of whites, but rather, that the moral level of humanity would merely be considerably reduced. Also, I hypothesize that some races would go extinct, as the hegemonic Orientals would, I suspect, have little use or compassion for the black peoples (Africans and Abos), and might either enslave or eliminate them. China is already moving into Africa in a big commercial way. Without (white) world opinion as a counterbalance, I suspect they would, instead of bribing and bargaining, just move in and clear the land of its populations, in order to seize the natural resources for themselves.

The second section I copied is the entirety of Ivan’s answer to his own question. Is something, some section of text, missing? Is Ivan serious? Or was this whole “essay” some kind of postmodernist inside joke?

Ivan, you need to study less Probability Theory, and more “Argumentation Theory”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 15 May 2011 00:04 | #

Come on, Ivan, there are fair criticisms here.  Let’s see the substance.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 15 May 2011 00:22 | #

For those interested in probability theory, this is a useful link (especially the descriptive midsections):

BTW, this online encyclopedia is an excellent resource for the philosophically-minded. If persons are familiar with similarly excellent online philosophy or other resources (especially ones germane to MR’s field of topics), please provide the links (eg, I appreciated the link to the Dienekes anthropology blog).


Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 15 May 2011 00:26 | #

Of course, I must reiterate, the battle to save our race will be won not on fields of logic, biology or even military science, but of ethics. Unless whites can be persuaded of the moral acceptableness of our taking the coercive measures that will finally be required to secure our collective existence, we are lost.


Posted by Philosopher King on Sun, 15 May 2011 01:05 | #

I’m curious about whether Ivan is just another pseudo-mathematician or whether he’s the real deal, so I want him to answer this very simple probability question:

      L   C   W   J
L   .9   .09   .01   0
C     .08   .89   .02   .01
W   .02   .08   .6   .3
J   0   .01   .01   .98

The following is a one-year Markov chain for white voters, where L is liberal, C is conservative, W is White Nationalist, and J is jew-wise/WN. If 47% of people are liberals, 50% are conservatives, 2% are White Nationalists, and 1% of people are jew-wise/WN, how many people will be jew wise/WN in 10 years? How many will be WN’s after 10 years? What is the long-term percentage of WN’s and jew-wise/WN’s? How many years will it take for white voters to be over 50% jew-wise/WN?

Wow, math is useful after all.


Posted by PF on Sun, 15 May 2011 04:45 | #

Interesting piece of conceptual art, you’ve written a piece that doesn’t elaborate its own central concept in any meaningful way except for the name-dropping of the final paragraphs and allusions to the Bayesian revolution… respect.

It reminds me of another Caucasian named Gurdjieff, who turned one pamphlet’s worth of personality analysis techniques and sensing exercises into a 1,000+ page oevre complete with cosmology, mythic origins, adventure stories…

It would be cool if any of us understood the intersection between mathematics and political trajectories enough to have a fruitful discussion, but the fact is we don’t. There is not much precise knowledge about that intersection even amongst those educated enough to understand these things; that which exists has about it the air of economic models with luxurious assumptions (as far as I have been able to tell). Whenever someone can muster the thoroughgoingness to sit up all night with one of these models, he busts it into a million pieces like Steve Keen did to keynesianism.

Way to go Ivan…. or something.


Posted by Ralph Reed on Sun, 15 May 2011 08:15 | #

What’s the point of this piece? I thought you were going to give us a probability estimate on the survival of the White race and show how or why you arrived at the estimate, or show us how you think one can estimate whether a commenter is Jewish or not. Or something along these lines.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 15 May 2011 20:49 | #


Thank you for keeping your word and publishing my piece. Not too long ago, it would sound strange to thank somebody just for keeping his word, but in the mentally, spiritually, and ethically sick world we live in today, keeping one’s word is quite an accomplishment.

I thank also everyone who took the trouble to read my essay and respond to it. I will, time permitted, comment on each and every one of them to show my appreciation for the time they put into it.

The spectrum, the style, and the content of the replies were pretty much in line with what I have anticipated, so that spared me the disappointment. Theory of probability, even the orthodox version of it, is one of the most subtle, the most controversial, and the least understood of all the branches of mathematics by both amateurs and professionals alike, so it would be unwise to expect too much from this audience.

I hope the jew-crew (Lee John Barnes, Grimoire, Leon Haller) will forgive me if I start with the most coherent and reasonable of all the responses - that by Philosopher King.

I’m curious about whether Ivan is just another pseudo-mathematician or whether he’s the real deal, so I want him to answer this very simple probability question - Philosopher King

At least this guy is not trying to resolve the matter by way of argumentation with himself, like Grimoire does. Instead he follows the scientific approach, just like Galileo Galilei did - he is conducting an experiment to find the truth. This guy is interested in the truth! That fact alone sets him apart from the jew-crew.

So, here is the results of your experiment Mr King.

In 10 years the electorate composition will be as follows:

(L,C,W,J)= (40.47%,42.18%,3.5%,13.85%)

It will take 78 years for white voters to be over 50% jew-wise/WN

The long-term percentage of WNs is 2.99%

The long-term percentage of jew-wise/WN is 56.02%

Your question is indeed very simple. To answer it, all one needs is elementary familiarity with the notion of Markov chain and matrix multiplication, in this particular case - the ability to multiply 4x4-matrix by 4-vector. I commend you for your curiosity, desire to find the truth, and scientific approach to going about it, but how the hell you gonna figure out whether Ivan is just another pseudo-mathematician or whether he’s the real deal based on such poorly designed experiment? It’s like saying to Sir Andrew John Wiles who proved in 1995 three and a half centuries old Fermat’s Last Theorem:

Ok, Willy-boy, I’m curious about whether you are just another pseudo-mathematician or whether you’re the real deal, so I want you to answer this very simple question: How many solutions has the following Diophant equation x+y+z=15, where 10>z>y>x>0 ?

Wow, math is useful after all. - Philosopher King

That’s what I have tried to explain, Philosopher King, in my essay, but evidently failed to get the message through: There is an orthodox probability theory, or frequentist probability theory as it is called occasionally, and there is Bayesian probability theory - the calculus of common sense.

Based on the Markov chain model you have suggested, we have arrived at the conclusion: It will take 78 years for white voters to be over 50% jew-wise/WN. How good this model is? This model assumes that the voting pattern will not change in the next 78 years. That’s all you need to know to understand how poor this model is.

How many jew-wise Germans were there before the Weimar Republic? Not many. And how long did it take to make Germans almost 100% jew-wise? Less than a decade. And who educated them? Hitler? No, Sir. Jews educated them by their behavior and practices. That’s what probability theory interpretation as an extension of logic can tell to those who understand it’s language.


Posted by Grimoire on Sun, 15 May 2011 21:31 | #

I don’t know what your problem is Ivan, but I’m sure it’s very hard to pronounce.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 15 May 2011 22:17 | #

I don’t know what your problem is Ivan, but I’m sure it’s very hard to pronounce. - Grimoire

Well, good, Grimoire. A jew, admitting that he does not know, is a good start. Perhaps I can help you to get rid not only of your hutzpah, but also of your poor reasoning skills. But you have to pay close attention to what I am trying to communicate to you, butt-head. If you don’t, there is not much I, or anyone else for that matter, can do.

To everyone, paying any attention to what I am saying, it would be obvious by now that my problem, as well as all gentile people’s problem, is, at least a big chunk of it, jews and liars like you. It’s not very hard to pronounce it either, except for you perhaps and creatures like you: It’s the Jews, Stupid!!!

And keep in mind: I like you grin


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 16 May 2011 01:05 | #

But as a judge of character and as a judge of the masses - the proof is based on who he appointed to run the NA after his death ( a man later convicted of collecting child porn ) and his political success making racial nationalism supported amongst the masses ( virtually nil). - Lee John Barnes

I don’t believe for a second that Barney is as stupid as the above quote suggests. It is infinitely more likely that Barney knows his agenda quite well, but he does very poor job pushing it.

Dr William Pierce was an exceptionally good judge of character. The spectrum of characters, who call themselves white nationalists or white race realists, is wide and quite motley. Dr Pierce identified William Simpson as one of the best and one of the most profound by his racial philosophy and the depth of his understanding of racial matters, most serious in his commitment to the cause of advancement of his race, most enduring man of character on one extreme of the spectrum, and character like Harold Covington as the most shallow, most hollow, most damaging to the movement man of no character and a compulsive liar.

Dr Pierce’s judgment on the masses, the depth of his insight into the psychology of the lemmings (the very concept and the term ‘lemmings’ was his invention to begin with) was even more impressive. Here is that beautiful piece, where Dr Pierce identifies four basic types of people—White people—in the world and introduces the concept lemmings: 

For those who prefer listening to reading, audio version of the “Regaining Control” ADV broadcast is available at: (on 9-11) (on the concept lemmings),

or in one piece


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 16 May 2011 02:45 | #

It reminds me of another Caucasian named Gurdjieff, who turned one pamphlet’s worth of personality analysis techniques and sensing exercises into a 1,000+ page oevre complete with cosmology, mythic origins, adventure stories - PF


I am completely at loss to understand how in hell what I have written in this piece could have triggered an association with Gurdjieff in your mind. If anything, Gurdjieff with his cosmology, mythic origins, adventure stories is the direct opposite of the realistic and consistent way of thinking I consider absolutely necessary white people to recover in themselves if they are to survive as a race. The fact that Gurdjieff was a Caucasian is hardly reasonable justification to even mention him here, wouldn’t you agree?

What’s the point of this piece? I thought you were going to give us a probability estimate on the survival of the White race and show how or why you arrived at the estimate, or show us how you think one can estimate whether a commenter is Jewish or not. - Ralph Reed


Direct answers to some of your questions are in the essay:

Is it about calculating the chances for the whites to survive as a race?  Nah, I am not interested in numbers here. - Ivan

I don’t mean to be rude, but you probably should have read the piece before you fired your questions.

The point of this piece is, as Chairman Mao would put it: the importance and necessity of correct thinking for white people to survive as a race . The West is living in George Orwell’s 1984 today. Whites have to relearn seeing the world the way it is, they must drop the shores of political correctness, with which the jews have blinded white people, and disassociate themselves from the jews altogether, if they are to survive as a race.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 16 May 2011 04:01 | #

Is the survival of whites the prerequisite for the survival of humanity? I’m not sure, but given our ethical superiority, which translates in part into a unique concern for environmental preservation, this is at least arguable - though the more likely outcome is not that humanity would disappear in the absence of whites, but rather, that the moral level of humanity would merely be considerably reduced.  - Leon Haller

Your ethical superiority?


You have absolutely no idea why I think that the survival of whites is the prerequisite for the survival of my own people. I do not expect you to understand what I am about to tell you, but maybe some readers will get the gist of it.

As you are probably aware, the Caucasians, aka the inhabitants of Caucasus, have the institution of blood feud, something like that what Italians used to have in the past. But I am almost certain that you do not have the slightest idea of how elaborate the Circassian ethics is. Here is an example that might appear strange to many.

If your blood enemy, who is in mortal danger, found his way to your home and seeking protection from you, according to Adyge Habza (set of ethical rules of conduct in all walks of Circassian life and culture), you have to, not only treat him as a guest, but protect him until he leaves your house.

Here is a piece of video that illustrates what I am talking about (in Russian, unfortunately, but you’ll get the picture):

Your ethics, Leon, is not the same as that of GW’s. You called upon GW to ban me from these discussion forums numerous times. But GW, even though he did not protect me in his house from the pack of jewish hyenas attacking me, as a Circassian would, but he didn’t kick me out from his house; he warned me: you are on your own now, and you better be prepared to defend yourself. That’s gentleman’s ethics, Leon. You do not have it, and you never will.


Posted by Philosopher King on Mon, 16 May 2011 05:51 | #

Ok, Willy-boy, I’m curious about whether you are just another pseudo-mathematician or whether you’re the real deal, so I want you to answer this very simple question: How many solutions has the following Diophant equation x+y+z=15, where 10>z>y>x>0 ?

I lol’d. I see people write esoteric treatises on the internet all the time about things they know nothing about. On the internet all novices are amateurs, all amateurs are experts, and everybody has an I.Q. of 180+. Go to a libertarian forum and watch them make generalizations and misinterpretations of Keynesian theory, or better yet go to a physics forum and watch people who failed freshman physics make arguments about why String Theory is wrong. I’ll admit my sample problem was trivial and probably not useful for establishing your mathematical talents, but you’d be surprised how many overly-pedantic internet know-it-all’s will yield when confronted with somebody who actually knows what he’s talking about.

This model assumes that the voting pattern will not change in the next 78 years. That’s all you need to know to understand how poor this model is.

It is a poor model admittedly, but do you consider it poor merely because it doesn’t conform to your expectations? Masses of people are not going to become white nationalists over night. Anti-Semitism was not prevalent prior to the Weimer Republic (though it definitely did exist), but gentiles also rarely came into contact with Jews during that time period. Today white people sift through mud, get f*$#(% by jews, get passed over and shat on ad nauseum, and that’s all hunky dory . White people today remind me of the soldiers in Tim O’Brien’s short story The Things They Carried who suffered from:

the soldier’s greatest fear, which was the fear of blushing. Men killed, and died, because they were embarrassed not to.

Today you essentially have people with no solid ethical foundation, undergoing a severe existential crisis, who are embarrassed to confront their dire situation. White people can’t find a raison d’être, most feel we have to atone for the “sins” of our grandfathers (i.e. bringing superior Western civilization to the world). With God “dead,” there is no inspiration to develop as a culture artistically or scientifically, with no moral guidance there is no reason for us not to become hedonists and mongrels. You are correct about one thing, the survival of the White Race is important for all other races because today all other races have become Westernized. If the Western Man destroys himself, what, I dare say, will happen to those who followed in his footsteps?


Posted by J Richards on Mon, 16 May 2011 08:22 | #

Markov chain?

A Markov chain model is a bad one because in such a system the future and past are independent, whereas a moment of epiphany, summed up here, results from cumulative experiences.

A better approach for probability calculations regarding awareness of the ethnics is a Monte Carlo estimation because we’re dealing with a lot of uncertainties.

I’ll illustrate with two broad series of events, starting with the 1980s. 

The first series of events roughly started with the savings and loan crisis of the 1980s, a major economic recession caused by the bankers.  This prompted a sharp upsurge in white militias.  If these militias took significant control they could educate a large chunk of the population about the ethnics in a very short time.  The ethnics addressed this development via infiltration and false flag operations, the grand finale of which was the 1995 bombing of the Alfred P. Murrah building in Oklahoma.  They managed to recruit Timothy McVeigh, a patsy, to park a truck full of a fertilizer bomb outside the building.  When this bomb went off so did the military grade explosives that had been placed inside the Murrah building.  The fertilizer bomb by itself would cause little damage and scare some people.  But with 169 people dead and the building looking like it was sitting in the middle of a war zone,  the militia movement was dealt a devastating blow from which it never recovered. 

The second series of events starts from another development around the time the Oklahoma bombing took place, and this was the public availability of the internet, a game-changing event that has played a very significant role in educating millions about the ethnics.  The transition form Web 1.0 (early internet) to Web 2.0 (e.g., the interactive, advancement in open source software, cheaper computers, faster internet, cheaper video cameras, the upcoming html5 and css3 standards, etc. correspond to a progressive improvement in the potential to educate others about the ethnics.  But, the ethnics haven’t idly sat by and can count some victories.  One example is Wikipedia, whereby they were able to leverage millions of dollars in donations and harness, for free, the effort of hundreds of thousands of volunteers to set up the single largest repository of information know to humankind.  Naturally, the crucial pages—9/11, Holocaust, etc.—are locked for editing, allowing them to maintain a major presence of their propaganda on the internet as Wikipedia pages show up on the first page of results in search engines.  Another victory includes the acquisition of youtube by google, which has cost them hundreds of millions of dollars in losses, but this is justifiable compared to the devastation that a viral video about the ethnics could cause.  Wikileaks has also served its purpose for the ethnics, and so on.

What’s next?  A false flag operation that recovers much lost ground for the ethnics, or will it expose them even more?  A devastating economic crash that facilitates further power grab by the ethnics or one that proves to be their undoing?...

… a lot of uncertainties, which is why you need a Monte Carlo simulation of probabilities.


Posted by Philosopher King on Mon, 16 May 2011 09:26 | #

I picked a Markov Chain, not because it was more realistic, but because it was easier for me to give an example with. I hardly need a lecture is Stochastic processes, I’m well aware that in the real world, things change quickly. Though as I’ve said above I wouldn’t count on some “awakening” delusion happening any time soon.

This is a bit off topic, but a few days ago I got sick of being one of those people in the online WN sphere constantly complaining about how the movement has not made any progress and so forth. Following Hunter Wallace’s example I joined a few left-leading political and philosophical forums and have been having the time of my life debating the liberals at these forums with all of the arguments I’ve picked up on far-right message boards and blogs over the past year or so. They are incapable of refuting things such as the merits of Japan’s ethnically homogeneous society, and rely on little more than economic data, the r-word, and talking point’s we’ve all heard and refuted a million times. I highly recommend doing the same to anybody who gets bored this summer, it’s so much fun (and much more constructive than debating nordicism, the perils of Christianity, the JQ, etc. for the umpteenth time).


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 16 May 2011 10:29 | #

Philospher King - thats good.

Please post links to any current threads/debates here:

Thread Wars


Posted by Philosopher King on Mon, 16 May 2011 11:30 | #

Lurker, I’ve been spending most of my time on forums (rationalskepticism and democraticunderground so far), not on threads or blogs and so I don’t know if Thread War’s is an appropriate place to post anything (since forums require registration, are far more intimate, and less topical).

I have a feeling I’m about to get banned from both sites, I recently got reprimanded for posting a link to amren (apparently a “hate site”), and am defending myself now from an onslaught of pejoratives. If you’d like I can post some highlights in Thread War’s of some of my best comments so far, as well as the responses to them..


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 16 May 2011 11:35 | #

Your ethics, Leon, is not the same as that of GW’s. You called upon GW to ban me from these discussion forums numerous times. But GW, even though he did not protect me in his house from the pack of jewish hyenas attacking me, as a Circassian would, but he didn’t kick me out from his house; he warned me: you are on your own now, and you better be prepared to defend yourself. That’s gentleman’s ethics, Leon. You do not have it, and you never will. (Ivan)


I cannot decide whether you are mentally disturbed, a Zionist plant as Grimoire has alleged, or simply a pitch perfect example of the difficulties of cross-cultural communication. I really cannot believe that you are serious in what you write or in how you express yourself.

What I do know is that I set out above, with my customary clarity, what was inadequate about your post. You have not addressed my criticism because, assuming you are genuine and not a troll or site-saboteur, your mind does not work in the logical, Western way that mine does, and thus you probably do not even recognize its validity.

You do not belong here at MR because you employ senseless ad hominems (eg, the “jew-crew”, when none of us is in fact Jewish), and refuse to engage in (or are cognitively incapable of doing so) the serious discussions at least some of us are trying to have. The survival of the white race is a very large topic, implicating an array of disparate disciplines. There is plenty of room for real disagreements among dedicated race patriots. It is obvious to me, and ought to be to GW, who the sober discussants are, and who are the plants, troublemakers, and retards.

In my opinion MR would be more effective in advancing the agenda of developing an intellectually persuasive account of our troubles, and how to overcome them, if GW were to exercise a heavier editorial policy, one that would exclude the likes of you. But that is his decision.

And as for this

you are on your own now, and you better be prepared to defend yourself

I exist on an intellectual (and, it is now perfectly obvious, cognitive) level so far above your Jewish obsessions and pathetic displays of college math major prowess that acknowledging you (or similar others) is simply wasting valuable time and mental resources. My real intellectual work on behalf of white survival is infinitely more valuable than most of the mental belches emanating from WNs precisely because it is not geared towards ‘preaching to the choir’, but rather, it seeks to enlarge that ‘choir’. I must be more disciplined in avoiding dialogues with fools.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 16 May 2011 12:07 | #

I found this quote a while ago on this site: The Joy of Curmudgeonry

“That one can convince one’s opponents with printed reasons, I have not believed since the year 1764. It is not for that purpose that I have taken up my pen, but rather merely to annoy them, and to give strength and courage to those on our side, and to make it known to the others that they have not convinced us.”

Im sure thats not the first time Ive mentioned that here, but hey, I like it! Thread war discourse in a nutshell.


Posted by Philosopher King on Mon, 16 May 2011 12:36 | #

Banned, damn, feels bad man. The mods are scratching their heads, one said:

“Which of our resident sockpuppets was Masterstroke?”

I eagerly anticipate the answer, especially since I’ve never used that website (rationalskepticism) before yesterday. I frankly don’t know what got me banned, I’ve been pretty moderate and nonchalant to this point, I guess they just can’t stand the fact that I don’t conform to their expectation of an “ignorant racist.”

If you’re interested critique my comments, point out my coup-de-grace, where “I crossed the line:”
(thread locked before I could respond, though this was my fault)
(banned before I could respond)

That’s a great quote Lurker, and unfortunately its truer today than ever before. I’m tempted to just give up on these people, but the satisfaction of defeating our great ideological enemies on their own turf keeps me going.


Posted by Alexander Baron on Thu, 19 May 2011 00:22 | #

The probably of the human species surviving this century is not great, so for the white race it must be even less.


Posted by Ivan on Thu, 19 May 2011 01:32 | #

The probably of the human species surviving this century is not great, so for the white race it must be even less. - Alexander Baron

A probable inference is one entitled on the evidence to partial assent. The evidence is that the human species survived hundreds of thousands of years. So in order to infer that the probability of the human species surviving this century is not great, one must have some damn good evidence, or inside information, Mr. Baron. Could you share it with us please.

However, I would agree with you that the probability of the white race surviving this century is not too good ... if, and that’s the key, ... if jews remain on the top and succeed in preventing whites from waking up. But I wouldn’t bet on that. My best guess is that the situation will get out of control, just like it did at the end of Weimar Republic, and blow up in their faces on a scale they have never seen before. The whole Western world today is kind of a global Weimar Republic with the degeneracy of the human spirit and morality rapidly approaching the critical point.

My intuition tells me that Ernst Zündel had a very good point when he told Israeli Journalist: Jews of the world have Holocaust coming

Mark his words, this German fella knows what he is talking about.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 23 May 2011 06:08 | #

Well, let us hope you have followed my advice (poorly) and withheld the actual calculations in the interests of melodramatic tension. - Grimoire

Now I want to show this arrogant jew how stupid he is. Those of you who are not aware of what this lying asshole is referring to as the actual calculations need to read his comment full of arrogance and stupidity.

You are a rare man of exquisite, mathematical intellect… I would like to get your opinion on some statistical anomalies that puzzle me….. Is it not true that 99.9% of the so called ‘Russian’ immigrants to the US where Jews?  Did not the Jews struck a deal with the Reagan administration to allow Russia to shit out its Jews and flood the world with their talents?  And is it not commonly known that to disguise the fact of this mass immigration of Jews from the rest of the populace, they never mention the fact that ordinary Russians, which a Muslim would be considered, are almost never allowed to immigrate to the US for security and economic reasons by treaty agreement with Russia, as Russia does not want to lose its educated workforce to mass immigration to the US….. but is happy to lose Jews… unless the Jews bring the ordinary Russian in as petty assassins or drug couriers or prostitutes ......the statistical probability of a Circassian Muslim working as a Rocket Scientist are….?

I mean 00.01%, at the absolute roundest figure to start sure….but there are other factors at play here… of that 00.01% - 99.99% are part Jews, certainly work or trade for Jews to even sniff a visa, and have Jewish connections, how else could they jump que ?

Now since the US has zero need for Russian rocket scientists, what are the chances a Circassian Muslim getting a job in an Academy, when the quota of immigrants allowed to take a paying job away from an equally trained American is zero, unless that immigrant is a Jew and uses his connections ?

Pretty close to infinity isn’t it ? Almost as rare as a Unicorn flying up your ass? Rarer?

And what type of fellow, makes a patently dishonest, weasel apology, but when you offer your hand in friendship, allowing them to retain some sort of personal dignity, starts wheedling, conniving and chiseling immediately?  Sound like someone we know of?

What are the chances that person is a Muslim? As Muslims by their religion are commanded to accept a hand in friendship with magnanimity .....a very, very,very low percentage?

I mean who is it, you beat them like a dog for good reason. In fact you must beat them, for as snakes, they understand only a boot on their throat - would ask for friendship with the language of a snake, and when you extend your hand, start inveigling and weaseling immediately?

Now, I don’t want to make any accusations here….but I tried to make some calculations, and my calculator exploded in flames - but what is the likely hood of such person not being a Jew? And not a Muslim? But a Jew pretending to be a Muslim?

Now, this is rocket science obviously. This takes probability to levels way, way, way beyond anything I could compute, and probably NASA also. I mean this is a wild herd of Unicorns and the entire cast of Disneyland flying up your ass and out your ear doing the conga as being a guaranteed 0 certainty before the other likelihood..

But as your a Rocket scientist, perhaps you could look at the problem and give some ballpark figures on what the likelihood would be. I actually came up with a figure here, under my hat, and I would like to see how close it is to what you calculate. - Grimoire

(1) The asshole assumed that I was working as Rocket Scientist in the United States. The whole body of his ‘proof’ (that Ivan is either a lier or a jew) is based on that premise for, as he believes, an emigrant from Russia almost certainly has to be a jew to get such a position in the United States. Now, if one, not only takes that false premise from the equation, but on top of that adds that the reason I didn’t get such a position in the US is precisely because I am not a jew, what happens to his magnificent ‘proof’? It blows up in his fucking face! Anyone who knows anything about conditional probality will tell you that.

(2) He arrogantly is asking me to look at the problem and give some ballpark figures on what the likelihood would be that I am not a jew ! This asshole has absolutely no understanding of what probability is all about. Probability estimate of a proposition is always conditional on the information available to the person who makes the estimate. He is asking me what is my probability estimate that I am not a jew !!! I know whether I am a jew or not, you idiot. There is nothing to calculate here - my probability estimate that I am not a jew is 1.


Posted by Robert Reis on Mon, 23 May 2011 23:53 | #

Why bother?

Sex work is an acceptable job option for one third of Berlin college students (29.2% in Paris, 18.5% in Kiev), according to a scientific study by “Studienkolleggs zu Berlin” that will be presented Wednesday to the Brandenburg Academy of Science. There is a lot of media gossip about this topic, but scientific studies are rare. 3,200 students in Berlin, Paris, and Kiev were asked about their attitudes about “prostitution as a part time job.” 3.7 % (1 in 27) of Berlin students currently work in the sex industry as strippers, escorts or prostitutes in bordellos or erotic night clubs.

30% of students in sex work have debt, compared to 18% of the rest of the student population. Only 50% of sex workers get financial help from relatives, compared to 65%. The most important motive for sex workers is obtaining a “higher hourly wage,” followed by “financial emergency,” “searching for adventure,” and “enjoying sex” in equal percentages. Experts from an agency advising prostitutes cite as their motivations “illusions, dreams of easy quick money, desire for physical closeness and sexual curiosity.” One female student said that money is always an object, or else a woman has no need to use a whorehouse to to act out her sexuality. They earn between 50 and 300 Euros per day.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 24 May 2011 00:39 | #

They earn between 50 and 300 Euros per day. - Robert Reis

You see, Grimoire. That’s what you should be doing, butt-head. Switch from intellectual prostitution to gay prostitution. That shouldn’t be much of a problem for a jew.


Posted by Thunder on Fri, 27 May 2011 23:05 | #

As Muslims by their religion are commanded to accept a hand in friendship with magnanimity .....

How convenient to be a muslim or jew and have a ‘holy’ book to refer to by way of covering your ass while ignoring those passages incompatible with Western ways.

I prefer to extend my hand in friendship to one who understands the Golden Rule, one who does not need to be advised to accept sincere frienship or how to wipe his ass and clean between his toes.

I am fresh from a confrontation with an gutless gang of muslim punks and even less inclined to welcome any friendly gestures from the likes of an Ivan.  Fuck off home. Your kind are not welcome in my country.


Posted by Ivan on Sat, 28 May 2011 00:08 | #

I am fresh from a confrontation with an gutless gang of Muslim punks and even less inclined to welcome any friendly gestures from the likes of an Ivan.  Fuck off home. Your kind are not welcome in my country. -Thunder


Haven’t I advise you not to post anything anywhere while feeling upset or irritated? Sorry, if I haven’t. You see, Thunder, such state of mind is almost always a sure sign that something is wrong with you and not with the world. In such cases you ought to sit down calmly, take a stress pill, and think things over. Otherwise you are bound to start hallucinating and seeing things like, for example, Ivan making friendly gestures towards you, or Ivan living in your country, and, basically, end up making a fool of yourself.

Ivan is a good and wise man. Listen to him , and you’ll be Ok.


Posted by Thunder on Sat, 28 May 2011 23:59 | #

Like I said Ivan

I prefer to extend my hand in friendship to one who understands the Golden Rule, one who does not need to be advised to accept sincere frienship or how to wipe his ass and clean between his a holy book.

Take all your muslim punk kindred and fuck off out of my space.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 29 May 2011 01:55 | #

Thunder reminded me of an anecdote. A fat and ugly woman lashed out at a drunk man in a Metro bus: Get away from me, you, drunk! The man replied: I’ll be sober tomorrow, mam, and you will be fat and ugly for the rest of your life. I am a Circassian, Thunder, and you are a jew.

As for the cleanness and stench, it probably wouldn’t be much of exaggeration to say that my ancestors have kept their stables cleaner than jews keep their bodies and their synagogues (you don’t have to take my word for it: GENERAL PATTON’S WARNING). To breed those horses known to the entire world as Kabardin - the finest mountain horse breed ever - my ancestors had to keep them in clean environment, you know.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 29 May 2011 04:54 | #

Circassians, oh yes originally pagans who converted to Chrisitanity then converted again to islam out of fear of tartars and turks.  Let me see you have been in the west for 16 years (living among your own kind doesn’t seem to be particularly attractive to you).  I say a few more years and you will be reciting Hail Marys and celebrating Thanksgiving. 

Unfortunately I cannot wait muzzi so get on your horse and back to your stable.  Get out of our space and stop talking horsehit.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 29 May 2011 06:25 | #


You are not following the instruction I have prescribed for you and, as a predictable result of that, your condition is deteriorating.

You are hallucinating now that you have a country. You don’t. You are a jew, jews don’t have a country, never had, and never will. Israel is just a fluke of history, an aberration. It’ll be gone sooner than Ahmadinejad has predicted it will.

I am a generous man, so I’m gonna give you another free advice. As a jew, as a member of the most cowardly ethnic group in the entire history of mankind, you should be careful not to accuse anybody of cowardice. As a jew, as a member of the most unclean (mentally, spiritually, and bodily) ethnic group in the entire history of mankind, you should be careful not to accuse anybody of uncleanness.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 29 May 2011 08:09 | #


I appreciate your distaste of jews and share much of it but if you truly perceive me as one then it is not me who is hallucinating.  I am descended from the most accomplished people on this planet.  Does that sound jewish?  Men who were not afraid to conquer any less gifted tribe, like circumscisions, circus-isms or whatever the hell you claim to be, take their land and show them how to use it.  Does that sound jewish?

Like jews, you need a book to tell you how to eat and wash.  Like jews you need a book to tell you when to lie and not.  You are the jew clone muzzi.  Now go use a nice, clean Western washroom, have your last refreshing wash and go home to your uncultivated, backward, shit hole dwelling, jew mimicry tribe.

I suspose you should be thankful jews never conquered the circus-ism homeland or you would be walking around with sidelocks and phylacteries given the prpopensity of your people to convert at the drop of a skull cap. Or are you some long lost kazhar?

And I thought discussing anything with you would be a waste of time but I feel good now.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 29 May 2011 16:52 | #


You are in for some more thrashing. I bet you can feel it in your jewish guts.

You are not calm, bro. I realize, being a thunder, that’s not an easy task for you to accomplish, but you have to calm down, you have to cool off. Please repeat after me: I have to calm down like this good and wise man Ivan has advised me; I have to calm down like this good and wise man Ivan has advised me; I have to calm down like this good and wise man Ivan has advised me.

Now, when you have cooled off a little bit, let’s continue with the therapy.

I am descended from the most accomplished people on this planet. Does that sound jewish?

Well, yes Thundy, that sounds very jewish. This sounds like a jew who is proud of the ‘accomplishments’ of his people, but he can’t name his people. Only a delusional jew can believe what he says becomes a reality. This sounds like a locust bragging about the ‘accomplishments’ of his locust kin.

Men who were not afraid to conquer any less gifted tribe, like circumscisions, circus-isms or whatever the hell you claim to be, take their land and show them how to use it. Does that sound jewish?

Well, yes Thundy, that sounds very jewish. I am sorry to spoil that brilliant line of yours about circumscisions, circus-isms or whatever the hell you claim to be , but we do not cut the penis of a newborn baby boy in half like you, jews, and other Semites do. Never!

Like jews, you need a book to tell you how to eat and wash.  Like jews you need a book to tell you when to lie and not.  You are the jew clone muzzi.  Now go use a nice, clean Western washroom, have your last refreshing wash and go home to your uncultivated, backward, shit hole dwelling, jew mimicry tribe.

This sounds very, very jewish, Thundy. The stench coming from your mouth is no better than that coming from your body. You have no fucking idea how jewish it is, poor sap.

And I thought discussing anything with you would be a waste of time but I feel good now.

As your therapist, it would be irresponsible for me to lull you into thinking that your are Ok now. I have to be brutally honest with my patients - this is just a mood swing, Thundy, very common thing with my patients, and unfortunately it won’t last long. You have to learn how to calm down and be cool, and I am here to help you.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Please excuse my patient, he is not quite well yet.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 29 May 2011 21:30 | #


You call that a thrashing, you are delusional my little carcass-ian friend.  I am beginning to wonder about your own ethnic background.  You slipped so easily into this Viennese doctor mode and the delusional projection is rife.  Quick, check your penis for a foreskin.  I can lend you half of mine if you need it.  There is plenty to go around.

For the record my background is a combination of English, Scottish, French and Ojibwe (you should be able to have fun with that one).  It is a quintessentially Canadian mix.  The English owned the country including the great fur trading outfits—like The Hudson Bay Company. The Scots ran the companies and the French traded with the Indians for furs.  I wa born in the bush to a trapper.  Does that sound jewish to you?  From what geneology a relative put together I cannot detect any taint of jew (or fracas-ian).

Now time to come clean and answer the implicit questions you have long avoided.  You are really the jew here are you not?  What is the koran if not a copy of jewish books?  All those instructions about washing that any sensible man would intuitively understand.  Especially those who uncovered the nature of germs for the whole world to benefit—my ancestors.

How does that manual ass washing actually work jew clone?  When you have shat in the hole and trickled the water from the communal jug over your ass,  do you do a dig and and rub thing with your paw?  Then where do you wash your hands?  I have been to public toilets in many muslim countries and the provision of clean sinks and good soap and towelling was at a premium.  So what, you walk around dripping fecal matter feeling clean? Sorry about the earthiness here but I am curious.  You could relieve me of my fear of muslim handshakes here doctor foreskin.

I really am curious about the koran too.  Does it truly advise you that it is permissible to lie to non muslims?  When?  Now?  How can I tell when you are lying and when you are not because this jew calling thing you engage in is eroding your credibility.  Is Grimoire really a jew?  Are the others you have called a jew really jews?

Grimoir, anyone?

I thought you were using jew as the ultimate insult.  I mean that makes sense to me.  But then the amount of projection is so common that it alone gives me pause to wonder.  What is going on here?  Are you a muslim or are you really a jew?  You are not helping me doctor sarcast-ian.  I will have to contact the jewish psychoanalyst’s association if you do not shape up.


Posted by Ivan on Mon, 30 May 2011 20:43 | #

You are not helping me doctor sarcast-ian. - Thunder

I am sorry for leaving you unattended for so long, Thunder. Normally I don’t do that to my patients, primarily because that would be too dangerous for my patients and, most importantly, for the society at large.

Don’t worry, as I told you, I am here to help you, and the Circassian ethics dictates me to keep my word. But the success of my therapy hugely depends on one very important premise: you have to understand that you are sick, and you have to admit that you are sick. To put it in simpler terms - you are a jew and you have to admit that you are a jew. Otherwise, there are severe limits to the help and cure I can provide for you.

Please don’t go into denial, please help me to help you.


Posted by Thunder on Mon, 30 May 2011 22:09 | #

Okay Ivan,

I had my fun with you.  There was even a moment there when I thought your extension of a hand in friendship may be worthy.  Humour has that effect on me.  But I doubt it.  You fail to answer my questions and continue on with the same boring crap so I’ll away.

I usually don’t waste my time on parasites and that is what you are, jew or not, someone to be vanquished not debated.

I will give you one final gift, in the spirit of true sportsmanship so common among my people and rare among others, including you jew types.  Have the last word.  I’ll waste no further effort on you.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 31 May 2011 01:48 | #

Frankly my academic interests are Math and Philosophy, I don’t know much about economics apart from basic micro/macro, so feel free to correct me if I’m wrong - Philosopher King

Please don’t take it personally, but I have no reverence for philosophers, especially of the jewish variety (lest to be misinterpreted, I do not imply that you are jewish - I haven’t seen any evidence of that, quite the contrary). Take this jewish Philosopher King Karl Popper. This idiot, who had absolutely no understanding of the concept of probability, let alone any works in mathematics or physics, had the chutzpa to come up with his own concept of probability, which he called The propensity theory of probability. Not only that, this genius came to the conclusion that induction is impossible, notwithstanding the fact that every human being without single exception cannot, and does not go by without making hundreds and hundreds of inductive inferences every single day. Take another jewish Philosopher King, another Karl - Karl Marx, ... well we all know about this Karl, I just wanted to mention a fact that is not widely known. This Karl, who probably couldn’t prove Pythagoras’ theorem, wrote a huge book hundreds and hundreds of pages long where he explores and explains (to whom? one can only guess!) the mathematical concept of infinitesimal.

The problem with the jews is that they think they know something others don’t. No matter how much evidence to the contrary, you cannot convince them otherwise. This is, to use genius Popper’s concept, the unique propensity of jewish mind. No other people think that way, none! Only jews - the chosen ones.

As late physics professor Edwin Jaynes used to say: The occupation of philosophers is the easiest one - they are not obligated to do anything worthwhile.

Now let us deal with what’s left from Philosopher King - the math. I want to see what kind of a King you are. If I may use your own words, King:

I’m curious about whether Philosopher King is just another pseudo-mathematician or whether he’s the real deal, so I want him to solve this very simple math problem. Find the most generic solution of the following functional equation, and prove that there are no other solutions:

f(x) + f(-x) = f(y+x) + f(y-x) - 2f(y),

where both x and y belong to the set of real numbers.


Posted by Ivan on Tue, 31 May 2011 04:44 | #

I had my fun with you.  There was even a moment there when I thought your extension of a hand in friendship may be worthy.  Humour has that effect on me.  But I doubt it.  You fail to answer my questions and continue on with the same boring crap so I’ll away. -Thunder


I want to be deadly serious with you now. There is time to be sarcastic, there is time to be serious. I am very serious now. I want you to listen to me with attention.

To this point I did not extend my hand in friendship to you. I wanted to put you down, and I did. But not because I am a blood thirsty barbarian, not because winning is everything to me. I wanted to put you down because there are certain things you need to know, but there was no chance I could explain them to you unless you were down. Please don’t be offended with my patronizing tone - I am an old man, and I am almost certainly much older than you are.

The ethics I was raised with prohibit humiliating an adversary who is on the ground. Humiliating a living creature who is in need of protection is the most disgusting thing a decent man can do. I have never thought that I would extend my helping hand to you, but I am doing it right now.

Even if I wanted to humiliate you, I couldn’t have done it as much and as effectively as you have done to youself.You have said many dirty things about me and about my people you know not to be true in your heart. You didn’t act like a gentleman, and you know it. You were not truthful and you lied, and you know it. There are things extremely difficult to do for any human being - jew and non-jew alike. It is to admit that one didn’t act like a gentleman and that was wrong. See if you can do it. I don’t want you to admit it in public. Take your time, just think about it calmly, there is no rush. If you can admit it to yourself, you have won this battle. If you can admit it to yourself, WE have won this battle - YOU and I.

Be well, man.


Posted by Thunder on Wed, 01 Jun 2011 00:54 | #

Okay.  Again I will engage you despite my misgivings.  I accept your most recent statements as genuine and will try to continue with what I hope will be mutual sincerity.

First of all you are not entitled to be patronizing simply because you assume you are older.  I am 61 and you may well be older but you will have to prove your greater understanding to me not just claim it on seniority.

First question:
When you speak of the ethics you are raised with are you referring to religious training you gained as a muslim or is this from an honest personal ethical foundation?  This is important to me because I put great stock in the Golden Rule and little in someone who does what he thinks is the right thing because some deity will punish him if he does not.  I believe a decent man should not humiliate a living creature who is in need of protection and not because the bible tells me so.

Yes I did say some things intended to hurt you but if you reread them I often asked some questions that, to me at least, are very serious.  For example in this second set of questions:

Do your holy books advise you that it is permissible to lie to non muslims?  When?  How can I tell when you are lying and when you are not?

I have many more questions to ask including issues of hygiene and your reasons for living in the West and your level of support for other muslims who live off of our societies.  I have questions about the behaviour of your coreligionists that I have encountered and read about and how you interpret that.
In return I will genuinely apologize for any offensive statement I made or continue to make.  Just point anything out you want addressed and I promise I will answer with sincerity.

Third question set:
What battle is it that you and I are engaged in?  Are you suggesting some mutual ground?  What is it? 
Perhaps you have addressed these questions on this website previously.  Just directing me to them will be sufficient.

Also let it also be understood I am prepared to honestly ask any question you care to ask of me on any issue, any capable of my understanding of course.

Take your time.  I am off to Japan for a few weeks then back for a bit and off again to Canada but I have up until June 6 to reply then another bit between June 23 and July 1 or so.  We are old(er) men. We can be patient about this.

Be well man.  And you also.


Posted by Thunder on Thu, 02 Jun 2011 06:32 | #

Those last two sentences should be:

Be well, man. 
And you also.


Posted by Ivan on Thu, 02 Jun 2011 16:13 | #


Your last comment is your first one written in non-jewish, perfectly human language. Although it is difficult for me to understand how 61 years old man could have written all those childish comments before this one, and how 61 years old man could be so impatient, I still congratulate you on the progress being made.

Anyhow, 61 is a mature age, and I will answer all your questions in a manner that is appropriate in communication between mature men.

I have to run to work right now, but please exercise patience appropriate for a mature man and rest assured that I haven’t forgotten about you. You’ll get answers to all your questions.


Posted by Ivan on Fri, 03 Jun 2011 02:50 | #

When you speak of the ethics you are raised with are you referring to religious training you gained as a Muslim or is this from an honest personal ethical foundation?  This is important to me because I put great stock in the Golden Rule and little in someone who does what he thinks is the right thing because some deity will punish him if he does not.  I believe a decent man should not humiliate a living creature who is in need of protection and not because the bible tells me so. - Thunder

I did not gain any religious training as a Muslim. I did not gain any religious training as a Christian. I did not gain any religious training, period. I have never seen in my life a Talmud, I have never hold in my arms a Bible, and I have never read a single page of Koran. I have a pocket size book though, which was given to me by a very religious woman - my aunt. She gave it to me when I was 16 years old, just before I departed to Moscow, all by myself, to finish the 10th grade of high school at specialized mathematical school for gifted students, founded by the most celebrated Russian mathematician of all time Andrei Nikolaevich Kolmogorov. I have no idea what’s in that little book - it is written in Arabic, a language which is not known to me. She asked me to take that book and promise to keep it. I did not ask what’s in that little book and why it is so important to do so. I was old enough to understand the importance she attributed to it, I took the book, and I kept my promise - that little book is still in my house. 

I was raised in the communist Soviet Union, but when I refer to code of behavior I am not talking about communist ethics either. The ethics I am referring to has two roots - the genes I have received as an ethnic Circassian, on one hand, and the behavior I have observed in my parents, my grand parents, my relatives, and others I have grown up with. What I do, and the way I do it, is determined by those two factors, not by the desire to please some supreme deity or authority. It is predetermined, just like a chicken egg is predetermined to become a chicken, or an eagle egg is predetermined to become an eagle. By manipulation, one cannot make a chicken egg to give rise to an eagle, or vice versa. You can destroy the egg, but you cannot change the destiny of what is predetermined by the forces you have no control over.

Let me explain what I mean. Or perhaps a little Circassian boy Tamerlan can explain it much better than I could do in words. It’s called genetic memory:

Do your holy books advise you that it is permissible to lie to non muslims?  When?  How can I tell when you are lying and when you are not? - Thunder

I think I have already answered those questions. I do not rely on holy books to tell me how to behave, the only book that dictates me what to do and how to do it - my genes and my culture. That book is always with me, and it cannot be separated from me. In my book, lying is a shameful manifestation of weakness: weakness of the spirit, weakness of the mind, weakness of the body. And there is always a man I cannot hide from the shame of lying, the shame of showing weakness - myself.

What battle is it that you and I are engaged in?  Are you suggesting some mutual ground?  What is it?  - Thunder

The struggle for a decent man to remain decent under all circumstances. Yes, that struggle is, or at least ought to be, universal.


Posted by anon on Fri, 03 Jun 2011 03:57 | #

The struggle for a decent man to remain decent under all circumstance

And with that I believe you have out-englished the Englishmen here, Ivan. Bravo.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 05 Jun 2011 00:05 | #

Thanks for that Ivan but I am more interested in muslims in general than you in particular.  I accept that your ethical base is not dictated by religious dogma but what about muslims in general?  This is the real point for me you are living in the West but obviously have an affinity to a different people. How far does your support for other mischievous muslims go, those who are injurious to our way of life?  Those who are not decent to infidels?

Through this video you are also claiming a genetic relationship with a people “...that will outlive any innovations”, to quote the commentator.  How is that compatible with my people’s future?

I would like to accept your commitment to honesty but does that mean you do not know at all about this islamic provision to lie to infidels or it is untrue?  Perhaps I have been misled.  But please either tell me you know nothing of it or tell me how far you support it because knowing of a wrong and not speaking out against it is a wrong.  I am after full disclosure and and am willing to accept that I have been misled.  I am still left not knowing if it is true or when it is permissible to lie to non muslims and how I can tell when muslims are lying or not?

Your answer about the battle and mutual ground we share is very vague.  I believe I am a decent man as would most on this website.  I accept you are one too.  And yet.  You live in the West with a loyalty elsewhere. We can both be decent men in our own space.  Muslims have the right to run their own countries however they see fit, without interference from the West.  I want my homelands run by people like me and free of muslim and jewish influence.

So it raises the question why are you living in the West?  Go live among the people you love. That does not preclude us interacting with mutual respect but the borders must be respected or enforced.

Bear in mind my timeline.  I head out tomorrow.  I am looking forward to Japan and experiencing time among people with a strong sense of national identity.  I am particularly looking forward to visiting Kyoto.


Posted by Thunder on Sun, 05 Jun 2011 02:08 | #

Thanks for the interesting video.

Spank the Planks are amateurs carrying on the tradition of the kind of dance I really enjoy.  It strikes me as more open to individual interpretation and joyous than the Circassian folk style.

This is a corker:

I love that video.  It reminds me of the many parties we had in our house.  In the first part of the video the song they are playing is Rubby Dolly which was a favourite of my stepfather Jules who was an excellent fiddler.  My father was a good step dancer.  As seen in the second part it was a kind of dance that all men could join in as there were no women in the lumber camps.  My mother to this day, she is 81, belongs to a clog dancing troupe.  There are some good musicians there.

This is bluegrass music at its best.  An impromptu jam in a Grand Ole Opry dressing room followed by some on stage picking with Earl Scruggs.  Alison Krause and Union Station do some great modern bluegrass.  Bluegrass was practically invented by Bill Monroe and is a descendant of English/Celtic Folk music.

You could also watch the movie Songcatcher to get a bit of the background of Appalachian music.

My favourite perfomance of my favourite song is Barbara Allen by Emmylou Harris:

I intend to revisit Appalachia this northern summer.  It has been a long time and if anyone has any advice I would truly appreciate it.  Apart from the music, dance and history I am also interested in visiting distilleries and moonshine.  I have my own still and make my own concoctions.

There used to be a contributor here called Lawrence of Appalachia.  He could probably help.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 05 Jun 2011 08:52 | #

I am more interested in muslims in general than you in particular.  - Thunder

It would be preposterous for me to speak on behalf of all Muslims for many reasons. There are over a billion Muslims in the world with almost as much diversity of ethnic backgrounds as there are ethnic groups in the world.

How far does your support for other mischievous muslims go, those who are injurious to our way of life?  - Thunder

Have you ever thought of the injuries brought upon millions and millions of Muslims of the world by endless wars of aggression instigated by the jews in control of the West? Have you compared those injuries to that of mischievous muslims to your way of life ?

I am still left not knowing if it is true or when it is permissible to lie to non muslims and how I can tell when muslims are lying or not? - Thunder

I do not claim that Muslims are any better than the rest of the world. But I do claim that jews wage endless wars on Muslims in large part because of their religion of Islam that helps them to maintain some boundaries of decency. For the new world order to take place, any strong bounds between peoples and ethnic groups must be broken. There are many reasons for Islam to be the prime target of the jews who are pushing the global agenda of making animals out of all gentile peoples.

If you claim that Islam teaches that it is permissible to lie to non muslims, you better come up with some quotes from Koran. I don’t know how YOU could tell if someone is lying or not, but I can tell you how I determine if a person, Muslim or otherwise, is lying or not: One cannot lie and stay consistent for too long. That’s how I know the jew-crew is lying.

So it raises the question why are you living in the West? Go live among the people you love. - Thunder

One, if anything, the West should welcome people like myself and beg us to stay.
Two, my wife and I, by mutual consent, have decided - we are going home. If fact, my wife and my kids are already back home.

Like you said, my personal case is not that important. If you are interested to know why Circassians are scattered all over the world, you, in a way, have already answered that question in one of your previous comments. Let me remind you:

I am descended from the most accomplished people on this planet. Men who were not afraid to conquer any less gifted tribe, like circumscisions, circus-isms or whatever the hell you claim to be, take their land and show them how to use it. - Thunder

It’s a long story how one of the accomplished peoples got rid of my less gifted tribe to take our land and show us how to use it, but here is an abridged edition of it:


Posted by anon on Sun, 05 Jun 2011 14:56 | #

Ivan -

Two, my wife and I, by mutual consent, have decided - we are going home.

Take me with you! These Abendlanders don’t know what they’re missing.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 05 Jun 2011 22:19 | #


If I am not mistaken, you have mentioned once that you have considered emigrating to Iran. I do not know how difficult or easy it is to get an emigrant visa to Iran for a foreigner, but Russia is an open country today, so if you are serious about it, you might have a fair chance to get Russian citizenship. Give it a try - you have nothing to lose except, perhaps, time spent in unsuccessful bid.

With America going down, and finally getting off the back of Russia and the whole world, plus taking into consideration the very high likelihood of Putin coming back next year as the president of Russia for the next two consecutive terms totaling 12 years (Russia has recently changed its constitution to allow for 6-year presidential term, starting with the next president, and I believe that was done on purpose to give Putin a legitimate opportunity to have 12 years at the helm - time enough for some serious reforms), Russia in my opinion will be a nice place to live and raise your kids.

For example, I know for a fact that many Russian jews are looking forward for an opportunity to relocate back to Russia from Israel and other places.


Posted by anon on Mon, 06 Jun 2011 05:56 | #


I do not know how difficult or easy it is to get an emigrant visa to Iran for a foreigner,

It’s impossible. Can’t even renounce one’s citizenship while there—no embassy.

Russia may be open, but that just means it would be exchanging one kwa for another. Being Belizean I have very little tolerance of cold weather. That is, I can live in it, but not go to work on a construction crew at 5AM in the snow with only a nip of vodka to keep me ‘til lunch. Russia is nearly as chary as Iran in granting visas and citizenship to Americans.

Belarus would have my vote, but I never found immigration policies on the web, probably because no one but Africans are seeking haven there. Turkey would be a much easier affair; the coastal towns are always in need of Anglophones for the tourist industry, and their approach to bureaucracy is rather “latin”.


Posted by anon on Mon, 06 Jun 2011 06:00 | #

Sorry Ivan—I saw that was you but wrote “Thorn” after reviewing your epic tussle therewith.

Again though, for Americans (as I am by birth) even acquiring a long-term visa is a notoriously difficult procedure. Forget citizenship. It’s reserved for Ashkenazi-American journalists.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 06 Jun 2011 11:30 | #


You are American, or Belizean? Did you renounce US citizenship, or are you just an expat?

You are white, right? Of what primary ethnic stock?

Just curious. I’m the last generation which did not grow up with the internet, so certain aspects of it remain perpetually surprising, like how these online chat rooms or ‘virtual communities’ manage to attract persons from everywhere.  Frankly, I don’t like that. I would have preferred living in the days when travel was difficult, people didn’t move around much, and communications could only be printed.

But it (along with ease of travel) does make White Zion a possibility. If you wish to exit Belize, and like hot weather, why not Australia - and be one of the earliest White Zionist pioneers?


Posted by anon on Mon, 06 Jun 2011 18:35 | #


I am white and American by birth, yes. I’ve spent much of my life in Belize owing to family business concerns, and have Belizean citizenship, though I divide my time between Belize and Florida.

Australia is friendly to Belize, but they’re not after the “skillset” I can offer. And it is simply too far to stretch my family ties. I maintain that Belize is an equally suitable, and in ways superior, option for those desiring to escape Greater Kwa; cheap, undeveloped land and a government wary of Israel. I have been to Australia and found congenial, but I must tell you the truth—there are too many white people for me. I like my brown compatriots for the most part. I prefer to live where the people are not mentally weighted by things like political correctness and Protestantism. Sadly, these are the two most popular white religions.


Posted by Thunder on Fri, 24 Jun 2011 04:26 | #


I understand that you cannot speak for the many individual muslims but I am interested in how some groups of those individuals act in concert in ways harmful to our culture and your support for those inclinations, for example pushes for Sharia law.  Perhaps only a minority of muslims do such things, I do not know, but as is often the case support of the non-vocal majority of muslims aid this by not speaking against it unless they inwardly want it.  Inviting more muslims into our spaces who wish to change our culture is not attractive to me.  So tell me do you want the West Islamicized/changed to suit your beliefs?

Yes I have often thought of the injuries brought upon millions and millions of muslims of the world by endless wars of aggression instigated by the jews in control of the West.  I believe I am on record for saying so.  I have certainly sent enough letters to my political representatives to state my concern and disgust at the situation.  Democracy is not all it is cracked up to be and as you may know not even what it purports to be.  We should not meddle in msulim affairs overseas.
The world is a different place now.  Imperial wars should be a thing of the past.  I prefer to leave areas held by others alone and let them fulfill their own destiny.  However, how stupid is it to stir up Iraqis, Afghanis etc then invite them to live among us?  What is the chance of importing individuals with a chip on their shoulder?

If I had a quote from the koran which does permit lying to non-muslims then I would be reasonably certain of its existence an refrain from asking the question.  I am asking you because I do not know for sure.  Look if you do not know say so, or othewise be definitive.  I can probably search the answer out elsewhere.  Your answers to this is becoming very evasive Ivan.

There is nothing you or any other muslim can offer the West that we cannot do, and probably better, for ourselves, without the religious baggage.  The obvious case is that you got something by living in the West that was better than what you could get at home.  But I do wish you a happy homecoming.  Good fences make good neighbours.  If, from your homeland, we can cooperate on exposing the jew so much the better.

You said before you are old.  You may find going home difficult at an advanced age. I am myself faced with the prospect of returning to the land of my birth, for a few years, for personal reasons.  I have mixed feelings but there is always that affinity for the soil.

The Circassian story is interesting.  Since I know little of the politics of the area I will comment little. 
Do the remaining (non diaspora) 480,000 Circassians live in present day Russia?  Is that where you return to?  Do you harbour hopes of a homeland?  What is the ethnic composition of the area?

Japan was great but I am happy I am not Japanese.  The land is too crowded and they do not seem really happy, perhaps a bit too tightly wound and formal.  But the place was clean and very organised with some beautiful gardens.  And some of the cleanest toilets I have ever ecountered, with interesting and surprising functions.  My favourite place of all was the Katsura Imperial Villa gardens in Kyoto.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
