Steuckers on radical right literature

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 12 May 2011 23:56.

Here is Robert Steuckers answering the final question of an interview given to the Scandinavian group Oskorei:

In your many articles you have exhibited an impressive knowledge of European thinkers from Hamsun and Evola to Spengler and Schmitt. Do you consider some of them more important, and a good starting-point for the pro-European individual?

The study of our “classical” heritage of authors is a must if we want to create a real alternative worldview (“Weltanschauung”). Moreover, Evola, Spengler and Schmitt are more linked to each other than we would imagine at first glance. Evola is not only the celebrated traditional thinker who is worldwide known as such. He was an intrepid alpinist who climbed the Northern wall of the Lyskamm in the Alps. His ashes were buried in the Lyskamm glacier by his follower Renato del Ponte after he had been cremated in Spoleto (a town that remained true to Emperor Frederick Hohenstaufen) after his death in 1974. Evola was a Dadaist at the very beginning of his career as an artist, a thinker and a traditionalist. His was totally involved in the art avant-gardes of his time, as he himself declared during a very interesting television interview in French language that you can watch now on your internet screen via “you tube” or “daily motion”. This position of him was deduced from a thorough rejection of Western values as they had degenerated during the 18th and 19thCenturies. We have to get rid of them in order to be “reborn”: the Futurists thought we ought to perform promptly this rejection project in order to create a complete new world owing absolutely nothing to the past; the Dadaists thought the rejection process should happen by mocking the rationalist and positivist bigotry of the “stupid 19th Century” (as Charles Maurras’ companion Léon Daudet said).

Evola after about a decade thought such options, as throwing rotten tomatoes at scandalized bourgeois’ heads or as exhibiting an urinal as if it was a masterwork of sculpture, were a little childish and started to think about an exploration of “the World of Tradition” as it expressed itself in other religions such as Hinduism, the Chinese Tao Te King, the first manifestations of Indian Buddhism (“the Awakening Doctrine”), the Upanishads and Tantric Yoga. For the European tradition, Evola studied the manifestations and developed a cult of Solar Manly Tradition being inspired in this reasoning by Bachofen’s big essay on matriarchal myth (“Mutterrecht”). Thanks to the triumph of the Solar Tradition, a genuine Traditional Europe could awaken on the shores of the Mediterranean and especially in the Romanized part of the Italic peninsula, invaded by Indo-European tribes having crossed the Alps just before the Celts did after them. Besides, he was the translator of Spengler and reviewed a lot of German books written by authors belonging to what Armin Mohler called the “Konservative Revolution”. In Italy Evola is obviously very well known, even in groups or academic work teams that cannot be considered as “conservative-revolutionist”, but the role he played as a conveyer of German ideas into his own country is often neglected outside Italy. But still today people rediscover in Latin countries figures of the German “Konservative Revolution” through the well-balanced reviews Evola once published in a lot of intellectual journals from the 1920s to the 1960s. As his comments on these books and publications were very well displayed on didactical level, he can also be still very helpful to us today.

Evola was also a diplomat trying to link again to Italy the countries having belonged to the Austrian-Hungarian empire. He was active in Prague, in Vienna (a City he loved) and in Budapest. He also had contacts with the Romanian Iron Guard, which he admired as a kind of citizens’ militia controlling severely the bends of petty politics limping towards corruption and “kleptocracy”. Even if he was mobilized when he was still a very young man as an artillery officer in the Italian army during WW1, Evola disapproved the war waged against traditional Austria and didn’t agree with the Futurists, d’Annunzio and Mussolini who were hectic interventionist warmongers. He was aware that the destruction of the Holy Roman Imperial Tradition in the centre of Europe would be a catastrophe for European culture and civilization. And it was indeed a catastrophe that we still can grasp today: a contemporary author like Claudio Magris, born in Trieste, explains it very well in his books, especially in “Danube”, a kind of nostalgic travelogue, written during peregrinations from one place to another in this lost Empire of former times, now torn into many scattered pieces belonging to thirteen different countries.

Carl Schmitt in several books or articles expresses the nostalgia of a kind of “Empire’s secret Chamber” regulating the general policy of a “greater room” (“Grossraum”): for him the members of such a Chamber, if it ever becomes reality, would find inspiration from Bachofen’s ideas and their interpretations, from Spengler pessimistic decay philosophy and from the analyses of all possible teams devoted to geopolitics (Haushofer and others). Carl Schmitt just as Evola was also deeply interested in art avant-gardes.

My interest for Hamsun comes from the implicit anthropology you find in his works: the real man is a peasant running an estate. He is free: what he owns is his own production; he is never defined or bound by others, i. e. by alien capitalists or by State’s servants or by foreign rulers or by the eager members of a ruling and crushing party (Orwell’s pigs in “Animal Farm”). The general urbanization process that started in the historical cities of Europe (especially Paris, London and Berlin) and in the new hectic cities of the United States lead to the emerging of an enslaved mankind, unable to coin its own destiny with the only help of his own inner and physical forces. Spengler and Eliade both say also that true mankind is incarnated in the “eternal peasant”, who is the only type of man that can generate genuine religion. David Herbert Lawrence’s most important book for us is without any doubt “Apocalypse”: this English author laments the disappearing of “cosmic forces” in man’s life, due to the bias inaugurated by Reformation, Deism (mocked by Jonathan Swift), 18thCentury Enlightenment and political extremism derived from the blueprints (Burke) of the French Revolution. Man became gradually detached from the cosmic frame in which he was embedded since ever. He’s lost also all his links to the natural communities in which he was born, like the poor immigrant Hamsun was in Chicago or Detroit, limping from one miserable job to another, bereft of all youth friends and family members. The cosmic frame Lawrence was talking about receives a comprehensive and understandable translation for the humble in the aspect of a religious liturgy and calendar (or almanac), expressing symbolically the rhythms of nature in which each man or woman lives. Although Flanders has been urbanized since the Middle Ages and had important industrial cities like Bruges and Ghent, the anthropological ideal of the 19th Century romantic or realist Flemish literature is the one of the independent peasant (“Baas Gansendonck” in Hendrik Conscience’s novel, the unfortunate and stubborn Father figure in Stijn Streuvels’ “Vlaschaard”, the heroes of Ernst Claes’ and Felix Timmermans’ rural novels and short stories, etc.). In Russian literature too, the rural element of the population is perceived as doomed under any communist or Westernized regime but simultaneously perceived as the only force able to redeem Russia from its horrible past. Solzhenitsyn pleaded for a general liberation of the Russian peasantry in order to restore the Ukrainian “Corn Belt” in the “Black Earth” area, giving Russia back the agricultural advantages it potentially had before the total destruction of the “Kulaks” by the Bolsheviks.

But we can talk for hours and hours, write full pages of interpretations of our common literary heritage; I cannot answer your question thoroughly as it would need writing a good pile of books. Let us conclude by saying Tradition or literary “ruralism” (be it Flemish, Scandinavian or Russian) are good things provided you don’t remain glued into it. Futurism is a dynamic necessity also, especially in societies like ours, where the countryside isn’t the only life frame anymore. Marinetti and more recently Guillaume Faye stressed the fact that in order to be able to compete on the international chessboard we have the imperious task to get rid of archaisms. But if Faye is obviously more futurist that “archaist”, I plead for a good balance between immemorial past and audacious future (like Claes did in his marvellously filmed novel “Mira”, in which a backward rural community refuses the building of a bridge that would link the village to the next important town; the young sensual prostitute Mira, treated as a witch by the village bigots, having just come back from Paris, where she was on the game, falls in love with the handsome engineer, the bridge is built and the village dwellers linked to the rest of the people’s community without abandoning their roots – the ideal balance between past and future, between demure morality and forgiven sin, is realised). To put it in realistic arguments: we need both a sound rural population (crushed nowadays by the EU-ukases) and a high tech engineering elite (able to create super-weapons) to become a re-born superpower, which would not be unnecessarily aggressive or feverish “imperialist” (in the bad sense of the word), but calmly civilian (Zaki Laïdi) and simply powerful by its plain presence in the world. Mentally, we, as the forerunners of the needed “new teams” in present-day messy and derelict Europe, should be real and staunch “archeo-futurists”, mastering our roots and planning boldly our future. The rest is only mean and petty trifles.

Tags: New Right



Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 13 May 2011 00:37 | #



Posted by Steuckers on Fri, 13 May 2011 12:27 | #

Dear Friends,

Thank for having taken over this interview. I am glad to see interest awaken in America even for modest answers as this was. But on the other hand I know that Flemish ruralist literature isn’t really known abroad. Perhaps because the topics are a bit out of fashion… Nevertheless D. H. Lawrence and Knut Hamsun have coined a more universal literature of this type. In Flanders, the cinematographic re-creation of the literary sphere was excellent. Especially the “Vlaschaard” and “Mira”. There were English subtitles in a popular series of DVDs in Belgium, sold for a couple of euros provided you buy a daily paper! Politically correct papers cannot be sold otherwise, without the possibility of a small gift…
That’s all for today.
Robert Steuckers.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 13 May 2011 13:15 | #

Thanks, Robert.  You’re more than welcome.


Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 13 May 2011 13:25 | #

Serious WNs will agree that our problems run deeper than mere politics, and even, for the moment (though only for a few more moments), than military/physical power. Our race is dying out due to corrupted ethics, incorrect or misunderstood ontology, and a collectively suicidal political/economic/legal system.

Are these problems resolvable through legislation? Even more disturbing, what can be done if white majorities disapprove of the directions of their societies, but individually prefer to continue the very conduct collectively producing the social outcomes they decry?

The point of these ruminations is that asking people to change their entire lifestyles in pursuit of abstract goals is, well, pointless. Far easier it is to stop immigration, in other words, than, say, resurrect European rural peasantries. Indeed, didn’t Carl Schmitt teach something about political truths only being true in their particular historical contexts?


Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 13 May 2011 13:28 | #

Thank you, that was excellent. Greetings from Southern California.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 13 May 2011 16:29 | #

Telegraph 10th May 20011

It’s not just the Labour Party – the Left is in meltdown all over Europe

....So what are the causes of this meltdown? It’s particularly baffling given that the whole of Europe was adversely affected by the recent problems afflicting the international banking system. One of the reasons socialists believe history is on their side is because they think capitalism is inherently unstable, lurching from one crisis to another. Yet the financial crisis of 2007-08 has sent voters scurrying towards the Right, not the Left. What’s going on?

The obvious answer is immigration…..

Full story.–-the-left-is-in-meltdown-all-over-europe/

H/T via VFR


Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 13 May 2011 21:57 | #

Well liberalism is based on insane premises and the modern version is perhaps the most successful ideology in human history. Neoliberalism is the unchallenged ideological “common sense” of all our elites with minor differences of emphasis upon secondary issues in our so-called democracies.

Personally I do think Schmitt is a very important thinker (Perry Anderson – yes the editor of New Left Review – has interesting things to say about him) and Heidegger is also interesting but Evola is really is a bizarre lunatic in my view.

In a wider context I must say I have just picked up ‘The Holocaust Industry’ by Finkelstein and it’s very good on the systemic mendacity of organized Jewry on this topic. If this book was written by David Irving no doubt it would be a ‘thought-crime’ in extremis. Actually Irving is praised as a military historian in Finkelstein’s book. I can’t quite see 99.9% of Zionist academics having the good grace to acknowledge that Irving has done some very important work.

We have to be intellectually promiscuous in our influences – for example there is a very good critique of international law by Danilo Zolo (Victors’ Justice: From Nuremberg to Baghdad). Just because someone is starting from the left doesn’t mean they cannot offer a sharp analysis of just how rotten much of contemporary high politics actually is. Just because a Marxist says it doesn’t ipso facto mean it’s not true.

Of course elements of critique and analysis may overlap between radical left and right, but the solutions radically diverge (if you pardon my pun). I guess on the link between biology, culture and the ‘benefits’ of diversity would be one such cleavage.


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 14 May 2011 00:33 | #

To put it in realistic arguments: we need both a sound rural population (crushed nowadays by the EU-ukases) and a high tech engineering elite (able to create super-weapons) to become a re-born superpower, which would not be unnecessarily aggressive or feverish “imperialist” (in the bad sense of the word), but calmly civilian (Zaki Laïdi) and simply powerful by its plain presence in the world. Mentally, we, as the forerunners of the needed “new teams” in present-day messy and derelict Europe, should be real and staunch “archeo-futurists”, mastering our roots and planning boldly our future.



Posted by GT on Sat, 14 May 2011 01:05 | #

“To put it in realistic arguments: we need both a sound rural population (crushed nowadays by the EU-ukases) and a high tech engineering elite (able to create super-weapons) to become a re-born superpower, which would not be unnecessarily aggressive or feverish “imperialist” ...”

Amen.  Will not happen in the United States, much less be led by the US’ alienated EZ money Republican “WN” contingent.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 10:31 | #

What we require can be summed up neatly as ;

’ Hi-technology, energy independent, environmentally sustainable, autarchic Agrarian societies predicated on the re-instatement of indigenous cultures and ancestral traditions’.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 10:35 | #

No, we do not need to be a super-power.

To be a super power requires a military industrial block to equip and arm a national army with its emphasis on competing on the global stage with the usual geo-political Great Games in order to ensure a perpetual strategic advantage.

What we need is a Peoples Militia, a sort of hi-tech Spartans, whose fierceness would be such that any nation threatening to attack would think twice before doing so - as to do so would be invite their own destruction.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 14 May 2011 11:55 | #

No, for our race to survive, at least as a civilization (they could always keep a few thousand of us in existence on reservations or even in zoos, obviously), we must be a super-power. Otherwise, we will not be able to resist the world’s envy and hence hatred. They would force themselves on us, as they tried and sometimes succeeded in times of old. Only this time our enervated peoples would simply roll over, valuing comfort far more than any personal and racial liberty that had to be fought for.

Only a tiny minority of Westerners today are willing to be modern Spartans. Most people just want to live their own private lives, free of external hassles. It’ so much easier to pay taxes for strong, technologically sophisticated professional militaries than to submit to the discipline of classical republicanism. That’s just reality, and as our racial strength wanes, our perception must grow keener.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sat, 14 May 2011 13:51 | #

I agree that we should not aspire to be a superpower; but really hi-tech Spartans…keep drinking the kool-aid dear boy.
Leon your totally right no-one wants to be citizen-soldier except odd-balls playing ‘army’ out in the middle of America. Come on let’s try to move beyond such idiotic musing.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 20:00 | #

Leon you say “only a tiny minority of wsterners want be spartans’.

Thats right.

And 300 of them faced down an Persian army of either hundreds or thousands or millions.

Thats the point - you dont need a standing army and a military industrial block, nor to posture as a super-power, if you have a few thousand spartans.

The society you want to create is a society predicated on ancestral cultures, and this would be a masculine warrior culture attracted to such ideals as the spartans, as they represent the authentic warriot spirit of the European male.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 20:03 | #

And to be honest - if you do not feel the call of the warrior spirit in your blood - and an empathy with the spartans, berserkers of the vikings, scottish clansman, the celtic warriors and other warriors of the west throughout our history - then you are not an authentic European male.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 14 May 2011 20:37 | #

I was not referring to my own attitudes in my comment above. I had been knowledgeable about Thermopylae for decades prior to the movie 300, which I subsequently purchased on dvd (something I rarely do). And when I was still living in Westwood, I, in the immediate aftermath of the vicious 1992 black LA “Rodney King” riots, which I witnessed firsthand, informally tried to form a local militia, for obvious self-protection purposes. Though a couple of my personal friends were excited about it, the general response from neighbors was, um, underwhelming.

Revilo Oliver, one of the intellectual godfathers of modern American WN, always stressed the need to be ruthlessly honest in our appraisals of the correlation of racial forces. My comments here at MR try to reflect such brutal realism, both in long term analyses, as well as tactical recommendations.

To reiterate, for all and sundry: as our racial strength declines, our perceptiveness about the real options available to us must grow more acute.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 21:43 | #

I agree re racial strength and perception.

Yet we must also realise that in order to be who we truly are, and to become an authentic European, then we must look inwards - not outwards.

Both as individuals seeking the true self - and as a civilisation seeking the rebirth of its soul.


Posted by Grimoire on Sat, 14 May 2011 21:52 | #

That state which seperates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools”


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sat, 14 May 2011 22:29 | #

The state that sends it intellectuals to fight and its fighters to teach at university, will have its fucking arse kicked by everyone.

Lee John Barnes 2011.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 15 May 2011 03:40 | #

So because I don’t find talk of modern hi-tech Spartans a sensible or practical policy idea (if it could even be called that) then I’m not an “authentic European male”. With such analytical acuity is it any wonder the tendency you represent is in disarray?

There is a wide array of empirical evidence as to why ethnically homogeneous societies are substantively better for their members and generally more healthy. Equally there is a wide array of critiques of liberalism and its modern ideological variant neo-liberalism. I don’t dismiss the various histories of European people but come on asking people to be modern day Spartans etc., is just plain silly.

The art of politics is, in part, meeting people where they are and pulling them towards your own position and, in doing so, redefining the ideological co-ordinates of a society. The clever use of ‘wedge’ issues is an important tactic; talking about what most average people would immediately consider nonsense (let’s be modern Spartans) is not helpful nor is it a sign of serious thought.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 15 May 2011 08:37 | #

Telegraph Sunday 15th May 2011.

Here we go again, where have I heard this before?  Must be theme of the week.

Europe and immigration are vital issues, so let’s discuss them.

Telegraph View: The voters want a debate on Europe’s influence, and the Government should let them have it.

It’s catching, here’s the Guardian (same day)

While the European left dithers, the right marches menacingly on.

Immigration: The longer the left’s response is confused, the more the populist right begins to make xenophobia acceptable.

Can I hear the ‘Oh my god moment?’


Posted by Bill on Sun, 15 May 2011 08:48 | #

Re-above 8.37 am.

Oops!  should be….too many windows open.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 15 May 2011 10:21 | #

Of course you are not an Authentic European Male Bill, as you were not raised as one in an authentic European culture.

You are poisoned, toxic and weakened by the toxins of your nurture as we all are.

Your nature has been undermined by your nurturing.

If you were an Authentic European Male, you would have been raised to be a warrior in a warrior culture - which were the basis of all indigenous archaic European national / tribal cultures at all points in the past until Modernism destroyed those cultures.

You were not raised that way - hence you are not an Authentic European Male.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Sun, 15 May 2011 13:16 | #

Re: the Guardian thread

Once again the comment section is well to the right on this issue. Both sides of the neo-liberal elite have mendaciously promoted mass-immigration with either the emphasis upon the economic agenda or the cultural one. But all the serious evidence demonstrates that ethnic ‘diversity’ is not a strength but rather economically harms the native working classes/poor, undermines systems of social solidarity and trust, and is generally pernicious to the health and well-being of a society. There is nothing ‘progressive’ about mass-migration from the third-world into our homelands.

I was recently in Delft to look at the Vermeer’s etc., and I spotted a young Dutch boy 3-4ish at the window above a shop, with his mother letting him look out. The child was happily looking out onto the square below had eyes that burned with intelligence and playful curiosity. On my return to the UK I was using public transport from the airport and a white English woman got on the train with her two children. Her daughters were around 4-5 age and they displayed the same life and spirit as the Dutch boy. By contrast an African mother with a child of similar age also boarded the train and child was just dull behind the eyes - no sense of having the same curosity or anything like the same spirit.

Now I don’t like to think of my self as an ‘evil’ person and I don’t ‘hate’ the African child but I know it is not part of my ‘in-group’ and I feel little empathy or any sense of responsibilty towards these third-worlders. The presence of such people ultimately threatens our survival and persistance as Europeans (and all that is wonderful about European high culture - there are simply no black or brown Vermeer’s or Bach’s). I mean all this hogwash about protecting minorities/multiculturalism etc., is so wrong headed. After all it is whites, from a global perspective, that are the minority yet our own hostile elites want to systematically undermine our right to define and defend our community as we see fit. All under the premise of hyper-liberalism and a disingenuously applied ‘universalism’.

I also worked and lived in the US for a few years (in the Upper-Midwest) with a population almost exclusively of Euros. And they have been some of the nicest people I have encountered. But I fear for these decent folk. The demographic trends over there are even worse than in Europe and furthermore the Talmudic tribe have such a grip over political, economic and mass-media/cultural power it’s hard to see how Euro-Americans can start the fightback.

Anyways I like to think I’m a fairly average person and let me tell you fetishsizing the Nazi’s or Spartans et al. just puts ordinary people off anything you might have to say. I think a Schmittian discourse is a much better starting point (what are the boundaries a community can draw around itself etc).

I was recently chatting with a really good, but ultra liberal/PC, friend of mind about society and politics etc. I brought up the fact that apparently London is now the most ethnically diverse city in the world. So we talked about the pros and cons of this and I got onto some of the practical issues - schooling, housing, jobs, crime etc.

Eventually we got onto practical/political issue of just how many immigrants could the UK take and she admitted that there had to be a limit, moreover if 50%+ of people living in England were African in origins then “England would no-longer be England”. Now of course 50% is a silly proportion but a seed had been sown. Getting someone that’s a ‘normal’ well-educated middle class person (but been constantly exposed to PC crap) to effectively admit that Africans are not interchangable with Europeans, and we are being replaced by them and this is a bad thing, is for me a minor victory. We really need to get many more such people to admit this obvious truth.


Posted by Lee John Barnes on Sun, 15 May 2011 15:42 | #

You just dont get it do you Graham.

I am saying that a spartan type movement will arise as a result of the return of archaic European Man - as this is in the nature of the European Male to do so.

I am not saying ’ hey the liberals will vote for this’.

I am saying that a spartan/ celtic warrior / viking berserker type male warrior society will arise the moment that the European Male discovers his own innate organic nature and social model.

It is who we were, and hence will be again.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 May 2011 18:05 | #

“The general urbanization process that started in the historical cities of Europe (especially Paris, London and Berlin) and in the new hectic cities of the United States lead to the emerging of an enslaved mankind, unable to coin its own destiny with the only help of his own inner and physical forces.”

“To put it in realistic arguments: we need both a sound rural population (crushed nowadays by the EU-ukases) and a high tech engineering elite (able to create super-weapons) to become a re-born superpower…”


Open Source Ecology is a network of farmers, engineers, and supporters that has been imagining and creating the Global Village Construction Set, an open source, low-cost, high performance technological platform. These DIY-fabricated industrial machines can be used to build a sustainable civilization with modern comforts. The GVCS lowers the barriers to entry into farming, building, and manufacturing. It is a life-size lego-like set of modular tools that can create entire economies.”

Marcin Jakubowski has more or less independently derived most of our (Maguire and I) concept of the PLE program. 

Full disclosure here:  After watching some of Marcin’s videos I suspect that he has some Jewish racial admixture.  If true I seriously doubt its significance in the white world’s present circumstance.  Probably comparable to that of Hitler’s SS driver, Emil Maurice.

The mere process of executing the OSE program will self-select for “Intelligence Quotient”, “Civic Quotient”, “Work Quotient” and “Moral Quotient”.  The rest is marriage advice for one’s kids.

The TOO/A3P and PLE/OSE approaches are mutually exclusive.

Regnery, KMac et al are still dangling the goal of institutional recapture through some kind of reverse Gramscian long march.  The time for groups and programs like the A3P came in the late 1970s.  Demographically the time for them is long past.  The TOO promotion of the idiotically simplistic “NW Migration” plan, whereby all white nationalists move to the NW and secede without having created the requisite alternative socioeconomic networks independent of the mainstream, is only designed to constitute a white “big tent” in support of this reverse Gramscian long march strategy.

All the diverse life forms white nationalists detest derive their power from maneuvering in the interstices of large centralized bureaucracies.  The way to destroy these parasites is to destroy their economic hosts. Genuine PLE and OSE activists aim at revolutionary destruction of the existing economic and political institutions and their replacement by new forms.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 May 2011 18:16 | #

“The state that sends it intellectuals to fight and its fighters to teach at university, will have its fucking arse kicked by everyone.”

Spoken like a true Athenian prior to the destruction of his Long Walls by the Lacedaemons.  Or a Brit oligarch mourning his lost Empire.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 May 2011 18:24 | #

“‘ Hi-technology, energy independent, environmentally sustainable, autarchic Agrarian societies predicated on the re-instatement of indigenous cultures and ancestral traditions’. “

I agree with this, of course.  Unfortunately it cannot be accomplished without the integration of intellect and the physical.  This fact is not even worth debate.  Caesar and Alexander intermingled comfortably with the troops.


Posted by GT on Sun, 15 May 2011 19:20 | #

“Only a tiny minority of Westerners today are willing to be modern Spartans. Most people just want to live their own private lives, free of external hassles. It’ so much easier to pay taxes for strong, technologically sophisticated professional militaries than to submit to the discipline of classical republicanism.” - LH

You’re partly right.  But this is also the enemy’s Achilles Heel.  In the United States these docile, submissive, lazy, corrupt whites – products of natural selection via industrial revolution, urbanization, and civil war – have begun the process of dying off.  The death of useless white Takers is a good thing, for it opens the way for those with limited resources but having the moral, physical, and intellectual capacity to Create and Revive the discipline of classical republicanism.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 15 May 2011 19:29 | #

GT is really onto something. The best and most practical way to ensure the white-race’s existence is NOT to move into the NW or isolate ourselves into one geographic location. That would make us vulnerable in all the obvious ways. The best alternative we can work towards is one of network of micro-communities dispersed through-out North America. Within the micro-communities we develop the requisite skills we will need to survive whence severe social/economic upheaval become a reality. At this time, it will be only those in micro-communities that will posses what it takes to not only survive said upheavals, but will be in the best position to cease power within their particular provincial locations. Even if social upheavals never materialize, micro-communities are still an excellent enterprise to pursue for a myriad of practical reasons.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 15 May 2011 20:26 | #

It’s a question of mass, Thorn.  The greater the mass of white America concentrated in one region, the more likely survival will accrue.  A dispersed white existence is a long step closer to the genetic hell of Olam Ha-ba which, at all costs, white Americans must avoid, and if they can’t avoid, oppose and destroy, no?


Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 16 May 2011 23:06 | #

@Lee John Barns

No I get ‘it’ is just I think your vision is ungrounded in reality, and risible in its child-like nativity and simple-minded buffoonery.

I quite like Plato, Shakespeare, Mozart, Darwin and Heidegger amongst many other figures and the wide range of uniquely European achievements in cultural, intellectual and scientific life. I wish to defend this high culture and obviously the populations from which such figures and excellence emerges.

Biology is the substrate from which culture springs. Putting a bone through ones nose is not the same cultural achievement as the Brandenburg concertos, no matter what is claimed by the degenerate post-modern academy.

Our European populations face an almost unprecedented threat to our collective survival (let alone flourishing). We must urgently detoxify our ‘brand’ of ideas and made it somewhat possible for the educated middle-classes to ‘safely’ sign-up. (I count myself among the educated middle-class).

Having fantasies about ‘hi-tech Spartans’ is, in that context, simply idiocy. Deary me, honestly is that what passes for political philosophy in BNP circles?


Posted by GT on Tue, 17 May 2011 00:40 | #

“The best alternative we can work towards is one of network of micro-communities dispersed through-out North America.” - T

That’s correct. Thanks, Thorn.

Mind you I haven’t a problem with secession as a long-term goal, but only after the necessary preparations have been made throughout North America (to include Canada).  These preparations would include the formation of socioeconomic cells I call microcommunities, each (preferably) comprised of multi-generational family and long-term friends, operating outside of (or nearly so) the economic mainstream, forming regional networks and ultimately collaborating with hundreds of thousands of similar cells throughout the northern part of the continent. 

“It’s a question of mass, Thorn.” – GW

Yes it is.  Unfortunately, white nationalists haven’t the mass to carry off a successful secessionist movement in the northwest.  Sorry.  Worse, they will never acquire the required mass in the northwest or anywhere, for that matter, without becoming independent of the economic mainstream.  End of story.


Posted by GT on Tue, 17 May 2011 01:07 | #

“The clever use of ‘wedge’ issues is an important tactic; talking about what most average people would immediately consider nonsense (let’s be modern Spartans) is not helpful nor is it a sign of serious thought.”

The fact that Spartan thinking is not a “sign of serious thought” to lazy, docile, submissive white Takers comfortably ensconced in the Judeo-economic mainstream, advocating a reverse Gramscian long march, and looking for a political savior for the rapidly approaching demographic end time, doesn’t bother me in the slightest.  The Takers, beginning with Boomers, have begun the process of dying off.

My sons’ generation, Generation Kill, holds far more promise for white nationalism.


Posted by GT on Tue, 17 May 2011 01:47 | #

“That state which separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools - Thucydides” - Grimoire

Excellent quotation taken from the Athenian general Thucydides’ History of the Peloponnesian War.  For him hindsight was surely 20/20, given Sparta’s destruction of his beloved empire.

The modern Spartan is morally, physically, and intellectually well-rounded.  Balance.  The concept is as old as ancient Greece.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Tue, 17 May 2011 02:26 | #

Are you sure the “modern Spartan” isn’t getting down with the boys and Kai Murros in those leather chaps - you know the ones with a hole at the back- hence the wearer’s arse can stick out for ever so easy access?


Posted by Grimoire on Tue, 17 May 2011 03:48 | #

Thank you GT: The Peloponnesian War was the core text of the cadet training of my youth.

It has appeared in your literature, paraphrased, more than once.

For that these two, learning and martial exercise,
effect two things most dangerous to a tyranny: wisdom and valour.
For that men of spirit and understanding, can hardly endure a servile State.”

- Sir Walter Raleigh. Maxims of State, 1642

and Butler’s ‘Charles George Gordon’

In England there has long been an idea prevalent in the minds of many persons that the soldier should be a species of man distinct from the rest of the community. He should be purely and simply a soldier, ready to knock down upon word of command being duly given for that purpose, but knowing nothing of the business of building up; leaving that important branch of life to Mr. Civil Commissioner This and Mr. Civil Administrator That. It is needless to say that Charles Gordon held a totally different view of the soldier’s proper sphere of action, and with him the building part of the soldier’s profession was far more important than the breaking part. The surgeon who could only cut off a leg or amputate an arm, but who knew nothing of binding up the wound or stopping an open artery, could not be of much account in any estimate of men. Gordon understood the fact that nations as well as individuals have pulses, that the leader who would lead to any definite end must know how to count these pulsations, and, in addition to his skill as a sword-cutter, must be able to do a good deal of the binding up of wounds, even though he had himself caused them. To say this is, of course, only to say that Gordon was great, in a sense greater than any merit of action in arms could aspire to. The nation that will insist upon drawing a broad line of demarcation between the fighting man and the thinking man is liable to find its fighting done by fools and its thinking by cowards.

As what it teaches is ever in need of learning.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 17 May 2011 08:05 | #

The modern Spartan is morally, physically, and intellectually well-rounded.  Balance.

“Balance” implying development of both physicality and intellect would seem to be more Athenian.  The “Spartan” emphasis on only the former was in actual fact dysgenic and self-eradicating due to a surfeiture of warfare.  The way Uncle Adolf drew it up on paper at least, his war in the East to grab land and enslave Slavs, was not to be dysgenic as victory was to be gained swiftly thus minimizing German casualties.  Didn’t actually turn out that way, though.  The goal of men groomed to live the good life in times of peace (this is a Greek concept too, you see) would seem to have its benefits as well.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 17 May 2011 08:33 | #

Generation Kill

the cadet training of my youth

Is war waged to secure peace or is peace merely the springboard for the next war when considered from the perspective of what is best for a given people?  Or, to put it another way, what is sane and what is not?


Posted by GT on Wed, 18 May 2011 01:50 | #


Thank you GT: The Peloponnesian War was the core text of the cadet training of my youth.

You’re welcome.  Note Lister’s response:

Are you sure the “modern Spartan” isn’t getting down with the boys and Kai Murros in those leather chaps

This is the response of one who doesn’t measure up.



You can quibble, but I won’t except to say that Athens sent certain of its sons to Sparta to acquire the balance Thucydides thought necessary.  Unfortunately, Athenian mobs and demagogues treated the Spartan-trained as traitors during the Peloponnesian War. 

Thucydides rubs raw the unbalanced conservative “intellectual” masquerading as a white activist:

“That state which separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting done by fools”

As do I for pointing it out.


Posted by GT on Wed, 18 May 2011 02:06 | #


Or, to put it another way, what is sane and what is not?

Please revisit Grimoire’s post and tell us if Raleigh and Butler were sane.


Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 18 May 2011 03:41 | #

      Ha ha! I think Lister meant an idea of style without substance, which seemed implied by the article. Chaos comes out with whatever is on his mind…‘shoot first, twice - questions later’ - the chaos-method…

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