Sociobiology of a Communist Killing Field: The Croatian Bleiburg The following essay was written for the The Occidental Observer site, and sent on to me by the author to publish here. SOCIOBIOLOGY OF A COMMUNIST KILLING FIELD: THE CROATIAN BLIEBERG By Tomislav Sunic In the study of communist terror different methods from different fields have been applied, ranging from the fields of political science, historiography and philosophy to international justice. An impressive number of books about communist crimes have enabled observers to grasp this unique phenomenon of the twentieth century, which inevitably brings about a large and emotional outcry, followed by constant haggling about different body counts. Whether it is the former communist Cambodia or the former communist Poland, in the memory of many citizens of former communist countries communism is a synonym for an inhumane political system. Despite the fall of communism as an ideological and political-legal system, the communist ideas of egalitarianism and the belief in permanent economic progress are still alive, albeit in other forms and under different names, and even amidst people who self-describe themselves as anti-communists. Perhaps the reason for that lies in the fact that the ideas of equality, internationalism (‘globalism’) and economic growth are today better achieved, or appear better achievable, in the liberal capitalist West than in the former ‘real-socialist’ countries in the East. Little effort has been made so far to analyze the communist system within the framework of modern medicine and genetics. Can one raise a question whether there is the ’ communist man ‘? Did communism, for instance in the former Soviet Union, or for that matter in the former communist Yugoslavia - as some sociobiologists would argue - give birth to a unique subspecies with a communist genotype and whose behavior can be explained as ‘communistic’? The study of communist lifestyle was already well described by a former Russian dissident and novelist Alexander Zinoviev, who had introduces the term homo sovieticus into the study of communist pathology, albeit more as a literary metaphor than as a term for a specific anthropological species (Homo Sovieticus, 1982 ). Seen from the perspective of sociobiology, Zinoviev’s homo sovieticus is not only a literary figure reflecting a distinctive life style, or an allegory for communized masses in the former Soviet Union, or in the former Yugoslavia, but a peculiar biological sub-creature of modern mass democracies. It is worth noting that the former Yugoslav author and ex-communist, Milovan Djilas (The New Class, 1957), or a former communist spokesman of the Third International, turned later into Croatian nationalist, Ante Ciliga (Dix ans au pays du mensonge déconcentrant, 1977), skilfully depicted the methods of the communist social selection, the state-sponsored terror, the birth of the new class, although none of them resorts to quantitative data, or psychometric analyses that many sociobiologists use. In passing, is it an accident that these two anticommunists classics, who during the Cold War commanded considerable respect among the so-called Sovietologists and Kremlinologists in the USA and France respectively, are ignored by today’s publishing houses in Croatia? And why does the Croatian Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Science not include these two authors in the obligatory curriculum of higher education? These questions remain all the more troubling as neither of these two authors was a rightist or a fascist intellectual. Both were, even prior to the WWII, prominent spokesmen of the communist movements in ex-Yugoslavia and the Soviet Union The reason for the official silence about these two authors in Croatia may not be difficult to guess. Those who control all levers of public discourse, albeit now a newly-discovered democratic verbiage couched in neoliberal and Western signifiers, are the progeny of Yugoslav Communist stalwarts. In that, Croatia is no different to other post-communist states of Eastern Europe and Russia. Sociobiology, biopolitics, bioethics ... If one addresses the issue of communist terror from the sociobiological perspective, or what is often euphemistically termed, from the ‘biopolitical’ or ‘bioethical’ perspective, one inevitably encounters the phenomenon of prevailing communist behavior in all post-communist countries in Eastern Europe - including Croatia. Sociobiology, to be sure, is considered an unsavoury branch of modern sociology, focusing on the political behavior of individuals and political systems by examining the make-up of the gene pool of a nation. In post-communist Eastern Europe, except for some closed academic circles, the term ‘sociobiology’ is virtually unknown. In the West though, most sociobiologists, despite their numerous books, are often marginalized, their books inaccessible to wider public, and many are exposed to public ridicule or intellectual ostracism - if not to an outright threat of job loss. Among some of the major modern sociobiologists, who are gradually working their names into the media of Eastern Europe, one should single out the late Nobel Prize winner Konrad Lorenz, his student, Irenaeusa-Eibl Eibesfeldt, the American, Arthur Jensen, the Briton, Richard Lynn and to some extent the newly discovered Richard Dawkins. Unlike liberal and Marxist thinkers, sociobiologists argue that heredity, and not so much social environment, plays a significant role in political and social behavior of individuals and nations. It goes without saying that the academic discipline of sociobiology, which combines natural science with social sciences, is not to the liking of ideologists or theologians of any kind, because its research rests on a pure empirical basis. Its arch-enemies are the so-called modern leftists. By emphasizing heredity and the role of genes in the political and social behavior of individuals and peoples, sociobiology resorts to the classification of people based on their racial heritage, and consequently, it cannot leave aside such products as racial differences in average IQ. In modern Western multicultural societies, sociobiologists frequently present their work in convoluted language as they strive to avoid the tender mercies of the criminal code. If one was to engage in discussion of why, for instance, the inmates of prisons in Belgium are approximately 50 percent non-European, or why the prisons in Austria and Germany have many North African inmates, or why out of 2.5 million prisoners in America, 80 percent are Afro-Americans and Hispano- Americans, anybody making the sociobiological case can easily be subjected to criminal charges of “racial insensitivity“. Sociobiology is the sworn enemy of modern multiracial (euphemistically termed “multicultural”) states. Therefore, it is no wonder that most sociobiologists are labelled as “racists” and “Nazis” in the vernacular of their liberal or leftist detractors. Neither is the Catholic Church, which has made a glorious come back in Eastern Europe and particularly in Croatia, more forthcoming. By definition sociobiologists are agnostics or atheists who use the teachings of evolution and heredity of Gregor Mendel (a Catholic priest!) and the infamous Charles Darwin, and who a priori reject the concept of man crafted ex nihilo or “out of the blue.” In short, a great number of sociobiologists believe in the important role of genetic determinism, i.e. that a human being is determined by his ancestral genes - and only then by other factors such as environment, nutrition, education, and economic system. Inevitably, such pro-heredity attitudes lead to the acceptance of discrimination. (The word “discrimination” today has a negative political significance, although about fifty years ago this word had a neutral meaning, with no relevance to racial segregation). Human life by definition means discrimination, as each human being must discriminate constantly between friend and foe and must make proper choices who to date, or who to mate with. If one was to assume that differences in IQ among races and among individuals exist, then one must also reconsider some conventional academic and political wisdoms regarding stability or chaos in political systems around the globe. Why, for example Japan, or America, or Israel have a large number of scientists and why other nations, especially in Africa, have almost no nuclear physician, or a Nobel prize winner, and are, to say the least, constantly exposed to various epidemics, and wars? According to Richard Lynn’s measurement of IQ, the Japanese and Chinese have the highest IQ (120), followed by Jews (approximately 100 to 115), after that come Europeans whose IQ ranges from 90 to 100. Croats have an average IQ of 96. The Aristocide of Bleiburg and other killing fields … What does this all have to do with communist genocides? Or with the Croatian Blieberg – the name of a mass killing field in southern Austria in mid-May 1945? The name ‘Bleiburg’ became subsequently a metaphor for the Croatian holocaust, and is widely used by many in modern Croatia. In 1945 and after, Croats experienced an absolute biological catastrophe whose psychophysical and anthropological (and craniometrical?) consequences are yet to be evaluated. Under the sociobiological hypothesis that people are not equal and that some people have an innate instinct for aggression, or grand theft (“criminal chromosomes “), then every war is bound to have negative consequences for highly intelligent soldiers and civilians, which subsequently reflects itself in the political and economic development of a country. The word “aristocide” entered first into the English vocabulary thanks to Nathaniel Weyl, a former American Communist of Jewish origin, who became a celebrity in the fifties after converting himself into a radical anti-communist and a denouncer of his former communist comrades in America. In his essay (“Envy and Aristocide,” The Eugenics Bulletin, winter 1984), Weyl describes to what extent envy prompts less intelligent people to criminal behavior and malice. In this context, it may be easier to comprehend the real reasons for sanguinary behavior of Yugoslav Communists who, in the aftermath of WWII, carried out gigantic killings against civilians of the Croatian middle class. In their incessant purges the Yugoslav secret police, the Ozna and the UDBA, were not only motivated by ideological reasons, i.e., the famed ‘class struggle,’ but rather by primordial emotions of envy and knowledge that many pro-fascist Croat intellectuals were more handsome, more intelligent, or had more moral integrity than themselves. A German general and intelligence officer, Lothar von Rendulic, who had a good understanding of the Balkan communist mindset, describes cannibal-like practices by the communist guerillas against German Wehrmacht soldiers, and how his soldiers begged him for transfers from the Balkan front to the Eastern Front (Gekämpft-gesiegt-geschlagen, 1952). It is a great pity that many such books have been translated neither into Croatian nor into English. Communist genocides had a direct impact on the decline of cultural and economic growth of all nations of Eastern Europe, because a large number of intelligent people were simply wiped out or could not “pass on their genes” to their offspring. One can say that all East European nations were subjected to considerable depletion of their gene pool. Here lies the trap with the tantalizing ideology of egalitarianism and its most glaring offshoot, communism, which teaches that all people are equal, and which logically entails that any person can be replaceable and expandable at will and that his replica can easily be reproduced in another social environment. (An old Yugoslav communistic proverb still alive in Croatia’s public life, says: “No one is indispensable!”). A similar thesis of ‘indispensability’ and ‘expandability’ had been put forward earlier by the Soviet pseudo- scientist Trofim Lysenko. He argued that wheat can be grown in Antarctica and that intelligent citizens can be cranked out pursuant to the communist party five-year plan. This thesis - namely that the social-economic environment engenders miracles, is still widespread, albeit in its softer version in multicultural America. The liberal philosophy of the “nurture factor” seems to be an ideal tool for petty criminals, maladaptive individuals, and especially for people of lower intelligence, who, as a rule, always blame “somebody else” for their own physical and moral shortcomings. The legal formula of such procrustean ethics becomes transparent in the lexical and juridical fraud known as “affirmative action” in the USA, which is in essence a carbon copy of what multicultural communist Yugoslavia termed the “republican key”. In practice it meant that each former Yugoslav constituent communist republic was obliged to furnish its own share of communist hacks to federal perks. From the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution in Russia, communist revolutionaries first took a high value target, i.e. Russian aristocrats, the Christian clergy, and all those whose intelligence and knowledge was above the average. In this respect, communism with its teachings of equality is still highly valued by large masses of frustrated intellectuals, as it stresses the dogma of “equal opportunity for equal results.” Studies should be made as to the exact number of Croat urban population killed by Yugoslav communists after 1945. Maybe forensic studies of the barren bones scattered in numerous unknown graves and pits in Slovenia and Croatia could reveal interesting data on the decline of intelligence quotient among Croats today. A French author goes to great lengths to provide the names of countless Croatian artists and scientists, with high intelligence quotient, who perished in Titoist genocides in 1945 and after: writers John Softa, Marijan Marijasevic, Marijan Blazic, Bonaventura Radonic, Kerubin Segvic, Yerko Skracic, Vladimir Jurcic; poets Stanko Vitkovic, Branko Klaric, Vinko Kos, Gabriel Cvitan; journalists Mijo Bzik, Agathe von Hausberger, John Maronic, Vilim Peros, Daniel Uvanovic, Tias Mortigjija, etc ... If we add to these names the names of Croatian engineers, technicians, officers, priests, etc., the figure of human losses among Croat intellectuals, in the aftermath of May 1945, becomes frightening. (Christopher Dolbeau, Croatie, Sentinelle de l’Occident, 1992). By its nature communism encourages mediocrity and lack of any initiative because everyone who sticks out above the average is quickly castigated for “bourgeois deviation.” Based on these rough estimates of human losses one could also speculate about the subsequent events in Communist Yugoslavia, including the unnecessary war between two similar peoples - i.e. Serbs and Croats in 1991 - which was to a large extent spearheaded by the ex-communist Serb and Croat apparatchiks respectively. Furthermore, Croatia had also its “silent Bleiburg,” i.e., the departure of over one million Croats from 1945 to 1990 abroad.Under the romantic assumption that this biological disaster had not occurred Croatia would, today, have made some significant achievements in certain fields of science – and not just in sport or soccer. The same goes for all East European countries, expect for one detail. Croats, Estonians, Lithuanians are small peoples and, historically, the time needed to replenish their gene pool lasts much longer. One can advance another hypothesis. The Yugoslav crisis in 1990 and the savage inter-ethnic killings would probably have taken a different turn with involvement of highly educated non-communist and non-fascist politicians, for example the late Serb Milan Stojadinovic, who left in 1945 for Argentina, and his Croat counterpart Vlatko Macek, who left the same year for America. Conversely, if we had a quick glance at the phenotype of the leaders in both in Croatia and Serbia in 1991 one is struck by the fact that they all at one time shared the same Yugoslav communist ideology. Murder and persecution of intelligent people leads to economic slowdown. Zimbabwe (former Rhodesia) was once the main wheat exporting country in Africa. Today it must import food, because of its inept government. Algeria was once the breadbasket of France; now, although being one of the main world exporters of natural gas and oil, it depends on huge food imports. It is no wonder that the so-called Soviet miracle and, most notably, the launching of the space rocket Sputnik into orbit, the Soviets owed to captured German scientists. It is still an unspoken truth in Croatia today that the so- called “Yugoslav miracle” has to be credited to German slave workers (captured ethnic Germans and German POWs 1945-50) all over communist Yugoslavia. Under the assumption that Croatia had preserved its genetic stock and that the tragedy of Bleiburg had not occurred, under the assumption that hundreds of thousands of Croats had not emigrated to Western countries, one cannot rule out that Croatia would, by now, be a dynamic country with 8 to 10 million people, with a completely different circulation of political elites and founded on different political values. Thus, even today, the framing of public opinion in Croatia remains the privilege of sons and daughters of former communist stalwarts whose past cannot pass away ... Sociobiological analyses may be looked at with derision by the liberal media. However, each individual knows with deadly certainty that when “push comes to shove”, or when the state of emergency is declared, where and which tribe or in-group he belongs to. And which one is his real in-group… Should he fail to acknowledge his racial or ethnic kinsmen, or his “territorial imperative” – “the Other” won’t hesitate to remind him of it. It may sound cynical, but in1990 a significant number of Croats discovered their nationalist credo only when the perception of the communist and the Serb threat was looming large on the horizon. Such a discovery of “negative identity” may await Americans tomorrow, which could then make the ex-Yugoslav example look like a kindergarten brawl. Subconsciously, all races are aware of that old Latin proverb that “someone’s character lies in his face” (in facie legitur homo). And Friedrich Nietzsche was even blunter when he recalled the ancient European wisdom “Monstrum in fronte, monstrum in anime (monster in head, monster by spirit). Translated into day to day English language, a political crook is recognizable by his facial expression. Tom Sunic’s website cxan be found here. Comments:3
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 00:06 | # In short, a great number of sociobiologists believe in the important role of genetic determinism, i.e. that a human being is determined by his ancestral genes - and only then by other factors such as environment, nutrition, education, and economic system. That isn’t genetic determinism. Genetic determinism is the idea that we are solely the product of our genes. Sociobiologists aren’t genetic determinists. Genetic determinism, as far as I can tell, exists only in the minds and on the lips of environmental determinists. Sociobiological analyses may be looked at with derision by the liberal media. However, each individual knows with deadly certainty that when “push comes to shove”, or when the state of emergency is declared, where and which tribe or in-group he belongs to. Ah, would that it were so. Mulattoes know no such thing. Products of novel miscegenation (i.e., mulattoes more than, say, mestizos) don’t have this certainty to nearly the extent the rest of us do. Now that I think about it, Jews are another exception, at least as far as they’re concerned. Such a discovery of “negative identity” may await Americans tomorrow, which could then make the ex-Yugoslav example look like a kindergarten brawl. The extent to which this is true only goes to show the ambiguity lurking behind the “certainty” to which you refer. That is, the only way a racial brawl would really get ugly in America in the near future, in my opinion, is if it were a tribal white vs. white conflict over the future of our race. Whites vs. non-whites would be a one-sided curb stomp. 4
Posted by danielj on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 01:46 | # Genetic determinism, as far as I can tell, exists only in the minds and on the lips of environmental determinists. I think GW would disagree with you. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 02:19 | # Svi, Genocide is a term dreamt up by a Jewish guy in 1944, name of Lemkin I think. He was the one who got the Geneva Convention moving. It was adopted by the UN in 1948. Article 2, which I’ve often quoted on MSM threads, defines genocide quite broadly as:-
The meat of the argument is in bold. Some people think a case can be made for (d), but I’m not one of them. Any post that sets out to establish a party line has to be on firm ground, and to some extent (b) and, certainly, (c) offer that, in my view. The mental harm issue is about the culture war, about the indoctrination of white children and the denial of educational access to their own people’s history and attainments. It’s about the official belief in white racism and the ceaseless effort to commend non-whites to us, to withhold inconvenient truths about non-whites, to prevent honest discussion of what the future really holds for us, to demonise and delegitimise our natural interests as something genocidal, etc, etc. All of that is true enough. But mental harm is a slippery concept, especially at the group level, and therefore problematic to rely upon in isolation. To shift the case from an ordinary, judgemental and descriptive one to a more satisfactory fact-based and statistical one would be difficult to impossible. To even get the process started would take a level of investigation and exposure of government and institutional orders and budgets which only legal searches could uncover. By contrast, (d) adds to (c) a statistical argument for which facts are often already in the public domain. It’s about numbers ... non-EC population growth, birthrates, white flight, miscegenation. I would be much more confident that a case could be built on this. It would be interesting to get ben tillman’s view, if he calls by. 6
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 02:35 | # Daniel: I think GW would disagree with you. I think Svi has it down pretty well. I disagree that Man has free will in the sense that he understands it, which provides a different ground for the interplay of “natural” impulses and learned impulses. Another thing is that I baulk at Tom’s definition of sociobiology and the New Communist Man. The destruction of the Croatian intellectual class was surely dysgenic. But Tom’s assertion that a New Man more given to state-mandated behaviours would emerge therefrom is a leap, to put it mildly. There are countless other possibilities. In any case, the question was answered by history. Humour and bravery abounded. Just listen to the first minute and forty-five seconds of this (OK, it’s Prague and not Zagreb):- I think if Tom really dissected this idea he would let it go. 7
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 02:47 | # Sorry, I got confused. I’ve been conflating two different things. This is what I was talking about: Which I thought was some newer version of the UN’s position on genocide. Unfortunately, I’ve been posting that as a link to a document on genocide. :( Guess I’ll have to straighten all this out in my head. 8
Posted by Dasein on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 10:31 | #
The Catholic Church made its peace with Darwin’s theory relatively early and there is, as far as I know, little official hostility to it- Pope John Paul II in 1996 declared evolution to be a fact. Svigor is right, ‘genetic deteminism’ is something of a straw man used by environmental determinists. I’m not sure why these people can’t admit that there is at least some heritable component. Then they could say that it’s so small that it makes little difference. This would make them much more credible. Like Jobling dogmatically holding to his view that there is no innate basis for ethnocentrism (which he admits is a ‘human universal’!). I think he’s exposed himself to many now as an ideologue (though a poor one) for the ethnic interests of a certain group.
120 was the result from a single study. He should provide a range here too. I believe the mean is estimated to be around 105. And I don’t remember the IQ of Balkan peoples being that high- Lynn reports it being in the low 90s. This dysgenic effect of communist killings seems to be a common meme in Eastern Europe (particularly in the more Southern countries). I’m not so convinced though and would like to see something more quantitative. The data that Lynn reports suggests that there was little if any effect on IQ. I think that strong dysgenic effects would be mitigated by the age of those massacred (guessing that they were mostly men who had already had some or most of the children they would normally have had). What is more interesting is the dysgenic effects of communist culture. What were the characterisitics of those having large families in communist countries? How did societal structures impact fertility in different groups? It gets back to questions that James Bowery brought up in an ealier thread (bartender IQ). Sunic raises some interesting questions, but it would be nice to see more data on this topic. 9
Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:09 | # I can go along with this up to a point. However, there is the issue of slavery. What kind of moral barriers would you have against slavery? There has to be some concept of human equality to act as a barrier against slavery-even the wage slave variety. And the fact that our enemy-race replacement enthusiasts-free market enthusiasts-use ill defined fuzzy terms doesn’t mean that we have to. Protecting the legitmate racial intetests of European people doesn’t require us to drop strong moral barriers against slavery. The problem I have with Tomislav Sunic’s analysis is that it comes across just as vague and general as the race replacement enthusiast worldview. Believe it or not, it really is possible to have a sophistiated discussion of human equality. You will not find it any of Tomislav Sunics writings. The best response to the race replacment enthusiast is FUCK OFF AND JUST WAIT, YOUR DAYS ARE NUMBERED. This statement does not contradict the previous statement. One can think and fight at the same time. State your racial preference and if the race replacment enthusiasts don’t like it tough shit. The race replacement enthusaists aren’t asking hispicnics,asians,africans. and muslims to defend their racial preferences. So Tomaslav Sunic:are you for chattel slavery or against it? If so on what basis? 10
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 14:26 | #
I can go along with that, I find. 11
Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 16:14 | # The anti-communist crusade resulted in an American city-Miami-being transformed into a spanish speaking decadent cesspool. The Croats allied themselves with the Nazis. The Serbs kicjed both Croat ass and Nazi ass in during WW2. Dsspite their best efforts, the Clintons were not able to get Milosevich convicted of war crimes. He was murdered by denying him medical attention. The Croats and the Bosians both got away with murder during the Clinton years and…... during the Hitler years. Clinton rewarded the Bosians for their obedient behavior by giving them a whole American city to themselves(Utica NY) Is Sunic defending the bombing of the Serbian civilian population by Clinton? What’s a commie anyhow? Pinhead Evangelical Christians will call anyone a commie who will not give their allegiance to neocon insects. Fuck the Croats and the Bosians. 14
Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 19:35 | # Daisein I am sure there is a resonable ethical theory that lies somewhere on the moral contimuum between Sunic’s Facistic moral theory that apporves of extreme forms of human inequality such as chattel slavery-and hey what about white collar wage slavery in America-and at the other end , the bizarre and extreme egalitarianism of the race replacing Clintonite organized crime family whose headquarters at theCenter for American Progress(run by Clinton toady John Podesta) 15
Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 19:41 | # The major flaw of Sunics analysis is that he takes the egalitarian claims of race replacers such as the Clinton and Bush organized crime families seriously. They do not in fact take the idea of Human equality-at the morally rock bottom level very -seriously. The blatherings about “our noble intetnions” that comes out of the mouths of rapist Bill, the testosterone -flushed bull-dyke Hilarly and degenerate homosexual George W are not to be taken seriously-obviously. Not to obviouis to Sunic though. 16
Posted by Jupiter on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 19:47 | # With the Clintonites you will get the bizarre types of equality such as former high school home coming Queens and cheerleaders- white woman variety- flying F-15s in combat over Iran where they will shot down,gang raped and made pregnant by a 18 year teenagers serving in the Iranian military and four foot eight inch short -limbed mixtec female LA police. But the true moral intent behind this two examples is to reduce both Iranians and Native Born White males to feudal serfs with 0 rights. 17
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 22:30 | # The Croat average IQ is stated as being 96 in the version of Sunic’s essay here. The Croat average IQ is said to be 90 in the shorter version of Sunic’s essay posted at The Occidental Observer and the linked Wiki page describing Richard Lynn’s work. Lynn postulates non-White Turkish admixture as a cause of lower Balkan IQs as contrasted with other European groups, btw. 18
Posted by a Finn on Wed, 18 Mar 2009 23:37 | # Off-topic: Article and comments from Auster. I recommend reading it all. We don’t have to require from the Jews more than Auster & co. did here, i.e. defending our mutual living environment quite honestly. It is not right to require Auster to do things that must and can be done only by ourselves, like establishing our own communities. You may evaluate Auster’s high achievement in the light of average propensities of the Jews, which normally smother these kind of thoughts well before they see the light of day. “But there is another and opposite sense in which Jews serve as society’s early warning system. When Jews begin openly and audaciously to attack the majority culture of a white gentile majority society, that is a sign that the majority culture is tottering and that it must restore itself or die.” - We are ethnocentrically disabled. It requires acquiring things we never had in addition with restoring our culture. We don’t have other problems. 19
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 00:19 | # Finn, When Jews begin covertly and manipulatively to attack a white society, that is a sign that the white society will shortly totter and that it must restore itself or die. 20
Posted by Jupiter on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 00:31 | # The members of these organizations and their financial supporters should be tried for teason and then shot for treason. The state of Israel is a mortal threat to America. America should nuke the state of Israel. I have had it with the goddam Jews. 21
Posted by To Sunic on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 10:10 | # Poruka gospidinu Sunicu: Mozete, gospidene, da videte u primjeru Jupitera kakvim glupacima davate glas kada tako otverno govirite o ovim temama. (On je stvarno glupak ali njegovo je misljenje sasvim normalno medju njima kad su svesni svojih rasistickih interesa.) I zasto? Mesto da branite svoje vam je nejveca zelja uci u klub neke izmislene “bjele rase” kao ravnopravni clan amerikanske —tj severozapadno-evropske—vecine i cini mi se da ste spremni izdati sve stare dokazane (i ne dokazane—“jugonostalgicarske”) veze da to ucinite. A to gospodine nije moguce. Jednostavno nije moguce. Oni ce da uvek vide razlike i da vas progone zbog te razlike, koliko i da ste sada toplo primjeni kao u Memphisu ili gde god ste bili—ti su ljudi gladni, gladni da im neko kaze “imate prava.” A njihovi lideri tako samo vas koriste. Zidovi nisu glupi sto rade ono sto rade. Vas (vas i moj) je narod u njihovim zemljama iskoristio sto zid laze i kontrolise mediju i televisiju. Ali evo stigli smo do kraja tih lazi i vidimo sada da niti amerikancima, niti englezima, niti nikome ne valja ovako nastaviti. Zato, dobro, moramo suradivati. Ali zasto toliko brutalne tvrdnje? Unutar kluba, sve; van kluba nista. Ko je normalan covjek mogao tako zivjeti? Ako hocemo suradivati mora to biti fer i ispravna suradnja, inace mozete vi dobro zamisliti koje su posljedice. Vi mislim najobolje bi bilo da se ne mjesate gde ne zivite jer samo mozite stvoriti nam probleme. Izvinjavam se sto ne govorim cisto vas jezik jer sam ja pola grk, ali ni sam hteo na engleskom ovo napisati. Neka “nasi” koji ovo citaju razumeju kako stoje stvari. 22
Posted by Jupiter on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 12:35 | # Sunic’s essay is another reason why I stay away from the IQ stuff. In order to maintian consistetncy within the Bell Curve worldview, at some point in the argument A European group will always ranked get lower in the intelligence hierarchy in relation to the asians and the finklestiens. And this comes after the argument against egalitarianism. Then the following arises, if egalitarianism is evil and certain European groups dumg-in this case according to Sunic..the Croats-...well just how far are we from a tolerance and eventually acceptance of chattel slavery for the “dummy” group. You can just see it comming:Well, they are taken care of better under a chattel slavery system.” As mentioned previously there is a thoughfull critique of Boasian-Clintonite egalitarianism. These days, In the local police department departments across America. it is not uncommon to see police officers in the 4’9”-5’4” range-both male and female. This is clearly insanitity. 23
Posted by Jupiter on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 12:42 | # To the Finklesteins: We allowed you to make billions in America. Even alloed you to marry some of our women. But you still continue to wage war against OUR people. You follks are borderline psychotic if you think this state of affairs will continue indefinitely. Eventually, even the pinhead Southern Evangelicals will wake up when enough of their economically redundant teenage sons anf daughters are blown to pieces in Iran and Iraq. If this day arrives…you fuckers are in VERY BIG TROUBLE.!!!! Think very cafefully about your decision to call for open borders immigration policy. You will live to regret it. 24
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 15:14 | #
Further to GW’s comment, as well as A Finn’s, and also Lawrence Auster’s comments in the VFR thread linked by A Finn: and . (Mark Rudd was one of the major left-wing radical leaders of the ‘60s left-wing radical explosion on U.S. college campuses.) 25
Posted by Valerian on Thu, 19 Mar 2009 21:07 | # This is a quote from Fred Scrooby’s first link:
The first sentence easily sums up the ultimate nature of the semetic race; wherever they are mentioned in history, their is always a preponderance of Jews in some sort of upper echelon, usually financially, in a given society at a given time. You just don’t automatically get placed in a certain position in any civilization by chance; there has to be an action that is committed by the beneficiaries of that position to get to that position in the first place. The Jewish nature is based on domination in a certain collective position in society and on a side note other scholars have pointed out the antagonism that Jews have especially felt to the White Race, most notably Kevin MacDonald. The Jews in the Western World that have power in certain facets of our civilization use their influence to propagate ideas and views that are in opposition specifically to Western Man. In the end they want the White race to go a certain direction and they are using their influence that in a sense “steers” the White race in that ultimate direction. 26
Posted by a Finn on Sun, 22 Mar 2009 04:31 | # GW, the idea of ethnocentrism is to have protection against any attack. Money and job extortion—-> Fallback position in food and other production, barter, alternative monies, community as an insurance in all kinds of problematic situations, etc. Propaganda—-> Home schooling/ private schools, important codes in another strictly controlled language (e.g. Hutterites and old German), living in a community; it’s social pressure and proof, and close ties, trust and loyalties (more powerful than comparable in the surrounding society), limits on TV, etc. Etc. About Sunic’s article; “Where there is power, there is resistance, and yet, or rather consequently, this resistance is never in a position of exteriority in relation to power” Michel Foucault So you also are part of power networks. Power rules through you too. Your decisions, doings, inactivities, movements, writings, talk, calculated (small) changes in your life, artistic expressions, etc. are power and influence power. Remember this when society is becoming increasingly dictatorial. 27
Posted by tele on Fri, 23 Sep 2011 20:49 | # SOCIOBIOLOGY OF A COMMUNIST KILLING FIELD: THE CROATIAN BLIEBERG It is “Bleiburg”, it is not “Blieberg” - that much about your research, and your scientific way of work. Question: What’s your motivation? Tele Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 17 Mar 2009 23:28 | #
LOL, nice SR.
I haven’t read the post yet, but as it’s top post I want to add an on-topic/off-topic request.
GW, would you consider making a definitive Genocide post? The previous one was pending the UN passing the resolution, and as I understand it the resolution has now passed (?)?
It could include a link to the document, and quote the relevant passages, and to top it off I suggest a link at the upper left corner of the blog alongside the EGI, Miscegenation, and Race FAQ links.
I’ve used the genocide argument several times and it would be nice if there were something more definitive and accessible.