Some Suggestions on Etiquette, or, How to not be a ‘Sewer.’ Some suggestions to commenters and posters, in the interest of making this site a better experience for everyone: I know it is tempting but do not post your personal life as a resume for why you are right. This is a logical fallacy, no matter who you are, even if you just cured cancer while winning an olympic running gold, your arguments must be judged on their own merit. What matters is what is true and what is false, not who is saying it. Leave your life story at the front door of your house and engage people on the issues. Do not be coy or secretive about your views. Say up front what you desire to see as the future of this world, what place you think whites have in this world, how the laws should be, what philosophers you admire, what religion you belong to, etc. It is hard enough arguing with a view when we can’t even figure out what your view is. Eventually your credibility is shot because no one can tell what you are saying, whether it conflicts with what you said before, or if you have any point at all. Do not insult your opponents. First off, whether they are awful people or not has no relevance to the issue, and whether it is true or false. Second, it distracts from the argument. Third, it only invites counter-insults and a general loss of civility that, as others have pointed out, makes majority rights a ‘sewer.’ Do not cite your own life circumstances as proof of a larger truth. Your entire life equals exactly one anecdote. If you add in your family and friends, you’ll have a representative sample of 100 people. The arguments on these boards are dealing with statistics with representative samples in the hundreds of millions and billions, often times dealing with the history of populations over thousands and tens of thousands of years. No matter what life experience you have, it means nothing to the larger picture—that larger picture is revealed by statistics in the present, and history in the past. Argue on this basis or concede the point. Do not accuse people of saying and wanting things they haven’t actually said. Furthermore, don’t latch onto one ‘most horrible thing’ someone has said while leaving out the larger context of that post and their other posts and comments which could, for instance, paint a different meaning. Assume the best of your opponents and if you think they might be suggesting some awful evil deed, ask them if that is what they mean. It might turn out we’re much nicer people than your knee-jerk reaction assumes. Or maybe we’re much meaner. At the very least, it helps to clarify first, judge later. Do not argue something is false or someone is wrong because his belief is not ‘popular’ or it ‘will drive away support.’ It’s a logical fallacy to appeal to popularity, just as it is a logical fallacy to appeal to authority. An argument stands on its own merit, regardless of who believes it, or how many. Whether something will ‘drive away support’ is a completely different question than whether it is true or false. Do not conflate the two, at the very least, list is as a separate problem you have with the post. As for me, I am with Thomas Jefferson when I say: There is not a truth existing which I fear or would wish unknown to the whole world. Narrator said much the same in his own comments recently. Whether the truth generates support or loses it, will have no impact on our support for the truth. Ideally, I think our party should be the party of truth, and we could leave all lies to our opponents. Every lie on earth can belong to them, and every truth on earth should be a part of us. I am not convinced that lying is a better ‘strategy’ or that people lied to are the best ‘followers,’ and I am certainly convinced that in any contest of lies, whites will come out last and jews first, so the entire issue is moot regardless. We are not a good party of liars, we can be a wonderful party of truth-tellers—it’s in our moral fiber as a race to seek out and love truth. To shine light into the darkness of unanswered questions, unpopular views, and revolutionary ideals. This is why almost all progress in human history has been due to whites—we are the only race willing to embrace the truth and discard our ancient lies. No enemy of truth is a friend to whites, no friend of truth is an enemy to whites. I firmly believe this. Therefore, if you wish to dissuade people from their opinions, do not tell them it will ‘drive away support,’ just go about showing why it is not true. If it’s not true, that’s sin enough. If it is true, there’s no sin at all. Do not ask newcomers what their personal life circumstances are. As an exact corollary to not citing your personal life to make your points, it also is a logical fallacy to try and discredit other people’s points by attacking their personal life. Either they are right or wrong, debate their points in the field of logic, reason, and facts, not on whether they are jewish, black, of mixed race, married outside their race, south asian, or whatever. If a jew came down and said “we should cease all immigration to white-majority nations” would you tell him he’s wrong because he’s a jew? Of course not. The only thing that matters is the issue, the argument, and whether it is right or wrong. Bullying people based on their life circumstances is rude, immature, and intimidating. Why should someone have to reveal their whole life situation before they can criticize our views? Leave them alone and discuss, courteously, the issue at hand—not their personal life. For God’s sake, stop accusing people of being ‘Zionist agents’ or ‘agent provacateurs’. First off, it makes you look like tin-foil hat wearing paranoids. Second, it reveals that apparently you think so few honest patriots visit these boards that the vast majority of them are government planted secret agents—it betrays a lack of confidence in pro-white beliefs as likely to be held, honestly and genuinely, by anyone else on earth. Third, it falls under the uncivil insult category. Fourth, it falls under the category of not assuming the best of people when there is no way to know what is true about them. Unless you have their pay-stub or intercepted their phone call to their jewish overlord and have them on tape etc, just leave the paranoid delusions at the front door. Fifth, regardless of their status, that is a personal life situation and thus again, it is a logical fallacy for that to impact the truth or falsehood of their beliefs. Engage the issue, the argument, not the person. If he’s an evil agent provacateur, it should be rather easy to eviscerate his position, neh? Just go forth and do it, problem solved. Do not nitpick over minor details that do not abrogate the larger point someone is trying to make. If you are fanatically interested in setting the record straight (much like people who fanatically correct pronunciation, grammar, and spelling whenever anyone speaks) Say “just for the record, this is the actual truth you’re wrong here.” Do not attempt to somehow segue that into his entire viewpoint or argument being false. Most of the time his mistakes and inaccuracies are irrelevant, playing gotcha and scoring ‘points’ by pointing out such errors may win the debate, but it does not further our understanding. Throw in some words of praise for someone when you think he’s making some great points. With all the negativity that debating generally generates, it can get to feel like Majority Rights is an angry barroom, when in fact a lot of the time we are surrounded by the best friends a man can have: brave loyal patriots standing up for what is right at a great cost to themselves, because, at the very bottom of our motivations, we love white people—ie, we love each other! Comments:2
Posted by J Richards on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:30 | # Rules of etiquette are self-evident, but many people have no intention of abiding by them. Without a comments policy and its enforcement or comment moderation, your suggestions are as good as useless. But none of the admins here appear to be interested in moderation or a comments policy (except for appending to links). So sometimes the reader will have to seek gems in the midst of trash. The reader shouldn’t really complain because nobody is forcing the reader to read the site. The best way of dealing with people who don’t behave and resort to foul techniques is to ignore them; don’t respond in kind. At some point they’ll go away.
This is ridiculous. There’s a long history of infiltration of patriotic or nationalist groups by Jews or the setting up of totally fake white supremacist groups. Only the naïve will assume that none of the commentators, including regular ones, are Jews or their agents. Only the ignorant will take it for granted that none of the bloggers are Jews or their agents. Healthy skepticism should always be maintained. In fact, I have planned on coming up with recommendations to form militias to fight JOG (Jew-Occupied Government) should JOG try to drastically clamp down on our freedoms, and the first thing I’d recommend is for members to assume that all other members of the group are crypto-Jews or the agents of the Jews so that they maintain a strictly formal relationship with each other and never reveal or ask for intimate or personal information; violations will be met with expulsion. Martinson Jr. (from Jewish crime network international news) and others with a military background have talked about and are possibly working on multiracial militias to fight JOG. Something along these lines will not be an MR project, but at least the Jews could never associate these militias with white supremacism. 3
Posted by Gareth on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 10:50 | # A great and true post! Another thing: I use firefox, and have found that ‘’ doesn’t display text correctly, a problem which started only a few weeks ago. The text is displayed as uncomfortably large. This problem does not occur with Internet Explorer. Keep up the good work. 4
Posted by Realist on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 11:42 | #
Understandable, but you’ve got to realize that Jews/Zionists along with ‘government agents’ (plus non-governmental agents from the ADl, SPLC, etc) do indeed monitor these boards pretty closely and no doubt post very extreme or intentionally overblown statements here from time to time in order to try and discredit pro-White views. They might make posts calling for the wholesale genocide of non-Whites, or posts condoning or encouraging senseless violence against them, or for mass sterilization of non-Whites, or very fanatical pro-Nazi views, calls for a (very unlikely) return to legalized racial segregation or Jim Crow Era laws…these agents could post these extreme views here in an attempt to falsely paint pro-Whites as a bunch of raving, fanatical, and extremist lunatics who seek to kill non-Whites. So yes, the people here do need to be vigilant about moderating (or even removing) very extremist-oriented posts if they could damage the factuality and credibility of the views expressed here because there is a good chance it was posted by a government and/or Zionist agent in an attempt to discredit this website and the pro-White movement as a whole. You do know that pro-White movements all over America are crawling with FBI and other government agents who have infiltrated them, don’t you? 5
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:33 | #
That’s essentially already the current situation: something like every lie on Earth is what they spout; something like every truth on Earth is a part of us. That’s why, in the end, we’re going to win this. Lies never win over truth in the long run. They’re going down. 6
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:35 | #
Unlike the Jews. 7
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 14:57 | #
All comments that use over-the-top language should be assumed to come from agents provocateurs until proven otherwise, because that’s where 90% of them will be coming from. That’s not “tinfoil hat” stuff, Diamed. Richard Warmann and his little coterie of former agents of the Canadian Human Rights Commission (some of them still-active agents) had a regular racket going doing precisely that, then denouncing the target site to the Commission, using as “evidence” the over-the-top language they themselves had posted there under different made-up names, and collected a neat bounty from the resulting judgement against the “offending” site, raking in tens of thousands a year like that. Warmann literally lived off this scam. 8
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:36 | # One thing I would change (but I know will never change so I just ignore it when I see it, which is every five picoseconds, and don’t give myself stomach ulcers about it) is all this use of the word “Zionists” in place of “Jews.” I still don’t get why that’s done. Dr. David Duke does it a lot, and of course it’s become standard in thread commentary all over the net at this type of site. If it’s meant to avoid the charge of “anti-Semitism” it won’t work (sort of, “It’s not Jews I dislike, it’s Zionists, because as everyone can see, Zionists are mean to the Palestinians. Disliking that isn’t prejudice. So I’m not prejudiced, not anti-Semitic, only anti-Zionist, which is OK since there’s a reason for it: Zionists are mean. Jews who aren’t Zionists are perfectly OK in my book!”) In fact, Jews who aren’t Zionists aren’t perfectly OK, and it’s the Jews who are Zionists who are normal. Jews who aren’t Zionists are to normalness what President Bush and Teddy Kennedy are to Euro normalness: they’re not normal, they’re not “OK,” they’re degenerate. Zionism is what’s normal if you’re Jewish. (Someone will chime in here and say Jewish lying is normal too. But that’s bad normal, like Italians joining the mafia, Albanians trafficking in white slavery, or Russians drinking too much vodka — normal and bad at the same time. Zionism is good normal, like the good Italians not joining the mafia, or like Germans eating sausage, or like Russians playing the balalaika — good and normal at the same time.) I’m not saying you have to make aliyah to be a normal Jew (though I wouldn’t exactly shed tears if all the Jews did ...) but you have to at least sympathize with Zionism and support Israel. Anyway I’m getting off the subject. If you mean “Jews” say “Jews,” don’t try to obfuscate what you mean by saying “Zionists.” When was the last time someone say me say “The Zionists have made the genocide of the Euro race their uppermost goal since at least 1880”? Never, because I never did. I always say something like, “The Jews have made genocide of [etc.].” If you mean Jews say Jews. Or, if you insist on saying “Zionists,” tell why you insist on that. 10
Posted by Sacharite on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:45 | # What is meant by that is, they too, “have the truth on their side” in that select lies work. 11
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:53 | # Sirs: I’m new to the site, and have probably missed the relevant discussion, but ... why are you so hostile to Jews (I’m struck by the tone of some of th preceeding comments)? (No, I am not Jewish: Lutheran/Catholic, German/French/Dutch with a spot of English - pure white, unto the generations.) I have written elsewhere that this is a mistake, which in essence is this: why not try to convert (ideologically) Jews to white racial nationalism (or at least preservationism), instead of driving them away with hostility? I have read Kevin MacDonald’s now-famous sociobiological trilogy, which for me was merely the intellectual capstone to decades of critically observing the Jews, from Jewish family friends growing up, to Jewish college friends (my elite school was over a quarter “chosen”, as are most of the Ivies; ditto grad school), professional colleagues and competitors, and finally, the various worlds we all touch indirectly, those of scholarship, media, finance, law, entertainment, etc. No discerning man can fail to note the preponderance of Jews at the professional apexes of American life (it’s not quite the same now in Europe, is it?), nor to admit the ideo-politico-culturally malign role that Jews have played in Western, and especially, Anglospheric life since WW2, and before (we all remember that the anti-FDR Right routinely spoke of the “communist Jew-Deal” - and, of course, Jews were heavily involved both in promoting mass-immigration to the US before WW2, and throughout the whole sordid history of communism until the last years of Stalin’s life). No “white” ethnic group has more relentlessly pushed white deracination, minority rights, immigration, discarding of white cultural memory, endless white racial guilt, interracial wealth transfers, anti-traditionalism, and all of the other features of modern political and cultural life so alienating to any sane and racially healthy white man. Finally, 81% of Jews voted for Obama! A majority of all other white American groups except gays voted Republican (I voted third party, as always, this time prompted by the traitor McCain’s rancid immigration amnesty advocacy). So, yes, the Jews have given Eurofolkish patriots plenty of justifiable reasons to hate them. I know this story. But there is another side, which I shall just briefly touch upon. Bluntly, I’ve known many wonderful Jews in my life (how many of us can honestly say that about, say, blacks?). More broadly, we must all admit that Jews do make genuine positive contributions to American life, at least in the sciences and business (most Americans would also add entertainment to the list, though perhaps not bloggers here), as well as philanthropy to non-Judeo-specific causes. Without Jews, America would probably be a better place, but the calculus is not nearly so one-sided as with blacks or Hispanics. Unless you hew to the notion, plausible but by no means definitive or proven, that Jews (like blacks) are ethically inferior to whites (I believe that assertion to be true, but only slightly; I would like to see the comparison made controlling for IQ, smart people being shrewder competitors than more mediocre types, with such shrewdness sometimes stirring up unwarranted animosity), then it would seem that Jews exist in a deontologically different space from other minorities. That is, we object to Jews because their liberal politics puts us in proximity to and therefore at risk from the truly morally inferior groups. Put more concisely, Jews are objectionable because of their politics, which is a function of thought and therefore at least theoretically amendable; blacks/Hispanics/Arabs/aboriginals are objectionable because of their behavior, which derives from inherited traits and instincts, which are not amendable. Thus, if Jews could be persuaded NOT to be race-liberals, then what would be wrong with them? Would they still warrant nationalist hostility? All of which brings me to my real point. I think white nationalist anti-Semitism is a huge mistake. It may have had a place in the struggle against Bolshevism (though there were always some Jews who were strongly opposed to communism, from economist Ludwig von Mises to Hollywood studio head Louis B. Mayer). But in the desperate but still largely unrecognized struggle today to save the West from racial suicide through demographic inundation, Jews have no real reason to continue to push leftism. The Jew is hated by the increasingly multicultural Left, hated by Muslims, hated by American blacks (a delicious irony of history, given how much the Jews helped these Negroid ingrates in their hallowed “civil rights struggle”). The Jews will not survive apart from whites. If the West goes down, or merely if increasing numbers of non-whites lead to Western indifference towards Israel, it will not benefit the Jews. Far from it. From Wall Street to Gaza, their entire mode of existence is dependent upon a beneficent “white superstructure”. On an increasingly non-white as well as mostly dysgenic planet, Jews, like whites, will be ‘sitting ducks’ - only more so, given their still smaller numbers, yet proportionately much greater wealth. No, Jews will not like ‘mud’ rule at all. And given their high intelligence, and hence educability, this is an opening ... I could say more, and will, depending on whether this post of mine generates responses. 12
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 15:59 | #
Especially if the lies about Euro-genocide are spoken from and mass-marketed through aesthetically-beautiful-white-female-faces. 13
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 16:24 | #
Think so? “It remains a fact that the Jews, either directly or through their coreligionists in Africa, encouraged the Mohammedans to conquer Spain.” . 14
Posted by Diamed on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 17:25 | # Fred, Zionist is a silly term in my opinion. I put ‘zionist agent’ in quotes because it is hardly the language I would use, and yet I keep hearing it from others. I am aware of Warmann’s perfidy, however that is the only example I have ever heard of, and this in a community of hundreds of thousands of people worldwide. The idea that every website is ‘crawling’ with secret agents and that they may well be the ‘majority’ of all comments, can not be justified by the singular example of Warmann’s hijinks. Even if you were to rattle off a hundred more examples, this still would not justify calling everyone you disagree with a ‘secret agent,’ a hundred sting operations in a sea of hundreds of thousands of racially aware whites means you’ll probably never see one in your life. Here are some other possible reasons why someone posted something you find disagreeable: You didn’t read it correctly. He was angry that day. He let something he was thinking in his head escape to the keyboard. ((how many times have you mistakenly said out loud what you were thinking in your head about your significant other? Is it ever a good idea?)) You’re wrong and as provocative as the point is, the person is correct and simply dealing with reality. The person is of two minds and honestly wants an answer to the question himself, ‘ie why shouldn’t we just—? please convince me otherwise, etc.’ The guy is an idiot, or perhaps just crazy. The idea that ‘he must be a secret agent’ should be at about 10,000 on the suspicion list. Instead it is latched onto as the first and best explanation for everything everyone says one finds objectionable. Let’s assume the best and just go with our better natures. @ Leon: Here’s the deal Leon. Science has shown that everything is genetic. Beliefs, personality, religiousness, character, politics—everything. Everyone’s behavior and personality is partially a result of their genes, it’s just in their nature to be that way. This means we can find a scattered few ‘good jews,’ ‘good blacks,’ ‘good hispanics,’ etc. But when we talk about their aggregate impact that portion of their behavior which is genetic becomes an overwhelming influence on their net contribution to our society. Jews cannot help themselves, in aggregate, they are like scorpions riding the frog across the river. The scorpion stings because it is in the nature of the scorpion to sting, the urge was irresistible, even though the scorpion drowns now too. Jewish behavior across all time and space, regardless of their beliefs, (whether they are religious or atheist, liberal or neocon) always resembles the same old stereotypes. They can’t escape their nature, their outer skin, or you could say the outermost shell of their conscious self, can take on any form or color it wants, but the pearly innards keep traipsing out the same eternal jew: liar, schemer, moneygrubber, revolutionary, pitiless, practically amoral. Most of us here have thus given up on reforming jews. Jews will be Jews. Just like, as you correctly pointed out, blacks will be blacks, and hispanics will be hispanics. boys will be boys. Gays will be gays. Girls will be girls. Asians will be Asians. And so on. I do think there should be a place for those jews who show an almost supernatural heroic defiance of their own nature and attachment to white interests and marry into the white race, it’s always best to offer a compromise so people don’t get into a siege mentality. But for the jews as a group, there is no hope they will ever alter their ways, Christians have been waiting for the jews to convert for the last 2,000 years and look where that has gotten them. You seem like a well-read and perspicuous fellow so I hope you do respond. 15
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 17:58 | #
I can’t speak for others. I’m not “hostile” to them. I’m trying to defend myself against their 130-year effort to genocide me.
Why not try to convert vampires to cooking with garlic and holy water?
“Hostility”? I’ve always liked Jews. I just want them to stop genociding me. (Know any good tips?)
Gee, ya think? I dunno, let’s not be unfair. All they did was this:
That doesn’t seem so bad ...
Yeah but then they turn around and genocide us, which kind of undoes the positive contributions — hey, think of it the way a guy handing you a hundred dollars then pulling out a .45 and shooting you in the temple sort of undoes the hundred bucks. But look, I still don’t wanna be unfair, I know it’s the thought that counts — maybe the guy who shot you meant well ....
Wait I’ll have to think about that … Can I let you know my answer next week? ….
Why do you think we have the problems we have with blacks and Hispanics?
OK, so … I get it, you’re … uhhh … here just to play devil’s advocate?? ….
Oh, that’s the problem? All right, can something be done about it?
Right they’re constantly ramming them down our throats. Any way to get them to stop???
Is that all? OK, but their politics must be incredibly bad then, because they’re, like, unfrickingbelievably objectionable.
Uhhh ... let’s see ... loud? ... obnoxious? ... pushy? Oh yeah, and are they the ones responsible for klezmer music?? (I admit bagels and bialys are pretty good though.)
OK maybe not but only if they agree to never again put Adam Sandler in a movie.
That was your real point?? OK I get it, so … the following was just a typo?: ”No discerning man can fail to note […] malign role that Jews have played in Western, and especially, Anglospheric life since WW2, and before (we all remember that the anti-FDR Right routinely spoke of the ‘communist Jew-Deal’ - and, of course, Jews were heavily involved both in promoting mass-immigration to the US before WW2, and throughout the whole sordid history of communism until the last years of Stalin’s life). No ‘white’ ethnic group has more relentlessly pushed white deracination, minority rights, immigration, discarding of white cultural memory, endless white racial guilt, interracial wealth transfers, anti-traditionalism, and all of the other features of modern political and cultural life so alienating to any sane and racially healthy white man. Finally, 81% of Jews voted for Obama!”
Wait, that only makes two — wasn’t there one more?? Oh yeah, Sammy Moskowitz, a guy who used to live down the street from me. There, that’s all three!
“Suicide”?? Oh, riiiiiight … just like the Armenians and the Ukrainians committed mass suicide. Same as Jim Jones and Heaven’s Gate. I get it — the West is trying to join that space ship behind the comet Hale-Bopp.
Actually it’s not leftism, it’s Jewishism: “Keep doing the craziest thing you can think up and hope for the best.”
Were forced to listen to a Barry Manilow CD?
Parasites generally don’t apart from the host.
OK, so ... what’s in it for the neocons, Abe Foxman, Morris Disease, Prof. Dershowitz, Rabbi Marvin Hier, Hollywood, the Jewish press, the ....?? 16
Posted by apollonian on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 19:24 | # MajorityRights Fans Must Beware Basic, Internal Contradictions First, Most Yes, this blog-topic would almost be superfluous but for the opportunity to analyze foremost anti-logic attempts and strategems of those sublime liars (murderers of truth) who oppose defenders of Western Culture and hence white race. For never forget what MOST makes West (for culture): primacy of Objectivity for criterion of that most precious asset and value, TRUTH—which was then memorialized forever in form of the very RELIGION of West, Christianity (as in Gosp. JOHN 8:32, 14:6, 18:37). Reason then is a sub-religion. And what then is primary, not to mention traditional, ethical value?—HONESTY—NOT “good-evil” fallacy/delusion/heresy/presumption of children—and not HUBRISTIC, perfectly “free,” hence God-like human will. And what now is most effective tactic of subverters?—simple, first they go to great lengths denouncing the MOST PROMINENT and real enemies of West, the Jews (Talmudists—see,, and for expo/ref.)—and they can be eloquent and even graphic for their denunciations—BUT WHAT THEN DO THEY DO? These subverters then push the very predicates Jews most need and want, which is subjectivism and Pharisaism-moralism (almost always “good-evil” Pelagian heresy), featuring perfectly “free” human will, etc. And thus u see, good comrades, simply and merely by means of these predicates, the Jews win—even when they (Jews) are otherwise vociferously denounced—why and how? Thus Jews’ allies among gentiles win by means of the predicates—which then simply opens and paves the way for inevitable re-emergence of Jews, foremost psychopaths and murderers—it really seems to be a CYCLIC historical process, in all truth. What’s most perfect example for retaining of these anti-Western predicates?—calling Jews “evil”—which utterly misses the pt. (for Jews are insane—Talmudists—and are a parasitic disease-of-opportunity, in all truth). Another example is blaming the Jews—while at same time urging retaining of frauds like the COUNTERFEITING operation of fractional-reserve money and banking, like US Federal Reserve Bank (Fed)—see for expo/ref. For fraudulent systems merely invite Jews, who are most efficient, most ruthless and proficient executors of such frauds. More specific examples of these Jew enablers are William Luther Pierce (of “National Alliance” fame) who advocated socialism, while merely denouncing Jews, and present-day Alex Linder/VNN, anti-Christ, who rejects human reason as primary Western virtue—which reason necessarily follows fm objectivity, never forget. And note Linder/VNN thinks he’s genius—denouncing Christianity on one hand in name of reason—but then of course endorsing anti-reason in way of Odinism and Satanism, etc. And if one just looks at Linder closely, one sees distinct Judaic traits, even for all his contrary protestations (and lies). Another specific example is MajorityRights’ own “GuessedWorker” who endorses anti-Western mysticism in form of “intelligence” pretension, favorite superstition of Jews, if u notice, and in addition to this subjectivistic predicate, the Pelagian-style hereticalism of “good-evil” Pharisaism. CONCLUSION: “GuessedWorker” is active subversive who sabotaged my very computer for mere ability to access website. “GuessedWorker” is already on record as slanderer (though typically incompetently) of Nazis (see, “The Jews’ News…,” 14 Jan 09, comments), heroes who strove so valiantly, even desperately, against Judeo-conspirators and bolshevik enforcers. So note has serious internal problems just at the get-go for prospects and effectiveness. It’s hard to be logical if u reject objectivity, necessary premise. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 17
Posted by apollonian on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 19:41 | # “Leon Haller”—Typical Jew Bravo “Fred Scrooby”: Leon Haller, for all his pretension to literateness and erudition, somehow forgets that slight little thing, THE TALMUD (see above-noted ref.s), ritual murder of gentiles—gee whiz, but it’s only their filthy religion, that’s all. CONCLUSION: “Leon Haller” thus demonstrates most perfectly that tactic I exposit above: (a) denouncing Jews, while (b) preserving necessary Jew predicate(s)—“hey, Jews are “white” like us”—ignoring that 300 lb. Gorilla, the Talmud. Good try, “Leon,” u’re so slick. Honest elections and death to the Fed. 18
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 20:19 | # Appy: “GuessedWorker” is active subversive who sabotaged my very computer for mere ability to access website. Wtf. I banned you - much good it did - because you were spamming a thread after I had requested you to desist. 19
Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 21:00 | #
So there is no benefit whatsoever to first-hand research? I don’t agree, especially if said experience confirms what the statistics and/or general consensus has to say. I do not at all believe in completely eliminating the subjective from this discussion. In my opinion at least, total reliance on statistics and history can actually be detrimental to independent analysis and reasoning. Obviously statistics and history play their part, even the dominant part, but they are not everything. 20
Posted by Darren on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 21:02 | # This isn’t the first blog Apollonian has caused problems with by his annoying posts. 21
Posted by Diamed on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 21:24 | # The problem with that Gudmund is no one can verify your personal life experiences, unlike facts which are easily verifiable. Then it comes down to character and trust issues, which immediately devolves into personal life resumes (e-dicks) and insults (sewer-language.) I do think bringing up personal life examples helps communication and among friends who trust you it makes sense. On an internet forum where anyone can claim anything, especially when what they claim is outrageously counter to the statistical and historical reality that IS fact-checkable, it can only do harm. In the end your life story Is an anecdote and it has no real business deciding the fate of the world, we have to follow the science not our own life story. I mean, if someone came onto this forum and announced he’s met 10,000 blacks and none raped him, but all ten whites he knew had raped him, should we then go ahead and agree with him that all whites are rapists and blacks are pure as driven snow? I understand what you mean though, and maybe there is a properly tactful way to incorporate your personal life into your thinking and comments—it is after all a rich source of imagery and examples to illustrate your larger points—-but more often than not it only drags a conversation down into the sewer. 22
Posted by apollonian on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 21:47 | # “GuestWorker” Exposed For “Inaccuracy” “GuessedWorker” asked me to “cease posting” at “Ten Wishes…,” blog, this site, 1 Jan 09, as one can see below-copied, Posted by Guessedworker on January 02, 2009, 10:51 AM | # “Apollonian, “GuessedWorker” then deleted my entry at issue. * * * * * But note (see below) “GuessedWorker” had already precipatately sabotaged (evidently) my computer earlier, entirely without so asking me to “cease posting” [Below-copied is copied fm “Collective Wisdom” blog, this site, 28 Dec]— Posted by Guessedworker on December 29, 2008, 10:40 PM | # “Apollonian is spamming, and not contributing to this discussion. Insomuch as these things work at all, I have excluded him.” Interestingly, having sabotaged my computer, “GuessedWorker” allowed the post-entry to remain, and now anyone can ck to see if post was really “spamming.” My observation is “GuessedWorker” is actually quite desperate, for his incompetence, to censor any adverse opinions which he fears for his inability to reason therewith. And the opinions have nothing really to do with “originality.” So my pt. is upheld regarding the subversive and entirely pernicious purposes of “GuessedWorker” who isn’t interested in preservation of white race or Western culture—but rather mere tyranny of the website in his sympathy with Jew subjectivists/Talmudists and co-conspirators. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 23
Posted by apollonian on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 22:03 | # Apollonian: Mighty Scourge Of Mystics, Jews, Incompetents Yes “Darren,” it sure is “annoying” when u have difficulty for rebutting regarding Apollonian reason, logic, clarity, incisiveness, facts, and truth. In such case, u just gotta make use of censorship—just like a Jew, eh? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 24
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 22:13 | # “This isn’t the first blog Apollonian has caused problems with his annoying posts.” Darren “Honest elections and death to the FED”.... Two points from your posts that don’t sound like someone writing from a cloister in an abbey in say, medieval France. Just my view. 25
Posted by torgrim on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 22:18 | # “So there is no benefit to first hand research?” Gudmund It seems to me that personal information, the “antedotal”, becomes relevant when millions of White men are experiencing the same experiences. Also, the scientific approach is right, however, one needs to put personal or human experience to make statistical data more relevant to the reader. My view. 27
Posted by apollonian on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 22:48 | # Et Tu, Brute? Yes, there’s mighty patriot, “Orion14” at; everyone should verily ck out this white nigger’s blog—and ck his little buddy negress at, to whom he’s linked. Niggers of the feather must indubitably “flock” together. “Orion” and I first met on Curt Maynard’s illustrious blog, Maynard since having been exposed as married to mestizo—which didn’t prevent Maynard fm insisting Bill White of ANSWP wasn’t a “real” white nationalist (ck CONCLUSION: Another winner linked to “Orion” is a guy by name of “Jeff” at “Orion” and “Jeff” are most tremendous intellectuals, as u will quickly be able to confirm. Thanks for ck-ing in with us, “Orion.” Ya’ll come back—heah? Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 28
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 23:01 | # Apollonian (or apollonian), The solution to all your concerns is to start your own blog, and not visit your screwball brand of white advocacy on unwilling others, such as ourselves. That will save MR’s admins the cat and mouse business of banning your various manifestations here. How about it? 29
Posted by apollonian on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 23:15 | # “GuessedWorker”: Desperate To Pretending To Reason, Intellect, Etc. “GuessedWorker,” the reason I don’t have my own blog is, aside fm expense, simple fact I’d surely be deleted by the Jews. If u want to go ahead and do ur censorship thing, then go to it—is all I can think of to say. People can judge—as fm my postings, etc.—regarding “screwball brand” for themselves. U only fool urself, I dare say—as with all ur pretended “intelligence” and Pharisaism which u call, “morality.” So “how about it,” urself, comrade. U’re only reducing urself to absurd, “GuessedWorker,” don’t doubt. Honest elections and death to the Fed. Apollonian 30
Posted by J Richards on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 01:13 | # Apollonian, Whereas some people may be annoyed by your ‘honest elections and death to the FED,’ at least these points are of such importance that they cannot be emphasized enough. As to setting up your own blog, don’t worry about expense or the Jews deleting it. You can run websites for less than $5 a month and there will normally not be a need for you to pay more than $10 a month unless you are attracting an insane amount of traffic, and should this be the case, there are ways to get donations while protecting your identity and those of your donors. With the right set up, you should be able to handle 10,000 unique users a day for less than $10 a month. As to Jews deleting it, the need of the hour is to replicate materials about Jews in as many places as possible; the more the merrier. They can go after 1 or 2 or 3 or a 100 sites, but they can’t go after 10,000 sites. Here’s what you do. Get a domain name (short, simple, easy to remember) with whois privacy ($15-20 per year for both) from an ICANN-certified registrar. Feel free to use a friend/relative/acquaintance/a street bum to be the registrant of the domain name. Then get a web host. Make sure that the domain registrar and the web host are different. The group most likely to clamp down on your site, under pressure from Jews, is the web host, not the domain registrar since technically you own the domain. Since you control the domain name, it’s a simple matter to quickly transfer your site to another host. Pick a big hosting provider and they’ll be less likely to bow down to Jewish pressure. Some hosts will never bow down to Jewish pressure but they might charge $25 a month. If your site is having a strong enough impact for Jews to try to go after it, you shouldn’t find it difficult to keep it afloat with the more expensive hosts. So go ahead, and if you need technical help, I can provide it. 31
Posted by Gudmund on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 01:27 | # @ Diamed: You have a fair point. I guess I just expect everyone to be as blunt and forthright as I am. Also, I try not to step on toes here, but sometimes a fellow can get fed up… 32
Posted by Joe on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 01:56 | # Never in our history have we been defeated by the strength of our foes, but always by our own vices and the traitors in our own camp. —- Adolf Hitler Most of you guys are barking up the wrong tree. 33
Posted by Armor on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 02:07 | #
You should try to contribute something positive nevertheless. 34
Posted by Armor on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 02:10 | # To: Diamed It is ridiculous to write opinions with titles like “Why is racism bad?”, “Why is white supremacism bad?” with a question mark at the end. Whether or not it is meant as provocation, it achieves the same as provocation. It is a turnoff for people who contemplate joining the pro-white and anti-immigration movement. “How to not be a Sewer” is not my favorite title either. You say we should not care about the poster, only about his message. You forget the importance of style, form and presentation. I don’t like your messages too much, and I really hate your style! You remind me of childish old people who insist on using the word negro because it used to be a perfectably acceptable word fifty years ago. You have to make concessions to politeness. Until you can write in a less confrontational style, you should only post as a simple commentator. Or maybe you and J.Richards can set up a blog together. 35
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 04:14 | # apollonian: “CONCLUSION: “Leon Haller” thus demonstrates most perfectly that tactic I exposit above: (a) denouncing Jews, while (b) preserving necessary Jew predicate(s)—“hey, Jews are “white” like us”—ignoring that 300 lb. Gorilla, the Talmud. Good try, “Leon,” u’re so slick. Honest elections and death to the Fed.” Leon was one of my stalwart compatriots during my run as a commenter at Takimag. On several occasions he posted lengthy, well thought out criticisms of the articles in question. His efforts were deleted to his vehement protestation. He is not a Jew, nor, as you can see, an apologist for Jews. In the past Leon has claimed to be a Buchanan conservative, but in a comment at Amren he made this statement which is revolutionary in tone: “I am not a supporter of the totality of the neo-Nazi ideology of the late Dr. William Pierce, but I do believe he was correct (and still far ahead of his time) in pointing out that our race WILL NOT survive without our own legally defined and racially homogeneous territories.” And also this perceptive observation: “Formulating an ethical justification for racial cleansing is the supreme intellectual task of all Occidental preservationists, one, I might add, only very tangentially related to hereditarianism, IQ, the ‘color of crime’, etc.” Leon is not a punch-puller, his difference of opinion over the right approach to the Jewish Question is born of an insufficient understanding on his part or a honest disagreement, having surveyed the evidence. BTW, apollonian, I see not one shred of evidence that you have posted that would lead me to any conclusion, objective, logical or other. In fact I doubt your sincerity. If sensationalism is your bag you had best learn that its effect is severely blunted if the viewer perceives it as parody - in fact so crude as to be a parody of a parody. Knock the lead out, champ. 36
Posted by 41designed on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 05:42 | # The current crop of commenters, whose presence has most contributed to making the site a sewer, advise on strategies to lift it out of the sewer. Amusing. 37
Posted by Diamed on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 06:02 | # @Armor: Sorry? But hey look at it this way, if the only good thing I ever do here is not insult others and set a more comfortable tone, that will last much longer than the stupidity of my message. I think fewer people are turned off by ‘danger words’ like ‘oh no racism!’ (racism has become a joke to people by now) than by personality quarrels, childishness, and the constant accusations of ‘secret agents’ we have for each other. Think about it, we’re here because we think the world needs saving, we’re proposing drastic actions (even ignore me, take fred scrooby’s drastic proposal of status quo ante for instance, that’s still ethnic cleansing hundreds of millions of non-whites) because the situation has become so dire. What is more pathetic than people willing to ethnic cleanse a hundred million non-whites for the good of the world, but not willing to speak politely, have class, don’t make unfounded accusations, and don’t wander off into logical fallacies, for that same goal of saving the world? Take it as a litmus test for how serious we are. I’d give anything for a change in white racial consciousness, not just be willing to do anything to others. People are going to judge how genuine the problem we speak of is, by how seriously we take it. If we can’t go two minutes without sniping at each other then it’s obvious our own ego matters to us more than the cause. 38
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 06:41 | # Leon Haller: “I have read Kevin MacDonald’s now-famous sociobiological trilogy, which for me was merely the intellectual capstone to decades of critically observing the Jews, from Jewish family friends growing up, to Jewish college friends (my elite school was over a quarter “chosen”, as are most of the Ivies; ditto grad school), professional colleagues and competitors, and finally, the various worlds we all touch indirectly, those of scholarship, media, finance, law, entertainment, etc.” I know what you mean, Leon. Anyone with an ounce of perceptiveness will come to realize the commonality of grasping and conniving that Jews consistently display from person observation. Like you, it is not a matter of begrudging individual Jews their success or intellectual prowess; quite frankly, I have never personally met a Jew who intimidated me physically or intellectually. “Bluntly, I’ve known many wonderful Jews in my life (how many of us can honestly say that about, say, blacks?).” Where I work more than 75% of the employees are black ( some are African immigrants who talk about “the black Obama from Kenya”) and many have criminal records. They are unrelentingly simple, crass, carnal and racially aware: they are black people. I prefer them to Jews. At I know what I am getting. We work hard and share some bawdy laughs along the way; I think they are decent folk, after their fashion. “No “white” ethnic group has more relentlessly pushed white deracination,” No White ethnic group has collectively pushed White deracination “relentlessly”. The Jews have, as a man of discernment that should tell you something, namely, that Jews are not White. They are not genetically an indo-European people - they are not White. You claim to have read MacDonald’s trilogy, so, at what point does the sheer weight of the historic bad behavior of Jews strike you as indicating that there is something rotten, genetically, in Denmark, er, I mean Israel? “Unless you hew to the notion, plausible but by no means definitive or proven, that Jews (like blacks) are ethically inferior to whites (I believe that assertion to be true,” How do we, with unerring certainty, know that blacks are “ethically inferior” to Whites? Have nailed down which genes, or which combination of genes produce this effect? What is it that we have to go on? IQ test that “control” for heredity and environment? Yup. The examples of history? Yup. We also have this type of “beyond a reasonable doubt” evidence in the case of Jews; e.g., Jews are vastly disproportionately represented in fields of prestige and influence beyond which their proportionate representation of high IQ individuals would indicate. To flesh the point out: they do this not by competing as “individuals” but has nepotistic group members all the while they desperately pathologize ANY show of group cohesion or solidarity on the part of Whites. Do you get the picture? “...but only slightly; I would like to see the comparison made controlling for IQ, smart people being shrewder competitors than more mediocre types, with such shrewdness sometimes stirring up unwarranted animosity),” Hogwash. See my above point, and your own previous allusion to your personal observation of Jews. If the bad behavior of Jews you have observed personally merited you singling them out AS Jews why do you now say this? “...then it would seem that Jews exist in a deontologically different space from other minorities.” So dumb brutes that do evil are lower on the totem pole of ethical merit than the intelligent that do evil? LOL! If you say so. “That is, we object to Jews because their liberal politics puts us in proximity to and therefore at risk from the truly morally inferior groups.” Mmm, you’re a Buchanan conservative who would like to see everyone compete as “individuals” on a level playing field and be judged as people who are ethical, and of superior or inferior intellectual quality, by the degree that they can so compete and in the way that they compete, but, you speak of the need for a moral justification to ethnically cleanse or exterminate non-White “individuals” AS members of groups (or would you make an exception for the ones that measure up to your standards)?; but you think we should just appease the Jews who act as a group to destroy our people and take them as “individuals”? LOL! You honestly believe we couldn’t handle blacks and mestizoes by the boat load if we were a racially conscious, cohesive people? Of course we could! But to cut out the Jewish cancer that pollutes the minds of our people and saps our will? “Never!” Why? Because, Mr. Ivy League Money Leverager, you are afraid that “when the revolution comes” it just might be a little TOO populist in character; and that would be “bad for business”. The Jews are a well established part of the “establishment”, revolutions are about changing the “establishment”, and without the “establishment” people may not be able to make “shrewd” easy money deals with such abandon. Your superior “ethics” vs. those of the working unwashed make my head spin. 39
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:17 | # Diamed: “I think fewer people are turned off by ‘danger words’ like ‘oh no racism!’ (racism has become a joke to people by now) than by personality quarrels, childishness, and the constant accusations of ‘secret agents’ we have for each other.” So fewer people are turned off by reading “nigger” and inter-commenter spats than by the suggestion that it is the highest good and most pressing necessity that we exterminate all extant non-Whites? Do you have some focus group data to back up that contention I don’t know about? “Think about it, we’re here because we think the world needs saving,” Preferably not in tights and a cape, that could be a “turn off”. “...and don’t wander off into logical fallacies,” Isn’t the idea that the phrasing of a proposition in crude terms renders said proposition an untruth a “logical fallacy”? “...not just be willing to do anything to others.” Would you personally be willing to pull the trigger on your kindly old black mailman? BTW, I’m not suggesting that because you personally wouldn’t do it and yet recommend it be done from a “leadership” position that the prescription is unsound; ad hominem: logical fallacy. I am suggesting, however, that anyone who would do it, or recommend that it be done, is a gutter dwelling psychopath. 40
Posted by Diamed on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 07:41 | # It doesn’t require hurting anyone, hence, the not harming a single hair on anyone’s head part. 41
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 10:12 | # Diamed: “It doesn’t require hurting anyone, hence, the not harming a single hair on anyone’s head part.” With all due respect Diamed, that post was verbose horse manure that gets us that much closer to resolving precisely jack shit. Such as: “As a moral principle, it is fatuous to say nothing can be done if it means having to hurt someone.” Did you mean that “nothing [should] be done if it means hurting someone”? Of course a thing can be done, but I imagine the question is “should it”, no? “This objection is ridiculous - when the benefit outweighs the cost there is no reason not to hurt someone.” Thank you, Genghis, for those words of wisdom. “However, potential racists, especially women, may find this moral hold-up simply overpowering.” Gee, wonder why? “For those of us who realize the ends justify the means, this is just nonsense. For those who don’t, it is a brick wall they cannot cross.” You seem to to be hinting at something, darkly, here; what oh what? “Americans as a collective have agreed that the death of 40,000 Americans, many of them children or teenagers just starting the brightness of their lives, are worth sacrificing each year to the convenience of being able to drive everywhere.” They are all aware, each and every one of them, of the precise number of yearly traffic fatalities. They think those deaths a good thing. That is why they waste all that tax payers money on drivers training for high school kids - those driving instructors are disciples of Dr. Kevorkian. And how many people die under anesthesia each year? Too many. Back to strong whiskey it is. “Therefore, let’s not take people’s compassion and chivalry too seriously. They’re perfectly willing to see people die, so long as it cannot directly be traced back to their decision.” Doctors who use anesthesia are not compassionate healers but cold-blooded murderers. “I honestly believe that if an inner racist circle went around killing 40,000 people a year and then listing in the obituary “death by car accident” in order to create a racist society and achieve our goals, the rest of society would gladly accept the state of their country and be absolutely happy with the way things were.” What was Leon Haller’s word? Oh, yeah, “deontological”. “Re-list those people as “liquidated as enemies of the state” and they would go on riots about how horrible things were.” Presumably when one speaks of “enemies of the state” who are to be “liquidated” one already has power, so, if one has power, why is it necessary to “liquidate” them? Why not imprison, or banish them? ““What’s important is the principle of the thing,” etc.” Yes, deontological. “No, what’s important to them is that they feel good about themselves.” Liquidating people feels oh so good. “(okay beginning super-sacharine mode)” Absurdities handed down from the mountain top to sooth the pesky consciences of the lemmings, and their hang ups about exterminating all non-Whites. “(end super-sacharine mode)” End of thick, steaming stream of absurdities. “Cleanse our system of the poisons and the degeneracy, start the engine back and watch it play out the way it was meant to the first time.” You mean before or after the population of the world grew to 6.7 billion? “Whatever costs that are imposed on us by keeping the rest of the world around and constantly helping them out is nothing in the face of an unobstructed path we can boldly walk forward into - united and assured of our goodness.” We have everything we need to support all non-Whites at a first world standard of living. Jesus H. Fucking Christ, Diamed. It’s always one extreme or the other with you, are you a manic-depressive or something? 42
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 11:03 | # So, we’ll build all of the third-world up to a first-world standard of living or we’ll liquidate it, says Diamed. Or, we can “humanely euthanize” all of the subhumans (gas chambers?) or reinstitute single combat fighting to see just who will say what goes because the lemmings don’t like barbarism, says Bowery. LOL! BULLSHIT! How’s about this, we swear, Scout’s honor, that we will not exterminate non-Whites upon securing the existence of our people; and say it with some fucking conviction and mean it. They can live at the level they are capable of providing for themselves; as they always have. Our job will be to protect ecosystems and biodiversity in the third-world, that is it - sustainability, sustainability, sustainability! At least Richards, when he drops his Goebbels act, shows a shred of fucking decency. Moral legitimacy is the name of the motherfucking game. Try to polish a turd and you still have nothing but a turd. If we can’t get our shit right, here, how are we going to get it tight out there? 43
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 14:29 | #
I agree: the way Jews have relentlessly (CC’s choice of the word “relentlessly” here is appropriate) pushed the genocide of whites reflects, in part, that they view themselves as a different race from Europeans, and we know from genetics that they are a different race. All these Jewish attacks on “whites” such as Susan Sontag’s “whites are the cancer of history” and Alon Ziv’s “whites must miscegenate with non-whites” aren’t attacks on Caucasians generally (Jews are Caucasians and they certainly aren’t attacking themselves in these attacks: Sontag is not calling Jews the cancer of history, only Euros, and Ziv is not telling Jews they must miscegenate with Negroes, only Euros), they’re tribal attacks by one sub-race of caucasians, Jews, on another sub-race, Euros. Euros are what is meant, not Jews: Euros alone. Euros don’t realize something, but Jews by and large vaguely sense this, that these Jewish attacks on “whites” aren’t aimed at Jews, so they’re less alarmed by them and more sympathetic to them. They’re more willing to join in. It’s unusual for whites to sincerely and enthusiastically join in, but commonplace for Jews: whites are attacking themselves, but Jews are attacking not themselves but their tribal enemy. Whites are too dense to see this. So, all that certainly hangs together. Jews always knew they were a different race, they felt it without needing genetics, based simply on how they looked, thought, and acted compared to how Euros looked, thought, and acted and anyone with eyes sees which characteristics are inborn. So, starting as early as the 1860s with Heinrich Graetz and innumerable other Jewish men of intellect, when Euros annoyed them, Jews decided that their response would be to push for Euro genocide. And that’s what they started doing. And to every generation of Jews since then, that push for the genocide of Euros has felt natural and good, something they’ve very much wanted to continue — and they’ve continued it.
Agreed. 44
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 14:41 | # Typo above: change that to: “They do this by [nepotism], all the while desperately pathologizing ANY show of group cohesion or solidarity on the part of Whites.” I agree and it’s obvious: a significant portion of their over-representation in a number of fields (not all of course but definitely a significant portion) is through their strong tendency to surround themselves with Jews, excluding others. Recall that during the epoch of WASP hegemony in this country the Jews never stopped screaming bloody murder when the WASPs tended to do that. It’s not by mistake or by pure superiority of Jewish talent that, for example, Michael Eisner’s rise to the top of the Walt Disney Company has been accompanied by the total transformation of that outfit into a Jewish enterprise at every level. 45
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 14:43 | #
And the quality of the product has suffered accordingly: Jews can’t do Disney. They can do Adam Sandler. They can’t do Disney. 46
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 17:03 | # Why did we hear about Susan Sontag’s tribal attack on Euros? Who hyped it to the skies for a quarter-century? Who made sure it wouldn’t go unnoticed, worthless swill that it was, but would be shoved in the face of every Euro in the U.S. over and over and over again, in an effort to taunt, harm, shame, punish, weaken, overthrow? The Jews. She was essentially a nobody, a zero as an intellect and writer, a typical local small-minded New York Jewish hack of no importance (her other claim to fame was inventing the mercifully short-lived fad-notions of “camp,” “high camp” and “low camp”). Yet her attack on Euros got hyped by the Jewish media into what became for years a major Jewish media creation. Why? Because the Jews were on the warpath. They were waging tribal war. Tribal war? Who declared it? Go back to 1860 and ask Heinrich Graetz and his ilk. Ask the Jews of every generation since then who’ve enlisted for service. Why has no one heard of this war? Is it being waged openly? No, it’s waged dirtily, by stealth, lies, treachery, backstabbing. It’s waged from ambush against the innocent, the well-intentioned, and unsuspecting, the disarmed. It’s never waged openly. Nor will it ever be. 47
Posted by torgrim on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 18:33 | # “It’s waged from ambush against the innocent, the well-intentioned, and the unsuspecting, the disarmed. Well said, and here is an example of just how deep the differences are between one sub group of caucasians,the Jews, and another sub group, the Euros. Attack an unsuspecting, disarmed target, and the Jew, claims a moral victory, whereas, a Euro Man will offer single handed combat to the death, open, warned, and upfront. After 40 years of indoctrination in the pubic, er public school system, and the pc crap that has essentially removed our ability to use proper language constructs when describing the enemy, hence making one more vunerable to attack, Euro folk are at a real disadvantage in this war- by -stealth. 48
Posted by Armor on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 20:51 | # Another thing I have noticed: the values and personality traits that are now praised by the news media, human resource managers, and various spokespersons, are not traditional European values like honesty, loyalty, gentleness and so on. There is a new set of values that are promoted by our non-elites, slowly trickling down to the bottom of society: they are the values of carpet salesmen. 49
Posted by n199er on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 20:59 | #
Wow.Im blown away.So you’re a supremacist who thinks “Genocide” is a friggin’ verb. 50
Posted by Armor on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 21:34 | # I told Diamed there was a problem with the way he presents his opinion. For example, instead of saying: “we are not racists, the only racists are those who are forcing race replacement on us”, he is liable to say things like: “we should not be afraid to be racists, what’s wrong with that?”. It isn’t good communication, although I agree that race matters and we should be realist about race. 51
Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 21:52 | # Every American should contact their elected representatives immediately and express their protest against the forthcoming “hate crimes’ bills. These so called hate-crimes bills are being forced on us by the homosexual lobby and the vile liars in the ADL. They’re the same type of hate crimes legislation that are already in effect in Canada, Britain and Australia…. The larger agenda:- The relentless haters at the ADL along with the rest of the Jewish supremacists aren’t going to stop their war against OUR free speech until everything that can be construed as anti-Jewish or anti-Israel is classified as a ‘hate crime’. So please contact your Congressman and Senators ASAP and voice your opposition! 52
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 18 Jan 2009 22:07 | #
It wasn’t when I started. I made it into one. Hey if “impact,” “ski,” and “jew” have been made into transitive verbs I figured I could streamline certain discussions by making “genocide” into one too. Btw I’m not a supremacist. I’m strictly a middle-of-the-road centrist basically apolitical guy who is slightly to the left of dead-center. I hate degenerateness, that’s all, and I call it as I see it. Any problems? 53
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 05:53 | # “Every American should contact their elected representative immediately and express their protest against the forth coming “hate crime bills.”—-Dave Johns—- Good point. I have sent my opinion to my representative a number of days ago, funny thing, the staffer was unaware of the upcoming Bill. Hopefully, by now, they are aware. It seems that this new Executive and Congress are running fast, they are going for a “Two-Fer”, in the parlance of the political crowd. Check out what the minions are up too, it is quite distrubing when you factor in the “hate crime” bill! 54
Posted by torgrim on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 06:06 | # Just to make it clear, Congressman from Illinois, Bobby Rush, sponsored the gun bill, HR2666. 55
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:07 | # I mentioned Heinrich Graetz several posts above. Here’s the guy: the present Hundred-Years (And Counting) War of Jews Against Euros first started gearing up largely with him:
It’s not easy to find this material at Bo’s site so you have to save the article or its specific URL for when you need to refer back to it. Luckily it’s also been pasted a couple of times into‘s threads, so it can be searched for here too. This is an extremely important article, holding, as it does, one of the keys to exactly what’s gone wrong with the XXth Century (dubbed “the Jewish Century” by Slezkine, with good reason) and what’s still going wrong in the same way in the XXIst: there’s an occult tribal war going on, diaspora Jews against Euros, which Euros for the most part don’t even know is being waged (with the result that for the Jews it’s been like shooting fish in a barrel for a hundred-and-thirty years now). 56
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:09 | # Sorry, here’s Bo’s site: (the link to it which I embedded above doesn’t work) 57
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 08:18 | # From one of my comments linked above:
Posted by AS on Mon, 19 Jan 2009 19:49 | # Don’t worry be happy 59
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 16:33 | # Captainchaos writes: Try to polish a turd and you still have nothing but a turd. If we can’t get our shit right, here, how are we going to get it tight out there? You can start by not grossly misrepresenting my statements. 60
Posted by Svigor on Tue, 20 Jan 2009 23:58 | #
No, personal anecdote is a powerful teaching and propaganda tool. Other than that I agree.
LOL! 61
Posted by flemmard on Fri, 23 Jan 2009 12:38 | # This blog is like Big Brother: White Racialism. “Being white means to engage in a day in, day out struggle to prove that you are smarter than other white people.” Post a comment:
Next entry: Preserving the gentile’s civilisation. No, make that the gringo’s.
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by Sarah on Sat, 17 Jan 2009 09:04 | #
Good points, thanks