Struggling for funds, funding the struggle

Posted by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 30 August 2011 01:54.

CC asked an interesting question on the elitism thread:

If you had Regnery’s fortune at your disposal, what precisely would you personally do with it?

To some extent I answered this in the post to that thread when I listed the kinds of bodies which White Nationalism is capable of bringing forward, and which would have a direct impact on public discourse and white political awareness.  But let’s play the game and select the first of these goodies out of the bag, because there is a logical sequence to them and the first ought, if it’s done right, to lead to the second.  And so on.

So ...

A cool August night in black-blitzed, boarded-up Tottenham.  I lay myself down to doze in my louse-infested, single room garret.  A twice-used tea bag and a cracked shaving mirror await me in the morning, followed by a day up west searching for an open handbag, a jacket carelessly thrown over the shoulder.  The loan shark has my benefit book.  The electricity company’s piggy-bank is already empty.  These are thin times for an investment banker, you see.  The crack whore in the room above is hard at work.  Down in the street a white paramedic is tending to the loser in another misunderstanding about “respect”.  Sleep comes slowly.  But it comes because no one can bear indefinite witness to this dystopia.

Morning.  Light streams in, softened and made golden by the fabulous gauze of the silk curtains and sent out again by the brilliant white of the bedsheets to sparkle in the white and gold of a wall-covering also of silk, also fabulous, and several pieces of preposterous 18th century French furniture.  Oh, this isn’t right.  Still dreaming.  I chase away the sleep.  The lousiness of a low London life does not re-materialise.  That moment of dizzy self-doubt.  What is happening ... is this reality or something else?  The bed is as big and soft-sprung as a Cadillac, and the bedroom could house half a tennis court. It might be real.  It seems real.  But it can’t be.

I am on my feet.  They disappear deep into a sea of wool.  Some fancy lettering floats in the middle of it.  “WR II”, four-feet across. Tottenham is definitely not beyond the casements.  I am lost.  A door three yards high and framed with carvings beckons me into a dressing room. More carved wood, more French furniture ... a vast mirror.  Shit, this poor London boy thinks, peering in.  I’ve seen that face before.  That’s Bill fucking Regnery.

So, to begin.  Money no object.  What does a guy with good instincts and the European race to save write with his grandfather’s Parker Duofold on a blank sheet of vellum laid cartidge?  How, so to speak, can the good instincts of Mr Regnery redeem the lost white souls of Tottenham, when everything about the refined and peer-focussed intellectualism which he represents recoils in horror from the too-too crass physicality of the 90 IQ orcs - and even from the suburban Middle Earth of the house-proud and white of collar?

It seems to me that the first requirement, before anything else can be done, is to establish a mechanism for information to flow and mutual recognition to build.  These are worlds which face away from eachother even before the particular isolation of nationalist thinking in the West and the general isolation of white racial feeling are taken into account.  But factor those in and it is clear that a vast gulf requires to be bridged.  Don’t bridge it and it’s inevitable that nationalist intellectualism will turn in on itself, and the wider white constituency will blunder on insensibly towards its denouement, messy or otherwise.

The only possible solution is for the white cognitive elites to reach out to the masses ... but apolitically in a pre-political conditioning exercise.

We are in the cultural space here titled implicit whiteness, as famously explicated by Kevin MacDonald.  My mate Lee Barnes talked about it in his radio interview for the blog.  I referred to it in the elitism post when, among the options for WN organisations, I listed:

c) A national cultural organisation to reach out and connect to existing “implicitly white” cultural bodies and events.

At this point, in my new life as William Regnery II, I quickly scribble “European-American Cultural Foundation” on my sheet of paper.  Then beneath that, “sponsorships - scholarships - prizes - competitions - events - lectures - tours.”  Not too sure at this stage exactly what those might signify, but the ideas are flowing.  I note the importance of bringing in some great and good persons from outside the movement because, at this stage, we wouldn’t want to frighten the hors…  Then another idea hits.  I write “European-American Charitable Foundation”.  Then beneath that, “veterans - drug and alcohol abuse - homelessness - literacy - re-training - youth - blind - disabled.”

The sheet of paper is filling up.  Slowly, it is beginning to dawn on me that all this really is an ideal corrective to Ivory Tower Syndrome - both as a means of bringing white America into the thinking process and of making that process as relevant and exportable as possible to the people.  Making actual progress becomes less and less the distant dream it has always been.

Now I have the footing to move on to the question of policy, as in the case of:

d) A think tank generating analysis and policy solutions, tasked with informing not only the politics of the movement but the wider political and media sphere

I may need to remind myself at this juncture that a think-tank is not a publishing venture.  For example, someone impersonating Bill Regnery set up the National Policy Institute a few years back but forgot to tell the guys that it was not a propaganda outlet.  Mistake.  Such an organisation should be the intellectual driver of the next logical development, which is a national political organisation.  Policy analysis requires far more discipline and downright practic than NPI exhibits.  It needs to face the people.

And that’s the lesson, really.  The whole edifice of WN, Regnerian or not, needs to face the people.  Nationalism has no other way to really live.  For it never does while it is confined to the cognitive elites, to the keyboard warriors, to us.

That will do for now, I hope.  It’s late.  The staff have all retired.  I’ll finish my Havana and drain my customary glass of Irish coffee, then have a good night’s sleep myself.  You never know what the morrow may bring.



Posted by Bill on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 08:49 | #

Then beneath that, “sponsorships - scholarships - prizes - competitions - events - lectures - tours.” Not too sure at this stage exactly what those might signify, but the ideas are flowing.

When I read these words my radar pinged, ah! wasn’t the BNP on to something with their RWB gatherings?

And wasn’t it the BNP’s idea to promote St. George’s day parades and events?

Give credit where it’s due, I think it was.

The RWB events I understand are no more, but my reasoning is the RWB days proved to be a success in their own terms.  More importantly, the RWB events proved to be every bit as much, (if not more) of an expression of a coalescing around implicit whiteness than supporting the BNP itself.

It is also my gut feeling that St. George’s day events are on the increase, especially in the more rural areas.  I might go as far to say St.George is gathering a momentum all of his own, indicating that St. George will thrive with or without our help.

To sum up, my thinking here is, the people attending these type of family gatherings are not only expressing an innate sense of being English they are also expressing themselves in terms of explicit whiteness.

Clearly there is huge potential here, maybe St George’s events are a way to go, but it’s a thorny combo to juggle with, white-nationalism. 

Having re-read above I feel I haven’t really expressed myself clearly or taken it far enough.  It’s early morning yet and I feel I could do better.  Never mind, it might come to me later.


Posted by MOB on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 11:35 | #

Nicely written, GW, and good suggestions.  A barely relevant trifle:

Things have surely improved in London since the days when beautiful Dr. Bramwell went daily to her Thrift to serve the wretched poor!  When I discovered this series on Netflix a week or two ago, I was instantly hooked—twice I watched 4 segments in one sitting, one right after the other.  A woman doctor who has her long skirt tailored into trousers so she can ride a bike!!  Love it!!!  Jemma Redgrave, a rare gem, and I’d never heard of her before.

One of the staples of English drama is, of course, the class system—it’s everywhere built into the characters, the settings, the plots—race differences are front and center—racialism the order of the day.  I was mesmerized by the relationship between fine and noble English Dr. Bramwell and smooth-talking slippery Irish Dr. O’Neill.  Scottish Dr. Marsham was appropriately stiff and uncompromising.

When the series ended, steadfast Jemma safe at last in the arms of a noble (handsome!) English gentleman, and I’d seen the last of the desperately sordid physical and emotional calamities—so much vomit!—befalling the desperately sordid physical and emotional inhabitants of a desperately sordid part of London, I found myself thinking about the anti-Darwinist care and feeding of African Blacks—yes, I know the desperately poor in London were Whites, and that’s different . . .

Was it a good thing that Dr. Bramwell committed herself to, or was it time and talent wasted on a lost cause?  I always rate the Netflix movies I watch.  I gave Bramwell 4 stars.  If both sides of the dilemmas we struggle with weren’t in some way defensible, they wouldn’t be so impossible to solve.  Yes, I know, we already knew that; but I do love English movies.


Posted by Croydon on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 13:04 | #

Regnery is a midway point between the conservative and the radical right mindset. 

In the UK the radical right needs an influx of new talent and needs to redefine the centre ground. Therefore a Regnery type outfit (this side of the Atlantic) might work on bridging the gap and shifting the centre of gravity.

An analytical arm: white sociology, well designed opinion polls to reflect back consensus and so on
An outreach arm: news organisation - reports, nightly interviews from interesting thinkers across the board

Using the insights of the analytical arm mediated through the outreach arm - attack the soft underbelly of the main political currents: right wing liberal, socialist, green to open up to a nationalist perspective


Posted by Selous Scout on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 14:10 | #

The whole edifice of WN, Regnerian or not, needs to face the people.  Nationalism has no other way to really live.  For it never does while it is confined to the cognitive elites, to the keyboard warriors, to us.

Yes, GW, you’ve got it. This is the crux of the issue really.

As I keep arguing, if WNs do face the people, the ‘face’ they present should be attractive, articulate, stylish, charismatic, confident, etc.

These things matter.

It’s time to play Politics.


Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 15:09 | #

Delightful.  Simply delightful.

A cool August night in black-blitzed, boarded-up Tottenham.  I lay myself down to doze in my louse-infested, single room garret.  A twice-used tea bag and a cracked shaving mirror await me in the morning

You caught me off-guard there.  For a moment I thought the Fuhrer of Blessed Memory had been reincarnated as a modern Englishman.  This is so similar to his 1919 beginnings in post-war revolutionary Munich.

You never know what the morrow may bring.

Well, may you reawaken in that same Louis XIV room, if such be your desire.  It sounds suspiciously similar to the room that George C. Scott playing Patton derided as a “bordello”.  I can easily believe the passing generation of WN movers & shakers prefer such surroundings.  New Orleans has long been a favored venue for them.

But let us continue this exercise.  It was only a dream.  You instead reawaken the next morning back in the crack house.  A minute after turning on the switch an environmentally friendly but dim 20 watt fluorescent bulb flickers into life to half-illuminate your dreary horizon-less world.

Now what?   

I may need to remind myself at this juncture that a think-tank is not a publishing venture.  For example, someone impersonating Bill Regnery set up the National Policy Institute a few years back but forgot to tell the guys that it was not a propaganda outlet.  Mistake.  Such an organisation should be the intellectual driver of the next logical development

Yes.  But it should certainly publish its conclusions and also “face the people” intellectually.

which is a national political organisation.

This conclusion is not obvious to me relative to the USA.  And it is far from clear that experience-informed discussion and analysis in this think-tank will support this as an immediate strategy within North America. 

Factoid.  The ADL, SPLC and other forces of evil have been very diligent in training IQ 90 orc-kwaps in the proposition that political expression by white people as white people is a criminal activity, and not a protected exercise of their constitutional rights.  The rising multi-cultural generation of prosecutors also show a propensity to criminalize white expressions of political speech. 

Therefore every campaign needs a minimum 20k legal defense fund.  And it needs an honest, competent and aggressive defense lawyer (<=== straight line here) standing by on a contingent basis.  And this is just back-office minutiae.  Even so, we can understand that staying out of prison will be a huge personal priority for most quality candidates.

Policy analysis requires far more discipline and downright practic than NPI exhibits.  It needs to face the people.

It also needs specific accountability and the hard-headed common sense to only pay for contracted original results.  All recent efforts on these lines have been undermined by the cronyism Anymouse referred to yesterday.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Tue, 30 Aug 2011 22:10 | #

And that’s the lesson, really.  The whole edifice of WN, Regnerian or not, needs to face the people.  Nationalism has no other way to really live.  For it never does while it is confined to the cognitive elites, to the keyboard warriors, to us.

The first place to start is to examine the concept of “White Nationalism” itself. Is it really that useful? We have made ourselves prisoners of that term.

In Britain, this is less of a problem: there is nothing stopping you from promoting yourself as Mark from Kent or William from Scotland or James from London or David who is a fine old chap from Wales who is merely a “social critic” and a “conservative” with “grievances” about various issues like immigration, diversity, multiculturalism, the tyranny of the “Mainstream Media,” the ideology of political correctness, and the threat to the British economy posed by globalization and unaccountable financiers, etc.

What is “White Nationalism” though?

If Greg Johnson were to enter this thread, he would describe it as something like “the desire for a Jew-free, racially conscious, White ethnostate.” You see, Greg has defined the “White ethnostate” purely as an abstraction. The White ethnostate is a “proposition nation.” It is an “idea” that exists in his own mind which is shared by only a few people in cyberspace.

You could always respond to Greg: what about a Jew-free, racially conscious, racially homogeneous England like the one that once ruled most of the planet or the one that existed after Longshanks kicked the Jews out?

Isn’t that more attractive that a “White ethnostate”? Just where is the “White ethnostate”? Who is the ethny that belongs to the White ethnostate? Why should anyone feel any loyalty to a proposition that exists in your own mind?

You could respond to Greg: for many centuries here in Jolly Old England, “whiteness” was an important part of our national identity (through the practical experience of interacting with coloreds through governing our Emprie), which is why the non-White colonials weren’t allowed to settle here until after WW2. Kipling, for example, wrote about the “White Man’s Burden.”

Being White is part of our history, part of our identity as a nation, part of our culture, part of our own tradition ... even Winston Churchill was comfortably White, but our culture was jettisoned after WW2 by the British elite in the name of fidelity to the abstract principles of liberal ideology.

These “principles” were felt to be inconsistent with our national identity and thousands of years of our history in these Islands ... and so, the collective wisdom of countless generations of our ancestors was tossed aside!

Now here we are today with the barbarians sacking London. This guy in Alabama has no less than five books on his bookshelf which describe “The Decline and Fall of the British Empire.” There are more of these “Decline and Fall of England” books being sold in American bookstores every year.

The choice before us is simple: “Decline and Fall of Britain” or national pride, glory, a healthy culture, prosperity, greatness, etc.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 00:36 | #

The whole edifice of WN, Regnerian or not, needs to face the people.  Nationalism has no other way to really live.  For it never does while it is confined to the cognitive elites, to the keyboard warriors, to us. (GW)

And what if the people don’t buy what we’re selling? I used to think this: just go out boldly and tell the truth about the looming racial disaster for whites. The people are crying out for truth and leadership.

Well, are they?

USA 2000 - people could have voted for anti-immigrationist Pat Buchanan. He got fewer than 1/2 million votes (including my own; granted, I had friends who supported him, but still voted Bush - spectacularly stupidly, as I predicted at the time).

France 2002 - The great Jean-Marie le Pen, after decades fighting for Free France, and a 1000% increase in black/beur street crime over the previous two decades, makes it to a Presidential run-off!!! ... and gets less than 1/5 of the final vote.

Britain 2010 - after the the worst immigration invasion in UK history, occurring during the preceding, odious Blair/Brown regimes, one consequence of which was the awful London bombings of 2005, perpetrated by ‘homegrown’ Muslims, Cameron the goofball blathers about a Big Multicultural Society, and the BNP barely registers.

Understand: we are too late.

We needed a fully articulated WN or racialist conservatism back in the 50s and 60s. We needed the kind of consciousness and intellectual defenses that are widespread today (though still not nearly sufficiently so in either numbers of adherents or even theoretical sophistication to make much difference).

Up until possibly 1980, there were still heavy white majorities everywhere, many members of which were of a psychological disposition and cultural background that they would have responded to direct racial truth, whether biological or political (ie, about the state of the invasion, and its likely consequences).

But today far too many of our own people have been thoroughly brainwashed for direct WN appeals to make much difference (we still need those appeals, however - we still need the “cutting edge” - but don’t imagine that we’ll be saved by some sudden awakening on the part of the indoctrinated masses).

We have two not wholly mutually exclusive strategies. One is White Zion, or mass WN emigration to a “conquerable” sovereign polity (though even that must be conducted quietly at first). This is a last ditch strategy to save our race and civ from extinction (so Hunter, the WN ethnostate may still be too abstract now, but it is becoming more viable all the time, as the general decline, in absolute numbers and nationalist consciousness continues).

The other is to form not White nationalist, but plain old “national/nationalist” social groups and political parties, with the obvious understanding that immigration, racial spoils, multiculti, etc, harm the traditional nation. This is a kind of defensive nationalism, whose purpose is to help whites right now, but also to build consciousness for more ambitious agendas in the future.


Posted by anymouse on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 02:53 | #


Just read this and am not entirely certain you’re serious.  Something for a think tank to study/develop?  Here are four items to which I would contribute physical labor, skills, expertise, knowledge, and money:

1.  White nationalist and vocational ed supplements to a balanced home school curricula that encourages critical thinking, skills, and leadership development, covers both race and class aspects of the struggle, and is not biased toward any particular school of economic theology.

2.  Labor banking, to encourage freedom from lifelong commitments to repay usurious secured and unsecured debt.  There is a huge market for an implicitly white social nationalism in the U.S., contrary to what appears to be the opinion of certain yuppie day traders and house flippers on this site and elsewhere.  Speaking as one who has traveled extensively throughout the United States I can say there are lots of “white trash” Democrats of decidedly non-liberal bent who are averse to both Negroes and the Austrian School of Economics.  You won’t find too many of ‘em living in south Orange County or Rancho Santa Fe, California, however.

3.  Intentional community formation, trade ‘n craft guilds, small-medium manufacturing, distribution, and in-group marketing.  Models for study should include both high- and low-tech German Mennonite communities in North, Central, and South America, Swiss communes, the medieval Hanseatic League of German merchants, and (believe it or not) certain non-exploitative aspects of Amway’s marketing program (ducking for cover right now).

4.  Almost anything encouraging socialization, self-help, and mutual aid among like-minded white families in the working- and lower 2/3s of the middle-class.  This is particularly important for women and children.

I’ll have more to say by the weekend.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 08:11 | #

Maybe this not exactly addressing the questions you pose above, nevertheless, in the light of a national news item featured on yesterdays news (30.08.2011) I feel I cannot let it pass unnoticed.

I am referring to the on rushing housing crisis which is about to reach its inevitable tipping point sometime soon.

In brief, the BBC’s news item thrust into stark relief the ongoing problem of the chronic shortage of housing availability (combined with sky high prices) that exists in Britain today.  The BBC’s Hugh Pym was lamenting the plight of those people desiring to get on to the property ladder or gain access to almost non existing social housing.

Over the years, I have popped my head up here highlighting the inevitable coming of this moment.

It is here!

All available housing stock slack has been taken up, Britain’s homeless are at the mercy of the market and an almost non existing (comparatively) home building programme.

Successive governments have relegated this problem to the back burner, with consequent results.  The music has stopped and it looks like Cameron is left holding the baby.

Needless to say with the complete absence of mention of immigration in this conversation the elephant is back, with much resultant hand wringing.

I would venture to say that the oncoming housing crisis will dwarf all previous crises that enrichment has bestowed upon us - shanty towns next?

Millions, yes millions of new homes will have be built, something like a new home every six minutes fo ever.

The implications of this situation do not have to be spelt out (I haven’t the inclination anyway) other than to say a politically correct world is a paralysing world.

During the news item, Hugh Pym signalled the vaguest of vaguest hints that we (British) might have to get used the idea that future homes will be exclusively social housing, (presumably government owned) and private property would become a thing of the past.  My better half says I am being paranoid as usual. (LOL)

Just a thought, what have been the major impacts on British life so far due to mass immigration?

Employment, white flight, housing, welfare, health, affirmative action and crime are the things that readily spring to mind.

What more is there in store for us?  Looking at what’s happening across the pond I suggest we ain’t seen nutt’n yet!

Apologies for the digression once again.


Posted by Dyckhoff Holmes on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 08:50 | #

Right you are Bill.

The fact is that EVERYTHING to do with mass immigration into the UK is profoundly negative, as your litany shows.A huge amount of ddestructive negativity and awfully small benefits.
The choice between a chicken korma and having your house burnt out.
The best answer the immigrationists can muster is that badly paid darkies are necessary to wipe ecreta from elderly British back-sides in nursing homes, since that job is so unspeakably horrible no one else wants to do it.
Actually analysing that argument shows the immigrationists to be the real racists.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 09:01 | #

Britain’s housing crisis

Today’s Guardian. 31st August “011

Homelessness could spread to middle class, Crisis study warns.

Same old, same old.  It’s the wicked Tories, it’s the cuts, it’s the recession, yawn-yawn.

Anybody seen an elephant?


Posted by Dyckhoff Holmes on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 11:15 | #

Cast your mind back a decade when New Labour were in their pomp, the economy was apparently ‘booming’ and all sorts of shit from mega-casinos, de luxe betting shops and unlimited immigration was being sneaked in by New Labour.
Creepy old Evan Davis (an S & M loving rampant homo) - the predecessor to the autistic strangulated vocalled Robert Peston - used to appear on the 10 o’clock news nightly.In those supposed ‘feel-good’ boom years before the shit hit the fan, the Beeb was in the habit of giving self congratulating little homilies about how well the economy was doing - and how clever the economic establishment was - strange to think about it, but it did happen a lot, I am not deluded.
It’s the ‘Great Moderation!’ they trilled, ‘we’re in the NICE decade!’ (Non Inflationary Continued Expansion) they enthused.
You see the import of cheap Chinses goods was all such a boon and so clever, you could get a toaster for a fiver ( back in 1973, believe it or not they cost 10 Quid, when a good week’s wages were £30, toasters were actually popular wedding presents).
So on and so forth, gosh how clever we are and how clever is neo-liberal New labour and the gran-daddy of all second rate tossers ‘The Economist’ magazine.
What the wankers failed to realise that is that the Chinese didn’t work for nothing, they were actually paid - in a lot of western debt.What we had in those blasted years was not only the wog flood, but the ‘wog pump’ - basically Britain’s ‘economic model’ (if it could be so dignified) could be summed up as importing wogs unlimited, pumping up housing prices sky high - and flooding the economy with a lot of oriental cash to pay for it all.The ‘Yen carry-trade’ paid for it all.In those mad psychotic days British banks regularly borrowed lines of unold billions of Sterling from the far east.
Now all we’ve got is the Royal Bank of Scotland busted more than a busted flush (share price pennies in the pound), a whole generation consigned to perpetual bed-sit land (nasty paki landlords, Baby Belling in the orner next to the wardrobe and shared toilet.Oh and we’ve got north of 9 million darkies, fornicating and importing at inter galactic speed (already they outnumber the Scots and Welsh - combined), slated to be the majority in 50 years time plus London looking like a cross between Rio De Janeiro and Mogadishu, with a serious dose of inter ethnic warfare thrown in.


Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 14:35 | #

Oh and we’ve got north of 9 million darkies, fornicating and importing at inter galactic speed (already they outnumber the Scots and Welsh - combined), slated to be the majority in 50 years time plus London looking like a cross between Rio De Janeiro and Mogadishu, with a serious dose of inter ethnic warfare thrown in.

How are these wonderful diversity additions to Her Britannic Majesty’s realms distributed?  Have Scotland and Wales received proportional numbers?  Or are they disproportionately settled in England in the major cities?


Posted by Jay on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 15:19 | #

“If you had Regnery’s fortune at your disposal, what precisely would you personally do with it?”

Find the budding institutions supporting the diverse white peoples’ aspirations and pump money into them to scale them up to continental or even global size.  I wouldn’t try to create something new, just identify the best pro-white institutions on the ground and grow them, for example:

1) land ownership modeling;

2) private Internet elementary, secondary, and university educational efforts;

3) speech lessons in white-centric discourse;

4) anti-defamation activities;

5) modeling pro-white emergency support like LDS private welfare;

6) legal defense fund and organization; and

7) private banking based on shared equity, not interest & debt.

The only test would be:  Is this good for the diverse white peoples?


“...political expression by white people as white people is a criminal activity…”  This is not true, it is political expression by white people about black, brown, yellow, or red people as demographic groups that is a culturally criminal activity.  I know that’s hard to understand, but the white voice in a white-centric way is completely culturally legal.



Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 15:47 | #

In brief, the BBC’s news item thrust into stark relief the ongoing problem of the chronic shortage of housing availability (combined with sky high prices) that exists in Britain today.  The BBC’s Hugh Pym was lamenting the plight of those people desiring to get on to the property ladder or gain access to almost non existing social housing.

I think this is going to manifest itself here in the colonies faster than most people suppose.  “Rents” in the USA are starting to soar.  Meanwhile the rate of new construction starts continues to fall.  If AJP Taylor is to be believed, the UK with a population of 45 million had a higher rate of new residential construction in the 1930s than the USA does today with 300+ million. 

Housing does not last forever.  In many US areas monthly rents are already far in advance of the mortgage payment, taxes and insurance for the same class of property.  The main reasons for this are the greatly increased standards for post-bubble mortgage qualification.  These trends are favorable for a new class of rentiers. recently added a rental estimate feature.  It is every easy to find rental estimates that are $1000 greater than the monthly mortgage estimate for the same property. 

This situation is also favorable for introducing new forms for organizing residential construction and “financing”.  The real issue between a “labor bank”, a “mutual aid building society” and a conforming cash mortgage is where one chooses to make their monthly “payment”.

This kind of activity appears to have at least as much community organizing potential as “politics” (to make a huge understatement). 

Unfortunately the non-Movement is still supersaturated in the doublethink of Jewish economic propaganda.  Too many rant and rave about “collectivism” on one hand while simultaneously ignoring the real nature of a Federal Reserve cash mortgage.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 31 Aug 2011 21:47 | #

Some good suggestions, but most of you just can’t handle reality.

In the midst of the worst economic situation, and by light years most stomach churning volatility (except for the 60s race riots, but I was too young to remember), in my life, we (US) are still admitting north of 140,000 LEGAL immigrants EVERY MONTH. 98-99% of those are nonwhite. Have the colonizers ceased pouring into the UK? France? Do you people get it? Do you understand the implications of this?!

Invasion, colonization, conquest. 

WNs cannot allow themselves to be suckered into a “turn to the local”, or to pontificating about Jews, etc; that is, to any other task but political consciousness raising geared towards ending this invasion.

I have been denouncing immigration to all and sundry for 30 years. Nothing has happened (actually the invasion has worsened). Yet, we have no choice, whether we are WNs or (European) ethnonationalists, but to keep up the educational efforts and general drumbeat about the need to end this catastrophe.

Once we have ended the invasion, then (and only then) can we begin turning to all other suggestions to build up white consciousness among the deluded masses now forced to live in ‘diversified’ societies.

Any fool mouthing off economic collectivist nonsense is not only making the situation for whites economically worse (every diminution in private property rights, every bout of inflation, every increase in taxation, every needless regulation, etc, disproportionately harms white people!), he is needlessly muddying the waters, introducing extraneous conflict into what needs to be a united opposition to the invasion. There are powerful, sinister interests, as well as widespread popular support, for continuing immigration (especially, obviously, among Hispanics, but not only them; many white “conservatives” as well as liberals strongly support generous immigration). This policy disaster will never end until a loud and activist grassroots in the GOP (or among Tories) demands that their leadership stop it.

There is no hiding from this task. Building white mutual aid societies, educational activities, alternative financial arrangements or institutions (which I strongly predict would not be viable; capitalism is the natural system of economic activity; where it is allowed to operate freely, it ineluctably bests alternatives), is all well and good - but absolutely worthless under conditions of foreign conquest.

Wake the fuck up!

This is more liberalism - always turning away from the hard task that needs doing to something more readily manageable. “Cultivate your own garden”, say the paleoconservatives. What rubbish! When the orcs are descending upon you, let’s worry about the quality of life in the shire?

Here is what we need to do. Start local chapters of concerned whites (and maybe include nonwhites, if they are anti-immigrant) for purposes of coordinating anti-immigration (and anti-anti-white) activism. We need to formulate some sort of campaign-style fact sheet (say one page) about the disaster of immigration, and then we need to concentrate our efforts on distributing that sheet as widely as possible, plastering it in public places, putting it on car windshields, sponsoring at least little social get- togethers with friends to explain the disaster, etc.

This does not require a huge investment. Hundreds of millions of xeroxed copies (in sufficient bulk, these can be gotten down in price to pennies per page), and, if not directly handed out or placed in mail slots, masking tape or staples. Even cheaper would be thick black magic marker pens to write “STOP IMMIGRATION INVASION” or “KEEP AMERICA AMERICAN” or similar slogans on every public wall and restroom stall across the Western world.

Is this so much, or so difficult?

There is still unbelievable ignorance out in the public. DO NOT ASSUME that because we talk about Heideggerian ontonationalism that it must be the case that everybody at least understands the scale of immigration. Not so! A few months ago, I mentioned to a highly intelligent, professionally successful, very rightwing, and ‘law and order’ friend about the scale of legal immigration. He was shocked. Of course, he was always against nonwhite immigration (and everything else nonwhite). He knew there were tens of millions of illegals in the USA. But he thought legal immigration amounted to only a few hundred thousand per year, and that the USA as a whole was still 70-75% white (and this guy is a fellow Southern Californian, Ground Zero of the immigration conquest!!).

All WN activism must be oriented towards getting out the message re immigration, and to stopping it. Once done, as I keep saying, we take on new nationalist tasks.


Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 01:05 | #

Good luck, Leon.  Continue setting goals that require 2/3 super majorities in both houses of Congress, control of the Executive Branch and control of 3/4s of the state legislatures. 

And you will need nothing less.  Federal judges routinely overturn state-level initiatives on immigration.  One just struck down Alabama’s latest effort here.  There are around 3,000 sitting federal judges. At least half of these are hostile to any form of immigration control.  You will need a Congressional impeachment committee sitting non-stop just to handle the judicial purge.  And the Senate will have to try each one.  Alternately you will have to change the US Constitution on judicial tenure (see control of 3/4s of state legislatures)

Will you drop in after every election and keep us updated on your progress?  How many candidates committed to your program do you have running this cycle? 

Wake the fuck up! ...can’t handle reality

I agree there’s a big problem with this somewhere or another.


Posted by Guest Lurker on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 01:46 | #

Ex-Pro White Activist said:

Federal judges routinely overturn state-level initiatives on immigration.  One just struck down Alabama’s latest effort here.  There are around 3,000 sitting federal judges. At least half of these are hostile to any form of immigration control.  You will need a Congressional impeachment committee sitting non-stop just to handle the judicial purge.

Exactly. Which is why nothing short of Breivik style measures against such individuals would be effective. Everything else is wishful thinking. Unless those concerned were to take that psychological leap and muster the courage to implement such actions, the White Race is toast. The powers that be accommodate the non-whites because they know they are feral and will murder and burn cities at the slightest pretext. They also know that you can piss on Whitey, and that he’ll pretend it’s raining so as not to be confrontational, but then resort to boards such as these to whine and moan about his plight. Whether on the playground as children or in the political arena as adults, Whites are docile passives who let themselves get bullied around while trying to talk their way out of a hostile situation. It’s a no-brainer who the elites are going to pander to.

Disclaimer: I’m not advocating violence. Just making an observation.


Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 09:40 | #

I tend to agree with Guest Lurker about white passivity, though I’m not sure that couldn’t be changed more quickly than man imagine under the right conditions. Unfortunately, those have to be very bad ...


Unfortunately, you really do not understand how the American system works. Your ignorance plays into the hands of our enemies.

Of course federal judges have way too much power. There does not even need to be a federal judiciary beyond the Supreme Court.

But these adverse rulings on immigration (outrageous and impeachable, undoubtedly) always pertain to state level initiatives. The USSC has determined that immigration is a federal law issue. As long as we grant final judicial review power to the USSC (not something we must do - but changing that centuries-old practice is way more difficult than changing immigration law), there will always be some liberal judge to block enforcement of a state or local initiative he doesn’t like.

So what? The answer is grassroots demands for immigration termination. It is getting people to cast ballots based on how good a candidate is on immigration. When enough anti-immigrationists have been elected to Congress, and the president is on board, there is nothing a federal judge could do to block a duly enacted Federal immigration moratorium.

Stop making excuses. Efforts must be comprehensively focused on immigration until victory has been achieved.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 10:11 | #

And that’s the lesson, really.  The whole edifice of WN, Regnerian or not, needs to face the people.  Nationalism has no other way to really live.  For it never does while it is confined to the cognitive elites, to the keyboard warriors, to us.

We’ve been here before, loads of times, the ever revolving door, the forever banging one’s head against the glass ceiling.

On a minor personal level I’ve tried with people I know and trust and in turn know and trust me.

Admittedly the contact hasn’t been over time or followed up or extensively debated, you know when to back off when you get that furrowed brow and the furtive look over the shoulder.

My latest more subtle efforts have been barely discernible by the recipient, merely deflected into the the long grass, signalling I was wasting my time.

These ‘targets’ are ordinary decent people and I feel uncomfortable in my role.  I regard them as the backbone of who we are.  I know instinctively they hate what they see going on around them, I also know they haven’t got a clue as to what it really is.  The stock defence to my probing is, ‘it’s crazy what they’re doing’ - end of conversation.

In my dream (how many dreams am I allocated here?) I imagine inviting a few close neighbours round to an informal gathering to discuss the world in general.  Still dreaming, I find the response is favourable and imagine myself addressing a haze of quizzical faces each trying to guess what I’m going to say.  I feel confident and begin to speak, it is then my well prepared address dissolves in my head and my voice freezes, I begin to panic, help! Will someone please help?  I wake up in a profuse sweat, phew! That was a close call.

Now fully awake, I realise I didn’t really know what to say, I didn’t know where to start, where is the starting point for crissake?  I know these people have busy lives and are not overtly political; I know they watch television which forms their opinions and their world view.  I also know that pollsters tell me when these people are asked what concerns them most in their daily lives a very high percentage say it is immigration.  I also know that these self same people will enthusiastically vote for the politicians who are responsible for their concerns.

All of this confuses me, what is the entry level for beginner’s awareness?  For me it was immigration, and it proved an ideal starting point.  Even if immigration became the default starting point where next?  I know from experience how deep the rabbit hole goes, but to try and explain and explore every nook and cranny would be a daunting task, this is why I am so frustrated at the BNP for ten wasted years, years that could have been put to good use in educating an unsuspecting public.  Not only that, but also pressurising the media into defending its position.

I wrote recently I am a creature of the ‘50’s.  For more years than I care to remember I have been screaming to the heavens to bring back discipline, for it was a generational innate sense of social discipline that made the ‘50’s into a harmonious functioning society that was at ease with itself.  Looking back, by the end of the decade there was clear signs that the old order was being attacked and by the end of the ‘60’s the old order had gone.

On reflection, I think I should have substituted the word culture for discipline as it is only a disciplined culture that can cement a harmonious society.  I saw it first hand in the ‘50’s.  Multiculturalism cannot cut it, Gramsci knew he was on to something when he advocated that in order to overthrow Western civilisation you must attack and destroy its discipline of culture.  The only response to my pleas have been ribald laughter and ridicule by the smug accompanied by vicious taunts of fascism by the hard left - all wrapped up in something called liberalism.

Harmonious consenting discipline has lost out big-time to directionless unfettered chaos.  The big question remains, assuming that most white people (and it’s a huge assumption) wish to return to a saner living arrangement, then how do we set about achieving such a goal?

I think this is where we came in.  Hmmm?

I still cannot end without thinking, despite all that is being pontificated upon here, there are little understood forces at play in all of this, something to do with the birth, life and death of civilisations, at some level it could be the curtain going up for the beginning of the end of our over complex, resource dwindling, idea exhausted civilisation.  But hey! don’t let’s go down that road, I’ll stick to my day job.


Posted by anymouse on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 19:59 | #

William Regnery III probably has few skills beyond those necessary to preserve wealth.  Now it is perfectly legitimate for him to want to use his money to help the white cause, if that genuinely is his purpose.  But the cause goes nowhere and recognizing this some of us, myself included, describe it as “the non-movement.”  There are solid reasons for it.  So, FWIW, the following are some of my thoughts concerning the non-movement and what can be done to improve it.

Today’s non-movement is a Literary Guild comprised of day traders, academics, and pensioners. Its “golden days” were the 40’s through early 70’s.  Perhaps consequently its strategy is stuck in a mode commensurate with that period.  George C. Wallace and the American Independent Party of 1968 was its apex.  That “success” shall not be repeated in my lifetime. Too much has changed. Racialism is weaker now than ever before.  Only hubris and fear prevent the Non-Movement’s Godfathers and stalwarts from accepting, admitting, and working to change this fact.

“Libertarians” characterize the folkish as socialist.  Although partly correct the intent behind the characterization is to discredit and defame.  I should remind them that there is nothing “non-libertarian” about the voluntary association of collectivists and that functional human families are, themselves, informal collectivist organizations. Yes, there are many inconsistent beliefs and “nonlibertarian” aspects to the state co-opted libertarianism of the Libertarian Party, the Tea Party wing of the GOP, and the Ron Paul Phenomenon.  I could begin by noting the tendency of those non-libertine “rugged individualists with personalized plates” to conflate house flipping and the yuppie day trading of fractional reserve money made “secure” through socialized risk with inventiveness, true entrepreneurial innovation, and genuine wealth creation.  But no rational discussion can be held with economic theologians.

We all know it is tactically easier to be on the attack and note the flaws in one’s opponent than it is to offer cogent alternatives.  Nevertheless, the truth is since the AIP’s demise 40 years ago non-movement innovation has largely been limited to the dissemination of propaganda and the scheduling of occasional opportunities to meet, eat, and retreat through the Internet.  Regnery, perhaps, could change this by setting up diverse, competing think-tanks.  Widening our appeal to frustrated but implicitly white political drop-outs, communitarians, social nationalists, separatists, and working- and lower middle-class families in general cannot hurt.  For the fact is not everything in life is a beach, not all or even most of us can or even care to live in southern California’s hills or coastal communities, and contrary to what some selfish or ignorant individuals in the non-movement believe, recognizing and stating this does not imply the advocacy of impoverishment.  Regnery’s goal should be foster a kind of confederacy where new thinking and experience are brought to the fold and shared, where the joy of fruitful work is rediscovered, where survivability becomes possible, and where success – Dog be willing – just might become a reality in our children’s and grandchildren’s lifetime if not in our own.


Posted by anymouse on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 20:21 | #

Unfortunately, you really do not understand how the American system works. Your ignorance plays into the hands of our enemies. - Leon

EPWA is a former high ranking analyst.  The title was not a self-description, but conferred by an American institution of international renown.


Posted by Foundation on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 20:39 | #

Not related (to the topic) but nevertheless interesting.

‘The former head of the Federation of German Industries (BDI) who is currently involved in a legal challenge (along with some 50 other business leaders) to Germany’s Constitutional Court against the Greek rescue package, said:

“...Austria, Finland, Germany and the Netherlands to leave the Euro and create a new currency leaving the Euro where it is…a lower valued Euro would improve the competitiveness of the remaining countries and stimulate their growth. The “Northern” countries would have lower inflation. Some non-Euro countries might join this new monetary union.”

They could call it the Noble Monetary Union.


Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 20:50 | #

How are these wonderful diversity additions to Her Britannic Majesty’s realms distributed?  Have Scotland and Wales received proportional numbers?  Or are they disproportionately settled in England in the major cities?

The vast majority are in the urban centres of the southern 2/3 of England i.e the regions that return a majority of Conservatve MPs. Large parts of those regions that traditionally returned a majority of Labour MPs i.e Wales, Scotland and the North, have been relatively untouched.

They do the same thing on the micro scale. Say there’s a small town with five estates i.e housing projects, they’ll put all the immigrants in just one of them so the people in the other four carry on voting the same way because they don’t feel the problem yet. It’s the people in the one estate targeted for cleansing that starts to vote - slowly, and initially in small numbers - for far-right parties. However the rate of cleansing is faster than the rate they change their vote and the incomers make up the difference by voting Labour anyway. If, like in Barking, the rate of changing votes threatens to be faster than the rate of ethnic cleansing they simply increase the rate of cleansing. Then once the first target is minority white and their votes no longer matter they switch to sending all the new immigrants to the next estate and repeat the process.

At each step of this process only a small portion of the total white population in a district is targeted and they only move on to the next target when the white population in the previous target has been turned into a (mostly elderly) minority.

An identical process being done to Amazonian tribes and reported truthfully by the media would be described as self-evidently stealth genocide.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 22:07 | #

Regnery, perhaps, could change this by setting up diverse, competing think-tanks.

As far as I know, Regnery is retired. Thus, I don’t see why a phantom is being attacked here.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 22:27 | #

George Wallace wasn’t a White Nationalist. He was a White Alabamian.

I should be the first to know this: after all, George Wallace was my own cousin, we are related by blood through my father’s side of the family, and I was born and raised in the same town, grew up in the same city and county where Wallace made a name for himself, and everyone who lives here knew George Wallace personally, because we were the people who sent him to Montgomery in 1962, his own kinfolk and neighbors.

In the 1968 presidential election, Wallace carried Alabama, Georgia, Mississippi, Louisiana, and Arkansas. How did Wallace win the Deep South?

The answer is not hard to find: this is a county-by-country breakdown of the Wallace vote in 1968. The green counties are the Wallace counties.

Where did Wallace over perform? Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, North Florida, Louisiana, Arkansas, West Tennessee, East North Carolina, South Virginia, East Texas - in some many words, in Dixie, in the Old Confederacy.

South Carolina and Texas were still in the process of shaking off their allegiance to the Democratic Party. LBJ shattered the Democratic Party across the Solid South with the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Voting Rights Act of 1965.

As you can see, George Wallace was the backlash candidate in that election. The backlash was so strong that it knocked five states out of the orbit of the two-party system.

Why couldn’t George Wallace win? Again, the answer is not difficult to find. Outside of Dixie, George Wallace had little appeal. The North and West went for Humphrey or Nixon. Wallace’s third party campaign shattered the Democratic Party and put Nixon in the White House as the “moderate” on his winds of his “silent majority” that was frustrated with the Black Undertow.

The George Wallace vote was an ethnic and cultural vote. It was a vote for Dixie, not for “White Nationalism” or any other ideology. Wallace was able to capture it because ... because, he was an ethnic Alabamian in every conceivable way ... and thus had real appeal to his own people.


Posted by Hunter Wallace on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 22:34 | #

This was also the source of David Duke’s appeal in the early 1990s.

Duke shed his more flamboyant colors and presented himself as a White man from Louisiana with racial grievances that the White majority in Louisiana had shared for decades. Duke won the White vote in Louisiana by not being an ideologue.

Why was Duke able to challenge the Republican establishment in Louisiana? Because David Duke seemed real and authentic to his own people and was thus able to connect with them. White Southerners ... the George Wallace voting bloc ... the same people who voted 89 to 11 against Obama in Mississippi and 92 to 8 against Obama in Alabama in 2008.

Someone like David Duke could rise again the Deep South.


Posted by MOB on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 00:51 | #

If he were to return to the U.S. and become active, I would again support David Duke.  He has managed to not only do consistently high quality writing and broadcasting, but he has avoided the pitfalls of alienating women or Christians; he seems to simply not have sharp edges on those issues—and that’s good.  He’s focused on what’s important.

With respect to the Regnery/CMS or whatever name that group of people that dwells alone is given, for me, it’s not about particular individuals.  It’s about the process itself—secret, elitist, deceptive.

It’s about people disappearing—even GW seems to have disappeared now!!!


Posted by anymouse on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 03:27 | #

As far as I know, Regnery is retired. Thus, I don’t see why a phantom is being attacked here. - Prozak

I know this is difficult for a well-connected good ole southern boy and fan of college niggerball to believe, but Regnery was “attacked” for promoting cronyism.

John Gardener…Yggdrasil…is a retired “phantom” as well:

I retired early, I am financially independent (I do not consider myself wealthy). I do not work or own a business, and thus my livelihood cannot be interrupted or threatened by bad publicity. – Gardener


Interesting.  In the same post John writes:

My “wealth” depends on my trading skills and cannot be upset or interfered with by anyone but myself. – Gardener

Trading skills. 

Not leadership skills.  Nor (Dog in Heaven forbid) the creation of wealth from readily available atoms and molecules found under foot or in recyclable piles of metal and plastic at the local dump.

Leadership skills. 

I’m sure these have something to do with quality personnel selection and retention.  Do the house flipping Sam Dickinson and day trading John Gardener have some connection with Greg Johnson and yourself, “Hunter Wallace” aka Prozak?  Just curious.

George Wallace wasn’t a White Nationalist. He was a White Alabamian.

Oh.  Very sorry again.  As all know here I haven’t the intellectual acumen to make such fine distinctions.


Posted by Armor on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 07:12 | #

Bill: “Gramsci knew he was on to something when he advocated that in order to overthrow Western civilisation you must attack and destroy its discipline of culture.”

I understand that Gramsci was interested in giving the culture of the working class a better place and higher status. I’m sure he didn’t like the culture of the bourgeoisie, and maybe he did contribute to the destruction of Western civilisation, but I don’t think that was his aim.

“I didn’t know where to start”

Everyone posting here should prepare a short speech (10 or 20 sentences) and put it on this website to help us find the words when speaking to normal people. What should we tell them?


Posted by Bill on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 11:46 | #

There is a train of thought at the highest echelon that man is infinitely malleable.

There is no doubt that within the space of a single lifetime Western values have been turned upside down.  Had someone asked me if this was possible before having witnessed such a feat with my own eyes - I would have said no.

There is also no doubt (IMO) that this feat has been achieved as a direct result of a programme of intended consequences.

By whom and why is being endlessly discussed here.

Is this inversion of our value system irreversible?  Can the genie be put back in the bottle?

It is evident that even at this stage, what has already been achieved has reached game-changing status.  Life as we have known it is fast fading on the horizon.

Still it is not clear (to me) if the architects of this venture have a plan B in mind or do they just desire to destroy what is?

Certain territory on the Internet is awash with stories about creation of a New World Order or a spiritual New Age, some say both and much more.  There is so much conflicting (dis)information out there all one can do is absorb as much information available and try and make sense of it all.

To me there is a sense that events are not far from coming to a head, I say this for no other reason than what I see going on around me, especially emanating from the MSM.

But knowing me and my predictions this whole saga could continue for years.  Whichever which-way, times are definitely a’chang’n.

PS. Watch out for more signs of our times.

Dale Farm, a postmodern tale of everyday country folk.


Posted by Ex-Pro White Activist on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 14:13 | #

The vast majority are in the urban centres of the southern 2/3 of England i.e the regions that return a majority of Conservatve MPs. Large parts of those regions that traditionally returned a majority of Labour MPs i.e Wales, Scotland and the North, have been relatively untouched.

They do the same thing on the micro scale. Say there’s a small town with five estates i.e housing projects…

Thank you.

Demographic warfare seems to be a standing part of the “Labor Party” stock-in-trade.  Prior to World War II Herbert Morrison reputedly aimed to “build the Tories out of London” by strategic siting of London County Council housing projects.

“Housing” is an integral part of this.  So here’s a radical idea.  Pro-whites should consciously develop housing strategies and practices designed to favor their people and goals. 

It seems to me this might have more lasting effect than older traditional ideas. 

One of these recurrent canards is to raise staggering amounts of paper money from cash-poor white people and then give 80% of it to hostile Jewish-owned and controlled media.  For reasons that are never explained this process will supposedly raise whites to supreme political power, provided it’s conducted on a vast enough scale.

In fact Dr. MacDonald recently expanded on this strategy by concluding an article with the exhortation for whites to “Get rich.  Buy media.” 

I was glad to hear that the Yeshiva/Israel/Harvard Law School trained Jewish Chairman of the FCC has apparently become so open to pro-white projects like that.


Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 15:38 | #

In fact Dr. MacDonald recently expanded on this strategy by concluding an article with the exhortation for whites to “Get rich.  Buy media.”

Yes, I read that too, Professor MacDonald has the right idea: practical aims, getting your hands dirty, making some money, gaining power and influence.

Business and community involvement. These are two crucial activities, I suspect, that a lot of WNs avoid due to inaptitude, misanthropy, arrogance, etc.

Intellectuals often think of themselves are “above it all”, but this would be a mistake.

If you can establish and run a brilliant website such as MR or TOO, surely there are other business areas worth your time and effort…?

We’re not going to win unless we start identifying and cultivating leaders.

I spend much of my time out and about in the community, networking, speaking to groups, attending dinners, etc. I’ve long noticed that members of certain ethnic groups will only do business with other members of the same group. Asians and Indians are notorious for this. It is blatant.

The Orange County chapter of the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) regularly holds mixers in my area.

NetIP (Network of Indian Professionals) is another one active in my community.

Is there a National Association for European American Professionals (NAEAP) in my community?

What about a Sons of Europe (SoE) chapter?

When is the next meeting of the Midgard Shooting Club?

Just asking.


Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 15:52 | #

On a related note, has anyone thought of contacting this guy:

Peter Thiel

“Peter Andreas Thiel (born 1967) is an American entrepreneur, hedge fund manager, libertarian and venture capitalist of German descent…He was an early investor in Facebook, the popular social-networking site, and sits on the company’s board of directors. Thiel was ranked #365 on the Forbes 400 in 2010, with a net worth of US$1.5 billion. However, this number now underestimates his wealth as his Facebook share alone, at a 2010 valuation, is worth US$1.7 billion. Peter Thiel lives in San Francisco, California.”

He has a track record of funding libertarian and right-of-centre projects.

Thiel’s ‘outside the box’ thinking is exactly what we need.


Posted by Randy Garver on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 18:00 | #

Leon Haller:

In the midst of the worst economic situation, and by light years most stomach churning volatility (except for the 60s race riots, but I was too young to remember), in my life, we (US) are still admitting north of 140,000 LEGAL immigrants EVERY MONTH. 98-99% of those are nonwhite.

Leon, your earnest clarion call has summoned me back from the æther.

Because you’re such a game fellow, and I’m by nature a generous soul, I shall bestow upon you a practical solution which you can begin to implement immediately to stem the tide of non-white immigration to the US.

What you’re going to do is address the *demand* side of the immigration equation by sponsoring a scholarship / mentorship program for engineering and healthcare sciences students. Every successful Haller Graduate will translate to one less non-white immigrant here to intermix with the threatened Euromerican rootstock.

Too little, too late some say?


Leon, you and I know better. While the rest of the disgruntletariat exhausts themselves raging impotently at vast retrograde political forces which they cannot realistically hope to influence, you’ll not only be effecting concrete results by sweat of brow and depth of purse, but furthermore impacting many others via obvious network effects.

I trust that you have the initiative and capabilities to properly husband this idea.


Posted by anymous on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 21:21 | #

Everyone posting here should prepare a short speech (10 or 20 sentences) and put it on this website to help us find the words when speaking to normal people. What should we tell them?

Good idea. In this age when we are overwhelmed by symbols, every man requires a brief statement of vision and principle — an efficient practical rhetoric — to distinguish himself from others and establish a “contact area” for influence. As that line is drawn, people coming into his orbit are drawn in, deflected, or circle tentatively or without any valence. This is the very least that can be done as far as presenting a united front to the mouthpieces of the New Discipline.

Court is in session. Let each man speak his piece.


Posted by Jawake on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 21:46 | #

If money were no object I would recruit those who were capable and willing into military training and build a worldwide special operations team and a worldwide intelligence network.

When studying the communists, it often goes overlooked that much of their political leadership were trained military commanders and strategists. Joe Slovo of the ANC comes to mind, as well as many of the VietCong and North Vietnamese military leaders. That is/was true for Latin American leftist movements as well.

It often amazes me how ill-prepared the right-wing is to meet the left, blow for blow, on the street or in paramilitary operations.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 22:52 | #

New World Order governance comes to Britain.  See my 10.46 AM Above

Anger as UN says: Don’t knock down illegal traveller site until ‘culturally appropriate’ home are found


Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 02 Sep 2011 22:59 | #

LOL!! You really are heading towards civil war.

Now what are you going to do, my genius English friends (and kith and kin)?


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Sep 2011 01:38 | #

In fact Dr. MacDonald recently expanded on this strategy by concluding an article with the exhortation for whites to “Get rich.  Buy media.”

Yes, I read that too, Professor MacDonald has the right idea: practical aims, getting your hands dirty, making some money, gaining power and influence.

Business and community involvement. These are two crucial activities, I suspect, that a lot of WNs avoid due to inaptitude, misanthropy, arrogance, etc.

Intellectuals often think of themselves are “above it all”, but this would be a mistake.

If you can establish and run a brilliant website such as MR or TOO, surely there are other business areas worth your time and effort…?

We’re not going to win unless we start identifying and cultivating leaders.

I spend much of my time out and about in the community, networking, speaking to groups, attending dinners, etc. I’ve long noticed that members of certain ethnic groups will only do business with other members of the same group. Asians and Indians are notorious for this. It is blatant.

The Orange County chapter of the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) regularly holds mixers in my area.

NetIP (Network of Indian Professionals) is another one active in my community.

Is there a National Association for European American Professionals (NAEAP) in my community?

What about a Sons of Europe (SoE) chapter?

When is the next meeting of the Midgard Shooting Club?

Just asking. (SELOUS SCOUT)


Selous Scout,

This tracks my thinking except for the Kmac sentiment endorsement. Yes, of course we need wealthy whites to embrace WP and start doing things to save the race. But doesn’t that rather beg the whole question: why aren’t they doing so already?

The genius of the existing system was hammered home to me in the mid-80s. I had just graduated from a reasonably prestigious boarding school, and was heading to the Ivies. I was already a precociously race-conscious proto-nationalist who had been constantly haranguing people since the end of the 70s about the need to end immigration (Good God! was it really 30 years ago?! and is it possible that not one damn change has come to US immigration in all that time? are we still accepting 1.5-2 million minorities every year?! am I dreaming? please let it be 1981 again!). A friend from high school cautioned me against being so racist in my new college. “You could really ruin your whole future”, etc.

Anyway, what I had already realized, quite apart from my concerned (and non-racialist “conservative”) friend, was that the System was so structured, for reasons I literally still cannot fathom (the Jewish elite influence is an element, but neither the only nor most important one, which is internal to white thinking and psychology), as to “vacuum up” eugenic whites into a regime which allows individual betterment (at least for a while, though things are getting ever harder, as I long ago intuited they would) in exchange for passive acquiescence in collective racial harm.

How and why the System operates as it does is extremely complicated. THERE ARE NO MONOCAUSAL EXPLANATIONS FOR IT - not Jews, “bankers”, Christianity, liberal media ownership, economic globalization, or anything else. But suffice it to say, for individual whites of high quality, which you seem to want groomed for leadership, it is so, so much easier just to sell out the general race, and concentrate on one’s own life, than to engage in racial truth-telling and activism. 

I doubt we will ever get many wealthy whites on board until white patriots have established a position of strength in society at large (in this - that we must be strong - if comparatively little else beyond the first principle of racial preservation, I agree with VNN’s Alex Linder; we must be strong, but not weird or ideologicallyextremist, in the image we project - I think this is your position, too). Once a man has worked and worked to get wealthy enough to be a force in politics or activism, he generally becomes more concerned about wealth preservation, and passing it on to his heirs, than risking all he has achieved (including his own continuing profits) for the sake of something so remote and abstract as saving the white race from extinction (or even present persecution). 

We cannot rely on the wealthy or elite to save us. They are too cowardly and/or comfortable. Nor can we rely on the white masses themselves. They are too brainwashed, and passive (perhaps also untalented). What we must construct is a counter-elite (I think many here would fit the bill), intelligent, clear-headed, energetic and concerned persons who understand the need for (varying levels of) racialist activism. This will not arise through ‘lone-wolf’ activities (such as reading and blogging at MR - on the internet we are all ‘lone-wolves’), but only through real-world networking, which must be built around an organization which appeals (sorry for that word, Mr. Linder, but I live in reality, not the ‘virtual’ sphere) to the sense of fairness and moderation in whites, but which is extreme enough to demand justice for our people.

In unity there is strength (one of the secrets of the Jews).


Posted by Lew on Sat, 03 Sep 2011 02:37 | #

Unless we are talking about wealth at the level of a Warren Buffet or a Bill Gates, buying mass media would not be possible.

Accordingly, with the option of buying mass media realistically out of the question, my second choice given substantial affluence would be to hire several high powered public relations, lobbying and law firms in New York and Washington DC, and then turn them loose pitching White interests to people that matter, people that actually power and influence now.

I would go for the true ired guns, the Mammon-worshiping mercenaries who will work for anyone, including White Nationalists, as long as the numbers are right.

I would go first to the firms the represent Muslims to counter anti-Muslim defamation in the United States. These firms at least tacitly have shown themselves open to taking on client’s that push an agenda that is often in conflict with world Jewry’s agenda on various issues. 

The job of the public relations firm would be to rehabilitate the notion that it’s OK to be White and that Whites have distinct ethnic interests that need to be protected.

My instructions to the public relations firm would be to avoid all rational arguments in favor of humor, images and propaganda, whatever it takes to plant the meme across the masses that it’s OK to be White, and diversity equals death.

The job of the law firm would be to relentlessly file lawsuits to counter anti-White defamation, affirmative action, and other forms of racial discrimination against Whites.

The job of the lobbying firm would be to stir the pot in the corridors of power even if no legislators ever respond to anything they have to say.

My general strategy, assuming 8 or 9 figure millions at my disposal, would be completely to abandon trying to persuade influential people to push White interests and instead pay them Big Money to do it.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Sep 2011 02:40 | #

Selous Scout,

To continue.

There are two macro-issues here. The first is the survival of the white race in perpetuity. The second concerns how to advance white majority interests within specific nations today.

The survival of the white race depends on two conditions: white national/racial defensive (military) power, and perpetual white psychological rejection of geographic integration and miscegenation. To obtain these national characteristics will, I believe, in turn require two further conditions: White Zion (a politically sovereign white nation-state), and, ultimately, a Racial State. Respecting the latter, the government of WZ must be teleological; that is, State and society must be structured for the official purpose of preserving a genetically pure white race in perpetuity. It will not be enough merely to establish WZ, as in two or three generations after the founding, there will, without rigorous racial education of the young, and a Racial State Constitution forbidding backsliding, again be a tendency towards wanting greater racial ‘openness’, immigrant labor, resettled ‘refugees’, interracial marriage, allowing one’s Oriental or South Asian bride to come and settle in WZ, etc. 

Does the imperative of the first macro-issue conflict with that of the second? That is a very deep question, and I’m not sure of the answer. [It’s the kind of topic we ought to be discussing here, but rarely seem to.] It might well be that establishing WZ is not congruent with advancing narrower white political and economic interests. Improvements in conditions for whites could further anaesthetize them to their macro-racial plight (inevitable extinction), rather as Reagan and Thatcher did objectively improve conditions for the majority of their countrymen, but without fundamentally eliminating any of the sources of their respective nations’ decline.

On the other hand, one could argue, as I have done, that the psychological propensities of whites at this juncture in history require a gradual reintroduction of white racial consciousness; that is, if we go “hard-core” all but the hard-core WNs will simply flee in terror, and our movement will continue to be a political nullity.


Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 03 Sep 2011 07:30 | #

Selous Scout,

To finish up.

I can speak with reasonable confidence only respecting the situation in the US. It seems to me that the answer to what we are looking for wrt advancing white interests within the diversified USA (as opposed to trying to separate ourselves from it, which is not immediately practical for most people) is to establish an American (not white) nationalist organization, one which is implicitly white (very, very important!), and advocates a non-racialist agenda which, however, nicely parallels an overtly pro-white agenda (the Jews are masters of this) but otherwise keeps race-talk to a minimum. 

Thus, I particularly agree with this portion of your comment:

I spend much of my time out and about in the community, networking, speaking to groups, attending dinners, etc. I’ve long noticed that members of certain ethnic groups will only do business with other members of the same group. Asians and Indians are notorious for this. It is blatant.

The Orange County chapter of the National Association of Asian American Professionals (NAAAP) regularly holds mixers in my area.

NetIP (Network of Indian Professionals) is another one active in my community.

Is there a National Association for European American Professionals (NAEAP) in my community?

What about a Sons of Europe (SoE) chapter?

When is the next meeting of the Midgard Shooting Club? (SELOUS SCOUT)


I’m not sure the “European” prefix is needed or even useful, although the general idea is excellent (in fairness, I have been advocating something similar for a while now). Unfortunately, we need to stay away for the “moment” (ie, the next decade or so) from “white”, and “European-American” to many whites sounds like it’s describing European immigrants in America (seriously, if someone were generically described as “European-American” would you first think “white”, or “naturalized European immigrant”? Knowing several immigrants from Europe, I would think “European-born with American citizenship”).

Most white Americans think of themselves as “white”, not “European”. That may change as the USA gets ever more diverse, but for the moment we need a designation that is understood to mean “white” (and “real white” - ie, “Old Stock” or “heartland”), but does not actually use “white”, which idiotically freaks whites out (all very confusing, I know, but no less true for that).

What about “Middle American”, Sam Francis’s old favorite term? How does “The National Association for Middle American Professionals” sound? I think most people know “Middle America” has a connotation of “white America”, or “heartland America”. But it doesn’t have the aggressive connotation that anything with “white” in it has. Some persons think the latter is the whole point for nationalists, but I strongly disagree. If too hardcore, nobody shows. A pro-white American organization, to really get off the ground, needs to be just slightly risque enough to interest persons who do want to meet others like themselves (anti-diversitarian whites), but not so belligerent that whites will think only a bunch of neo-Nazis will show up. As such a network grows, it can also over time grow more aggressive. Building anything pro-white must be understood to be a process of - I reiterate - gradual radicalization

So I ask you (and all other Americans here at MR) to put (hypothetically) your money where your mouth is.

Supposing someone started a website for Middle Americans (I say this because I met some persons a few years back proposing just this idea). The purpose of this site is, initially, solely to act as a clearinghouse for Middle Americans (which we understand to be pro-white Americans) who want to meet other Middle Americans around the country (but especially in their own towns), first just to network and socialize and discuss issues pertaining to the nation’s racial situation, eventually to begin pro-white activism, once a certain threshold of interest or membership has been reached.

Would you be willing to purchase a membership in such an organization, say at $10 per year (c’mon people ... if the wallets don’t open, the talk isn’t serious ...), even though initially there would be no service offered except the clearinghouse function - that is, the whole purpose of the money would simply be to further grow the organization, until some threshold has been reached such that we could start paying people for fulltime white activism, paying legal fees to set up a pro-white PAC, paying for the creation of pro-white voter ballot guides, pro-white bumper stickers, etc?

It seems to me that we need snowballs before we can start an avalanche. Unless there is someone out there with really deep pockets willing to fund all this upfront, we are going to have to make up in recruitment what we lack in wealth. If we could gather up 100,000 members at a crummy $10 per year, we could start having a real impact in getting the “white viewpoint” out in public. (If we could reach 100k, I think it would be but a few years until we could get 2 million, at which point the organization would be a serious political player on the Right, just like La Raza and the NAACP on the Left.) I seriously doubt we will ever find some WN to buy major media (that statement of Kmac’s just shows how little he understands about either the rich, or current political sociology).

What we need are white organizations just as there are Jewish, black, Asian, etc organizations.

I hope to hear from y’all. Would you give $10 per year to an IRS-recognized non-profit (501c3), the purpose of which would be to build up a critical mass of networked whites interested in issues of concern to the white community? Would you do it year after year, however long it took to get the first 50 or 100k dues-paying members?

Put up or shut up.


Posted by MOB on Sat, 03 Sep 2011 12:03 | #

Two days ago I expressed my support for David Duke, should he become a candidate.  During his last run, years ago, I contributed $1,000 to his campaign.

This morning I opened what I think is the most recent David Duke Report, Issue No. 108.  In the center of the top half of the first page I see a photo of a warrior prominently labeled, Charles Martel.  On the Internet, I note the following sequence: - January 18, 2011 (my own January 29 Comment in praise of the interview appears there)  January 26, 2011 Revolt Against Civilization June 20-25, 2011.

I remember my reaction, when I first saw the photo of the six featured speakers, all of whom I was familiar with from their writings.  I thought, “wow, David Duke - that’s a surprise!  A pleasant surprise.”  immediately followed by, “I hope he’s not being subsumed by CMS.”  For me, part of Duke’s appeal has been what I perceived as his individualism (reports of White individualism are greatly exaggerated).

If David Duke is, in fact, a member of CMS, then he no longer represents my interests, because then he’s become a secret member of the elite - I can see where this might appeal to sidekick Don Black, but I would hope Duke would stay out where his supporters can see him.  I wish I hadn’t seen the photo.


Posted by Chip Farley on Sun, 04 Sep 2011 07:04 | #

George Wallace wasn’t a White Nationalist. He was a White Alabamian.

I should be the first to know this: after all, George Wallace was my own cousin, we are related by blood through my father’s side of the family, and I was born and raised in the same town, grew up in the same city and county where Wallace made a name for himself, and everyone who lives here knew George Wallace personally, because we were the people who sent him to Montgomery in 1962, his own kinfolk and neighbors.

White Nationalists should be very warry of this character ‘Hunter Wallace’.

Here, in his own words, he states that all of the above is disinformation:

I had mentioned on another messageboard that I was related to George Wallace, which is entirely true, as we come from the same small town. Later, a few months after The phøra was launched, this was confused into me being the ‘grandson’ of George Wallace.

It’s true that I perpetuated this disinformation. I needed a pseudonym for my website because disruptive trolls in cyberspace are always using WHO IS searches to archive personal information about ‘racists’ they dislike. Thus, I became “Hunter Wallace” (the first name and surname of cousins of mine).


Posted by Lew on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 16:50 | #

Leon Haller:

Would you give $10 per year to an IRS-recognized non-profit (501c3), the purpose of which would be to build up a critical mass of networked whites interested in issues of concern to the white community? Would you do it year after year, however long it took to get the first 50 or 100k dues-paying members?


I would give to such an organization. Many people probably would.

But money as always is the main problem. It always comes back to money.

It would take professional help to handle the many practical details required simply to launch such an organization in the first place and then maintain it going forward.

Somebody would have to file the paperwork, create the marketing and ad materials that would make White people aware the organization exists, pay a staff, and so on, and professional help costs money—likely more much money that it will ever be possible to raise through drip and drab donations from middle / upper middle class nationalists.

It is also unlikely that such an organization could ever be launched through voluntary efforts by nationalists with expertise in the needed areas, assuming it would even be possible to find nationalists willing to put aside philosophical differences, work together and donate time.

Who is able to work for free? Very few people.

My stint in the Corporate Salt Mines taught me that completing ambitious projects in IRL is difficult, messy, and often damn near impossible, even with an army of full-time, well paid specialists performing every job required for the project.

So if someone with Big Money does not step forward to fund the project, it ain’t likely to happen IMO.

I would love to be proven wrong though.

RE: Ron Paul, BTW, I too got burned donating money to a great man well known in our circles, not Paul but someone else many people respect.

Getting burned always leaves a bad taste.

When people cannot be 100% sure they won’t get burned, it is another factor that makes raising substantial money to advance White interests difficult if not impossible.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 21:20 | #


The point of such an organization is to try to get around the fact that Big Money isn’t coming forward.

Also, it is to tie people together into something. Ten dollars is a pittance. Anyone who won’t give that up to a national-patriot cause just isn’t serious. But giving anything signifies a sense of being a “stakeholder” (one reason why I totally opposed Reagan’s 1986 tax “reform” - which secured liberal Congressional votes through its removal of millions of the “poor” from the Federal tax roll - was precisely because removing persons from taxation, however meager, altogether removes any sense of having a stake in private sector prosperity and keeping taxes low). People need to recover that sense of concern for their nation.

As to the need for professional persons, yes of course, though perhaps not in the beginning for this type of project. The goal is to develop a pro-white mass organization fighting for white interests, like the NAACP fights for black interests. But such an org can only get off the ground either with Big Money initially, or with a mass membership base (which still has to be built, however; it won’t simply materialize of itself). If we could get 50000 whites paying $10 per year, that is certainly enough to hire a fulltime person or two, in addition to funding the informational/activist work for which the org would have been inaugurated in the first place.

My question was not really pertaining to the willingness to pay $10, but rather, the willingness to pay it for several years mostly for the purpose simply of further building the membership base. Generally, when you pay for something, you expect to get something. If making a donation to an activist org, you expect them to be ‘active’. My contention is that a pro-white org cannot be active until it reaches a certain level of membership and funding, so that in the initial stage, the ‘activism’ you’re paying for is geared not to advancing white interests directly, but to building up a national network of whites (based on as many local chapters as possible) which will fight for white interests in the future, once it has reached a certain level. Does that make sense? And would you (and others! c’mon people, the response is underwhelming!) support it?


Posted by Wild Bill on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 22:16 | #

If you had Regnery’s fortune at your disposal, what precisely would you personally do with it?

The secret police would be all over and you could do almost nothing.

Look at the fate of Howard Hughes.


Posted by Selous Scout on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 04:05 | #


I’m not ignoring you, simply digesting your comments. It’s definitely ‘do-able’.

My interest would be to start a local group, first, to focus on local networking and local events. (Reminds me: “Are you local?!” haha) Say, $75 membership fee, and then $10 event fee per event. Strictly focus on networking, bringing our people together, helping one another get jobs, find work, etc.

I’ve already been doing this within my own circle.

Even the term ‘Middle American’ would set off alarm bells, I suspect. Phrasing it as European and European-American would be sufficient, IMO. But let me think about this.

There’s a sizeable European immigrant population in OC. I’ve been mixing with them for years: Germans, Italians, Danes, Brits, Belgians, etc. The Phoenix Club in Anaheim and Brussel’s Bistro in Laguna Beach are home to European Nationalists (in exile) and friends.

For the last few years Newport Beach has hosted a European Mixer for European professionals. These events are extremely well attended and attract large numbers of White Americans (over 50% I would say), plus the obligatory non-white parasites. This year, for the first time, the event organisers were forced to rename it the ‘International Mixer’ as the fucking Israelis and Mexicans decided to join!

There’s a lot I can’t talk about here, for security reasons, but we must let the Hostiles who are reading this know that we are unafriad, and we will keep moving forward.


Posted by Selous Scout on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 04:07 | #



Posted by Selous Scout on Tue, 06 Sep 2011 04:22 | #

We should keep in mind, Leon, that we must approach this from Oblique Angles.

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