A history of intellectual tyranny
Two days ago the Times Literary Supplement carried the response of Starkey’s academic peers, or at least one hundred and three peerless advocates of progressive thinking. Their letter takes the view that, as a “historian of elites” but not “race and class”, Starkey was the wrong man for the job of debating negro life:
What they don’t like (but non-elitist folks do) is Starkey’s implication that a “particular sort of violent, destructive, nihilistic gangster culture” is just blacks being black, while the chavs’ immersion in that is whites being black. Which sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I estimate that between 30 to 40% of the signatories are not of native British descent. Some are only post-grads. The prime movers appear to be Alun Munslow , who has no immediate connection to London’s black or white underclass that I can see, and Paul Gilroy, who is at least black (though a product of Stuart Hall’s Birmingham School). The letter concludes in suitably repressive style:
Starkey will probably stay silent and rise above this challenge to his well-paid notoriety. But I suspect that in private his response might go something along the lines of:
That, too, would be all too true. Comments:2
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 13:26 | # Another relevant stat from amren: In USA: Only 50.2% of babies under age 1 are white and not Hispanic, according to the 2010 Census—a sharp decline from 57.6% just 10 years earlier. RH/EJ ... 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 13:56 | #
Not at all. The argument seems to have come down to who should get the Kraut Regnery’s money. Those who criticize him for his oodles of cash would take it themselves in a heartbeat. Brits vs. Krauts. And $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$. That’s about the size of it. 4
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 14:33 | # Leon, One practical thing white Americans can do is back Michele Bachmann for president. Not a panacea but, nevertheless, it’s a step in the right direction. I say that because she, by far, is best on the immigration issue. NumbersUSA ranks her a B- whilst ranking all the others, (save Herman Cain), with poorly. Unfortunately, as you are undoubtedly already aware, SLIME (Socialist Liberal Media) is slimeing Michele Bachmann with every slimy thing they can throw at her. Even the Republican establishment -along with all their apparatchiks - are discounting her and favoring Romney and Perry. Incidentally, the swaggering Texan, Perry, is absolutely dismal on the immigration issue. 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 15:27 | # Perry is an F- on immigration. I hate the Rick Perry types. Slick evangelicalism, not a shred of real conservatism - probably not a shred of real Christianity, either (maybe that’s the ancient Catholic in me talking). I can’t stand Rick Perry being described as a “conservative”. He’s Bush III. No way. If Perry gets the nod, I write in Buchanan - again. I’d rather have Obongo again than another Bush. Seriously. He’s so incompetent and actually rather weak, that he’d ensure a very solid GOP lock on Congress by 2016. I’m not willing to sacrifice that in order to have an open borders fanatic like Perry, however good he is on tort reform. I like (not love) Bachmann. If she were an A on immigration, she’d get my vote. But if Numbers gives her a B-, and they’re kinda liberal, I’d give her maybe a C. Why should I support a C on immigration, when the other main issue is the economy, and on that Ron Paul gets an A+? I’m not thrilled with the selection, but I’m voting Paul. I will then vote for whomever is the eventual nominee, except for Perry or the weirdo neocon Gingrich (it won’t be Newt, however). Meaning, I am willing to vote Romney in the general. He’s not great, but he has come to take a harder line on illegal immigration. And his economic recommendations are not as good as Ron Paul’s, but they are pretty good. We’d be better off under Romney than Obama. I think it’ll come down at the end to Romney or Perry. Romney is better. 6
Posted by Selous Scout on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:06 | # less intellectualizing, more doing! Ah, where have I heard that before? Leon, I like the way you think. Some thoughts: (1) We need to act. We need pro-White activists and leaders who look nice and speak well. Enough of these shaven-headed lager louts and intellectuals with non-existent social skills. We have the content (in spades!). Now let’s focus on form and style. (2) I had lunch with a property developer in your neck of the woods the other day, in Corona del Mar. I’ve known this man and his wife for several years. They are heavily involved in environmental organisations. They socialise with the guys who run PIMCO. Somehow our luncheon conversation came round to population growth, and then immigration. Surprisingly this gent told me he thinks Asians and Hispanics will eventually drive Whites from Southern California, and that as a result he is moving his family to Montana. He’s much older than I am and asked me (I paraphrase), “Why are you people allowing this to happen to you?” (3) The longer I remain here the more I’m convinced we need to take a three-pronged approach: (i) change the culture, (ii) develop political organisation, and (iii) form paramilitary groups (hunting clubs, shooting clubs, etc.). (4) I would like to see established small, local ‘cells’ of pro-White activists who network regularly, invite speakers, and schedule events for family and friends, new members, converts, etc. I have a specific group in mind and have looked into incorporating it, but doing so would constitute ‘crossing the Rubicon’ and understandably I’m not yet in the position to do that. (5) I like your idea concerning pamphlets and stickers. Whenever I’m stuck at a red light, the thought occurs to me. Where can I find a graphics and printing shop that will produce a few thousand pro-White stickers for me? I’m willing to pay for this. 7
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:07 | # Here’s the bottom line. We know that what WN stands for is this: non-diversity. We want whites to be able to live in their own segregated, sovereign polities. Barring that, we want to ensure that whites get the best deal possible in our own multiracialized homelands (groveling in our own fatherlands - pretty pathetic already). The sine qua non to everything we want is stopping alien colonization. Anyone who doesn’t recognize that commonsense on this is correct, that stopping immigration is the single most important issue of our age, is a buffoon, and should be ignored. Immigration is not popular, at least among our folk. It has special interest constituencies, but no large group of whites supporting it. The notion that halting it cannot be accomplished until some other goal, like exposing the Jewish power structure, or ending fractional reserve banking, is realized, is simply idiotic. What WNs need to do is form activist networks, just like the Left. These would be half-social, half-political. The goal is to make activism, like passing out leaflets, working for anti-immigrant ballot initiatives, engaging in discussions and consciousness-raising, as much social occasions as ongoing activist work. That’s the way it has been arguably since the 18th century, and the same principles apply now. WNs need to make friends with each other in the real world. I cannot begin to express how important that is. Would I move even up to the Northwest Frontier, let alone a foreign country selected for WN colonization, by myself, or even just with my family? Probably not. I’m seriously considering relocating to Idaho sometime in my 50s, after I finish my new formal studies. But I would do so in part because I have a good friend and his wife up there, and they have a social network they could introduce me to. The point is that with WN social networks established in the real world, bold actions become possible (or at least less intimidating). There is strength in groups. I question all this internet chatting. It seems we all could spend the rest of our lives never actually advancing beyond the discussion stage. In that sense one could argue that allowing WN chatrooms actually acts as a kind of safety valve for the occupationist regime. Is being able to share our heretical opinions with likeminded others all that we really want? Just to know each of us is not alone in a world gone mad? It’s not all I want. At some point, it’s shiite or get off the can. 8
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:10 | #
Leon, You’ve already answered your own question. As it relates to white-preservation, immigration of third-world Orcs is by far the most lethal existential threat we face. Bachmann is by far the best on immigration issues. And, BTW, Bachmann is no slouch on the economic issues either. It can be credibly argued that Bachman’s capabilities in the area of solving the economic issues that plague us, rival that of Perry and Romney. NumbersUSA grade both Romney and Perry with a D- http://www.numbersusa.com/content/action/2012-presidential-hopefuls-immigration-stances.html PS, You mentioned Pat Buchanan. Good man. He was the first to turn me onto the Jewish intellectual hegemony in the humanities departments, Critical Theory, and the Frankfort School. 9
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:33 | # The BEST slogan I think (for this particular moment in time)(OK, the best I can do off the top of my head):
At this stage, it is important to establish the truth in white minds: that we are victims. Alex Linder, to whom I must respond for his “deconstruction” of a recent comment of mine, will hate this. His belief is that we must appear as strong as possible. Yes and no. WNs themselves should have their own shit together, and appear as such: strong, confident, articulate, take no crap (but not loutish) guys. But for laying the groundwork to change the masses’ minds, we need to inculcate a sense of being victims, of being the injured party in modern America (and certainly this holds for Black Run Britain). We need to let the not totally brainwashed white masses know that their gut-sense (which they must have at some level; almost every white instinctively knows to avoid black neighborhoods) is widely shared. And we /they need constant reinforcement of this message. 10
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 16:56 | #
When I run into such mutant creatures, I have to summon up every bit of restraint I can muster to keep myself from breaking their necks. The simple fact is: the vast majority (98%) of white-liberals cannot—repeat—CANNOT be reasoned with. 11
Posted by Selous Scout on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:09 | # White Americans will not fall for the notion they are ‘victims’. They reserve that catergory for negroes, immigrants, women, baby seals, etc. White Americans like to think of themselves as Winners. Appeal to that side of their nature. Do it in a strong, attractive, confident, articulate manner and they will respond. Act White with a smile (and clenched fist). 12
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:10 | # Problem: Ron Paul received and F grade form Numbers USA. He is beyond bad on the immigration issue. However, as Leon pointed out, he’s excellent on economic issues. Solution: Vote for half of him. 13
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:14 | # Thorn, Thanks for that link. I have to leave in a bit, and so don’t have time to critique the methodology used in the rankings. What’s scary is that Roy Beck, with whom I once chatted at some length back in the 90s, is a liberal by my standards. And NumbersUsa is too liberal for my taste. I’m sceptical, however, of their rankings. Rick Perry is by light years the worst on immigration. They are flat out wrong. He has called for the erasure of the border between us and Mexico!! Romney in 08 was calling for illegal alien deportations. No way they are equivalent. And no way Paul is the worst but for Obama. NO way at all. Although he has softened his line on immigration since I spoke to him about it in the early 00s, Paul’s low number is reflective not of open borders libertarianism, but of a hostility to forcing businesses to act as law enforcement. Know what? I have been fighting immigration for 30 years (yes, since I was a teenager). I worked as a policy analyst for one of the anti-immigration orgs. I’ve written on the issue under a different name for several policy journals. And, I basically agree with Paul on that. It is government’s duty to stop immigration, not free market businessmen’s (of course, knowingly hiring illegals should bring serious punishment). A lot of what Paul is objecting to is enforcement mechanisms that intrude on property rights. I agree he’s not good, but he’s better than he’s ranked (ie, the methodology is somewhat flawed). Let me state publicly: I owe an apology to the commenter “Lew”. I spoke the other day without the recent facts. When I discussed immigration with Paul, he was really very good - against amnesty, birthright citizenship, for allowing states to enforce immigration policies, against welfare benefits for illegals, etc. Apparently, he has devolved considerably (although, again, the way Paul looks at the issue makes it difficult really to classify him by the methodology chosen; he’s not an open borders fanatic, at least within the present Big Government system). In the main, Lew, you were right, and I was wrong (which annoys me, as I have given decent money to Paul; I feel betrayed). 14
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:44 | # Selous Scout, Solid comment! Interesting how you and I were thinking practically the same thoughts at the same time (see yours at 3:06, mine at 3:07). I;m in a hurry to go, but a few thoughts… 3) Basically, we are in agreement. I absolutely agree re the paramilitary, though I would use the other terms (rifle clubs, etc). I have long thought of that, as have some different friends scattered throughout the country (unfortunately, possibly for you or at least others here, several are Jews; honestly, many of the best racial nationalists I know are rightwing Jews - which is not to exculpate liberal Jewry, of course, but I can’t be involved in anti-Semitism as I’m an honorable man, and won’t betray friends or standup guys just because they’re not white; my rightist Jewish friends, however, emphatically think of themselves as white, and I get along with them as well as I do my Nordic pals; I think I’m going to post something on this at some point). On the other hand, “change the culture” is a very tall order. Assuming persons reject White Zion (ie, moving away to an agreed upon place, preferably somewhere small and foreign), I think the approach must be a) networking (building those realworld WN ‘cells’), b) cultural formation (which is already pretty advanced - just look at WN on the net), c) ideological agenda (we need some Ten Tenets of Nationalism, or, What We Want, etc - a widely agreed upon statement of principles and objectives, that can be passed around the net for people to e-sign, and forward on, d) PAC/lobby/legal services formation, e) pro-white political organization, same as pro-lifers, or anti-taxers, or environmentalists, etc, and f) shooting clubs (which also fit under (a)). What do you mean by “the longer I remain here”? Are you not American? Are you on a work visa? I’m curious about this statement: I have a specific group in mind and have looked into incorporating it, but doing so would constitute ‘crossing the Rubicon’ and understandably I’m not yet in the position to do that. (SS) I’d like to know what you mean by that. If you want, please ask GW for my email address, and you can elaborate in private (unless you don;t mind doing so publicly). 15
Posted by Gregor on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:47 | # @Leon Great Slogan: “STOP Violence Against Whites” If you have a facebook account, go to http://www.santacruzsentinel.com/localnews/ci_18765757 and add a comment with your slogan/talking-point. I have been IP banned, so can’t do it myself, but if you or others here with FB accounts do it, it would be an example of concrete action! Leon, and others, I hope you are aware of Bob Whitaker’s site, and the “SWARM”. If not, please check it out here: http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/ Go to the “swarm” button at the top, and join the action. If you’re new to this, please read all about the “Mantra”, and learn how to use it. Leon, I’ll be looking for your comment at the Santa Cruz Sentinel site. Can’t wait. Thanks. 16
Posted by Gregor on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:52 | # @Thorn You wrote, “But how do you respond to the typical white-liberal-numbskull when they retort: Blacks have suffered violence at the hands of whites for 400 years. Why shouldn’t whites have a taste of it for awhile?” One possible response, among many, goes something like, “Anti-White, why do you insist on RATIONALIZING White genocide? There are many variations on this theme. There are a myriad possible responses. Find out all about them at http://www.whitakeronline.org/blog/ You might also want to check out http://www.resistingdefamation.org and www.whiterabbitradio.net 17
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 17:57 | # I’m not trying to reason with insane, evolutionarily maladapted liberals. I’m trying to change the ground for the vast white majority who, esp in America, are quite ethical, and have been both genetically programmed, as well as culturally conditioned, to think in a certain way, the essence of which is not hardcore PC, but ethical universalism. Whites are just very fairminded. I’ve seen it all over America. Anti-racism may have been planted by Jews (not really - who were all the Judeo-abolitionists, the Judeo-Quakers, the Judeo-Jesuit missionaries, etc), or better, cultivated and exported around, but only among whites could it have flourished as it has. We need to accept this. White Power only works in the artificial environment of a prison. It’s the racially moderate Christians/conservatives whom we must bring to us. In the US, there just aren’t a lot of conservative secularists or atheists. 18
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 18:38 | #
Thanks, Gregor. I’m familiar with Resting Defamation.I find Resisting Defamation’s fighting back section very instructive. It’s a helpful resource. In the past, I’ve used it to when I try to gently nudge reluctant conservatives into going in the right direction. Also, I like to link to V-Dare whenever the issue of immigration or interracial crime comes up. But there’s one thing I know fo sho (a little Ebonics there): white-liberals cannot be reasoned with. Conservatives can. Liberals aren’t worth our time or energy. Conservatives are. That said, I’ll have to check out the other two sites you provided. I was aware of the white rabbit, but I’m not very familiar with them as of yet. 19
Posted by Gregor on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:10 | # @Leon Posting talking points, like the one you suggested, is not “reasoning with insane liberals”. The point isn’t about them, it’s about the onlookers, it’s about changing the flavor of the narrative. The very sight of “STOP Violence against Whites” will affect people, at a subconscious level. No “reasoning” with idiots is involved. Otherwise, what was your intended use of your new mantra? Do you want to just talk about it, or do you want to USE it? 20
Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 19:10 | # The interesting thing about the Starkey question is the BBC is in a catch 22 situation. They want to hide the black face of the rioting and exclusively show the white face however everytine they interview a white faced looter it proves Starkey’s point. (This is a line i’ve been using that works well.) 21
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 20:40 | # One last thing: When I say conservatives can be reasoned with, I didn’t mean ALL conservatives; nor did I mean to imply conservatives are easy to reason with. Of course that is not the case at all. The egalitarian ideology they’ve been indoctrinated with is SO strong, and has such a grip on them, that it’s very difficult to penetrate their consciouses with the truth. It pains me to watch a very nice and very smart older gentleman named Jamie Kelso try convey a simple message to some young Republicans. A message that comes natural to us. A message containing the truths we all here take for granted. I not only felt badly for Jamie Kelso, moreover I really felt frustrated and angry at how brainwashed these young whites really are. Hopefully Mr. Kelso planted a few seeds. After all, these people are our future. Anyway, he deserves a medal for trying. Most of the regs here have probably already viewed this vid. It’s several months old. But for those that haven’t, here is Kelso at a CPAC meeting trying to educate a group of young skulls full of mush: 22
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 00:01 | # Gregor, I agree. I was responding to Thorn, But how do you respond to the typical white-liberal-numbskull when they retort: Blacks have suffered violence at the hands of whites for 400 years. Why shouldn’t whites have a taste of it for awhile? not you, in my last comment. Sorry for the confusion. 23
Posted by PM on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 02:06 | # So, the riots are not about race, but at the same time only someone who is an expert on race is qualified to talk about them?! I suppose what this must mean is that although the riots were not about race, it might appear to stupid folk—like people who haven’t done African Studies—that they are. The modern world is an extremely complicated place in which the average Joe may constantly be seeing things that not only challenge the liberal orthodoxy, but seem to run counter to it. Only the very clever can see through this apparant conflict with reality to the deeper truth of equality beneath the surface, and it should only be them getting invited onto the telly to explain it all. Some interesting comments after the TLS article. Not only are some people angry about what Starkey said, they are even angry that some people in the comments thread are defending him. In their world, not only should Starkey be silenced, but those who think he should not be silenced should be silenced! 24
Posted by Nobody on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 05:25 | # For whatever it is worth: http://unamusementpark.com/2011/08/proud-to-be-white-a-flyer-campaign/ And regarding commenting at websites. Rip into the libs at Mother Jones. Easy and fun. 25
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 09:18 | # Nobody, With all due respect, ripping into liberal sites may be fun, but it is not the best use of scarce resources (eg, time). The best approach is to hit general news sites, and then to bring pro-white perspectives to as many non-racialist conservative and Christian places as possible. It’s the white conservatives who are our natural targets for conversion to WN, or some variant of racialism. 26
Posted by SK on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 20:08 | # One does not need to target certain groups for CONVERSION. Get the message OUT. It will do it’s own work of bringing the anti-white propaganda down. Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries. The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them. Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites. What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries? How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem? And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this? But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews. They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white. Just tell those who say the whites have oppressed blacks for four hundred years, that they are JUSTIFYING GENOCIDE. 27
Posted by Foundation on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 21:45 | # Thorn on August 27, 2011, 03:56 PM said: Not bad. But how do you respond to the typical white-liberal-numbskull when they retort: Blacks have suffered violence at the hands of whites for 400 years. Why shouldn’t whites have a taste of it for awhile? ... then give them a history lesson: White Slavery, what the Scots already know A famous history professor stated that history was not a science but a continuing investigation into the past; a person’s conclusion is based on their own bias. This story will offer evidence that the Alba, Scots, Irish and Pics have been the longest race held in slavery. The reader will be responsible for their own bias pertaining to White Slavery. Alexander Stewart was herded off the Gildart in July of 1747, bound with chains. Stewart was pushed onto the auction block in Wecomica, St Mary’s County, Maryland. Doctor Stewart and his brother William were attending the auction, aware of Alexander being on that slave ship coming from Liverpool England. Doctor Stewart and William were residents of Annapolis and brothers to David of Ballachalun in Montieth, Scotland. The two brothers paid nine pound six shillings sterling to Mr. Benedict Callvert of Annapolis for the purchase of Alexander. He was a slave. Alexander tells of the other 88 Scots sold into slavery that day in “THE LYON IN MOURNING” pages 242-243. Jeremiah Howell was a lifetime-indentured servant by his uncle in Lewis County, Virginia in the early 1700’s. His son, Jeremiah, won his freedom by fighting in the Revolution. There were hundreds of thousands of Scots sold into slavery during Colonial America. White slavery to the American Colonies occurred as early as 1630 in Scotland. According to the Egerton manuscript, British Museum, the enactment of 1652: it may be lawful for two or more justices of the peace within any county, citty or towne, corporate belonging to the commonwealth to from tyme to tyme by warrant cause to be apprehended, seized on and detained all and every person or persons that shall be found begging and vagrant.. in any towne, parish or place to be conveyed into the Port of London, or unto any other port from where such person or persons may be shipped into a forraign collonie or plantation. The judges of Edinburgh Scotland during the years 1662-1665 ordered the enslavement and shipment to the colonies a large number of rogues and others who made life unpleasant for the British upper class. (Register for the Privy Council of Scotland, third series, vol. 1, p 181, vol. 2, p 101). The above accounting sounds horrific but slavery was what the Scots have survived for a thousand years. The early ancestors of the Scots, Alba and Pics were enslaved as early as the first century BC. Varro, a Roman philosopher stated in his agricultural manuscripts that white slaves were only things with a voice or instrumenti vocali. Julius Caesar enslaves as many as one million whites from Gaul. (William D Phillips, Jr. SLAVERY FROM ROMAN TIMES TO EARLY TRANSATLANTIC TRADE, p. 18). Pope Gregory in the sixth century first witnessed blonde hair, blue eyed boys awaiting sale in a Roman slave market. The Romans enslaved thousands of white inhabitants of Great Britain, who were also known as Angles. Pope Gregory was very interested in the looks of these boys therefore asking their origin. He was told they were Angles from Briton. Gregory stated, “Non Angli, sed Angeli.” (Not Angles but Angels). The eighth to the eleventh centuries proved to be very profitable for Rouen France. Rouen was the transfer point of Irish and Flemish slaves to the Arabian nations. The early centuries AD the Scottish were known as Irish. William Phillips on page 63 states that the major component of slave trade in the eleventh century were the Vikings. They spirited many ‘Irish’ to Spain, Scandinavia and Russia. Legends have it; some ‘Irish’ may have been taken as far as Constantinople. Ruth Mazo Karras wrote in her book, “SLAVERY AND SOCIETY IN MEDEIVEL SCANDINAVIA” pg. 49; Norwegian Vikings made slave raids not only against the Irish and Scots (who were often called Irish in Norse sources) but also against Norse settlers in Ireland or Scottish Isles or even in Norway itself…slave trading was a major commercial activity of the Viking Age. The children of the White slaves in Iceland were routinely murdered en masse. (Karras pg 52) According to these resources as well as many more, the Scots-Irish have been enslaved longer than any other race in the world’s history. Most governments do not teach White Slavery in their World History classes. Children of modern times are only taught about the African slave trade. The Scots do not need to be taught because they are very aware of the atrocities upon an enslaved race. Most importantly, we have survived to become one to the largest races on Earth!!! White Slavery in America The topic of this story is a sensitive one yet one of great importance. White slavery in America was real. There are many documents that verify the bondage, kidnapping and transporting of Brits to the Colonies as slaves. The importance of this story will help those who cannot find a ship passenger list on their ancestor. This story may not pertain to all who came to America that are not listed on ship passenger lists. The Journal of Negro History #52 pp.251-273 states, “The sources of racial thought in Colonial America pertaining to slave trade worked both directions with white merchandise as well as black.” Thomas Burton recorded in his Parliament Diary 1656-1659 vol. 4 pp. 253-274 a debate in the English Parliament focusing on the selling of British whites into slavery in the New World. The debate refers to whites as slaves ‘whose enslavement threatened the liberties of all Englishmen.’ The British government had realized as early as the 1640’s how beneficial white slave labor was to the profiting colonial plantations. Slavery was instituted as early as 1627 in the British West Indies. The Calendar of State Papers, Colonial Series of 1701 records 25000 slaves in Barbados in which 21700 were white slaves. George Downing wrote a letter to the honorable John Winthrop Colonial Governor of Massachusetts in 1645, “planters who want to make a fortune in the West Indies must procure white slave labor out of England if they wanted to succeed.” Lewis Cecil Gray’s History of Agriculture in the Southern United States to 1860 vol.1 pp 316, 318 records Sir George Sandys’ 1618 plan for Virginia, referring to bound whites assigned to the treasurer’s office. “To belong to said office forever. The service of whites bound to Berkeley Hundred was deemed perpetual.” The Quoke Walker case in Massachusetts 1773 ruled that; slavery contrary to the state Constitution was applied equally to Blacks and Whites in Massachusetts. Statutes at Large of Virginia, vol. 1 pp. 174, 198, 200, 243 & 306 did not discriminate Negroes in bondage from Whites in Bondage. Marcellus Rivers and Oxenbridge Foyle, England’s Slaves 1659 consists of a statement smuggled out of the New World and published in London referring to whites in bondage who did not think of themselves as indentured servants but as “England’s Slaves” and “England’s merchandise.” Colonial Office, Public Records Office, London 1667, no. 170 records that “even Blacks referred to the White forced laborers in the colonies as “white slaves.” Pages 343 through 346 of Historical Sketch of the Persecutions Suffered by the Catholics of Ireland by; Patrick F. Moran refers to the transportation of the Irish to the colonies as the “slave-trade.” Ulrich B. Phillips, Life and Labor in the Old South explain that white enslavement was crucial to the development of the Negro slave system. The system set up for the white slaves governed, organized and controlled the system for the black slaves. Black slaves were “late comers fitted into a system already developed.” Pp 25-26. John Pory declared in 1619, “white slaves are our principle wealth.” The above quotations from various authors are just the tip of the iceberg on the white slave trade of the Americas. People from the British Isles were kidnapped, put in chains and crammed into ships that transported hundreds of them at a time. Their destination was Virginia Boston, New York, Barbados and the West Indies. The white slaves were treated the same or worse than the black slave. The white slave did not fetch a good price at the auction blocks. Bridenbaugh wrote in his accounting on page 118, having paid a bigger price for the Negro, the planters treated the black better than they did their “Christian” white servant. Even the Negroes recognized this and did not hesitate to show their contempt for those white men who, they could see, were worse off than themselves. Governments have allowed this part of American and British history to be swallowed up. The contemptible black slavery has taken a grip on people associated with American History. Yet, no one will tell of these accountings that are well established on to the middle 1800’s. Slavery is not something to be proud of but it is a fact that happened to every country, kingdom and empire that has been on this earth. Each of us needs to search our hearts and find the answer to stop racial hatred. One place to begin; realize that the black race was not the only race in the last 400 years that was in bondage Kelly Whittaker Slavery, like the above, wasn’t about race it was about business - individuals making money from human misery. The important point is blaming an entire race (Whites) for what individuals did is not only incorrect, historically, but also irrational since most of us at the time were living in abject poverty and struggling to survive in our own homelands. 28
Posted by SK on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 22:20 | # Foundation, you will never get anywhere with a history lession. It’s white GENOCIDE that my race is facing and YES, it is about race. They are attempting to JUSTIFY genocide. They don’t care about the past or slavery. 29
Posted by nvrennvren on Sun, 28 Aug 2011 22:37 | # open borders in a long term can benefit western civilization, but in short term ruin average white people’s lives I bet if mexico lived negroes, no politician would have opened borders despite their greedy nature 30
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 00:02 | #
That was my thinking with posting links on Thread Wars. If we know where the action is, we can join in. No point preaching to the converted, no point mixing it on overly left/liberal sites - though its worth it from time to time, just to let them know we are circling their camp. 31
Posted by Gregor on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 19:03 | # I think it’s interesting that NOT ONE PERSON here has risen to my challenge above by posting Leon’s newly coined “mantra” at the link I provided. Everyone is quite busy here “agreeing” and “disagreeing” about abstractions, but NOT ONE PERSON saw fit to throw a very simple wrench into the spokes of the anti-White bicycle riding around at that link. How much time could it take out of your busy MR commenting schedule to actually DO SOMETHING which challenges the hegemony of enemy discourses? It’s the unchallenged hegemony of the anti-White enemy discourses that is killing us. We will not be “saved” by arguing with each other at MR. Your mini-comment using Leon’s little mantra will not “save us” either .... But it WILL challenge their hegemony over discourses, and WILL show other readers that they have potential allies in challenging PC hegemony. Look into your hearts folks. Are you really here to effect change? Or are you just here to hear the sound of your own clapping? 32
Posted by Bill on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 19:36 | # This is part of a comment from the British Democracy Forum thread raised by handle ‘England Expects.’ 4.22 PM. 29.11.2022. Is nationalism the end result of liberalism? Originated by England Expects. http://www.democracyforum.co.uk/bnp/99536-nationalism-end-result-liberalism.html
The media and sport. Most television media news editions follow a standard pattern. Usually the news opens with headlines of an alarmist nature, be it war, natural disaster, economic bad news etc. Invariably, this is within the blink of an eye, followed by inconsequential trivia, most likely sport, mainly football. In short it’s bad cop good cop routine, forget what we first showed you concentrate on the second, the one you like best. Which is left until the end. What this pain-pleasure routine does overtime to our thought process god only knows. It’s the same with the Mail online, alarmism (horrendous crime) on the left, bikini clad siren immediately to the right. I have consciously tried to focus on the left whilst ignoring the right. It ain’t easy. I long ago came to the conclusion that football and sport in general is an indispensable tool in the media bread and circus tool kit, for tribal loyalty by white hetero sexual males to their preferred football team is akin to religion, and as far as the media is concerned - is a godsend in keeping them looking the other way. The opium of the white hetero sexual male as you might say. Just imagine what they might get up to if there was no football on a Saturday afternoon. It’s also interesting that the EDL is harnessing this tribal loyalty to its cause. And now for something different. Should we abandon nationalism for explicit whites? 33
Posted by Bill on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 21:11 | # About a couple of years ago, MR ran a questionnaire (poll) casting around for a new name for the British National Party. My suggestion was, the White Survival Party. From my awakening, I have strongly felt that things would have to get much, much worse before the British public conscience took on board it’s perilous plight. In my naivety I thought 3 to 5 years would do the trick. Well, here we are much later and despite our worsening predicament, there is still (to me) no widespread recognition by the general populace of the existential threat which is facing them. The efforts of the BNP have come to naught, Britain’s establishment contemptuously swatted them away. Think what you like about the methods and strategy of the BNP, it is my opinion that a large part of the ease in which the establishment brushed nationalism aside was exactly that. Nationalism according to the media equated to Nazism, to Hitler, and to concentration camps. The British voter wanted none of that, and as a consequence British Nationalism has waned and is now on life support. So where to now? Perhaps with the looting and rioting of late, we have watched in the comfort of our homes the kicking in of shop windows followed by a new cashless consumerism on a horrific scale. If any lessons were learned it is that Britain can no longer protect its peoples. In fact Britain is slowly sinking into an ungovernable state. So the question now must be, with the British public viewing these events, how significant (if at all) has it raised the public racial consciousness, did they notice who was mainly responsible for the mayhem, did they notice notice how their land has been handed over in large swathes to a myriad of communities? Do they yet realise they are being sold out to immigration? Do they actually notice anything? I sometimes wonder, the media holds such sway over Britain’s population it’s almost Svengali like. Almost unbelievable! Anyway, back to my theme. With nationalism on life support and the British People cowed, (nationalism subject to vitriolic attack by the establishment) could the British public be persuaded to recognise their own identity as White as opposed to being British, or maybe even White English? I think they could. 34
Posted by Rory Nicol on Mon, 29 Aug 2011 21:30 | # It is difficult to know who is the greater fool: – 35
Posted by didier on Thu, 01 Sep 2011 17:44 | # perry obama are the same.. both harm ordinary whites . so vote obama. let the negro to blame.. 36
Posted by Off Topic on Mon, 05 Sep 2011 14:28 | # Question. Is Bill White back and now writing for Carto at The Barnes Review? He was an appreciative subscriber of The Barnes Review and a contact of Cartos. Or is this another BW? The preceding three months do not have any contributions from anyone with this name. July/August 2011: Capt. Kidd - Gentleman Pirate? By William White 37
Posted by Graham_Lister on Wed, 07 Sep 2011 11:49 | # http://www.guardian.co.uk/uk/2011/sep/07/student-killed-after-conker-row I wonder what ethnic group the attackers are from? London at its worst is like a foreign city in some third-world nation. How did we, collectively, allow this insanity? 39
Posted by Bill on Sat, 11 Feb 2012 16:33 | # It’s a weekend and traffic is a bit slow, so I turn to this morning’ on-line press. Not much going on there either, except at the Guardian where there’s a piece about a guy called Stuart Hall, whose name blipped my radar.
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 11 Feb 2012 17:04 | # Stuart Hall has been a foreign cancer in the body of Britain. One of the very worst of an ‘intellectual’ class that has done little but betray its heritage for generations. And Hall isn’t even British! There need to be hangings. Hangings are not the answer to everything, of course, but to many things, certainly ... The Guardian is putrid filth if ever I’ve seen it, btw. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View) |
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 27 Aug 2011 13:21 | #
Read this (taken off Amren site):
Other countries, often traditionally lands of emigration, have seen spectacular increases in foreign residents. According to Eurostat, between 1999 and 2010 their numbers increased from 1.2 million to 4.2 million in Italy, from less than 120,000 to 420,000 in Ireland, and from 650,000 to 5.7 million in Spain.
Now read it again.
Now recall my favorite apothegm (reiterated constantly at MR):
“Ripening harvest / encroaching jungle”
Comrades, we do not have time and leisure to solve all the philosophical problems of white existence (which are really perennial problems of human existence, and thus perennially unsolvable), nor even to develop some optimal WN platform. Our harvest is coming on a skateboard; their jungle has a Lamborghini.
We are being invaded, colonized and conquered. That is the message we need to get out to our people. Many whites don’t understand the scale of the colonization because so much of it is densely concentrated in handfuls of cities or their near environs (this is even true in the US, though it’s always changing). Thus, we still have our primary task.
And that message is enough. We don’t need elaborate historical or sociological analyses of who was behind this or how it happened (most of which are out there anyway). The raw fact alone should be enough to get our people stirred. If not, just add stats for the economic damage immigrants cause to middle class majorities (viz., wage and employment prospects, welfare services costs, and liberal voting habits).
The WN movement needs much less philosophizing, meta-strategizing, and scientific discussion, and much more propaganda (ie, getting the core message about immigration, legislative oppression of whites, and nonwhite criminal victimization of whites, out as often and widely as possible).
On discussion boards like MR, we should be figuring out how to spread our basic message, not how to refine it.
What are really needed are legions of moderate, pro-white activists spreading our message everywhere: through pamphlet distribution in person and through mail boxes, commenting at non-WN internet sites (especially of a conservative type), mass callings into radio talk shows - even graffiti (this is extremely important - how many of you “generals” carry magic markers with you, so that whenever you use a public stall, you write something on the walls, like “Stop white genocide”, “White race = Endangered Species”, “Affirmative Action = Racism”, “Why are blacks so violent?”, “No More Immigrants!”, “White America - Better America”, “Aliens Out!”, “White Power!” etc etc). (please create your own slogans - and use them!)
We need to start looking at our cause as advertisers look at selling products. We must develop a short message (eg, like the wonderful NA sticker: “The White Race: World’s Most Endangered Species”), and then plaster it millions of times everywhere, in real space and cyberspace.
Movements that look successful become successful. Those that look successful are those that seem most ubiquitous. We must be perceived to be everywhere.
In a word: less intellectualizing, more doing!