Telegraphing one’s intentions

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 05 February 2011 02:21.

For the last four or five weeks the Daily Telegraph’s new, relatively open comment policy has been reaping a distasteful reward for the Establishment stick-in-the-muds who normally read the paper.  Dozens of commenters have been encouraged to comment on “issue” threads in an increasingly eye-raising way.  Suddenly, it is possible to say almost anything, and possible, therefore, to influence discourse.

That possibility I suggested to articulate BNP members here a week and a half ago.  They weren’t interested.  But I am.  If any MR readers think it worthwhile operating on these threads as a team, working to stretch the envelope and get the right message out ahead of the misguided one, please feel free to say so.

To give you some idea of the kind of freedom of expression currently available here are four current “issue” threads:

Tags: Media



Posted by Bill on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 13:44 | #

Not exactly off topic.

There’s no doubt about it, the out-pouring of violent images from Egypt onto our screens 24/7 must be concentrating the minds of the political establishment.

So Cameron decides to make a speech eh?  I wonder why?

These images emanating from our screens must be worth thousands of comments on thousands of blogs - who was it that said a picture is worth a thousand words?

But I still find it difficult to accept that immigration is at the forefront of people’s thinking, London, Leicester, Birmingham, Bradford, Manchester and other centres of diversity are not exactly a seething cauldron of white rage.

Is it white-flight that is keeping the lid on things?

Will our media cheer lead the oppressed when it comes to a place near us?

It is being made increasingly clear to our people by our leaders, that Multiculturalism in our land is now de facto, so get used to it; there is nothing you can do about it.  It just needs tweaking and you will begin to enjoy.

I have never heard a politician tell us what role the white British will play in the brave New Britain that is our tomorrow.  I suppose it’s because no-one has thought to ask.

Don’t ask, don’t tell.

Moving on.  I’ve been taking a further interest in Inspector Gadget’s blog.

Today’s post, (on his blog) is discussing the EDL’s protest march being held in Luton today.  Some, on the job, will be on duty at the EDL demonstration.

The comments are more interesting than usual inasmuch suspicion is deep in there somewhere, but really they haven’t a clue and continue to rail against liberalism, and yet it is these people (police) who will be charged (subliminal pun) with dealing with the mess, as indeed they already are.

My blogging is much reduced these days - blogging fatigue syndrome I guess.


Posted by Guest on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 20:53 | #

I suggested to articulate BNP members here a week and a half ago.  They weren’t interested.

Doesn’t that tell you something?


Posted by GUEST on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 20:57 | #

@Robert Reis on February 05, 2011, 07:51 PM

Yes that is the actual circumstance. It is appalling how easily Whites are led by the nose to focus on Muslims or whatever the GANG wants them to focus on as they are being genocided.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 21:36 | #

In the first of those Telegraph links there is a commenter - cobhguy.

He has a blog:

Ive added that to our links column on the left.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 05 Feb 2011 23:26 | #

Who’s riding the tiger?

quote]The Red-Green Alliance works because both are variations on a theme. The theme is totalitarian rule. It is not the Left that threatens Islam, nor Islam that threatens the Left- but free societies and individual freedoms. When such societies prove successful, then they particularly infuriate those who insist that they must be replaced with their totalitarian rule. These twin impulses, fear of a loss of control over their own societies, and a lust for power, is what energizes the Jihad of Islam and the Revolutions of the Left. Both want control, rather than freedom. And offer promises of Utopian tyrannies in exchange for freedom.

Destroying Europe, America, Israel, Australia, Canada, etc is about power. Absolute power. And it is about putting out whatever light still shines in the West, for fear that it will spread. The light of freedom and civilization stands in the way of tyranny. And tyranny is the endgame of both the Left and Islam. Two sides of the same coin. Janus, with one head looking back to the impossible past of Mohammed, and with one head looking forward to the even more impossible future of Communism. Both forcibly ignoring the present in which people can still be happy and free.

Our politicians are selling us out to immigration in the name of Globalism.  Since the fall of the Soviet Union the Western political system has systematically conjoined with Left and Right as one, hence, in Britain, we have the coalescing of the Lib/Lab/Con trick masquerading as choice.

What we have in fact is Socialism (immigration) allied with Corporate Globalism - giving us cultural Marxism/Fascism.

Cameron is masqueraing as a Conservative and still the people haven’t cottoned on and voted for him in their millions.

Not only that, to confuse us further, we have the left accommodating Islam by leaving the door wide open for the past 13 years inviting mass immigration, which is intended to be the battering ram to acheive their (leftist) Utopian dream.  We see it being rolled out before us each day.

I’ve at last come to the conclusion the objective is to totally destroy what is - and let’s see what arises from the rubble.  In short, there is no plan B!


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 01:12 | #


I saw Cobhguy’s comment, and I have heard of the website before.  Thanks.

Well, I must have dumped well over a hundred comments, long, short and everything in between, on those four threads.  Lost some to the mods, who vary in bad behaviour quite a bit.  The following comment, for example, lasted on one thread, lasted quite a while on a second, and was lifted about seven times on a third:

Multiculturalism has not failed. In its true identity of multiracialism it has been an incredible success. The object of multiracialism is to break the bonds between European blood and European land by replacing Europe’s peoples with the Third World.

There are four groups whose interests run congruently and who strive for this end:

1. The banking dynasties and major corporations, for whom globalisation is a means of establishing control of global wealth and power in perpetuity;

2. The international political class, which includes all mainstream political classes of the West;

3. The intellectual left who believe in the universality of Mankind, and hate nation as it applies to peoples of European descent. David Rockefeller said, “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

4. Jewry, secular and religious, which strives after a permanent suzereignty over the gentile through the deconstruction of all his psychological and physical boundaries, borders, differences and distinctions.

All European peoples throughout the West are fighting for their collective lives. We underestimate this at our extreme peril.

My impression at this stage:

1. In terms of discourse control, it is too much for one man to do what I have done today.  It does need a team.  The river of ignorance never stops flowing, and most of one’s energy is spent on repeating the same simple things.  Actually shaping debate is impossible but may not be for an experienced team.

2. It is very apparent that anti-Islamism is well-established in the reader’s minds - hate seems to be OK when it is anti-Islamist - and the real issues are given little thought except by those who are considerably further along the road.  There is a big job to do to round people’s understanding, and I fear that those in our environs who talk about the reification of Islamism as a strategy of false opposition have a point.  It would certainly be much easier to get to that from where we are today than to produce a proper understanding in th reader’s mind.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 02:56 | #

What name are you using?  I may post some comments as “William_JD”.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 02:57 | #

Okay, you must be Cotewood.


Posted by ben tillman on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 03:11 | #

I see this comment was particularly well received; I belive it was the most recommended of all (not just Cotewood’s) comments I have read:

It is not culture-replacement. It is race-replacement. That is the nature of the crime.

As to where the English went, they were displaced. Indeed, one of the most unpleasant aspects of this entire situation is that the English are blamed by the left for being ethnically cleansed and so creating black and brown ghettos.

Beyond displacement, however, there is another and more permanent story. If you, as a political class, import into your land, which has an ageing population with below-replacement fertility, an endless flow of foreign peoples with a youthful profile and a high fertility, you get race-replacement. It is simple mechanics.

And it is a crime against humanity, of course.


Posted by PM on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 03:21 | #

To be fair to the BNP, I have been posting on the DT and other sites for years as ‘proleishplumber’ (in fact it was Guessedworker’s comments at the Guardian that brought me here) and I can tell from having been around supporters a lot, and reading the main BNP site comments that a fair few commentators at the DT are BNP supporters/members.
The comments left as ‘cotewood’ are a damned good read, but I inwardly wince whenever you get to the Jew-stuff. I’m just not sure people are ready to hear it or know how to take it.

In a strange way I take comments that are removed as a compliment, and often more interesting than the ones that get through, in terms of what you can and cannot say. On the Independent a little while ago there was a fairly tame thread about the decline of British TV satire, and I submitted a comment pointing out that the Left has become culturally dominant yet the targets of the satire remain the Right (straw-men racists, conservatives, Christians and the like) and as such our satire had become the strong mocking the weak. The comment was removed. As I say, it is interesting to think that someone has read this, and to ponder the mental process involved in his/her deciding not to allow it. In a way, I see it as a small victory—that they felt what you were saying was true, and unanswerable.

Bill—I have recently had the same thoughts about white-flight was you. I conducted a kind of thought-experiment in my head, of what would happen if people had been told 50 years ago that they were not allowed to move away as immigrants moved in (assuming in the experiment that there is always somehow plenty of housing for the migrants to move into, through deaths or room-letting for example). Trying to imagine how people would think in this situation brought home to me that knowing you can just move away if things get too bad must be a powerful reason why people are not prepared to truly fight, or say anything controversial—it just isn’t worth the effort or sacrifice of being unpopular/political dissident/Nazi when all you have to do is move. I honestly believe that this must be one of the primary things that goes through the mind of an embryonic liberal as they subconsciously decide what is the best thing for them to believe with regards to Race.


Posted by Ivan on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 05:20 | #

It was Iraqi Muslim who throw at Bush his shoes
Egypt’s Muslims threw out the puppets of Jews
What about Americans and Brits
When you gonna hit the streets
It’s revolution time haven’t you heard the news


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 13:32 | #


I will watch out for you.  This thread:

... has developed into an extended discussion on the JQ.  It could be memory-holed in a single breath, so I don’t know if it will be there if and when you arrive.


Don’t worry about the wincing.  I am trying to expand the limits of the permissible.  A little radicality is part of the process.

I admire that line “the strong mocking the weak”.  That has legs.  I will work it into my material.  Thanks.


Posted by anon on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 14:22 | #


Have never seen you resort to caps, Cotewood.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 14:31 | #

I think you are right.  That was a first.  It was a Jewish or extended Jewish phenotypic mod, and half-a-dozen re-posts had already been taken down.  Well, there is no point in accepting it, is there?  We have to go forward, and never accept a step back.

As a rule, it pays to copy significant posts or, indeed, anything touching on the touchy, because you never know when these MSM mods will exercise their “judgement”.  Interestingly, after that seeming explosion the clock tocked past midday and the mod-mood changed.  New shift, new latitude.


Posted by anon on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 14:41 | #

I’ve just saved every page of that thread’s commentary. Good “boilerplate” for future occasions. Everyone ought to acquire the habit of saving pages. Words in defence of our very existence should not disappeared by wogs just grumbling through their Tetley.


Posted by SK on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 17:44 | #

“The rivers of ignorance never stop flowing, and most of one’s energy is spent on repeating the same simple things.”  Exactly!  The simple thing must be repeated until the debate is reshaped.  For instance;

Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.

The Netherlands and Belgium are just as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.

Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.

What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?

How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?

And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?

But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.

They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.

Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 06 Feb 2011 22:18 | #

It’s been an interesting weekend following the week long backdrop of events in Egypt.  Premier Cameron’s very public pronouncements on the Islamic Question, the high profile demonstration by the EDL in Luton yesterday, and as GW comments above, there is also the outpouring of bloggers opinions in the Telegraph’s blog section concerning the immigration, Islam conversation.

The lexicon expands.  Jewish Question – Immigration Question – Islamic Question.

Cameron is more dangerous than Blair and will placate his audience by saying anything that they want to hear, only to renege as soon as his back is turned.  He is a very modern post-modern prime minister and is the third such post-modern prime minister Britain has experienced this century.  I think he out performs both Blair and Brown with his agility at post-modern linguistic gymnastics.  He could even give slick Willie a run for his money, but it would be too close to call against Obama.  Will the people ever catch on?

Browsing through the weekend threads (and still ongoing) I would just comment on a couple of things that struck me.  Not for the first time one cannot help but notice the final barrier of political correctness has been breached.  I am referring of course to the Jewish Question which is now being aired with increasing frequency, not forgetting of course it is all taking place in the cyber bubble.

The Islamic Question has also lately gained speedy traction in the public sphere with the emergence of the EDL, which looks like to me is the marching wing of the Neoconservative websites.  The neocon mantra of I’m not against immigration per se but…  They couldn’t’t care less about immigration as long as it’s not Muslim.  The enemy of my enemy is my friend certainly doesn’t ring true here and is not healthy for British Nationalism.

Scrolling down the Telegraph’s threads, it is surprising (to me) the number of comments that in a more subtle way express similar sentiments.  It’s a fairly standard opening gambit where the commenter opens their account by declaring they have no objection to immigration per se, providing they (immigrants) blend into our culture and learn our language etc.  It’s a bit like I’m not a racist but….where they protest their liberal anti racist credentials before continuing but….

I cannot get my head around this ploy where they could care less how many immigrants wish to settle here providing they behave like we do.  How would they answer the question what if a hundred million such people were queuing up to be admitted - all of whom agreed to abide by the rules?

The tectonic plates are creaking, outcrop is beginning to dislodge, the great civilisational debate continues to proceed under its own directionless momentum, can the power elite sense the looming headlights in the distant darkness?  Too many known unknowns.

GW.  How are you managing to pace yourself in this blogging marathon?  Only 10 hours to go.  Don’t burn yourself out or you might end up on the subs bench.  What stamina!  It makes me tired just reading it all.

Ps.  Pop over and see what Inspector Gadget has to say about Cameron’s speech.


Posted by Thunder on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 03:02 | #

I must be spending too much time at Majority Rights.  I recognised GW as cotewood quite quickly.  It used to be one or two like me agasinst the horde now it seems we have the whip hand in the commentariat at least.


Posted by Thunder on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 04:39 | #

It is also interesting the way the debate is being elevated.  More talk about race-replacement and genocide.  Once you get your foot in the door I guess you can start closing the sale.

Change is accelerating. Although I notice some have a proclivity towards philosophcal embellishment.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 10:53 | #

“Change is accelerating”, etc.

Let’s hope so.

“Ripening harvest v. encroaching jungle.”

Personally, ANYTHING to stop the immigration invasion is OK by me, regardless of what other issues are taken or neglected.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 10:58 | #

I fear that those in our environs who talk about the reification of Islamism as a strategy of false opposition have a point (GW)

What does this mean, and about whom are you speaking?

I like this comment, and will use it in future quick comment posts (as should others):

Multiculturalism has not failed. In its true identity of multiracialism it has been an incredible success. The object of multiracialism is to break the bonds between European blood and European land by replacing Europe’s peoples with the Third World.

There are four groups whose interests run congruently and who strive for this end:

1. The banking dynasties and major corporations, for whom globalisation is a means of establishing control of global wealth and power in perpetuity;

2. The international political class, which includes all mainstream political classes of the West;

3. The intellectual left who believe in the universality of Mankind, and hate nation as it applies to peoples of European descent. David Rockefeller said, “The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.”

4. Jewry, secular and religious, which strives after a permanent suzereignty over the gentile through the deconstruction of all his psychological and physical boundaries, borders, differences and distinctions.

All European peoples throughout the West are fighting for their collective lives. We underestimate this at our extreme peril.(GW)


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 11:59 | #

There were two more “issue” threads in the Telegraph, so six in all over the weekend, which must be a record!  No further candidates posted this morning, but two posted in The Independent.

The first, however, to an article by the arch anti-English racist Yasmin Alibhai-Brown was taken down this morning.  Poor Yaz has been threadless for several months following consistent attacks on her racism by the commentariat.  I was surprised to see the editors chancing their arm with an invitation to comment to her piece on Cameron’s speech.  Evidently, not such a good decision after all.

The second thread is an op-ed published this morning, again on Cameron’s speech:

The Indy mods are a nervy and unpredictable breed.  But I’ve tested the water with the comment to which Leon referred.  Might last an hour before someone flags it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 07 Feb 2011 12:46 | #

Yep, the comment is still on the page.  But a second comment posting the Europe 2029 video:

... has been held up for moderation!  The liberal mind has been thoroughly judaised, and cannot see past the war on “white racism” and “xenophobia”.


Posted by Drifter on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 01:10 | #

Bob’s Mantra



Posted by PM on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 02:35 | #

There is an interesting thread about the EDL on View From The Right. Of particular interest to me is the last comment by a BNP candidate called Paul Weston about the possible importance of the EDL as a future counter force to the violence of the far left against nationalist interests.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 10:17 | #

West builds Islam to create a new war.  Daily Bell Monday 07.02.2011.

Anglo-American Axis

The Anglo-American axis, within the context of the power, elite, is the unacknowledged cultural cradle of the latest effort to consolidate countries and governments into a global order. One needs to see the axis from a historical perspective to understand its evolution and the strength that it derives from successive waves of immigration.

From Wikipedia we learn that “Anglo-Saxons” – the Germanic tribes that entered England after the fall of Rome - drove the indigenous people out of most of the region and into Wales. There were at least three tribes. First, the Angles from Angeln, the whole nation of which apparently entered Britain, “leaving their former land empty.” (The etymology, then, would be Anglo-Saxon ‘Engla land’ or ‘Ængla land’.) Second, were the Saxons from Lower Saxony and, third, apparently, the Jutes from Denmark.

The Anglo-Saxons in England were in turn invaded by the Viking Normans. According to Wikipedia, “The name ‘Normans’ derives from ‘Northmen’ or ‘Norsemen’, after the Vikings from Scandinavia who founded (French) Normandy. ... In 1066, Duke William II of Normandy conquered England killing King Harold II at the Battle of Hastings. The invading Normans and their descendants replaced the Anglo-Saxons as the ruling class of England ... Eventually, the Normans merged with the natives, combining languages and traditions. In the course of the Hundred Years war, the Norman aristocracy often identified themselves as English. The Anglo-Norman language became distinct from the French language.”

There was yet, perhaps, one more cultural overlay, a most controversial one and part of what may be termed “secret history.” This, according to certain historians was a migration of various Venetian banking families to England during a period of perhaps 200 years (1500-1700). These wealthy and powerful families, some apparently with Jewish antecedents, are said to have established themselves within the independent enclave of the “City of London” a financial district and the epicenter of world-spanning Anglo-American financial power. Eventually, these families, inter-marrying with Anglo-Saxons, are said to have become part of the royalty of Britain with familial branches through Europe and especially in Germany, France and Italy.The “Anglo” power elite that emerged from the above waves of conquest, if such “secret history” is deemed to be true, was highly militant and manipulative – perhaps the most ruthless and vibrant power-culture on the planet. It utilized fiat money and central banking as tools to impose its will throughout Europe. Set back by the communication explosion of the Gutenberg press and resultant Reformation, it nonetheless persevered and created, eventually, a “democratic” facade of governance behind which it could continue to exercise leadership and further consolidate hidden authority.

The American exception, especially as enunciated by the American libertarian philosopher and statesman Thomas Jefferson, was a conscious attempt to break away from the mercantile authoritarianism of Europe and the Anglo power elite. These “united States of America” were successful in pursuing a republican, agrarian legislative order until the “War Between the States” – partially funded by New York banks controlled by the Anglo elite – put an end to the Republic and ushered in a new order, the Anglo-American axis.

It is this Anglo-American axis (a “special relationship”) that has dominated the Western world for the past 150 years. It is a secretive and closely guarded group of families and individuals with enormous wealth derived from the implementation of mercantilist central banking. In recent years, America has provided the military power and to a large extent the corporate vehicles that have projected the “one world” vision of the Anglo-American elite throughout the West, and even to Africa and Asia.
The ruthless progress of the Anglo-American axis – or Empire – depended in large part on secrecy and on the implementation of fear-based dominant social themes that were used to control the expanding populace and to further consolidate wealth and power. These themes were promoted through an intricate array of think tanks, universities and government organizations that first presented the concepts and then provided authoritarian solutions. The introduction of the Internet, like the Gutenberg press before it, has exposed the machinations of the Anglo-American power elite and made visible the secret mechanisms of control via dominant social themes.

The Anglo-American power axis is currently in retreat, its authoritarian promotions giving way to increasingly failed attempts at manipulation via outright force and the implementation of legislation that has not been properly promoted. Since it is impossible for a few thousand to harry the world’s billions into submission via brute authoritarianism, one would assume at some point that the latest efforts at global governance would be abandoned and the Anglo-American power elite would take a step back to come up with new control methodologies as they have before.

Followers of the enimatic Lyndon Larouche  will have no difficulty in recognising the description (above) of the Angol-American Axis, as his euphemism for the British Empire or City of London, or the Inter Alpha Group of Banks, or for something else for which he never further elaborates.

In short, Larouche is saying the enemy is the City of London along with the ‘Wall Street crowd’ and for whom Obama is the British Empire’s puppet.

Is the The Daily Bell saying the Anglo-American Axis plan is to goad the two civilisations into a war of exhaustion in preparation for global governance.  Or will the PE be thwarted by the new Gutenberg press, the Internet?

Is this what the current ramping up of Islamophobia is all about?  Merkel, Cameron, Sarkozy, EDL, Telegraph (MSM) US regime engineering in ME, Egypt, Tunisa - all about?

Just thinking, that’s all.


Posted by John on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 19:34 | #

“Is this what the current ramping up of Islamophobia is all about?  Merkel, Cameron, Sarkozy, EDL, Telegraph (MSM) US regime engineering in ME, Egypt, Tunisa - all about?”

Yesterday, I saw something I thought I’d never see anywhere in the EUSSR—a un-photoshopped picture of an Arab murder suspect (or any other reference to the ethnicity/race any criminal who wasn’t a native Swede) who had been apprehended in Canada.


Posted by John on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 21:07 | #

I should clarify that I never though I’d see such a thing published in a mainstream news source. I somehow doubt this breach of the media agreement going back to the ‘80s was an accident or the decision of a rogue editor.


Posted by Bill on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 22:05 | #

English Defence League (EDL) visit Luton.  Found on comment section New Statesman.
The faltering light of Little England By Dan Hodges

On Saturday, the British lion roared. The roar of monoculturalism.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:32 | #

Here’s another video from the Luton EDL march. I’m sure you’ll love this one.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Tue, 08 Feb 2011 23:45 | #

Bill, are you aware of a letter, purported to have been written by Albert Pike to Italian freemason Guiseppe Mazzini in 1871, that outlined plans for three world wars? The plan for the Third World War seems a little too close to what is happening today for comfort.

“The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustion…We shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.”


Posted by Bill on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 08:51 | #

EDL to go political.

The English Defence League is set to break into mainstream politics with a bid to get MPs in Parliament.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 16:48 | #

Harry. 10.45 PM Above.

Yes I am aware of the letter of which you ask and copy above.

I have (at least twice) chanced upon it in the course of my journey of quest, but to be honest I didn’t join the dots when I made my comment.  It is highly prescient, saying it was written decades before World Wars I and II.

Thinking about it though, throughout my (and most people’s) whole life it has been a constant hotbed in the ME.  In ‘56 and ‘67, Gulf wars 1 & 2.  What really ramped it up was 9/11, now Afghanistan, Pakistan, Iran, where next?

The letter was sure on the nail. (is it authentic?)  If asked, I would come down with a no, but with a disclaimer I keep an open mind. (As always)

According to Pike it looks like Israel is to be thrown to the wolves.

Trouble is, any discussion along these lines and you get inundated with tin foil hats.


Posted by Bill on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 18:18 | #

So the Telegraph’s comment blog Islamafest fizzles out with a sphlutter.

It could be said they turned the tables on us.  War of attrition, fought off the mob to a standstill.

What was it all about Alfie?


Posted by Frank on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 21:01 | #


Bill Johnson Makes a Speech: Calls for Large Families, Discusses Past Difficulties as an Activist (Including a Bomb Attack Against Him), and Quotes From the Bible.

I figured you’d want to see this.


Posted by CFE on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 21:28 | #

Bill said:

Is this what the current ramping up of Islamophobia is all about? [war of exhaustion] Merkel, Cameron, Sarkozy, EDL, Telegraph (MSM) US regime engineering in ME, Egypt, Tunisa - all about? Just thinking, that’s all.

I’m sure this is well known here:

11. THIS HATRED WILL BE STILL FURTHER MAGNIFIED BY THE EFFECTS of an ECONOMIC CRISES, which will stop dealing on the exchanges and bring industry to a standstill. We shall create by all the secret subterranean methods open to us and with the aid of gold, which is all in our hands, A UNIVERSAL ECONOMIC CRISES WHEREBY WE SHALL THROW UPON THE STREETS WHOLE MOBS OF WORKERS SIMULTANEOUSLY IN ALL THE COUNTRIES OF EUROPE. These mobs will rush delightedly to shed the blood of those whom, in the simplicity of their ignorance, they have envied from their cradles, and whose property they will then be able to loot.

The Protocols also say that the plan should be flexible (paraphrasing, reference not to hand). The mobs could just as easily rush delightedly to shed the blood of the replacing.

When we contemplate “civil war” as a “last roll of the dice”, we should be sure that it’s one that is righteous, decisive and on our terms, rather than instigated by the uno hooze for their benefit.

According to Pike it looks like Israel is to be thrown to the wolves.

What is Israel the land, when compared to Israel the nation, they who intend to rule the world?


Posted by CFE on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 21:31 | #

So the Telegraph’s comment blog Islamafest fizzles out with a sphlutter.

I’ve just challenged Michael Deacon to “defend here his curious assertion that ‘Racism, I’m sure most of us agree, is bad.’ ”

Could be useful, or at least interesting.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 22:06 | #


Bill Johnson’s obviously a nice, gentle guy.  Million miles away from the mentality of “the one”, and a good thing for that.  But when he got to the meat of the speech, and talked about getting married and having babies, I did feel a little disappointed.  OK, that’s important.  But it’s not overly political.  I would have thought he could have found something more interesting to say to an activist audience, which I presume it was.


I’ve backed up your question with some of my own.  Deacon will not answer, naturally..  But there are still people visiting the thread, so the questions will be read and pondered.

Well done, btw, on your performance across these threads.  You’ve talked a lot of good sense and made some very cogent points.


Posted by Frank on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 22:33 | #


there were two videos posted. I was just excited to learn Johnson is a decent guy I suppose.

The other video deals with activism: YouTube.

Ah, here’s the relevant A3P page.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Wed, 09 Feb 2011 23:50 | #

Bill, I’ve a feeling that there’s much more to this letter than meets the eye. This article explains why.

The article also shines a light on why it’s a mistake to think that the global government agenda (New World Order) is controlled by Jews and for their benefit. The issues of mass immigration and multiculturalism are merely part of this bigger picture.

The Pike letter came to light in recent times through an unfinished manuscript written by Canadian ex-Naval officer, William Guy Carr. The manuscript was entitled ‘Satan, Prince of This World’ and if you get the chance I recommend reading it. His contention, after much study, was that the controlling power was both Luciferian and Satanic. I have to say my own research has led me to a similar conclusion. This Luciferian elite controls Jewry, Masonry, much of Christianity (particularly through the Roman church) as well all ‘internationalist movements’ such as Communism and more besides.

I’m disappointed nobody seems to have watched the video I linked to above. It really is worth it.


Posted by Bill on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 00:30 | #

The lights are going out all over Europe.

Subtitled Video of Geert Wilders’ (courtroom) Speech.  H/T GoV. 08.02.2011


Posted by Silv on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 11:59 | #

4. Jewry, secular and religious, which strives after a permanent <u>suzereignty</u> over the gentile through the deconstruction of all his psychological and physical boundaries, borders, differences and distinctions.


And you’re wrong, also.  But whatever.  Just fix up the spelling ‘cos few things dash your credibility as much as fumbling big words.


Posted by John on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 12:16 | #

Bill: “Trouble is, any discussion along these lines and you get inundated with tin foil hats.”

Never mind that letter that may or may not be authentic or the prescience of the Protocols. This should remove any doubt elites have 100- (and probably 500-year) plans…

“But the future man of the American Republic will be a thoroughly composite being. It is not simply the union of the Mongolian and Caucasian types to which we are to look forward, but an agglomoration of almost all races and nationalities to make up the coming man. The old English of New England, Virginia, and the Carolinas, already blended with Huguenot, Norman French, Irish, Scottish, Welsh, German, French, Danish, Swedish, and Norwegian blood, will receive from the Canadian French on the one side and the Hispano - Americans on the other, an accession of French, Spanish, and Portuguese blood not wholly free from an admixture in all degrees with the Northern Indian, the aztec, and the negro races, and these, with the blending in our own Southern and Southwestern States with the African stock, and the combination in the not distant future of Chinese, Japanese, Hindoo, Malay, and Polynesian, will give to the average American of a hundred years hence, a darker complexion and very different intellectual and moral characteristics from those which we possess today…”

American Progress, 1870, Appendix: “Marvels (sic) That Our Grandchildren Will See” (hat tip:

At least they weren’t blank-slaters—they acknowledged “very different intellectual and moral characteristics”


Posted by Bill on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 12:42 | #

Harry, thanks for February 09, 2011, 10:50 PM

From your link (Some thoughts, so much info so little time.)

If you’re concerned for the future of this planet and its inhabitants, then this is the website for you,

What is the name of this website please?

In essence, I am familiar with most information contained in the above.

Some general observations.  In no particular order.  What we and countless other blogs and forums are discussing falls mainly into two categories with a third added.  I am talking about the conspiracy theorists (Illuminati) being one group and the race replacers being the other group.  The third group I refer to are the overwhelming majority of the unawakened.

Both groups are working toward the same ends and are generally in agreement as to what those ends are, but disagree somewhat as to who is responsible for those ends.  In between there is the inevitable crossing and crisscrossing of each others territory.  Conflict arises and juvenile references to tin foil hats become abundant. Who’s responsible for the goading?

What makes the conspiracy theorist choose his path as opposed to taking the path of the race replacer?  I’m in the race replacer/dispossessor group, I have my own views on this question but do not have the time to expand, although I have briefly hinted to you in past comment.

All I know is that there is evil in the air, I can smell it.

The letter.  The idea of world domination is spelt out in fairly accurate detail.  This was in the late 1800’s, how significant is it that the author could not have possibly known what lay in the future?

Weapons of mass destruction.
The miracles of modern science.
Medical science.
Space exploration.
1984 in every household.
Name your own.

Unless the author had extra sensory perception rational thought would tell us he couldn’t (see the future)

Maybe we have to go beyond the confines of this home of ours to seek the solution of this intriguing question.

Perhaps that would be a comment too far.


Posted by CFE on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 18:20 | #

Well done, btw, on your performance across these threads

You are too kind GW. I hope I know my limitations.

Racial awareness and love of ones own are so fundamental, while the zeitgeist is so perverted, that any simple honest voice can seem worthy of praise though merely stating the obvious.

Your efforts at the DT are genuinely praiseworthy. I hope more of the other intellectual big guns from MR join you on future threads.

My instinct, not the product of any attempted intellectual analysis, is that we should push for discussion of simple and fundamental questions like “What’s wrong with racism?”, “Do we have a right to live?”.

I mean of course in forums other than MR. This place has a higher purpose, to which I have very little to contribute.

I like your “Who told you that?”, I find myself using that question often, though most people seem to think it’s a trick question. Which it is, in a way.

I’ve searched the DT site, but can’t find an email address for Deacon. I’d like to put the challenge to him directly.


Posted by CFE on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 19:50 | #

Date: Thursday, 10 February, 2011 12:36 (EST)
Subject: Why is racism bad?
To: .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address), .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address)

Dear Mr. Deacon,

Thanks for your article at:

I don’t know if you have been following the comments. One of mine, stating that racism is not bad, but in fact perfectly natural, now has 104 recommendations, and I’ve posted another comment inviting you to discuss this.

I’m writing to you to ensure that you do not miss the opportunity to defend and discuss the foundation of your article, and what seems to have been elevated to some kind of moral tenet: racism is bad.

I don’t think it is. More people have recommended my comment than the article itself.

Will you discuss this with your readers on the comment board?

Yours truly,

(name) (screenname)


Posted by Bill on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 21:41 | #

Express Group now openly promoting the English Defence League

Occidental Observer Feb.10. 2011

Throughout history, wherever they have settled, the Jews have notbeen bothered by the concept of a principled, unified and consistent approach to any issue — except one: the survival and advancement of the Jews. In all other matters they are are entirely morally pragmatic and often deliberately contradictory.
Thus it is that they want to promote immigration and race-mixing among non-Jews in Britain — and indeed among all White European peoples and nations — but also want to make Britain an uncomfortable place for Muslims, except those who are willing both to accommodate themselves to the Jewish domination of Britain’s ‘Establishment’ and abandon the Palestinians to Israel’s genocidal ethnic cleansing.

Go to read all.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Thu, 10 Feb 2011 23:50 | #

If you’re concerned for the future of this planet and its inhabitants, then this is the website for you,

What is the name of this website please?

The sentence is from the opening statement of the website ‘The Conspiracy Explained’ which is where I assume you read it. I’d guess that it’s referring to itself.

Both groups are working toward the same ends and are generally in agreement as to what those ends are, but disagree somewhat as to who is responsible for those ends.  In between there is the inevitable crossing and crisscrossing of each others territory.  Conflict arises and juvenile references to tin foil hats become abundant. Who’s responsible for the goading?

Although I suspect that there are ‘agentur’ at work the majority are ‘self-policing’ in the sense that they can’t or won’t accept the fact that there most certainly is a ‘conspiracy’. These people have either refused to do any research into the subject or associate it with the likes of David Icke whose ‘theories’ are so far out for most that they dismiss the whole idea. I’m not alone in considering Icke to be controlled. The juries out as to whether or not he’s consciously aware of this or not. The fact is that there is abundant evidence that proves that there is an agenda to create a world government. There are many disparate groups involved in this but only a relative handful who know what the true endgame is. I concur with William Guy Carr when he says that this controlling apex of the pyramid is Luciferian and Satanic. As unbelievable as this may sound there is evidence to suggest it’s true. There may well be many Jews who think they are working towards some sort of Jewish domination of the world but there are many more gentiles doing the same in the form of the Vatican hierarchy, high level freemasons, Fabians, assorted Communists and various internationalist capitalists, to name but a few. In the lower levels these groups think that they are working towards some sort of utopian world government that will see their group in a dominant position. Of course the controlling elements of them know more of the bigger picture. What many ‘conspiracy theorists’, along with the majority in the groups previously mentioned, fail to recognise is the deeper underlying ‘spiritual’ dimension. This spiritual dimension is, from what I can see ultimately Satanic and Luciferian. As William Guy Carr states in his manuscript the Luciferian elite “intend to usurp the powers of the first world government to be established and then impose the Luciferian ideology upon what is left of mankind”. Carr quotes Albert Pike as saying the intent is to ‘mongrelise humanity and enslave it mind, body and soul’. It is devilishly clever and wicked in the extreme. Assorted leftists, greens, global capitalists, Jews, Catholics, Muslims and freemasons, all committed to destroying the nation state but completely unaware who is pulling the strings (and paying the bills) and what the end result will be. Carr also talks about how bright students are selected and then indoctrinated into some form of internationalism. These are the types that are invariably involved with the numerous ‘global’ and ‘international’ groups associated with the likes of the UN and EU. Again furthering the agenda without knowing the full consequences.

It gets worse though. The overwhelming majority of those ‘conspiracy theorists’ in the ‘truth movement’ have also unwittingly bought into the agenda. It would take too long to explain this in full but I’ll give you a few examples. Icke’s ‘solutions’ to the New World Order is for us to realise ‘we are all one consciousness’ and that ‘everything is an illusion’. This ‘illusion’ happens to include nation, race and culture. The conclusion is that if we ‘unite’ and ‘become one’ we can defeat the NWO. The subtle deception here is that this negates any solution based on national sovereignty or indeed racial consciousness. The film Zeitgeist has been seen by millions of people in the ‘truth movement’. It’s conclusion is something called the Venus (Lucifer?) Project which again has no borders and doesn’t distinguish between races or cultures. A similar scenario is played out in the New Age movement which has its Luciferian roots in the Theosophy of Helena Blavatsky and Alice Bailey. Of course these groups think they are working towards some sort of ‘good’ world government. They think the New World Order is going to be the Orwellian version when the one to guard against is the Huxleyian ‘Brave New World’ where the slaves love their servitude and aren’t even aware that hey are slaves. Again, devilishly deceptive and cunning but a huge number have fallen for it. Sadly very few ‘conspiracy theorists’ seem to have any inkling as to the true agenda.

What makes the conspiracy theorist choose his path as opposed to taking the path of the race replacer?  I’m in the race replacer/dispossessor group, I have my own views on this question but do not have the time to expand, although I have briefly hinted to you in past comment.

As I suggested above many ‘conspiracy theorists’ have been just as manipulated and deceived as those in the mainstream. As such they have been brainwashed into thinking that race is part of the problem. Most on the liberal left consider themselves to be concerned for humanity first and foremost. It seems to me that many conspiracy theorists are of a similar ilk. A such they have been easily manipulated into thinking that the destruction of ‘race’ is of benefit to humanity. They have no idea that what they are doing is quite the reverse. Most go no further than the likes of Icke or Zeitgeist and so fall into the carefully prepared trap.

The letter. The idea of world domination is spelt out in fairly accurate detail.  This was in the late 1800’s, how significant is it that the author could not have possibly known what lay in the future?
Weapons of mass destruction. ?
The miracles of modern science.
?Transportation. ?
Medical science. ?
Communication. ?
Space exploration.
?1984 in every household. ?
Name your own.

Unless the author had extra sensory perception rational thought would tell us he couldn’t (see the future)

To some extent ‘they’ are many years in advance of us in terms of technology. What I mean by this is that many technological breakthroughs are funded by and controlled by ‘them’ and only released when ‘they’ see fit. As such they are more aware of what the future holds in terms of technology. Pikes letter was no more than an outline. Adjustments would be made to take into account changing circumstances. It should also be remembered that this War will be a carefully controlled affair. It’s not as if they don’t control the likes of China, Russia, Israel, Iran and the West.

Maybe we have to go beyond the confines of this home of ours to seek the solution of this intriguing question.

Carr’s suggestion is that this is a spiritual battle that has gone on for thousands of years. It’s hard not to study the evidence and come to the same conclusion. All we can do is state the truth as we see it and try to avoid adding to the evil that already abounds on this planet. Those concerned with ‘race replacement’ must be cautious as to not play into the hands of the manipulators of this agenda. Truth, justice, morality and even good is on their side but only as long as they refuse to be sucked into the battle on the terms of the Satanic elite. Blanket condemnation of Jews or even words of praise for the Nazi’s (one of their creations) only fuels their fire. As I said, there are many involved in this agenda who are completely unaware of either the full consequences or the true end game. It’s to be hoped that these people can be reached so that has to be the aim.

Of course I’m still trying to make sense of all this myself. I hope the above has been of some benefit Bill.


Posted by Thunder on Fri, 11 Feb 2011 00:18 | #


I, and perhaps others, would find it useful if you could post a piece on this site that lays out some hints about posting on these comment sites you link to.  You and others may have a few tricks that we could find useful.  I know you mentioned about saving comments for pasting later but do you also keep a notebook of site registrations?  Anything, anyone here has found useful and would like to clue others on.  I know you are busy but it may be helpful.


Posted by Bill on Fri, 11 Feb 2011 23:05 | #

Harry @ 10.50PM 10.02.2011.

Quite a wealth of detail to digest.  Rather than respond point by point I think it best if I respond with a shorthand broad brush approach.  I say this simply because I do not have your store of knowledge on the subject and I’m not at all sure in which direction this post will go.

The content of your comment illustrates plainly you have made, and are still making, a serious study of the subject, which humbles me as my scant gatherings have been gained by chance as a bonus when pursuing my searches.

Your comments give me a fair idea why I think there is a clear blue water divide between the views of the replacers vs the views of conspiracists.

The conspiracists tossed their pebble into a much larger pond than the replacers, with the resultant ripples of enquiry encompassing a much wider and deeper catchment area.
This extended area of enquiry is of little interest to the race replacer, being not of the faith, the replacer has other fish to fry.  I suppose it is from this view I form my opinion as to why this subject is absent here.

The replacers goal is what’s good for nationalism, trying to find a tool with which truth and conciseness can combat the unawareness of the sleepy populace.  No conspiracy theories will suffice here, the wake up call has got to be plain and simple. The aim is to galvanise the sleeping masses, without whose weight and effort, resistance will be in vain.

Don’t get me wrong now, I’m not saying the conspiracy guys are not just as patriotic in this regard as the nationalist, but to name the Queen as a shape shifting lizard from another planet or Lucifer and Freemasonry as the enemy - simply will not cut it, though it has been said that Icke is using the lizard thing as a euphemism for Jews.

I must confess at this point I have not given much thought (and maybe it shows too) as to what the conspiracy faction think in regard to the struggle against the liberal multicult, for all I know they might not view the situation in the same terms the replacers at all, perhaps some do and others not. 

Here at MR, GW has stated often and unequivocally nationalism needs new ideas with which to challenge the multicult, call it a philosophy if you like, but without new ideas GW seems to be saying there is no chance of a successful challenge to the liberal juggernaut..

I like David Icke, he’s got a good sense of humour, anyone with a good sense of humour cannot be all that bad.  It’s just that he’s an entertainer to boot and is making a handsome living out of what he does, same as Alex Jones and Alan Watt.  To me, it’s what they don’t say or mention that makes me suspicious.  Plus, Alan Watts and Alex Jones when fielding a telephone caller’s hard ball question, they play the man and not the ball - and heave the offender off the phone.  Very leftist!

You mention the lower order useful idiots like our politicians.  Do they have any inkling of what they’re engaged in?  It would be interesting to watch them on Television being quizzed hard ball by the right people.

I wonder what the chances are of seeing those responsible being called to book to explain themselves?

What I do find interesting is the question of what was the catalyst that triggered the conspiracy buff or would be nationalist’s determination to find out what the hell was going on.  What prompted them to embark on this white knuckle ride of quest for truth in the 21st century.

As for myself, mainly what I write is intuitive and comes from gut instinct, I try and stick to what I see with my own eyes, whether locally or what the media is saying or even what’s perceived as normality under my own roof.  Of course I traverse the Internet, but how do I know what is true and what is not, it is no easy task in this postmodern liberal age where there is no truth and life is whatever you think it is.  All I’m left with is my natural instincts. 

Well Harry, that’s it for tonight,  I don’t suppose you imagined this type of response but I hope it has been of some interest to you.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 01:29 | #


I will do a piece over the weekend on thread-war tactics.  It will be mercifully short!


Posted by Bill on Sat, 12 Feb 2011 10:45 | #

Over at VFR Auster says this.

They are the two wings of liberalism, without which the creature could not fly.

The first wing is left-liberalism, or simply the left. The left supports unqualified openness to and official recognition and subsidization of all alien groups and cultures. This is multiculturalism. The left/multicultural position places no ultimate value on the host society or Western culture, which it sees as evil and guilty and as morally obligated to help other cultures and to facilitate them in the process of replacing and eliminating the host society and Western culture. The left/multicultural position is thus simply synonymous with national and civilizational suicide.

The second wing is right-liberalism, a.k.a. the “right.” The “right” says that the West is good, but that it is good only insofar as it is defined as a universal society consisting of equal and interchangeable rights-bearing individuals. It is not good insofar as it consists of distinct historical nations, cultures, and peoples. The “right” believes in the West, but the only good the “right” recognizes in the West consists in those values and procedures that are the product of liberal individualism.

Right-liberalism and left-liberalism are unconsciously allied ideologies of Western suicide. There can be no hope for the salvation of the West apart from the utter rejection of both ideologies.

Read all at

When our politicians start telling us that multiculturalism hasn’t worked because we haven’t tried hard enough, then I dread to think what’s coming down the pike.


Posted by Revolution Harry on Tue, 15 Feb 2011 01:01 | #

??This extended area of enquiry is of little interest to the race replacer, being not of the faith, the replacer has other fish to fry.  I suppose it is from this view I form my opinion as to why this subject is absent here.

Sadly that’s true Bill but it’s my own feeling that not only is it impossible to separate the issues of mass immigration and multiculturalism from the larger world government agenda but that recognising this would actually give greater moral cause for there resistance.??

The replacers goal is what’s good for nationalism, trying to find a tool with which truth and conciseness can combat the unawareness of the sleepy populace.  No conspiracy theories will suffice here, the wake up call has got to be plain and simple. The aim is to galvanise the sleeping masses, without whose weight and effort, resistance will be in vain.

My own humble efforts are for people to see (at least those aware of the ‘conspiracy’) that mass immigration and multiculturalism are part and parcel of the same New World Order agenda that sees fit to crash economies, fly planes into buildings to facilitate wars and an expansion of the police state and enslave, lie, deceive and manipulate in pursuit of a totalitarian world government.

Don’t get me wrong now, I’m not saying the conspiracy guys are not just as patriotic in this regard as the nationalist, but to name the Queen as a shape shifting lizard from another planet or Lucifer and Freemasonry as the enemy - simply will not cut it, though it has been said that Icke is using the lizard thing as a euphemism for Jews.

As I said, many in the so called ‘truth movement’ are just as manipulated and brainwashed as the masses. As such they’ve been trained to see the ‘problem’ as being separation in terms of races, nations and cultures. It’s a very clever, but sadly effective, trick. The Queen may well be a ‘shape shifting lizard’ for all I know but there’s no evidence to support the claim. There is, however, ample evidence that clearly shows the occult nature of the conspiracy and equally the widespread involvement of freemasonry. Further research then provides that this occultism is, at its heart, both Satanic and Luciferian. Tap Lucifer into the search engine of my blog for some pointers in this regard.

I must confess at this point I have not given much thought (and maybe it shows too) as to what the conspiracy faction think in regard to the struggle against the liberal multicult, for all I know they might not view the situation in the same terms the replacers at all, perhaps some do and others not. 

As I said above, though some do many do not for the reasons I outlined. These people think they’ve escaped the ‘Matrix’ when all they’ve done is move from one part of it to another.

Here at MR, GW has stated often and unequivocally nationalism needs new ideas with which to challenge the multicult, call it a philosophy if you like, but without new ideas GW seems to be saying there is no chance of a successful challenge to the liberal juggernaut..

This is the point. It’s not a ‘liberal juggernaut’ that needs stopping. Liberalism is just one of many ways the ‘agenda’ is pursued. Seeing things in the terms I suggest can conceivably undermine the liberal mindset far more effectively than appeals to genetics for example. That is never going to reach a liberal. Understanding the true nature of the agenda has a much better chance. I’m working on an article in terms of mass immigration and its Satanic roots at the moment. I’d hope to have it finished by the end of the week but the scope keeps on expanding. Keep an eye on my blog if you can. It should pop up soon.

I like David Icke, he’s got a good sense of humour, anyone with a good sense of humour cannot be all that bad.  It’s just that he’s an entertainer to boot and is making a handsome living out of what he does, same as Alex Jones and Alan Watt.  To me, it’s what they don’t say or mention that makes me suspicious.  Plus, Alan Watts and Alex Jones when fielding a telephone caller’s hard ball question, they play the man and not the ball - and heave the offender off the phone.  Very leftist!

My concerted opinion is that Icke is controlled. The excellent David Icke Debunked throws some light on why this is so. I’ve actually got more evidence myself when I can get round to collating it. There are also many sites and article exposing Alex Jones. I’ll dig some out if you’re interested. The jury is out on Alan Watt. He gets criticism from those of a more Christian bent because he tends to concur with the Theosophical/New Age undermining of Jesus and the Bible. Besides being a complicated subject I’m not altogether sure the criticism is fair in his regard.

You mention the lower order useful idiots like our politicians.  Do they have any inkling of what they’re engaged in?  It would be interesting to watch them on Television being quizzed hard ball by the right people.

I doubt if many truly understand the full nature of the agenda. The political classes are full of people who have been indoctrinated into some form of internationalism or other. It’s for this reason I hold out the hope that some of them, at least, can yet be reached. Sadly, it’s unlikely that politicians are going to be held to account except in terms of the left/right theatre show. TV access to politicians is tightly controlled for obvious reasons. It would be great though. The first question I’d ask is why can’t we exercise our sovereign right to create our own currency rather than loan it at interest from private banks who, bizarrely, do have the right.

I wonder what the chances are of seeing those responsible being called to book to explain themselves?

We can only hope and pray. My fear though is that the puppet politician level of the game may well be sacrificed at some point soon. It would take me too long to explain why. It’s the real string pullers we need to identify and ‘call to book’.

What I do find interesting is the question of what was the catalyst that triggered the conspiracy buff or would be nationalist’s determination to find out what the hell was going on.  What prompted them to embark on this white knuckle ride of quest for truth in the 21st century.

For me is was the ever present sense that something wasn’t quite right but I didn’t know what. My eyes had opened in terms of mass immigration but it was only when I became aware of what’s best described as the New World Order agenda that I realised its true context.

As for myself, mainly what I write is intuitive and comes from gut instinct, I try and stick to what I see with my own eyes, whether locally or what the media is saying or even what’s perceived as normality under my own roof.  Of course I traverse the Internet, but how do I know what is true and what is not, it is no easy task in this postmodern liberal age where there is no truth and life is whatever you think it is.  All I’m left with is my natural instincts. 

Natural instincts is an essential Bill. The war that is being waged on us all, left or right, black or white, is in part at least a psychological one. I cross reference and research in as wide a field as possible. Only then does the truth begin to emerge. Sometimes information comes my way that I can’t confirm. Other times its clear to see that what I’ve read or seen is quite true. It does take a lot of time and effort though.

Well Harry, that’s it for tonight, I don’t suppose you imagined this type of response but I hope it has been of some interest to you.

I’m always keen to learn and engage with others Bill. Thanks for your time.


Posted by CFE on Wed, 16 Feb 2011 11:57 | #

I just tried to make a further post to this thread:

...and a disqus box popped up to inform me that my comment “must be aproved by a moderator before appearing here”.

I guess that talk of mass repatriation as a viable, indeed necessary course, is what has spooked them. Oh well.


Posted by CFE on Thu, 03 Mar 2011 23:12 | #

Well, I’m finally banned from the DT (until I set up another account of course). I can sign in, and recommend, but cannot post. No explanation or justification.

I’m puzzled, that my crude efforts brought down the axe, while cotewood’s laser like exposition and his posting account survive.

What seems to have been the last straw was a post saying that the degeneracy agenda was just that, an agenda, and quoting Willi Munzenburg. I’ve made near identical comments before though.

In recent days, the following has been deleted dozens of times, sometimes ten times in as many minutes. In response to the mindless parrots:

Look at me!!  See how anti-waycist I am!  Look at me!  Really, I mean it!  Look!! Please, look at me!!  No, over here!!  Look!  Look at me!!

That really seems to get to them. I suppose they fear the ridicule that their empty posturing attracts.

GW, I’d be interested in your thoughts on why the DT comments policy has recently become more permissive. It surely can’t be a business decision.

Also, some guidance on linking to MR would be appreciated. I would think that it’s only worth doing when one senses a reasonable intellect close to freeing itself.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 04 Mar 2011 00:19 | #

Cheshire Forever,

I don’t know why they would knock you down and leave me standing.  I’ve said some hundreds of very direct things over the last month or so about some very sensitive subjects, and pushed the mods around to keep my stuff on the page.  Even recommended others to push them around.  Been an utter pain, to be honest.  Obviously, you have found the limit of tolerance and squelched it in a way that I haven’t yet.  Of course, it might be that there is so much nationalist speech on these threads they are going to do some weeding and have picked on you early.  We shall see.

One thing is for sure.  It isn’t worth trimming just to keep the account alive.  This is war.  The purpose is to pull the discourse toward us.  Forcing the JQ onto the threads, full repatriation too, black IQ ... killing the use of the r-word, getting our words into the reader’s usage ... it all has to be done, because unless the public recognise our discourse they won’t recognise the more powerful things we have to say to them.

Give it a couple of days then create another account.  Post some innocuous stuff to throw them off the scent.  Then return to doing what you were, in my opinion, doing very well.

On linking, I’m not using this as a reader-catchment programme for MR.  We have an excellent race faq and the pdf on EGI is very good too.  Dan’s series on discrimination is also useful.  But by all means link to the best resource for your purposes, whatever that may be.

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DNA Nations



Each author's name links to a list of all articles posted by the writer.


Endorsement not implied.


Islamist Threat

Anti-white Media Networks






Historical Re-Evaluation

Controlled Opposition

Nationalist Political Parties


Europeans in Africa

Of Note


Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)
