The Amygdala War: Chronic stress = depression, infertility

Posted by James Bowery on Saturday, 06 September 2008 20:11.

In line with my prior posts on The Amygdala War, UPI reports in Chronic stress = depression, infertility that:

Chronic stress, however, increases the length and volume of expression of corticotropin releasing factor in areas of the brain associated with fear and emotion, including the amygdala—the brain…

In our study, rats that continuously were exposed to corticotropin releasing factor from this area of the brain experienced anxious and depressive behavior, decreased libido and disrupted ovarian cycles suggesting that persistent release of CRF such as occurs in chronic stress clearly affects multiple body systems,” says Wilson. “These behavioral changes are similar to what we see in human females who are exposed to stressors on a daily basis.

So “liberate” your enemy’s females by seducing them, with money and “independence”, into a high stress workplace within two income trap families and you exterminate their genes without so much as a peep from the UN’s commission on human rights!






Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 06 Sep 2008 22:20 | #

This finding also debunks JJR’s contention that young Euros subjected to group-existential stress through government-enforced race-replacement and its associated propaganda (the whole thing paid for either directly with Jewish money out of Jewish pockets, or with other people’s money which the Jews have gotten control of, such as foundation money or tax monies disbursed by government agencies) are under no group-existential threat since all they need do in order to head off effective group extinction is have lots of babies.


Posted by Z on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 01:24 | #

“So “liberate” your enemy’s females by seducing them, with money and “independence”, into a high stress workplace within two income trap families and you exterminate their genes…”

James—that is a brilliant insight: very rational and sound, and in all likelihood true.  Thank you for bringing that to light.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 01:55 | #

The main driver of white women having to enter the workforce is racial integration. Absent racial integration, whites would not have to make expensive moves away from “people of color.” But we have to in order to raise our kids in a safe, healthy, negro-free enviornment.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 08:13 | #

The main driver of white women having to enter the workforce is racial integration. Absent racial integration, whites would not have to make expensive moves away from “people of color.” But we have to in order to raise our kids in a safe, healthy, negro-free enviornment.

Aw, I guess that is the price you pay for being an idiot, and not recognizing the individual nature of human beings.  Yes, blame the people of color and Jews for all you shortcomings.  It makes you feel better at night.  Let others suffer for your selfish comfort, just because you think by having a certain skin tone and hair texture you are entitled to more happiness and a better life.  Feeling superior by riding the backs of the accomplishment of others.  What have you contributed to society?  And you’re entitlement doesn’t count.


Posted by silver on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 10:05 | #


Nah, the real genius was their time machine.


Posted by Diamed on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 12:15 | #

@tired of idiots:

‘Aw, I guess that is the price you pay for being an idiot, and not recognizing the individual nature of human beings.’

Or maybe you’re the idiot for not recognizing that mankind is fundamentally a communal entity, a herd animal, and cannot exist and is meaningless as an individual atomized unit.

‘Yes, blame the people of color and Jews for all you shortcomings.’

Who said they were our shortcomings in particular?  Perhaps they’re only the shortcomings of those around us that we wish to help.  Perhaps our lives are just fine but we care about the future of this country and the people around us, unlike you who apparently only cares about yourself.  Perhaps our lives are not fine because too many people around us are making the wrong decisions and dragging us down with them, in which case all we can hope to do is change their minds.  How can you possibly know?  You’re making personal attacks against anonymous web-aliases you know nothing about.  Could you be any more fallacious?

‘What have you contributed to society? ‘

What have you?  The people here have contributed at least one good thing to society, this website and the truth about racial differences and the worldwide genocide of whites.  I think that’s a vastly important contribution to society, none could be more important than saving the whole world from a literal ‘dark’ age and hundreds of millions of people from extinction.  But go ahead, let’s hear how much more you’ve done for the world by. . .what. . .exactly?

‘Feeling superior by riding the backs of the accomplishment of others.’

Who says we do?  Perhaps we feel superior due to our own accomplishments, or perhaps we feel superior due to the atrocious and pathetic behavior of others, that makes being superior rather easy now doesn’t it?  Or perhaps they are not really ‘others’ since we share the same genes, heritage, culture and ideals as them, and so properly they are a part of us?  In that case, aren’t we just taking pride in our own achievements?  Too bad you can’t think that abstractly because you insist on people being individuals when they clearly are not.  Go back to kindergarten and start your whole education over again, then come and post on this forum.  You are utterly outclassed.  If you’re tired of idiots, start by breaking your mirror.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 14:34 | #

Tired Idiot wrote: “Let others suffer for your selfish comfort, just because you think by having a certain skin tone and hair texture you are entitled to more happiness and a better life.”

Almost, but not quite right, Tired Idiot. Whites move their families as far away from negroes as they can - and for good reasons. Wherever a significant number of negroes reside, social pathologies, in there many forms hang over and surround the enviornment like an odorous toxic smog. In fact, negro neighborhoods—due to their own handiwork—are so untenable, even negroes cannot stand living there. That’s why so many of them are escaping the ghettos and moving into previously all white areas ... which starts the white-flight cycle to repeat itself. Laws that would mandate racial segregation in housing would definitely be the prescription to cure this problem. Do you agree, Tired Idiot?

BTW, Tired Idiot, describe yourself ... are you a negro, a self hating jew, or a sick twisted white-liberal?


Posted by Jun on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 15:36 | #

The main driver of white women having to enter the workforce is racial integration.

One of the other drivers has been/still is uncontrolled immigration (both legal and illegal).  Keep importing cheap labor and wages naturally stagnate or even go down.  Then it takes two working adults in the household to afford the household.  :-|


Posted by GT on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 19:30 | #

Two-income families are ‘strapped,’ but part of the problem is laziness and a consumerist mentality.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 22:19 | #


Or maybe you’re the idiot for not recognizing that mankind is fundamentally a communal entity, a herd animal, and cannot exist and is meaningless as an individual atomized unit.

Yes, mankind are animals.  The more I live, the clearer this becomes, both in scientific terms and nature. Perhaps, I didn’t clarify myself enough (ok, I didn’t), but what I meant is the double standards that seem to plague our society. We want to be respected as individuals, yet we don’t allow the same for others.  If one person of the same does something, then all people of the same are guilty. It is this mentality, I feel, is the most animal like. Maybe I am an idiot for even caring.

Who said they were our shortcomings in particular?  Perhaps they’re only the shortcomings of those around us that we wish to help.  Perhaps our lives are just fine but we care about the future of this country and the people around us, unlike you who apparently only cares about yourself.  Perhaps our lives are not fine because too many people around us are making the wrong decisions and dragging us down with them, in which case all we can hope to do is change their minds.  How can you possibly know?  You’re making personal attacks against anonymous web-aliases you know nothing about.  Could you be any more fallacious?

Wrong decisions?  Who are you to dictate to people what their decisions should be.  Get over yourself.  No one is dragging you down with them unless you want to be dragged down with them.  You make the decisions for yourself. I am not making a personal attack against aliases, but against the idea and belief that white people are going through a genocide. Perhaps, a certain way of life (entitlement, benefiting from the suffering of others, conservatism) is falling by the wayside, but that is the way the world is shaping up.  If that is what the people want, that is what they will get.  You are not God, and you have no right to run people’s life or try to change their minds to live the way YOU think is right.

What have you?  The people here have contributed at least one good thing to society, this website and the truth about racial differences and the worldwide genocide of whites.  I think that’s a vastly important contribution to society, none could be more important than saving the whole world from a literal ‘dark’ age and hundreds of millions of people from extinction.  But go ahead, let’s hear how much more you’ve done for the world by. . .what. . .exactly?

Who cares about racial differences?  Get a life or find a hobby, there are way more important things to concern yourself with.  It it up to people to survive, if that is what they want, then that is what will happen.  You are not saving the world by being a racist, you are destroying it.  What I have contributed to society is compassion, understanding, and a higher level of humanity- where I am able to recognize the good in all people, regardless of culture, race, or nationality.  And I think that is an extremely important contribution to the world, seeing as white people are not the only people on earth. 

Who says we do?  Perhaps we feel superior due to our own accomplishments, or perhaps we feel superior due to the atrocious and pathetic behavior of others, that makes being superior rather easy now doesn’t it?  Or perhaps they are not really ‘others’ since we share the same genes, heritage, culture and ideals as them, and so properly they are a part of us?  In that case, aren’t we just taking pride in our own achievements?  Too bad you can’t think that abstractly because you insist on people being individuals when they clearly are not.  Go back to kindergarten and start your whole education over again, then come and post on this forum.  You are utterly outclassed.  If you’re tired of idiots, start by breaking your mirror.

You are not the others, you are you.  And, yes, take pride in that, but you are not superior, and you don’t deserve to have a better life or the fruits of the earth just because you are white.  There are other humans on this plant with the same make up as you. They, too, deserve a good life.  Is this all possible, maybe not, but we should be working towards that, not against it.  I don’t have to go back to kindergarten and start my whole education over, I am just fine. Education never stops. I am not outclassed, I just have a different opinion. Yes, I am tired of idiots, and I broke my mirror a long time ago and replaced it with a new one.  I am hoping many will do the same.
@Dave Johns

Almost, but not quite right, Tired Idiot. Whites move their families as far away from negroes as they can - and for good reasons. Wherever a significant number of negroes reside, social pathologies, in there many forms hang over and surround the enviornment like an odorous toxic smog. In fact, negro neighborhoods—due to their own handiwork—are so untenable, even negroes cannot stand living there. That’s why so many of them are escaping the ghettos and moving into previously all white areas ... which starts the white-flight cycle to repeat itself. Laws that would mandate racial segregation in housing would definitely be the prescription to cure this problem. Do you agree, Tired Idiot?

I agree. Negroes neighborhoods are shit-holes, but what do we expect in economically challenged areas.  It’s this way around the world.  All poor areas are crime ridden shit-holes. I respect Caucasoids need to have safe neighborhoods where their livelihood is not threaten, totally. I do not respect a law that, in essence, says, because you are Caucasoid, you are entitled to a better home, neighborhood, life.  No. Let the people work that out.  Keep flying until you get to the moon.

BTW, Tired Idiot, describe yourself ... are you a negro, a self hating jew, or a sick twisted white-liberal?

I am all.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 07 Sep 2008 23:40 | #

Idiot: We want to be respected as individuals, yet we don’t allow the same for others. We want to be respected as individuals, yet we don’t allow the same for others.

Yes we do.  You simply don’t understand the principle of reciprocity which underpins non-palingenic nationalism.

That’s OK, because you can’t be expected to know what we know about the human condition.  Your knowledge comes from the prevailing zeitgeist.  We know it well.  We, too, have been cultured in it and were its creatures once, like you.  You are not the first fool to speak to us of freedom.  We see your face, we encounter you everywhere, always speaking of the sacrosanct individual without the first understanding of how individualism came to be, or what its purpose is.  Like the rest, you offer us your tawdry, soaked-up morality and intellectual ordinaryness, and think it sufficient to tilt, Don Quixote style, at the windmills of racism!  It would be wise of you to stop now, and to try and learn.  But you won’t because you cannot grasp how transparent and insubstantial you are to our eyes.

Who are you to dictate to people what their decisions should be.

I am an ordinary son, brother, husband, father in my family; I am a councillor and friend; I am a lover of my people.  All this gives me the same right to care (not dictate - that’s moral interpolation, and you can take it back right now) as any other man, and to anticipate care in return.

I am not making a personal attack against aliases, but against the idea and belief that white people are going through a genocide.

Here is Article Two of the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide:-

Article 2
In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

  * (a) Killing members of the group;
  * (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;
  * (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part;
  * (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;
  * (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group

Would you care to explain how (b) and (c) do not apply in our case.

You are not God, and you have no right to run people’s life or try to change their minds to live the way YOU think is right.

You are the religionist, cleaving to vague, humanist principles.  We are not religionists but empiricists, dictating nothing but explaining unwaveringly that what is good is what is adaptive.

Do we have the right to speak of such things to our own people?  Mikhail Bakunin wrote: “Nationality is not a principle; it is a legitimate fact, just as individuality is. Every nationality, great or small, has the incontestable right to be itself, to live according to its own nature. This right is simply the corollary of the general principal of freedom.”

Who cares about racial differences?

So human bio-diversity exists.  Thank you, even if you effect not to care about it (which I know to be a lie).  What ethnicity are you?  And please don’t answer “all” again.  Expose your ethnic interests so we may judge whether you are a dishonest man or merely an ignorant one.

Get a life or find a hobby, there are way more important things to concern yourself with.  It it up to people to survive, if that is what they want, then that is what will happen.

There is nothing more meaningful or important in human life than the preservation of one’s genetic interests.  This is Nature’s very purpose, this transmission of information into the morrow.  Do people love other children more than their own?  No, of course not.  But all the places where their genes reside - most concentratedly in their children, then in their extended family, then in their ethny - are loved by normal men and women.

Only in the postmodern West is this love subjected to an endless stream of denegration, denial and delegitimisation, slowly poisoning us morally and spiritually.  This is the real fruit of the hyper-individualism you promote.  This is the power elite’s game, the Jewish ethnocentrist’s game.  Atomised and overwhelmed, we “individuals” cannot grasp its direction and cannot fight its power.  To fight it ... to live ... we have to come together, which is what you, like the rest, would deny us.

You are not saving the world by being a racist, you are destroying it.

Be careful who you label.  The racist is always a claimant to human exception.  You do not understand, I know, but in the present circumstance, you are the racist for demanding an exceptional sacrifice on the part of European peoples.  You deny them ownership of themselves, their lands and resources, as if there is some objective justice to losing these things to foreigners and free-riders.

What I have contributed to society is compassion, understanding, and a higher level of humanity- where I am able to recognize the good in all people, regardless of culture, race, or nationality.

What you have contributed to Europe’s children is nothing.  You have taken much though, and have the gall to lay claim to moral superiority through it.  And what kind of man accords himself “a higher level of humanity”.  This is really quite monstrous narcissism.  Do you not know that the truly superior man is humble in spirit.

Recognising the good in others, incidentally, is completely immaterial.  “Good” grants no right to replace Europeans in their own lands.

you are not superior, and you don’t deserve to have a better life or the fruits of the earth just because you are white.

Peoples differ - you’ve agreed that.  We Europeans, of course, have our talents.  But the “supremacist” claim is more moral interpolation on your part.  Be careful - I have said you do not know nationalists, and you don’t.

In any case, the issue is this: we deserve to live sovereign and free with or without whom we please, and we ask for nothing more.

There are other humans on this plant with the same make up as you. They, too, deserve a good life.

No, they do not “deserve a good life”.  They deserve precisely the same freedom we do - a freedom to be delivered through the politics of their own homeland.  No people can justly take themselves to another’s land and claim equal rights to it and its resources.  This is the fundamental immorality of your position.

I am not outclassed, I just have a different opinion.

You are too ignorant to know whether you are outclassed, obviously


Posted by Tired of Genocide (aka Fred Scrooby) on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 00:16 | #

“Would you care to explain how (b) and (c) do not apply in our case.”  (—GW)

Also (d).  Explain how (d) does not apply in our case, “Tired of Idiots.” 

For genocide to exist, the U.N. Convention requires only that any one of the five conditions listed be present.  We find ourselves assailed simultaneously by three of the five.  Do you make anything of that, “Tired of Idiots”?


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:06 | #

In any case, the issue is this: we deserve to live sovereign and free with or without whom we please, and we ask for nothing more.

Then do it. What’s stopping you? Go live free with whom you please. That way, you can start weeding from there. You will always find something to complain about.  You’ll split and split and the perfection you hold dear to your heart will surprise you.

There is nothing more meaningful or important in human life than the preservation of one’s genetic interests.  This is Nature’s very purpose, this transmission of information into the morrow.  Do people love other children more than their own?  No, of course not.  But all the places where their genes reside - most concentratedly in their children, then in their extended family, then in their ethny - are loved by normal men and women.

Sounds good, doesn’t it? 

Only in the postmodern West is this love subjected to an endless stream of denegration, denial and delegitimisation, slowly poisoning us morally and spiritually.  This is the real fruit of the hyper-individualism you promote.  This is the power elite’s game, the Jewish ethnocentrist’s game.  Atomised and overwhelmed, we “individuals” cannot grasp its direction and cannot fight its power.  To fight it ... to live ... we have to come together, which is what you, like the rest, would deny us.

Too bad. Find something else to care about, something like making sure humans are even part of the planet in the future. That’s something to come together over.

Be careful who you label.  The racist is always a claimant to human exception.  You do not understand, I know, but in the present circumstance, you are the racist for demanding an exceptional sacrifice on the part of European peoples.  You deny them ownership of themselves, their lands and resources, as if there is some objective justice to losing these things to foreigners and free-riders.

And how many Europeans have denied others ownership of their land, of themselves, and resources? Let’s see: Native Americans, blacks, and even their own kind. And no one free rides more than whites, riding on the backs of other accomplished whites.  It’s funny how this is dismissed, when in fact this is a universal things. Get a life.

What you have contributed to Europe’s children is nothing.  You have taken much though, and have the gall to lay claim to moral superiority through it.  And what kind of man accords himself “a higher level of humanity”.  This is really quite monstrous narcissism.  Do you not know that the truly superior man is humble in spirit.

And Europe and its children have taken more. I am morally superior than you and a higher level of human because I can look past the idiocy of genetic preservation in a world populated by so many of different stock. Sorry, you’re just a selfish person, only concerned with the plight of white people.  I am concerned with the plight of all people.

No people can justly take themselves to another’s land and claim equal rights to it and its resources.

Too funny. How about claiming superior rights to it and its resources, killing off the natives, and essentially saying,“eff-you, we’re here now, get over it.”? The legacy of Europe and its children. Karma dictates ones medicine will be tasted eventually, and the father pays for the son sins. I, however, wish this not to happen.

You are too ignorant to know whether you are outclassed, obviously
If it helps you sleep better at night.


Posted by DaveJohns on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:14 | #

Tired Idiot is probably a young women in her college years parroting what her Marxist professors are filling her head with. I take what she says as a comedic sideshow.


Posted by Lurker on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 01:23 | #

Then do it. What’s stopping you? Go live free with whom you please”

Mr Idiots, it may come as a surprise to you but that already happens to some extent, its called white flight.

By why flight?

Because we are not allowed to live with whom we please, thats illegal in many places, so we vote with our feet.

And how many Europeans have denied others ownership of their land, of themselves, and resources?

So your claim is that as some Europeans have done bad stuff in past times its OK to do it to them. That kind of takes morality out of the argument though doesnt it. You can do it to us, we can do it to you, its all about who is winning then.

I am morally superior than you and a higher level of human because I can look past the idiocy of genetic preservation in a world populated by so many of different stock

This diversity annoys you in some way, sounds like you are making an argument for genocide there my friend. But funnily enough, out of the worlds major ethnic groupings there seems to only one scheduled for destruction.

Sorry, you’re just a selfish person, only concerned with the plight of white people.  I am concerned with the plight of all people

Which means white people effectively supporting all people doesnt it. If not, where is my fair share of Venezuelas oil, of South Africa’s gold?


Posted by James Bowery on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 02:46 | #

Idiot says: Then do it. What’s stopping you? Go live free with whom you please.

Two main things:  Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965, although there are a lot of other things that followed on the heels of these abominations.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 03:35 | #

Interesting post by Voir Dire in the “What happened to Britain?” thread over at VNN:

Voir Dire Says:

7 September, 2008 at 2:32 pm

“Our people just didn’t choose to self-destruct, they’re being purposely controlled and misled.”

No, they didn’t Mark…It was the usual anti-Gentilic culprits who orchestrated the Brit’s dispossession. And a book that fails to address this truth isn’t worth reading (and likely wouldn’t have been published if it HAD.)

“[To lower the birth rate, we will] “…squeeze consumers through taxation and inflation; make housing very scarce by limiting construction; force wives and mothers to work outside the home to offset the inadequacy of male wages, yet provide few child care facilities; encourage immigration to the cities by providing low wages in the country and providing few rural jobs; increase congestion in the cities by starving the transit system; increase personal insecurity by encouraging conditions that produce unemployment and by haphazard political arrests.”

—E. Grebenik, “On Controlling Population Growth,” in Biology and the Human Sciences. (ed.) J.W.S. Pringle, Herbert Spencer Lectures, 1970, Oxford 1970

Eugene Grebenik CB, known as “Grebby” (20 July 1919, Kiev-14 October 2001, Oxford) was a central figure in the development of demography in Britain and the first director of the British Civil Service College.

Grebenik was the only son and elder child of Schulim Grebenik (1887–1972), estate agent, and his wife, Lea Helene, née Lopatizkaya (1894–1985), a qualified lawyer, both Jewish. He had a sister, Renata Rosalie. The family moved to Danzig in 1920, then to Berlin, and finally, after the rise of Adolf Hitler, to England in 1933. Grebenik could eventually speak eleven languages but none like a native.

In 1970 Grebenik was appointed the first principal of the Civil Service College at Sunningdale. He left the college in 1976 to conduct research at the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys, working with Abraham Manie Adelstein and John Fox, where he remained until he retired in 1984.

Grebenik was secretary-general of the International Union for the Scientific Study of Population from 1963 to 1973. He organised three of the IUSSP’s four-yearly general population conferences, including the one held in Belgrade in 1965 in conjunction with the second United Nations world population conference. He was also president of the British Society for Population Studies from 1979 to 1981. Among other honours, In 1997, he was the first recipient of the Olivia Schieffelin Nordberg award from the Population Council in New York.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 03:56 | #

GW: “We are not religionists but empiricists, dictating nothing but explaining unwaveringly that what is good is what is adaptive. “

First, there are phalanxes of empiricists who say that race does not exist and that diversity is a virtue. Second, only as the Church has broken down and been co-opted by liberal democracy has multiculturalism shown its ugly head.

Idiots: “Sorry, you’re just a selfish person, only concerned with the plight of white people.  I am concerned with the plight of all people.”

These guys aren’t saying that one should never, ever care about the plight of a non-white person. On the other hand, they say that race is an extended family and that kin have a moral priority over non-kin. Since they put the interests of a group over that of the individual, this is unselfish by definition.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 05:10 | #

“First, there are phalanxes of empiricists who say that race does not exist and that diversity is a virtue.” - The Monitor

But what is true?  Twin studies firmly establish the heritability of intelligence.  Studies firmly establish the intractability of disparities in group average IQ.  Who will you believe?  Ethnically motivated hacks like Gould, Lewontin, Diamond (who advocates genetic testing to see who gets into Israel and who doesn’t BTW), and Boas?  Or true men of science like MacDonald, Rushton, Lynn, and Jensen.

Robert Putnam, a liberal political scientist, sat on his findings for years because he didn’t like the conclusions that his investigation brought him to: diversity (yes, genetic diversity) breaks down the bonds of community.

History is also a teacher: contrast a mud hut with the Notre Dame cathedral.  That contrast is, I believe, comprehensively illustrative of the cultural differences that are ultimately rooted in genetics.

Even high IQ northeast Asians lack the Promethean creative spirit of the White man. 

If our genetic constitution is compromised we will have lost everything.  We will no longer be ourselves. 

We must fight against this explicitly; there is nothing unrespectable about that and nothing less will be effective.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 05:58 | #

“But what is true?”

I’m not saying I agree with the establishment. I am pointing out that mere empiricism is not enough to demonstrate truth claims. You have to have an operating scheme to sort things out. Usually such things must be taken on faith.

After all, people have been defending kith and kin for millenia before the rise of empirical science. Only in modern times has ruling class run around claiming that AIDS babies in Soweto matter as much as their own children.

“Even high IQ northeast Asians lack the Promethean creative spirit of the White man.”

Except that what you call the “Promethean creative spirit” has mutated into modern individualism, which is killing us. Asian civilization may be sliding in decadence, following our lead, but their indefinite survival is beyond question.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 06:14 | #

Perhaps all of you informed fighters for the white race can explain to me what would be the perfect scenario to ensure the survival of white people. How do gay whites factor into this? What about white Jews? What would be the first steps? And how do you eventually hope to end up?

Thank you.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 06:48 | #

“Usually such things must be taken on faith.” - The Monitor

Did George Washington actually exist or was I lied to?  Is their an army of invisible monkeys standing on my friend’s shoulder?  He tells me it is so.  Is it?  Epistemology 101.

“After all, people have been defending kith and kin for millenia before the rise of empirical science.” - The Monitor

But science/empiricism is now what has clout.  If we are to sway the minds of those we need to sway we will have to address them thusly.  The case has already been made; it is air tight and only getting tighter (Dr. James Watson - soon the genes that code for higher intelligence will be discovered).

“Except that what you call the “Promethean creative spirit” has mutated into modern individualism, which is killing us.” - The Monitor

We seek to address that.  The Church (in all its manifestations) is so corrupted as to be of little help.  But don’t worry, Christianity is now the only religion imaginable for Western man.  Those who think they can replace it with something like Cosmotheism are seriously off their nut.  If Western man is annihilated (yes, that is what we face, therefore, we are justified is using any and all necessary means to defend ourselves, however much we may regret it - this is war) so too will Christianity be - except, perhaps, that incarnation practiced by savages.

We have common cause.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 07:04 | #

“What about white Jews? “

Here goes:

The idiot version of White Nationalism hold that Jews have a monopoly on political power. So everything bad in the world can be blamed on Jews. Further, they believe that all Jews are secretly working to exterminate the White race so that they can be the only ruling class on the planet. In order to solve this problem, they want all Jews ethnically cleansed or exterminated. Many of these people think Christianity is a subset of Judaism, to the extent that Christians would be next to go after the Jews, After all the bloodletting, “the Promethean creative spirit of the White man” will run free and create a new era of peace and prosperity.

While I am on Right myself, I consider this sort of thing an awful fantasy of bloodlust, to say the least. It distracts people from more serious, prudent and non-genocidal strategies for preserving Western Civilization.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 07:14 | #

Oh, this is going to be one bloody planet, then.  I take the extermination of blacks, Asians and impure whites will then follow, right?  Gonna need a boat for all that blood, aren’t I? Wow.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 07:19 | #

“Did George Washington actually exist or was I lied to?”

Dunno. Did Hitler order gas chambers to kill Jews? Same problem.

“But science/empiricism is now what has clout.”

For how long? Just a few years ago, we lived in a postmodernist society where science was dead and everybody was entitled to create their own private narrative of reality. The elites will switch in and out of empiricism when it is politically feasible.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 07:31 | #

“I take the extermination of blacks, Asians and impure whites will then follow, right?”

WNs aren’t clear on this. They tend to say that non-whites and White liberals are simply puppets of the Jews. Presumably they would want these people run out of Western nations. I guess that people who are W but not N would be re-educated or something.

People like me would be toast, just as the Nazis went after right wingers who were Hitler-skeptics.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 07:48 | #

The Monitor,

Nobody here advocates the extermination of anyone.  Didn’t you read the “Filling in the Empirical Gaps” thread?

However, have Jews openly advocated the extermination of White people in the past?  Check out Kaufman’s “Germany Must Perish”.  In it, he advocated the castration of every German male of a certain age so that Germans would perish within a generation.  How about the Morgenthau (Jew) in which he advocated de-industrializing Germany which would have led to millions of Germans starving to death.

I do not believe in the Holocaust lie.  The National Socialist were certainly not innocent, but I prefer to be accurate in my charges against them.  The worst we Whites have ever done we have done to each other.

Have you read Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique”?  The case he build is so tightly woven and well documented as to be nearly irrefutable.  No, there is no expansive Jewish conspiracy that has spanned centuries.  Individual Jews and a few of their buddies do it on their own; with the rest of the Jewish community swarming to their aid when anyone calls them on their bad behavior.  I’m not sure that speaks anymore for their “character” than if there were a “conspiracy.”

I do not think the Jews are the only problem, but they are a big part of it.  So I call them on it.  Is that unjust?  Its the same damn genetic clustering (Jews) perennially subverting our societies.  Sooner or later you have to call a spade a spade.  Same thing with Negroes: crime, poverty, savagery, loud stupid obnoxious behavior.  At what point are we justified in identifying a pattern, ascribing it to their “nature”, and saying that it is not beneficial for Whites to live along side such people?  Mmmmm?


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:05 | #

And what is the plan to deal with the savagery, poverty, and loud obnoxious behavior of whites?  An Orwellian turn on the wheel while holding up pictures of civilized, well-to-do, and quiet, calm whites? Turning the dial for every inauthentic response? Do share.

At what point are we justified in identifying a pattern, ascribing it to their “nature”, and saying that it is not beneficial for Whites to live along side such people?  Mmmmm?

I’ve yet to hear this perfect white scenario. Please explain the pattern by which all white people would find beneficial. Thank you.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:33 | #

“And what is the plan to deal with the savagery, poverty, and loud obnoxious behavior of whites?” - Tired of Being Deluded

Oh?  Is that why you choose to live amongst us?  Because we are just the most savage brutes on the block?

Be honest with yourself.  We have the best thing going and you know it.  Why else are you here? 

What we do with our own malefactors is our business and none of yours.  What you do with your malefactors is your business and none of ours.  Sound fair?

Our race is our extended family.  Do you want me intruding on your family business?

“I’ve yet to hear this perfect white scenario.” - Tired…Well, Just Plain Tired

Here goes:

1.) Humane repatriation back to their native homelands of a significant number of non-Whites.  We are willing to pay them to leave, handsomely.  They will be able to live like kings.

2.) Pro-White content of education and media.  We have a right to a culture that reflects the highest values of OUR people and that serves the well-being thereof; not Jewish, Negro, and Mestizo degeneracy.

3.) A crack down on miscegenation (race-mixing).  Either the more moderate step of stigmatizing it (through said education and media) or the more extreme step of outlawing it; as it once was not so long ago in these United States.

4.) A crash course in pro-natalist policies for Whites only.  We need to up our birth rates back to replacement level (which is about 2.1 children per woman on average in a modern industrialized society).  Paying out “baby bonuses” to White women who have White children is a good start.

5.) A new anti-liberal, anti-individualist philosophy that will be implemented at the level of government.  Our lands are for OUR people, forever.  We cannot allow this to happen to us again.  So shall we rule, so shall we write our laws.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:38 | #

“And what is the plan to deal with the savagery, poverty, and loud obnoxious behavior of whites?”

Eugenics. They thought of that one.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 08:55 | #

“Nobody here advocates the extermination of anyone.”

This is one of the more sophisticated WN sites. Pierce obviously supported it. Linder still does, at least in the case of Jews.

Check out Kaufman’s “Germany Must Perish”

Kaufman was a crank in Manhattan. Few, if any, Jews in Germany had such ideas.

Have you read Dr. Kevin MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique”?

Yes. He doesn’t prove the sort of diabolism that is attributed to Jews.

Its the same damn genetic clustering (Jews) perennially subverting our societies.

Then how come the Jews were a cultural backwater between Masada and the Dreyfus Affair?

“I do not believe in the Holocaust lie.”

Liberals deny race by the same reasoning that you deny the Holocaust. They claim that those who make the heretical conclusion twist the evidence in their favor. This is an example of why I don’t think that empirical evidence can resolve cultural disputes.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 09:36 | #

“Eugenics. They thought of that one.” - The Monitor

I don’t advocate some of the more odious eugenic practices.  But what’s wrong with curing genetic maladies?

“This is one of the more sophisticated WN sites. Pierce obviously supported it. Linder still does, at least in the case of Jews.” - The Monitor

Yes, that’s why I like MR.  I’ve condemned Pierce for that in previous posts and stuck up for Christianity as establishing a standard of pity.  Pierce is dead, the worms have got him now.  What Linder says is his business.

“Kaufman was a crank in Manhattan. Few, if any, Jews in Germany had such ideas.” - The Monitor

A crank who just happened to get publicity for his rubbish book in the Jew York Times: owned by Jews.  Go figure.

“Yes. He doesn’t prove the sort of diabolism that is attributed to Jews.” - The Monitor

Let me see: our people don’t exist, we are a social construct (Boas - Jew).  The “construct” (HaHa!) of the White race must be abolished (Ignatiev - Jew).  Cellar, responsible for the 1965 Immigration-Genocide Act (Jew).  Richard Perle and Paul Wolfowitz, architects of the Iraq war to make the world safe for IsraHell’s territorial expansion (Jews). 

Earl Raab (Jew) of Brandeis University’s Institute of Jewish Advocacy wrote in his column in the San Francisco Jewish Bulletin quote:

“The Census Bureau has just reported that about half of the American population will soon be non-white or non-European. And they will all be American citizens. We have tipped beyond the point where a Nazi-Aryan party will be able to prevail in this country. We [presumably he means Jewish activists] have been nourishing the American climate of opposition to ethnic bigotry for about half a century.”

“Then how come the Jews were a cultural backwater between Masada and the Dreyfus Affair?” - The Monitor

Then how come the Germanic tribes were a cultural backwater when Rome was at its peak?

“Liberals deny race by the same reasoning that you deny the Holocaust. They claim that those who make the heretical conclusion twist the evidence in their favor. This is an example of why I don’t think that empirical evidence can resolve cultural disputes.” - The Monitor

Liberal deny race based upon pseudo-science and fire, shun, and even throw in jail opponents.  They refuse to even debate opponents.  Germar Rudolf did chemical tests on supposed “gas chambers” described by “eye-witnesses” at Auschwitz and DID NOT FIND the residue from the Zyklon-B upon the walls that would have been their if people were indeed gassed there.  Guess where he is: jail.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 09:56 | #

Oh?  Is that why you choose to live amongst us?  Because we are just the most savage brutes on the block?

Be honest with yourself.  We have the best thing going and you know it.  Why else are you here? 

To be honest, this best thing going on was achieved through the hard work of whites and non-whites alike. I often wonder why Europeans didn’t just stay in Europe? It’s almost as if they sought out others to live among (to subjugate as well). There must some benefit to straying.

1.) Humane repatriation back to their native homelands of a significant number of non-Whites.  We are willing to pay them to leave, handsomely.  They will be able to live like kings.

I take this applies only to Europe, right? Because America, Africa and Australia are not native to whites. Perhaps, one can petition the the governments of Europe to allow a white land, where white Christians can live freely.  Completely voluntary, too. Kind of like a white Israel. Yeah, what would call this white only land? Liechtenstein II?

2.) Pro-White content of education and media.  We have a right to a culture that reflects the highest values of OUR people and that serves the well-being thereof; not Jewish, Negro, and Mestizo degeneracy.

Um, this is already in effect. I take it you mean NO REPRESENTATION of any other group besides white.  So. in essence, white children are to be taught they are the only people on earth? Sounds cultish, but in Liechtenstein II it could work.

3.) A crack down on miscegenation (race-mixing).  Either the more moderate step of stigmatizing it (through said education and media) or the more extreme step of outlawing it; as it once was not so long ago in these United States.

Hmm. So make it against the law for one race to mix with another?  Not gonna work. People will fight it. Stigmatizing it? Perhaps in isolated conditions this would work.  Could definitely work in Liechtenstein II.

4.) A crash course in pro-natalist policies for Whites only.  We need to up our birth rates back to replacement level (which is about 2.1 children per woman on average in a modern industrialized society).  Paying out “baby bonuses” to White women who have White children is a good start.

Again, keeping ‘em barefoot and pregnant could work in Liechtenstein II, but in the western world, the white woman has had a bite of the apple. Hedonism reigns. Paying for your women to sleep with white men is sad. Have white men slid so low on the totem pole, they have to pay to keep their genes alive? You definitely have to get that petition going.

5.) A new anti-liberal, anti-individualist philosophy that will be implemented at the level of government.  Our lands are for OUR people, forever.  We cannot allow this to happen to us again.  So shall we rule, so shall we write our laws.

Please elaborate on anti-liberal?  Does this mean the gays and feminists should start pack their gas masks?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 09:57 | #


Very weak response.  You have provided me with barely anything to which to respond.  You even admit to your genocidalism which you seek to defend on the basis that our forefathers colonised America and colonialised much of the rest of the world.  You’re a South Asian, right?  You understand, then, that India benefitted from the technological and civilisational superiority of Britain, and Indians were not genocided.

Indeed, in terms of benefit there is some - perhaps not much - justification for expansionism.  Would Indians want to forego the benefits of modernity?

But racism is plainly no justification.  The Raj was not a racial expansionism.  It was undertaken not by the British people but by their political and commercial elites.  But your expansionism into the West is highly racial in character, isn’t it?

“I am concerned with the plight of all people.”

With one exception, of course.  But that’s why you are a racist.

But, actually, I do not believe you are this compassionate Higher Man.  I think you are a liar and a narcissist.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:07 | #

Very weak response.  You have provided me with barely anything to which to respond.  You even admit to your genocidalism which you seek to defend on the basis that our forefathers colonised America and colonialised much of the rest of the world.  You’re a South Asian, right?  You understand, then, that India benefitted from the technological and civilisational superiority of Britain, and Indians were not genocided.

Indeed, in terms of benefit there is some - not much, perhaps - justification for expansionism.  Would Indians want to forego the benefits of modernity?  But racism is plainly no justification.  The Raj was not a racial expansionism.  It was undertaken not by the British people but by their political and commercial elites.  But your expansionism into the West is highly racial in character, isn’t it?

No, I am not South Asian. In no way do I support genocide, I am just trying to get a better understanding of the end result of this movement. I want to know how this is going to work in a world where whites and white Christians are out extremely outnumbered, and also carry the burden of their father’s sins.

But, actually, I do not believe you are this compassionate Higher Man.  I think you are a liar and a narcissist.

If it makes you sleep better.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:16 | #

Perhaps all of you informed fighters for the white race can explain to me what would be the perfect scenario to ensure the survival of white people. How do gay whites factor into this? What about white Jews? What would be the first steps? And how do you eventually hope to end up?

Some form of permanent, impenetrable territorial separation would be the ideal.  Ironically, despite the fury with which “segregation” is resisted by elites, it’s a solution that is in fact most beneficial for all, white, black, brown and yellow alike. 

“Diversity” is occasionally experienced as beneficial, but on balance it is quite an ordeal, for white and non-white alike.  Most people give up trying to “make it work” and simply vote with their feet to a neighborhood composed largely of their own kind.  A few ideological (likely unexamined—possibly from fear of what they may discover) diversitists exert massive efforts to experience diversity positively, but outside of select settings (eg universities) there is little evidence that living under diverse conditions is an improvement over homogeneity. 

Even assuming there are certain benefits attached to diversity, no sane planner considers benefits in isolation from costs, and so it should be with diversity, whose costs are enormous.  The only rational option left then is, far from encouraging and creating further diversity, to reverse diversity.  Much of the legwork in this regard has already been done by individuals themselves, who, as mentioned, vote with their feet.  A reasonable first step would be, as I think another poster here, Desmond Jones, proposed, to make the de facto de jure.  From there, the reasoning can be extended: if homogenous neighborhoods are an improvement over diverse ones, so would geographical territories on the scale of countries, and work can commence towards effecting an assortative migration towards designated racial territories.  The process would be smoothed by the close correlation of culture with race, meaning that people of the same racial categories share the sorts of cultural similarities which, aside from race alone, lead them towards preferring to live around each other. A gradual assortative migration is pragmatically preferable, since it allows time for people to work through their feelings, including often positive feelings for individuals of other races from whom they are to separate. 

Obviously the question arises of who is who and who should go where and get what.  Resolving this question is proving acrimonious, as the tendency is for people on the margins of whiteness to sue for complete acceptance, with an accompanying reaction from those who would withhold it.  Personally, my hope is that with increasing participation from “culturally established” non or marginal whites (those who were raised in and embrace white culture) as they begin to appreciate what is being destroyed by the immigration invasion and the magnitude of what yet stands to be lost the acrimony—and the abrasive, self-defeating language it so often results in—might subside, and solutions can be rationally discussed in an atmosphere of mutual respect.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:21 | #

Liberal deny race based upon pseudo-science and fire, shun, and even throw in jail opponents.  They refuse to even debate opponents.  Germar Rudolf did chemical tests on supposed “gas chambers” described by “eye-witnesses” at Auschwitz and DID NOT FIND the residue from the Zyklon-B upon the walls that would have been their if people were indeed gassed there.  Guess where he is: jail.

Debating the holocaust dissipates energies better applied elsewhere.  Exterminationists have, however grudgingly, begun to answer revisionist arguments in detail, with the result that building a pro-white movement on the basis of categorical denial is worse than useless.  Pointing out that the gassings are the one historical event people in democratic countries (not all, of course) can be stripped of their livelihoods for and thrown in jail should suffice to make the point, I think.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:26 | #

So make it against the law for one race to mix with another?  Not gonna work. People will fight it.

Most people even today oppose race-mixing. The difference is that today, people are not willing to stop other people from mixing. Those who support race-mixing often have some other barrier that acts as a proxy; they won’t marry outside their church or political party, for example. Others will accept a white guy with a Korean wife, but cringe at a black man with a white wife.

Perhaps, one can petition the the governments of Europe to allow a white land, where white Christians can live freely.  Completely voluntary, too. Kind of like a white Israel.

There are people who want this. The United States ran on this principle until the 20th Century.

keeping ‘em barefoot and pregnant could work in Liechtenstein II [but] the white woman has had a bite of the apple. Hedonism reigns

Barefoot and pregnant is a biological function.  Hedonism is a ticket to cultural suicide, regardless of one’s view on race. Get over it.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:44 | #

a world where whites and white Christians are out extremely outnumbered

The WN would respond that the whites have a right to exist, regardless of whether or not they are outnumbered. Do the Persians have a right to exist? The Japanese? The Kurds? Put another way: why shouldn’t the English have the same right to self-determination as the Israelis?

Please elaborate on anti-liberal?

They mean opposed to free trade, globalisation and laissez-faire capitalism.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:49 | #

I think what we have here is a particular way of life.  No one wants to address the other whites (gays, lesbians, buddhists, feminists, Catholics, Muslims, Hindus, even the mixed races).  My solution: start a cult, set up land somewhere, attempt to secede and be put out of your misery.  Again, get a life; find another hobby; and focus on humans being left on this planet in the near future.  Or petition to Europe to set aside a place for conservative, Christian whites who pay for their genes to be reproduced.  We’ll check back with you in a few decades to see how the civil war between blondes and brunettes faired. Idiots.

When all the scapegoats are gone, you’ll see just how savage you really are.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:49 | #

I want to know how this is going to work in a world where whites and white Christians are out extremely outnumbered,

You could ask the Japanese, who are even more outnumbered but have managed to save their territory for themselves.

But come, this obviously silly: ever group is vastly outnumbered by the rest of the world.  There is only one group, to my knowledge, for whom it is considered sinful to attempt to deny access to their lands to the rest of the world tyring desperately to enter them. 

and also carry the burden of their father’s sins.

Doesn’t seem to overly concern the Japs.  (Why don’t Muslims carry the burden of their fathers’ sins?  Not only don’t they, they are continuing their fathers’ work.)


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:51 | #

“Yeah, what would call this white only land? Liechtenstein II?” - Tired of Being an Idiot

Yeah, that will do.  We are going to rename Europe, North America, Russia, Australia, and New Zealand Liechtenstein II.  We are going to take it all back, baby.  Bank on it.  That includes the American Southwest: adios Mestizoes!

“Have white men slid so low on the totem pole, they have to pay to keep their genes alive?” - Idiots on Parade

When’s the last time you got eyeballed by a White man, sweety?  I’ll bet its been awhile.  White men tend to be turned off by obesity.  Best get on that StairMaster or you’ll be stuck with a Negro for a hubby.  Your kids will have low IQs and be Welfare dependents for the balance of their lives.  Start climbing those stairs.

“... white Christians are out extremely outnumbered…” - Tired of Not Getting Any White men

White man have Big Magic that make Big Boom (nuclear bombs - Kaboom, Kaboom!).

“I want to know how this is going to work…” - Tired of Being Ignored by Even the Negroes

I can just see you tilting for fat, piggish, sagging jowled head with devilish, coquettish glee as you type you asinine drivel.  I think I’m in love.  No seriously, you’re a half-wit troll.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 10:55 | #

Again, get a life; find another hobby; and focus on humans being left on this planet in the near future.

I wonder who will feed the negroes of Africa when all the whites are gone.  Somehow, I can’t see Indians and Chinese tearing their clothes off in agony for Africa’s failure to develop (or even merely feed itself).


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:04 | #

Oh, and this “movement” seems like a swan song for the inevitable death of white privilege.

But come, this obviously silly: ever group is vastly outnumbered by the rest of the world.  There is only one group, to my knowledge, for whom it is considered sinful to attempt to deny access to their lands to the rest of the world tyring desperately to enter them.

Yeah, but whites are considerably outnumbered.  I’m serious, why haven’t you all tried to get land in Europe for your cause?  Please answer this.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:07 | #


What burden of past “sins” does my offspring bear?  What must she be damned for?  Does she also get to be thanked for her forefather’s virtues?  After all, my little country bestowed upon the world a vast heritage of technological progress and constitutional arts - the former, particularly, increasing the carrying capacity of the Third World enormously.  It is no exaggeration to say that you would not be alive today without that increase.

So, will you thank my daughter for your very life?  No, because you are a racist who hates her ethnic group.  Everything you are saying is, in reality, predicated on that.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:08 | #


Insulting me doesn’t answer my legitimate questions. Oh, and Europe is the ancestral home of whites, but your planning to take back land that isn’t even yours to begin with?  Oh, dear.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:13 | #

What burden of past “sins” does my offspring bear?  What must she be damned for?  Does she also get to be thanked for her forefather’s virtues?  After all, my little country bestowed upon the world a vast heritage of technological progress and constitutional arts - the former, particularly, increasing the carrying capacity of the Third World enormously.  It is no exaggeration to say that you would not be alive today without that increase.

So, will you thank my daughter for your very life?  No, because you are a racist who hates her ethnic group.  Everything you are saying is, in reality, predicated on that.

The same burden other non-white bear: human nature. And it is a shame that your daughter will be damned for the idiocy of others. Perhaps, her forefathers cared about the world and its people. I take it that particular nasty genetic malady won’t be spoken about?


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:22 | #

“Insulting me doesn’t answer my legitimate questions.” - Inbred Idiot

The very pseudonym you have adopted in an insult.  If you want a White man to go out with you so badly why not just go down to the local Honky Tonk?  Put on your girdle, try to smile, be nice, buy the guy a drink or five.  Three sheets to the wind and beer goggles firmly in place he just might take you…places.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:25 | #

The very pseudonym you have adopted in an insult.  If you want a White man to go out with you so badly why not just go down to the local Honky Tonk?  Put on your girdle, try to smile, be nice, buy the guy a drink or five.  Three sheets to the wind and beer goggles firmly in place he just might take you…places.

You’re the resident comedian, right?  If so, I demand you get a raise.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:43 | #

“You’re the resident comedian, right?  If so, I demand you get a raise.” - Tired of Negroes, Needs a White man

Ever see that speech David Horowitz gave at Duke University on C-SPAN?  There was this young sociology Professor who came on all innocent, all the little minx. 

It went something like this:

Little Minx: “Oooooh, happy birthday, Mr.  President.  Oooooh, I mean…you’re a racist, fascist, evil nazi…Mmmmr.  Horowitz.  Did you read my book?  Did I make your list?”

Horowitz:  “Shut up, ill-bred twerp!  The answer is no.  You’re too dumb!  Of course you didn’t make my list!”

Sometimes honey isn’t even enough to attract dem der flies.

Show the White man some love.  Buy him a drink, sweety.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:45 | #

I just finished reading the Race FAQ, and find it to be well written and informative. I am in full support of the voluntary preservation of whites, but there is something about this current movement that has pockets of hate. The hate is the issue, the impediment.  You guys need a front. How can we go about that?  And please answer my question regarding whites of an alternative lifestyle (gays, ones with mixed children, feminists, disabled, the whites of various religions, even the obese ones that Captainachos is so fond of.)



Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:49 | #

Ever see that speech David Horowitz gave at Duke University on C-SPAN?  There was this young sociology Professor who came on all innocent, all the little minx.

It went something like this:

Little Minx: “Oooooh, happy birthday, Mr.  President.  Oooooh, I mean…you’re a racist, fascist, evil nazi…Mmmmr.  Horowitz.  Did you read my book?  Did I make your list?”

Horowitz:  “Shut up, ill-bred twerp!  The answer is no.  You’re too dumb!  Of course you didn’t make my list!”

Sometimes honey isn’t even enough to attract dem der flies.

Show the White man some love.  Buy him a drink, sweety.

A raise, I tell you. smile


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 11:53 | #

I don’t think many are overly concerned about faggots or—as long as they keep their practises behind closed doors and off TV screens—or “alternative” lifestyles.  Race first, culture second is the principle.  With race you can get the culture later, but without race, the culture hardly matters.

Mixed children belong to whichever non-white race they’re mixed with; they almost always carry the features of the non-white group and are accepted much more readily by the non-white group and identify with it on their own accord.

The “hate” is definitely an issue. It’s disappointing that so few notice it.  It puts off its target audience and has delayed progress for years.  “Tired Idiots” (and “silvers,” I might add) don’t make it any easier, but WNs will simply have to learn to hold themselves to a higher standard—too much rests on it to do otherwise.  (Cap’n has a lot to learn in this regard.)


Posted by Tired of Genocide (aka Fred Scrooby) on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:04 | #

“No seriously, you’re a half-wit troll.”  (—CC, addressing “Tired of Idiots”)

Same goes for “The Monitor.”  He ruined Prozium’s threads for months on end, made it unbearable even to log onto the site.  Pray God he’s not planning to latch onto now!  If The Monitor dares to hang around here I strongly suggest he be IP-banned.  He’s worse than leprosy, AIDS, cancer, and that flesh-eating bacteria all rolled into one piece of sickening disease.  Trust me on this:  I saw this creepy, crawly, slithering, slimy, cognitive misfit and freak in action for months on end over at Proze’s.  When I first glimpsed him showing up here at MR I almost died.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:14 | #

Mixed children belong to whichever non-white race they’re mixed with; they almost always carry the features of the non-white group and are accepted much more readily by the non-white group and identify with it on their own accord.

Really?  So a white parent would have to abandon their child?  Are you serious?  Even if said child is just like every all white child? The rate white women are mixing in with other races, Liechtenstein II will be quite barren.  You might have resort to that above-average intelligence to find a way to impregnate men.  I guess that’s where the “faggots” come in, hunh?  No, there will have to be exceptions.  Too strict, another impediment.  Hedonism has saturated Western culture, and that is your first appeal.

The “hate” is definitely an issue. It’s disappointing that so few notice it.  It puts off its target audience and has delayed progress for years.  “Tired Idiots” (and “silvers,” I might add) don’t make it any easier, but WNs will simply have to learn to hold themselves to a higher standard—too much rests on it to do otherwise.  (Cap’n has a lot to learn in this regard.)

Glad we agree. Maybe some of those “faggots” will, too.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:47 | #

Tired, I said nothing about a mother having to abandon child.  The (rather obvious) point is that the racial category a mixed child belongs in is the one it looks like it belongs in.  If a racial partition gets under way while the child is young, the mother goes with the child.  If she’s a regretful mother she has the option of parting ways with her child, though that’s an option we could expect only few mothers to take.  These sorts of details can be hammered out in many possible ways; the important thing is to be talking about in the first place.

Glad we agree. Maybe some of those “faggots” will, too.

So you’re gay, I take it.  Why do you (or faggots if you’re not) insist on making your faggotry the most important, even most salient, aspect of your person?  You have the option of downplaying it or keeping it out of sight the way a “nigger” cannot, hence the “hate” has a vastly different impact, despite faggots being as desperately eager to cash in on victimhood as negroes.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 13:33 | #

“Glad we agree. Maybe some of those “faggots” will, too.” - Tired

Here is the low down (pun intended) on queers.  I really don’t give a shit.  Roll in the hay and go gay all the way so long as you close the barn door.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 13:43 | #

From the “How Many More Innocent People Does George Bush Plan on Murdering?” department:

“ ‘I loved him so much. He was my only child,’ Marten’s father, Vito Kudlis, 36, said Friday as he wept where his [three-year-old] son died near East Mississippi Avenue and South Havana Street.”

President Bush killed this child.  He took his evil, death-and-destruction-dealing claw and with it snuffed out the life of this baby, this only child of this poor grieving young man. 

How can God ... why does God permit such evil filth as President Bush to walk this earth?  How can God allow such evil to even be born?  Why does God permit it?

This is one of life’s enduring mysteries.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:10 | #

Tired, I said nothing about a mother having to abandon child.  The (rather obvious) point is that the racial category a mixed child belongs in is the one it looks like it belongs in.  If a racial partition gets under way while the child is young, the mother goes with the child.  If she’s a regretful mother she has the option of parting ways with her child, though that’s an option we could expect only few mothers to take.  These sorts of details can be hammered out in many possible ways; the important thing is to be talking about in the first place.

Please be clear: are white mothers or fathers with mixed-race children allowed in Liechtenstein II? If they are not, why? Aren’t they entitled as whites to raise their children in a white culture?

So you’re gay, I take it.  Why do you (or faggots if you’re not) insist on making your faggotry the most important, even most salient, aspect of your person?  You have the option of downplaying it or keeping it out of sight the way a “nigger” cannot, hence the “hate” has a vastly different impact, despite faggots being as desperately eager to cash in on victimhood as negroes.

No, I am not gay. But if I had to take a guess, I’d guess being a gay is the person, that’s their identity.  Maybe they don’t want to downplay it, what’s wrong with that?  Yes, the whole victimhood thing! I guess we can even say this movement reeks of it, too. Strange how that works, isn’t it?

Please answer how long before the weeding out of brunettes and dark whites in Liechtenstein II?



Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:44 | #

“Please be clear: are white mothers or fathers with mixed-race children allowed in Liechtenstein II? If they are not, why? Aren’t they entitled as whites to raise their children in a white culture?” - Tired

From the perspective of the long-term survival of the group failure to propagate the group (having no children by choice, having an insufficient amount of children, or miscegenating) is the most basic, fundamental betrayal.  Having betrayed the group in the most basic way, is it not just that the betrayer be banished from the group? 

The reason White men and Women engage in miscegenation is because they figure they can “get away with it.”  They figure they will be allowed to go on living amongst whitey and enjoying all of whitey’s first-world goodies all the while shucking their duty to propagate the group while the rest of us loyal Whites pick up the tab.  Got that? 

If you cheat on your husband (your race) with another man (miscegenation) your husband is perfectly justified in divorcing you (banishing you), taking the kids (separating you from the other members of your race), and keeping the house (taking away all those first-world goodies).  Got that?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:51 | #

Idiot: Please be clear: are white mothers or fathers with mixed-race children allowed in Liechtenstein II?

Silver has answered you well already.

Strange how that works, isn’t it?

Victimology is used against European victims.  That’s how it works.

Please answer how long before the weeding out of brunettes and dark whites in Liechtenstein II?

That’s in very bad faith.  I’ve already told you that you don’t know what you are talking about.  Instead you interpolate, which is the actions of a hater.

I think it’s time for you to quit the thread.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 14:52 | #

Please be clear: are white mothers or fathers with mixed-race children allowed in Liechtenstein II? If they are not, why? Aren’t they entitled as whites to raise their children in a white culture?

It’s about race first, culture second.  Mixed children aren’t white, so they deserve to be raised and live among whichever race they are closest to.  This can sound unduly harsh, until you consider that if permitted every mixer would wish to live among whites and since the children are non-white you’d again have the mixed society that separation is designed to undo.

Since it’s not a matter of clicking one’s fingers and bringing separation into being, it’s a process that would have to occur over a period of time.  As such, certain mixed children would by default be raised in “white culture.”  Ultimately, what is best for them, however, is to establish cultural affinity with members of the racial group they are closest to.  Being America, this will to a large extent mean some form of “white culture” anyway.  Further, “liberty” is a fine value and worth preserving no matter the race in question, so there’s nothing that would really prevent any person of any race embracing the best of what white culture has produced, no matter where they live.

But if I had to take a guess, I’d guess being a gay is the person, that’s their identity.  Maybe they don’t want to downplay it, what’s wrong with that?

If they want to be silly about it, I wouldn’t try to stop them. But then I don’t really make much effort to be friendly, or, depending on how insistent they are, even polite to them.  The world doesn’t owe them half as much as they think.  If you wish to be liked, you need to be likeable.  The in-your-face hyperindividualism of organized faggotry doesn’t lend itself to being liked.

Yes, the whole victimhood thing! I guess we can even say this movement reeks of it, too. Strange how that works, isn’t it?

Faggots in today’s world are manufactured victims.  Whites are being dispossed and displaced (not to mention beaten, raped, murdered and told they deserve it at the same time) as we speak; it’s rarely openly discussed but it’s happening as surely as the earth is turning.  That’s real victimhood.

Please answer how long before the weeding out of brunettes and dark whites in Liechtenstein II?

You can be silly about it if you that helps assuage the anxieties these discussions give you.  That’s one of the problems on the race taboo: people think they’re living in happy multiculti nirvana until they find that “the racists” were making perfectly good sense all along, which shatters that picture and throws their world into disarray. 

After you calm down, you might wish to learn a few things about races, genetics, heredity, intelligence and the future of civilization.  If you’re going to oppose white survival, at least do it intelligently.


Posted by wjg on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 15:06 | #


You say…

“So “liberate” your enemy’s females by seducing them, with money and “independence”, into a high stress workplace within two income trap families and you exterminate their genes without so much as a peep from the UN’s commission on human rights!”

All those factors are important in reducing White fecundity in general and eugenic fecundity in particular.  Another one where our enemy has been even more successful is in indoctrinating our females towards barrenness as an absolute good to help save the environment or some other act of salvation as the judeo-liberal equivalent of monasticism demands.  Short of self-imposed sterility producing mongrel children allows them to atone for the supposed unique evils of their White forefathers in an act of striving-towards which White folk seem uniquely prone to.  These latter motivations are even scarier than the former you mention as they are evidence of being the member of a cult of self-hatred, nihilism, and death - albeit a cult to which most all Whites now belong.

So our women have been given both a stick from economic and mental pressures and a carrot from conformance to a perverse idealism.  Couple this with the feminine tendency towards favoring comfort and eschewing revolt and we have a genocidal potion.  But ultimately it is the failure of White Man in preventing the rise of judeo-feminism.  Until its effects are controlled much better than now we are in desperate straits.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 15:19 | #

WJG has a good blog.  I was just reading it.  Click where he signs underneath his comments.


Posted by silver on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 15:59 | #

WJG has a good blog.  I was just reading it.  Click where he signs underneath his comments.

It’s a good blog for people who can think to do little else but wallow in misery and angrily lash out at a world leaving them behind.  It’s a good blog for people who love to imagine themselves in a titanic struggle alongside their “white brothers” vs everyone else instead of realising their fellow whites are their greatest foes.  Hell, his own wife doesn’t even get it—his wife!  Great blog.  A few more of these and victory will be all but certain.  Keep up the good work.


Posted by Troll Ferreter on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 18:20 | #

Posted by silver on Monday, September 8, 2008 at 02:59 PM | #

Surely you have an alternative for us?  A site or blog of your own where you methodically lay out the plan for success?  Surely you aren’t just a lying bag of hot air from Brown…Serb…Serb and Greek decent?


Posted by wjg on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 21:40 | #


I doubt you are even married but for those men that are you are truly blessed if your wives support your “racist” views 100% - hell even 50%.  And as Troll Ferreter said please enlighten us as to some of these things you apparently hold the answer to.  Many of use wait with tingly anticipation.

But then again you are more often than not a troll.  You aren’t interested in James Bowery’s post - just in diverting attention away from it.


Posted by skeptical on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 22:17 | #


I doubt you are even married but for those men that are you are truly blessed if your wives support your “racist” views 100% - hell even 50%.

I’m in solidarity with you over this.

Sometimes I feel like I’ve made great progress in “converting” my wife only to then hear her spout the most inane race-blind remark imaginable.


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 23:19 | #


start a cult, set up land somewhere, attempt to secede and be put out of your misery

This project has been done. It was the American Revolution.

I am in full support of the voluntary preservation of whites, but there is something about this current movement that has pockets of hate.

If you support voluntary preservation, you’ve given the WNs half the argument. If Whitey has a right to exist, how does that work in real life?

I saw this creepy, crawly, slithering, slimy, cognitive misfit and freak in action for months on end over at Proze’s.

I understand your own views enough to fairly explain them. You claim there is some overt Jewish meta-strategy to eliminate the white race. I say this both paranoid and wrong. Worse, it distracts people away from more cogent right-wing ideas that actually make sense.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 23:38 | #

You don’t know what you’er talking about, Monitor, whether it’s to do with me, or my ideas, or race, or the Jews.  You’re a nullity.  I don’t converse with nullities.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 08 Sep 2008 23:51 | #

From the perspective of the long-term survival of the group failure to propagate the group (having no children by choice, having an insufficient amount of children, or miscegenating) is the most basic, fundamental betrayal.  Having betrayed the group in the most basic way, is it not just that the betrayer be banished from the group?

The reason White men and Women engage in miscegenation is because they figure they can “get away with it.” They figure they will be allowed to go on living amongst whitey and enjoying all of whitey’s first-world goodies all the while shucking their duty to propagate the group while the rest of us loyal Whites pick up the tab.  Got that?

If you cheat on your husband (your race) with another man (miscegenation) your husband is perfectly justified in divorcing you (banishing you), taking the kids (separating you from the other members of your race), and keeping the house (taking away all those first-world goodies).  Got that?

What a joke.  Smells Hitleresque.  Children should go with the best qualified parent, and according to you, whites are the best at everything, so the mixed child should go with the white parent.  The fact that a white person will be denied access to Liechtenstein II based on this is idiocy at its best.  And I guess we can forget about American whites altogether, since a large majority of them are “tainted” by Native American blood and to some extent African blood. A lot of your forefathers have contributed to the lightening of African-Americans.  Shame, isn’t it?  And you assume with certainty that the mixed child non-white parent and peoples will accept them yet the whites will not? And white is so civilized and great? Ha.

You can be silly about it if you that helps assuage the anxieties these discussions give you.  That’s one of the problems on the race taboo: people think they’re living in happy multiculti nirvana until they find that “the racists” were making perfectly good sense all along, which shatters that picture and throws their world into disarray.

I don’t know about this.  I think whites, in a big picture form, benefits from having other races around.  It establishes their privilege on a greater level, and the other races get to do the “dirty work.”  That’s going to be a hard pill to swallow when all whites are de-classed, and find their privilege means zero in Liechtenstein II. It’ll be a class war off the back.  Better work that out before petitioning for land.

You can be silly about it if you that helps assuage the anxieties these discussions give you.  That’s one of the problems on the race taboo: people think they’re living in happy multiculti nirvana until they find that “the racists” were making perfectly good sense all along, which shatters that picture and throws their world into disarray.

I have no anxieties about this discussion at all.  I’m enjoying it immensely. I landed here by accident, and so Id thought I get to know you guys a little better.  Seriously, thanks for having me. But take a look at this:

Surely you have an alternative for us?  A site or blog of your own where you methodically lay out the plan for success?  Surely you aren’t just a lying bag of hot air from Brown…Serb…Serb and Greek decent?

Hmm…seems like the weeding is starting ahead of time.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:05 | #


Maybe if you talked less and asked more you might be able to learn something.

For example, Silver came to this blog pretending to be a South Asian.  He’s still paying a price for that deception, and it’s right that he should while he continues to use MR for improper purposes (WJG: “You aren’t interested in James Bowery’s post - just in diverting attention away from it.”)

You are not to know that.  But your argument doesn’t stand as a result of not knowing, OK?

This is a silly example, of course.  There are other matters of substance of which you cannot be expected to have any knowledge.  But no one is going to make too much effort to enlighten you while, like Silver, you don’t deal off the top of the deck.  What is your ethnicity?

I own this blog, and I generally try to avoid banning visitors.  But bad faith is enough for me to act against you, and I will unless you raise your intellectual game and present yourself honestly.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:07 | #

“Smells Hitleresque.” - Idiot

And therein lies your entire argument to the contrary of the practical/physical conditions that are necessary to our survival: “I have a personal aversion to it.”

Either you are a non-White whose Ethnic Genetic Interest (find out for yourself what this means, if you don’t know, I will not waste my time educating you) is served by your attachment to us or you are a twerpish, self-absorbed White who fancies herself clever by feigning daftness (only you fool yourself, I can assure you it is your condition) and suckering her interlocutors into continuously, laboriously expounding upon and repeating their positions while you chortle piggishly to yourself all the while “knowing” that you have the one true “truth”. 

I am done providing you with entertainment, little girl, go play with your Barbies.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:08 | #

I guess we can forget about American whites altogether, since a large majority of them are “tainted” by Native American blood

The Amerindian admixture stuff is fantasy. Most of the people who run around saying they are a part Apache are repeating a fairy tale.

And you assume with certainty that the mixed child non-white parent and peoples will accept them yet the whites will not?

Mixed-race whites are typically brought up by the whites. then identify with the other race. Look how it worked for Barak Obama

Better work that out before petitioning for land.”

This “petitioning for land” stuff is your interpolation.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:26 | #

Mr Idiots - I think whites, in a big picture form, benefits from having other races around.  It establishes their privilege on a greater level

What a load of Marxist bs, you’re going to have to come up with something a whole lot better than that.

This year white teenagers have been knifed to death by blacks in London, guess their families have that greater level of privilege as a consolation. Oh yes, it must be a great comfort to them.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:31 | #

“You claim there is some overt Jewish meta-strategy to eliminate the white race. I say this both paranoid and wrong. Worse, it distracts people away from more cogent right-wing ideas that actually make sense.” - The Monitor

You say you have read MacDonald’s “Culture of Critique”.  MacDonald does not claim that all Jews engage in activities that are damaging to our EGI for the advancement of their own; he claims that the most intelligent, motivate, and ethnocentric Jews assume leadership roles of their community and do thusly.  It is not always conscious: deception as well as self-deception.

So, assuming assuming those Jews are responsible for what MacDonald meticulously documents their guilt of and that ordinary Jews are either unable or unwilling to rein them in what is the solution to the “Jewish Question”?  Or have a crossed some meta-physical barrier of decency in your mind by even posing the question?


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:32 | #

Tired Idiot, I have a question for you: How would you feel if, let’s say, three million Bantus invaded Israel and started to displaced the Israeli citizens and took the jobs that Israelis “refused to do?” Oh, and by the way, those Bantus, due to government mandates, would be entitled to have their children go to Israeli schools, receive food stamps, flood the hospitals emergency rooms resulting in bankrupting those hospitals, causing the crime-rate to skyrocket, demanding citizenship all at the expense of Israeli taxpayers’ dollars…. Would you be okay with that?


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:36 | #

This is a silly example, of course.  There are other matters of substance of which you cannot be expected to have any knowledge.  But no one is going to make too much effort to enlighten you while, like Silver, you don’t deal off the top of the deck.  What is your ethnicity?

I own this blog, and I generally try to avoid banning visitors.  But bad faith is enough for me to act against you, and I will unless you raise your intellectual game and present yourself honestly.

If you feel you must ban me, I am all for it.  I thought in your about section you welcomed different opinions and respected free speech, but I guess that is a fairy tale, too?  It doesn’t matter what my ethnicity is; I am discussing the issues you present by trying to get a better understanding of what the actual plan is.  It seems like a comfort of familiarity happens on blogs like this, i.e., no one has a plan or any real action.  Talking and moaning and complaining to each other and back patting. Ostensibly, the WN movements appears to be concerned with a certain way of life that is not all-inclusive. In a hedonistic society, where there exist graphic pornography, ever visibility and acceptance of homosexuality, race mixing, and the pursuit of instant gratification and extreme pleasure, this strict approach seems futile.  Yes, there is white flight, but it is misleading.  There is a class issue that will be the biggest obstacle (it has always been for whites).  It’s convenient to blame the Jews, but a look at European history will set you straight.  It’s a fact that whites benefit, in a larger scheme, from minorities doing the work they have an aversion to.  Whites are not going to give up the benefits of privilege, money, and perceived goodness just to please some white Christian people with personal issues against Jews and blacks.  There are plenty white saturated places on this earth, and if you were serious, you’d be there in a heart beat.  This movement is personal.  Admit it.

The hate has to come out. It just has too. The fear game is just not strong enough. Society has evolved to the pursuit of pleasure and selfishness. No one cares about the greater good anymore, even if it is affecting them negatively to not to. There’s too much at stake to lose. That is the key info to start with.  Ban me if you must.


Posted by Peter von Arx on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:41 | #

I don’t know why you chaps are wasting your time arguing with this piece of shit. As I keep saying, debate and discussion with the enemy are a bloody waste of time. It’s time to act. Even American preseidential candidate and so-called “libertarian” has admitted as much.

I suppose I’m lucky.  My wife is from a large, prominent Sunni German-Syrian family (based in Syria) and abhors blacks, Jews, Asians, and Mexicans. In fact her whole family opposes non-whites.  They can’t believe the Americans are about to elect a negro for president, and they ask me, “How can it be?!” They have contacts down in Lebanon, in the Bekaa valley, where there are plans being set up to train European nationalist operatives/activists.


Posted by Peter von Arx on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 00:43 | #

Even American preseidential candidate and so-called “libertarian” Ron Paul has admitted as much.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 01:02 | #


There is one unfailing reason why I use the IP ban, and it’s because somebody is using the blog in a disingenuous way.  Believe it or not, there are visitors who hate European people - often been taught to hate them - and are seeking the opportunity to do some harm.  Then there are self-publicists and ego-merchants - all of them quite useless.  Even worse, there are the very ignorant who can scarcely type two words without an expletive.  We’ve seen them all.

The first two categories, in particular, have the capacity to ruin participation for those who come here with good intent - and whose interests I have a duty to protect.

So do I have to protect their interests against you?  Possibly.  You are someone who jumps to feather-weight conclusions and then can’t keep silent about them.  You add literally nothing to the debating process, and you won’t take the hint to slow down and look properly at what you see here before you put your fingers on the keyboard.

Take my advise.  Leave things as they are for now.  Say no more today or for several days.  If you return here, do so on an honest and open basis, and bring proper arguments for your worldview - not simply flippancies about ours. 

I shall not ban you in the interim.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 01:04 | #

The Bekaa Valley?  What’s the flying time for an Israeli F16?


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 01:31 | #


I have presented my world view, and I have been open and honest. When I came here, I attacked immediately, but then I began to read more of what the people here were saying, and I took a step back (just read the progression of my posts). I asked questions (legitimate ones), was insulted because of it.  I admit, I came here by accident but I had interest in the subject.  I adore European and white people, more so than any other people, and I feel your anger. But I understand that white people are not the only people on earth or the only cause worth fighting for. I respect your fight and even believe in it from a general stand point, but not the hate part of it.  It does no good and only impedes things. I think a lot can be learned from the black civil rights fight and how they went about it to effect some change, perhaps pieces of it can help the WN movement.

You have to give me credit: I came attacking but listened and questioned.  How can one be educated without inquiring about the things they do not understand. Because no one wants to think outside of the comfort of their thoughts, I am called a piece of shit, the enemy.  Many forget that white people had a large part in the black civil rights movement because it felt right. If blacks added the hate aspect, it wouldn’t have worked. Hate impedes.

I, too, am tired of the way things are, but I know that things take more than just being white for it to get better.

Having said all that, I 100% agree with you having to protect the interests of your blog, and people come here for a certain comfort, not to be bombarded with reality outside of the group think.  If you feel I am a threat to that, having said what I’ve said, then you can ban me right now. I encourage it. But do consider my points, if anything.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:22 | #

“But do consider my points, if anything.”  (—Tired of Idiots)

The problem is, to “consider your points” we’d have to write entire books.  We’re years past the stage you’re in, eons past.

As for “hate,” we don’t hate anyone (except, some of us, the individuals and groups trying to genocide Euros).  We don’t hate any race, we don’t hate anyone for belonging to any race, and we don’t like treating anyone meanly or unjustly because of his race.  At the same time, we will never cease our opposition to those who want to subject our race to genocide.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:30 | #

So, assuming assuming those Jews are responsible for what MacDonald meticulously documents their guilt of and that ordinary Jews are either unable or unwilling to rein them in what is the solution to the “Jewish Question”?

McDonald fails to notice distinctions between the behavior of different sub-ethnic blocs among the Jews (Sephardic/Ashkenazic). He can’t explain why these strategies seemed not to succeed very well over a huge arc of history stretching to the mid-19th Century. Sociobiology can’t do the work of good sociology or history. Also, much if the degeneracy in society has been in motion for centuries, but only hit critical mass after WWII. Jewish ethnic interests were not necessarily the catalyst for these happenings.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:40 | #

In a hedonistic society, where there exist graphic pornography, ever visibility and acceptance of homosexuality, race mixing, and the pursuit of instant gratification and extreme pleasure, this strict approach seems futile.

You have stumbled across one of the reasons I am not a White nationalist. You can’t just have race without a cultural, moral and religious framework and expect to have a decent civilization. Druids, barbarians and football hooligans may be “white,” but I want them away from my daughter.  I am less interested in whites as a scientific abstraction, than in the institutions and norms that allow whites to live well.

So if you want race, you have to defend culture. This means being anti-gay, anti-feminist and anti-pornography. I assume you would hate this as much as you do Hitler.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:44 | #

I think a lot can be learned from the black civil rights fight and how they went about it to effect some change, perhaps pieces of it can help the WN movement.

The Civil Rights Movement worked because it had intellectuals, news media and court system rooting for it. The WASP elite wanted to atone for its White guilt and punish the middle class.  It doesn’t work the other way around.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:46 | #

I warned everyone.  I warned everyone about The Monitor. 

It gets worse from here.  Far worse.  As in “your worst nightmares” worse.  Trust me on this.

You’re been warned.


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 02:50 | #

Hate impedes.

No, my dear girl, hate motivates. The more hate I have for liberals, especially white liberals, the more I direct my energies to defeat the sick twisted liberal minds that brought-on the hedonistic culture that is enveloping Western culture.

BTW, Jesus, the Prince of Peace himself, hated the money changers, didn’t he?


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:03 | #

I warned everyone.  I warned everyone about The Monitor.

Mainstream conservatives get their panties all twisted if somebody says race is an issue. You do it if somebody says race is not the only issue. You also will not hear criticism of the Single Jewish Cause theory of Western decline.

If you ever want discussion of either race or the Jewish Question back in mainstream society, you should adopt reason and coherence, not hysteria. After all, isn’t paranoia supposed to be a Jewish tendency?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:07 | #

If The Monitor continues to post here, over time it will be seen, trust me, that he’s actually far worse than “Tired of Idiots.”  Far, far worse.  I’d rather have “Tired of Idiots.”  Of the two, this one is sicker, with a more leprous brain.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:31 | #

“McDonald fails to notice distinctions between the behavior of different sub-ethnic blocs among the Jews (Sephardic/Ashkenazic).” - The Monitor

The vast majority of Jews are Ashkenazics.  Both Sephardic and Ashkenazic Jews come from the same root population originating in the Middle East.  Genetically, I think it safe to say they are of one people.  What about the Conversos who were one of the main focuses of the Inquisition?  What about Sephardics operating in the role of “middle-man minority” during the Moorish occupation of Spain?  Sounds like the same old game to me.  Although, presently, and throughout the twentieth century Ashkenazic behavior has been by far the most noxious and obnoxious.

“He can’t explain why these strategies seemed not to succeed very well over a huge arc of history stretching to the mid-19th Century.” - The Monitor

What about the “middle-man minority” racket?  For European nobility as well as Islamic occupiers?  Plus, pogroms and getting booted out of country every five minutes tends to break up your momentum.

Ever hear of “The Jewish Century” by Juri Slezkind?  The man is half-Jewish, I believe.  MacDonald relies upon his writing.  That’s when the Jews finally broke through the barriers of “anti-semitism” and were able to achieve positions of prominence hitherto unimaginable.  Through brute force in the case of the Bolshevik revolution and through shrewd, collectivist strategizing in the case of America.  Taking control, in large measure, of the mass media near the beginning of the twentieth century really added fuel to their fire.

“Sociobiology can’t do the work of good sociology or history.” - The Monitor

MacDonald’s books are good history, he just explains said history with a sociobiological paradigm.

“Also, much if the degeneracy in society has been in motion for centuries, but only hit critical mass after WWII. Jewish ethnic interests were not necessarily the catalyst for these happenings.” - The Monitor

Who was it that founded the NAACP?  Who was it that made up over half of the “Freedom Riders”?  Who was it that were most of the feminists of note?  Who was it that were most of the New Left leaders?  Who was it that made Bill Buckley grovel before them and have subverted and infiltrated the Republican party like it seems just about everything else?

Maybe hyper-individualism born of liberalism and the effects of industrialization gave them the opening, but one must concede, they took full advantage of it.  Lets just pretend for a second that all the people who did these things were White people, wouldn’t we still have to deal with these individuals anyways?  Wouldn’t they have to be disallowed from poisoning the minds of our people and subverting our political process somehow, just dealing with them as individuals?

If we prosribe the behavior that individual Jews engage in which damages the interests of our people then the Jews who don’t do such things will have nothing to worry about.  Sound fair?


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 03:56 | #

“If The Monitor continues to post here, over time it will be seen, trust me, that he’s actually far worse than “Tired of Idiots.” Far, far worse. I’d rather have “Tired of Idiots.” Of the two, this one is sicker, with a more leprous brain.”

Fred, would you consider him worse/sicker than Robert Lindsey, or June Gordon? Or on par with them?


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 04:16 | #

Maybe hyper-individualism born of liberalism and the effects of industrialization gave them the opening, but one must concede, they took full advantage of it

Okay, all sorts of societies, Western and non, have had small Jewish commercial classes. The results look nothing like what we have seen post-WWII. This leads me to think that the mechanisms McDonald writes about are one of an accelerating pattern of decline. I don’t see most whites as innocent dupes of Jewish subversion, but active participants in their own decadence. We all know white people with idiotic political views that they honestly believe as part of their self-identity, not just as a way to curry favor with Jews.

Look at US presidents, Richard Nixon, who made affirmative action into public policy, couldn’t stand the Jews. Jimmy Carter is the target of scorn from Israel lobbyists. Ronald Reagan eulogized SS soldiers. The Bush I policy was “F- then, they don’t vote for us anyway.”  Look at our plutocrats. Do you think Bill Gates or William Buffet worry about what AIPAC thinks?

All sorts of people have all sorts of reasons to support a multiculturalism, feminized society. Much of it has to do with rebellion against Christianity, exaggerated notions of individual worth, and refusal to bear one’s duty to kith and kin. Jewish ethnic strategy is neither necessary nor sufficient to explain our current condition.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 04:23 | #

Fred, would you consider him worse/sicker than Robert Lindsey, or June Gordon? Or on par with them?

(Isn’t Lindsey that crazy guy who supports Mugabe?)

In his mind, either you accept the One Jewish Cause theory or you are a suckpoop race traitor who collects Barbara Streisand records. I can’t talk with that. Fred isn’t the only one who thinks like this.  This sort of thinking prevents an intelligent Right from developing, online or otherwise.


Posted by Diamed on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 04:26 | #

Depending on how much power we gain, I believe our agenda should change accordingly.  Culture is a more difficult area to enforce than racial separation and thus can only be talked about after the racial separation has occurred.  The process should go like this:

1.  Stop immigration.
2.  Stop affirmative action.
3.  Divide or deport the country along racial lines.
4.  Profit.  wink

IE I agree that nothing is solved simply by becoming one race, ideology and ability must also match up, this requires schooling, values, and eugenics.  Furthermore we must have a country of true believers, people who really want this world, no coup or anything repressive will work.  Our people must truly be our people, the comrades to the left and right who marched for this cause.  With that kind of solidarity real change can be enacted and we really can solve the same problems we all know about.  The birth rate, the sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, drunkenness, drugs, all of it.  It takes the preconditions being met but I don’t think anyone here would be happy to just become white and then return to a libertarian free for all.  The reason we wanted an all white country is to live in a white culture that brings out the best in us, that cannot be done while under the control of non-whites, or under the weight of non-white burdens they drag along with them.

This is all hypothetical because I don’t believe we can win.  But Should we come to power there would be no genocide of anyone, nor would the status quo be allowed to remain, we would have a total transformation that affected every portion of our lives, and it would be for the better.

‘We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

Because the beauty of the white woman must not be allowed to go extinct.’

I don’t see any hatred there.  Only the purest love for hearth and home.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 04:36 | #

Dave, all three are equally bad but each in his own way.  This Monitor character is just unfrickingbelievable.  The guy is just absolutely awful.  Makes my skin crawl big time.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 05:04 | #

This Monitor character is just unfrickingbelievable.  The guy is just absolutely awful.  Makes my skin crawl big time.

The Rockefellers are white. Do they promote multiculturalism because they are enthralled with Jewish power or because they are promoting their own interests?


Posted by Catfish LeRoy on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 06:20 | #

“Jewish ethnic strategy is neither necessary nor sufficient to explain our current condition.”

It is certainly not sufficient; it probably is necessary, however.

The “Single Jewish Cause Theory” is inadequate—no doubt about it. It lends itself to hysteria, rage, and paranoia. Those who ignore the “Jewish Question” entirely, however, and seek to uphold only the most self-righteous and self-flattering of Jewish narratives, are fooling themselves and no else.

JQ-monomaniacs and minimizers alike are a stumbling block to the European/White Conservation movement.

You seem to acknowledge some Jewish culpability, Monitor. I’m glad you’re not a minimizer, the mirror-opposite and equally cognitively-challenged counterpart of the Single Jewish Cause’er.


Posted by silver on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 08:10 | #

He’s still paying a price for that deception, and it’s right that he should while he continues to use MR for improper purposes (WJG: “You aren’t interested in James Bowery’s post - just in diverting attention away from it.”)

I addressed Bowery’s point with my “time machine” comment.  Either the Jews were somehow privy to the sort of data that have come from the recent study or they had a time machine; neither possibility is plausible, so it’s a moot point as far as I’m concerned.  The thread diverged from Bowery’s point long before I replied to Tired.  You claim to be a reasonable chap, GW, so I assume you realize that if you’re too succeed you’ll have to make peace with people who are today your enemies, who impede you and repress you; how do you imagine you’ll do that if you can’t even make peace with someone rather obviously (I would have hoped) is on your side?  Fred Scrooby, he’s too far gone to understand this, many others, too.  The weight of what they’ve learnt is heavy and they haven’t, it seems, recovered.  Others do recover, and realize moping and wailing achieve nothing; you’d do well to join this crowd. (Who do you think would enjoy the better reception in front of a CNN audience, GW: Scrooby or me?)

wjg, I’m not married, but I’m quite certain my future wife will largely agree with my views, even if she doesn’t attain the same philosophical depth.  How can I be sure? I plan to marry S.Euro.  I’m yet to meet a S.Euro who explodes with rage when hearing my racialist views the way a N.Euro so often tends to (just another way in which we differ, I guess).  I can (and do) speak freely about blacks with my cousin’s family and have them largely agree even though his sister’s married to a negro .  They’re still shrugging their shoulders “what can you do?” but I think they’re beginning to see the sense in breaking the marriage up before miscegenation occurs.

Now, if your wife, wjg, doesn’t quite get it, maybe there’s something wrong with your approach.  Like it or not (and its depressing, I agree), simple exposition of racial facts is insufficient to sway some people, women in particular.  Part of the reason for this, I believe, is that racial facts suggest doing something, but that “something” evokes imagery of upheaval, violance, bloodshed and cattle transports, none of which is typically considered possible or desirable, so people force their minds into diminishing the negative aspects of racial reality, which, in practical terms, results in them trying to shut you up; if you don’t talk about it, it isn’t real.  Changing minds is tricky business, but one tactic that seldom works is merely shouting louder.

Lastly, the reason I mentioned your wife is to demonstrate that your approach to discussing race is wrong: if it has failed to convince someone as close to you as your wife, what hope for convincing others?  The only people who’ll read your blog and agree with it are people who already agree with you.  If that’s what you wish to do, then fine.  If Scrooby wants to consider that “good work,” fine too—if nothing is done, there’ll be much more and much better examples of this sort thing in years to come, we can be sure.  But for people who’d prefer to attempt to effect change, racial change, or as I’ve taken to calling, “racial reform,” an entirely different approach is required.


Posted by Joe on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 08:47 | #

“Tired of Idiots” speaks just like the average pro-multicult, pro-NWO, pro-feminist Western woman.  Her and her ilk have utter hatred for Whites, but that is not the fundamental thing: it is the White man that she truly hates.  Her posts speak volumes for idiocy of allowing the female perspective a place in political/parliamentary life.  Defeat and destruction follows such a thing.


Posted by The Monitor on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 08:55 | #

it is the White man that she truly hates

Does she hate White Men or what Whitey stands for? You know, Christianity, civility, honor, law, order, all that. If Whitey is to be hated, it is because he is the symbol of a societal hierarchy that she finds uncomfortable.


Posted by Gold Dragon on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 09:28 | #

Ignore that racist “macaca” !
Yiddish and Juds only care aboute them self and be ruling class in world,it’s normal,negros only care aboute black(all look the same,have the same blod and brains) world and other nation women because they are more,more beatiful and clever,Arabs care only aboute them self and global domination etc….......
smile Don’t waste Your time on such creatures,it’s worth more! wink


Posted by Z on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 12:33 | #

Re: Tired of Idiots on Tuesday, September 9, 2008 at 12:31 AM

“Many forget that white people had a large part in the black civil rights movement because it felt right.”

You have no clue what you are talking about.  Most of the “White people” involved in the Civil Rights Movement during the 1950s-60s were ultra-liberal Ashkenazi Jews from the Northeastern United States who tried to impose their pollyanna view of race relations on to The South and other areas of the country via the funding of pro-Black racial organizations, the media, and through militant anti-Euro (pro-Black/Jewish) activism.  Oh, and Ashkenazi Jews aren’t White…they aren’t closely related to any other European peoples in a genetic sense:

But of course those Northern Jews just returned home to their highly segregated (upper middle-class) Jewish neighborhoods, schools, and businesses after they miraculously ‘fixed’ all of the racial problems here Down South.  Utterly laughable.

Now, Tired of Idiots, you need to explain to me why American Blacks are currently the most antisemitic ethnic group in America…surely it must have something to do with all of those Jewish slumlords and Jewish liquor-store owners who ruthlessly exploit so many urban Black neighborhoods as they have been doing for very many decades now?


Posted by Z on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:01 | #

Re: The Monitor

Look at our plutocrats. Do you think Bill Gates or William Buffet worry about what AIPAC thinks?

Typical quote from a person who minimizes Jewish influence—you rattle off a couple names of non-Jewish billionaires knowing full well that at least 40-50% of America’s other billionaires are ethnically Jewish.

And no, Gates and Buffet probably don’t care too much about AIPAC—but as people who are steeped in the world of international business/finance it is the honest truth that they are utterly surrounded by Jews on all sides.  Gates went to Harvard (at least 1/3 Jewish, not including faculty), and many of the top people at Microsoft besides Gates are or were Jews.  Buffet may actually be partially Jewish, it is unclear: his mother’s maiden name was Stahl, which is a semi-common Jewish surname.  Either way, since Buffet has made his fortune in most thoroughly Jew-dominated nation in human history it is clear that Buffet is a major ally of Jews and Jewish interests.


Posted by wjg on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 13:31 | #


I appreciate your attempt at constructive dialog with your last post.

When I met my wife and was married in the mid-90s I was your typical aracial, white American.  So the fact that my wife is still pretty similar to the way she was when we first met and I am not is important to consider.  I have gone through a metamorphisis and have tried to share it with her and have her grow with me and my revelations have come into direct conflict with many of the pillars of the “morality” of our time.

Whether you are yet aware of this or nor we here at this site are heretics; we are not respectable.  We are dirty and unclean according the the standards of our time.  And to try to convince someone with ordinary intellect and courage of the rightness of our cause is futile since most people are not moral free agents.  They do not evaluate a moral code objectively from the perspective of whether conformance to said code serves their interests or not.  They just conform - period - because they are generally materialists.  That is they instinctively know which beliefs and actions get them a reward and which result in pain NOW not in some hypothetical future.

Women especially are prone to this.  And acknowledgment of this in no way should be seen as misogynist.  In a healthy society the spiritual and physical passivity of the feminine is a very positive attribute.  The problem is when the situation is unhealthy.  Then men must lead; through pain and loneliness to the place we need to end up.

I bet most men here who are willing to talk about this would agree with what I am saying.  And what you said earlier about Northern European women (as opposed to Jewesses) screaming in opposition to racialist views is hyperbolic.  Almost all are just uncomfortable with racialism, not passionate defenders of it antithesis.  Sure there are outliers but almost all are right in the comfortable, passive, feminine, conservative, inert domain and when you bring up heresy they would rather the whole thing just go away.  Anyway that is my experience first hand and from much observation.

When I hear young white men talk about how they will only couple with women who share their views - good luck.  Be prepared for a life in isolation with none of the children we so desperately need.  A much more realistic approach is to not expect your woman to be in YOUR realm of real politics and spirituality.  Provide for her and protect her in spite of her delusions and raise physically and spiritually strong children.

Then we will have played our part in preparing for a future revival of the White Race.  I see no awakening on the horizon which means we must be humble enough to be torch bearers.

Again, good luck with finding a mate.  But don’t be surprised if she doesn’t meet up with your standards.  If she does then you will be quite fortunate.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 16:25 | #

“Look at US presidents, Richard Nixon, who made affirmative action into public policy, couldn’t stand the Jews. Jimmy Carter is the target of scorn from Israel lobbyists. Ronald Reagan eulogized SS soldiers. The Bush I policy was “F- then, they don’t vote for us anyway.” Look at our plutocrats. Do you think Bill Gates or William Buffet worry about what AIPAC thinks?” - The Monitor

I’m not that worried about the purity of a man’s thoughts and motivations: that is his business.  What I am worried about is what he does.  If it walks, acts, and quacks like a race traitor that’s what I call it.  These men cannot be allowed to act in the a fashion if our people are to survive; isn’t that clear?

“We all know white people with idiotic political views that they honestly believe as part of their self-identity, not just as a way to curry favor with Jews.” - The Monitor

That’s why I call them “lemmings”.  Lets face it, that is why we need rulers.  Rulers who expressly look after the interests of our race.  Putin’s clique does it in Russia.  Are they the incarnation of evil?


Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 16:49 | #

Silver wrote: I addressed Bowery’s point with my “time machine” comment.  Either the Jews were somehow privy to the sort of data that have come from the recent study or they had a time machine; neither possibility is plausible, so it’s a moot point as far as I’m concerned.

Hey!  You just resolved the creationist vs evolutionist debate with a single grand intellectual gesture:

Any evolutionary entity that seems to exhibit a clever strategy can be explained by its having invented a time machine via which it accessed future scientific research exposing such an evolutionary strategy—which it then strange-loops back in time to create itself in its preferred image.

Or something like that….


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 17:40 | #

Now, Tired of Idiots, you need to explain to me why American Blacks are currently the most antisemitic ethnic group in America…surely it must have something to do with all of those Jewish slumlords and Jewish liquor-store owners who ruthlessly exploit so many urban Black neighborhoods as they have been doing for very many decades now?

Probably because they look white.  You know how “dumb” those Negroes are.

About me hating the white man: far from it. I think they are the greatest men on earth.  I would never date any man except a white man (or Jewish or white Hispanic), just because that is what I am attracted to, but he’ll have to be progressive, something I’m finding more and more of lately. No rednecks or trash.  It’s weird how you figured out I am a woman. I guess women are an impediment as well.


Posted by snax on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 19:10 | #


In his mind, either you accept the One Jewish Cause theory or you are a suckpoop race traitor who collects Barbara Streisand records. I can’t talk with that. Fred isn’t the only one who thinks like this.

You’re misrepresenting Fred and whoever else you had in mind. No-one anywhere ever has claimed Jewish responsibility for eveything. Repeating your pet-phrase over and over doesn’t make it true. It is true however that Fred harps on somewhat about Jews.

He started doing it after Wintermute embarassed him by revealing that Fred’s father is half-Jewish, both his sisters married Jews, and his nieces are being raised as Jews. (Before this Fred sounded just like you) Fred now feels the need to prove his soundness on the JQ, and prove it, and prove it.


Posted by Tired of libs (DJ) on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 20:37 | #

“It’s weird how you figured out I am a woman.”

Not really. It was easy. You’ve recited everything that is written on the leftist/feminist script with a distinct feminoid style. You’ve covered it all, right down to the last jot and tittle. Of course there are quite a few men who are feminised liberal dorks too, such as MSNBC’s loathsome twosome Chris Matthews and Keith Oberdork.

The only question that you need to answer is: What is your race?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 21:17 | #

I’d reply to Snax’s paragraph about me in his last comment (a paragraph which was partly true, partly laughably false) but the readership doesn’t come here to read about commenters, they come to read about issues:  I’ll be merciful and spare them. 

Do I talk about other commenters?  Yes, when it’s a crisis situation or an outrage, such as for example The Monitor suddenly surfacing and threatening to invade this site’s threads long-term.  That’s a crisis and an outrage; I trust my comments about Jews aren’t.


Posted by The Monitor on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 02:05 | #

It’s weird how you figured out I am a woman. I guess women are an impediment as well.

Now she’s flirting with us!

In pre-feminist culture, men were able to give women enough cohesiveness, security and structure that they stayed away from silly notions. Now, men have abandoned that duty and everyone is worse off.


Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 03:45 | #


Why did you feel compelled to exhume something from the past in order to do damage to one of the most popular commentators here at MR? If it is get-evenism, you’ve just made yourself look bad. Whatever Fred did in the past, get over it. You, snax, are too wise to hold a grudge - aren’t you?


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 04:16 | #

Not really. It was easy. You’ve recited everything that is written on the leftist/feminist script with a distinct feminoid style. You’ve covered it all, right down to the last jot and tittle. Of course there are quite a few men who are feminised liberal dorks too, such as MSNBC’s loathsome twosome Chris Matthews and Keith Oberdork.

So what do you plan to do with the feminoids?  Bash ‘em over the head, pat your chest, and scream, “Me man; you woman; follow me.”? I’d like to see you try.

Now she’s flirting with us!

In pre-feminist culture, men were able to give women enough cohesiveness, security and structure that they stayed away from silly notions. Now, men have abandoned that duty and everyone is worse off.

If you think that I am flirting with anyone here, it’s time to come out of that one-room hole you’re couped up in. In pre-feminist culture, women were pets. Now they’re pets to their desire and power. I love it.  We really need to address the dying virility of white men. Seriously.  I wonder if Guessedworker would allow me to write a post here. Probably not. Oh, well.  I have had many thoughts about this subject since my discovery of this blog.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 04:48 | #

So what do you plan to do with the feminoids?  Bash ‘em over the head, pat your chest, and scream, “Me man; you woman; follow me.”? I’d like to see you try.

Well thats all very well in the world of white people, but do tell, how is your campaign for women’s rights going in the Islamic world?

After we are all individuals making what we perceive to be best choices arent we. Does that seem to be happening in Islamoworld?

Ive nothing against Muslims per se, as an example of the stupidity, nay the Darwinian dead end of liberalism there are none finer.

You as a good liberal lefty, who yield to none in your hatred of sexism, cannot intellectually/emotionally stop unlimited numbers of sexist , patriarchal Muslims settling in the European world. To do so would not be liberal after all. Inevitably that will lead the death of the European dominated states and along with it the liberalism you wish to maintain and further.

I know thats a simplistic argument but if you wish to protect your feminoids, you should be off on some Islamic website wasting their time, for all good it will do you.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 08:34 | #

“I have had many thoughts about this subject since my discovery of this blog.”

You can put your thoughts on the Tough Choice thread, if you wish - but I think we would like to know your ethnicity first.


Posted by 2R on Wed, 10 Sep 2008 21:10 | #

“So what do you plan to do with the feminoids?  Bash ‘em over the head, pat your chest, and scream, “Me man; you woman; follow me.”? I’d like to see you try” (Tired of Idiots)

Tired of Idiots, you ask an important question that doesn’t get addressed enough within the world of White Nationalism.  A lot of times, people who are unfamiliar with White Nationalism come to this site and inquire on what our ideal society would look like?  It’s important to understand that our current objective is to raise racial awareness among Whites, as this needs to be done before we can start planning for a better future.  Nevertheless, I have given this some thought, and will attempt to explain the role of women within a racially healthy society. 

To begin it’s important to examine some basic evolutionary differences between men and women.  For thousands of years, women and men evolved with differing gender roles. This evolution is the result of hundreds of thousands of the division of labor within tribal society.  While tribal living cuts across ethnic groups, and although there is some variation, in general, men took care of the affairs outside of the tribe, while women were responsible for what took place within the tribe.  Men decided who the group would align with, who the group went to war with, and who the group traded with.  At the same time, women’s lives were concerned with other tribal members and less with those outside of the group.

We see the result of this today.  Anyone who’s taken a 100 level psychology class probably remembers learning about the differences in relationship styles between men and women. Men tend to have more friends but tend to be less intimate.  Women have less total friendships but tend to be more close and trusting.  Male friendships tend to be more alliance-like.  Men are wired to be more suspicious of strangers while women display more in-group altruistic behavior. This in-group altruistic behavior is because women are wired to see others as “in the group.”  Because women perceive everyone to be “in the group,” women tend to show less “racialist” tendencies compared to men.  If we look at voting patterns between women and men we see that women generally vote for candidates and parties that champion progressive tax polices, universal health-care, and egalitarian social polices.  Men tend to vote for parties and candidates that restrict immigration, support neo-liberal economics, and perceive “nanny-State” social polices as being “weak.” When men see millions of immigrants invading a country, an alarm bell goes off in their heads telling them that something’s wrong, and that these newcomers are dangerous who must prove themselves before being accepted.  Women see it as “unfair” that anyone within a polity would be denied the same privileges and rights as the others.  Men see Nations while Women see Family. 

So knowing what we know about men and women, the question before us now, is how to create a society that maximizes both women’s and men’s natural evolutionary tendencies?  It is within the context of these evolutionary tendencies that the division of labor would entail men defending society while women would care for it.  This could be done in a number of ways and deviations but I’ll lay out a basic State structure that we can work with.

The basic role for men would be that of the out-group responsibilities.  The main “out-group” responsibility would be defending the nation.  Defending the nation has two major parts; those being military activities and immigration.  Men would be responsible for developing the military forces, assessing the possible military threats to the nation, and carrying out military activities for the defense of the nation.  Men would also be responsible for deciding immigration policy.  Immigration policy would not only include who would come to live within the nation, but also would study, visit, or work with the nation. This doesn’t mean there’d be no female input, as the State must utilize all its citizens’ strengths.  It just means that females would not dominate the defense process.  A reasonable idea would be to have about a 70-30 ratio of men to women thinking about, developing, and carrying out defense (including immigration) related actives.  Like said above, if this process has too much female input, the country would be flooded with immigrants, as it wouldn’t be “fair” to leave anyone out. 

The basic role of women would be that of “in-group” responsibilities.  Women would develop, plan for, and implement social polices like healthcare, welfare, and other polices related to the wellbeing of the nation.  Women would decide how much healthcare the state should provide for it citizens, the amount of and time period that workers would receive unemployment insurance, and develop a reasonable welfare program that would encourage self improvement. Just like defense, this wouldn’t mean that men had no input; it just means that men wouldn’t dominate the process. And just like defense, there would be a 70-30 ratio of women to men in leadership positions for the care of the nation. If men were to dominate this process, men would insist that people “pull themselves up by the bootstraps” and the well being of the nation would be less.  One issue that we can discuss further is education.  Education should probably not be dominated by either gender, as young people need both male and female input in their educations?  This issue needs balance. 

Now that I’ve laid out the foundation of the State, there are other issues that I should cover.  Tired of Idiots, judging by your comments above, you probably assume that we want women to be barefoot, pregnant, uneducated, and saying very little?  Nothing can be further from the truth.  In our ideal society women would have every opportunity as men. If a woman wants to be an astronaut; then go for it.  If a women wants to be an engineer, that’s great.  If a woman wants to be a banker, that’s wonderful. The difference between our ideal society and America today, is that women would be given every opportunity to have a family as well.  Women would be given very generous maternity leaves where they would receive 85% of their paychecks for as long as they worked at their past job.  So if a woman worked for 5 years before having a child, she’d receive 85% for 5 years.  The only stipulation would be that she has to married.  Married couples would be rewarded for having kids also.  A low interest home loan would be given to married couples for a new home.  For every kid they have, they would get 25% of the cost of the loan knocked off.  If they have 4 kids, they would only have to pay the interest (no higher than 2%).  Of course if a woman didn’t want to have kids, she would be no less of a woman than women who do have kids.  If a woman has a kid outside of marriage, she would be taken cared of too, but because we want to encourage family, she would not be as rewarded as a married women. We would drastically cut the rate of kids out of wedlock because we would socialize kids to see sex as something people do in a committed relationship.  Notice I didn’t say “sex as something people do when they’re married.”  It’s important we be reasonable and not associate sex with shame like many religious people do, but we do have to encourage girls and boys to see their bodies as sacred.  You won’t see “Girls Gone Wild” video’s in our society.  This isn’t because it would illegal, but because a) women would be socialized not to act this way, and b) because men would be socialized to place women in such a high regard that it would be literally dangerous to exploit women in their company. 

I think this enough for now Tired of Idiots. I hope this answered some of your questions?  We European derived people have the ability to build extremely agreeable societies.  I encourage you to stay here and learn more about what we’re trying to do.  Instead of basing your perception of us on what the TV says or what your sociology professor says, try to really form your own opinion.  White Nationalism works on a continuum.  It’s sort of like the environmental movement.  If we think about the environmental movement, on the one end, you have Serria Club (Which is equal to American Renaissance), and on the other end you have ELF-Earth Liberation Front- (Which is equal to neo-Nazis or skinheads).  Just like most environmentalists are not radical terrorists (like ELF), the same can be said for WN (most of us are NOT Nazis or skinheads).  At Majority Rights, there are many opinions and approaches (except we don’t tolerate violence), but what we do agree upon is that the White European people of the earth are a unique people who have every right to live how we wish, and with who we wish.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 05:58 | #

2R, you sound like a politician—extolling the virtues and promises of females in the WN society.  I’d be willing to bet that a majority of WN see nothing wrong with the barefoot, dumb, and pregnant ideology.

It’s important to understand that our current objective is to raise racial awareness among Whites, as this needs to be done before we can start planning for a better future.

I disagree. The planning needs to start now. People want to know what they are getting into. Taking all the “bad” things about other races and hammering them in isn’t working; it may cause momentary anger, but it fades when bills are due, job responsibilities calls, life goes on. The WN movement is A WAY OF LIFE, stop pretending otherwise.  You’re asking whites to become racially aware AND live a certain way—conservatively. Ironically, whites tend to be the most liberal of all races. Blacks are considerably more conservative than whites, and only vote based on social issues (which the Democrats use to their advantage).They are least accepting of homosexuality (just try being out and proud in Jamaica, but do give it a try in Amsterdam). Blacks believe in Christianity with fervor, and see nothing wrong with religion in school. There are ramifications in many Asian societies for promiscuity, and marriage is seen as extremely important; it’s even arranged in places. Enough of blaming the Jews for all that ails white society, take some responsibility. 

Bottom line: white women are too empowered to allow a regression to barefoot and pregnant.  She is sexually liberated, and uses this to her advantage.  She seeks virility. The feminization of the European male is doing him in.  He is seen as pretty, weak, gay; the Asian male experienced it first.  All the while, these thuggish blacks and Latinos are seen as “real men.”  The white man’s lure is his societal status and the perception of being able to provide a well off life (Asian girls have figured this out, and seek it like a moth to a flame). A white comedienne once said, “I need a black man to fuck; a white man to pay the bills, and an Asian man to do the taxes.” The sexual liberation of white women, I repeat, is too advantageous to forgo for a WN society.

You’ve got to set an example of what a WN society would be like.  Why not try to petition for land in Europe? I don’t understand this lack of action on your parts. Take a first step or is it because no one agrees on how things will work out, and the convenient excuse of “racial awareness first” buys more time, assuages the brethren that things are moving along.  Nothing is moving along. The WN movement is, at best, a drinking buddies group.  You all get together and cry about how the white man is down, pat each other on the back, hate on the Jews, the blacks, the non-whites, and then go home and dream. I’m not impressed.

We European derived people have the ability to build extremely agreeable societies.

I’m not so sure about that. A history book will freshen you up on that. Just being European isn’t enough. I know you’d like to think it is, but it isn’t. It’s a mindset you’re after. The Amish are a great example.

Instead of basing your perception of us on what the TV says or what your sociology professor says, try to really form your own opinion.

My perception is based on the responses I received. I was attacked immediately, but I read further, entertained points, shared my thoughts, and was threatened to be banned.

[...]but what we do agree upon is that the White European people of the earth are a unique people who have every right to live how we wish, and with who we wish.

All people on earth are unique and have every right to live how they wish, and with whom they wish. White people are great advertisers, and are a global-minded people. They have inserted themselves everywhere. May there wonderful genes soften the hearts of the world. Perhaps this is the way it was intended.


Posted by Whoopi Goldberg on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 11:40 | #

GW: If it walks like a troll, talks like a troll, and acts like a troll…IP ban.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:12 | #

“Bottom line: white women are too empowered to allow a regression to barefoot and pregnant.”  (—Tired of Being an Idiot)

OK, we’ll give you that ... How about shod and pregnant?  Could they go for that?  Hey, they can wear shoes, guys, right? 

No? ...

Uhh ... OK I take that back, it’s not gonna fly with the guys, hun .....

(Who needs another Miller? ...  Got a couple of cases here, might as well use it!)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:20 | #

By the way, “Tired,” if you want to know what a bimbo is, look in the mirror.  Where you are, mentally, is worlds worse than “barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen.”  “Barefoot, pregnant, and in the kitchen” would be a huge step up for you.  You’re not going “nowhere,” you’re going backwards.  You have no idea what you’re talking about.  The Jews have got you right where they want you.  They’re going to use you up, you and bimbos like you, for their purposes (deconstructing our society, for the reason that it’s not theirs and they’re jealous of it and of us) and then throw you on the trash heap after inducing you to lead a failed life.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:28 | #

“Tired’s” idea of the ideal female life is Maureen Dowd.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:36 | #

Fred, just what I thought.  No answers and name-calling. I thought you guys didn’t allow that here? I expect that IP ban should be coming any moment now.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 13:42 | #

“I expect that IP ban should be coming any moment now.”

One certainly hopes so.  Unfortunately it’s not up to me.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 14:24 | #

“Tired’s” idea of the ideal female life is Maureen Dowd.

Maybe, but Maureen Dowd at least has some redeeming qualities ... such as a good sense of humor from time to time.

Uberslut, Madonna, would be a more appropriate example of “Tired’s” ideal feminiod. Afterall, Madonna embodies all the degenerate ideals “Tired” so celebrates.

But the problem with the average non-celeb “liberated woman” like “Tired” is, in the end, will probably wind up being a lonely, bitter, Tired old hag (similar to the notorious Hanoi Jane Fonda, and Gloria SteinBITCH minus the money).

Bottom line: Its sad and tragic that so many women bought into the Jewish inspired/authored radical feminism of the 1960’s - euphemistically called “women’s liberation.” The fact is it hasn’t liberated women from anything, quite the contrary, it has enslaved them and robbed them of their femininity.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:16 | #

Dave John’s letter is exactly right, but Maureen Dowd is right squarely in the category of pathetic female shipwrecks he accurately describes:  “women who bought into the Jewish inspired/authored radical feminism of the 1960’s, euphemistically called ‘women’s liberation,’ ” and wound up “not liberated from anything; quite the contrary:  enslaved and robbed of their femininity.”  But hey the Jews are happy so what’s not to like?

That’s where “Tired of Being an Idiot” is headed.  (You can start accumulating your sixteen cats now, “Tired.”)


Posted by silver on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:04 | #

Fred, just what I thought.  No answers and name-calling. I thought you guys didn’t allow that here? I expect that IP ban should be coming any moment now.

That’s not really fair. I provided straightforward answers to your, you must admit, rather insolently phrased questions.  In Fred’s defense, he’s been screaming about the jews on here for going on five years, thinking, I"m sure, he’s making a difference; his kind don’t appreciate anything but complete and immediate acceptance of the narrative they’ve produced by one-upping themselves on JQ purity over the years.

I’d be willing to bet that a majority of WN see nothing wrong with the barefoot, dumb, and pregnant ideology.

You’re being silly again.  My bet is that most are genuinely concerned about the welfare of women and are sorry for the hurt and grief women are bringing themselves with their fanatic devotion to feminist idealism.  Men know how difficult it is for us to muster respect for a cheap slut, no matter what men say to the contrary in public.  We also know that the same rule doesn’t hold for women: sexual conquest raises a man’s stock among women, despite what they say to the contrary.  Women hanging all their hopes on fulfillment on being exactly like men harms both sexes.  There’s a much happier medium out there somewhere between feminist idealism and taliban-like oppression.

You’ve got to set an example of what a WN society would be like.  Why not try to petition for land in Europe? I don’t understand this lack of action on your parts. Take a first step or is it because no one agrees on how things will work out, and the convenient excuse of “racial awareness first” buys more time, assuages the brethren that things are moving along.  Nothing is moving along. The WN movement is, at best, a drinking buddies group.  You all get together and cry about how the white man is down, pat each other on the back, hate on the Jews, the blacks, the non-whites, and then go home and dream. I’m not impressed.

WN is still mostly reactionary, but, good golly, it’s a reaction that’s hard to fault.  Read this essay for an example

Frankly, reactionary WN stated its case so forcefully it managed to win me over, and I don’t even consider myself one of them (which tends to upset them), being of Serb/Greek extraction.


Posted by Tired of Idiots (Soon to be Banned) on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 17:53 | #

WN is still mostly reactionary, but, good golly, it’s a reaction that’s hard to fault.

More excuses. More back patting. More complaining. Enough. Petition for land in Europe! Start a starter society, show the way. wake white people up the paradise of living without blacks, Jews, non-whites.  You’re attracting people personally affected by race, looking for an identity, a cause to soothe the wounds of a failing life. Someone has to be blamed for why I, as a white person, am not succeeding at life.

You’re being silly again.  My bet is that most are genuinely concerned about the welfare of women and are sorry for thehurt and grief women are bringing themselves with their fanatic devotion to feminist idealism. 

Please.  Don’t be fooled—white women are having a ball! They’ve got every man of every race desiring them as the ideal beauty, have their select pick of rich, virile men, and can live quite well without ever lifting a finger or changing a diaper.  White women have it made.  Why should they give that up to nurture some failing-at-life white man with personal issues against blacks, Jews, and non-whites?

Frankly, reactionary WN stated its case so forcefully it managed to win me over, and I don’t even consider myself one of them (which tends to upset them), being of Serb/Greek extraction.

In Liechtenstein II, you’ll be the new nigger/Jew/society scapegoat. Enjoy your stay.

Once and for all, please admit that WN is a WAY OF LIFE, based on conservative principles.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:05 | #

”(Soon to be Banned)”

Please God, make it come true!  Are you listening, God?  Can you hear me?  I know I’m a sinner but please just this once, it’s all I ask.  I promise I’ll mend my ways.  Is there anybody up there?  Anybody listening?  PLEASE, GOD!  WE DON’T DESERVE THIS!  YES WE’RE SINNERS BUT ... NOT THIS!  If we’ve sinned that badly can’t you just make us listen to a Michael Bolton album??? Yes, the whole thing, we’ll DO IT!  Deal???


Posted by silver on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 18:24 | #

You’re attracting people personally affected by race,

You’re affected by it yourself, darls, even if you’re not—and you sure don’t seem to be—smart enough to understand how (and that’s true whether you’re white or not, btw).  Lucky you, you’ve got the evil male patriarchy looking out for you—who said chivalry was dead?

Please.  Don’t be fooled—white women are having a ball! They’ve got every man of every race desiring them as the ideal beauty, have their select pick of rich, virile men, and can live quite well without ever lifting a finger or changing a diaper.

I was talking about all women, actually.  Interesting that you have no problem with positive white identity when it serves you.  Heh, that’s the inherent hypcrisy of modern liberalism in full display right there—the fantasy aspect of, too.  Maybe 5% of white women can live that way—and if you’re “fortunate” enough (look us up at 45), luck you—but that hardly invalidates what the rest experience, even as they’re reduced to living vicariously through the “exploits” (again, look us up at 45!) of the Paris Hiltons and other semi-professional harlots.

In Liechtenstein II, you’ll be the new nigger/Jew/society scapegoat. Enjoy your stay.

Not with “separation.”  Occasionally, it helps to understand ideas you’re lambasting.

Once and for all, please admit that WN is a WAY OF LIFE, based on conservative principles.

Every ideology presents a “way of life.”  It’s more correct to say WN is based on realistic principles; sometimes those are “conservative,” but as often as not they’re “liberal.”  It only appears abidingly conservative since so many of the very fruitiest principles on offer today are liberal.  But conseratives have their own share of nutty sacred cows.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 19:58 | #

Tired Liberal Agitator wrote:“Please.  Don’t be fooled—white women are having a ball!”

So I take it you’re going to reject a strong beautiful women [Sarah Palin] who, btw, will be a heartbeat away from becoming president; but instead, vote for the gangling black kid who wears purple lipstick?

We all know feminism = liberalism = hypocrisy.

”... I don’t even consider myself one of them (which tends to upset them), being of Serb/Greek extraction.” —silver

It doesn’t upset me. But if you have any question as to whether your are one of us, I can drop you off in a crowd of blacks on a hot summer night in Detroit; I can assure you they will teach you real fast just how white you really are. Good luck explaining to them you’re not white as they strip you of all your valuables - or worse. LOL


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 21:30 | #

My bet is that most… are sorry for the hurt and grief women are bringing themselves with their fanatic devotion to feminist idealism.

Personally, I’m mad at the man who refuse to lead and push all that feminist idealism back to the margins. Most men are too addicted to football and fornication to care.

Men know how difficult it is for us to muster respect for a cheap slut…

They show respect where it counts, by keeping the porno and men’s mag industries going. Feminism survives because it allows men easy access to inconsequential sex. Men really ARE pigs.

WN is still mostly reactionary, but, good golly, it’s a reaction that’s hard to fault.

The only reason I care about WNs are that they allow free flow of reactionary ideas. White genes abstracted from Christendom are like American currency without the Federal Reserve.

It’s more correct to say WN is based on realistic principles; sometimes those are “conservative,” but as often as not they’re “liberal.”

That’s because WN is is, itself, a form of white self-hatred and philo-Semitism. It loves the gift but not the Giver.

I know I’m a sinner but please just this once..

If you guys would repent and believe, the white race may have a chance! grin

Petition for land in Europe! Start a starter society…

White people already HAVE Europe. They just don’t realize their own best interests.

...the paradise of living without blacks, Jews, non-whites.

Most whites already live like this now. Their interactions with non-whites are most via work and mass media. Do you get out much?

Someone has to be blamed for why I, as a white person, am not succeeding at life.

You think of success and failure with a short-term view. Besides, if one holds true ideas, those things are worth more than momentary prosperity. In the long run, the truth leads to greater wealth than falsehood.

In Liechtenstein II, you’ll be the new nigger/Jew/society scapegoat…

This is true. In a traditional Western society, many of the people here would be no better off than Jews, because they reject Christ. So much the better.  Unbelief and self-hatred are overlapping circles. In fact, when the people go on their effeminate tirades against Christianity, they imitate Jews.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 21:41 | #

See?  I told everyone about the Monitor but no one would listen would they.  Thought they knew better.  Now they’re finding out the hard way.  Hey don’t look at me, my conscience is clear:  I warned everyone; did my job.


Posted by 2R on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 22:09 | #

“2R, you sound like a politician—extolling the virtues and promises of females in the WN society”  (TOI)

TOI, you asked what life for females in a WN society would be like, and I attempted to answer this.  If you don’t believe what we say, then why ask in the first place?

“The planning needs to start now” (TOI)

I think you’re correct.  As the Western World becomes more diverse, Whites are going to become racialized on their own.  We need to create the ideological base and vision for the future that Whites can embrace when this time comes.

“Enough of blaming the Jews for all that ails white society, take some responsibility.” (TOI)

No argument from me here.  The very fact that Jews have acquired so much power in the West, is an indication that something was wrong to begin with.

“The sexual liberation of white women, I repeat, is too advantageous to forgo for a WN society” (TOI)

You’re basing this analysis on the current demographic situation in the West.  As the West becomes more and more non-White, this sexual liberation will end.  The sex part may continue, but not the fringe benefits of White liberal society.  But regardless, I still don’t think White women can meet their full potential in the West within our current Zeitgeist.  White women have been fooled into believing that “Girls Gone Wild” is “liberation,” while family is “slavery.”  Like I said earlier, most WN are not out to remake the 1950’s.  We want a new society for the creation of a new people. 

“I’m not so sure about that.” (TOI)

You may not be “sure of that,” but unfortunately, millions of 3rd worlders are “sure of that.”  I wish they did believe as you do.

“A history book will freshen you up on that. Just being European isn’t enough. I know you’d like to think it is, but it isn’t. It’s a mindset you’re after. The Amish are a great example.” (TOI)

I’m not totally sure what you’re saying here?  Please explain?

“My perception is based on the responses I received.” (TOI)

When you come here sporting the name “Tired of Idiots” (implying that we’re the idiots) while regurgitating the same anti-White rhetoric that we hear day after day, you’re going to get a negative response.  Regardless, I’m more than willing to discuss whatever you wish. 

“All people on earth are unique and have every right to live how they wish, and with whom they wish” (TOI)

OK, so we agree.

“White people are great advertisers, and are a global-minded people.” (TOI)

Again, I’m not sure what this means.  Please explain?

“They have inserted themselves everywhere.” (TOI)

Unfortunality, the 3rd world has inserted itself among us as well.

“May there wonderful genes soften the hearts of the world.” (TOI)

I could explain why this isn’t possible, but I’ll refer you to a book that could explain it much better than I.  See link below:

“Perhaps this is the way it was intended?” (TOI)

Nothing is “intended” within natures laws.  If a species evolves to overcome evolutionary pressures, they’ll survive.  If they don’t, they’ll go extinct.

TOI, you seem somewhat reasonable.  Keep an open mind, and treat people with respect here and you just might learn something.  You’re not the first person who was given a hard time when they started posting here.  Ask “Silver,” there were literally hundreds of calls for his IP address to get banned and now he posts here all the time. 

Perhaps you can give us your vision of what a racially healthy society should look like.  Make sure to include the role of women.


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 22:26 | #

“Unbelief and self-hatred are overlapping circles. In fact, when the people go on their effeminate tirades against Christianity, they imitate Jews.” - The Monitor

Hey, Monitor.  Did you get a chance to take a look at JWH’s writeup of the study on the unique genetic cluster that Europeans form?  We are not the same as towelheads and babus.

Here is the link again, check it out:


Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 22:52 | #

“Perhaps you can give us your vision of what a racially healthy society should look like.  Make sure to include the role of women.” - 2R, addressing Tired of Idiots

Let me take a stab at anticipating her answer.  Lindsey Lohan at “the Club”, 50 Cent blaring out the loud speakers - getting “crunk.”  Eden, thy name is Viper Room.


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:22 | #

We are not the same as towelheads and babus.

And Japanese are not the same as Koreans. Ulstermen are not the same as East Anglians, who are not the same as Ostfrisians. Move on.

Note to lurkers:
1.) I’m not denigrating the importance of genes. I’m saying the world where our genes thrive best is Christendom, which is our genotype nourished by religious orthodoxy and the Western tradition, amid certain beneficial inheritances from history. The sociobiological factors are necessary but not sufficient for a free, virtuous and coherent Anglo society.
2.) Relativism is stupid and gets even stupider when it hides behind scientific objectivity. Truth is more than just what benefits survival. A rational, purposeful order exists in the universe and human beings everywhere are duty-bound to live according it. Even if man refuses to follow his Creator, he may still be expected to live according to perennial truth.
3.) The White Nationalists over-react to the establishment’s doctrines that race does not exist and that the Jewish Question may not be asked. So, they makes their genes into idols and obsess over Jewish strategies. Worse, they tend to babble like drunk village atheists. If they are not double agents themselves, they are unwitting set up a straw man for lefties to kick over.


Posted by Tired of Idiots (Soon to be Banned) on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:26 | #

TOI, you asked what life for females in a WN society would be like, and I attempted to answer this.  If you don’t believe what we say, then why ask in the first place?

I asked, and you answered in your opinion. Thank you.

We need to create the ideological base and vision for the future that Whites can embrace when this time comes.

That’s going to be a big obstacle, which is why a starter society is needed. I keep telling you there is going to be a class war off the back.  White entitlement is potent, and when there are no Jews, blacks, non-whites to blame, well, someone has to take the brunt. Try to pretend whites are “better” than that, and you’re being naive. Of course you’re going to get the blond/blue superiority thing in no time.  How do you plan to avert these things?

You may not be “sure of that,” but unfortunately, millions of 3rd worlders are “sure of that.” I wish they did believe as you do.

Good marketing. Reality is quite different.

“A history book will freshen you up on that. Just being European isn’t enough. I know you’d like to think it is, but it isn’t. It’s a mindset you’re after. The Amish are a great example.” (TOI)

I’m not totally sure what you’re saying here?  Please explain?

I am saying that WN’s are looking for a particular way of life, that calls for more than just being white. I use the Amish as an example, because in isolated conditions they have thrived living their way of life.

When you come here sporting the name “Tired of Idiots” (implying that we’re the idiots) while regurgitating the same anti-White rhetoric that we hear day after day, you’re going to get a negative response.  Regardless, I’m more than willing to discuss whatever you wish.

Anti-white rhetoric? Nah.  My name choice was ill-chosen, but I didn’t think I’d actually expand my thoughts on the subject.  Now it’s kind of stuck (until my inevitable banning, of course).

“White people are great advertisers, and are a global-minded people.” (TOI)

Again, I’m not sure what this means.  Please explain?

It’s no secret white people get a good rap in the world. They’re a global people, inserting their “culture” where ever they’ll take it. They are spread out from Europe to Africa, marketing themselves as the ideal, the epitome of civilization and beauty. They have built economies off the backs of slaves, the working class, taken help from nearly every corner of the globe and lays claim to damn near every invention on earth. They have created the societies that you are now crying is destroying them. White is idyllic in a world considered “savage” without white influence. As one person posted: “How will Africa feed itself without white people?” Never thinking to ask how Africa fed itself before white people. Whites see the greatness in themselves, even when doing evil. Due to whites genetic weakness to sustain itself when mixed with other races, there seems to be this immediate need to spread, to conquer, to cultivate the planet so that the recessive is always stronger than the dominant. Absolutely brilliant marketing.

I could explain why this isn’t possible, but I’ll refer you to a book that could explain it much better than I.  See link below:

[...]This kind of indiscriminate altruism is not universal. Essentially, it is only whites who set up racial preferences for minorities, who adopt children of other races, or face dispossession through immigration. When whites took possession of the United States, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand, they set aside territory for the exclusive use of the natives they displaced, giving them at least a minimal base for ethnic preservation. Non-whites who displace whites will not establish homelands for them.

Why? I think it’s genetic. Whites have done this to themselves, so perhaps the anger with Jews, non-whites, and blacks is essentially misplaced. The same way American blacks don’t want to hold Africa responsible for its part in the slave trade.

TOI, you seem somewhat reasonable.  Keep an open mind, and treat people with respect here and you just might learn something.  You’re not the first person who was given a hard time when they started posting here.  Ask “Silver,” there were literally hundreds of calls for his IP address to get banned and now he posts here all the time.

I think I have kept an open mind, and besides my initial post, I have been respectful to people.  Can’t say the same has been returned (excluding you).

Perhaps you can give us your vision of what a racially healthy society should look like.  Make sure to include the role of women.

Hmm…let me think on that.


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:35 | #

“All people on earth are unique and have every right to live how they wish, and with whom they wish” (TOI)

Nonsense. You have a duty to live in accord with the laws of God and man. If you don’t do it, you should be dealt with by informal pressure or overt force. You can’t hide behind liberal verbiage to justify self-hatred. Whether or not race exists, you have no excuse.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:54 | #

God, those elctrons could’ve been put to some perfectly good use.  What a waste!

(until my inevitable banning, of course).

Speed the day!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 11 Sep 2008 23:56 | #

Can the IP-banning button get rid of both at once, or do you have to do one at a time?  Either way, let’s get it done!


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 00:03 | #

“The White Nationalists over-react to the establishment’s doctrines that race does not exist and that the Jewish Question may not be asked. So, they makes their genes into idols and obsess over Jewish strategies. Worse, they tend to babble like drunk village atheists. If they are not double agents themselves, they are unwitting set up a straw man for lefties to kick over.” - The Monitor

Here is Bob Whitaker’s Mantra:

“Everybody says there is this RACE problem. Everybody says this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.”

“The Netherlands and Belgium are more crowded than Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem. I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

“They say they are anti-racist. What they are is anti-white.”

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

Bob’s resume:

Bob worked on Capitol Hill from 1977 to 1982. During that period, two of his most personally gratifying accomplishments enjoyed today by all of us were saving the Hubble Telescopes and preventing the Internal Revenue Service from imposing racial quotas on private schools.

Despite his criticism of Ronald Reagan in A Plague on Both Your Houses, Bob was a Reagan appointee in charge of all civilian security clearances and federal staffing.

Bob’s a Christian too, Monitor.  But he’s a White Nationalist as well.  You wanna bust his balls too, Monitor?


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 00:43 | #

You wanna bust his balls too, Monitor?

No, because I make it a rule not to abuse my elders, with the possible exception of Fred. I think Bob is a Southern nationalist who wants to defend kith and kin against the barbarians, not just defending an extended phenotype abstracted from history and civilization. He does, unfortunately, believe in the Ongoing Genocide theory, which is the sidekick of the One Jewish Cause fallacy.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 01:00 | #

“He does, unfortunately, believe in the Ongoing Genocide theory…” - The Monitor

Yeah, ain’t it grand?  True too.  Buchanan believes it as well, writes a bunch of books on it, and so forth.  Of course in his muted “Straussian” style. He wants to maintain his access to the mainstream media and his seven figure income, which, I guess, goes hand in hand.  C’mon, Buchanan, how many years ya got left?  Lets hear it straight.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 01:14 | #

The Monitor personage claims that we have a duty to live by the laws of God and man. This God is the Jewish tribal god, I suppose. The same deity who created Eden and a serpent to advise the garden’s residents on the advisability of apple consumption and whose witless followers believe that donkeys can engage in meaningful discourse, ‘And the ass said unto Balaam : “Am I not thine ass upon which thou hast ridden?” ’ - Numbers 22.

Any other crazy beliefs you’d like to share with us?


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 01:39 | #

Buchanan believes it as well, writes a bunch of books on it, and so forth.


Of course in his muted “Straussian” style.

If you think Pat Buchanan is a Straussian, you can’t read.

This God is the Jewish tribal god, I suppose.

No, I’m talking about the God Who the Jews rejected.  White genes abstracted from Christendom are like American currency without the Federal Reserve.  Is “Al Ross” a secondary screen name of one of the regular posters?


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 02:23 | #

“If you think Pat Buchanan is a Straussian, you can’t read.” - The Monitor

Oh, come off it.  Of course he isn’t a Straussian.  I’m satirically suggesting that he thinly conceals his racialist-populist message, while getting in a few shots at the Jooze.  Here is an excerpt from an article Buchanan wrote where he hammers McCain’s Jewboy Sheuneman:

“Get America committed to fight Russia, if necessary, on behalf of Georgia.

Scheunemann came close to succeeding.

Had he done so, U.S. soldiers and Marines from Idaho and West Virginia would be killing Russians in the Caucasus…” - Buchanan

Idaho and West Virginia, got that?  Now, there are other places White people live in America than those states, right?  But what type of people live there?  Maybe those are hotbeds of racialist sentiment?  Eh, ya think?

Buchanan should just combine his last few books and rename them “The Passing of the Great Race” already.


Posted by Captainchaos on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:08 | #

That link should be:


Posted by 2R on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 03:10 | #

“You’re attracting people personally affected by race, looking for an identity, a cause to soothe the wounds of a failing life. Someone has to be blamed for why I, as a white person, am not succeeding at life.” (TOI)

Again, this is a stereotype that you’ve been socialized to perceive us as.  I thought this way as well, before I became racially aware and started reading WN sites and journals.  After three years of becoming acquainted with WN, I see no indication that most WN fit this description.  This doesn’t mean that they’re not out there, but they definitely are a minority within this movement.  At one time I thought that all feminists were men haters who needed someone to blame for not having a boyfriend or not feeling pretty enough.  By the time I was done with my undergrad education I had met some women who described themselves as “feminists” and found out that the man haters were a small minority within this movement/ideology as well.  I realize you’re going to believe what you want to believe so the best I can do if give you some links to some of the better WN thinkers, and you can decide whether these people are “not succeeding in life.”  See links at the bottom of this post.

“They have built economies off the backs of slaves, the working class, taken help from nearly every corner of the globe and lays claim to damn near every invention on earth. They have created the societies that you are now crying is destroying them. White is idyllic in a world considered “savage” without white influence. As one person posted: “How will Africa feed itself without white people?” Never thinking to ask how Africa fed itself before white people. Whites see the greatness in themselves, even when doing evil. Due to whites genetic weakness to sustain itself when mixed with other races, there seems to be this immediate need to spread, to conquer, to cultivate the planet so that the recessive is always stronger than the dominant. Absolutely brilliant marketing.” (TOI)

What we have here is an example of the “Whites as cancer” myth.  The WAC myth was invented by one of your heroes; Susan Sontag.  What’s disipointing is that you claim to read history, but still buy into this myth.  A real student of history would realize that Whites are not unique in “oppressing” people, utilizing slavery, or conquering other people’s lands.  Before Europeans ever started colonizing the world they too were “oppressed,” enslaved, and conquered by the Mongols, Arabs, Moors, North Africans,  and Turks.  Of course, you never learned about this, becuase its contrary to the narrative of White oppressor/non-white oppressed.  In an earlier post you expressed concern about White men are becoming feminized.  Its time you realize that from the time White males enter the school system they are force-fed a steady diet of the narrative of White oppressor/non-white oppressed.  White men are socialized into believing that they are, without a doubt, “The Cancer of the Earth” and you can’t figure out why they’re so passive? 

Tired of Idiots, I ask you, NO, I beg you, to at least try to think for yourself.  Whether you care to join us on our holy mission or not, I hope the very least you can get out of coming here is the ability to think for yourself.  Just becuase Mommy Professor says something doesn’t mean she’s right.  I will now give you some links of some of the scholars and journals we read.  Give them a chance, and I think your perception of us will change greatly.


Posted by Tired of Idiots (Soon to be Banned) on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 06:55 | #

Again, this is a stereotype that you’ve been socialized to perceive us as.  I thought this way as well, before I became racially aware and started reading WN sites and journals.  After three years of becoming acquainted with WN, I see no indication that most WN fit this description.  This doesn’t mean that they’re not out there, but they definitely are a minority within this movement.  At one time I thought that all feminists were men haters who needed someone to blame for not having a boyfriend or not feeling pretty enough.  By the time I was done with my undergrad education I had met some women who described themselves as “feminists” and found out that the man haters were a small minority within this movement/ideology as well.

First, I am not a feminist. In fact, I’d say I’m anti-feminist and very pro-male. I feel a sense of inherent comfort and protection in the presence of males, something my female counterparts want to be rid of.  My views are not typical, and I border on fetishizing males for their perceived dominance, but that is another topic.

I realize you’re going to believe what you want to believe so the best I can do if give you some links to some of the better WN thinkers, and you can decide whether these people are “not succeeding in life.” See links at the bottom of this post.

There are, of course, exceptions to the rules. However, one of the main selling point of WN is the violence of blacks on whites; the ways Jews are controlling the earth and orchestrating mass genocide of the white race; the way illegal immigrants are coming into a country, demanding equal rights and not assimilating. I don’t blame this approach, but you have to admit personal feelings and experiences play a role—a large role, perhaps. How were you lead to WN?

What we have here is an example of the “Whites as cancer” myth.  The WAC myth was invented by one of your heroes; Susan Sontag.  What’s disipointing is that you claim to read history, but still buy into this myth.  A real student of history would realize that Whites are not unique in “oppressing” people, utilizing slavery, or conquering other people’s lands.  Before Europeans ever started colonizing the world they too were “oppressed,” enslaved, and conquered by the Mongols, Arabs, Moors, North Africans, and Turks.  Of course, you never learned about this, becuase its contrary to the narrative of White oppressor/non-white oppressed.  In an earlier post you expressed concern about White men are becoming feminized.  Its time you realize that from the time White males enter the school system they are force-fed a steady diet of the narrative of White oppressor/non-white oppressed.  White men are socialized into believing that they are, without a doubt, “The Cancer of the Earth” and you can’t figure out why they’re so passive?

This is not a myth, it’s truth. I didn’t say white people are “unique” in oppressing people, utilizing slavery, or conquering other people’s land.  I am saying exactly that they are NOT, but they have marketed themselves so greatly that people of the world still see them as ideal, despite the “wrongs”! Cancer is dreaded, people want to avoid it, and they take preventative measures against it.  Whites are welcomed and seen as an aspiration, and they are far from being dreaded (except by those chimerical Jews, of course).

Its time you realize that from the time White males enter the school system they are force-fed a steady diet of the narrative of White oppressor/non-white oppressed.  White men are socialized into believing that they are, without a doubt, “The Cancer of the Earth” and you can’t figure out why they’re so passive?

Not buying it. Did you believe you were the cancer of earth? What about your father?

Tired of Idiots, I ask you, NO, I beg you, to at least try to think for yourself.  Whether you care to join us on our holy mission or not, I hope the very least you can get out of coming here is the ability to think for yourself.  Just becuase Mommy Professor says something doesn’t mean she’s right.  I will now give you some links of some of the scholars and journals we read.  Give them a chance, and I think your perception of us will change greatly.

Thank you for the links, 2R, but the key components of those sites is the hatred (not even subtle either) and disdain for blacks, Jews, and non-whites. The hysteria on Amren’s post about blacks rioting if Obama loses is truly sad. Why can’t their be a movement without the hate?


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:06 | #

Why can’t their be a movement without the hate?

If the Wall Street Journal carries discussion of possible race riots in the event of Obama defeat, is that hate? BTW, you sound silly when you drop the h-bomb. I have my beefs with WNs, but I would never resort to such cliches. The word “hate” is an emotional thought-stopper that people use to hide from uncomfortable thoughts.

How were you lead to WN?

Often WNs react to having lived in areas where whites are a minority. When they hear the ideology, it matches their experience of the real world. You seem to believe the myth that these are poor people who feel class-anxiety because of upwardly-mobile minorities.  That’s far from the case.

one of the main selling point of WN is the violence of blacks on whites;

Black on white violence is common and easily verifiable through mainstream sources.

the ways Jews are controlling the earth and orchestrating mass genocide of the white race

Yeah, this is nonsense and I’ve already said so. (Hiya, Fred!)

the way illegal immigrants are coming into a country, demanding equal rights and not assimilating

This is also fairly common and easily verifiable through mainstream sources.

Did you believe you were the cancer of earth?

Certain whites _are_ a cancer on the Earth: the self-righteous, self-hating, anti-Christian ones who dream of a socially democratic world free of racism, sexism, and homophobia. I’m glad they don’t breed much.

they have marketed themselves so greatly that people of the world still see them as ideal

Think of it this way: without Anglo-Saxons conquering the planet, Islam would be still the most advanced civilization on Earth and the human population worldwide would be smaller than that of India today. Most of the planet would be better off oppressed by Whitey, even with the atrocities, than running their own affairs.

I border on fetishizing males for their perceived (sic) dominance…



Posted by Whoopi Goldberg on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 08:24 | #

Solid rebuttal, Monitor. (Except for the rank minimizing on the JQ. I hope you’re not just another Auster-style minimizer.)


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:00 | #

If the Wall Street Journal carries discussion of possible race riots in the event of Obama defeat, is that hate? BTW, you sound silly when you drop the h-bomb. I have my beefs with WNs, but I would never resort to such cliches. The word “hate” is an emotional thought-stopper that people use to hide from uncomfortable thoughts.

No, the word hate is what WN’s have embedded in the movement.  I don’t shy away from uncomfortable thoughts, but see no need to spit on one person to uplift another. Why can’t white people just be great?  Why do they have to be at the expense of Jews, blacks, non-white.  It’s immature.  In a way, get over yourselves some.

Often WNs react to having lived in areas where whites are a minority. When they hear the ideology, it matches their experience of the real world. You seem to believe the myth that these are poor people who feel class-anxiety because of upwardly-mobile minorities.  That’s far from the case.

Wrong!  What I mean by not living a successful life is the ability to live without fear. You are afraid, maybe even a coward for “needing” to be spurred on.  This is what I mean by the feminization of white males. WN are playing the victim role, not taking any responsibility for what their race has contributed to their perceived demise.

Black on white violence is common and easily verifiable through mainstream sources

So?  So are atrocities committed by whites to blacks, on systemic level. Enough of the victim mentality. Just fucking enough!

the ways Jews are controlling the earth and orchestrating mass genocide of the white race
Yeah, this is nonsense and I’ve already said so.

Yeah, that’s your little thorn. Good luck.

the way illegal immigrants are coming into a country, demanding equal rights and not assimilating

This is also fairly common and easily verifiable through mainstream sources.

Again, some responsibility needs to be taken.  Why have whites allowed this to happen?  Is there some obscure desire to seek dominant genes? Seriously.  This can be seen as a genetic flaw.

Certain whites _are_ a cancer on the Earth: the self-righteous, self-hating, anti-Christian ones who dream of a socially democratic world free of racism, sexism, and homophobia. I’m glad they don’t breed much.

So the ideal for you would be a society full of racism, sexism, and homophobia?  This doesn’t seem Christian like. 

Think of it this way: without Anglo-Saxons conquering the planet, Islam would be still the most advanced civilization on Earth and the human population worldwide would be smaller than that of India today. Most of the planet would be better off oppressed by Whitey, even with the atrocities, than running their own affairs.

Anglo-Saxons haven’t conquered the planet, the Jews just let you think you have (hi, Fred). Seems like you even market to yourselves.  Get over yourselves some.


Posted by Whoopi Goldberg on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:10 | #

Jewish female, age 20-30.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:55 | #

No, the word hate is what WN’s have embedded in the movement.

WNs don’t throw the word hate around much at all. In fact, among the thoughtful, non-Hitlerian WNs, the amount of rancor that they throw around is not much different from what what the Republicans and Democrats throw at each other. Oddly enough, I’ve seen pop Jewish religious media that claims “hate” is a virtue. Looking at Noah Webster’s original dictionary, he claims the word hate “expresses less than abhor, detest, and abominate, unless pronounced with a peculiar emphasis.” (,hate)

What I mean by not living a successful life is the ability to live without fear.

That’s not a fair standard. People live with fear for all sorts of reasons, which may or may not be justified. Fear exists as a healthy warning signal, in fact. The successful man is the one who knows how to respond to it. To live without fear to be psychotic.

WN are playing the victim role, not taking any responsibility for what their race has contributed to their perceived demise.

Some of them do, indeed, play the victim. I think the charitable conclusion is that they try to tell other people _not_ to be victimized. Also, even the One Jewish Cause crowd will agree that there are whites who “contribute to their perceived demise.” In fact, they see their political goal as awakening a healthy racial consciousness in those people.

BTW, I think this attempt to psychoanalyze people based on their politics is misguided, As somebody else has said, it is like saying all feminists are man-haters.

So are atrocities committed by whites to blacks, on systemic level.

OK, fine. Even with the systemic atrocities, blacks under white rule have, in the aggregate, lived better than they would if they had stayed in Africa. This is easy to demonstrate. The famines, wars, genocides, polygamy, superstition, female circumcision, and HIV infection rates simply do not exist in the West. And only an idiot would rather be ruled by Robert Mugabe over Barak Obama—and the media treated Mugabe as the champion of democracy for decades.

When whites hurt blacks, it is a tragedy. When blacks hurt blacks, it is a statistic.

Why have whites allowed this to happen?

No, wait. You challenged the claim that “illegal immigrants are coming into a country, demanding equal rights and not assimilating.” I said it was clearly true. As to why, everyone here can say in unison, “cheap labor.”

So the ideal for you would be a society full of racism, sexism, and homophobia?

Do you really want to throw me a straight line like that?

The words “racism, sexism, and homophobia” are slanders against attitudes that were considered healthy and normal in the West before a few years ago. The elites use these terms as a replacement for the word heretic. Noah Webster never heard of any of these words—and he would have considered them quixotic, even though he was probably pro-abolition.

Anglo-Saxons haven’t conquered the planet

Who claimed this?

Seems like you even market to yourselves.  Get over yourselves some.

This is an argument?


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:58 | #

Jewish female, age 20-30.

I still think she’s flirting with us. We’re all challenge to her and she wants to test us. You can have her.


Posted by Z on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 10:51 | #

Tired of Idiots speaks about the modern “feminization of White males,” and I agree with her (if Tired of Idiots is indeed a she) that White-Western men have become too feminized in the past 40 years or so. 

However, this seems to be the direct result of the widespread masculinization of women which has occurred since the rise of feminism since the 1960s.  Far too many modern Western-White women are butchy/bitchy, vulgar, coarse, crude, aggressive, and overly masculine in terms of behavior and mannerisms as a result of misguided feminist ideas and macroeconomic (Jewish) factors which has plunged them head-first in to the ultra-competitive workplace where they have had to compete head-to-head with men—and the only way to compete and keep up with them was to, it seems, copy them to an unhealthy degree, and they’ve clearly taken it too far.  ‘Women’s liberation’ has morphed in to, laughably, becoming more like men…women becoming masculinized.

So when this person is on here griping about the “feminization of men” let her also gripe about the “masculinization of women” which has occurred at the same time, because these trends are strongly correlated.

Another way to look at it is that Western society has become Judaized to such a great extent that the White/Western world has now internalized (via the Jewish mass-media, Jew-led public schools, etc.) common Jewish gender norms (i.e., effeminate/feminized Jewish males and aggressive/butchy Jewish females—this is VERY normal amongst Ashkenazi Jews) and is presently living with the negative consequences.


Posted by silver on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:02 | #

So?  So are atrocities committed by whites to blacks, on systemic level. Enough of the victim mentality. Just fucking enough!

Systematic white-on-black attrocities have long ceased.  Black-on-white violence, already nightmarish, is still gathering pace.

One doesn’t require a “victim mentality” to avoid sharks when swimming, or mosquitoes on a picnic.

I’d like to help blacks create better lives for themselves, but every time I read of the latest outrage my memory is flooded with the black stupidity and unruliness I witnessed during my short time in the US.  To then listen to nincompoops like yourself kvetching about the need to “get over it” really shortcircuits my compassion.

The fact is you can love your pet alligator but if you forget that it’s an alligator you risk being eaten.  There’s no reason why blacks can’t be taught to lead meaningful, even prosperous, lives by black standards.  There just has to be acceptance that black standards must necessarily differ.  Money-hungry white idiots could also learn a lesson from the simpler black life-values and seek something more meaningful than racing to clutter their lives with useless and unnecessary junk.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:22 | #

With naturally-programmed amygdalas “Tired of Being a Bimbo” might, just might, have conceivably been (barely) tolerable (it would have to depend on what she looks like because in her case there’s just not much “upstairs,” sorry hun) PROVIDED ... provided ... provided ... she kept her mouth shut and stayed pregnant, barefoot, and in the kitchen making meals for her kids and her man.  But before anyone could stop them the Jews got to her amygdalas, reprogrammed them, and ... well ... it’s a pity but everyone can now see the rest of the story:  a potentially (barely) tolerable bimbo before (again, depending on what she looks like, since the natural brain power, charm, and so on, in her case are zero) has become an intolerable bimbo now.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 13:28 | #

(Sorry “Tired,” but we have to be honest and up-front with the readership, hun)


Posted by torgrim on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 16:37 | #

“So when this person is on here griping about the ‘feminization of men’ let her also gripe about the ‘masculinization of women’ which has occured at the same time, because these trends are strongly correlated.”

“Another way to look at it is that Western Society has become Judaized….effeminate/feminized males and aggressive/butchy Jewish females.”  (Z)

Yes, more damage and fallout from the Sixties. Women in the workplace, acting like men, even down to the walk and other body language, in your face challenges, body language that men instinctively understand, (non-verbal communication)...and women don’t even know what messages they communicate when, acting like men.

Non-verbal communication harkens back to our hunting/gatherer, tribal past. Voice communication was risky while hunting, the prey being an enemy,.. or dinner…where sight was your first communication, as sound, is slower, so body language, or signals are hard wired in men and most men, that have not been completely feminized, instinctively “key” into the non-verbal communication.

No wonder the birth rate for Whites have plummeted with this kind of interaction in the workplace, which, btw, is where many or most meet, today.

This has come back to bite the Jewish promoters of feminism, too, alot of Jewish males have “partaken of the kool-aid”.


Posted by Tired of Idiots (Almost Banned) on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 17:40 | #

Fred, you dislike me because I don’t agree with you.  Typical, bratty, immature behavior expected for basement dwellers seeking an identity on the Internet.  There’s plenty upstairs, and maybe that bothers you that I, as a female, dares to challenge your made up mind.  I am just a bimbo, another set of holes to vent your frustration at society in (provided I’m white, of course). You are a reject both in life and mind. Don’t bother replying; you have nothing of substance to add.

[...]but every time I read of the latest outrage my memory is flooded with the black stupidity and unruliness I witnessed during my short time in the US.  To then listen to nincompoops like yourself kvetching about the need to “get over it” really shortcircuits my compassion.

Do you feel the same way when reading about white crime? Are you outraged when schools are shot up? Does your blood boil when you hear about white mothers killing their children or white priest molesting young boys? How do you feel when you think of serial killers? Or are the only ones allowed to be judged as individuals?

That’s not a fair standard. People live with fear for all sorts of reasons, which may or may not be justified. Fear exists as a healthy warning signal, in fact. The successful man is the one who knows how to respond to it. To live without fear to be psychotic. [sic]

Are you afraid of black men? Or Latino men?  How would you respond to a non-white threatening you with physical violence?

Some of them do, indeed, play the victim. I think the charitable conclusion is that they try to tell other people _not_ to be victimized. Also, even the One Jewish Cause crowd will agree that there are whites who “contribute to their perceived demise.” In fact, they see their political goal as awakening a healthy racial consciousness in those people.

We agree, then?

OK, fine. Even with the systemic atrocities, blacks under white rule have, in the aggregate, lived better than they would if they had stayed in Africa. This is easy to demonstrate. The famines, wars, genocides, polygamy, superstition, female circumcision, and HIV infection rates simply do not exist in the West. And only an idiot would rather be ruled by Robert Mugabe over Barak [sic] Obama—and the media treated Mugabe as the champion of democracy for decades.

100% agree. Look at Liberia! 

No, wait. You challenged the claim that “illegal immigrants are coming into a country, demanding equal rights and not assimilating.” I said it was clearly true. As to why, everyone here can say in unison, “cheap labor.”

I never challenged this. I agree that this is a problem.

The words “racism, sexism, and homophobia” are slanders against attitudes that were considered healthy and normal in the West before a few years ago. The elites use these terms as a replacement for the word heretic. Noah Webster never heard of any of these words—and he would have considered them quixotic, even though he was probably pro-abolition.

Racism, sexism, and homophobia are not normal and healthy, a group of people are affected by the attitudes in a negative way.  You’re just being mean now.

This is an argument?

I am not arguing.  I am “talking,” asking questions, learning things, figuring myself out as I go along.  This site has given me a chance to work through my own feeling of race outside of the cookie cutter, politically correct reaction presented in my first post here.  One thing I’ve come to feel is that the discussion of race is stifling in mainstream society. Racial differences may exist on a superficial level (too much is emphasized on this floaty truth), but there is a cultural heritage that is the key here. Diversity advocates want to overlook this in favor of a color blind society, but nothing is in place to deal with the oil and water after effects. People end up suffering unnecessarily because of this. Again, responsibility is also key.  But I do think for the ultimate good of the world racial harmony is the top-notch scenario.


Posted by 2R on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 19:05 | #

“I keep telling you there is going to be a class war off the back. White entitlement is potent, and when there are no Jews, blacks, non-whites to blame, well, someone has to take the brunt. (TOI)

I have often said that part of our struggle IS class warfare.  The elite Whites (and their elite colored pets) force and propagate multiculturalism for their interests, and their interests only.  The so called “right” needs them for cheap labor, and the so called “left” needs them for the future creation of a total welfare state.  Of course, the final goal is the creation of one slave class, with one commercial culture created on Madison ave.  These elites support force busing, forced diversity, affirmative action (while they enjoy elite affirmative action), and open borders.  They don’t care becuase they live in gated communities and send their kids to private schools.  The only “White privilege” that exists is the one that the White elite enjoy.  Barrack Obama’s kids are more privileged that my neighbors kids, or my sisters kids any day of the week.

I’m not sure what you mean when you say “there is going to be class war of the back.”  In a racially healthy WN society there will be no class war.  Society will be organized around the old Anglo-Saxon/Nordic principal of merit, that was done away with spread of the Roman Catholic church.  If you’re saying that class war will start during the fall of the US, keep in mind that you people have been saying this for the last 150 years.  Class warfare is impossible in a multi-cult State.  Even today, poor Whites vote for Republicans becuase they implicitly believe that the GOP is the “White” party.  Of course the GOP is far from being a “White” party, but that discussion is for another time.  When the former USSR and the former Yugoslavia fell in the 1990’s, no one cared about their so called “class interests,” it was ethnic interests Uber-Allis. 

As I said above, the future WN State[s] will not have class war.  This doesn’t mean there won’t be a hierarchy, but the hierarchy will be made up of people who exemplify the Faustian Spirit.  If a kid from a working class family is assessed as being a skilled mathematician, he/she will be sent to the best Universities.  If the child of the hierarchy is assessed as being lower in abailities, he/she will not be sent to the better Universities.  But regardless of where people sit in the hierarchy, their lives will have meaning and purpose.  This purpose is for the betterment of the people.  Notice I didn’t say “the betterment of the State?”  The State only exists to serve the people and never the other way around.  In the future WN State[s], a dishwasher will feel more purpose, more pride, and more meaning than the Kings of other societies.


Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 22:34 | #

“Many of the people here would be no better off than Jews because they reject Christ” is the sort of congenital idiocy that helps us evaluate its gullible author. Thankfully, though, even in American homes the world’s most widely distributed collection of dreary, fictional Jew-tales, aka the Bible, has been reduced to a Nigger-style fetish, put on a shelf or a table, seldom opened and never read.

This is an era, at least for intelligent Aryans, of religious residue and scum and it gets everywhere, even MR.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 23:29 | #

The elite Whites… force and propagate multiculturalism for their interests, and their interests only.

Do you think these people would vanish in a WN society? Many of the White elites are chauvinistic toward WASP people and institutions. Yet the talk and promote liberalism for their personal economic advantage—and to wreck the upwardly mobile whites who might threaten them. The spoiled, stupid Bush family is a great example of this.

Society will be organized around the old Anglo-Saxon/Nordic principal of merit, that was done away with spread of the Roman Catholic church.

Completely wrong and fanciful. Before they were assimilated into the West, our ancestors were just barbarians with genetic potential. For all its faults, the old Catholic system offered meritocratic advancement to people that would not have existed otherwise.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 12 Sep 2008 23:54 | #

This doesn’t mean there won’t be a hierarchy, but the hierarchy will be made up of people who exemplify the Faustian Spirit.


I’m afraid the Faustian Spirit is more powerful and dangerous than you understand. Like nuclear power, andindustrial society,  if you don’t treat it with exacting care, it will kill us all. It is _not_ a good in itself. In fact, if you read the old stories, people like Faust and Prometheus are fools who are crushed by their own short-sighted ambition.

The Faustian Spirit is what makes Bill Gates give his entire fortune to the cause of equality.
The Faustian Spirit is what turned Bill Clinton from a scholar into a sexual deviant and the First Black President.
The Faustian Spirit is what turned Pat Tillman from a warrior into a martyr for the neocons.

What about the fratricidal wars that the Faustian Spirit unleashed? What about the Faustian tendency toward romanticism and elevation of the Noble Savage? What about Individualism, which is an ideology as purely Faustian as one can imagine?

Without the proper discipline of sanction and reward, the Faustian Spirit is the White Man’s self-destruction. Thst requires a Bible in one hand a sword in the other. Unless you understand this, you are still in bed with the Jacobins and the Freedom Riders.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 00:01 | #

1.) I’m not denigrating the importance of genes. I’m saying the world where our genes thrive best is Christendom, which is our genotype nourished by religious orthodoxy and the Western tradition, amid certain beneficial inheritances from history. The sociobiological factors are necessary but not sufficient for a free, virtuous and coherent Anglo society.

Even if that position is accepted, for arguments sake, (there is much evidence that suggests Christianity was more adaptive, i.e Christian women had more children than pagan women in Europe) how is it to be enforced today. Christianity, post-WWII and Vatican II is, if not the anti-Christ, then at least a religion that is all carrot and no stick. Religious belief does evolve however, without enforcement, (Charlemagne, beheading all those good pagan Saxons) it’s unsustainable. Islam on the other hand, is a different story…

2.) Relativism is stupid and gets even stupider when it hides behind scientific objectivity. Truth is more than just what benefits survival. A rational, purposeful order exists in the universe and human beings everywhere are duty-bound to live according it. Even if man refuses to follow his Creator, he may still be expected to live according to perennial truth.

Again, even accepting that as a valid position, how is it enforced. The Puritans used an extensive coterie of enforcers/informers. A man kissing his wife at the front door of their home, is punished largely because an informer reports the transgression, not simply because the couple believe they will burn in hell.

Truth is more than just what benefits survival.

Evolution is not concerned with truth. Often its only concerned with who runs the fastest. Rational purposeful orders come and go. Where are the altars of Zeus, Herkios and Agathos Daemon?  Extinction, however, is forever.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 00:21 | #

Typical, bratty, immature behavior expected for basement dwellers…

Let me get this straight. You’re trying to counter Fred by being as whiny and petulant as him. That’s kind of stupid, isn’t it?

Racism, sexism, and homophobia are not normal and healthy…

On one hand, you know diversity sucks. On the other hand, you mouth the standard slogans. The Republicans and the Tories love people like you.

I am not arguing.  I am “talking,” asking questions, learning things, figuring myself out as I go along. 

I think you’re looking for a strong man to put you into submission. Sorry, I’m taken. smile


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 00:43 | #

Christianity, post-WWII and Vatican II is, if not the anti-Christ, then at least a religion that is all carrot and no stick.

It isn’t Christianity, although few WNs care about the difference.

The Puritans used an extensive coterie of enforcers/informers.

First, the Puritans rarely had that kind of power. They were more often sinned against than sinning.

Second, it was a different culture at a different time. The point is that they had standards and were not afraid to enforce them. If it was extreme, it was still better than the modern lunacy of reducing precept to suggestion.

Third, the Puritans fought and won a race war that would warm the coldest WN heart. King Philip’s War (1675–77).

Evolution is not concerned with truth. Often its only concerned with who runs the fastest.

As far as I can tell, evolution tends to like lucky mediocrities as much as the fittest. He who runs fastest may go off the cliff and serve as a warning to the others.

Rational purposeful orders come and go.

Does the Moon exist? Or is it a convenient fiction that helps the race to survive?

Where are the altars of Zeus, Herkios and Agathos Daemon?

Still there, if archaeologists have anything to say about it.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:06 | #

Monitor, a lot of what you say makes good sense and gibes with some of my own thinking.  But Christianity has been, in large part, corrupted by liberalism.  If our race doesn’t survive neither will Western Christianity.  Why not use your talents and energy to explicitly advocate for a racialist friendly form of Christianity?  That will necessarily include advocating racialism too, though.


Posted by Catfish LeRoy on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:27 | #

Tired: “Typical, bratty, immature behavior expected for [sic] basement dwellers…

The Monitor: “Let me get this straight. You’re trying to counter Fred by being as whiny and petulant as him. That’s kind of stupid, isn’t it?”

Despite Fred’s warnings, I’m beginning to like this guy. He seems to have endless energy and patience with which to fight the ‘Tards and other low-quality auslanders who straggle into MR from time to time, seeking to dazzle us with their effortless regurgitations of ‘Tardic wisdom (viz. the same Marxist B.S. we’ve already heard a million times before).

I must admit—as an ennervated and nihilistic pagan—I am impressed by his will-to-fight (even against inconsequential foes). Perhaps the Spirit of God really IS upon him…?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:47 | #

“Why not use your talents and energy to explicitly advocate for a racialist friendly form of Christianity?”  (—CC)

Because Monitor is, like “Rocket” before him, at bottom a Christian race-replacement advocate.  Or not even “at bottom”:  with both this one and Rocket it’s pretty explicit and on the surface, not even hidden.  They say they take race into account.  That’s right — they take it into account and place it dead last.  You want Christians who aren’t race-replacement advocates?  Those would be The Kinists, Lindsay Wheeler, Fr. John, Dave Johns, DanielJ (who, being part-Italian, no longer shows up at because of the north-south thing), and Perun (a Uke who no longer blogs).  Oh, and me.  I’m a Christian who’s not a race-replacement advocate.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:53 | #

“He seems to have endless energy and patience”  (—Catfish)

So do termites.  So does cancer.  So does lots of stuff.  The question isn’t endless energy and patience, it’s What end do his endless energy and patience serve?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 01:58 | #

“I’m a Christian who’s not a race-replacement advocate.”  (—me, above)

I’m Catholic, in fact.  A true Catholic.  The Pope is Antichrist filth.  And the race-replacement-advocating Catholic Church is Whore of Babylon filth.


Posted by 2R on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 02:25 | #

“What about the fratricidal wars that the Faustian Spirit unleashed?” (Monitor)

Look, I have no problem with Christians, but like anything, don’t let your religion overcome your ability to think.  Europeans fought for years over whether Jesus was a Catholic or a Protestant.

“The Faustian Spirit is what makes Bill Gates give his entire fortune to the cause of equality”

No, The FS is the reason why Gates has his fortune, Liberalism is what causes him to give it away.

“Completely wrong and fanciful. Before they were assimilated into the West, our ancestors were just barbarians with genetic potential. For all its faults, the old Catholic system offered meritocratic advancement to people that would not have existed otherwise.”

Before the spread of Christianity our ancestors were Pagan tribalists who put placed tribal interests before that of any institution.  Tribal Europe was egalitarian and leaders were chosen based on displaying qualities that best benefited the tribe.  In fact, even women occupied leadership positions in some parts, such a Boudica, leader of the Celt’s. Christian leaders kept the people dumb and poor.  When Europeans put down their Bible’s, and picked up Classical texts again, we saw the beginning of the Renaissance.  The Romans and Greeks did pretty well without Christianity too.

“The Faustian Spirit is what turned Bill Clinton from a scholar into a sexual deviant and the First Black President.”

Look, I’m pretty sure when you take communion, you’re not supposed to drink the whole bottle of wine?

“Why not use your talents and energy to explicitly advocate for a racialist friendly form of Christianity?” (CC)

Thank you for saying this.  I don’t normally argue with Christian WN over religion because its counterproductive, and I generally tell them this as well.  I don’t even know if Monitor is a racialist?  Personally, I think he’s here to distract us from our discussion or to agitate long enough till someone says something offensive against him so he can go tell people that WNism is anti-Christian. 

So if you’re reading this “Monitor,” why don’t you go to some Christian websites and spread the word of racialism?  If you’re not a racialist, we don’t want what your selling.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 03:23 | #

“So if you’re reading this ‘Monitor,’ why don’t you go to some Christian websites and spread the word of racialism?  If you’re not a racialist, we don’t want what you’re selling.”  (—2R)

Very well put.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 04:15 | #

Pro-race-replacement “Christianity,” including today’s “Catholicism,” is pure evil and good news for Satan’s Kingdom.  Aware people shouldn’t accept any of the tainted devil-worship, but should take it and shove it right back in the faces of the corrupt priests who are trying to force it on them, saying “Take it back!  We don’t want it!”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 04:17 | #

That’s Rocket’s and Monitor’s brand of “Christianity.”


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 05:09 | #

Look, I have no problem with Christians, but like anything, don’t let your religion overcome your ability to think.

My religion allows me to think. Without it I would be like you, a barbarian and a village atheist.

Personally, I think he’s here to distract us from our discussion or to agitate long enough till someone says something offensive against him so he can go tell people that WNism is anti-Christian.

I think that WNs like you care most about opposing Christianity first and fight for race second. Otherwise I wouldn’t see so many cutesy little tirades that look like somebody trying to write Nietzschean philosophy on a bathroom wall. What you want is Bolshevism for white people. If this were a few years ago, you would be like Madalyn Murray O’Hair, trying to emigrate to the Soviet Union.

I don’t like the cure if it is worse than the disease. If white people get to survive, but only as barbarian slaves to a totalitarian states, who needs it?

Before the spread of Christianity our ancestors were Pagan tribalists who put placed tribal interests before that of any institution.

Civilizationally, they were irrelevant. Only anthropologists and people who fetishize the exotic care about them.

n fact, even women occupied leadership positions in some parts, such a Boudica, leader of the Celt’s.

What kind of revisionist feminism are you smoking?

The FS is the reason why Gates has his fortune, Liberalism is what causes him to give it away.

Gates was brainwashed by The Economist, the mouthpiece of the Anglo-Saxon ruling class, that his heroic destiny was to save his little brown brothers. His Faustian Spirit made him stupid.

So if you’re reading this “Monitor,” why don’t you go to some Christian websites and spread the word of racialism?

People like you spoil it for the rest of us. When self-righteous retards like you run around shouting “NAME THE JEW!” and spout anti-Christian nonsense, you make non-PC people look like fools.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 05:22 | #

Because Monitor is, like “Rocket” before him, at bottom a Christian race-replacement advocate.

Oh, grow up. Maybe you are a double agent. You seem bent on keeping the discussion as shrill as possible.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:07 | #

“I don’t like the cure if it is worse than the disease. If white people get to survive, but only as barbarian slaves to a totalitarian states, who needs it?” - The Monitor

Just what the hell do you suppose Whites will be faced with if we are to be ruled over by muds.  Even the faileo-con, Buchanan, said, in an interview on Michael Savage’s show that it will be like the situation in Zimbabwe.  Do you have any clue what goes on over there?  Parents, like yourself, are forced to watch, as savages literally butcher their children before their eyes. 

If we become a minority in our own lands we will no longer have the ability to guarantee our own survival within a democratic context.  Do you get that?

The Russian people endured communism, yet they still exist.  The same outcome for our people should we, out of moralism, cowardice, a failure of nerve, submit to mud-rule will be dubious at best. 

The Russian people now live under a mild authoritarianism, to which Solzhenitsyn, a man I suspect you admire, gave his blessing.  What if some level of authoritarian rule is what it take to ensure the survival of our people.  Wouldn’t we just have to endure the ignominy? 

If we can incinerate alive hundreds of thousands of our own blood at Dresden and likewise numbers of the noble Japanese people at Hiroshima and Nagasaki wouldn’t we just have to soil ourselves by cracking a few skulls if that is what it took to save our people?


Posted by 2R on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 06:33 | #

“My religion allows me to think. Without it I would be like you, a barbarian and a village atheist” (Monitor)

Your so called “thinking” is limited to telling us to read the Bible and insulting people.

I think that WNs like you care most about opposing Christianity first and fight for race second. Otherwise I wouldn’t see so many cutesy little tirades that look like somebody trying to write Nietzschean philosophy on a bathroom wall. What you want is Bolshevism for white people. If this were a few years ago, you would be like Madalyn Murray O’Hair, trying to emigrate to the Soviet Union. “

Hypotheses: When Monitor starts a sentence with the words “I think,” the remainder of the paragraph will lack any coherence, logic, evidence, or rationality.

Methods: Examining the writings of Monitor that start with the words “I think.” (See the paragraph above)

Conclusion: As I predicted in my hypotheses, the paragraph above (which start with the words “I think”) lacks coherence, logic, evidence, or rationality.

“What kind of revisionist feminism are you smoking?”

“Gates was brainwashed by The Economist, the mouthpiece of the Anglo-Saxon ruling class, that his heroic destiny was to save his little brown brothers. His Faustian Spirit made him stupid.”

I may have to re-think my hypotheses.  It seems as if EVERYTHING “Monitor” writes lacks coherence, logic, evidence, or rationality?

“People like you spoil it for the rest of us. When self-righteous retards like you run around shouting “NAME THE JEW!” and spout anti-Christian nonsense, you make non-PC people look like fools.

I see you’re on your 2nd bottle of wine?  Where have I said anything close to being “anti-Christian non-sense?”  And while you’re at it, show one example where I’ve written “Name The Jew?”  If you re-read my posts on this thread, you will notice that I even agree with “Tired of Idiots” that WN spend too much time focusing on the JQ.  I believe this is what people call “a straw-man argument?”  Just as I was correct about my “I think” hypotheses regarding your writing, it seems that the evidence is building that you ARE here just to try to make us out to be anti-Christian. 

I’m done wasting my time with you.  Go away please!


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 07:46 | #

Just what the hell do you suppose Whites will be faced with if we are to be ruled over by muds.

Why are you saying this? Do you think I want such a dystopian result?

Buchanan, said, in an interview on Michael Savage’s show that it will be like the situation in Zimbabwe.
The Russian people endured communism, yet they still exist.

I don’t know what this has to do with what I said. 

Your so called “thinking” is limited to telling us to read the Bible and insulting people.

You’re saying that I all have done here is tell you to read the Bible and insult people? Well…

It seems as if EVERYTHING “Monitor” writes lacks coherence, logic, evidence, or rationality?
I see you’re on your 2nd bottle of wine?
I’m done wasting my time with you.

Learn not to insult people, you hypocrite. Maybe reading the Bible will help! grin


Posted by Al Ross on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 10:49 | #

The Monitor is a self-righteous Christian fool who has arranged, he believes, a reservation in that old celestial Kike Yahweh’s stratospheric retirement community where I trust he will, in the fullness of time find, thanks to the poisonous, scum-of-the-earth-venerating doctrine of his intellectually offensive Jesus Jabberwocky, gangs of grinning, hand-clapping, bawling Niggers of the US Democrat Presidential candidate variety for eternal company, in numbers “sufficient unto the day,” to borrow a Jew-Book phrase which his scriptural ignorance will doubtless render incomprehensible.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 11:41 | #

The Monitor is a self-righteous Christian fool who has arranged, he believes, a reservation in that…

1.) The Jews rejected Jesus and hate him violently to this day. Looking at how your blood boils at the mention of His name, I wonder.  Seriously, you can’t be this cranky and not belong to the Maimonides Fan Club. 

2.) Traditional Western societies, which you pretend to defend, knew how to handle blasphemers like you. They’d beat the stuffing out of you until you accepted your guilt. Then they’d execute you in the middle of town as an example to others. These were the good old days.

3.) The “gangs of grinning, hand-clapping, bawling” Blacks typically belong to liberal denominations which are heretical. Obama is United Church of Christ and apparently only joined to fit in with well-connected Blacks in Chicago.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 12:34 | #

The blasphemers and the anti-Christians are the Monitors and Rockets of this world, the present Pope, the present Archbishop of Canterbury, the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, the World Council of Churches, U.S. Evangelical Prods like John Hagee and Pat Robertson, and all other “Christians” who, as do these, worship not God but forced race-replacement, mammon, lucre, PC, and in John Milton’s phrase, “stocks and stones.”  Christianity rejects forced race-replacement.  Period.  Full stop.  End of story.  If the Vatican Curia were less occupied buggering young priests and sucking cocks they’d come out with a clarification of that fact in this time of unprecedented civilizational world-historical crisis, releasing Catholics worldwide from the grasp of the race-replacing Jew.  But they won’t do it because ... well, because they’re apparently otherwise occupied.  The Mormons, the Kinists of course, the Eastern Orthodox Churches, and other branches of Christianity (the Lebanese Maronites for example, and others) are examples of Christians today who reject the race-replacing, Satan-worshipping blasphemy of the established Churches of the West.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 12:42 | #

Anyone who says Christianity endorses forced race-replacement blasphemes against Christianity.  Period.  Any Christian authority figure who doesn’t clarify this issue in this time of civilizational crisis is corrupt.  Period.  He’s bought, or he’s intimidated, or he’s ignorant, or he’s a communist, or he’s blackmailed, or he’s a pervert.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:41 | #

Fred claims ...worship not God but forced race-replacement, mammon, lucre…

There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.
There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.
There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.
There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.
There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.
There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.

If one existed, I would oppose it. But it doesn’t.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 13:54 | #


Have you read CofC?  Do you understand the import of the evolutionary strategy?

We are not talking about an organised conspiracy but a genetically- and religiously-driven, nationalistic impulse to seek mastery over the host.  That is why you and all Europeans are “cattle”, and why your wife and your daughters are “whores”, and why your possessions are the possessions of God’s Chosen.

One of the most frustrating aspects of those who criticise the loyal European heart is the tendency to ascribe to it positions which do not exist, and then oppose them morally and politically.  You are doing that now, just as our Idiot friend was doing.  You think you have our measure, but you don’t.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 14:37 | #

For all those, like van Speyk, who’ve said they “hate my one-liners,” here are a few that popped into my head just now, as I was typing:

—Directly debating The Monitor is like injecting yourself with cancer.

—I’m Catholic.  The Pope is a Satan-worshipper.

—The choice of Sarah Palin shows that Jews aren’t the only ones moving pieces on the chess board.  God is too.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 15:11 | #

Wouldn’t it be great if the energy that has gone into nearly 200 responses had pursued something actually interesting?

If there is anything interesting being brought up by Idiot (who lives in a place that is 72% “White” and 22% “Asian” according to the US census) or Monitor or even silver, it might be worthy of its own post and I’m quite happy to post it as its own topic.

So, please—anyone—are there any interesting (ie: not something easily handled by reading issues in their posts?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 16:09 | #

One of the most frustrating aspects of those who criticise the loyal European heart is the tendency to ascribe to it positions which do not exist, and then oppose them morally and politically.  You are doing that now, just as our Idiot friend was doing.  You think you have our measure, but you don’t.

I would call it “prejudice” but that would be an insult to the prejudiced.

“Prejudice”, as it has come to be used, is merely a Bayesian Prior Distribution.  The reason it would be an insult to the prejudiced to lump them with folks who decry “prejudice” is that those who decry “prejudice” are typically so irrationally devoted to their own Prior Beliefs that you can present them with an endless “conversation” which contradicts, with actual evidence, their Prior Beliefs, and they will hold firm.

The folks they decry as “prejudiced” on the other hand, usually have mountains of evidence backing them up with on-going evidence supporting their Prior Beliefs.

Beyond the basic stupidity of such people, they are also hypocrites acting like morally vain Church Ladies of Holocaustianity, which makes them particularly insufferable.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 16:48 | #

“...Idiot (who lives in a place that is 72% “White” and 22% “Asian” according to the US census)...” - James Bowery

LOL!  Yeah, those Asians are a real hardcore criminal element.  Try visiting Detroit sometime, Idiot.  I’ve been there several a time.  No need to go see Africa, I’ve already been there.


Posted by GT on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 17:09 | #

Wouldn’t it be great if the energy that has gone into nearly 200 responses had pursued something actually interesting?

You’re surprised?  Many of this thread’s commentators have little in common with two income trap families.  They cannot relate, except on a superficial basis.

Stress 101:

Men of any age are more susceptible to the negative effects of stress than women. 

Women need only present themselves.  Men must maintain an erection.

In multiracialized Western nations stress negatively effects Europid males more than other groups, for we are constrained by a fundamental Occidental morality as we undergo continuous economic, social, and political attack.


Posted by GT on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 17:23 | #

By two income trap families I refer to those who physically work for a living.  That eliminates the upper two-thirds of the middle-class, where a ‘position’ in some administrative capacity is treated as coeval to ‘job’ and ‘work.’


Posted by silver on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 18:39 | #

If there is anything interesting being brought up by Idiot (who lives in a place that is 72% “White” and 22% “Asian” according to the US census) or Monitor or even silver, it might be worthy of its own post and I’m quite happy to post it as its own topic.

Bowery, if you believe my statements belong in the class of Idiot’s and Monitor’s I suggest you’re rather irrationally devoted to your own set of “Prior Beliefs.”


Posted by GT on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 18:42 | #

So “liberate” your enemy’s females by seducing them, with money and “independence”, into a high stress workplace within two income trap families and you exterminate their genes without so much as a peep from the UN’s commission on human rights!

Liberation theology would have us believe that Europid women employed in administrative/supervisory capacities shoulder the pitfalls of responsibility as men do.  They don’t.  They are catered to and covered for, with attractive women enjoying the best treatment.  They can have their cake and eat it.  If a fall is taken, it is taken by mid-level Europid males.  Judging by the number of workplace affairs involving these women, single and married, I’d say stress has little to do with their decreased fertility.  Infertility due to stress from the two income trap is more likely seen in Europid women of the working- and lower middle-classes.


Posted by GT on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 19:14 | #

Re: Chronic stress = depression, infertility

The enemy will use this study to justify placing women on a higher pedestal in the workplace, with Europid males of all classes having to cover more bases and forced to keep their mouths shut or face the economic consequences.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 19:33 | #

“There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race.

If one existed, I would oppose it. But it doesn’t.” - The Monitor

Here is a quote from a knuckle-dragging, pagan, barbarian:

“We can have peace and security only as long as we band together to preserve that most priceless possession, our inheritance of European blood.” - Charles A. Lindbergh


Posted by Armor on Sat, 13 Sep 2008 21:36 | #

Monitor: “There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race”
It isn’t something centralized like a conspiracy. It looks more like decentralized cooperation between the Jews and the leftists, although they have conquered many institutions and are able to spread their influence from the top. It’s a shame that Europeans do not cooperate in the same way between themselves to defend their interests.

Monitor: “There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race”
The common ideology, the co-optation and the cooperation between Jews are not really kept secret, but it is minimized and partly hidden. Journalists and politicians had better not mention it. The result is that it is difficult to measure the extent of the problem.

Monitor: “There’s no secret Jewish conspiracy to genocide the white race”
Jewish organizations play a strong role in imposing a set of policies that amount to genocide of the Whites, but maybe they do not realize they are committing any evil. One reason for that is that the media do not allow the use of the word genocide. Indeed, using the word ‘genocide’ may be interpreted as an insult to the Jews. The phrase ‘race replacement’ is verboten too. In fact, we are supposed to act as if there was no problem at all. What we need is a white rebellion. It will help the genociders realize they are doing something wrong.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 01:34 | #

<quote>You want Christians who aren’t race-replacement advocates?  Those would be The Kinists, Lindsay Wheeler, Fr. John, Dave Johns, DanielJ (who, being part-Italian, no longer shows up at because of the north-south thing)</quote>

Has my exit and extended absence created the impression that some fear of latent Nordicism at MR has kept me at bay?

I apologize if it appeared as such. I’ve been busy and, unfortunately, I work.

This kind:

(Also, I’ve been reading: Albion’s Seed, Tragedy and Hope, Out of America: A Black Man Confronts Africa, Dabney, Cornelius Van Til, Europe by Norman Davies, How The Irish Saved Civilization)

I’m afraid I must again assert that I have nothing but a casual attachment to my ethnicity. (Unless of course you consider American an ethnicity) A small part of myself considers myself Anglus natus by virtue of the intersection of my race and culture and I consequently have a small amount of affinity for Englishness but that is about it.

Race over all for me. I suppose that is a convenient theory for me - being of multiple European ethnicities - and it jibes with Salterian theory making it predictable.

Don’t get me wrong!

I’m not calling for some artificial, pan-European, Ortega y Gasset style construct! I just love Europe.

I’m probably gonna go down to Texas in a few days to put back up the power lines depending on how bad the situation is. Presently, I’m hearing conflicting reports about the extent of damage. All of that to say I might not be back for a couple more weeks.

Lastly, I found the discussion refreshing. Nothing new, but it was exciting.

Fred, I enjoy Monitor so far. However, I’m withholding judgment since you are so insistent about the threat he poses.  But, I suppose his answer to the question of what denomination he belongs to is what I’m most interested in. My guess is that he is a minister in an Orthodox Presby.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 01:36 | #

Also, sorry to drag the thread off topic again.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:06 | #

DanielJ, I apologize for getting it wrong.  Please be careful up on those power lines down in Texas!


Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:38 | #

The issue isn’t the conspiracy to eradicate the White race. The issue is cultural hegemony and how it is wielded as an instrument of race eradication.

If concentrated centers of power are used consistently, either concerted or not, in an effort to depopulate us then there is a de facto conspiracy irrespective of the authenticity and authorship of the Protocols.

After all, Antonio Gramsci isn’t well known in the American household and there might not have been a conspiracy but there sure as fuck was a long march through the institutions.

I know a bunch of good jews and a bunch of good Mexican restaurants but I know what Talmudism and excessive lard consumption ultimately cause.

I think perhaps that The Monitor fails to understand and apply the concept of collective guilt.


Posted by danielj on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:41 | #

Interestingly, the Bible certainly understands and puts forth as doctrine these interesting concepts of guilt:

Generational Guilt (His blood be on us and on our children!)
Racial Guilt (The Edomites, The Haamites)
National Guilt (Babylon)

all of which are collective. If it is good enough for Lord Jesus, it is good enough for me.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 02:59 | #

It seems like every time a WN goes and shakes the trees over at Takimag The Monitor pops up.  Guess that one is on me this time.  But hey, somebody has got to “Monitor” those nutty WNs, right?


Posted by Catfish LeRoy on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 03:06 | #

Good call, Captainchaos. I guessed he was an Austerite, Amrenite, or perhaps a Chronicles refugee. Right on some topics, but horribly wrong on a few very important others…


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 11:47 | #

Silver wrote: Bowery, if you believe my statements belong in the class of Idiot’s and Monitor’s I suggest you’re rather irrationally devoted to your own set of “Prior Beliefs.”

Actually, if you read my statement a little more carefully, it was regarding the diversion of the current thread into banality rather than any particular content of your collective statements.  It just seemed that, for whatever reason, your presence here contributed toward that banality.  However, now that you bring it up, there _is_ something of substance in common between your statements—something that contributed to the diversion-to-banality by focus on a secondary issue to score rhetorical points (it being banal to score rhetorical points):

“There is no Jewish conspiracy.”

To focus on the existence/non-existence of a Jewish conspiracy in order to score rhetorical points is something you three have in common.

The reason it is a secondary issue is that whenever we speak of “intelligence”—especially in a group context—we needn’t posit a conspiracy per se.  For example, the intelligence may be an emergent property of the group dynamics—particularly if there are evolutionary advantages to be had and there is a long enough period of time for there to have evolved group adaptations. 

Some people who are not sufficiently aware of or convinced of the power of evolutionary adaptation at the group level, when they speak of such intelligence, are not engaging in metaphorical short-cuts: they genuinely do mean there is a group of individuals who are sneaking around holding meetings like the one depicted in the Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.  The intellectually honest might object to such “conspiracy theorizing” but if we do so it is tempered by rhetoric to let them, and onlookers, know that the perception of such people is essentially on the right track and light-years ahead of the zeitgeist in addressing some phenomena of primary importance that is taboo to even address, rather than ridiculing them.

Now, I understand that, unlike Monitor, you didn’t say “There is no Jewish conspiracy.” as though it is of primary importance in discourse, but you did _impute_ belief in a Jewish conspiracy to me and then proceed from there to ridicule my post.

I’m not going to say you are therefore “JJR version 2” as a result of your contribution to banality here at MR—I really haven’t paid that much attention to you.  But I will say that if all you do is inflate the number of comments by making people expend energy to correct damage done to the discourse—then you are a negative presence.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:17 | #

GT, your point is well taken (and thanks for contributing to the intended discourse of the posted article).

It is, of course, true that one of the worst dysgenic phenomena is the way that women are “catered to” in the work place—rather than “stressed” in the way described in the animal research.

I would argue, however, that by indoctrinating women to believe that their social status is attached to a “career” at the expense of raising viable children, is a stressor since it is socialization that is incompatible with their evolutionary adaptations at a basic level.  Whether the physiological impact of such “stress” involves the amygdala at all is open to question and if it does, it almost certainly doesn’t produce the same kind of metabolic pathways toward infertility as it would in the cited experiment.

BTW: I do argue that it probably does involve the amygdala of both the male and the female in reducing the fertility of the relationship—its just that, as you point out, it is the male who is subjected to the kind of stress that is invoked in the experiment—subjected by both the workplace and his mate whose amygdala is probably being reconfigured based on gender distortions.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 12:47 | #

It looks like a repeat of the IXth-Century Khazar mass-conversion to Judaïsm, this time by U.S. Evangelical Prods.  It looks odd but maybe not when you think about it:

1) People like winners.  Right now Jews are winning, Eurochristians losing.  Sick of being on the losing side all the time?  Join the Jews. 

2) As part of the 1960s Jewish takeover of the U.S. (and, through the U.S.‘s control of the Eurosphere, the Eurosphere) all Euro masculinity has been neutered, leaving only Jewish masculinity unconstrained.  Euros are only allowed to manifest femininity, that is, being dominated and liking it.  But people don’t like feeling exclusively feminine.  The want a masculine dimension in their lives.  However, the only masculinity permitted today by the Jews is Jewish masculinity (a restriction the Jewish overlord enforces in a number of ways but mainly by far through his control of the mass media).  A man dying of thirst will drink whatever water he can get:  Euros psychologically desperate to feel some masculinity in their lives will convert to Jews in order to feel some, if permitted no alternative.  This applies in a narrower sense to men, specifically:  Euro men who are Christian, like John Zmirak, the late William F. Buckley, Jr., and the Archbishop of Canterbury, have accepted to play the female role to the Jewish male role:  have accepted to play the role of bitches subordinate to Jewish males.  But the new generation of Euro males coming up do not want to feel like castrati and bitches who exist only to serve the whims of Jewish males.  They want to feel masculine too.  Since that is not permitted by the Jews as long as they are Euro, they seek to relinquish their Euroness and become Jews so that they too will be able to feel some masculinity in their psyches:  they’ll go wherever masculininty is permitted, and it’s not permitted if you’re Euro.  Now, the Jews also permit masculinity if you’re Negro, but these Euro males, faced with the choice of converting either to Negroes or to Jews in order to be permitted to feel/express some masculinity, would rather convert to Jews.  That’s understandable.

3) All Euro females are officially required now by the Jewish overlords to procreate solely with Negro men.  Any Euro female caught procreating now with a Euro man will be severely psychologically and materially punished by the Jews, along with her Euro family.  But not all Euro females, even despite the diabolically effective cradle-to-grave Jewish brainwashing, want to procreate with Negroes, and not all Euro parents and siblings want their daughters and sisters to procreate with Negroes.  But the only Caucasian women today who aren’t strictly obliged to procreate with Negroes are Jewish women.  Therefore the choice for Euros is clear:  if you’re a young Euro female, either become Jewish or be forced by the Jews to procreate solely with Negroes; likewise if you’re the Euro family members of a Euro female:  either become Jewish as a family, or watch your daughter, sister, or mother forced by the Jews to procreate solely with Negro men.  Is it a surprise, therefore, if Euros choose the conversion option?

4) In summary, what you see happening in this video is Euros attempting to escape the current Jewish genocide of all Euro people on Earth by transforming themselves into Jews.  Hey it’s a strategy that might work to at least keep the race intact.  The alternative — not becoming Jewish but trying to remaining Euro and only ending up being forced by the Jews to change into Negroes — is of course not one offering much hope to Euro peoples for staving off permanent racial extinction.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 14 Sep 2008 13:28 | #

“the Jews also permit masculinity if you’re Negro, but these Euro males, faced with the choice of converting either to Negroes or to Jews in order to be permitted to feel/express some masculinity, would rather convert to Jews.”  (—my comment above)

Other Euro males than these particular Christian ones do, of course, choose to try to convert themselves to Negroes in order to be allowed to manifest masculinity openly without being slapped down by society or punished more severely — they are the “wiggers” who walk around in dreadlocks and affect ghetto-Negro ways, dress, accent, slang, and so on, as well as Euro men who manifest bizarre Negro sycophancy in other less glaring but no less real ways.

Hollywood Jews who may seem to love Negroes don’t.  Jews in general don’t like Negroes.  What seems like Jewish Negro-approval or even Negro-love is the same as the love a soldier has for the weapon that permits him to destroy his enemy:  what the Jews love about the Negroes is their value as an extremely potent weapon for smiting the Euros, whom Jews see as their mortal enemy.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:29 | #

My Ideal Nation

Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty (it is sub-human)
Yes, there would be a death penalty for DNA-proven crimes for non-self-defense murder, rape of a child or intentional, malicious racism.
Freedom of speech (with the exception to harmful racism)
Freedom of press (with the exception to harmful racism)
Secularism of government and public institutions - Heavily enforced
Freedom of personal religion ( I don’t care what you do privately, but publicly I don’t want to hear shit about your enlightenment)
Legalized marijuana
gay marriage
Personal responsibility to the good of the nation will be rewarded.
Two parent homes (regardless of the sex of the parents) will be HEAVILY encouraged.
Free Undergraduate educations
Socialized medicine
English will be the ONLY language
Legal immigrants MUST assimilate (probationary period possible)
The right to bear arms and defend property
The belief in none greater, none lesser when it comes to humans, and willfully working toward that means.
The right to choose one’s peers (the nice way of saying if whites only want to be with whites for personal reasons, they should be allowed. It is not harmfully racist to want to be among one’s own. )
The right not to choose one’s peers
Equal accessibility and equal distribution, no one or group is entitled to more or less
No welfare for able-bodied: Let the will of the people create a system of emergency for those in need, and let them deem from experience who is rightfully entitled to assistance until they are back on their feet (Under no circumstance should this be religion-based)
Mandatory military training by all males before 30-years-old
All crime heavily punished (marijuana’s legal now, fucking relax!)

Religious zealots shall experience the Mrs. Carmody Protocol, possibly publicly.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 15:50 | #

“It is not harmfully racist to want to be among one’s own.”  (—Tired of Idiots)

Yes it is:  for “wanting to be among your own” you’d get the death penalty under your system, you pathetic bimbo (“Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty”, your own first rule listed!).  Why don’t you shut up, get pregnant and barefoot, and get back in the kitchen where you belong, you sad moron.  You don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about.  You’re actually nauseating.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 16:26 | #

Yes it is:  for “wanting to be among your own” you’d get the death penalty under your system, you pathetic bimbo (“Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty”, your own first rule listed!).  Why don’t you shut up, get pregnant and barefoot, and get back in the kitchen where you belong, you sad moron.  You don’t know what in the hell you’re talking about.  You’re actually nauseating.

Fred, please. You’re so anti-female.  Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind. If a white man only wants white people in his house, or in his private club, or as part of some private religion, who are we to stop that? If you want to create your own little Amish land, so be it. But if it comes at the abuse of another person or group then get those veins ready, ‘cuz yer dead in MY ideal nation (which will never be because humans—and I am being generous by terming you as one—are too stupid and hell-bent on self-destruction to even think about anything good).

You are the idiot I am tired of.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:32 | #

“Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind.”  (—Tired of Idiots)

They’re going to call “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” abuse and demonization of another race, honey.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:54 | #

“Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind.” (—Tired of Idiots)

Yes sounds great.

But good grief, you really are an idiot, if you are you seriously arguing that position is viable for white people.

Anything seen as good economically, or from the point of view of status etc will soon find itself having diversity forced upon it.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 17:57 | #

Tired: “Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not by choosing to surround yourself with your own kind.”

The racism is anti-racism, and the abused race is the European race.  See here and, as an example of the same desease in England, here.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 18:10 | #

They’re going to call “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” abuse and demonization of another race, honey.

Sorry Frederick, you’re late. The Jewish Labour Committee of Canada got there before you, ~ 50 odd years ago.

Jamie can go to the top of Idiots’ list. He side-stepped the ol’ Doc’s suction tube, now Idiots can do him for “harmful racism”, whatever that is.


Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 19:01 | #

Tired Idiot wrote: “Harmful racism would be punishable by the death penalty (it is sub-human)”

Really? That would mean mass killings of hundreds of millions of racist blacks and Jews; it would make the so called Jewish Holocaust, and the very real Holmador pale in comparison. Of course there are many more examples of mass murderous atrocities committed by the Left but who’s counting? But hey, think about it, Tired Idiot , ...  your idea would solve the non-White demographic problem, wouldn’t it? Thanks, but no thanks for your suggestion. But then again, it’s not surprising a lib like you is such a proponent of the culture of death. Murder on a massive scale is the hallmark of the Left; it goes on as we speak. Example: ThePro-Choice crowd you embrace sees nothing wrong with the fact that 43 million unborn children were murdered by their own mothers via abortion in the U.S. alone since Roe v Wade became the law of the land in 1973.

Liberals are a cancer on history!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 19:57 | #

”“Harmful racism is the abuse and demonization of another race, not choosing to surround yourself with your own kind.”  (—Tired of Idiots)

But the other side considers “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” harmful racism, racism that harms non-whites.  The Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision, sweetheart, said segregated schools — in other words, whites choosing to surround themselves with their own kind — amounted to subjecting Negroes to conditions that were “inherently unequal” (the court’s exact words) and therefore discriminatory and not permitted. 

In other words, white parents choosing to maintain segregated schools for their kids, were guilty of impermissible racial abuse.  You don’t see the lengths to which the other side is prepared to go, sweetie?


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 20:58 | #

Really? That would mean mass killings of hundreds of millions of racist blacks and Jews; it would make the so called Jewish Holocaust, and the very real Holmador pale in comparison. Of course there are many more examples of mass murderous atrocities committed by the Left but who’s counting? But hey, think about it, Tired Idiot , ...  your idea would solve the non-White demographic problem, wouldn’t it? Thanks, but no thanks for your suggestion. But then again, it’s not surprising a lib like you is such a proponent of the culture of death. Murder on a massive scale is the hallmark of the Left; it goes on as we speak. Example: ThePro-Choice crowd you embrace sees nothing wrong with the fact that 43 million unborn children were murdered by their own mothers via abortion in the U.S. alone since Roe v Wade became the law of the land in 1973.

Liberals are a cancer on history!

You better get in line if you don’t want to die in MY Ideal Nation.  Black, white, Jewish, whatever, your ass is toast if you behave like a subhuman.  There is no racism in MY Ideal Nation, because there is no race.  Yes, there is cultural similarities and that is to be respected privately.  Anyone found intentionally abusing someone based on physicality or the idea of race is a goner. You are for the nation and its ideals, and MY nation says you are a nationalist, not a color.  And that’s 43 million less human beings exposed to the idiocy of humanity has become. Save your eggs for a better world.

The racism is anti-racism, and the abused race is the European race.  See here and, as an example of the same desease [sic] in England, here.

In MY Ideal Nation, Codie wouldn’t have gone to jail, because NO ONE WILL BE SPEAKING ANYTHING OTHER THAN ENGLISH.  If anyone would be arrested, it would be the kids speaking Urdu. Anyone found bringing in illegals who have not undergone a mandatory 4-year Nationalistic Education/Assimilation program will be charged with treason. A “veiner” offense.

But good grief, you really are an idiot, if you are you seriously arguing that position is viable for white people.

Why not?  Whites are just people like anyone else.  None greater, none lesser.  No back riding allowed in MY Ideal Nation. If it wasn’t you, you reap no benefits by association. Sorry.

Anything seen as good economically, or from the point of view of status etc will soon find itself having diversity forced upon it.

There will be no status. And don’t assume so quickly that the strength and determination to rise above and beyond remains a trait in the current whites. If it had, you wouldn’t be here complaining, would you? You are weaker men by your own doing. In MY ideal nation, you will never be allowed to become so.

But the other side considers “choosing to surround yourself with your own kind” harmful racism, racism that harms non-whites.  The Brown vs Board of Education of Topeka Supreme Court decision, sweetheart, said segregated schools — in other words, whites choosing to surround themselves with their own kind — amounted to subjecting Negroes to conditions that were “inherently unequal” (the court’s exact words) and therefore discriminatory and not permitted.

The only way for whites to avoid educational diversity in MY Ideal Nation, is by homeschooling. Harmonious Diversity is an ultimate goal, but those not willing to participate can do so, so self-segregation ( a la the Amish) is welcomed.  I don’t see the problem here. What is the problem you are seeing?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 21:53 | #

“What is the problem you are seeing?”  (—Tired of Idiots)

Well, here’s one for starters, hun:

“Harmonious Diversity is an ultimate goal”  (—planned for “Tired of Idiot’s” Ideal Nation)

I prefer racially/ethnoculturally homogeneous regions and nation-states in a wider Eurosphere world of Salterian universal nationalism set up according to Norman Lowell type “regionalistic” principles. 

As for your Ideal Nation’s “ultimate goal” of “Harmonious Diversity,” you can take it and shove it, darling.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 22:21 | #

The belief in none greater, none lesser when it comes to humans, and willfully working toward that means.

Evolution for another. This is just more Trotskyite one-world egalitarian demagoguery.

Pro-choice is just a pseudonym for eugenics. English common law has always allowed an accommodation, a protection for the unborn foetus, especially after “quickening”.

“If one strikes a pregnant woman or gives her poison in order to procure an abortion, if the fetus is already formed or animated (quickened), especially if it is animated (quickened), he commits homicide.”


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 07:55 | #

Why can’t you all just admit that you have hatred inside yourself for non-whites, and it has nothing to do with the preservation of the white race.  That is your front.  It’s bullshit.  You are afraid of stronger men, of black men, of the clever Jewish men.  The white man is feminized, weak, and his women have picked up on it. The only way you can compete is through hatred.

You feel a pang when you see successful non-whites, perhaps jealous they succeeded without back riding. You all are sad men (and I am being nice by using that term). Scary little pink men, afraid to show your faces or be known, patting each other on the back and shaking heads.  White male virility is DEAD! You’re morphing in to a homosexual species, and that is the ABSOLUTE truth, the real issue, the real reason birth rates are low.  The word is out. It explains it all, Fred.



Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 08:57 | #

There is no racism in MY Ideal Nation, because there is no race.

Go to any prison or high school in the USA and explain the behavior.

Anyone found intentionally abusing someone based on physicality or the idea of race is a goner

Fine by me. Ever seen the data on interracial violence?

There will be no status.

Ain’t no such thing. Everybody looks up to somebody.

self-segregation ( a la the Amish) is welcomed.

How about a nice gated community where the security guards have live ammo? We have this today, right here in the USA.

Why can’t you all just admit that you have hatred inside yourself for non-whites…

No, no, a thousand times no. Many of us/them live our/them lives peaceably among non-whites, at work, in our neighborhoods, whatever. That’s not the point.  A WN is not necessarily going to be cruel to non-whites. We’re talking about aggregates, about civilization.

It has nothing to do with the preservation of the white race.

Again, no. These people may have all sorts of OTHER agendas. Yet if you think this does not care about the Western future, you’re missing the obvious.

You are afraid of stronger men, of black men, of the clever Jewish men.

I may not agree with WNs, but I know a little about this. This isn’t personal. It has to do with wanting to live in a world that is a healthy, homogeneous place to raise kids.

The white man is feminized, weak, and his women have picked up on it.

Look, crazy lady, these people want a way OUT of feminization—and you curse them for doing so. Are you for or against being feminized?

You feel a pang when you see successful non-whites…

No, but I’m not alone in saying it sucks when pretentious women decide to bang their pretty little fists on the table. So go put the kettle on for us, OK?

White male virility is DEAD

My branch of the world is having a baby boom. We don’t like contraception. When four kids is considered a small family, that’s virility.

You’re morphing in to a homosexual species…

You’d need some very expensive DNA testing and a LOT of test-tube babies to pull that one off. And aren’t you the one against homophobia?

The word is out. It explains it all, Fred.

Did you just call Fred a homo? Or do you want to date him? Stop flirting or we’ll tell your dad what you do with his laptop.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 13:10 | #

You’re morphing in to a homosexual species, and that is the ABSOLUTE truth, the real issue, the real reason birth rates are low.

As opposed to this?

HIV Infections Seen Highest Among Young Black Gay Men

Try and get your facts straight, Tired Idiot!


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 17:40 | #

Idiot said - You are afraid of stronger men, of black men, of the clever Jewish men.  The white man is feminized, weak, and his women have picked up on it. The only way you can compete is through hatred.

The hatred comes from you, projecting your hatred onto us.

As for competing, true we are being held back ‘our’ society is not controlled by us. When it is, watch out, you wont last 5 minutes with your ‘strength’, your ‘cleverness’ wont be worth squat.

Thats why you hate us, because you fear us, when the brakes come off, when your enablers in white countries are gone, you’re finished.

I dont hate you, youre just an nuisance, a yapping little dog.


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 18:10 | #

As much as “Tired of Idiots” has distracted from the original topic of the post, s/he/it has illustrated an important aspect of The Amygdala War:

In humans, masculinity involves single combat triggered by “fighting words” mediated/recognized by the amygdala.  When gangs, such as governments, intervene in this process—threatening some group of genetically individualistic men with ethnic prisoner gang-rape if they respond appropriately to the challenges, it produces toxic human ecological effects.  When the gang is physically present, it is clear that the fight isn’t fair and there are instinctive protections against being “dishonored” which is basically a state of being reduced below the status of a reproductively viable male—which status is reflected in hormonal changes mediated by and affecting the amygdala’s persistent configuration.  But when the gang is present only in the abstractions of the legal, political and “corrections” process—not in the actual confrontation triggering the instinctive reactions, those instinctive protections of one’s amygdala aren’t triggered because the unfairness of the fight is not instinctively accessible.

Hence, bioweapons like “Tired of Idiots” can go around spewing verbal toxins into his/her/its environment that selectively impact the amygdalas of the targeted men.

PS: Of course this is ignoring the fact that “Tired of Idiots” is “present” only in a virtual, not physical, sense—not to mention that “Tired of Idiots” is anonymous—both of which are further unnatural ingredients in his/her/its biotoxicity.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 21:34 | #

Go to any prison or high school in the USA and explain the behavior.

There is no race, only cultures and environments.

Fine by me. Ever seen the data on interracial violence?

More proof of white men’s lack of virility, the biggest kept secret in the world.

Ain’t no such thing. Everybody looks up to somebody.

There will be such a thing.

How about a nice gated community where the security guards have live ammo? We have this today, right here in the USA.

Dreamers. You will have the same thing in Liechtenstein II. The Brown-Haired’s will be the new niggers.  What are your plans for the Nordicists?

Again, no. These people may have all sorts of OTHER agendas. Yet if you think this does not care about the Western future, you’re missing the obvious.

There is only ONE agenda, and that is hate and demonization of non-whites, liberal whites, and Jews.

I may not agree with WNs, but I know a little about this. This isn’t personal. It has to do with wanting to live in a world that is a healthy, homogeneous place to raise kids.

Bullshit. It is personal. How and why did you arrive at WN?  Of course you won’t be truthful.

Look, crazy lady, these people want a way OUT of feminization—and you curse them for doing so. Are you for or against being feminized?

There is no way out, this is your evolution. This false masculinity is fooling no one. How I long for virile white men.  There are very few left. I have found a few. Great men, indeed. Sadly, evolution is doing away with white men’s virility.  I thought maybe it’s cultural, but it’s not.

My branch of the world is having a baby boom. We don’t like contraception. When four kids is considered a small family, that’s virility.

Which branch is that, dear?

You’d need some very expensive DNA testing and a LOT of test-tube babies to pull that one off. And aren’t you the one against homophobia?

If only.  I am against homophobia, but I have to call it as I see it.

Did you just call Fred a homo? Or do you want to date him? Stop flirting or we’ll tell your dad what you do with his laptop.


As for competing, true we are being held back ‘our’ society is not controlled by us. When it is, watch out, you wont last 5 minutes with your ‘strength’, your ‘cleverness’ wont be worth squat.

Don’t be so certain. Don’t be so cocky. You are not being held back, you’re pissed at your lack of masculinity when it stacks up to other men.  It was fine when you only had to compete against other feminized, weak men, but now it’s another story. WN is your hope that white men will gather collectively and pool what remaining masclinity they have left into one big noose on non-white mankind.

Thats [sic] why you hate us, because you fear us, when the brakes come off, when your enablers in white countries are gone, you’re finished.

There is nothing to fear. You know it. No one fears you, and that’s your root anger.

Hence, bioweapons like “Tired of Idiots” can go around spewing verbal toxins into his/her/its environment that selectively impact the amygdalas of the targeted men.

Yes, James, truth is, in fact, the deadliest bioweapon.


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:21 | #

If the Negroes are so virile, sweetheart, there’s a whole continentful in Sub-Saharan Africa, every single one of whom would love to have a white G/F.  What are you waiting for — from the looks of those raging hormones of yours, you’d crawl on your bellly over broken glass to have a shot at some black meat.  Don’t waste your life hanging around here among the effeminate whites, darling!  Go get on that plane!  (And make sure the ticket’s one-way ........)


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:22 | #

How and why did you arrive at WN?

Do you actually READ what gets posted here? I’m NOT a WN. Yet I know what these people think. You haven’t a clue. You think it is all pathology. I say these people, however wrong, actually have a thought-out worldview.

How I long for virile white men.

She’s flirting with us, like I said.

I am against homophobia, but I have to call it as I see it.

Hypocrite. Since you’re just looking for attention, might I suggest Usenet?


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:40 | #

Don’t be so certain. Don’t be so cocky. You are not being held back, you’re pissed at your lack of masculinity when it stacks up to other men.  It was fine when you only had to compete against other feminized, weak men, but now it’s another story. WN is your hope that white men will gather collectively and pool what remaining masclinity they have left into one big noose on non-white mankind.

Then answer this,Tired Idiot: Why is it that White men have to lower the standards for blacks so they can participate in academics and or the job market? I can assure you that if blacks had to rely on their own merits and abilities, most would be smack at the bottom, and all of us would be the better for it. But nooooo, blacks require special treatment, just like mildly retarded rambunctious teenagers do. The truth is: Blacks are victims of their own stupidity; their failure is NOT due to white-racism as you would like to believe, rather it is due to their overall lack of cognitive abilities. Generally speaking they are lazy too. Combine laziness,  low IQ, with White-liberal-moonbats and Black-race-hustling-preachers constantly telling them that they are victims of a racist society and you get cities like Detroit where there’s > 50% high school drop out rate, 70% out of wedlock births, and nearly 40% of all the black males between the ages of 16 and 40 are currently on probation, parole, or incarcerated. That 40% isn’t even including blacks with serious criminal records who’ve met their obligations to the criminal justice system. Include blacks that have a serious criminal record in the aggregate, and the percentage increases to at least 66%.

So, Tired Idiot, since you equate virility with violent criminality, I guess your sexual proclivities will lead you to become another dumb (white?) chick willing to be knocked up by a shiftless Porch Monkey. I can’t say you don’t deserve it.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:46 | #

If the Negroes are so virile, sweetheart, there’s a whole continentful [sic] in Sub-Saharan Africa, every single one of whom would love to have a white G/F.  What are you waiting for — from the looks of those raging hormones of yours, you’d crawl on your bellly [sic] over broken glass to have a shot at some black meat.  Don’t waste your life hanging around here among the effeminate whites, darling!  Go get on that plane!  (And make sure the ticket’s one-way ........)

Typical feminized response. No effort; just send them to the Negroes.  I expect I’ll see white women and men fighting over Negro/Hispanic men in the near future.  You “men” are a joke.


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 22:53 | #

We only crave the feminine white women, “Tired.”  The Sub-Saharans can have all the wymmyn’s libbers as far as we’re concerned.  (Can you take a hint, love? ........)


Posted by The Monitor on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:02 | #

I expect I’ll see white women and men fighting over Negro/Hispanic men in the near future.

Crazy lady, the amount of intermixing on TV is exponentially higher than in real life. And, no, none of us want to test our masculinity by seducing you. So cut the “virility” crap and behave.  Sexual aggression in women is not ladylike.

If you must, so to someplace like Auburn, Alabama, and let some wild eyed Southern boy make you feel all giggly inside. Then watch him blow you off because you’re not white and Baptist. Cry your eyes out as his Dodge Ram 1500 SLT vanishes into the distance.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:03 | #

Then answer this,Tired Idiot: Why is it that White men have to lower the standards for blacks so they can participate in academics and or the job market? I can assure you that if blacks had to rely on their own merits and abilities, most would be smack at the bottom, and all of us would be the better for it. But nooooo, blacks require special treatment, just like mildly retarded rambunctious teenagers do. The truth is: Blacks are victims of their own stupidity; their failure is NOT due to white-racism as you would like to believe, rather it is due to their overall lack of cognitive abilities. Generally speaking they are lazy too. Combine laziness, low IQ, with White-liberal-moonbats and Black-race-hustling-preachers constantly telling them that they are victims of a racist society and you get cities like Detroit where there’s > 50% high school drop out rate, 70% out of wedlock births, and nearly 40% of all the black males between the ages of 16 and 40 are currently on probation, parole, or incarcerated. That 40% isn’t even including blacks with serious criminal records who’ve met their obligations to the criminal justice system. Include blacks that have a serious criminal record in the aggregate, and the percentage increases to at least 66%.

Ah, what would you idiots do without the IQ angle.  Totally social and environmental. Anything to make you feel superior, to make up for your lack of virility and inability to protect your women in the face of danger.

So, Tired Idiot, since you equate virility with violent criminality, I guess your sexual proclivities will lead you to become another dumb (white?) chick willing to be knocked up by a shiftless Porch Monkey. I can’t say you don’t deserve it.

Hatred. Virility is not criminality, as you would like it to be.  No need to explain it to you since you don’t possess it, so it would fly over your head.


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:04 | #

(See what I mean about letting women into the voting booth, guys?  This is what you get!  Convinced now???  Petrucchio himself couldn’t educate this bimbo!  It’s hopeless!)


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:08 | #

Crazy lady, the amount of intermixing on TV is exponentially higher than in real life. And, no, none of us want to test our masculinity by seducing you. So cut the “virility” crap and behave.  Sexual aggression in women is not ladylike.

If you must, so to someplace like Auburn, Alabama, and let some wild eyed Southern boy make you feel all giggly inside. Then watch him blow you off because you’re not white and Baptist. Cry your eyes out as his Dodge Ram 1500 SLT vanishes into the distance.

The amount of intermixing on television is exponentially lower than in real life. Seduction requires power and masculinity, so don’t worry your pretty little head over it. No man would ever blow me off, unless he is gay. My beauty is universal, and much higher than you 1980’s haired wife/husband.


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:17 | #

Make that Petruchio, excuse me (just one C).

“My beauty is universal”  (—Tired of Idiots)

Too bad your personality utterly ruins it, hunny.  But don’t worry, if you’re fat as a whale you’ll still have a chance with the Negroes even with that hideous wimmyn’s lib personality of yours — they really go for the white porkers.  It’s a known fact.


Posted by Dave Johns on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:39 | #

“Petrucchio himself couldn’t educate this bimbo!”


What I find do amusing about our snotty nosed feminiod is she acually thinks she is winning the argument. Someday, if she ever grows up, she’ll realise her entire worldview is built on ill-liberal lies. Then she’ll kick herself in the ass for being such a foolish dupe who was led around and used by the wacko Left. That is if she has what it takes to be honest with herself?


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Thu, 25 Sep 2008 23:40 | #

“and much higher than you 1980’s haired”

“You 1980s haired”???  What’s that mean???

Oh, I guess she likes the Farina look (remember him?), wool all plaited up in dozens of little braids tied with cotton to keep the witches off.  That sends her into a swoon worse than Mary Kay LeTourneau teaching an all-boys kindergarten class.


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:18 | #

Come to think of it, haven’t I seen Ludacris in that hairdo on his TV show, “Pimping My Ride”?  (Go great in a movie version of Huckleberry Finn.)


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:25 | #

The amount of intermixing on television is exponentially lower than in real life.


Ah, what would you idiots do without the IQ angle.  Totally social and environmental.


Just start reading.


Posted by Tired of Bioweapons (aka Fred Scrooby) on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 01:30 | #

(Excuse me, wrong rap star — that was Xzibit [pronounced Exhibit] hosting Pimp My Ride, not Ludacris.)


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 06:53 | #

Too bad your personality utterly ruins it, hunny.  But don’t worry, if you’re fat as a whale you’ll still have a chance with the Negroes even with that hideous wimmyn’s lib personality of yours — they really go for the white porkers.  It’s a known fact.

Aw, the you’re fat, nah-na-ne-nah-nah angle. Are fat white women not allowed in WN? You’re just a kid mind. Keep thinking only the fat ones go for Negroes/Hispanics. Anti-women, feminized men is your gift to the world. Better start loading up on chips, pudding, crisps, and whatever else to help you pork up. You’re gonna have a hell of a fight fighting off those white women after your Negro men.

What I find do amusing about our snotty nosed feminiod is she acually thinks she is winning the argument. Someday, if she ever grows up, she’ll realise her entire worldview is built on ill-liberal lies. Then she’ll kick herself in the ass for being such a foolish dupe who was led around and used by the wacko Left. That is if she has what it takes to be honest with herself?

There is no argument to win.  You guys are cowards.  You’re so proud to be WN, show your faces, be MEN.  I guarantee you wont.  You aren’t about anything but posting statistics, crying about the liberals, the Jews, the blacks, the non-whites, the women, nothing. Show your beautiful white face and the future of what an all white Western world would look like.  You’ll make an excuse not to, because you don’t really believe. You are mad, this is personal, and you’re all a bunch of evolved “fe-men.”

Ban the bitch, you’ll cry. I shall laugh.


Posted by Z on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 07:17 | #

Tired of Idiots goes on and on about “White male virility being dead” without ever stating the obvious fact that White female femininity has generally been dead ever since the [Jew led] “women’s liberation” movement of the 1960s-70s.  So I’d say that the masculinization of White women has led to the feminization of White men, as it is clear that there are far too many masculinized White women walking around these days trying desperately and pathetically to ape all of the hyper-masculinized Jewish dykes in the media.

Not to mention all of the White women in America who strongly insist that their male children have part of their their genitals sliced off when they are but a few days old because they think it makes the penis “look better.”  Truly sickening.


Posted by silver on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 12:39 | #

Monitor, I hope you’ve learnt a lesson here.  The ire you experience over TiredIdiot’s non-responsiveness is the same as everyone else’s ire over yours.

Talking about amygdala’s, Bowery, is the uninitiated’s inability to rationally discuss anything pro-white related to an amygala response touched off by standard WN discourse?  I managed to weather the storm, but it seems my kind are few and far between.  Could there be a lesson in any of that?  Let’s not ask the testing community.


Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 13:23 | #

Tired Idiot, I can guarantee if you keep spouting your Leftist rants, the only kind of White-male you’ll attract are gays, and limp wristed metro-sexuals. Act like a real woman, and you’ll attract a real man. But first and foremost. you will require a complete purging of the Leftist ideology you are infected with - you are morally bankrupt and are in dire need of an epistemological house cleaning! Women that share your worldview have the same affect on virile men as an ice cold shower. Capiche?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 14:28 | #

Are you working on accumulating those cats, “Tired of Idiots”?  Don’t forget, you’ll need at least 16 by the time you’re a confirmed old maid, hun, so ... better get started!


Posted by IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 17:47 | #

Ignore this Tired of Idiots person…she is probably an ugly, lazy, fat-assed ‘gender theorist’ or ‘queer theorist’ far-left jew lesbian professor or writer-journalist.  No amount of honest debate will change her twisted mind and will only serve to cement these deluded ideas further in to her confused and bedraggled psyche.


Posted by JWH on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 22:36 | #

Let’s not ask the testing community.

Go fuck yourself, obsessive lunatic.


Posted by silver on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:21 | #

Go to hell, Rienzi.

Do you really expect anyone to believe that you are capable of advancing a fair-to-all pro-white agenda?  You, who can write: “But, hey, first of all, there’s some Inuit genes there being reproduced, that some people seem to forget, and, even putting that aside (which I’m not sure why)”?  Really, genius, you’re not sure, can’t work it out, flying right over your head is it? 

Let me break it down for you (and your dopey minions).  Mr.Palin-like-good-American-white-man sees the racial changes taking place in America; he doesn’t like them; he hears some pro-white ideas; he likes them; he advances them…. only to find his “Inuit genes” damn him.  Tainted.  As good as dead.  May as well hang himself now.  Because, after all, clearly a family like (add a “p” to view) “testing out” properly is far more important to white interests than a non-white slimeball like Palin.

That’s some program you’ve got there buddy.  Only a real “worm” like me could fail to realize the real-world utility of something like that.


Posted by The Monitor on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:43 | #

The ire you experience over TiredIdiot’s non-responsiveness is the same as everyone else’s ire over yours.

What are you talking about? If anything, I have responded too much.

Dave Johns:
Act like a real woman, and you’ll attract a real man.

Why would a real man want her?


Posted by JWH on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:48 | #

Now, you go to hell, excrement.

My point about Palin’s husband was all the Sailerites foaming at the mouth about the “white” family reproducing.  Sorry, he’s part Inuit.  This blog, allegedly, is interested in genetic interests, not what you think someone looks like.  So, and this may fly over your “balkanoid” head - if you are interested in genetic interests, you - gasp! - have to consider genes.  Got it, genius?

I don’t recall stating that Mr. Palin should “hang himself.”  He may be a fine fellow.  He is also part Inuit.  That’s a fact.  A more objective fact than you posting a couple of pictures of swart Serbs as if that has any meaning.

With respect to my contributions, there are those who think highly of them - what do you do, except post such crap that half the commentators here don’t believe a word you say?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 23:55 | #

“add a ‘p’ to view”  (—Silver)

g, not p (make the URL end in ‘jpg’ to view)


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:01 | #

To put the “Inuit” quote in perspective, here is the context:

Sailer, of course, always eager to toot his own horn, puts it all in the “proper perspective” - “affordable family formation” and “competitive breeding.”

Yeah, Steve, a choice that ranks up with the Miers disaster in terms of cluelessness is critiqued only because “blue state liberals” are frightened about being “outbred” by “red state conservatives” (like Bush and McAmnesty?).

Well, I think it’s great when red state white Americans have lots of (normal) children. But, hey, first of all, there’s some Inuit genes there being reproduced, that some people seem to forget, and, even putting that aside (which I’m not sure why), a Downs Syndrome child doesn’t boost net genetic interests.

By the way, is the ethical “Christian” silver still going to claim that he doesn’t read the Western Biopolitics blog?  Lie # 1001 in the series.


Posted by platinum JW on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:05 | #

In that picture,  the fellow on the right looks like silver’s mother, except he is better looking and more feminine.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:08 | #

What Silver is doing is very simple (he keeps denying it but it’s perfectly obvious):  he’s trying to sabotage efforts at restoring Eurosphere immigration sanity, his weapon being exacerbation of intra-Euro north-south ethnotensions.

Silver is no friend of our side.  He does not wish us success.  Oh, he’ll deny that.  Of course he will:  would someone doing what he’s doing admit it?

Just look at the discord and tensions he creates wherever he sticks his nose.  He appears, and always manages to say what will leave the thead in turmoil after he’s gone.

That’s no accident.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:16 | #

When Silver said in a thread the other day, addressing himself to GW, that “hate” was our side’s motivation, “hate so thick it fairly oozed from every paragraph we wrote,” or words to that effect — when Silver wrote that, he was projecting his own sick hatred onto us.  Our motivation is love, the purest, strongest, tenderest there is; Silver’s motivation is foul, rabid, foaming, vengeful, murderous hatred.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 00:20 | #

only to find his “Inuit genes” damn him.  Tainted.  As good as dead.

Aside from the fact that EGI does not “damn him” due to Inuit genes, there is the problem of quantifying the EGI inherent in genetic correlation structures as well as the genes counted individually.  In the absence of good quantification, some people will be cautious about such and others will be less risk averse—both can be considered rational.


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 01:04 | #

With respect to James Bowery’s comment, I’d like to note that I never said that Mr. Palin had to be rejected because of his part-Inuit heritage.  As far as I know, he may be 1/64th Eskimo, or something like that.  So, contra silver’s anti-genetic hysteria, my point was simply that Palin’s part-Inuit background is a fact that should be acknowledged. 

In any discussion of competitive breeding and race, concerning the Palins, a “race-realist” like Sailer and his acolytes could and should admit Palin’s ancestry.  Sailer in fact does do so when he wants to make some esoteric point, but omits ancestral considerations where and when it counts, with respect to breeding.

Why all this hysteria about genetics, I do not know.  Yes, genetics are not everything. But they are important, at least to those who at least make a pretense of interest in genetic interests.  If you don’t care about genetic interests, say so, but then be prepared to refute Salter - which, objectively, cannot be done. Of course, even Salter admits that “who cares” is an argument-ending riposte against genetic interests.  But “who cares” is unlikely to sit well with a blog that puts Salter’s (and my, silver, and my) work on EGI in positions of prominence.  Obviously, GW and many MRers do consider “test reports” to be of at least some importance.

And, why reject information that is important and available?  Being a luddite with respect to genetics is not the key to success in modern racialism.


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 02:47 | #

WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS! Now there will be genetic testing to weed out the nasty darkie whites. You even hate within your own “race”, and people are supposed to believe this movement is not based on hate?  There will never be an all white nation in the likes you’d wish. Never.  Why?  Too many cowards, too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being white is all it takes. It will fail because there is a mental illness—possibly genetic—in whites that predisposes them to perversity.  You must admit it. This is all fantasy, boys.

Oh, yeah, and I’m still waiting on those pics.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 03:31 | #

All the hate is coming from you idiot.

too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being white is all it takes

And what do you think a multicultural state is idiot? Too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being having the right passport is all it takes.


Posted by birch barlow on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 03:51 | #

I figure that once DNA testing becomes cheap and reliable, the vast majority of “Euro” cogelites will be found to be at least 10-20% non-Euro (including Ashkenazi Jewish).  The more I learn (including about my own ancestry) the more I find that cogelites and cogelite-leaning people (e.g., Lawrence Auster) are of part non-Euro ancestry.  Also I have noticed that there are extremely few people of anglo-celtic ancestry (especially males) in university science classes (I judge Anglo-Celtic ancestry by features like very light, pink, dry skin, red or very light hair, extra-round eyes, thin lips, thin noses, freckles, etc).  Perhaps this is because so many Anglo-Celtics, particularly males, become addicts and alcoholics.  This is not to say that East Asians (at least the Americanized ones) and Jews do not massively abuse drugs and alcohol, but Anglo-Celtics are particularly susceptable to them. 

Really, America needs a massive infusion of East Asians.  There are tens of millions of poor but intelligent, hard-working, honest East (especially Southeast) Asians who would love to come to America.  I say seal the border with Mexico, maybe with the help of some Russian and Chinese mercenaries (Russia and China sure would know how to handle our “illegal” problem).  Yep, it’s time for America to ally with Russia, China (and other E. Asian countries), secularized South and West Asians, against the Muslims and the proles of the world.


Posted by torgrim on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 06:13 | #

Tired of Idiots goes on and on about “White male virility being dead” without ever stating the obvious fact that
White female feminity has generally been dead ever since the [Jew led] “womens liberation” movement of the 1960-70’s.—(Z)

I have had the misfortune of watching this experiment at one of the primary “educational”-brainwashing centers of the Left Coast, Santa Cruz, Ca.
The government functionaries, academia, majority of single women, from the Left Coast, from this era have lost that part of them that makes a man want to honor and protect her.
A large part have now raised boys in a female single parent “family”.  The cost has been disasterous. Thirty year old males acting like teenagers, with all the problems that come with,such social retardation and immaturity.

This, Tired of Idiots, most likely comes from such a millieu. Hence, her/his/it’s, experience and lack of experience with White males that are men.

I suggest that Tired of Idiots should just stay with what is familiar, you know, some soft metro-sexual, urbane, coffee house/bookstore, junior college cafeteria, NOW meeting, leather wearing, weekend Harley riding, cigarillo smoking- life.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 08:29 | #

A large part have now raised boys in a female single parent “family”.

Feminism makes women act like men. They become mothers and raise men who act like women.


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:25 | #

“Don’t waste your life hanging around here among the effeminate whites, darling!  Go get on that plane!  (And make sure the ticket’s one-way ........)”

I sense there is a future Amy Biehl in our midst…


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:39 | #

“lso I have noticed that there are extremely few people of anglo-celtic ancestry (especially males) in university science classes (I judge Anglo-Celtic ancestry by features like very light, pink, dry skin, red or very light hair, extra-round eyes, thin lips, thin noses, freckles, etc).  Perhaps this is because so many Anglo-Celtics, particularly males, become addicts and alcoholics. “

Jeez do you think that AFFIRMATIVE ACTION laws and policies might have something to do with that??!?!?!?

The University I work at even GIVES EXTRA MONEY to colored grad students to set-up labs and this fund is not available to White students to set up their labs!!!

Carol Swain in her book “The New White Nationalism” stated that AA was one of the DRIVING FORCES behind the WN movement. 

BTW Your judgement of what is Anglo-Celtic is all messed up… many Nordics would fit!!  GO BACK TO ASIA WHERE YOU CAME FROM!!

“Yep, it’s time for America to ally with Russia, China (and other E. Asian countries), secularized South and West Asians, against the Muslims and the proles of the world.”

HUH?? ZOG is allied AGAINST the SCO right now!!  Ugh my German Master Race IQ has literally been falling a few points from reading your sad excuses for posts.


Posted by Othelma_Jr on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 09:56 | #

The cost has been disasterous. Thirty year old males acting like teenagers, with all the problems that come with,such social retardation and immaturity.

There has been a new book published titled Guyland that has delved into this awesome sub-culture. 

Myself I think it is WONDERFUL!  White Males are enmasse rejecting modern marriage (that is to say judeo-feminist marriage) and living a better life-style where they are rejecting massive parts of the judeo-fem-egalitarian world.  They are playing video-games like GTA 4 where you can go around blowing away hasidic jews or watching South Park and laughing at Cartmans rants against ‘stupid jews’...

Alot of these guys could be turned into WN brown-shirts.  Give them a copy of Fight Club and Danzigs song “White Devil Rise” and send them into the streets!

Baron Julius Evola suggested in Ride the Tiger that males should start withdrawing from the modern world in general and feminist/ modern marriage in particular (until such a time as a Reactionary Revolution became possible through the agency of Direct Action, with the economy going the way it is…):

I this epoch of dissolution it is hard for the differentiated man to become involved in marriage or family in any way. It is not a matter of ostentatious anticonformism, but a conclusion drawn from a vision consistent with reality, in which the imperative of an inner freedom remains.

In a world like the present, the differentiated man must be able to have the self at his disposal, all his life long. It is not for him to form any ties in this realm, any more than ascetics or mercenaries in another epoch would have done. It is not that he is unwilling to assume even graver burdens: the problem refers instead to that which, in itself, is devoid of any meaning.” —Baron Julius Evola


Posted by JWH smirch harlow on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:00 | #

Glad to see “Tired” and silver on the same page with respect to genetic testing.  Then there is barlow, of the silverite school that his opinion of what “Anglo-Celtic” people should look like is indicative of ancestry.  No, ancestry is indicative of ancestry, not your opinions.

GW, once again, what’s the strategic rationale for this madhouse?  Is indulging barlow’s fetish in Asian women somehow bolstering the level of discourse here?

By the way, Auster has never denied being full Jewish, only a drug-addicted GNXP hanger-on will “think” that Auster’s ancestry is some sort of amazing “discovery.”

Once again - what’s the point of this blog?

barlow is either demented or trolling or both.  par for the course here.  The sincere commentator: troll ratio must not be any greater than say, 3:1.  And that’s not good enough.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:37 | #

WHAT A BUNCH OF IDIOTS! Now there will be genetic testing to weed out the nasty darkie whites. You even hate within your own “race”, and people are supposed to believe this movement is not based on hate?

Take note: this is what any normal person’s reaction would be, “normal” loosely defined as someone who hasn’t spent every free minute the last five years of his life on race boards. 

This blog, allegedly, is interested in genetic interests, not what you think someone looks like.

Well that’s where you’re wrong and where you’ve always been wrong and where you’ll continue to be wrong.

So, and this may fly over your “balkanoid” head - if you are interested in genetic interests, you - gasp! - have to consider genes.  Got it, genius?

Genes are well and truly covered by considering phenotype alone.  Everyone knows that. It’s only (potential) outsiders looking in—like you—who kick up dust about “genetic structures.”

With respect to James Bowery’s comment, I’d like to note that I never said that Mr. Palin had to be rejected because of his part-Inuit heritage.

You never said it because you’re either a self-interested liar, willing to bluff or obfuscate as required in order to advance your own agenda, or simply you’re incapable of following your own line of thought through to its logical conclusion.  Palin, on account of his genetic structure, is either in or he’s out.  It’s that simple. 

As far as I know, he may be 1/64th Eskimo, or something like that.  So, contra silver’s anti-genetic hysteria, my point was simply that Palin’s part-Inuit background is a fact that should be acknowledged. 

Oh, it should be acknowledged.  I see.  Well, I’m all ears, Rienzi, do tell: why should it be acknowledged?  He makes it “in” and he has to walk around with a lab report tucked inside the armband he’s forced to wear so that everyone will not only know they’re dealing with someone not-quite-white but precisely how not-quite-white?  Something like that?  Just a suggestion.  But “acknowledgement” is your baby, so go ahead, you explain it.

If you don’t care about genetic interests, say so, but then be prepared to refute Salter - which, objectively, cannot be done. Of course, even Salter admits that “who cares” is an argument-ending riposte against genetic interests.

Caring about genetic interests = ignoring phenotype, except in the case of big-jawed Arabs, and waiting for the lab reports before you decide to smile or snarl at that looker sitted across the bar. 

Caring about genetic interests = being an active and accepted member of an ethny only to find you have to hang yourself because the lab reports say you were wrong, or having to hang your nephew becames the lab reports came in negative.

Clearly, caring about genetic interests is something distinctly different to living this thing called life.

When Silver said in a thread the other day, addressing himself to GW, that “hate” was our side’s motivation, “hate so thick it fairly oozed from every paragraph we wrote,” or words to that effect — when Silver wrote that, he was projecting his own sick hatred onto us.  Our motivation is love, the purest, strongest, tenderest there is; Silver’s motivation is foul, rabid, foaming, vengeful, murderous hatred.

Oh no you don’t, Scrubby.  You caught me unwares the first time around, left me thinking that perhaps your venom is the proper way to convey a sense of urgency.  I won’t let that happen again. You are living, breathing filth, sunshine.  A baseball bat across the skull is a fate far too kind for you, filth. 

What Silver is doing is very simple (he keeps denying it but it’s perfectly obvious):  he’s trying to sabotage efforts at restoring Eurosphere immigration sanity

Bullshit. I haven’t said a word about immigration and not even the crudest misinterpretation of anything I’ve said (a misinterpretation, filth, you are quite apt to make, albeit) could give the impression that I’m against immigration “sanity.”

No, I accept the need for separation, but I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and slavs until you learn some fucking damn humility. Okay, Scrubby? 

Let’s consider what the great Yggdrasil, doyen of American WN had to say:

If our reason for defining “race” is to reduce conflict, then that purpose suggests a functional definition: - Races are groups that tend to band together based on common physical or cultural characteristics and fight or compete with groups having different physical or cultural characteristics.

Thus, functionally, races tend to be voluntary associations. The combatants know perfectly well which side they are on. There is no need for genetic testing, family trees, or hair and eye color tests.

But then you have some brachycephal, round headed, flat occiput Ukranian oaf (yes, I’m not a great fan), maybe only two years fresh off the boat, not knowing the first thing about “the west,” the civilization, he’d have us believe, he’s fighting to save, come along start quoting you genetic data in an effort to make himself the paragon of whiteness, well, yeah, my ire, you could say, is raised.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 10:44 | #

No, ancestry is indicative of ancestry, not your opinions.

A fact which you so gleefully put to use to cut people off at the knees.  You’re filth baby, and you don’t even know it.


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:00 | #

No, silver, you are absolute filth, a liar, a mendacious fraud, excrement - and many here know it.

I’m not the only person who believes genes trump phenotype.  The Anglo-Australian Salter believes it - what’s his “agenda,” you stupid, stupid, mendacious, viciously lying, imbecilic bastard?

Are paternity tests based on phenotype or genes?  What’s the purpose of doing population genetics studies in the first place?  Let’s just judge everyone by appearance and save all that money.  All the pop geneticists have an “agenda” you see.  Moron.  Idiot. Liar.  Fraud.  Ignorant retard.

According to silver - a man meets his long lost son, all of the same ethny.  Very good.  The relationship is proven by genetic testing.  Hey, wait, the man sees another youth who looks more like him than his own son! Surely, that trumps the stupid little testing report under his arm - if he needs save one, let the son die and save the stranger.  After all, they “look more alike.”  Dumbfuck silver.

Why should part-Inuit ancestry be acknowledged?  Why shouldn’t it be, dumbfuck?  Why hide information that many - not you, but Salter, GW, myself, MacDonald, Bowery, and any honest sociobiological-oriented person - know is essential for understanding EGI?  Who cares about descriptive comments by people who “think” that gene testing is not necessary?  If Yggdrasil is so important, why not listen to Salter, who actually is a political scientist at Max Planck, and not some “Internet racialist” (the type who you mock, exept when you need to quote them)?

You piece of utter trash, worm, filth, flotsam, lair, fraud, garbage, maggot-infested detritus, “silver.”


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:33 | #

A more comprehensive, less ad hominem answer directed at silver:

You know, there’s an heretofore unexplored Salter essay that I would really like to discuss at WB, but my limited time is caught up with this nonsense.  Thanks a lot, “Majority Rights,” for once again promoting the advance of intelligent discourse on racial matters.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:39 | #

The Anglo-Australian Salter believes it - what’s his “agenda,” you stupid, stupid, mendacious, viciously lying, imbecilic bastard?

Political expediancy, I suspect.  He’s wrong, ultimately, but the concept has probably gotten racialism greater mileage than The Aryan Alternative.

Are paternity tests based on phenotype or genes?

And that has nothing to do with preservation whatsoever.  A mulatto child’s white father is still his father.

What’s the purpose of doing population genetics studies in the first place?

It’s not political EGI, that’s for damn sure!

According to silver - a man meets his long lost son, all of the same ethny.  Very good.  The relationship is proven by genetic testing.  Hey, wait, the man sees another youth who looks more like him than his own son! Surely, that trumps the stupid little testing report under his arm - if he needs save one, let the son die and save the stranger.  After all, they “look more alike.” Dumbfuck silver.

No, no, no, that’s dumbfuck Rienzi and dumbfuck every other EGI racialist.  A man’s son is a man’s son regardless of how phenotypicall or genetically distant he is.  Only EGI scum would even think to suggest otherwise. 

Why should part-Inuit ancestry be acknowledged?  Why shouldn’t it be, dumbfuck?  Why hide information that many - not you, but Salter, GW, myself, MacDonald, Bowery, and any honest sociobiological-oriented person - know is essential for understanding EGI?

Then they’re as confused (I doubt they’re as dumb or mendacious) as you.  He’s either in or he’s out.  Which is it, Rienzi?  You can’t keep him in permanent limbo.  Answer the damn question.  If he’s in, then what difference does his ancestry make?  What does “acknolwedging” it even mean

You piece of utter trash, worm, filth, flotsam, lair, fraud, garbage, maggot-infested detritus, “silver.”

You do a better job of discrediting your outlandish ideology than I ever could.  EGI, of itself, is real enough.  But it’s only an intellectualisation of the ethnocentricity of which an integral part (the integral part, as far genes go) is phenotype.  In the hands of frauds like Rienzi it becomes something else entirely. For that matter, in the hands of GW, too.  I’m more willing to forgive the latter, for reasons which are my own, but he, too, couldn’t or wouldn’t explain what he meant by he and I “sharing” EGI.


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:53 | #

Dumbfuck silver - in some cases, a son may be genetically more distant from father than a random co-ethnic, if extreme admixutre is involved. 

That’s a fact, which cannot be responsibly evaded.  My example, of course, was of all of the same ethny.  No answer to that, so shift to strawman arguments.

Salter is, of course, “wrong.”  No reasons given.  Silver says so, so it must be true.  And, yes, it it very “politically expediant” for an academic to promote EGI.  What a stupid, stupid bastard this silver is.

Is Palin in or out?  Depends on his ancestry and what people think of it.  I’ll await his gene assays. 

Why is physical appearance the only value in genes?  You are confusing ultimate and proximate interests.  Life is about genetic reproduction, the phenotype - all of it - is only a vehicle.

You see, all the neo-Darwnians are wrong too.  As well as the sociobiologists.

Silver is right.

Because he says so.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:53 | #

You know, there’s an heretofore unexplored Salter essay that I would really like to discuss at WB, but my limited time is caught up with this nonsense.  Thanks a lot, “Majority Rights,” for once again promoting the advance of intelligent discourse on racial matters.

Yes, run off to your redoubt where I can’t respond.  That’s the mature approach.

Look Rienzi, it’s obvious I can (more than) hold my own in these discussions. If you’d like to hammer out our differences, why don’t you contact me? Or let me know how I can contact you.  I’d rather do that than make you look bad in public.  No one even need know we discussed anything.  What the hell are you afraid of?  Ego, is that it?  Is that all it is?  Surely you’re better than that.  Mind you, if not me now, it will have to be someone else some other time.  Your program isn’t going anywhere without first running the gauntlet.  As I’ve said before, better that it does so with a sympathiser than a complete hostile.  So again, is it only ego which would prevent it?  That is sadder than you can imagine.


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 11:58 | #

your outlandish ideology than I ever could

Lying dumbfuck.  If it is anyone’s ideology, it is Salter’s not mine.

I doubt they’re as dumb or mendacious

Invitation to MR readers: compare my work to that of silver.  Decide who is “dumb” and “mendacious.”

GW has already spoken on it I believe.

And Salter’s 300 page book is “wrong” because silver says so.

Some blog this is.  Some “arguments.”


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:04 | #

Yes, run off to your redoubt where I can’t respond.  That’s the mature approach.

Filthy trash.  Months ago, when I tried to “bury the hatchet” here and asked you questions directly, you ignored me and those questions. Later you started attacking me on threads I wasn’t even involved in.

Look Rienzi, it’s obvious I can (more than) hold my own in these discussions.

Obviously, you cannot.  If so, you wouldn’t need to resort to snide attacks and posting pictures of Italian-Americans, as if that’s an ‘argument.’  All you guys go “personal” since eventually you get frustrated.

If you’d like to hammer out our differences, why don’t you contact me? Or let me know how I can contact you.  I’d rather do that than make you look bad in public. 

The latter sentence is a joke, right?  Once again, readers chime in.

No one even need know we discussed anything.  What the hell are you afraid of?  Ego, is that it?  Is that all it is?  Surely you’re better than that.  Mind you, if not me now, it will have to be someone else some other time.  Your program isn’t going anywhere without first running the gauntlet.  As I’ve said before, better that it does so with a sympathiser than a complete hostile.  So again, is it only ego which would prevent it?  That is sadder than you can imagine.

I’ve debated people elsewhere.  I’ve debated “McCulloch” at TOQ (and in private).  Those people at least are upfront about who they are and what they believe.  But, frauds?  Fetishists who use ad hominem when they lose debates?  Sorry.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:14 | #

And, yes, it it very “politically expediant” for an academic to promote EGI.

It certainly is in comparison to phenotype alone (“racism”).

Is Palin in or out?  Depends on his ancestry and what people think of it.  I’ll await his gene assays. 

Brilliant.  A man who might be your best friend, but let’s wait for the lab reports before I make up my mind about him. And if they come in negative, watch out, this bastard’s presence is raping your EGI.  Only one way to deal with genetic filth like that.  That’s the bizarre world the EGI-men live in.  Thanks for that stunning admission.

But you don’t get off that easily.  Hypothetically, a man of Palin’s phenotype with known, confirmed, eskimo genes at 1/64, say.  Your answer is it depends on what people think of it?  What “people” think?  What they think of it—it’s that subjective?  Which people? 

Why is physical appearance the only value in genes?

Because that’s the basis on which people recognize those who belong to their tribes.  Belonging to the same tribe is the well-spring of the nourishing, uplifting feelings related to peoplehood.  That’s how it was long before genes were even known to exist and that’s how it still is. 

You are confusing ultimate and proximate interests.

You EGI-men confuse the value of ultimate and proximate interests.  Your reductionism stinks to high heaven, draining, as it does when see through its logical conclusions, all the juice from life.  That alone should set alarm bells ringing about something potentially being awry with its internal logic (though, as seen from the Palin example, one needn’t even go that far).


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:23 | #

Months ago, when I tried to “bury the hatchet” here and asked you questions directly, you ignored me and those questions. Later you started attacking me on threads I wasn’t even involved in.

So ask them again, or link to where you asked them.  Mind you, I won’t stand to be “interrogated,” as though there were some test I had to pass before my opinions might be worthy of consideration—remember, it’s only in the fringe world of online racialism I’m a pariah.  My apology for earlier anti antics should suffice with respect to past statements (not that you are at all keen to let go that little money spinner).


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:28 | #

Fetishists who use ad hominem when they lose debates?

Like “paki”?  Is-it-a-bird-is-it-a-plane-like rhetorical chains intended solely to discredit?  That sort of thing?  Mr. Pot meet Mr. Kettle.


Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 12:58 | #

GW, you’ve lost me.



Posted by JWH on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:07 | #

By the way, what’s the ultimate value in belong to a tribe?  Kinship. 

Only the mortally confused can talk about differences in value of ultimate vs. proximate interests - the ultimate, by definition, win.

Do I need to reprint Salter’s entire book here?  These arguments have already been made, there and at WB.  Is time wasting Silver’s aim? 

Physical appearance is fraught with error.  In the EEA, when groups were well separated, appearance may have been enough.  Today, with globalism and widespread admixture, racial cuckoldry is a real threat.  Those who superficially “look like you” may be significantly more genetically distant than others, and vice versa.

In the past, people had no choice.  We do.  In the past, people had no choice - they got polio, they got smallpox.  Today, there are vaccines.  Genetic data vaccinates us against making errors based upon inborn judgements that evolved in radically different environments.  Salter understands that the pursuit of EGI needs to be a rational, thought-out process.

Many inborn cravings are maladaptive.  The “juice of life” is not what adaptiveness is about.  Tricking people about their kinship interests by appealing to their maladaptive choices is not ethical.

Prescriptive over descriptive, ultimate over proximate.  The meaning of life, as such, is the continuity of genetic information.  Phenotype is a means, not an end.  Only replicated information can be an end.

Enough with this stupid bastard and this stupid bastard of a blog,


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:12 | #

Get over yourself, Rienzi.  There’s not a damn thing unreasonable about the questions I’d like to see you answer.  The little “scene” you’re so obviously trying to create (yes, your minions will bitch and demand my removal, we can be sure) doesn’t obviate the need for EGI-men to put their programme into a “living” context mere mortals can (a) understand and (b) support/defend (on its own grounds, let alone the equally important moral grounds the uninitiated will require).


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 13:31 | #

In the past, people had no choice.  We do.  In the past, people had no choice - they got polio, they got smallpox.  Today, there are vaccines.  Genetic data vaccinates us against making errors based upon inborn judgements that evolved in radically different environments.

And today we have universal values—truth, logic—which obviate much of (but not all) the need for kinship.  You’ve no choice but to defend kinship on pragmatic grounds, which Salter obviously realizes. 

Salter understands that the pursuit of EGI needs to be a rational, thought-out process.

It’s a pity you don’t think it needs to be any of sensitive, ethical or virtuous—or to at least give the appearance of being so.

The “juice of life” is not what adaptiveness is about.

Or: adaptiveness isn’t what “the juice of life” is about. Right, I couldn’t agree more.  But let’s not throw that baby out with its bathwater is my position.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:03 | #

To Tired Idiot:

You even hate within your own [black] “race”, and people are supposed to believe this movement [Black Liberation Theology]  is not based on hate?  There will never be an all black nation in the likes you’d wish. Never.  Why?  Too many parasites, too many idiots back riding, getting the benefit of the doubt based on the false notion that being black is all it takes. It will fail because there is a mental illness—possibly genetic—in blacks that predisposes them to feeble mindedness and violent criminal behavior.  You must admit it. Pan-Americanism is all fantasy.

BTW—I’m still waiting for you to answer my question and explain why blacks need affirmative action (i.e., lower standards/double standards) so as to be admitted in colleges and or the job market?


Posted by DJ on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:07 | #

Correction: Pan-Africanism is all fantasy.


Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:27 | #

Thai Gook here.  Silver real stupid bastard.  He lie and lie and lie.  He no Gleek.  He no Serb.  He Paki. 

Thai Gook know lots of Serbs.  Serbs love Europe and especially Serbia.  Silver lie like dog.  Thai Gook no lie.


Posted by The Monitor on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 14:40 | #

Do I need to reprint Salter’s entire book here?

Does he even know he has all these followers? Or want them?


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:03 | #

JWH writes: The sincere commentator: troll ratio must not be any greater than say, 3:1.  And that’s not good enough.

The way I see it, the partial derivatives tell us that in signal to noise ratio environments higher than 1 we get bigger gains from noise suppression than we do from signal enhancement—and conversely in S:N environments less than 1 we get bigger gains from signal enhancement than noise suppression.

So if your estimate is correct and S:N is the correct metric then your strategy of noise suppression is supported.

Are there better metrics?  Is your estimate correct?


Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:12 | #


According to John Ray, who knew Frank Salter many years ago in Australia, the latter was always very nationalistic.  His “positioning” in academe has undoubtedly been characterised by distance from the politics of European survivalism, but his work, dealing as it does with the truth, cannot be and is not.

Silver: he, too, couldn’t or wouldn’t explain what he meant by he and I “sharing” EGI.

Do we share distinctive genes AND genetically-distant competitors?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:39 | #

“But let’s not throw that baby out with its bathwater is my position.”  (—Silver, most recent comment)

But it’s not your position, and that’s exactly the crux.  Your position is precisely, “Let’s throw out the baby with the bathwater, nay we must do, otherwise we deserve a baseball bat to the back of the skull.”

You, fundamentally, are a race-replacement advocate.  (You’re also, by the way, a leftist according to the standard terminology — admittedly that’s somewhat of a side issue here, but I’ll mention it.) 

You’re trying to invalidate objections to forced race-replacement by applying, essentially, a false reductio ad absurdum:  you’re trying to argue it’s absurd to object to pouring half-a-pool’s worth of black ink into your olympic-size swimming pool because it’s absurd to think putting one drop in will bother anything. 

The issue is the half-a-pool’s worth of ink (race-replacement is always about numbers, remember?).  The issue isn’t the single drop (race-replacement is never about individuals, remember?).  And you know that, but prefer to pick a fight over 1) the single drop, and 2) the way to tell pool water from ink. 

You really hate #2 there, but there has to be some way to tell them apart, mainly in order to reject the half-a-pool’s worth, not so much (if at all) in order to reject the single-drop’s worth which isn’t really a concern.  You’ll say, “You can tell them apart at a glance, you don’t need special ways.”  Well, what about when you can’t?  Maybe someone has come up with some pretty colorless ink for some reason, or some pretty colorless other kind of fluid, and wants to dump some of that into your pool, but you’d rather have only water in your pool. 

But this stuff is details that can be worked out in accord with the central point that you don’t want race-replacement, don’t want a tanker-truck full of ink dumped into your pool — yet you, Silver, keep dwelling on this peripheral stuff, all stuff that can be worked out, as if it’s what everything hinges on, when it’s not. 

The central point is what everything hinges on, and the central point is we object to forced race-replacement.  And all this other stuff you want to make central is peripheral.  Nevertheless you disrupt threads with it, and when all your disruption is said and done you still haven’t conceded any real ground to those concerned about forced race-replacement. 

So why the disruptions?  1) you’re viscerally against those who oppose forced race-replacement (you seem especially to be on your guard against “nordics” on a “north-south” basis, which is nonsense if you’re a Slav (a Serb) as you claim, since there isn’t “north-south” ethnotension between “nordics"and Slavs); 2) as JWH suggests in his entry at WB, rather than Southern and Balkan Euros remaining part of Europe racially, you’d prefer they meld with NECs racially and even with dark non-caucasians such as tri-racial Puerto-Ricans.

“Thai Gook” is probably right, incidentally:  Silver is not Serbian.  There are too many details that simply don’t “add up” for him to be Serbian.  Paki, as Thai Gook suggests, is possible.  So is mulatto though he’d be unusually smart for a mulatto.  Maybe some sort of swarthy multiple cross?


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:42 | #

Do we share distinctive genes AND genetically-distant competitors?

Yes and yes. 

Now, can I have your daughter or can’t I? 

If no, regardless of how much I “share,” I’m the genetically distant competitor I’ve never denied being.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 15:52 | #

When Silver first posted comments here under the pen name “Peter North,” I said I suspected he was a Subcon.  I may have been right after all.  (Again, to be scrupulously fair to him, he consistently denies he was “Peter North.”  I don’t buy his denial.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:10 | #

This strikes me as likely an accurate description of “the silverites” (Silver, at least, gives one every reason to think it’s accurate):

this fervent inner urge to merge certain European types with NECs and Puerto Ricans.  After all, we know that’s the real agenda of the silverites:  not preservation (how is preservation served by mixing Europeans with triracial Puerto Ricans?) but destruction of certain hated European sub-types.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:20 | #

It doesn’t matter if silver says he’s Greek or Serb or whatever; there’s a whole bunch of Negroes that say they are English or French or Dutch, etc., too.

What we must take into consideration is the overriding fact that HE insists he is not white! Take him at his word! SILVER IS NOT WHITE!


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:25 | #

The issue is the half-a-pool’s worth of ink (race-replacement is always about numbers, remember?).  The issue isn’t the single drop (race-replacement is never about individuals, remember?).  And you know that, but prefer to pick a fight over 1) the single drop, and 2) the way to tell pool water from ink. 

No, you ridiculous piece of subhuman, antihuman gunk.  My “issue” is you treating human beings as though they were nothing more than “ink”; nothing more than toy soldiers for you to paint and arrange in way that strikes you as most aesthetically pleasing.

You, fundamentally, are a race-replacement advocate.

You, fundamentally, are a lying piece of subhuman gunk of partly Russian-Jewish extraction, railing as loudly as you can, as such persons are wont to, in order to prove your worth to and thus curry favor with the racial idols you revere as your superiors.

yet you, Silver, keep dwelling on this peripheral stuff, all stuff that can be worked out, as if it’s what everything hinges on, when it’s not.

Can it be worked out, Scrubby?  I see little evidence of that.  I want to see some evidence of it.  I want to see some evidence so that when I take this stuff on the road I can point its doubters, its skeptics, its opponents to examples of reasonable discourse in which differences are worked out in a way which preserves the fundamental values centered around human dignity which men derived after the carnage of the 20th century.

1) you’re viscerally against those who oppose forced race-replacement (you seem especially to be on your guard against “nordics” on a “north-south” basis, which is nonsense if you’re a Slav (a Serb) as you claim

I’ve never claimed to be a “slav” (in the sense you use the word).  It’s worth recalling that not only are you, fundamentally, a lying, shrieking piece of subhuman gunk, your knowledge of race is particularly abysmal for someone who spends so much of his day yapping about it. 

Now, if mendacity weren’t such a central aspect of your being, I might point out that someone who supports racial separitism cannot, by defnition, be opposed to race-replacement, forced or not.  But expecting you to grasp that is probably akin to expecting a leopard to change its spots.

2) as JWH suggests in his entry at WB, rather than Southern and Balkan Euros remaining part of Europe racially, you’d prefer they meld with NECs racially and even with dark non-caucasians such as tri-racial Puerto-Ricans.

Perhaps the testers, keen on weeding out jewish ancestry, are on to something.  After all, there must be something in you which forces you to lie so brazenly or quote hostile critics so wantonly as to be a party to the lie.  Neither of you subhuman pieces of gunk will be able to produce a single sentence which even suggests, much less recommends, se euros melding with anyone. 

I, silver, speculated that I’d—me, silver, no one else, certainly not my entire ethny—be capable of leading a content life around Puerto Ricans because (a) I don’t hate people different to myself and (b) even if I did, which I don’t, but even if I did, from what I’ve seen of them and their culture (which is not much, which is why this is speculation), they don’t appear—careful now—wildly different to the average s euro (wildly different when all the races of man are considered) and, lastly (c) that I’d be willing to do it as proof that the separatism I advocate isn’t, in my case, based on hatred of others, this being, as I said (for those who can read) a small sacrifice to make for the advancement of my people in comparison to the life and limb others have sacrificied for their people.  But for subhuman pieces of gunk looking for every opportunity to discredit me, none of this matters.  “Silver likens Serbs to Puerto Ricans!” is much better copy.

“Thai Gook” is probably right, incidentally:  Silver is not Serbian.  There are too many details that simply don’t “add up” for him to be Serbian.  Paki, as Thai Gook suggests, is possible.  So is mulatto though he’d be unusually smart for a mulatto.  Maybe some sort of swarthy multiple cross?

The beauty of my position, subhuman gunk, is that it doesn’t even matter if I were any of those. 

As I said, Filth Scrubby, I accept the need for separation, but I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and “slavs” until you learn some fucking damn humility.  Your brand of racism, scrubby, is what I have a problem with; not racism per se. It’s your brand of racism for which I’d gladly bring that baseball bat crashing down on your head—and not least for the role, perhaps the leading role, it plays in shoring up the completely unnecessary liberal opposition to “racism.”  Dwell on that, filth.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:32 | #

What we must take into consideration is the overriding fact that HE insists he is not white! Take him at his word! SILVER IS NOT WHITE!

I haven’t said I’m not, categorically. I said I don’t see myself as.  “White,” where I am from, has always meant Anglo-Celtic, or at least northern European.  It’s as much an ethnic identity as it is an anthropoligical identifier, and one which, as Prozium would tell you, neither serbs nor greeks have ever historically engaged—except, as you rightly note, when forced to by circumstances, ie caught in the middle of the black part of town.  You can stop screaming, btw. (Excitable little brat, aren’t you, Dipshit Jones?)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:33 | #

“So if your estimate is correct and S:N is the correct metric then your strategy of noise suppression is supported.  Are there better metrics?  Is your estimate correct?”  (—James B.)

JWH’s estimate is not correct, in this sense:  the “noise” at blogs with good-quality commenters participating in their threads calls forth huge amounts of additional signal.  That additional signal engendered by the noise ends up getting the final ratio way higher than the initial 3:1.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:43 | #

I accept the need for separation, but I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and “slavs” until you learn some fucking damn humility.  Your brand of racism, scrubby, is what I have a problem with; not racism per se.

Until the effects of the Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and and Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 are remediated—acts of wanton racial aggression against the people who brought the lands of the United States to fruition thereby supporting human flesh world-wide —there is no reason to suspect that “fucking damn humility” or any other alteration of anyone’s “brand of racism” will result in anything but a continuation of the same old race war under the guise of “civil rights” or “human rights” or “individualism” or whatever the smoke screen du jour.

Now, having said that, I can certainly agree that supremacists of any stripe have lost their humanity but during this period I have very little patience for the anti-white supremacist animals that go after the white supremacist animals.  And that does mean that if the white supremacist animals kill the anti-white supremacist animals in this current situation, I probably will have very little problem with it.  After all, if there is anything to “animal rights” at all, it has to start somewhere and where better than self-defense?


Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:51 | #

silver is getting aaaaaangry! LMFAO

Silver, I don’t know what map of Europe you look at, but it’s funny that the one I view includes Serbia and Greece. And just in case you forgot the intent of MR, let me remind you:

About this site

This website discusses various issues related to the preservation of Western culture and the ethnic genetic interests (EGI) of people of European ancestry.  This site does not argue that the EGI and cultural concerns of non-European people are less important than those of people of European ancestry….


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 16:55 | #

there is no reason to suspect that “fucking damn humility” or any other alteration of anyone’s “brand of racism” will result in anything but a continuation of the same old race war under the guise of “civil rights” or “human rights” or “individualism” or whatever the smoke screen du jour.

There’s every reason to expect alterations in “brands” of racism to lessen resistance to racism, so much so that your Title VII could be repealed and a great deal more yet. 

but during this period I have very little patience for the anti-white supremacist animals that go after the white supremacist animals.

The less reason they have to go after them, the less reason they will go after them.  Not a panacea by any means, but in all your theorising, you seem to have missed theories related to changing minds.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:00 | #

Silver, I don’t know what map of Europe you look at, but it’s funny that the one I view includes Serbia and Greece.

Sociology requires more than simply looking at maps.  Turkey and Korea on my map are “in Asia.”

This site does not argue that the EGI and cultural concerns of non-European people are less important than those of people of European ancestry….

Their dignity, on the other hand…


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:04 | #

“No, you ridiculous piece of subhuman, antihuman gunk.  My ‘issue’ is you treating human beings as though they were nothing more than ‘ink’; nothing more than toy soldiers for you to paint and arrange in way that strikes you as most aesthetically pleasing.”  (—Silver)

But you keep leaving out something that greatly esthetically and spiritually pleases them:  keeping their and their fathers’ fathers’ fathers’ race intact, and living in it and surrounded by it with their loved ones and kin and ethnic communities and nation-race nations, and bequeathing all of it, representing their fathers’ fathers’ fathers’ race, handing it lovingly down, to their sons’ sons’ sons.  You keep neglecting that as part of their humanity.  Why?  Who’s treating them as humans, and who as ink and toy soldiers to paint and arrange?

“You, fundamentally, are a lying piece of subhuman gunk of partly Russian-Jewish extraction”

Hey you forgot the Austrian Jewish part!  Even though it was Polish-Jewish to be exact (was a Polish region of the Austrian Empire, today part of Poland) I’m proud as punch it was officially under the superior-race Germans who headed the Austrian Empire.  Don’t forget, I identity as a German underneath my Kwamerikwosher exterior.  So don’t ever omit to include that Austrian-Jewish part again! 

Can it be worked out, Scrubby?  I see little evidence of that.  I want to see some evidence of it.  I want to see some evidence so that when I take this stuff on the road I can point its doubters, its skeptics, its opponents to examples of reasonable discourse”

Tell ‘em don’t sweat the small stuff. 

“examples of reasonable discourse in which differences are worked out in a way which preserves the fundamental values centered around human dignity which men derived after the carnage of the 20th century.”

Does genociding the Ancient Races of Europe qualify as “preserving fundamental values centered around human dignity”?  Gee, somehow that strikes me as ... unlikely .... But hey I’m flexible, I’ll give it some thought!

“I’ve never claimed to be a ‘slav’ “

Wait, now I’m confused here.  Aren’t Serbs ... Slavs?  And haven’t ... haven’t you claimed to be ... Serb?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:45 | #

“I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and ‘slavs’ “  (—Silver)

I trust everyone instantly recognized that as taken from Noël Ignatiev, an almost word-for-word quote of what Ignatiev sees as his mission.  Why in the WORLD would someone who claims to be on our side choose that phraseology from Ignatiev to throw on our faces?  Answer:  Silver is not on our side.  Fundamentally, he advocates forced race-replacement.  In any real fight between us and the race-replacers Silver would come after us with a baseball bat ... or worse.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 17:54 | #

You keep neglecting that as part of their humanity.

Oh, I do, do I?  Now that really is interesting.  Because as I’d calculate it, if they have Italians, Greeks and Serbs infused into their number, it might, you know, inhibit their ability to do all that, but what do I know.

Of course, the point, which you artfully attempt to dodge, Scrubby, is ‘the other’ is here and he’s been here for a long time, and, rightly or wrongly, he’s been wanted here just as much as he hasn’t.  Deal with it.  Now, you want to perform an extrication, fine, I’m with you.  But we’re dealing with humans, not chess pieces, and certainly not mere pieces of “meat.”

Tell ‘em don’t sweat the small stuff.

It ain’t small stuff, not by a long shot.

Does genociding the Ancient Races of Europe qualify as “preserving fundamental values centered around human dignity”?  Gee, somehow that strikes me as ... unlikely .... But hey I’m flexible, I’ll give it some thought!

Yeah, I guess you’re right.  Only sceaming Mystery Meat! at the top of your lungs can save the day now.

Wait, now I’m confused here.  Aren’t Serbs ... Slavs?  And haven’t ... haven’t you claimed to be ... Serb?

Yes, you’re very confused.  That’s all quite clear.  There’s no such race as “slav,” such that every country speaking a slavic tongue consists of it.  There may have once been such a tribe, or a group of related tribes, but, at least as far as the Balkans goes, they’ve long since been absorbed into the autochthonous populations, leaving the racial make-up of those lands something of a question mark.  That aside, using even your crude racial terminology, I’ve also, you might have noticed, stated I’m of Greek ancestry, too, and that’s not, again, according to your simplistic racial understanding, coterminous with “slav.”  So when I say I’ve never claimed to be “slav” it… you know… makes sense… to normal people… without an agenda aimed solely at discrediting you.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:05 | #

I trust everyone instantly recognized that as taken from Noël Ignatiev, an almost word-for-word quote of what Ignatiev sees as his mission.  Why in the WORLD would someone who claims to be on our side choose that phraseology from Ignatiev to throw on our faces?

Drat. Foiled again.  Yep, my mentor had so thoroughly drummed that phrase into my head it fain rolled off my tongue.

Answer:  Silver is not on our side.

Or, he considered it a cute play on words, relying on the commentariat to get the reference (and old eagle-eyed scrubby didn’t let him down).

Fundamentally, he advocates forced race-replacement.

And that’s why he advocates separation.  Every scheming race-replacer knows there’s no surer way to race-replace a population than to racially separate people.  And every scheming race-replacer also knows there’s no better way to achieve race-replacement-via-separation than to give people positive, non-hateful reasons to separate and ask them to find further such reasons in order to maximize the likelihood of separation being effected.


Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:05 | #

Thai Gook back.  Still see Paki lying through teeth.  All Serbs know they are slavs.  They prideful of slav designation, not shamed.  Greek smoke screen Paki use, just that another smoke screen lie.  Paki like to tap dance like American Negro with all the lying he do. 

Scrooby genius with Ignatiev catch.  Paki finally getting enough rope for hanging.  Thai Gook love hanging of liars.  Thai Gook no lie.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:06 | #

Your brand of racism, scrubby, is what I have a problem with; not racism per se. It’s your brand of racism for which I’d gladly bring that baseball bat crashing down on your head”  (—Silver)

The problem with that is there’s no such thing as “racism.”  Doesn’t exist.  It’s a word without and referent.  “Racism” is a word invented by and for communist Jews.  It’s a word so Jewish it probably ought to be written in Hebrew every time it’s mentioned.  Here: 


It’s a concept that’s strictly for the Jews.  It doesn’t concern Europeans.  It doesn’t exist in the European universe; has no possible, no conceivable meaning for Europeans.  Let the Jews have it, let them deal with it, let them obsess over it, let them choke on it.  They invented it, they’ve got it.  Let them keep it.  They invented it so it would infect everyone else, harm everyone else.  Let it infect them.  Let it harm them.


Posted by Captainchoas on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:06 | #

“Or: adaptiveness isn’t what “the juice of life” is about. Right, I couldn’t agree more.  But let’s not throw that baby out with its bathwater is my position.” - silver

To what degree are phenotype and genotype correlated?  Obviously to a very high degree - even in an intra-European context.  Unless genotype is safe guarded phenotype will not not be and “the juice of life” will have run dry.


Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:07 | #

“I intend to keep bashing the dead white racists, and the live ones, the nordics and alpines, but especially the meds and ‘slavs’ ” (—Silver)

I trust everyone instantly recognized that as taken from Noël Ignatiev, an almost word-for-word quote of what Ignatiev sees as his mission.

Excellent observation, Fred.

Preponderance of the evidence anyone? The Jury has now rendered it’s verdict on silver.

Guilty of fraud in the lowest order!

And to think I once saw great promise in they guy. For shame…


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:10 | #

The less reason they have to go after them, the less reason they will go after them.  Not a panacea by any means, but in all your theorising, you seem to have missed theories related to changing minds.

What is reality is the holocaustian supremacist—the politically correct supremacist—the disease vector supremacist race war going on right now.  What is theory is that the aggressors who having initiated the use “civil rights”, “human rights”, “individualism” etc. as a weapon of discourse in going after the carrying capacity created by others, will cease doing so if those others moderate their rhetoric.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:10 | #

That should be, “It’s a word without any referent.”


Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:11 | #

Thai Gook say one more thing.  Thai Gook not JWH, just in case anyone care.  Thai Gook respect JWH.  Thai Gook find very funny how Paki try to put down JW.  Thai Gook laughing right now!  JW is intellectual giant, while Paki is mental midget.  Mental midget and liar.  Confucius say not good combination.  Thai Gook only lie last part about Confucius.  Thai Gook make joke.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 18:53 | #

The problem with that is there’s no such thing as “racism.” Doesn’t exist.  It’s a word without and referent.  “Racism” is a word invented by and for communist Jews.  It’s a word so Jewish it probably ought to be written in Hebrew every time it’s mentioned.

Scrubby, don’t you think I’m just a tad too sophisticated for stormfront rhetoric?

Whatever word you want to use, there’s such a thing as hurling hurtful invective at racial others; there’s such a thing as attacking them, physically and/or verbally; there’s such a thing as seeking to disadvantage them; there’s such a thing as speaking about them as though they were worms, with no useful purpose on this planet, who only serve to plague and defile your own race.  If you don’t like “racism,” find another word, but such things can exist (not necessarily “do,” can).  There’s also such a thing, “positive racism,” we can call it, as discussing your racial interests and working towards them, and encouraging racial others to do the same, in which the racial interests of each are secured, protected, and potentially enhanced.  It’s your type of racism I abhor; the latter, I advocate.

Unless genotype is safe guarded phenotype will not not be and “the juice of life” will have run dry.

Clean your ears out mighty all-conquering Cap’n; I haven’t said otherwise. If that feeble brain of yours thinks otherwise, come on, out with it, creep, prove it, demonstrate it, or else shut your trap you slimeball. 

Is the idea that I’m on your side so astronomically incalcubable for you, you cosmically ignorant prick, that you force yourself to find fault with my every statement? 

(Do you think Mr. Palin requires testing?  And if he failed, you’d what, throw him off a cliff along with all the mestizoes you plan on running out of the country?  Just think for once in your miserable life.)

Scrooby genius with Ignatiev catch.

People make cultural references in the hope that people will pick up on them.  Sigh.

What is theory is that the aggressors who having initiated the use “civil rights”, “human rights”, “individualism” etc. as a weapon of discourse in going after the carrying capacity created by others, will cease doing so if those others moderate their rhetoric.

That’s not my theory, Bowery.  My theory is your own people, who today stand foursquare opposed to you, might be more inclined to give your message the fair hearing it merits if you’d moderate your rhetoric, not that the jews would—though their hysterical “intelligence reports” would begin falling on increasingly deafer ears.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:07 | #

“there’s such a thing as hurling hurtful invective at racial others; there’s such a thing as attacking them, physically and/or verbally; there’s such a thing as seeking to disadvantage them; there’s such a thing as speaking about them as though they were worms, with no useful purpose on this planet, who only serve to plague and defile your own race.”  (—Silver)

Right, exactly what the Jews have been doing to Euros for the past forty years.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:21 | #

Right, exactly what the Jews have been doing to Euros for the past forty years.

They certainly haven’t done all the things I’ve listed, not in the systematic, organized fashion you have in mind; but what they’ve done, they’ve done, and it’s wrong.  And it’s just as wrong for you to do the same.  Especially in your case, with those Russian and Jewish genes you’re carrying around; genes that, it may be decided, are unwanted, so treading carefully now is advisable, as it might moderate future treatment of rejects—remember, testers don’t care what you “identify” as—as if “identity” were up to you, anyway, pfft (just ask GW)—it’s what you “are” they’re interested in.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 19:49 | #

silver: “Clean your ears out mighty all-conquering Cap’n; I haven’t said otherwise.”

The sum of your comments makes me doubt you have the will to actually do it.

“My theory is your own people, who today stand foursquare opposed to you, might be more inclined to give your message the fair hearing it merits if you’d moderate your rhetoric…”

Silver, we need you to set that sterling example for us.  We follow you in all things, oh Great Leader.  But first we need to see the lab report to see if you have the right stuff.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:12 | #

“Especially in your case, with those Russian and Jewish genes you’re carrying around; genes that, it may be decided, are unwanted, so treading carefully now is advisable, as it might moderate future treatment of rejects—remember, testers don’t care what you ‘identify’ as—as if ‘identity’ were up to you, anyway, pfft (just ask GW)—it’s what you ‘are’ they’re interested in.”  (—Silver)

I’ll worry about that when they get in power, Silver.  Right now the Jews are in power and are genociding anything that moves that has white skin.  That’s the immediate threat by far, even for a Russian-Jewish-German mix like me.  The Jews want to exterminate me, they want to exterminate my wife, they want to exterminate my children, they want to snuff out my family line present and future, all because we have white skin.  That’s my problem.  The comrades who want to stop the Jews are not my problem.  For the record, I am Catholic, and neither of my parents was Jewish.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:14 | #

We follow you in all things, oh Great Leader.  But first we need to see the lab report to see if you have the right stuff.

Nah, Tommy Sunic is your great leader.  Better check his lab report first, though—you’re not going to take it on faith that he is what he says he is, are you? 

The sum of your comments makes me doubt you have the will to actually do it.

I haven’t got the slightest idea what that’s supposed to mean.  And you know what, dickwad, if it’s supposed to be some slight towards me, I couldn’t care less. I couldn’t give a fig what any of you nimrods think of me. I know I’m not anyone special.  I’m just some guy trying to make his way through this thing called life the best he can, trying to do as right by others as he can—just like most normal humans.  If some of us don’t meet the exacting standards of megalomaniac’s like you, or srubfucker, or rienzi, or al shiteating cunt ross, well, fuck it; it’s not our fault we were born in the wrong place at the wrong time.  If some of us can accept that and offer a few words of advice on how we might set things right we’ll do it, as I do here.  If you don’t want to take heed of it, if that’s still not good enough for ya, cap’n, oh fearsome cap’n of chaos, scourge of invaders everywhere, well fuck it again, pal—see you in hell or something like that.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:30 | #

“If you don’t want to take heed of it, if that’s still not good enough for ya, cap’n, oh fearsome cap’n of chaos, scourge of invaders everywhere, well fuck it again, pal—see you in hell or something like that.” - silver

Jesus Christ, dude, what got up your ass?  Maybe it’s because not even the whores in Thailand will take your money anymore?


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 20:30 | #

I’ll worry about that when they get in power, Silver.  Right now the Jews are in power and are genociding anything that moves that has white skin.  That’s the immediate threat by far, even for a Russian-Jewish-German mix like me.  The Jews want to exterminate me, they want to exterminate my wife, they want to exterminate my children, they want to snuff out my family line present and future, all because we have white skin.

Sweet Jesus it must suck to be you.

Here, try this: tramadol. It’s an analgesic with codeine-like effects, but not nearly as addictive (I’ve gone 10 days straight and dropped it the 11th without the slightest craving).

In the meantime, it won’t kill you to learn to walk and chew gum at the same time.  Not just because what the “testers” might make of you, but because someone besides the choir might actually listen to what you have to say for once.  And a bit of humility never led a man astray, either—or, as my old club’s “dojo kun” put it: Hitotsu, ware ware wa, shinbutsu o totobi, kenjo no bitoku o wasurezaru koto.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:08 | #

“tramadol. It’s an analgesic with codeine-like effects, but not nearly as addictive

Totally useless for Birch then ...

“but because someone besides the choir might actually listen to what you have to say for once”

Your singing is way off-key, Silver.  We neither need nor want you for our songs.

“And a bit of humility never led a man astray, either”

“Humility”?  Me?  No, sorry, can’t do it:  Melba might start looking at other men.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:16 | #

Jesus Christ, dude, what got up your ass?

A pack of howling nutzis; deaf ones, too, the most vicious variety. 

Maybe it’s because not even the whores in Thailand will take your money anymore?

Heh, I get it for free, buddy.  Not very hard when the only “competition” is middle-aged fatass Germans.  That’s quite a change from my tormented teenage years.  Yeah, I went through a whole ‘ugly duckling’ sort of a transformation at puberty.  Took me a while to get used to all the female attention, and high school was over before I ever got it together properly.  University, that’s another story; a mind as sharp as this smile doesn’t flunk out because the course was too difficult.  Getting to the point, the impression those early experiences left is some poor sons of bitches really have it tough and, you know, maybe the fat kid wacked with the ugly stick deserves something a bit better than being the butt of every joke, and if it’s too much to expect everyone to lay off him, it’s the job of some of us to try to limit the damage to emanating from only the most unregenerate assholes; and you grow up and you take that with you and you think, shit, wouldn’t this world be a better place if we all put our egos on ice and tried being nice to one another?  Maybe that doesn’t work so well in practise, but you can’t blame us for trying.  So, mighty mighty cap’n, even though some of us are unlucky enough to have been born in the wrong place at the wrong time, some as a result of that failed experiment, as you’re reconquering every square inch of the usa, all 14 x 10^15 of ‘em, just spare a thought, if it’s not too much to ask, for those who aren’t guilty-as-charged, just mere humans, whether detritus or not.


Posted by silver on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:29 | #

Your singing is way off-key, Silver.  We neither need nor want you for our songs.

No?  Too bad.

How about this one, then?  If you ignore the nip, that’s a moving performance by good white men; the very best of European art with a message to send the European spirit soaring.

“Do you hear the people sing,
singing a song of angry men.
It is the music of a people
who will not be slaves again.”


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 21:31 | #

Silver’s prepping for the Dr. Phil show, maybe even Jerry Springer (depends if the detritus likes him).  He and Birch are going on together, sort of an “odd couple” act.  Brilliant!


Posted by Thai Gook on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:03 | #

Thai Gook back.  Thai Gook now see Paki having meltdown.  Paki talk crazy now.  Thai Gook think Paki is crazy.  Thai Gook also think why Paki ashamed to admit he Paki?  Being Paki not bad.  At least he not Negro.  Though Paki like Negro with straight hair.  Right Paki?  Thai Gook no lie.


Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 27 Sep 2008 22:07 | #

silver writes: My theory is your own people, who today stand foursquare opposed to you, might be more inclined to give your message the fair hearing it merits if you’d moderate your rhetoric, not that the jews would—though their hysterical “intelligence reports” would begin falling on increasingly deafer ears.

Interesting conjecture and I conditionally agree.  The condition being that the “rhetoric”, but more importantly boots-on-the-ground actions, must focus on “freedom” including the freedom to exclude others from your human ecology.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 01:59 | #

“...if it’s not too much to ask, for those who aren’t guilty-as-charged, just mere humans, whether detritus or not.” - silver

Even leaving race aside, from the standpoint of carrying capacity, environmental protection, and quality-of-life, Western countries are full-up anyways. 

As for JWH, I don’t think for a moment that he wants to ushering in a “Brave New World” where one’s worth as a person is decided at the lab.  I believe he simply wants to empower and encourage ordinary people to be able to pursue their EGI if they so choose.  If “lab reports” are cheap and accessible it could become quit popular.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 02:30 | #

“ you’re reconquering every square inch of the usa, all 14 x 10^15 of ‘em, just spare a thought,” - silver

I’ve thought about it, sorry, gotta go through with it.  I’m phenotypically and genotypically a northwestern European (put me at Valley Forge and no one misses a beat), my people built this country by the sweat of their brow through an untold amount of sacrifice.  I’ll be damned we lose one bit of it because of the actions of race traitors and Jews.  To do less would be a betrayal of my ancestors.


Posted by GT on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 17:33 | #

Has a genetic definition for Occidental Europids been developed – one translatable to the political arena and the common man?  No?  I didn’t think so.

Until this happens political definitions will contain subjective elements.  Why?  Because people judge “whiteness” by looks and are averse – especially in America – to the idea of showing papers authenticating ancestry after having been accepted as citizens of the state.

We are the members of a small, unorganized sub-nation within the state.  DNA tests can be used to establish our ancestral credentials within our respective microcommunities, but this is hardly necessary among family and long-term friends, or long-time associates who are members of the microcommunity next door/down-the-road.  DNA tests could be used in our sociopolitical organizations, but this comes at the expense of growth.  Once we’ve seceded and have become a legitimate nation state, DNA tests can and should be used as part of our naturalized citizen/residency criteria. 

Meanwhile the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we serious about growing and placing boots on the ground or are we shit-talking hobbyists secretly aiming to stay small, safe, and fringe on the Internet?  If we’re serious about growth and nationhood, then we must accept the fact that racial impurities will exist, and every minute of Internet dithering increases the amount we must accept if we are to survive at all.


Captain C,

Your living children and grandchildren will thank you for realizing that our fight is for survival and independence – not expansion.  This idea that we’re going to “re-take the Southwest” is founded in ignorance and conservative, non-movement stupidity.  Your forefathers no longer give a damn.


Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 20:36 | #

Even leaving race aside, from the standpoint of carrying capacity, environmental protection, and quality-of-life, Western countries are full-up anyways. 

?!? This has what to do with the price of tea in China?

As for JWH, I don’t think for a moment that he wants to ushering in a “Brave New World” where one’s worth as a person is decided at the lab.  I believe he simply wants to empower and encourage ordinary people to be able to pursue their EGI if they so choose.  If “lab reports” are cheap and accessible it could become quit popular

You must be one of those naive NW simpletons they say your race is full of—and heh, when a mighty leader crosses the ocean from the ancient nordic land of Croatia and tells you how korshous (no, that’s not Croatian for “courteous”) he finds the good people of Memphis and gets a standing ovation maybe there’s something to that.

Anyway, bozo, let the “paki” explain something to you again.  Who are you to prance around thinking you’re NW, eh?  Have you been tested?  That’s some nerve you’ve got there, son, talking white this, white that, reconquer this, kick out that without knowing exactly what you are.  Now, some dago from Ragusa, on the other hand, who’s passed all the proper tests and got the t-shirt, now he can talk about white this, white that…and you’d better listen.  That’s the Rienzi Doctrine. 

Oh, and you wanna bet the testers don’t take themselves seriously?  You ought to check out some other race boards every now and then.  People love to put things like R1b and J2a in the side-bars under the avatar where people used to only state “location” or “age.”  (Those are haplogroups signifying paternal and maternal ancestry.)  It reminds one of the Star Wars droids, C-3PO and R2-D2; so much for “juice” in life (“life”) then.

I’ve thought about it, sorry, gotta go through with it.

Ah, so we will see each other in hell then. 

I’ll be damned we lose one bit of it because of the actions of race traitors and Jews.  To do less would be a betrayal of my ancestors.

Go for it.  Return the US of A back to the “status quo ante” Scrubster is forever shrieking about, the one you owned “lock, stock and barrell,” the one packed to the gills with the niggers I thought the point was to separate from.  Call me non-white but that sounds like a best laid scheme of thai gooks and testers—but then I’d be just some pesky paki pickin’ nits again.  Go for it mighty cap’n.


Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:08 | #

“Ah, so we will see each other in hell then.” - silver

See ya there, buddy.  Don’t keep the ladies of Thailand waiting.  They could use some wog alleles to revitalize their racial stock.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:10 | #

“Call me non-white but that sounds like a best laid scheme of thai gooks and testers”  (—Silver)

... a best laid scheme of Thai Gooks, of testers and, apparently, of the United States because they did it to the Eastern Third of Germany after the war —  in peacetime — moved nearly fifteen million Germans out and nothing but Poles, Russians, and Lithuanians in.  Took all of about a year-and-a-half, or not even, and it was done.  Today no one even talks about it.  No one even knows it happened. 

Comparable forced population transfers doable?  If there’s the will, damn straight; easy as pie. 

But that’s the clumsy way.  There are ways to get both the illegal and the legal incompatibles to leave on their own, the majority of them with only slight incentive needed, the rest with a little more. 

But regardless of details, this job can be done, count on it.  Any doubts?  Put me in charge when the time comes.  You won’t believe your eyes.

They just completed it on a proportional scale of magnitude over in the United Arab Emirates, I believe it was.  No fuss, no debate, the order came down to get ‘em out, and the bureaucrats went to work.  Out they went.  If worse comes to worst, just hire those Arabs to come get the same job done here.  Those guys won’t dither, trust me.


Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:21 | #

So where’s Scottie Palin go, Scrubby—if this isn’t to be a best laid scheme?  Remember, Mr. Chaos is taking back every square inch of the US.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:25 | #

In Malaysia, to get rid of them they hired the unemployed to fan out in cities and towns, find them, and literally whip they down the streets to the nearest police stations using long bamboo rods.  From the police-station collection points they were sent packing back where they came from and lucky to have the shirts on their backs and no prison sentence.  Took Malaysis something like three months to clean house and get ‘em the hell out.  OK we don’t have to whip them down the streets with bamboo rods — we have more modern tools than bamboo, tasers for instance.  Let’s hire the unemployed to fan out in the cities and towns, find them, and tase them down the streets to the police stations.  There are many ways to skin this cat — I’m not particular, just let’s get the job done.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:30 | #

“So where’s Scottie Palin go, Scrubby”  (—Silver)

When someone’s dumping a tanker-truck full of ink in my pool and another guy is putting a drop of ink in using an eye-dropper, I deal with the guy in the tank truck, Silver.  He’s the immediate threat.  The other guy is insignificant.  We’ll talk about the guy with the eye-dropper once we have the tanker truck driver sorted out.


Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:33 | #

I’ve never brought up any red herrings about the “impracticability” of population transfers.  You’re barking up the wrong tree, yet again.

I didn’t ask you how to get him where he has to go; I want to know where he goes.


Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:36 | #

When someone’s dumping a tanker-truck full of ink in my pool and another guy is putting a drop of ink in using an eye-dropper, I deal with the guy in the tank truck, Silver.

The ink has homelands, Scrubby.  The half-inked don’t.  The half-inked, quarter-inked etc don’t.  Mr. Chaos wants every square inch to himself (and you, if you pass).  Will you kick some sense in to him?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 21:45 | #

“I want to know where he goes.”

He stays where he is:  he’s not race-replacing the United States.  The Jewish 1965 law is, the Jewish Diversity Lottery is, the Jewish professoriate like Prof. Rubin of Emory University is, the Bushite open borders with Mexico are, the Jews in general are, along with their team members like the Catholic Church and the degenerate WASP families.  Those are the ones doing it; stopping them will end it.  Sending Mr. Palin somewhere won’t do jack about it.  Why don’t you dwell on the central problem, Silver?  Were one-sixty-fourth-Eskimo guys in the U.S. in 1965 before the Jews passed their law and started all their other crap?  Yes.  OK, but the United States wasn’t getting race-replaced then.  So guys like him aren’t the problem, all that other stuff is.


Posted by silver on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:09 | #

Bullshit the US wasn’t getting race-replaced in 1965.  It was happening so slowly it was imperceptible.  And if it had kept going so imperceptibly it would have been completed. In that sense, you’d actually better thank the Jews for Hart-Cellar.

But, again, you keep wanting to argue with me.  I agree with all that.  Send home whom you can send home, by the truckload, busload, planeload, by the million or the ten million; fine, do all that.  But how do you split up what’s left; how do you unbake the cake?  Cap’n—and however many more like him—want all the land for themselves.; so what do you do with the misfits?  (“All the land,” mind you includes the millions of niggers I thought you were supposed to get away from.)  That was the whole point of my little “compassion” sob-story, btw, which, naturally, scowling, shrieking, fulminating nutjob you are—maybe to impress you’re little nutzi friends here—you completely ignored. 

(Will you shove a sock in mouth (and down his throat)?  Can you kick some damn sense into him?  Or is he “too white” for you to risk offending, you pathetic lapdog?  I’ve never seen you let loose at any of the nutzi goofballs who periodically post here, only those you think you think you’re better than, like me.)


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:52 | #

“Bullshit the US wasn’t getting race-replaced in 1965.  It was happening so slowly it was imperceptible.”  (—Silver)

Good.  Let’s get things back to the year 1965 and I’ll take my chances, from there on out, over the prospects offered by the year 2008, shall we?

“I agree with all that.  Send home whom you can send home, by the truckload, busload, planeload, by the million or the ten million; fine, do all that.  But how do you split up what’s left; how do you unbake the cake?”

You’ve been attentively reading this site for years?  Then you know how we view what needs to be done.  I’m not going to hunt up a list of links for you:  use the site’s search feature if you’re forgotten.  This subject matter has been discussed a million times here.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 22:59 | #

“only those you think you think you’re better than, like me.)”

Here you’re baiting, on purpose.  I have no interest in coming here other than to protest forced race-replacement and take part in conversations about what can be done.  I’m not here to engage in thinking “I’m better than” anyone.  1) I want race-replacement stopped.  2) I blame the Jews for it, first and foremost.  That sums up my participation here.  I’m strictly a one-trick pony, and going around thinking I’m better than others isn’t part of my one trick.


Posted by Thai Gook on Sun, 28 Sep 2008 23:13 | #

Thai Gook back.  Thai Gook sees Paki still lying.  Now Paki says he like repatriation of all non-whites.  Big problem for Paki is what happens to the miscegenated ones?  Paki big humanitarian.  Thai Gook want to know why Paki care if he is “Serb”?  Occidental Americans, like Thai Gook, not going to kill people.  Humane solution will be found to make all sides happy.  Some more than others, but that’s life.  First order of business is to stop bleeding then worry about clipping toenails.  Paki so stupid, he think we cannot see his lies. 

Thai Gook want to know when Paki will be banned?


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:39 | #

But Thai Gook not come back with no more big joke if Paki get banned.  Me think that not good deal.  OK, Thai Gook very rude about Paki.  But always better laugh than shout “dumbfuck” across the room.  That not good.  Laugh always good.  Paki laugh too, I think.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 00:41 | #

“Occidental Americans, like Thai Gook, not going to kill people.  Humane solution will be found to make all sides happy.  Some more than others, but that’s life.  First order of business is to stop bleeding then worry about clipping toenails.”  (—Thai Gook)

Thai is right:  Silver uses a technique all opponents (and defeatists) use sooner or later in order to try to disarm/demoralize their opposition:  they prematurely demand every conceivable ulterior policy detail when things are at a stage where that sort of fine planning and detailed decision-making lies still many steps ahead, and neither is nor can possibly be on the radar screen yet. 

Silver knows this.  If he agrees with us, all he need do when he comes here is agree with our side’s broad demands, which are crystal-clear, that government-enforced race-replacement be stopped.  But he goes prematurely all the way to the future end-stage and insists on an exact accounting of every detail so remote from where we are now, expected to come only after we’ve passed so many additional branch points in the decision tree, that it’s not realistic to have planned them out at this stage. 

This is the behavior not of a sympathiser but of an opponent or a defeatist.  The broad lines of what we insist on are clear.  Agree with those broad lines or not, but don’t start thinking you’re putting our current broad demands “to the test” by insisting on detailed planning and policy decisions which properly come at an ulterior stage, not at stage-one, which is where we are now.  That won’t fly, and as Thai says, it fools no one. 

Also as Thai says, there are ways to work out all complications humanely to everyone’s satisfaction more or less.  Take one example:  how much money has Great Britain poured into Bush’s war in Iraq to date?  How many incompatible immigrants could that sum of money have convinced to return to their home countries with a wad of cash in their pockets big enough to enable them to live on Easy Street back home the rest of their lives? 

There is a whole array of push-pull, carrot-and-stick measures that can be implemented, a whole array of policies that currently favor immigrants over Brits or at least coddle immigrants shamelessly, which if rescinded would be followed by a large fraction leaving of their own accord through the same door they entered by, no one obliging them to do anything.  There’s a whole array of anti-discrimination measures that are in fact unfair to the Brits, which should and can be rescinded, together with all hate-speech laws, all laws that infringe on the right of freedom of association in hiring, promoting, renting or buying real estate, admitting to private clubs, and so on, right down the line which, if rescinded, would make lots of incompatibles leave of their own accord, in search of greener pastures.  And so on.  We’ve discussed all this here at length, in other threads. 

This can all be accomplished humanely.  I’m not going to be drawn by Silver into detailed interrogations about what to do with third-generation incompatibles:  we’ll cross that bridge when we come to it.  Let’s get the main remedies underway.  That said, one thing that can be done immediately in regard to third-generation incompatibles is not allow them citizenship.  If they’re given it routinely now, change the law so they will no longer, then require blood-descent from Brits for citizenship.  And so on. 

The stage we’re at now isn’t the stage for thrashing out fine ulterior details.  It’s the stage for getting things started.  If Silver demands to know fine ulterior details at this premature stage, he’s seeking to disrupt or to demoralize by leaving the impression we’re trying to do the impossible.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:02 | #

Notice this apparent dig taken by Silver at Professor Sunic:

“You must be one of those naive NW simpletons they say your race is full of—and heh, when a mighty leader crosses the ocean from the ancient nordic land of Croatia and tells you how korshous (no, that’s not Croatian for ‘courteous’) he finds the good people of Memphis and gets a standing ovation maybe there’s something to that.”  (—Silver)

(Or am I wrong?  That’s a dig at Sunic, right?)  What in the hell’s that about?  What’s he got against Sunic? 

It seems to me it’s not the first time Silver’s gone after Prof. Sunic with something snide and senseless.

Once again, I agree with Thai Gook:  Silver may actually be some sort of nut case.  He’s simply too inconsistent and too irrational.


Posted by Thai Gook on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:08 | #

Thai Gook had no idea GW speak “gookie”!  GW always amaze Thai Gook.  Thai Gook friend of MR and GW.  Thai Gook only make point about and ridicule Paki liar.  If Paki liar gone, then Thai Gook run into sunset pulling rickshaw.  Thai Gook no lie.  smile


Posted by Tired of Idiots on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 13:45 | #

Meanwhile the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we serious about growing and placing boots on the ground or are we shit-talking hobbyists secretly aiming to stay small, safe, and fringe on the Internet?  If we’re serious about growth and nationhood, then we must accept the fact that racial impurities will exist, and every minute of Internet dithering increases the amount we must accept if we are to survive at all.

Aw, the million dollar question! If this wasn’t a hobby, then sacrifices have to be made—faces made public.  The mere fact that they are not is self-explanatory. This is all a bunch of talk from men (mostly) personally affected by their failed life and in need of a scapegoat. No one will reveal themselves because they are cowards, don’t really believe, but just need someone to talk to, to make them feel better about being feminized. No effort is being made other than voting Republican or Conservative (which hasn’t worked). And Fred’s the king of idiots, a face I’d LOVE to see.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 14:00 | #


You are being fatally flippant again.  There have been many nationalists who have suffered for their beliefs, including non-tenured professors.  There have been many nationalists attacked, and some killed, by the violent left and by ethnic haters.  There have been nationalists jailed on trumped-up charges.

There are costs attached to nationalism - and even to the belief that Europeans must live - which have not attached to any other issue of conscience since the days of the witch hunts.

As ever, you need to understand what is going on before you pass judgement upon it.

What did you say your ethnicity is, btw?


Posted by Dave Johns on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 16:36 | #

“As ever, you need to understand what is going on before you pass judgement upon it.” —GW

Tired Idiot is too behind the learning curve to have an intelligent discussion with her on the subject of white preservation.  Due to her incredibly stubborn ignorance, she is one of those people that will never get beyond her preconceived notions about what we stand for. We speak about the peaceful preservation of people of European decent and halting the ongoing genocide in our own homelands. But Tired Idiot has distorted sense of hearing; she misperceives us as saying: we are a bunch of white-supremacist barbarians hellbent on subjugating other races.

I could go on and on and cite example after example of her cluelessness, but I think I made my point clear. By now it’s pretty obvious to everyone that TOI’s here for the purpose of getting her little jollies. She thinks she’s succeeding in agitating us. Well it ain’t workin’ darlin’ ... we don’t get agitated by twits like you.


Posted by birch barlow on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 21:11 | #

JWH, angry as usual.  I can understand why any WN would not support Asian immigration, but JWH seems to see E. & S. Asians as a bigger threat immigration-wise than Central American peasants or Muslims, who are numerically much greater AND individually far more incompatable to the West than Asians.  I guess I admit it would be easier for WNs if all minorities were welfare recipient criminal Jihadis, but that’s just not how it is.

BTW, another commentator said that E. and S. Asians are eligible for affirmative action benefits in college admissions.  This is NOT true, though a minority may be eligible thanks to Spanish surnames (but this goes for Euros as well).  Hell if I were willing to go through the hassle of finding my family’s Native American tribal papers, and had no ethics, I could be eligible for AA too.  There are all kinds of silly scams, thanks to stupid racial classification schemes, but Asians in general are not eligible for AA in college admissions.  Asians ARE, however, eligible for AA in business loans.

As an aside, I don’t think GC (on Sailer’s site) is making that great an admission…and besides, in 2003, there was some hope for a restrictionist candidate in 2008 and a more restrictionist, fiscally responsible GOP platform.  There was also hope that California would become more fiscally responsible.  Of course these things did not come to pass, and America seems to be heading towards unsustainablity faster than ever. 

The only hope I can really see is for America to become less democratic, with a looting of the corrupt aristocratic class and disempowering of the proles at the same time, a la James Burnham’s managerialism (see also George Orwell’s essay “James Burnham and the Managerial Revolution.”

Big business and the common man are both way overrated.  “Capitalism” and “democracy” have just become cover words for corporate kleptocracy, mindless consumerism, and the glorification of poverty.  I think the majority of politicians in both parties would be perfectly happy with a tiny corporate elite and a huge mass of ignorant, largely Central American descended poor.


Posted by silver on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 23:44 | #

Here you’re baiting, on purpose.  I have no interest in coming here other than to protest forced race-replacement and take part in conversations about what can be done.

Well that’s funny.  You’re doing a piss-poor job of the latter.

  I’m not here to engage in thinking “I’m better than” anyone.

That’s not what I take you task for.  Oh, I don’t mind that you do think you’re better than me, not at all. I’d be happy if you could just string together a coherent reply to pointed questions instead of just rushing to wrap things up, typically with some accusation that the question is part of some diversionary “strategy” of mine.  But it makes for a marked contrast to your servility when addressing anyone whiter than you—I mean, we’re being frank here, aren’t we?  That’s what it is and I’m calling it and just another in the long line of reasons I find you rather pathetic and, worse, given your volubility, a real liability.  (You are being uncharacteristically reasonable, though, so perhaps there’s hope.  How about some old-fashioned Scroobyisms about having “soiled your hands” even replying to me? They’re always fun.)

Silver knows this.  If he agrees with us, all he need do when he comes here is agree with our side’s broad demands, which are crystal-clear, that government-enforced race-replacement be stopped.  But he goes prematurely all the way to the future end-stage and insists on an exact accounting of every detail so remote from where we are now, expected to come only after we’ve passed so many additional branch points in the decision tree, that it’s not realistic to have planned them out at this stage.

I’m asking for a coherent whole, not for future minutia.  That you don’t realize or won’t even stop to consider the importance of this really demonstrates your naivety.  “Stop race-replacement” by itself is about as effective as “Save the whales.”  People require more to delve into so they can weigh up the costs vs benefits of your program.  Events themselves will drive more people to you, but why wait until then?  Why not aim at antiracists whites today, win them over now, instead of waiting?  You can’t do that with “stop race-replacement” alone.  You can’t do that with demands for restoring the status quo ante—one that doesn’t even help you, btw.  Don’t you think they’ll point this out?  1965 doesn’t “stop race-replacement.”  They’ll tell you themselves.  Providing a coherent, comprehensive whole fills in the blanks in people’s minds, the very blanks that give them reservations about you.  Of course, I have my own ideas, which I’ll eventually volunteer for consideration.  But it’d sure be nice to have others engage their brains in something productive like that, instead of reciting tiresome rhetoric of limited value (a task that can surely be delegated).

Of course, you don’t really have a problem looking down the road.  You all wax orgasmic over Rienzi’s painstakingly detailed genetic arguments which, if they do anything, look way down the road.  (In the antediluvian world before genetic testing the Rienzi Doctrine posits there weren’t any ethnic groups and people stumped as to how to determine genetic interests, if they were even aware they existed, which is not certain.) 

(Or am I wrong?  That’s a dig at Sunic, right?) What in the hell’s that about?  What’s he got against Sunic? 

It seems to me it’s not the first time Silver’s gone after Prof. Sunic with something snide and senseless.

If culture matters, Scrub—and it does, a lot more than you think, which is another deplorable failing of yours—it’s probably fair to say I’ve imbibed a good aussie intolerance for rank bullshit.  So when some fob with an accent to challenge Fareed Zakaria and an attitude to make him blush starts delivering lectures on Americanism, well… let’s say my mind wanders to wondering how well that would have gone down in 1924… or even 1965.  (I ako citas gospodine Sunicu, smesno mi je a nije mi krivo.  Svaka ti cast.) 

But Thai Gook not come back with no more big joke if Paki get banned.  Me think that not good deal.  OK, Thai Gook very rude about Paki.  But always better laugh than shout “dumbfuck” across the room.  That not good.  Laugh always good.  Paki laugh too, I think.

Ah, GW, there you are you crotchety coot.  I never did hear back from you whether, since yes, we share EGI, and yes, we share genetically distant competitors, I could have your daughter’s hand.  How about it?  Or, if not I, perhaps the estimable Mr. Sunic.  What say you?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:13 | #

I think it’s clear Silver’s gone off the deep end — either that or he’s exuding purest malice in regard to this site’s aims and dripping venom from his fangs accordingly.  Either way, I don’t think his latest irrational, repetitive twists and bizarre convolutions deserve a reply.  I’m not replying at any rate, let anyone else who wants to.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:14 | #

THE most bizarre thing there was his attack on Sunic.


Posted by GT on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:24 | #

Meanwhile the question to ask ourselves is, “Are we serious about growing and placing boots on the ground or are we shit-talking hobbyists secretly aiming to stay small, safe, and fringe on the Internet?  If we’re serious about growth and nationhood, then we must accept the fact that racial impurities will exist, and every minute of Internet dithering increases the amount we must accept if we are to survive at all.

Aw, the million dollar question! If this wasn’t a hobby, then sacrifices have to be made—faces made public.  The mere fact that they are not is self-explanatory.

No it isn’t “self-explanatory,” lady.  You’re not familiar with what I advocate and have misinterpreted both question and statement.  MR readers know I’m referring to alternate communities, economics, local political empowerment, and secession.


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:34 | #

Silver, when you produce a child of your own you will know not to ask questions like that.  It’s probably fair to say you’ve imbibed a bit of good old Aussie okerism.  So I will give you the benefit of the doubt taste-wise.  But I will not give you an answer.  Well, maybe a bit of one: concentricity.


Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:42 | #

I think it’s clear Silver’s gone off the deep end — either that or he’s exuding purest malice in regard to this site’s aims and dripping venom from his fangs accordingly.

This from a mind so near the end of its tether it thinks “land has a spirit.” 

THE most bizarre thing there was his attack on Sunic.

And this from a mind so near the end of its tether it defends calling Africans a separate species an effort at improved taxonomy.

Any “reply” at this point would be quite redundant.

Nevertheless, as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so will Scrubby uncover another Jewish outrage which, it goes without saying, will require plastering all over MR as pertly or bombastically as the mood strikes him, thus bringing the white man another step closer to salvation.  Details?  Details are for the birds.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:48 | #

“as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so will Scrubby uncover another Jewish outrage”  (—Silver)

You sure have got that right!  That’s for damn sure!  Goddamn straight.


Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 00:59 | #

But I will not give you an answer.  Well, maybe a bit of one: concentricity.

Ah.  You know, you needn’t have gone to the trouble of showing me the door, GW.  You could have stopped at Mu for the benefit of the ever hopeful inner-concentrics, those across the Atlantic, especially.  A better idea might be to avoid statements which invite such curiousity in the first place.


Posted by Dave Johns on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 01:26 | #


Please show silver, and his wife to be - Tired of Idiots - the door.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:28 | #

”as surely as the sun will rise tomorrow, so will Scrubby uncover another Jewish outrage”  (—Silver)

Well, it’s not tomorrow yet but how’s this for a little warm-up?

”He says he thinks that no significant genetic differences will be found between races because of his belief in the efficiency of natural selection. Just as selection turns out to have pruned away most disease-causing variants, it has also maximized human cognitive capacities because these are so critical to survival. ‘My best guess is that human intelligence was always a helpful thing in most places and times and we have all been under strong selection to be as bright as we can be,’ he said.”

( )

Needless to say, holding those views makes a college professor appear really stupid (like C. Loring Brace) or really dishonest (like your typical Jewish college professor talking about race).  Let’s see ... uhhh ... this guy’s name is Professor Goldstein, so ... uhhh ... I guess figuring out which category he’s in isn’t exactly ... uhhh ... rocket science.

(Hat tip: )

More tomorrow!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 02:47 | #

See, here’s how it works:  if elephants and Euros could intermarry and produce fertile offspring the Jewish academics would be saying they think “no significant genetic differences will be found between Euros and elephants.” 

“You mean standing fourteen feet at the shoulder, with ears a yard wide, tusks and a trunk, and eating a ton of hay a day aren’t significant genetic differences?” 

“Well, they’re differences, but I doubt they’re genetic.  I think there’s strong evidence Euro prejudice against elephants is what’s making them have things like trunks and so on.  But even if they’re found to be genetic, they’re simply not significant:  those are all insignificant differences.  There’s no reason Euros should have the least hesitation to marry elephants.” 

(“No lie too brazen” is the Jewish academic motto.)


Posted by tired of silver bashing on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 04:45 | #

No lie too brazen” is the Jewish academic motto.

No, you should append to that “...for the halfwit goys to always believe, without fail.”

Silver, don’t waste your time throwing out suggestions that will be wasted here, unable to be grasped. I remember the frustration of Winter Mute on this board, I remember some dude named “Jason Wong” and a few others, all trying to break through the fog of reaction which has been the only thing those in the Anglosphere have ever done in their long history of disenfranchisement - react, react, react as their power is taken away, their lives stepped on, their families and accomplishments mocked. Point out some flaws in their ridiculously repetitous methods and yikes, you’re called petty names, slandered, told to leave so that four people can talk to themselves in peace about what they’ll do when they’re king. Try to suggest that just maybe folks need more to rally around than the test results from 23 and Me or shared love of a book by Salter and in the eyes of the regulars here you stand at one of two poles, either the evil anti-racist saboteur or the evil Nazi. If no one understands what you mean when you say they were done a favor by the boogeyman of 65, then the rest of your insights will be the proverbial cast pearls…

Seriously, don’t get bogged down in these pointless debates. Read, chuckle at the daily ineffectiveness of the incessant fingerpointing, continue to cultivate friendships with like-minded (or not) comrades in the real world, land a wife eventually, have kids.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 05:19 | #

God I feel so depressed now, we’ve lost “Tired of Silver Bashing” as a reader.  (I think he’s been sighted as a regular over at Ron Dreher Crunchy Con, Fred On Everything, John Zmirak, Free Kool-Aid, Instapundit, Jane Galt, and ... oh yes, NRO, all the big sites in other words, the ones that are really gonna lead everyone out of this mess.  Yeah that’s one serious dude, he’s really got somethin’ on the ball.)


Posted by silver on Tue, 30 Sep 2008 19:34 | #

Point out some flaws in their ridiculously repetitous methods and yikes, you’re called petty names, slandered, told to leave so that four people can talk to themselves in peace about what they’ll do when they’re king.

What I find most surprising is the resistance to ‘outside assistance.’  That so thoroughly breaks the mold of what has come before one might have figured some eyes would have been opened to new ways of thinking (or at least the prospect of them) but, apart from my disastrous introduction here (fueled by an amygdala gone haywire), claiming outsider status with my background appears to mean I transgress other shibboleths.


Posted by birch barlow on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 02:52 | #

Re:asiaphilia.  Too bad there are not more white females like this.  WN might not be so bad if I could have a really good looking white female…
“The only good white person is a beautiful white female.”


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 03:38 | #

Hey, Birch, get a load of this:

If I were to write a speech for the big “O”, it would be something more like this:

In the name of Allah… etc… my al-Qaeda brothers invite white nationalists convert to Islam starting a sect of White Muslims.  We understand how Jews have abused you and your women and pledge ourselves as brothers in Allah to protect your wish to preserve yourselves as Allah created you.  Moreover, we understand that your use of technology is vital to your unique character among Allah’s children and hope you will consider using gender selection technology to create an abundance of beautiful women of high moral character to glorify Allah and provide many wives for yourselves, as is allowed by Islam.  We know you to be glorious warriors from the ancient friendship between Arabs and Vikings and pray, Allah willing, you will preserve your unique character to glorify and defend Islam.


Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 04:13 | #

“...claiming outsider status with my background appears to mean I transgress other shibboleths.” - silver

C’mon, silver, are you going to help me with this reconquest I got planned or what?  You know you want to, but first you have to admit it to yourself.  Free keg of okerism in it for ya.

And if you play your cards right, once I’m named dictator of the Restored Southwest, I’ll even set aside a homeland just for Pakis in, say, Death Valley, CA.  How about it?


Posted by silver on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 20:44 | #

C’mon, silver, are you going to help me with this reconquest I got planned or what?

Only if I’m placed in Mike Rienzi’s unit.


Posted by birch barlow on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 21:41 | #

I *HATE* radical Islam.  Don’t think I’m a softie on Muslims because I use the word “radical.”  Ninety (or more) percent of Middle Eastern Muslims fit this profile.  Thus my belief that there should not be very much immigration from ME countries…*and* there must be an effective test for Islamic radicalism.  Religious fundamentalism in general should be crushed.


Posted by James Bowery on Wed, 01 Oct 2008 22:24 | #

OK, so even if you get to have 72 virgins like

with 160IQ as your loving, devoted and fertile (with gender selection) wives you’re going to HATE it because it is “radical” Islam?

OK, so I see the real reason you hate “radical” Islam:

You’re GAY aren’t you?


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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 11:31. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 08:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 00:20. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 23:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Thu, 06 Mar 2025 21:33. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 23:00. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 16:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Wed, 05 Mar 2025 00:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 23:47. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 22:59. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 20:28. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 19:21. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 17:23. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:09. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:53. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:37. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 14:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 13:41. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 11:28. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Into the authoritarian future' on Tue, 04 Mar 2025 09:30. (View)
