The camel’s back Free Movement of People: Bulgaria and Romania
Do you want over a million Romanians and Bulgarians moving to crowded, bankrupt Britain?
Britain’s doors are wide open, and we can’t even talk about it
General mental ability in South Asians: Data from three Roma (Gypsy) communities in Serbia J. Philippe Rushton et al. Abstract To examine whether the Roma (Gypsy) population of Serbia, like other South Asian population groups, average lower than Europeans on g, the general factor of intelligence, we tested 323 16- to 66-year-olds (111 males; 212 females) in three different communities over a two-year-period on the Raven’s Colored and/or Standard Progressive Matrices and four measures of executive function. Out of the total of 60 Matrices, the Roma solved an average of 29, placing them at the 3rd percentile on 1993 U.S. norms, yielding an IQ equivalent of 70. On the executive function tests, the Roma averaged at about the level of Serbian 10-year-olds. The Matrices showed a small mean sex difference favoring males. External validity was demonstrated by correlating the scores on Matrices with measures such as cranial capacity (r = 0.13, P < 0.01), spousal similarity (r = 0.17, P < 0.05), age at birth of first child (r = 0.26, P < 0.01), number of offspring (r = − 0.20, P < 0.01), and responsible social attitudes (r = 0.10, P < 0.05). Comparisons with extant data showed that items found difficult or easy by the Roma were those found difficult or easy by White, Indian, Colored, and Black South African 14- to 16-year-olds and by Black South African undergraduates (rs = 0.90). There was no evidence of any idiosyncratic cultural effect. Instead, Roma/non-Roma differences were found to be most pronounced on g. This was shown by item-total correlations (estimates of the item's g loading), which predicted the magnitude of Roma/non-Roma differences on those same items, regardless of from which sample the item-total correlations were calculated, and by confirmatory factor analysis. The results indicate the remarkable cross-cultural generalizability of item properties across South Asians, Europeans, and sub-Saharan Africans and that these reflect g more than culturally specific ways of thinking.Roma migrants could cause riots in cities, warns Blunkett “The Roma youngsters have come from a background even more different culturally, because they were living in the edge of woods, not going to school, not used to the norms of everyday life. We’ve got to change that,” he said. Local police must persuade Roma people “not to spend all their time in the street” and discourage them from throwing rubbish and living in over-crowded houses. Indigenous locals are entitled to “grumble” about the influx of migrants, Mr Blunkett said but must not “stir up hate”. “I wouldn’t want other people to put up with things I wouldn’t put up with myself,” he said. “This is nothing to do with criticising people about being racist. By all means grumble, but don’t stir up hate. If you set a fire alight, you came from Bradford, you saw it – nobody gained from that.” He added: “There’s always a danger that you are right on the edge of the understandable tensions. It’s a cry for help from very, many people: ‘please, for goodness sake, put us back to the semblance we had before’,” he said.Nigel Farage: ‘Blunkett right to warn Roma migrants could trigger riots’ “Mr. Blunkett should be admired for the courage he has shown by speaking so plainly on this issue. Of course the type of language he has used I would have been utterly condemned for using,” Farage said. “The fact that he is talking of the significant difficulties with the Roma population already in his constituency should be taken seriously by the likes of Cameron, Clegg and Miliband. “My question is if they won’t listen to the dangers of opening the door to Romania and Bulgaria next year when UKIP speak out on it, will they listen to David Blunkett? I certainly hope so “I would also challenge Mr. Blunkett to support UKIP in explicitly opposing the opening of the doors next year to Romania and Bulgaria. “The political class are trying to sweep this issue under the carpet but they should listen, act and stop the relaxing of border controls with Romania and Bulgaria next year.” Backing from Ukip came as a leading Roma support group condemned Blunkett’s intervention as “extremely dangerous” and warned his comments could themselves trigger unrest by fuelling “more hatred”. Dezideriu Gergely, executive director of the European Roma Rights Commission, said: “It is extremely dangerous in a way because you can have ... far-right groups all over Europe using this type of rhetoric. “What is concerning is that [while] in the past it is only far-right movements using this type of rhetoric it is now more and more mainstream. Politicians and public figures are using this type of discourse” Comments:2
Posted by DanielS on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 03:47 | # ....... Yes, I have seen lovely Romanian and Bulgarian women; have had cordial discussion with their men. I respect their nations. Yes, non-Europeans (we are not talking about the gypsy elements of Romania and Bulgaria) are much worse, even more transformative of the native British, but Leon, really, the philo-semitism of your religion shows through in the superficial de-emphasis, non-distinction of your catholic umbrella. The breaking up of the European native identities, such as English, Scottish, Welsh and more will only leave us more susceptible to non-European transformation. 3
Posted by Andrei on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 07:31 | # Hello, I see again and again this confusion between Romanians and Gypsies, who self named themselves Roma / Romany. 4
Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 07:40 | # As thing starts to unfold I’ve noticed a distinct lack of Politically Correct shielding in regards to the Roma, except for this, of course; ‘‘Jews have a responsibility to campaign for the rights of gypsies and travellers because of a historical kinship, maintains the director of a Jewish human rights charity.’‘ ‘‘René Cassin’s Simone Abel has put travellers’ rights at the forefront of her organisation’s campaigning since joining the charity last year. Ms Abel, who trained as a lawyer, said: “There’s a very clear historical overlap of times when Jews and gypsies have been targets of prejudice. Our communities are similar sizes. We have both faced discrimination pre- and post-Holocaust, and been denied basic human rights. The majority of gypsies in Nazi Europe were exterminated alongside Jews.” ‘‘René Cassin is recruiting lawyers to work pro bono on traveller cases and lobby the government to enshrine gypsy and traveller property rights into legislation. It is also developing an educational programme with FFT on the issue, which they hope to bring to Jewish schools. It will include a theatrical production, presentations by Holocaust survivors and an online resource on the lack of human rights protection for travellers. ‘’ But the usual suspects aside, there is an almost universal dread of the gypsies, David Blunketts warnings seem to have been met with widespread agreement, and the Anti Racist foot sloggers are, as far as I can tell, giving them and this issue a wide birth. 5
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 08:58 | # Andrei, You are missing several points, including the one that nobody is confusing Romanis and Romanians. The post is not an opinion piece but a brief journey through the development of the story, from EU law on freedom of movement to the people’s certain exasperation with Roma. Morgoth, Very good find on the inevitable Jewish support for Roma. I wonder that Kevin MacDonald hasn’t applied his analysis of ethnic evolutionary strategy to Roma, and drawn the obvious, wholly unflattering parallels between the two groups. 6
Posted by Bill on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 11:04 | # Leon @ 1 is dead right when he says…
What would the English prefer? A London’s Tower Hamlet teeming with the world’s dross or a Tower Hamlet teeming with the dross of Europe? I know the the reality would be, given the chance, the British would choose neither, but not given the chance, they would overwhelmingly choose white Europeans over the world’s non white. The BBC (media) has done a great hatchet bait switch job on the British public by only allowing the immigration debate to be centred around EU migration. The discourse of teeming non white migration into Britain is strictly off limits. Hate laws and political correctness have gagged the white populace into supine silence. There is still no sign of the media losing its grip on zero tolerance debate on non white immigration numbered in the millions. There still is not the slightest sign that mass immigration into white lands is being publicly acknowedged let alone discussed in overt racial terms. I think British opinion has accepted the BBC’s terms and are rolling over. (Our Camp of the Saints moment) if you prefer. From what I see of Farage he has got to up his game and play out of his skin if he’s going to survive the coming media offensive. IMO, the more I see of him the less likely he is to succeed. All that EU parliament guff was a charade, he won’t dare attempt such theatre with the British establishment. Nationalist comment must not, cannot, allow the fifth column media to get away with it. Yes, it’s becoming more intriguing than ever. 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:33 | # I stand corrected. A friend has pointed me in the direction of “Diaspora Peoples: Preface to the Paperback Edition of A People That Shall Dwell Alone: Judaism as a Group Evolutionary Strategy” It is available as a PDF: The section on the Roma begins on page 9 and runs for 11 pages. It is worth reading, if only to establish what we already know in terms of academic studies. 8
Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 12:41 | # I know from my friends in Italy that even in small places (valleys up in the foothills of the Alps overlooked by Monte Rosa etc.) Eastern European ‘visitors’ are a massive source of problems. Crime being one very obvious one. No doubt there will be parts of British society that will welcome a massive influx of what is effectively ‘scab’ labour (at best) and all the extra, ever so exciting, ‘diversity’. After all Britain “could not” survive without all these additional people. After all British people are “genetically incapable” of driving taxi cabs or working in restaurants etc., if one listens to the political and business class. The Poles coming over in their millions was bad enough in its negative impact on many quality of life issues. I can only imagine it will be even worst with this prospective influx. It only makes Scottish independence with a popularist, post-modern, ethno-communitarian ‘new right’ (for want of a better term) emerging after the break-up to ‘defend the nation’ - even more appealing in my view. What anyone can do about London - the demographic epicenter of ‘diversity’ is beyond me. England to declare itself independent of the ‘Home Counties’ or of London (aka New Abuja upon the Thames)? Oh and for anyone interested in a brief introduction to the history of the interactions between England, Scotland and Ireland Jonathan Sumption QC (a supreme court judge these days) gave a lecture to the Denning Society (at Lincoln’s Inn) entitled ‘The Disunited Kingdom: England, Ireland and Scotland’. The written version is available here -
Posted by Lurker on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:05 | #
But the Roma? They are almost useless as labour. 10
Posted by Thorn on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 13:19 | # Putting the JQ aside for a moment. The international banking cartels along with their political alliances have agreed to the terms set forth for the funding of governments and the lending to big businesses within the EU. The main stipulation is that those governments eradicate race based or ethnic nationalism. The rational from their POV, or so they say, is: if nationalism is eradicated within the EU, it will virtually eliminate wars between those nation thus, as a result, protect/insure their investments. Obviously massive immigration—preferably immigrants possessing the greatest genetic distance—is the means they’re using to accomplish the eradication of race based nationalism. What’s even more obvious is the PTB don’t give a sh-t that as a consequence of their vile unnatural scheme, they are genociding every distinct ethnicity within Europe. Permanently.
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:09 | # Thorn@10 Yes, but those economic interests are beyond foolish, as English-expat-turned-American Peter Brimelow pointed out in Alien Nation. Multiethnicity/racialism increases domestic nationalism(s), though it also dilutes the nations and empowers native race-treasonous liberals. I am perennially shocked at the shortsightedness of Big Business, parasiting as it does off nations’ social capital for what will only, in historical terms, prove to have been very short term gains. Why don’t they understand that the long-term price of importing cheap labor for the purpose of driving downwards working class wages in the short run is the election of socialists like Obama (a direct product not only of mass immigration, but even arguably just of the 1986 amnesty signed by idiot Reagan - though I’ve read this was against Reagan’s better judgment, and basically foisted off on him by the Jewish neocons, who are still promoting mass immigration at this late date), whose assault on capitalism (and penchant for progressive taxation) far outweighs the labor costs “savings” of immigration? The Jews, too, are clever but not wise. They think by diluting the Western nations they are facilitating their own EGI agenda, but that is likewise only a short term benefit (though “short term” in an historical context can encompass several generations). Ultimately, they are weakening whites, who, ironically, are their only global protectors (I’ve had some success using this argument with LA Jews of my acquaintance). As multiracialism breeds white nationalist reactions, Jews will one day find themselves caught between increasingly numerous and anti-semitic (or at least Jewish EGI-indifferent) muds, and racially awakened whites (I can’t believe that a conservative like Netanyahu doesn’t understand this, and at least oppose immigration to America on grounds that it will ultimately weaken the “special relationship”). I hope I like long enough to see this. Lurker@9 I think the reference to scab labour referred to non-Roma East Europeans. The Gypsies are, indeed, an ethnie whose ethnoculture is based on permanent thieving (now of an institutionalized variety in some places due to Dr. Lister’s beloved social democratic welfarism - many of the various welfare/Medicare fraud schemes we endure in the US are run by either Jews or Gypsies, the latter often masking their ethnicity, a well-known and openly admitted tactic among the Roma), as opposed to productive work. While they are not like Jews insofar as the latter do make many positive economic contributions to society, it must be admitted that there are some similarities between them - both groups evolved culturally, and perhaps genetically, to thrive in diasporic/non-native contexts, including highly evolved in/out group attitudes (oh, if only whites had 10% of the in/out group mentality of these ethnic parasites!). I want better info on the numbers of “white” American criminals who are in fact Gypsy (I’ve heard it’s much higher than commonly supposed). Bill@6 I remain forever shocked at how easily the British have rolled over and learned to tolerate the nonwhite presence. Britain is an ancient land, not “a nation of immigrants”. When normal white Britons experience the awfulness of nonwhite behaviours, how can they possibly not be not only generally against immigration (as various articles in liberal The Economist suggest they are, with immigration ranking just behind the economy/jobs in British concerns), but murderously enraged over it? Britain is not the US, with lots of empty land and an historically weak sense of nationalism (though not of racism). How can the English man-in-the-street tolerate this? Why wasn’t the National Front or BNP overflowing with members? This brings me back to my oft-cited point about the faulty genetics of whites. There is something biologically maladaptive about whites, not all, of course, but far too large a component. Our superior ethical virtue is a racial vice (at least at this degenerate stage in white civilization). That Europeans have succumbed to multiculti falsehoods as easily as Americans (with our historic black and Amerindian populations, as well as small numbers of Asians and Mexicans going back to the 19th century) suggests that the problem is sociobiological, not merely philosophical/cultural (perhaps it is false philosophy, especially in the field of ethics, reinforcing faulty genes). As this is a race-wide phenomenon, with WPs a minority everywhere, only WP ingathering can save our race. White Zion or bust, people (my case gets stronger every day). 12
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:21 | # Filthy liberal bastards (from The Economist):
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:38 | # More such international alliances of the Far Right are needed (note: I regard both Wilders and especially Le Pen as rather liberal, but still wish them well - let them succeed, then we will move “the goalposts” still further down the road ...):
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 18:39 | # correction: I ought to have said above “down the field”. 15
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 19:07 | # Would WPs really like to understand why the West is dying? Skim this freakish article, and then read the astounding comments: There are so many fascinating and relevant issues implicit in this ridiculous story and its bizarre responses. Only a conservative authoritarianism of the old school can save us now. And a lot of people (including many genetically related to us) will have to die first ... 16
Posted by Malham on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 03:39 | # No offense to any Romanians or Bulgarians, and I’m not saying they’re as bad as gypsies, pakis, etc., but Romanians and Bulgarians are greasy as hell. 17
Posted by Al Ross on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 04:48 | # The rats have more sense than the Liberals as per this article from Oxford University’s website : 19
Posted by wobbly on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 09:55 | # Morgoth
As the indigenous population have been mostly cleansed from the inner cities the ethnic conflicts are and will increasingly be non-white vs non-white. This is what has happened here as its Pakistanis mounting anti-Roma street patrols. PC paralysis ensues because there’s no white people to blame. . Andrei Most nationalists know the difference between Roma and Romanians - even though the media try to disguise it as much as possible - but people in western europe have been brainwashed for sixty years over race so it’s easier to talk about white eastern europeans. If you talk about non-white immigration their brainwashing triggers and they walk away. If there were no eastern europeans it wouldn’t be possible to talk about immigration at all. 20
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 10:05 | # Interesting BBC doc on these disgusting Gypsies, and how this immoral ethnic group is ruining both Spain and Italy (you Brits have wonderful things to look forward to): My YouTube comment on the above:
Posted by @Haller on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 18:21 | # Leon, [I attempted to leave this reply on the other thread, but for whatever reason it didn’t show up. I thought I’d try my luck here in case it was DanielS’ doing.—Silver] If I gave you the impression I was taking you to task for, shall we say, ‘genetic laxity’ I must apologize for the confusion. Politically, I consider genetics geek-talk oftentimes worse than useless (though it has a place), and on a personal level I find it all such a dreadful bore I’ll probably forever remain an ignoramus. No, my point was this: while it may not be possible to improve much on your simple and agreeable formulation (your ‘rough and ready standard’), the implications that flow from it can be ‘improved’; they can, for a start, be elucidated and expanded upon, and in a way that anticipates and inures against the inevitable fears and doubts that arise, the ‘blanks’ that individuals fill in with nightmarish scenarios of their own invention. So much can be said here that isn’t said (not by WNs it isn’t) that one cannot be faulted for harboring suspicions that this apparent change of heart, this newly found concern for the interests of ‘grey-area parties,’ this willingness to parley, as it were, with foe and with former foe alike, represents no more than the latest in a long line of WN efforts to sugarcoat their message, to disguise their true intentions, to rope the dupes into their plot and then bare their fangs at the opportune moment. There are many in your ranks, you’ll concede, who have long felt that the there has already been too much talk, that the time for action has arrived; they will be disappointed to learn, then, that the talk—the real talk—is only just beginning. I can assert with confidence that I speak for many when I suggest that you can demonstrate your good will and your intention to comply with the standards you have set forth by pushing back against these forces of disruption and mayhem. It won’t do any good at all for the likes of me to push back; it’s a task only someone in your position is fit for. As for the fuzziness of biological classifications, you needn’t convince me. I’ve lived with that fuzziness my entire life. In fact, the Australia of today can in many ways be likened to the United States of c.1950. Three generations in, on the average, of a mass southern and eastern european presence, and despite a lingering resentment over that presence on the one side and memories passed through the generations of facing down the Anglo-Saxon hate machine (permit me some lighthearted humor) on the other, rancor is on the ebb and there an incipient sense that our fates, for better or worse, are now intertwined*. (*Intertwined, but not inextricably linked. I, for one, would be happy to ‘let you go,’ to part ways with you—preferably amicably, but if not, well, I tried… But these are issues for another day. For the moment, the more pressing concern is to get race on the table, to see to it that white racial concerns are addressed at the cultural and political level.) 22
Posted by @GW on Fri, 15 Nov 2013 19:15 | # GW, [Likewise I’m replying to points you made in the other thread here in case they don’t appear there.—Silver.] I really don’t think your doing yourself any favors at all with those arguments. Taking them in turn,
If racial preservation is the be all and end all of human existence than why not raise people in cages in order minimize the risks of them stepping out into the world and establishing contact with other groups, exposing them to the attendant risk of miscegenation? They won’t miss anything since they’re already achieving their highest possible purpose. I’m sure there are some racialists out there to whom such suggestions are music to the ears but do you ever wonder how that comes across to the uninitiated? Or do you stop to think that perhaps some of those opposed are opposed precisely because of such a fear that the nationalist will take the human ties that bind and forge them into shackles that bind? That far from being a joy racial identity will become a burden? I’m afraid your line of reasoning here neatly encapsulates the wisdom of the aphorism “the perfect is the enemy of the good.” Far better to establish, I would think, that racial identity and racial preservation are a necessary component of a life well lived, rather than the only thing worth living for.
This is flatly incorrect (and I’m not even referring to your desperate exaggeration “600 years,” since it was only “discovered” in 1500 and remained little more than a sparsely populated trading post for the next century). Even though one could most certainly argue that a Brazilian ethnicity exists (and has existed for quite some time), it’s an enormous country with so many regional identities that one could quibble interminably about individual loyalties, so put Brazil aside. Consider a Cuba or a Puerto Rico or a Dominican Republic. It is beyond reasonable dispute that those ethnicities exist, no matter the genetic disparity between their founding components, which was no less great than Brazil’s. There are all manner of internal racial divides in those countries, but it’s absurd to suggest the groups are at war with each other. Racial difference in those cultures is simply a fact of ethnic existence; some react to that fact agreeably, others less so, but virtually none would contend that those racial differences invalidate their ethnic identity. Ethnic existence is best treated as an event, because by so considering it it allows to define and refine our sense of ethnic belonging. Our wishes, however do not alter the fact that, however much we deplore it, ethnicity is always a process, one sometimes occurring more rapidly, at other times imperceptibly slowly, but a process always. The trick, from a racialist or nationalist perspective, is to take as much control of that process as is compatible with other legitimate human concerns, not to deny that the process occurs at all.
This is not unreasonable, but it properly fits at the end, not at the beginning. That is to say that if a person doesn’t care—or at least is willing, at least for the time being, to pretend that he doesn’t care—about his racial interests based on the evidence of his own eyes he is not particularly likely to start caring based on the evidence of ‘hapmaps.’ If a person does come around to a racial point of view, however, then hard data like this can help him solidify that view. More importantly, though, in a society that does take its racial existence seriously hard data can become an essential tool of ‘demographic management,’ used to enhance ‘demographic decision-making’—terms (or substitutes for them) that will have to enter the cultural and political lexicon over the course of time if outcomes favorable to the racialist are to be realized.
They haven’t managed to dent it because even opponents can recognize its essential reasonableness—that is, IF they were to consider racial existence important and worthy of defense THEN the chronological definition of races or ethnies would be an eminently reasonable way to go about defining their outer limits. The trick, to repeat myself, is to get people to value racial existence. Your ‘bullying’ people with facts and (in your view) ‘airtight logic’ has rather the opposite effect: it annoys them and creates resentment towards you rather than towards race-replacement policies. Surely by now it’s clear that facts by themselves are impotent versus the moral glow of racial rectitude. People must be reached at the level of emotion before they take seriously what you have to say at the level of fact and reason. 23
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 16 Nov 2013 01:02 | # why not raise people in cages Because human freedom is adaptive. The traits of individualism and altruism (if these are adequate descriptors, which I doubt) counsel against such an abomination, and both are adaptive (their apparent opposition has something to do with liberalism, not with our coherent nature). Consider a Cuba or a Puerto Rico or a Dominican Republic. So does this man: in power.jpg ... have the same ethnicity as this man: Put another way, let us suppose that Castro has 25% negro admixture and the other guy has 15% European admixture, do they have the same ethnicity? Cuba was settled by the Spanish from 1511 and African slaves were imported from 1550. Four and a half centuries and still this diversity. There are all manner of internal racial divide No doubt. “virtually none would contend that those racial differences invalidate their ethnic identity” Actually, the case in point - English ethnicity - is a national ethnicity. There are no English blacks, no English Asians. Cuban blacks doubtless map as a gene cluster but it is not a national ethnicity. What unites them with other Cuban groups is a shared history and place. Cuba is a Multicult; and the development of the Multicult in the European heartland is not the production of black German ethnicity or North African French ethnicity. It is the destruction of German ethnicity and French ethnicity. Only national ethnicity need interest us. The rest is the Multicult. if a person doesn’t care ... it is because of the atomising and self-estranging nature of liberalism (as the formative thought-world of our age). The way to change this is to change the thought-world. Your ‘bullying’ people with facts and (in your view) ‘airtight logic’ has rather the opposite effect: it annoys them and creates resentment towards you rather than towards race-replacement policies. My concern at this juncture is not to convert the anti-racists, liberals, libertarians, race-mixers, and foreigners who bring forward arguments against our nationalism, but to humiliate them ... to expose them as flawed men, and their magic words as powerless. It is public discourse I seek to free. It is free discourse which will free the ordinary man into his own nature, not direct arguments, whether those are couched in terms that appeal to the intellect or the emotions. 24
Posted by Gogol on Sun, 17 Nov 2013 09:27 | # It’s kicking off at the Daily Telegraph: 25
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 17 Nov 2013 11:13 | # Fact-based article on Gypsy crime in the USA (useful info for Americans): 26
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 17 Nov 2013 12:04 | # Silver@21 Interesting comment, though perhaps more relevant to your experience in Oz than to that of whites in the US (esp hyper-diverse LA). I’ve never been to Australia (I’d very much like to go, however; Tasmania, especially; NZ, too!). But I can well imagine a bit of (ethno)cultural resentment still lingering between the “True Aussies” (those of Anglo descent; perhaps even just those of Old Stock (criminal?) descent), a Nordic/Celtic (fair-skinned and haired) people (eg, Nicole Kidman, Naomi Watts, Russell Crowe, Guy Pearce, etc), and those visibly distinctive, Mediterranean, postwar immigrant ‘ethnics’. Of course, in the face of the possibility of a vast Asian Invasion, such differences tend to come to be seen as minimal. That minimization of intra-white ethnic competition or enmity has already overwhelmingly occurred in the US, except in the really perfervid imaginations of the most extreme WNs (Nordicists). I happen to be a bit of a Nordicist myself. I do think racial Nordics, who can be French, Spanish, Italian, etc, too, are civilizationally superior to non-Nordic whites, and I believe the record of human accomplishment bears this out. Of course, to say that a Swede is, per se, necessarily ‘superior’ to an Italian or Frenchman is ridiculous; beyond the obvious (some blacks are superior to some whites), what matters even for generalization are the specifically racial proportions. The French are generally less Aryan than the Swedish, but Catherine Deneuve is as clearly Aryan as Greta Garbo. I strongly believe that the fairer elements in Europe were largely responsible for the development of European High Civilization, and that the least valuable elements also tended to be the darkest. I am therefore far more concerned with the survival, and eventually, population growth, of Nordics than of non-Nordic whites (though I am equally concerned with their genetic improvement - I am a passionate eugenicist, as well as anti-dysgenicist - as well as return to moral and cultural traditionalism). But competition/hostility from still-more genetically distant aliens has a way of minimizing lesser EGI conflicts. All the European peoples (except the Muslim converts - and I don’t know their exact racial status - eg, should Albanians be viewed as racially white? as European/Occidental at all?) have contributed (albeit unequally) to the development of Western Civ, and all the particular ethnocultures have value in themselves. Moreover, from a “clash of civilizations” perspective, all are basically the same (ie, the cultural or capability differences between a Bulgar and a Dane are as nothing set against those between a European white man and an Arab Muslim). Therefore, it seems merely prudent that WPs should go out of their way to promote mutual tolerance and sympathy between the white peoples, while maximizing the sense of white difference from nonwhites. That is my position, anyway. I don’t assert any European ethnic supremacism (though in my heart, I think Germans really are collectively the best - and that had the 20th C been a “German Century” - as many at the outset thought it would be - instead of an Anglo-American one, the position of whites in the world today would be vastly stronger). I also support European ethnonationalism only as a counterweight to the NWO; I am a racial nationalist (though I prefer “white preservationist” to “white nationalist”, mainly because the latter has more aggressive and therefore morally problematic connotations). 27
Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:14 | # The I thought odious Guardian has an article on UK public’s ever-growing disenchantment with immigration. Many of the comments were silly, but some were very helpful, like this one:
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 28 Nov 2013 08:44 | # Free Scotland?
Posted by Mick Lately on Wed, 15 Jan 2014 10:59 | # Difficult to sort out the putative paid-EU-trolls from the ‘useful idiots’ but these EU apologists in the comments thread make me very very angry:
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 19 Jan 2014 02:51 | # Mick - I barely bother reading the Guardian anymore, too upsetting! I’d love to join in that thread but I’ve been banned a few times and it doesn’t seem worth the effort anymore. I’ll only get banned again and all my comments deleted, so what’s the point? Try to see it in a positive light. All those ratbags on CiF are just jerking each other off, they don’t last five minutes out in the open away from full-spectrum Guardian moderation so they are just wasting their time. Too busy whining about the tories, as if that false opposition meant anything. 2000+ comments - why all the interest, after all, the three main parties fully support the EU so what are those CiFers worried about? Well it’s good they’re making such a fuss, it means they’re scared, they know the tide is turning. 31
Posted by Leon Haller on Sun, 19 Jan 2014 03:30 | # Lurker, If GW decides to terminate MR, PLEASE give readers a few weeks’ worth of advance warning, just so if we infrequently check MR we will nevertheless have the time to copy/paste any old comments (or posts) we might wish to preserve for ourselves. Thanks. 32
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 19 Jan 2014 14:43 | # Leon, why not gather your comments for your archives anyway? You might take them and shop them around to a place like Tradyouth, someplace where they might be appreciated. I say “like” tradyouth, as I understand that Parrott doesn’t go for your angle either. But that’s the idea, some site that sees Christianity as integral. Your economic predilections are somewhat in disfavor among WN, but you may find some appreciation out there, somewhere. As for the free-thinking fare here at MR, there’ll be more served-up shortly. The biology and intellectual heritage of the European race and what is worth discussing does not depend upon the church or your conceits. Go to Church, call your congressman to protest immigration, start up a catholic site, nobody is stopping you, we’ll be fine, thanks. 33
Posted by Dude on Sun, 19 Jan 2014 18:18 | # I joined in on CiF (WL) some time past on this page and was surprised that many of the commenters were not wholly antagonistic, which I guess is something for the Guardian. 34
Posted by Lurker on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 01:02 | # Dude - maybe I’m IP banned or something. I can’t last 5 minutes on there! Leon - I noted your comment but I’m not aware of any impending MR shutdown. 35
Posted by Graham_Lister on Mon, 20 Jan 2014 05:31 | # To Leon and others musing on the end of MR or GW’s ‘failures’ - please I think such reports/fears are grossly exaggerated. For example, it’s recently been Christmas and New Year and I certainly prioritise friends and family at that time of year, and for example, the average academic has exams to set and mark at this time of year (January) too. I’m sure GW also has other more pressing matters to attended to at the moment. The people that run and contribute to the site all have (I’m sure) other commitments etc., and don’t exist simply to provide daily content for half-wits to comment on. I mean if you want that type of space invite Richards back and you can all ‘enjoy’ the daily fuck-wittery “It’s all a conspiracy of the evil tribe” asinine insanity ad nauseam (or ad libitum for the brain dead and conceptually confused that like that sort of thing). All delivered with a tragically misplaced portentousness naturally. We are being told the ‘secret’ truth of history, the universe, and everything don’t ya know? The real issue is this. I could try to put together an essay on the philosophy of Merleau-Ponty (on say interiority and the social) or discuss Heidegger’s fourfold concept as philosophically re-imagined by Graham Harman (in his object orientated ontology incorporating time, space, eidos, and essence as the fourfold structure of reality as such). However, even if such material was competently described and explained all we would get as discussion is “what the fuck are you on about?”, “why is this obscure crap relevant?” etc., which is not the response one would hope for (but sadly par for the course). The ontology project is relevant as modernity – that is liberal modernity – has at its core a fundamentally wrong picture of the world. Its ontology is wrong. It’s a world-view which in my view is leading, auto-teleologically (more accurately perhaps via a form of auto-poiesis) towards collective disaster. And if not quite disaster a radically sub-optimal situation (especially for one of the world true minorities namely Europeans). Now by liberal modernity I emphatically do simply mean whatever Democrats have said since the 1960s (this seems very hard for some people to grasp) – I mean how we have viewed the world from I guess the 15th/16th century onwards. The issue is that anyone – at any intellectual level – that questions the deep ‘axiomatic’ assumptions of modernity (as such) has to clear away so much half-baked conceptual detritus to even have a starting point for useful discussion that alone is a massive effort. After all so much of modernity is taken as unquestionably true (the water the fish swim in hence never ‘see’) that we contra-moderns, ‘alternative moderns’ or even post-moderns have an uphill task to be heard. We have to compose arid essays on why the half-truths of modernity are half-truths and those in the total grip of the modern only have to mouth a few of those half-truths to feel reassured that the matter is settled and there’s “nothing to see here – move right along please”. Thus there is a profound asymmetry at work between those that would wish to investigate the problematic nature of modernity and modern thought and those that don’t even see an issue to be discussed (or can at best only recognise some of the surface issues at hand). In this way it reflects the emergence versus reductionism debate in the philosophy of science – one side simply cannot see the question(s) the other one raises (in this context reductionism the ‘axiomatic’ or ‘obvious’ default truth). The intellectual problem is, however, one of who has the burden of proof? And for those ‘axiomatically’ in the know they never seemingly ask the very simple question of: “how do I know that assertion of self-evident knowledge or ‘fact’ to be true?”. It’s obvious that society really just ‘reduces’ to individuals and human experience merely ‘reduces’ to bio-chemical reactions and so on. How can anyone possibly think otherwise right? And, of course, to speak to someone that is not open to the possibility that they might be profoundly confused or wrong about such issues is tiresome and ultimately a waste of time. After all such a character can exchange their slice of ‘axiomatically’ correct views with some other dogmatist (“no my form of reductionism is correct! Why your version is absurd and/or totally crazy mate!” etc.) but for the non-reductionist there’s nothing of interest/value going on within such ‘debates’. Hence returning back to political debates I couldn’t care less about Hayekian liberals arguing with Rawlsian liberals (i.e. the standard fare of Anglo-American political discourse). It conceptually bores me to metaphorical tears. This is where, for example, Mr. Haller comes to mind (boring people to tears). He is no doubt erudite, reasonably intelligent etc., but he is ‘axiomatically’ certain of a number of dubious ideological tropes. The two main ones are: (1) the wonders of the free-market at all times, in all ways, in all things, and (2) the wonders of Catholic orthodoxy which Mr. Haller, quixotically in my view, asserts are concerned with the ethnic and the politics of entho-communitarianism (or more specifically in Mr. Haller’s case ‘good-old boy’ vulgar racism of a very unsophisticated type). Of course, we on the ‘other side’ suggest that such ideological tropes might be part of the problem and all we really get back in return is an rhetorical stance that basically boils down to “no that’s impossible” - let alone that his two central ideas themselves might be somewhat incongruous (global capitalism has no regard whatsoever for ethnic or ethical matters/issuses etc., except as another putative money-making opportunity or unwanted restriction on the maximisation of profits/opportunities). The only colour Wall Street and its denizens (of whatever ethnic origin) care about is green and they ain’t bloody environmentalists or ‘deep-greens’. After a while it gets very boring and pointless to engage with such ‘axiomatically certain’ people. A good conversation is an open-ended exchange without one party pushing their particular idée fixe at every possible juncture. For all his faults Danny (he doesn’t write prose that flows to be sure!) at least gives the sense that he’s on the side of the genuinely open-minded (in the best sense of that term) in that the questions are still undecided and perhaps not even fully formed yet. The map of the problematique is still being drawn, the territory is not fully explored. I’d rather have that type of person on board instead of the type that ‘already’ and by some a-priori insights ‘axiomatically’ knows the answer to ‘everything’ in five (or less) easy and meta-politically irrelevant clichés. But no Mr. Haller already knows the all answer(s). The ethos of Gordon Gecko/Goldman Sachs Monday to Saturday and a confession or two on Sunday and few Hail Mary’s etc., whilst the Juju man in chief rapes the kids behind the altar. And we the plebs thank him (and his kind) for their moral wisdom, unquestionable righteousness, and guardianship of all that is worthy and good. Sounds massively plausible as the future shape of life in Europe, yes? Perhaps not. I would suggest the genuinely politically/philosophically interesting part of MR is the ontology project. It the ‘koyaanisqatsi’ corner of MR. Other than a rather brilliant film what is koyaanisqatsi? Ko.yaa.nis.qatsi (from the Hopi language), n 1. Crazy life. 2. Life in turmoil. 3. Life disintegrating. 4. Life out of balance. 5. A state of life that calls for another way of living. Now perhaps characters like Mr. Haller agree that life is out of balance (in some way) but they are far too superficial in their understanding of the why and how or indeed what the solution (if indeed there is a solution of any sort) is or could be. The internet is full of half-wits going over the same old shite in virtual echo-chambers: (1) everything bad is the fault of/a conspiracy ran by ‘those people’.; (2) Wasn’t 19th century liberalism/Republicanism (freedom from etc.) simply peachy let’s go back to that.; (3) no let’s all go back to some pre-modern ideal (insert favoured historical period/fantasy as appropriate – King Arthur and his knights, 7th century France, ye olde Englandshire, pre-Socratic Greece, “natural duels” in some pre-civilisational state of being, the noble savage, or whatever.; (4) an enormous circle jerk/wank over Hitler and other regimes of the same ideological origins.; (5) we all ‘need’ to ‘get right’ with God and this or that particular brand of Voodoo. And, of course, all are available in various admixtures too. There are others like Mr. Renner’s quasi-Malthusian “peak oil and environmental catastrophe” will somehow miraculously come to the meta-political rescue as the ultimate deus ex machina! The best element of MR rejects all of that for the unthinking crap such non-thought so obviously is. We are the strain that knows there is no going to back to the past as the past. That modernity has certain irreversible consequences for the type of world we do and can inhabit. Just as being a 70 year old man has certain irreversible consequences, that result in the fact that such a man can never live as his 17 year old self ever again. Such as state of being is irrecoverable. Just as the world in which ‘God’ without question ‘frames’ the horizon of the world as such (in every way imaginable) is irrecoverable. God really is dead in that sense (or course any individual can, in the Kierkegaardian sense, make that leap of faith but no culture collectivelly can – even Islamic culture senses ‘the game is up’ thus radical Islamic is not the birth pains of a new beginning but rather the death throes of a now brittle way of life - Islam as societally ‘foundational’ - in terminal historic decline). But I digress. Therefore unthinking and bone-headed ‘traditionalism’ or conservatism (theological or otherwise) in the same vain is rejected. Thus the question is what can follow on from this form of liberal-modernity? What type of post-modern regime(s) or way of living is possible? Or in my own case what form can an alternative modernity take? Can modernity be rescued from its own worst mistakes and blind-spots? Why has modernity been synonymous with the rise of liberalism (as fully understood in its widest and deepest historical sense)? What ontologies are involved in this curious state of affairs?, etc. Why is our picture of the world so subtly yet profoundly distorted and distorting yet so resistant to critique or correction? What micro and macro psychological, philosophical, and phenomenological factors/processes are at play in shaping the modern sensibility and the shape of its character? And that’s a very complex and serious set of questions to unpack. Inevitably it’s a multifaceted topic which can’t be grasped in easy half-truths nor spoken about with anything like the certitude displayed by the dogmatic ideologues with (however articulately described) very “easy answers”. So easy that they are non-answers to pseudo-questions. Or if, for example, zealously understood and ruthlessly enforced Catholic orthodoxy is the answer what the hell is the question? If the ethos of Goldman Sachs is the answer again what the hell is the question? But MR should be a space where the ‘emergentists’ don’t have to argue against the half-truth and distorted ‘certitudes’ and axiomatic ‘truths’ of the ‘reductionists’. The burden of meta-political proof should be reversed. Then something worthwhile might, with careful nurture, develop and flourish. Having to argue time and time again against the tired tropes of dogmatic ‘reductionists’ prevents that more important debate for maturing. So yes Leon, Thorn etc., we all fucking get you. God, Voodoo etc., is ‘essential’ we can’t live without it blah blah blah. The free-market can do no wrong etc. Yes OK everyone knows that’s what you all think. There really isn’t any need to constantly repeat those points. It’s a higher form of trolling and disrupting the more interesting (and imperfect no doubt) conversations that MR should be having. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsThorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) |
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 14 Nov 2013 01:28 | #
I once dated a very pretty Romanian girl (I’d like a million of her sent to the US!) ...
But surely we should be worrying more about the million(S) of nonwhites who have already flooded the UK (not that I support the inter-European dilution of historic ethnies, either)? Or is it believed that a large number of these “Romanians” will actually be Roma?