Joseph Paul Franklin: April 13, 1950 - Comments:2
Posted by Thorn on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:14 | # Joe has a strange resemblance to Soren renneR. Just sayin. 3
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 23:48 | # By coincidence and in profound contrast, John Larkin, the Northern Ireland’s attorney general, chose today to float the suggestion that “there should be no further police investigations, inquests or inquiries into any relevant killings that took place before the signing of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998.” 4
Posted by Graham_Lister on Thu, 21 Nov 2013 01:10 | # Well to be fair GW the maximum sentence for those convicted of crimes committed in connection to ‘The Troubles’ is two years. Yes two years even for multiple murders. This was a key part of the ‘Good Friday Agreement’. Why potentially spend millions on pursuing very old cases if the maximum punishment for the guilty is, at most, only two years? As for Mr. Cobb and his friends - well if the state did jail them or indeed made them subject to judicial killing (or even extrajudicial killing) one might be tempted to rejoice for the beneficial effect upon the gene pool. And indeed for the aesthetic benefits of a marginally less ugly and vulgar world. One might be tempted, but only tempted, to entertain such sentiments. 5
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 21 Nov 2013 06:47 | #
I never understand why so many renounce their views at the end of their lives (eg, George Wallace). What he should have done was asked Christian forgiveness for his true crimes. But why renounce his revulsion at racial intermixture? Nothing to be forgiven for or ashamed of in that! 6
Posted by Leon Haller on Thu, 21 Nov 2013 08:53 | # Hey! That dbag JRichards deleted two of my comments on his JFK thread. What gives? Why does he still have that editorial power? 7
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:40 | # Why is it that all the WN leaders in the US apart from Jarod Taylor are ego centric cartoon Nazis like Mr Cobb? 8
Posted by jamesUK on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 03:42 | # Why is it that all the WN leaders in the US apart from Jarod Taylor are ego centric cartoon Nazis like Mr Cobb? 9
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 05:28 | # Posted by jamesUK on November 24, 2013, 10:42 PM | # Why is it that all the WN leaders in the US apart from Jarod Taylor are ego centric cartoon Nazis like Mr Cobb While steering clear of an endorsement of Jarod Taylor, whose “American Renaissance” is listed at MR as controlled opposition (fair enough characterization for one who does not differentiate Jewish interests from European), a working hypothesis seems to hold up that there is a satisfied feedback loop between American demographics not descended from those in the path of the Nazi wrath and those stretching a bit for audience, power or money. Cleaning off the rust and oiling Hitler’s point of view can provide an overly efficient means of doing that. What seems to be happening is that these sorts that you notice have come to a critical awareness of Jewish machinations through William Pierce, The Institute of Historical Revue and David Duke. All of whom share in a one-sided advocacy and adherence to that historical perspective. It seems then to lead whomever emerges as an exponent of “WN” through these discourses into the cartoon rigidity of which you speak. More, Jewish/liberal media immediately seize upon any WN tactless enough to cop to their attribution of neo-Nazim, knowing that it is going to turn reasonable people away from White advocacy. Nevertheless, a neglected ego might derive some satisfaction for the attention to what they adopt as heroic defiance. Identifying as European in America is necessarily stressful as it does not have the historical grounding that Europeans have. Therefore, it can lead to a desperate quest, susceptible to stilted, psychologistic, rigid identities. 10
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:07 | # It occurs that Whites are accused of racial disloyalty, not sticking by their people right or wrong the way that blacks do, but how does that account for them voting Republican? That appears to be loyalty to a fault. A substantial part of working Whites are voting for Republicans on the basis of race only, even though their interests are continually betrayed. That is, it is not necessarily the White masses which are acutely disloyal. 11
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 25 Nov 2013 15:50 | # From Adrean Arlott, who reminds us that “racism is learned - so start teaching!”
Serial killer Joseph Paul Franklin is scheduled to be executed on November 20th, 2013. For those who may not know, Franklin was the inspiration for William Pierce’s book Hunter. During his criminal career, Franklin targeted interracial couples, and public figures who encouraged race mixing. Franklin is the man who shot and paralyzed Larry Flynt, publisher of Hustler. But don’t bother shedding a tear, for after >30 years in prison, Franklin has had a change of heart, according to this article: Franklin now regrets his actions, saying he was suffering from manic depression. “I felt like a cloud descended over me,” he said. “I was obviously mentally ill.” After going to jail in St. Louis in 1996, Franklin interacted with African Americans and realized the error of his racism, he said. He no longer believes “race mixing” is an abomination, saying God could have easily had the human race all one color, he said. “For some reason, he made us different colors.” As for his many crimes, “I feel like the Lord has forgiven me because I’ve repented,” he said. This summer, a bystander linked to one of Joseph Paul Franklin’s shootings went public with her story. Terry Jackson-Mitchell was 15-years-old when her two male Negro friends were shot dead as the trio jogged in Liberty Park, Salt Lake City, Utah. Some media reports linked the girl to the shooter, while others simply laid the blame at her feet as a “White” woman who had been spared by the racist serial killer. She is in fact part Mexican, but having two of her black boy friends blown away in a racist shooting spree didn’t dampen her spirits for interracial sex. In fact, she went on to produce two half-black children. She credits art therapy for giving her the ability to overcome the trauma of the killings and move on with her life (and fornication). And so today, CDN proudly names Terry Jackson-Mitchell the world’s most-determined interracial sex practitioner. Here she is proudly displaying some of her artwork at Art Access in Salt Lake City.” 12
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:07 | # @DanielS European interests? The majority of Americans of European decent have been living in the US for generations and likely don’t identify with Europe that there has never been a common European interest. So the WN’s in the US wilfully follow neo-Nazi/racist clowns like Pearce, Lane, Duke and others with a fake victimology identity with the like of Pearce, Lane and others are linked to violence. Why would anyone in their right mind in the US be a WN? Not really a movement is it? It is just a fringe ideology that some people follow because they like anti-authority/radical aspect to it and being part of a group. 13
Posted by jamesUK on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:08 | # @DanielS European interests? The majority of Americans of European decent have been living in the US for generations and likely don’t identify with Europe that there has never been a common European interest. So the WN’s in the US wilfully follow neo-Nazi/racist clowns like Pearce, Lane, Duke and others with a fake victimology identity with the like of Pearce, Lane and others are linked to violence. Why would anyone in their right mind in the US be a WN? Not really a movement is it? It is just a fringe ideology that some people follow because they like anti-authority/radical aspect to it and being part of a group. 14
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:28 | # Posted by jamesUK on November 26, 2013, 07:08 AM | # @DanielS European interests? The majority of Americans of European decent have been living in the US for generations and likely don’t identify with Europe In one way or another, they do identify as European or of Euroepan descent - that is what “White” means by American definition. “that there has never been a common European interest.” There is a common interest in our genetics and history, yes. Some Americans don’t want to be bothered with European politics but the history is relevant; some Europeans don’t want to be bothered with American history but American politics are relevant. “So the WN’s in the US wilfully follow neo-Nazi/racist clowns like Pearce, Lane, Duke and others with a fake victimology identity with the like of Pearce, Lane and others are linked to violence.” There are some distinctions to be made here that you are not making. I don’t know that victimology and tactless violence is so much the problem as, in Pierce, Duke’s and the IHR’s case, an over identification with Hitler’s view. Then, those who are influenced by them might get caught on a rigid path of identity. “Why would anyone in their right mind in the US be a WN?” Well, all I mean, speaking for myself, anyway, by “White”, is: “of European descent.” By Nationalism in that regard, I mean an accountable protection of our bounded human ecological interests. “Not really a movement is it?” Not so long a they are able to brand them Nazis or other kinds of right wingers. And not so long as so called White Nationalists cop to that attribution of Neo Nazi. The good news is that all Nazism and the swastika can ever represent is one nation, Germany, gone rogue, into a kind of imperialism - a more or less crazy form, at that. It cannot represent White Nationalism, not in American anyway, as White means of European extraction, not “German only.” “It is just a fringe ideology that some people follow because they like anti-authority/radical aspect to it and being part of a group.” That is why some might gravitate to identification with Nazsim. But everybody needs to identify with a social group or groups and not all such delineations are necessarily so narrowly or viciously drawn. It is a disingenuous canard of liberalism that would promote an either/or. Non group membership, we are all individuals, or we are Nazis. 15
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 26 Nov 2013 12:52 | # More, the term nationalism delineates the concerns of those who consider “White” or even “European”, even “of native European extraction” to be too broad or too narrow a terminology. For example, it would take care of the concerns of Scandinavians and Southern Europeans to maintain their distinctions while being in the same alliance as a broader genus distinct from people of non-European descent. 16
Posted by jamesUK on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 12:31 | # @DanielS European issues and that of the US differ considerable and the idea of a common white identity has been proven time and again especially in the wake of the Cold War a fallacy that European countries/ nationalism ethnic grievances are largely based on historic rivalries. Balkan states. The biggest issue with WN is immigration with most countries in Europe are overwhelmingly native ethnic white populations with most immigration coming from the new EU states like Poles unlike in the US were the majority is non-European. If immigration is the biggest concern then why just not create a movement focusing exclusively on that? Mr Pearce and others concern are continually ranting about WW2, Jews, Germany, Nazi Germany, Israel-Palestine and in the case of Pearce advocating a violent overthrow of the US government with garbage white power music with that NA music label he ran that the fool who shot up the Sikh temple was connected to and books like Hunter that members of NA splintered off and created The Order using his book Hunter as a template for domestic terrorism campaign. 17
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:18 | # Posted by jamesUK on November 27, 2013, 07:31 AM | # @DanielS European issues and that of the US differ considerable They do differ and that is the concern of the post of above, coordinating those differences, because we also have a very important common ground - and interest in maintaining our European genetic forms.
All of us have a common interest in maintaining our native European peoples.
These differences are to be managed, coordinated as national, state and community differences.
These things are all taken for granted. The post above takes these differences for granted. “The biggest issue with WN is immigration” You are not getting it. Any European Nationalism is a White nationalism, even smaller units than the current European nation states. “with most countries in Europe are overwhelmingly native ethnic white populations with most immigration coming from the new EU states like Poles unlike in the US were the majority is non-European.” Yes, that is where the “nationalism” aspect, sortocracy, and the concern for indigenous peoples enters as one third of the concern and equal to any: Poles for example, are not native British.
You are welcome to focus on that. I believe that we do not have enough political power and influence; therefore, we need to form our nations anew in parallel, virtual form. Excluding non-natives by definition, in the new definition of our nation; and then set about to retake our rightful lands. “Mr Pearce and others concern are continually ranting about WW2, Jews, Germany, Nazi Germany, Israel-Palestine and in the case of Pearce advocating a violent overthrow of the US government with garbage white power music with that NA music label he ran that the fool who shot up the Sikh temple was connected to and books like Hunter that members of NA splintered off and created The Order using his book Hunter as a template for domestic terrorism campaign.” I am critical of Pierce, largely for the reasons that you have stated. He had intelligent insights but if you will listen again, I believe that he, along with The IHR and Duke, seem to be a large part of the problem for so called WN, by being too sympathetic to Hitler’s point of view. Nevertheless, there is no necessary conflict between European European interests (say, wanting Scotland to remain of Scottish people and culture) and European American interests - viz. those wanting to be separate from peoples not evolved of Europe. Coordination is an interesting problem that I have attempted to address in the post above. I hope you will partake in concern.
Posted by DanielS on Wed, 27 Nov 2013 13:45 | # James Uk. Let’s please take a step back. As opposed to assuming what “White Nationalism” is or how intractable European problems are, how obtuse these issues are to European Americans, lets begin by discussing what our interests are, where they may be common, where they may be coordinated, where they might at least, not be add odds. The proper place for this discussion is above, under Ethnocracy, Sortocracy and the Euro DNA Nation. I believe that you will find that we do not have necessary conflicts of interest. .. 19
Posted by Thorn on Mon, 02 Dec 2013 21:55 | # I’m sure Dr.L will appreciate this: Morrissey Versus Thankskilling HEH! 20
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 15 Apr 2014 06:54 | # Frazier Glenn Miller, comrade of VNN, but denounced in other WN circles as a snitch on “The Order”, provides more inexplicably hapless direction of WN venom: Post a comment:
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Posted by DanielS on Wed, 20 Nov 2013 13:46 | #
It’s been a bad week for Graham’s American friends.