The death of Jörg Haider: accident or assassination

Posted by Guessedworker on Saturday, 04 July 2009 22:17.

When we originally covered the story of Jörg Haider’s death last October, several commenters were very quick to sieze upon the assassination angle.  Today, The Times carried a story titled, Investigative reporter offers murder theory over death of Jörg Haider:

When Jörg Haider died in a car crash last year, many Austrians mourned the complex, fast-living populist. He may have been an admirer of Hitler’s employment policies, but he seemed to many rightwingers, frustrated with the Vienna Establishment, to hold the key to a new Austria.

Now pressure is growing to reopen the investigation into his death, and at least one investigative reporter is asking whether the 58-year-old politician was murdered.

“There are too many open questions,” said Gerhard Wisnewski, the author of the book Jörg Haider: Accident, Murder or Assassination? that has been selling quickly in Austria since it was launched last Tuesday. “After eight months of research I am convinced that it is highly probable that Haider was the victim of a politically motivated assassination.”

... “This case has to be reopened with an independent prosecutor . . . and with the involvement of international experts,” said Stefan Petzner, the former spokesman for Mr Haider and a leading figure in the right-wing BZOe party, the Alliance for the Future of Austria. He is threatening to mobilise a referendum on the issue unless the Justice Minister complies.

Mr Haider’s wife, Claudia, has also joined in the critical chorus, questioning the narrative provided by the police investigation team in the week after the crash. The police version, much of it leaked to the press before the official report, was that Mr Haider had visited various bars, including a reputedly gay hangout, on the night of Saturday October 10, in the town of Klagenfurt. He had drunk the equivalent of a bottle of vodka, according to blood sampling, and had driven at 142 kilometres per hour.

The car, a Phaeton limousine, had ricocheted from a fire hydrant into a noise-protection wall, against a tree and then bounced back on to the road about 100 metres farther along. Claudia has always denied rumours that her mercurial husband, the father of her two daughters, was gay and doubts many of the other details.

Interestingly, the story does not appear to have been reported at all by the English-language Austrian Times.  It might also be interesting to know who owns that publication, and whether Herr Wisnewski’s thesis has been reported by other national media in Austria.



Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 02:47 | #

I’ve done a quick German-language Google and there seems remarkably little MSM coverage of Wisnewski and his claims, although I did turn up this piece on the website of Österreich, which I think is a weekly mag.

‘Politically motivated crime’

I’ll translate it later on and have another look around, although Google didn’t provide any links to the daily press like Der Standard of Vienna.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 08:29 | #

The translation as promised.

„Politically motivated crime“
Vienna 3rd July 2009

Explosives involved? A German journalist is convinced that Jörg Haider was treacherously murdered.

ÖSTERREICH: Your book about Jörg Haider came out on Thursday. Why the concern with the one-time politician from the BZÖ (Alliance for the Future of Austria)?

Gerhard Wisnewski: In my journalistic career I’ve already been involved a number of times with mysterious deaths. It seemed obvious to me that Jörg Haider’s death raised a number of unresolved questions. Now I’m convinced of the high probability that Haider was the victim of a political assassination.

ÖSTERREICH: What kind of proof is there for your theory?

Wisnewski: The official version rests upon three pillars. First, Haider is supposed to have been driving much too fast; second, he had a blood alcohol level of 1,8 per thousand and third, there is said to be witness who confirmed the circumstances of the crash. After close investigation I’ve concluded that these these pillars aren’t made of marble but rather of glass, and the lightest shove will topple them.

ÖSTERREICH:So Jörg Haider wasn’t driving at 142 km/hour and didn’t have a blood alcohol level of 1,8 per thousand?

Wisnewski: The electronic speed measurements are worthless since thay can be easily fiddled. Considering the state of the roads Haider couldn’t have been doing much over 90. And concerning the supposedly elevated blood alcohol level, that’s contradicted by the fact that the autopsy found no alcohol in his stomach. Family members have also confirmed that. That’s kind of strange since he’s supposed to have drunk a bottle of vodka.

ÖSTERREICH: You’re also sceptical about the statements of the female witness who presents a different picture?

Wisnewski: For sure she’s not a witness but rather a suspect. I’m not saying she lied but that she would have been justified in doing so.

ÖSTERREICH: What do you think then actually happened on the night of 11th October?

Wisnewski: I’ve investigated Jörg Haider‘s final hours and can state with certainty that the crash did not occur as officially presented. What happened instead was a blatant invention; the auto wreck was pre-pared and installed on the crash-site. Haider was cut down at the exact moment when he was about to achieve additional power at the national level. The perpetrators could not permit that to happen. I’m proceeding on the basis of a political assassination.


Posted by james on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 17:57 | #

Does this not remind anyone of the Diana crash in Paris?

Why would they kill Haider what would be the motive to kill a high profile politician?

From what I heard he supported Turkeys entry into the EU and was not to negative towards Israel. 

I can think of a motive and strong one why they would kill Diana and Doda which involves Diana’s demining charity being used as an MI6 front to train Islamic militants on how to lay mines which if made public would be a huge embarrassment to MI6 especially at a time when we were covertly supporting Islamic militants during the 90’s in the Balkans in Bosnia.


Posted by Paul vom Bau on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 16:48 | #

While only one Austrian newspaper (”ÖSTERREICH”) wrote about Mr. Petzner’s and Ms. Haider’s statement about murder, all other papers didn’t only ignore it, but made a clear desinformation-campaign. Espeacialy the “Standard” made a big series of articles about an internet-site about the “Holy Joerg”, where someone claims to be head of a group that wants to convince the pope of Haider’s holyness. The site is a clear fake, a hoax by some students - but made it’s way into all Austrian media as a “documentation of the idioty of the Haider-fans”, while the Haider-murder-statements were ignored. By the way one must know, that Standard-boss Oscar Bronner is one of the four Austrian Bilderbergers, that travelled to the Bilderberg-conference 2009 in Athens.
Paul vom Bau, Klagenfurt, Austria


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 17:11 | #

“Does this not remind anyone of the Diana crash in Paris?”  (—James)

No.  Not at all.  In no way whatsoever.

“Why would they kill Haider?  What would be the motive to kill a high profile politician?”

You’ve got to be joking.  You’re joking, right? 

Ohhhhhhhhh, riiiiiiight, I see your point now!!!!  Dodi el Fayed and Diana had exactly the same international political significance as Haider and engendered exactly the same enmity from exactly the same enemies including the Mossad!  No difference!  Why didn’t I see it before???????


Posted by Haider on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 17:32 | #

The electronic speed measurements are worthless since thay can be easily fiddled. Considering the state of the roads Haider couldn’t have been doing much over 90.

Meaning if he had been doing 142 he’d have been all that much more likely to crash.

Wisnewski: For sure she’s not a witness but rather a suspect. I’m not saying she lied but that she would have been justified in doing so.

The investigator claims the witness is a suspect?  The bit about being justified in lying doesn’t make sense. Is this an accurate translation? 

Why would they kill Haider what would be the motive to kill a high profile politician?

Obviously to stop him.  But it’s not so simple.  There are able replacements and there’s the risk he’d be seen as a martyr, electrifying his supporters.  Maybe that’s what this investigation is attempting.


Posted by Dasein on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 17:35 | #

If james is referring to a common death via car accident, a better comparison would be Patton.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 17:43 | #

Or James Forrestal (not a car accident in his case, but maneuvered into a psychiatric hospital after criticising the establishment of Israel, carefully placed on the fiftieth floor or something like that, then said to have “jumped to his death” after leaving a suicide note you can look up on the internet as clearly not being in his handwriting.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 18:00 | #

Excuse me, he <strike>was pushed</strike> fell out of the 16th floor window, not the 50th.  See, in 1948 he was critical of the way the state of Israel was set up, then he was suddenly declared insane, maneuvered into a psychiatric hospital for his chemical lobotomy as detailed here, ,

then when that didn’t work, he “jumped” from the 16th floor window of the hospital (apparently he had at first been placed on one of the lower floors but “someone” gave the order to put him on the top floor) after leaving a “suicide note” that was clearly not in his handwriting (you can inspect images online of samples of his handwriting and this suicide note:  they couldn’t be more different).


Posted by Paul vom Bau on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 18:08 | #


The investigator claims the witness is a suspect?  The bit about being justified in lying doesn’t make sense. Is this an accurate translation?

Austrian law says, that a suspect may lie, while a witness has to tell the truth. That’s why it is very strange, that the police (and not Wisnewski!) declared the woman a “suspect” in their documents! So she is not bound by law to tell the truth. They told that this was because of “witness protection”. What would you think of that????

Paule, Klagenfurt, Austria


Posted by james on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 20:10 | #

@Fred Scrooby

I ment that in both cases they died due to an intoxicated driver and driving at high speed resulting in a car crash with questionable accounts of the official story

You’ve got to be joking.  You’re joking, right? 

Ohhhhhhhhh, riiiiiiight, I see your point now!!!!  Dodi el Fayed and Diana had exactly the same international political significance as Haider and engendered exactly the same enmity from exactly the same enemies including the Mossad!  No difference!  Why didn’t I see it before???????

I never mentioned Mossad being involved or having a motive to kill Dodi and Diana.

Princess Diana was a much more high profile figure on the international stage than Haider. I think your overstating Haiders importance. 

So why would they kill Haider? What would be the motive? Do you think Mossad killed him? Why and for what reason?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 21:19 | #

“Do you think Mossad killed him?”  (—james)

Yes.  In my view it did until proven otherwise.  The alcohol level does not prove otherwise. 

A blood alcohol level doesn’t mean you crash.  It means you’re more likely to, other things being equal.  How much more likely?  What proportion of people drive with that blood alcohol level and don’t crash?  The overwhelming majority obviously, although, just as obviously, they don’t have statistics on that, since people aren’t about to admit they’ve driven with that alcohol level or if they admit it, aren’t about to be willing to undergo an official confirmatory blood test, so statistics on it don’t and can’t exist; nor are the authorities about to do a prospective double-blind experiment on that question, also for obvious reasons.  So it’s an unknown but common sense tells us the vast majority of men who drive with that alcohol level get to their destination.  If anyone thought the announcement of his alcolol level closed the case he thought wrong.

“Why and for what reason?”  (—james)

I’ll give you three guesses.  (And if you’re playing games, please stop.)


Posted by Svigor on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 23:03 | #

Espeacialy the “Standard” made a big series of articles about an internet-site about the “Holy Joerg”, where someone claims to be head of a group that wants to convince the pope of Haider’s holyness. The site is a clear fake, a hoax by some students - but made it’s way into all Austrian media as a “documentation of the idioty of the Haider-fans”, while the Haider-murder-statements were ignored.

Clearly we’re not going to get anywhere until the idea that the media is completely untrustworthy gains significant traction.

Say what you like about the JQ, but there’s no avoiding the Media Question.

Fortunately, our task is much smaller than that of the media.  The media wants you to believe an entire framework of lies.

We only have to get one truth out there: that the media is completely untrustworthy.


Posted by james on Wed, 08 Jul 2009 02:18 | #

@Fred Scrooby

“Why and for what reason?” (—james)

I’ll give you three guesses.  (And if you’re playing games, please stop.)

Can you give me a hint I can think of no credable reason why the Mossad would kill him. I think your grossly over stating Haiders importance.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 08 Jul 2009 02:33 | #

james, there’s a minimum-IQ requirement for posting here — were you aware of that?


Posted by james on Wed, 08 Jul 2009 08:37 | #

@Fred Scrooby

james, there’s a minimum-IQ requirement for posting here — were you aware of that?

Then why don’t you answer the question. Probably because there is no credable reason for the Mossad to kill Haider.

Haider approved Turkeys entry into the EU and I don’t think he was that big a critic of Israel.

And nationaist groups across Europe are pro-Jewish.


Posted by Reader3 on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 01:39 | #

Then why don’t you answer the question. Probably because there is no credable reason for the Mossad to kill Haider.

What is this silly nonsense?  Israel hated Haider’s guts.  I thought this was well-known.  Look here if you need to:

Whether they killed him or not is another question but they *obviously* didn’t like him having any sort of political influence.

And nationaist groups across Europe are pro-Jewish.

Europe and the US are different.  There aren’t many Jews in Europe.  The US is their power base.  European countries don’t provide much support for Israel.  I’m sure the Jews would like more political support from European countries but they don’t seem willing to trade that for ending non-white immigration.  At present, turning Europe brown is the Jews’ main priority for that continent.  Therefore the Jews oppose any political movement that would threaten that goal, even if the leaders of such movements say all the right things about Jews and Israel.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 01:50 | #

“At present, turning Europe brown is the Jews’ main priority for that continent.  Therefore the Jews oppose any political movement that would threaten that goal, even if the leaders of such movements say all the right things about Jews and Israel.”  (—Reader3)


(In fact, that entire comment was correct.  From first word to last.)


Posted by Q on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 02:15 | #

“At present, turning Europe brown is the Jews’ main priority for that continent.  Therefore the Jews oppose any political movement that would threaten that goal, even if the leaders of such movements say all the right things about Jews and Israel.”

That explains why the Jews and their sycophant, bought and paid for, followers hate Sarah Palin.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 02:47 | #

“At present, turning Europe brown is the Jews’ main priority for that continent.  Therefore the Jews oppose any political movement that would threaten that goal, even if the leaders of such movements say all the right things about Jews and Israel.”

And even if supporters of that goal say all the wrong things about Jews and Israel.

Jews don’t care about anti-Semitism where their basic goals are in play.  That’s something a guy like Jobling doesn’t understand:  in no way is it “anti-Semitism” that’s keeping Jews from supporting white survival or a site like his blog.  What’s keeping them from supporting it is THEY DO NOT SEE IT AS IN THEIR INTEREST.  THEY SEE THE OPPOSITE AS IN THEIR INTEREST:  WHITE DECLINE; REMOVAL OF WHITES FROM THE WORLD STAGE.  If they saw white survival as in their interest they’d support it fully, regardless of “anti-Semitism,” just as they support anti-Euro Negroes, anti-Euro Moslems, and anti-Euro Robert-Lindsay-style leftist/communoids despite these groups’ anti-Jew, anti-Israel views.  The Jews couldn’t care less about those views:  they see in these groups allies against their biggest target, Eurochristians.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 02:56 | #

Don’t anyone cite Steinlight as a counter-example.  I’m talking about the guys who actually exert control or influence, I’m not talking about the Jewish zeroes.  The Jews who actually exert control or influence push things always unerringly in one direction and one direction only.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 10 Jul 2009 03:07 | #

Why do Jews see white decline, removal of whites from the world stage, as in their interest?  Same reason Ulster Catholics see Ulster Prod decline, removal of Ulster Prods from the world stage, as in their interest or Greek Cypriots see Turkish Cypriot decline, removal of Turkish Cypriots from the world stage as in their interest:  you’re looking at rival ethnic groups and the Jew/Eurochristian rivalry is no exception, certainly not in the Jews’ eyes.  Don’t imagine Jews think of themselves as basically the same as Eurochristians for the purposes under discussion — common history, common culture, common way of relating to other races, etc.  They most definitely do not.  Eurochristians don’t understand this, so get constantly blindsided by Jewry.  Some Jews do see themselves as “in the same boat,” so to speak, as Eurochristians, but visibly, as is obvious from the positions organized Jewry takes on everything, these are not the Jews running organized Jewry — the other kind are, the ones who see themselves as in a tribal war against Eurochristians from birth.  Eurochristians have no inkling, none, that this is going on in the Jews’ brains.


Posted by james on Sat, 11 Jul 2009 12:11 | #


And nationaist groups across Europe are pro-Jewish.

Europe and the US are different.  There aren’t many Jews in Europe.  The US is their power base.  European countries don’t provide much support for Israel.  I’m sure the Jews would like more political support from European countries but they don’t seem willing to trade that for ending non-white immigration.  At present, turning Europe brown is the Jews’ main priority for that continent.  Therefore the Jews oppose any political movement that would threaten that goal, even if the leaders of such movements say all the right things about Jews and Israel.

O’really then I guess the fact that all the media, banking academia etc. is controlled by Jews in European countries which is much a colony as the US and especially the former Soviet state countries worship Israel like Poland and that fraud called Catholicism and the Catholic church.

The same pattern can be found for every other European country.

And look at the date the BBC article was published in the year 2000.

This a comment posted on Chronicles Magazine about Haiders death and support of Turkey into EU.

Re Haider & Turkey & EU:

“Austrian far-right politician Jorg Haider has harshly criticized those who object to Turkey’s EU membership, the Anatolia news agency said. The former leader of coalition partner Austrian Freedom Party (FPO), speaking to Austrian journal Format, described the opponents of Turkish entry as “hornochsen” (horned oafs).

“I think we are governed by ‘hornochsens’ in this republic,” Haider was quoted as saying by the agency. The word “hornochsen” is used in Austria to describe people who refuse to accept sensible developments or reality, Anatolia said.

He criticized both the coalition and opposition parties together with his own party’s members for objecting to Turkey. “Members of the government and members of different political parties have always defended Turkey’s membership; however, today they are issuing warnings against Turkey’s membership,” Haider was quoted as saying. He described the situation as “opportunism.”

He also supports Turkey as a major energy partner into Europe bypassing Russia.

Jörg Haider: “ I believe that Turkey is something of an ambiguity – neither Asian State, nor European. One must find a new way for Turkey. For sure Turkey is an important partner – to build a bridge regarding a common energy policy – we must ensure deliveries of gas and oil from the Caucuses and Asia. We must find a way not to be dependent on Russia.”

So he is pro-Turkish a major Israeli ally and supported anti-Serb Muslim forces in the Balkans.  Yeah he’s really against Israel’s interests aiding there geopolitical and economic interests and what no one has talked about pan-Turkish nationalism which include conquering parts of Russia, China, Central Asia and the Balkans.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 11 Jul 2009 13:50 | #

These two links posted by james above are excellent reading and belong in the “Bookmarked/My Favorites” vault of everyone, for permanent keeping and handy fingertip reference when needed:

(The second of the two was written by “A Finn,” incidentally.)


Posted by james on Sat, 11 Jul 2009 22:07 | #

@Fred Scrooby

“Robert Aschberg (Jewish) owns the largest production company in Sweden called Strix Television and produces programs for every major channel, especially TV3 where almost all programs that aren’t Hollywood produced sitcoms, talk shows (Ricky Lake and Jerry Springer [Both are Jewish]) or bad movies come from Strix. It was Strix, by the way, that first came up with the idea of the show Survivor, now broadcasted also in the USA.

Aschberg himself is the head of several of these usually noisy and chaotic shows and has thus been called Sweden’s Michel Friedman . His maternal grandfather is the banker Olof Aschberg who helped finance the Russian Revolution and his brother, Richard Aschberg, works at Aftonbladet (the Evening Post). Robert Aschberg is furthermore an important financer of eXpo, a Swedish version of the ADL, even if it is not an exclusively Jewish organization.”

Isn’t that amazing and it was Olaf Aschberg who financed the Soviets up to the 1940’s including the invasion of the Baltics.

Why is no one mentioning the fact that Communism was Jewish know that the MSM are using Soviet revisionism to push for war against Russia.

From the famine in Ukraine, to Katyn and the Hungarian Uprising the leadership that carried it out were Jewish. On Irvings website although he doesn’t reference his name or to an article he mentions that the leader of the Katyn massacre immigrated to Isreal.

“Film review: Andrzej Wajda offers up a riveting memorial to the Katyn Massacre - and guess in which sh*tty little country in the Middle East the chief murderer was until recently living, and perhaps still is”

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