End of the tunnel for Front National?  Not yet - update 06.07.09

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 05 July 2009 11:53.

The Observer reports on an obscure mayoral election in Hénin-Beaumont, and the anticipated resurgence of FN under Marine Le Pen.

Le Pen’s daughter scents victory for resurgent far right

With a cheery “OK, let’s go,” Marine Le Pen leads her troop of activists down the steps of their campaign headquarters, through the narrow streets and into Hénin-Beaumont’s weekend market. Bottle-blond hair, white stilettoes clicking on the pavement, white jeans a sharp contrast to the tracksuits around her, the 40-year-old former lawyer and far-right politician offers handshakes, leaflets, smiles and encouragement in her smoker’s rasp.

By her side is Steeve Briois, the local boy and Front National (FN) candidate who she hopes will be the mayor of this depressed former mining town in northern France when the final count from the second round of Hénin-Beaumont’s municipal election is known at around nine o’clock tonight .

... For the Front National and Le Pen herself, a victory in Hénin-Beaumont would be “the start of a new era”. The FN would be running a municipal authority again for the first time in several years and for the first time in the blighted post-industrial political landscape of northern France.

Also, a first critical step will have been taken to reverse the steady decline since the heady days of 2002 when Le Pen’s father, Jean-Marie, the former paratrooper who founded the FN in 1972, made it to the second round run-off in national presidential elections with a countrywide vote of 18%. And finally, Le Pen fille will be established as the unchallenged “leader in waiting” of the party once her father, now 80, retires as promised next year. Le Pen and her team are confident. In the first round of voting a week ago the FN scored well above 40%, twice as many as the nearest challenger.

... In Hénin-Beaumont, run by the Socialists since 1953, things could not be much worse. This weekend’s poll follows the imprisonment of the serving mayor on wide-ranging charges of systematic corruption and the resignation of virtually all his colleagues. The fraud is reported to have cost the town colossal sums, leading to local taxes rising steeply while schools’ grants are cut. To make up the losses, taxes will have to rise even further or deep cuts be made in the municipal budget or both. To make things even easier for Briois and the FN, the local Socialists have split.

... First, Roget said, came unemployment and the crisis of the welfare state. “The kids in France have got no jobs at all and we are all being asked to work longer and have our pensions and benefits cut.” Then came the politicians and the Paris elite who “don’t give a stuff about ordinary people” and simply spend money on “fast trains or big planes”. They never listened to any “ordinary people”.

Third, there was globalisation and, specifically, the Chinese. “We had jobs in Hénin,” Roget said. “But now everything is made in China. We can’t compete with them. They have factories where it is slave labour. What are we going to do? Work like slaves ourselves?

... The strategy of hunting for votes on the left as well as the right has split the FN and the debates have mirrored those in the British National party. Three years ago Marine Le Pen persuaded her father to ditch the hardline anti-immigration language and tone down the borderline racism and implicit antisemitism. Instead, she argued, the FN could break the barriers placed in its way by traditional parties by becoming “respectable” and gain support by adapting its key message. “We have put the economy, the preoccupations of ordinary people, in the foreground. I’m happy to see that my strategy has worked.” The extremism of her father, who dismissed the Holocaust as a “detail of history” and called the Nazi occupation of France “relatively humane”, was part of the past, she said.

“It’s true that we have sometimes given our opponents a stick to beat us with but ... as regards immigration ... my father was a visionary, far ahead of his time, and was attacked because of the truths he told. Immigration - economic, humanitarian, of relatives, because of global warming - is going to be the number one issue in the 21st century.

Whatever works, I guess.

UPDATE 06.07.09

From the Guardian:

A united effort by mainstream and far-left political parties last night saw off a threat by the far-right Front National to claim its first town council in more than a decade. Voters in the northern town of Hénin-Beaumont responded to appeals from high-profile politicians and celebrities to elect a leftwing mayor, defeating the candidate of Jean-Marie Le Pen’s party by 52% to 48%.Rallying around Daniel Duquenne, who scored just 20% in the first round of the election against the FN’s 39%, the political community joined forces to prevent the extreme right gaining a foothold in the former mining town.

So the end of the tunnel isn’t yet in sight.  But the Hénin-Beaumont campaign did demonstrate the lengths to which the anti-French, anti-nationalist political mainstream will go to keep the FN from power.  They are right in this, of course, because at bottom the nationalist challenge is to the entire liberal system and all its death-works.  However much Marine softens the party’s interface with the liberal system, the fundamentally hostile of each Weltanshauung to the other sustains.



Posted by M McGregor on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 15:32 | #

I am not well versed in the internal affairs of the FN, but it seems the main cause for its more recent inability to campaign effectively has been the same sincere division of opinion between two main groupings, which took place within the British National Party some years ago (NB).

At that time, one side held that racial nationalist principles could not be meaningfully adjusted to recognise the conditioning of the British public by decades of Marxist liberal propaganda without, in effect, being seen as accepting some of its ideas, and thereby helping to entrench them further; and, by ‘watering down’ programmes a future Nationalist government would not have at its disposal the drastic measures necessary to save a dying nation.

The other side held that mass support had to be won or the entire Nationalist cause was simply doomed to failure - an outcome which would make tactical disagreements purely academic - and electoral success could not be achieved unless the reality was recognised that the public mindset required a less strident approach before sufficient of the electorate would even consider what had become regarded (no matter how wrongly) as ‘revolutionary’ and ‘extreme’ ideas. It was also noted that any mainstream parties’ challenge to the BNP’s basic principles was rare, and usually ineffective if not counter-productive; and that apart from either ignoring the party altogether or subjecting it to hysterical abuse, its main approach was to centre on minor irrelevancies which could be highlighted as ‘proving’ the “extremist”, “fascist”, “racist”, etc nature of Nationalism. It was thus perfectly possible to adopt a more acceptable approach without compromising basic ideals & objectives, or hamstringing a future BNP government.

Under Mr Nick Griffin, this view became official policy, and as an interested outsider I saw the party make remarkable progress in the face of the combined might of all the mainstream parties and their total control of all media, as well as their willingness to (mis)use the police, courts, legislation, the unions, pressure-valve movements such as UKIP, and gangs of Marxist thugs masquerading as ‘anti-fascists’ to attack BNP activists on all fronts.

The ‘revolt’ which took place in November 2008 was not rooted in such a disagreement. It was initiated by several hard-left ‘plants’ activated before the London Assembly elections in a vain attempt to prevent the BNP gaining its first seat, and made use of a number of malcontents with a variety of completely contradictory opinions on both what should be the party’s principles, and how it should be governed. After an internal investigation a handful were expelled or resigned their membership, and legal action was taken in certain cases.  A slightly larger number who admitted to having been (somewhat naively) misled by the instigators of the trouble were subsequently cleared of wrongdoing, and reinstated; hopefully, the wiser for their experience.

I hope that France’s only nationalist party will similarly set its house in order, and will continue its prominent place alongside the growing number of like-minded patriots across our continent.


Posted by Dasein on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 21:06 | #

“We have put the economy, the preoccupations of ordinary people, in the foreground. I’m happy to see that my strategy has worked.” The extremism of her father, who dismissed the Holocaust as a “detail of history” and called the Nazi occupation of France “relatively humane”, was part of the past, she said.

It’s hard to tell from this article exactly what she said, but if she’s trying to distance herself from her own father in order to score political points (by currying favour with French Jews) it’s pretty disgusting.


Posted by Armor on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 23:07 | #

” The extremism of her father, who dismissed the Holocaust as a “detail of history” and called the Nazi occupation of France “relatively humane”, was part of the past, she said. “

In his original interview, what he said was a detail was whether gaz chambers had been used or not. Since then, he has recanted and admitted that WW2 was in fact a detail of the Shoah.

About the relative humanity of the German occupation in France, what used to be said in the past was that the German army had behaved “correctly”. That is to say: no rapes allowed, for example.


Posted by Armor on Sun, 05 Jul 2009 23:34 | #

For the Front National and Le Pen herself, a victory in Hénin-Beaumont would be “the start of a new era”

The Front National was defeated this Sunday in Hénin-Beaumont :

47,62% for the National Front

52,38% for their opponents


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 00:46 | #

”Since then, he has recanted and admitted that WW2 was in fact a detail of the Shoah.”  (—Armor)


In the meantime, for those who understand German here’s a Shoah you won’t be reading about in the MSM any time soon (the account of how fourteen million Germans were genocided by Roosevelt, Churchill, and Stalin after — that’s AFTER — the 1945 German surrender):



Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 00:51 | #

And yes, I rounded up there — I figure I can round up from 13.2 million to 14 million and get away with it, if the Jews can round up from 350,000 to 6 million and get away with that.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 00:53 | #

“if the Jews can round up from 350,000 to 6 million ...”

... or round down from 13.2 million to zero ...


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 02:47 | #


Truman of course, but Roosevelt set the plans in motion and his people, kept on by Truman, as well as some of Truman’s, carried them out.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 16:32 | #

UK newsUK security and terrorismPolice fear far-right terror attack



Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 17:41 | #

I was just looking at that, Bill, before you posted the link here.  I was wondering what kind of mass mental illness must be required to sustain, in the midst of the MultiCult no less, this worldview of “white supremacist and violent anti-government groups” who “don’t like immigrants”.

Sawyer said of the far right: “I fear that they will have a spectacular ... They will carry out an attack that will lead to a loss of life or injury to a community somewhere. They’re not choosy about which community.”

Is he referring to the recent case of the desperate forty-something loner with personality problems living with his Mum and Dad, and emerging only from his bedroom to buy some fertilizer?

Really, this betrays a mindset of instituitonal paranoia.  No wonder these people “kettle” climate-change protesters and create an atmosphere in which innocent newspaper sellers get killed.

If they are so worried about the effect of the recession and the fact that “community tensions [have] worsened between British Muslims and other groups” why don’t they question the gulf between the real feelings of the English about their own dispossession and the Establishment’s totally deceitful propaganda, as evinced by its treatment of the BNP is in the run-up to June’s elections?  And why don’t they ask themselves who would benefit from a supposed “far right” terrorist act when the BNP is making strong political progress?  Not the “far right”, obviously.

The other constant in these hate-messages from the press is the ever-present little aside from Gerry Gable.  The Guardian reporter is an Indian or mixed-race Indian, Vikram Dodd.  So it’s perhaps to be expected that he runs off to the unsavoury and hate-driven organisations of Searchlight and the Community Safety Trust for his appeal to authority.  Annoying just the same that these creatures get to spread their poison all over the page yet again.


Posted by Bill on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 18:02 | #

GW   July 06, 2009, 04:41 PM

There’s something going down, they’ve been banging on about trouble this summer for months.

I’m just a fly on the wall at the moment.  Could be our 9/11 moment.

And there’s more…..

Top North Wales policeman warns of a ‘Second Toxteth’




Posted by Democracy = Idiocracy on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 18:10 | #

Formula One Racing Chief Praises Hitler, Saddam Hussein

Sunday , July 05, 2009


Bernie Ecclestone, the man who controls Formula One auto racing, said Friday that he preferred totalitarian regimes to democracies and praised Adolf Hitler for his ability to “get things done.”

In an outspoken interview with The Times of London, the 78-year-old British billionaire chastised contemporary politicians for their weaknesses and extolled the virtues of strong leadership.

Ecclestone said: “In a lot of ways, terrible to say this I suppose, but apart from the fact that Hitler got taken away and persuaded to do things that I have no idea whether he wanted to do or not, he was in the way that he could command a lot of people, able to get things done.

“In the end he got lost, so he wasn’t a very good dictator because either he had all these things and knew what was going on and insisted, or he just went along with it ... so either way he wasn’t a dictator.” He also criticized democracy, claiming that “it hasn’t done a lot of good for many countries — including this one [Britain].”

Instead, Ecclestone endorsed the concept of a government based on tyranny.

“Politicians are too worried about elections,” he said. “We did a terrible thing when we supported the idea of getting rid of Saddam Hussein. He was the only one who could control that country.

“It was the same [with the Taliban in Afghanistan]. We move into countries and we have no idea of the culture. The Americans probably thought Bosnia was a town in Miami. There are people starving in Africa and we sit back and do nothing but we get involved in things we should leave alone.”

[Max Mosley, a close friend of Ecclestone and president of the Paris-based world racing body the Fédération Internationale de l’Automobile, is the son of pre-World War II British fascist leader Oswald Mosley.

Last year, Mosley won a libel suit against the London tabloid News of the World after it published photos of what it said was a “Nazi sex orgy” involving him and five prostitutes.]

• Click here to read the rest of this story in the Times of London.


Posted by james on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 21:10 | #

When is the London New Right happening this year and will videos of the event be posted on YouTube?

I don’t remember last year event if they had one mentioned on Majority Rights.

I especially like Norman Lowell and the guy with the glasses that talked about Leo Straus.

Has anyone talked about Freud in detail at any of these or similar events or the role industry and people play in shaping society like the Rockefeller family and there various foundations, Rothschilds and there frontmen like Soros and Open Society foundation, etc.


Posted by Liberalism on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 22:01 | #

...as an extension of the Jewish phenotype.

Notes From Central Pennsylvania:  The Very Long Arm of Egalitarian Propaganda

Christopher Donovan
July 6, 2009

Life events have brought me into increasing contact with Central Pennsylvania, a vast tract of mountainous, rolling farmland stretching between Philadelphia and Pittsburgh.  I think it was James Carville who derided Pennsylvania as those two cities “and Alabama without Blacks in between.”

There is something to that description.  It is not a wealthy area, and it is mostly white.  In many ways, it is indeed “Appalachian America,” both by the mountains and the markers.  I see more Confederate flags here than in many places south of the Mason-Dixon line.  Are these the Scots-Irish of David Hackett Fisher’s wonderful book Albion’s Seed, the later German farmers, or a mixture?  I don’t know, but I am discovering.

As I am wont to do, I take the opportunity where I can to explore.  One thing I’ve discovered is just how far the reach of egalitarian propaganda goes.

For instance, recently I attended a Mennonite church service.  Mennonites are a pacifistic but extremely conservative religious sect, similar to the Amish but not as rejecting of technology like cars.  On the day I went to service, I was surprised to see that men and women sat on separate sides of the church.  I certainly stuck out, despite my attempts to dress conservatively. The men looked very uniform in appearance — and very ethnically German, to my eye. 

You would think that if any group could resist the messages of modern America, it would be the Mennonites.  Yet I was surprised to hear, during a portion of the service that included comment from the men’s section, that the Mennonites were keen to compare themselves to the Jews:  as suffering outsiders.  The leader (he occupied the pulpit but was not quite a preacher) did a little math, comparing the (supposed) six million Jews who died in World War II to the number of Mennonites who’d been killed for their beliefs.  What he meant to show was that the Jews suffered much more than the Mennonites, and that we should bow our heads to that.

Man after man (the women did not speak) wanted to talk about how bad Hitler was, each one seeming eager to top the other with what they’d heard of Hitler’s evil. 

Now, I am not here to defend Hitler or question the Holocaust, but only to note that everyone, no matter how far removed from modern culture, seems to be caught up with “Nazi fever” and the eagerness to denounce militaristic German nationalism.  To me, that’s a testament to the extreme effectiveness of Jews in their message-making efforts.

Were the Amish any different?  Our family rented a video, amusingly, from a PBS-like series on “Multiculturalism in America”, about the Amish.  One Amish spokesman defended his people by saying, roughly, “We’re all just people.  We are all human beings.  We may look a little different, but we’re all the same.”

Now that is truly amazing.  An Amish man — who presumably does not watch television or listen to the radio or even read “English” periodicals — employs egalitarianism in defense of his sect.  (The series ended with an absolutely absurd train of academics talking about the Amish as adding to the diversity of America, when the Amish are pretty much the antithesis of diversity.)

I came away from the video bemused and a little disappointed.  What dangerous ridiculousness our society has fallen to.

Other notes:

* A late twenty-something white woman who, despite living in a fairly rural area, casually dismisses the idea of having children as “like having dogs”, i.e., not a big deal, you’re either a dog person or you’re not, etc.  Despite being smart and cute (and with a boyfriend), she declares she’s not interested in having children.

* A late teens white man who has his hair cut to resemble the style of Hispanic gangsters.

* The white daughter of a prominent local couple who runs off with a black man and has several children by him, and in most respects ends up living the “ghetto life”:  He does not support the children, engages in criminal activity, etc.

* A middle-aged white man from a conservative (and mostly white) religious tradition who has “pulled a Madonna” by adopting what appears to be one child from every continent on Earth (except Europe, off course).

* In what constitutes a nearby urban area, several sightings of white women canoodling with or accompanied by black men and who attempt to imitate the black ghetto style in their speech and appearance.

* A campaign worker for an aspiring Republican who tells me that she works on “coalitions. .. reaching out to Hispanics and women.”

This is not to say that Central Pennsylvania is completely lost as a racial matter, but I see all of this as examples of the seemingly limitless reach of liberal or egalitarian message-making.  It has proven effective even in the hardest-to-penetrat e of areas.  In reversing this course, we have a long road ahead of us.

Christopher Donovan (email him) is the pen name of an attorney and former journalist.

Permanent link: http://www.theoccid entalobserver. net/authors/ Donovan-PA. html


Posted by The Monitor on Mon, 06 Jul 2009 22:02 | #

Reactionary Rules for Counter-Revolution
In May, 1989, in an underground bunker in Stone Mountain, Georgia, investigators from the Southern Anti-Racism League obtained a copy of the ‘Reactionary Rules for Counter-Revolution.’ They were first printed in the United States in the ‘New York Guardian Weekly’ the same year, 1989.

Several years later, in 1996, the attorney general obtained them from a known member of the New American Party, who acknowledged that the ‘Rules’ were then still a part of the reactionary program for the United States.

1. Protect the young; get them away from sex. Get them interested in religion. Make them vigorous; destroy their superficiality.

2. Use all means of publicity. Get peoples’ minds off sports, dirty movies, TV and other trivialities by focusing their attention on their heritage, culture, and history.

3. Unify Middle America by repudiating hostile pressure groups who constantly harp on manufactured controversies of no importance.

4. Destroy the people’s faith in hack politicians by holding the latter up to contempt, ridicule, and disgrace.

5. Always preach traditional values and restore the lost Constitution as quickly and as efficiently as possible.

6. By discouraging government extravagance, restore its credit. Relieve fear of inflation, globalization, and general discontent.

7. Foment opposition against degenerate, multiculturalist and feminist institutions. Encourage peaceful civil disobedience and foster a lenient and soft attitude on the part of government toward these disorders.

8. By cogent argument, cause a breakdown of liberal ideology: relativism, secularism, diversity, tolerance, equality, anti-discrimination. Restore the old virtues: honesty, sobriety, continence, faith in the pledged word, ruggedness.

9. Repeal all regulation of firearms to preempt any pretext that might spark their confiscation and leave the population helpless against tyranny and thuggery.


Posted by DRS on Tue, 07 Jul 2009 13:48 | #

The ‘Far Right Terrorism Threat’ story has appeared in the Daily Mail.


The comments section would indicate that not too many of the lemmings are buying the MSM’s crap anymore.


Yeah right! ...if you believe that, you’ll believe anything.
- Derek Church

Why do they try to frighten us with this nonsense?
It does not work!If we have any thing to be
concerned about ;it is the facist,autocratic,
behaviour of THIS GOVERNMENT since Tony Baloney
Blair shook hands in solidarity with George Bush
after 9 -11!
- Peter Appleby

Oh right. So having been made fools of by their
unwarranted raids on innocent muslims - q.v Forest
Gate; and the remarkably high acquittal rate in
“terrorist” trials, the spooks now reckon the threat
is from the far right. Note please the recent electoral
success of the BNP and the remarkably co-incidental
emergence of the far-right terrorist “threat.” If one
were a cynical person one might conclude that the
spooks are concerned to maintain the status-quo,
which of course maintains their unaccountable position.
- Paul Revere


Posted by M McGregor on Wed, 08 Jul 2009 23:22 | #

When I wrote that I hoped the FN would “set its house in order” I meant chiefly that the internecine friction that so often bedevils Nationalist politics - to the delight (and frequently with the help) of the Marxist-liberal alliance - would be ended. I also made reference to the care which the British National Party has taken to ensure that without compromising its basic principles, its policies are properly, rationally, and soberly conveyed to the public so that they can be seen to be acceptable to ordinary people, rather than ‘extreme’ in any offensive sense.

This will never, of course, stop the Socialists, Liberal Democrats, so-called ‘Conservatives’ and openly Communist organisations working together to misrepresent and try to silence Nationalists, and continue to make use of labels such as ‘extremist’, ‘nazi’, ‘fascist’, and ‘racist’. They do it routinely in Britain, and we have seen a classic example of it in Henin-Beaumont. Trying to moderate/re-design/overhaul policies sufficiently to avoid this is futile, and if pursued to its logical conclusion would require Nationalists to entirely abandon their beliefs and accept ... (no, they would actually have to express wild enthusiasm for) ... the extermination of their own peoples, racially, culturally, and in terms of their identity as independent nations.

The progress being made by the BNP and the FN is forcing LabLibCon and the French equivalent to engage in desperate measures including such close co-operation that they illustrate perfectly to an already aware public, that they are effectively different wings of the same movement. Ultimately this is to our benefit.


Posted by Anarcho Anglo on Wed, 08 Jul 2009 23:38 | #

When is the London New Right happening this year and will videos of the event be posted on YouTube?

There have been several New Right meetings already this year, already. I managed to film the last one which had Bowden on ‘Degrellle and the Heroic’ and David Irving on ‘Being British’. They’ll be posted up in a few days time.



Posted by Armor on Tue, 16 Mar 2010 23:16 | #

Dasein: “because of the party’s French nationalism.”

What you say is probably true in Corsica, where the Front National only received 4.16% of the vote, while the two Corsican nationalist lists got 36.4% together, in spite of the large non native population.

In Brittany, the main reason for the low score of the Front National is that there are fewer non-white immigrants. Besides, the Bretons are usually anxious to be politically correct. The main list with a Breton political flavor was somewhat leftish and got only 4.29% of the vote, and even less in Nantes.

I wonder why the Front National didn’t get a higher score in Paris. Maybe because almost half the population is non-white and the other half are yuppies?

Telegraph: “France has around six million Muslims”

If not twice that!

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