The French shooter

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 21 March 2012 00:49.

On March 11th, just a few days after Marine Le Pen finally reaches her target for mayoral signatures, allowing her candidacy for the Presidency to go forward, a psychopath begins a killing spree in Montauban.  He shoots the first of three non-white paratroopers, and makes his getaway on a black Yamaha TMAX, a 530cc scooter much prized by robbers.  A week later the same man, it is thought, but riding a white TMAX, attacks a Jewish school in Toulouse, coldly killing one adult and three children and wounding a number of others.  The authorities announce they are investigating neo-Nazi connections, but that line of investigation is soon dropped.

The area, meanwhile, has been flooded with security personnel.  There are over 7,000 hours of CCTV to check but, seemingly, few clues about the identity of the shooter - just that he understands guns, and he knows how to kill coldly and efficiently.  He may be filming his actions using a Go-Pro chest camera of the type sometimes used by skydivers.

Francois Molins, the public prosecutor in Paris, has declared the offences terrorism and seems to believe that the best chance of catching the killer is if he tries his hand again. 

France waits.  The presidential election campaign is on hold.  Sarkozy’s pitch for the NF vote - his talk about “too many foreigners” - has been dropped like a very hot brick.  The question everybody wants to know: do these killings hold any special horrors for Marine and her party, and for the patriotic French?



Posted by Dirk on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 02:39 | #

This reeks of Operation Gladio style false flag.

Sarkozy is the NATO/globalist/American Empire candidate.

Remember that de Gaulle was the only European leader to defy NATO/the American Empire since WWII. They fear a French nationalism that might openly defy them.


Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 09:17 | #

So the shooter is reported as being an Algerian who “wanted to avenge the deaths of Palestinian children” and “attack the French army for its interventions abroad”.

A couple of days ago the Socialist candidate François Hollande said of Sarko’s language, “There are words that influence, that penetrate, that liberate [prejudice]. Those who have positions of responsibility must control their vocabulary.”  The centrist François Bayrou said, “There’s a degree of violence and stigmatisation in French society that’s growing, it’s unacceptable.”

Wonder what they will find to say now.


Posted by Alaric on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 13:37 | #

It’s a White guy, it’s a White guy, it’s a White guy… oh, it’s a [black] guy. That last in parentheses and then a complete end of coverage.


Posted by Hyman in Afula on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 14:52 | #

I hope I’m ==not==  the only hebrew fellow who’s noticed the typhoon of coverage of this white fellow in Florida who shot the black kid, in contrast with the media silence in the face of the (yeah, I like to lurk over there, too) stormfront of black-on-white violent-assault crime.

In fairness to the media, they’re probably correct that   (a) black-on-white crime isn’t “news” anymore;  and (b)  this Florida white (and Spanish is “European white”, isn’t it?)  guy is exceptionally dumb - perhaps to the point of deserving to be removed from the breeding pool? -  for committing an assault while his own AND the victim’s cellphone were recording the audio over the network.

It’s unfair to blame the French media for initially suspecting a nativist xenophobe:  the paratroop victims were MUSLIM;  the kids were Jewish. Two different flavors of the same “problem”.

And we can note that the French ==authorities==  NEVER said in ANY way, shape or form, that it’s a neo-Nazi, or a white guy, or anything at all, really. They said: We’re checking it out. 

Finally, I disagree that this guy is an efficient killer. Could have killed ten times as many Jewish schoolkids if he had made a real plan, based on surveillance of when classes are dismissed. Mossad certainly would have (and certainly wouldn’t have used the same gun twice) - they are PROFESSIONAL killers, not crazed amateurs who take lessons in tribal areas of Pakistan. AND: the guy JAMMED his first weapon. That never happens by accident. That’s poor maitainance, or cheap ammunition.

If you go looking for Diaspora Jews who talk up a shitstorm against feelings of white-euro group loyalty - you’ll find them.  But if you never learn how to read the Hebrew-language press, don’t cry to me when you don’t notice that quite a few of us Hebrew Nationalists sympathize with your situation. We talk amongst ourselves in our own language.  It’s not more difficult to learn than (say for example) Celtic or Finnish, so stop being so lazy about it, lest you risk receiving intelligence about what we’re thinking - written by people who don’t have your interest at heart.

Norway seems to be the strongestly Jew-disliking Euro country at the moment. But it’s kinda hard to give them credit for that when they also aren’t succeeding AT ALL in keeping Semitic Islamo immigrants away from raping their women, much less out of the country. Youse guys really are a bunch of Paper Tigers.

I’d urge my Knesset member to send y’ll aid, but…. your cause is likely already lost. The best you can hope to do is stop making yourself targets for efficient predator-operations like Morris Dees (who I have zero sympathy for, because if he cared about my welfare he’d be HERE in our place; doing his share of Reservist duty manning the Samaria checkpoints where we stop the Islamos from reaching Afula & Tel Aviv). Relocating to a Kalispell is probably the best worst alternative. I’d be proud and excited to receive a visa from y’all for a visit.  90 days, then show a good cause down at the Population Registry to merit any extension -  seems to be the norm amongst a really large part of the world’s Immigration Controls. It’s what you’d get at Ben-Gurion airport.


Posted by Lurker on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 18:25 | #

I hope I’m ==not==  the only hebrew fellow who’s noticed the typhoon of coverage of this white fellow in Florida who shot the black kid

You mean the hispanic guy who shot a black kid. He’s hispanic with adoptive jewish parents. Hence the name George Zimmerman.

He’s only ‘white’ for the purpose of demonizing whites and their racism.

Had Zimmerman been the victim of black violence it might have been spun as anti-semitic.

Had he been the victim of white violence it could have been anti-semitic or anti-hispanic - or both!


Posted by Jason on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 21:35 | #

The left/BBC did so want the shooter to be white. You can almost feel the sense of deflation on their part. ‘Racists’ were blamed by the BBC in more than one interview with Jewish leaders. Boy are those people an odd bunch. Mohammed Merah is an enricher. They brought him to the West and are responsible for his actions which incidentally only became a problem after he had turned on them, shooting a Rabbi. The three dead paratroopers were collateral damage that would have soon been forgotten.

The whole thing is the fault of Jews. You are wasting your time expecting to see reason on their hatchet job on the white race though. The bottom line is they couldn’t give a shit about four dead Jews either. They are keeping their eye on the main prize: the extinction of the white race. They don’t seem to realise they are coming with us.


Posted by Kievsky on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 22:10 | #


Our cause is hardly lost.  It’s not bad enough to get a critical mass of Whites on board, that’s all.

It doesn’t matter if we are a numerical minority when YT finally wakes up.  When we awaken, voting will not stop us.  We will decide that only Whites have the vote—that simple.  Then that only Whites are citizens.

Also, demographics can change pretty quick.  How long does it take to starve to death? 4 months?  Do you know how fragile the food production and distribution system is?  How fragile civilization in general is?  Probably you don’t.

There are still something like 100 million of us.  10 million would be plenty.  We are capable of building and of destroying.

The only thing that stops us is consciousness, or lack thereof.  Mass media put the whammy on our people, but the evil spell is wearing off.  White consciousness is here—I see it everywhere.

Just one example—I have a high school chum who is a blue collar, middle management factory supervisor and Little League president.  All these past 10 years he’s been fighting to be “non-racist,” and I told him of my views but I didn’t push them on him.  I recently saw him, and he told me two things:

1.  He and his kids got threatened by a gang of blacks who were getting driven around by white sluts.

2.  He and everyone he knows hate illegal immigrants because they are stealing the jobs.

So the white blue collar masses are slowly going WN.  It’s going to take some time, but that’s the direction.

Moreover, the liberals, the left, spit on whites.  In the schools the indoctrination has reached Soviet level absurdity.  White high school kids scoff at attempts to make them feel guilty about the Holocaust, or slavery or Jim Crow.  It just radicalizes them towards us.

I’ve met plenty of working class whites who are like prison whites—basically neo-nazis by default.  Working class whites are neo-nazis nowadays in the same way that Jews are liberals.  They don’t go around wearing swastikas because they won’t be able to get a job, but if you talk to them, you find out.

Personally, I’m not a neo-nazi, whatever that is.  I’m a radical traditionalist and archeo-futurist. I think being a White person is not just being born White; it is also a religious practice.  Being White is something to strive for, something to constantly improve; a spiritual practice and a tradition of learning.  Sort of like being Jewish, right?

So I and my comrades are working to make Whiteness a practice, akin to your mitzvot, and a religious tradition, like your Talmud study.  We call it radical traditionalism and archeo-futurism, as I already said.

As far as the working class neo-nazis go, we hope to help them be productive citizens, have large White families, and live right.  I don’t fantasize about committing mass murder, despite my constant low level rage.  I channel my rage into learning and striving.

But yeah, declaring our cause “lost” is silly.  The liberals try to say that all the time, and anyone who believes it is falling for Semitic Mindwar.  It’s kind of like when a chihuaha intimidates a pit bull, have you ever seen that?  Liberals telling us that we are already lost are just yapping chihuahas.  One of these days we’ll just pick ‘em up in our jaws and snap their neck (figuratively speaking, of course).

I have a blog linked to my username above and you are welcome to comment there.  However, I don’t tolerate Semitic Mindwar—that is, if you are negative or pessimistic towards us, I’ll delete your posts.  if you post in good faith, that’s fine.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Wed, 21 Mar 2012 23:11 | #

“Don’t let Toulouse blow out the candle of French diversity”.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 00:52 | #

But they have not allowed comments to that piece, Leo - something I’ve noticed more and more of Jewish-authored articles.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 01:21 | #

It may open up for comments by the morning GW. I have noticed the trend you mention in many many PC sensitive stories and pieces over the years. Often using the caveat ‘no comment allowed for legal reasons’. I put this down to the mainstream media being scared of the increasing flood of non PC comments that they attract. And that these comments, with rational argument and analysis expose the PC agenda and anything related as a hollow sham. Hence, free speech is restricted or denied.

Maybe Hymie is right and we all need to learn Hebrew and go get our news from the Jerusalem Post. Israeli media cannot possibly be more full of vacuous, inane deceptive drivel and propaganda than ours.

I’m not sure about his offer of a trip to Israel though. The Iranians claim to be capable of reducing the entire country to flaming rubble in 9 minutes. Unless Hymie has his own private jet on permanent standby to get you out fast. I thank Jehovah that we don’t live so close to all the enemies Israel creates for us.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 01:24 | #

Aye GW the David Meyer piece, open for comments @ 8am 22/03. That will be will be one hot potatoe for sure.


Posted by SHFT on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 03:40 | #

“Do you know how fragile the food production and distribution system is?”

When I saw how truly and unbelievably fragile it is a few years ago, it fucking freaked me out.  I am not joking.  Turned me into a “prepper.”  And not just for food.   


Posted by Jay in DC on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 04:42 | #

Kievsky- I am in general agreement with your assertation. European / Slavic men, who were the dominate phenotype on planet Earth for the last 2000 years- Greeks, Romans, Teutons, Saxons, Britons, Slavs, etc. are the masters of the this world when pressed into a corner. In the context of a continental and/or global food shortage, we would quickly rise to the top and supress the lesser races in short order. However, I don’t see that situation playing out in the near future. We have mastered food supply in the Western world and even the lesser races we have educated can easily mimic our results. I would actually welcome such a global famine, I just don’t see it happening. In the interim, we will simply be bred out of existence since brown people reproduce at a rate that is not only alarmingly high, but unsustainable. This, however, will not come to fruition in the next 2-3 decades. After that, perhaps, but we will have long since become a minority and/or memory by that point.


Posted by PM on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 15:50 | #

So, an Arab who has moved to France shoots two Arabs and a black man who have been allowed to serve in the French army, followed by Jews in a Jewish school in a town with a Jewish mayor in a country with a Jewish president?

Damn, those French must be racists! How much more marginalised can the French people become, when such a story involving so many people can take place, and there isn’t even a single white European Frenchman involved anywhere at all..apart from as the whipping boy?

I’d like to see some links about how fragile the food distribution system is, if anyone could be so kind. Always good for a white nationalist-type to add another neurosis to his collection smile


Posted by jamesUK on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 22:20 | #


So, an Arab who has moved to France shoots two Arabs and a black man who have been allowed to serve in the French army, followed by Jews in a Jewish school in a town with a Jewish mayor in a country with a Jewish president?

Actually he is an African (Algerian) who (Algerians) have been involved in terrorist attacks since the 90’s. French citizen and alleged 20th hijacker Zacarias Moussaoui was aligned with a French Algerian group.

Given Algerians long connection to terrorism in France and abroad it is a wonder why they still allow citizens of their former colony to immigrate into France.



Posted by Hail on Fri, 23 Mar 2012 03:32 | #

Hunter Wallace writes:

Just heard the Al Qaeda attack in France (on Jews no less) was sinking Hollande and boosting Marine Le Pen.



Posted by Hymie in Afula on Fri, 23 Mar 2012 13:14 | #

>>  I’d like to see some links about how fragile the food distribution system is, if anyone could be so kind. Always good for a white nationalist-type to add another neurosis to his collection

Mossad taught us to just be friendly with the 18-wheeler drivers when they’re waiting around in the back of the Supermarket. You know, the loading ramp.  You’d be amazed how knowledgeable they are about shipping schedules.

As a False Flag methodology, we sometimes loosen up their tongues,  with coffee and doughnuts. Please don’t tell Mossad that I gave away a tradecraft secret.

Another part of the Jew Conspiracy is to claim that, running anything beyond a 2-3 day supply of any perishable foodstuff quickly becomes VERY DIFFICULT for a supermarket. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion trains us to proclaim that when lots and lots and lots of different supermarket chains end up with the same flavored logistics setup, it probably has something to do with plenty of arcane issues about trucking regulations;  the difference (in the mind of Zoning Boards) between a “retail store” and a “warehouse”, etc, etc.

At בסיס הטירונים  (“boot camp”)  my IDF Drill Seargant indoctrinated us into the Talmudic Conspiracy to tell y’alls:  go find some elderly retired butchers in your own county, and ask THEM if cities EVER really had long-term stocks of foodstuffs.

Thanks for the invite, Kievsky.  I did check out you’re website; couldn’t see anything that I seriously wanted to argue against. Do you imagine that the Jew Bankers here in Israel give   ==us working-class Israelis==  any special breaks?!?  tell it to גבעתי (Givati Amphibious Brigade,  our Marines)!!

“Kiev” sky?    The Служба Безпеки України -niks   that I’ve met across a table (they don’t care about our problems and we don’t care about their problems, but occasionally both sides find it advantageous to our own camp, to communicate about this or that)  claim that Sebastopol is the better place to retire to.

Well, I look forward to someday visiting the WN country for a few weeks.  By the way, what is gonna be your name? And what’s your language?  We sorted that stuff out back in the 1890’s.    Zionist Secret: opening your own kindergardens makes the rest of it inevitable. It’s not an accident that our national Normal College is named after David Yellin, the native-Jerusalemite who threw away a promising career in finance to go be a kindergarden teacher in the boondocks in 1893; just to make certain that a generation WOULD arise that speaks OUR OWN language as a native tongue. How else would we be able to convince our young adults to not miscegenate with the “Dominant Phenotype”?!?


Posted by uKn_Leo on Fri, 23 Mar 2012 14:46 | #

Mah nishmah Hymie?. Mah shlomcha?. Shlomi Tov, mamash tov!. Haavti et ivrit, ha ivrit sheli garua meod. Sefarad erets nifla, hayiti rotse levaker beyisrael beatid. Kol tuv, shalom, Meahel lekha mazal tov ani tsarikh lalehet. L’hitraot!.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Fri, 23 Mar 2012 15:04 | #

Goddamit, we can’t even call our combat trousers ‘nigger brown’ now. This is the last frikkin straw man, i’m tellin ya!:—er-pants-name.html


Posted by Kievsky on Fri, 23 Mar 2012 19:51 | #


Great idea about having our kids speak their own language! Thanks for this!

My vote for the language would be Russian, since I already speak it and Russians are already WN’s.  Raising my own child to be bilingual has kind of separated her from the dominant phenotype too.  She considers herself Russian first, and Russians are White people.  So I personally already took your advice.


Posted by Dan Dare on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 02:09 | #

Having English as the national language is a major disadvantage for “WNs” since it facilitates not only unwanted intruders and but also unwelcome eavesdropping. I’ve often suggested, only slightly tongue in cheek, that the second act of a new patriotic government, after taking over the teacher training colleges, should be the replacement of English as the national language. It doesn’t need to be anything as exotic as Russian, there are are a number of Germanic languages which might be used instead. Not German, since that is too close to Yiddish, but Danish for example, or Dutch or, even better, Frisian.

I speak German more-or-less fluently but I can hardly understand a word of Danish, except when it uses German load-words.


Posted by Hymie in Afula on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 11:04 | #

>>  She considers herself Russian first

odd you should mention that.  Our large community of Russians here in Afula are slightly…. i can’t find the English word. Not like “stuck up” talking shit that they’re better than the rest; maybe more like “indifferent” to the other tribes pissing and moaning about russians always speaking russian amongst themselves, always finding a way to get out of kitchen duty during Reservist call-up; etc. In my opinion, the gossip is true - they’re not frightened of being “talked about” as bad boys - they grew up in a place where folks with “strong elbows” (as we say in Hebrew) rise to the top, and the rest suffer. 

But in my old age, I don’t worry about the soap opera of daily life. My mental time frame nowadays,  is the next thousand years of Hebrew soveriegnty. That’s the only reason I’m ok with having brought in all these Ethiopians (they’re genetically half-African, half Judean).  It takes a lot of tax money, lots of social-worker handholding, and a generation and a half -  to integrate them into a modern civilization. But with these Lost Tribes folks, that’s what you’ve got to do.

I’m neutral to our Russians.  I wouldn’t beg for more, but the ones that are here haven’t been any real problem.  Unlike the Americans, they’re not vocal Zionist girl scouts hasbara-niks;  but they also never went on welfare or double-crossed their adopted country. They bring a lot of work-ethic & practical skills to our campfires.  And I have to say that they have more refined artistic sensibilities than the sabra’s. Let your daughter search on Youtube, indexing on the word “dancekessem”.

I’m not a girlscout hasbara-nik. There are unfortunate events, and uncomfortable moments here (mostly originating from the yeshivah fundamentalist boys, who I personally would dispossess and expell on grounds of they’re frequently refusing to serve in IDF); but your faith-community cousins here is not really at existential risk:

Invidual families are always moving around - that’s why Consulates have bread-and-butter work to do - but I don’t see crowds of russkies here panicking to turn their assets into cash and get out. They think it’s worth fighting it out here - in Hebrew.  I’m heard that the Ministry of Tourism in Moscow has hired some of “our” bilingual Hebrew-Russian girls to work in Moscow, setting up package deals for second-generation, Hebrew-speaking Russian kids to “see their roots”. Hey, their vacation dollars are just as welcome at Moscow hotels as anyone elses.

Russians aren’t dumb - if they size up a situation here as worth sticking around for - i’ll accept their judgement.

We are not Bangladesh, nor Haiti . An russian-speaking american young woman might find it profitable to also be able to speak enough basic Hebrew to get around comfortably in the business districts of Tel Aviv or Haifa. (And she’d likely notice a more plugged-in Russian-speaking community there than in any likely (eg, Idaho, Montana) future WN-homeland in the USA).  My crystal ball is still over at the repair shop, but I claim there’s a higher likelihood of us becoming an economic copy of Singapore, than of getting “wiped out in 9 minutes by the Iranians”  -  by the time your daughter is old enough for that first reconnaissance at the Walmart color-the-grey aisle.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 11:38 | #

Hitgaagati eleykha Hymie. Ata medaber Ivrit?. Ha ivrit sheli garua meod!!!, Ani tsarikh letargel et haivrit sheli. Ze matsa hen beeynekha?. Ben kama ata? . Ma ata ose behayim?. Yafe meod. Meahel lekha mazal tov. Haver, Nitra’e bekarov!!!.


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 13:33 | #

Adrian Hamilton: France is a deeply racist country, and Toulouse will only make that worse

The French have transferred their resentments from Jews to Arabs

No to Napoleon: ‘PC gone mad’ as French textbooks purge past


Posted by Rollory on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 15:09 | #

France was the country that did the St.-Barthelemy.  People keep forgetting that.


Posted by Hesper on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 21:36 | #

“I’d urge my Knesset member to send y’ll aid, but…. your cause is likely already lost.”

Why on earth are vile Jews (obvious tautology) permitted to comment here? Aren’t the Jews of the Levantine Judea (as opposed to the true Jewish homeland - North American Judea - often erroneously but popularly called ‘America’) preoccupied enough rutting with enslaved Slavic concubine girls of ages twelve or thirteen, the favourtie pastime of Quasimodo-like ugly lecherous rabbis (again tautological), to intrude with insults and their natural Jewish oily vermin-like personlity, on our humble refuge?

Hyman (sic) = vaginal membrane. At least his name is apt.


Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 22:50 | #

@Hymie in Afula

Doesn’t Israel face a major demographic problem compared to the native Palestinians who have one of the highest birth rates in the world?

Western programmes of abortion and gay rights don’t help plus at least a few years ago quite a large number of Jews started returning to Russia and those who want to leave Russia or the former Soviet Union prefer to immigrate to Germany or the US probably with benefits.


Posted by Hymie in Afula on Sun, 25 Mar 2012 06:54 | #

>>  Doesn’t Israel face a major demographic problem compared to the native Palestinians

  Jews are the natives of Judea.  Arabic speakers are native to Arabia.  Aside from that, our civilization didn’t succeed by using outbreeed-‘em strategy,  so beloved of the Africans. Our (long-term) strategy is to transfer Arabic-speakers back to Arabia. Note: smooth operators don’t need to fall back on violent methods.  What is your WN plan for dealing with races that can and are outbreeding you?

>>  a large number of Jews started returning to Russia and those who want to leave Russia or the former Soviet Union prefer to immigrate to Germany or the US probably with benefits.

I haven’t seen many leaving Afula to go back to Russia.  I’m aware that Israel is the second-choice destination. We already have a critical mass of Russian speakers here, the cultural influence will last for quite a few generations.

Hebrew independence here was caused by actually just a handful of dedicated people. Which is exactly the same way it occurred in the 1770’s in America, I believe.  It is always thus.  The masses are, and always will be - followers. Anayone who wants to build a new WN nation should focus on that.

>>  Why on earth are vile Jews (obvious tautology) permitted to comment here?

  because freedom of the press belongs to those who OWN one.  You are welcome to exclude my comments when you put your money where your mouth is, and open your own blog.  Until then, I suppose the decision about my participation here, rests solely in the hands of the person who signs the checks for the expenses involved. I don’t know who he is, but unlike you, he seems to want to REALIZE a WN homeland….. not just whine about it.

You want something for nothing?  Possibly you have some African in you.


Posted by Hymie in Afula on Sun, 25 Mar 2012 07:17 | #

>>  Hitgaagati eleykha Hymie. Ata medaber Ivrit?. Ha ivrit sheli garua meod!!!, Ani tsarikh letargel et haivrit sheli. Ze matsa hen beeynekha?. Ben kama ata? . Ma ata ose behayim?. Yafe meod. Meahel lekha mazal tov. Haver, Nitra’e bekarov!!!.

S’lach li.  Pardon my bad manners!  בטוח שמוצה חן בעניי

Answering your questions: I’m old enough to know where the color-the-grey aisle is at the SuperSal market at the Afula Mall. Sometimes, I’m a radar design engineer. And, lovely that have some basic hebrew, . come here to Afula, we have better economic prospects than anyplace in Europe.  We’ve just uncovered rather large deposits of gas & oil in our Exclusive Economic Zone in the Med. .  Even if the Pal’s get some rump state in Judea & Samaria, none of that will be theirs. There’s money to made by anyone who’s a journeyman underwater welder. All of a sudden, we’re enjoying a lot of roughneck Texas accents in the nightclubs of Ashdod. What’s your accent?

At this point, it really doesn’t matter anyomore if the Irish, or the Scottish, or the Norwegians want to boycott us.  The Chinese are perfectly willing to buy hydrocarbons from us. And the Renimbi looks a lot more attraactive than the Euro.


Posted by uKn_Leo on Sun, 25 Mar 2012 07:55 | #

Hymie, thank you for your reply. Radar design engineer, wow! very nice. Afula looks nice too, very sunny, and of course, home to the Tadiran air conditioner factory. Probably the finest air conditioner factory in all of central northern Israel!.

My accent is south English. I cheated a bit with my Hebrew, but I agree, it does look very easy to learn. Also, yes, Europe not so good now, many problems. Germany is ok, they carry us all. But UK, very big problems. We owe maybe 4 trillion pounds total. UK leaders are schmucks!.

I would like to visit Israel one day. Jerusalem, Tel Aviv, The Dead Sea, Masada, the Tadiran air conditioner factory of course.

Nice to talk to you Hymie, shalom, nitra’e bekarov!.



Posted by CHECKSUM BYPASS on Sun, 25 Mar 2012 15:35 | #

LOL! Some of you get flustered way too easily by these Semitic cast-offs.

Hymie in Afula: Uh-huh. Two years ago I would never have visited a site like this. From now on, Whites are my priority. I guess you must be pretty concerned about this, otherwise you wouldn’t be hanging around on the ethnic messaging boards for a race that’s different than yours, for no other reason than to tell us how lost our cause is and how safe you feel from Iran.

Good luck with that, BTW. Not that it matters much to me if you or Iran deals with the other. As long as Jews keep their leftist bullshit away from us, whether it comes from a high-class Jew (rabbi) or a low-ranking half-caste Nazi (Tim Wise), then we will be OK. Anyway, you know where you’d flee to if the local Arabs/Persians had their way with you. To a White country. I doubt Ethiopia would be high on your list. This means we won’t look forward to getting posts from a guy named “Hymie in Africa”.

P.S. You want to know what one of the few, real advantages to being White is? Should a black claim to be White, we laugh. When a black claims to be Jewish, you call him Beta Israel. Now you have Chinese claiming to be Jewish, and you take them seriously. As if blacks and Hans evolved in Ur of the Chaldees.

Back on topic, the French Shooter turns out to be muzzie trash. No Whites were involved, but Whites are still the whipping boy. Better watch out, Mr. Left. We’re getting real sick of this.


Posted by jamesUK on Sun, 25 Mar 2012 19:16 | #

@Hymie in Afula

Aside from that, our civilization didn’t succeed by using outbreeed-‘em strategy,  so beloved of the Africans. Our (long-term) strategy is to transfer Arabic-speakers back to Arabia

I don’t see that happening without a major international backlash especially if the Palestinians recognise themselves as a state at the UN with Israel methods of population control like restricting electricity and water failing to stem the Palestinians population growth unless a Peres said Israel becomes a democratic state with Jews and Palestinians or a Jewish state.

What is your WN plan for dealing with races that can and are outbreeding you?

Well I’m not a WN and living in Scotland which is 99% white and on an Island with one of the best Navy’s in the world far away from any non-white or non-European countries. 

The problem we face is improving the quality of our own genetic stock with the minorities we do have actually work in jobs and provide services we need.



Posted by Hymie in Afula on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 15:51 | #

>> Well I’m not a WN and living in Scotland which is 99% white and on an Island with one of the best Navy’s in the world far away from any non-white or non-European countries.

  why does this remind me of statements I heard from dutch people, about 20 years ago? 

  And if you ARE NOW sitting in the invincible “catbird seat”.... then why are you worried about any race situations?!?

>  minorities we do have actually work in jobs and provide services we need

      You may have to bite the bullet on getting your young people off their butt at the soccer-hooligan club, and into National Service. Hey, you’re white. you can put a man on the moon with no jew scientist/engineers helping out. Getting your own pure-Scot youthes to clear away the bedpans and wipe arses of elderly pure-Scots-blood volk in Nursing Homes ought to be easy for you!

> otherwise you wouldn’t be hanging around on the ethnic messaging boards for a race that’s different than yours

  facts are facts.  Asians with IQ’s double yours - pay serious money to plastic surgeons to get eyelids that look like yours.  Black females spend hard-earned money to get straight hair that looks like that of white chicks.  So clearly, in the real world where people are voting with their wallets - whiteness has value.  We didn’t re-gain our Hebrew sovereignty here by clicking our heels and wishing for it.  We got real.  Thus I say to my own people:  the   ==proven market value==  of white genes is high.

Which of course, does not mean that every white guy here is worth copying.  ALL races have their statistical spread… which segues nicely into:

>> The problem we face is improving the quality of our own genetic stock

Perhaps I missed the Glasgow papers, the day they reported on Scottish girls lining up to get enseeded by James?


Posted by les aliens on Sun, 27 May 2012 20:28 | #

Hey thnkx for the aricle

’d like to see some links about how fragile the food distribution system is, if anyone could be so kind. Always good for a white nationalist-type to add another neurosis to his collection . Great idea about having our kids speak their own language! Thanks for this! , but i think russian ll be a great idea


Posted by Alex on Fri, 15 Jun 2012 10:30 | #

Netherlands the tallest country-
At an average height of 5-foot-11 (181,0 cm), the Netherlands has the tallest average height amongst males twenty years old and older.
They’re not exactly politically correct, are they?

Which is the most clever nation in the world?


Posted by Alisa Ray on Sun, 08 Jun 2014 18:38 | #

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:22. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 18:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 16:07. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 15:18. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 16:33. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 13:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Fri, 07 Mar 2025 12:12. (View)
