The future begins at midnight The clock is ticking. The world turns and as the year changes, the decade changes too. If our time is ever to come, the ten years which lie ahead must see the potential in our movement cease to be just that, just potential, and progress, and power and confidence begin to come through. It would be an unthinkable and terrible failing if nationalism in the European world arrives at the end of “the teenies”, as I suppose the MSM will call them, without that much, at least, to its credit. But that is for tomorrow. For tonight, drink and be merry, and sing the auld song. Good luck to you, and good luck to us all. Comments:4
Posted by Bill on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 09:02 | # Move along there now, move along . Nothing to see here. This is not the first time I’ve seen this. Left and Right join hands to defeat the BNP? 5
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 09:34 | # Time is a funny thing. Ten years ahead of you is an eternity. Pink Floyd’s ‘Breathe’ has the best lyrics I’ve seen describing the the passing of time.
Posted by Bill on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 10:29 | # I notice (in the British press) that the decade we have just witnessed passing is being regularly referred to as the naughties. Can anyone please explain? 7
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 11:23 | # Bill, I believe it is a term coined by Tony Blair’s Mum: “He’s not the Messiah. He’s a very naughty boy.” 8
Posted by Bill on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 11:26 | # Has the ‘Net failed? I wonder what we will be calling the next decade? For the nationalist cause the first decade of the 21st century has been a mixed bag of success, the BNP have made astonishing progress through their courageous leafleting and grass roots door knocking campaigning, but I think the time has come for the BNP leaders to use the newly acquired opportunity of access to the MSM to gain further mass support. I think the tireless efforts by the Internet’s hunkered down keyboard warriors has seen disappointing results, this being born out by far and away the majority of British people are still asleep and unaware of their impending threat. The elite’s media efforts will not flag during this coming decade and so it is up to the BNP to awaken the nation’s people as to what’s in store for them. What will be the role of the keyboard warrior during this coming decade? More of the same? 10
Posted by Bill on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 12:12 | # I once referred to Blair as a bit player. My backside don’t half hurt. Is our collapsing capitalist post industrial society the same thing as the white race? 11
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 12:40 | # What will be the role of the keyboard warrior during this coming decade? More of the same? The net is not an instrument of general awakening. It is, however, both a medium for calling forth a new activist class and perhaps, in its upper intellectual reaches, an instrument for sifting through that class for a new elite. Neither of these functions will lessen in intensity - at least, not while the net is free. 12
Posted by Armor on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 19:10 | # GW: ” The net is not an instrument of general awakening. “ What would be the right instrument to awaken the general population? 14
Posted by EuroNationalist on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 19:37 | # I agree with GW and have been started thinking along much the same lines about how to reach the general population, focusing on media, advertising, propaganda, recruitment. We have to find other ways to reach our people than just the internet. We have to go to them. We have to be bold and take risks. It is easier to start a conversation with a fellow white at the pub or Starbuck’s than it is to make him read Najority Rights. Similarly, it’s easier to advertise our message by wearing a t-shirt bearing a White Nationalist slogan to the gym, where there are dozens of other White people who are potential recruits, than it is by writing an essay at a website. A new WN activist class should be one that engages the real world. 16
Posted by Bill on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 22:12 | # For me, the first decade of the 21st century started just like any other year, I’ve never been a great one for standing on ceremony or tradition, birthdays come and go, as do Christmas’s and new year. In effect, the transition of my life from the twentieth century to the twenty first hardly caused a ripple on my Richter scale of events, in other words, life just continued as before, no fuss, no ceremony. There was a time when I was quite interested in politics, especially in my earlier years but by the time Thatcher had come and gone and Blair and new Labour arrived on the scene, my interest had waned to nothingness, to me, the world continued to carry on regardless. Then one day, I was standing in my local town shopping precinct (I can’t bring myself to call them malls) waiting for my other half to appear from the portals of a multiple store. Standing there, I couldn’t help noticing a phenomena I had noticed before but had never really questioned, and that was, why was I seeing strange faces in strange garb in such ever increasing numbers? I started to ask myself who were these people? Where had they come from? How had they arrived here in my town? Who had let them in and for what reason? These questions and many more tumbled through my head unanswered - I made a mental note to make an effort and find out. Much, much later I alighted at a website (among thousands of others) called Majority Rights and zoomed into someones musings written in the rather odd name of one Fred Scrooby. I was hooked. Oddly, I mislaid the whereabouts of MR and frantically searched to re-locate Mr. Scrooby (of Nottingham) at MR, it wasn’t easy for me as I was not very savvy with the ways of the Internet and my PC. Eventually, after much searching I reconnected. The rest as they say is history, suffice to say it took me many, many months of one step forward two steps back of searching before I got a coherent picture, even then there were pieces missing. The decade went all too quickly, to say that I had become engrossed in my quest for answers is an understatement, my poor Missus says I’m never off that damned computer. My only link to sanity has been faithful Patterdale terrier dog and the endless walks in the pleasant surrounding countryside, which always provided me with time and space to think. Sadly, my poor dog is not at all well and will not be with me much longer. The decade suddenly ended, but time stops for no man. Summing up the first decade of the twenty first century for myself, the decade started uneventfully. I vividly remember the event which transformed the name of the game in the world that was, it became universally known as 9/11 and the world was changed and would never be the same again. On the domestic political scene, things were a changing, immigration was beginning to transform the very face of Britain and British Nationalism was dipping its toe in the murky waters of British politics. It wasn’t until the second half of the decade that I became aware that my country Britain, was under a terrible threat of irreversible change, this was confirmed on a daily basis by the BBC who couldn’t contain their glee by constantly proclaiming the face of Britain was changing. Britain, along with the rest of Western society is under terminal threat, but amazingly most of our populations seem totally unaware of what is going on. It has been a constant source of puzzlement to me as to why this is so, despite the vigorous protesting finger of a section of the Internet, the unawareness among our people largely persists, and it is this fact, that for me, characterises the the first ten years of the new millennium. What could you call this decade of mass immigration and race replacement that wasn’t? For me, it’s the Invasion of the Body Snatchers. So where next? The second decade is already upon us, what awaits us in the coming years? When asking where all this is taking us I am struck with awe of the many and diverse potential crises our civilisation faces, perhaps the first that strikes me is that we as a people have never been here before, by that I mean we’re in uncharted territory, it must be the first time in human history that a tribe’s elders and elites have deliberately abandoned their populations in treachery to another. When I first became awakened I was so confident that natural human behaviour would quickly rise to the surface and reject what was happening to us, slowly, over time, my faith in natural human behavior has been sorely tested, part of my problem is the time scale is so stretched out, I’m eager to see my predictions come to fruition quickly as that is my character, it’s this incrementalism that is getting me down, I have oft heard the description of what we’re experiencing is as a train crash in slow motion, and that’s exactly what it seems like. To sum up, this coming decade will be the battle of what is true and will dominate the airwaves as this is basically a psychological war, the MSM onslaught of propaganda will try and drown out the reality of what is, for this is the essence of the battle of the postmodern age, truth versus reality. 17
Posted by Jim Jimson on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 22:32 | # Some bloke wrote: I notice (in the British press) that the decade we have just witnessed passing is being regularly referred to as the naughties. Answer: ‘Naught’ means ‘nothing’ or ‘zero’. Naughts, tens, twenties, thirties. You never heard of that? 18
Posted by Jim Jimson on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 23:08 | # EuroNationalist wrote: We have to find other ways to reach our people than just the internet. Here’s a way to reach out to our people: drop the retarded obsession with the “Jewish question”. Drop Holocaust denial. Drop anti-Semitism. Stop trying to rehabilitate Nazism. 19
Posted by Selous Scout on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 23:30 | # I like Bill’s comments very much, and can relate. Funnily enough, Fred Scrooby also played a part in my racial awakening. I remember him from the late 90s or early 2000s over at Lawrence Auster’s (and Jim Kalb) site where he ran rings around Larry and the other posters. I believe he used a different name, and was banned. I’m not sure how I disovered MR. I’m pretty certain it was in 2005. I was delighted to find intelligent men who discussed race, immigration, and the JQ without indulging in gutter talk. 20
Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 02:10 | # Another Kosovar Albanian involved in criminal act this time in Finland with a mall shooting Like the mall shooting in 2007 in Utah by a Bosnian muslim This wasn’t that long after a Kosovar Albanian set up a terrorist bomb making factory in his home in London from a banking mortgage from Natwest. Or any of the other events you might have missed in the news. But I guess that is just that silly pretend GEO-POLITICS isn’t that right FRED SCOOBY. I guess we should not connect the dots huh FRED! 21
Posted by Dan Dare on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 02:21 | #
No, but I have heard of nought. Or nowt, where I come from. I think Bill meant the ‘noughties’. 22
Posted by seawolf on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 03:49 | # In a society composed of divergent interests, chaos eventually replaces order. But it is chaos that will make our movement stronger. And, remember, we don’t need to save everyone. 23
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 06:24 | # JamesUK - you’re so nearly right but you fall at the final hurdle. How did Balkan Muslims end up in places like Finland? They didnt get there on their own, they arent operating under orders from Islamic central command? (Not that there isnt some coordinated action by Muslims of course) How wasa the mechanism put in place, how was the way smoothed for them and so many others. 24
Posted by Wexler on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 08:41 | # Cheers to you too GW. And the rest of the regulars here. Keep it up. 25
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 08:57 | # I came across the following in the comments at Chronicles. It is attributed to General Robert E. Lee
... 26
Posted by jamesUK on Sat, 02 Jan 2010 12:10 | # @Fred Scrooby And how did German get a large Turkish population? Because with the Versailles treaty that destroyed the German economy and affected it’s birth rate, then a disastrous war with Poland resulting in WW2 and its aftermath with US and British efforts to sabotage Communism in Eastern Europe launched an extensive subversion and espionage offensive against East Germany resulting in East Germany building a wall to stop sabotage from the west resulting in the loss of labour who transited from the East resulting in labour shortage resulting in them importing it overseas from there traditional ally Turkey. @Lurker
a) We actively supported Bosnian Muslims militarily, politically and through the mass media so some we brought over here to coordinate terrorist operations against the Serbs like the Third World Relief Agency a major terrorist front organisation based in Vienna b) With total mass media support and demonising of the Serbs as Nazis and Bosnian Muslims as Jewish equivalent during WW2 being genocided so European countries were obliged to shelter these people c) There was a war going which Europe (mainly Germany) and the US help create and foster so we had to shelter these people as they were refugees. 27
Posted by test on Tue, 05 Jan 2010 22:16 | # Post a comment:
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Posted by PF on Fri, 01 Jan 2010 01:24 | #
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