The Liberals are right - we should abolish race after all By Diamed
This is an interesting question, which gets down to the nub of why, exactly, are we crusaders for the race. My response to this question is I wish what I believed weren’t the case, and that it could be some other way. I have been forced into my beliefs by necessity, resisting the implications mightily as I’m dragged through goalpost after goalpost. There’s plenty of room for condemning evil in this world, without having to go around looking for categorical foes who we can smash with unrelenting fury, all the way down to the infants in their cradles. However if we spare an entire city of evil-doers because ten innocent nice infants are crawling around in it, it is our innocents, our good people, our women and children who are ravished and pursued with unrelenting fury. In a struggle for survival that has reached the highest pitch, we don’t have the luxury to sort out the good from the bad. Life must come first, justice later. Do I want it to be this way? Am I glad that I can smash infants in cradles and still be moral? That I could bayonet a pregnant woman and still be moral? I’m not glad about it. And yet there it is. Am I glad that I have 140 IQ and am living in a world average IQ of 90 or so? That a greater IQ gap exists between me and africans than africans and dogs? Not really. Am I glad that life is easier for me, that I can do things others can’t, that ultimately all wealth, power, prestige, and even good health and long life belong as a birthright to me and not to anyone else due to a different arrangement of genes? Not really. The things I love most in life, I wish everyone could have. It takes nothing from me if another person reads the same book as me, listens to the same song, or admires the same mountains. I miss the lost camaraderie. I don’t have any special need to rule others, the only particular benefit is more leisure time. Machines could serve that role much better. I’d rather the world were much, much smarter. I feel like then we could sit down and reason issues out like civilized men. I feel like we could all understand reality a little better, and treat each other better, and treat ourselves better. I’m not happy that nature has dropped the ball and populated the earth with mostly primitive savages and that there is nothing I can do to make them smarter or better (once they are born) because it’s all genetic. How could I be? The same on a larger scale. Am I glad whites are the best at everything and no one equals us, am I glad the rest of the world is largely a sanctum for the BEAST, a ravening satanic force that unmakes everything it touches and specializes in every living being carrying as much suffering, starvation, disease, stupidity, cruelty, hopelessness and helplessness as it can? No, I’m not glad. I wish all races were free of the horrible fatse they bring upon themselves. I wish they were free of the genes that make them that way. I wish they had the genes that make us like who we are. That’s why I wish the whole world were populated with whites, with genes like ours, so that sort of suffering, that level of misfortune, can’t happen again. And of course, I am not happy with whites either. It seems to me, we would all be happier if we were elves. Am I happy that there are no elves in the universe to supplant us at the top of the totem pole? Am I glad we have unchallenged mastery of the earth because we are the only half-sane gene combination on earth? No, it’s rather sad. If only elves existed, such flawed, truly wretched beings as the white race would no longer have to carry the burden of our existence. I’ve lived long enough to see that everything about humans, including whites, is so full of evil, that I could wish anyone, anywhere, to replace us, if only they could do better. The cheating, the vulgarity, the needless anger and conflict, the lying, the fickleness, the selfishness, the hypocrisy … how could I be happy that we, we flawed vessels, are the best? Who could be? While we continuously drum into the heads of newbies that these are facts, this is reality, and we must accept reality and act on it without delay, could it also be that we are ourselves drumming into our heads that these are the facts, this is reality, and we must accept reality and act on it without delay? We are the unwilling executors of God’s cruel design. We are the inheritors of a broken world and a fallen man. It’s outrageous that genocide is all that’s left to us. That killing babies is the right decision. That sterilizing billions of women is the best step for the happiness of the world. That even if we meet two million people, it’s doubtful whether we could love a single one because all two million are such scum, such utter filth, have hurt someone else so terribly and so viciously and unfairly and selfishly and unashamedly, that no matter how good they look at first inevitably the truth comes out and they are damned? Who could have chosen this? Who could be glad it works out this way? Here are the facts. Only a few men have lived truly ideal lives. These people have met every expectation of virtue, been happy their whole lives, accomplished something incredible that will have an enduring, wondrous impact on the world, and transcended all limits that tried to baulk them. Another, still small segment has lived relatively good lives, been somewhat happy, accomplished something worthwhile that meant something to at least somebody. Everyone else is a net negative. They should never have been born. For their sake, and ours, it would have been better. They are born in the nest of Satan and live out their entire lives serving and suffering his diabolical designs. It would be better if every child born had a loving family, a healthy physique, a sane brain, a beautiful body, a temptationless mind that can overcome all bestial instincts, a supportive culture, a ready cadre of friends and confidantes, a life partner, a guardian angel, an all powerful God arranging his stay in heaven, the intellect to fathom the universe and the heart to love it. Instead we are a hodgepodge of usually mutant genes full of genetic flaws that will inevitably kill us, we have stupid looking noses, we are too fat, we have no muscles, our eyesight is poor, our parents fight too much or split up long ago, we can’t find a stable relationship for the life of us, diseases are trying to infect us and eat us from the inside out, tigers and sharks are prowling around trying to dismember us and eat us from outside in, the sun is burning us, the lack of sun is freezing us, strangers plot night and day how to decapitate us, steal our money, or rape us, while friends we should have had ignore, abandon and betray us. There is no God, but there’s a lot of evidence for Satan. There is no heaven but a lot of evidence for the fact we’re already living in Hell, with just the right flavor of hope to keep us kicking so we never buck the system and escape it all through death. There are no guardian angels but you can bet the entire world is a giant conspiracy of false history, false morality, and false reality making sure it will use and abuse you your whole life without you ever finding out about it. The day you were born, around five people thought you were beautiful and would do anything for you. 6.5 billion wondered how much use they could get from you with various lies, threats, flatteries or bribes. Those are long odds. So am I happy to know how irretrievably fucked we are? That there is no salvation? That the world cannot be made better but is certainly being made worse? That only evil can fight evil and good is simply too naive for this hellhole of a planet? That our children will curse the day they were ever born and our grandchildren will never be born? No, I’m not happy. It’s important to accept the facts for what they are. The only way anything can improve, is for us to correctly diagnose what is wrong in the first place. Genetics are the source of all our woes, so genetics must be the path out of them. There’s no need to glorify or approve of how things are though. There’s no need to exult in reality. It’s actually horribly depressing. There’s no need to give Satan a pat on the back for the fine work he’s done. If there were a way to give every baby the list of goods I mentioned above, I’d want to give it to them, whether they’re black, yellow, red or brown. If there were a way for whites and non-whites to coexist peacefully, I’d want to, whether they’re black, yellow, red or brown. If there were a way for whites and non-whites to work together to create new heights of accomplishment, I’d want to, whether they’re black, yellow, red or brown. If a black and a white mixed together produced a high elf, I’d bless the couple and ask for pictures. That just isn’t reality. I didn’t make the world, and I hate it, and I want to change it—so don’t blame me for it! If the environmentalists would just admit the truth, accept the truth, if the nurture crowd would ever stop condemning us and start working with us, we could change the world. With eugenics and genetic engineering, we could make every race better. We could abolish race entirely and make ourselves into an entirely new species, we could be equal, we could be good, we could be loving, compassionate, peaceful, empathetic, anything they wanted. With whites in charge, we could teach uplifting, decent values and ideals. We could give children fair, honest cultures that cultivate our virtues. We could immerse our people in the products of our highest minds instead of our most lizard-like instincts. Instead they give us the bitter, absurd job of choosing between ourselves and everyone else. The last light of hope, and all the people our hope could shine upon. The last good thing on earth, and all the good on earth we could do. It’s a false either-or. And therefore, let’s not be happy with reality. Let’s insist we are all the victims of reality. That no one can be happy with the way things stand. That it revolts us as much as the next guy. And that we racists, we whites, are the only people who can ever do anything about it. The truth may be agonizing, disgusting, depressing, and cruel—-but the truth will set mankind free. After we’ve discovered what evolution wants, what our instincts are asking for, what in the game of life would lead us to victory—there is still one more question, and that is, should we continue playing by someone else’s rules? Or should we take matters into our own hands? The races are different, and can never be the same? Then let’s abolish race. That’s something liberals can agree with, right? They’ve spent the last century trying. Let’s abolish race the only possible way, by rewriting it from the ground up, one SNP at a time, one child at a time. Just to sweeten the pot, we can plant a tree each time in some urban blighted area and build a non-polluting tidal power plant underneath the ocean. Surely this is better than bayoneting babies? Come on everyone. Let’s make up. Comments:2
Posted by Joe on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 03:08 | # Easy to sell your idea to the whites. Good luck selling it to anyone else… I have come to believe the problem is NOT me, but in fact, everyone else indeed. I was not born ‘racist’. I do not hate all races. I have only been FORCED by the actions of a particular race to hate just it, not the rest, but yet, I am made out to be the evil white man, I am the problem. I think not! You don’t need genetics to solve Earth’s problems. All you need is a race war, unfortunately, with the only survivors being everyone except africans and arabs, the two unruly problem children of the planet. Yes, call me what you will, a racist, a sick mind, but luckilly, AFRICANS have tought me first hand this is the only solution. 3
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 03:34 | # Diamed, this is great stuff. You speak from the heart and get much of it right. This is a much better use of a log entry than for the drivel of anti-White scum like G de B (I beseech thee, oh merciful Odin, never let silver get his own log entry). 4
Posted by Anon on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 04:20 | # Easy to sell your idea to the whites. Good luck selling it to anyone else…
Posted by Armor on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 04:45 | # “I still can’t get over the fact that many of my own race wants to do me in” (—Anon) It seems that some of our leaders have this fantasy of being raped by darkies. But what will happen is that their grand-daughters will really get raped, and they don’t even care about that. “Go Diamed! Woo hoo!” / “Diamed, this is great stuff.” I wish I knew what Diamed’s article means exactly. “Let’s abolish race the only possible way, by rewriting it from the ground up, one SNP at a time, one child at a time.” (—Diamed) You mean we should forget about the white race and try to create a new species in a laboratory? There’s something I don’t understand here! 6
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:06 | # Armor: “I wish I knew what Diamed’s article means exactly.” It is the struggle of an intelligent, idealistic man to come to grips with a world that is far too flawed to ever be worthy of his highest aspirations; it is his struggle to make it worthy, without compromising his ideals. It is his evolution towards maturity. “We are White men, the only men worthy of the name.” That was one of the rhetorical lines I used to use at Takimag to seduce/entice the worthy there to come here. “You mean we should forget about the white race and try to create a new species in a laboratory?” Let him make the journey. This guy got skillz, as the brothas be sayin’ un shit. 7
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:21 | #
Well said.
That reminds me of what Diamed said in an earlier thread about reaching the stars. GW didn’t care for the idea. But then I think about stuff like this: Perhaps right there is the meeting between Diamed’s ambitions and EGI. New homelands away from all of this…not impossible, eh? 8
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:27 | # Intrepid spirits are imprinted in our genes. Why shouldn’t we embrace even the farthest-fetched ideas if there is a chance they could be feasible? Europeans have always done great feats just because we could. Why should we limit our aspirations? The worst thing we could do is neglect our fiery spirits and not use them to maximum effect. 9
Posted by Lurker on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:31 | # Terraform Mars, evacuate the European peoples, leave behind those who embrace multiculturalism. That would be humane. Leave the world to sink back into a pre-modern state or at least an Asian tyranny. 10
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 05:45 | #
Not a bad idea, was it? 12
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 06:59 | # I prefer that the exploration and colonization of other worlds complement, and not be a substitute for, the protection of our genetic interests here on earth. We are evolved for life on earth, our evolved nature is the source from which we derive our values. To see what we value come to fruition we must act to sustain the conditions that are consistent with our evolved values - the preservation of nature, from which we derive our nature. 13
Posted by Gudmund on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:12 | #
I wouldn’t have it any other way. 14
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:25 | # 15
Posted by silver on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:32 | #
Couldn’t the nurturers/carers/bedwetters demand the same of you? “Come on Diamed, stop wishing to bayonet every poor, dumb bastard on earth (none of whom asked to be born), stop referring to them as genetic offal and demanding they be treated as such (stop demanding short cuts!) and we’ll work with you.” The world—“humanity”—is a pretty damn bleak place, made all the bleaker by the deafening roar of lies told about it, and the trends those lies have established. But that, as they say, is life. And it isn’t improved one iota by wallowing in misery about how desperate it all is. And yet, on a deeper level, reality is actually something of a relief. As bleak as things are, reality, mercifully, does afford us the opportunity to improve. It could have been worse. It could have been that there was no way to improve, that there was no “genetics,” thus no eugenics. But there is, and thus there is a ray of hope, however faint. (And, if nothing else, there is always the comfort of sweet death: we won’t be tormented into eternity.)
But it’s precisely because the truth is so agonizing, disgusting, depressing and cruel that we drape our lives with lies, and then exalt the lies. Truth does offer freedom, but what a bitter pill to swallow! I’m one step ahead of you diamed. You haven’t made it out of the tunnel yet. I’ve come out. And there’s calmness here, beauty too. None of what you say is “wrong.” But getting so worked up about it makes you ineffective. Me, I know the truth, and I care and don’t care. I care because what else is there to do but leave behind a better world—a better “humanity”—than the one I knew? I don’t care because I’ve reached a calmness where it doesn’t matter. I’m not afraid to die. I’m not even afraid to be killed. It’s for others I live now, for the upward path. For me it’s easy. It’s for the others for whom it’s not so easy I say what I say and do what I do (and endure the insults of mental midgets). Anyone who does is so is your friend, whether you know it or not, whether you care for it or not, whether you accept it or not. 16
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 07:59 | # In the name of Odin, be ye silent, oh greasy wog! LOL! Calm down silver, on rare occasions you do give sound advice. “...and endure the insults of mental midgets…” Now that is just precious. Believe it or not, your constant, truculent harangueing for a kinder, gentler WN (“irony”!) is not lost on me, and I suspect others. It’s just that sometimes you’ve got to get down and roll around in the mud with the cretins (which is what I suspect that you fantasize that you do). I will confess, I do enjoy scalping douche-bags like G de B, moralistic half-wits like Ivan at Takimag and of course deluded, hysterical wenches like Mizz Wenchstine. And then there is the special case of you, silver, everyone’s favorite wog. If you want respect you’ve got to give it; doesn’t work any other way. Stop, always, trying to be such a greasy little sneak. Do you honestly think anyone is dumb enough to fall for it (and if they are we don’t need them)? I for one, believe your heart is in the right place and consider you a worthy adversary, which inspires in me a grudging respect and affection. Put down your greasy wog sword, brother. No hard feeling on my part, seriously. 17
Posted by cladrastis on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 08:13 | #
The nurturers/carers/bedwetters are not WILLING to compromise (because they’re in POWER). They believe humanity’s immiseration can be ameliorated ONLY by improving his material conditions and are not NOT open to or interested in the idea of improving man’s genetic programming to effect the same goal. I don’t deny the necessity of a proper environment for cultivating human genius, nor do I deny the necessity of eugenics for accomplishing the same objective. Any rational person is willing to meet in the middle. THEY aren’t. Enlighten me silver: what’s on the other side of the tunnel? 18
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 13:13 | #
Can we get some appropriate violin music going for that? 19
Posted by J Richards on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 14:43 | # Damn, Diamed is damning us!
Correct, but the reference standard by which all evil is judged is the behavior of the categorical foe indulging in the lowliest crimes, e.g., assassinating Rafiq Hariri, making it look like the work of the Syrians; then getting the Syrians removed from Lebanon; then sending troops into Lebanon, leading to the capture of 2 of their soldiers; then using it as a pretext to shell Lebanon with advanced weaponry obtained from the U.S., indiscriminately killing women and children, while blocking foreign aid to the bombed areas; killing U.N. observers in the area; getting almost all U.S. lawmakers to sign a resolution supporting this mass murder and wanton destruction; and shelling Lebanon with millions of cluster bombs just before a ceasefire in order to continue killing the Lebanese well after the bombing is over. How can you condemn evil without most strongly condemning the supremely evil categorical foe?
In a situation like this, negotiation works best. Give the city of evil-doers the option of destruction or handing over the ten infants and living in their filth, cordoned off from the good people. The evil-doers will hand over the innocents. There’ll be no need for collateral damage.
Survival is not under threat for whites as a racial group; notwithstanding pockets such as south Africa where whites live at risk of extermination, or even large scale Third World immigration; but quality of life certainly is, and quality can’t be maintained unless one sorts the good from the bad.
You can’t be moral while indulging in either act. But you can justify the act by showing that acting otherwise would be more immoral. In other words, your act is immoral but justified in the sense that you prevented greater immorality. The crux is the justification and there can be no generic way to go about it. Any such justification must be tailored to the specific circumstances.
Life is not worth living without justice. When it comes to bare-bones survival, justice is a distant consideration, but the situation is nowhere so dire for most white populations and won’t be such in the foreseeable future. If the situation becomes extremely dire or approaches it, no one needs to be told what to do; survival instinct will take over.
Rubbish! You could teach high school level writing and high school math to some black Africans but to no dog.
You mean best at avoiding sunburns, quickest at the 100m sprint and having the highest average IQ?
Ever heard of the Japanese? Even the land of the cognitive elites is capable of producing something like the Buddha.
Why do you let the savages bother you? The savages will do what comes naturally to them, and as long as they do it in their homelands, why should you be bothered or try to make them smarter and better since you seem to have no problems with mass sterilizing or mass killing the savages? Let the savages be savages in their homelands. What’s the point of being a savage if one can’t act like one?
Only in your paranoid, sick, demented view, or are you an agent provocateur? Say, if most of the world comprises of savages with all sorts of vices, by your own acknowledgment, then how can you be talking about the happiness of the world? Your comment would only make sense if you were talking about the very small minority that is supposedly besieged by the mass of savages.
Where do diamonds naturally emerge from? Coal. There’s a lot of coal and very little of natural diamonds. This is the way it is. Much as you would only see diamonds but no coal, without coal there’d be no natural diamonds.
Your viewpoint. I’ll tell you mine. There’s a God and there’s lots of evidence for satanic Jews creating Hell on earth.
Not me. I’d prefer ‘inferior whites’ to ‘superior white-black mixes.’
I’ll give you the diagnosis. It’s not genetics per se because a few genetic combinations produce the men you admire, but the problem is with some genetic architectures, mostly found among Jews.
Why is my lie meter registering a 9.0?
Dream on, if it’s a dream. Setting aside the engineering or technological challenges, your utopia is no more possible than it’s for someone to simultaneously excel at professional level sumo wrestling and as a professional jockey. There are many analogous scenarios within the realm of physiology or cell functioning. An advantage in one realm sometimes may only come with a disadvantage in another realm. Plenty of biologically problematic conditions are extremes of natural variation, and you can’t eliminate the problematic extremes without eliminating natural variation and thereby the organism unless you have the technology to design every individual from scratch, which, if ever possible, is generations away, but this won’t be possible because fine manipulation of very complex molecular structures requires molecular machinery that is unaffected by molecule-molecule interactions, something only possible in fantasy.
And what does this mankind comprise of? Not the hundreds of millions or even billions you would have sterilized or even killed.
Evolution doesn’t want anything. It just is.
Playing by someone else’s rules? But who are the people setting the rules? You’ve flagged the environmentalists or the nurture crowd, no different from someone blaming the Illuminati or the military-industrial complex. Give us names. I can give you some names. Dwight Eisenhower (morally bankrupt general; killed a million-plus German POWs) The one thing common to these individuals and many others like them, especially the ones in control of the media, banking and government, is not that they’re environmentalists or nurturers but that they’re Jews. There were lots of environmentalists in Australia in the 1950s but it was an overwhelmingly white nation, with a white immigration policy. Who pushed for change and succeeded? The Jews. Before one seeks a solution, one must understand the problem correctly. You have either not understood the problem or are attempting to provoke and mislead. And your solution, genetic engineering, is something that I’m positive you are incapable of making any contributions to. MR is not a hangout for biologists. You should take your ideas to groups dabbling in the biological sciences. And please don’t repeat your views about the necessity of mass sterilization and genocide; such views belong at Jewish forums. 20
Posted by Diamed on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 19:26 | # I don’t think you correctly interpreted what I wrote. For instance, by environmentalist, I mean someone who believes the environment, not your genes, determines your personality, behavior, IQ, success, etc. Another time you seem to not get what I’m saying, the IQ gap between africans and dogs really is smaller than between me and them. It’s true that these africans can be taught to perform basic human actions, but that is so distant from the level of reasoning geniuses reach that it is just as impressive as a dog being taught tricks. Another misinterpretation. I didn’t say sterlizing women is a good idea, I said there has to be a better way than the false either-or we were being given by others. That there are many options and sterilizing billions of women is not fair to us or them, but so long as they resist all the humane measures, inevitably a race war which will exterminate them or us is all that’s left. In that case, I want it to be them. I’m the last person on earth who would condemn the japanese. As far as I can tell they’re the best people on earth, certainly the happiest and best run country on earth. And so on. Basically, don’t jump to so many conclusions. You’re reading stuff into my article I never said. Topping it off with claims I’m flat-out lying also shows you don’t get me at all. Well, maybe the article just wasn’t for you. I hope others can find a bit more to think about and chew on for a while. 21
Posted by Proofreader on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:28 | # Richards, can you point to a source proving Dwight Eisenhower was Jewish? I’ve heard a lot of things about his background, but this is a first for me. Thanks. 22
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:39 | # Diamed: “That there are many options and sterilizing billions of women is not fair to us or them, but so long as they resist all the humane measures, inevitably a race war which will exterminate them or us is all that’s left.” It is not a matter of them resisting our efforts to improve them, it is that we are being swamped by them because the gates of our citadels have been cast open by traitorous elements (Jews and race traitors) attached to the body of our people. It is not too little altruism on the part of the White man -with the savages brutishly resisting our most persistent and noble efforts - it is too much altruism. Billions of the teeming third-world hordes would not exist but for the bounteous carrying capacity created by the White man. We do not owe them a living, or in fact life, but we must not descend to the level of rank savagery by implementing a positive program of extermination. What we will do is stop artificially inflating their numbers, we will stop feeding them. They are entitled to the level of sustenance they are capable of providing for themselves, that is what they will have. What we will do is protect the natural treasures of this world from any despoilment the teeming hordes may affect. We will be like guards protecting the bank from robbers: we don’t need to hunt down the robbers, where ever they are, and dispatch them. The manliness of the White man, when properly asserted, is more than sufficient to bear the burden without over exertion. Our task is to reassert the manliness of the White man, to see to it that the White man will yet live, unmongrelized, so that he can reassume his rightful role as steward of this earth. 23
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 20:59 | # Proofreader: “Richards, can you point to a source proving Dwight Eisenhower was Jewish?” I’m still waiting for some verification of the claim that the Jews placed the remains of the Lindbergh baby along with those of the Elephant Man; oh wait, that was my claim, never mind. In lieu of evidence I offer you this: Only The Jew Could Fool You, To Believe, That The Bones Of The Lindbergh Babe Did Not Cleave, To The Elephant Man, Whose Name Was Merrick, Who Had To Have A Jacket Tailored, So He Could Wear It. No offence, Richards. Just having a little fun busting your balls. Cheers. 24
Posted by Desmond Jones on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 22:14 | #
How does civilized man limit the evolved trait of altruism?
Charles Darwin (1871) The Descent of Man, 1st edition, pages 168 -169 25
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 23:02 | # Desmond Jones: “How does civilized man limit the evolved trait of altruism?” Aren’t you the guy who sticks up for the Nazis (“KMAC portrays it as heroic!”)? I guess the most straight forward way would be systematic discipline imposed on the lemmings via the will of psychologically sterner men. If sufficiently muscular, would it or would it not work? Of course it would. What is needed is to reassert the tribally oriented manliness of the White man; is that not needed in your opinion? What do you suggest? Rehashing Classical Liberalism? LOL! Been there, done that, it didn’t work. I know, I know, it worked well until those darn Jews wormed their way in and screwed it all up. But they did worm their way in, didn’t they? Is there some re-tooled version of Classical Liberalism you can show me that will safeguard against the dreaded nematodes? If not, I guess it’s a heavier model we will need, that is if we are serious about saving our race. 26
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 23:16 | # Richard Spencer (Gottfried’s hand puppet) says at Takimag: “Taki has decided to suspend indefinitely all commenting at Takimag. I’d like to thank those who’ve offered up thoughtful responses to our articles in the past.” Gosh, it looks like my one man war on the faileocons has really yielded some results. I hope this drives their site’s number of readers into the ground. Faileoconservatism is a false opposition that drains off real struggle for our people into impotence. Death to faileoconservatism! 27
Posted by Captainchaos on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 00:22 | # And now Gottfried’s hand puppet Spencer gives us this: “Dylan Hales, who’s attempting an interesting Left-Conservative-synthesis thingamajig at his blog, has a long response up on the anti-Paul articles at Reason. Of note is Hales discussion of Murray Rothbard’s oft-misunderstood and oft-misquoted writings on the David Duke gubernatorial run in ‘91. Rotherbard was struck by the fact the Louisianans voting for Duke weren’t voting for Holocaust revisionism, or Klu Kluxism, or racism, or anti-Semitism etc. They were voting to slash taxes and government, end affirmative action, cut down on immigration etc. Rothbard’s point was that libertarians could capture this spirit and begin to refocus it through new leaders (who weren’t, you know, actually Holocaust revisionists and anti-Semites.) This kind of populist strategy is, of course, totally unthinkable for your average Reasonoid.” No wonder they decided to suspend commenting, they want to suppress and defame explicit racialism. FUCK YOU SPENCER! Again: Faileoconservatism is a false opposition that drains off real struggle for our people into impotence. Death to faileoconservatism! 28
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 00:46 | # The Jewishness of Dwight Eisenhower Here is an excerpt from the West Point Yearbook featuring Dwight. In case one is wondering about the odd looks, his ancestry seemingly included Swedish. But as is typical of white—non-white mixes, Dwight Eisenhower took more after the Jewish side, and was indistinguishable from the typical Jew in moral development or, rather, the near-lack of it. Eisenhower is a derivative of the Jewish name Eisenhauer. Gerald K. Smith of the America First Party even tried to warn the public about Eisenhower’s Jewish roots, and his strong Jewish backing. 29
Posted by Sacharite on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 01:10 | # So goes the saying Jews look Jewier with age… one could say the same about Sarkozy, who like Ike passed for a handsome Aryan lad. And now, an unmistakeable (and particularly evil-looking) Jewish mug: 30
Posted by Sacharite on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 01:36 | # Here’s John Key, the newly installed half-Jewish (mother’s side) New Zealand Prime Minister. Key is another Sarko clone, a total puppet of Washington D.C. He’s rather Jewish-looking, but those features aren’t dominant at 47 years of age. (What seems to happen is the skin sags into the unheroic Jewish bone structure as muscle tone disappears, making that ‘Jewier’ look. In contrast, Europeans tend have broad, smooth features that may wrinkle with distinction.) 31
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 02:04 | # The Lindbergh baby case A brief examination of the events will show Jewish hands all over the kidnapping. Charles Lindbergh’s father (Lindbergh Sr.) had long opposed Jewish criminality: he was vehemently opposed to the Federal Reserve Act, demanded an investigation of the sinking of the ship Lusitania (a Jewish false flag), blamed Jews for drawing America into WWI, etc. Jew stooge Woodrow Wilson had the print run of his book on WWI confiscated and destroyed. Charles Lindbergh Jr. was following in his father’s footsteps, and with the backing of Henry Ford, could easily have become President of the U.S, which would mean no World War II. Shortly after Lindbergh’s baby was kidnapped, Congresswoman Ruth Pratt asked Lindbergh to get in touch with gangster Morris Rosner, and Rosner appointed two gangsters, Irving Bitz and S. Spitale, to act as liaisons to the underworld. Ransom was paid but eventually, a decomposed baby was found and said to be Lindbergh’s baby. A Bruno Hauptmann was implicated. Hauptmann had no connection to Lindbergh and no motivation whatsoever to kidnap Lindbergh’s baby. Hauptmann just had the bad luck to hold something that his ‘friend’ Isadore Fisch asked him to, which was the ransom money. Hauptmann’s defense lawyer was paid for by the Jew-owned New York Evening Journal, and he naturally did a lame job of defending Hauptmann. The prosecuting attorney was David Wilentz. Hauptmann’s trial was a farce; he was convicted and executed. I bolded the Jews’ last names, and it’s obvious that this was - to borrow Alex Linder’s phrase - yet another instance of Jews Jewing Jewily. The question is about the true fate of the baby. There was no proper forensic investigation of the baby remains alleged to be Lindbergh’s, and the remains were quickly cremated. The Jews could have kept the baby alive to keep Lindbergh on a leash. 32
Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 03:01 | # Sacharite, Please spare us your duplicitous stupidity. 33
Posted by Sacharite on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 03:37 | # Have an argument, “Dave Johns”? Otherwise, STFU. (And NO, I am not “silver”.) 34
Posted by Sacharite on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 03:41 | # Btw, I came to post this article by David Aaronovitch. Couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw it. One would think Jews would try to be a bit more subtle with the internet reporting on their every move and all… 35
Posted by n/a on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 03:49 | # “Swedish-Jew” is obviously a joke. Eisenhower has no known Jewish ancestry, nor does he look like a Jew. 36
Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 03:52 | #
HUH? Where the f**k did THAT come from???...... Oh, I get it. You forgot to take your meds. 37
Posted by J Richards on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 04:49 | # n/a, Swedish-Jew is not a joke. His father was a Swedish Jew. Not looking like a Jew is a non-argument. An important factor behind Jewish success is the ability of the Jews to infiltrate (as cryptos) gentile societies from the Middle East to European nations. If all Jews had a Jewish look to them, how would this be possible? You’ll always find some Jews who could phenotypically fit in a white or Middle Eastern population. It’s only when you look at the aggregate do the Jews stand apart and we can talk about Jewish features in terms of a higher frequency of some shapes or a general shift toward some shapes. 38
Posted by Dave Johns on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 05:01 | # Eisenhower was not genetically a Jew. Get over it!!! 39
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 15:21 | # I haven’t 1) the stomach to read David Aronowitz‘s pro-miscegenation column linked above by Sacharite or 2) the need, the reason I lack both being I know beforehand what that column is: a Jewish orgasm at the prospect of the elimination of all Euros from the Earth through Negro-Euro miscegenation, Euro erasure having been for two-millennia-and-counting the chief Jewish preoccupation after crass materialism and just plain obsessive-compulsive lucre-worship. Jews don’t usually go around publicly acknowledging this aim (either aim, actually, but the latter would be as easy for them to hide as it would be for, say, President Bush to hide that he’s a dead ringer for a chimpanzee or the Alfred E. Newman character in Mad Magazine): they treat it the way the French Army officer corps from 1870 to 1918 treated the national humiliation of the loss of Alsace-Lorraine and their desire to get it back: “Speak of it never, think of it always.” When Jews like Alon Ziv and David Aronowitz spill the beans, other Jews peer petrified at the goys through the slightly parted middle and ring fingers of both hands covering their eyes to see if all hell will break loose but all hell never does, only bovine cluelessness, so the Jews get bolder and bolder. I don’t have to read this latest instance of that, so I’ll skip it. 40
Posted by Proofreader on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 15:26 | # Richards, I too believe the West point yearbook piece was to be taken in jest. There were rumours though that Ike’s mother, Ida Stover, was part-black. Here’s another picture: 41
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 15:46 | # How does civilized man limit the evolved trait of altruism? 42
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:05 | #
That’s exactly right, incidentally, at least as concerns Saul Alinsky, one of European Man’s worst Jewish enemies ever, who wrote that the other side (Jews and those allies they ring-led, in other words) (no, not “liberalism” and not any other vague miasma) needed to, among other strategies, use Euros’ Christianity against them by demanding that they adhere to certain Christian principles of altruism to the letter, principles that are impossible to adhere to “to the letter” and still have a nation (or race) left. The Vatican and the Prod chief priests could easily counter this Jewish attack-strategy by applying the exact same reasoning that excuses Christians from applying those same Christian principles of altruism “to the letter” in an endorsement of communism: Christians are allowed under Christianity to hold and keep their private property and likewise to hold and keep their race and nation. They could have reassured their Euro flocks with that sort of elementary analagous reasoning. But they didn’t, and as a result the Jews are winning the most deadly game Euros have found themselves playing in the past ten thousand years. 43
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 16:48 | # James, interesting space link, but I’m curious - do you think anything short of strapping engines on the back will be sufficient? I can’t think of anything that would propel Jews into space faster than the knowledge that there were Judenrein space stations out there, somewhere. 44
Posted by Fr. John on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 17:11 | # “There is no God, but there’s a lot of evidence for Satan. There is no heaven but a lot of evidence for the fact we’re already living in Hell…. There are no guardian angels but you can bet the entire world is a giant conspiracy of false history, false morality, and false reality making sure it will use and abuse you your whole life without you ever finding out about it.” At this time of year, to read this column, and to see these lines above, makes me realize how hopeless Man is, without God. and how like the Talmuddied ‘secular worldview’ this sounds. Which is no surprise, for atheism and talmudism are joined at the hip. Who else tried to ‘kill God’? Why are they called, the Deicides (Christkillers) if not for that ‘uncomfortable truth’? Of course there is a God! What utter rubbish, to say that ‘god’ does not exist, but ‘satan’ does!!! And, since YHWH God created the Angels, then Adamic Man (the White Race- far too complex to go into, but trust me, there seems to be far more believability in that premise, than that the Khazars are the ‘chosen people’!) has Guardian Angels, who watch over us, and protect us, but only if we are willing to keep away from sin, and invoke their aid in our moral decisions. Am I glad that Whites have clearly shown their prowess as a ‘superior life form’ on this planet? Well, if that is God’s desire (which it seems to be), then, OK. What else do the verses in Holy Writ allude to, when St. Paul says, “Who art thou that repliest against God? Shall the thing formed say to him that formed it, why has thou made me thus? Hath not the potter power over the clay, over the same lump to make one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour? [Rom. 9:20-1] I cannot speak as a black man, or a chinaman, or an Amerindian, and FRANKLY, nor do I want to. I feel no need to indulge in any sort of fantasy about ‘oppressed peoples’ if YHWH God sovereignly deigns to create them ‘for us, and for our posterity’, especially when we see the lengths of EVIL to which ‘they’ stoop when they presume to assume the reins of power. Doubt me? Just go over to http://www.the, and type in Obama, Affirmative Action, Diversity is our greatest stregth, etc.) To paraphrase the old Jewish prayer, “Lord, I thank Thee that I am not…...” (fill in the blanks) And, instead of whining about what they are not, (which is the gist of this whole article) why not accept what God has made YOU? An intelectually and morally endowed White Man. And then, GO FROM THERE!? One of the symptoms that we clearly have ‘erred and strayed from thy ways like lost sheep,’ is in this exchange: ‘That a greater IQ gap exists between me and africans than africans and dogs? Rubbish! You could teach high school level writing and high school math to some black Africans but to no dog.” I would ask, WHY TEACH THEM? If they are nothing more than beasts, (that moniker is self-attesting, just by looking at behavior in US crime stats/black on white crime, Katrina, OJ, Obamania, Mugabe, South Africa, and even Greece’s recent riots, as this forum has clearly made to show it is NOT the ‘native Hellenes’ that are back of them) then why ASSUME (making an ‘ass’ out of ‘u’ and ‘me’) that we either a) should or b) HAVE TO educate savages? As G.B. Shaw so aptly put it, “The conversion of a savage to Christianity is the conversion of Christianity to savagery.” A slave class does not DESERVE to be raised to the level of a patrician class. This was known in Ancient Egypt, Greece, Rome, and any other civilization one cares to mention. Did the HEbrews in teh OT teach their slaves to read? I sincerely doubt it…. just as they did not include them in their cult’s rituals, all in order to keep their CULT-ure PURE. I know this flies in the face of all those who have substituted egalitarianism, altruism, multiculturalism, niggerism, and homosexism in place of Biblical religion, but the focus and locus of TRUE Christianity is derived from the OT Hebraic Religion, which was a)Patriarchal, b) monotheistic, c) familial/racial/clannish and d) exclusionary to the max! I am through with pretending that Universalism is the Christian Gospel. IT isn’t and it never was. And in light of that, and the time of year, I would attest with the hymn writer, “veiled in flesh, the Godhead see, Hail the Incarnate Deity, Pleased as Man with men to dwell, Jesus, OUR Emmanuel.’ OURS, and no others. We are the Israel of God [Gal. 6:16] We are the “Chosen People”, We are the Heirs of Abraham, Issac, and Jacob. And no hook-nosed people from a ‘sh*tty little country’ or ‘Benedict Arnold’ so-called ‘pope’ can keep us from ‘ruling the gentiles.’ Amen. 45
Posted by Donald Miller on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 20:14 | # Friar John said something quite remarkable just above. “I am through pretending that Universalism is the Christian Gospel. It isn’t and it never was.” This is a shock to me because I have never agreed with him before, but he has put his finger directly on the root cause of excessive altruism, misplaced compassion, hateful self-abnegation, thoughtless retreat, and fraudulent egalitarianism. Down with universalism! Mock it. Make jokes about it. Denounce it. Identify it whenever you see it in any formulation. Unwind its deceptive tendrils from our ideas, goals, and purposes. It is a great curse. And deleveraging it can return us to some kind of sanity. 46
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 23:37 | #
Right on. Universalism is the product of this generation’s version of liberalism. It is the naive, quixotic desire to escape from reality more than it is a legitimate form of thought. It is illusory, reason-denying, logic and fact-ignoring, ivory-tower nonsense. And it is poison to our race. Just thought it merited saying again. 47
Posted by Gudmund on Wed, 24 Dec 2008 23:43 | # Addendum: ‘Liberalism’ is skillfully used to manipulate young, idealistic whites into working against their EGI. It is an ingenious tactic that our enemies use as a Trojan Horse. In college, I recall women were especially caught into the bleeding heart nonsense. But actually the most sanctimonious and holier-than-thou white liberals there were men. Ladies and gentlemen, why should I give a fuck about the genocide in Darfour when my own people are being done in and nary a protest is raised (except at sites like this!)? 48
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 03:13 | # As Belloc noted, ‘Europe is the Faith; the Faith, Europe.” I’m having a problem reconciling Europe with Xtianity’s geographical origins. Please help. My intelligence is sub-MR. Thanks. 49
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 03:29 | # Friar John said something ... Yeah, I do that too. Probably because my iq and education are sub-MR. Too many Robin Hood stories as a youngster - wink, wink. Fr. John would probably prefer ‘Father’ to ‘Friar.’ 50
Posted by Gudmund on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 16:35 | #
Judaeo-Christianity-Islam. Three weeds from the same root. I’m something of a neo-pagan myself. 51
Posted by Aryaman on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:48 | # What utter rubbish! ‘Our task is to reassert the manliness of the White man, to see to it that the White man will yet live, unmongrelized, so that he can reassume his rightful role as steward of this earth.’ (Cap’nchaos) Thats like me saying ‘The Sanatana Dharma is the only truth there is’. Clearly, the descendants of the monotheistic faiths, like you, shall never cease to covet the entire earth. 52
Posted by Svigor on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 19:57 | #
Can’t help you there. I had problems with my faith long before my political awakening; my senses told me a grand design was not how the universe worked. A big machine, where you want to keep your hands and clothing well away from the gears, seemed far more resonant. One cannot make himself believe. The geographic and demographic origins are a really big nail in the coffin, though. On the other hand, my political awakening has caused me to divorce from anti-Christian thought, which has those same geographic and demographic origins. If Jews hate it that much, it can’t be all bad. And Christianity is OBVIOUSLY a strong bulwark against Jewish/globalist machinations. So I guess I’m a “cultural Christian” now, or a “secular Christian,” the same way most Jews are secular, or “culturally” Jewish. Change a couple of pronouns. Worship your ancestors or something - no need to bulldoze all those beautiful old churches. 53
Posted by Donald Miller on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 21:06 | # Christianity has something for everyone (except universalism). Consider the man called Doubting Thomas. His day is celebrated on December 21 and he was a skeptic who, it is claimed, wanted to insert his hand into the side of Jesus where the Roman spear penetrated after the resurrection. Thomas met the risen Christ, inserted his hand (see picture below), and was rewarded with a strong rebuke by Jesus for lack of faith. But I like to think of him as Thomas the Skeptic, sort of the man from Missouri. Very interesting story, unknown to most people. 54
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 21:44 | # Aryaman: “What utter rubbish!” Calm down, Man of Arya, you do realize you’re addressing a White man, don’t you? Show proper respect. LOL! “Thats like me saying ‘The Sanatana Dharma is the only truth there is’.” The truth is: there are certain conditions that are necessary to “secure the existence of our people and a future for White children.” “Clearly, the descendants of the monotheistic faiths, like you, shall never cease to covet the entire earth.” “Defending one’s right to exist in one’s homeland is one thing,” We will take all of the above that I mentioned back, no apologies, no negotiation: we will fight to the last man, to the bone: victory or death! “...maligning every other person and going to the extent of advocating your superiority over his is another.” From the perspective of civilization building capacity the White Race is objectively superior. Check out Charles Murray’s book Human Accomplishment if you are interested in the truth. It isn’t my fault, I am not the author of nature. Human beings evolved under different selective pressures in distinctive climates/geographic locations for tens of thousands of years: those are the results. Don’t come crying to me about it. “It just shows your insecurity.” LOL! “I never had any designs on your land or people.” Tell that to race-replacement advocating scum like Dinesh D’Souza and Ramesh Ponnuru who are in league with the neocon Jews. BTW, D’Souza is a miscegenator who is married to a White woman: he is, therefore, guilty of committing genocide against the White Race. “It was the ‘white man’ who came to mine, looted it for two centuries, partitioned it and reduced my people to paupers.” LOL! The British invested untold wealth and effort into building your country from a turd-world sinkhole into something that can be -if you put on your rose-tinted glasses and squint - called a society limping towards respectability. When the British left you guys went nuts and started killing each other. But that is not all, now you are following the British back, as well as swamping America, with your rabble. We will not stand for it. Your countrymen will be coming back to stay with you, greet them warmly. “Even a retard can see the flaw in the reasoning.” It’s a retard that thinks there are flaws in my reasoning (hint: look in the mirror). 55
Posted by Diamed on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 23:09 | # It’s hilarious how much venom third worlders have for whites and how they first seek to dehumanize us so that the next step of exterminating us (through their favored methods of miscegenation and immigration) is justified as ‘justice’ and ‘revenge’ and ‘karma.’ It’s all a lie however. Everywhere white people went, the native populations of third worlders increased, they didn’t decrease. Even in North and South America. They have zero complaints against us, we have been nothing but a blessing to the whole world. It doesn’t matter, they aren’t concerned with history. They are just looking for excuses to kill us, rape us, steal from us, and not feel guilty when they go to bed. Typical non-white behavior. As far as I’m concerned, anyone who misrepresents history in order to demonize whites is guilty of ‘incitement to hatred and genocide’ of whites and should be hauled up for ‘hate speech’ crimes. Since they are actually slandering us, while we are only telling the truth, it would be much fairer if these jews and their third world speech organs were all hauled up before our courts and tried for what they said. Boy it would be nice if we were writing the laws once more, and retroactively—I have so many people that need a good trial in mind. 56
Posted by Captainchaos on Thu, 25 Dec 2008 23:45 | # Diamed: “It doesn’t matter, they aren’t concerned with history. They are just looking for excuses to kill us, rape us, steal from us, and not feel guilty when they go to bed.”
For Anduin, from the bend at the Harlond, so flowed that from the City men could look down it lengthwise for some leagues, and the far-sighted could see any ships that approached. And looking thither they cried in dismay; for black against the glittering stream they beheld a fleet borne up on the wind: dromunds, and ships of great draught with many oars, and with black sails bellying in the breeze. ‘The Corsairs of Umbar!’ men shouted. ‘The Corsairs of Umbar! Look! The Corsairs of Umbar are coming! So Belfalas is taken, and the Ethir, and Lebennin is gone. The Corsairs are upon us! It is the last stroke of doom!’ And some without order, for none could he found to command them in the City, ran to the bells and tolled the alarm; and some blew the trumpets sounding the retreat…. The Rohirrim indeed had no need of news or alarm. All too well they could see for themselves the black sails. For Éomer was now scarcely a mile from the Harlond, and a great press of his first foes was between him and the haven there, while new foes came swirling behind, cutting him off from the Prince. Now he looked to the River, and hope died in his heart…. But the hosts of Mordor were enheartened, and filled with a new lust and fury they came yelling to the onset. Stern now was Éomer’s mood…. He let blow the horns to rally all men to his banner that could come thither; for he thought to make a great shield-wall at the last, and stand, and fight there on foot till all fell, and do deeds of song on the fields of Pelennor, though no man should be left in the West to remember the last King of the Mark. So he rode to a green hillock and there set his banner, and the White Horse ran rippling in the wind…. And then wonder took him, and a great joy; and he cast his sword up in the sunlight and sang as he caught it. And all eyes followed his gaze, and behold! upon the foremost ship a great standard broke, and the wind displayed it as she turned towards the Harlond. There flowered a White Tree, and that was for Gondor; but Seven Stars were about it, and a high crown above it, the signs of Elendil that no lord had borne for years beyond count. And the stars flamed in the sunlight, for they were wrought of gems by Arwen daughter of Elrond; and the crown was bright in the morning, for it was wrought of mithril and gold.” - J.R.R. Tolkien, The Return of the King, LoTR Book 5, Ch 6, The Battle of the Pelennor Fields
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 00:35 | # And Christianity is OBVIOUSLY a strong bulwark against Jewish/globalist machinations. I dunno. Obvious is traditional jewish hatred of Christianity. Less obvious is Christianity’s effectiveness as a bulwark against jewish machinations in the modern era. 58
Posted by Svigor on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 03:59 | # Then why are Christians outbreeding other whites? If Jews hated Christianity and it was bad for us, they’d swallow their pride and promote it, sort of the way they despise blacks, but promote them. 59
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 05:47 | #
Antonio Gramsci and those that formed the Frankfort School didn’t care, to say the least, for Christianity either. Hmmmmm…. is there any political continuity between them, the radical Left (led by Jews, of course), and many who claim to be White Nationalists??? 60
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 05:58 | # Then why are Christians outbreeding other whites? I dunno. Show this ignoramus the stats, please. Are Catholic mestizos and injuns Christian – that is, do they believe in Christ? Are they “white,” according to the US goobermint? If yes, then there’s a large part of the answer. If Jews hated Christianity and it was bad for us, they’d swallow their pride and promote it, sort of the way they despise blacks, but promote them. There is variation. Traditional jews hate Christianity. Others promote the jew-safe version found in 99% of today’s dioceses and denominations. Pat Robertson is not a bulwark of opposition to jewish machinations. 61
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 06:19 | # Others promote the jew-safe version found in 99% of today’s dioceses and denominations. iqmoralcorrelation, If what you state is true, does that make you happy or sad? And why? 62
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 06:46 | # I guess WN, in its present formulation, is perpetually destined to be the proverbial car spinning its wheels in a patch of mud; trying to extricated itself only to sink deeper into the muck. 63
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 07:39 | # Hey, I’ve got an idea!...Let’s insult white Christians. They only make-up the majority of whites! Yeah, that’s the ticket. That’ll attract the masses to our cause. Brilliant!!!! 64
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 08:53 | # If what you state is true, does that make you happy or sad? And why? Hey, I’ve got an idea!...Let’s insult white Christians. 99% of today’s white judeo-Christers would be insulted by the claim that Christianity stands as a bulwark against jewish machinations. How does that make you feel? Not well, is my bet. If so, then we have more in common than low IQ. 65
Posted by the Narrator... on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 12:48 | #
A White man I can define. Are Catholics Christians? Depends on who you ask. And I’ve seen polls of late that show over half of Christians today no longer believe Christianity is the only way to heaven. What you are speaking of is faith. Religious people do seem to breed more than non-religious. Ideally, numbers shouldn’t be a problem. In fact America and Europe are overpopulated. The declining birthrates would be a welcome relief on Western resources (and living space) were it not for the fact that Western governments are importing non-Whites to replace them.
In that world a Jew (Paul) and a Greek (Luke) could both be full fledged Roman citizens. Their religion offered the unifying (all encompassing) element of oriental monotheism, but the morals and standards were mostly of the Western, Pagan (pre-Christian), variety. Christianity became pretty much a European religion. In fact Europeans reworked it to the point that they removed or downplayed much of its middle-eastern monotheism through the development of The Trinity as well as through devotion/worship of Marry and the “saints”. Does that mean we should reverence it? Yes, it is a part of our history, but then, so was the Black Death. The best would take to long to get into, but the worst is obvious. Namely, the altruistic temptation of universalism.
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 16:10 | # iqmoralcorrelation proclaims: “99% of today’s white judeo-Christers would be insulted by the claim that Christianity stands as a bulwark against jewish machinations.” 99% you assert? Wow! How did you come up with that percentage? Wait, let me guess: Your “high IQ” enabled you to figure that out all on your own? LOL 67
Posted by torgrim on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 17:01 | # “A White man I can define.” “The writers of the New Testament, being native to Palestine two thousand years ago were reared in a world that was rooted in oriental (monotheistic) tribalism, but dominated by Greek thought and Roman politics.”—-Narrator Succinctly put, to the point and much better written than anything I have managed to write, about this most important, yet misunderstood, portion of our European heritage! What is most interesting is, we get to replay this senario again with an oriental, (monotheistic) religion, once more….,oddly referred to, as the “religion of peace”, only without Greek thought…. Well done, Narrator! 68
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 17:14 | # 99% you assert? Wow! How did you come up with that percentage? Wait, let me guess: Your “high IQ” enabled you to figure that out all on your own? LOL The assertion bothers you, no? Why? Do you have proof to the contrary? Or is it because deep inside you fear I’m right. After all, the judeo-Christianity of Protestantism is a prerequisite for 501c3 tax status and Vatican II’s effect on Catholicism is greater than Mel Gibson’s. The enabling of jewry by Christians, both Protestant and Catholic, is widespread in the modern era. How can this be? Please explain slowly, for my low IQ can process only so much information at a time. 69
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 17:31 | # Dave Johns, let me pick your brains in regard to Christianity, since you’re a Christian: 1) In Christianity, are there come aspects of communal preservation which it’s unchristian to assure, even if done humanely, such as avoiding immigration policy that’s ethnoracially grossly incompatible? 2) If it’s mean to do that and therefore unchristian, why isn’t it mean and therefore unchristian to hold more property than a poor person? (The Church deems you still Christian if you hold more property than a poor person, and does not require you to give it all away.) Why doesn’t Christianity require extreme communism, in other words? I know it doesn’t, but WHY doesn’t it, if extreme ethnoracial self-abnegation is required? Why is the most extreme self-abnegation required in one sense (Christians aren’t allowed to have race) and not the other (Christians ARE allowed to have property)? Both kinds of inequality, racial inequality and inequality of material wealth, engender bad feelings, feelings of inferiority, envy, and social strife. It’s not as if one kind of inequality engenders those and not the other: both do. If those make one kind of inequality mean they must make the other kind mean. So why’s one OK with Christian hierarchies and not the other? Put it another way: if the Vatican tells me I have to let all the Negroes in Togoland come to my country becuase it’s mean not to, can I tell the Vatican it has to put all Catholic Church property, real estate, and art treasures in the world up at auction, the proceeds to be donated to the people of Togoland because it’s mean not to? To not do one seems as mean or as OK as to not do the other. 3) It it’s not mean to implement humane preservationist immigration measures and therefore not unchristian, why are all Christian hierarchies except the Eastern Orthodox siding with those who attack advocates thereof? 70
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 17:46 | # Liberalism and political correctness, brought on mainly by Jews and secular progressives, are what’s destroying us. And if you want to know what really bothers me, it’s things like this:-
Much appreciation goes to Fred Scrooby for bringing this to our attention. 71
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 17:49 | # Narrator, So the key to understanding Belloc’s “Europe is the Faith; the Faith, Europe” is the reworking of the oriental Christ story by the European elite for its benefit and not the jews’? If true, would that partly explain the jewish hatred of Christianity? 72
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:11 | # Fred, You’re not going to get any argument out of me regarding the sheer ignorance and short sightedness the current crop of Church leaders have towards race-replacement. I’ve always agreed with you up and down the line on that issue. What I take issue with though, are those, not you Fred, that think it’s some sort of a winning strategy to denigrate Christianity. I firmly beleive if white preservationists are ever going to attract the masses of whites to our side, we have to change our approach. Insulting Christianity is a losing marketing strategy, it’s toxic. In fact, it’s just plain dumb. 73
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 18:45 | # This individual is exercised by the claim that modern Christianity is not a bulwark of opposition to jewry: According to him the claim denigrates Christianity. However, he goes on to write: Does he agree, then, that modern Christianity facilitates race-replacement? If yes to race-replacement, then why not yes to the facilitation of jewry? 74
Posted by iqchristardcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 20:09 | # iqmoralcorrelation: “Does he agree, then, that modern Christianity facilitates race-replacement? If yes to race-replacement, then why not yes to the facilitation of jewry?” So does the universalist bent of Christianity form a spot of weakness and lend itself to the weakening of exclusionary White racial consciousness? No shit. Can you ween the sheep off it? I dunno. The Judeo-Bolsheviks tried to, tried to mightily, but it didn’t work. So what is to be done? I dunno. Maybe, if you can’t extirpate it make it work for you? Imagine a howling mob of former Evangelicals who want to “get the Christ Killers” stoked by the verbal styling of Fr. John. 75
Posted by Dave Johns on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 20:37 | # “Does he agree, then, that modern Christianity facilitates race-replacement?” Of course I do. And it’s undoubtedly due to the fact that modern Christianity more reflects modern-liberalism in its teachings as opposed to the conservative teachings of pre WWII traditional Christianity. “The long march through our institutions” is almost complete. 76
Posted by Fr. john on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 22:38 | # “Imagine a howling mob of former Evangelicals who want to “get the Christ Killers” stoked by the verbal styling of Fr. John.” You mean sounding and speaking like the great rhetoriticians of old? Like Luther, like Chrysostom? Both of whom would not have blinked an eye at the Apostate Deicides, nor cared a fig for their ‘right to exist’? The older Christianity is my model, my mindset, the paradigm from which I operate. 77
Posted by iqchristardcorrelation on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 23:26 | # Fr. John: “You mean sounding and speaking like the great rhetoriticians of old?” Oh Lord, my God. Most High, Powerful and Righteous. You soiled yourself by consigning your ineffable Majesty to flesh - so that I might enjoy eternal life. Oh Lord, you were so weak, as a lamb. What soul full of rottenness could not be touched by your guileless, defenseless goodness as such?! What people, inspired by hatred of Holiness, could harm Thee thence?! The Jews! The Deicides of Mercy! The Satanic spawn of filth and depravity! Oh Lord, I know now what I must do. None less than an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, is just. Oh God, your bludgeoning by their clawed hands must not go unpunished! “Like Luther, like Chrysostom? Both of whom would not have blinked an eye at the Apostate Deicides, nor cared a fig for their ‘right to exist’?” Hmmm. 78
Posted by danielj on Fri, 26 Dec 2008 23:28 | # The same Luther that condoned bigamy? Luther was not an Orthodox brother like you, but rather, a Protestant; the kind of Protestant responsible for the Enlightenment and the bags full of misery that it carried in tow but because Luther said some nasty things about the Jews he his all right in your book? He did indeed have a way with words, but I imagine Cicero, Socrates and Demosthenes - who overcame some form of speech impediment, to be much finer examples of rhetoricians.
How old? The one practiced by Christ? The one that was practiced in “Christian” Rome which was really an ugly amalgamation of ancient Pagan rituals, fertility celebrations and season and star worship papered over with a thin veneer of Christ and a healthy dose of state enforcement to ensure compliance? The one that was practiced in “Christian” Geneva where Calvin’s trigger finger was never hesitant to gather up some kindling and burn some poor fool at the stake. The one practiced at the turn of the century by the completely Judaized dispensationalists? The one practiced by Billy Graham which lacks any resemblance to the Christianity of the Bible or the Christianity that preceded it? Christianity addresses the nations and races and encourages them to turn to Christ for salvation. It comes down squarely in the camp of tribalism and a covenant of salvation passed down under such an order through the sign of Baptism. It allows for genetic curses, Ham and his descendants being most notable and the blindness of most Jews to the truth that Christ was the Mashiach Nagid but it also allows for the breaking of genetic curses, the most important breaking of which occurred at Calvary. God is no respecter of persons or nations and they will all wither at the blast of His nostrils but God does not hate us arranging ourselves tribally. The most unnerving thing about the Curse is that we are all sons of Adam, even the niggers, and staring into that abyss and reflecting has driven many a wise man to proclaim that all is vanity and chasing after the wind. All I can do is look at those poor wretches and proclaim, “But for the Grace of God,” and this fact gives me simple gratitude and quiet meals eaten in perfect peace. Christ does not condone us lowering Him into the mire of Nationalist Politics where he can engage in hand-to-hand combat with Odin any more than he condones his reduction to simple bumper-sticker slogans. Christ does not condone race replacement and neither does he command us to fuck our third cousins exclusively to maintain minimal genetic defect after being convinced of the validity of some Finnish study on outbreeding. It seems I must be ruled by the present financial overclass and their Jewish allies or a bunch of incomprehensible race-mystics extolling the boundless virtues of violently enforced genetic homogeneity. 79
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 00:09 | #
Wow, where are the race mystics “enforcing genetic homogeneity” ruling? Sounds like my kinda place, how soon can I move there? As far as “Jesus Christ does not mandate race-replacement,” could you maybe tell that to ... well, to every Catholic and Prod clergyman on the planet? Word doesn’t seem to have reached them yet ... 80
Posted by iqchristardcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 00:11 | # danielj: “Luther was not an Orthodox brother like you, but rather, a Protestant; the kind of Protestant responsible for the Enlightenment and the bags full of misery that it carried in tow but because Luther said some nasty things about the Jews he his all right in your book?” Blasphemy! “The one practiced at the turn of the century by the completely Judaized dispensationalists?” Fr. John will show them the true faith, according to Christ. “Christ does not condone us lowering Him into the mire of Nationalist Politics…” Christ has anointed Fr. John as His instrument that He shall wield for the purpose of a National Revolution for Salvation. The Deicides will no longer see to the mongrelization of European Christendom with their Satanic wiles. “...even the niggers,” “It allows for genetic curses,” “ also allows for the breaking of genetic curses, the most important breaking of which occurred at Calvary.” If they just pray hard enough they’ll stop being niggers. 81
Posted by danielj on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 00:29 | # If they just pray hard enough they’ll stop being niggers. 82
Posted by danielj on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 01:34 | #
I suppose it is up to you and I to convince them Fred. Perhaps the Holy Spirit will do His job? 83
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 01:54 | # iqchristardcorrelation, Can you ween the sheep off it? I dunno. Probably not. So what is to be done? I dunno. Ignore the problems associated with Judeochristianity for appearance sake? Spend 50-100 years “infiltrating” Judeochristianity to make it “work for us,” perhaps? Inundate Pat Robertson and Pope Ratzinger with email and letters? Start up an Internet site? Accept that this is the end of the White race and exploit that fact for whatever monetary advantages it brings? You tell me. My IQ is sub-MR. Imagine a howling mob of former Evangelicals who want to “get the Christ Killers” stoked by the verbal styling of Fr. John. So very conservative and Billy Piercey. The proponents of Ye Olde Tyme Religion lost the battle for Christianity 45 years ago. There will be no resurrection in our lifetime or the next. Time to move on to something else, perhaps? 84
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 02:25 | # The older Christianity is my model, my mindset, the paradigm from which I operate. I dunno. You want to sell the Olde Tyme Religion? Very well. Christians prefer making tax-deductible contributions, however. Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, they are. Very similar to Internet activists. Convince the IRS to award your church 501c3 tax status and the Olde Tyme Religion may make a comeback. Doubtful, but possible. 85
Posted by iqchristardcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 03:14 | # iqmoralcorrelation: “...Billy Piercey.” Was he on the plane “the day the music died”? Or was it the day WN died? “Probably not.” I concur. “Ignore the problems associated with Judeochristianity for appearance sake?” If you can’t get rid of the lemons why not make lemonade? Whattayasay? “Spend 50-100 years “infiltrating” Judeochristianity to make it “work for us,” perhaps?” Fr. John is motivated to spread the word of our Lord Jebus Crisp consistent with White racial preservation. Stop working for the cause, John. Sometimes nothing is better than something. “Inundate Pat Robertson and Pope Ratzinger with email and letters?” The idea would be to siphon off their followers. “Start up an Internet site?” Why not? Fr. John has one. What do you say to Jeboos’ True Believers when they balk at racialism? They won’t give up the faith. So feed them a sly rationalization arguably consistent with the faith. “Accept that this is the end of the White race and exploit that fact for whatever monetary advantages it brings?” Not much money in WN as it stands. If I was willing to accept the end of the White race I would just watch Seinfeld reruns and swill Budweiser and screw mestizas. “You tell me.” Do you think if we built microcommunities the lemmings would come? Like if Field of Dreams? “My IQ is sub-MR.” An ironic affectation to facilitate a passive-aggresive interrogation? Your IQ has got to be at least 120 to pull that off. Whattayathink? “Time to move on to something else, perhaps?” How long would it take to get the lemmings to come to the microcommunities in sufficient numbers to make a difference, 50 - 100 years? “Convince the IRS to award your church 501c3 tax status and the Olde Tyme Religion may make a comeback. Doubtful, but possible.” Well, he’s most likely not going to become an atheist, er, secular or worship Odin. We get those to do what they are motivated to do. “Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, they are. Very similar to Internet activists.” Is that what you think of Guessedworker and Michael Rienzi? P.S. How do we get rid of that pesky faith gene? Eugenics? To do eugenics we’d need power and we are not in power… 86
Posted by iqchristardcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 03:48 | # iqmoralcorrelation, My IQ is sub-Saharan. Explain a few things to me please? How do we promote microcommunities? With Internet sites? Do we sell the concept generally sans specific examples? Do we try a ‘marketing’ approach for it; portray it as glamorous, adventurous, unconservative? How do we sell WN generally, sans microcommunites? Do we go with the “fear and loathing” approach? Do we try to inspire a positive love of kind in our people? Do we name the Jew? Do we try to tailor our approach to the individual; say skew it towards Christians for Christians, towards atheists for atheists? The Jews know how to market, they use psychological leverage. They ask themselves what this guy wants, and convince him he will get it. You can’t bullshit a bullshitter, but you can bullshit a lemming all day long. Should we try to beat the Jews at their own game? 87
Posted by Dave Johns on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 05:44 | # “How do we promote microcommunities?” Pray to God for a miracle, because a miracle is what it will take for the concept of microcommunities to ever translate into reality. 88
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 06:51 | # Dave Johns: “Pray to God for a miracle, because a miracle is what it will take for the concept of microcommunities to ever translate into reality.” I have great respect for “iqmoralcorrelation”. He is an intelligent man of honor who has dedicated his life to the preservation of our people: a soldier’s soldier, a WN’s WN, a White man’s White man. His microcommunity concept is ingenious, it looks very good on paper; but can it be translated into reality? As he has stated, the finished product isn’t yet complete. If he could market it as a finished product that people of, say, average intelligence could be reasonably expected to make work, it could be a winner. Most people aren’t smart enough, however, to educate themselves via the instructional manuals he has so generously provided here, and to infer the rest of the “how to”. He needs a sufficient number of adherents to the concept to make it worthwhile (five groups scattered across the country doing it would be meaningless); that means many people around the mean IQ, 100, of our people. The more the demographic situation deteriorates the more our people will be looking for security, both material and in the more mundane sense. Depending on how bad things get, it is not unreasonable to assume average people may be afforded a better standard of living in self-sufficient microcommunities, than in racially-mixed, system-dependent neighborhoods. It would be better that he would make these arguments himself, and would show us a bit more of the finished product, than engage in childish “Christard” bashing. What really was the point of it? None, as was demonstrated. If you want to sell your wares to the lemmings you’ve got to speak their language. You are selling to lemmings, true, but the trick is not act as if you are. Again, no disrespect to “iqmoralcorrelation” intended. If his concept can succeed I want it to succeed. If it comes off the way he has it drawn up on paper it is a winner. I think I understand why GW keeps the greasy wog (LOL!) silver around now, a little trolling resistance keeps you on your toes, it makes you up your game; as does a comments section. We face resistance in life, and the life of our people is what we fight for. GW, save us sinners. 89
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 11:10 | #
I think the jews hate Christianity because White people are associated with it. If The West truly exists, then everything they believe about themselves is a lie.
And looking at the Christianity of blacks and hispanics you notice that the European (read, better) aspects of it fall away. In their hands it is about personal and/or tribal material gain and political power rather than spiritual enlightenment.
The god of the Old Testament, created in a world dominated by oriental tribalism, culture and thought, is vindictive, petty illogical and tyrannical. The god of the New Testament, created in a world dominated by European Culture (Greek thought and Roman politics) is merciful, forgiving, more pragmatic and somewhat ennobling of the human spirit. They are two different gods. It’s rather obvious. The more damaging Biblical doctrines were not harmful to us in the past because they were ignored or simply went unread. After all, Jesus teaches that he came to set father against son and mother against daughter. Of course I’m guessing that Jesus said all this in a broader Jewish tribalistic sense. After all he expressed nothing but contempt for gentiles (us). Europeans later took the teachings of Jesus (which were already partly based in European thought) and fine-tuned them through extra-Biblical doctrine in the guise of hermeneutics. This made them more applicable for themselves and their peoples. In other words, Europeans made Christianity great, not the other way around. This is evidenced in the fact that (if you remove the muslim immigrants) any sane person would feel a helluva lot safer in post-Christian Sweden than in Current-Christian Haiti. In fact you might say there are two Christianities.
Posted by Fr. John on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 12:39 | # I enjoy reading this posts on this blog, until the Christophobes of various stripes start their bantering. It would seem that, in this current exchange, I am now the object of the vilification. So be it. No biggie. And I guess I shouldn’t be surprised. You can’t talk to a bigot, (whether of the left or of the anarchist side of things) so I am not going to bother. As the old adage says, “if you can’t get through to a heretic after the second or third exchange, leave him in his error.” (the next clause is also implied- ‘For that’s where he wishes to stay’) That mindset also seems to confirm the old debate over free will, vs. predestination: for a heretic will choose to be damned, and God merely confirms their choices, allowing the unregenerate to free will himself into hell. In that case, “let the dead bury the dead.” But the comments Narrator just posted need a bit of refutation, if only to set the record straight. You wrote: “The break between Old and New Testament is so profound that they shouldn’t even be placed together. Sorry, but no. That is one of the oldest heresies in the book- literally! (lol) Christ said that ‘I and the Father are one.” He also said that , “not one jot or tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.” [Matt. 5:17ff.] Otherwise, NOTHING changes. God still is ‘the God of His people’ [cf. Matt. 1:21 for N.T. corroboration] he still calls us to ‘come out of the world, and be ye separate’, there is still a ‘holy seed’ that should not fornicate with the heathen round about us, and there is still a demonic seed that seeks the ill will of the people of God [Gen. 3:15, John 8:44] The only reason people have posited a ‘vengeful God’ of the OT, and the ‘gentle Jesus, meek and mild’ (and thereby, totally ineffectual) in their eyes, is so that they can sin with impunity. No, God’s wrath still exists; it is the corollary of his Mercy and Goodness to those ‘who are predestined to be saints.’ As the old song says it, “you can’t have one without the…other!” This makes the damned in our midst rather uncomfortable. But then, God was sent to Earth at Christmas to ‘comfort the afflicted’... and ergo, to ‘afflict the comfortable.’ Sh’ma Yisroel, YHWH Eloheynu, YHWH Echod. ‘Hear o Israel, the Lord OUR God is One Lord.’ -Christ concurred, for He is God. And if the Trinity is ONE, then so should His People be as well. Carping that you don’t like that, doesn’t change the facts. 91
Posted by danielj on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 14:18 | #
This is of course true, and it it is for the same reason that we hate Judaism; it is associated with Jews. Jews are only successful when they operate inside a socio-political environment that is not of their own creation and in any other circumstance they just wander around hopeless in the desert. God gave them a kingdom for an extremely short historical period which they ran into the ground by adopting multiculturalism and the god’s of the surrounding countries.
Who controls the past, controls the future. It is just a fight for power.
The Bible itself endorses this idea on racial terms through a prophecy of Noah directed toward his three children which roughly correspond to the three major races: and saith: `Cursed [is] Canaan, Servant of servants he is to his brethren.’ And he saith: `Blessed of Jehovah my God [is] Shem, And Canaan is servant to him. God doth give beauty to Japheth, And he dwelleth in tents of Shem, And Canaan is servant to him.’ Gen 9:25-27 Young’s Literal Trans.
Than their “Christianity” isn’t really Christianity is it?
This is a theological issue. There are churches that argue against polyphony in the Liturgy or simply against musical accompaniment and others that have drums which is entirely African in origin.
There is no break. The Old Testament is allegory and it is the Gospel concealed, the New is the Gospel revealed. Christ declares to two of His disciples in Luke 24:27: And beginning at Moses and all the prophets, he expounded unto them in all the scriptures the things concerning himself. The entire Bible is Christocentric and without understanding that one can not understand the Scriptures.
Statements like this prove that you have not studied the issue but are repeating others on the subject.
It is the same God of the same Hell fire but in the New Testament He is emphasizing a different aspect of His salvation plan and a different aspect of His character as a result.
Only to the uninitiated
But if any provide not for his own, and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith, and is worse than an infidel. 1 Tim 5:8 King James Version We are also commanded to stay with our unbelieving spouses and render them their due.
Now you are straying into the area of textual criticism and interpolation which I’m almost sure you know even less about than exegesis.
This is all too true.
True Christianity is Biblical, but I understand what you are getting at.
No, it is the unbiblical false Christianity that is getting at us but it is certainly not eating us alive. This “Christianity” is one of our lesser worries, as most people are only nominal practitioners of it and they are not even a majority of the population. We in the Eurosphere are entirely post-Christian. 92
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 14:39 | # I wasn’t vilifying you Fr. John.
That’s just it, it’s universal.
I wasn’t juxtaposing what Jesus says with what God in the Old Testament said, but rather the personality of God as presented in the Old Testament vs. the New Testament. I know the Narrative of the New Testament fairly well. Jesus’s actions on the cross didn’t just save the lost but condemned the indifferent. But that whole narrative was, coincidentally, played out only after the Hebrews found themselves in a European dominated era. Wouldn’t it have been more expedient for that to have happened right after the expulsion from Eden? The martyr sacrificing himself for everyone else is a theme that is pretty much Eurocentric. Thus the story appealed almost exclusively to Europeans. And this fact is augmented by the fact that most third-world Christians pay more homage to the Marry narrative than to the Jesus one.
Yes, the community activists encourage the impoverished proletariat to dream of turning the tables on the exploitative bourgeoisie.
. 93
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 14:51 | #
“Iqmoralcorrelation” and “Iqchristardcorrelation” are different guys. The thing “Iqmoralcorrelation” does need to stop engaging in is coming here to snipe at the participants always with the same criticism that they’re not doing anything useful, only wasting time that could be better spent developing microcommunities and a barter economy: “Summer soldiers and sunshine patriots, they are. Very similar to Internet activists.” Let him by all means get microcommunities and a barter economy up and running, but by spending 24/7 in this site’s threads criticising the participants as not doing anything useful he’s only wasting time that could be better spent ... well ... developing microcommunities and a barter economy: A summer soldier and a sunshine patriot, he is. Very similar to guys who spend 24/7 hanging around blog threads telling participants they’re not doing anything useful, only wasting time that could be better spent developing microcommunities and a barter economy. When a guy comes on here and starts in with 1) theme and variations on “easy online racialism” (he doesn’t know what in the F he’s talking about, and only makes himself sound like a moron by perpetually spouting that line or its many equivalents) and 2) how much lower his intelligence/IQ/educational level is than the typical MR participant, you know you’re dealing with “Iqmoralcorrelation” and you’re justified in wondering why ... well ... why he’s not spending his time developing ... well, developing .... microcommunities and a barter economy rather than ... well ... rather than ... hanging around here going on about 1) theme and variations on “easy online racialism” (he doesn’t know what in the F he’s talking about, and only makes himself sound like a moron by perpetually spouting that line or its many equivalents) and 2) how much lower his intelligence/IQ/educational level is than the typical MR participant, only wasting time that could be far better spent developing ... well ... microcommunities and ... well ... a barter economy. 94
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 15:05 | # I think they’re great ideas he has, and as I’ve said in the past I support anything that works. “Iqmoralcorrelation”‘s error is not thinking up original ideas, it’s his continually sniping at the participants here. We’ve got that message already. We’re “easy online racialists” engaged in “rehasing the same failed policies that have been a failure for 50 years,” and so on, and so forth, and so on, and so forth, etc., etc., etc. We’ve got the message already. We got that part. Now don’t you have something more useful to do, such as ... well ... such as develop microcommunities and a barter economy? It’s the sniping at the participants here that is vehemently rejected, not whatever plans he has in mind for getting us out of this mess. By all means, develop them. And stop coming on here to do your imbecilic, and I mean imbecilic, sniping. 95
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 15:26 | #
No, it’s kinda different. In fact, if anything, Whites have been trying to build Israel’s history into something more than it was in an effort to boost the Bible’s (and thus God’s) credibility. White people are the ones that go around digging up others peoples lost history, encouraging them to be proud of it.
Of course I’m sure you know other people (most Christians) interpret that otherwise.
That was my overall point. Christianity isn’t so much a religion as it is an articulation of White man’s morality (warts -altruism- and all).
Actually I was a Christian for the first twenty plus years of my life. I wasn’t criticizing the god of the Old Testament, just critiquing him. Within the narrative of the story I wouldn’t hesitate to call him good and benevolent. His actions were logical, righteous and overall beneficial to various individuals who severed him…...within the narrative of the story.
Paul said that, not Jesus. And let’s be honest, Paul was kind of like a Used Car salesman. “I become all things to all men,” I believe he said.
I’m pretty sure that last bit of Mark was tacked on later. If I’m wrong so be it, but if I remember right it was added at a later date. And with all do respect, exegesis is just a fancy name for Public Relations- Damage Control for the good book.
That’s just a “No True Scotsman” type of argument.
Posted by danielj on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 15:52 | #
True. Conceded.
Whites do it at the behest of university Jews and most of them do it without explicitly understanding the Jewishness of their professors and patrons.
It doesn’t have to say that. The lineages recorded demonstrate that tribes and nations were descended from these three and bear their marks and the three have separate genetic histories. I’m not even arguing that Haamaites are niggers but rather that God uses man’s tribalism and does in fact curse tribes. This ties in with Diamed’s essay in a way since it is scary to realize what we have in common with the boogers.
100% agreed. The Germans took forever to “convert” which they didn’t really do. Europe was “the faith” but it was not the faith expounded in the text of the Bible.
To a Christian, there is really no distinction between the inspired words of Paul and the literal words of Jesus since it is all Holy Writ, inerrant and inspired.
That is the fundamental error that atheistic and modern Christians make when dealing with the Greek Mss. Older doesn’t equal more accurate. I could direct you to some fantastic essays on text formation if you are truly interested.
Quite the relativist you are for a former Christian! We can’t agree on truth so there is no truth? When you can find two White Nationalists that can agree on what WN is then take a picture 97
Posted by the Narrator... on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 17:28 | #
Maybe some, but a lot of Whites are genuinely interested in such things. I mean, can you imagine another race reenacting historical civil wars?
Yes but thanks to Calvary we’re all “One” in Christ now. See the problem?
I’m sure they’d be fantastic and interesting, but doesn’t the fact that they (as well as exegesis) exist kind of knock in the head the idea that the Bible has a clear and coherent text?
That’s hardly what I was getting at. We have to stifle our own altruistic notions when it comes to those outside our tribe. If you say that only White people can be your spiritual kindred, fine. But if there is even a slight possibility that the definition can be extended to include non-Whites then there is a problem. Where then will the Christian put his loyalty? With his biological brothers or his spiritual ones?
... 98
Posted by iqchristiancorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 18:23 | # Fr. John: “I enjoy reading this posts on this blog, until the Christophobes of various stripes start their bantering.” Some “Christophobes” have a deep appreciation of the spiritualized yearning that Christianity promises to one day fulfill if only we love Him - but can’t bring themselves to believe none the less. Others are prudent enough to conceal - most of the time - their contempt and sniggering at the “Christards” because they realize it is a “turn off”. I’ll let you guess which is which. “It would seem that, in this current exchange, I am now the object of the vilification.” Not from my end. Heck, I even gave you some material - in the grand rhetorical style - for one of your sermons. I want you to continue building your doctrine - the one true doctrine, according to Christ - and educating White youngsters about their obligations to God, country and race. And also I see a nice synthesis of the microcommunities concept and the one true doctrine, according to Christ. Wouldn’t it be nice if we could get many more communities like Warren Jeffs’ up and running, but without all the polygamist nuttiness? “You can’t talk to a bigot, (whether of the left or of the anarchist side of things) so I am not going to bother.” You’re a good man, Fr. John. It’s Mr. Microcommunities cognitive dissonance, his love of the lemmings vs. his contempt for the lemmings, that keeps tripping him up. If you want to be the man, as I suspect iqmicrocommunutiescorrelation does, you’ve got to be a uniter, not a divider; like Pres-o-dent Bush said. “As the old adage says, “if you can’t get through to a heretic after the second or third exchange, leave him in his error.”” But heretics and believers can work together for common goals. If we don’t save the White race Western Christianity is toast. If Christianity will be a friend to the White race, I will be a friend to Christianity - word is bond. 99
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 20:10 | # If you can’t get rid of the lemons why not make lemonade? Whattayasay? Much gas has passed since my last poor contribution. Lemonade from lemons? More like chocolate from a turd. Belief systems notwithstanding, this heretic of sub-MR mental ability thinks the hyper-sensitive egos of sanctimonious prigs should not be coddled when they are wrong. The True Faith is a European reconstruction of an Oriental story. If pushed to it the enemy can believably point to the story’s “middle eastern” origins and say it was stolen. Furthermore, the True Faith failed. It was breached and crushed as a “strong bulwark against Jewish/Globalist machinations” more than 45 years ago. There is no returning to it, just as there is no return to the America of 1955-65. Judeochristianity is jew-worshipping equalitarianism for gentiles. In a sense it symbolizes the recovery of stolen property and a form of historical “justice” for the eternally persecuted jew. It is not a “strong bulwark against Jewish/globalist machinations.” To both the IRS and judeochristian mind Fr. John is a heretic. They will not legally support his bid for 501c3 tax status. Nor will many, if any, on this blog support his message to the degree required if donations to his cause are not tax deductible. Easy money online racialists are sunshine patriots. This stings, of course, but is the truth nevertheless. My personal attitude toward Christianity notwithstanding, these facts must be dealt with – not ignored for the sake of an unity of message that can never be anything more than online, superficial, and temporary - at best. Billy Piercey’s scenario of Christian pitchforks stirred by a fake television preacher is ludicrous. Like it or not, this individual of sub-MR IQ who suffers from cognitive dissonance continues to maintain that the emperor has no clothes! Pay attention or continue to fruitlessly spin wheels in this online hobby. 100
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 20:46 | #
Stings? It only stings you, by showing you for a moron to have thought it up and to insist on repeating it. By hanging aound here constantly berating participants for refining ideas instead of switching full time to developing microcommunities and a barter economy you’re giving microcommunities and a barter economy extremely bad publicity, as you make it appear there are absolutely no takers out there, otherwise you wouldn’t be spending all your time here berating us. An idea that’s got zilch takers can’t hold out much promise of ever getting off the ground. If there were takers you’d be with them getting it off the ground instead of yapping against us here. So ... zero takers; doesn’t look as if your idea is having much success.
An individual who keeps coming to a site and sniping in the same ultra-moronic way — “You’re all easy-money, easy online racialists; you’re all living off of daddy’s or grandpa’s trust funds; not one of you has ever gone to work or gotten his hands dirty; you’re all wasting your time discussing ideas that have failed for fifty years; you’re all sunshine activists and easy-money, easy-online-racialist blowhards, you don’t know what it means to actually work hard, work with your hands, operate a lathe or a drill press; a circular saw; walk behind a plow and a team of mules; you’ve never gotten your hands dirty or placed your boots on the ground; I have a way lower IQ than you, I’m a machinist and self-taught tool & die maker by trade while all of you easy-money lazy snobs and hobbyists went to college but can’t even see your way through to adopting my idea of microcommunities full-time so my plan is to keep on stupidly hectoring you until you stop all your discussions here, shut this blog down, and devote yourselves full-time to standing on street corners trying to recruit passersby for our microcommunities and barter economy” — an individual who keeps coming to a site and sniping at the participants that way surely has something the matter with his IQ, it’s either really, really low, or God knows what else is wrong with the guy’s head. Go away. 101
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 20:53 | # JWH the other day gave me some extremely good advice in regard to a certain “Serb-Greek” troll who keeps showing up here: ignore him in future. Completely. I’m going to take that advice. I’m going to apply it. To you. 102
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 20:55 | # If you want to be the man, as I suspect iqmicrocommunitiescorrelation [sp] does, you’ve got to be a uniter, not a divider; like Pres-o-dent Bush said. Why are you angry? Are you Svigor? Is not the True Faith a European reconstruction of an Oriental story? Will not the jews and ziochristers claim it was stolen and reconfigured to serve the ancient anti-Semitic power elite of Europe, if it ever is in their interests to do so? Did it not fail as a bulwark against Jewish/Globalist machinations? Is judeochristianity any better? Why must we coddle a handful of adherents to a version of the faith that was usurped, is without power or influence, and is prevented by tax code from regaining these things in the traditional, legal manner? Please help this easy online racialist who happens to be afflicted with sub-MR intelligence to understand. 103
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 21:27 | # iqmoralcorrelation: “Much gas has passed since my last poor contribution.” When ya gotta go, ya gotta go. Dontcha know? “Lemonade from lemons? More like chocolate from a turd.” All that glitters is microcommunities; all else are turds, or at least coal. “Belief systems notwithstanding,” LOL! I hope you are being ironic. You have no belief system, that guides your actions? “...this heretic of sub-MR mental ability…” Which of us is as smart as Bowery, we all fall short of the grace thereof. “...thinks the hyper-sensitive egos of sanctimonious prigs should not be coddled when they are wrong.” I don’t disagree, but there is a time to kick a man in his balls and a time to massage them. “The True Faith is a European reconstruction of an Oriental story.” No shit? That’s deep. “If pushed to it the enemy can believably point to the story’s “middle eastern” origins and say it was stolen.” So what? Do you honestly believe the lemmings give a fuck about the True Faith anymore? LOL! They just want a cheap spiritualism buzz and a sense of community as a life-style accessory. “Furthermore, the True Faith failed.” It all basically failed, except for National Socialism, in the sense that it was merely militarily defeated. But then again, GW thinks that the seeds of its own warmongering destruction lay within it, so who knows? “There is no returning to it, just as there is no return to the America of 1955-65.” The advance of technology alone has obviated that world. “Judeochristianity is jew-worshipping equalitarianism for gentiles.” I won’t disagree. Evangelical leaders are the lowest order of charlatan scum on the payroll of the Jews. Still, do you honestly believe all the faithful little lemmings would be willing to move to the ghetto or have some nigger crackhead move into their McMansion? LOL! There deluded hypocrisy is only sustainable due to White-flight. Once the ghetto and the niggers come to them, what then? “To both the IRS and judeochristian mind Fr. John is a heretic. They will not legally support his bid for 501c3 tax status. Nor will many, if any, on this blog support his message to the degree required if donations to his cause are not tax deductible.” Fr. John can get a congregation and a church, apply for 501c3 tax status without writing “Death to the Jews! Heil Hitler, er, I mean Jesus!” on the application. LOL! Wasn’t part of your microcommunities strategy being a little coy about it? “Easy money online racialists are sunshine patriots. This stings, of course, but is the truth nevertheless.” So long as you’re not pulling any punches, why don’t you name names? “Billy Piercey’s scenario of Christian pitchforks stirred by a fake television preacher is ludicrous.” No shit, it was an action novel to get the lemmings fired up for the cause. But look at it this way, if all those Whites who call themselves Christians will NEVER join us because of their Christianity then we are completely fucked. We’ve got to come up with an apologetics consistent with racialism if we want them on our side - yes, we need them. Also, worse IS better. You honestly believe that when Whites are being constantly exposed to muds raping and killing them they WON’T be more inclined to racial solidarity? That will prime all Jeboos’ loyal followers for the message. I’m not saying a Christified racialism should be the primary message, obviously not; what I’m suggesting is that it couldn’t hurt to have to some ready-made apologetics available. “Pay attention or continue to fruitlessly spin wheels in this online hobby.” I understand what you are saying. I just don’t, categorically, agree; sorry. I guess that makes me a heretic. I echo the suggestions of Captainchaos - with whom I’m on good terms, by the way (LOL!) - that you at least get one of your various sock-puppets to do some more explaining about your microcommunities concept. Specifically, how do we get enough adherents? Numbers, numbers, numbers! 104
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 21:37 | # Go ahead and place this individual of low IQ on “ignore,” oh priggish one of alleged high IQ and full gentile ancestry. Everybody knows you peak. While we’re on the subject of “refining” (50 years of failed) ideas, answer me this: How does the fleshy manifestation of an omnipotent, omniscient God die for Man’s sins knowing he can never die as men do? Exercise caution, for as you already know with this question I hold your cyber-nuts in my hand. 105
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 21:49 | # Cap’n C, I have no problem with you. You’re respectable, even where we disagree - which is rare - or when you mock me due to not fully reckoning my meaning (most times that is my fault). My previous entry was intended for the Scroob and his little sidekick, of superior intellect and moral authority. Yes, I have a belief system. We all do. That is not the problem. 106
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 21:54 | # iqmoralcorrelation: “Why are you angry? Are you Svigor?” BTW, “iqchristardcorrelation” was me, Captainchaos, in case anyone hadn’t guessed - for the sake of full disclosure. I’m not angry, I was just trading some good natured barbs. I respect you, dude. Seriously, you should know that. Just come back to the table and discuss your ideas with us, and dispense with all this sock-puppet nonsense. That is another reason GW keeps the comments section around, so that smart guys who give a rip about their race can hammer out a consensus. 107
Posted by Captainchaos on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 22:20 | # I apologize to all those who were offended. I’ve been on a war footing with the faileocons for so long I guess I’ve had a hard time switching it off. The last thing I want to do is discredit this website or the cause. To Mr. iqmoralcorrelation, seriously man, I did not mean to offend you. I feel like shit. The “I’m on good terms with Captainchaos” thing, to which I signed my usual moniker, was intended as a joke. The microcommunities idea is a good idea, but it needs more work, as do all our ideas. I thought a good mix-up might might clarify some issues. I took it too far. I’m sorry. 108
Posted by iqmoralcorrelation on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 22:51 | # Cap’n C, I respect you, dude. Seriously, you should know that. Just come back to the table and discuss your ideas with us, and dispense with all this sock-puppet nonsense. I know you do. So does my friend. My friend and I have introduced a framework. We needn’t constantly self-reference ourselves as some do, for the ground is our realm with real person interaction and feedback. We are different animals. Those visiting the margins of cyberspace who would listen to us in these matters have done so. Now I shall continue to ask the occasional question of blightblingers, but not for the purpose of flushing them from cyberspace or winning cyber-adherents. No, the reality-averse will continue to dominate the world’s virtual margins until blocked by hate legislation. And they will be blocked in the not too distant future. I only do it to benefit that tiny minority who are similar to my friend and I, and are truly looking for ideas to help in the real world. Take this for what it’s worth to ya. P.S. It’s always a hoot when the obnoxious prigs and pussies of the virtual world place me on their “ignore” list. 109
Posted by Gudmund on Sat, 27 Dec 2008 23:04 | # iqmoralcorrelation, If you are the one who provided the manuals and the info there, they are appreciated. I’ve already downloaded a number of these and have spoken to people about them since around October. I have told many people to think locally and act accordingly, but have not had time to explicitly push the racialist aspect of it. In any case, I don’t see why we can’t do a mix of practical things “out there” and intellectual discourse online. 110
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 00:00 | # Gudmund: “In any case, I don’t see why we can’t do a mix of practical things “out there” and intellectual discourse online.” That is precisely my point. It is sites like this one, VNN, Amren and Vdare that provided me with the indispensable information I needed for my racial awakening. As for microcommunities, the point of them is self-sufficiency/non-dependence on the system. Of course there are different situations in which people will find themselves where they may form one, different requirements for different situations; but again, if something as close to a standard package as possible can be put together it will make it a lot more likely that people of average intelligence can give it a go. 111
Posted by Captainchaos on Sun, 28 Dec 2008 02:35 | # iqmoralcorrelation: “Is not the True Faith a European reconstruction of an Oriental story?” I think that is an accurate assessment. “Will not the jews and ziochristers claim it was stolen and reconfigured to serve the ancient anti-Semitic power elite of Europe, if it ever is in their interests to do so?” It is plausible that they would attempt to argue that. In the real world, constructs, such as the one in question, yield to the interpretation of those with the means, the power, to see to it that their interpretation becomes dominant. As you have conceded, Christianity is mostly likely to be a set piece in the collective consciousness of Whites, for the foreseeable future, come what may; whether the pernicious influence of Jewish power passes from the stage or not. Christianity will be there, like it or not; it must be dealt with. Pointing out that it is a sticking point and a weakness is not the same as producing cure, it is a diagnosis. The predominating interpretation of something so salient to the mental life of Whites is not something we can afford to leave to our enemies unaddressed - self-evidently. We get in the trenches and fight the battle with our enemies, on all fronts. What else is there to be done? “Did it not fail as a bulwark against Jewish/Globalist machinations? Is judeochristianity any better?” What about Classical Liberalism? What of Constitutionalism? Were those less vulnerable to infiltration? No, in fact our enemies have imposed their self-serving narratives on those constructs as well. Do we concede to them victory in the future out of a refusal to fight today because of our defeat in the past? I say hell no! “Why must we coddle a handful of adherents to a version of the faith that was usurped,” Because we are not in a position to force anyone to do anything. Because if we insult their most dearly held beliefs, seek to strip them of that which provides them with some comfort that this wretched life is not all there is, is not the end, they will turn from us - they will not listen. It is not coddling that stops a man from inflicting injury on the wayward when it is pointless, it is forbearance, it is mercy. I’m sure you are aware, in your own endeavors, in your own small way to do something so our people might live: it profit a man not to cut corners. If it takes fifty years, if it takes a hundred years, there will yet be White people and those are for whom we struggle if not for ourselves. Whatever it takes, however long, however far, that is what we will do. What else is there? 112
Posted by n/a on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 00:04 | # Eisenhower’s ancestors going back many generations were ethnically German and born in America. Eisenhower had neither Swedish nor Jewish ancestry. “Eisenhauer” is not a Jewish name: Dictionary of American Family Names, Oxford University Press, ISBN 0-19-508137-4</blcokquote>
Posted by Sad Joker on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 05:42 | # Another Michael Myers socio-psycho path stalking the net? Yawn. This is would be funny if it wasn’t so stupid and sick;
Where the hell is this jackass, or bitch, living that the struggle for survival has reached the highest pitch? I’m pretty warm and cozy, and I bet s/he is too, otherwise if the struggle for survival is so hard, where did s/he find the time and money to get on a computer and type? I wonder if he, she, it, whatever, has ever lived in places where the struggle for survival has actually reached a high pitch, I doubt it. And is it actually saying that it has smashed infants in cradles? WTF? Believe me, it’s ass would be behind bars right now if it had. This has piece has the intellectual equivalent of a someone’s butt hair. 114
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 06:23 | #
What is up with this site? Even someone who attempts to counteract the The Blood Diamond’s bs is unread, unlearned. Buddha was not produced in Japan. If you’re going to speak on Buddha or his ism, at least wiki the subject. I mean, you managed to log onto a website, I’m sure you can wiki, it’s not that hard, just google it. Google. You know. You know? You must. And sterilizing women? Why not men? Oh because they would kick your ass so better prey upon the physically weaker? Makes sense. For a coward. Would it be too much to suggest that you marry (once), refrain from divorce (possible???) and reproduce many, many children, and then marry them all off at a young age and have them produce many, many children, and in this way carry on your genes and populate the earth accordingly? Ever thought of that? A simple, “go forth and multiply” theory, the oldest theory known to humankind - ever heard of it? Or is it impossible for you to carry out because as you write above, your parents are divorced and you are unable to find a lasting, meaningful relationship. Hmmm, I never would’ve guessed. I was surfing the web for my research paper on the subject matter of genetic reproduction and I stumbled across this. My first reaction was to report this site to homeland security for possible terrorist links, after reading the first few paragraphs of Blood Diamond’s diatribe about killing babies and pregnant women, but then I continued to read the comments and almost peed my pants laughing at the 2001 Space Odyssey contingent. LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What a riot. You guys deserve your own planet, that is for sure. LOL. Then I realized what a joke this all is. Good one! Happy New Year. 115
Posted by Diamed on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 11:08 | # Wow, my very first post reported to Homeland Security for terrorist links? And a new nickname? I’ll take that as a compliment. Furthermore nothing I said is specifically about me, so don’t bother psychoanalyzing the piece. And however well individuals do in their family lives, it will not be enough to counteract the negative trends that are swamping our individual efforts. Your solution is no solution at all, it is like using a bucket to bail out the coming of the tide. Only the collective effort of a giant series of dikes, dams, windmills, etc, can make headway against the sea of threats coming our way. Since you seem to be living in lala land, I will ask you how marrying, not divorcing, and having lots of kids is working out for whites in South Africa? How are the taxes there, a little high? The affirmative action and Black Economic Empowerment programs must be a great opportunity for all your white children to get decent jobs, right? Your daughters must love the fact that a new girl is raped in South Africa every 17 seconds, and it’s Double Plus Good that 25% of the country has AIDS—and that blacks specialize in gang rapes just to make sure one of them gives you the infection huh? Does the electricity stay on? Is the water safe to drink? Can you walk alone at night? It must be especially comforting to know that the heads of the party that runs your country sing songs like “One settler, one bullet,” “kill the boer, kill the farmer,” and “bring me my machine gun” whenever they get together. Better yet, how about you fly out to South Africa and hand deliver your wonderful advice to the tiny hunted white minority that remains there. “Just have lots of kids and everything will be fine.” Each child born into South Africa is just another horror story waiting to happen. Bringing a child into that world is nothing short of child abuse. Having lots of children and staying married is a great idea, but without the infrastructure of a civilized society around your family, you are helpless and everyone you love and care for is doomed. Instead of protecting the family you care so much for, you attack the only people who care about your kids and are trying to provide them a safe and free future. Brilliant. But at least you can laugh at people vastly smarter than you and smirk smugly at how morally enlightened you are. Meanwhile ‘Blood Diamond’ here will be fighting your fight and protecting your loved ones, because I love them more than you do, and care more about them than you ever will, since you are perfectly fine with throwing them to the wolves of the BEAST while whistling to their screams. 116
Posted by J Richards on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 12:04 | #
Well, since you just stumbled across this site, you probably don’t know that “the land of the cognitive elites” refers to India. The reference is to the snooty, elitist and arrogant attitudes of the south Asians at and other sites. I have long known that Gautama Buddha was born in India. What started this discussion thread is an essay by a person, Diamed, who isn’t affiliated with this site. You took my Buddha comment from an extensive reply to Diamed, which isn’t complete as of yet, but this reply should be a solid indicator of strong disagreement with Diamed on the part of someone affiliated with this site. The “Department of Homeland Security” - what an oxymoron! - most assuredly knows about this site, and comments such as Diamed’s are much more likely to be posted by agents provocateur, possibly from the “Department of Homeland Security” or some group that is part of the Jewish crime network that’s ultimately in charge of this department, rather than by any serious individual with goals described on the about page of this site. 117
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 17:42 | # Nope, Blood Diamond, I don’t live in L.A. And your reply to me is simplistic bs at best and your original piece has the intellectual depth of a disturbed 3rd grader. “The world sucks so let me kill some people”. Wow. Deep. How about, “the world sucks so let me commit suicide?”. That is at least slightly more existential and you wouldn’t be missed. I don’t know where the heck you live but I don’t live in Africa. And the fact that you wrote a very long paragraph pretending that I do, shows me how much time you have on your hands. No job? I live in a pretty organized environment where getting and staying married and reproducing lots of children is actually still a possibility. And I’ve the money to sustain that as well. I work. Perhaps you’ve come across statements on TV, the net or in the papers declaring that Islam is the fastest growing religion on the planet right now, a fact that scares some people but makes Muslims beam with pride. Do you think they are growing fast due to converts? They are reproducing at a fast rate. It’s something that actually WORKS. Now if you and others like you could only find and keep a woman happy…...... I’m still curious how Japan produced Buddha. And I’d like to see more ideas about the Space Oddity…....... come on… make Bowie proud. 118
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 18:44 | # McArther: “I don’t know where the heck you live but I don’t live in Africa.” But you don’t live in inner-city Detroit or Los Angeles either, do you? Why not? “I live in a pretty organized environment where getting and staying married and reproducing lots of children is actually still a possibility. And I’ve the money to sustain that as well. I work.” When the demographic situation of America resembles Brazil will this be more or less possible? “They are reproducing at a fast rate.” “It’s something that actually WORKS.” You honestly believe Whites can compete with third-worlders in a breeding competition? LOL! BTW, do you know a guy who shows up here sometimes who calls himself The Monitard? 119
Posted by Diamed on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 18:51 | # Your reading comprehension is truly abysmal. By ‘lala land’ I didn’t mean L.A. I meant ‘cloud-cuckoo’ land or any surreal dreamy place with no connection to the reality facing this world. I then asked how would you feel if you lived in south africa instead of lala land and followed your own advice, and then asked what you think would happen to you and all those who followed your advice in a country like that? As an implication, this also suggests that if the whole world were to be made into South Africa (which the current trends are doing) that your strategy wouldn’t work anywhere else in the world either. My post offered eugenics as the solution for the world’s woes, not ‘let’s kill some people.’ But given your tone of continuous condescension, dishonest arguments, and insults it’s probably best to not bother discussing this further. You say you came across this blog by mistake. Isn’t it time to mosey along? I’m sure many other people around the world need to know how intellectually deep you are, how successful you are, how busy and important your time is compared to mine, how many kids you have, etc. 120
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 19:47 | # You live in a fantasy. Probably L.A. Deal with reality. Don’t pretend that someone you don’t even know lives in Africa or Brazil or wherever and then write a long paragraph detailing that myth. Pragmatism. The reason why white Americans cannot compete with third worlders in the reproduction market is because they no longer have the family infrastructure and values to do so. Otherwise, I see now reason why white Americans, the ones who are happily married at least, cannot compete. But are there any longterm marriages left amongst white Americans? Statistics show very few. The answer is not eugenics, unless by eugenics you mean a type of social engineering. White Americans need to be programmed by someone, somewhere to value lifelong marriage and family values. Believe me, once we get this in order, and it will take decades, then nothing can stop us. What’s our excuse? 121
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 20:04 | # McArthur (The Monitard): “The reason why white Americans cannot compete with third worlders in the reproduction market is because they no longer have the family infrastructure and values to do so.” And controlling our borders doesn’t come into the equation? And on what basis would we control our borders? Could it be to keep out the non-Whites so they don’t swamp us? All our efforts toward fecundity - which are obviously important -will amount to naught if we do not protect a given territory. Your neighborhood will resemble Detroit or Tijuana if you don’t keep the non-Whites out. It doesn’t matter how many kids you have, there will always be more of our racial competitors. And if you don’t keep them at arm’s length, your children will be forced to deal with the consequences. Am I making myself clear, Monitard? 122
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 20:14 | # As a parent I do my best to encourage my children to befriend other high achieving kids with intact families. Take a guess at which demographic most of my kids’ friends come from. 123
Posted by Homelander on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 20:44 | # One problem 9for me) with McArthur’s prescription, is that I am not at all sure that our planet doesn’t already have too many people in the aggregate. I don’t wish to see white civilization swamped…but I don’t really want twenty billion put on the world’s freight, either. (Not at all sure a twenty-billion palnet would be a healthy place for whites, no matter what percentage they constituted.) If numbers need to fall…whose numbers? 124
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 20:49 | # McArthur (The Moniturd): “As a parent I do my best to encourage my children to befriend other high achieving kids with intact families.” Jesus H. Crisp, Monitard. It is always the same moralistic, self-justifying sophistry from you. We’ve been through all this before, you conceded all of the most important points to us, and here we go again. “Get with Christ.” Fine, NOTED. I’ll give it another small go just for old time’s sake: If the working-class and lower middle-class base of our civilization is eroded and replaced by muds your life-style will not be sustainable and YOU KNOW THAT. “Take a guess at which demographic most of my kids’ friends come from.” They hang out with Donald Trump’s brood? LOL! So what? You know damn well what I said is true. Your “one family at a time” deal ain’t gonna cut it, this needs to be addressed collectively, systematically. You’re with Christ - good for you. Now, it is time for you to GET WITH REALITY. 125
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:16 | # Homelander: “One problem for me with McArthur’s prescription,” One problem for me with McArthur (read: The Monitardtastic) is that he is not an honest debater and he figures he can TRICK PEOPLE into getting right with Jebus. Of course, that approach only works ON MORONS. Hey, Monitard, do you think you’re the only guy in the world with a 105 IQ? LOL! Here is the irony (and it is thick and rick): One of the main contributors here, who also prescribes the “one family at a time” decentralized approach, seems now want to pursue a one man war of annihilation against what he calls the “Christers”. I was the one, though I am not a believer, who argued that it was counterproductive. But when guys like The Monitord try to pull their shenanigans it makes it REAL HARD for me to hold that line. Here is a suggestion: Come to the table and discuss your ideas with us and SPARE US THE BULLSHIT. Sound like a plan, Monitarded? 126
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 21:18 | # I’m with Christ? Can you please point to me anywhere where I typed the word “Christ” in any of my comments? I’m not Christian. Ganja toke much? Donald Trump crowd? Is the Donald Trump crowd composed of intact families? Unfortunately intact families are not currently a major part of white American culture so no, it’s not the Donald Trump crowd. You might be surprised to learn that I am not a financially wealthy person, though I am able to provide for my family adequately. I do not worship at the altar of the great American dollar. The reason why acquiring morals and family values from even outside sources if neccessary, and getting married and maintaining a strong family is preached by me is because it is something PRACTICAL that can be done today, right now at this very moment even. Sitting around year after year sophisizing on the net about how to seal our borders is not practical. There is no action taken, just sophistry. A cultural revolution is however possible, from this moment forward. There are still places you can go in this country to learn ethics and values, such as Amish communities in PA. You can throw your television in the dumpster. You can actively seek out a spouse from a morally rich background, though granted, that might take you a while to find. In the meantime you can work on making yourself moral and ethical so that in the future you will be deemed attractive by members of the opposite sex who themselves are moral and ethical. By having and raising ethical children, and shielding them from the onslaught of kids from broken families, you can increase the demographic of ethical white Americans in your one short lifetime. If this country were filled with ethical, intelligent, hardworking white youth, would there be any need to import labor, either skilled or unskilled, from outside? No. And even in the even that the same number of immigrants came over, they would still be a minority because the white people would be reproducing at fast rates. But I am not talking about reproducing just for the sake of numbers. Quality must be emphasized. God knows there is enough white trash out there already. Ethical, moral, intelligent, educated youth is what we need right now. No matter how many borders are sealed, we will implode if we do not revolutionize in the form of self social engineering. 127
Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:11 | # McArthur (says he’s not The Monitard, though his act is suspiciously like it): “I’m not Christian.” Hokey-dokey. “Ganja toke much?” Are you offering to share some of your stash? “’s not the Donald Trump crowd.” Good times at the trailer park? Nothing against trailer parks, BTW. I’m of a populist bent. “You might be surprised to learn that I am not a financially wealthy person, though I am able to provide for my family adequately.” Condescension and setting the record straight: ketchup Popsicle—> white gloves? LOL! “I do not worship at the altar of the great American dollar.” Coulda fooled me, but what ever you say, chief. You’re the boss. “...because it is something PRACTICAL that can be done today, right now at this very moment even.” An important piece of the puzzle, but not the whole puzzle; which what you, at first, clearly, presented it as being: sophistry. “Sitting around year after year sophisizing on the net about how to seal our borders is not practical.” Sitting around year after year sophisizing about the need for “family values” and not being willing to strike the problem at its root - which is the overall thrust of the system - is not practical. “There is no action taken, just sophistry.” There is never any action taken, just sophistry. “A cultural revolution is however possible, from this moment forward.” Good ole Sammy “the faileocon” Francis. A “long march through the institutions” when now, today, more than 50% of children under the age of five, in America, are non-White. Gee, seems like a game plan to me. LOL! “There are still places you can go in this country to learn ethics and values, such as Amish communities in PA.” The “ethics and values” of lay down and letting the muds rape and kill you. The Amish are free-riders on the White racial body from the perspective of not contributing to the common defense. I’d like to see them try their act in South Africa or Rhodesia (oops, I forgot, we are not supposed to mention those places - at least according to you). “You can throw your television in the dumpster. You can actively seek out a spouse from a morally rich background, though granted, that might take you a while to find. In the meantime you can work on making yourself moral and ethical so that in the future you will be deemed attractive by members of the opposite sex who themselves are moral and ethical.” Really? No shit? Damn, I guess everything I ever needed to know wasn’t on the Jerry Springer Show. I’ve lost my way. LOL! “By having and raising ethical children, and shielding them from the onslaught of kids from broken families, you can increase the demographic of ethical white Americans in your one short lifetime.” Yawn. Unless we instill in our people racial consciousness and solidarity it is all for naught. “If this country were filled with ethical, intelligent, hardworking white youth, would there be any need to import labor, either skilled or unskilled, from outside? No.” Jebus Crisp, you will engage in some major, over-simplifying sophistry to make your utterly mundane point. Do you honestly believe the cheap labor mongers give a flying fuck about all that? Are you sure you’re not The Moniturd? “And even in the even that the same number of immigrants came over, they would still be a minority because the white people would be reproducing at fast rates.” But then would be (and there will be) all those muds over here. :-( “But I am not talking about reproducing just for the sake of numbers. Quality must be emphasized.” Numbers and quality. “God knows there is enough white trash out there already.” “White trash beat niggers any day of the weak. I can almost see you bobbing your head and humming while you type…cant? Tell us something we don’t know, Dr. Phil. “No matter how many borders are sealed, we will implode if we do not revolutionize in the form of self social engineering.” Seal the borders, repatriate the mudscum, pursue state enforced social engineering to whip our rabble into shape. Full-measures are more effective than half-measures. Any clever reply to that? 128
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:29 | # Mudscum and white trash can be repatriated. But please leave behind here people of strong family values because they are the only people I allow my children to associate with and they do afterall need friends. Anyone divorced more than once - send them to Siberia. As far as trailer parks, I also have nothing against them if they people living in them are working for a living and not living off of welfare. However, I own my own 5 bedroom home. Something that I worked hard and saved for, so yeah, I’m proud. The home will go to my eldest born when I die, provided she is married with a child at the time. My values and organization skills come from a combination of family upbringing and selective socializing. Out of curiousity… is there anyone on this site who has been married only once and is married to this day? Or are all of you typical of the rest of “America” right now? 129
Posted by danielj on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 22:51 | # You are over-simplifying the marriage issue. (You also sound a lot like some mixed race girl who used to comment on the board a few weeks back) Women have “incentive” to trick you into marrying them and then making off with half your shit. When you make six figures like I do, and I’m sure some of the rest of the guys on the site as well, that calculates into rather large child support payments and/or alimony. 130
Posted by Dasein on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:01 | #
I assume you live in a predominantly White neighbourhood? Would be more likely to sell your house based on a survey of the moral character of your neighbours or their ethnic makeup? Would you be bothered if your daughters’ firstborn inherited the house in a majority Hispanic neighbourhood? 131
Posted by McArthur on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:21 | # My neighborhood is comprised of moderate to high earning whites and asians. The asians have the market cornered on family values. Unfortunately most of the whites in this neighborhood are divorcees on their second or third marriages, which leaves me little options for making close friends. What kind of example would that set for my children? Social engineering is extremely important. Kids learn from their parents. What are the kids of divorced parents learning? I realize that in cases of abuse, divorce is the only option, but realistically, how many Americans divorce due to abuse? And then second and third divorces? What a shame. This is why I say quality is just as important if not more important that quantity. There is no way in hell I can ever feel solidarity with ethically challanged people and will not have my children attend sleep overs in the homes of multiple divorced parents. Just to breed a bunch of aimless, rootless, junk food eating, TV watching, porn surfing white trash parasites is not the point of demographic raising. God knows we don’t need more of THAT particular demographic. If I raise my daughter correctly she will know that divorce is not an option for her and even if, god forbid, she is so unfortunate as to have to get one, due to either abuse or a dead-beat husband, she will not be the one seeking alimony. Not with a house like this, that is for sure. But anyway, the chance for divorce in this family is miniscule at best so it’s a non-issue. We are like asians in that sense. 132
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:38 | # McArthur and Celtic Princess of recent memory seem to the same person. 134
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 29 Dec 2008 23:59 | # This person doesn’t grasp that this blog’s chief raison d’être isn’t 1) to oppose divorce or 2) to praise “Asians” (Subcons and Orientals), the two things she’s most interested in doing. She should consider hanging out at Maggie Gallagher’s blog (if Gallagher has one) in order to concentrate on expressing opposition to divorce (Maggie Gallagher is well known for that), and to concentrate on praising “Asians” (Subcons and Orientals). We here don’t devote ourselves especially to those twin purposes. In hanging around here, Celtic Princess is hanging around the wrong blog. This blog is concerned with questions of race, for one thing, but the only way in which Celtic Princess acknowledges race is to say that compared to the divorce issue and the “values” issue it has zero importance. Most of us here, while conceding that divorce and values are important, don’t agree that compared to them race pales into insignificance. We view them as proximate interests and race as an ultimate interest. Celtic Princess hasn’t grasped that distinction. She’s ... well ... she’s an unfeminine scatterbrain and bossy scold whom a man would have to be insane to approach within a million light years. 135
Posted by Homelander on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:29 | # You can tell “McArthur” is a troll because he/she revolves incessantly around an unverifiable and largely irrelevant personal narrative. Trolls hijack sites devoted to observation and opinion, analysis and controversy, and turn them into imaginary role-playing chat-rooms. 136
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:39 | #
Right that’s exactly what “The Sangha” (means “The Nonce Case” in — I think — Esperanto) was doing here. He did it in a thread recently over at Dienekes’. 137
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 00:46 | # McArthur: “My neighborhood is comprised of moderate to high earning whites…” “...and asians.” :-( They are not my people, nor are they yours; if indeed you are White. “Unfortunately most of the whites in this neighborhood are divorcees on their second or third marriages, which leaves me little options for making close friends.” Only those on the Net get to bask in your sanctimony and “wisdom”? “What kind of example would that set for my children?” If our people are genocided (yes, this includes mongrelization; gas chambers or miscegenation: it is all the same in the end) we will have lost everything. It is not beneath you to see that, it is above you. I will not let my peoplehood be taken from me. What is being done to us is systematic, it is of the system; there is no other way to fight it but systematically. Keep your “5 bedroom home”; I want my people to have life. Either you are with the genocidalists or you are with those who would grant us the necessary (yes, necessary) conditions to secure the existence of our people. You do not know how serious I am, how serious we are, you cannot know , as I said, it is above you. “God knows we don’t need more of THAT particular demographic.” If you believe the good White people of, say, West Virginia, are not vastly more congenial than the rank rabble you will find in India or China you are as ignorant as you are arrogant. If you are White - I say to you - you are a race traitor who has betrayed his blood-kindred, if not in deed, then in his own heart. And if you are not, White, I would not hesitate to lay strong hand upon you and toss you out of the country that MY ancestors build, and intended to bequeath, to them, and their descendants, forever. My people will live, and anyone who stands in the way of that -at the critical moment - will not. 138
Posted by McArthur on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 01:40 | # Im a father of four who are raising my children very strictly amongst other strict parents (the non divorcees anyway) who make it very clear that they will marry someone approved of by the family. Random dating is not permitted. Approved dating with a view to marry someone within the same demographic is. Something like what used to take place in this country back in the 1940s. I don’t know how you went from my living in a neighborhood with some asians to inter-racial or inter-cultural marriage!!! We all know that asians are not at all enthusiastic about that and that is one reason why they are better association for my children than white divorcees, absentee fathers, prescription drug addicts, et al. I don’t know what your experiences have been in life but I have had to mix and mingle with some real losers and I determined then and there that there is NO WAY my future kids will come within 5 miles of such trash. And I’m not talking about respectable and responsible blue collar workers, which all of you assume for some reason I am talking about. I am talking about people from a wide variety of class backgrounds who, no matter how much money they have, are still trash by virtue of their lack of virtue. That you would assume I am a fan of Donald Trump, the serial divorcee, just because he is rich and famous shows me what you deem valuable in life. A person is not “successful” just because he has money and a glamorous career. A person is successful when he lives with integrity and commitment. My people, meaning my family, are in no fear of being “taken away” as long as they have the guidance of an exemplary father and mother like myself and my wife, LIVING the values that they spout. For the parents out here, watch this and please don’t do this to your kids; 139
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 02:18 | #
MacArthur and Celtic Princess are the same, and it’s a woman. 140
Posted by danielj on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 02:19 | #
Thanks Fred. That was what I was gettin’ at! 141
Posted by n/a on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 02:35 | # it’s a woman. Whatever it is, it’s not an American: “Im a father of four who are raising my children very strictly”. The comments I read from “Celtic Princess” also contained numerous syntactical red flags.
It struck me after I read his last post that “sangha” and the Miami Cuban kid who used to post as “galvez” and “blue division” (among other IDs) are the same person. He seemed to be making an effort to be at least semi-sincere in this latest incarnation, but he still seems driven primarily by various insecurities about his racial identity and masculinity. 142
Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 02:41 | # McArthur: “I don’t know how you went from my living in a neighborhood with some asians to inter-racial or inter-cultural marriage!!!” I’m glad to see you disapprove of miscegenation; as does any right thinking person. As for Asians: They are worried about their daughters “getting with” White men, as the census data of inter-racial marriages show, their concern is justified. Asian: mmm hmm - good pussy. LOL! First: “And I’m not talking about respectable and responsible blue collar workers,which all of you assume for some reason I am talking about.” And then: “That you would assume I am a fan of Donald Trump, the serial divorcee, just because he is rich and famous shows me what you deem valuable in life.” The clear implication of any fair reading of your initial statements is that you believe in a rock solid, unerring 1-1 correlation between personal virtue and relative wealth. My gibe directed towards you was one of irony to point out the mistake in your judge of the things that are, as I saw it. We were talking a bit past one another, I think. “My people, meaning my family, are in no fear of being “taken away” as long as they have the guidance of an exemplary father and mother like myself and my wife, LIVING the values that they spout.” Since Apartheid fell in South Africa over 30,000, possibly as many as 50,000, Whites have been killed in some of the most gruesome ways imaginable. I speak of parents being forced to watch as their children are raped and literally slaughtered before their eyes, knowing that they will be next; knowing, that after seeing that, all else is for naught and all that is desirable is death. You speak of what you do not know, so you should not speak. You depend upon White men to police your precious community, to put out your fires, to keep the roads plowed and paved, to keep anything working at all. Don’t tell me that if you replace them with muds that a thing will go as clockwork does. I’ll know it is a lie. In a democratic system, when Whites are outnumbered, and therefore out voted, they will have lost the ability to determine their own fate. What do you think the muds will vote for? They will vote to help themselves to your money, to your neighborhoods, to your daughters. It is high time you wake up if you care for the future of your children if not for your people. Your island is an illusion, you are connected to your people; like it or not. Yet, and still, I urge you to come back here and read more, and learn. If my words have any effect on you, let it be this: The truth is not with you. If you are willing to keep looking, here, you will find it. I wish you luck. P.S. Why don’t you try offer your brother a hand instead of slapping him across the face? 143
Posted by danielj on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 02:50 | # I absolutely love when some nobody sets up some inviolate moral metric against which “we” must all measure ourselves. Hey, howzabout you saunter off into the perfect sunset with your litmus? There are already plenty of chiefs here and a shortage of injuns. 144
Posted by Diamed on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 08:50 | # South Africa gives the lie to anyone who thinks leading a personally moral life will mean his family will always have good fortune. I’m sorry, virtue and well-being are not directly linked. So long as other people are evil, they can hurt you just as much as anyone else. They will not care that your daughters are virgins and only date upstanding men when they storm into your house, tie you up, and gang rape her with their AIDS-infected black dicks. I have nothing against your wish to provide for your family, encourage good family values, and demand personal accountability from others. Where you fail is the realization that it is all for naught if you allow your country to turn into Brazil, South Africa, or Haiti around you. Nothing escapes the destructiveness and infectiousness of the Beast. Your children, no matter how good they are, no matter what they justly deserve, will be sacrificed to the Beast just like anyone else. In short there is more to life than your family. There is also your nation and your people. The ones who defend the homeland from invaders, the ones who keep the peace, the ones who keep our industries rolling, the ones who would die for the right of you and your kids to live a peaceful, non-eventful, merit and virtue based life. Millions of whites have made the ultimate sacrifice, leaving no kids whatsoever behind, for the chance that your family could raise children in peace and plenty. Are you saying their lives were meaningless and worthless because they never married and had kids? Is it possible to use so narrow a spectrum of good and evil? What of the railroad and skyscraper workers who died in the process of laying America’s infrastructure down we still use today? I suppose they were worthless because perhaps they hadn’t married and had kids yet? Their children are us, our genes are all intermixed, they have millions of equivalents of children in the white race, and their work is still helping us today. Saving someone’s life, raising the carrying capacity so that another life can be brought into this world, or bringing a new life into the world, are all equivalent. In an ant hill, not everyone has to breed but everyone’s genes are still passed on to the next generation. This is because the sterile ants share the same genes as the breeder ants. The soldier ants, the worker ants, all of them perform vital and necessary roles for the survival of their young, their breeders. Otherwise they wouldn’t exist, they never would have evolved to exist. There is no point putting down your fellow ants because they aren’t breeders like you. The correct measure is “is this person good for his group as a whole?” If you, for instance, have four white children, but insist on 10 million more hispanic or african or Asian immigrants be allowed into the country, you have done far more harm than good. Meanwhile others who have no children could be preventing the entry of tens of millions of additional non-whites and doing much more for the survival of the race. Of course, an inventor can in one stroke put both of us to shame by raising the carrying capacity of whites a hundred fold, allowing everyone who had 4 kids to have 400 with all the new resources made available—and so on. You seem to be far readier to see the truth than your initial posts would have indicated, which smacks of a dishonest portrayal of your introduction and intent. But as a gesture of good faith, just look at our posts and it should be obvious how much wider a horizon of Good and Evil, Right and Wrong exists than the narrow pond you’ve been swimming in all this time. 145
Posted by McArthur 2001 Space Odyssey on Tue, 30 Dec 2008 23:23 | # I didn’t bother to read past the first few sentences of the above Blood Diamond post. I live in North America, the UNITED STATES, to be exact and am certain that no surge from South Africa is going to take care over my neighborhood, my town, my state, my country anytime in the near or distant future. Certainly not in my lifetime or the lifetime of my grandchildren. I don’t know why you keep bringing up South Africa? It has nothing to do with me. Asians are against inter-racial and inter-cultural marriages because of culture and traditions. They want to preserve their’s. Asian pussy or dick is no more better or worse than any other kind (obviously I’m not a woman or I wouldn’t make this comment, right ladies? LOL). Things like that depend on personal maintainance. But if you prefer Asian women, no one can fault you. Perhaps you don’t care about preserving your culture and traditions, or perhaps you have none to preserve, so go ahead and inter-copulate. People like myself, who have some culture and traditions to preserve would not advice their children to inter-copulate with persons of a different culture and tradition, out of respect for the preservation of both our culture and their’s. Therefore it behooves me to associate myself with people who are also highly invested in their own culture and traditions and not those persons who seek to amalgamate everything into one big ball of oneness. Speaking of the ball of ONENESS, the word “sangha” means association, fellowship, group, to answer n/a above. Regarding setting up hearth and home on other planets. It won’t work. Humans from earth have bodies composed predominantly of water because our planet is water predominant. Other planets are not composed of mostly water but of other elements so the bodies of persons, humans, humanoids, whatever, on those planets would have to be composed of those elements in order to evolve, adapt, survive and reproduce organically on those planets. For a short period of time, some type of inorganic way of life may be sustained there by us, but nothing long term. 146
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 07:42 | # You guys deserve your own planet, that is for sure. Welcome to MR. Sounds like we agree on the important things. 147
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 08:15 | # White Americans need to be programmed by someone, somewhere to value lifelong marriage and family values. Believe me, once we get this in order, and it will take decades, then nothing can stop us. What’s our excuse? I agree completely. Similarly, when a little old lady is taken for her life savings by a confidence man, I blame the little old lady. It’s clearly her fault, and she has no one to blame but herself; the so-called “confidence man” is morally spotless, 100% innocent, and the fact that society has the gall to lock him up, as if he’s committed some crime, is a travesty and a moral outrage. I’m not an anti-racist or an egalitarian (I’m trying, but I’m still not smart enough to understand the details; mine is a plodding intellect so I have the tiresome habit of sorting things out in my head before jumping), but if I were, and I wanted to equalize outcomes, I definitely wouldn’t get it done by dragging down the “haves.” No sir, it’s clearly easier to get my Poodle up to Rottweiler size by feeding him extra food than it is to get my Rottweiler closer to Poodle size by starving him and stunting his growth in any way possible. I certainly wouldn’t do those sorts of things if I had a general, anti-Rottweiler animus, aside from any desire to see my Poodle’s wounded ego (at being a fraction of the size of my Rottweiler) massaged. As a parent I do my best to encourage my children to befriend other high achieving kids with intact families. Take a guess at which demographic most of my kids’ friends come from. If your powers of persuasion hold true in that arena, my guess would be “negros?” If this country were filled with ethical, intelligent, hardworking white youth, would there be any need to import labor, either skilled or unskilled, from outside? No. I agree. If we were more like Mexicans (and Somalis, and Iraqis, etc.), our elite wouldn’t need to import third worlders. Clearly we are the ones who have done our elite wrong, and not the other way around. I mean, look at the elite in Japan! Clearly their substrate, the Japanese, are greedy and unethical and stupid and lazy, and are one short and curly away from being race-replaced by their own elite. REAL SOON NOW. Isn’t that how all families work? If one can persuade a more industrious, intelligent, ethical third-worlder to replace one’s less-qualified family member, one does so. Clearly that’s human nature, because everyone’s doing it. Just the other day I traded my mom in. She’s getting on and just can’t bring the checks in the way Paco does. And even in the even that the same number of immigrants came over, they would still be a minority because the white people would be reproducing at fast rates. I’ve done the math and come to the same conclusion; clearly 200 million whites can maintain their proportion of the population by increasing their fertility, even in the face of absorbing the excess population of 5 billion plus. You’re obviously a smart cookie, McArther. And your moral perspicacity is beyond reproach as well. 148
Posted by Svigor on Wed, 31 Dec 2008 08:19 | # I don’t know how you went from my living in a neighborhood with some asians to inter-racial or inter-cultural marriage!!! We all know that asians are not at all enthusiastic about that and that is one reason why they are better association for my children than white divorcees, absentee fathers, prescription drug addicts, et al. I agree. Asian women don’t ditch Asian guys for European guys at staggering rates, or anything. 150
Posted by Ex ISKCON robot on Sun, 04 Jan 2009 09:25 | #
Um NO. It would not be nice to have more uproductive, welfare-leeching “communities” (cults) up and “running”.(more like draining us). I was part of a similar leeching community myself years ago and they suck individuality, creativity, ambition and drive right out of you. 151
Posted by Wheeler MacPherson on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 22:49 | # Forgive me for coming into this particular dance a bit late, folks…I’m very much enjoying reading not just the essays, but the comments. Lively and provocative. I have a question. Could someone point me to where I might find the manuals on microcommunities, barter systems, etc. that have been mentioned here? 152
Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 11 Jan 2009 23:09 | # @ Wheeler MacPherson: Below the Boticelli painting at the home page’s upper left-hand corner see under “Practic.” 153
Posted by Wheeler MacPherson on Mon, 12 Jan 2009 01:52 | # Fred Scrooby, thank you. I’m still learning my way around this site. Post a comment:
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) |
Posted by James Bowery on Tue, 23 Dec 2008 01:24 | #
The problem, of course, is that “universal war” does not care a whit what we may agree to. Other than true individual sovereignty adopted as the social contract the best we can hope for is to minimize genetic selection by mass warfare—whether we are speaking of “war” in the universal sense or war in the mundane sense. The only way I can see to do that is to replace the politics of liberal democracy—tyranny of the majority inadequately limited by a vague laundry list of selectively enforced “human rights”—with “voting with your feet”: human ecologies formed by mutually consenting adults via assortative migration and territorial reallocation to maintain sufficient carrying capacity given reasonable agricultural practices within the human ecologies.
Anything else and you may a well forget about humanity because all you will be selecting for are mass organisms that will turn humans into cognitive cogs—ultimately eusocial organisms similar to bees and just as stagnant in evolutionary terms.