The Lisbon signing and immigration control

Posted by Guessedworker on Friday, 14 December 2007 01:03.

The Eurosceptic UK national dailies have been banging on today about Gordon Brown signing away our control of immigration.  “Buried in the Treaty’s small print is a ruling that gives new rights to EU leaders to overturn decisions made by Britain’s Immigration and Asylum Tribunal,” claims the Daily Mail.

Here, drawn from the Draft Treaty dated 3rd December 2007 (pdf) are the significant references to immigration:-


1. The Union shall develop a common policy on asylum, subsidiary protection and temporary protection with a view to offering appropriate status to any third-country national requiring international protection and ensuring compliance with the principle of non-refoulement. This policy must be in accordance with the Geneva Convention of 28 July 1951 and the Protocol of 31 January 1967 relating to the status of refugees, and other relevant treaties.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, shall adopt measures for a common European asylum system comprising:

(a) a uniform status of asylum for nationals of third countries, valid throughout the Union;
(b) a uniform status of subsidiary protection for nationals of third countries who, without obtaining European asylum, are in need of international protection;
(c) a common system of temporary protection for displaced persons in the event of a massive inflow;
(d) common procedures for the granting and withdrawing of uniform asylum or subsidiary protection status;


1. The Union shall develop a common immigration policy aimed at ensuring, at all stages, the efficient management of migration flows, fair treatment of third-country nationals residing legally in Member States, and the prevention of, and enhanced measures to combat, illegal immigration and trafficking in human beings.

2. For the purposes of paragraph 1, the European Parliament and the Council, acting in accordance with the ordinary legislative procedure, shall adopt measures in the following areas:

... (c) illegal immigration and unauthorised residence, including removal and repatriation of persons residing without authorisation;

And from the Protocols section:

Article 9


22) The Protocol on asylum for nationals of Member States of the European Union shall be amended as follows:

(a) the preamble shall be amended as follows:

(i) the first recital shall be replaced by the following:

“WHEREAS, in accordance with Article 6(1) of the Treaty on European Union, the Union recognises the rights, freedoms and principles set out in the Charter of Fundamental Rights”;

(ii) the following new second recital shall be inserted:

“WHEREAS pursuant to Article 6(3) of the Treaty on European Union, fundamental rights, as guaranteed by the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, constitute part of the Union’s law as general principles;”;

There follow some abstruse substitutions in former treaties, the meaning of which is totally open-ended from our lay perspective.

It is, I think, clear both that the competence of the European Court of Human Rights has been extended to immigration and asylum, and the common policies which will flow from the Treaty will supercede member countries’ immigration and asylum laws.  The usual rain of Brussels directives will fall upon this new ground.

One should not be surprised.  The elite cult of internationalism abhors nation - and nationalism, of course.  Europe’s nations are not intended to survive.  It is not too dramatic to say the same for Europe’s peoples.



Posted by skeptical on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 02:25 | #

So depressing…

One should not be surprised.  The elite cult of internationalism abhors nation - and nationalism, of course.  Europe’s nations are not intended to survive.  It is not too dramatic to say the same for Europe’s peoples.

This entire madness can come to end if only European derived peoples would simply reclaim the nationalist mantles they’ve been shamed into rejecting.

A resurgence of nationalism amongst Euro man is an ideo whose time has come.


Posted by Alex on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 04:56 | #

“Buried in the Treaty’s small print is a ruling that gives new rights to EU leaders to overturn decisions made by Britain’s Immigration and Asylum Tribunal,” claims the Daily Mail.

Another attack upon the peoples of Europes’ sovereignty?  Folks have certainly been right to have great concerns regarding the European Union.    As for ‘immigrants’ and ‘asylum seekers’, despite much talk to the contrary, the EU in no way truly cares about them. 

The 95% plus bogus ‘asylum seeker’ phenomena provides a much needed cover, a fig leaf, for the exploitation of immigrants that’s going on in that lucrative to some, but incredibly socially destructive for most, variant of slavery known euphamistically as ‘cheap labor’, typically aquired by way of ‘mass immigration’.  Otherwise things would be a bit too obvious.

Alas for the peoples of Europe, the EU has adopted multi-culturalism as its guide.

‘Migrant stock’ in Italy, Scotland, and Off the Spanish Canaries

Being that those who promote the ideology of cheap labor/institutionalized division (aka mult-culturalism) are in reality something along the lines of unreformed slavers, the 19th century abolition of slavery being the Big Lie, the lie of the millenium,  it ought not to be surprising that those amongst the biggest pushers of the multi-cult, such as the UN and its closely associated World Bank, use the term ‘migrant stock’,  to describe the ‘immigrant’.

The term ‘migrant stock’ is the exact term used for animals in industrial exploitation.

From Google regarding humans…

The Portability of Social Security Benefits for Migrant Workers On the other hand, access to portable social security benefits for… Table 1 Global estimates of official migrant stocks by region in 2000 (thousands). ...

Migration and the Regional Labor Market Migration, Poverty ...
Source: World Bank - 2004. Migration and Society. Combined, Asia and Oceania have the largest migrant stock in the world.  World Migrant stocks in 2002 ... heet-Manila-final-eng.pdf

MEETING ANNOUNCEMENT United Nations Expert Group Meeting on
What are the criteria applied by each country to identify migrant stock? Some criteria used are place of birth (to identify foreign-born), citizenship (to ... Flyer.pdf

And animals…

“We consider resident Canada geese in Pennsylvania to be a valuable natural resource that provides countless hours of recreation for both hunters and bird enthusiasts alike,” Ross said. “However, as the population has grown so have the number of complaints of significant damage, nuisance and health and safety problems. This is especially true in urban and suburban areas where traditional hunting methods have been largely ineffective and where hunting opportunities have been restricted in recent years to protect migrant stocks of geese.


Tagging data (Bayliff et al., 1991) seem to indicate that there are not separate migrant and non-migrant stocks.  Environmental influences ...

An industrialists looking for the nearest supply of cheap labor for their next project would no doubt find such charts that the UN produces useful.

United Nations Chart Estimates of ‘World Migrant Stock’ For 2005

The laws the EU is attempting to put in place to ‘protect’ the immigrant and asylum seeker have their parallel in slave holding societies and the special laws they had put in place to protect the slaves, this not that they cared about them in any way as humans, but rather as ‘protected’ property.

This too explains much of the push at the present time to be rid of the distinct indigenous peoples of much of Europe, and in time should the multi-cultists have their way with many another indigenous people.    The life of a cheap laborer, a type of slave, and typically an ‘immigrant’, along with those of the fig leaf asylum seekers, are seen simply as being worth more than the lives of the often fully paid and expensive indigenous native Europeans.


Posted by Alex on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 05:18 | #

This is a bit shocking (who gave anyone, whether the EU or anyone else, the right?) and one might be excused if thinking that possibly people are being managed roughly along the lines of ‘wildlife management’.  Here is one definition

What is Wildlife Management?

People can assist wildlife by creating habitat that better meets certain species’ needs. Habitat also can be restored (e.g., planting native trees in a harvested forest). Anything done to help wildlife can be called wildlife management, but a formal definition is the application of scientific knowledge and technical skills to protect, conserve, limit, enhance, or create wildlife habitat. Wildlife management also includes implementing laws regulating the use, kinds, and amounts of wildlife people can harvest. Laws that protect existing habitat are also wildlife management tools.

But wildlife management, while often being in reality about industry, does at least on occassion allow for the physical preservation of distinct creatures and their habitats, if but for the simple reason of aesthetics.    This is not so with multi-culturalism as it is applied to Europeans, and in time all the worlds’ peoples should it follow thru on its theories.  The multi-cult is not concerned about the preservation of peoples and cultures.    Rather it would seem people are being managed along something of the lines of ‘animal husbandry’ which is purely of an exploitive nature, much as the cult is.   

animal husbandry

Controlled cultivation, management, and production of domestic animals, including improvement of the qualities considered desirable by humans by means of breeding. Animals are bred and raised for utility…

That multi-culturalism sees people as brute beasts to be exploited should not be surprising.    The buying and selling of chattel slaves in the 19th century and the social ills at its root of avarice and greed (ie those who then owned slaves not being prepared to do the work themselves, nor pay for it, and those who sold them seeing men as animals to be bought and sold) were never honestly faced, but instead self-deceit (at best) took place and a far more profitable (for a few) variation of slavery called ‘cheap labor’ took its place.    To those amongst the multi-culturalists who promote cheap labor and its ideology of multi-culturalism today, whose families not so many generations back profited from and took part in the Trans-Atlantic slave trade and all that entailed*, this must seem ‘just like old times’.

*The establishment of slave ‘breeding farms’ amongst other things.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 05:27 | #

Good comments by Skeptical and Alex.

“The elite cult of internationalism abhors nation - and nationalism, of course.  Europe’s nations are not intended to survive.  It is not too dramatic to say the same for Europe’s peoples.”  (—from the log entry)

What people have to understand is the literal truth of the above excerpt from the entry.  Essentially everyone, on reading it, will take it vaguely as hyperbole and continue on, only half paying attention. 

It’s not hyperbole.  That’s the crux of the matter:  it’s not hyperbole.  The élites mean to eliminate the European races from the earth.  That is no hyperbole but the simple reality of the matter.  Any doubters get with the program please!  (Or get with the pogrom, as I saw it phrased at another site.) 

Some observers will deny the élites will be able to pull it off:  JJR and Steve Sailer for example.  Whether or not the élites will be able to pull it off, untold damage will rain down from the attempt, I think everyone will agree.  And maybe the élites will be able to pull it off — certainly a partial version, one that answers élite “needs” for all practical purposes, is doable. 

Most of what I for one have tried to express in the years I’ve been visiting this site comes down to two things:  first, race-replacement is happening, and second, it’s deliberate and planned, not any sort of “accident” or “force of nature.”  It’s the result of conscious policy imposed by prime movers in part hidden by their own preference, pulling the strings of the politicians.

<i>It’s happening:  this is no nightmare from which you are going to awaken.  It’s real.  It’s being done deliberately.  Any who’ve not yet grasped that, please do so.

Then join the resistance.


Posted by Kirsty Marr on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 13:20 | #

Europe’s nations are not intended to survive.  It is not too dramatic to say the same for Europe’s peoples.

“And a good thing too: we were collectively responsible for the Holocaust. We’re not fit to have either nations or existence and I, for one, will be glad to see the back of us.”

(C) GuardiBBC 1945-2007.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:06 | #

Kirsty, who said that?  (You seem to give a reference but it’s not clear.)


Posted by calvin on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:28 | #

Kirsty, you are a fool. Nazism is not part of the European tradition, who actually defeated the Nazis? A coalition of Anglo-Saxon nations fought and defeated the Nazis, Muslims collaborated with them.

You are ignorant of the motives of the corporate internationalists. The people behind mass-immigration do not give a fuck about immigrants or their cultures. It is not correct to say that immigrants are “stealing our jobs”, but what is happening is that the low-wage sector (“the jobs we don’t want to do”, geddit?) of our economy is being massively expanded, to the massive benefit of those who earn their profits from labour. Declining oppportunities in the mid-range wage sectors means that immigration is stealing our job"opportunities”.

Also, the fact, that anyone who is not earning significantly above the minimum wage is operating at a sub-contibution fiscal level in terms of taxation, has the effect of actually increasing the burden of taxation on the middle-classes. Maybe middle-class Guardian readers deserve to be fucked over for being so dumb, but working-class people are a lot smarter than you and have to be branded “racist” in order for international finance and its capitalist minions to put the final deathlock on European civilization.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 14:52 | #

Excellent comment above by Calvin, replying to Kirsty, but I still don’t get Kirsty’s post — was she quoting someone there?  Where’d that quote come from?


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 15:01 | #

Do you still blog, Calvin?  If not, I vote for you joining with your name on the masthead.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 15:10 | #

That’s what I said to him.  He is so bloody humble he doesn’t think he would cut it.  But I’d like a brave Scot on board, if only to correct my eggregious and pushy Englishness.

I think Kirsty was quoting someone, but I couldn’t source the quote.  Kirsty, please elucidate.


Posted by Englander on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 16:17 | #

Kirsty’s remark seemed like a joke, a parody, to me, with a conflation of Guardian and BBC as the ‘source’.


Posted by Alex on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 17:02 | #

I’m sure Kirsty will come back and say the origins of it, though I’d tend to agree with Englander that this was not something she agreed with.    IIRC it was some fellow in Spain that made the unfortunate statement.


Posted by Tommy G on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 18:15 | #

“<i>It’s happening:  this is no nightmare from which you are going to awaken.  It’s real.  It’s being done deliberately.  Any who’ve not yet grasped that, please do so.

Then join the resistance.”— Fred Scrooby


Fred, I sincerely respect your efforts to make as many people as possible aware of what’s taking place. You do it in an effective and convincing manner; your ability to communicate in the written word is commendable to say the least. My intention is not to quarrel with you but only to question. If one is to join the resistance, where do you go to join?

I went down to the corner and none was to be found; I went to the local saloon and no one was interested; I looked to the politicians and both Tancredo and Duncan Hunter are barely on the radar screen. The pro race-replacement media has effectively put a proverbial dunce cap on them as well as Ron Paul.

Other than a few people who converse on the internet, there is no meaningful resistance to race-replacement! The vast majority of whites are completely at a loss on how to go about halting their dispossession and deracination…..that is short of going on the ‘lead standard’......if you get my drift?

My proof: Look at the article above (The Lisbon signing and immigration control), and the U.S. Presidential front runners stance on how they would handle the issue of 12 to 30 million NON-WHITE illegals in the U.S. They all want to advance a policy—in one form or another—that would result in a path to citizenship for the illegal_mud_invaders.

The fact is, white populations as a percentage (and actual numbers) will continue to shrink…and at an increasing pace is time goes on!

Anyone can check out and click on “where we’re headed.”

I ask again: where do I sign up to join the resistance? In what form will this resistance manifest itself? Whom will we resist against?


Posted by Kirsty Marr on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 18:55 | #

I think Kirsty was quoting someone, but I couldn’t source the quote.  Kirsty, please elucidate.

Och, it was a distillation of GuardiBBC thinking.

And the final answer, frankly, is the vigorous use of state power to coerce and repress. It may be my Presbyterian background, but I firmly believe that repression can be a great, civilising instrument for good. Stamp hard on certain ‘natural’ beliefs for long enough and you can almost kill them off. The police are first in line to be burdened further, but a new Race Relations Act will impose the will of the state on millions of other lives too.

Poor? Stupid? Racist? Then don’t listen to a pampered white liberal like me…


Posted by skeptical on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 20:56 | #

I ask again: where do I sign up to join the resistance? In what form will this resistance manifest itself? Whom will we resist against?

It’s everywhere and it’s nowhere.  It could be the White man behind you in line when you wait to checkout of the grocery store or the nice lad serving you the overpriced Starbucks coffee you indulge yourself in everyday.  Then again, it might not.

We are living in an oppressive state that relegates our community to spiritual decay and racial degeneracy.  To muddy the waters, and keep the White lemmings in line, we are permitted to life in a soulless market-driven paradise of cheap energy and cheap entertainment.  You are allowed to satiate every possible meaningless, individualistic desire so long as it does not involve love of God, nation, and race.  And in the rare event you muster the courage to speak aloud about the spiritual decay and racial degeneracy around you, you might very well end up losing either your job, an academic position, or a lifelong friendship.  This is oppression of a devious kind, because the system can only be seen for it what really is when you intellectually approach it from a certain angle.  To us (the few who would change it) it is a prison, but to most everyone else it is a paradise of the senses.

Reflect on this, as a person who also lives in America, we have in our country a “National Association for Black Accountants” (NABA for short), which has a noticeable presence on any number of our major universities.  But ask yourself, just how many black accountants have you seen in your lifetime?  Personally, I’ve seen very few.  But yet they have their own racial organization!

Is it sinking in yet.  We aren’t allowed to any form of resistance that is both mainstream and palpable.  We aren’t even allowed to have something so banal as a national association for White accountants!  Let alone a meaningful resistance that would restore Euro man to his rightful seat in the nations he built!

There are enough black accountants in America who exist and are willing to organize racially in a responsible way.  And certainly if there are enough black accountants who are willing to organize racially in a responsible way then there must be many of us who would do just the same…only if we could.

What is to be done?  What can White Americans do?  Where do I join up?

Physical resistance is impossible.  Too many White lemmings would just as soon lock you away permanently for threatening to end their materialistic, race-blind stupor.  They’ve become addicted to the television, food, porn, and cheap entertainment you see.  And besides, this isn’t the 17th, 18th, or 19th century either.  Raising your musket and your fist against the system won’t work.  The military industrial complex is too powerful if challenged openly and on its own terms.

You join up by infecting other White Americans with the truth of their coming dispossession.  Naturally, they won’t believe you if you’re so stupid as to say it outright, so you must approach the truth carefully.  The truth of what’s happening to us does such violence to my soul that I sometimes hesitate revealing it to other minds…but we must.

However, we are not without some psychological tools to work with (all is not lost).  Many White Americans already have varying levels of racial awareness.  And many White Americans instinctively know that something is wrong with our country.  They can’t really say for sure.  America was just a better place back in the 50s & 60s for some reason (Hint: we were a White nation back then).  Many White Americans also instinctively know that we’ll continue to lose our culture & heritage if unchecked illegal (and mass legal) immigration persists for much longer.  But they don’t really know why (Hint: many of the immigrants are non-White).  We must educate them in these matters and provide an alternate discourse for what’s happening around us.

Who do you attempt to reach?  Everyone you can!

Your spouse
Your children
Your neighbors
Your Church deacons
The online forums you participate on
The online forums you merely troll

What we need is a spiritual awakening for blood & soil, for nation & race, for God & family amongst the White masses.  It is your task and mine to help make this happen.

We’ve lost the ability to vote ourselves back in power.  The only way we’ll recover even a semblance of our nation back is if we organize racially on a mass scale and overthrow the current political/social structures/regimes which dominate us.  United in this way there’s nothing we can’t accomplish.

In her history America has had several “Great Awakenings”.

We need one more.

And then you cave have your resistance and march in the streets.


Posted by Alex on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 21:49 | #

It’s not hyperbole.  That’s the crux of the matter:  it’s not hyperbole.  The élites mean to eliminate the European races from the earth.  That is no hyperbole but the simple reality of the matter.  Any doubters get with the program please…

Some observers will deny the élites will be able to pull it off:  JJR and Steve Sailer for example.  Whether or not the élites will be able to pull it off, untold damage will rain down from the attempt, I think everyone will agree.  And maybe the élites will be able to pull it off — certainly a partial version, one that answers élite “needs” for all practical purposes, is doable.’s deliberate and planned, not any sort of “accident” or “force of nature.” It’s the result of conscious policy imposed by prime movers in part hidden by their own preference, pulling the strings of the politicians.

It’s not natural at all, that’s entirely correct. 

Utilizing cheap labor (aka ‘immigrants’ ) and their accompanying fig leaf of the 95% plus bogus ‘asylum seekers’ as their primary device, and just after in importance the incredible profits* a greedy and extremely self centered relative few are making at most everyone else’s expense,  it’s a divide and conquer, divide and rule war being made against the peoples of humanity.    And though Europeans are at present seeming to receive the brunt of it, should the multi-culturalists hold true to their theories, and there’s no particular reason to think they won’t, the bulk of the other peoples of the world will soon enough be likely getting the same…as to be sure, some already have.

At its most basic, or perhaps it should rather be said its most base, it’s simply not possible (or nearly impossible) to have distinct peoples when huge numbers of persons, literally nowadays many millions, are being ‘exported’ and ‘imported’ from every part of the world, so as to be exploited in that variant of slavery known as ‘cheap labor’.    As was found out in the 19th century, when the cheap labor scheme was first majorly implemented in a rather crude and bungling way, the distinct peoples of the world were found to be ‘in the way’ as they have a natural desire to preserve themselves.    Peoplehood it was realized must therefore be supressed to ensure the obtainment of the profits to be had.    And hence the rise and promotion of the anti-race campaign, euphamistically referred to as ‘anti-racism’.

This is driven by pure avarice and greed, and dare it be said, a general hatred for mankind.    Surely a love for one’s fellow man is not behind this.

As to divide and conquer, the way this works is, if a people are not generally a source of cheap labor, the ‘immigrants’ are ‘imported’ in, this typically by diktat, and or by deceit and fraud, borders purposely not controlled effectively, and folks are told the new arrivals ‘are needed’, and are doing ‘work others won’t do’...though the people had indeed been doing that work themselves prior.  Somber pronouncements are made that the ‘immigrants’ are being ‘helped.’  Those peoples having the misfortune of finding themselves in desperate straits, and in a national state of weakness, and thus likely to be preyed upon as a source of cheap labor, see many of their best in many instances leave the country, in many instances to never return.    Being that these persons preyed upon are often in a state of near utter destitution, the crumbs they are paid seem a great deal to them.    Later, when for whatever reason things improve in such a country that had been thus preyed upon, a push is made to allow for ‘mass immigration’ there.    The inhabitants of said country are then told in not so many words** to the effect that

‘You were once preyed upon as cheap labor, it’s only fair and just that these others be allowed to be exploited as cheap labor as well.  How dare you attempt to break the cycle.

Thus elites, who have been profiting from this modern day slave trade, can in regards to just one people get ‘two helpings’ of the incredible profits to be had from ‘cheap labor’....when a people is preyed upon as cheap labor and people are exported’ out, and later when things are a bit better and people are ‘imported’ in as cheap labor.

An example of the above is presently being pushed for Poland, many of whose people are in other countries at present as cheap labor.  ‘Immigrants’ from India’ are being promoted to work in Poland.  Another is the case of Ireland as demonstrated by the excerpts from their parliamentary debates.    While in this instance it happens to be Ireland, it could just as easily be accounts from many a European state house.

If the peoples of the world could somehow be persuaded to embrace their own physical and cultural destruction, the incredible profits to be had from the exploitation of many, many, millions of persons as cheap labor, for an extremely greedy and self centered relative few, could be assured… 

Seanad Éireann - May 11, 2006

Ms White:  ..Immigrants here work in restaurants, hotels, shops, IT customer support companies and on building sites. I find them an inspiration. Their work ethic, dedication and enthusiasm in customer service is outstanding. It may not be politically correct to say so but it is a major contrast to our workers. Last night on the way home I went into a beauty salon in Dundrum at around 8.45 p.m. An advertisement for a new service was displayed and I went in——

Mr. Bradford: There is no need for the Senator to go there.

Ms White:  I thank Senator Bradford for the courtesy. I went into the salon and there were four Irish girls behind the counter who told me the salon was closed. I said I wanted to make an appointment but they said they had nothing available until next week. This was Wednesday night. We all know that foreign people working in shops, or the service industry generally, cannot wait to pack the bags properly and so on…

and again from the debates of the Seanad Éireann on the same day

Senator O’Toole:..Integration and assimilation should not mean telling people that they cannot speak Chinese and stick to their own games, that they must play our games and speak our language. It should mean they should speak our language and play our games also so we can learn from them and they can learn from us. We should try to establish a quality of engagement between both cultural groups, not create ghettoes where each culture looks after their own space. There is nothing to be proud about having a Muslim school in Dublin. While there is nothing wrong with it, it is not a recognition of a great leap forward. It is more or less saying to people that we do not want them, even though that is not the intention. My concept of interculturalism is people growing, being educated and living together.

I believe our gene pool needs a bit of help from some outsiders. I would welcome some additional new and different blood with new ideas. Perhaps we would be less pale or less ruddy like me. I say that as someone who comes from a part of the country, west Kerry, where the only definition of a true west Kerry person is that he or she will not have pure blood.

Despite the glowing talk of the multi-culturalists attempting to promote the above as somehow the building of ‘a brotherhood of man’, is it rather about the destruction of the peoples of the world so as to create one universal humanity that is, as the London Times once described, a ‘more mixed, more docile, and more serviceable race, which has long borne the yoke of sturdy industry’ and ‘which can submit to a master’?


* The former US treasurer and slave speculator Robert Walker in 1863 effectively calculated ‘cheap labor’, typically acquired by way of ‘mass immigration’, to be four times more profitable than the already lucrative chattel slavery.    Utilizing US census data for 1860, Walker had compared Massachusetts, heavily reliant upon cheap labor at the time imported from Canada and Europe, with South Carolina, which was heavily reliant on chattel slaves.

** ‘Not so many words’ is emphasized here.    Typically a very positive spin, ie a false impression, is attempted to be put on the exploitation.

Seanad Éireann - Volume 183 - 11 May, 2006
Migration Report: Statements

The London Times - September 30, 1851


Posted by Alex on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 22:44 | #

A pretty good rendtion of an everday would be EU rep promoting the ideology of multi-culturalism.


Posted by Desmond Jones on Fri, 14 Dec 2007 23:21 | #

It’s not natural at all, that’s entirely correct.

It is natural for elites to use internal/external forces that further their ends (and enhance their reproductive fitness) at the expense of their people. It is seldom in history that the level of altruism displayed by Edward, who expelled the Jews from England or the Catholic corporatism described by KMac is evident.

This is driven by pure avarice and greed, and dare it be said, a general hatred for mankind.

It’s not driven by hatred, it’s driven by competition for resources. The point being that , in particular, Anglos evolved a special non-kinship based relationship.

Prof. Andrew Fraser;

“Only a people such as the English, characterized by the ‘non-kinship based forms of reciprocity’ associated with Protestant Christianity, monogamy and companionate marriage, nuclear families, a marked de-emphasis on extended kinship relations, and a strong tendency towards individualism could possibly succeed in creating such a ‘society of strangers.’

It’s untestable, however, Prof. Fraser speculates that these attributes are genetic.

You’re dealing with a strategy that is evolved and is still enormously successful, especially for the Anglosphere elites. Trying to build racial awareness is bound for failure with this group. Abhorrent as it is, the labour resistance, led by Samuel Gompers (a British Jew) that aided the passing of the 1924 immigrant restrictions, was built on an alliance between old stock American and immigrant labourer. The common cause was wages.

Liberal elites need to be attack on a number fronts. One being the growing underclass, whether it’s white, brown or yellow. An alliance will be necessary to demand an end to mass immigration which if not curtailed will drive working class wages ever lower.

Another front may be the environment.

“Since 1970, America has suffered notable increases in traffic congestion, school overcrowding, loss of natural habitat, destruction of prime farm land, and increasing urban sprawl. Why? Since 1970, more than 68 million people have been added to the U.S. population. This surge is especially notable in light of the fact that Americans have been below replacement level fertility since 1972. A majority of this growth is thus derived from immigrants and their children.”

Again, as ugly as it may be, alliances may be needed with the “other” to stop the process driven by high IQ white elites that Alex so eloquently describes above.

Let the yelling begin!


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 00:41 | #

Alex makes his cases very persuasively.  He’s a good thinker and expositor.


Posted by Alex on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 04:10 | #

To my

It’s not natural at all, that’s entirely correct.

and your response of

It is natural for elites to use internal/external forces that further their ends (and enhance their reproductive fitness) at the expense of their people. It is seldom in history that the level of altruism displayed by Edward, who expelled the Jews from England or the Catholic corporatism described by KMac is evident.

My saying ‘it’s not natural’ was in response (and in agreement) with Scrooby’s comment that this ‘mass immigration’ and subsequent displacement of people (to put it kind) was as he said, not ‘a force of nature’...which is how some attempt to rationalize it away….sort of like someone attempting to say it’s like how the sun comes up daily, or it rains every now and again.    No, people are making decisions, decisions to purposely allow for it., as in purposely allowing for the border to not be controlled, something that had been done more or less fine till about 1970.    Now there may be at a certain level people making these decisions in something of a state of denial, as in well, the ‘open border is good for everybody’, when its perhaps in reality its about some investment they, or their friends have in manufacturing.    I think denial, and or self-deceit, and thus often deceit of others, can often play a major part of this.    That, in no way excuses it though. 

As for it being ‘natural for elites to use internal/external forces that further their ends (and enhance their reproductive fitness) at the expense of their people.’  Who exactly decided that, or is that a law somewhere?  That sounds quite amoral.    While people certainly do have instincts, they also have the ability to act consciously…as in someone might have a family history of alcoholism, but being aware of that they choose not to drink, and thus are not an alcoholic themselves.  Similarly, it would seem, one could ‘enhance their reproductive fitness’ without significantly harming their own people, or any other people hopefully.    I suppose that what I am getting at is that we, yes, even elites wink, can consciously choose not to be base animals in decision making and actions.

To my

This is driven by pure avarice and greed, and dare it be said, a general hatred for mankind.

and your response of

It’s not driven by hatred, it’s driven by competition for resources.    The point being that , in particular, Anglos evolved a special non-kinship based relationship.

As a result of these elites actions, and this thing they call ‘cheap labor’, the Blacks being brought into many of the cities for that purpose, 20,000 European ancestried women a year are being raped yearly in the US alone in Black on White rapes, while its almost zero vice versa.    In Europe as well, many thousands of women are being raped by the ‘immigrants’ and ‘asylum seekers’, often in gang rapes.  London by itself has a thousand such rapes a year, much of it being commited by the new arrivals upon the indigenous native English.  That decision to exploit people as cheap labor, that all too many of these elites have been into, surely is not driven by a love for ones fellow man, or of their own people.    And yes, it does seem rather malevolent.

As for being ‘driven by competition for resources’, much of Europe had empires, these empires being relatively intact till about 1940 (ie WWII), and likely to this day many of the elites still retain a residual wealth from those empires and are relatively well off.    Specifically referencing the United States, and the United Kingdom, according to the British Establishment journalist and close associate of Cecil Rhodes of Africa fame, WT Stead, the US and UK at the time of the formation of the ‘special relationship’ in about 1900, had roughly between the two powers three times the wealth and economic resources of the combined French, German, and Russian empires.    This can be found in the first chapter of Stead’s book, The Americanization of the World, published in 1901, and is on google books for free.    The United States since that time and to this day dominates the world economically.  In other words these elites were and are plenty well off, with plenty of resources, and not a lot of need for ‘competetion’.    And, yes, driven by avarice and greed.

As for ‘Anglos evolved a special non-kinship based relationship’...I do not know if I’d necessarily agree with that, as it seems in England they had an effective enough ‘kinship’ for quite awhile.    If there is any truth about that perhaps a more ‘kinship based relationship’ should be ‘evolved’.   

You’re dealing with a strategy that is evolved and is still enormously successful,

Evolved?    Evolved the wrong way perhaps?  As for being a ‘strategy’ that is ‘still enormously successful, especially for the Anglosphere elites,’  I would have to say I strongly question that.    These West European elites involvement with the chattel slave trade was disastrous in its effects, not simply on themselves, but on their own people, as well as to be sure those enslaved.    With these elites entry into chattel slavery’s derivitive, cheap labor, things went from disastrous to entering into the realm of catastrophic, like going from a bad cocaine habit to a heroin addiction.  In the 19th century in both the US and Australia there had been a strong push by powerful elements of these elites to replace their own people with many millions of Chinese cheap laborers.    It was only after a strong push against it in each instance that that was stopped.    In the US there was the roughly 40 years of more or less immigration cessation between the mid 20’s and 1965, where again, only after a giant push to stop these guys had they been stopped in the early 1920’s.  While making themselves very rich very quickly, at most everyone else’s expense it has to be said, what these persons have been promoting would ultimately destroy themselves, unless stopped.

Trying to build racial awareness is bound for failure with this group.

Oh, I don’t know.    Europeans have historically seemed to do well enough in retaining their identity, both physically and culturally, even with the supposed high altruism.    This strong presence of chattel slavery from the 16th and 17th centuries on did a lot of harm, as did the far more destructive cheap labor thing after.  With that hopefully put a stop to and European peoples, both elites and everyday people, doing their own work as it ought to be, that by itself ought to bring a lot of healthiness.   

And to be sure, that’s just a start.  wink


Posted by Desmond jones on Sat, 15 Dec 2007 08:08 | #

Examine the pattern in the US, Alex. Admittedly Europe differs because until post WWII it was an exporter of people. The pattern is familiar. The blacks came and stayed. The Germans came (much to the chagrin of Ben Franklin) and stayed. The mass Irish/German immigration between 1846 and 1860, drove down native American wages and drove up property prices and forced fertility rates down. The Know Nothing effort was lost. The Irish stayed. The N.E. Asians came to build the railroad and stayed. The Slavs and Jews came and stayed. The Meds came and stayed. The migration restriction didn’t stay the forces of change but simply mitigated it. Now the Hispanics come and they will stay also.

This “open border” more or less has been open for almost three centuries in the US. Is it immorality and evil that has pervaded over these almost, give or take, 300 years? Or is there something else driving it? The assertion is that it’s advantageous. You outlined the economic advantage to this wealth transfer strategy. Examining the fertility rates of those with high incomes and networth of a million dollars shows that on average those folks have three children (more than the average for blacks, Hispanics or Mormons). It’s those whites with medium family incomes whose family sizes have fallen. The question you must answer is what will motivate the elites to relinquish this adaptive behaviour in order to support their co-ethnics?

Today there is no powerful trade unionism. There is no KKK Protestantism. There is no scientific racism. It’s easy today to under estimate the power and extent of these groups and their ideas.  There is no freedom of speech with the possible exception of the internet, where an anonymous few whisper the unspeakable into cyberspace. If racial awareness is all it takes, the BNP would have been elected ten years ago. 

The Sikhs and Hindus this writer has spoken to have a far better understanding of the threat of extinction and the growing underclass than most whites. The Sikhs I spoke to suggest that if Anglos don’t want them in Canada, they should support the idea of a Sikh homeland in the Punjab. There is room to support liberal memes, like aiding the environment and fighting poverty and potentially move towards limiting immigration without running into the race realism demon. After all, half a loaf is better than none.


Posted by Alex on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:06 | #

Examine the pattern in the US, Alex…The pattern is familiar.

The ‘pattern’ is familiar, and typically, whether its the chattel or cheap labor variants of slavery, the pattern is indeed the same.    Peoples in the most desperate of straits, often either in something like a state of subjugation, or, in a state of very great national weakness, are being preyed upon, and by diktat, and or deceit and fraud against the receiving ends population’s wishes, these persons are ‘imported’ in to a country, and their labor systematically stolen from them.    Some might say that well, with ‘cheap labor’, generally acquired by way of mass immigration, people are leaving ‘freely’.    However, just how ‘free’ are they.    The East Europeans were brought down to a state of near utter destitution by the subjugation of Communism,  not entirely dissimilar to how many another people has been brought low by past Capitalist orientated empires.  Much as with chattel slavery and the ‘choice’ of either being enslaved or being killed, its either be exploited as cheap labor, or remain near destitution in ones homeland.    Better by far though, should a people choose, is to build up these people where they are at, where they, as others, can retain their peoplehood.   

As it is they are being preyed upon and greed is being rationalised away in weak claims that these people are being ‘helped’.

The blacks came and stayed.

Uhh…they didn’t simply ‘come and stay’.  Regarding the micro-cosm of North America, the Africans were first subjugated in Africa, typically either by way of defeat in battle or kidnapping by other tribes, enslaved, bought, and ‘imported’ in by diktat of the British Empire in 1619, initially by way of a passing Dutch trading vessel IIRC.    Those already present in NA protested, but this was out of their hands, such decisions being made at high levels of the Empire.    After the 1776 Revolution, whether to continue on with slavery was then in the hands of US elites.  Anyhow, there’s the pattern with this unpopular slavery whether in its chattel or cheap labor forms…that is one of diktat, the receiving population’s end not being asked or listened to, that’s continued on from 1619 straight thru the 19th century faux ‘abolition’ of slavery to this day.

After the US Civil War’s end in 1865, Blacks were exploited as share croppers (ie ‘cheap labor’ ) in the South, then within a few decades after that, were exploited some more as cheap labor ‘imported’ into the big cities of the North and West.    The idea of the Blacks being allowed self determination, to establish by way of free agreement, their own viable state either in North America and or Africa, as likely the vast majority of them would have desired, and many an everyday US citizen would have been open to, did not come up in any serious way.   

Of course, as that war was not about ‘freeing the slaves’, anything but rather.

The Germans came (much to the chagrin of Ben Franklin) and stayed.

Hehe.    That sounds as though they came to North America enmasse on a vacation, decided they liked the place, and decided to stay.    I used to have almost an impression from what was taught in the schools, and I’m not saying this is the case with yourself, that anyone from Europe (or even whereever just about) could, upon their own volition, simply hop in a row boat, make their way across the Atlantic, and simply wash up on shore, and they’d be let in to North America.    However, that’s not the case, either before or after 1776, political decisons rather being made by men for a purpose.

Now, that doesn’t mean that, particularly since the early 19th century, that a large number of people have not been allowed into the US, there have been many, but rather, that there is indeed a rhyme and reason to the madness, and that it is guided by the human hand.    In other words that it is not simply ‘an act of God.’

This might make one wonder why the teaching in many of the schools is so weak in this area.    Is it possible some don’t want people to look too closely at these things, and would rather folks simply accept the almost magical idea that ‘waves’ of immigration simply ‘materialize’, or ‘just happens’, no one seeming to know why?


Posted by Alex on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 01:08 | #

The mass Irish/German immigration between 1846 and 1860, drove down native American wages and drove up property prices and forced fertility rates down. The Know Nothing effort was lost. The Irish stayed. The N.E. Asians came to build the railroad and stayed. The Slavs and Jews came and stayed. The Meds came and stayed. The migration restriction didn’t stay the forces of change but simply mitigated it. Now the Hispanics come and they will stay also.

Eh, perhaps it’s not intended, but that’s almost exactly the sort of thing those who attempt to rationalise away ‘mass immigration’ say.    Anyhow, rather than people simply ‘coming over and staying’ or ‘forces of change’, political decisions  were made allowing for what you describe.    The US senator (and future US secretary of state) from New York, Henry Seward, outlines this political history from the 1780’s onward in his March 3, 1858 speech to the US senate entitled ‘Freedom in Kansas’.    People might recall that,  from the mid to late 1850’s, there were guerilla armies privately funded by Northern industrialists and Southern plantation owners fighting it out in ‘bloody Kansas for control of that territory.  Cheap labor, acquired by mass immigration, was US federal policy from the 1780’s onward.    It started off slowly enough, and was initially from Europe, but by the mid 19th century many hundreds of thousands were being allowed in yearly from as far afield as China…by political decision.   

From what I can tell, those who were promoting cheap labor then, just as now, were attempting to get away with whatever they could, their only concern being profits.

A good example of that might be in the northeast of the US (ie Massachusetts, Connecticut, etc) where industrialization got its start in the 1820’-30’s with the development of textile mills.    Up to that point most of that part of the country was orientated towards farms and the small shop owners.    The North-easterners had concerns about industrialization and what they had observed in England, ie the exploitation of child labor, the social harm done, etc, and many people were weary of it….and right they were to be.    Textile mills were established there and the work was done typically by local farmers daughters, young (but adults) and single, called ‘Yankee Girls’, who were well paid, in the well maintained factories.    All was well enough for some years, but already by the 1840’s the nefarious idea of replacing the local worker with ‘cheaper’ labor ‘imported’ in, initially, from Canada and Ireland, had come to some fruition.    So, things went from what was pictured below, where the locals in 1850 were already in the process of being replaced… 

New England Textile Mill Circa 1850

to this in 1912

Massachusetts Militia Called Out To Lawrence - 1912

The “Bread and Roses Strike,” as it became known, broke new ground in several ways. More than half of the workers in the Lawrence textile mills were women and children, and women played a major role in the strike. Most of the workers were unskilled newcomers from the Middle East, southern and eastern Europe. They spoke more than a dozen different languages and practiced a variety of religions and ethnic customs. What bound them together was the need to improve their living and working conditions.

...Under Massachusetts law, schooling was compulsory for children under age 14, but poverty forced many parents to lie about their sons’ and daughters’ ages and send them to work in the mills. One boy, asked if he’d like to go to school, said that he would love to, but he wanted to eat.

And surprise, surprise, it was in the 1850’s that saw the rise of the ‘Know Nothing’ party, where people saw in part what was going on and simply made an attempt to preserve themselves.    The same games then and now were played, with powerful elements of the elites playing a divide and conquer game against their own people, attempting to call them ‘prejudiced’, etc.    The sorts who not so many years before had been either dealing slaves, or owning them, and had come up with a streamlined means of systematically stealing someone’s labor (indeed, the systematic theft of someone’s labor is the basis of slavery) called ‘cheap labor’, were daring to accuse others.    Quite absurd, but such were, and are, the times.

The morality of these things is in no way upon the side of those who promote the ideology of cheap labor/institutionalised division aka multi-culturalism.

This “open border” more or less has been open for almost three centuries in the US.

Again, political decisions were made to allow in people, and not simply anyone showing up on their own volition.    Should in the 1730’s fifty thousand Swedes, Bulgars, Germans, etc, decid on ther own to land and colonize on North America, they would have been repulsed by force.   

If Is it immorality and evil that has pervaded over these almost, give or take, 300 years? Or is there something else driving it?

Well, I’d tend to think its the problem of some allowing money to be the center of everything.    And too many following too many poorly leading elites

The assertion is that it’s advantageous.

Short term profits and ultimately destroying oneself, as well as one’s people, is not ‘advantageous’.

You outlined the economic advantage to this wealth transfer strategy.

‘Wealth transfer strategy?

Presumbably a euphamism for extreme self-centeredness and greed?  wink 

‘Examining the fertility rates of those with high incomes and networth of a million dollars shows that on average those folks have three children (more than the average for blacks, Hispanics or Mormons). It’s those whites with medium family incomes whose family sizes have fallen. The question you must answer is what will motivate the elites to relinquish this adaptive behaviour in order to support their co-ethnics?

I think this is a bit too clinical of a description of things.  The ‘adaptive behavior’ that’s been described is ultimately tending towards destroying not only their own people, but all the distinct peoples of the world.    As for ‘motivating’ them to change it would certainly be great were they to see the plain moral error of what they are doing, and for them to cease.  Though I’d certainly not count on something like that.  Sites such as this one are great for broadcasting ideas and getting an understanding of what is taking place, and perhaps some of these ‘elites’ read the site, who knows.  As this is a public forum, not everything regarding this subject matter would be appropriate to discuss, but it might be necesary to bypass them in some way, and do things unilaterally, without them.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 02:06 | #

Once again I appreciate Alex’s clear explanations and sound conclusions.


Posted by Alex on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 05:25 | #

It’s not pretty, but this is from the writings of one of the US Southern elites from the time of the US Civil War, she being a member of one of the ‘privilidged 4000’ families that dominated the South.    The North had their parallel elites, and being it was about twice the population of the South, they very likely had something like a ‘privilidged 8000’ families who owned factories and ‘imported’ cheap laborers in to work in them and in their mansions as servants, maids, etc.

I tend to believe the accounts from the time that describe most people getting along fine before the war, many having family members and relatives in the North and South of the country.

Northern elites promoting the war to ‘preserve the Union’, so as to be able to expand and profit from the variant of slavery known as ‘cheap labor’ throughout the country.  Southern elites promoting the war to preserve ‘state’s rights’, so as to retain chattel slavery and possibly spread it into some other part of the world to profit from it.    The vast majority of people, the ones doing most of the fighting, neither exploited others as cheap labor or chattel slavery.

This is in reality what 600,000 died for, many hundreds of thousands of others being horribly injured and maimed, in the US Civil War of 1861-1865.  This in in reality why people are being put through utter hell with the purposely uncontrolled ‘mass immigration’ of today and for many years past.

From a journal entry in 1865 by which time most of their slaves, about 200 or so,  had been released.    This is a point of time where Southern elites were, sadly by default, likely at their best.

August 22, 1865

Sister attended to the bedrooms this morning, while Mett and I cleaned up downstairs and mother washed the dishes. It is very different from having a servant always at hand to attend to your smallest need, but I can’t say that I altogether regret the change; in fact, I had a very merry time over my work…

From the 1907 foreward…

...In the lifetime of a single generation the people of the South have been called upon to pass through changes that the rest of the world has taken centuries to accomplish. The distance between the armor-clad knight at Acre and the “embattled farmers” at Lexington is hardly greater than that between the feudal aristocracy which dominated Southern sentiment in 1860, and the commercial plutocracy that rules over the destinies of the nation to-day.

Never was there an aristocracy so compact, so united, so powerful. Out of a population of some 9,000,000 whites that peopled the Southern States, according to the census of 1850, only about 300,000 were actual slaveholders. Less than 3,000 of these - men owning, say, over 100 negroes each, constituted the great planter class, who, with a small proportion of professional and business men affiliated with them in culture and sympathies, dominated Southern sentiment and for years dictated the policy of the nation. The more prominent families all over the country knew each other by reputation, if not by actual contact, and to be a member of the privileged few in one community was an ex-officio title to membership in all. To use a modern phrase, we were intensely “class conscious” and this brought about a solidarity of feeling and sentiment almost comparable to that created by family ties. Narrow and provincial we may have been, in some respects, but take it all in all, it is doubtful whether the world has ever produced a state of society more rich in all the resources for a thoroughly wholesome, happy, and joyous life than existed among the privileged “4,000” under the peculiar civilization of the Old South

Brutal honesty here.  Self deceit had been taking place.  And had people been engaged in self-deceit following the elites?

Our Southern States, being still in the agricultural stage, on account of our practical monopoly of the world’s chief textile staple, were the last of the great civilized nations to find chattel slavery less profitable than wage slavery, and hence the “great moral crusade” of the North against the perverse and unregenerate South. It was a pure case of economic determinism, which means that our great moral conflict reduces itself, in the last analysis, to a question of dollars and cents, though the real issue was so obscured by other considerations that we of the South honestly believe to this day that we were fighting for States Rights, while the North is equally honest in the conviction that it was engaged in a magnanimous struggle to free the slave.

and, the basis of the ideology of multi-culturalism

...the rise of the modern industrial system made wage slavery a more efficient agent of production than chattel slavery.

From the foreward, back to self-deceit.  Where, or who, decided it was somehow ‘evolution’going from one variant of slavery to another, exponentially socially destructive one?  This and the quote above is a pretty good definition of multi-culturalism, and what is the unfortunate rationalization of it in many instances.

The truth of the matter is that the transition from chattel to wage slavery was the next step forward in the evolution of the race, just as the transition from wage slavery to free and independent labor will be the next.

And now that we have learned wisdom through suffering; now that we have seen how much more can be accomplished by peaceful coöperation under the safe
guidance of natural laws, than by wasteful violence, we are prepared to take our part intelligently in the next great forward movement of the race - a movement having for its object not merely a closer union of kindred states, but that grander union dreamed of by the poet, which is to find its consummation in

“The parliament of man, the federation of the world.”

The War-Time Journal of a Georgia Girl


Posted by Alex on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 05:29 | #

TY for the kind word Scrooby.    You write some great stuff yourself.  wink


Posted by Riley DeWiley on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 06:02 | #

I see no signs of organized resistance of any kind, unless you count the Ron Paul campaign. I attended a few National Alliance meetings in Seattle, but as far as I can tell, the group has broken up. It did not survive the Natall/Natvan divorce of a couple years back. There is no WN activism happening in my area that I am aware of.

However, I do see signs that people are rejecting the dominant paradigm, and looking for answers on their own. They are frightened and lost, but they are searching. This is mostly in small ways, chance encounters with strangers where they let the mask slip and let it be known they do not see things the way they are supposed to see them. It must have been like this to be homosexual, before the Stonewall riot and the “coming out” bazaar (bizarre) of the 1980s and 1990s. Strange thought, that .... but look how far they have come, from being reviled as perverts to being celebrated as perverts. Strange world. But if they can make a sexual dysfunction into a social movement, we can make a movement out of racial awareness, can’t we?

We are the practitioners of a clandestine religion, really. I don’t mind; it will make us stronger. Rebuilding our culture is not the work of a few weeks - it will take generations. In the 1920s, the Culture Minister of Germany - who was a Socialist - barred the Nazis from the radio, and he and the ranking Weimar politicians went to sleep at night secure in the knowledge that their control of the airwaves gave them control of the polity. While they slept, Adolf Hitler was organizing mass rallies, where Nazis and prospective converts met face to face, and they built a party that swept away the Weimar Republic.

I don’t want to open my TV tomorrow and see Ernst Zundel’s face, or Erich Gliebe’s, or William Pierce’s. I would rather have an honest and searching conversation about race in my own home with about five good friends, and to know that many other such conversations were taking place in white households all over the Western world. I have been having those little chats, and I know others have been having them too. Even the MSM says there is a WN undercurrent to the “immigration” debate, and for once they are right.

There is a lot of despair here, and much has been lost. But I think the future looks bright.



Posted by Desmond Jones on Mon, 17 Dec 2007 08:10 | #

Short term profits and ultimately destroying oneself, as well as one’s people, is not ‘advantageous’.

Of course it’s advantageous, Alex. The transfer of wealth meant a longer life and much reduced mortality/morbdity rates. More of your genes would survive.

The Poor and the Dead: Socioeconomic Status and Mortality in the U.S., 1850-1860

Despite the significant research on aggregate trends in mortality and physical stature in the middle of the nineteenth century, little evidence on the individual-level characteristics associated with premature mortality has been presented. This essay describes a new project that links individuals from the mortality schedules to the population schedules of the 1850 and 1860 federal population censuses. This makes it possible to assess the link between individual and household characteristics and the probability of dying. The results reveal a strong and negative relationship between household wealth and mortality in 1850 and 1860 and a somewhat weaker negative relationship between occupational status and mortality in 1850. The findings suggest that even when the U.S. population was largely rural and agricultural, changes in the distribution of income and wealth would have had a large impact on mortality rates and life expectancies. Urbanization merely exacerbated already existing disparities in mortality by socioeconomic status.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 12 Apr 2008 06:55 | #

Former Soviet dissident Vladimir Bukovsky, speaking of the future which the E.U. has planned for Europeans:  “I have lived in your future .... and it doesn’t work.”  He flatly predicts the E.U.‘s collapse exactly as the system it’s modeled on, the U.S.S.R., collapsed.  (The United States, incidentally, will also collapse exactly as the system it’s modeled on, ancient Rome, collapsed.)  Study also this, those who may not have seen it:  Bukovsky’s unmasking of the real agenda behind the E.U. (aka the EUSSR).  This log entry, one of the most important things you’ll ever read in your entire life if you’re a European, has been read by over a hundred-and-ten-thousand readers.  Study it closely.

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