The neurodevelopmental boost of moms from childbirth
A lot of feminists like to blither about how they aren’t mature enough to raise a child until they are running a risk of Downs syndrome if not menopause. Rational people wonder how they could be so stupid but it may be a natural result of childlessness.
The upshot of pregnancy, Dr. Kinsley says, is a maternal brain changed forever in critical ways—not just different, but vastly improved.
Can you imagine a drug to produce the neurological enhancements of pregnancy? A number of young women might choose to enhance their mental function thinking they needed that “competitive edge” to “get established in a career”. Then, much to their dismay, they realize they are being stupid and stand a hope of choosing to have children before it is too late! Who knows, they might even choose to drop the entire project of political correctness for the sham it is. As such they might start voting more rationally but also start demanding characteristics of the sires of their children that made more sense.
More from the article:
Hormones increase neuronal branches in a nearby brain area called the hippocampus. The hippocampus isn’t directly involved in how mothers behave, but it does play a key role in their general learning and memory. From conception onward, both of these key functions are intensified in moms.
Pregnancy hormones also beef up the brain’s amygdala and prefrontal cortices. The amygdala, part of an ancient core brain called the limbic system, regulates intense emotions, including maternal love. The prefrontal areas process sensory input, empathy and conscience.
The upshot of pregnancy, Dr. Kinsley says, is a maternal brain changed forever in critical ways—not just different, but vastly improved.
Posted by A. Windaus on Mon, 20 Feb 2006 02:04 | #
This article was first in Scientific American (Jan 2006) which is 7 pages long, compared to this which is only 3.
I have to wonder, if having a child rewrites the female brain, is it possible that constant use of the Birth Control Pill rewrites the brain also?
I read this article you provided, it was slightly different then the one I mentioned, but I have to say I never like it when someone says something like “we humans have a lot of evolution to get past”, now, why must we screw with nature like we actually know anything? Millions of years of evolution compared to the wisdom of a few so called “experts” doesn’t seem to stand a chance these days!