The politics of HIV and TB in Britain

Posted by Guessedworker on Thursday, 14 September 2006 08:44.

A certain ex-founding MR blogger sent me this tawdry tale from the Times :-

An illegal immigrant has been accused of infecting at least six women with the HIV virus at the campsite where he worked.

Everson Banda, 29, was sent home to Zimbabwe by immigration officials last month after he admitted that his asylum claim was groundless.

He had worked illegally as a security guard and later as a caravan salesman at Orchards Holiday Village near Clacton-on-Sea, Essex.

Colleagues at the campsite said that he had slept with “literally scores” of visitors and at least 13 co-workers during his three years there. Five holiday-makers and one co-worker have subsequently tested positive for HIV and they blame Mr Banda.

He told none of the women that he had HIV even though his health was failing. Carriers of the virus who knowingly infect sexual partners can be prosected for assault occasioning grievous bodily harm.

Mr Banda was deported on August 19 after immigration officials arrested him the previous month. He had claimed that he faced imprisonment or torture in Zimbabwe.

Now, a year ago I posted this piece on the UK government’s vilely race-blind policy of AIDS education.  It quoted a Guardian article on the rates and sources of HIV infection in Britain:-

UK statisticians, he says, have consistently failed to emphasise where people living with HIV in this country actually contracted the virus: if you take that factor into account, the picture of HIV in Britain is radically transformed.

In truth, more than 75% of the heterosexuals diagnosed with HIV in the UK last year were infected abroad or by partners who were infected abroad, with 68% of them having been exposed to HIV in Africa.  Although black Africans living in Britain represent barely 1% of the population, last year they accounted for 42% of new HIV diagnoses.  If you are black, African and living here, you are 50 times more likely to be HIV positive than any other ethnic group.

... Incredibly, there are probably only 184 white, British, heterosexual men and women who have contracted HIV in the UK through having sex with someone from the same demographic group in the last 20 years.  Professor Brian Gazzard, one of Britain’s most senior HIV specialists and head of HIV research at Chelsea and Westminster hospital, London, says:

“The chances of a white woman and a white man getting together on a Saturday night and infecting each other with HIV is tiny.”  Our own calculations reveal that that risk is approximately one in 300,000.  HIV in the UK is black and it is gay.

It is perhaps almost second nature to government ministers and officials to put in place an ineffective programme because an effective one would cause political discomfiture, and just doing nothing is bad form.  But it takes a particular kind of politician, I think, to spread ignorance about a fatal disease - and do it while affecting to educate.  At the very least she - for it is “The Right Honourable” Patricia Hewitt - must be deeply unpleasant if not objectively evil.  If Everson Banda could have been prosected for assault occasioning grievous bodily harm, what charge befits Ms Hewitt who chose not to use her Department’s influence to warn his victims.  Banda is a low-IQ, high testosterone African criminal.  What is the Minister’s excuse?

She has only her liberalism.

What she is doing, of course, is protecting sexually active African immigrants, if that isn’t a tautology, from becoming stigmatised.  It is a rights issue, and the right which really rings the liberty bell is not to be judged because of the colour of your skin.  Ms Hewitt is proving that this right is more important to the liberal mind than life and death.

But let’s dig a little deeper, because HIV is not the only dread disease coming in.  Tubercolosis was completely conquered through mass immunisation in this country.  One of my uncles caught the disease as a child and survived.  But for my generation of British children of the 1950’s and 60’s TB was already seen as an historical issue.

Not so, in fact.  Ever since immigration began in earnest in 1954, TB infection from abroad has been on the rise.  Immigrants from Pakistan, India and Bangladesh have been the greater part of the problem, both new arrivals and the more established who follow the common practise of “visiting home”.  But TB is also riding on the coat-tails of HIV-infection via Africa.  There are some extremely worrying multiple drug-resistant strains caused by mutations of mycobacterium tuberculosisa known as MAC or MAI.  These are rare in general terms but spike among the weakened immune systems of AIDS patients.  Treatment can last thirty months (where effective) and is hugely expensive just for that reason.

So, is the Minister alive to this grave threat from the Third World?  Is she channelling moneys towards new drug research (there have been no new drugs for the treatment of TB for thirty-five years).  Is there any sign whatever that she wants to protect Britons from this disease of immigrants ... anything at all?

There being absolutely nothing, in fact, more urgent than a centrally-funded genome study, the only conclusion one can draw is that the same cynical calculation as with HIV has been made.  Any rate of infection and mortality from TB is acceptable provided that the public does not know from whence it comes.

It is a very curious gambit for, nominally at least, a Minister of Health.

Tags: Health



Posted by Kenelm Digby on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:04 | #

Out of Nationalist funds, I beg to move, that a substantial cash prize be awarded to the priapic and efficient Mr. Banda, together with the ‘Annual Darwin Award Trophy’ - I further propose that nationalist funds be used to purchase a silver-plate trophy cup to be inscribed with the legend ‘Annual Darwin Award Winner’.
Mr. Banda will be invited to receive his trophy and cash prize, together with a vigorous (be-gloved) handshake at the next AGM of the ‘White Nationalist Club of Great Britain’, after a hearty champagne toast, (be careful NOT to drink out of Mr. Banda’s cup!), loyal members can reflect at the speed and efficiency that the priapic and heroic Mr. Banda has deleted white-trah whore genetic material from the white gene-pool.


Posted by onetwothree on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:04 | #

“literally scores” of visitors and at least 13 co-workers

Let Darwin do his work on them.


Posted by onetwothree on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:09 | #

God, is that annoying when two comments hit at the exact same time on the same subject.

At any rate, the point is obvious: Any woman who would sleep with such an animal is not worth living. This being a decent society, we can’t exactly string them up—but if they essentially commit suicide through their actions, then it’s all the better.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:30 | #

“She’s also herself an immigrant—born and raised in Australia.”  (—Karl)

The eskimos have 17 words for snow, each with a different meaning or nuance.  Say any of the seventeen and the eskimo knows exactly what kind of snow you’re talking about:  no further description is needed.  We have different words for different kinds of seal (seal, sea lion), different kinds of horse (horse, zebra), different kinds of ape (gorilla, chimp, orangutan), and so on.  We need different words for immigrant:  Peter Brimelow, who always takes the intiative, in debates on immigration, in acknowledging self-effacingly that he himself is an immigrant, is not an immigrant in the racial-ethnocultural sense in which a mestizo, a Nigerian, a Pakistani, or a Chinaman is, and in today’s world that’s a crucial difference.  We all understand the way in which I mean that.  If a German-American, all four of whose German grandparents immigrated from Germany to the U.S. in 1925, decides to move back to Germany he won’t be an immigrant to Germany in the sense in which a Turk or Sub-Saharan is.  He’s a German.  Once he relearns the language (assuming he didn’t learn it at his grandparent’s knee) he’ll fit right in like a piece of a puzzle.  The Turk and the Sub-Saharan will never fit right in even if they speak perfect Hochdeutsch, learn how to yodel, and walk around in Lederhosen and little hats with a feather sticking out the top and drink their beer out of a stein mug with a hinged pewter lid.  If this woman who was born and raised in Australia is of British stock it’s very misleading to call her an immigrant in today’s climate where “immigrant” is such a highly-charged word having an entirely different sigificance.  It’s time we came up with an alternative word to “immigrant,” to cover such cases.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 13:38 | #

That said, I hope it’s not necessary to add I absolutely share the horror everyone here feels in regard to Miss Hewitt and all misfits who are like her.

“A certain ex-founding MR blogger sent me this [...]”  (—the entry’s opening)

Tell JJR hello from Vermont and I hope to see him commenting in the threads from time to time!


Posted by Andy on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 15:24 | #


Are you from Vermont?


Posted by James Bowery on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 16:03 | #

While I certainly understand the warlike hostility to those who would impose upon us human experimentation in technologically amplified population mixing, I don’t think it is appropriate to express that as hostility toward the genes of the women succumbing to their indoctrination and whatever additional effects might result from a profoundly unnatural human ecology.

There are far more important things at stake than eugenic selection toward adaptability to a world run by hypocrites and their immigration extremists.


Posted by martin_uk on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:06 | #

Clacton-on-Sea is a place where white working class people live/take their holidays. I would imagine, therefore, that the women involved are all youngish white working class types. One is tempted to say that “they deserve all they get”, so…they deserve all they get.

But shouldn’t the Establishment do something to warn women from having casual unprotected sex with men from Africa? There have been so many of these cases in the UK and other parts of the Western world in recent years that any woman who is not aware of the dangers is necessarily stupid and does humanity a favour by eliminating herself from the white European gene pool.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:18 | #

Originally from New York City, Andy.


Posted by Andy on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 17:25 | #

Ah. What I meant was “do you reside in Vermont?” I am from Massachusetts, but I have a great deal of fondness for VT.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 18:42 | #

No, Svi.  One must allow for the suggestibility of the human mind.  There are things we see everyday that demonstrate exactly how easy it is for people - just ordinary, blameless everyday folks - to let slip their own natural rights and interests, and begin living according to another, unnatural agenda.  A little glamorisation, a few beautiful deceits and it’s done.  People are easily led, that’s a fact.

At the same time, when they become conscious of this and conscious that they have rights and interests of their own, then suddenly we find we can appeal to those rights and interests and rely upon new found solidities like common sense and kinship.

But the people are the same and the people are us, because we have all come from the unconscious sphere.  We have all believed idiocies ... some that getting on in life was “it” or that personal enjoyment was a kind of soleil absolue, some that the exotic and different was a source of excitement, etc ...

It is better to be generous than vengeful.  Let those whose lives have been blighted by official lies live and die in peace.  Let the liars be the object of your scorn.


Posted by Daedalus on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 19:46 | #

At any rate, the point is obvious: Any woman who would sleep with such an animal is not worth living. This being a decent society, we can’t exactly string them up—but if they essentially commit suicide through their actions, then it’s all the better.

The death penalty for miscegenation. It would be better if I passed over this one in silence. :p


Posted by Nick Tamiroff on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 20:28 | #

Diversity is Death-Miscegenation is Suicide-


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 22:04 | #

OK, Svi.  I’m not entirely in agreement with endless love and forgiveness myself, even if I sounded that way.  I approve of traditional social stigma, and if I were young and single I would certainly inform any woman I knew to have had relations with aliens that she had put herself beyond the consideration of honourable white men.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 22:58 | #

OK we’re covering the same ground we’ve covered before. White girls as I point out are being raised to think nothing of it, when it comes to inter-racial mixing. This must stop, not only is it a myth that blacks are lean sex machines(white girl, you just haven’t met the right white man yet), but the risk of disease and predisposure to crime is unbereable. If one felt sick with this story, go to NV. There’s an article in there about Kiwis letting 1300 zinbaweans in as an emergency measure. What’s the emergency? That 800 of them are HIV positive and upon entering New Zeland have all but disapeared and refuse to get tested for the citizenship exam, even though the Kiwis are fully aware of their status as HIV+ and still would like them to remain(again, ‘cause its an “emergency”) violating their own rules. I wonder what the quota for white SA, probably zero, afterall this people won’t eat grass if they fell to the ground, white civilized countries latetly only seem to want swill.


Posted by Boris on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:08 | #

Fred Scrooby
Thank you for poiting the difference between immigrant and what most of us in this blog despise, mongrols, non-whites, etc, etc. For example take the word Hispanic, what a piece of crap and diseption this is. This word is the tool our own goverment uses, IMO to the detriment of white folks. Here’s how many races are contained whitin this word.
1- White Spaniard
2- Indian/ WS= mestizo
3- Black/ WS= mulato
4- Black
5- Indian
Whenever I return my census even though half of my heritage is Spaniard I always mark down my race as white NOT hispanic because of above mentioned causes. And if white Spaniards are excluded from majority status, then, whats next? Greeks, Portuguese, Albanians? Maybe Sicilians…....?


Posted by Al Ross on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:18 | #

There will surely be a quiet mood of satisfaction at this development in the executive suites of MTV and its Jew-controlled parent company Viacom. This atrocious story represents a tangible reward for the Herculean effort of decades of disgraceful anti-White miscegenation promotion, day-in, day-out, as unceasing as the millennial animus harboured by the Chosen against our race. 

It is highly questionable whether or not Whites will survive this Jewish war-without-end.


Posted by Lurker on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:22 | #

Patricia Hewitt maybe the enemy within but she is not an immigrant in my books. If she moves to the UK is she the same as a non-English speaking arab jihadi? Of course not. Any more than someone like her moving to Australia from the UK would be. Pretending she is an ‘immigrant’ is playing into her hands, she would be the first to sign up to this usage I suspect as it divideds and devalues us.


Posted by onetwothree on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:24 | #

What exactly does generosity give us, then? (*) Seriously—the proper response this this situation in a healthy, robust, early society would be a total banishment of all involved. If a woman spreads pollution to herself, she has spread it to the people. Oh, those same people lied to her? Fine.

Tell her this—“The lies stop now. Sorry for the delay.”

As for Darwin—I don’t know what kind of lives you have all led, but I have seen (too many times) white women pairing up with blacks who were fresh out of prison. This sort of mental disorder is beyond the power of the state to induce. In fact—for all the state’s folly, I don’t think it has ever recommended to women that they sleep with random ex-cons.  Or waiters for that matter.

To state it plainly: The foolishness of women is more dangerous in a multicultural society than in ordinary societies. You can either force the West back into homogeneity (a brutal option), or you can wait for natural selection to occur. It just so happens that nature operates at different speeds, depending. This story simply shows it operating very quickly.

(*) And did anybody have generous feelings while reading about it? Anybody?


Posted by Boris on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 23:27 | #

It might be hard( I have a son and could become a grandpa at any monent) to tell your kids everything they hear in school and on the media is contrary to my beliefs, but I did. He’s fully aware and understands my point of view on inter-marriage. However if he were to defy me(and go against his own interests as I made him aware) disavowment will be my only option, and with a broken heart I will carry it out.


Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 06:59 | #

“... Incredibly, there are probably only 184 white, British, heterosexual men and women who have contracted HIV in the UK through having sex with someone from the same demographic group in the last 20 years.”

There is nothing incredible about it, as we have known since 1987 that HIV is, under normal circumstances, not transmissible from women to men.  Even the 184 figure sounds exaggerated:

“In Britain, heterosexual Aids has probably never existed,” is a conclusion of the BBC “Fine Cut” documentary programme “The End of Innocence”, which was shown as part of the Red Ribbon series marking World Aids Day, on the 5th December 1995.

The programme examined in great and often moving detail the effect of the UK Aids phenomenon on homosexuals and the part that homophobia plays in the public perception of Aids. Drawing both on archive broadcast material of health and scientific professionals’ predictions for Aids prevalence, and film and literature from the UK Government’s mistaken Aids terror campaign of the mid eighties (both now shown to be grossly inaccurate) the programme set about demolishing the myth of heterosexual Aids in the UK, and demonstrating why and how it came about.

Quoting Public Health Laboratory figures over a ten year period, but not engaging in the wider controversy over HIV and testing, the programme claimed that of the 7388 heterosexual men and women diagnosed HIV+, 2928 were infected by drug use, 2790 were infected from a foreign source, either living abroad or back in Britain, 1369 were infected by blood products (the vast majority of them haemophiliacs), a mere 119 from bisexual partners (another myth exploded, in the programme’s view), that left a further 182 HIV+ people in the category “None of the above.”  These, an average of less than 20 cases a year, constitute the totality of heterosexual Aids in the UK.

Making allowance for human nature, for people denying they had had sex with any of the other categories, or not knowing that they had, the number may well disappear completely.

Unusually for the BBC, Aids establishment figures were shown floundering for explanations as to why they persisted in characterising Aids as a general health threat, when all available evidence showed it to be an overwhelmingly homosexual phenomenon. In particular, homosexual Aids charities and activist organisations were shown to have embraced the “de-Gayed” version of Aids eagerly, to enhance their fund raising capabilities at the cost, ultimately, of their credibility, even in the eyes of their own staff.

The programme included interviews with Aids activists who had come to realise the essential dishonesty in the message they were encouraged to disseminate. “I was going round the country, telling overwhelmingly heterosexual audiences, that they were at risk every day of their lives from HIV and Aids, and they *had* to protect themselves, because Aids was equally everybody’s problem, and it didn’t matter whether you were 88 and lived in Harrogate or whether you were 12, whatever, and lived in Surrey, but Aids was everybody’s problem; we are all equally at risk and we all ought to be fearful, you know, the real “Climate of Fear” stuff,” complained one activist.


Posted by ben tillman on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 07:09 | #

But it takes a particular kind of politician, I think, to spread ignorance about a fatal disease - and do it while affecting to educate.  At the very least she - for it is “The Right Honourable” Patricia Hewitt - must be deeply unpleasant if not objectively evil.  If Everson Banda could have been prosected for assault occasioning grievous bodily harm, what charge befits Ms Hewitt who chose not to use her Department’s influence to warn his victims.

It was worse 15-20 years ago:

The fear: “Now No One Is Safe From AIDS,” proclaimed the cover of Life magazine in 1985. That same year, Health and Human Services Secretary (HHS) Otis Bowen said AIDS could make the Black Death “seem pale by comparison.”  Eight years later, current HHS Secretary Donna Shalala told Congress, “We could spend our energy on research and immunization and education and still not have any Americans left unless we’re prepared to confront the crisis of AIDS.”


Posted by Kulturkampf on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 08:19 | #

These women deserve pity, as does anyone infected with HIV. If there is to be a successful renaissance of white consciousness, it’ll need to attract a very broad base of support. I think condemning miscegenation (to say nothing of adding on the death penalty, ironically or not) will alienate a lot of people who are otherwise interested in defending the interests of white people. The idea that we should marry the person we love, regardless of colour, has become so entrenched I believe that issuing edicts against it will defeat attempts by white racial advocates to gain a foothold among ordinary white people.

My vote says the sole focus should be on whites developing a sense of shared identity and shared interests, then developing parallel institutions to advance those interests. As Donald Miller says, build up an ADL, a public affairs lobby group, a legal defense fund, and a think tank. An alternative media would also be essential.  At the same time, we should also join the existing institutions and begin our own long march through them. It’s worked so beatifully for the other side, it’d be madness not to apply the same strategy. It seems crystal clear that this is the broad way ahead. An enterprise of this kind would be morally justified by universal nationalism - minorities have the right to organise to defend their interests, so why don’t whites? Most white people can understand the morality of that, but would be much less convinced by any commandments against intermarriage. 

No doubt a rise in white consciousness would also produce a rising opposition to miscegenation, but to make this a corporate policy for those interested in defending general white interests, at this stage, is a terrible idea. (While recoiling from the establishment’s promotion of panmixia - only in white countries, of course - I confess that my own inclinations on this issue are fairly libertarian.)


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 10:44 | #

Fred: It’s time we came up with an alternative word to “immigrant,” to cover such cases.

Blood migrant?  That should really get up liberal noses.


I think we would all understand the heart-breaking dilemma nationalist-minded fathers have in the circumstance you describe and we all fear.  Though some rapprochement in later life seems usually to transpire, the emotional cost of miscegenation in the family is very great.

It is also proper because, being so close to the source of the offence, it is a concentration of the more widely distributed preventative of social stigma.

Although liberals like Hewitt somewhat ironically label stigma a product of ignorance and prejudice actually it is part of Nature’s imperative to live adaptively.  Because of all the racial-Marxist social engineering and MTV-style garbage that has been spewed at us for the last four decades it is more necessary than ever.


Generosity is preferable because an understanding of human frailty becomes you better than vengefulness.  We are Europeans, not Pakistani honour-killers.  It is, IMHO, especially necessary for nationalist-minded Europeans to maintain moral standards and avoid slippage into the dark little box that our enemies have all prepared for us.

The high path we can tread, if we choose, is to observe both morals and tradition - even in the difficult, twisting places where the race-treachery of miscegenation is encountered.


Posted by Kenelm Digby on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:11 | #

I’m afraid I have zero compassion and sympathy for the white trash whores who copulated with the priapic and heroic Mr. Banda, let them die in pain and misery, with their flesh rotted by cankers, their minds disturbed, as walking pariahs consumed by microbes (who are more noble and deserving than they are).
  My justification? - The wombs of white women must be regarded as the holy of holies - the temples of the Holy Ghost where the miracle of ‘putting flesh’ on the ageless and timeless spirit of the white racial genius occurs, the spirit that hasstruggled through countless trials and tribulations, through war, famine, Ice Ages, not to mention the unquantifiable struggle towards higher life in the Darwinian fatal and evil universe from lower forms throughout the millenia.
  How dare these stupid mares defile and profane what their forefathers died for!, What right do they have to profane it/, Of course a stronger and more manly race would have forbidden, on dire consequence this abomination, how many of you have ever seen a Pakistani or Indian womandefiled by a Black, dragging ‘Satan’s seed’ in tow?
Alas, feminized (puusy-whipped), White man is not up to the task, as can be seen in the wider picture, where his race is inevutably slated for diminution and extinction, (minority status in the USA and England by 2050 at the latest).
Let the microbes, germs and viruses, the real ancestors and lords of life, do what the fat, feminized cowards of our race refuse to do!

End of rant.


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 12:28 | #

Degeneracy is not a gene expression, Alex, so all this stuff about clearing the gene pool - which I have come across at Samizdata in the past in respect of junkies - is daft.  One is talking here purely about behaviour imposed from without through the mechanicity of the unconscious mind.

Now, ignorance (or “unconsciousness”) is no defence in law, but it can be in ethics.  If you can’t recognise that, then you stand with the loveless Hebrew G-d and Judge Jeffries types everywhere.  Generosity - I didn’t use the word tolerance because it is loaded with the wrong associations - is meet, and a moral stop on righteous excess (which, incidentally, is ALSO a product of ignorance and “unconsciousness”)


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 15:38 | #


Give environment its due.  Have you never wondered how the world, a great confection of accidents, impresses its image upon the human mind, or what mentational state obtains to permit the process?

The generosity which I am commending here is self-serving.  Why would anyone come and stand beside a hanging judge?


Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 18:40 | #


We do indeed receive and, at the level of personality, are much fashioned by the thousands of mostly highly subtle impressions which rain down upon us from our earliest sentient moments.  This process does not happen in the light of conscious understanding.  It is mechanical and, therefore, not straightforward ethically.

If you are going to condemn people for human fallibility you will have a very long list before you indeed, including yourself.  The basis for condemning certain people, therefore, needs to be very well thought through.

Personally, I am not at all sure that I have thought the issue through beyond the libertarian principle of causing harm to others.  The case in point - miscegenating white females - certainly involves harm to our ethnic genetic interests, for which purpose normal social stigma should suffice.


Posted by Rnl on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 21:05 | #

Alex Zeka wrote:

I’d accept the ignorance defence if this outcome was somehow unexpected, if for instance they had caught some exotic disease from a surprising source. Then, it would have been inhuman to judge them for not being upto pace with the latest medical research. But this is a failure of sheer ordinary commonsense ...

But it wasn’t a failure of common sense. It was the result of a willful suppression of important information. The fatal mistakes of these women, mistakes that will lead either to a painful death or to a life sustained by a regimen of debilitating drugs, occurred within a social environment filled with inaccurate propaganda masquerading as public health education. Specifically, we can assume that none of the women infected by Everson Banda knew that Blacks are far more likely to be infected with HIV than Whites. No one told them. That’s the important point. And it’s also the best political point from our perspective. Anti-racism can be deadly.

What these women were told, by the culture in which they live, is that sexual relations with Blacks express a special form of enlightenment. We shouldn’t be surprised that many Whites, both men and women, act upon the misinformation that their culture imparts to them.

Most people do what they’re told and few feel even the inclination to challenge reigning assumptions. That can be an innocuous or even a good quality if what they’re being told is good. It’s a terrible quality if what they’re being told is bad.


Posted by Boris on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 21:37 | #

“Most people do what they’re told and few feel even the inclination to challenge reigning assumptions.”
This is the most important tool on the elites arsenal, IMO. Keep the masses busy with(in capitalist countries) unending and feverish consumption and misinformation. Heck, want an example?
Dear Mr. Senator(after you’ve written down your position on Israel and taking a trip there too) now that you’ve completed this above steps we’ll(AIPAC) supply you with all the reports and information you need. That senators from one country would follow suit what people from another country says is so offensive in other times it might have been called a ‘colony’. Are we a colony of Israel? why don’t more people research this fact and become genuinely outraged?


Posted by JB on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 01:36 | #

Alex Zeka:

I have to agree with onetwothree. A die off of the degenerate and moronic elements will not only clear the gene pool, but will also serve as an example for encouraging others away from such behaviour.

but that would only work if the media used the Bandas of this world as scarecrows and turned its spotlights on the naive or/and dumb broads who have sex with the likes of him. And alas self-destructive morality and behavior doesn’t correlate perfectly with moronism - at least in our race - so this event will not further our cause one way or another.

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
