The thread wars: what next?

Posted by Guessedworker on Sunday, 31 March 2013 01:24.

So the political threads of the Daily Telegraph are to be available on a restricted basis to non-subscribers to the print or on-line edition.  Whether that basis will be generous enough to preserve the site’s utility for us (that is, as a site where we can offer nationalist analyses without the deadening influence of pre-moderation) remains to be seen.  Regular readers of the DT on-line will be well aware that the journalistic output suffers from Red Bus Syndrome.  Whenever some event of interest occurs, half-a-dozen articles appear about it within an hour.  A restriction to twenty articles a month will considerably hamper selection, and have a scattering effect on our collective presence.

A schwerpunkt is as virtuous in a war of discourse as it is in a war with guns and grenades.  The huge progress that has been made over the last couple of years in liberalising speech on the DT threads is largely a product of the weight of nationalist sentiment, not of individual argumentation - excellent though much of that has been.  Individuals are easily dealt with moderation-wise.  It is when everybody is freed to speak inconvenient truths that the moderators’ battle is lost, and this has been the story at the DT.

One can always subscribe, of course, and then there are no restrictions to access.  But what would be the point if the general readership plummets as it did at The Times:

Since July 2010, News International has required readers who do not subscribe to the print edition to pay £2 per week to read The Times and The Sunday Times online.

Visits to the websites have decreased by 87% since the paywall was introduced, from 21 million unique users per month to 2.7 million. In April 2009, the timesonline site had a readership of 750,000 readers per day. As of October 2011, there were around 111,000 subscribers to the Times’ digital products.

Whether we can remain at the DT or we look for new journalistic soil to till, it is surely worthwhile maintaining the collective presence we have built up.  I think that is possible.  It may need a site secure from prying eyes as an organisational base.  MR is a public medium.  But at least we can have a discussion here and now about that and the other options that we have in our war for the freedom to state unambiguously that our people must live.



Posted by Bill on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:23 | #

On another thread I opined that events on the ground are fast over-taking the Internet with regard to awakening our people.  An example this morning is an article featured in the Guardian concerning the ever worsening housing crisis that is strangling the very fabric of British life.

An Englishman’s home is his castle.

What’s the solution to the housing crisis?

Experts offer their solutions to stimulate building and cut the soaring costs of renting a home.

I don’t expect most will bother to read this link, but my point is that endless column inches are expended by talking head experts on advice at what needs to be done.

I must confess I have not read this article but I’m ready to gamble that the words immigration and population are used very sparingly, if at all.

Liberal correctness forbids them to link population and immigration to the housing crisis, we’re talking religion here.

A roof over one’s head is one of the most fundamental requirements of surviving in the hostile climate that is Northern Europe, so if liberalism denies the discussion of the fundamental reason for the housing problem then what chance is there in solving the problem.  But this is my reasoning and I’m not a liberal, the liberal turns my reasoning around and simply says we need to build more houses.  QED.

Whenever I am within earshot of a conversation regarding housing I simply sidle over and lob into the discussion ‘It’s immigration innit?  And tactfully withdraw.

The Guardian could write whole tome about Britain’s housing problem and not mention immigration or population growth, the Guardian’s heavy hitter Andrew Rawnsley not long ago penned a similar article, almost identical in fact, he must have written over a 1000 word essay but never once mentioned the I or P word.

Do the British people make the connection between immigration and the shortage of homes?  I think it is inevetiable that they do and will increasingly do so.

The snowball is rolling and getting bigger, events are multiplying across the board, our people cannot keep pace but are increasingly alarmed as to what is happening.

The Internet has proved an enormous asset (and success) for the nationalist, if for no other reason they know there are others out there who share their pain and exchange each others knowledge and ideas.  But I think the Internet has its limits, it has failed to break out into the big-time, it has been constrained within the bubble, perhaps it is this which so far has guided the PTB, who are now playing safe and withdrawing the facility on the grounds it is not good for them.

Perhaps a switch to Facebook or Twitter would prove more productive, we’re talking millions there.  Maybe that’s the way to go.


Posted by Dude on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 10:26 | #

In 2007 the BNP website dwarfed all other political party websites :

That time has long passed, but it does suggest consideration of an alternative news source, like a more right-wing version of ConservativeHome.

For non-party websites, the New Statesman appears to lead the pack:

There is not any figures given for hits on the BNP site, but I assume sites like the New Statesman have many more visitors.

I would be interested to hear views on the rationale of website commenting:

Is it to test ones intellectual mettle and the viability of arguments against opponents?

Is it to seed the websphere with what these days are frequently referred to as ‘memes’ that lay a foundation of understanding to build upon and hopefully reap when the time is favourable?

Is it to win converts?

Because depending on the answers to the above, this will help determine the best course of action.

It may be that depending on the subject under discussion, a central resource of good topics at a variety of locations might allow a wider sphere of action. But this would detract from the ‘familiar faces’ aspect of sites like the DT.

As a final point, as an occasional commenter at the New Statesman, their readership fight shy of going into battle on the subject of immigration concerns.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 11:19 | #

@ Dude

I’ve been having similar thoughts, does anybody know why there is no Nationalist Newspaper online?

In all Online Newspapers issues related to Political Correctness, Immigration, Islam and the EU seem to be the most popular, indeed, it is the very bread and butter of the Daily Mail. Nick Griffin never misses a chance to tell everyone that the BNP website is STILL more popular than all other Party Websites combined, and that is despite the BNP being ‘‘toxic’‘.

I’ve never ran a website but are the Telegraph or the Guardian online not just websites? is it, then, not possible to create a website using a Newspaper template and call it ‘’ The Daily Nationalist’’ and go with it?


Posted by Bill on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 11:31 | #

Dude @ 2

I suspect the motives of the commenter is as varied as the commenter’s themselves, as for myself, the moment I had an inkling as to what mass immigration was all about there was only one thing to do, and that was raise the alarm in any way I could.  That has been my raison d’etre on this blog ever since.

There are strangers who pass this way who are like me when I first started out, they smell a rat and are hungry for any clues as to what’s going on in their upside down world.

What we have been experiencing since (for me) c 2005/6, is a grotesque laboratory experiment.

No, that’s not quite right, experiment is not the right term, experiment means to me not determined, not proven, but what we have been experiencing is the proven results of others experiments who know exactly what the results will be.  And that is what we’re living through right now.

This whole race replacement scenario (a term most here will recognise) has been carried out and continues to be carried out with total deceit against our people by our own political leaders.

It is totally absurd (evil) what is occurring , we, the English people are being compelled to purchase the very rope they intend to hang us with.  Could you make that up?

There are millions out there who know nothing of this dastardly plot against them, and there are very good and many reasons why this is so, but it is not my intention here to give chapter and verse, suffice to say our people are being betrayed on a unimaginable scale.

I describe this unimaginable betrayal in its entirety as the Rabbit hole, others prefer their own terms but it is rabbit hole for me.

Given the circumstances I describe, how can resistance be mobilised?

Time dictates that numbers are the name of the game, let the people know!  Wake them up no matter how goes the plaintive cry, and that in a nutshell is where we’re at.

Compared to our puny efforts, our foe has an array of formidable weapons at his disposal, only our weight of numbers is in our favour.

This a story of work in progress.       


Posted by Dude on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 12:13 | #


The how is not very hard at all. A cheap template can be had from Wordpress or the following (excellent) site: See the following ‘live’ example. Unlimited online bandwidth tariffs can also be had quite cheaply.

The problem is the ‘what’ and the ‘who’.

Serious issue one. What would the content consist of? As suggested in the earlier thread, it could be a news scraper site - taking linked snippets from many other publications and blogs and using the main site as a central hub with Disqus style commentary on the site; it should include some original content either as independently considered by a contributor or as a riff off of another publications content.

An example of this latter tack can be seen from the newish online ‘conservative’ (multi-ethnic/neo-connish) magazine The Commentator:

Needs to be punchy, occasionally inflammatory (increase awareness), enlightening and thoughtful.

The second big issue is the who : good intentions may quickly evaporate, especially when financial renumeration is not part of the arrangement creating a felt obligation as other priorities veer into view.

An allied issue is the intention again: is it a resource for confirmed nationalists or of wider intent to convert those on the wider bounds (traditional Labour, conservatives, UKIP types). If the latter, then as editorial policy certain topics should be intelligently covered, like some animated films aimed at a dual readership of adults and children. In some a situation, the content aimed at the former is usually implied rather than written out in long-hand.

I guess the website would need (say) 20-30 people who agree each month to contribute (say) 10 non-original links and 2 self-written nibs (news in brief) or brief opinion pieces. Ideally, all from a range of areas of expertise (or some knowledge) such as law, economics and so on.


Posted by Dude on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 12:22 | #

My reply is is moderation! Perhaps due to three links therein.


Posted by Vote UKIP or Deserve the Curses of your Children. on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 15:53 | #

A good start would be to look at Jared Taylor’s outstandingly successful Amren website, in which Taylor publishes relevent news stories culled from mainstream media and lets commentators let rip by posting pithy little ripostes under the story.
In this way repuation is built up, (granted a few initial ‘play-makers’ are required) and readership gathered and snow-balling momentum works its own magic.
Relying on the DT exposes the pit-falls of relying on others, at bottom all is self-interest.

Anyway if a British Amren is started it has to be short, sharp and straight to the point. No pontificating about ‘ontology’, ‘Gramsci’ and all the rest please.
- The idea is to link to mainstrean nes stories only and allow a lot of good straight-from-the-gut comment. We need to make the damn thing as relevent to yer typical punteer as bacon and eggs are first thing in the morning.
We must also realise that this is the way to go. Basically newspapers are finished and Joe Public gets his news and info from his I-Pad now - we need to make a site that grabs his attention, that he looks forward to reading first thing in the morning as sips his cup of tea.

An intelligent approach could, just about, do it.


Posted by UKIP or Bust. on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 16:02 | #

    You’re right. Neither ‘immigration’ or ‘population’ were mentioned but once in that piece.

What else do you expect from the IPPR/


Posted by Dude @ Vote UKIP / Please Check Moderation Comment on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 17:23 | #


Depends. What is the intention? To encourage snorts of appreciation from the bottom of the pyramid or to energise the middle?

Amren: US ranking: 23,004
- news snippets with comments.

Taki’s Magazine : US Ranking: 13,574
- extended articles and smaller pieces with commentary

Alternative Right: US ranking: 88,377
- extended articles and smaller pieces with commentary from a more harder line perspective. An attempt to reach out to yoof with hipster styling.

World Net Daily: US Ranking: 455
- extended articles and smaller pieces with commentary from a zany ultra-Christian and conspiratorial perspective


Posted by Dude @ Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 17:36 | #

Trying to get this comment through again as must be lost in the moderation ether.


The how is not actually very hard at all. A cheap template can be had from Wordpress or in different forms from the following (excellent) site: See the following ‘live’ example. Unlimited online bandwidth tariffs can also be had quite cheaply.

The problem is really the ‘what’ and the ‘who’.

Serious issue one. What would the content consist of? As suggested in the earlier thread, it could be a news scraper site - taking linked snippets from many other publications and blogs and using the main site as a central hub with Disqus style commentary on the site; it should include some original content either as independently considered by a contributor or as a riff off of another publications content.

An example of this latter tack can be seen from the newish online ‘conservative’ (multi-ethnic/neo-connish) magazine The Commentator:

Needs to be punchy, occasionally inflammatory (increase awareness), enlightening and thoughtful.

The second big issue is the who : good intentions may quickly evaporate, especially when financial renumeration is not part of the arrangement creating a felt obligation as other priorities veer into view.

An allied issue is the intention again: is it a resource for confirmed nationalists or of wider intent to convert those on the wider bounds (traditional Labour, conservatives, UKIP types). If the latter, then as editorial policy certain topics should be intelligently covered, like some animated films aimed at a dual readership of adults and children. In some a situation, the content aimed at the former is usually implied rather than written out in long-hand.

I guess the website would need (say) 20-30 people who agree each month to contribute (say) 10 non-original links and 2 self-written nibs (news in brief) or brief opinion pieces. Ideally, all from a range of areas of expertise (or some knowledge) such as law, economics and so on.


Posted by Dude on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 17:37 | #


“Computer says your input might be spam, so it will be moderated first”.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 19:31 | #


The site that you link above has a wealth of information in regards to the Newspapers and their readership,

The Independent >

  ‘‘ has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 926, and the fraction of visits to the site referred by search engines is approximately 18%. Compared with all internet users, the site’s users are disproportionately Caucasian, and they tend to be childless men aged under 25 and 45–65 who have postgraduate educations and have incomes between $30,000 and $100,000. ‘’

Has the same fertile ground as the Telegraph>

‘‘ has a three-month global Alexa traffic rank of 283. This site can be found in the “Newspapers” category of internet sites. The site is located in the UK. Compared with all internet users,’s audience tends to be Caucasian; they are also disproportionately childless men aged under 25 and 45–65 who have postgraduate educations and have incomes over $30,000. Visitors to the site view 2.6 unique pages each day on average. ‘’

The Daily Mail is>

‘‘There are 127 sites with a better three-month global Alexa traffic rank than It has been online for more than seventeen years. Compared with the overall internet population, the site’s audience tends to be Caucasian; they are also disproportionately childless women under the age of 25 who have incomes over $30,000. Approximately 17% of visits to this site are referred by search engines.’‘

And the Guardian>

‘‘’s three-month global Alexa traffic rank is 194. The fraction of visits to the site referred by search engines is roughly 19%. The site’s content places it in the “News” category. Visitors to spend about four minutes per visit to the site and 79 seconds per pageview, and the site is particularly highly ranked in the city of London’‘

The Independent is an obvious a second choice to the Telegraph but the Mail has such a huge readership its seems a pity to ‘‘swamp’’ the Indie and have no presence on the Mail. The Mail format does not lend itself to long and deep essays but ‘‘Mantra’’ style posts would work a treat ‘‘Africa for Africans, Asia for Asians, White countries for everyone’’ style posts should get by the mods.

The Guardian is akin to the Death Star for us, its amazing that Anti Immigration posts are so well recommended but the readership’’ the site is particularly highly ranked in the city of London’’ truly is the Liberal Faggotry that we all know and hate with such a passion.

I would say the following, if we can get 10/15 posters from the Telegraph the Independent is the obvious next step, however, each poster could have a secondary paper to keep an eye on, including a few to remain behind the Telegraph paywall and further radicalize the readership, this should be made easier because the Lefty trolls will leave and they’ll take their itchy reporting fingers with them.


Posted by Dude @ Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:32 | #

Giving up on earlier post lost waiting to be authorised will instead split into 3.



The how is not very hard at all. A cheap template can be had from Wordpress or the following (excellent) site: See the following ‘live’ example. Unlimited online bandwidth tariffs can also be had quite cheaply.

The problem is the ‘what’ and the ‘who’.


Posted by Dude @ Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:32 | #

Giving up on earlier post lost waiting to be authorised will instead split into 3.



The how is not very hard at all. A cheap template can be had from Wordpress or the following (excellent) site: Unlimited online bandwidth tariffs can also be had quite cheaply.

The problem is the ‘what’ and the ‘who’.


Posted by Dude @ Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:33 | #


Serious issue one. What would the content consist of? As suggested in the earlier thread, it could be a news scraper site - taking linked snippets from many other publications and blogs and using the main site as a central hub with Disqus style commentary on the site; it should include some original content either as independently considered by a contributor or as a riff off of another publications content.

An example of this latter tack can be seen from the newish online ‘conservative’ (multi-ethnic/neo-connish) magazine The Commentator:

Needs to be punchy, occasionally inflammatory (increase awareness), enlightening and thoughtful.


Posted by Dude @ Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:34 | #

The second big issue is the who : good intentions may quickly evaporate, especially when financial renumeration is not part of the arrangement creating a felt obligation as other priorities veer into view.

An allied issue is the intention again: is it a resource for confirmed nationalists or of wider intent to convert those on the wider bounds (traditional Labour, conservatives, UKIP types). If the latter, then as editorial policy certain topics should be intelligently covered, like some animated films aimed at a dual readership of adults and children. In some a situation, the content aimed at the former is usually implied rather than written out in long-hand.

I guess the website idea would need (say) 20-30 people who agree each month to contribute (say) 10 non-original links and 2 self-written nibs (news in brief) or brief opinion pieces. Ideally, all from a range of areas of expertise (or some knowledge) such as law, economics and so on.


Posted by Dude on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 20:39 | #

Sorry for late response to an early post Morgoth. The system here did not like one of my links.

Yes, on your most recent point. Outside of the newspapers, as a post above suggested, the political magazines are good sources too. I don’t expect the Spectator to allow such free commentary as did the DT, but the same types of people read that as did the Telegraph. Also Standpoint magazine which is for a similar (if smaller and more neo-connish) crowd.


Posted by Gregor on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 21:38 | #

GW, you seem to be concerned about whether an “organizational site” is public or private.

Has the fact that BUGS is a publicly accessible site stopped the “team” there from doing what they do?  NO.

I’m not suggesting you use the same talking points as folks at BUGS; you have your own methods.

I am suggesting that you don’t need privacy to marshall and send forth a SWARM to distribute talking points.  Nobody is using real names anyway.

The fact that some anti-Whites have “sussed out” the “Hive” hasn’t had any effect at all on the SWARM that emanates from that Hive, and stings anti-Whites at an every increasing pace.

Perhaps you can set up a little “hive” apart from the MR home site, and put a link here to that place.  It need not be “secret”, just a dedicated place to network attacks.

You’re a smart guy, use your imagination!


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 21:41 | #


Such an Online Newspaper should aim to cast the net as far as possible but will have its core the best interests of our people and what is happening to them. Articles should range from an old lady being chased out of her home by Muslims to Jewish machinations in the immigration debate, for example. Actual news articles featuring the mundane misery of the Multicult are available in local newspapers, the EDL make great use of them on their facebook page. Which brings in another point, such a publication should be liberal in what it prints and if somebody from the counter jihad such as Paul Weston writes an article then fair enough. Muslims are feared and detested and a great tool for waking people up, too many Nationalists ignore this in favour of the JQ, and I can see why but it doesn’t effect things on the ground.

The main thrust is that our people want more non PC news, there is a huge market for it and they need a publication which gives them it, by the bucket, and without wading through the pitiful ramblings of a Tom Chivers type.

It would, of course, be necessary to contact other writers on our side asking if we could use their material with credit given, however, I’m not sure if that is the ‘‘done thing’’ and I suspect others here know more than me on that.

*Having just scrolled through this thread I’d say the Indie is need of a better class of commentator, indeed, the normal people look outnumbered by Leftiod shit.


Posted by Doctorsyn on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 00:05 | #

I don’t think we have the time to accumulate the traffic required to make a difference.

For the next couple of years I’m going to concentrate on uncontroversial but accurate polemics for UKIP in the Guardian,with the odd barb disguised that anyone in the know will pick up on. No Js, Africans, muslims etc.

I’m no supporter of them but feel they’re the best chance of breaking the system in 2015.

I’ll pick my 20 articles in the DT and keep the pressure up there.

And keep an eye open here for any interesting ideas that may arise.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 10:22 | #

Morgoth, Dude,

An on-line newspaper is something different from a propaganda sheet.  Amren is a propaganda sheet.  World Net Daily is too, to be honest, because it is so very narrow.

A nationalist newspaper could not merely be that.  It would have to operate as any other on-line national title, offering a rolling reportage of world and national events, and producing a wide-ranging political commentary drawn from the broad nationalist and traditional conservative right, as well as features not of an overtly political form but expressive of the kind of social dispensation we desire.

The site would have to be free to users.  It wouldn’t need a central office facility or a fleet of company vehicles.  But it would have to employ professional site-managers as well as a small editorial team.  It would have to out-source a legal checker.  It would have to subscribe to the usual sources for feeds, controlled though they are.  It would have to have access to photographic and other resources.  It would have to pay for its journalism (standard NUJ rates are quite low, actually).  It would, therefore, have to be funded by advertising, so it would need sales and marketing staff.

Content-wise, it would have to pursue middle- and high-brow markets - the latter, perhaps in a dedicated section dealing with cutting-edge commentary.

For a title, personally I am sold on the one I have suggested in the past for a supra-political nationalist movement, Our Land.

To get off the ground it would need a number of substantial investors.  Just off the top of my head, and allowing for a lot of goodwill, I would estimate that the running cost for a year 1 start-up would be in the range of two to three million Sterling, rising to five million for year 3, at the end of which one would hope to have earnings moving into the black, and profits accumulating for investors.  A detailed business model isn’t difficult to put together.  The staff are to hand.  The problem is the investment.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 10:59 | #


Personally, I think you are right about the public/private issue.  But UKLeo suggested that a shuttered site might be appropriate, and I carried that suggestion over into the OP.  If building a hive operation requires, say, pooling email addresses then the shuttered site, and participation by invitation, might be the way to go.


Posted by Leon Haller on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 13:21 | #


Not a chance, old boy. I’d really like to see the breakdown of the numbers. How could an online newspaper possibly require that much up front?

The real problem is that ideological publications of any ideology virtually always lose money - and as the populations of the Western world (whole world?) keep declining in cognitive quality as well as general literacy, this problem will only worsen.

I’m obviously a great supporter of white patriot intellectual work at the most rarefied levels. I want white defenders to have the best intellectual support, and hope to contribute to that broad project in my own sphere of particular interest (morally reconciling WP with Christianity).

But, as I’ve been averring here for years, let’s not fool ourselves as to the ultimate, pragmatic usefulness of intellectual work. Modal Man is Idiot Man, and he is not swayed and barely even influenced by rational deliberation. This is especially true on race questions, which are sufficiently visceral that most intelligent persons pretty much know where they stand, and are mostly unpersuadable. OTOH, do you really think an intellectual is going to change his mind on race based on rational inquiry? Everyone can see the damage wrought by nonwhite immigration. Either you think it catastrophic or “enriching”. If the latter is your natural reaction, I can’t see where discussions of racial sociology, let alone world affairs, from a nationalist perspective will really change you. The race problem is not a technical or complex dispute, like alleged global warming, or budget deficits, or the projected effects of tax policy changes.

No, what we actually require to make real change in the world is less deliberation and ‘thought’, and more face to face propaganda or revolutionary nationalist consciousness raising. We need real people with organizational and/or speaking talents to get out in the communities relentlessly setting forth the basic nationalist arguments. Determined repetition is more useful than philosophical refinement (though many of us here might personally prefer the latter task). The Silent Majority, if it exists, does so in atomized form. The only hope for WN change is to bring people together into networks and groups, so that incipient WNs aren’t too intimidated from expressing themselves (or even just thinking for themselves).

Less writing, more organizing.   



Posted by Vote UKIP or Forever Hold Thy Peace. on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 13:54 | #


The idea of a ‘nationalist on-line newspaper’ somehow being free at the point of use and aping the big boys at the DT or whatever is a non-starter. Reminds me of that description of yachting - ‘like standing under a cold shower tearing up £5 notes’. -Basically, the market’s saturated with the professionals anyway, who are all scrabbling for a bit of the pie, and a bunch oof amateurs with no real journalistic experience could never pull it off.
As I mentioned before “it’s the comments that count”. All that is needed are online links to existing media reports and some big guns to pontificate on them and pull apart the obvious holes - the facts and arguments are ALWAYS on our side, so that shouldn’t be too difficult. What is neede is to bild bp reputation and a good, pithy, ‘nuts ‘n’ guts’ arguments that are close to the knuckle, witty, clued-up and interesting to read. The public love a good barney and the entertainment business is just one step removed from the news business. Talented posters regularly keeping up should do the trick - there is nothing but nothing more joyous than seeing the sight of a know-it-all lefty being publicly eviscerated, in the manner of a gamecock (’‘cept I’d use ‘cock’ advisely in their case), by some of the nastier bullyboys at the DT. Verbal jousting is the closest we get to physical jousting and the analogy of ‘unseaming a lefty from the nave to the chops’ and delighting in the sight of his bloody shit-filled life-guts falling to the floor like dog’s meat is what keeps me going.
  Anyhow, Never Mind the Heidegger Bollocks, Here’s the newslist.
The way to build repute will be to continually cross-link to the newslink site from legit newspaper sites.
Incidentally, we all know that the DM is a complete load of cock-teasing shit, that despite provocations is just waiting to stab WNdom in the back. DM comments are very, very heavily censored. Best strategy at the DM is just type in one simple word as the whole of your comment ie ‘UKIP’.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 16:33 | #

A professional-quality on-line newspaper is certainly possible, would certainly have annual running costs in the area of £5 million or more, and would certainly do more to break the power of the politically correct media than anything else.

Why would it work, ie, why would it be a good investment?  Because the market is ill-served at present in that the mainstream media does not and cannot tell the truth, and is tied to political parties, ideologies, and commercial and financial interests that are a large part of what’s wrong with the world.  All available evidence points to a popular appetite for change.  Giving the reading public that change would be difficult, certainly in terms of putting together a high-quality editorial and journalistic team from the outset, and knocking the sales platform into shape.  But it would be a mighty sign of change, and a great thing to be involved in - a real way for people to leave their mark on the world.

As for philosophy, which is a completely separate issue, people who do not understand why we discuss it do not understand that the world we wish our children to inherit has to be conceptualised before it can be realised.  You are like children who think that it is possible never to have to eat your vegetables and just live off sweets.  You think that removing what you don’t like in the political world will somehow leave a functioning polity.

It just doesn’t happen like that.


Posted by Dude on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 18:39 | #

Doctorsyn, I don’t think it’s an either/or situation, both are compatible and at this juncture, advisable. A single line of attack is too little too late. I also agree with your self-censored approach -  to a point. There are different types of people, requiring different levels of argument, mainly due to their state of progression towards a full realisation of what is on our horizon.

GW, I don’t think a physical newspaper is feasible in this climate, even with funding. For one thing, papers are distributed to paper sellers through the conduit of certain key distro firms. They have a near monopoly on the marketplace that can strangle out any undesired competition. They also tell most paper sellers what publications they can take, rather then the other way around. Physical papers are also reliant on certain kinds of advertising that either would not be easily forthcoming or could be choked off following some simple threats. Printing, is still somewhat unionised and on it goes. I think local press would be much more viable - many are going out of business as the big chains simplify and divest themselves of their stock, but not nationals. Actually local media newspapers used to be snatched off the news stands due to their detailed local coverage and dedicated ferret-reporters. Now it is all much more centralised.

As for the online newspaper tack, there are a range of options and a successfully placed media could start out (as many have) as a rudimentary affair and progress from there without expending titanic effort into something that is found unseaworthy.

For instance, The Commentator that I linked to above offers one example. They, though are largely funded through reader subscriptions - AFAIK. I have not previously had to look into advertising models for online journalism, not my field.

As one other example, we might consider the website - very small (gossipy) pieces and a slightly boorish readership.

A magazine style front page with snippets from other publications, and a link to the original article to start, then as talent arises or contributors step forward increase the depth with more original content might be one option. Source links from a growing readership. Would require a semi-retired person to sift and post.

One limitation of course with ‘nationalist’ media where advertising financing is one of the leading considerations (rather than being funded by subscribers or well wishers) is the toxic element inherent in the ‘brand’ as it is unfortunately characterised by others.

Which is why I ask, what might the general intention be. There are already many online sources for ‘nationalists’ to polish their resentments. I would hope the object would be to pitch something back from outward nationalism towards the more conservative (of left and right) elements within the population. As ever, it is not what you say but how you say it. The Daily Mail and the Guardian will cover the same subject or topically newsworthy item but be written for a very different readership. In both camps the more intelligent reader is able to extract the appropriate level of information to make a reasonable judgement. The commentariat can fill in some of the gaps and provide a degree of deniability for the publication itself.

Once again, I do not think this idea is an either/or situation—newspaper commentary activism is a separate issue.

Finding a good quorum of people to be admins to contribute content (even where it is just linked articles) and a marketing savvy person or small group to drum up traffic is really the issue.


Posted by Silver on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 19:47 | #

This is especially true on race questions, which are sufficiently visceral that most intelligent persons pretty much know where they stand, and are mostly unpersuadable. OTOH, do you really think an intellectual is going to change his mind on race based on rational inquiry? Everyone can see the damage wrought by nonwhite immigration. Either you think it catastrophic or “enriching”. If the latter is your natural reaction, I can’t see where discussions of racial sociology, let alone world affairs, from a nationalist perspective will really change you. The race problem is not a technical or complex dispute, like alleged global warming, or budget deficits, or the projected effects of tax policy changes.

There’s a crucial, game-changing factor you’re ignoring, Leon.  The following phrasing sounds clumsy but I’ll say it anyway: the essence of race is numbers.  That is, when you get down to it, race is a numbers game.  Numbers define how race is experienced much more than any other factor.  And the most important thing about the numbers is that they aren’t static; they are fast changing.  It’s one thing to give multiracialism a dismissive, apathetic shrug when your race is 95% of the country, but it becomes a lot harder to do that (to do it sincerely, I mean) when you’re hurtling towards racial minorityhood.  So I think the inclination has to be to disregard what people once claimed to think or believe or feel about race (eg what your grandfather might have said forty years ago) as well as what they claim to think or feel or believe today, because those opinions are by and large based on an assessment of today’s racial landscape, which will not remotely be tomorrow’s racial landscape. 

I wonder how many thousands or even millions of people there must be who are right now feeling like royal idiots for racial beliefs they held in the past based on their completely inadequate appreciation of racial dynamics.  As stupid as these people may feel in the privacy of their minds, they would not relish the prospect of being made to feel stupid in public.  The number of such people is sure to grow so a method to help them transition from racial apathy to racial urgency whilst making it okay that they once felt apathy or believed it appropriate to claim to feel apathy would be most helpful.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 19:57 | #


I am not recommending a dead tree product but an on-line one.  However, I am saying that it should endeavour to rival the main news sites in professionalism and, eventually, readership, and I am saying that this is an achievable goal.  But it could only ever be done on a normal business model and with the appropriate backing.


Posted by Dude on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 20:15 | #


Of course. But does it need to spring into life as a fully formed entity, is it not more practical for a fledgling version to be created that’s then nurtured towards maturity?

If (as the link for Order-Order above suggests) some business model could be imagined to attempt to realise a revenue stream, then all in good time.


Posted by Morgoth on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 20:43 | #

Regarding the Telegraph issue, it could very well be that we are worried about nothing because on a slow news day, such as today, the Telegraph always chucks up an article to keep the punters happy. The same goes for a weekend when the Telegraph nigh on shuts down completely. On a Friday there will always be a story that keeps the hits coming until business resumes on Monday.

I’m pretty sure when the pay wall comes the 20 free articles will be about Muslims, BNP, Racist Footballers, Racist tweeters, a Politician that has had a Hate Thought and so on.


Posted by GTRman on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 20:52 | #

I signed up to post at the Telegraph as I was very encouraged to see the content posted by such commenters as Dalek1963 , Dan O Connor , Morgoth , etc .

Ive spent years posting at what are essentially ‘echo-chambers ’ and I thought it was time to muck-in and try to spread what I believe to be truthful and essential information to a broader readership . It requires learning a more subtle style of writing , of course - but I found that enjoyable .

What a shame they are going to go paywall . My thinking is that it will be a mistake . I never visit the Times and I don’t miss it .

I like very much what I see here - and it’s British !  Ive been mainly posting at American sites previously , this feels a lot more relevant .


Posted by Gregor on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 20:56 | #

A “new” Mantra suggestion from an unlikely place ...

“If White people had a country of our own, this wouldn’t be happening.”


Posted by GTRman on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 21:05 | #

Covington gets a lot of stick , but when he speaks I don’t hear a liar , or agent , or whatever .

And I can’t remember reading any novels as quickly as I did his NWF ones .

Even if his fiction is his only lasting legacy , it’s not a bad one .

I recommend them . As ” refreshingly un-PC ” as it is possible to get !

All available in free PDF form .


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 21:40 | #

Dude: does it need to spring into life as a fully formed entity

No, but the business plan has to be sound and the funding secure.


Posted by GTRman on Mon, 01 Apr 2013 23:33 | #

My , you are a frosty bunch . Again , I say ” hello ” .

Im ‘crocbotherer’ on the Telegraph .

Dalek1963 invited me here .  So far , I must say , I have been made to feel most invisible .

That’s fine .  Stoic is good .


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 00:50 | #

My apologies for being such a bad host.

Crocbotherer has made quite an impression.  I like your style.

We are an American site, btw.  But I am English and I own it.  We’ve been running since 2004, so I am a bit disappointed that you haven’t come across us before.  Still ...

Do you have any preferences for new meadows to graze in the event that the DT is not going to be of further utility?


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 00:56 | #

The trouble is with setting up a news site is that it in many ways will just be replicating what so many others already do in various blogs etc. Links to news with added commentary and comments. What mainstream branded news sites do, like the DT, is bring in more mainstream, less committed readers. But at least some of whom are open to change. Its largely through the comments they get exposed to other ideas and thats only because of the DT’s relatively mild moderation.

The problem is with such a site is its largely going to be preaching to the converted. Of course if it got big enough that might change, if it started to pull in more general readers. Im not saying not to try and launch a larger news site, it just wont yield instant results.

Thats why I was asking about HuffPo earlier, its a large news site that seems to have sprung out of the ground almost fully formed.

Our left/liberal pals only want to preach to the converted of course, after all how many of them ever show up here for a fight? The difference is their sites cater to the converted and the average punter. They get to re-enforce the standard anti-racist, muliticult memes constantly.

But we know all this of course.


Posted by Lurker on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 01:11 | #

GTRman - hello mate. Sorry, didnt even see your posts, was busy tapping out my own.


Posted by GTRman on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 02:53 | #

American site ?  That explains the time -clock .

Err alternatives ? No . Is the British Resistance to be trusted ?  I dont know .

I regularly update UK TV jewish / multi-cult / queer bias here at John Hardons page on Jew Dominated UK media .  Is he legit ? I dunno . He posts at ” British Resistance ” regularly .

Here’s the kind of thing I keep my eye on :

Anglo-American Main-Stream Media Defined :

” A Jew or Jews debating with another Jew or other Jews on or in a Jew-produced show or article on or in a Jew-owned-and/or-run network or publication, about something some other Jew or other Jews said about another Jew or other Jews on or in another Jew-produced show or article on or in a Jew-owned-and/or-run network or publication in relation to the activities of another Jew or other Jews.

(Plus the active and/or passive collaboration of those who serve, assist, enable, deny and/or defend Jewish domination of public discourse and non-organic culture.)” -Brian Akira


*Britain -My new home

Imran, Altynay and Marshal are in their second and third years in Britain and are adapting to their new surroundings.

The programme includes brand new footage with the children aged 16. Their interviews are warm, intimate and entertaining, as they reveal the story of multiculturalism in modern Britain, reflect on their personal journeys and describe the challenges they faced.

* Youngers :

Jay and Yemi enter the world of Boxes nightclub, determined to win Mic Star. The competition doesn’t seem as heavyweight as first expected, but the hostile crowd reaction lets the boys know that this won’t be easy.

Davina struggles with her own nerves, but finds a pleasant distraction in Jay.

* A Very British Wedding -

This film follows Anj and Alan, a mixed-race couple who are tying the knot both in a white wedding and as the Hindu faith decrees. Also featured are Nat and Ben, married in their Jewish faith and in a ceremony which has remained unchanged for thousands of years.

* Passover: Why Is this Night Different? -

On March 25 2013, Britain’s 300,000-strong Jewish community will start their celebrations for Passover, the best-loved holiday in their festival calendar. To mark this, Giles Coren helps host a special seder, with guests including philosopher Alain de Botton, comedienne Olivia Lee and experts Rabbi Naftali Brawer, Rabbi Laura Janner-Klausner and chef Linda Dangoor.

Why is this Night Different? is an engaging, entertaining and warm look at the meaning of Passover, captured in one unforgettable evening.

BBC4 Easter Sunday 7pm

The Road: A Story of Life and Death (2012)

Storyville: Documentary in which critically-acclaimed filmmaker Marc Isaacs paints a rich portrait of multicultural life in the UK by looking at the lives of immigrants living along the A5, one of Britain’s longest and oldest roads.
Stretching from London to the Welsh coast, the road has always been an important lifeline for new émigrés.
Today, it is a microcosm of the wider world, and the film meets people from across the globe whose lives now orbit around the road.

From Irish immigrants like aspiring young singer Keelta, and Billy, an ageing Irish labourer struggling to find meaning to his life, to glamorous German-born air hostess Brigitte, Austrian Peggy, 95,AN ELDERLY JEWISH WOMAN WHO FLED NAZI GERMANY AND WHO LOST MOST OF HER FAMILY IN THE HOLOCAUST ,

and Iqbal, a Kashmiri hotel concierge trying to secure a visa for his wife so she can join him in London, their poignant stories of loss and the search for belonging are woven together into a rich tapestry of human experience.

” Director JEW Marc Isaacs and contributor/co-writer Iqbal Ahmed gave this interview to the BBC TV blog about the upcoming Storyville documentary The Road, A Story Of Life And Death. The film follows people from around the world who have come to live and work around the A5, which runs from Holyhead, Anglesey to Edgware Road in London.”


Also , ” Grease ” where a jew and a queer play a WASP and a Heterosexual ‘dude’ .
The message being - it’s better to bow to peer pressure and be a slut .

Monday Radio 4skin : ‘Just A Minute ’ Sue Perkins and Graham Norton - Panel 50% homosexual .

BBC Radio 4skin

Last night’s ‘Any Questions? ’

Panel 50% jew -

Jack Straw and Baroness Susan Kramer

11:30 – 12:00

The Rita Rudner Show
Are We There Yet?
1/4 American comedian JEW Rita Rudner’s new sitcom. She returns to the UK with chaotic results!



Ive been frequenting fairly hard-core places like Incogman since around 2007 - but Incog may just be a slick data-gathering place - I don’t know .

Ive been observing the ZCF / Delaney /Truth Militia / Oracle / Renegade dramas and schisms and I must say I feel for me it is time to step back from all this bullshit , or as Akira at
” What Do You Believe ” calls it , the
” Shit Throwing Monkeys ” syndrome . 

As with Huffschmid , Piper , Bolleyn , Bradford-Smith , Ognir , Delaney , etc etc etc , they all start as buddies and then have a big fall out and throw shit at each other and then nobody knows who to trust .

It happens all the time in these circles with boring predictability .

Another reason why we should focus on the message and not the messenger .

Anyway , thanks for the welcome . Check out that link at Hardon , I update it regularly .


Posted by Dude on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 10:22 | #


There is room for various type of site, including a nationalist specific watering hole. But for those who want to help shift the Zeitgeist a non-nationalist, more ‘traditionalist’ site would arguably be the most productive.

Regarding HuffPo, they seem to have a mass of online content, part paid, part free (did the earlier article not suggest 100 articles on their political section alone daily?). This obviously draws in many, riding their hobbyhorses, but perhaps spreads the readership too thinly. Also, are the left oriented people there the best seam to mine? Is the cost of mining that ore justified by the end product?

On the UKIP entryism thread, I asked what would be the natural progression for the general public from where they are now to eventual conscious ethnocentrism. A gradual logical shift from one position into the next and so on.

That is also how I would conceive of a news and commentary site. Aim it at the most potentially productive segment of the population: educated, liberal sceptical, irreverent and design a set of editorial guidelines that support that. Have the content cover a much wider area than posts about the downsides of diversity. The site commentariat can flag the JQ or the Muslim rape-wave or whatever, but the main site tries to stay above the fray through some select but open guidelines and a server based out of a state in the US or elsewhere that is supportive of free speech and fair use policies.

As I have posted above, the site can be run quite simply to start with the view to building traffic. As traffic increases and a revenue stream becomes visible, then additional content can be added and fair remuneration offered. There must be a good handful of present bloggers and even commentators (such as perhaps the WJ Phillips mentioned above?) who might consider contributing an article a month under the understanding that when the financial position changes, they will be first to be considered if they require such monetary inspiration.

The idea that everything must be put in place beforehand, seems to put the cart before the horse. There is an occasional contributor here (and elsewhere) who believes that for a nationalist response to be practical we need multi-millions up-front which will then be funneled into various schemes which will correctly position us for the end-game. This IMO is the wrong approach. It expects the right people with the right level of expertise and the correct understanding of the marketplace will be able to game the system better than a lean committed group who are flexible and can make changes without concern to their monthly salary or the stubborn lessons learned from the accretion of experience they gained at the corporates which may be inappropriate in these sorts of ventures. 



Posted by Leon Haller on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 12:44 | #


Lots of wisdom in that comment.

I find this thread both fascinating and strangely foreign (even some of the argot escapes me). It occurs to me that I really don’t know the UK situation ‘on the ground’, and am analyzing in very parochial ‘American’ terms.

In the US, ideological publications lose money (increasingly, so do MSM newspapers and magazines - witness the folding of the print edition of Newsweek). Obviously, a ‘dead-tree’ publication would be ridiculous in terms of resource and distribution costs, not to mention the likely need for physical office space to coordinate the enterprise. I prefer print myself - it seems more real, and I remember what I read much better when I can physically underline or highlight text.

But in the relatively near future, all periodicals except certain lavish ‘glossies’, the kind people treat sort of like books, and which they like to inspect in their hands (eg, Architectural Digest), will be digital only. There might still be room for some physical newspapers, as they are in some instances more functional than having to carry one’s ipad or ebook (eg, you can get a newspaper, read it while eating a hot dog, and not have to worry about keeping an expensive device clean; similarly, one can grab something for a quick read on the subway, throw it away after, and then not have to worry about carrying around an object for the rest for the day, etc ). But even cheaply produced ideological publications lose money. Better to spend one’s print money on crafting a “British Nationalism Programme”, and then printing 10 million copies of it for distribution across the UK.

I really don’t know how that 5 million Sterling number was arrived at, but it sounds like the “assuming we had a can opener” joke I posted some months back. If you had access to those millions, you could do many things besides or in addition to starting an online nationalist publication. But I have no idea why you need anything like that amount to begin.

Frankly, I think the whole idea is ill-conceived (though of course I would wish it the best of luck). What nationalists everywhere need to do is LEAVE CYBERSPACE, and start networking in the real world. Cyberspace is basically a ‘safety-valve’. It allows WNs harmlessly to sound off a bit, and know they’re not alone in the nation or world. But by this point, much of the ‘reaching out to the hardcores’ has been accomplished. For years now, WNs across Europa pretty much have just been ‘debating’ each other in our own little online ideological hothouses. What good does this do? If Dr. Lister and I or “Joe” have a donnybrook over the existence of God, does that activity actually advance WN? Of course not, and even if it did, its positive effects are just way too slow to be realized in concrete action in light of the rapidity with which Britain is being colonized. FEWER WORDS, MORE ACTION.

Action will not get off the ground unless nationalism becomes a widespread group activity, a focus for people’s social lives (and someday, perhaps, as we get stronger, work lives, too). Look at Jews, Mormons, early-mid 20th century communists active in the West, etc. Step one for building nationalist social networks is to get local nationalists to come out of the woodwork, and have a beer together. Movement friendships are usually more important than Grand Ideas in advancing a cause (at least, most people pay lip service to the Ideas, but they join the movement for more prosaic reasons - study the history of modern Western political and social movements, and you’ll see what I’m talking about). 








Posted by Joe on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 13:51 | #

For those who miss Auster, another “honest” jew [ kinda-sorta like Kaminski is “honest” ] who was somehow supposedly on “our” side—though Auster always put all the cultural pressure on us whites to be “nice” to his tribe, while never putting any cultural pressure on his tribe to respond in-kind to us ; Anyone missing the jew Auster, no need to fret, there’s plenty of jews around who will be glad to advise you on any—Nay, all matters more or less—so no need for mourning or fretting :

There’s plenty of goons—especially jew goons—around to help advise those who so very much are looking for jew guidance :

  ” Got A Question——> Ask A Jew” :

A wealth of jew advice : About the 9/11 attack and sundry, yet important, matters pertaining to the NWO, a NWO which at its’ ontological foundation requires a satanic massive- blood -sacrifice of Whites. Hence, the current silent genocide of Whites.

Silent genocide against us whites is the best the NWO crowd can do right now as the gun grab has yet to be completed. White Americans—qua White Americans—-> qua gun-owners —stand in the way of the NWO gang & their dream of a mullatoe world. Mulattoes being very easy to rule over as they have no sense of heritage, culture, folk or kin, or Race.

The “honest” jew Auster never got around to delineating the immense role of jews in creating & building the New World Order in the very first place ; Kinda-sorta like the “honest” jew Kaminski never gets around to mentioning the immense role of jews in creating the Third Reich in the very first place.

jew Auster and jew Kaminski working both sides of the street. Not to worry, I’m sure another “honest” jew is about to take Auster’s “place” any day now.

Speaking of “honest” jews, whatever happened to the webmaster of ” Mala Fide” ,
“Bad Faith” website ? I forgot his name. At least he was honest enough to let his readers know his website was in “Bad Faith” from the very first day.

MALA FIDE, Omnia dicta fortiora si dicta Latina. At least the mala-fide-jew was honest about his bad faith : Kinda-sorta like Hymie in Afula, Israhell is up-front about his hymie’s bad faith.

I prefer to talk to a jew like Hymie in Afula over “honest” jews like Auster and Kaminski and what’s-his-name of Mala Fide any day of the week.

But Hymie in Afula, Izzysmells rather bang his “Asian hottie” guest worker than debate me. Oh well, she probably makes a much better matzoh-ball-won-ton soup than I ever could. I don’t have the patience to cook anyhow.

As it is, I need all the patience I can muster-up for Momus, the eternally un-fair critic and nit-picker.




Posted by wibby on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:32 | #


That is, when you get down to it, race is a numbers game.  Numbers define how race is experienced much more than any other factor.  And the most important thing about the numbers is that they aren’t static; they are fast changing.  It’s one thing to give multiracialism a dismissive, apathetic shrug when your race is 95% of the country, but it becomes a lot harder to do that (to do it sincerely, I mean) when you’re hurtling towards racial minorityhood.

Quite. Similarly the anti-white memes pumped out by the MSM 24/7 will start to seem more threatening also.

The BUGS swarm is a good model for the practical side of it imo even if using a different spiel.

(nb I got here from those old Guardian comments.)


Posted by ukn_leo on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 16:51 | #

Momus just detests anything remotely conspiratorial Joe. He is a Dr, a scientist.

He considers the subject matters therein to be maximally deflationary to the site, attracting antinomial characters and increasing the psychological cost for Mr and Mrs Average in joining our cause. And he doesn’t like Americans much.

Search back through MR for the contributions of Graham_Lister (Momus). The very best of men.

I am approximately 263.9% cleverer now than I was before I had the honour of reading his posts here.

They have discussed the issues you raise ad nauseum and are settled in their thoughts on these matters. I have really enjoyed your contributions thus far buddy, and hope you stick around. Hymie will be back soon for his drubbing, i’m sure. Quite like the new pope too. What, if anything, does he have to say regarding the slow, lingering death by torture of European man?.


Hello GTRman.

Welcome to the site the internet was invented for.


Posted by Joe on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 19:53 | #

@ ukn_leo

Francis-boy has nothing to say about the silent genocide of the white race because the Vatican was greatly usurped by Communists in 1958. Every pope since then has been what I call a New World Order pope. The Vatican II church even calls itself the “Novus Ordo” [ New Order ] church.

About the Communist takeover of the Church :

Long article. Very informative with lots of links.

Search Terms : ” Bella Dodd + Communist Infiltration of Catholic Church”

                ” Vatican Threatened With Nuclear Attack During1958 Papal Conclave”

That the Vatican has been usurped and francis-boy is indifferent about the silent genocide of the white race is Not a reason to disdain and scorn learning about Authentic Christianity ; It was Authentic Christianity that United Europe in the very first place.

Those interested in the what’s best for the White Race might learn a thing or two from studying European history—and what made Europe great in the first place—and use that knowledge to benefit the White Race today at a time we need Unity more than ever.

One doesn’t have to become a professing Christian to study the history of how Europe was united under Christianity. It would benefit all of us to learn European history as much as possible—Our enemies Know our heritage and history Fully Well. Pretty stupid to go up against an enemy who knows more about your history and heritage than you do.

The Muslims, for example, know Fully Well the role of Islamic thought & metaphysics that played a role in the dynamics and the direction of the Protestant Reformation. Pretty stupid for whites to remain ignorant of their history when the Islamic jihadists over-running Europe know the history. I linked to a book about the Muslims knowing about the Islamic influences/metaphysics of the Protestant Reformation.

Read my posts. Many of my posts contain links to very intelligent, very erudite, balanced and objective, honest and respected historians.



Posted by Joe on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 21:31 | #

About the collective moral abnegation and subsequent decline of the West from The Brussels Journal :

” Chasing The Noble Sage To Escape The Equality Race” :

An erudite, intelligent article, cerebral yet not at all highbrow, pretentious , or affected in any manner, the author out-lines the broad historical metaphysical dynamics for the collective ennui and consecutive moral and demographic declivity of the White Race today throughout the Occident :

I always go to Brussels Journal for news concerning Europe, the UK, The US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand ; In short for timely and meaningful news reportage of considerable concernment and import, intelligent, compelling, and cogent analysis spanning a myriad of issues concerning the White Race, and what’s best for the White Race :


Posted by Momus on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 00:41 | #

Well I guess the ‘Brussels Journal’ is one step above crude ‘conspiracy’ sites but it does read somewhat like a sub-Theodore Dalrymple rant. Not a bad thing but limited.

And anyone that thinks Charles Murray (a self-described libertarian) with his crude formulation of religion = societal happiness has anything of worth to say, meta-politically, is rather delusional.

Let alone the odd need to defend Zionism by the author of the linked article. Dreadful stuff.

But whatever, I guess that’s what big C conservatism is about these days. 99% of it is, of course, thinly disguised liberalism with a smattering of ‘traditionalism’ as cover. True the liberalism is more of a 19th century sort but the social-ontology informing it is unmistakable.

I’ve been thinking of writing something about the pessimistic meta-induction, inflationary essentialism and why one should not be a ‘Conservative’. But then again I think “why bother I have better uses of my time.”

OK if people want to have a sensible discussion about the meta-political significance of Christianity - minus ridiculous conspiracy ‘theories’, minus banal folk-theologies (if one wants to bring theology into the argument try at least to do above the level of a Jack van Impe or a Krista Tippett), minus a version of ‘natural law’ so intellectually contemptible that mere self-respect forbids a man to voice them as his own. You know the various cartoon versions of ‘natural law’ (a perennial favourite of some at MR) that would make a sophomore blush - then yes let’s start.

Some topics that might be on the agenda would be:

(1) how much is all the talk of the ‘essential’ importance of Christianity a misguided and occulted (yes I picked that term to piss ‘Joe’ off) debate about the nature and scope of autonomy vs. heteronomy in individual and collective life?

(2) how much is liberal-modernity merely the secular transcription and translation of core Christian tropes into another medium?

(3) how is the seeming nihilism (perhaps actual nihilism) of modernity linked to the Christian tradition and does it (in part or in whole) actually arise from within its world-view - in the way Nietzsche so provocatively suggested? Perhaps Kant is to blame?

(4) if indeed elements exist within the Christian tradition that are socially and politically worthwhile do they represent a form of Aristotelianism acculturated with monotheism? If so why not simply revive the Aristotelianism (virtue ethics etc.) without the obscuring metaphysical crud of the Voodoo?

(5) in an climate of intellectual pluralism (atheism, agnosticism, methodological and metaphysical naturalism, physicalism, anti-foundationalism, fallibilism and all the rest - modern science etc.) how and why would these ideas ‘disappear from the scene’? By gunpoint? Dominionism, Rushdoony and Christian Reconstructionism? A theocracy of some sort?

On that last point simply asserting that one must obey because “it’s in the Bible” or the Pope said so isn’t going to cut it with most people. Heck even Voodoo fundamentalists in places like Corbin, KY don’t actually faithfully follow every last word of the good book. They don’t tend to follow Deuteronomy 21:18-21 and actually kill their disobedient children with stones, now do they?

Excellent illustrations of the Bible can be found here including ideas on disciplining children can be found here -

The Christian religion as ‘foundational’ and unchallengeable and unimaginably ‘correct’ - the source of all meaning as a cosmology/world-view - the key legitimising and totalising meta-narrative of our societies is OVER. I don’t even think Americans actually seriously believe in Christianity despite claiming to. And even the most ‘fundamentalist’ of them reads the Bible in a highly partial and post-modern way.


Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 01:28 | #

@ Momus

In other words, white Europeans and all whites in the Occident shouldn’t study European History, specifically not to know how Europe was united in the first place? You advise your fellow whites to go up against enemies who know more about European history, heritage, and culture than the average white Occidental ?

What Exactly is your plan to help bring Unity to the White Race , to whatever degree ; To forge some unity amongst our greatly divided and fragmented Race now that the White Race is surrounded on all sides by our racial enemies, and as so many whites are still into “doing your own thing” ?

The attack the White Race is suffering now is a satanic attack. How does one battle a satanic spiritual force with no spirituality, or a greatly divided and fragmented spirituality ; A divided and fragmented spiritual force which leaves all of us as autonomous individuals with hardly any connection to kin & folk, culture, faith, heritage, while all of our racial enemies are very united and very intent and very serious about their intentions.

I was asked by someone here at MR if I have a “plan B” for the White Race. I replied honestly and in good-faith : “No”. You quickly responded to my post in which I stated I don’t have a “Plan B” ; You disdained me for not having a “Plan B”. Yet, you yourself never mention what your “Plan A” is for the White Race—let alone getting around to mentioning any kind of “Plan B”.


Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 01:55 | #

By the way, I never mentioned anything about reading the Bible or following the decrees of any pope. My posts about Christianity were from the heart—that’s where Faith resides :

” Strong of Heart”

Search Term :” CambriaWillNotYield + Faith In The Heart “


Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 02:59 | #

“... Or a fickle, vacillating, inconstant Deity, or a cruel, blood-thirsty, savage Hebrew or Puritanical one ; and we are but the sport of chance and the victims of despair ; forsaken, or accursed and hated upon the face of a desolate, forsaken, or accursed and hated earth ; surrounded by darkness, struggling with obstacles, toiling for barren results and empty purposes, distracted with doubts, and misled by false gleams of light ; wanderers with no way, no prospect, no home, doomed and deserted mariners on a dark and stormy sea, without compass or course, to whom no stars appear ; tossing helmless upon the weltering, angry waves, with no blessed haven in the distance whose guiding-star invites us to its’ welcome rest…”

Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Rite of Masonry.

Even Freemasons feel strongly about their g*d—whoever their g*d may be. Jews feel strongly about their g*d, whoever their g*d may be. Muslims feel strongly about their Allah, whoever their Allah may be. The Hindus feel strongly about their g*ds, whoever their g*ds may be : ALL the cultural, social, academic, pressure is on the White Race to forsake our Christ :

I don’t buy it. It makes me real suspicious of where all this cultural pressure on us Whites to forsake Christ emanates from. No other faith comes under such heavy-duty, unrelenting, incessant, intense, and constant attack as does the Christian Faith.




Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 03:27 | #

I Tatti Renaissance Library # 08 : “Momus” and the :

“The History of Laughter” ;


Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 03:44 | #

For those into the New Age :

” Never Call Them Archons” :

[ call them “ankle-biters” and “bust up the matrix”  ]


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 04:37 | #


Truly excellent set of questions. But, honestly, one could write books in response; indeed, build a career around responding. You do try [to make MR as serious venue], however, I will most definitely give you that. I’m rather amazed (and slightly humbled), frankly, at how you find the time to range so far out and well from your professional field.

I’m seriously thinking about some day (and, yes, I do mean to imply a good ways into the future; several years at least, given my present activities) trying to start an invitation-only [closed] website precisely to discuss ‘metapolitical’ issues sans various forms of idiocy (surely such must exist?). The goal, as I have suggested here at MR in the past, should be to make real progress in determining the exact points of philosophical conflict among serious rightists, with an ulterior view in no small measure towards thereby determining the points of general agreement, which can then be used as a springboard for determining the best course of action. Of course, as you put it at one point earlier this year, subjecting one’s views to potentially withering criticism can only help strengthen them, especially if originally presented with the intention or hope of eventual professional publication. Rather like a pre-peer review.

Do you think such a venture would be worth it in terms of generating sufficient and sufficiently knowledgable participants? The point would not be to censor intelligence, regardless of viewpoint, but rather stupidity (ditto). As a general rule of life, I’ve found the companionship of those of similar IQ, even if somewhat divergent in outlook and tastes, to be preferable to that of morons or semi-morons who happen to agree with me. I’ve found this to be true even within the ideological realm (as long as the companion isn’t closed-mindedly PC; that’s a conversation-killer).

Anyway, I just think it would be nice for intellectually engaged persons to be able to converse across cyberspace without their thoughts getting lost in the pseudo-intellectual ‘shuffle’. I would certainly edit the site ruthlessly, deleting anything I deemed stupid or irrelevant.


Posted by Dike on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 11:01 | #

Perhaps Momus might consider taking off his superman costume, putting his pajamas on and going to bed like a good Master Lister.


Posted by Momus on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 13:06 | #

Sorry too busy to comment at length.

Seems like criticism of religion and/or conservatism adds up to the third rail of MR – don’t go there lol.

Just a small thought. What strikes me is the odd range of thought often displayed at MR and other similar places.

The first is that whites are so radically individualistic (and non-tribal) that at some level we are maladapted to present environmental conditions. In Bowery’s case white Americans are ‘genetically’ the only genuine individuals (the rest of humanity is ‘eusocial’ as is civilisation).

Then we shift to the idea presented by Joe that before the ‘universal church’ got going Europeans were nothing but ultra-tribal war-like barbarians and needed to be unified into a bigger and better tribe.

The two ideas seem somewhat at odds with each other.


Posted by Joe on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 13:33 | #

@ Momus

Yes, Momus, of course your ‘thought”  was ” just a small thought “. You’re finally being truthful. Maybe there’s still some hope for Momus—though the ancient Greeks would strongly contest such an assertion.


Posted by wibbly on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 18:32 | #


Just a small thought. What strikes me is the odd range of thought often displayed at MR and other similar places.

The first is that whites are so radically individualistic (and non-tribal) that at some level we are maladapted to present environmental conditions. In Bowery’s case white Americans are ‘genetically’ the only genuine individuals (the rest of humanity is ‘eusocial’ as is civilisation).

Then we shift to the idea presented by Joe that before the ‘universal church’ got going Europeans were nothing but ultra-tribal war-like barbarians and needed to be unified into a bigger and better tribe.

The two may be connected (h/t hbdchick)

1) Europeans were ultra-tribal war-like barbarians.
2) The Catholic Church instituted a ban on cousin-marriage to break down those tribes
3) The cousin-ban worked at breaking down the tribes (and allowing the formation of nations in their place) but also made Europeans more radically individualistic (on average) - which among other things led to reduced obedience to the Catholic Church.

(Simplification obviously.)

that at some level we are maladapted to present environmental conditions

We’re only maladapted because we don’t know our nature. If enough of us knew our nature we’d adapt the environment to suit it.

If research into race and genetics hadn’t been blocked for eighty years by Boas et al we’d have figured all this out and done so already.



Posted by Lurker on Wed, 03 Apr 2013 20:01 | #

Started a new Guardian account two days ago - already banned! Comment is indeed free!


Posted by Joe on Thu, 04 Apr 2013 00:01 | #

The Original “Home On The Range”, written in 1873. The real version, not the Hollywood version :

Go To YouTube, ” Tom Roush Playlist ” :

For 19th century American music. Very beautiful.

The original “Home On The Range” from 1873 is much richer, and has much more meaning, than the abridged Hollywood version we’re accustomed to hearing in western movies.

About the history of “Home On The Range” :


Posted by Amyas on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 02:28 | #

Hello there everyone

First post on Majority Rights, although a viewer for some time.

Truth told, and this is not meant as a criticism as there is a dire need for a higher level of debate than one sees on many, if not most nationalist web fora, the level is, at times, VERY highbrow, intimidatingly so, I guess, for many. That’s OK, we can leave those esoteric debates for those able to contribute at that level (I know I can’t) and in any event, it’s good to show the anti-world that nationalists can’t all be tarred with the same brush.

So, onto more urgent matters. The thread is an important one and has been taken off-topic, which is unfortunate, because what we do now/in the near future regarding how we can best get our points across to “fed-up, but clueless Joe Public” is a critical one.

I agree with ... well, how can anyone not ... increasing both internet campaigning in whatever format possible, also ensuring any like-minded team needs to keep in contact for a co-ordinated approach, and, if possible, real-world activism, as others have advocated.

The key difference between say, nationalist websites or even a nationalist paper (either printed or on-line) and places like the Telegraph, through judicious commenting, is that the Telegraph, unlike nationalist entities, is not preaching to the already converted but to those who CAN be converted, a massive difference, and like others, I believe a difference has already been made there - it can be seen in the pushing of boundaries over the last two or three years. Onceover, mere mention of the word “Jew” or “Jewish” would have led to deletion, but no longer (not automatically, anyway) and it has been possible for some time, if the point has been made in a sensible way, avoiding direct, hostile, racial finger-pointing, to get real kernels of truth out into the open, which has marked a step-change in the way we’ve been able to operate. There have even been holocaust debates on there with numerous critical, questioning posts permitted, which would have been unthinkable not very long ago. So, major progress. Is it about to get lost, with the change of operation? It probably will, if for no other reason than that the number of viewers will decline dramatically, especially casual, open-minded ones and it will only be the more steadfast, already committed-to-his-point-of-view types who will subscribe, reducing the target audience for “the truth” even further. It’s a shame, but at least we know we need to push on.

Well, I’ve long thought, good as it has been to push the boundaries there, as many of you, commendably, have done, that the “Jewish question” (is there ultimately any other?) needs to go mainstream, we DO need to point the finger, and hard, and make them realise their role is not just being questioned on nationalist fringes of our broken societies any longer, but everywhere. We need to increase their degree of discomfiture, get them out of their comfort zone - that is the minium pre-requisite to any satisfactory future outcome for us. Just as many of us have a highly developed “Jewdar” whereby we can spot a comment or an idea by a (often crypto) Jew from a mile away, so too must their highly developed antennae be fully attuned to hostility among the wider society from whom they leech. At the moment, or at least, for moments until relevantly recently, living in Europe, but especially Britain or the USA must have seemed like Jew nirvana. They’ve been running amok amongst us, with no hint of reproach, for far too long. There is no doubt, however, that awareness of the controlling Jewish hand in our suicidally depressing affairs has increased over the last few years, but penetration into the dumbed-down mainstream is still painfully slow. It needs to be given a helping hand, a step-change is needed.

That isn’t necessarily by outright nationalist websites or even newspapers, satisfying as they would be to have. While they’d help, they’re always preaching to the already converted, unless by accident others arrive there ... but it will always be one by one and we can’t wait any longer for a widespread awakening. It needs to be given a push.

What about undertaking a slightly grander, yet still attainable project, stepping outside of the box for once?

Of course, WE always come across the question of money - we have none, THEY have already stolen it all from us. While THEY already control all the media (in all its forms, except, maybe, this one, which they cannot abide) as it pleases them, we have no funds for anything. They get their views into every home every hour of every day ... while our manic, panicked, scattergun approach does little more than annoy them from the fringes ... but we have two things: 1. Numbers/manpower, which among volunteers costs nothing, and 2. the real instincts of the people, the VAST MAJORITY of them, suppressed maybe, but certainly bubbling close to the surface for everyone and ready to pop into the open with a little prompting, at any time. EVERYBODY is depressed. EVERYBODY knows something is wrong. They just don’t know who, why or what for. Increasing numbers do, certainly, but not enough and certainly not enough to change anything (yet awhile.)

Even a nationwide mailshot would be beyond our means financially (it’s depressing to contemplate just how few resources we have - when ALL the resources SHOULD be ours), but what about an expertly crafted piece - and I mean crafted by the very best among our crowd, for it would be critical to get it absolutely right - which exposes / shines the light on the Jewish hands controlling our affairs in all its forms - hand delivered by an army of like-minded volunteers into as many homes as possible. It needs, crucially, to be non-party political, which can easily be dismissed. It will just be a statement of the truth about the Jewish role, in a strictly legal, informational, “no hate expressed” way. (Of course, they will call it hatred, there’s no avoiding that accusation.) There can be an expert, purposely developed web-site back-end for the newly inquiring minds to receive necessary further education. For many, the education, if properly done, will stick, and massive momentum will be gained. At the very least, if properly done - expertly conceived and written - with the appropriate amounts of factual information and stirring of our people’s suppressed core beliefs and instincts, it will scare the hell out of the establishment. It could trigger ... anything ... or everything. If successfully implemented, it will surely trigger something. At worst, it will increase our numbers.

When I talk of the best among us, I’m thinking an A4 leaflet, crafted by the likes of say, MacDonald (essential); Irmin Vinson; Germar Rudolf / Robert Faurisson (tricky, difficult subject for the ultra-brainwashed populace to take on, but IMO needs to be broached - many inroads have already been made, just not yet at the lowest, Joe Public level. Wiser heads than mine may decide to defer this. I would yield to their collective wisdom on the matter of whether the public could take it at this stage of their ignorance and whether broaching it would lose us credibility with them on everything else we say); Stormfront’s outstanding expert on all things Jewish, (IamanEnglishman) Jack Black; your very own, absurdly gifted Guessedworker… I’m sure those of you more knowledgable than I can come up with the proper panel. Also, in particular we will need someone who can expertly precis the nature of banking, fiat money creation and interest, the monopolistic Jewish role in it and its dire consequences for us.) In essence, the paper will be touching, briefly, very briefly, on ALL aspects of the leading Jewish role in our demise and the nature of our predicament as indigenous Europeans. Not easy in one leaflet, but it can be done. It will open MANY eyes. Even the disbelieving will be intrigued enough to inquire further. Those on the verge (isn’t EVERYONE on the verge, these days?) of the truth will be able to take the final step. Others (many of them) will take their first.

Rather than formulating complicated, expensive plans for nationalist newspapers, great as they’d be, wouldn’t a leaflet delivered to say, a million homes in the UK, five to ten million in the USA (a million only requires a thousand volunteers to deliver a thousand each, and ideally, we’ll be able to reach many more, but even a million homes will access three, four, five million people) be easier, cheaper, more possible. The leaflets could even all be locally printed by the volunteers, if required, subject to quality checks, to minimise costs, obviating the need to outsource if no truth-minded printers offer their (free, or at-cost) services. I’m not saying it would be easy, and I’m absolutely sure some people will put a million obstacles in the way, but isn’t it worth a shot? Isn’t the thought of getting access to the real, suffering, herded, genocided citizens out there - OUR EVER DECREASING PEOPLE - with a shot of the truth for once, an infinitely exciting and plausible one? We can’t keep waiting for them to come to us ... we no longer have the time on our side.

Cue the naysayers ...

There are some brilliant minds on here, surely they can come up with a fully-formed plan, carried out after co-operative discussions with necessary parties. Some of you need to take your heads out of the firmament and others of us out of our own navels and ar*es ... let’s get it done. It IS possible. It’s the required next step of our recovery, if we are to have a recovery. A truly widespread AWAKENING of the general public. The Jews have glued our people’s eyelids tight shut. They’ve glued their mouths shut also, even though many would like to protest and have had enough of EVERYTHING, they still don’t really know what to protest about. They certainly don’t know about the “leading Jewish role” in our decline. They are so dumbed down it’s beyond belief. We need to open their eyes again. We can do it.


Posted by Joe on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 04:30 | #

Wars do have a tendency to get out of hand, even thread wars. As wars never turn out exactly as the belligerents plan from the outset, sometimes wars—like this “thread taken off-topic”—Wars change course in mid-stream :

Like Mussolini and the Italian Fascists never planned on a very good number of Italians rebelling during the middle of WW2, and starting a civil war in the attempt to get rid of the mendacious—to say the least—Mussolini and his Jewess mistress : “The Jewish Mother of Italian Fascism” ; Good search term, by the way. 

Wars are messy, even thread wars. Deal with it.

Anyway, Momus took the thread off-topic when he started whining and crying because the Brussels Journal article I linked to wasn’t “high-brow” enough, pretentious enough, and affected enough, for Momus’ Oh, so very high exalted intelligence, erudition, and his inflated sense of self-importance.

Doesn’t matter : Momus has found another intellectual pursuit now : comic books &  “spaghetti monsters”.

I do greatly resent how some refer to the mass of clueless sheeple-people as “clueless Joe Public”. As a “Joe” myself, I resent this slur against Joes.

I’m going to start a “Joe Liberation Movement” and free us Joes from this horrible slander, and societal & cultural oppression . Especially as “Joe” leaves a lot of solid, factual information for all the readers. Painting all Joes with the same brush , the same paint color we call the color “clueless”, is prejudice and discrimination.

The thread war was going fine, it was on-track and headed straight to its’ destination and culmination,  until Momus started crying & whining because certain information posted to the board wasn’t “high-brow” enough and worthy enough of Momus—Momus : the eternally unfair critic :

That was always the goal of Momus : To throw everyone off balance by unfair criticism. That’s why the Greek Gods booted his butt off Mt Olympus. I don’t blame them.

Unfortunately, though, we’re the ones stuck with Momus now, as he roams around looking for every, and any, opportunity to make unfair comments, un-called for & egregiously derogatory remarks, ad-hominem slurs, and in-general foments didactic incitement with the goal of taking the thread war to even greater heights of confusion and mayhem ; Very Momus.

Deal with it ; I deal with it : I handle it with aplomb.


Posted by ukn_leo on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 11:00 | #

Hello Amyas.

Welcome to the site. Great first post.

Don’t be intimidated, just get stuck in.

Joe, yourself and Momus will never see eye to eye. Get over it and move on. The spiritual and hidden nature of what we are fighting needs to be exposed and discussed. Each man to his role depending on his interests, beliefs, talents and expertise.

If Momus really goes for you, believe me, you will know about it. Ditch the animosity and get back to your position soldier. smile .


Posted by Bill on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 13:30 | #

White’s dispossession and extinction, telling it like it is.

The bugbear from the get-go in this sc-fi zeitgeist has been the organised right’s inability to access the public arena and tell the public exactly what is going on.

Hmm?  On second thoughts is that statement correct in view of the following?

The far right has been visible in the public eye for decades, there’s been no shortage of exposure in the shape of marches and parades by the likes of the National Front and the BNP, plus, in more recent times the EDL.  I’m talking at least 3 or possibly 4 decades here.  More importantly, the right have embraced themselves of the wonder of the modern age, the instant World Wide Internet.

The story of the Internet and white nationalism is work in progress.  For brevity’s sake it is not my intention to go down that road here.

So why has the right gained so little in such a long time?  The truth of the matter as we all know is quite simple, the all powerful mainstream media has obliterated the political far right by their policy of vilification and zero tolerance.  And here again this really doesn’t account for the inexplicable collapse of the BNP.

The success of this defeat of the far right by the MSM has been utter and complete.

And that is where we are today.  The right is desperately casting around for ideas as to how break this stranglehold of the main-stream media.  This is nothing new,  ever since the beginning of my quest here on the Internet this problem has always been a source of frustration and dominance.

So how to break the log-jam?

Exposing white’s dispossession and planned extinction as a Jewish construct IMO is not the way to go here in Britain, a definite No-No in fact.  Proceeding along this rout would be counter productive, the media would spare no effort in destroying that claim.  There is already existing sufficient hate crime legislation to deal with that approach.  Generations of brain washing cannot be overcome within the time limits available, OTOH, I feel the chances of success by this route over in America would have a greater chance of success.

From my beginnings I’ve always been an advocate of telling it like it is, but telling like it is means different things to different people.  My idea of the route to go is to focus on the political system and the politicians who are involved in that system, this route would be in tandem with attacking the BBC (media) augmented and fleshed out by supported evidence of the day.

Politicians are the instantly recognisable face of our so called democratic system, which filters its ethos and machinations to Jo Public through it’s mouthpiece the BBC.  It is these two national institutions that should be our target.  The ammunition that these two factions provide for the right is sustainable (and overtime,) compellingly self evident (eg. see DT threads today)

Can the BBC survive in the iPlayer age?

The obvious aim is to convince the people to stop voting for these traitors and their shameful sham democracy, thus denying them legitimacy to rule.

The BBC’s social engineering of a whole population defies description, they are the most formidable enemy in Britain’s history.  One day all shall be called to account.  What is unfurling before us with regard to white’s seeming indifference also defies rational explanation, to be honest I think it will only be the dawning of reality that will galvanise the people, or is that wishful thinking.

I apologise if this comment comes over as unstructured & meandering, but there is so much to say and so little time.


Posted by Momus on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 14:00 | #

Well in my humble view a lot of ‘Jew talk’ is precisely the wrong approach. One it ‘signals’ to Mr. & Mrs. Average one is an obsessive with untrustworthy and unpleasant ideological connotations. It’s a radioactively toxic brand that only appeals to a tiny minority of cranks. Add in conspiracy talk and make it doubly toxic.

Additionally simply whining “it’s not fair it’s all a J-lizard plot” in public will have a negligible effect on wider public sentiment and it misses the point. Just because something is a “Jewish idea” doesn’t ipso facto make it an incorrect one. There is no serious arena in life in which one can simply say “X said Y on topic A and anti-Y that’s all you need to say about topic A as X’s ideas are always 100% wrong - nothing more to be said folks.”

What is much more likely to have a far wider impact is to defeat any such ideas intellectually/conceptually then translate that into a suitable political rhetoric (which should be minimally toxic in nature not maximally so). After all the point is to persuade people that one is not a wannabe neo-Nazi fruitcake and secondly that you might have something worthwhile and of importance to contribute to public debate/life. And that one is a serious and sober person in a good sense (not a seriously whacky person - that’s bad m’kay).

J-lizard talk is in this political context is nothing but counterproductive, even if it goes down well in the tiny echo-chambers antinomian ‘WN’ types like to hang out at.

Take a real-life case study. Christian Zionism. One could drone on about it all being a nefarious Jewish ruse ‘inflicted’ upon the goys of the land of the free. Or one could explain in a calm and patient way why the ‘Scofield Reference Bible’ and the like is representative of both poor scholarship and poor theology. Simply saying “J-liazrds at it again” isn’t going to convince many mainstream people now is it?

You know I’m sure it can’t be beyond the ability of Mr. Haller or someone similar to address why Christian Zionism is wrong in theological terms. I’m not the person do to it but surely someone out there can (and probably has within mainstream discourse on the subject).

Not that Christian Zionism matters in one bit within European ‘cultural politics’ and even in the USA once Texas demographically/politically flips to the Democrats the Republicans are likely to be finished (in their present formulation) at the national level of politics. So beyond very radical political change within the USA the issue is moot. The despair and agonies of rapid demographic change along with the uniquely awful cultural politics of America are not our concern (in the sense of attempting to ‘fix’ the post-Western future of the USA). After all Europeans have no influence whatsoever in the internal ideological dynamics of the US. We can but heed the warning. And in that context widespread ‘Christianity’ a la the USA seems to be of little positive importance. In fact quite the opposite - it serves as an ideological miasma of the very worst type.


Posted by Momus on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 14:20 | #

Third attempt to leave this comment. . .


Well part of the problem is that WN’s think of themselves as ‘right-wing’ within the context of liberal norms and embrace very odd ideological hobbyhorses such as ‘flat-taxes’ - a neo-liberals wet-dream of a policy.

It’s entirely the wrong approach. One cannot be a serious ‘catch-all’ political party with such an ideologically narrow approach.

‘Nationalism for Plutocrats’ or ‘Nationalism for Libertarians’ etc., (Ayn Rand ‘nationalism’ is various forms) is really, really dumb and incoherent politics on so many levels - if the aim is to actually be popular that is. Most people are Mr. & Mrs. Economically Average and their neighbours Mr. & Mrs. Economically Below Average.

Vulgar racism plus ‘Market Hobbesianism’ is never going to ever be a winning combination in any European polity.


Posted by Joe on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 15:07 | #

@ ukn_leo

YES SIR, I’m getting in-line.

Don’t let messy thread wars turn you into a pessimist, Sir. That’s not the proper attitude for any soldier, especially a Commanding Officer, as I can tell you most certainly are by Your Command Sir, rightfully ordering me to fall-back-into-line and take my battle position. We must have discipline and tough commanding officers if we’re going to Win This and go back home victorious.

It’s not exactly true that Momus and I will never see eye-to-eye. Momus has the correct view in his recent post [ finally ]. That’s why there’s no need for pessimism, Sir.

It’s true, Zionism is NOT theologically kosher as per true Christian ontology/metaphysics. Another point : As Christians we’re called to be nicey-nice to everyone, even the shmoozz. Some Jews are difficult to be nice to, it’s an enormous spiritual challenge —like the jew NAZI jew Kaminski, for example, quite the slithering snake —but not all Jews are serpentine.

Not all Jews are serpentine, so sometimes the “J lizard talk” doesn’t apply. Sometimes, at least.

Benjamin Freedman, for example—an honest Jew—tells us the Real Reason Zionism is ontologically and metaphysically NOT-kosher Christian Eschatology :—benjamin.html

Jesus Was NOT a Jew, but the bankers who own the Federal Reserve are Jews, hence Christian Zionism —-> because G*d-Forbid a Zionist Christian gets a schmooze banker upset, said Zionist Christian would have a difficult time getting a loan from the schmooze banker for that vacation to Cabos. One could list many other reasons for wanting loan $$$.

See my post w/link about Falling-To-Pieces- For-The-Schmooze.

I know you need reinforcements desperately, Sir. I know you need more men for the battlefield :

I was all Set and Prepared to Fall-In-Line, Sir, than we got hit hard, but we managed to re-group and now we’re coming—your reinforcements are coming, Sir, we’re Coming Over :

So you see Sir Leo, you were being pessimistic for no good reason. We want optimistic Commanders to lead us into battle, Sir, not pessimistic Commanders, Sir. Thank You, Sir.




Posted by ukn_leo on Sun, 07 Apr 2013 21:14 | #

A comment posted by my friend at Englisc Gateway to this site (newsfromatlantis). And response from the site owner.

‘Perhaps it is armchair nationalists and not liberals who need to be ‘mugged by reality’.

The liberals would manage to justify any crime committed against them; nationalists in general seem to be desperately waiting for somebody else to act or a saviour to rise from the swamp of depravity in which we live.

The Establishment has declared total war on its people, who, being the cowards they are waiting for the fabled ‘SHTF’ moment that might not actually be as inevitable as they hope. The Establishment is your bitterest enemy, its paid servants are not on your side and they never will be: ‘Help For Heroes’, my arse.

Oh no, was that going too far? Historically there was never much pity for mercenaries, why should there be now?! Soldiers fighting for their own land and their own people are worthy of honour: “Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori”. Hardly applicable to the modern mercenary armies. And no, they don’t get into Valhalla, that is reserved for ‘the chosen’ not for all the battlefield dead.

Most nationalists are just reactionaries, longing for a return to a 1950s golden idyll that really never existed. Most would happily continue to watch shit on TV and be moronic geldings drooling over sports, but just with no black faces involved, some wouldn’t even mind that, it’s just the muslims they hate. Revolutionaries? Hardly. Revivalists? Perhaps. Reconstructionists? Assuredly so.

The usual suspects will repackage themselves and talk of the need for unity in the nationalist non-movement, yet none will take the all-important step of acknowledging that they are probably not the great leader required, that they will not have heroic statues erected in their honour and great avenues names for them. Ego, be damned; unwitting vipers in the nest, to a man.

As long as it someone’s else kid being abused or murdered they can get (justifiably) angry in safety, and then almost as quickly as the media can drop a story involving ‘ethnic crime’ the armchair nationalist will return to talk of heroic ancestors, honour, kinfolk and all those things they quite palpably lack in themselves.

There will the never ending posting and reposting of stories and theories we have heard countless times before as the ego driven lust for more ‘thumbs up’ on whatever blog or forum they frequent forces them to dig deeply into limited ‘word hoards’. But there will be no action, other than a pantomime ‘demonstration’ following strict guidelines given by the authorities. Of course, the obligatory consumption of alcohol (because “it’s an Englishman’s birth right!”) will take place and the skilful media will show the whole parade as a charade, as monosyllabic skinheads mutter incoherently about “Halal” or “Sharia” , all according to the ‘script’.

Still, perhaps the SHTF/saviour arising moment will occur, the masses will rise as one and systematically overthrow evil wherever they find it in this green and pleasant land. The armchair nationalists will boast of their great efforts when the dust has finally settled, and that will be enough for them. Enough that only on the darkest nights when their fitful sleep is disturbed by all the faces of the innocents who suffered before the tide turned, will they be able to concede the truth to themselves, that they acted late, too late and that perhaps it was all down to the SHTF/saviour arising that the world was saved. And more innocence could have been saved if the armchair nationalist had been worthy of ancestors who, even if just a lowly mud covered peasant, would have spat on them in derision for the cowardice. If they look in the mirror long enough and they might actually not see a great hero.’


Between here (with the Telegraph veterans) and Englisc Gateway, there is a formidable team of approx 10-15 (and more) grade A commenters (fully clued up and motivated - worth a million men each) ready to do battle.

English nationalism 1.0 has failed as Bill says above.

Version 2.0, utilising the new technologies available to us, can, and must, rise from the ashes.

Nick Griffin and marches of drunk fuckwits shouting ‘EDL’ under the flag of Israel never was going to cut it.

Time to leave them behind and push onwards to the glorious Nirvana we can create for our people. 


Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 01:27 | #

Along with Benjamin Freedman and Dietrich Bronder, there’s another honest Jew very much worth reading : Israel Sharak.

Sharak was very honest about Judaism. He grew up in Poland and experienced WW2 in Europe. He doesn’t hide the fact of Jewish active involvement in the Third Reich.

Sharak wrote, ” The Weight of Three Thousand Years pdf ”

A history book about Judaism and the real cause(s) of anti-Semitism. Jewish leadership always worked behind the scenes to foment anti-Semitism. It’s how they keep the Jews in-line and make sure the Jews follow the agenda the top ruling banking-class lay down.

Excellent book. I couldn’t get the link to Sharak’s book to work. One can read it online with above search term.

For those who want to learn more about what’s going on in the Middle East today, Search term :

“Sheikh Imran Hosein “

A very honest and very intelligent man. Hosein is NOT an Islamic jihadist. Hear what he has to say about the wars in the ME and about Islamic jihad. Extremely informative. Above search term will access lot of info about him.

Also : Sheikh Imran Hosein talks about the war in Syria.  Learn more about the Islamic jihad . An important topic today as it effects all of us in the West. Again, I can’t get the link to work. Use Search Term :

” Snippits-and-Snappits + Sheikh Imram Hosein”

The video is an hour long. It’s very much worth watching :

” The Zionist Attack On Syria”.

Snippits-and-Snappits website also features Saturday cartoons. The Saturday cartoons for Sat April 6th,2013 are about the “holocaust”.  The comments following the cartoons are extremely informative and worth a read as well ;

Search Term :

“Snippits-and-Snappits + Holocaust Cartoons”

Cartoons entitled : “Shoah”




Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 01:45 | #

Another honest author very much worth reading is Manning Johnson. Johnson is black. Johnson was a communist in the Communist party. He renounced Communism. He writes very honestly about Communists vis-à-vis the blacks ; How the Communist Party uses the blacks for communist goals.

Manning is Very honest and above-board. One can learn a lot about the communist dynamic concerning the situation with blacks by reading Manning. A lot of insights. A lot of truth.

You’ll never hear the truth about the situation in the black community from mainstream sources, or black “leaders” like Sharpton or Jackson.  Manning is very honest. I learned a lot from reading about what he has to say. We’d all—including blacks themselves—be a lot better off if Manning was the leader of the blacks, and Sharpton and Jackson were thrown in prison. Obama couldn’t care less about blacks, just as he couldn’t care less about whites. Obama is all about the Zionist Jews and all about the Jew commie gang in Chicago who groomed the African-born donmeh mulattoe jew for the presidency. Even Michelle comes from a black-jew family. How usurped are we?


Posted by Amyas on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 01:57 | #

Thank you for your encouragement!

@Bill, I agree about the BBC. It says something when the state TV channel is engaging in open warfare against its majority citizens and is infinitely more hostile and damaging to us than what would otherwise be described as appalling commercial channels. If you watch TV in other countries, as I do, it is the commercial (generally Jew owned) channels putting out the anti-white, multi-cultural poison, but here, compared to the BBC, ITV is a relative haven of sanity. That says a lot more about the BBC than it does about ITV, but the BBC really does engage in open warfare against us. Everything on there, that’s everything, and I mean EVERYTHING, is about politics, anti-white, anti-Brit, politics.

Regarding white people and their indifference, I believe it can be explained, and also changed around, but we have to get to them, somehow, with the truth, which is why I made the plea even to begin hand-delivering it to them if there is no other way - and can anybody think of any? Any turnaround will have to come from them, from the bottom up. We aren’t going to elect any friendly elites. We aren’t going to get help from judges or courts. We aren’t going to get friendly media reporting. We aren’t going to get any help at all, from anybody. Also, Jews won’t just give up the ghost - what else could they do? Admit their multi-millennial reign of destructive terror was a mistake? What they do is what they do. They’ve got us on the run. It’s not going to stop unless WE collectively do something to stop it.

For me, the issue with whites is our character combined with ignorance. Changing our innate character would be difficult, but we could overcome the ignorance, if we really tried hard enough. It’s a lethal combination (for us) - but only in combination. Either on their own would not necessarily be so. At the moment, our non-partisan universalist morality combined with staggering ignorance about why undesirable events are happening to us is the stumbling block. It’s a particular weakness we have, but that same weakness can be made into a strength, because in other circumstances, we have unbelievable determination to right perceived wrongs. Currently, whites (or sufficient numbers of them) are not perceiving any wrongs. If anything, we, us, angry whites, nationalists, patriots, are perceived, through systemic brainwashing from cradle to grave, as the wrong doers, not the true perpetrators of the wrong doing.

Whites, I believe, are quite prepared to see themselves die out or be replaced with alien stock, but only so long as they think that it is a natural event, something that’s just “meant to be”, unavoidable. Especially amongst our people, you see all sorts of nonsense spouted about “we’re all going to be coffee coloured in the future, that will be a good thing (for humans, overall)” and they think that’s fine, or at least acceptable enough not to want to do anything to prevent it, based on what they think is causing it to happen (and they do not see a cause, or at least one resembling reality.) It’s a flaw in our character that we can think like that and not desire to protect our own. It might even be a fatal flaw ...

But, and it’s a very big but, if we can get to them (and that is THE single most important thing we should focus on), to get them to believe that what is happening to us is not mere happenstance, but an orchestrated, deliberate campaign to obliterate us from the face of the earth - which we all know it is - they are just as likely to turn against the orchestrators, jutting out their jaw, uttering “they aren’t getting their way with me, over my dead body” - and when that point arrives, we will have effectively won the war.

So all our thoughts need to be towards educating the ignorant masses, not indulging the cognoscenti.

The majority of our people are literally clueless ... we’ve got to think of NEW ways to reach them, better than we are doing currently.

Once we can reach them, their instincts will kick in and that flaw in our character will become a strength.

What can we do to reach the masses better, overcoming all the huge obstacles we face ... that really is what it’s all about. That’s why this thread is so important. It’s not an abstract thing this.



Posted by Joe on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:12 | #

Two of my favorite Protestant Christian truth-tellers are Eustace Mullins—which I already linked to ; Very important information contained in Mullins’ work : And Jim R. Schwiesow :

One is left speech-less after reading Schwiesow. Even a curmudgeon such as myself, a curmudgeon who thrives on debate, lives for debate,  is left speech-less as I read Schwiesow.

Yes, my/our White Race—I include myself—have innate faults. It’s our innate faults which make so many whites sell-out to Zionists, for example. Nothing new about whites selling each other down the river : And it ain’t The-River-That-Flows-By-The-Thrown-Of-God, that’s for damn sure.

I greatly respect sincere Protestant Christians. They brought a great Light to America, and are the very foundation for America’s greatness in the very first place.  As a foreign-born American, I feel an indebtedness to sincere Protestant Christians.

The old-time, hard-line, Protestant Christian Ministers of the 19th century—especially the so-called “Know-Nothing” Protestant Ministers of the 1840’s knew EXACTLY what they were talking about. Everything they said has come to pass.

Nothing very good is going to accrue to the White Race until Holy Matrimony, Family, and Love-of-Children become Central Tenets in our ontology/metaphysics/eschatology.

Family is the foundation of a nation. Politics, while important, of course, is secondary.

There’s only so much one can do to get through to those who are clueless. Most of the ignorant choose and prefer to be ignorant. It’s much less taxing. One doesn’t have to examine oneself for one’s faults.

The internet has been around for 20 years now. While not everything one reads online is true, of course, there’s enough truth online for any discerning reader. Discernment is born of curiosity, and curiosity is born from gratitude, gratitude emanates from the heart.

True patriotism is gratitude for the great gifts we are given. True patriotism—which is founded on gratitude—is always discerning, as Gratitude demands Truth.

At this point in history, the best we can do right now is share Truth with one another. Whatever truth we find, wherever we find it ; However one can articulate it, whether through very intellectual source references, or through more down-to-earth sources. It doesn’t matter. What matters is the source reference contains Truth.

True Patriotism demands Truth.

I also greatly respect the sincere Protestant Christian Charles August Lindbergh : The Great Senator who stood opposed to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913.

It would behoove all white Americans to read his life story and what he had to endure—and later his whole family had to endure, what the Lindbergh family suffered—because the great and truly patriotic American Senator Lindbergh stood opposed to the Federal Reserve.


Posted by wibbly on Mon, 08 Apr 2013 03:38 | #


For me, the issue with whites is our character combined with ignorance. Changing our innate character would be difficult, but we could overcome the ignorance, if we really tried hard enough.

I think that is correct but there’s a barrier to overcoming the ignorance - trust. As long as the media and politicians are a *more* trusted source of information than we are then no amount of truth-telling from us will budge them.

So the first step in overcoming the ignorance is destroying trust in the media. In practical terms it only means a switch in emphasis i.e. don’t focus on contesting our information with their information but instead focus on undermining trust in them as a source, e.g.
1) the grooming
2) pointing out how much more airtime the BBC gave to paedophile priests compared with how little they gave to the grooming.


Posted by Englander on Thu, 04 Jul 2013 14:00 | #

I’ve recently become quite addicted to the Daily Telegraph website and I wanted to try and revive this thread and see what others think about the progress currently being made in the MSM.

First of all: I have no subscription to the DT and yet I have no trouble viewing the articles or the comments. Did they change their minds on the issue of subscription? What has changed?

I see the DT comments are, at the very least, around 90% pro-UKIP and anti-immigration. It seems that the opposition has all but abandoned the site. However, I do wonder how many of the commenters are ‘web activists’ (such as posters at this site) and how much public sentiment is represented by those taking the time to comment or click ‘recommend’. If the commited activists were to move on, would the discourse revert to a more left-liberal tone?

But regardless of that, I do think it’s extremely beneficial to have essentially conquered a mainstream news source in this way. It must surely have the power to influence people and those who have put in the work there should be commended for their efforts.

Where else is this war of discourse being fought?


Posted by Bill on Thu, 04 Jul 2013 18:09 | #

I check in regularly at the DT Threads out of sheer boredom, sad really, I should get a life.

This time of the year I suppose one could say is the political doldrums season, when nothing much is happening other than the annual summer bread and circus which is the Wimbledon tennis championships, in which I have no particular interest.

In recent weeks this nothingness has been reflected in the DT threads where there’s been no flailing on some juicy topic like immigration or the other staple, the BBC.

But wait!  This indeed was the case up until the past few days but then, out of the blue, several choice morsels were offered up to the soporific bloggertariat who, scenting blood, pounced tooth and claw on the raw meat offing.

Sometimes I wonder if the DT-PTB are having a quiet laugh when throwing the wolves some juicy tit-bit that will garner a 1000 comments in short order.  I’m sometimes lulled into a false sense of well being thinking the DT is on the (commenter’s) side only to be jolted back to reality with some rabid put down that leaves one in no doubt the DT is one of them.

Is the Internet (in this case the DT threads) making any progress in the grand scheme of things?  Well, I still don’t know or am not convinced, recent experiences suggest that most folk outside the Internet bubble are woefully ignorant or naive in the extreme as to what is being prepared for them.

The EDL are on the march again tomorrow in Birmingham, it is these activities which bring immigration into the public consciousness.

It is also interesting that Nigel Farage has commented on the BBC’s admitted bias.  Farage is playing it cagey, a bit too squeaky clean for me at this stage, it’s all for Farage to make capital and start swinging, if he doesn’t he will fail and be proved to be one of them.

The most interesting latest offer to me was the BBC admitting of liberal bias.  Does the BBC give a damn what we think?  Do they hell.  The BBC is more powerful than the government, in fact it is the government, they are even making us pay for the privilege of digging our own graves.  Someone made a comment about neoliberalism’s faith in the market, if that’s the case why don’t they insist the BBC try it.

Immigrants create overcrowding and fuel tensions, report finds

Bloated elite’ at BBC biased on immigration, says Nigel Farage

BBC pays £175,000 to discover it has a ‘liberal bias’ on immigration

BBC did not reflect public view on immigration because of ‘deep liberal bias’, says review

BBC did not reflect public view on immigration because of ‘deep liberal bias’, says review

Here’s an interesting blog over the channel.

A good perspective on the latest Marine Pen saga of pending arrest.


Posted by Morgoth on Sat, 03 Aug 2013 19:36 | #

I’m banned from the Telegraph again, I was using this IP mask

And somehow I’m now IP banned, or is it? I can’t get the icons to appear to create a new account it simply says

‘‘The site has blocked you from posting new comments.’‘

Any help would be appreciated, I have even uninstalled then reinstalled my IP blocker.

I have to admit it fucks me right off how the Tribe can get your account whacked so easily !


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 03 Aug 2013 23:35 | #

Morgoth - Ive had a few accounts blocked from posting new comments but no problem setting up a new one each time. So I dont think its an IP thing.

In fact Im blocked from the main site on some accounts, blocked from the blogs on others and some on both sites. So I could still use thew old accounts to a limited degree, I dont bother though.

You started following me today, cheers!


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 03:27 | #

And talking of thread wars…

A classic here Explaining the Rapid Rise of the Xenophobic Right in Contemporary Europe

Its a bit of a backwater I know but might be worth a go. The main opponent being this woman:

Asya Pereltsvaig

Name sounds Scandinavian, its not.


Posted by Bill on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 07:58 | #

Lurker @ 77

Thanks for that Lurker.

Your link to GeoCurrents is the most interesting piece Ive read here in ages.

Pity the author of the piece, a James Mayfield (seems an interesting character) will never restrict himself to one word when a dozen will do.  IOW’s, a bit of a windbag, you know the sort.

His article is interspersed with raised eyebrows and puzzled frown as he struggles to get to grips with the seemingly, (to him) inexplicable question as to why European whites of all stripes are politically gravitating to the xenophobic far right.

Funny thing is, he then goes on to expend all of his efforts laboriously explaining chapter and verse as to exactly why whites are a acting as they are.  But he then intermittently lapses by noting how surprised we all are at Europe’s swing rightwards.

He must be suffering from an acute bout of cognitive dissonance.

As he not heard of the lab rat experiments?


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 10:38 | #


I can only comment on the blogs, no news and no Comments but I mainly kick around on the Blogs anyway so I’ll live with it.

What you will notice is that if a piece has ‘‘Jews’‘, ‘‘Palestine’‘, ‘‘Holocaust’‘, ‘‘Israel’‘, ‘‘Anti Semitism’’ etc in the title the threads are carnage, this is because the article will hit the radar of various Jewish groups and all non Kosher comment will be reported to death.

I recently came across this interesting documentary by non other than the Telegraphs Peter Oborne, he’s investigating the Jewish lobby groups behind the conservative party.

Interestingly, the editor of the Guardian is interviewed and says the pressure brought to bare on the Guardian for its pro Palestine stance is unique, furthermore he says other editors have told him they stay well away from Jewish issues because its simply too much hassle.

Re Geo Currents, they had that well in hand. You can’t tell people they don’t exist and maintain the moral high ground, we see this over and over and over again. It must be starting to wear them down.


Posted by Morgoth on Sun, 04 Aug 2013 12:35 | #

This is an interesting little nugget on just how seriously Israel is taking the debates on Public websites and media:

Their aim is to ‘’

‘‘The National Union of Israeli Students [NUIS] also provides a
program of Hasbara that aims
at fighting “anti-Semitism and
“.delegitimizing the State of Israel
Each participant in this program
receives a grant of 2,000$ in
return to writing comments and
letters in social network sites for
five hours a week. The various
student] associations also stress the]
importance of marketing Israel in the
‘world. For example, the students
union in the University of Haifa published an ad. asking students to
market Israel “properly” even when they are on a trip abroad6
Perhaps the most prominent academic association in the field of
Hasbara is the Herzilya College which provides an annual program
for more than two hundred students from thirty countries. The
program includes lectures in media, economy and history in order
to “arm the students with the latest surveys and data and to teach
them how to present the Israeli narrative .”

And as I state above, when an article pops up with certain Jewish themes the little students link it out and make sure the ‘‘correct narrative’’ is expressed. And if that means killing accounts, getting comments closed or the removal of comments en masse, then so be it.


Posted by Lurker on Sat, 10 Aug 2013 22:37 | #

Here’s another live one:

Why can’t we talk about IQ?

It’s good because at the moment the deniers are still emboldened enough to comment but being made to look stupid gets old pretty quickly so they will either run and hide or their collective whining will get the article removed.


Posted by Morgoth on Wed, 21 Aug 2013 15:04 | #

The Telegraph has held a Q&A session with one its writers Tim Stanley, commentators and Twitterers were invited to post questions for Stanley to answer. I asked Stanley his views on the demographic crisis facing the White British, my comment went on to become the most popular {best rated} on the article with, so far, 100 recommends. Stanley blatantly ignored it but came onto the thread to chat about his Hair, Catholics and Republican economic policies.

When a mainstream media outlet asks its readers to pose questions and then the most popular question is ducked it makes them look ridiculous, and the Telegraph MUST realize this. A few years ago the question was whether or not we could get away with shoving the dissolution of whites into the faces of the establishment, now the establishment simply can’t get away from it, the question now is how much longer they can carry on with this bunker style mentality and mental block.

I’d give it about a year…


Posted by Lurker on Sun, 22 Sep 2013 03:50 | #

Jim Bowery has made some comments here:


Posted by Dude - Golden Dawn Made A Criminal Organization on Sat, 28 Sep 2013 16:54 | #

Only the Independent seems to allow comments on this


Posted by Trainspotter on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 07:26 | #

Those of us languishing across the pond are desperate for our European cousins to address the issue of the system crackdown on Golden Dawn.  Big happenings are afoot and, I suspect, big consequences.  Would be great to hear observations from those closer to ground zero.


Posted by Dude @ Trainspotter on Sun, 29 Sep 2013 22:49 | #

The man who wrote this article is on FB Trainspotter, link up. Not too many Europeans speak Greek anymore (new or old), so we have to wait for them to outline for us what’s happening. Their ‘criminal conspiracy’ law for political parties, while not as severe as I had originally believed (i.e. not a full RICO law) is still unpleasant and illogical:

The Greek Constitution does not allow for the banning of a political party but we have a clause in our Penal Code that [says] that when more than 3 percent [of its members] are committing an organized crime, they are considered to be a criminal organization. So, even if the prosecution finds that the members of the Golden Dawn have committed crimes, that does not mean that the party itself is going to be outlawed.  But members of the party who have acted as criminals are going to be punished.


Posted by Thorn on Tue, 01 Oct 2013 12:13 | #

Trainspotter et al.

From The All Too Predictable Dept

Guess who is meddling in in Greece’s affairs?

Yup, you guessed it.

It’s YKW.

Chutzpah abounds!

Here’s three articles on the subject:

Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Venizelos meets with American Jewish organizations (New York, 25 September 2013)

Greek PM vows to eradicate far-right Golden Dawn

“Anti-Racism LAWS the plan now in Greece





Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 02 Oct 2013 05:42 | #

It’s just what Jews do in Greece:

... as everywhere:

I find it difficult to obtain a clear understanding of the present situation with GD.  Electorally, the murder of the anti-racist rapper has hit support and emboldened the political Establishment to pursue the Belgian option.  But whether that means the death of GD or not, the fundamental difficulty remains that a large majority of Greeks are sticking with the Establishment and, despite everything, want Greece to remain in the euro.

If, with a third bailout on the horizon, they can’t understand the cause of their own difficulties - monetary union with the north, particularly Germany - and don’t have the independence of spirit to support a default and the return of financial sovereignty, what chance is there that they will heed GD’s undeniably fascistic message?  The truth is that they are clinging to the illusion of a Germanic prosperity, and they can’t accept that the reality of Greek poverty is all that is really available to them.  Either they grasp it as proud Greeks with at least the chance to build their economy again, or they have it rammed down their throats by Frau Merkel. GD understands this, but most Greeks don’t want to know.


Posted by Leon Haller on Wed, 02 Oct 2013 10:10 | #


Of course, all Occidentalists support GD, as well as oppose NWO efforts to silence rightists anywhere. I myself am angered, and wish the Greek nationalists the best.

That said, you are correct in your observation, but did not mention WHY the majority of Greeks is sticking with the Establishment, EU and euro. I doubt the reason is that the (less racially brainwashed) Greek common man really wants masses of Africans and Arabs shoved in his face.

Follow the money. Look at the percentage of Greeks in the public sector. Why do so few nationalists draw the correct conclusion? Social democracy in all its forms is the enemy of white civilization. It makes men dependent and weak. The same pattern replicates itself across the West. Give even a true white man the choice between Golden Dawn and the gutless Establishment - between a proud poverty and his public union pension check - and most go for the latter. Human nature, evolved to be self-interested, or tainted by Original Sin, it amounts to the same result.

The West was MUCH racially stronger when it was also much more capitalist (ie, individually and small-community self-reliant). Dr. Lister and other ethnocommunitarian social democrats are chasing will-o-the-wisps in thinking even the moderate nationalism of Enoch Powell or Pat Buchanan can be combined with state healthcare and public housing.


Posted by Bill on Sat, 05 Oct 2013 11:38 | #

I cannot but help notice the growing traction of the ‘J’ word, it’s everywhere, even the DT journos have entered the fray.  There doesn’t appear to be any attempt by the press to block this build up of traction.  What does this mean?  Why no vitriol suppression?

It will be interesting to see if this trend continues, but I suspect it has already gained sufficient self momentum to remain solidly in future mainstream blogging discourse.

I’ve recently been eye-balling the British Resistance website, quite an eye opener for me there.

Talking of mainstream discourse, I think it is now fully established that judging by the DT threads anything goes, the the moat and the drawbridge have fallen to the onslaught of the DT blogger.

This state of affairs has taken the best part of a decade to come about, and there’s no going back.  Is it a canny game the DT is playing or are they at a complete loss (with the exception of pulling the plug) as to how to counter this relentless pressure?

Now for the not so good news, this breakthrough in the DT blogosphere is not reflected into translating itself down to street level, it’s the same old story.

The mainstream masses still haven’t a clue as to what’s going down.

The MSM still remains very much in the driving seat in directing mass public opinion, already they are are/have set the parameters of discussion for the next election, with the party political conference season now over media strategy is firmly set.

Needless to say, the bidding war of bribes to the electorate has started, it’s the economy stoopid! (as always,) which will triumph over all else.

Immigration?  Will UKIP seriously attempt to force the issue?  Any optimism surrounding Nigel Farage and UKIP has evaporated faster than it appeared in my book. 

Relentless, incessant, red team-blue team discourse, 24/7, is still the media’s preferred option.  Why change a perennial successful formula?  Needless to say, any political interest outside of these environs is omitted without trace.

To sum up, there’s cause for optimism, but time is running out.

For how much longer can this scam of scams continue?


Posted by uKn_Leo on Mon, 18 Aug 2014 23:57 | #


there’s no going back

Gain complete control of moderation then flood the boards with JIDF personnel.

Dan, an updated Thread Wars thread (3?) would be timely and much appreciated if you get a moment to start one.

Thanks pal.


Posted by DanielS on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 02:13 | #

Posted by uKn_Leo on August 18, 2014, 06:57 PM | #


  there’s no going back

Gain complete control of moderation then flood the boards with JIDF personnel.

Dan, an updated Thread Wars thread (3?) would be timely and much appreciated if you get a moment to start one.

Thanks pal.


Why and how would an updated “Thread Wars” thread be timely?

I suppose it is because many English associates of MR are devoting themselves on that front?

If so, would enough commentators find it useful to huddle on a new Thread Wars thread which read simply:

“Thread Wars 3: MR taking it to the threads, stepping-it-up and strategies for bringing nativist nationalism to public acceptance”

Is there an image that you’d like to go along with it? Are there salient comments from the DT that you would like to feature? In making such a post, should we be wary of blowing cover, giving clues inadvertently to moderators or others looking to block and disrupt the activity of nativist commentators? 

Please advise buddy, thanks.



“WASHINGTON: The former employee at US National Security Agency (NSA), Edward Snowden, has revealed that the British and American intelligence and the Mossad worked together to create the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS).

Snowden said intelligence services of three countries created a terrorist organisation that is able to attract all extremists of the world to one place, using a strategy called ’the hornet’s nest’.

NSA documents refer to recent implementation of the hornet’s nest to protect the Zionist entity by creating religious and Islamic slogans.

According to documents released by Snowden, “The only solution for the protection of the Jewish state “is to create an enemy near its borders”.

Leaks revealed that ISIS leader and cleric Abu Bakr Al Baghdadi took intensive military training for a whole year in the hands of Mossad, besides courses in theology and the art of speech”..


Posted by Mick Lately on Tue, 19 Aug 2014 10:19 | #

It might seem like weak meat to WNs and MR readers but there are a fair few heartening comments on this Guardian thread:

It’s no longer only Christians who shape UK foreign policy

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Of Note


Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 22:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 21:24. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 20:07. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 19:29. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 16:13. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 15:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 14:32. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 13:57. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 12:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 11:36. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Thu, 27 Mar 2025 00:42. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:52. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 21:38. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Wed, 26 Mar 2025 10:56. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 13:46. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:09. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:04. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 11:50. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)
