Rhetorical tools like “The Runnymede Trials”
This comment appeared today on the thread to a Daily Telegraph leader pushing the usual Tory line on immigration. It was posted by theft_act1968. It is one of three comments this poster has fashioned touching on the same subject. He appears to be posting these comments serially. I have no idea if he is alone in using the terms “The Runnymede Trials” and “The Runnymede Tribunal”, but I like them. They are good word-tools full of stout optimism and moral certainty. I think they could prove useful in roping in anti-Blair types to racial thinking. One of the other two comments is this, incidentally:
“Theft_act1968” is averaging ten recommends a comment, which is pretty good. I am going to start using the Runnymede references too. We’ll see how far this meme can be spread. As the victims of the very successful Jewish/leftist seizure of the terms of racial debate all across the West, it behoves us to have some respect for this form of warfare. Rhetorical tools come in two forms: those that condition the moral tenor (“racist”, “anti-Semite”, etc) and those that stipulate how to understand the world (“diversity is our strength”, “British-Asians”). Nullifying this toxic language requires more than a selective dismissal of the most commonly used terms. We have to put something in their place that speaks of our worldview, and we have to keep hammering it home. Speaking of which ... Bob Whittaker’s mantra, “Anti-racism is anti-white racism”, has been around long-enough for us to assess its effectiveness. The term “anti-white racist” was used prior to it, of course. But the left on both sides of the pond has heard it. As one would expect, it is dismissive. But its capacity to apply the “racist” term does seem to have been restricted. There has been a blow struck. The left has also caught on that we are speaking increasingly of a white genocide, and again it is dismissive (for reasons we all understand). The term “race-replacement”, however, is more difficult to reject because of the clear statistical evidence in the public domain. As far as I am concerned, the author of this rhetorical tool was our friend Fred Scrooby. I am only aware of Frank Salter using the term before Fred did, and then not in a rhetorical sense. If MR achieves nothing else, at least we have, through Fred, launched into the world one valuable word-tool. I think we are missing several tricks in fashioning such word-tools, principally through our intellectually incoherent and casual approach. We need to think much more systematically about how we were out-manoeuvred in the past and about the positives of our worldview. We need to return to the two forms of moral and perceptual tools and work out more precisely what we need to effect a mechanical shift in the way our people think - if we possibly can, given the very tenuous hold we have on public discourse. Of course, tenuous hold notwithstanding, we are working with the grain. It is easier for us to achieve results than it was for our foes. Comments:2
Posted by ukn_leo on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 10:50 | #
GW Come off it GW, no need for modesty. Mohammed_Piggott (lol) would agree that you have single-handedly changed the nature of discourse amongst entire swathes of middle England via the Telegraph comments section. Evidence .(JavaScript must be enabled to view this email address). A comments section which is soon to disappear behind a paywall apparently. I for one refuse to pay even one penny to allow mainstream media into my home, so my days of following the exploits of the Piggotts and their entourage are done. Nevertheless, it has been a privilege to witness the battle as it raged. Yet the war continues. As we all know, deep down, it will take nothing less than extreme violence on a grand scale to achieve final victory. Our elite overlords will do anything to maintain their grip on power. We must react likewise. Just ask our friend Hymie in Afula, he knows the score. What it will take to prevail: Hymie in Afula says :January 11, 2013 at 4:02 am One thing is clear. Race is real; and you are the losers. In 300 years, your descendants will all be Ebonics-speaking mulattos. Mine will still be running bureacracies IN HEBREW, in Jerusalem. http://antizionistleague.com/2012/12/22/let-all-the-poisons-that-lurk-in-the-mud-hatch-out/ (Thanks for that one Hymster, very decent of you old chap. Keep them coming, your quotes are being read by more folk than you intended. Nice one!). Whilst 500 million white Europeans or thereabouts still walk the earth, do you think you may have declared victory a little prematurely? Chutzpah and all that. In my country we have a saying Hymie. ‘He who laughs last, laughs longest’. Some investment advice for you and your disgusting, hate-filled, inhuman money-worshipping brethren Hymster. Rope. And lamposts (heavy spike in demand predicted - near future). Pricks.
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 11:42 | # Sadly its true. The Daily Telegraph seems to have decided to turn itself into a an internet backwater cowering behind a paywall in the style of The Times. No readers, thus no comments, thus no further relevance. I commented on that earlier at the DT myself. Sorry, the links in the comment wont carry across:
Posted by Guessedworker on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 13:39 | # Lurker, There is this:
I don’t know how that will work. Just clear out your cookies or use another browser or another PC and you’ve sixty free articles or eighty, or ... Maybe, we’ll see. You are, though, right that the utility of the site will be lost with the readers disaffection. Better The Daily Mail or The Sun than nothing, I suppose. Oh ... not The Sun, apparently: http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2013/mar/26/the-sun-the-telegraph-online-paywall 5
Posted by ukn_leo on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 13:44 | # Well Lurks, I won’t be paying for the privilege of being lied to relentlessly and treated as a fool by the DT’s establishment lickspittles, arse-coverers and apologists. I never read the articles anyway, just skip to the comments to laugh as the readership rip the article and its mis-truths to shreds and talk amongst themselves. The Daily Fail isn’t an option so perhaps a new alternative will spring up. Possibly even one that allows free speech amongst the commentators. Maybe, maybe, it’s time for MR to go big, hehe! Editor in chief - Lurker! Hang on - why not do a more regular - current news feature - with space for comment on MR? Just a thought, I know it’s a big ask. New regs coming in (maybe) via Leveson to stamp on internet free speech anyway so might be too late. On the English Gateway members can copy and paste news stories (from theMSM or wherever) as they happen and dissect the spin, propaganda and lies - and it really is good fun - something similar (high-brow, broadsheet version, of course!) for MR?. Hymie in Afula - International Correspondent 6
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 14:02 | # Whatever happened to “Hymie in Afula”, Israel anyhow? Hymie shot off a couple off-topic posts to the article “Authentic Christianity” thread of commentary, then disappeared on us. I was looking forward to debating him—Hymie ran away from true straight-forward honest debate. He was in the throes of passion for his immigrant- guest-worker “Asian hottie”, yet he found the time while banging & screwing her to send off 2 off-topic comments to distract the readers from the following Search Terms : ” Hitler Was A Jew Himself “ ” Kissinger + Israel Only Has 10 Years Left “ ” Nazism + Zionism + Menachem Begin “ ” Hitler’s Jewish Soldiers “ ” Hitler’s Jewish Army” ” Hitler’s Muslim Legions” ” Albert Pike 3 World Wars Planned ” Maybe Hymie in Israel was drafted into the IDF and sent into Gaza to shoot down Palestinian children—favorite past-time of Israel’s “vaunted” & “acclaimed” military—Though the Israelis ran away like chicken-shits when they invaded Lebanon and the Hezbollah was waiting for Hymie. All the billions Uncle Sam gives Hymie-land, and for all of Hymie’s state-of-the-art weaponry and equipment, the Hymies ran like chicken-shits when faced with the Hezbollah who only had old, out-dated rifles and a few hand-grenades. Maybe the “Asian hottie” immigrant-guest-worker left Hymie in Afula for a real mishpuka in Tel Aviv? “Mishpuka” is yiddish for “gangster boss”. Did I spell “mishpuka” correctly, Hymie in Afula? Hymie in Afula being a wanna-be ; he’s a half-ass mishpuka : Less than half-ass really, as Hymie is even afraid of straight-forward, honest debate : Hymie is afraid of true debate based on sharing factual information, let alone being a tough mishpuka boss. Facts & Truth being inherently “anti-semitic”...... boo hoo hoo…... Maybe when Hymie stops his banging his “Asian hottie”—at least to take a little break and get some fresh air—then orders his ” guest-worker” into the kitchen to cook up some matzoh-ball won-ton soup so Hymie can eat and regain his energy [ so he’ll have the energy and vitality to go back to banging his “immigrant worker” 24/7 ], Hymie in Afula will have the time to shoot off some more off-topic comments to MR as a means to distract the readers from The Truth—while Hymie’s “guest worker” is busy in the kitchen. I’m waiting for you Hymie in Afula. I want to debate you, preferably in a straight-forward manner : Straight-forward, honest debate based on sharing facts seems to scare Hymie off for some reason. I can only speculate as to why ......
Posted by jrackell on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 14:38 | # The attack on whites in the US seems to have taken a turn away from smearing them with gauche racism charges to attacking whites for their “privilege.” Speaking of which, Matt Parrott had a great line here:
I find it ‘mantra-worthy’. Even when one is half-awake one can find oneself slipping back into self-hating somnolence after being exposed to five minutes of CNN. This phrase is like an instant wake up. 8
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 14:44 | # Maybe Hymie in Afula, Israel can’t shoot off any comments to us right now because the Mossad is currently having some technical difficulties : ” ‘Anonymous’ Hacks Mossad Website, Gains Access To Data Of 30,000 Spies” : http://presstv.ir/detail/2013/03/26/295313/mossad-website-hacked-anonymous/ 9
Posted by ukn_leo on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 14:45 | # Don’t worry Joe, he’s out there. Watching. Waiting. He can be ok. He has led an interesting life. He’s a rocket scientist. Worldly wise. Would be good fun to hang out with to an extent. There’s just something…I’m not sure. Like. Hmmmm. You just wouldn’t want to turn your back on him, you know?. Because the moment you did he would stab you in it then kick you in the nuts as you hit the deck. You know the kind of person I mean Joe. Look away for a second and you’ll find he’s emptied your wallet, cleaned out your bank account, sold your house and run off with your wife. That kind of guy. A poor mans Goldman Sachs exec. Can’t think where he gets that from. Well, I say I can’t think. I have my suspicions but I can’t really voice them because that would be, you know. Anti-semitic hate speech or something. And we can’t be having that now Joe, can we.
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 16:18 | # @ ukn_leo Yes, Hymie is out there—he’s out there like a snake in the grass. That I don’t doubt for a second. To give Hymie in Afula, Israel some credit—at least he’s honest about his hymie sense of supremacism. Many other hymies pretend to be something they’re not, as a means to infiltrate from within - kinda like Maritain, for example. Montini [ pope paul vi ] being the epitome of jew serpentine behavior. The donmeh jews involved in the Muslim Brotherhood being another example ; I won’t mention all the examples, as I would have to write volumes of encyclopedias to truly explain and detail this snake-like phenomena. In these days of “political correctness” [ see my post about the jew communist French Revolution and the ontological origins of “political correctness”] we don’t call hymie a ” Habiru-Sagiz” [ Desert Cut-Throat] anymore, we call hymie a “shape-shifter” in these days of David Icke type “political correctness”. To learn more about Hymie in Afula, Israel : Learn more about Hymie and his Habiru-Sagiz tribe : ” Eustace Mullins + New History of the Jews pdf “ Mullins—being pre-David Icke—uses the term “Habiru-Sagiz” un-abashedly. Mullins is without a doubt one of America’s most honest and truly patriotic American historians. I know better not to turn my back on Hymie—I grew up in New York City. Yes, Hymie in Afula is a rocket scientist and I’m James Bond, writing this post from my yacht complete with helicopters, ICBM long-range missiles, an olympic-sized swimming pool & plenty of hot-tubs for all of my admiring babes, and I’m currently anchored off a Tahitian beach surrounded by native hula girls, as well as blondes, red-heads, and brunettes from various international hot-spots. Did I spell “habiru-sagiz” correctly, Hymie in Afula, Israel? 11
Posted by Dude on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 16:38 | # According to a small piece in Private Eye (yes, I know - I had a train to catch and little in the way of choice) Marshall MacLennan, head of TMG, has looked to copy his ex-employer DMGT’s business model. But this saw a dramatic decline in DT’s circulation. So now he wants to push the online aspect, similar to the Mail Online but how this can happen when they lose 90% of their traffic remains to be seen. Perhaps the rationed allowance is to hedge their bets. It can’t be too long before the twins from Brecqhou have had enough. Considering the majority of newspaper fluff comes from the shady main news press agencies, it surely would not be too hard to produce an online weekly news alternative before, perhaps, going further. http://www.pressgazette.co.uk/telegraph-merge-sunday-and-daily-papers-loss-80-print-jobs 12
Posted by Lurker on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:07 | # I did pull the 95% reader loss out of thin air but its not an unreasonable figure I suspect. The Huffington Post has a big readership and they arent charging anything, who is funding that, do they make money, does anyone know? 13
Posted by Dude on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:50 | # If you type business model and Huffington Post into Google Lurker there are a few articles. It seems most of the income is from paid advertising online which is attracted by dramatic page views and the encouraging of randoms to get involved and blog and/or comment. “Huffington Post had revenue of about $30 million last year (2011) and has been aiming to triple that to $100 million in 2012” 14
Posted by Joe on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 17:59 | # George Soros finances the Huffington Post via his ” Open Society Institue”. http://earstohear.net/soros.html Turns out the Jewish Soros’ wealth came from his family stealing from German /European Jews during WW2. The Soros family were yet more Jewish Nazis in the Third Reich Party/Military. It’s so disgusting on all kinds of levels—on all levels really, whatever one’s background. http://commieblaster.com/georger-soros-fund/ What do you think of your fellow hymie Soros creating his financial empire on the backs of your fellow Jews thrown into the IG Farben work camps, Hymie in Afula? Search Term : ” George Soros Funds The Huffington Post ” Good search term that brings up alot of info/websites about the Nazi/Zionist/Communist Jew Soros. 15
Posted by perry on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 23:14 | # Is that the same Joe who keeps trying and failing to get his dissimulating posts accepted over at the Age Of Treason blog “explaining” how National Socialist Germany was really a jewish creation (blah blah blah)? 16
Posted by Joe on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 00:31 | # @ perry Yes, it’s the same “Joe” : The same exact “Joe” Taanstafl —webmaster at Age of Treason—doesn’t have any patience for because I mention the large number of Jews in the Nazi Party, and how the Jew-owned/Jew-financed IG Farben cartel put Shitler into power in the Very First Place, etc. See all my posts about the Jew/Nazi Third Reich here MR—all my posts include solid, factual reference sources [ except some posts here and there where I rightfully bash the zionist Hymie in Afula ].
http://www.profit-over-life.org/ Where one can read the 1945 US War Dept Report about IG Farben/Third Reich, and learn alot more solid facts concerning the true nature of Hitler and the Third Reich. Perhaps you may not be aware of the very large number of Islamic jihadists Shitler had in his “aryan” Third Reich military ?—Many people aready know about the large number of Jews in the Nazi Party : Thanks to a degree to all my truthful posts backed up with solid reference sources . Still, many people don’‘t know about the large number of Islamic jihadists in Shitler’s military, and the role of donmeh Jews in creating/financing/and controlling the Muslim Brotherhood and Al-Queda, and sundry other Islamic jihadist groups. Did I spell “Al-Queda” correctly, Hymie in Afula? ” Hitler’s Muslim Legions” ” Hitler + Islam + Jihad” The Islamic/jihadist dynamic of Nazism will be the focus of my up-coming posts I will be shooting off to MR soon enough. Keep checking in with MR for my up-comimg posts about the nexus point of Nazism/Aryanism/Zionism/ NWO Communism the NWO gang has planned for us. I don’t think they’re going to succeed. Subject of a future post from “Joe”— Tanstaafl’s “nemesis”. If you got any more questions concerning ( blah, blah, blah), let me know, perry. If you can deal with the cognitive dissonance it causes in your psyche, however Zonist-Jewish and/or however white “aryan” Nazi WN’er your psyche may be. I can only speculate, but it’s hardly worth the time. It doesn’t really matter anyhow, as both the Zionist narrative of Nazi Germany and the WN Aryan narrative of Nazi Germany have so much in common ; It’s the same exact narrative really, except the WN’ers and the Jews argue about the #‘s involved in “the holocaust”. Neither group wants to discuss the huge role Jews played in creating and building the Third Reich in the Very First Place. Tanstaafl avoids the root issue. 17
Posted by Momus on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 13:57 | # Joe said “all my posts include solid, factual reference sources.” What in the same way as conspiracy bampots have links to other conspiracy crackpots thus merely and endlessly recycling the same old crap in their preferred online echo-chamber/conceptual ghettos? First of all just because a lot of people repeat the same basic message, in slightly different forms (inevitable I suppose that a form of linguistic ‘random genetic drift’ or Chinese whispers will produce a range of, mostly marginally, different recapitulations of the same narrative – I will not use the term hypothesis in this context) doesn’t mean the thought or idea under consideration is robust as the ‘independent’ lines of ‘evidence’ for such are not really independent. Secondly, we all have biases, but in recognising those biases (such as confirmation bias or selection bias with regard to evidential matters) we can start to correct them. Of course dishonest ideologues want to unfairly sieve the ‘evidence’ in an asymmetrical manner – everything that goes in favour of their preferred narrative is amplified to the maximum and anything that goes against their interpretation is stuffed down the ‘memory hole’ never to be spoken of again. But this is a dreadfully inadequate model of how to find the truth out about anything. Thirdly, if someone doesn’t know or respect the rules of genuine intellectual enquiry, such as judgemental rationality when evaluating putative evidence or conceptual coherence etc., with respect to a hypothesis under consideration then they are self-evidently excluded from consideration as a conversational partner. It is an enormous waste of time and effort to seriously engage with such persons. After all one does not persuade, and one generally cannot, the nutter in the pub out of his irrational and bizarre views with sound reasoning and contrary evidence (as he will axiomatically never accept any such reasoning or evidence as valid). One does not argue the irrational and intellectually dishonest and/or delusional person out of their state of being by rational and intellectually honest means (as such methods are for whatever psychological, emotional, cognitive etc., reason quite beyond the said person). Probably the best one can do is systematically humiliate them into silence (but even then it’s only a temporary silence sadly). So Joe yes everyone reading ‘gets’ what you’re saying. They can all come to their own conclusions as to how ‘robust’ it is but really repeating it a million times isn’t actually necessary – it’s not like you’re developing your basic ideas or capable of genuine modifications to them in the light of robust criticisms – so please change the record; it’s fucking tediously boring. We ‘get’ it. ‘Real’ Catholicism (whatever that means) equals the ‘essence’ of the West. Freemasons, Protestants, Islam etc., are part of a ongoing conspiracy orchestrated by you know who, one result of which was remarkably both Nazism and Soviet Communism. And so fucking what? Thanks for all enlightening us to the ‘secret’ of history as such now what on Earth is that ‘knowledge’ actually meant to do in the real world? How as such should people politically act upon it if they think its true? Answers on the back of stamp if anyone can actually manage to fill that vast volume of space in relation to the exiguous meta-political content of Joe’s ‘thought’. @GW sorry for going ‘off-topic’ but it does seem that others have done so before my comments. 18
Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 15:57 | # I’ve been well and truly banned from the Telegraph, made a new account but when I sign in and refresh I’m still banned. If the Piggots or anyone else has any tips I’d be glad to hear it, but its looking like game over. 19
Posted by ukn_leo on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:33 | # Morgoth, try this thread for tips: These temporary (minutes) e-mail accounts may be of use too: 20
Posted by ukn_leo on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:39 | # Retry with links. http://majorityrights.com/weblog/comments/some_tips_for_thread_wariors (Thread from MR October 2012) 10 Minute E-Mail accounts. 21
Posted by Gregor on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:53 | # GW, I hate to seem like I’m quibbling, but ... ” Bob Whittaker’s mantra, “Anti-racism is anti-white racism”...” is NOT what Whitaker says and is also NOT the Mantra. The correct one-liner is “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white”. This has a very different meaning and effect than the way you worded/distorted it. We at BUGS have worked this over in seminar for years. Please don’t mis-state it. Also, The Mantra is much more than the final line, the line “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white”. Aside from the above, your isolation of two general prongs of attack in the word war, 1. Retaking the moral high ground, and 2. Imposing the terminology of OUR vision of how the world will “be”, is excellent. Thank you! 22
Posted by Morgoth on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 16:55 | # Right, cheers, I see there is a few options open to me, even with an IP ban. Though I’m not much of a techno geek and this could take a while. 23
Posted by Joe on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 19:32 | # @ Momus You ask , ” ....What on Earth is that ‘Knowledge’ actually meant to do in the real world ...?” Knowledge in the real world protects us from those who wish to lead us astray; From those who wish to use us as tools and pawns to gain their own personal goals : Their goals are not in our best interests, especially those who present to us history distorted, and abridged of many important facts ; History based on lies,both lies of commission and lies of omission, fairy tales, and dream-like opinions. The more truthful information for all of us, the better. I don’t know how one can be so disdainful of knowledge. It doesn’t make sense. The more knowledge one has, the less chance of being led astray, the better chance to have a good life, to be unencumbered and free from other people’s agendas—many agendas meant to lead us to ruin for the personal benefits of all the liars and all the Janus-faced pied-pipers. Savitri Devi being an example of a Janus-faced pied-piper. Like so many others, she presents her “dream” as true history, as she weaves her tale of history abridged of the most important facts. The more knowledge one has, the less chance of being led astray. The more knowledge for everyone, the better. If you don’t care for more knowledge/more facts, just surf by my posts. I’m not putting a gun to your head, or anyone’s head, to force anyone to think like I do. I state my opinions and I cite my reference sources at the same time, so the readers can come to their own individual decisions and opinions. I never said, nor ever implied, the readers, or any one reader, must share my viewpoint(s). 24
Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 23:01 | # Gregor, Guilty as charged. Sorry about that. However, I do like to keep things short and sharp if they are to be repeated in fora populated by intelligent folk. I have criticised your guys’ tendency to copy and paste endlessly. It only works if the message is short. People just won’t read longer re-runs plastered across the threads. They resent them, in fact. Long comments need to be entertaining or well thought through, or they don’t pull the recommends. By way of the superior function of short messages, watch this thread in which a new poster named PhilShoe, no doubt a close relative of the banned WillShoe and BillShoe, got in first (also always a virtue) with a swift two-liner: I predict a three-figure recommend total, and a lot of readers hearing the message that UKIP must not be deserted electorally just because the Tories are making agreeable noises. Morgoth, Nice to see you here. My compliments on your work. 25
Posted by Dude @ Morgoth on Thu, 28 Mar 2013 23:27 | # Morgoth, just familiarise yourself with Tor (works with other browsers too) or look into this Then you just need to change your email. Gmail allows free forwarding to a legit email from a sock-puppet one. Remember to log-in occasionally to keep it live, if required longer term. I rarely bother reading through hundreds of comments these days on DT - or in fact commenting too much either - just follow the more interesting people. Are there insightful people not mentioned here who I am missing? 26
Posted by Gregor on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 00:10 | #
GW, I agree that long stuff doesn’t catch reader interest. The copy-paste technique is just a time saver, and now that there are literally hundreds of what we call “minis”, each tuned to a particular anti-white talking point, it’s not always the same thing. But please keep in mind that we are not making these points to be erudite, entertaining, or even to convince or change the mental disorder anti-whites suffer. No, we ARE THERE to endlessly repeat our basic message of White Genocide, and the phrase “anti-White”. Repetition drives people nuts, and no matter how “boring” it is, they never forget the implanted meme-phrases. The more they try to object, they more THEY repeat and spread our talking points. Exactly what we want! So, “boring” and “repetitive ” are a strategic fail only if the end goal is to be erudite, convincing and entertaining. Those aren’t our goals. Our goal is to spread the memes, and if that means boring people to death with repetition, and a significant number of people understand thereby that Whites are in an ongoing genocidal situation ... then it’s a success. We are winning! 27
Posted by Doctorsyn on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 00:23 | # The demise of the telegraph is unhappy news, the debate was really moving our way on there and was widely read. I’ve no problem paying the subscription but as I get banned fairly frequently it wouldn’t last for long. What’s left? Debate is impossible on the Mail, the Guardian has very low traffic. Any suggestions as to where we can make a difference? 28
Posted by Dude @ Doctorsyn on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 00:35 | # Doctorsyn IMO the best place to direct attention right now is towards those being stampeded towards UKIP due to their legitimisation by the MSM. Make them see further than the ‘I’m not racist, but we’re full’ make them feel it’s more organic than that, push them up gently along on the next logical steps. 29
Posted by Gregor on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 00:56 | # Commenter “Frank” over at Whitaker’s site amplified the point of today’s coaching session:
If anyone who is engaged in the word war aspects of our struggle thinks the point of “commenting” in any stream is anything OTHER THAN pointing out that A CRIME IS BEING COMMITTED, ie. White Genocide, they are just looking at their reflection in Narcissus’ pool. This is war. It’s not about erudition. It’s not about concept creation. It’s not about cutting a fine figure in public. It’s not about winning an argument. It’s not about debating which race is superior. It’s not about what the words in dusty old documents mean. No. YOUR MISSION IS TO POINT OUT THAT A CRIME IS BEING COMMITTED! 30
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 04:03 | # To those who think I’m proselytising for Catholicism—I am not proselytising for Catholicism. I just want to drive the point home that the White Race was once United when Europe was Catholic. Now, as our White Race is stuck between war-mongering Judaism and war-mongering Islam, we need to be United under One Banner. It’s very important as we’re going to be [ looks very possible] going up against both war-mongering Jews—and their minions, which includes millions of third worlders here in the States , including most black Americans]. The few blacks who mean us no harm will be killed down by their own kind. It happened in the late 60’s during the racial riots. The black panthers also killed many blacks along with whites. The black panthers killed many blacks who owned small mom-and-pop stores and had no animosity for whites. Long story. I don’t want to digress too much. I have no animosity for non-Christian whites who are hindus or buddhists or pantheists. It’s just that their religions are enough to unite us as a Race. Christianity is the only banner we have to fight under—to fly. We have no other banner. To those whites who don’t want to be Christians—I have no problem with that. I think, however, it makes sense to at least show respect for Christianity as Christianity is what Created and United Western Europe - and by inference the West - in the Very First Place. We have no other banner. And, we don’t have the time to find another banner to Unite behind. There are those Christians around—both Protestant Christian and Catholic, such as myself, who are NOT zionists and NOT namby-pamby leftist/liberals. And we care not for Judaism and its’ talmud/kaballah and Noahide laws , nor Islam with its’ Sharia law. There are some things from Nazism/Aryanism I like & respect, but there’s not enough in Aryanism/Nazism to unite us as a Race. As it is, my posts—my opinions—all backed up with source references [ doesn’t mean my source references are the absolute truth - I mention them so everyone knows how I came to my opinions. I thought that was what debate is all about ]. It’s up to every individual to decide if my source references are solid or not. I’m not forcing anyone to think as I do : I never said that, I never implied that. My personal opinion(s) are not the important thing : The important thing is the source references. My source references [ and even my opinions ] brings No harm to the White Race whatsoever, or to any individual reader. One learns even from source references one doesn’t agree with, it makes one think all that more, and compels one to go out and find proof to refute the reference. It compels one to go searching for truth, whether one agrees with the reference or not. Opinions without source references are useless.
Posted by ukn_leo on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 07:33 | # Lurker, can you please add me to the Telegraph hit squad. My name there is heremodangelcynn - I haven’t had chance to do much there, been incredibly busy since the new year, but I have tried my best (i just got my 1st deletion. Twas like birthday and christmas all rolled into one). This was my last effort - 366 recommends, 3rd on the list if you switch to best rating. ...... heremodangelcynn Born in England, and loyal to it’s populace? Two very different things. As you well know. I wonder if there may be some kind of link between Ralph Milibands hate filled comments regarding English nationalist sentiment in the 1940’s, and the New Labour race-replacement policies that his sons have been an integral part of post 1997?. The final solution to the English problem was found. ...... I didn’t know you could follow others on Disqus. Will look into it. The tidal wave of thruthful thought and opinion has overwhelmed them I believe. They would have to moderate/delete a huge % of the comments that they receive now. So I guess retreating behind a pay wall is their only real option. Tactically a good move. Problem solved, except all those free thinkers will be unleashed elsewhere to wreak havoc. You guys are too modest so I will say it for you. That was one battle won in the war. Enemy routed, and in full retreat. Milibands sideways move from elite position to elite position, rather than to prison, is perhaps an indication of how many more of these battles we need to win. ...... Joe, I love ya to bits pal. First met you at Occy D. But this is England. You won’t find many takers for your weird sex cult here I’m afraid. The West lining up behind Catholicisms perverted, ungodly, gold draped leadership to take on our enemies is just not going going to happen. Period. I’m sorry. Got a plan B?. 32
Posted by ukn_leo on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 08:15 | # Lurks, some thoughts. Got to get that crew assembled here (or somewhere) somehow. Kind of as base HQ. I know MR is reserved for hi-fallutin’ philosophising, ontologolising and wot-not - but is ‘MR lite’ at all an option?. Somewhere folk can discuss the story du jour - a popular pastime that could generate traffic and interest, and win converts. Reddit, Huff Post , eww. I need a shower afterwards if I ever visit Reddit. Same with the Graun - I react to being there much like Superman in approximation to Kryptonite. I doubt i’m alone in this. Englisc Gateway is established and up and running. The owner (a good lad) wouldn’t mind if we met there as perhaps a temporary homebase if needed. Lurker - would you consider setting up an account at Englisc Gateway full stop - there is some good stuff happening there, but you are needed. I have limited time online at the moment because of a family health crisis. There are people there I would like you to meet. Eyes have been opened. Your knowledge, know-how and experience would be most welcome. If the mighty DT beast has been slain, this must be an opportunity to advance before they re-group. 33
Posted by Dude on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 08:54 | # Lurker, Thank you for those names, a few of which I know. My screen name is actually one of those above - you followed me in the last couple of days on Disqus after I followed you (Dalek). To those above I would also add Randal. He does not write too much about race/ethnicity (although he does) and is best classed as traditional conservative with strong tendencies towards non-interventionism, but is invariably interesting and very pro-active. 34
Posted by Bill on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 09:53 | # There’s a body of opinion here that thinks the DT has been routed and are regrouping behind a moated pay wall. Is it political? Is it financial? Or have the big boys demanded they pack it in as there’s too much info getting out there? I suppose there’s a case for all of these plus others, but I suspect it’s a combination. They just don’t like it up’em! To the movement I don’t think it will be a great loss, we’re only talking of a minute % and even most of those haven’t got a clue as to the machinations of the ruling few. Overtime I have periodically asked here is the Internet making a difference? I cannot recall ever having received a reply. I commented recently that we here in Britain will have to go through a mother of political crisis before emerging through to the other side, even then I doubt it will be the answer we’re looking for. (Thinks) New World Order will be the only offering on the menu. As regards the DT threads, very few are aware how deep the rabbit hole goes, in fact most don’t even know there’s a rabbit hole in the first place. I really do believe our populace has been so dumbed down since the end of WWII they won’t even know what’s hit them when it’s hit them. Farage is no mug, he know’s how deep the hole is, and this is his weapon of mass destruction. Will he use it? And even if he did, how would the regime changers across the pond react? I think we all know the answer to that one. Incoming!!! Hey Lurker, what’s the 1963 for? Just askin’ 35
Posted by ukn_leo on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 11:02 | # @ Bill The sudden outpouring of free speech and opinion over the last year in the mainstream media has been little short of revolutionary. Demonstrating that the ‘lefts’ grip over our collective consciences has either failed outright, never existed or has been smashed asunder. They can’t arrest us all (they probably can, to be fair). But they are working night and day on ways to gain control over the internet and its capacity to thwart them. Who knows the real reason for the DT pay-wall. As you say, they certainly don’t like it up’ em. Nothing wrong with a little triumphalism, cheerleading and general encouragement. The members of MR are my heroes. The vanquishing of the DT moderators was an El Alamein moment. Let the church bells ring out. Huzzah! 36
Posted by Morgoth on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 12:22 | # @ Bill It seems pretty clear now that the Telegraph are in a state of panic, this is where I had my account killed And the sheer level of ‘‘Comment Removed’’ makes a mockery of the idea of a comments section, However, I do think the Telegraph enjoyed having such a lively addition to their publication, for a time. Lets be honest about what was/is being done there, Nationalists hijacked the threads first to win the debates, alert the public and then radicalize the readership. The Telegraph had become a recruiting vehicle for White Nationalists and I think the owners were happy to ‘‘ride the tiger’’ for the huge traffic it generated. More recently, however, with the JQ being openly discussed and debated on a popular public forum a panic has set in at Telegraph Towers. A few weeks ago I posted a speech on the J’s by William Pierce that was the most recommended comment(!). There is much to be said for having a ‘‘Home Base’’ but most Nationalists will have a selection of sites and blogs to read explaining and fleshing out and debating our ideas, I spend the vast majority of my time banging heads with Lefties but recognize the value of having an auxiliary or hub at my back. The opposition does not have this, there are no real deep thinkers or radical writers of note to back up the Anti Racist position, the activists are told by Hope not Hate or UAF to attack but they are not supplied with any intellectual resources to fall back on whatsoever. The Guardian is not the hot bed of Left Wing radicalism that is often thought, the best rated comments will still be Anti Immigrant but they lack focus, the resident Lefties seem to have become semi literate slobs and will simply say ‘’ Oh great, another xenophobic Superman has arrived’‘. Indeed, the opposition at the Telegraph seem far more motivated than at the Guardian. This sloth or, as Jonathan Bowden put it ‘‘Funk’’ seems to infect Lefties, they have been winning to long, they have grown lazy and stupid. 37
Posted by Dude on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 12:40 | # Morgoth The left now uses mainly economic arguments in defence of immigration: see the tweets and articles produced by the likes of Jonathan Portes. That is the place where we need to have better intellectual resources. Much of the public (at least the middle classes) in a downturn, do not like to hear negative consequences from restriction on immigration. 38
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 14:33 | # @ ukn_leo No. I do not have “plan B “, nor will I ever spend a minute of my time trying to figure out a “plan B”. It’s for those whites who reject The Faith, Heritage, History, and Culture of White Western Civilization to come up with a “plan B”—to figure out some kind of plan for themselves, to figure out how they’re going to go up organized Jewry [ very united group ] and radical Isamic jihadists [very united group].
Such whites who disdain their own culture and heritage have no spiritual power behind them - to inspire them ; OR, if they have some kind of spiritual power, their spiritual power is more akin to the spiritual power of our enemies : Such whites who disdain Western Civilization have alot in common with our enemies : Disdain for Western Civilization. Pretty stupid to go into battle against two groups—two forces—who disdain your heritage and culture, when you yourself disdain your heritage and culture. Might as well stay home and relax, and let the Jews and Muslims make the decisions—Why not? The whites who disdain Western Culture and Civilization share—on a deep ontological, foundational level—the same disdain for Western Culture as their/our enemies. Good luck to those whites going up against organized Jewry and organized Islam jihadists sharing the same disdain for White Civilization as the enemy. I don’t know why such whites complain about their “enemies” when such whites share—on a deep ontological,foundational level—so much of the same disdain for the West as their “enemies”. Good luck. I can’t be bothered to spend a minute of my time trying to figure out a “plan B”. 39
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:00 | # Dude@39 Are you serious?? Then victory should be yours. Economic arguments in defense of immigration are the most easily refuted, both as a matter of high theory (hint: immigration could only be a net economic benefit if the newcomers are economically superior to the natives - make that assessment based on welfare/social benefits usage (I’d add group IQ comparisons, too, unless verboten); in the US, 60% of LEGAL immigrant households receive government assistance), and pragmatic rhetoric (“immigrants take British jobs and/or provide competition which lowers the working people’s wage rates” - that is sound economics, too). uKn-Leo@33 Appeals to Catholicism probably won’t fly in the realm of Henry VIII’s descendants, ‘tis true. But some of us loyal Occidentalists do believe that the Roman Church sits at the very heart of white civilization, and always will. I fear my church is becoming ever more Third Worldish, which would not be a problem as long as it respected true ‘diversity’, instead of signing on to a One World Panmixia agenda; that is, as long as it purges itself of the secular utopian heresy of race-denial and multiculturalism. Alas, it seems to be moving rapidly in the wrong direction. The loss of the Vatican to the virus of liberalism will, however, be a great defeat for all men of the West, even stalwart Protestants (such as my late father). Although Anglicanism is not all that doctrinally different from Catholicism, at least as compared to something so monstrous as Calvinism, MR reminds me of something I tend to forget: that England has been a hotbed of ‘anti-Papistry’ for a very long time. The great and necessary dream of a restored Christendom will not be seen in my lifetime. Anyway, is it really true that a groundswell of anti-immigrationism is cresting in England? Or is it just the usual patriotic lads getting a bit more airtime? And wasn’t there some mea culpa article recently by “Goodheart” or something rejecting the invasion? 40
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:17 | # http://www.guardian.co.uk/books/2013/mar/27/why-left-wrong-mass-immigration Not exactly my cup of strong tea, but better something than nothing. As long as we KEEP THEM BLOODY OUT, I’m happy. BTW, we American traditionalists lost a decent fighter today: Lawrence Auster, dead at 64 (us rightwingers don’t seem to live too long, I’ve noticed ... can’t imagine why ... Revilo Oliver and Enoch Powell the great exceptions, it seems ...). Make a list of all the rightists who failed to reach 70. It’s a depressingly long one. 41
Posted by Momus on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:33 | # Listen people - Joe has no ‘plan B’ so we all just need a good dose of the old time religiosity – you know ‘proper’ Catholicism – whatever the hell that is. The fact that ‘Joe’ cannot see beyond this very limited horizon might say more about his lack of education (in European history or anything else it seems) and his lack of political and cultural imagination or perspective. Of course Joe could be right, but I very much doubt that. Personally I prefer reading serious work by serious people (not what low-rent websites have to say on ‘conspiracies’ etc.). In the context of theology I think someone like Karl Rahner is at least a thoughtful theist that is on speaking terms with genuine intellectual rigour. But such theists are as rare as hen’s teeth. But I have nothing against the 1%-2% that actually have a functioning intellect. Others on my bookshelves are Paul Tillich, Denys Turner, Herbert McCabe, Paul Ricoeur, and Soren Kierkegaard to name a few religious thinkers. I even know who Aquinas and Dun Scotus were. I myself am an agnostic, both on evidential grounds; people that claim to ‘know’ with something like near certitude that God really is real (or not) go way beyond the available evidence and secondly on good Wittgensteinian grounds that no-one really has the first clue as to what God-talk is actually about. If God talk is based upon analogy what is the analogy actually made with or too other than ourselves? After all if God is real he really would be quite incomprehensible and ineffable - see Anthony Kenny’s ‘The Unknown God: Agnostic Essays’ for more and as the blurb says agnosticism is not ‘indecision’ but a robust and coherent philosophical position that combines both genuine rationality and humility. Which I’d suggest to the Joe’s of this world are two concepts they not on speaking terms with. God certainly would not be some form of Cheesus dressed as Uncle Sam. But really I’d suggest its more likely that men invent Gods rather than the other way about. See, for example Pascal Boyer’s ‘Religion Explained: The Evolutionary Origins of Religious Thought’ for some ideas on this topic. Now of course everyone has their ‘gut feelings’ on such matters and like it or not the default position for Of course people do ‘read’ the available evidence and draw their own conclusions. For example, Simon Blackburn neatly updates a Humean take on this subject. “Suppose you found yourself at school or university in a dormitory. Things are not too good. The roof leaks, there are rats about, the food is almost inedible, some students in fact starve to death. There is a closed door, behind which is the management, but the management never comes out. You get to speculate what the management must be like. Can you infer from the dormitory as you find it that the management, first, knows exactly what conditions are like, second, cares intensely for your welfare, and third, possesses unlimited resources for fixing things? The inference is crazy. You would be almost certain to infer that either the management doesn’t know, doesn’t care, or cannot do anything about it. Nor does it make things any better if occasionally you come across a student who declaims that he has become privy to the mind of the management, and is assured that the management indeed knows, cares and has resources and ability to do what it wants. The overwhelming inference is not that the management is like that, but that this student is deluded.” In this nice reworking of Hume’s famous critique of religion, Blackburn is arguing that if we start from the observed facts – the balance of evidence in the world around us – then to draw the conclusion that it is created by an omniscient, supremely benevolent, and omnipotent God is a vastly implausible, indeed a crazy, inference. We could go to the next step and in a thought experiment imagine that the Hominidae did not emerge from with the process of natural selection, or go even further and rule out mammalian life forms too. Sans humans (or a human-like species) what then does the natural-order actually look like? Where are ethics, morality, justice etc.? Most people would, if being honest, say they are literally nowhere in such a scenario. The natural-order looks brutally and coldly amoral. Not so much beyond good and evil, but simply below such concepts. Now we might actually see something like the foundations of human morality in various forms of exchange and reciprocity within non-human biological life - even bacteria - but again the evolutionary origins of human nature (including moral instincts) is beyond the scope of a short comment at MR. Now I’m not so stupid or ignorant to think Hume’s views (or Blackburn’s updated version) is the end of the matter or even a ‘knock-down’ argument. However, when religious fanatics and crank-pots visit this little corner of cyberspace it is not usually to debate the finer points of philosophical theology or defend the God of the philosophers. Rather it is to defend the very much more Earth-bound set of institutions, and a nexus of social attitudes and cultural practices such as the Holy See and the ‘universal church’ or whatever (or rather their normally quixotic take on such subjects). We also have Protestant ‘holy willies’ that like to give everyone their ‘wisdom’ too. One of the lines of attack is to say something like Christianity (in whatever form) is ‘essential’ to Europe or some such nonsense (Joe’s spiel). It’s tiresome, dull and very obviously contrary to the readily observable evidence. Europeans obviously existed before they ever became Christians. The Christianisation of Scandinavia, for example, took place between the 8th and the 12th centuries, were the Scandinavians ‘not European’ before these events? Following on from that many interesting and perhaps much more worthwhile moral and ethical systems have been developed within European history. One thinks of the ancient world here. The idea that Aristotle, Plato, Homer, the Stoics et al., were by being non-Christian ‘pagans’ somehow not European is asinine. Oh that’s right there were not Europeans because they were all ‘grease-balls’ living rather too close to the Mediterranean for comfort, yes Joe? The trouble with people like Joe is he thinks everyone is as dumb and half-witted as he is. These over-inflated egos do get very tiresome after a while. 42
Posted by Dude @ Haller on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:33 | # Case in point to my comments above. Here is Portes taking Goodhart to task using neo-liberal arguments of growth and economic dynamism. 43
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 15:47 | # Maybe American traditionalists die young because trying to talk sense to the bulk of white Americans who are too busy “doing your own thing”, too pre-occupied worshipping their personal pantheistic gods—gods who very conveniently are “non-judgemental” and “in-tune” with nature—is like banging one’s head against a wall, for all the good it does. Maybe American traditionalists die young from frustration, how long can one bang his head against a wall and not get fed up. ” deos enim religuos accepimus, Caesares dedimus ” : The gods were handed down to us, but we created the Caesars. Laborare est orare : Work is prayer. 44
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 16:04 | # @ Momus I myself am a “grease-ball” from the Mediterranean. I was born in Italy - in Tuscany, from a long line of Tuscans. If that helps calm you down any. Have you read Dante’s “Divine Comedy” yet ? As I recommened to you. Dante is my favorite all-time Tuscan. I only used bryl-cream once when I was about 17. It was horrible. I took a shower and got rid of the greasy stuff. Atheists and agnostics, pantheists, and sundry and assorted “back-to-nature” characters, may benefit from studying the Greek Stoics. Very straight-forward manly philosophy. I know you would appreciate the Greek Stoics because you’re a tough one, Momus. 45
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 16:52 | # @ Momus The American Nationalist Association has just declared, ” The promotion or denigration of Christianity….. will NOT be tolerated.” Just want to give you the heads-up on that so you don’t kicked out of The Party. http://www.john-friend.net/2013/03/american-nationalist-association-on.html John Friend also includes other faiths as well. Read my post about how I have no animosity for whites who are buddhists, hindus, etc.. So my bona-fides as a WN’er are solid still. You may want to re-think your position, Momus, before you get booted out of The Party—like you were booted off Mt Olympus by the Greeks you love so much. I hope that’s not a sore spot for you. I would hate to antagonize Momus—god forbid, never that. 46
Posted by Bill on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:00 | #
I first cut my teeth on the DT comments around the time of Barking & Dagenham, ‘Owards and Upwards’ went the cry, we’re on our way, very euphoric, something like Farage and UKIP today. I won’t get fooled again. There has been a transformation on the DT threads since then and has been fascinating to observe and take part in. This is what became a battle of attrition on the nation’s keyboards. Modest triumphalism is permitted, Christ we have had so little to be triumphant about up until now. It has taken 7 years to accomplish this ‘victory’ within which time our population has soared to the point (and we ain’t seen nothing yet) where even former BNP ‘haters’ are saying enough is enough. I ask. Is this transformation entirely down to the DT threads where the 2% have battled so stoically for so long? Or is it? During this period 2005-2013, our country has also undergone an unbelievable transformation in every aspect of our lives. It is no exaggeration to point out this state of affairs is worsening by the day. IOW’s this situation of white dispossession is gathering a momentum all of its own and the UKIP phenomena is all part of it. It’s what I term the inevitability-ness of it all, the very nature of the beast is dictating events, as I always knew it would. Historians for years to come will be perplexed in explaining away the most heinous crime in the history of man. I like the idea of MR becoming a rallying point where like-minded thinkers can compare notes. Eh! Hang on a minute, isn’t this what we’re supposed to be doing here already? The traffic here recently is off the chart, hi Jo, you’re not Daniel.S in disguise are you? Where’s the professor? Hope he’s keeping his tin foil hat polished. Morgoth, you’ve done more than your bit, put your feet up for a while, step back and observe the big picture unfurl, anyway it’s 1938 and there’s not a lot anybody can do about it. 47
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:13 | # @ Momus Speaking of the Mediterranean, Tuscany [ land of my birth ] And speaking of Dante—my all-time-favorite-fellow-Tuscan—perhaps you haven’t gotten around to reading Dante ? No problem ; Dante’s Hell Documented : http://careandwashingofthebrain.blogspot.com/2013/03/welcome-to-hell.html Tenebrae factae sunt.
Posted by Joe on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 17:34 | # @ Bill I am not “Daniel. S ” I know that’s true because I’ve always been “Joe”. Plus, I have no idea who “Daniel. S” is to begin with. I do have a “handle” however. I’m always, “Yankee Joe” , when I shoot off articulate and fact-filled posts to Ole Rebel’s “Rebellion Blog”. It annoys the Ole Southern Rebel somehow. Plus, my “Yankee Joe” handle fits in with the whole hegelian dialectic of the North/South paradigm. Otherwise, I’m just “Joe”. I’ve never been anyone else. 49
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:02 | # Morgoth, I can probably get you back on the DT threads if you are struggling to work out what you have to do to circumvent the ban. Just use the contact button on the header and we’ll see what we can do. 50
Posted by wibbly on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:11 | # 1. Ignore Joe - he’s a black hole. 2. Meme warfare is mostly all we have - luckily it’s also the most powerful tool there is apart from individuals being punched in the face by reality and that happens automatically. 3. Good tips from GW, i like the Runnymede trials as a synonym for Nuremberg. 4. Poisoning their memes is part of the battle. It doesn’t take ground but it helps prevent more being lost. 5.
Going forward i think learning about that stuff is probably one of the most useful things you could learn.
Posted by wibbly on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:22 | # Wasn’t there a Portes or Portas involved alongside Barbara Roche in the Andrew Neather revelations? 52
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:39 | # Well, yesterday’s surefire thread winner was pulled quickly (plus a ban) with the recommends standing at 58. But tonight a slightly tardy entry on the latest Charles Moore piece is coming up on the rails, currently standing at fourth in a field of 74 with 23 reccies, 12 off the lead: The comment will also very likely be lifted, but if there is any doubt here about whether this effort is worth making, the 23 recommends comprises just five named commenters and 18 guests. It’s those guests who we really want to be exposed to our truths. On this occasion, the comment, in reply to Moore’s appeal for the remembering by rote of the facts of English history, says:
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:53 | # Dude@44 Could you (or anyone) post the following at that Portes link? I tried to, but I can’t seem to access any of the accounts (Wordpress, etc) that are needed in order to post. (Why do sites do that? I tried Open ID under “Haller”, and it said “illegal characters”).
Posted by Salopian on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 21:57 | # rogermurrayclark is another name to follow at the Trashograph before it disappears. Online commenting works. I remember having my worldview turned upside-down by one WJ Phillips on the Guardian talkboards and Peter Cuthbertson’s blog in about 2002. A brilliant prose stylist but succint and easy to read with it (as befit an ex Daily Mail journalist) WJP could, should, be a UK cross between Steve Sailer and Fred Reed on ‘tinterweb but never took up the baton. How do you follow on disqus? Do you have to sign-up first? The Telegraph’s messageboards are horribly un-user friendly. There are some interesting posters at Comment is Free (i.e. the Guardian), Labantall often posts there.
Posted by Leon Haller on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 22:09 | # what the fucking fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck???
Tried to post the following at that American Nationalist Association blog:
Ahh well, I’ve wasted too much valuable time posting blog comments anyway, over the years. 56
Posted by Morgoth on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 22:12 | # GW, I’m back as Golgoroth http://my.telegraph.co.uk/members/golgoroth/ Though I’m easing my way back in and making innocuous comments at the ‘‘Gardening’’ and ‘‘Life’’ sections before giving it full throttle again, just to muddy the waters a little. 57
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 22:20 | # Salopian, Many of us remember WJ Phillips with fondness. We think he posted here as Effra. He has not been heard from for many a year now. To get on the DT boards first register an email address. Then go here: https://disqus.com/profile/signup/ Then head off to the DT and state your case. I switched from CiF to the DT when it became clear that Gordon Brown was dead electoral meat. I will go back, I guess, when the DT paywall comes down, or when Ed Miliband waltzes into No.10. 58
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 22:32 | # Golgoroth? I should have guessed. You had a very good run as Morgoth. Some of the Judaically-apprised commentary was very frank and seemed to be oddly overlooked by the moderators. That suggests that the real trouble-maker is probably a non-white rather than the usual hyper-correct liberal. We don’t know how long we’ve got before the pay-wall comes down, so don’t spend too long building a harmlessly friendly reputation. And be ready to be banned again and again. Bounce right back and never let the buggers get you down. 59
Posted by Lurker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 22:50 | # Morgoth - trying to track you down on DT. The DT’s own profile control panel thingy is the most useless piece of kit on God’s green earth. Thats why I use Disqus directly. 60
Posted by Morgoth on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 22:53 | # It was mixture of Tories and J’s that finally did for Morgoth, I think the Middle England fetish for J’s a very much underrated problem. The reason, I think, is that your average Conservative type feels they have already gone out on a limb by lambasting Muslims and they compensate by rabidly defending J’s. The double standards they employ are quite shocking, the thread that led to Morgoth’s demise started by me asking why Islamophobia was a ‘‘Nonsense Term’’ but Anti Semitism isn’t. It became quite vicious until I posted this : 2. Lloyd Blankfein: CEO of Goldman Sachs Bank of NY. Goldman Sachs is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank consortium, made up of 8 banks, the House of Rothschild being the principal owner. 3. Harvey Krueger: Chairman of Lehman Brothers Bank of NY. Lehman Brothers is one of the owners of the Federal Reserve Bank consortium, made up of 8 banks, the House of Rothschild being the principal owner. 4. Michael Chertoff: Secretary of US Homeland Security. Chertoff is the son of an Orthodox rabbi. A dual-citizen of both Israel & America. Guess which nation the Jew Chertoff’s first loyalty is to? Chertoff is chief architect of the North American Union Plan and the Orwellian Real ID Card. See: “Jew Chertoff’s Subversive North American Plan” Here 5. Howard Kohr: Executive Director of the most powerful lobby group in the world, the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC). AIPAC is made up of both Republican and Democratic Jews who have one single purpose -to secure Jewish-control of the world. 6. Malcolm Hoenlein: Executive Chairman of the second most powerful lobby group in the world, the Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations. Has 50 (!) Jewish member organizatons under him. See: “List Of Jewish Member Organizations” Here 7. Abraham Foxman: Executive Director of the third most powerful lobby group in the world, B’nai Brith’s Anti Defamation League (ADL). 8. Norman Podhoretz: Key member of The Project for the New American Century, a Jewish ‘think tank’ (jew-lobby), dedicated “to promoting America’s dominance globally.” (Translate: ‘Promoting Jewish dominance’). And was instantly IP banned, to be fair I think Morgoth did get away with blue murder at times and when the ax finally fell it fell good and hard. 61
Posted by Morgoth on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 23:03 | # Lurker, Golgoroth made his debut on this article about Kristen Scott Thomas ha ha 63
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 23:46 | # Leon, I have, after a long struggle with OpenID and then with LiveJournal, actually managed to post a comment on Jonathan Portes’ blog under the handle johnpiggott. I think you can do the same for LeonHaller. Give it a try. 64
Posted by Guessedworker on Fri, 29 Mar 2013 23:56 | # I see that the comment on Charles Moor’s current thread has reached top spot with 60 reccies, seven clear of the pack. A suspiciously large number of nationalists appears to have given it a boost. Wonder where they could have come from? 65
Posted by Leon Haller on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 02:11 | # GW, Thanks, but “LeonHaller” doesn’t work, either. Says “Your Open ID characters cannot be verified”. It won’t then post. Maybe I should try one of the other options (though I did wrt a few, and it was always “no go”.). 66
Posted by Silver on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 07:14 | #
Gregor’s points are right on the money. When you’re doing activism, do activism. Don’t do philosophy or get into long drawn-out debates whose outcome is uncertain. There’s nothing wrong with philosophizing or debating, of course, but most people aren’t cut out for those tasks. Simple activism is something everyone can do because such an immensely important aspect of it is simply imposing your own terminology (“images” would be even better, but that’s a long way off at this stage). 67
Posted by Momus on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 10:41 | # A bit off-topic but most Europeans don’t know just how bat-shit crazy many American Voodoo lovers are. For example, nearly half of all American Christians think Cheesus will return within 40 years. see more here - http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/map_of_the_week/2013/03/pew_study_shows_christian_views_on_second_coming_of_christ.html You know we are not dealing with intelligent or rational people with regard to such folk. 69
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 10:55 | # Next we need to get in touch properly, get them re-grouped elsewhere. That would be wise. I will put up a new thread here later today predicated on the coming pay-wall issue and the need to act in concert whatever the decision should be about where we go. That can then be included in thread-replies to people on the list, and others who are not yet on it, asking them to check in here and contribute to the discussion. Jack Smith, herewardawakes, marcus_leeds, heilanlassie, mhayworth, edithcrowther, jtc10 can be added to your list. Also any of the ipcress manifestations - and Theft_act1968 if he can be found. 70
Posted by Dude @ Haller / OpenId on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:16 | # Leon, if OpenId causes you problems, then sign up at http://myopenid.com/ Thereafter you just put your id address in : i.e. http://XXX.myopenid.com/ and when it asks finally your password Works pretty simply. 71
Posted by Dude on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:23 | # Is it wise when acting in concert to have all IDs listed in a line so they can all be excised as desired, either directly by moderators or from left-wing activists who look in and then post the evidence demanding action? May I suggest that a more closed (forum or password protected page) option might be more advisable in the longer term. 72
Posted by Dude on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:29 | # Another consideration might be (when numbers permit) to have a news scraping style website where articles and brief summaries are listed, followed by a Disqus style commentary. The intention being to act as a beacon to those waverers out there who are alienated from their natural parties (Conservative or Labour) and who think UKIP might be the solution and who need to be pushed along. the danger here is if every post is laden with obscure conspiracism or focused solely on the JQ, then it will not work as desired. Or a website where articles from the web are rephrased so that the primary content can be posted without concerns for copyright. 73
Posted by Dude on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:47 | # *and who need to be pushed along ___ well past present UKIP policy as the solution 74
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 11:59 | # Dude - you may be right, it crossed my mind as posted it. So I’ll take that down for now. However the usual suspects dont seem to be that organised and as for the powers that be, they probably know already. 75
Posted by Doctorsyn on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 12:06 | # DT Paywall. Having looked into this a bit it is not all bad news. The 25 article limit is almost 1 per day, it is by calendar month. The last time I was banned I was posting as “Fredforeman” on a DT blog where almost everything was modded, probably reported by a sterngang with no posting history who appeared from nowhere. I thought the whole thing was a setup at the time, an blog designed to lure us in for culling. The point is that it will be as difficult for the hasbara as it is for us, though they’re pretty good at getting round most obstacles. The Times seems to have moved quite a long way to the right after the paywall, certainly some good stuff on the rape jihad there. I’ve moved back to CIF in the meantime, which is where I started. 76
Posted by Dude on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 12:25 | # Lurker The main area of concern was for those who meet here and then agree to go forth as an attack squadron. Those we list as being of interest I think is not so critical, just those who agree to engage on a joint enterprise where the DT moderators can be led via a link to a set of people effectively agreeing to engage in organised disruption. 77
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 14:26 | # Dude, Nobody has to log-in here under the handle they use elsewhere. The point is that useful people can be made aware of joint activity, or can appeal for support. 78
Posted by Dude on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 14:37 | # Understood GW although if posters wish to mutually support each other’s posting activity or help out with particularly troublesome adversaries then it would be necessary. 79
Posted by ukn_leo on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 14:57 | # That is why I suggested the Englisc Gateway - once a member you can host private group discussions between up to 20 other members, all well away from prying eyes. 80
Posted by daniels on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 15:58 | #
Where’s the professor? Hope he’s keeping his tin foil hat polished.” Tin foil hat? I don’t take Laurence Auster’s word for it but of all things I can be accused of, conspiracy theorizing and being similar to Joe are not among them. I am grateful to Joe for three things: He is against both Jews and Nazis and he proves that if one is not interested in the content of a post (as I am not interested in his, bless his heart), that one can just easily scroll down, MR keeps rolling….no great harm: Silver and others might extend the courtesy to take note and do the same - they are not the intended audience, which is White people, particularly those who care and empathize with young Whites. The ontology project “is what it is”..it hazards pedantry 81
Posted by Gregor on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 19:05 | # @Bill The key phrase in your post above is:
Our task is to point out, to make the point, that “the most heinous crime in the history of man” is actually happening. Our task is to call it by its true name: Genocide. Our task is to repeat this over and over, until our people see the crime being committed against them. Only when they see what is going on as a CRIME, the crime of genocide, will they be motivated. That’s just how we are. No amount of discussion about politics, economics, IQ stats, or philosophy will do it. Realizing a great crime is afoot will. Our mission is to make the point that a great crime is in progress. 82
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 20:05 | # An informative article about the genocide of the White Race taking place in the West today; ” The Silent Genocide of the White Race ” : http://theghostnation.com/blogs/list/browse-by-tag?tag=the+silent+genocide+of+the+white+race 83
Posted by Salopian on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 20:46 | # WJ Phillips posts as EndaClarke at the Guardian, very few posts recently though: https://id.guardian.co.uk/profile/endaclarke He used to the be the only reason to visit Harry’s Place where he had numerous aliases (effra, endaclarke, themightymole, albion4everandthebrits, alovesupreme) depending on the topic commented on. He disappeared from HP about the time of his MR meltdown. I know that someone with a very similar name was (is?) editor of a prominent trade journal. Obviously WJP is not the same person despite having an encylopaedic knowledge of the subject matter of said journal. I can only hypothesise that perhaps he was asked to tone down the on-line stuff in case anyone linked his professional life to his internet postings. I used to comment on the Guardian Talkboards way back, when you could create threads at will and relatively little was moderated. The Graun made a big thing of these back in the early noughties, but I suppose as the dissenting voices on such fora became louder the extra control of only allowing comments below op-ed and news pieces via CiF was brought in. 84
Posted by DanielS on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 22:00 | # Bill said: “The traffic here recently is off the chart, hi Jo, you’re not Daniel.S in disguise are you? Where’s the professor? Hope he’s keeping his tin foil hat polished.” Tin foil hat? I certainly do not take Laurence Auster’s word for it, but of all things I can be accused of, conspiracy theorizing and being similar to Joe are not among them. I am grateful to Joe for three things: He is against both Jews and Nazis and he proves that if one is not interested in the content of a post (as I am not interested in his, bless his heart), that one can just easily scroll down, MR keeps rolling….no great harm: Silver and others might extend the courtesy, take note and do the same. 85
Posted by Bill on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 22:03 | #
Greg. I cannot recall when I first alighted here at MR, I often wish I had retained a copy of my first comment which explained how I had arrived here. Suffice to say, straight off I found out from a comment by a chap calling himself Fred Scrooby of what was happening in my sudden crazy upside down world. Back then I was raw in so many ways, I was not computer savvy and found it difficult to navigate around this virtual world, it took me ages to find MR again but persistence paid off and I found once more the name Fred Scrooby. I have travelled light years since then. Information in those days as to why (my quest) was as rare as hen’s teeth, there was virtually nothing this side of the Atlantic, I had a keen hunch that it was coming from across the other side, and as they say, I follow ed the money. From that moment on I had only one thing on my mind and that was to get the word out there, wake people up, if only I could get one person interested and convinced of what I was saying, then the hundreds of hours would have been worth it. IOW’s I was just like you are now, absolutely no different. Since then I have had only one aim in life, to spread the word, scream, tell my friends, tell anybody that would listen and then surely the people would realise. It is now several years and 100,000 Google searches later, and what is the situation still? 98% of Britain’s population do not have an inkling at what the hell’s going on. I’m no youngster, in fact I’m getting on in years, but I’ve been so naive in thinking that what I was doing was making a difference. I have catalogued endlessly the reasons why the Internet isn’t cutting it, most folk won’t touch this stuff with the proverbial bargepole. The masses out there are all sucking on the teat of the MSM, the fountain-head of all available public pronouncement. It is the only source available to them. To the public, what they see and hear on Television is the truth,Television is their real world. I’ve vastly underrated the power of modern media, most folk don’t stand a chance, they’re too far gone. My stance now is I’ve become an observer of events, in a way I’m following in the steps of one Fred Scrooby, who blogged his heart out with pure gold comment, until one day he saw what I see now and he upped and left the scene, never to be heard of since. But as you can see I’m still around. I met a neighbour in the supermarket recently, we had last spoken a few months previously, I asked him what he thought of the situation we’re in, his reply could be seen in the horrific look on his face (as we had touched on the subject previously.) He knows what the score is (not in any detail) but steadfastly avoids any conversation down that route, in fact he excuses himself and scrutinises the the small print on a tin of beans. This chap is pure gold, you would be privileged to be his neighbour, he is intelligent, he is a patriotic Englishman and yet he is paralysed in the headlights.
Events are wakening many far more than the Internet but not nearly enough or early enough. There will be millions who will remain oblivious to their straits, never knowing what is happening or has happened to them. It’s the rabbit hole thingy they won’t get. Just watch them continue to vote for the same people who are causing them their angst. 86
Posted by Lurker on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 22:31 | # Doctorsyn - one of the main differences between the DT and CiF is the heavier moderation. Thats my feeling anyway. Any given post is much more likely to be deleted or your ID banned at CiF than at the DT. That makes more left/liberal than it would be under a more lenient moderation policy. Im sure it would still lean further left than the DT of course but I dont think the average left/liberal CiF punter is aware of how much air cover they are getting from the mods. The giveaway is the votes on comments. On the DT its pretty consistent with the tone of the people making comments whereas on CiF the ‘wrong’ comments get plenty of votes, out of all proportion to the apparent leanings of regular commenters. My most recent CiF ID is banned from posting (needless to say!) but I can still vote there even so. 87
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 22:48 | # Daniel S., “bless his heart” , Sounds like a Southerner to me. Southerners love the expression, “bless his heart” and variations such as “bless your heart”, etc.. It’s some sort of passive-aggressive Southern-type sarcasm & mockery I never heard in Mayberry, or on Ole Rebel’s Wolverton Mountain, or Hunter Wallace’s Tara, yes sirre bob. I’m appalled, I’m just appalled I tell ‘ya. I had never heard of Daniel S. until just recently. Now I know who he is, bless his heart. I shall contunue to read Daniel S’s posts as I’m curious as to how Southern dreams-and-schemes for a Hemisphere-wide—Nay, World-wide—Golden Circle Slave/Opium Empire is going : As the so-called Empire everyone calls, “Yankee”, originated—on an ontological, metaphysical, talmudic/kaballic/sufism-ic foundational level—originated in the snake pit dens of Charleston South Carolina’s jew B’nai B’rith shit-hole Freemasonry Halls, and is connected to the NWO via Judah Benjamin, August Belmont, Albert Pike, and Ole “Georgia Bullock” Teddy Roosevelt himself ; And last—but certainly not least, maybe even The Greatest : That Son-of-The-South Woodrow who signed the jew’s longed-planned-and-schemed- for* Federal Reserve Act of 1913 : An Act that ushered in The New World Order, big-time. Bless Woody’s Golden-Circle Virginian heart. * A dream of the jew Alexander Hamilton who was born in a manor home of a West Indies slave plantation, similiar to ole Judah Benjamin boy himself who was born like-wise. It’s a shame Judah “had” to burn so many historical records and documents of the Confederacy just before the damn Yankees took Richmond. It’s a shame Judah —after fleeing the Confederacy as She lay prostrate and defeated—burned ALL his personal records and documents just before death took Judah, “bless his heart “.
Posted by Doctorsyn on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 23:07 | # Lurker, Well my sojourn on CIF didn’t last long, I’m premoderated already. In the past I’ve managed to last a month or so but they seem to have got much stricter. In a way it’s encouraging, an admission that they’ve lost the argument. Admired much of your work btw, 89
Posted by Joe on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 23:19 | # About the Jew’s B’nai B’rith/ADL/Jewish Mafia [ redundancies]. The B’nai B’rith/ADL/JewMafia started in Charleston, South Carolina in the 19th century. The slave economic system [ which was about 98-99% Jewish-owned] led—it can be traced historically—to the Federal Reserve Act of 1913, and the Jewish control over every vital aspect of American life. ” The Ugly Truth About The ADL “ A very long read, but worth it. The info about the Jew snake-pit dens of 19 th century Charleston, SC is towards the end. If link doesn’t work : Search Term : ” Whale.to + The Ugly Truth about the ADL “ Funny that Sherman by-passed Charleston, SC—where all the big-shot Jews who played such a huge role in fomenting the War-Between-The-States lived—on his March-To-The-Sea, busy burning down the farmhouses of the Christian brethren-pacifist farmers who played no role in the slave economic system and stayed out of the war [ at least until Sherman came around]. In the meantime, Sherman gave Jew Charleston, SC a free-pass. I wonder if August Belmont up-North had anything to do with that ?
Posted by Guessedworker on Sat, 30 Mar 2013 23:33 | # Daniel: I am grateful to Joe for three things: He is against both Jews and Nazis and he proves that if one is not interested in the content of a post (as I am not interested in his, bless his heart), that one can just easily scroll down, MR keeps rolling….no great harm: Silver and others might extend the courtesy, take note and do the same. Quite. Censoring the likes of Joe is not the policy of choice here. However, it would be nice for everyone if he would put away his Naziod Jew obsession now that we have all had the opportunity to read about it. Several times. On the question of whether CiF is remotely accessible to someone fighting a nationalist war of discourse, the answer is probably in the negative. Between you, me and the gatepost, during the three years, maybe, that I was there on a daily basis trying to get the more cerebral folk to lock horns on fundamental values/ultimate interests, I burned at least 140 IDs. One or two lefty types were up for the contest - a couple even followed me back here and commented on a thread or too. But the mods were perfectly paranoid. One was Joseph Harker, who posted a much-panned OP claiming that blacks cannot be racist because they have no power! Towards the end they were deleting, deleting, deleting, regardless of the fact that no house rules were broken. They don’t care about their own house rules. They care about control and ideological purity. I will test the waters again, but I don’t hold out much hope. The Indy is more liberal, moderation-wise. The Daily Mail is a different kind of problem, one in which talking points subtle enough to pass pre-moderation but clear enough to communicate something useful have to be developed. The Runnymede Trials come to mind. For sure, the nationalist clarity of the commentary we have developed at the DT will never make it on the page. The DT, if we find it is no longer usable or no longer much read, will be a loss. Doctorsyn, your commentary was among the very best. 91
Posted by Lurker on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 02:20 | # Doctorsyn - thankyou sir! I just try to do my bit. Your comments have always been on target, very succinct. 92
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 13:54 | # Yes I dig Joe’s contributions for many reasons. BUT I too am a Catholic and personally think Christians can offer many compelling arguments against white genocide (race-replacement); however it doesn’t provide arguments that will prevail in the secular liberal world we live in. And as we should all be aware of by now, secular liberals don’t have enough respect for Christianity to allow for arguments based on Christian morality thus they have little chance of gaining traction. Besides modern Christianity is mostly a private, very personally held set of spiritual beliefs, thus it lacks the type of strength needed to go up against the category 5 cultural-Marxist revolutionary whirlwind we are currently caught up in. We Christian and non Christian WNS alike have to approach the battle against race-replacement from an ethical angle. We’d garner greater success to argue that is outrageously unethical to deliberately fragment and dispossess whites via massive non-white immigration into white homelands. Moreover it is outright criminal to promote a propaganda campaign designed to suppress white birthrates, promote miscegenation whilst defaming and degrading whites’ charactor by defining them as inherently evil racists, nerds, greedy, environment destroyers, etc. etc. These unethical attacks must be fought in the public square by using secular terms, not with Christian moral or Bible verses. Again, as much as it pains me to say this, Christian morals and citing bibles verses don’t gain any traction in the secular liberal environment we are currently living in. But make no mistake about it. The battle against white genocide is a religious one. It is being fought between two diametrically opposed secular religions within a secular arena. One secular religion is “anti-racism”; the other is pro-White Nationalism/preservationism. I beleive the pro-White-Nationalism arguments are infinitely ethically superior to the genocidal arguments posed by the secular “anti-racists”. Even so, we are at a huge disadvantage because the ruling class control the shots and 99.999999% of them adhere to the tenets of “anti-racism.” 93
Posted by Momus on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 14:58 | # Thorn said “. . .secular liberals don’t have enough respect for Christianity”. Well a couple of thoughts - everyone is a liberal to some degree. Intellectuals and associated groups of people (everyone from engineers to lawyers, to medics etc.), generally don’t have much time for the old-time religion - or indeed any formal/traditional religion of any sort. Methodological naturalism and thus metaphysical naturalism (aka atheism) is the default setting for nearly everyone in any academic setting or doing intellectual work of any sort. The people that aren’t so minded have to pro-actively bring theism into the conversation. Obviously some very intelligent people are theists but most people of that type are not (in now almost an unthinking and taken for granted sort of way). In everyday reasoning even ‘plain persons’ are generally atheists. No-one thinks God is going to fix any squeaky floorboards for them via some ‘special Divine action’ do they? Oh wait yes many American’s do think God actually ‘micro-manages’ events within the Superbowl etc. As for respect for Christianity - well what aspects or elements? Respect for the Papacy? Respect for Benny Hinn or Oral Roberts? Respect for extremely vacuous and vulgar mega-churches? Respect for ‘Christian rock’? Respect for ‘creationism’? Respect for Christian Zionism? Respect for the radical universalism of the theologically key concept of the ‘moral plateau’? Respect for all the nice artwork in old Churches in Europe? Really you do need to define your terms much more clearly. In what ways should we respect Christianity and why? And in what ways is it politically relevant? 94
Posted by Thorn on Sun, 31 Mar 2013 16:44 | # Momus, The point I was trying to make is Christians need to refrain from fighting against “anti-racists” from the Christian morality POV or angle. Citing Bible verses etc. are ineffective because people prone to instigating the genocide of the white race are extemly averse to Christianity ... namely the Jewish supremacists et al. My suggestion is it is a much superior strategy to attack"anti-racists” on purely ethical grounds ... within a secular framework. Again: The battle against white genocide is a religious one. It is mainly being fought between two diametrically opposed secular religions within a secular context. One secular religion is “anti-racism”; the other is pro-White Nationalism/preservationist. I beleive the pro-White-Nationalism arguments are infinitely ethically superior to the genocidal arguments posed by the secular “anti-racists”. Even so, we are at a huge disadvantage because the ruling class controls the shots and 99.999999% of the ruling class adhere to the tenets of “anti-racism.” 95
Posted by phil white on Tue, 07 May 2013 00:25 | # The idea of trials seems to be a common idea. We had Nuremburg shoved down our throats the last three generations. http://www.stormfront.org/forum/t952175/ PS, Grandfather hailed from Warborough, near Whitney in Oxfordshire. Greatgranddad was a Sgt. Major in Victoria’s Horse Guards. We still have his silver spurs.
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Of Note MR Central & News— CENTRAL— Piece by peace by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 19 March 2025 08:46. (View) Into the authoritarian future by Guessedworker on Friday, 21 February 2025 12:51. (View) On an image now lost: Part 2 by Guessedworker on Saturday, 15 February 2025 14:21. (View) — NEWS — Shame in the Oval Office by Guessedworker on Saturday, 01 March 2025 00:23. (View) A father and a just cause by Guessedworker on Tuesday, 25 February 2025 23:21. (View) CommentsGuessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:03. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:02. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:18. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View) Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:47. (View) Manc commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:55. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 23:56. (View) Guessedworker commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 22:09. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:53. (View) Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Sat, 08 Mar 2025 20:37. (View) |
Posted by Mick Lately on Wed, 27 Mar 2013 09:43 | #
Two good “prise” words, I think, are:
‘continuity’* (the desirability of);
‘privacy’ (fear of the loss of).
In phrases such as:
“The angels are on the side of continuity”;
“Your/Our children, and theirs, bereft of privacy”.
Phrases which play on conservationist/environmentalist guilt and anti-corporatism/ opposition to asset stripping, e.g.
“I wonder who’ll get the contract to pave over the Surrey countryside?”
*I was struck by the phrase “genetic continuity” in the EGI pdf - who can argue against it as an ultimate interest/biological imperative? But the word ‘genetic’ can be off-putting to those of a civicist / culturist disposition.