To amuse and appal you This is to provide an example of the educational work we do among the most hardened of white-haters and Christian-haters. We rarely preach to those who understand the need for majority rights. We take our message most often to those who need instruction. Be warned that this one falls into the XXX category. Members of Resisting Defamation range near and far in selecting opportunities for educating persons about slurs and negative stereotypes. We heard about one New Yorker web master of specialized sexual proclivities who persisted in spitting and hissing at “European whites” as uniquely responsible for the rise of “scientific racism” in world history. Supposedly all race ideas originated in Europe in the 1700s and 1800s. So we checked him out. We discovered that he had a gay rant web site with some of the most alarming ideas about orifices, pleasures, feces, urine, and penetrations. And he was equally hostile to “whites” and Christians. His one big idea is that the cross should be on the hate symbol list with the swastika. We wrote to scold him, and to set him straight about his anti-Christianism and anti-Europeanism. We explained to him that the roots of “scientific racism” were set forth by the Ram Bam (AD 1135 - AD 1204), also known as Maimonides, and also known as Moses ben Maimon who wrote a simplifying text for the study of Judaism, and who laid out every principle of “racial thought” that generated the philosophical basis for “scientific racism” among the sixteenth and seventeenth century scholars, students, and researchers. It is not well known, but the Ram Bam promoted a stark view of sub-Saharan Africans that would bring a blush to the cheek of any European. The Ram Bam was a vicious piece of work who is elevated in the Jewish pantheon to just below Einstein. The word bigot wouldn’t even begin to start to commence characterizing the nasty views that the Ram Bam publicised. This did not sit well with the web-master who blasted us in November 2005 in the most curious way, but did us the favor of providing a way for his specialized readership to contact us. Many did, and thanked us for our point of view. The web master didn’t realize that gay white people are still white people with an interest in avoiding street assaults or hate speech as either gay or white. If you want to see the page where he blasted us, remember it is XXX and scroll down to the sixth headline, Resisting Defamation. To contact the web-master (Richard), use: STANLEY WOMACK Comments:2
Posted by Steven Palese on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 21:14 | # I’m astonished that he didn’t delete it but instead chose to answer. I’ll keep holding his feet to the fire: You wrote:“dude, your local kkk meeting asks if you would please stop reading gay blogs and rejoin their meeting.” You’re evading the question. Ad-hominems and strawman arguments are not answers. So what if this is a gay blog? I don’t see how being gay implies hostility toward my children. Now please answer my question: You think it’s funny that my children are worth less than a third of a person? Post a comment:
Next entry: Race is the new sex
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Posted by Steven Palese on Fri, 07 Jul 2006 05:21 | #
I threw this in there (I bet he’ll delete it though):
You wrote:“And I can also understand just how frustrating it is to be a European-American ... I can’t even begin to imagine the pain and suffering caused by such inequities.”
You think it’s funny that my children are worth less than a third of a person?
According to the Nov. 16, 1998 Wall Street Journal, Harvard’s student body is 33% Jewish and 25% White. Moreover this pattern repeats throughout the Ivy League, the gatekeepers for access to the US ruling elite.
Given that Whites (people born with Euro-Christian ancestry) account for 75% of the US population whereas Jews (people born with Judeo-Semitic ancestry) account for 2.5%, we can deduce the following three facts:
Fact one. In terms of access to the elite, being born Jewish makes you thirteen times more privileged than average. (The level of Jewish over representation is calculated by dividing the Harvard percentage of 33 by the U.S. population percentage of 2.5 which yields 13.2)
Fact two. In terms of access to the elite, being born White makes you worth less than a third of a person. (The level of White under representation is calculated by dividing the Harvard percentage of 25 by the U.S. population percentage of 75 which yields 0.33)
Fact three. In terms of access to the elite, Jews are forty times more privileged than Whites. (The ethnic privilege differential between the groups is calculated by dividng the Jewish over representation of 13.2 by the White under representation of 0.33 which yields 40)
This pattern of massive Jewish over representation repeats throughout the Ivy League and has little to do with hard work or merit. In the few remaining elite colleges where admission is purely SAT based and therefore meritocratic, Jewish representation peaks at a more honest five percent. As for example at Caltech, the college with the highest SAT scores (both math and verbal) and the smartest students in America.
Jews achieve their extraordinary over representation only where the admissions process allows for racial favoritism and ethnic lobbying, a privilege Whites are denied so as to insure Jews avoid having to compete on equal terms. If the playing field were level, Jews would not be as privileged.