US Defense Department Treason Lobby Supporting the DREAM Act’s Mini-amnesty
When folks who advocate the importation of an Asian “cognitive elite” make their case, they usually do it in opposition to the importation of a third world underclass. It is interesting, therefore, that when Senator Durbin “justifies” the attachment of the DREAM Act mini-amnesty to the Defense Authorization Bill, he does so by pointing to supporters within the Defense Department—two of them actually—one of whom is so obscure he doesn’t even rate a Wikipedia entry, and the other of whom is a Chinese American:

whose Wikipedia entry says of him:
Chu is one of the least publicly recognized of the civilians appointed to The Pentagon under President George W. Bush.
You have to wonder if these guys really think that by recruiting the children of illegals into the military they can create a military that is more loyal to the military than to the people of the US the US military will be killing when the people of the US finally take up arms against the traitors?
UPDATE: This most recent reanimation of the DREAM Act is dead again after Congressmen got enough calls like the one I placed to my Congressman telling his staff that I hadn’t participated in “the process” in 15 years after I had led a grassroots effort to successfully change Federal Law and became alienated from “the process”, but that if my representative voted for the DREAM Act I would do everything in my power to make sure he wasn’t reelected. In my case, the staffer didn’t sound like a foreigner but he was none too happy with my call. Traitors, you see, really like giving away our land to foreigners. Its what makes them who they are.
Posted by GT on Wed, 26 Sep 2007 17:59 | #
Substitute “White” for “people of the U.S.” and the answer is self-evident: Yes.