Very correct. But is it effective policing?
From today’s Telegraph:-
A sixteen-year-old girl was murdered after she and a friend were assaulted over three hours by a gang of up to six men, police said yesterday.
Mary-Ann Leneghan was stabbed in the neck and her body was found in a park.
Her friend, who has not been named, was recovering in hospital yesterday after being shot and stabbed.
She managed to escape her attackers and staggered from Prospect Park, Reading, Berks, to raise the alarm by flagging down a passing motorist.
Detectives leading the murder hunt said the two teenagers were lured into a car parked in the centre of the town on Friday night.
The girls, in what police believe may have been a “state of great distress”, were taken to a nearby bed and breakfast hotel where they were assaulted over three hours ...
Mr Warwick added: “They suffered from a series of assaults throughout the evening, culminating in the death of the 16-year-old.
“It would appear that they had been in the company of this group of males and they had been assaulted during this time.”
Police would not confirm suggestions by close friends and family that Mary-Ann’s hair had been shaved off and that she had suffered burn wounds to her head from cigarettes ...
Mr Warwick said that the men police are looking for may be of mixed race, white or Afro-Caribbean.
So not much doubt about that, then. But, of course, we must never be told so, never be led to believe that white men tend not to prosecute sexual assaults in groups of six. The propensity to rape and murder must, must, must be equally distributed among ourselves and our, of course, always vibrant communities. A bit hard on the orderly, under-endowed Chinese, but equality is the thing, isn’t it?
Meanwhile, we must celebrate our diversity and agree not to look too closely into the racial identity of our daughters’ rapists and murderers. That would be racist and totally, inexcusably wrong. That would be inegalitarian. That would threaten the Multi-Cult. And, Marx-knows, the Multi-Cult is worth any number of dead white sixteen-year old girls. Which is why the future must, must, must continue to be multicultural. You lucky people. And you lucky girls.
Posted by JSBolton on Mon, 09 May 2005 17:46 | #
The reason why they would do this, would be to use racial provocations to set up the other side for smearing. The left has no moral authority; their only hope is to make ad hominem remarks about their opposition. They can no longer say that socialism is good and desirable; only that the right is on a slope from racism to nazism to genocide. The racial provocations are deliberately encouraged or even instigated, in order to hide this extremely serious weakness on the left. They cannot present socialism as an ideal any longer; people know that it is inextricably tied in with the grossest immoralities. To remind them of this, is to neutralize the left, as well as the moderate right who imitate them, and their vicious provocations.