Waiting for Godot’s Son Or Someone Like Him My working hypothesis is that JudeoChristianity is, and has for nearly all of its 2000 year history been, a true conflict of cultures between Mediterranean/Levantine “civilized peoples”/group semi-organisms and northern European “barbarians”/individualists. In the ontology of northern Europeans, these “civilized” peoples/group semi-organisms were known as “dragons”, “serpents”, “vipers”, “worms” and “giants”, depending on their precise forms and modes of action. JudeoChristianity was basically a group semi-organism psyop that succeeded where military efforts failed, although it did occasionally take the dragon form as under Charlemagne. The success suffered a setback with the discovery of the New World because the frontier allowed escape of what the domesticators might call “feral humans” but the closing of the frontier in the late 1800s began a slow process of rounding them up and redomesticating them. Viewed in this light the termination of the Apollo program and the bureaucratic takeover of any pioneering spirit was absolutely critical to prevent another escape. The “support” for Israel/Zionism provided by the settler stock Americans is just a way of keeping them “Waiting for Jesus”, or perhaps I should say, “Waiting for Godot‘s Son Or Someone Like Him” while their culture is finally destroyed once and for all. From the guy who, years beforehand, predicted a Reichstag-type event would occur right around the turn of the millennium to get all the JudeoChristian sheep riled up to go kick Muslim butt, click here for a theory about the February 15, 2013 “act of God” in the form of a cosmic coincidence, signs in the sky, fire from heaven and blah blah de woof woof in the context of the saber-rattling between Russia and the US over the middle east, reserve currency status, blah blah de woof woof. Admittedly, this isn’t years before hand, but then I wasn’t as sure a sequel to the Waiting for Godot’s Son Or Someone Like Him blockbuster wouldn’t be a box-office flop with the cannon fodder after the Greatest Story Ever Told which one would have thought had climaxed on 9/11/2001 (with its final scenes the resolution in The Pacification of the Terrorists). The franchise may have legs after all. Comments:2
Posted by Paul H on Fri, 08 Mar 2013 04:56 | # James, you have been drinking way too much coffee. Try to calm down. Sometimes meditation can help. The old Nazi, Christianity as a psyop crap. At least try to be original. Also realise just how many people you are offending with such tripe. Some of the greatest minds that have ever been on this planet were Christians. Do I need to enumerate them? Anyway, try to get some rest lad. 3
Posted by Firepower on Fri, 08 Mar 2013 15:19 | # Christianity is like God - if you believe in Him. Some good - some bad. What good has Christianity really done in the long run? Keep present-day America “on top” as opposed to a strengthening Red China? Is that God’s “plan?” If a God can create a Satan, how good is he really - and the men that create Christianity? 4
Posted by James Bowery on Fri, 08 Mar 2013 17:58 | # Dear Swine, While I sympathize, as for the devil, with your inability to appreciate the nutritional value of those funny little white things on which you no doubt chipped even your molars, your eventual nutritional value more than makes up for your behavior. —Farmer Jimbo 5
Posted by Harry on Fri, 08 Mar 2013 23:05 | # There’s no such thing as ‘Judeo-Christianity’. There’s Judaism and there’s Christianity (albeit in differing forms). 6
Posted by Marla Peachrist on Sat, 09 Mar 2013 01:07 | # Darling, have you heard the joke about Godot? No? Oh, it’s ever such a good joke… Wait for it…. Wait for it… 7
Posted by Nötig on Sat, 09 Mar 2013 01:27 | # Harry, CI’s, Traditional Catholics, Chabad-Lubavitchers and Conservative Jews all reject the concept, Judeo-Christianity. When expedient, Jews & evangelical madmen use it. Celebrating our Northern European spirit necessitates grouping these two metropolitan religions together. 8
Posted by Tom on Sat, 09 Mar 2013 02:50 | # How addled by Christianity or whatever it might be does your brain have to be if the most salient thing about this post is its insufficient respect for Christianity? 9
Posted by Thorn on Sat, 09 Mar 2013 14:00 | # Pike’s Amazing Predictions Of Three World Wars August 15, 1871 “The First World War must be brought about in order to permit the Illuminati to overthrow the power of the Czars in Russia and of making that country a fortress of atheistic Communism. The divergences caused by the “agentur” (agents) of the Illuminati between the British and Germanic Empires will be used to foment this war. At the end of the war, Communism will be built and used in order to destroy the other governments and in order to weaken the religions.” 2 {snip} “The Second World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences between the Fascists and the political Zionists. This war must be brought about so that Nazism is destroyed and that the political Zionism be strong enough to institute a sovereign state of Israel in Palestine. During the Second World War, International Communism must become strong enough in order to balance Christendom, which would be then restrained and held in check until the time when we would need it for the final social cataclysm.” 3 {snip} “The Third World War must be fomented by taking advantage of the differences caused by the “agentur” of the “Illuminati” between the political Zionists and the leaders of Islamic World. The war must be conducted in such a way that Islam (the Moslem Arabic World) and political Zionism (the State of Israel) mutually destroy each other. Meanwhile the other nations, once more divided on this issue will be constrained to fight to the point of complete physical, moral, spiritual and economical exhaustionWe shall unleash the Nihilists and the atheists, and we shall provoke a formidable social cataclysm which in all its horror will show clearly to the nations the effect of absolute atheism, origin of savagery and of the most bloody turmoil. Then everywhere, the citizens, obliged to defend themselves against the world minority of revolutionaries, will exterminate those destroyers of civilization, and the multitude, disillusioned with Christianity, whose deistic spirits will from that moment be without compass or direction, anxious for an ideal, but without knowing where to render its adoration, will receive the true light through the universal manifestation of the pure doctrine of Lucifer, brought finally out in the public view. This manifestation will result from the general reactionary movement which will follow the destruction of Christianity and atheism, both conquered and exterminated at the same time.” 4 {snip} 10
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 09 Mar 2013 19:55 | # Pike must have been gifted, indeed, to have foreseen in the 1800s that the term “Nazi” would come into use in the 1900s. 11
Posted by DJ on Fri, 15 Mar 2013 13:47 | #
Good eye, Jimbo. I’ll toss that one in the overflowing dumpster filled with half-backed conspiracy theories.
Posted by Joe on Sun, 24 Mar 2013 16:31 | # One step/event towards creating the New World Order was the assassination of JFK. His assassination looms large in what’s going on today. JFK’s assassination being a coup d’etat. The forces that assassinated him are still in power. Very soon after JFK was shot down, the USA changed drastically. Christian America was greatly assaulted from all sides : culturally, politically, economically, demographically, etc.. JFK’s assassination is one of the main the pivotal points in American history. ” Finally, We Get The Truth About The JFK Assassination : It’s Worse Then We Thought “ http://vaticproject.blogspot.com/ [ Article dated : March 24th, 2013] A very intense force was behind the assassination. It’s overwhelming, yet it’s important to know exactly what it is we’re going up against. It can only help to know as much possible about what happened, so we’ll be better prepared to go against the powers here in the US that want a New World Order. If the Uncle Sam’s [ in other words : USrael’s] Gun Grab is successful, white Americans will be murdered en-masse. Resist the Gun Grab. White Americans stand in the way of the New World Order. “Hymie in Afula” told us Exactly what the New World Order is ALL about : It’s about a world of race-mixed mulattoes [ with no true heritage or faith or culture or sense-of-nation] ruled over by Jews from Jerusalem. Hymie in Afula actually gloats about it. There’s No room in the New World Order for whites, especially intelligent whites who are not de-racinated, and not so quick to follow the Jewish/talmudic/kabballah way of doing things : Whites who don’t see the world with a kaballah mentality. That’s why it’s Very Important to call our fellow whites out of Freemasonry—Freemasonry is based on the Jew’s kaballah, and being satanic on high levels. The kaballah is the main book(s) of satanism. Even those whites in the low degrees who don’t know the true agenda of the leaders of Freemasonry are giving the satanists credence and power.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 02 Apr 2013 03:10 | # Speaking of Godot : reverse = ” to god” , psyops and cannon-fodder : Search Terms : “satanism + Theosophy + Nazism “ ” Nazism + Occult” ” Theosophy + Nazism” ” satanism + Child Sacrifice” Satanism conjurs up the dvil via the death sacrifice of animals, adult humans, but satanists especially find the most occult/satanic powere through the blood/death sacrifice of children. The Thule and Vril societies in Germany were no different. http://okkulte-nazis.blogspot.com/2011/02/it-began-in-germany_24.html Crowley and Hitler knew one another. Crowley first met Hitler in 1918 when Hitler was in the hospital after Hitler went temporarily blind from mustard-gas. http://raumfahrer.wordpress.com/manson/crowley-on-sacrifice/ About the Nazi/Aryan “Ascended Masters” : http://www.theoryofliverevolution.com/files/I0THEosophY.pdf http://thespawnofthesphinx.com/spawn_of_the_sphinx_017.htm Aleister Crowley, one of Europe’s leading satanists in the 20 th century, called Hitler “the most evil man I know”. Christians are pointing out what satanists themselves have to say about Hitler. The world of satanism claims Hitler as one of their own : And one of their greatest as well. 14
Posted by Joe on Thu, 11 Apr 2013 21:26 | # “Top Italian Judge : ‘USA Behind All The Terrorism’” : http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/2013/04/usa-behind-all-terrorism-top-Italian.html Or : http://aangirfan.blogspot.com/
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 00:05 | # What does, “sein zum tode”, mean in Daseinism? I only ask because I’m not an expert on the Daseinite “faith”—the existentialist, destructive, nihilistsic “religion” so many white pagans love to kibble-and-bits. Does “sein zum tode” have anything to do with “Waiting for Godot” ? Is “sein zum tode” something that happens to you when you’re waiting for the Godot? Is Godot yet another Daseinite too? Is Godot like the messiah for Daseinites? Who started Daseinism? And why? To what purpose? Search term : “Hitler a Sabbatean Jew “ Maybe it was Hitler who showed up while all the white pagan Daseinites were busy waiting for Godot. Maybe Godot couldn’t make it, so maybe Hitler stepped in for Godot? Daseinite Hitler and Daseinite Pete Papaheraklis, bless their hearts—as the Southerners say when they really want to say is go f*ck yourself. What does “sein zum tode” mean? 17
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 10:01 | # Oremus pro invicem. “Tradition and Radical Individualism : Burke and Sartre in Dialogue” 18
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 10:55 | # Joe, if I were to tell you plainly that the way that you are using “Dasein” has nothing to do with the way I am using it, that it is in fact an entirely benign and neutral term, would you even hear it? Not likely, even though that is the case. It is like my talking about say, sitting at home in the living room, and you are saying that is a beast 666 cult. Yes, Joe, you are that ridiculous. It is not Sarte, it is not existentialism, it is not “anything goes”, not Nazism, not freemasonry, not Jewish and to your ultimate disquiet, it does not await your stupid Christian interpretations.
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 11:38 | # Poor Daseinites, bless their hearts, they waited soooo soooo long for Godot ; Turns out their Godot was a bit metissage melange , to say the least, to be kind to the Daseinites, who must be suffering big-time cognitive dissonanace by now, bless their cognitive dissonant hearts ; We’ll just say their long-awaited Godot was a bit on the metissage melange side, not to cause the poor Daseinites anymore cognitive dissonance, bless their deflated hearts, bless their Daseinite Godot Juif Noir Sauveur, bless his metisse mélange heart, as the Southerners use the term, of course. Was Judah Benjamin a bit metisse mélange as well? The Dasein Hitler reminds a bit of the , shall we say, metisse mélange J Edgar Hoover. I forgot from what Southern swamp-state the Hoover’s juif ancestors had their noir slave plantation. Was it Alabama? Louisiana? Mississippi? I forgot. I forgot in what golden circle swamp the Juif Hoovers fucked their precious noirs to give us J Edgar. More about the Daseinite’s Juif Noir Sauveur : http://www.haaretz.com/jewish-world/dana-tests-reveal-hitler-s-jewish-and-african-roots-1.309938 Daseinite Hitler finds out he has Sang/DNA d’Juif & Sang/DNA d’Noir : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzHV3Cbpjck Daseinite Hitler runs out of $$$$$$-$$$$$$-$$$$$$ : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GixcYrEx3HA Well, no suprise. Juifs and Noirs always had a “special relationship”. I know that’s true because the juif Commie Bella Abzug told me so. So did the noir Manning Johnson : 20
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 11:55 | # Are we to surprised that it would be an impervious response coming from you? No, it is exactly as anticipated, as I’d said: it is in fact an entirely benign and neutral term, would you even hear it? Not likely, even though that is the case. The evil pride of the Jesus freak, Joe, is inhuman and impervious, merely looking for a host for its infectious disease. 21
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 12:42 | # @DanielS Everything is like releasement and kewl on my side, everything is Ereignis daseinite dudes, ” things show up in the light of our understanding of being*” and all, everyone knows that, gosh. I just feel like manifesting some Destruktion . One would think Daseinites would appreciate it ; Daseinites appreciate manifest Destruktion, what’s the problem ? * Daseinite quote from Hubert Dreyfus, professor-priest of Heidegger Daseinite “religion” at the U-See of Berkelee, West Coast intellectual capital of Commies. 22
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 13:13 | # You may think you are talking about the same thing that I am, but I doubt even that. Your purpose is to distract, derail, trash, if you can, and instill your infectious disease. “Daseinite religious Commies from Berklee”
Posted by Joe on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:15 | # Yes, the part-Jew, part-African “Aryan” hero/avatar was really a Communist-at-heart, working for the Jewish/Zionist New World Order. I posted a link about Shitler being a Communist-at-heart under the “Authentic Christianity/Authentic European Culture” article. Excellent video. Extremely fact-filled and hence truly informative : Excellent in its’ Truth. Poor poor Daseinites waited sooo sooo very long for their Dasein Godot, but Dasein Godot turned out to be a bit of a metisse mélange, to say the least as not to deflate the Daseinites too much, bless their disappointed, defeated, and deflated Dasein hearts — Sauveur shitler was a Noir-Juif, un metisse un mélange de couleur un de juif : A metisse mélange pastiche mess, and he didn’t even have any Aryan blood, for there is NO such thing as an Aryan race ; As far as the White Race is concerned, there’s only The white Caucasian race. The “Aryan Race” myth conjured up in 19th century Freemasonry Halls : But despair not Existentialists, for there is still Dasein Lichtung in Being With ; The Godot Avatar is Being Here now Still ; http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t2-b2hQRfyw Poor deflated and discouraged Daseinites, their Heidegger Daseinite “aryan avatar” turned out to be a race-mixed, miscegenated-up-the-kazoo-metisse- mélange-pastiche-de-couleur-un-de-juif, to say the least as not to hurt the feelings of the Daseinites, bless their cognitive dissonant and hence existentialist hearts ; what would they do without their Godot?
Poor Dasein Harland, bless his daseinish, heideggerish neo-nazi heart. 24
Posted by DanielS on Tue, 16 Apr 2013 19:29 | # This thing is so obnoxious he (I think maybe she) has got to be Jewish. 25
Posted by Jo on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 03:14 | # More truthful information about the Dasein “Godot”—“To God” in existentialist Heidegger speak—the Dasein Godot Messiah, Shitler : http://www.thisiszionism.blogspot.com/2013/04/the-jews-owe-their-homeland-to-hitler_19.html Poor poor Daseinite Hyperborean-Viking-Aryan-Nazi-From-Thule-On-Top-Of-Valhalla-Mountain-Top, the “Aryan” John deNugent who is a goy-boy-toy Fuck-Buddy to the jew-Nazi-jew John Kaminski ; The ice-loving, snow-loving, cold-loving Hyperborean Viking Aryan Avatar who just happens to live in Warm and Sunny Florida year round , right next door to his jew Fuck-Buddy jew-Nazi-jew Fuck-Buddy Kaminski. How deflated and disappointed and defeated the Hyperborean Avatar must feel knowing his “Aryan-Godot-God-Avatar-Hero-Shitler” was a metisse-melange-pastiche-mess, and DeNugent’s beloved Hyperborean Shitler’s Third Reich started the Homosexual Liberation Movement in the very first place, poor poor disambiguous, Cognitive-Dissonant Daseinites, bless their pagan convoluted neo-Nazi Heidegger atheistic hearts, bless their Sein Zum Tode hearts. “To God”, yes sirre bob. 26
Posted by Joe on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 03:38 | # Excuse me : The “e” didn’t catch as I typed my name. The name is “Joe”. I was typing too fast to notice. Just wanted everyone to know, I, “Joe” , shot off the above truthful information about Shitler, the metisse-mélange-Daseinite-pastiche-mess-Godot-Avatar of the Heidegger Daseinites, bless their “e”-xistentialist hearts. 27
Posted by Satyagraha on Sat, 20 Apr 2013 07:46 | # Joe’s very obvious pathologies would be merely uninteresting, nasty, and unpleasant if the broad stance he adopts weren’t shared by so many others. Still Joe is so stupid in his tirade of spam I for one think he must be commenting in bad faith. No-one can genuinely believe in such nonsense can they? Or he could be as much of an obtuse gasbag as he actually appears to be? Just a basic level of Jesuitical sophistry would be something for Joe to aspire to. Sadly he can’t even reach that goal. Joe can you honestly believe anyone other than the cognitively subnormal would actually be convinced by your epic douchebaggery? You know that wonderful combination of blatant stupidity, unfathomable ignorance, and insolence that you have. Mind you to be fair much the same could be said for your interlocutors. Never let be thought or said that MR is a home to intelligent or informed debate. 28
Posted by DanielS on Sun, 21 Apr 2013 07:35 | # Posted by Satyagraha on April 20, 2013, 02:46 AM | # Joe’s very obvious pathologies would be merely uninteresting, nasty, and unpleasant if the broad stance he adopts weren’t shared by so many others. Still Joe is so stupid in his tirade of spam I for one think he must be commenting in bad faith. No-one can genuinely believe in such nonsense can they? Or he could be as much of an obtuse gasbag as he actually appears to be? Just a basic level of Jesuitical sophistry would be something for Joe to aspire to. Sadly he can’t even reach that goal. Joe can you honestly believe anyone other than the cognitively subnormal would actually be convinced by your epic douchebaggery? You know that wonderful combination of blatant stupidity, unfathomable ignorance, and insolence that you have. Mind you to be fair much the same could be said for your interlocutors. Never let be thought or said that MR is a home to intelligent or informed debate.
http://www.counter-currents.com/2013/04/remembering-adolf-hitlerapril-20-1889-april-30-1945/ Notice in recent podcasts at Counter-Currenth that the narrative has been coddled along by the Reich/homo erotic Nietzsche cult to go from A sentiment of “give the mudshark a bath and go build community” to…”it’s wonderful that you want to date a black man, but I’m sorry, you will have to leave.” From puerile anarcho-communitarianism to a notion of let’s promote deportation but settle for giving blacks the South East U.S. - that way the “little ladies” (read puerile girls, true ladies) will keep them in power because they will not have to travel far for black weenie. The reason that you do not have a Euro DNA Nation now is because these unnamed fat career egos have stood in the way. In dread that you might find out that someone is 1/8 Amerindian and take away their position as leader among White nationalists (as if normal people would care that one is 1/8 Amerindian, or whatever minor fraction of non-White they are) and as if normal people do not see that their best roles are as advisers on technical details; that they are not leaders, they are followers. But being career girls (we are talking about males) with egos to be in power, they bring fellows along to concede that there must be this grand vision of a parallel nation – not to call it a Euro DNA Nation because their fat egos and fag cohorts did not come up with it; hence, there are copious straw men to issue forth so that the faggot Nietzsche/Reich cult can be atop along with a few switch hitting octoroons that they make exception for because they are of a like vithion - we need a vithion of outer-thpace exploration for White people as if others have not envisioned that. Despite the career girls.. ..... We need to implement the parallel nation of Euro DNA Nations, which includes all they propose and more - coordination and verifiability. While doing what we at MR can to coordinate what we believe to be the most necessary ideas, adding a few novel ones where needed, we have been standing on tall shoulders, doing some of fundamental work to prepare the way. 29
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 04:29 | # This paranthetical phrase should be clarified: (as if normal people would care that one is 1/8 Amerindian, or whatever minor fraction of non-White they are) ...corrected to this: (as if normal people would care that one is 1/8 Amerindian, or whatever minor fraction of Amerindian they are).
Posted by DanielS on Mon, 22 Apr 2013 04:52 | # ... To think, I had almost been apologetic for posting such an indictment of Matt Parrott’s motives, then he goes on to say: The North American New Right speaks with its own voice and it exists to address the future, not apologize for the past. It’s not beholden to any particular movement, symbols, or strategies of yesteryear, but it’s not obligated to apologize for those influences and forerunners who preceded us. I find Hitler more of an influence and an inspiration than any living American. If my audience can’t abide that, then they likely can’t abide any of the other radical transformations they would need to undergo in order to be a credible threat to Modernity, Global Jewry, and the multicultural dissolution of our heritage and traditions.”
As if we need Uncle Adolf to do the thinking for us and as if we must genuflect to him if he had some good thoughts. We do not. 31
Posted by Joe on Tue, 30 Apr 2013 13:21 | # For Dasein boys on the go, while you’re waiting for Godot. Don’t get caught with the wrong accessories when your Dasein Godot Avatar shows up to pick-you-up. One always wants to look smart after all :
This one is a REAL TRUE ARYAN—I know that’s true because this Dasein Avatar is a blond ; Unlike the other Dasein Avatar Godot who turned out to be a bit, Oh, how does one say diplomatically so as not to embarrass the Daseinites, bless their Sein Zum Tode hearts ; Well, let’s just say this Dasein Godot Avatar ain’t no Noir-Juif like the other one. This one is the Real Thing, yes sirre. We know this one is a REAL ARYAN Dasein Avatar ‘cause this one is a Blonde, unlike the other one, the Noir-Juif one, you know, the one with the funny moustache, anyhoo, you Daseins you, this one is For Real : 32
Posted by Joe on Wed, 01 May 2013 05:03 | # Hiedegger on the future of the Dasein “religion” : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZkYMwmMS4k It may take awhile before another Dasein Avatar Godot comes around to save you Daseinites , as per Heidegger himself, don’t blame me. It could get lonely waiting for Godot so long. Don’t take that Long Day’s Journey Into Night now Dasein boys; Don’t wind up like the Tyrone family. They turned into Alcoholics with their Equipment Ready-at-Hand in Releasement, while they waited and waited for something Ontic to happen ; Except for Mary Tyrone, of course ; Mary, of course, turned into a Morphine Addict in the state of Being Ereignis while in Sein Zum Tode waiting-mode for Godot, or something, anything, whatever it is Daseins wait for. It can get lonely being a Daseinite, I imagine. A pet is always good company as one waits and waits and waits…... Adopting a pet is like attaining Worldhood dudes : http://laughingsquid.com/cats-that-look-like-hitler/
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Posted by Firepower on Fri, 08 Mar 2013 02:40 | #
The best method to keep IED fodder waiting for Godot-Jesus
is to ignore The Jesus and keep the Jordies waiting
For the next Call of Duty PlayStation release
They don’t even “flip burgers” anymore
They just mushroom