Weathering the storm

Posted by Guest Blogger on Sunday, 26 April 2009 19:28.

By The Narrator

Today we find ourselves in the path of a raging storm that seems determined to bring the rafters down upon us. We must keep in mind, though, that we are not the first generation to face such perplexities.  Nor, we must hope, will we be the last.

The question before us now is how to best contend with this storm. Rash people climb up on the rooftop, shake a fist at the winds, and challenge the storm to a one-on-one battle to the finish. The finish usually means getting blown away, hit by lightning, or struck by a 150mph piece of airborne debris. Then there’s the panic-stricken, who ignored the gathering storm clouds till it‘s all too late, and are too frozen with fear to work out what to do.

The assured man, on the other hand, knows that storms come and go, and prepares to meet them and weather them as best he may.  He watches and stays alert, and when he sees the clouds gathering he batons down the hatches, secures the lose timbers, herds the small animals into the barn, gathers the family into one place, brings the tools into the house and keeps the candles close at hand.  He may not always avoid all tragedy and loss.  But he has the best chance, and the state of mind and spirit to begin again the next day.

This is the kind of man - someone naturally steady, stable, with good character and good instincts, someone who thinks clearly even in harm’s way - that we need in abundance now.  So this is a post about such men, and about the all too obvious, simple lessons in life - the basic truths - which help to make them, and which we are not getting right anymore.

As we grow older and take from the lessons learned from experience we come to appreciate two seemingly conflicting truths that are, none the less, complementary.  The first is: patience truly is a virtue.  The second is: a single lifetime is very, very short.

It is only when we appreciate how insignificant we are that we begin to become amazed at the relevance of our existence.  And it is only when we realize how fast time goes by that we learn to be more patient with the events about us.  We are, after all, just links in a massive chain stretching out long before us and far behind us. 

The complexities of a single life are great indeed, yet humbling and modest juxtaposed against the boundlessness of human existence. So great of importance is a single average life, yet so small is the dent it leaves on the world about it.

Too many of us today make far too much out of the importance our place in this world holds or the significance that our own time on this earth bears.  And in so doing we neglect the true significance that our own short time here has on our part in that chain of life.

That we live in an age of manufactured confusion and doubt is beyond question.  No people can function in such a state.  All about us we see people (and whole societies) coming undone due to a turning away from basic wisdoms: on faith, on identity, on social relations, on personal importance, on contact with the real, etc …  Nothing today demonstrates the detachment from wisdom more than the fact that our fellow citizens are interdependent peasants who imagine themselves to be autonomous kings and queens in charge of their own destinies.  They constantly question their own limited understandings of where they came from and where they might be going. They play not only the part of king but of challenger to the throne as well.  They are in rebellion against themselves.

It’s worth noting that lies and the welter of confusion they create always come out of a psychology that is convoluted, complex, ever twisting, ever in motion, ever changing, even productive of still more questions that engender more doubt and confusion.  From race and gender and gender roles, to national identity and personal responsibilities … nowhere are there certainties.  Nowhere are there answers, only perplexing riddles and multiplying conundrums.

Truth, on the other hand, is basic, straightforward and simple, leaving neither doubt nor confusion.

And in truth, most of us are, have been, always will be peasants.  I would add that there is neither shame nor degradation in that fact - and by peasants I mean most us are bound to the jurisdiction of nature, which lends to an average life a full measure of human fulfilment.

This fulfilment which flows from the natural sense of self is what we have neglected, and doubt and confusion are the inevitable consequence.

What our history as a people has taught us is how to best cope, individually, with the inevitable trials and tragedies of our short existence while operating within the greater community of man.  Life, after all, is so simple and predictable yet always full of stumbling blocks and unexpected sorrows (and delights), none of which, however, are unique in the common experience.

Our own era is, tragically, in perpetual flux and despondency brought about through our modern infatuation with doubting and questioning anything and everything of substantive value and obvious truisms.  We have got to the insane but inevitable point of questioning the knowability of the very ground upon which we walk or the air which we breathe.  It’s as if we’ve willingly blindfolded ourselves and then gone rushing headfirst into a wilderness.

There are too many questions and too few answers from the authority of conviction out in the wide Western world today. We’ve become not only heretics from faith but refugees from civilization, from our way of life itself - all because we’ve come to imagine life is more complex and unknowable than it really is, and constitutes a personal journey of discovery, the end of which yields different facts to different people.

It isn’t. And it doesn’t.

Life has long since been explored to the fullest and all of its potentials and drawbacks have been thoroughly analyzed and evaluated.  The parameters of who and what we are and are capable of being were established through trial and error played out over countless ages so that what we know today in terms of identity (son, father, husband, friend, patriot, etc) is an inheritance of such basic wisdom that it is profitable to every man in every age.

Yet all the wisdom collected and passed along to us through those long, dark ages is for naught unless we continue to embrace it, live it and pass it on to the next generation.  In that sense, the more absolute, the more straightforward the truth, the more sustaining the fruit it bears.

Thus the recognition of the absolutes of life is a key to stability of mind and soul during the tumultuous storm.  And what are the absolutes?

Beginnings and Endings
Man and Woman
Youth and Old Age
Life and Death
Night and Day
Sorrow and Pleasure
Hope and Despair
Black and White
Honor and Shame
Doubt and Faith
Good and Evil
Sun and Storm
Sight and Blindness
Health and Sickness
Past and Present
Beauty and Ugliness
Truth and Lies

Failing to acknowledge any one of such basic and simple paradigms leads to imbalance in thinking, from which comes hesitation to action in words or deed at times when there should be none. And is that not what we see all about us in The West today?

Socrates said, “the unexamined life is not worth living”. Yet that examination must come through reflection of an experience lived and not manifested in baseless expectations or doubts and questionings of what has not been lived.  Otherwise we cast stumbling blocks in front of ourselves by questioning the absolutes which have guided our forefathers through countless storms.

After all, how much reasonable pondering of any quality can a man make in a single lifetime.  How much history can he absorb?  How many books can he read?  How many subjects can he master to make an informed decision on any subject? (And all this as he must also be a son, a friend, a brother, a husband, a father, a carpenter, a farmer, a soldier, a mechanic, an engineer, etc…)  Each and every day is a burden of responsibilities to best affect those about you whom you love and care for.  We are by nature, and nature’s clock, limited.  It is only through acknowledging and accepting those limitations that we learn how to best steer a steady course towards our inevitable fate.

So where does this lead?

In the limited time we are allotted, we need to know (as in believe with conviction) who we are, to whom we belong and why we value the things we do.  That way we maximize the amount of peace and contentedness with which we might live out our lives.  We bestow upon ourselves a state of mind in which we can see the storm clouds gathering and prepare for the onslaught, knowing without a shadow of doubt that our defense is right and just.

We must accept our mortality and act accordingly.  For we are constantly withering away minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. The wisdom which any one of us is allowed, beyond all doubts, are the absolutes; That we are flesh and blood. That we are white - Sons of The West.  That we are men: protectors of our wives, guardians of our children and defenders of the home and inheritance.  That we will love our wives.  That we will pass that inheritance to our children.  That we will be loyal to our friends.  That we will not back down to our enemies.  That we will know death and grief as well as happiness.  That health is better than sickness.  That we will age and die.  That moments are fleeting.  That morning will follow night.  That all storms pass with time.

Such things, simple though they may be, are the storehouse of Western wisdom for each and everyone of us.  No exceptions.

Can any man really live if he deconstructs the absolutes?  I think not.  I think he can never repair, never rebuild civilization.  That’s the sacred task and the preserve of those who know with certainty that they are, beyond any shadow of a doubt, Men of The West.



Posted by Dasein on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:10 | #

A very stirring essay, Narrator (and unintended pun only recognized afterwards).  We are beseeched for the sake of our descendants and the honour of our anscestors to act as White Men (not males).  My wife gets upset when I say this, but politics and civilization building is not women’s work.  They are our wives, our confidantes, our support, but we must not be afraid to lead.


Posted by Guessedworker on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 22:38 | #

A very American essay, too.  The white American character is a variation on a European theme.  It particularly emphasises the quality of self-reliance, and does so in the absence of the appeal to membership of the organic community (which, of course, marked the old world).  This being so, one might conclude that the quality of being itself, as it is refracted by European sociobiology, is quite unique.  I can’t think of another racial group which exhibits the individualism from which to fashion something new for a new situation like the American West.


Posted by James Bowery on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 23:17 | #

Narrator writes: And in truth, most of us are, have been, always will be peasants.

That was half true.  Peasants had more material security than middle class Americans today.  All they had to do was pay their, relatively low, taxes in agricultural produce and answer when the call to arms went out from their lords—and they had secure access to homestead assets.  Nowadays, you have to come up with nearly $2000 in legal fees for bankruptcy proceedings under the 2005 bankruptcy “reform” act—fees you don’t have of course—to avoid eviction.  That’s what is behind the growing suicides of young “middle class” men—among many other things.

But it is true that my <a >actuarial militia reform</a> aspires to more than mere serfdom for the peasantry—being more allodial than feudal—hence could be criticized by Narrator as suffering from delusions similar to those suffered by the Yeoman farmer of American history.  However, given the betrayal of the peasantry just suffered, including everyone down to the members of the local chambers of commerce and their support for open borders, there may well be nothing but peasants left for us to work with unless something like my reform “heads off” something like the French Revolution.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sun, 26 Apr 2009 23:34 | #

We must accept our mortality and act accordingly.  For we are constantly withering away minute by minute, hour by hour, day by day. T he wisdom which any one of us is allowed, beyond all doubts, are the absolutes; That we are flesh and blood.  That we are white - Sons of The West.  That we are men:  protectors of our wives, guardians of our children and defenders of the home and inheritance.  That we will love our wives.  That we will pass that inheritance to our children.  That we will be loyal to our friends.  That we will not back down to our enemies.  That we will know death and grief as well as happiness.  That health is better than sickness.  That we will age and die.  That moments are fleeting.  That morning will follow night.  That all storms pass with time.  (—from the log entry)

“That morning will follow night.”  The deepest part of the night is in reality morning, is in reality the earliest breaking of the day.  It doesn’t hurt to remember as we look at the night surrounding us that the day is breaking and will be such a day as we ourselves determine. 

What is dying and being sloughed off is only old skin, to be replaced, exactly as needed to happen, by a newer and far better if we lay the proper groundwork for it. 

Yes it’s hard.  No one ever promised us ease in answering the call, any more than ease was promised to our fathers in answering the same call and answer they did, and so must we likewise and their task was far harder, and their terror far more terrifying than ours.

Every generation must answer the call.  So far, compared to what’s been required of those generations who have come before, we have it easy. 

The job we must do has been laid out before us.  Up to us now, to figure out how, and get it done or get the beginnings done and pass the baton as we exit the stage, life being so short, as it rightly says in the log entry.  Our existence itself is thanks to no generation in the past having failed in the task that was laid before it, not a single one having been the broken link; neither shall we in our turn fail, or be the broken link.

Come what may, we shall not be the broken link.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 00:48 | #

There are many American implicit White identities that will become explicit the more the noose tightens around the neck of our people.  We have much to work with, 200 million Whites in North America.


Posted by GR on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 02:19 | #

There are many American implicit White identities that will become explicit the more the noose tightens around the neck of our people.

Agreed. Good argument for getting the noose tightened as a political end.


Posted by Captainchaos on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 02:40 | #

The noose will tighten whether we like it or not, it is because we decidedly do not like it that we will fight for breath. 

The system is beginning to collapse before our eyes, the blame and burden for that is being placed at the feet of White people; just as WNs have been predicting for decades that it would.

Now is the time for loyalty, which is our honor, unto death for our race.  Without it the only life worth living will be taken from us.  We will be loyal to our brothers, we will fight for our brothers, if necessary we will die for our brothers.


Posted by Thunder on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:02 | #

Excellent writing and very inspirational, thank you Narrator.  Majority Rights has become a daily routine with me, especially since the demise of John the Birdman Bryant. The comments are always worth a perusal too.  You never know when some wiseacre will slip in something like:

unless something like my reform “heads off” something like the French Revolution. (Good one James)


Posted by cladarstis on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:10 | #


You are extremely talented; your writing is stirring (emotionally gripping, clear, and concise).  You would make an excellent speechwriter for any nascent political talent.


Posted by Wandrin on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 04:55 | #

The white American character is a variation on a European theme.  It particularly emphasises the quality of self-reliance, and does so in the absence of the appeal to membership of the organic community

Yes, I think the solution in places like America is likely to take a very different form from Europe where the obvious path is to huddle closer into the blood-nation. Not sure what an american-style solution might be but something local and then federated rather than straightforwardly national maybe.


Posted by the Narrator... on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 09:51 | #

A very American essay, too.

Posted by Guessedworker on April 26, 2009, 09:38 PM

You know, that comment caught me by surprise and gave me pause for a bit.

At this point in time it seems as though there is no America or anything which can be recognized as being distinctly American (yes, even though we’re inclined to believe the sun rises off the coast of Virgina and sets off the coast of Oregon).

That those outside of America can observe, distinguish and describe a White American way of thinking, writing, etc…. is reason in itself for hope. Of hope in unlooked for places, you might say.

As to self-reliance,  I think what that (and Individualism) means on this side of the Atlantic is not necessarily what it means on the other side.

After all, self-reliance, as a virtue, is on the same list as Family Oriented, Family Values, Family Bonds, Good Family Man, Good Provider, Dependable and so on.

In other words, someone who can’t take care of themselves can’t be depended on to take care of others either.

So in that sense, the self-reliant man is going to contribute most to the family and community.

That was half true.  Peasants had more material security than middle class Americans today.

Posted by James Bowery on April 26, 2009, 10:17 PM

I could probably write a whole thesis on this subject, but for the sake of space and time I’ll just explain that what I mean by peasants doesn’t necessarily have anything to do with political or socioeconomic definitions.
In the most convenient language I can think of right now, my usage of peasant is that of someone who is content to start a home, marry, have children, raise a garden etc, etc…. as opposed to those who pursue a “rock star”, “movie star”, “center of the universe”, “what would the world do without me”, “I’m destined for better things” type of existence.

There are an increasing number of people who have an air about them that suggests that they are the stars of their own tv shows while all those about them are interchangeable walk-ons with minor cameos in the comedy/drama that is their lives.
A lot of them see the changing of demographics in America as being no more significant than the changing of Darrins on ‘Bewitched’.
Dasein, Thunder, thanks for the comments.

Fred, your comment is a nice addendum to the article.


Posted by Al Ross on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 10:05 | #

I agree with cladarstis that captainchaos possesses a singular talent for raising the spirits and rallying the troops. CC’s writing is a welcome antidote (together with a large measure of single malt whisky from my native land) to the occasional pessimism which grips me when I consider the prospects for our race.


Posted by Selous Scout on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 18:10 | #

Ditto re CC.

I miss his discussions with the Faileocons over at Takimag.


Posted by Valerian on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 22:42 | #

“That we live in an age of manufactured confusion and doubt is beyond question.  No people can function in such a state.  All about us we see people (and whole societies) coming undone due to a turning away from basic wisdoms: on faith, on identity, on social relations, on personal importance, on contact with the real, etc … Nothing today demonstrates the detachment from wisdom more than the fact that our fellow citizens are interdependent peasants who imagine themselves to be autonomous kings and queens in charge of their own destinies.  They constantly question their own limited understandings of where they came from and where they might be going. They play not only the part of king but of challenger to the throne as well.  They are in rebellion against themselves.”

I completely agree with this and you can see it in the mannerisms and personalities of the average American. I work in retail and whenever I see the interactions between Americans I almost in awe of the disconnection between people and it seems like people live in their own worlds here. That’s the disconnection that the Modern world has caused to the people that live in it. In America, the disconnection between people runs a lot deeper and unfortunately it’s inherent within the history of the country. My reasoning is not sufficient for the task of examining the American personality but these two links below me come from two men that have superior intellects and whom can offer a better synopsis of the crisis we are in. Race is not the only factor that needs to be taken in consideration in America, other factors need to be examined as well. Either way we are all in an uphill battle.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:19 | #

( )

FJ’s going backwards not forwards.  I thought he was catching on there a while ago but the guy can’t seem to make that final step toward enlightenment.  I thought he had finally found his way home but he’s still lurching around in the void somewhere “out there.”  In his universe the only problem Europe faces now is Islam and did I see him say toward the end of this new piece that the reason Germany must continue in existence is to fight against Jew-hatred?  I’m not sure he wrote that but I doubt I was completely hallucinating.  You be the judge — I can’t get myself to go back there and make sure.  My eyes glazed over about half-way through the piece so by the end they weren’t seeing the page right, almost not seeing it at all and my brain was so thick and heavy with stupefaction from the sheer boredom of reading sentence after sentence of the purest most facile wrongness I could be mistaken.  But I’m not going back there to find out.  I like oxygen to breathe, not fever-swamp gas:  that one whiff was plenty for today.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:34 | #

Good reading by Francis Parker Yockey linked in Valerian’s comment.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 27 Apr 2009 23:58 | #


To save your lunch I visited BJ and searched in FJ’s piece for “Jew”.  And you’re right.  Up came this:-

If anything, precisely because of her history, Germany has an even greater responsibility than others to stop the spread of Jew hatred that follows inevitably from Muslim immigration.

That’s the bottom line for these judeophiliacs.  They are no better than leftists who actually believe that we will be “better” and “free” if we can only end the “hate”.


Posted by Captainchaos on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 00:11 | #

GW, what do you suppose compels White people like Fjordman to think of their race as nothing more than fodder to bring about a higher realization which is embodied in the Other?  Why cannot he see that proposition as perverse and psychotic?

It seems to combine the trill of racial supremacism over the untermensch (Muslims) and worship of the ubermensch (Jews).


Posted by Guessedworker on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 00:36 | #


I don’t think it’s too complicated, really.  You happen to have a tough moral constitution.  Some greaseball tells you five times a day for twenty or thirty years that you are guilty, really deeply guilty of hating him, and you fire back, “You know what?  You’re hateful, pal.”

We once carried a small piece by John Ray on the heritability of political orientation.  We are born liberals or conservatives, it said.  I don’t buy that.  The foundational research on political orientation was done by Adorno and Reich, and naturally it allowed for plenty of morally illegitimate authoritarianism in the European mind.  But maybe there is something to the expression of male and female traits in political orientation.  When I see Jobling and Fjordman obsessing over being “good” to Jews, I think “little women”.  I just don’t think they can do masculine.  They don’t have the constitution you do.  To steal a phrase from the inimitable if not entirely helpful Fred Reed, they want to “nicen” us all to salvation.  Being “nice” and “justified” in the sight of the Sainted Ones is their primary value.  It takes a different kind of mind to discriminate for higher interests.


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 01:34 | #

FJ came here only once, and that for only one purpose, he said:  to demand of this site that it never again link to any site that publishes his essays.  He didn’t wish any site that published his essays polluted by this site’s link. 

Mark my words, the day will come when he will return here and apologize for that.


Posted by Valerian on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 02:53 | #

To Fred Scrooby,

I’m glad you liked the link! I got a lot of insight from the last comment you posted; for a person to be so disgusted at what MR readers post in this site, especially those particular persons on the “right”, shows how far apart our world-views are from the “common people” in Western European Societies. My theory is that since we are, to use Modern terminology, more “radicalized” in our world-views then most of the population of the West, we can pull more people in our direction or stand out as to influence them in multi-various ways. I was listening to Jonathan Bowden’s speech on the Ontology of Death of Martin Heidegger and he said something particular that I can agree with:

“A man with a BELIEF is 50 men in action”.

The readers that contribute to this site or the active ones that regularly go on this site are people with beliefs. The more we influence the people that come on this site or “radical” Right sites, the more that people will see reality through our different but connected world-views ans replicate those same views in their own lives and actions.


Posted by Re:Captainchaos on Tue, 28 Apr 2009 04:58 | #

It would be funny to see Captainchaos go on the following blog and demolish some of the recent arguments and posts there pertaining to White nationalism -


Posted by Fred Scrooby on Sat, 02 May 2009 23:00 | #

Fade (“Fade-the-butcher,” “Daedalus,” “Prozium”) lets us know that as a result of burn-out, or discouragement, or whatever it may be (coming to new realizations?), he’ll be “fading away” in terms of being an internet presence —

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 15:45. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 00:24. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 21:45. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 18:48. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:58. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 16:04. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 12:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:34. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 10:14. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 04:45. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 00:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sat, 22 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Fri, 21 Mar 2025 23:15. (View)

Manc commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:20. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 14:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Wed, 19 Mar 2025 13:54. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A father and a just cause' on Mon, 10 Mar 2025 18:43. (View)
