White People Are Cool 2: Who Wants Whites To Race Mix?

Posted by Guessedworker on Wednesday, 11 May 2011 11:20.

I was impressed by the art and simplicity of this anti-miscegenation video published on YouTube by Divine Fellowship.  It was brought to the attention of BDF readers today by someone I respect.

The imagery, the writing, the voicing by Julian Lee, and the message are all beautifully-crafted.  It was uploaded on May Day this year, and is the second of thirty-three parts under the title White People Are Cool, all devoted to the preservation of our people.



Posted by Thorn on Wed, 11 May 2011 13:53 | #

Nice piece of propaganda there, GW, unfortunately it will only be well received by anti-Semites.

I used to beleive Dr. Ian Jobling lost his mind when he diverted from the well traveled anti-Jew route taken by most “White Nationalists”. But then it finally dawned on me that the practice of anti-Semitism is not only a waste of time, it is counter=productive to the max.

No one, and I mean NO ONE outside of a small circle of anti-Semites are going to buy the “IT’S THE JEWS!” crap. Blatant across the board anti-Semitism used by WNs as a strategy is considered (at least for those of us who’ve thought things through) analogous to travelling down a one-way dead end street.

Anti-white bigotry and the quest to genocide and race replace whites is not endemic to Jews, REPEAT—-IT IS NOT ENDEMIC TO THE JEWS! It’s true, there are a segment of Jews who represent some of the most zealous when it comes to the issue of pushing race mixing and “anti-racism; however, the fact is Jews are a very diverse group. They’re represented everywhere on the political spectrum. For example, here is a Jewess who is staunchly against ALL race-mixing - there are tons of jews out there who share her attitude:

Race-Mixing=COMMUNISM. Our Parents Thought So, They Were RIGHT.

The proof is in the pudding, in the picture below.  My Nana lived near Communists in Brooklyn and Freeport and hated their gutts.
She played Bridge and was an assistant manager at A & S..  They (The Commies of NYC)  were part of the Bridge games, Bingo, etc.  They, even then, talked about the ‘social equality’ crap.  My Grandmother used to say “HORSE SHIT!”  She would tell them, there is no such thing as ‘racial and social equality.’

  Thinking such a thing around these morons was ‘blasphemous.’  But she would rest her case. I am a Portugee, you are Russian, I am olive color, you are white as snow.  She would tell these gasbags that some people & races are smarter than others and that is life.  She would tell them ‘Us Portugees have never had the smartz that you Russians have.’  “Well, we can make them smart like us” they would say.  “HORSE SHIT” ~ ’You either got it, or you ain’t.‘  That was my grandmother.  She believed there were rich, and then there were poor, there were middle class, and that was life. 

  That is not so today. Everyone is all the same la la la. And it is a lie. We are NOT all the same. God gave special gifts to each and every race. Saying we are ‘all the same’ is a modern day Tower of Babel, and it is falling.  There are predominant races in each and every field of work in the workplace, there are people that will NEVER be rocket scientists, and rocket scientists won’t ever be Kindergarten teachers. 

  Regarding race mixing: It is Communism, the picture below is right, whether you like it or not.  It does not matter what the hell you think; Our parents and grandparents knew better than us and had a better country BECAUSE of it.





Posted by Helvena on Wed, 11 May 2011 19:23 | #

Sure, Thorn, and there are Jews that don’t lie (at least not much): but they are the exception that proves the rule. 

Ordinary people, people who live and let live, are starting to understand the problem, and they understand the Jewish role in it.  Susan Sontag was eloquent, wasn’t she, Thorn?  Squeak all you like, Thorn. Your days are numbered.

“Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history.”—- Susan Sontag

I’d call this projection.


Posted by Grimoire on Wed, 11 May 2011 20:49 | #

Things might seem easy if all whites were good and all Jews evil. But in this world nothing is all good or evil, all life is struggle. Life gives us what we need to survive, to protect our family and people, as they protect us when we are weak and outnumbered, in need of aid or protection.

Those who would take away what life has given - we are bound by life to disarm and remove for the safety of our family and people. No more than that. We are better than that. We are builders, not destroyers, who destroy for the sake of destruction.

Helvena think of the present day OT ethics of the Israelis - they must have everything, others nothing. If they cannot have everything, they must destroy as much as they can, all if possible, so that others will have nothing. This all or nothing ethos is their ethos, not ours.


Posted by Ivan on Wed, 11 May 2011 21:40 | #

Thank you for this video, GW, it is absolutely the best I have seen in a long time.

To paraphrase the eternal kike: Nice piece of propaganda there, GW, which can be rejected only by a jew.

Thanks to Helvena as well - she (or he, I don’t care what the gender is) hit the nail on the head again.


Posted by Thorn on Wed, 11 May 2011 22:17 | #

Things might seem easy if all whites were good and all Jews evil. But in this world nothing is all good or evil, all life is struggle.


If only our struggle were as clear cut sand simple as us vs the Jews—or vise versa—then it’‘d be easy to win, but that’s not the case.

I was going to point that out but Grimoire beat me to it, again. Just like he identified and exposed Ivan’s game as being a Euro baiter disguised as a Jew baiter.


Posted by Helvena on Wed, 11 May 2011 22:37 | #

Back at you Ivan

@ Grimorie, Louis-Ferdinand Céline said he knew the Germans were beat when they didn’t go from house to house in Paris looking for partisans.  A million and a half German soldiers, died in the victor’s prison camps after the war.  Solomon Moral was responsible for at least 1500 German deaths of men, woman and children, now think of John Demjanjuk.

In 1993, the CBS News program 60 Minutes ran a story on the book, focusing on one of its main characters, Solomon Morel, the commandant of the Zgoda labour camp. Following the book’s publication, Morel was indicted by Polish courts for crimes against humanity. He fled to Tel Aviv and was granted sanctuary under the Law of Return. Israeli courts refused extradition to stand trial for war crimes, - Wiki (the book is AN EYE FOR AN EYE by John Sack.)

I would say an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.


Posted by Graham Lister on Thu, 12 May 2011 01:06 | #

The Holocaust is not an arbitrary but rather an internally coherent construct. Its central dogmas sustain significant political and class interests. Indeed, The Holocaust has proven to be an indispensable ideological weapon. Through its deployment, one of the world’s most formidable military powers, with a horrendous human rights record, has cast itself as a ‘victim’ state, and the most successful ethnic group in the United States has likewise acquired victim status. Considerable dividends accrue from this specious victimhood - in particular, immunity to criticism, however justified.


Posted by MJ on Thu, 12 May 2011 01:20 | #

I dont know you all,  (this showed up in my stats)  but thanks for the linking up.
The Bible says that ALL have sinned and fall short of the Glory of God.
ALL are liars.

God didnt say “Just Jews”  He said ALL.

I have lied in my life, because I am a sinner. You have lied in your life, Helvena and are NOT perfect.

When it comes to country and political discussion, I take this WAY too serious to blatantly lie.

I do NOT think race-mixing is a good thing by any stretch of the imagination.  I grew up in a white Christian town. It is natural for people to segregate. It is UN NATURAL to forcefully intergrate and it is also a Babel mentality that God will utterly CRUSH.

Re. The Holocaust: America went to war, and fought people that were murdering people, not just Jews, but also over 5.5 million Christians.
We are headed in the same direction with this mental case Kommie for a prez.  so, holocaust this and that is silly.
Like saying there was no Soviet genocide, which is what left wing Jews and Non-Jews say, b.c it defeats their purpose of forcing this Kommie crap on all of us.



Posted by Graham Lister on Thu, 12 May 2011 01:28 | #

I was actually quoting a Jewish author on the ideology of The Holocaust (capital T & H). Perhaps you should try to be better read, rather than seemingly to be, exclusively focused upon the contents of the Bible.


Posted by Helvena on Thu, 12 May 2011 02:16 | #

Mj, the Luther that is referred to here is Martin Luther, the man with 95 theses.  I’m not in a position to argue with him, and I doubt if you are either.

Several months after publishing On the Jews and Their Lies, Luther wrote Vom Schem Hamphoras und vom Geschlecht Christi (Of the Unknowable Name and the Generations of Christ)’, in which he equated Jews with the Devil: wiki


Posted by MJ on Thu, 12 May 2011 05:20 | #

Hey, no doubt, so many Jews are satanic, no arguments from me.
I think all right minded ppl should support ALL left wing and political Zionist crazies move straight to Israel.
Thats my thoughts.


Posted by danielj on Thu, 12 May 2011 05:28 | #

“Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Balanchine ballets, et al. don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history.”—- Susan Sontag

I’ve never seen the first half of the quote.

That is absolutely insane. I can’t believe my nigga Rieff was married to that silly broad.


Posted by Rosy on Thu, 12 May 2011 10:12 | #

Who agree that all whites are nice… only in pictures?


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 12 May 2011 10:39 | #

This is true, of course, Rosy, and there is idealism in Julian Lee’s creation.  But, plainly, his point here is that physical beauty symbolises the beauty which is in all of us, which belongs to us all, and is us, and is the beauty of our white heritage, genetic, civilisational, spiritual.

The generations of men who laboured down our mines or who navigated the seas may not always have been perfect physical specimens of the European race, but their labour and courage and brotherhood, as well as their genes, are in Europe today, and we lose this along with all our heritage if we submerge ourselves in the bottomless seas of the Third World.


Posted by Wandrin on Thu, 12 May 2011 11:24 | #


Two tribes sharing the same terriotory will conflict. The more cohesive a tribe is as an in-group the more hostile they will be to out-groups. That’s just the way it is. Jews started out pretty cohesive in Roman times and have had 2000 years of evolutionary hot-housing as white people’s curse to make them even more so.

Jews are simply an extreme case of the general rule.

Anti-white bigotry and the quest to genocide and race replace whites is not endemic to Jews, REPEAT—-IT IS NOT ENDEMIC TO THE JEWS!

Endemic is exactly what it is.

It’s true, there are a segment of Jews who represent some of the most zealous when it comes to the issue of pushing race mixing and “anti-racism

That segment is represented by the 80% voting Democrat. Either that puts them partway between blacks and hispanics in their hostility to white people or they’re as hostile to white people as black people are but some are even more hostile to blacks than they are to whites.

however, the fact is Jews are a very diverse group.

I’m sure the other 20% are very diverse.

No one, and I mean NO ONE outside of a small circle of anti-Semites are going to buy the “IT’S THE JEWS!” crap.

Crap or blindingly obvious most people (currently) won’t buy it because a) white people aren’t as ethno-centric as all the other races and b) sixty years of Hitler movies.

Which means when talking to
- mainstreamers don’t have a “them” at all
- micro-radicals “them” are liberals and the globalist right
- macro-radicals “them” are marxists, left-liberals and the globalist right
- ethno-radicals “them” are hostile tribal competitors sharing our living space ranked in order of threat


Posted by Thorn on Thu, 12 May 2011 14:40 | #


When I said anti-white bigotry. i,e., “anti-racism” is not endemic to the Jews, I meant it as it is not endemic to Jews ONLY. From my own experience, I find, for instance, Irish Catholics to be the most nauseating “anti-racists” to ever walk the planet.

I know many here will vehemently disagree with me on this but I beleive the most poisonous element to ever infect the the white-race is not “the jews” per se’, but modern/secular liberalism and cultural/Marxism.

Yes, I know, it was the jews who invented and propagated those aforementioned leftist ideologies, but we as whites are free—at least to a certain extent—to reject or embrace them. Unfortunately, most whites embrace them for one reason or another.

Moreover, Wandrin, I don’t mean to imply jews are not culpable in the ongoing genocide of the white race. On the contrary, I think MANY jews are at the cutting edge of this dispicable process - anyone who denies that fact is ignorant in the extreme. However, I still think global-capitalism is the main driver causing our dispossession. The effects of leftist Jewish ideologies along with Jewish anti-Euro aggression are secondary to the larger problem of global capitalism, IMO.  If the globalisation process were absent, then its concomitant required massive immigration from the third world would be almost non-existent. Hence, if third-world immigration is removed from the equation, jewish aggression against whites would be severely limited thus manageable. End of ramble.


Posted by Guessedworker on Thu, 12 May 2011 14:51 | #

But is global capitalism the maker of miscegenation propaganda, Thorn?  That’s what the video addresses.  Running the conversation off to the margins of globalisation and immigration per se bespeaks if not a strawman activity, exactly, at least a desire not to search too hard, or at all, for the facts.


Posted by Mj on Thu, 12 May 2011 19:18 | #

Moreover, Wandrin, I don’t mean to imply jews are not culpable in the ongoing genocide of the white race. On the contrary, I think MANY jews are at the cutting edge of this dispicable process - anyone who denies that fact is ignorant in the extreme. However, I still think global-capitalism is the main driver causing our dispossession. The effects of leftist Jewish ideologies along with Jewish anti-Euro aggression are secondary to the larger problem of global capitalism, IMO.  If the globalisation process were absent, then its concomitant required massive immigration from the third world would be almost non-existent. Hence, if third-world immigration is removed from the equation, jewish aggression against whites would be severely limited thus manageable. End of ramble.

———————————————I have to agree with all of this.
But, look at the history.. The Jewish people have, unfortunately rebelled in MANY nations that they have brought suffering upon. Which is why I am an ardent person supporting for “Aliyah” so left wing Jews can MOVE TO ISRAEL.

It is a Bolshevik dictatorship there, and since that is what they love so well, (Bolsheviksm) more power to them, I wish them well, MOVE THERE.


Posted by Wade on Thu, 12 May 2011 22:37 | #

Which is why I am an ardent person supporting for “Aliyah” so left wing Jews can MOVE TO ISRAEL.

So you want some Jews to move to Israel, but not all?

So Jews get to have an all-Jewish state in Israel, but others don’t get to have their own ethnic states?

Why the double standard?


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 13 May 2011 01:16 | #


Two tribes sharing the same terriotory will conflict. That’s just the way it is. Jews are simply an extreme case of the general rule because of 2000 years of evolutionary hot-housing.

You make this point for me.

So, you can tout that craziness that Jews are not white all you want, but it is what it is, whether YOU like it or not.

Jews are Jewish

and also

Jews are White
Jews are French
Jews are German
Jews are English

Jews want to have their own exclusive and unique identity because they want the benefits of being part of an inclusive in-group. They also claim full membership of every other group’s identity because they don’t want the disbenefits of being somebody else’s out-group. They want the benefits of being a national in-group themselves but ceaselessly work to prevent the host population having those same benefits. The reason doesn’t have to be consciously malign. The motivation could be completely defensive but it still comes to the same thing - weakening the ethnic defences of the host population.

And weakening the ethnic defences of the host population is leading to white genocide.

(The speed of this genocide is greatly increased by globalization but it’s the weakened ethnic defences that is critical.)

This is what i mean about two tribes will always conflict. Even if you are 100% genuine, which i accept is possible, you still can’t quite step over the line of allowing (whatever we want to call ourselves) to have a unique identity that excludes Jews because you see that as a potential threat to Jews - because it is. The more cohesive the host population is as a group the more of a potential threat it is to minority out-groups.


Posted by danielj on Fri, 13 May 2011 01:22 | #

Irish Catholics to be the most nauseating “anti-racists” to ever walk the planet.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 13 May 2011 02:39 | #


In the American context, an important question regarding out-groups, or racial minorities, and assimilation is this: Are Jews an unassailable minority or not?

Of course Negros are not - there’s no question about that .. neither are Mestizos. They are too distant both culturally and genetically to become assimilable into the majority. Italians in America were once considered unassailable, but over time they assimilated - the same for the Irish. Jews are another story. They haven’t assimilated with the majority through-out history, anywhere. In fact, what makes them so unique is they made it point NOT to assimilate.

Of course we all already know all that, but I say all that to say this:  The intermarriage between Jews and non-Jews slowly but steadily has been increasing during the course of the twentieth century. In fact today Jews have an intermarriage rate of over 47%. Is this a sign that Jews—a group previously thought of as an unassailable minority—are in large part assimilating into the majority? or is something else taking place here? On its face it certainly appears to go counter to their EGI, no?



Posted by Grimoire on Fri, 13 May 2011 03:08 | #

      I commend your attitude towards the problem, and thank you for your honesty with us concerning your ethnicity.  I am interested in the positive ideas you bring to the table at MR. However, Wanderin puts forward some points that are quite simple, and irrefutable.
The fact remains that although we share many ideas, we must never, ever, ever trust you, ever. This is something of which I am afraid we must be honest and upfront with you.
  As a German I understand, but do not look favourably, at a Jew who says they are German (or English, French, Italian, etc, although of these I have no right to speak). You are not, nor will you ever be German. Not that I hate you or Jews. No more of these lost tribes of midnight Spiegelbilder jews promoting our interest for us.
  Also, tens of thousands of young and unemployed jews are being paid to surf the internet to disrupt sites they see as hostile to their interests, the way a European or American student would work for money at a golf course or sports centre, they make pocket money impersonating anti-semites and attempting to promote anti-semitism to discredit and delude….a more natural line of work for a jew than delivering papers or life guarding.  I noticed the sidebar at your site. I’m not saying you are doing this, just that it is obvious you involved in this effort.

Someone most of us know, Hunter Wallace, was an intelligent and progressive thinker /writer / organizer who was persuaded to do some questionable things by a Jewish friend (‘metalgear’, some of you may know him by other pseudonyms) who made all the right noises concerning where his sympathies lay. Hunter was beginning to get traction and was an impressive voice from his region, it would have been easy to see him getting involved in the political debate in his state. At exactly the correct moment, all the information regarding the hacking of accounts/names and numbers that his Jewish friend had hacked for him was released on the internet, destroying his credibility and his career forever, with much of his sanity. He never suspected once. In hindsight, it is obvious what went on….it was an important lesson.

I’m saying this in the interests of honesty, and if you are honest - you will see the point I am trying to make. The fact that you do not hide who you are speaks for your honesty. However it is unfortunate, it must be clear despite this, that you can never be trusted. I hope you understand.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 13 May 2011 03:37 | #


or is something else taking place here? On its face it certainly appears to go counter to their EGI, no?

1) The 47% figure may not be true.

2) Whatever the true figure is, the proportion of it that is Asian is what you would expect to happen before horizontal transmission to Asia as western civilization crumbles and Asia becomes the next Egypt.

3) If little Jews in America feel safe enough to lose their paranoia and cohesion then the big Jews will do something about it.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 13 May 2011 03:37 | #

But is global capitalism the maker of miscegenation propaganda, Thorn?


Indirectly, yes. It is large corporations that commission advertising agencies to come up with advertisements that will grab the attention of prospective customers. Evidently someone figured out plastering interracial couples on their advertisements appeals to a wide range of people. The question then becomes: Are the majority of executives at these corporations who promote such ads Jewish? I think it’s a safe bet they’re not - not by a long shot. Another safe bet is the advertising industry IS dominated by Jews and homosexuals. It’s no secret Jews and homosexuals are well known for their creative abilities, so there is no surprise there. Hence, Jews can rightfully be blamed for creating these miscegenation promoting ads; but more importantly, we can’t overlook the crucial fact that it’s mainly WASP executives who approve of, commission, and broadcast these ads.


Posted by Wade on Fri, 13 May 2011 03:57 | #

It’s no secret Jews and homosexuals are well known for their creative abilities, so there is no surprise there.

No, the surprise is that there are people around who actually think that the ability to produce corrosive, degenerate cultural filth and tasteless, gaudy, tacky garbage constitutes “creative ability.”

but more importantly, we can’t overlook the crucial fact that it’s mainly WASP executives who approve of, commission, and broadcast these ads.

You’re overestimating both the presence and the power of “WASP executives” whose authority has been greatly replaced both physically and morally over the past 50 years. They’re walking zombies. They’re Jewish extended phenotypes. They take orders, whether they’re conscious of it or not.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 13 May 2011 04:28 | #

Jared Taylor said words to the effect: To place the blame on Jews for all or most of the problems whites face is just as infantile as when blacks blame all or most of their problems on white-racism.

I agree with Mr. Taylor.


Posted by Wade on Fri, 13 May 2011 04:54 | #

It’s not just Jared Taylor that says that. It’s a frequent talking point of Jews who infest the Sailersphere and right wing sites. There’s an annoying Jewish commenter who goes by “sabril” that employs it every chance he gets.

Anyway, it’s a false analogy. Whites simply wish to be left alone, while blacks who blame Whites can’t leave Whites alone and can’t stop following Whites around. The more appropriate analogy is between Jews and blacks. Both can’t seem to leave Whites alone and can’t stop following Whites around.


Posted by Wandrin on Fri, 13 May 2011 07:10 | #

Jared Taylor said words to the effect: To place the blame on Jews for all or most of the problems whites face is just as infantile as when blacks blame all or most of their problems on white-racism.



Posted by Thorn on Fri, 13 May 2011 12:38 | #

Jared Taylor said words to the effect: To place the blame on Jews for all or most of the problems whites face is just as infantile as when blacks blame all or most of their problems on white-racism.



My comment wasn’t directed at you. It’s my fault for not making that clear. It was a reflex response to this comment Wade made:

“You’re overestimating both the presence and the power of “WASP executives” whose authority has been greatly replaced both physically and morally over the past 50 years. They’re walking zombies. They’re Jewish extended phenotypes. They take orders, whether they’re conscious of it or not.”

I’m not sure if Wade is here to mock us or if he really believes what he says about WASP executives.

In any event, Wandrin, what is your opinion of what Wade has to say there?


Posted by Alaric on Fri, 13 May 2011 18:32 | #

People who deny the primary role of the international jews in the destruction of our nations are plants and must be banned from any serious racialist site.


Posted by Wade on Fri, 13 May 2011 20:55 | #


I’m here to mock you, and I sincerely believe what I’ve said.

It’s simply a fact that WASPs have declined in numbers and influence in the executive class over the past 50 years.

Left wing Jews (and by extension the Left generally) acknowledge and celebrate this development. Right wing Jews (and by extension a good deal of the “mainstream” Right) either acknowledge and celebrate it as well, or they run interference for the Jewish role and try to blame WASPs and suggest that their presence and influence still lingers.


Posted by Thorn on Fri, 13 May 2011 22:01 | #

Wade on May 13, 2011, 07:55 PM | #

Well, Wade, had you put it like that in the first place, I wouldn’t have questioned your motives or… sanity.

That said, you’re absolutely correct about the WASPs losing their hold over the past 50 years. And you’re absolutely correct the Jews have been on the ascendancy over the last 50 years. But what to do? March in the streets dressed in Nazi garb? Make wild unsubstantiated accusations claiming it was the Jews who masterminded 9-11? Or should we figure out a smarter way to defeat them? Like figureing out a way to outflank them instead of attacking then directly. All I’m saying, or asking, is let’s not keep repeating the same failed tactics that have proven time and time again to end with disastrous results.

The sad fact is very few today are Jew wise. Being Jew wise is a good thing. Everybody should be Jew wise. For us to win, we must first educate a majority of our people into becoming Jew wise too. The tricky part in all this is attracting them, then holding their attention long enough to talk some sence into their skulls full of mush. For this to happen, it is imperative that our ideology be more attractive to our prospective converts than the multicult/liberal ideology the pop culture offers them. I must admit, I’m nowhere close to being smart enough to offer such an ideology. Hopefully some of you smarter ladies and gents can craft one…...soon.


Posted by Andy on Fri, 13 May 2011 22:31 | #

It’s not just Jared Taylor that says that. It’s a frequent talking point of Jews who infest the Sailersphere and right wing sites. There’s an annoying Jewish commenter who goes by “sabril” that employs it every chance he gets.

It’s incredibly rich, isn’t it?  Jews see their own history as a never-ending series of persecutions at the hand of bigoted whites, from the Romans to the Nazis to early 20th century Americans.  Their shared sense of victim-hood is part of the reason why most Jews reflexively identify with blacks in any black-white conflict.  So who’s calling who a nigger?


Posted by Wandrin on Sat, 14 May 2011 00:20 | #

In any event, Wandrin, what is your opinion of what Wade has to say there?

Roses. Thorns.

My opinion is two tribes on the same terriotory will fight.

Jews are a tribe.

On the other hand there’s been 60 years of conditioning that makes White people recoil from any criticism of Jews regardless of how logical or well-founded.

Which means in the context of talking to

- mainstreamers don’t have a “them” at all

- micro-radicals “them” are liberals and the globalist right

- macro-radicals “them” are marxists, left-liberals and the globalist right

- ethno-radicals “them” are hostile tribal competitors sharing our living space ranked in order of threat with Jews at the top because of a) high average IQ b) tribal cohesiveness c) other traits liable to be selected for in the evolutionary hot-housing known as the Jewish diaspora e.g paranoia and zero empathy.

but more importantly, we can’t overlook the crucial fact that it’s mainly WASP executives who approve of, commission, and broadcast these ads.

I can - even if it was true.

Jews are an intelligent minority therefore they don’t fight the majority population by randomly stabbing them in the street. They fight the host population by stealth. One of those ways is creating and promoting ideologies that are harmful to the host population e.g the sort of ideologies that lead to White people being stabbed in the street by other stupider minorities and also lead to White liberal stooges to promote diversity in advertising.


Posted by Julian Lee on Sat, 14 May 2011 07:50 | #

Guessedworker: ”...But, plainly, his point here is that physical beauty symbolises the beauty which is in all of us, which belongs to us all, and is us, and is the beauty of our white heritage, genetic, civilisational, spiritual.”

Thank you GW for linking up to that. A bottom line point is that nature has created various peoples. It is not necessary for Whites to say “We are the prettiest!” It is sufficient to say, “The White (look, music, attitude…) is unique in us, took Time to evolve, and should not be lost, abandoned, or destroyed stupidly.” The video does not mean an “Our women are the prettiest” message so much as: “We are unique peoples, too.”

Back of that, it is completely psychologically natural for the men of a particular race or ethnicity to regard their own women as the most beautiful—to them. It is just healthy psychology to marry women of your own kind, because in the end no one shakes your bones more. The fellow with the Asian girl is going to one day see a White woman walk by who rattles his bones—perhaps one that looks a lot like his mother when he was 2—and then realize he was stupid. is And this video calls out to the White males in that regard, while making a plea to the White female mind as well.

Frankly, I don’t think that “the Beauty of the White Woman” is ultimately the most edifying pinion of our stand, in that women should not be encouraged to be vain, and men should not go so far as worshipping them. However, this is war.

On the other hand, the line in my song “Anthem For The Men of The West” that goes “Suddenly I saw your face! Inspiration! Beauty I’d fight for, your heart like food, I could do anything loving you”—came to me when I saw one more pretty White woman’s face at a cafe in Portland, Oregon. Suddenly that line came to me and the song was done. There is visceral content to the “14 words” thing and it’s lesser-known addendum “So that the beauty of the White woman shall not perish from the earth.” And though I don’t want to encourage our women to become traipsing “goddesses” any more than they may be, this is war. But finally and indubitably, this world would not be worth living in, for White men, without out beautiful women, and we MAY AS WELL TELL them at this critical juncture. Most Whites concerned about our existence can relate to this angle. Thus in a 2nd video of what I hope are 33, I thought it suitable to touch that angle—the beauty of our women—a bit more towards the end.

The real kernels of the text are these:

—We’re not going to stand here and let the zeitgeist tell us we’re worthless and better to fade without a peep

—White Women: Don’t you love the support of a man? And don’t you really want that from a man of your own kind? (Hint: White men, of Christian heritage and servicefulness, do make the best husbands when it comes down to brass tacks.) And here’s a love letter, ladies. We really do love you.

—Additionally to White women and this may be the most effective part: A kernel message is: “They are manipulating you.”

—To White men the video basically says: “Hey guys, let’s start talking. And: You can make videos like this, too. And: How ‘bout upping the art a little bit, ‘cuz gee I’m just an amateur. Let’s have pro-White videos with emotional content that touches the minds of White women. (I think we have enough heavy metal so far.) And “Hey, why not try a decent microphone” etc.

Those are the four kernel messages of the video. Whatever else flutters about in, from the European strings to the sassiness of the Finnish women singing traditional Finnish music—it is extra, or just God.

“unfortunately it will only be well received by anti-Semites.

The Jew-aware you mean? I think there is a rising number of those, so it will be well-received by a great number. Then there is another group that is not yet Jew-aware. So I think it has a large audience potential.

The next one in the series will deal with the theme of “Who should be a people’s storytellers?” It will ask if a hostile and alien people should be our storytellers and entertainers, providing us with our self image? Or whether that should be done by that people’s own parents, elders, storytellers, priests, shamans, and moralists? (Cue: The new TV show “Good Christian Bitches” etc.)


Posted by Julian Lee on Sat, 14 May 2011 08:55 | #

Rosy said: “Who agree that all whites are nice… only in pictures?”

A more appropriate question (and I don’t know how you missed it) would be:

“Who agrees that Whites are ugly, venal, corrupt, cruel, selfish, and hypocritical—only in Jewish pictures?”

I don’t know what planet you live on, Rosy, but I am sick-unto-death of seeing White Europeans—including our ancestors from all times—depicted in those ways. Truly, the Whites I have known even in the 50’s and 60’s were of a far nobler and more selfless stripe than any that I see in Judenmedia, no matter how many movies and T.V. shows they crank out. Our own true nature as a Christian heritage people is increasingly excised from the story-and-picture landscape. Does anybody remember seeing, for example, a film in which a movie camera sweeps across the faces of Whites happily singing hymns in church? (Do modern movie-goers have any clue about the weekly elevation and beauty of Gentile Sunday services these past 20 centuries?) Just one lofty sermon? Is there any modern portrayal of the decency of our 1950’s fathers? The selflessness-for-children and husband of those centuries of White mothers? Does anybody have a vision of the many noble, Christian-minded slave-owners of the South and what their true humanitarianism was in that situation?

You complain that this video makes Whites look ‘too good’ because of the ideal photo choices natural to such a work’s intention. But I wonder if you complain about the fathoms of centuried virtue absent from the modern depiction of ourselves. (Why, indeed, to young White people grow up hating themselves as Whites? Because Whites can be made to LOOK BAD IN PICTURES.) But just the old woman I used to mow lawns for had more grace, selflessness, and humanitarianism than I’ve seen in the past 20 centuries of Jewish-produced “stories about White people.”

Jews do NOT REPRESENT, in their media, the real virtue and beauty-of-character that is our true ancestral reality.

So go fish.


Posted by Thorn on Sat, 14 May 2011 14:23 | #

Thorn wrote: Jared Taylor said words to the effect: To place the blame on Jews for all or most of the problems whites face is just as infantile as when blacks blame all or most of their problems on white-racism.

Wade wrote: It’s not just Jared Taylor that says that. It’s a frequent talking point of Jews who infest the Sailersphere and right wing sites. There’s an annoying Jewish commenter who goes by “sabril” that employs it every chance he gets.

Wade, I understand your response was meant to discredit me; that’s fine, but you made the unintentional mistake of impugning Jared Taylor’s good name by pairing him and his message up with an “annoying Jewish commenter”. That’s a sly and devious tactic frequently used by Jews in particular and commie-pinko-left-wing-lowlifes in general.

For instance: Recently on Fox News Channel, “conservative” political pundit, Charles Krauthammer, compared Donald Trump to Al Sharpton. He said: “Donald Trump is the Al Sharpton of the Republican Party.” Of course the underlying message of that remark was meant to label Trump as a dreaded “racist”. The desired result is the masses will conclude Trump is unfit to hold the Office of the President. See how cleaver—in a sneaky way—our opponents can be?

BTW, Jared Taylor has a new book out. I haven’t purchased it yet but intend doing so today. He’s a good man and definitely deserves our support.



Posted by Thorn on Sat, 14 May 2011 15:01 | #

@Wandrin on May 13, 2011, 11:20 PM | #

Thank you for your first-rate response, Wandrin.

I agree with most of what you said ........and for the record, I’ve repeatedly expressed all those same, or at least very similar, facts and ideas in my own comments here at MR. The record reflects the truth; even if the notorious trickster, Ivan, would have his dupes beleive otherwise.


Posted by Julian Lee on Sun, 15 May 2011 01:21 | #

Thorn: “The desired result is the masses will conclude Trump is unfit to hold the Office of the President. See how cleaver—in a sneaky way—our opponents can be?

They play these psychological games continuously, you well know. Once Whites are clued to watch for them, I believe we have the capacity to sort them out pretty regularly, too.

Thorn: “BTW, Jared Taylor has a new book out. I haven’t purchased it yet but intend doing so today. He’s a good man and definitely deserves our support.”

I too think Mr. Taylor is a good man who deserves our support. We have always linked to him at http://www.WhiteID.com He is. a great, in fact, a hero.

I was delighted to see some of my Brotherhood’s work might have influenced his book’s title and cover graphics. Somebody had posted one of our White identity videos at AmRen and he must have seen them. This one featured the “lone explorer” painting he used for his cover:

Everything’s Different Now

)Near end.) Others videos featured these “White Identity” stickers seen around Portland since 2 years ago:

He must have liked the Trajan Pro font, as well! We all take heart from each other’s work, and Taylor has given heart to many. All arise! =8o)=


Posted by Wade on Sun, 15 May 2011 02:19 | #

Wade, I understand your response was meant to discredit me; that’s fine, but you made the unintentional mistake of impugning Jared Taylor’s good name by pairing him and his message up with an “annoying Jewish commenter”. That’s a sly and devious tactic frequently used by Jews in particular and commie-pinko-left-wing-lowlifes in general.

That’s rich coming from someone who’s been explicitly running interference for the Jewish role and trying to blame WASPs.


Posted by Thorn on Sun, 15 May 2011 15:04 | #

Julian, I commend your work and contributions to our cause.  (h/t)

Also, that’s a very interesting website you’ve got there. Will be visting it often.

I noticed you have Dr. David Yeagley prominently featured in your blog roll. He too, along with Jared Taylor, are good men… and two of the most deep thinkers we have working for us. Both have the piercing intellect it takes to both untangle the confusion about the issues that confront us and explain them in such a way that even the hoi polloi can fully grasp. They have that rare ability to reduce complex abstractions into common language This is especially helpful to us common folk. It provides us with the tools required to relay the white-preservationist message in such a way that it attracts people to our cause rather than repel them.


Posted by MJ on Sun, 15 May 2011 22:01 | #

Grim, I didnt ask for trust.

I give respect, thats all I ask for.

Thanks for that, it is all that is necessary.


Posted by Julian Lee on Sun, 15 May 2011 23:32 | #

Thorn: “I noticed you have Dr. David Yeagley prominently featured in your blog roll. He too, along with Jared Taylor, are good men…It provides us with the tools required to relay the white-preservationist message in such a way that it attracts people to our cause rather than repel them.

When you show a Native American (or a Black, etc.) defending Whites it helps untie a knots in the White mind, especially White women. It explodes the well-crafted meme “Indians/Blacks/etc. hate us White people.” Sad though it may be, mind-conditioned Whites can get nervous hearing a pro-White message from another White. They distrust whether he’s a Proper Compassionate Love-Everybody-Unto-Death, Give-Away-The-Store White person. So when they see it coming from a Yeagley (or the occasional Black), they are receptive and light bulbs immediately go off in their heads. There are, in fact, a lot of non-Whites who say:

—‘Yes, you Whites should start standing up for yourselves.’
—‘Yes, you Whites are under attack.’
—‘Yes, you are a great people.’
—‘You shouldn’t just go belly-up and take this.’
—‘We’d miss you if you weren’t around.’
—‘You are good people.’

This can be a revelation for the timid and over-programmed. White-haters often say, “This is not your country, you took it from the Indians.” (Never mind the archeological evidence that Caucasians were actually here before them, and that they took it from us.) Of course, this also ignores the reality that every people occupying any nation originally “took it” from somebody, won out. And it was our FOREFATHERS who attained it FOR US, and as Yeagley points out, a people who gives up their forefather’s hard-won attainment has gone mad. So, it’s pretty funny to hear a Native American like Yeagley say, ‘We respected the White man’s warriorship. He won it fair and square!’ It really flummoxes the commies and sends them scurrying to corners. =8o)=

So where we find good material from such, we should use it. It’s a pleasant side-scent that Whites have been taught a ‘noble’ concept of Indians (NA’s). (Not that I have issues with that. I have always been impressed by certain qualities of the Native Americans. The ability for pro-White activists to point to good in other peoples will certainly be a huge asset in this war.) So Yeagley is a nice item on the site, which is intended to be just a window. (Please submit any significant pro-White sites you feel should be listed there.)

Note: Some have complained about the use of the word “Aryan” in the video. They may note that it is repeated, so it was not some accident. I feel the word (and concept) has good polemical value at this time, and will give my view of that if it comes up.

In brief: What White person (especially the woman) will not wake up hearing a long-haired native American say: “White people, you are great, fight back, and your women are astounding. You are being manipulated” It’s win-win. Thank you David Y!

The truth is that when Whites take a noble approach and propound a racialism in positive terms—the non-White are often our well-wishers. Most of them know that we have been, in fact, a lifter of peoples. They don’t really want us to fade away. So it’s idiocy to speak of race in such a way as to make non-Whites HAVE to reject it, and completely unnecessary too.

That, itself, is another reason I put Yeagley on there. To show fellows that, so that the smarter ones think: “How can I speak pro-White without making a David Yeagley abandon and retract his helpful message?” And it’s not hard to do.

Nobility is key. There’s nothing worth saving without it.

Thank you for your comment!



Posted by MJ on Mon, 16 May 2011 03:13 | #

Julian: I actually liked your videos.
I know you hate my gutts, but I liked them.


Posted by Guessedworker on Mon, 16 May 2011 15:31 | #


What do you make of this gentleman, speaking here of a certain race-mixing agenda also:



Posted by Julian Lee on Thu, 19 May 2011 21:47 | #

Brother Nathaniel? Men like him do us good. Miracles happen in this world!

More of us should be more like him. I think it’s precisely because he was an insider
that he shows less fear and is so aggressive in exposing the ethnic network.
You know, the disaffected progeny or family member, like the Reagan daughter writing her book that embarrassed mom and dad.

My take is that he’s a surprise, a boon, brave, and should be respected.

Like I say: A Christian has to believe miracles happen (even a mountain into the sea).
Certainly the miracle of a Jew becoming a sincere Christian and sincerely trying to
stand against Jewish power, and for Gentiles, has to be possible. Anything’s possible in this samsara!

Lastly, except for the funny face at the end of his videos that is probably a personal idiosyncracy,
his presentation is fierce and energetic. He sets an example for speech and presenting.
You can feel sincerity there.


Posted by Julian Lee on Thu, 19 May 2011 21:47 | #

To MJ, I don’t know you are, but I doubt that I hate your guts.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 20 May 2011 00:00 | #

Julian, a wonderful video you put together there. Well done!


Posted by Julian Lee on Fri, 20 May 2011 09:53 | #

Thanks. I know it has flaws. But I hope 500 more White men and 500 more White women start making similar videos and teaching message this year that are better than this. We encourage each other.


Posted by Graham_Lister on Fri, 20 May 2011 10:11 | #

Julian I liked your video on how people can be trapped by the past - very wise. That amateur porno thing was shocking…both men and women happy to be seen going into that venue??? Don’t they have any sense of shame or decorum? Silly question I guess.

Finally I have to say I really really cannot understand why any Euro-man would wish to be with anyone but a Euro-woman. I simply don’t find blacks attractive at all - just on a gut level not as some ‘learned’ behaviour.


Posted by Bo on Sun, 22 May 2011 18:15 | #

This is not criticism of Julian Lee.

The real reason for not using an expression like “The Jews” is the same reason for not using “The Muslims” or “The Blacks” or “The Mexicans,” namely that it works against white authenticity which requires the use of the white voice which can mistakenly be used to comment on whole demographics as a single, clone-like mass.  Obama did this when he referred to one white American as “a typical white person” which branded all white Americans as a single, clone-like mass.

But white authenticity also requires that we use the white voice in a white-centric way.  That is, we can address the harms done to the diverse white Americans and white British (or white English or white Celtic or white Atlantic Islanders, to your taste) in peculiarly effective ways in a white-centric way.

To speak about “The Jews” and “The Muslims” or “The Blacks” or “The Mexicans” is to be judeocentric, islamocenric, blackocentric, or mexicentric.  We need to speak in our white voice and in a white-centric way.

For example, there is a huge range of ways to express the harms done to us by individual Jews.

1)  At the very lowest level will be our harsh rebuttals to using the names, labels, definitions, and descriptions applied to us by various Jews.  Names like gentiles, goyim, shiksa.

2)  Next up would be working against using any vocabulary that privileges or centralizes Jewish institutions.  A notable example of this is to use Southwest Asia instead of Middle East.  (You may have noticed that its parallel terms, Near East and Far East, have fallen out of favor, yet the centralizing concept or Middle East remains.  Easy to understand why.)

3)  Next up could be cutting remarks along the lines that some Jews promote.  We could say, for example, in polite company that Bibi’s remarks to Obama the other day “would probably have sounded better in the original Yiddish,” similar form to a famous slander hurled against Pat Buchanan back in 1996.

4)  Next up would be to join (or talk about supporting) a global anti-white slavery organization, and discuss how it is a very prevalent practice in Israel, how the climate there must move individuals there to engage in this international crime as it did the Turks for 700 years of capturing and enslaving white Europeans (Slavs & Circassians, mostly), and selling them for harems and military forces all across southwest Asia.  You’d have to do some study on this to have the facts at hand

5)  After that, the sky is the limit.  Advocate for an end to MGM (male genital mutilation) or for an end to the sale of blood diamonds or an end to dual citizenship laws or the death penalty for importing Ecstasy.  As long as you stay on individuals and away from the collective, you can stay authentically white.


Posted by Julian Lee on Tue, 31 May 2011 04:48 | #

“This is not criticism of Julian Lee.

It’s o.k. I make mistakes like the rest of us.

“The real reason for not using an expression like “The Jews” is the same reason for not using “The Muslims” or “The Blacks” or “The Mexicans,”...can mistakenly be used to comment on whole demographics as a single, clone-like mass.

First, note that though it is clear who is being spotlighted, the voiceover exactly splutter out “The Jews.” But that’s a minor point and doesn’t address your real question.

Your question is whether it’s wise to implicate an entire ethnicity (or religion as they’d rather pose it) because of one segment, or some, or just a few. I pondered how to write that text. I asked myself how euphemistic does it need to be, how nuanced, how indirect. I thought, in the end, that there is indeed a particular ethnic group, with particular religious ideas, that needs a help spotlighting.

Here’s how I’d answer that:

—With Jews, an anti-White attitude does not seem limited to “one segment,” or “just a few,” or even “some.” It seems to be an almost universal Jewish attitude—whether it’s street straggler, a media oligarch, or a Jewish television director.

I like and respect Henry Makow and his message. He works hard to try to distinguish between one segment of Jews and—the rest of Jewry. I understand that in human terms; Mr. Makow is an ethnic Jew. (Who would not allow that loyalty or refusal to broad brush his own people?) Mr. Makow often says that elites are ‘using the Jews as foot soldiers’ in various agendas. However, I could say to Henry:

‘Henry, I still have a problem: The Jews act all too well, all too famously, and all to consistently as crack foot soldiers!’

Whether it’s ‘comic’ Sarah Silverman, the makers of White-hate fiesta “Machete!,” or the principal at the locaol elementary pushing one more multiculturalism program on our kids—there seem too many of these ethnics on board with the anti-White campaigning.

That’s problem #1.

Problem #2 is what they have disdain and aggression for non-Jews enshrined right in their religion. So we see them hostile on an ethnic basis, plus that hostility sourced from a religious basis.

So how do you really let “the Jews” off?

At that point I don’t see why a pro-White needs to be apologists for them, notwithstanding the nice Jews caught in the net. Or overly nuanced about spotlighting them, with the situation as dire as it is. The stuff I’m seeing on TV and everywhere, whether the big black guy lording it over a White in front of a White woman, or Tim Wise cheerleading an ‘extinction of whites’ on college campuses—is not at all nuanced. The majority of Jews are activists against us, whether on a small or large basis. They need to be confronted on their JEWISH attack on Whites, their JEWISH desire to create multi-culturalism, and their JEWISH disdain for Christianity. It’s not as if it’s random.

Even the “nice Jews” who just want to blend in—can see the point of the message in “White People #2,” though the situation aggrieves them. A recent comment on that video thread by a half-Jew probably shows the sincere attitude of some Jews:

“I’m sick of everybody arguing over the Jews.
As a half-Jew I’ll tell you this: Full-blooded Jews are borderline white,
and should be encouraged to assimilate, pure and simple.
Half-blooded Jews are white, and shouldn’t be discouraged from assimilating.
Those who say that “a single drop of jewish blood” is unacceptable are
f*** stupid in my opinion, I’m no “semite”, maybe my father is, but I sure as hell ain’t.
And he’s 10x more productive to our? society than the average black man off the street.

A rabbi would disagree. I told him he has good points. This is a “nice Jew” from our point-of-view. And yet their ethnic brethren run amok. Shall we let them continue in order to not hurt the feelings of a few?

My best stab at this problem would be recommending a kind of Jewish-Gentile alliance with half-Jews like him, especially those with Gentile mothers who the rabbis won’t even claim, for polemical and spiritual value and to give a Gentile-positive refuge and honest Gentile interface. Certainly it would raise issues for the public, even create a nice fracture line in the larger segment White-disdaining Jews.

Obama did this when he referred to one white American as “a typical white person” which branded all white Americans as a single, clone-like mass.

That was different. Whites knew:

—That in reality Whites are more eclectic than Jews, especially since they lack the tribal affiliation most Jews feel.

—Everybody knows it’s not the White voice that we hear 24-7 in our media now, but the Jewish voice. Thus his generalizing about Whites served no purpose. Generalizing about Jews, who over-influence the mass mind and have both a religious and ethnic animosity for their host nations, does serve a purpose.

Nice Jews: Distance yourself from the propagandists who bother us, and raise your voice against them, too. However you can manage.

Sort of like Henry Makow.


Posted by Julian Lee on Tue, 31 May 2011 04:49 | #


First, note that though it is clear who is being spotlighted, the voiceover DOESN’T exactly splutter out “The Jews.” But that’s a minor point and doesn’t address your real question.

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Tue, 25 Mar 2025 00:01. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 22:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 20:14. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 19:53. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 18:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:47. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 16:44. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 12:23. (View)

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Thorn commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Mon, 24 Mar 2025 11:58. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Piece by peace' on Sun, 23 Mar 2025 23:04. (View)
