Zimbabwe “Govt to cede land to Chinese” In Desperation to Grow Food The government of Zimbabwe after starving its population by driving the Germanic farmers from their lands—farmers who had accepted Mugabe’s invitation to stay in Zimbabwe and build a more “integrated” nation—now is to “cede land to the Chinese” a “fast growing nation”, in an attempt to bolster agricultural production. Aside from being an absurd policy for Zimbabwe to have followed, it betrays a loss of wise heritage among the Chinese—the heritage that burned their merchant fleet upon return from Africa rather than allowing their merchants to open the Pandora’s box of African colonialism and importation of African slaves. It is truly astounding that the Chinese government would, given the disastrous results of colonialism of Africa among European peoples now manifest, willingly give up perhaps their greatest advantage over the West: Their insularity from Africa. As a ruthless competitor of the Chinese I could take glee in this—but as an ethical universal nationalist I must honestly grieve for the Chinese people’s poor leadership. I see no evidence that the Chinese, unlike Jews such as Disraeli and the earlier slavers, played a part in promoting penetration of European society via colonization and slavery out of Africa—hence I can find no justice—no joy—in it. Rather it seems the Chinese are losing their identity to global mercantilism and are now subject to the same disastrous logic. During the summer of 2000 I visited Zimbabwe to find the sons of farming families that had been driven (sometimes murderously) from their lands. My hope was to train them to program computers and perhaps help them and their families find a way out of the hell hole Africa was fast becoming for them. This was just prior to the collapse of the DotCon bubble which was compounded by a flood of H-1b quasi-slaves from India (itself compounded by outsourcing to India). I was forced to abandon the project due, not only to the lack of positions I could offer them, but also due to a depletion of my own resources as they were diverted to south Asians. Fortunately, I was very cautious in asking for any investments from the dispossessed families so no harm was done. My experience in Zimbabwe, following close on the heels of my experience in Siberia in 1998, is what led me to conceive “The GOD Hypothesis” (that extended phenotypes of dominant genetic groups tend to overtake the phenotypes of more recessive genetic groups when they are not socially separated). I witnessed seemingly schizophrenic behavior among the Germanics of Zimbabwe. It was almost as if they were, at turns possessed, now, by African spirits, now, by caricatures of Euro-colonial racists. It was something of a shock to this son of Iowa farmers to witness. If I’d been advising Mugabe (not a likely scenario) I would have recommended leaving all the European farmers on the land for the time being but a shift of the tax base to a land-value tax ala Henry George—with a subsistence exemption to land owners of the African nations. This would have provided the economic incentive to put land ownership under Africans without the heavy-handed displacements and trauma of the “land reforms” usually pursued by despots. If the spectrum of East Asian->European->African measures, so often reported by such race realists as J. Phillipe Rushton, holds during this new regime of Chinese colonization of Africa, the results could be more devastating for the Chinese than they were for Europeans. Comments:2
Posted by john fitzgerald on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 01:52 | # The Chinese could learn from the wests mistakes. The main one being our insane belief in biological equalty. 3
Posted by Svigor on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 02:40 | # Lol, the blacks in Zim think they’re going to have success with nice ole yeller, after throwing mean ole whitey out? Gimme a break. Yellows are like whites without the guilt. 4
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 02:51 | # Yellows are like whites without the guilt. Remember that the first step toward getting someone to feel guilty toward you is to interact with them. If you can’t interact with them it’s really hard to lay a guilt trip on them. This may actually be an evolved mechanism among peoples who have had a lot of intertribal interaction where reciprocation is key to trust and it is one of the reasons Jews are so panic stricken by proposals of racial separatism that would exclude them from anywhere. But Jews are an extreme case arising from being a diaspora people. Nevertheless, Africans have been playing games with each other for a very long time now and most probably have this figured out genetically. 5
Posted by Tournament of Champions on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 05:22 | # It’s just foreign investment, as the government remains indigenous. 6
Posted by James Bowery on Sat, 12 Nov 2005 18:38 | # It may be “just” foreign investment, but when you have a government as cash rich and land poor as China doing business with a cash poor and land rich government like Zimbabwe the stage is set for colonialism. Similar deals work worked between the British and the tribal leaders of Africa—but no one remembers those deals now. All they “remember” are “imperial wars of aggression against the indigenous people” for which their descendants are paying dearly. Post a comment:
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Posted by Andrew on Fri, 11 Nov 2005 23:49 | #
That is an amazing revelation, our elites are engaged on the same war footing against Australian agriculture and Manufacturing :( The little of what is left).
Maybe China at the moment is in the View of New World Order elites: is an endless source of cheap labour, Islam is the mission to destroy the Middle class intelligent and create anarchism on a world scale. The peaces of a conspiracy are now being outlined and falling into place. I wonder how far from the truth that is, I suspect closer than comfort would allow.