New Observer, ‘200 Patriots Brave Snow to Support Poland’, 24 Jan 2016:
More than 200 patriots from Austria and Hungary braved sub-zero temperatures and a snowstorm this weekend to demonstrate their European solidarity with Poland outside the Polish embassy in Vienna.

According to a press release issued by the organizing committee, the Wiedeńska Inicjatywa Narodowa (Vienna National Initiative), the demonstration took place on Saturday at 5 p.m., outside the Polish Embassy in Vienna’s 13th district.
“Austrians, Hungarians, and other nationalities—including some Polish people—came to demonstrate their opposition to the negative media coverage by the German media of the newly elected Polish government,” the press release continued.
“Representatives of the Identitarian movement and Wiedeńska Inicjatywa Narodowa praised the far-seeing Eastern European governments on the ‘refugee’ issue, and warned against increasing Islamization.
“Among those present was Polish Law and Justice Party senator Artur Warzocha.”

A statement by the Austrian Identitarian movement said that it was important to express solidarity with Poland’s patriots “especially against the background of the current invasion of Europe by illegal immigrants.”
The statement went on to highlight the difference between the governments of the Visegrad nations, “whether in Warsaw, Budapest, or elsewhere,” where there are “popularly elected governments that represent their people’s interests and do not allow any invasion of their countries,” and the attitudes of the governments of Western Europe.
“The difference can also be noticed if New Year’s Eve in Cologne and New Year’s Eve in Warsaw are compared,” the statement continued.
“So with this demonstration, we want to show the governments in Vienna and elsewhere in Europe, that we demand a patriotic government and no diktat from Brussels!”
Poland gives finger - F EU to demands that they accept immigrants.
RMF FM: The European Commission wants to force the Poland to accept compulsory adoption of immigrants.
The European Commission wants to force the mandatory acceptance of immigrants by Poland. This is to be done through the back door, in the reform of asylum law, says a correspondent of RMF FM in Brussels. In addition to Poland, these resolutions are so far opposed by 12 other European Union countries.
From whence came the idea to change the existing rules on asylum? It is due to the situation of countries such as Greece. This is because they are the most exposed to the burden of migration. According to current records, which in fact are no longer used, it is the first country in which a landed refugee is obliged to make an application to be considered for asylum in the EU.
Brussels wants to abolish this obligation on refugees. After lightening the initial registration - according to the mechanism of disbursement - they would be sent to the least burdened countries, such as. Poland. With the adoption of the reform the whole functioning of the Schengen system follows in effect - says correspondent of RMF FM.
The reform aims to establish a permanent mechanism, explains correspondent Catherine Szymańska-Borginon. In such a situation, each country of the European Union which opposes the ongoing mechanism will be accused of inhibiting reform.
According to recent data, in just the first two weeks of the current year Europe has sustained via the Mediterranean more than 23,000 migrants. For almost all the first European country that they came to was Greece. Through 2015 the ancient continent was thronged by more than a million migrants - mostly Syrians, Iraqis and Afghans.
Poland has accepted existing obligations as required in the first place regarding refugees relocated from Italy, Greece and resettled from Lebanon. These will mainly be refugees from Syria. In September last year, the government of Ewa Kopacz agreed that Poland could receive a total of about seven thousand people over the next two years.
Even after the change of government and the takeover of the Law and Justice Party, a Law and Justice deputy assessed the decision taken by his predecessor as “not good”. At the same time he stressed that the cabinet is “a stable government and understands that this is a continuation of the power following the obligations of its predecessors”. She added, however, that this will be done “to the extent that it is currently possible for Polish state.”
Representatives of the Polish authorities also point out that the European Union is needed as soon as possible to provide an effective plan to secure the borders and make a distinction between refugees and economic migrants.
Published in late December, a CBOS survey shows that the vast majority of citizens of the Visegrad Group doubt that immigrants will put the interests of the country that received them in the first place. They worry, too, that in the event of war they will be loyal to the country of origin.
“Kukiz 15” began collecting signatures for a referendum on a proposal with regard to immigrants.
The Kukiz’15 movement announced the launch of the collection of signatures under the request for a referendum, “Not to accept immigrants”. - Poland is our home and we should decide who will be living in it next to us, said the leader of the Movement, Paul Kukiz.
An interview with the Law and Justice deputy prime minister in the Chancellery confirmed my belief that PiS - a similar platform, which also holds that a pro-immigration policy of is harmful to Poland and Polish people: The PiS election campaign clearly spoke out against accepting immigrants, and at the moment the Prime Minister said that it maintains the Government’s commitment Ewa Kopacz - Kukiz said at a press conference in the parliament.
Referring to the events in Cologne New Year’s Eve - where there had been sexual harassment and robberies on women, and the current findings of the German police showing that the perpetrators were mainly immigrants from North Africa - Kukiz assessed that “we are not prepared to accept those foreign to us culturally”. Let us remember: according to the former minister Sienkiewicz, Poland exists only in theory. How can a country only theoretically existing verify potential terrorists in practice? asked the leader of the Movement, Kukiz.
He also stated that “the hosts are Poland citizens”. - The nation is the host, not a political party, not the EU, not the Parliament, and no one has the right to decide whom we want to host at home. It can not be that the caretaker will point to the door of my apartment and tell someone that they can live here - said Kukiz.
Representatives of Kukiz’15 announced that it has launched a website, where you can find, among other resources, card patterns to sign the proposed referendum petition. According to the law on nationwide referendum, Parliament can decide to submit a particular matter to referendum on the initiative of citizens in the event the application will receive the support of at least 500 thousand people.
A nationwide referendum also has the right to order the Sejm as an absolute majority of votes in the event of at least half of the statutory number of deputies, also to order the President and the Senate as expressed absolute majority.
Posted by Of Jarosław Gowin on Mon, 25 Jan 2016 23:22 | #
Jaroslaw Gowin
The Polish Government does not agree to accept immigrants as the EU has attempted to mandate. The requirement is illegal.