TNO, “African Invasion: 11,000 in 48 hrs”, 7 October
There has been a massive surge in the African invasion of Europe across the Mediterranean, with 11,000 sub-Saharans being plucked from the sea and brought to Italy within a 48-hour period from October 4 to 5, 2016.
The Africans came from Nigeria, Eritrea, Guinea, Gambia, Sudan, Ivory Coast, and Somalia, according to the Italian coast guard.

The coast guard said the invaders were lifted off dozens of boats off the Libyan coast during the two days, including one wooden boat that was carrying at least 1,000 Africans.
On Wednesday, October 5, European navy ships carried out more than 30 operations off the Libyan coast, taking at least 4,700 Africans off boats just a few miles from the North African coast.
The previous day, at least 6,000 Africans, packed into barely seaworthy rubber dinghies, were also picked up off the Libyan coast.
The invaders were brought to Italy, where European Union and Italian officials tried to identify them—a near impossible task given the fact that they mostly have no papers anyway, and those that do, have long since thrown them away.
They were fingerprinted in the hope that they could later be identified.
Meanwhile, they are accommodated in invader centers in Italy—but most then immediately move on to try and claim “asylum” in Germany or other European countries which have better welfare handouts.
According to the International Organization for Migration, 302,975 invaders crossed the Mediterranean Sea into Europe as of October 1, 2016.
This figure does not include the mass surge of the first week of October.
The narrative that Africans are fleeing “war and poverty” in Africa is one which is regularly used by the controlled media when “explaining” what they call the “migrant crisis.”
In reality…