TNO, ‘African Rioting Tears through Melbourne’, 27 Dec. 2015:
by TNO Staff — in Australia ·
“Hundreds” of African invaders engaged in a widespread orgy of violence over the Christmas weekend in Melbourne, the capital and most populous city in the Australian state of Victoria.
According to local media reports—all of which deliberately failed to report on the race of the rioters—the incidents took place outside a train station in Melbourne’s southeast and outside a Carlton nightclub on Queensberry Street, North Melbourne.

In addition, a further brawl took place later at a police station when groups of the arrested Africans went on a rampage, attacking each other and wounding two policemen in the process.
The violence outside the Kananook Railway Station in Seaford took place on Sunday, December 27, with two large gangs of Africans—estimated at around 200 in total—battled it out with knives, baseball bats, stones, and at least one samurai sword and a machete.
One of the Africans was stabbed several times and admitted to the hospital with what was described as “life-threatening” wounds.
None of the controlled media coverage dared point out the race of the rioters, with only the website making a slight reference to their origin by reporting that the fight was believed to have started in the car park of the nearby Frankston Basketball Centre during the “South Sudanese Australian Summer Slam” basketball competition.
However, CCTV and photographs of the fighting showed clearly that the perpetrators were Africans, despite the controlled media’s efforts to ignore that reality.
Police arrested 12 Africans, aged between 19 and 32, and detained them for questioning.
However, not long after the Africans were placed in a communal cell at Frankston Police Station, at least two of them started fighting with one another again, forcing a second police intervention which also saw two officers slightly wounded.
The second incident involved at least 250 Africans outside a Carlton nightclub on Queensberry Street about 5:30 a.m. on Sunday, local media reported. A police car was damaged and a woman suffered minor injuries.
Officers were forced to use pepper spray to control the crowd, and four men and a woman were arrested and will be issued with penalty notices for riotous behavior.
Once again, the controlled media coverage refused to mention the race of the rioters, although their efforts at censorship were also once again undone by the video and still photography footage of the event.
According to the Australian Census Bureau, there are some 19,370 Sudanese-born Africans in Australia. Of that number some 5,911 live in Melbourne. Sudanese are by far the single largest black immigrant group in Australia.
If nearly 500 Sudanese were rioting over Christmas in these two incidents, this means that at least 10 percent of Melbourne’s Sudanese took part in the street violence in the space of one day.

It does not matter where they are and barely even matters when their economic circumstances are better: blacks will behave as blacks.
Posted by black, White gangs clash in Melbourne on Mon, 14 Mar 2016 16:14 | #